
MTecknologyfinally got done with light-drupal7-theme00:00
MTecknologynow the LP-OpenID modules.. and the other modules...00:01
MTecknologycjohnston: want to help with those?00:01
cjohnstonI don't know anything about drupal00:05
MTecknologyyou should learn and help me!! :D00:06
cjohnstonYou haven't seen my action item list yet from uds00:06
pleia2it's longer than mine :)00:07
MTecknologyIt seems people love to use drupal because it's insanely flexible and versatile; but nobody wants to develop for it for the same reason..00:07
cjohnstonpleia2: my first time walking away with action items :-(00:07
pleia2cjohnston: oh I see, making up for the all the past ones? ;)00:07
cjohnstonI've done plenty of work in the past, just never needed them defined as action items00:08
pleia2yeah, that's actually how it tends to go for me too, and I collect them post-uds00:08
cjohnstonpleia2 needs to fix my system00:08
pleia2did you break it?00:09
cjohnstonwell.. I got tired of all the kernel panics last week and wanted to try lubuntu... so now I'm getting errors trying to install00:09
pleia2sounds like you've got hardware problems :(00:10
MTecknologykernel panics get annoying quite quick....00:10
cjohnstonagreed MTecknology00:10
cjohnstonthe errors im getting right now are casper something or another00:10
pleia2plus I'm not a lubuntu person, sabdfl just asked me to take notes! ;)00:11
cjohnstonI know00:11
cjohnstonbut you rock.. so you can fix anything00:11
pleia2I'd cook it with memtest overnight00:11
pleia2"it's always bad memory"00:11
MTecknologythe last time i had a long stream of panics it was because I was trying to interface with novell netware crap00:12
pleia2actually on my old laptop it's a bad pcmcia slot, but it's usually memory :)00:12
cjohnstonI wasnt the only one who started getting kernel panics last week tho00:13
MTecknology6 modules to convert from Drupal 6 to 7; 2 for the openid/launchpad login, 1 that uses an overhauled drupal core module heavily, and the other 3 should be easy00:20
MTecknologythen I can stop getting all sorts of emails asking me when I'm going to get it done... :P00:21
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nigelbalejandraobregon: Heya12:11
nigelbI've been asked to talk to you when I asked about a site listing ubuntu-related jobs12:11
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alejandraobregonnigelb: hello15:22
alejandraobregonnigelb: apologies, was in a meeting earlier15:22
nigelbalejandraobregon: ah, np :)15:22
alejandraobregonnigelb: how can i help?15:22
nigelbalejandraobregon: I was told you're working on something that would be a generic job board on ubuntu.com where ubuntu-related jobs can be posted.  I was wondering if I could help you on that15:23
alejandraobregonnigelb: help is always great! its something we need to look at to figure out how we maintain it, from an infrastructure perspective15:24
nigelbalejandraobregon: at this point, have you started working on the code already? Or is it a step before that?15:25
alejandraobregonnigelb: we also need to establish how people submit jobs, when they expire, where they link to etc..15:25
alejandraobregonnigelb: we're still thinking about the best solution15:25
nigelbalejandraobregon: I've helped a friend a while back on building a job board (which is open sourced), we solved a few problems there.  I'm wonder if we could replicate the workflow that he had15:26
alejandraobregonnigelb: could you tell me a little more about how it worked?15:26
nigelbalejandraobregon: sure, here's the link to it http://jobs.hasgeek.in/15:26
nigelbIt worked like this.  Anyone could go in and post a job.  It would be moderated until a mail to the person who posted was confirmed15:27
nigelbThen it would be displayed for 30 days15:27
nigelbWe had spam on the website about twice or thrice but he had to manually go in and delete it, meaning, he doesn't have a backend for it yet (but its being worked on)15:27
nigelbI'm not sure how much this workflow would work for us because I can think we're sure to get lots of spam.15:29
nigelbIf we were to make it such that someone has to manually go in and sort spam -> that makes it easily defaceable.15:29
alejandraobregonnigelb: yeah, i would have to discuss it with IS to see what their thoughts were or suggestions to get over those hurddles15:29
nigelbbut on the other hand, it might make it harder for jobs to get posted15:29
alejandraobregonnigelb: yeah.... i like the simplicity of the postits15:30
nigelbalejandraobregon: in any case, if I can be of any help at any stage whether its coding or discussion, I'd love to help :)15:30
nigelbthe design is just neat and gets out of the way :)15:30
alejandraobregonnigelb: thank you very much nigel. let me investigate a little further and talk about it with the team and i'll be in touch soon.15:31
nigelbalejandraobregon: Great! Thank you :-)15:32
alejandraobregonnigelb: np! thanks!15:32
mhall119newz2000: we were wonding if we could use #ubuntu-website for discussing loco-directory, summit, Hall of Fame and other community-developed sites15:34
mhall119we've been doing it in -locoteams, but it's out of place there15:35
newz2000mhall119: I think it's fine15:35
mhall119cjohnston: ^^15:36
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