
pleia2ok, submitted a bunch of bugs against our new moin theme: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org06:26
pleia2(sorry web gurus)06:26
* pleia2 picked up some feedback from random ppl at UDS who had time to review it, and had a fresh look at it herself06:27
pleia2I'm going to be tossing up a test install on one of my servers this week so hopefully I'll have patches too06:27
valoriecherie's interview link should be here, too06:27
valorie[21:57] * Cheri703 got interviewed for ubuntu ohio's podcast06:28
valorie[21:57] <pleia2> ah, nice :D06:28
valorie[21:58] <Cheri703> http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/4306:28
Cheri703>.< now more people will hear it06:28
* elky hugs Cheri70306:29
pleia2we need to figure out a better way to handle awesome-stuff-we-do06:29
* Cheri703 has a weird voice06:29
pleia2Cheri703: we all think that about ourselves :)06:29
pleia2"I don't sound like that!"06:29
pleia2why do I wave my hands around so much!? (ok, at least yours is just a podcast :))06:29
Cheri703I got snagged in the edge of a pic and I'm talking and gesturing wildly06:30
* Cheri703 isn't saying whose pic so as to avoid being tagged06:30
pleia2akgraner snagged me for an interview in brussels and I was too polite to say that the sun was in my eyes, I am blinking a lot06:31
pleia2elky: contest and ada lovelace day stuff didn't make it to the blueprint yet because no one was there to say they'd do it, but if we get some volunteers we can add it :)06:46
pleia2rikki kite from linux pro said they'd help out with gifts though, so \o/06:46
Malin_wow... har jo reinstallert ubuntu11:11
Malin_kobla til skriver nå11:11
Malin_melding: printer sånn og sånn er klar til å printe11:12
Malin_trykke på printutknappen i libre og vips11:12
Malin_plug and play11:12
=== Cheri703 is now known as Cheri__
=== Cheri__ is now known as Cheri703__

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