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tjaaltonway to go mandriva.. only svn+ssh checkouts possible13:53
cndSarvatt: have you uploaded the patch I sent you for x input coordinate transformation to xorg-edgers?15:12
cndI was wondering if there have been any regressions noted15:12
cndif not, I'm going to push to SRU it15:12
Sarvattcnd: yeah I did about an hour after you asked and only responded in IRC, sorry about that15:14
cndI may have just forgot :)15:14
Sarvatthaven't heard any regressions and i've been dogfooding it for weeks now :)15:14
Sarvattcnd: synaptics is being a PITA though, i've been trying to reproduce this since I got back -  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/77497815:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "xserver seg'd [945GM] (affects: 18) (dups: 4) (heat: 112)" [High,Incomplete]15:15
Sarvattlooks like its just machines that were affected by the 100% cpu usage bug15:17
lilsteviecnd: samsung still hasn't released the damn source15:20
cndlilstevie, that's alright15:20
lilstevieheh not for me it isnt15:20
cndthey'll probably release it after they release gingerbread15:21
cndwhy not?15:21
lilsteviethey have already released it in ita15:21
lilsteviethats why I have been pushing for it15:21
lilsteviesamsung have cleaner code15:21
lilsteviein the new codebase15:22
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apwcan anyone point me at documentation on having per keyboard layouts16:05
tjaaltonapw: not sure that's even possible17:42
apwtjaalton, hmm someone mentioned it was, but it was hard last time i asked ... i think17:42
jcristausetxkbmap has a -device option18:00
bjsniderricotz, i'm getting prompts about a partial upgrade because it's holding back gedit and gnome-system-monitor18:36
bjsnidernm, fixed it18:42
ricotzbjsnider, good ;)18:53
bjsniderricotz, what is the point of having a huge libgweather package when there doesn't seem to be any way of displaying all the data it is supposed to collect?18:54
ricotzbjsnider, i think there will be a gnome-shell-extensions with a dedicated weather information panel or a more sophisticated date-time-panel soon if there isnt already18:58
ricotzs/panel/drop-down-thingy ;)18:59
bjsniderit had better display a lot of weather info, because libgweather is huge for something that's supposed to be scraping google or whatever for weather info19:00
bjsnideri'm expecting it to predict the weather for the next 100 years19:00
bjsnider"Estimated disk space required: 254 MB"19:01
ricotzhmm, havent noticed this size amount19:02
bjsniderapparently that's how much space is required if you build it from source19:03
ricotzthis looks more like the build-environment usage19:03
bjsniderthe final package is still bigger than a web browser. it's almost twice the size of chromium19:04
bjsnideri find that highly strange19:04
bjsniderthe only thing the description says it is doing is collecting weather info from online sources19:05
ricotzbjsnider, it includes the weather station location for every locale19:06
ricotzdoesnt seem to be compressed well though19:07
cndbryceh_, is there a schedule for SRUs for xorg-server?19:52
cndI have a patch I want to push in19:53
cndstill need to format the bug for the SRU and such, but I'm wondering if you are meaning to upload one soon19:53
cndso I have a deadline :)19:53
cndahh, now I'm remembering the SRU process20:03
cndI need to get the fix into oneiric first20:03
cndI guess I'll bug you after that :)20:03
cndbryceh_, ok, I've pushed the patch to the ubuntu branch for it to be uploaded to oneiric20:43
albert23Sarvatt: there is no need to get RSI from trying to reproduce the x crash. The crash generally happens in less then 10 attempts for me.20:57
albert23Most important is to make sure both RecordAReply and DRI2WaitMSC are being hit (breakpoints in gdb).20:57
albert23synaptics must be installed an active, i.e.  you will need a touchpad20:59
albert23If you are not using synaptics from the archive, make sure it has record included (was build with libxtst-dev). Otherwise you have my current fix :-)21:00

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