
CorollaxI'm trying to run a precompiled 32-bit program, but I'm missing a few shared object files. How can I find out what packages to install?00:00
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fedesex chanel?00:00
beefmanpfifo: thanks.  stick it in etc/X11?  InputDevices section only, then restart X, should override auto discovery of input devices is what you're saying, correct?00:00
pfifoCorollax, `ldd /path/to/program`00:00
CorollaxI have the names of the shared object files00:00
CorollaxI need to know what packages to install.00:01
CorollaxAs I am running a 64-bit distro, the necessary 32-bit libraries do not appear to be in my repository00:01
daniel_what is the easiest to use video converter to mkv- avi or mp4 -avi00:01
pfifobeefman, youll probbally need to write the whole /etx/X11/xorg.conf, but the nice thing is the config utility is much better.00:01
beefmanhow do i grab what the running setup would look like, if it were in an xorg.conf?  or how do i run the auto config utility?00:02
caytchenhey, I want to update to oneiric. update-manager doesn't offer it to me (tested with -d switch), is there any way to do it manually?00:02
pfifoCorollax, ohh you are trying to get 32 bit libs, I see, I copy them from a 32 bit install/livecd. there are not many optins for getting 32 bit libs on 64 aside from what ubuntu devs consider useful00:03
kajakajoit seems my internal SD card reader has not been recognized on my clean install of 10.04 on my netbook (AOD255). Any ideas on where to start going about fixing that?00:03
pfifobeefman, Xorg -configure00:03
CorollaxThe 32-bit libraries I need are the wxwidgets libraries00:03
CorollaxI doubt they'd be on the liveCD =\00:03
beefmanok ty00:04
beefmanwill give it a shot00:04
pfifoCorollax, apt-get is on the livecd00:04
t1nm4nhey if its ok with you i can give u a xorg.cong file for 1024x76800:04
silnerdaniel_, A lot of people go for WinFF00:04
CorollaxWhat's apt-get being on the liveCD got to do with anything? =\00:04
CorollaxI don't need apt-get. I need the 32-bit wxwidgets libraries.00:05
pfifoCorollax, boot a 32bit livecd, install wxwidgets in the live enviroment, mount your hard drive, and then copy the libs you need to /usr/lib3200:06
kajakajoit seems my internal SD card reader has not been recognized on my clean install of 10.04 on my netbook (AOD255). Any ideas on where to start going about fixing that?00:06
Corollaxseriously? eww.00:06
flybackwhat's the damn holdup with ubuntu 10.04LTS being broken under esxi 4.100:06
daniel_what is the easiest to use video converter to mkv- avi or mp4 -avi00:06
pfifoCorollax, the proper way would be to learn to build multilibs, but thats much more involved00:07
OerHeksCorollax, this maybe a help  http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Installing_and_configuring_under_Ubuntu00:07
Need4Helpubuntu won't load :/ (version 11.04) the error is: unable to find the persisten home medium00:07
LoboOscuroATTENTION ALL: Have if left to break the balls with the repositories and leave it the fuck up normal like before ...00:07
LoboOscuroATTENTION ALL: Have if left to break the balls with the repositories and leave it the fuck up normal like before ...00:07
FloodBot1LoboOscuro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
daniel_silner, is it easy to use cause im stupid with this stuff00:08
pfifodaniel_, easy is pretty relative, I consider ffmpeg on the command line easy where as most people would not. Theres only one way to find out and thats to install and try00:11
SuperstarWith nslookup, digg and host commands. which performs the quickest lookup or is lightweight? I'd like to use the tool that causes the lowest amount load while doing hundreds of queries per second00:12
silnerdaniel_, I'm glad pfifo came in their. I never know what to say when people ask me that question :)00:12
Superstarnslook won't be available in the future00:13
silnerdaniel_, pfifo WinFF is really just a GUI for ffmpeg - it lacks some of the deatures but it has the ones most people want00:13
GrouchySmurfSuperstar: then you have your own reply00:14
pfifosilner, yeah, the FF kinda hinted that00:14
daniel_alright thanks everyone :D00:14
SuperstarI was just saying but that still leaves 2 tools remaining00:14
pfifoSuperstar, `time { nslookup google.com; }` same with the other 200:15
r_a_veni need some help in troubleshooting sound issues00:16
r_a_venis this the right forum?00:16
GrouchySmurfSuperstar: it depends on what info you wanna get... of course, digg is more verbose than nslookup00:16
r_a_venwhy is everything repeating 4 times on my client?00:17
GrouchySmurfSuperstar: if nslookup doesn't solve your problems, try with host00:17
Superstarpfifo thanks bro i was just looking how to do something like that. appreciate it :)00:17
r_a_venfk ..00:17
kajakajocard reader not identified after 10.04 install on netbook. Where should I start looking to fix?00:17
pfifokajakajo, unplug any other devices from usb that might be using too much power00:18
r_a_venlinux sucks00:19
Sardoganyone available to answer quick question about removing files / directories?00:19
nixNcodehow do i put my pc in powersave mode? i used to do that with CPU Freq Scaling Applet in 10.1000:19
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pfifo!ask | r_a_ven Sardog00:20
ubottur_a_ven Sardog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:20
hormigaHello. I kinda messed up again and I need to reinstall, thing is I do not want to download all my software agai, where is it stored? I want to transfer all .deb files to a USB stick an then install them on the NEW unbuntu fresh install00:20
SardogI have uninstalled SAMBA but there are many files / folders left over and wondered if I could just rm and rmdir them?00:20
daniel_silner, hey how do i make it work i put the mkv through the add button then i put convert to avi device present ms compatible avi and hit the convert button it opens the terminal say hit enter i do then it closes00:20
darkoricalI think Im experianceing this same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1435968&page=2 the last post in the thread reports a blackscreen with cursor I have tne nounting none error is there any further info on this situation00:21
nixNcodehow do i put my pc in powersave mode? i used to do that with CPU Freq Scaling Applet in 10.1000:22
silnerdaniel_, You have to install some codecs I think - do you have the medibuntu repo installed?00:22
pfifohormiga, their in /var/cache/apt00:23
daniel_silner, how wourld i install that00:23
ActionParsniphormiga: /var/cache/apt/archives00:23
hormigapfifo, ActionParsnip  Thanx!! Found them00:24
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
agentgasmaskHi all. Playback of an (windows) AVI file has blue skin tones. What the H?00:24
pfifoagentgasmask, in what player?00:25
agentgasmaskpfifo: vlc and totem00:25
agentgasmaskpfifo: ubuntu 10.0400:25
silnerdaniel_, http://medibuntu.org/repository.php explains it00:25
daniel_silner, thanks00:26
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agentgasmaskpfifo: Any hints?00:27
r0fs3ck5sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio00:27
silnerdaniel_, then you need to check you have the right version of ffmpeg installed - the one from medibuntu (it should update automatically if you give it chance after adding the repo - it did last time I did this)00:27
daniel_silner, shoudl i just run the uppdate mannager00:28
r0fs3ck5daniel_: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio" after isntalling codecs00:28
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=== Explodingpiglets is now known as Zeku
silnerdaniel_, yeah and recon pulse as r0fs3ck5 says00:29
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pfifoagentgasmask, in vlc, go into preferences and enable advanced interface, then under the video tab, output module, and try the different modules and see if any work correctly00:29
agentgasmaskpfifo: OK, fixed it. it was tinted in the settings. odd that it would be in both VLC and TOTEM, but that's the way it goes.00:29
pfifo!yay | agentgasmask00:29
ubottuagentgasmask: Glad you made it! :-)00:29
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agentgasmaskpfifo: Thanks for your help! :) have a nice day.00:30
DennyNYHi eveone. Is anyone can help me with xorg.conf configuration on ubuntu 10.0400:30
pfifo!ask | DennyNY00:30
ubottuDennyNY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:31
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Sardog3:1 he has an NVidia card00:31
Guest75598alguem fala portugues00:31
pfifoSardog, what makes you think that?00:32
SardogI had all kinds of issues getting my xorg.conf to work properly with my rage card00:32
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Superstar"isc_taskmgr_create: no available threads" what does this error message mean?00:33
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=== Nabiki is now known as Akani
pfifoSardog, deleting you xorg.conf would have probbally been ideal ;)00:34
r0fs3ck5Sardog: is your xorg.conf copied over from a previous install?00:34
BarnabasSardog, try moving it to a backup file first :-)00:34
SardogI got it working after the upgrade but I had to clean everything out and then let it recreate xorg.conf00:35
SardogNeeded the NVidia driver package too00:35
Akanii upgraded to Natty, and my video got hosed.  Had to reload 10.1000:35
Akanihow do i get to the "safe mode in 10.10?00:36
BarnabasAkani, it is a grub boot time option00:36
pfifoSardog, for my gts250 i simply have to install nvidia-current and have no xorg.conf at all00:36
Barnabasså hit escape00:36
SardogI am affraid to go any higher than 10.04 --- the best install I ever had was 8.0400:36
SardogThanks I will have a look at that00:37
aphixeTrying to dump dsdt.. got as far as a dat file. but iasl says couldn't read table header. or get from table from file00:37
Akaniermmm     I did not think I was using grub.    Is a single booter...00:37
aphixeanyone know how to get this to work00:37
BarnabasAkani, you always have a boot loader00:37
* Akani sighs in frustration00:37
Barnabasso yes - you are00:37
Akanihow do I get to it during start up?00:38
Barnabasyou hit esc at the right time00:38
* Akani giggles00:38
Akaniah  so?00:38
Akanijust before the login screen?00:38
BarnabasAkani, you may have to be snappy on the key though, perhaps only a couple of seconds00:38
darkoricalso is there areason grub would not have updated vto reflect my current version after an upgrade>00:39
Barnabasduring the ubuntu "load" screen00:39
Akaniok    will try it again     maybe next week tho00:39
pfifoAkani, hold shift while your booting to get to grub00:39
Barnabaspfifo, didn't know that trick00:40
* Akani huggles Barnabas and pfifo 00:40
pfifodarkorical, its possible that you installed grub on a partition rather then the mbr, or on a different hard drive if you have more than one (or the thumbdrive if you installed via usb)00:40
pfifo... or didnt install it at all00:41
DennyNYI have Sony ux280p. It's UMPC with touch screen. To get touch screen work I need create xorg.conf. But after I create automatically and run it for test nothing happen just black screen. What can I do to fix this?00:41
pfifodarkorical, run grub-update to fix it manually00:41
r0fs3ck5Akani: sudo apt-get install grub00:42
Need4Helpubuntu won't load :/ (version 11.04) the error is: unable to find the persisten home medium   ........ can anyone help me out!!!00:42
pfifoDennyNY, it sounds like you Xorg of misconfigured, revisit your config and see if you got all the settings right00:43
r0fs3ck5Need4Help: is the drive you installed 11.04 on plugged in?00:43
kajakajotrying to extract some files from a .zip to a folder in /usr/src, and I don't have permissions. Is there a command to unzip in terminal so I can sudo extract it?00:43
pfifokajakajo, haha you said it 'unzip'00:43
Barnabaskajakajo, unzipping with root permissions is not really what you want00:44
kajakajopfifo, thanks00:44
IsmAvatarHey guys, there's an unusable rectangular region of my desktop spanning from about (395,620) to (1055,665). It's like a transparent window or something, but I can't move it or click "through" it to the underlying window.00:44
kajakajoBarnabas, why?00:44
Barnabaskajakajo, be safe what unzip is going to overwrite and where if you do00:44
Barnabasstarting from slash00:44
pfifokajakajo, unzipping as a normal user and then moving to /usr/src is a safer approach00:45
Barnabaspfifo, agree00:45
DennyNYpfifo: Is there a way to look log file? For X server.00:45
aphixeTrying to dump dsdt.. got as far as a dat file. but iasl says couldn't read table header. or get from table from file. i tried just copying directly from proc/ but cant find dsdt00:45
Barnabasmuch safer00:45
viciousDreamsdoes anyone know of any good sources for setting up a Ubuntu 11.04 home server for media streaming, etc?00:46
pfifoDennyNY, the xorg log can be found at /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:46
tensorpuddingviciousDreams: what are you wanting to stream00:46
t3k_no_i have a dual-boot ubuntu 10.10 and vista on a compaq laptop  that won't boot... it just gets stuck on the desktop with the ubuntu logo showing... no icons or anything... it just hangs there...\00:46
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viciousDreamstensorpudding: music and vids mostluy00:46
pfifoviciousDreams, icecast/Red5/flash media server00:47
aphixei suggest using tonido for a media server myself.. since it works with smart phones00:47
kajakajowhat is the command for creating text files?00:47
viciousDreamsaphixe, i can stream to smart phones?00:47
genixproCan anyone point me on documentation on how to administer a linux server? I am a programmer, and I am creating a web application. I'm quite good at programming, but I've never done the administering of linux systems. I don't know how to harden. I'm starting from a turnkey linux lamp stack00:47
mahir256kajakajo: use either vim, emacs, or ed00:48
tensorpuddingkajakajo: open up nano00:48
aphixeviciousDreams, well works on my phone, i dont own an iphone or android.. i got another smartphone00:48
pfifogenixpro, the apache project is documented on their website, same with mysql, to do it right you need to read the official docs00:48
Barnabasgenixpro, what server software do you plan to use ?00:49
aphixeviciousDreams, can also stream videos with tonido, thru web browser. and vlc plugin00:49
tensorpuddingviciousDreams: i know there's firefly if you want to stream audio00:49
genixproBarnabas, I'm working from turnkey linux, so its a standard linux, apache, php, mysql setup00:49
tensorpuddingviciousDreams: vlc can stream video00:49
r0fs3ck5genixpro: got an extra machine for a hardware firewall?00:49
ActionParsnipt3k_no_: if you hold shift at boot, is it ok?00:49
genixproBarnabas, I'm putting it on amazon ec2 cloud so i will likely use their rdbms service so i won't be administering the mysql mself00:50
genixpror0fs3ck5, i'm doing it on virtual machines00:50
r0fs3ck5genixpro: kk00:50
mahir256genixpro: don't forget gnu. also, you can't trust amazon's ec2 service anymore00:50
genixpromahir256, how so?00:50
kajakajoCan someone help me follow these instructions? I'm at step four, and I am getting an error that shows I'm a dummy, and I'm stuck: "dkms: command not found". instructions I'm following are a bit down the page here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1506925&page=400:51
genixproI spent quite a while considering googles app engine to save myself the effort of having to administer the operating system, but i decided i hated every python web framework00:51
mahir256genixpro: you heard about the failure of those sites hosted by amazon?00:51
Darkenvyhow can I edit cronjobs in terminal?00:51
DarkenvyI forgot :S00:51
Barnabasgenixpro, I have no detailed knowledge of the Amazon setup, but I belive they are screening most config setups to their servers before activated00:51
genixpromahir256, no i have not,00:51
Barnabasgenixpro, what is the plan? what kind of config?00:52
t3k_no_ActionParsnip: no...00:52
qinDarkenvy: crontab -e00:52
razorsharpgenixpro, look at the ubuntu server guide if you haven't done so already: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/serverguide.pdf00:52
DarkenvyI know its like "crontab" or something00:52
mahir256genixpro: oh wow: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/21/amazon-cloud-failure-takes-down-web-sites/00:52
jonsulhey what's a site I can post some terminal output for you guys?00:52
pfifokajakajo, `sudo apt-get install dkms`00:53
t3k_no_i get as far a the desktop screen.... the bottom toolbar with the clock...00:53
mahir256jonsul: http://pastebin.com/00:53
genixproBarnabas, i have no idea, i have never run a web server before. the only thing i care about is that it uses php, because i want to use the code igniter framework00:53
multipass|2hi, i think my ubuntu install might have been currupted... i know my live usb was, but in the system > admin > i have this option called "Install Release", any idea what this is?00:53
genixprorazorsharp, ill take a look00:53
kajakajopfifo, d'oh. Thanks.00:53
ActionParsnipt3k_no_: did you use wubi?00:53
viciousDreamsthx guys00:53
t3k_no_a rectangular white box with the ubunto logo in the center...00:54
Barnabasgenixpro, I would guess there is a standard config for php from Amazon then00:54
BarnabasI stress guess00:54
Barnabasuse that00:54
t3k_no_ActionParsnip: wubi??? i dont think so... refresh my mind on wubi??? sorry.. still a newbie00:54
aphixeanyone got any working guides on dumping dsdt?00:54
mahir256multipass|2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141729600:54
genixpromahir256, that is disturbing00:55
jonsulokay I followed a little tutorial on a site to install lamp using "apt-get install lamp-server^" command00:55
genixpromahir256, i don't want to run my own server hardware, i have little start up cash00:55
genixpromahir256, i looked at googles service but i decided i didn't like it because i didn't like any of the web frameworks available for python00:56
kajakajopfifo, more newb questions from someone who is obviously really rusty and never was that good in the first place: need to move all contents of a folder into another folder--best way to do this in terminal?00:56
jonsulI did it and had problems so I just reversed the command "apt-get remove lamp-server^" but then the output looked... rather disturbing00:56
mahir256genixpro: sorry, just sayin'. anyway, (ideally) you can start up a web server from your own computer if you have the bandwidth enough to support it00:57
jonsuldon't know if I've just ruined my system http://pastebin.com/qV144TnM00:57
mahir256genixpro:  just get apache mysql and php, set it all up as you might have normally, then get a domain from dot.tk, and work from there00:57
kajakajoanyone, how to copy all the contents of a folder to another folder in terminal efficiently?00:57
BaseBallBoyHey guys, Having trouble with my dvd-rw drive, it doesn't seem to be reading blank disks00:58
pfifokajakajo, I use `cp -a /path/to/source /path/to/dest`00:58
Barnabasjonsul, you did remove some quite central parts of your system ..00:58
ANTIxAoops sorry fer caps00:59
mahir256BaseBallBoy: of course it can't read blank disks there isn't anything in them!00:59
Barnabasjonsul, try to install the unity desktop on that server before rebooting00:59
jonsulthat's what I... just realized,  lol  any way to reverse this command or or reinstall00:59
BaseBallBoymahir256: bahaha, it isn't recognizing blank disks00:59
Barnabasjonsul, yes your backup00:59
Visitor-integerwill emerald work on 11.04? I can't seem to get it working00:59
jonsulthat's it, install unity and it should fix that01:00
Barnabasjonsul, try reinstalling the unity desktop before rebooting01:00
Barnabasshould pull in the necessary dependencies01:00
pfifoBaseBallBoy, but will it write?01:01
en1gmaim starting this pinning guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto and im sure that im going to have some questions....so i hope someone is on standby :)01:01
kajakajoanyone, how to copy all the contents of a folder to another folder in terminal efficiently?01:01
mahir256BaseBallBoy: you may need to reinstall your driver for the dvd-rw (it's a minus between them right?), then you should forcibly write to the disk01:02
Barnabaskajakajo, cp -R <foo>01:02
BaseBallBoypfifo: all I know is it isn't recognizing the blank disks, it will read movies and such.01:02
Barnabaskajakajo, cp -R <foo> <bar>01:02
kajakajo<foo> <bar>?01:02
BaseBallBoymahir256: yes it's -rw01:02
en1gma"Pinning is a process that allows you to remain on a stable release of Ubuntu (or any other debian system) while grabbing packages from a more recent version."   <<<<im running 11.04 and want to revert to on older version of bluez.....are you sure this guide is what i need01:03
caketartHi. Can anyone recommend me good screen recording software?01:03
en1gmai need like a backport i think01:03
pfifoBaseBallBoy, its more than likely not popping up a dialog automatically, but you should still be able to burn an iso01:03
Barnabaskajakajo, ok cp -R <here> <there>01:03
razorsharpkajakajo, look at the man page for those commands. it's not that difficult.01:03
IsmAvatarI have a strange problem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9975312/unusable-region.png01:03
en1gmaanyone know how to downgrade....01:03
Barnabasrazorsharp, nah it is not01:03
en1gmathis is terribly01:04
jonsulBaseBallBoy, what about ubuntu-desktop, unity didn't install much01:04
Barnabasjonsul, perhaps you have to remove that pkg first totally01:04
Barnabasand then install it01:04
Barnabasor reinstall it?01:04
BaseBallBoypfifo: I tried burning and iso and it says no disc available, please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD01:05
IsmAvatarI must have some artifact of a window still open or something?01:05
BaseBallBoys/and iso/an iso/01:05
pfifoBaseBallBoy, perhaps its just that one disk, did you try several01:05
BaseBallBoypfifo: Yes01:05
mahir256caketart: for gnu/linux: recordmydesktop, xvidcap, or (if you like free proprietary software) wink01:05
en1gmai need to downgrade01:05
en1gmacan someone help on this01:05
en1gmamy bluetooth is crap01:06
pfifoBaseBallBoy, what program are you using?01:06
en1gmapfifo didnt you send me the link to that site for pinning?01:06
BaseBallBoypfifo: default right click->Write to disk01:06
pfifoen1gma, yes01:06
caketartmahir256, thanks01:06
en1gmaPinning is a process that allows you to remain on a stable release of Ubuntu (or any other debian system) while grabbing packages from a more recent version.01:06
en1gmathat is a quote of what pinning does01:07
pfifoen1gma, why dont you install your package from source? That is what I would do01:07
kajakajoBarnabas, pfifo, I'm looking at the man page and the commands you guys gave me, and I just can't understand something, so to confirm: I want to remove all the contents of a folder and place in in a different folder. How do I do that? I don't think either of those commands would work, if I'm not mistaken. :\01:07
en1gmawell because of updates will install over it01:08
kajakajocommand*, namely cp01:08
en1gmai need to HOLD it after i downgrade01:08
pfifokajakajo, copy and then remove01:08
en1gmai think*01:08
pfifoen1gma, uninstall it from ubuntu, install via source, then ubuntu wont consider it installed... OR use check-install to build a .deb file and make it official part of the system01:09
en1gmaomg this is going to be an all nighter....but i know what your saying....01:10
kajakajopfifo, but how do I tell cp to select all of the contents? Does recursive (-r) do that? I wouldn't think so, but I don't see any other options, and I don't know exactly how to apply that. That you use -a is puzzling to me, also. feeling stupid and confused.01:10
mahir256kajakajo: mv /(your directory here) /(your new directory here)01:11
Barnabaskajakajo, if you want to move it to another folder completely just rename your folder01:11
Barnabasmuch easier01:11
mahir256kajakajo: i'm pretty sure this will work01:11
Barnabasalso the mv command01:11
pfifokajakajo, i use -a, which combines r and several other options... why dont you make a test directory and play with it a bit to see what works for you01:11
mahir256oh hello, devnull_01:11
devnull_anyone want to help me figure out why my logitech webcam c260 isn't being autorecognized for me01:11
devnull_hi mahir01:11
tntckajakajo: the question is this: do you want to move all the stuff out of the folder and into another folder, or do you want to copy them?01:12
pfifoBaseBallBoy, try this `wodim /path/to/image/iso`01:12
tntckajakajo: from the way I read it, you want to move them01:12
kajakajotntc, move them. My big question is how to select all the contents.01:12
pascalyo MAN is really cool im really iompreciate by this sjhit01:12
devnull_ubuntu 10.0401:12
adam61i have almost the same problem as devnull except for me it's the Tascam US-122 audio interface01:12
kajakajopfifo, I will certainly play some, I guess.01:12
Barnabaskajakajo, a "name" of a folder is just an alias of the id of whats called an inode01:13
Barnabasso you can rename that safely01:13
Barnabaslike on windows01:13
GrouchySmurfas I see, ubuntu 10.04 is really a headache xD01:13
devnull_my other webcam is recognized immediately and placed at /dev/video0 ... but this logitech webcam c260 isn't recognized though i know other people on linux have it working01:13
kajakajoright. I don't need to change the name of it, in reality I need to move it up one hierarchy.01:13
kajakajoI need the files to be where the folder that contains them is.01:13
devnull_just running out of ideas ... i always seem to have usb fun01:14
kajakajothe folder I want them in already exists, they're just one extra chain down the hierarchy down.01:14
mahir256devnull_: 1---are your drivers up to date? 2---is it connected correctly? 3---what software are you using this with?01:14
pfifokajakajo, thats `cp -a folder/* ./`01:14
tntckajakajo: well, the short answer is mv source/* dest/01:14
adam61i just did a fresh reinstall of 11.04 and i'm really hoping i can get the tascam working on the first shot this time. it was working a couple days ago and then something went wrong. if anyone could advise me it would be greatly appreciated01:15
devnull_the other webcam seemed to be using V4L201:15
devnull_yes it is connected properly01:15
r0fs3ck5devnull_: I have one of those.  What verision USB are you connecting it to?01:15
Barnabaskajakajo, the safe approach is to copy then delete01:15
Barnabaskajakajo, uses twice the space01:15
devnull_i am not sure if it is my usb2 port or not01:15
devnull_either way it should be recognized01:15
tntckajakajo: and a lot more time if you're moving big files.01:16
Barnabastntc, yes01:16
r0fs3ck5devnull_: have you updated recently?01:16
devnull_my system is up to date as far as running 10.04 is concerned01:16
adam61devnull, i think it's a matter of whether you have the right drivers and firmware installed, but then i know next to nothing when it comes to linux01:16
tntckajakajo: but the mv command will handle directories inside and stuff correctly. and it will just move the stuff. Genereally, it just shifts what points to the contents of the folder, rather than actually moving anything on the disk.01:17
devnull_well they don't have linux drivers for this webcam01:17
r0fs3ck5devnull_: I'm also running 10.04 and mine works.  What kind of motherboard etc do you have?01:17
tntckajakajo: if you're moving from one disk to another, use cp, because it will take the same amount of time and is safer01:17
InHisName Upgrading from 10.04 -> 10.10   grub error -- can't find grub_xputs  ------   now at grub_rescue prompt.   What can I try there ?01:17
tntckajakajo: you can rm the old directory after the cp completes correctly.01:17
devnull_hp pavillion dv5000z laptop01:17
tntckajakajo: does that make sense to you?01:18
devnull_couldn't tell you what the motherboard is01:18
r0fs3ck5devnull_: are there any video devices listed in /dev?01:18
devnull_that is what i mean ... it isn't recognizing it01:18
r0fs3ck5devnull_: does your laptop have a built in webcam?01:18
Germanaz0hello everybody01:19
Germanaz0I'm getting a kernel panic while installation01:19
pfifodevnull_, are you using usb3.001:19
Germanaz0trying to install ubuntu 11.04, and installing on usb01:19
devnull_though i have been having odd usb issues for awhile ... though they haven't stopped anything from working01:20
pfifodevnull_, can you pastebin the output of `lsusb && lspci`01:20
KM0201Germanaz0: you're trying to install *TO* a USB, or from?01:20
devnull_ever since ... udev i think ...things have been going south01:20
Germanaz0from USB to PC01:20
johnathanok, so i can't do any updates because of the popup that comes up everytime i try to install the updates. -> "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." What can i do to stop this from stopping my updates?01:20
tntckajakajo: did you get it sorted out?01:21
adam61anyone know how i can get my tascam to be recognized?01:21
pfifojohnathan, sounds like your using a ppa01:21
kajakajotwo convos started, but no I haven't. making a sandbox to play with cp on my desktop, and have almost finished making it, but now kind of don't know what to do with cp01:21
KM0201Germanaz0: are you actually getting to the desktop, or are you getting the panic before you get there, and getting dropped to a command prompt?01:21
kajakajoso going to just start fooling around. I don't know why this isn't easier to explain.01:21
johnathanpfifo, that is a possibility. I would like to get my updates though...01:21
Germanaz0KM0201: I'm getting it from desktop and direct installation modes01:22
Germanaz0it happens after it copy all the files and install them, then try to configure apt01:22
johnathanpfifo, the details says only one thing "apport-hooks-medibuntu"01:22
Germanaz0starting to download a pair of files, and kernel panic happens allways in that part of the installation01:22
roasted_NFS Question - If I am user 1001 on my system, and my brother is user 1001 on his system, and if he runs the SAME NFS mount command I would, he would thereby have access to my files - right?01:22
pfifojohnathan, try commenting out any ppa's in /etc/apt/sources list, then do `apt-get update` `apt-get upgrade`01:22
tntckajakajo: let me make sure I have this situation right: You've got stuff in /folder/foo/ , but you want everything in there in /folder/ instead?01:23
kajakajotntc, exactly01:23
adam61i've read through dozens of hours worth of google results over the past 48 hours and now that i've just freshly reinstalled 11.04, i want to see if i can get it right from the start. anyone know about initializing soundcards?01:23
tntckajakajo: go into the folder the stuff is in right now, like this: cd /folder/foo/01:23
tntckajakajo: then, move everything in that folder to the folder below like this: mv * ..01:24
johnathanpfifo, i have also been having problems with being the root user... I am the only user and it says that I am not...01:24
pfifoRoasted, yes01:24
tntckajakajo: the mv is "move", * means "Everything in this folder" and .. means "Into the folder above it."01:24
pfifojohnathan, you are not the only user01:24
tntckajakajo: cp will mean it will copy everything, which means that folder will suddenly use twice the space.01:24
tntckajakajo: mv will just say "You're in /folder/ now, not /folder/foo/"01:25
tntckajakajo: much, much faster.01:25
kajakajotntc, that sounds perfect.01:25
kajakajowill try01:25
kajakajothat's what I was looking for...01:25
kajakajoI knew there had to be a way01:25
FloodBot1kajakajo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
tntckajakajo: ;)01:25
devnull_and now my trackball isnt working01:25
Germanaz0KM0201: the weird stuff is that I downloaded the iso a pair of times01:25
Germanaz0and allways happens that01:25
roasted_NFS Question - If I am user 1001 on my system, and my brother is user 1001 on his system, and if he runs the SAME NFS mount command I would, he would thereby have access to my files - right?01:26
devnull_i hate the new dev system01:26
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tntckajakajo: be careful when using stuff like .. and ., especially with * and mv or rm. The unix command line has some... oddities.01:26
pfiforoasted_, yes01:26
devnull_pfifo did you see the pastebin link ?01:26
roasted_nfs does not seem very secure. at all.01:26
kajakajotntc, ntoed.01:26
pfifodevnull_, no01:26
pfiforoasted_, it is not01:27
adam61tntc, seems like you know what you're talking about; are you familiar at all with initializing soundcards?01:27
r0fs3ck5devnull_: thanks, so are you using a logitech mouse as well?01:27
tntcadam61: sort of... Depends on the sound card and the sound system! :)01:27
devnull_yes ... wireless trackman marble01:27
devnull_yea its not recognizing that anything is even plugged in to it ... that is a cam01:28
r0fs3ck5devnull_: yes, i can see01:28
adam61tntc, cool; i'm trying to get the tascam us122 to be recognized. it was working yesterday, and now i've just finished a fresh install of 11.0401:28
pfifodevnull_, are you sure your device is getting enough power? plugged into a powered usb port and its light comes on if it has one?01:28
devnull_my trackball is working again ... between that and my droid i had enough usb problems01:28
tntckajakajo: oh, also be wary of any directories with filenames starting with weird symbols like - or ? or *. - is especially bad. something like rm with a wildcard can find a -r and treat it as a /parameter/ instead of a filename, thus making your delete /recursive/. BAD NEWS! :)01:28
devnull_it says it will work with usb 1.101:28
r0fs3ck5devnull_: can you unplug the mouse and use your pad?01:29
tntcadam61: tascam us122... any idea what driver it used before?01:29
roasted_pfifo, is there any way to make NFS work with user authentication? or should I just fire up my CIFS share and have a beer?01:29
devnull_ill unplug everything else01:29
r0fs3ck5devnull_: and do what pfifo said01:29
pfiforoasted_, NFS assumes root knows what hes doing and therefor dosent ask questions01:30
tntcadam61: it looks like it needs some firmware too...01:30
devnull_well all of my ports put out power01:30
roasted_pfifo, I see. CIFS it is.01:30
devnull_i probably should get a usb hub though01:30
IsmAvatarGuys, I think I have a defunct splash screen or something, because the following region of my screen is unclickable: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9975312/unusable-region.png01:30
adam61i know it loaded with ux2yloader, but recently when i do that it says no us-x2y-compatible cards found. i just installed the basic alsa firmware01:31
tntcadam61: you did the stuff here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-12201:31
BaseBallBoypfifo: wodim: Cannot fixate disk.01:31
devnull_well i have put it in every usb port01:32
tntcadam61: also, does lsusb show the device?01:32
tntcadam61: OH! Specifically, check out step 7 on the page I just linked. Does that help?01:32
devnull_[441989.352065] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -11001:32
adam61tntc, haven't done that since reinstallation.. lsusb shows it but it says without firmware01:32
adam61ok cool01:32
solitudewhy doesn't ubuntu create a porn edition~01:33
pfifodevnull_, usually even usb devices that dont have drivers show up in lsusb, since yours is not Im thinking its the ddevices fault, can you test it on a different computer01:33
tntcsolitude: *shrug* you could always fork it.01:33
GrouchySmurfsolitude: because you haven't already started one01:33
solitudeor a jewish edition01:33
devnull_i can plug it into a usb wall adapter but i don't know if that is wise or not01:33
solitudeliekk a jewbuntu01:33
solitudewith the holy star of david01:34
solitudeinstead of penguin01:34
r0fs3ck5devnull_: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 046d:c501 Logitech, Inc. Cordless Mouse Receiver  I thought you unplugged that.01:34
l0dethat's highly racial solitude01:34
GrouchySmurfsolitude: well.. a jewbuntu for sure will not but saturdays01:34
l0depls stop01:34
GrouchySmurfsolitude: well.. a jewbuntu for sure will not boot saturdays01:34
devnull_i haven't ls'ed since i removed it01:34
solitudeGrouchySmurf: jubuntu01:34
l0deI come to ubuntu to chat and relax, not to hear about those horrible ppl01:34
tntcadam61: any luck?01:34
solitudewell i was raised jewish and i want my star of david01:35
devnull_http://pastebin.com/h1p5uQTP ... new one01:35
seidossolitude: if you build it, they will come01:35
pfifosolitude, i recommend backtrack01:35
adam61tntc, i'm just going through it from the start, so far so good, no errors yet01:35
devnull_it does say logitech though now01:35
tntcoh ok :)01:35
solitudewould you use my jubuntu01:35
solitudeif i made it01:35
GrouchySmurfl0de: if you want to chat and relax, you aren't at the right place xD01:35
devnull_should i plug it into a usb adapter and see if the light comes on ?01:35
SomelauwFor how long will ubuntu 10.10 receive updates?01:35
tntcadam61: I thought you were just going to run the step 7! You're way is smarter, I think :)01:36
solitudewhy does the 11.04 menu resemble apple and is not editable01:36
pfifodevnull_, pastebin a new lsusb01:36
solitudethere is no right click01:36
solitudeon the top menu anymore01:36
xangua!maverick | Somelauw01:36
ubottuSomelauw: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101001:36
FloodBot1solitude: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
devnull_pfifo that is it http://pastebin.com/h1p5uQTP01:36
adam61tntc, hopefully! i really want to get it right from the start this time01:36
xanguaSomelauw: one and  half year since it's release i believe01:36
pfifodevnull_, no thats the link i already have optn01:36
devnull_hold on01:36
solitudeim holding on to you01:37
r0fs3ck5devnull_: hard reboot and repeat.01:37
devnull_good idea01:37
pfifoBaseBallBoy, Im not sure what could be causing that issue, can you get it to work in a different distro or version of ubuntu?01:37
pfifodevnull_, ok now its being recognized, is it still not showing up in /dev/video*01:38
pfifodevnull_, is its light on?01:39
Somelauwsolitude: login menu: select ubuntu classic or something and you get gnome back01:39
SomelauwI think01:39
devnull_if i plug it into a usb adapter should the light come on ?01:39
pfifodevnull_, try a reboot01:39
pfifodevnull_, it might only turn the light on when something is using it01:39
devnull_i see  okay rebooting01:40
devnull_and thanks01:40
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corrytonappleDoes anyone here know much about Repositories?01:40
MethedManon one of my hard drives i have a 100GB partition with windows on it.  i would like to merge this with my ubuntu partition without having to reinstall.  any ideas?01:40
xangua!anyone | corrytonapple01:41
ubottucorrytonapple: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:41
tntcMethedMan: do you need data from the windows partition?01:41
adam61tntc, just ran into my first snag, it says "ERROR 404: Not Found." when i do step three01:41
tntcMethedMan: gparted liveCD (or perhaps even an ubuntu liveCD) would allow you to resize or delete the partition01:42
MethedMantntc: i do not need data from the windows partition, but it would be nice to know what to do if i did need the data01:42
tntcadam61: hold on. I'm looking into it :)01:42
corrytonappleOkay?  Well, no one answers in the UF, so I was unsure.  But the issue is I am trying to install BURG from the official how-to in the Ubuntu Wiki, but when I get to the repositories part it says 404 not found01:42
MethedMantntc: i am pretty sure the ubuntu livecd will do the trick, but would prefer not to have to make a startup disk if i can help it01:42
adam61tntc, cool thanks :)01:43
tntcMethedMan: well, just mount the windows partition, copy all the stuff off of it, and then delete it and expand the partition01:43
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tntcMethedMan: well, you'll need to boot something outside of ubuntu anyhow. resizing a live filesystem is a bad idea01:43
MethedMantntc: thanks01:44
adam61tntc, i found this: "firmware loader for the Tascam US-122 is now obsolete; it has been replaced by ALSA's usx2yloader program. For the latest version, download the alsa-tools and alsa-firmware packages from the ALSA website, but those should already come with your Linux distribution."  so i don't know if that means i already have the req'd firmware since i've installed the basic alsa01:45
tntcadam61: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170529101:45
IsmAvatarGuys, I think I have a defunct splash screen or something, because the following region of my screen is unclickable: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9975312/unusable-region.png01:46
tntcadam61: I just dug that up: It seems you just need to install and then plug in the 122, and then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base"01:46
tntcIsmAvatar: did you try logging out and back in?01:46
adam61tntc, wow that looks like a really good post, i'll give it a try, thanks!01:46
tntcadam61: Hopefully it'll be that simple!01:46
tntcadam61: it looks like it may not initialize unless there's something plugged in! Don't forget that bit!01:47
devnull_no light ... no /dev/video*01:47
tntcIsmAvatar: It's a weird shape to be a splash screen, with the hollow bit in the middle.01:47
adam61tntc, haha ya i wish it was that simple01:47
tntcadam61: no dice?01:47
adam61not yet just about to try01:48
tntcoh ok01:48
devnull_me and usb are not friends ... everything i have connected has always been a problem to get working ... except for that other webcam that was all automatic01:48
corrytonappleWhen executing this command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bean123ch/burg01:48
corrytonapple  |||| I get this as a warning/error:  W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7889D725DA6DEEAA01:48
corrytonappleW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/bean123ch/burg/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found01:48
corrytonappleW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/bean123ch/burg/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:48
FloodBot1corrytonapple: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
devnull_and that webcam was so old i am surprised it didn't have a a serial connection01:48
IsmAvatartntc: I think it might be the eclipse splash screen. I've noticed that it has resize handles and a bar at the bottom. It must have went transparent when it went defunct01:49
xangua!gpgerr | corrytonapple01:49
ubottucorrytonapple: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »01:49
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tntcIsmAvatar: didja try killing all your running javas?01:49
MethedManhow do i make my own ubuntu distro/install package bundled with everything that i need?01:50
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xanguacorrytonapple: if it doesn't find packages is because there ae not packages for lucid01:50
tntcIsmAvatar: are you using the sun-java6-jre/jdk with eclipse?01:50
devnull_if its a driver issue i wouldn't know where to get it01:50
corrytonapplexangua:  I know there are packages for lucid, it said so.  I am on Natty.  Do you think it will matter?  I see that some are for Lucid anyway01:50
devnull_or maybe udev is thinking it is something else01:50
adam61tntc: !!!got it!!! omg!01:50
adam61wow thank you soooo much01:50
IsmAvatartntc: I believe I'm using openjdk, but eclipse has its own jdk. At any rate, I don't want to kill java, because I'm using eclipse...01:50
tntcadam61: \o/ HOORAY! Glad it worked!01:50
devnull_im gonna throw this laptop out of a window soon01:52
linuxguy101devnull_: dont do that01:52
linuxguy101kick it01:52
xanguacorrytonapple: then there are no packages for natty01:52
corrytonappleOkay, it works now Xangua.  Thanks.  Also thanks for the tip ubottu and FloodBot1.  I will use that link for pasting big code output.  I know you guys are just robots though :)01:53
devnull_if i could afford a new one i would01:53
adam61tntc, i might has well run the other problem i was previously having by you quickly now, in case you're familiar with it. it's a more common problem i think: npviewer.bin hogging cpu whenever flash is playing. i took someone's advice and got chromium instead of firefox, but it still froze all the time. do you know of any way around this?01:53
tntcIsmAvatar: Tracking down what's causing it may not be possible if you don't kill processes and stuff. I'd just save your work and kill eclipse, and see if it fixes the problem. Otherwise you could spend hours avoiding it just to have to do it anyhow.01:53
corrytonappleThanks guys!01:53
devnull_well after i took out the hard drive01:53
tntcadam61: right click on the flash window, go into settings, and disable hardware acceleration. see if that solves it :)01:54
tntcadam61: I think that setting sticks, too.01:54
adam61tntc, great thanks again, i'll try that01:54
tntcadam61: Let me know if it fixes it for ya. Flash can be very finnicky.01:55
tntcadam61: you might also want to check out flashplayer square01:55
r0fs3ck5devnull_: Have a search through here and try to find your device: http://www.linux-drivers.org/01:57
corrytonappleOkay, I am configuring burg, and it brought me to a window where it says "GRUB install devices:" with a red box before the text like "[(red box)] /dev/sda" with the text OK below it.  What do I do?01:57
tntcadam61: also try downloading the official .deb of Chrome from Google. It adds a repo though.01:57
tntcadam61: also, http://bombnomnom.com/?p=33 has some info about trying flash player square. It's for OS X, but it should work for Linux too.01:57
xanguaadam61: tntc or use chromium, already on the repository and open source01:58
tntcxangua: yeah, he's using that but having problems with flash. the official google version comes with flash, IIRC01:59
devnull_no match for c25001:59
adam61tntc, wow that's a lot of good suggestions, i will try them all because it seems like npviewer.bin is indestructable and every time it runs my volume mutes01:59
adam61xangua, i have chromium and it still freezes my sound02:00
tntcadam61: that's very odd...02:00
ActionParsnipadam61: does it happen as other users02:00
devnull_man im striking out here02:00
Skaperenwhen I do "aptitude show <package>" I get a useful description of the package (well, for most packages, anyway) ... anyone know a place to get this for ALL packages without having to run that for each one ... because it is actually just slow enough that it takes hours to do it for all packages02:00
xanguatntc: adam61 flash has been sucking for me even more than normal lately :S02:00
IsmAvatartntc: it wasn't java.02:00
IsmAvatartntc: I have no java processes running now, but I still have the unclickable region02:01
missilhi all this is a noobish question coming from a noob = once i have my virtual machines running how do i connect to them02:01
tntcadam61: xangua: I'm running Chrome and it's been going OK for me. The version with chrome seems to have less weird flash artifacting even.02:01
tntcIsmAvatar: I'd save all your work, log out, and log back in. You've got 100+ choices for the process that could be causing it.02:02
Skaperenmissil: depends on how you set it up ... ssh is common but you need to set up networking for that, obviously02:02
adam61tntc, how would you compare chrome to chromium? i have chromium and would prefer to stick with that if it's at all similar02:02
ActionParsnipSkaperen: aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages; sudo aptitude show < my-packages          may work02:02
missili set up a br0 interface for eth002:02
tntcadam61: they're almost exactly the same.02:02
tntcadam61: the only difference is chrome has some google bits that chromium doesn't, IIRC02:03
devnull_alright i am giving up ... this doesn't make sense02:03
adam61ok, guess i'll keep chromium as my default for now then02:03
ActionParsnipadam61: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf02:03
devnull_just have to know .. will i damage the cam if i plug it into a 5volt usb adapter ?02:03
SkaperenActionParsnip: yeah but isn't that still just running it for each one?02:03
tntcadam61: it may have a serious effect on the flash issue.02:03
ActionParsnipSkaperen: it makes a list file of the installed packages then run: aptitude show for each one02:04
SkaperenI don't want it for just the installed packages ... I want it for ALL packages02:04
Skaperenespecially those not yet installed02:04
adam61ActionParsnip: sure, thanks should i post it in private?02:05
IsmAvatartntc: logging out and back in seems to have fixed it for now. Starting Eclipse doesn't make it appear02:05
ActionParsnipSkaperen: then use: ptitude  --display-format '%p' > ~.my-packages   (as a guess)02:05
ActionParsnipadam61: no, use a pastebin02:05
r0fs3ck5devnull_: http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/02:05
adam61tntc, you mean chrome may be much better than chromium for flash?02:05
SkaperenActionParsnip: I have the package list from apt-cache dump02:05
tntcadam61: yes.02:05
tntcadam61: specifically because of the extra bits google does to make it work.02:06
ActionParsnipSkaperen: then use that in conjunction with aptitude and it will output it all02:06
devnull_it is in the list of supported devices02:06
SkaperenActionParsnip: that's what I already do ... that's what is slow02:06
r0fs3ck5devnull_: yours is there.02:06
ActionParsnipadam61: both are great with flash, I only use chromium daily build here02:06
ActionParsnipSkaperen: think abouot how many packages there are!!02:06
SkaperenActionParsnip: 4163702:07
ActionParsnipSkaperen: exactly, and you are pulling down details about every single one, its gonna take a little while02:07
InHisName Upgrading from 10.04 -> 10.10   grub error -- can't find grub_xputs  ------   now at grub_rescue prompt.   What can I try there ?02:07
devnull_no it isn't02:07
SkaperenActionParsnip: that's why I need something else ... like a program that just straight dumps the data without doing what aptitude does ... or even better something to download that has it all, already02:07
ActionParsnipInHisName: boot to livecd and reinstate grub202:08
devnull_no 260 listed only 250 30002:08
adam61ActionParsnip, did i do this right?  http://pastebin.com/kR57mtEx02:08
InHisNameActionParsnip: ok02:08
ActionParsnipadam61: perfect :)02:08
adam61tntc, ok i will definitely try it out02:08
devnull_i guess uvc won't work for it ... damn i only bought it because people said it works out of the box with ubuntu02:08
cintrikzSynaptic Package Manager Question.. I installed a package that i needed and it failed to complete install. (its ok i finished the install with fixes by hand) now everytime i install any other packages it installs them but still gives me a error about the failed package that i already got to work... how do i clear it? I need to keep the files in cause its working now.02:08
devnull_but nothing works that way for me that is why i don't by accessories02:08
itiliousis it very unwise to use my home ubuntu 10.04 pc with lamp to host my live/public website?02:09
adam61ActionParsnip, what does that output tell you?02:09
ActionParsnipadam61: run:  sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer02:09
cintrikzusing 11.0402:09
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluff|sleep
devnull_why would the 250 be supported and 300 but not 26002:10
ActionParsnipadam61: tells us you have 64bit natty but 32bit flash using nspluginwrapper, that command willpull it out then install 64bit flash :)02:10
ActionParsnipitilious: can't see any problem with it :)02:10
SkaperenActionParsnip: I guess maybe I just need to set up a big background script that runs it daily and puts the results online and I just grab if from my own server when I need it02:11
devnull_i guess i could try building the uvc stuff from source even though it is a kernel module already02:11
squonkHi guys.02:11
SkaperenActionParsnip: I might be able to share it, too02:11
tntcadam61: the big thing about Chrome vs Chromium is that Chrome supposedly has an integrated version of flash, rather than the sort of indirect plugin.02:11
ActionParsnipSkaperen: shared knowledge is good :)02:11
SkaperenActionParsnip: the knowledge is already in Ubuntu ... but it's just not so conveniently accessible02:12
=== Guest58915 is now known as mns`
squonkI was curious about that... I love Chrome on Win, but this build came with Firefox02:12
ActionParsnipSkaperen: thats why people make scripts and guis and such02:12
ActionParsnipsquonk: it can be removed. Its one of the first things I uninstall02:12
SkaperenActionParsnip: I know ... but I'd have though this would have been done, already ... guess not02:13
ActionParsnipsquonk: yes, very02:13
squonkI installed ubuntu standard erm yesterday, still exploring.02:13
tntcsquonk: yeah, you can install chromium or chrome and set em as default.02:13
squonkI finally got the flash download to work02:13
ActionParsnipSkaperen: thats why the OS is great, you can make stuff like that and share it around02:13
squonkit's been an education, guysl.02:13
tntcsquonk: Look for "Preferred Applications" after you install them. It lets you change default e-mail client and browser.02:13
squonkAh see, I'm excited about that02:14
devnull_yea not getting anywhere .... device not in the uvc compatible list and not in the non-uvc list either02:14
GrouchySmurfsquonk: I have a tip for you with Chrome: take it to the garbage bin :)02:14
squonkI'm not a scripter, but honestly it reminds me of DOS... the cmd line.02:14
ActionParsnipsquonk: its a billion times more powerful than DOS02:14
tntcGrouchySmurf: why, what do you use?02:14
ActionParsnipsquonk: its closer topowershell02:15
squonkI know. I'm saying that it reminds me of it.02:15
ActionParsnip*to powershell02:15
adam61tntc, ok cool, good info02:15
devnull_yet people have it working02:15
squonkI'm a hardware tech, this is my first jump into linux02:15
devnull_im gonna plug it into a wall adapter and see if the light comes on02:15
tntcsquonk: welcome to the insanity :)02:15
adam61ActionParsnip, k i think that worked02:15
squonkhey thanks!02:15
ActionParsnipadam61: no worries dude, may as well use 64bit flash if your OS is 64bit02:16
devnull_hope i don't fry it02:16
orugasamhi all02:16
* squonk crosses fingers02:16
orugasamthere is my problem02:16
ActionParsnipadam61: there is a PPA with 64bit java for natty too02:16
orugasami cant make work my usb web cam02:16
r0fs3ck5devnull_: danger02:16
orugasamis a 6 leds webcam with microphone02:16
ActionParsniporugasam: install and run cheese, do you see yourself?02:16
squonkMy sys will support that archie, but I run 32, guess I wanted to be conservative.02:16
adam61ActionParsnip: ya for sure. i think i'm going to try rebooting and see how it goes. i'm just curious, is npviewer.bin the problematic part of flash for everyone?02:17
orugasamthis kind of webcam02:17
ActionParsniporugasam: ok then run:  lsusb    one line will identify the device, use the 8 character hex ID to find guides02:17
adam61ActionParsnip, what is a PPA?02:17
GrouchySmurfsquonk: exactly what are you trying to do?02:17
ActionParsnipadam61: I just think its a really messy way considering there is a sleek solution.02:17
ActionParsnip!ppa | adam6102:17
ubottuadam61: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.02:17
devnull_[ 2072.532063] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -11002:17
devnull_well that doesn't look good02:18
orugasamBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
orugasamBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
orugasamBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
orugasamBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
orugasamBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub02:18
FloodBot1orugasam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
ActionParsnipadam61: the server you just installed flash from is 3rd party, its a PPA02:18
ActionParsniporugasam: don't flood like that, it makes the channel unusable02:18
devnull_orugasam .. im having cam issues as well02:18
adam61ActionParsnip, ok makes sense. what is the sleek solution you're referring to?02:18
orugasamthe ubuntu doesent detect the cam02:19
ActionParsniporugasam: unplug the device, wait 10 seconds, plug it in, wait 10 seconds then rerun the command02:19
ActionParsnipadam61: using 64bit flash instead of 32bit + nspluginwrapper02:19
ActionParsniporugasam: is it in the output?02:19
devnull_alright this cam is going back to the store tomorrow02:19
ActionParsnipdevnull_: research what works well and you will have fewer issues02:20
devnull_this one said it worked out of the box in ubuntu or atleast what people said02:20
devnull_and someone else here has it working02:20
itiliousshould i be concerned about port 24953 being used? i dont know of any application that would be using it and its making me worried02:20
ActionParsnipdevnull_: strange02:20
devnull_im ready to pull my hair out02:20
DEVILANGELanyone from greece?02:20
adam61ActionParsnip: tntc: should i reboot now? i don't have sound, but my tascam lights are on and i think it was just npviewer.bin running that has caused the sound to go out. should i try fixing this first or rebooting?02:21
ActionParsnipitilious: you can use:  netstat -a | grep 2495302:21
ActionParsnipadam61: sure, can't hurt02:21
necyes from greece02:21
cablopi was using an original nvidia driver for my mx440 (yes an old piece of hardware) now, i see that Natty doesn't came with support for it! what can i do?02:21
ActionParsnipcablop: I believe the nvidia-96 driver supports it02:22
orugasamnot work02:22
itiliousActionParsnip, nothing came from that command..02:22
orugasambut the leds works02:22
cablopbut afaik that drivers seems to be impossible to install on Natty02:22
adam61ActionParsnip, i'm pretty concerned about that npviewer.bin.. as long as it runs it disables my audio and eats my cpu.. guess i'll see what a reboot will bring02:22
ActionParsniporugasam: ok then run:  dmesg | tail -n 10    did the kernel react to the insertion?02:22
itiliousActionParsnip, i used that command to fix an issue with apache recently,, but i dont understand why nothing it output to terminal this time02:23
orugasamnop nothing happen when i connect02:23
adam61ActionParsnip: there's no way of getting around using npviewer.bin that you know of, is there?02:23
ActionParsnipadam61: you can run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove     and it should remove it02:23
ActionParsnipadam61: now you are using 64bit flash, it won't load02:23
cablopActionParsnip: if i try to install it it tells me that xorg and xorg-server are going to be uninstalled02:23
ActionParsnipcablop: yikes, no deal02:23
orugasam[   11.072956] pci 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V3 device into 8x mode02:23
orugasam[   11.235934] [drm] DMA buffer initialized finished.02:23
orugasam[   11.235939] [drm] Use AGP Ring Buffer type!02:23
orugasam[   11.235941] [drm] Total AGP DMA buffer size = 16777216 bytes.02:23
orugasam[   11.238488] [drm] Branch Buffer mechanism enabled !02:23
orugasam[   11.412465] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=002:24
FloodBot1orugasam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
adam61ActionParsnip: that would be so awesome if it didn't load; i have a feeling it was to blame for my soundcard problem earlier too02:24
ActionParsniporugasam: again. DON'T FLOOD02:24
adam61gonna try reboot now02:24
orugasami dont know how to dont flood02:24
devnull_maybe i should disable the highspeed usb module02:24
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110402:24
ActionParsniporugasam: when you paste multiple lines, it's called flooding02:24
cablopActionParsnip: lol, also xorg-input mouse keyboard video ¡all videos!02:24
ActionParsniporugasam: imagine if 5 people did that in here, it would scroll like crazy and make the channel completely useless02:25
itiliousActionParsnip, does this mean that i prob have an intrusion? given that nothing is replying from that command?02:25
ActionParsnipcablop: ok, avoid that02:25
devnull_ah, its not loaded anyway ... next idea02:25
cablopany other suggestion?02:25
orugasamso how can i do to show what appears in mi terminal02:25
orugasamsorry about that actioparsnip02:25
necuse paste bin02:26
ActionParsniporugasam: so if you use a pastebin which ubottu has told you twice now, you can make a pastebin of literally thousands of lines, and then make a URL.You can then paste the singlelined URL and you won't flood the channel but you will give the details02:26
ActionParsniporugasam: use http://paste.ubuntu.com   like ubottu said...02:26
ActionParsniporugasam: it's cool, you just need to read02:27
itiliousnetstat -a | grep 24953 doesnt show anything,, but firestarter shows the port as being used with an external ip address02:27
orugasamok i will do02:27
ActionParsnipitilious: you could have a look at the startup items in the rc levels as well as startup items for your user02:28
ActionParsnipitilious: may be just someone trying to get in on a random port02:28
orugasamlike this?02:28
* cablop sometimes, like now, tired on how easy ubuntu finds the way to break your happy life02:28
devnull_maybe time to upgrade to 10.1002:28
ActionParsniporugasam: exactly like that :)02:30
orugasamim noob02:31
_genuser_hey guys.02:31
ActionParsniporugasam: you'll learn with time02:31
_genuser_anybody using chntpw?02:31
devnull_also there is an enumeration issue i have been seeing for years now ... one version of linux it wasn't there and after upgrade and ever since my logs are filled with usb enumeration errors02:31
cablopi think there's a pattern here... the LTS is a good release, but could be betterm then the next release is like how a LTS could be... then next two releases are just experiments and are very harmful for the user, thengs become better the next LTS, but that LTS has that many changes that you are going to cry if oving from LTS to LTS02:31
unforgiven512How can I determine what has caused a hard lock of my system?02:31
devnull_but when i throw live cds in things are pretty smooth02:32
orugasamany solution for my problem with my 6 leds webcam?02:33
devnull_if i find one i will let you know02:34
devnull_i am struggling with my webcam02:34
t3k_nok... im back...02:34
devnull_not being recognized properly02:34
multipass|2hi, in 11.04 my graphics (5850 mobile raedon ati) are nice and smooth untill i enable the prop driver, then it gets kinda choppy and unsmooth. in 10.10 i didnt have this problem. any idea what has changed?02:34
devnull_device not accepting address .... blah blah blah ... what the f*ck02:36
Rothamhey... anyone got a link to an article on how to setup the wireless card on a laptop that isnt auto detecting the card (or doesnt have the drivers by default) ?02:37
orugasamwhen i connect my web cam in terminal appear this http://paste.ubuntu.com/608119/02:37
orugasamjust nothing02:38
devnull_rotham ... you can look up ndiswrapper02:38
devnull_which will allow you to use the windows driver for the device02:38
Marrttinyes, that work to me on 10.04 Rotham02:38
Rothamill check it out, thanks.02:39
devnull_i have to use ndiswrapper for my wireless card on my laptop02:39
necorugasam:which is ok it avoids flooding02:39
devnull_orugasam what version of ubuntu ?02:40
devnull_ah ... interesting02:42
kajakajoskype mix doesn't work02:42
kajakajoon ubuntu 10.0402:42
kajakajowhere to start?02:42
unforgiven512Is there any way I can determine what caused my system to crash (hard lock)?02:43
devnull_unforgiven512, the log files02:43
ActionParsnipkajakajo: does the mic work in sound recorder?02:43
MarrttinI have problems with the audio, I can listen ubuntu sounds, or youtube videos, but it doesnt work with some programs02:43
Oxy_MorronHello, I did a fresh install on Ubuntu 11.04, but I can' t login, everytime i turn on the PC, it sends me to GRUB *1.99rc1 and if I choose MemTest, i get this message: Error too small lower memory (0x99100 > 0x8f00) And when I try to go to recovery mode, It does nothing, all I get in tty7 is: No Inetl Codecs found. init: udev:-fallback-graphics main process (759) terminated with status 1 and some time later i get this: STOPING GNOME DISPLAY MANAGER ok02:44
Oxy_MorronSTARTING mDNS/DNS-SD manager ok02:44
unforgiven512devnull_: which ones, specifically? I glanced through them, could not find anything useful.02:44
Oxy_MorronWhat' s wrong with my Ubuntu?02:45
devnull_if the kernel crashed it might have left a dump02:45
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: http://www.webtechquery.com/index.php/2010/04/install-grub2-from-live-cd/   use livecd to reinstate grub202:45
ChrisMorganI want to report a bug with the new-style 11.04 scrollbars; what package should it be linked to?02:45
devnull_it is kind of hard to track stuff down ... you have to go back to when the crash happened and see what the last few messages were02:45
rwwChrisMorgan: overlay-scrollbars02:46
Oxy_MorronActionParsnip, So you think is GRUB? remember i was the one I asked for Firefox not found?02:46
rwwChrisMorgan: sorry, overlay-scrollbar02:46
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: sounds like bad ram if memtest doesn't run02:46
ChrisMorganrww: thanks :-)02:46
Oxy_MorronActionParsnip, and then after reinstalling Firefox, i rebooted, and could not log in anymore02:47
orugasamhi anybody here have this kind of webcam?http://www.google.com/search?q=6+leds+webcams&hl=es&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=oHnQTbvfBsi1tgfwqPSTDg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CA8Q_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=49402:47
orugasamworking in ubuntu02:47
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: get your ram tested, if the memtester has issues, its more than ubuntu02:47
devnull_idk ... bios upgrade ... ripping out my usb drives from my lappy ... kernel upgrade ? i have no idea any more02:48
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: try resetting bios to failsafe02:48
Oxy_MorronActionParsnip, Reseting Bios__ Thats a new one02:48
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: may help02:48
html_inprogresshttp://www.pcliquidations.com/p6607-chenbro-micom-rm21706-2,, would this be a good server,,?   what about ubuntu02:49
Oxy_MorronActionParsnip, I dont even know if I have that option in my Bios, but i' ll check it out later02:49
ActionParsnipOxy_Morron: they usually does, not seen a system without it02:49
ChrisMorganrww: actually, I'm not sure if it really applies to overlay-scrollbar or if it's just triggered by a behaviour of overlay-scrollbar.  Here's a description of the way I found this bug first:02:49
ChrisMorganRun gnome-system-monitor, go to Processes tab, start typing something in the list view (e.g. gnome-power-monitor), then use the overlay scrollbar for a bit - the search text box will disappear and the whole window is now broken (the list view works fine, but try closing the window or changing tabs or pressing a button or anything... broken)02:49
unforgiven512devnull_: Oddly enough, I have no /var/log/messages file02:50
devnull_you do have logs in there though righ t?02:50
unforgiven512root@amphetamine:~# ls -al /var/log | grep messages02:50
devnull_anyone know how i can get my bios version from terminal ?02:50
rwwChrisMorgan: I'd report it against overlay-scrollbar, personally.02:50
devnull_unforgiven512, /var/log/messages02:50
unforgiven512Yes, it's not there.02:50
rwwChrisMorgan: though it might end up being gnome-system-monitor, but the scrollbar people will know and move it if necessary.02:51
devnull_try kern.log02:51
ChrisMorganOK, will do.  Should I use ubuntu-bug or report it directly in launchpad?02:51
unforgiven512and devnull_, I think dmidecode02:51
rwwChrisMorgan: use ubuntu-bug whenever possible02:51
od3nhow do I logon with my nick02:51
unforgiven512I checked all of them =/02:51
ChrisMorganGood, that's what I thought.02:51
unforgiven512devnull_: Better yet: dmidecode | grep Version | head -102:53
unforgiven512And that'll display just the BIOS version02:53
unforgiven512Without all the other stuff02:53
ChrisMorganWhat's the name for the GTK control used there, that list/tree view?  GtkTreeView?02:54
orugasamthis is my webcam :http://www.kolke.net/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=3702:55
devnull_fudger ... i am not installing windows so i can upgrade my bios ... these computer companies are smoking crack02:56
ActionParsnipdevnull_: sudo dmidecode --type BIOS | grep -i version02:56
ActionParsnipdevnull_: dell systems can often be updated from within linux02:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:57
ActionParsniporugasam: doesn't tell us the chip it uses02:58
devnull_they should all be able to be updated from any OS02:58
ChrisMorganThere, reported my bug.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/overlay-scrollbar/+bug/78326102:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 783261 in overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu) "Using scrollbar can break windows while list search is taking place" [Undecided,New]02:58
devnull_and not a dell ... hp02:58
ActionParsnipdevnull_: just telling you it's ot all windows needing in some cases ;)02:58
orugasamhow can i know about the chip?02:58
vladikoff_are there any Unity settings at all? maybe "Always show" or something like that02:59
ActionParsniporugasam: lsusb would show it, or something in dmesg, but its not telling the system what it is02:59
ActionParsnipvladikoff_: its an option in ccsm I believe02:59
clop2curious: how is it that "locate *.foo" actually does the right thing?  why doesn't the shell intercept the * and screw it up?02:59
orugasamyep but dosent appear my webcam in lsusb02:59
vladikoff_ActionParsnip, what's that?02:59
ActionParsnipvladikoff_: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-0403:00
ActionParsniporugasam: we worked that out earlier03:00
vladikoff_ActionParsnip, great thanks!03:01
ChrisMorganrww: thanks for your help :-)03:01
ActionParsnipvladikoff_: amazing what bing with show you....03:01
devnull_alright well i guess i will throw some boot commands like acpi=off and see if it works03:01
ActionParsniporugasam: yep, same as last time03:01
orugasami dont know what to do to make it work03:02
ActionParsniporugasam: is there a switch on the device?03:02
ActionParsniporugasam: it may not be able to be made to work, if ot isn't showing itself to the OS then you may be stuck03:03
od3n67anyone know how I would find out my password for my account03:03
ActionParsniporugasam: acording to Linux, there was never a piece of hardware plugged in, its not reacting in any way to it03:03
orugasamyes i know03:03
ActionParsnipod3n67: you can only set it03:04
orugasammaybe is a ubuntu problem?03:04
rwwod3n67: nickserv IRC account, Ubuntu login account, Launchpad account, something else...?03:04
ActionParsniporugasam: You could try the boot option: acpi=off    may help but I very much doubt it03:04
orugasamwhat is that03:05
bonnydoes anyone play minecraft on ubuntu03:05
ActionParsnip!bootoption | orugasam03:05
ubottuorugasam: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:05
ActionParsnip!anyone | bonny03:05
ubottubonny: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:05
bonnyi have a problem when i play minecraft that when i click it goes to the menu03:06
bobweaverbonny, unimstall it then reinstall it mines03:06
Id10THello, Does anyone know how to update Nattys mesa 7.10 to 7.11?03:06
Id10Tpreferably via a ppa?03:07
bonnyno on old version03:07
od3n67irc account03:08
rwwod3n67: /join #freenode, ask them.03:08
bonnyold version03:08
froeshi guys i have put an alias into my ~/.profile, but the terminal never catches it. here is my .profile http://pastebin.com/YSLrqJjj03:09
intokCan't get printing going on an HP PSC 1410 on 11.04, looks like job gets sent to printer, but never starts at the printer, yet the system will eventually claim that the job has finished, printer verified as working on OS X Debug http://pastebin.com/DG0veQ3E03:10
Id10Tintok, go here: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html03:11
Id10Tanyone have an e350 in here?03:12
Cajun_Lan_ManHello all.  Does anyone happen to know a trick for getting wireless working on a dell Latitude d600? i've never had wireless problems with Ubuntu, so honestly i'm not sure what to do.03:13
Id10Twhat version of ubunut?03:13
MathuinI have an app that misbehaves under Unity when run in Wine.  The specific issue is that it gets very cranky when maximized -- the title bar sticks around, which makes the bottom quarter inch of the window useless and that's the most important to me.  Any constructive suggestions?03:13
Id10TMathuin, have you tried playonlinux?03:13
Cajun_Lan_ManI'm running 11.0403:13
pyfoninstalled ubuntu 10.10 on an asus 1001p eeepc for dual booting with windows 7, wifi sees connections but won't connect, wifi icon just keeps searching, any help?03:14
adam61ActionParsnip, thanks for the tips, they helped. i still can't run flash for longer than about three seconds, but at least my computer isn't freezing up anymore. i'm going to try tntc's suggestion about flashplayer square and/or chrome and see if that fixes it.03:14
MathuinId10T: No.  What does it do?03:14
osmosisany way to fix the issue where xchat-gnome channel joins fail because authentication happens second?03:14
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, are you on it roght now?03:14
Cajun_Lan_Manno.  I am on another laptop.  I've got the d600 right next to me though.03:14
ActionParsnipadam61: there is also minitube which plays the vids without the need for flash03:14
Id10TMathuin, it auto configs all dependencies for windows programs through wine, give it a shot03:14
ActionParsnipCajun_Lan_Man: use a wired connection and get full updates03:15
MathuinId10T: certainly worth trying.  Installing it now.03:15
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, please plug in the cat5 cable to the d60003:15
adam61ActionParsnip, really?! that sound great. how can i try that out?03:15
Cajun_Lan_ManActionParsnip: I already went ethernet and got full updates.03:15
ActionParsnipadam61: its an app like any other in the repos.03:15
ActionParsnipCajun_Lan_Man: good, helps stuff a lot. If you run:  sudo lshw -C network    what is the product line03:15
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, do a dmesg | grep b43 see any errors03:16
ActionParsnipadam61: instead of asking like that, try researching a little, you will learn more03:16
bobweaveralso what are the numbers that are in red   lspci -vnn | grep 14e403:17
bobweaverby the 14e403:17
Id10T<Cajun_Lan_Man> google is your friend: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162133103:17
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, also check rfkill list all03:17
froeshi guys i have put an alias into my ~/.profile, but the terminal never loads it. here is my .profile http://pastebin.com/YSLrqJjj03:19
froesi mean, the .profile runs but the alias is not set03:19
pyfoninstalled ubuntu 10.10 on an asus 1001p eeepc for dual booting with windows 7, wifi sees connections but won't connect, wifi icon just keeps searching, any help?03:20
MethedMancurrently booted with ubuntu livecd.  i am staring at GParted trying to merge two partitions.  any ideas on how to merge two partitions?03:20
adam61ActionParsnip, ok, sorry i'm just completely exhausted - i've been doing this pretty much for over fifty straight hours. it seems all i've been doing is researching for hours before i ask questions that i'm completely clueless about.03:20
adam61time for bed lol03:20
Id10Tpyfon, google search your model and ubuntu wifi driver03:20
Cajun_Lan_ManActionParsnip: it's a broadcom card it seems03:20
FroztIkonI have a question about sharing network connections. My win machine doesn't report an ip address like 192.168 etc. What can I do to change this so I can set port forwarding on my win machine?03:20
ActionParsnipCajun_Lan_Man: broadcom make many cards, which model chip?03:20
Id10Tmethedman, install gparted to a live usb, i use it that way all the time03:21
ActionParsnippyfon: what interface does:  sudo iwlist scan | head     say is the wireless one, examples are:  eth1, wlan0, ar003:22
Cajun_Lan_ManActionParsnip: BCM430603:22
MethedManId10T: i booted running ubuntu live from a usb now and am using gparted.  not sure how to merge two partitions though.  it does not seem like an option03:22
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pyfonActionParsnip: wlan003:22
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Cajun_Lan_Man03:23
ubottuCajun_Lan_Man: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:23
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, any errors on the dmesg | grep b4303:23
ActionParsnipCajun_Lan_Man: the wired link will make this a LOT easier03:23
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, any errors on the dmesg | grep b43|/wl ?03:23
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: it's telling me ERROR: you must go to *weblink* and download the correct firmware.  I thought the "Additional Drivers" took care of that kind of thing.03:23
MethedManI have two primary partitions that i want to merge03:24
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, rfkill list all any thing blocked ?03:24
Id10TMethedMan, I dont think I have been able to use all of the features of Gparted via ubuntu live and the way I usually do that is to grow a partition.03:24
ActionParsnipCajun_Lan_Man: get on the wired and run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install b43-fwcutter03:24
MethedManId10T: what do you mean grow a partition?03:24
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: nothing is blocked03:25
Id10TMethedMan, by merge a partition, do you mean you have data on two partitions that you want to combine?03:25
ActionParsnippyfon: could try wicd03:25
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, you need to re-install the firmware-b43-installer03:25
bobweavernot the mods for the b43 \03:25
MethedManId10T: I have one partition with data that i want and another partition with windows (that i deleted).  i want to make this space available to the ubuntu partition.03:26
Cajun_Lan_ManActionParsnip: bobweaver: running the command now.03:26
escottMethedMan, open gparted delete the partition you don't want and grow the other one03:27
Cajun_Lan_ManActionParsnip, bobweaver, I'm still getting "device not ready (firmware missing)" in the networking module......thingy.  Reboot?03:27
Id10TMethedMan, I see, what I mean by grow a partition is to take an existing partition and some empty space, then expand the existing partition.03:27
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748245&page=5     post #4403:27
intokId10T so not the version in the repo then?03:28
MathuinId10T: no luck with playonlinux, my app isn't included there. :-(03:28
Id10TMethodMan, only thing is, there can't be a partition inbetween the empty space and the partition you wish to grow.03:28
Id10TMathuin, sorry man, thats too bad, playonlinux has had everything I ever needed.03:29
MethedManescott: Gparted is telling me that my partition status is: "Busy (At least one logical partition is mounted)"03:29
MethedManit also has a "key" next to this partition03:29
olsen1hi, im getting kernel: eth0: auto-negotiating... is there a workaround for this?03:30
escottMethedMan, you can't do this with your mounted / partition. do it from a livecd03:30
Id10TMethedMan, like I said, you need to install gparted to a usb, dont open it through ubuntu live it will always give you that error03:30
MethedManescott: i am running the live cd though03:30
MathuinId10T: No problem, I'm glad to learn about something new -- it might fix my next problem. :-)03:31
MethedManId10T: how do i install it to a usb03:31
escottMethedMan, then check the output of "mount" in a terminal03:31
Id10TMethodMan, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php03:32
escottMethedMan, you don't need the usb if you have the live cd03:32
MethedManId10T: i am running ubuntu live via USB03:33
Id10Tescott, I think he is trying to grow a partition on his main drive, I have tried to do this before using the ubuntu live cd but always got the error he is getting. If he uses Gparted directly, no error03:33
cablopi have to admit03:34
MethedManescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608149/03:34
cablopregardless i cannot use the official nvidia driver, the experimentar 3D support on that old MX440 is pretty good03:35
squonkhas anyone here used wubi to install?03:35
cablopsquonk i avoided it03:35
squonkoh man that's how I installed it.03:35
squonkthat's how I got here03:35
MethedManId10T: so how do i use Gparted directly?03:36
squonkSeemed liked a way to get started.03:36
cablopwell, what's your question about it?03:36
squonkokay... as a learning platform. it's okay. but eventually I want to install a build on a dedicated box.03:36
cablopsquonk: well this is most the try ubuntu before installing it for real03:36
squonkWell I'm loving it so far.03:37
cablopsquonk but i started with ubuntu before the live CDs so when live cds came out i stick tieh them :)03:37
HarrowedAUAnd you'd love it more without Unity I'm sure.03:37
cablopsquonk, anyway i'll suggest you to use a dual boot for a while03:37
squonkThat's what I am doing cablop03:37
Id10TMethodMan, download this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/files/gparted-live-stable/ and use ubuntu's startup disk creator03:38
HarrowedAUOn bootup, click your name and down the bottom choose Ubuntu (Classic)..03:38
cablopmmm squonk unity is that think that has some sort of docker wannabe at the left and less menus03:38
jupitreashello, can anyone tell me how to set my touchpad to use two fingers tap as a middle click?03:38
cablopbut we, the old school love the old gnome, despite we are hating their making ous lifes harder with each new release03:38
Id10Tjupitreas, what version of ubuntu?03:39
squonkokay so this release I loaded with wubi03:39
HarrowedAUjupitreas; You have to know for certain if your touchpad is multitouch compatible.03:39
squonkthat's the version03:39
squonkit's gnome03:39
bobweaverjupitreas, what version of ubuntu?03:39
squonkI didn't care for kubuntu03:39
jupitreasto clarify - its gnome and i know that the command synclient TapButton2=2 works03:39
jupitreasbut i dont know how to make it run automatically every time i boot03:40
Id10Tjunpritreas, in the search, type mouse, then change the setting03:40
cablopjupitreas: afaik you need to install a package to manage mouses... don't remember the name, but it is in the ubuntu software center03:40
bobweavertype in mouse in the search then toch pad then enable two finger03:40
* squonk goes back to reading the whitepapers.03:40
cablopsquonk unity is built reusing gnome things, it is gtk, either, but, you'll love the classic interface, anyway03:40
Id10Tok I'm off...03:41
squonkdanke cablop. Appreciate ya!03:42
cablopsquonk: in fact, and to be sincere, i tried unity on my netbook, and tried the classic gnome, classic gnome gives me much more on that small screen that what unity gave me... my sister hates me cause because unity she has no more desktop cube anymore in same netbook xD03:42
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: Well I tried installing firmware-b43legacy-installer, but some subprocess installed postinstallation script returned error exit status 1.03:42
squonkI find gnome to be a more stable interface with this toshiba satellite03:43
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, reboot try again03:43
bobweavershout down I mean03:43
cablopsquonk then you'll love compiz on classic ubuntu too xD03:43
squonkhehe I'm fairly excited.03:43
crlcan81When I log out and log back into a session the sound driver, autodetected, won't allow access to plug&play drivers, or certain other features. Have to restart completely to restore the features.03:43
uRockwhat is the command that outputs all installed programs?03:43
squonkhonestly this laptop was good...but now... it's so stable it scares me.03:43
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: looking at the details, it shows "Not supported card here (blah blah) Use b43 firmware. This is just for the b43legacy driver. Aborting.03:43
cablopsquonk be careful, a new system has new challenges and different frustrations, be ready to face them03:44
squonkwhich means I should have come to the party a lot sooner.03:44
squonkOMG you aren't kidding took me two hours to get my video sorted.03:44
cablopsquonk haha03:44
squonkI started out with an old zenith laptop with DOS. 3.3+03:45
skypcehi , i have this error when unplug a usb external hd with a custom kernel:Kernel Panic - Not Syncing: Fatal Exception in Interrupt . can you say me what module i need enable in .config before compile kernel? thank03:45
squonkgod I just dated myself!03:45
KleviQuestion: How to i change external drive permissions to allow other users to R/W to them?03:45
Gibbyjust installed natty on my wifes dell d430 laptop, no luck on getting the wireless to work, it is a broadcom 4311, any hints?03:45
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, take your time and read it all (the link )03:45
squonkSo I'm going to take er slow. But I do have empty boxes to "play" with.03:45
cablopsquonk, in brief, i hate when linux makes me have a hard time when i need to dfo simple stuff i aleready know works with ease in windows, but, in the other hand, i feel pretty confident than when i solve a problem i know what i am doing, or at least can research, and fix instead of hack the system03:45
uRockwhat fun would it be if it were easy03:46
cablopcablop what windows does that machine came with?03:46
squonkwell by profession I am a hardware and network tech.03:46
squonkSo I have to study up the OS that I work on.03:46
squonkI'd LIKE to be proficent with linux03:47
squonkergo I am here.03:47
ameriserfubuntu is awesome03:47
squonkI love it so far03:47
uRockpermit tcp any any eq telnet03:47
w0ng#ubuntu doesnt make you proficient. makes u lazy :)03:47
squonkJust a lot of bloody reading. heh03:47
squonklol true, w0ng03:47
uRockwhat is the command which outputs all installed programs?03:47
cablopsquonk, if your windows in that toshiba is not vista or win7 you can combine them in some interesting ways03:48
squonkcrude it's win7ultimateSB03:48
squonkit's a 64 bit archy, but I'm running 3203:48
KleviQuestion: How to i change external drive permissions to allow other users to R/W to them? [2nd and final postng]03:48
uRockwhich is better, ultimate or professional?03:48
cablopwell, just one hard disk in the machine?03:48
squonkshe runs hot enough as is03:48
Logan_!ot | uRock03:49
ubottuuRock: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:49
squonkI only know Ultimate SB03:49
squonkI can't comment03:49
cablopuRock: they're the same thing, just name and way to aquire them afaik03:49
squonkI have a friend at MS?03:49
squonkAnother thing03:50
squonkNo one is gonna hassle me with a pure linux system03:50
squonkI like that it's stable03:50
squonkguys I've yet to reboot it's day three03:50
cablopok, squonk, with just one disk and taking care of booting the system with no usb attached to it you can manage to use Virtual Box to launch a real installed linux inside your windows03:50
squonkactually it's a duel boot03:51
cablopthat way you can run the ubuntu directly or virtualized, meaning you are not going to miss your linux even being in windows03:51
squonkasks me which OS I want03:51
uRockLogan_, thanks for calling me out for dropping into a conversation, which was already going03:51
qin!enter | cablop03:51
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ubottucablop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:51
squonksorry I see what you are sharing.03:51
qin!ot | cablop03:51
ubottucablop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
squonkdang that's awesome.03:51
cablopsquonk, i used to dualboot and run the real linux in vm whn i needed03:51
squonkso with xp it's possible?03:51
skypcehi , i have this error when unplug a usb external hd with a custom kernel:Kernel Panic - Not Syncing: Fatal Exception in Interrupt . can you say me what module i need enable in .config before compile kernel? thank03:52
squonkI'll do the research, cablop03:52
cablopqin iḿ telling him how to run the same ubuntu either real or virtual, iḿ talking about an ubuntu setup on an specific computer, go back and read if you doubt03:52
squonkI'm old school too.03:52
Sonjahow do i disallow other users exept admin from being able to mount or navigate my 2 other hdd media?03:52
cablopsquonk with xp is possible even having different real hard drives03:52
squonkI log my chats so your words aren't being lost.03:53
squonkI'm still tripping on all the crazy apps, cableop03:53
uRockSonja, change the top directory permissions to 700, then only you can see what is within them03:53
squonker cablop03:53
cablopmy setup was dual boot xp and ubuntu, if i needed the ubuntu while on xp then i just started the vm and accessed that linux, win7 has a problem and it is it loads disks in different order each startup making vbox loose reference of the drive ubuntu is on03:54
FlynnHI.  I'm trying to share an internet connection with windows xp wirelessly.    I think I "forced it" by editting my ad hoc connection and inputing a stsatic IP and making the gateway the IP of the LAn connection.  But i have no internet still.  I'm using a Dell desktop with Xp that's connnected directly to a belkin router.  (the router's wireless signal is too weak and making my internet slow.)  And I'm tryying to connect my gateway net-03:54
Flynnboook with ubuntu  10.10 wirelessly to my desktop and share its ethernet connection using a usb wireless adapter on the desktop.03:54
qinSonja: I think it has something to do with group plugdev03:54
cablopsquonk: my setup was dual boot xp and ubuntu, if i needed the ubuntu while on xp then i just started the vm and accessed that linux, win7 has a problem and it is it loads disks in different order each startup making vbox loose reference of the drive ubuntu is on03:54
cablopsquonk, but if you use only one disk, then, it is ok, no way to load it in disorder xD03:55
squonkon this laptop I just have the internal.03:55
squonkno option for larger, BUT03:55
cablopsquonk: disk size?03:55
squonkI was playing with the idea of erm.... ditching the stock drive and going to03:55
uRockFlynn, I think you need to configure XP to have those capabilities03:55
squonksolid state 128gig03:55
* roar waves03:56
squonkjust a thought.03:56
squonkcurrent drive 360 gig03:56
cablopsquonk well, drooling03:56
drudgehi roar03:56
squonkman they got em at Fry's for under 2 bills, cablop03:56
cablopi wanted a SSD 128 GB, but too expensive... then somebody gifted me a 320 Gb then i forgot about the SSD xD03:56
MethedMantrying to create an extended partion with gparted in ubuntu live.  extended partition is not an option.03:56
squonkahhh you were blessed03:57
squonkbut still we gotta have SUMFIN to dream about, yus?03:57
FlynnuRock I think i did it right.  It makes the ad hoc connection.  The lan connection is shared.  And I can connect to it, I just don't have internet.03:57
uRockMethedMan, how many partitions are there already?03:57
cablopbut the 320 Gb is not SSD03:57
squonknor is mine03:57
squonkI believe is SATA03:57
cablopanyway my netbook with that disk is running like a desktop computer with ubuntu xD03:57
uRockFlynn, that has to be configured on XP for it to work as a router03:57
squonksee that is what I'm lovin03:57
squonkthis toshiba was one of their top end, with all the bells and stuff03:58
uRockFlynn, I know that is made easy in W7, but not sure about XP03:58
MethedManuRock: less than 403:58
cablopsquonk i am running ubuntu using full disk encryption, except for the boot partition, and performance is still nice03:58
squonkubuntu found and with a lil config uses ALL the toys!03:58
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: meh, I seem to be going backwards.  Now the wireless option has vanished from the network indicator.03:58
squonkI lucked out.03:58
FlynnuRock, What has to be configured?03:58
squonkyou guys have to mount, research drivers, compile.03:58
bobweaveris your dmesg error gone ?03:59
squonkI haven't learned that yet.03:59
cablopsquonk one step at a time03:59
michael_anyone on03:59
squonkaye, cablop03:59
yuvatejawhat is the command for creating passwd for super user03:59
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, is the dmesg error gone is rfkill list all     anything blocked03:59
cablopi suggest you to use virtualbox and test test test ubuntu things until you get it03:59
uRockFlynn, there needs to be an app on XP that allows it to work like a router to switch packets from one NIC to the other03:59
mneorrhi, I have one quick question: I've installed a SSD (x25m) and before that I've alligned the partitions using the older boot.03:59
mneorrby default it was 255 H/ 63 S04:00
squonkvirtualbox like a programmer's sandbox, correct?:04:00
qinyuvateja: You should avoid doing so.04:00
darkstarbyteWill Ubuntu ever use i686?04:00
FlynnuRock ok, I hope such a thing exists.04:00
cablopsquonk virtualBox creates you a virtual computer inside your operative system, you can run another operative system inside it04:00
mneorrand I think I've changed it to 32/ 32 . After installing Ubuntu I see in fdisk again 255/63. Is that possible?04:00
squonkbasically a virt machine that you can treat like the real deal, however if you crash it... you lose nothing.04:00
* squonk grins04:01
yuvatejaqin: i want do nmap commands on super user04:01
qinyuvateja: sudo nmap04:01
squonkI'm currently wanting to tweak wireless access04:01
cablopsquonk, well, playing hard with virtualbox you can use real disks instead virtual ones, xD so, don't break those ones, but by defasult you use virtual disks04:01
michael_whats up with google04:02
squonkfor when I travel, you understand.04:02
uRockFlynn, something like this maybe? http://www.homenethelp.com/ics/ics-install-netxp.asp04:02
qinyuvateja: or, sudo -i (to open root shell)04:02
yuvatejaqin : i want to create passwd for super user04:02
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: the dmesg doesn't seem to do anything now.04:02
squonkokay I can make ubuntu create a virtual system04:02
uRockmichael_, what's you question?04:02
qinyuvateja: It is not supported here.04:02
squonkallowing me to "experiment"04:02
Cajun_Lan_Manits like the wifi card is gone now04:02
michael_never mind04:02
michael_im out04:02
squonkoh that happened with my kubuntu install04:02
cablopsquonk dunno how vbox do network bridges... but i use a winxp inside a vbox, on top on that ubuntu on that netbook... when i turn on the wireless... i got registered both systems in the WLAN xD, like connectiong two computers but just one WLAN just one WLAN login04:03
squonkno clue, Cajun I just reinstalled.04:03
squonkooo sweet!04:03
yuvatejaqin: anybody who knows normal user password can acess the super user.04:03
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, what about rfkill list all04:03
Cajun_Lan_Manit only shows bluetooth04:04
squonkoh that's sic04:04
squonk*imagines the possibilities.04:04
cablopyuvateja: very very old school, willing to run root directly?04:04
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:04
sosaitedWhen I try to run firefox 4 from the extracted tarball on 10.10, I get "./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"04:04
qinyuvateja: Nope, only sudoers can elevate to root.04:04
SonjauRock: chmod 700 Folder/ ?04:04
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uRockSonja, that looks correct04:04
bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, go back to the therad and post lsmod and dmesg04:04
cablopyuvateja: not recommended on debian ubuntu, because sudo protects you, but if you know what you are doing...04:05
xangua!fx4 | sosaited04:05
ubottusosaited: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox04:05
cablopyuvateja: `sudo -i` will start for you a root shell, then type password there and you are done04:05
uRockSonja, you may have to chown it if you haven't already04:05
Cajun_Lan_Manbobweaver: Thanks for taking the time.04:05
cablopyuvateja: sorry is passwd not password04:05
dulidoes ubuntu work in a mac mini?04:06
chunderChromium is better anyway04:06
uRockduli, it should04:06
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bobweaverCajun_Lan_Man, been there got a d610 sitting next to me also04:06
uRockduli, run the liveCD/USB and see how it works04:06
sosaitedxangua, I don't want to upgrade my 3.6 yet. The ppa method upgrades that AFAIK04:06
darkstarbyteWill Ubuntu ever use i686?04:06
cablopduli yup, test with a live CD|usb04:06
Cajun_Lan_Manwell I have a newer D520 (using it now) and it's doing fine.  Just wanting to breathe some new life into the D60004:07
duliyes, ok, but I don't have the computer yet to test… tks anyway!04:07
MrWadeI really had to barge in here like this I know its extremely rude so I'm going to apologize in advance, but is there anyone in here thats pretty skilled with PHP?04:08
duliMrWade: why not go to #php?04:08
cablopMrWade: not a PHP guru, maybe you can find them in the php channel04:08
MrWadeIt's invite only...04:09
Sonjasudo chown -R myname Folder_name/04:09
cablopnope, afaik04:09
Sonjalike that?04:09
xangua!register | MrWade04:09
ubottuMrWade: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:09
cablopMrWade: right... dunno when thay did that,04:09
cablopMrWade: go ##php instead04:10
cablopxangua iḿ registered and got same restriction, pretty weird04:10
MrWadethank you04:10
=== cool is now known as c00l
sosaitedCan anyone tell how to run Firefox 4 alongwith 3.6 on Ubuntu 10.10? When I try to run firefox 4 from the extracted tarball on 10.10, I get "./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"04:13
Barnabassosaited, the firefox version you extracted reference a shared object (dll in windows) that do not exist04:14
cablopsosaited be sure you are running the firefox of that folder04:15
Barnabassosaited, try to set your LD_Library_path to fit04:15
cablopsosaite you can also try adding this param,eter --no-remote when launching it04:15
sosaitedcablop, I am running from that folder.04:16
sosaitedBarnabas, Where can I set that ? :s04:16
cablopcheck you are using ./firefox inetad of just firefox, also04:16
dustin_is there a direct line to developers where I can make a comment that might get read by someone who can make a real change in the 11.04 installer?04:16
cablopbut afaik you don't need to set anything else if you donwloaded a ready to use tarball04:17
szaldustin_: file a bug or comment on an existing one04:17
Barnabasexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:<path>04:17
Barnabasto add to your linker path04:17
sosaitedcablop, I am using "./firefox-bin" . "./firefox" alone opens the older already installed 3.6 I have04:17
apersonhow to select fastest apt mirror via terminal?04:17
dustin_szal, I dont think its a bug its a feature deletion04:18
sosaitedBarnabas, There is one /usr/lib/xulrunner- and one in 3.6 directory04:18
dustin_szal, as in they removed  a feature i use when installing04:18
cablopsosaited then run it ./firefox --no-remote -P and create a new profile then relaunch it this way ./firefox --no-remote -P new_profile_name04:20
szalsosaited: why use 2 versions anyway?  you could get the Mozilla PPA & install FF4 from apt04:20
cablopsosaite and if that even keeps failing try the whole command `./firefox --no-remote -P new_profile_name -a new_profile_name`04:21
cablopszal, i was doing that here, due to some addons not ready for ff4, then i run ff4 and swiftfox 3.6 using different profiles04:21
cablopaperson you need to edit sources.list then update again04:23
sosaitedszal, I want to try it out a bit before I upgrade04:23
dustin_has anyone here had any luck with esata style hard drive docks?04:23
Sonjacan i chown and chmod 700 a folder in ntfs?04:23
cablopsosaited, then use the command i told you, but you are going to need a different profile, you don't want to mess your current one04:23
apersoncablop➽ I know how to do that, I said I wanted to find the fastest server04:24
herpso I've set up a vpn tunnel that works with http, ctcp, ping and all... but I can't connect to it via ssh once it's connected.  any ideas on how I can remedy this?04:24
herpand by connect to it, I mean by internal lan04:24
rumpel_aperson, as far as i know, synaptic has this feature04:24
sosaitedcablop, Yeah now it ran FF4. Thanks a lot.  Maybe it was messing up because I already had 3.6 open04:24
apersonrumpel_➽ and I'll repeat what I said, I want to find the fastest server via a console04:25
apersonfor my system that has neither synaptic nor a gui04:25
cablopsosaited, yup, that was, and i suggest you to make a custom ssh, you dfon't want to launch your default ff 3.6 by mistake with the ff404:25
cablopsosaited, you dfo it once, and you'll upgrade your profile making it maybe unusable for the old ff3.604:26
yuvatejaplese give nmap optons for os detection04:26
herpor maybe - someone know why i can't connect to IRC servers once the vpn tunnel is active?04:27
JuNeXhello! can i ask what is the equivalent of itunes in ubuntu 10.10?04:27
MethedManwhen installing, what is the significance of "mount point" for creating a partition?04:27
xanguaJuNeX: rythmbox, amarok, banshee and a large etc04:28
cablopherp, maybe you are setting a gateway via the vpn, and because your real gateway is one and the vpn is another you cannot reliably make a route in the network, but it is just a supposition04:28
MethedManalso, how can i assure that there is not a partition created for a "swap"04:28
cablopMethedMan: the place that partition will be placed in the whole filesystem04:28
cablopMethedMan: a swa is almost always a partition04:29
MethedMancablop: any way to disable swap from getting installed?04:29
sosaitedcablop, Whoa whoa. I don't want to do that. My precious profile is 3 years old migrated from pathetic windows days man . I have to do what?04:29
MethedMancablop: if i want to reserve say 25gb for the OS on one partition and 150 gb on another partition for everything else, what would be the best way to go about doing that04:30
cablopMethedMan: dunno why yu don't want a swap, but you can manually partition the disk so don't make one04:30
MethedManswap slows down the system and i have enough ram that swap is never actually needed04:30
derpMethedMan, Ubuntu uses swap for hibernation.04:30
MethedManderp: good call04:31
JuNeXxangua, a very large thank you! :D04:31
cablopMethedMan: swap barely slow down my netbook, and i have few ram on it... anyway you'll need a swap partition to be able to hibernate04:31
rumpel_MethedMan, it doesnt slow down your system, except it has to be used04:31
derpI have a monster amount of ram (16gb), i doN,t mind swap space04:31
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orugasamwhat is cif single chip for webcam?04:32
MethedManis it a good idea to have the OS on one partition and everything else from the /home directory on another?04:32
tacomasteri am trying to make a c++ program and that used some bash commands in it i have to use #include <stdlib.h> right?04:32
rumpel_MethedMan, absolutely04:32
cablopanyway MethedMan what i do is the following, i make a boot partition, then a swap partition, 2x or 2.x size of ram, as i said to be able to hibernate, then 25 GB partition for system, then the rest for something called /data04:33
cablopMethedMan: then i log as root, and move /home inside it, and you can either mount with a bind or symlink the /data/home to the /home04:33
MethedMancablop: so how should i install?  should i customize or go with default to start?04:34
cablopMethedMan: i also use to move the /var/www inside that other partition, and also move mysql databases, postgresql databases and so on04:34
MrGizmo757i have a question.  i have the Xine and vlc plug ins installed in firefox. but when i click a video Link for a wmv or a quick time movie. it wont play on the webpage. i have to right click and tell it to open in New tab for it to work.  is that Normal? if Not is it easy to correct?04:34
rumpel_MethedMan, customize it, if you feel confident enough04:35
cablopMethedMan: i always do manual partition, and i use minimum those 4 partitions i told you04:35
kubu2tacomaster: why bash?04:35
cablopMethedMan: how many ram do you have?04:35
MethedMan8gb seems large for swap04:35
cablopMethedMan, do you sleep or hibernate the machine?04:35
afeijo"This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU." what that means? I have to use ubuntu 32 bits?04:36
cablopthen you need the swap04:36
cablop5 GB or 6 GB should be fine04:36
cablopfor the swap04:36
bastidrazorafeijo: that is exactly what it means.04:36
MethedMancablop: how would you recommend organizing the partition?04:37
tacomasterkubu2: to be honest im just messing around with c++ code who knows maybe ill make something worth messing with :P04:37
nit-witanother upgrade from mav to unity squeaky clean, it does happen;)04:37
afeijobastidrazor, I have a brand new dell server, how can that not be 64bits?04:37
erfgvthbynjurgikWhere can i report a ubuntu bug?04:37
UnknownDCC SEND omgflamingbbqsteakswithpwnsauce!?04:37
cablopMethedMan: give me some seconds i'll type it all04:37
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:37
MethedMancablop: awesome04:38
TekJess?DCC SEND "trolololololololololololololololol" 0 0 004:38
afeijouname -a tells me that my server is running in 64 bits, so how cant I install a vbox desktop 64 bits?04:38
PirschHi all. If I transfer a video from Ubuntu to my TV or to my mp4 player, the video doesn't play. If I do it from Windows it works fine. In PCLINUX there's an app you can install called 'task-multimedia' which solves the problem. Does Ubuntu have something similar or the same?04:38
herp:/  once I start my vpn connection - I can no longer ssh to that box from my internal lan. Any ideas on how I can remedy this?04:39
cablopMethedMan: suggestion is: 1st partition primary /boot 100~250MB; 2nd partition primary swap 5~6GB; 3rd partition primary / 25 GB; 4th partition extended, 5th partition logic /whatevernameyouwantforit 150GB (or so)04:39
ackt1cherp add exceptions04:39
ackt1cdynamic exceptions04:40
herpackt1c: to what?04:40
ackt1ci forget unix04:40
ackt1coutgoing ip dynamic exceptions04:40
ackt1clook it up04:40
ackt1cthat will help you ssl telnet04:40
ackt1cdon't stress over it though04:40
ackt1cits small fries04:40
sosaitedcablop, Can you please tell what exactly you suggested I should do so I don't lose my 3.6 profile :)04:40
xanguaPirsch: if is not in repository, get the sources an done04:41
cablopMethedMan: reasons, boot placed at beginning of the disk, meaning no problems to boot it on any board, because bios can reach it, swap the closest possible to beginning of disk, according to my OS teacher at university this is the fastest part of a mechanical hard drive, and last partition in an extended... make things easy if you need to resizze move them04:41
Pirschxangua: sorry, I don't quite understand. I've installed and updated through medibuntu and installed ffmpeg.04:42
erfgvthbynjurgikWhere can i report a ubuntu bug?04:42
nit-witerfgvthbynjurgik, join launchpad I think04:42
bastidrazor!bug | erfgvthbynjurgik04:43
ubottuerfgvthbynjurgik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:43
pyfontried dozens of solutions, still can't get wireless to connect after selecting my wifi connection on EEE PC 1001P on Ubuntu 10.1004:43
pyfonany help?04:43
cablopsosaited ok... mmm first backup it xD, then create a custom .sh file that launch that firefox 4 using explicitly the other profile, put the lnes i gave you inside it for that remember the --no-remote, that is needed to start a firefoz not related to the running one, the -P profile name to tell  it what profile to run... and -a profile it's an obscure parameter, afaik it makes linux believe...04:44
cablop...you are runnig a firefox identified as profile not as firefox... but it's reliability is somehow... well... it seems to work nice on ff3.x but seems useless in ff404:44
hellocHi, I have a domain registred at Gandi.net, is it possible to configure this domain to use it for xmpp ? thank you04:44
herpackt1c: yea nothing much really came up.  I'm not sure you got what i was looking for either.04:44
afeijobastidrazor, maybe I need to enable something, like the VT, into my vbox?04:45
herpackt1c: lets say I have BOX1 with an active vpn connection via pptp.  i want to ssh from box2 to box1 via my internal LAN to *use* that active VPN connection04:45
MethedMancablop: is there something i am missing in ubuntu?  it will not let me customize the partition at all.04:45
bastidrazorafeijo: what does uname -m output?04:45
afeijobastidrazor, x86_6404:46
nit-witMethedMan, do you have th swap off04:46
MethedMancablop: i went to "new partition table" and am trying to "add" and nothing is happening04:46
cablopMethedMan dunno, if you selected ubuntu to do it for you, then it is doing for you, go one step back and select manual partition04:46
cablopah, ok04:46
froeshi has anyone used congruity for logitech harmony  remote control?04:47
tntcafeijo: oh, I bet you don't have the virtualization support enabled04:47
tntcafeijo: what brand of CPU is it?04:47
cablopit could be, it happened to me, that i was not selecting the right row in the gui before saying create a new partition04:47
=== michael is now known as Guest11585
afeijotntc, intel04:47
hellocHi, I have a domain registred at Gandi.net, is it possible to configure this domain to use it for xmpp ?04:47
froesi still get that it is not possible to find devce04:47
orugasamsombody knows how make work a kolke cam with 6 leds and microphone in ubuntu 10.1004:47
cablopit could be, it happened to me, that i was not selecting the right row in the gui before saying create a new partition MethedMan04:47
tntcafeijo: I think if you open /proc/cpuinfo, it'll tell you what extentions the processor has04:48
tntcafeijo: I think VT is the one you're looking for04:48
afeijohey IOAPIC is off in my vbox! I need that on right?04:48
=== herp is now known as hextasy
cablopafeijo, not really04:48
tntcafeijo: I dunno. VBox usually tells you what you need for 64-bit, so maybe?04:48
tntccablop: I thought it was required for SMP or 64-bit or something04:49
tntcafeijo: the extention you're looking for is "vmx" btw04:49
michael_hope i keep my name04:49
cablopafeijo, tntc afaik the necessary think is to expose the pae to the guest04:49
MethedMancablop: what is the point of the 4th and 5th partitions that you specified?04:49
tntcafeijo: It'll be in the "flags" section04:50
afeijovmx and pae presents in flag section04:50
tntccablop: if it's 64-bit, you don't need PAE04:50
cablop5th partition is a logical insside the extended 4th partition,  just ease of future maintenance of the disk04:50
afeijoPAE is on, APIC is on, still error when I try to install ubuntu desktop x64 :(04:50
cabloptntc you need to enable it on the VM to make the gust 64bits runs well04:50
tntcafeijo: can you reboot the box? It might still be disabled in the Bios04:50
Sylviehi, my ATI HD 5500 is heating up at 81oC and the computer is idle... what's up with that? I followed the Natty guideline and just installed the most recent ATI drivers (11.5) from ATI's web page, but the fan is running and the card ever heating04:50
afeijotntc, only tomorrow morning I could do that04:50
nit-witno hellos ask the question kids.;)04:51
tntcafeijo: bummer. I dunno how to check if it's enabled in the BIOS without a reboot either :/04:51
pyfontried dozens of solutions, still can't get wireless to connect after selecting my wifi connection on EEE PC 1001P on Ubuntu 10.10, any help?04:51
MethedMancablop: should the swap be logical or primary?04:51
afeijoI'll try again tomorrow or just install the 32 bits one04:52
SylvieMethedMan, it doesn't make any difference04:52
cablopafeijo there's an option that says it exposes the memory or processor allocation of the host to the guest, dunno remember the exact words, you need to enable them in order to make 64 bit oses run inside the vm04:52
gerardo_long while without connecting to IRC!04:52
nit-witnebket, do you have a problem?04:52
Steristshould swap partitions be aligned to MiB or none?04:52
nit-witSterist, none is okay04:53
cablopMethedMan: do you know the difference between primary and logical, right? in brief the first three are all logical04:53
nebketjudging by your name nit-wit, um...04:53
nebketyes, is it possible to log into a windows terminal session inside firefox?04:53
nit-witnebket, juding by your lack of being able to make a full sentence mmmmmm.;)04:53
nebket(just curious)04:53
Sylvieanyone know how to set the video card power mode to "low" for an ATI Mobility Radeon HD on natty??04:53
cablopMethedMan: in the partition table i suggested you, swap is primary04:53
SylvieI'm just trying to lower my video card's temperature :(04:54
tntcSylvie: are you using fglrx or the Radeon driver?04:54
nebketI already know how to log in another way with remote desktop but I was wondering of firefox will work04:54
Sylvietntc, the Radeon driver (the official xserver-* + the driver from ATI's website04:54
cablopnebket you are just shortenning things or talking about something so obscure... what are tyou trying to do?04:54
MethedMancablop: the first three are primary i thought.04:54
cablopMethedMan: right04:55
MethedManhow is performance affected if a partition is primary or logical cablop04:55
nebketI am not being obscure. like the big cheese said "Penguins are always curious, so is linux"04:55
cablopMethedMan: physical drives just allow 4 partitions, but thereś a trick, an extended partition is a partition able to hold many other partitions, the downside is no logical partition is bootable04:55
nebketahem, anyways04:56
cablopMethedMan: no performance problem, it is just how you can find the partition04:56
Jordan_USterist: I would expect that alignment of swap partitions would be even more important than with normal filesystems.04:56
cablopMethedMan: logical partitions cannot be bootable, because old bios cannot go beyond the first 4 partitions04:56
Sylvietntc, ...04:56
nebketexcuse m...04:56
nebketi was won..........04:57
MethedMani do not see an option for making an extended partion cablop04:57
tntcSylvie: the AMD Catalyst display driver, downloaded directly from AMD.com?04:57
nebketseriously mate, yuk, methedman, ew04:57
cablopMethed then create the last as logical and ubuntu will make the extended for you04:57
Sylvietntc, hmm... yes :)04:57
cablopMethedMan: then create the last as logical and ubuntu will make the extended for you04:57
nebketchange your nickname04:57
rwwnebket: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter.04:57
MethedMannebket: why?04:58
Steristjordan_u WWJD ? (-_o)04:58
nebketits stupid04:58
cablopnebket: try reformulating the sentence, this is what i wanted to mean, i didn't understand your issue, because your sentence seemed too confude for me04:58
nebketanyway, sorry rww that I went offtopic04:58
Jordan_USterist: ?04:58
Steristjordan_u what would you do?04:58
nebketbut I was wanting to know if it is possible to have a remote session on a windows server using firefox04:59
pyfontried dozens of solutions, still can't get wireless to connect after selecting my wifi connection on EEE PC 1001P on Ubuntu 10.10, wifi icon just keeps searching, any help?04:59
MethedMannebket: great reason.  do you what it means?04:59
Jordan_USterist: I would align to 1 MiB.04:59
nebket(windows server 2003, R2)04:59
rwwnebket: go ask the ##windows folks; whether they have web browser-based terminal services is not something we'd know.04:59
tntcSylvie: I'm not sure, but I think you have to enable it on the ATI control panel04:59
MethedMancablop: i think i want there to be 150gb dedicated to /home04:59
cablopnebket use putty instead if what tyou just need is a terminal05:00
MethedMancablop: should i make this logical partion mount at /home ?05:00
cablopnebket i don't get the part involving firefox there05:00
Steristjordan_u you mean 1mb before, 1mb after, and set align to mb?05:00
tntcpyfon: what kind of wireless card?05:00
MethedMannebket: do you *know what it means?05:00
Sylvietntc, where is that? I don't have the ATI Catalyst control panel anywhere.... even though I installed the driver... the commanded ended with a bunch of lines :)05:00
Jordan_USterist: Align to 1 MiB.05:00
pyfontntc: Athereos05:00
nebkethow old are you?05:00
cablopMethedMan you can, but you then have to leave some things like /var/www or databases in the root system, but if that'sok it is the simpliest way to do what you want05:01
rwwnebket: again, #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter please.05:01
tntcSylvie: hrm... I'm not sure about that one. Is there a version of FGLRX in the offical 11.04 repos yet?05:01
rwwtntc: fglrx has been in Ubuntu's repositories for years.05:01
Jordan_USterist: How much space you have before and after only matters in so much as you end up with 1 MiB alignment for the start.05:01
nebketfine, i'll p*** off then05:01
pyfontntc: AR8132 Fast Ethernet to be exact05:01
tntcrww: yeah, but has it WORKED?05:01
Sylvietntc, I think so, yes05:01
tntcpyfon: that's a wired nic, isn't it?05:02
MethedMancablop: so should i make another logical partition with say 10gb for /var/www ?05:02
tntcpyfon: did you find that with lspci?05:02
Sylvieshould I use fglrx instead of the official amd driver?05:02
pyfontntc: woops, wrong copy-paste, it's a AR2427 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)05:02
tntcSylvie: fglrx supposedly /is/ the official amd driver, just packaged for Ubuntu, so I'd say yeah05:02
cablopMethedMan: but only if you concern a lot about running a web server in your computer, same for the databases, if not, then just ggo ahead with the /home one05:02
rwwtntc: about as well as fglrx usually does.05:03
Sylvietntc, the natty release said that AMD didn't release their driver soon enough and it couldn't be packaged for Natty (unity) on time, so they recommanded using the AMD.com official driver... i'm confused05:03
Steristjordan_u could you PM me what's in your /etc/fstab?05:04
tntcSylvie: see, that's what I was afraid of.05:04
MethedMancablop: i do some basic web hosting.  where are mysql databases located?05:04
Steristjordan_u there's an error in mine that didnt clear earlier05:05
tntcSylvie: what does "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i fglrx"  return?05:05
Jordan_USterist: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608179/05:05
tntcpyfon: are there any error messages in dmesg or anything like that?05:05
q0_0pcan anyone help with 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)05:06
tntcpyfon: and does your network use WPA2?05:06
MethedMani ran the "find" command and see it in /var, /usr, and /etc05:06
pyfontntc: yes with WPA205:06
pyfontntc: I mean yes to your WPA2 question05:06
Sylvietntc, ... interesting... : [    15.260] (II) LoadModule: "fglrx" \n [    15.274] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fglrx05:06
Sylvietntc, I'll reboot now and see if it solves anything (installed fglrx)05:06
tntcpyfon: there appears to be an open bug about that. Supposedly a fix has been released. But you might have to upgrade to 11.04 for it05:07
tntcSylvie: before you do05:07
cablopMethedMan: well... to move mysql to another partition is somehow complicated05:07
Sylvietntc, ?05:07
tntcSylvie: do the same thing, except change fglrx to radeon05:07
Steristjordan_u seems yours has the mention of an error too.... seems that's more along the lines of "error handling" than an actual error05:07
Sylvietntc, there's a lot of lines :)05:07
tntcSylvie: can you pastebin them?05:07
Sylvietntc, hmm.. sure05:08
pyfontntc: I upgraded to 11.04 and same thing happens, also I had wifi working in 10.10 before upgrading to 11.04, but went back to 10.10 now nothing05:08
tntcpyfon: very odd...05:08
MethedMancablop: i am not currently doing any work with mysql but will be learning it in a class in the fall05:08
Steristjordan_u my swap partition keeps going bad after a reboot... stays good on hibernate / resume but reboot kills it05:08
Sylvietntc, http://pastie.org/190810405:08
cablopMethedMan: i think then make the /home partition a little smaller then reserve some space to other things in the future05:09
pyfontntc: am I doomed? not sure how to trouble shoot this any further05:09
=== Toph is now known as Guest5970
nit-witpyfon, have you plugged the puter05:10
MethedMancablop: so i should leave free space?  will this automatically be partitioned as primary/extended05:10
pyfonnit-wit: plugged the puter?05:11
cablopyou can partition that later or extend home05:11
nit-witpyfon ethernet05:11
pyfonnit-wit: I'm connected to ethernet now05:11
cablopMethedMan: for flexible partitioning LVM will be nice, but if your new to linux, this ould be asking you to swim in unknown waters, so just leave that not partitioned, it is not going to harm05:11
tntcpyfon: I wouldn't say you're doomed05:11
Sylvietntc, ... so? what does it say?05:12
tntcpyfon: one thing to try would be dropping to wep or open network, just to see if it works05:12
nit-witpyfon, col05:12
tntcSylvie: your fan is cranking like crazy because you're using the open source "radeon" driver rather than the closed-source fglrx driver05:12
tntcand the open source radeon driver doesn't have power managment yet.05:12
nit-witpyfon, you can have wicd without removing the ubuntu network manager05:13
tntcThus your GPU is running full tilt, and your lap is probably on fire.05:13
Sylvietntc, ok... what do I need to do to fix this?05:13
tntcSylvie: well, the driver you downloaded /should have/ fixed it. So I'd try rebooting, to see if fglrx works now05:13
FlynnHi, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on a net-book.  I would like to share the internet connection my desktop has with my net-book.  I've been pouring over countless websites and have found no configuration for my ad hoc network on the Ubuntu side where the Ubuntu computer isn't the one with the ethernet connection.  Basically, how do I edit my connection so that Ubuntu  gets internet from the wifi connection its connected to.05:13
tntcif not, we'll troubleshoot the driver issue05:13
tntcSylvie: as in , the issue installing it05:13
Sylvietntc, do I need to remove any package to make *sure* fglrx is used?05:14
tntcSylvie: I don't /think/ so, but I can't say for sure. Who knows how finnicky the fglrx driver is?05:14
Sylvietntc, alright, testing now05:14
cablopMethedMan: i have to go05:14
tntcSylvie: are you on a different computer?05:15
Sylvietntc, no :) brb05:15
tntcpyfon: did you try with no wep?05:15
tntcSylvie: Good luck!05:15
Jordan_UFlynn: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/05:15
MethedMancablop: thanks for your help.  anything else i should know in the meantime?05:15
tntcpyfon: with no WPA2, rather?05:15
Jordan_UFlynn: Or maybe I misunderstand. What OS is running on the Desktop?05:16
cablopMethedMan: but if you made the latest partition logical, you'll have no rpoblem to add another logical partition in the future...05:16
MethedMancablop: thank you05:16
cablopMethedMan: no, ubuntu installation will care of the rest from that point, maybe asking you a few things05:16
FlynnJordan_U:  XP05:17
pyfontntc: I'm about changing it to wep then going to try05:17
Jordan_UFlynn: No idea then. It's something that I would expect should be properly configured on the side of the machine doing the sharing. Try asking in ##windows.05:17
tntcpyfon: if it works with WEP, try WPA1. If it works with that, leave it at WPA1, because WEP is easy to crack.05:18
Sylvietntc, the good news is that the video is fine, the bad news is that it's still hot :(05:18
tntcSylvie: do the same "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" but this time paste the whole thing.05:18
tntcSylvie: To pastebin! Not to channel! XD05:19
tntcSylvie: I figure that's obvious, but I want to be safe.05:19
FlynnJordan_U  I can connect to my ad hoc network fine.  I just don't have internet with that.  It seems (for once) windows is doing it's job.05:19
MethedMani encrypted my "home" drive and am having trouble accessing it from another ubuntu install.05:19
Sylvietntc, of course :P05:19
RealOpanyone kow if nvidia HDMI sound is working in pulseaudio on natty?05:19
MethedMannot sure how to login in and decrypt it05:19
Id10Tdoes anyone know how to clone ubuntu after it has been customized?05:20
Jordan_UFlynn: Windows needs to route packets to the interent, and advertise itself as a default gateway via DHCP.05:20
FlynnJordan_U what method should I put for IPv4 settings?05:21
tntcId10T: Clonezilla does a decent job, thought I think for unix-like drives it does a direct disk to disk image05:21
Sylvietntc, http://pastie.org/190814605:21
Id10Ttntc, thanks a million05:21
Sylvietntc, looks like fglrx is still not loaded05:21
tntcSylvie: yup. fglrx is still not properly installed. Try the installer from AMD.com one more time and see what the errors are05:21
pyfontntc: didn't fix the issue05:21
Sylvietntc, k05:22
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tntcId10T: you're quite welcome :)05:22
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tntcpyfon: I actually swore out loud when I read that :/05:22
selig5  +.05:22
Jordan_UMethedMan: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html05:23
pyfontntc: I've been swearing outloud ever 5min with this issue05:23
tntcpyfon: I bet. I feel your pain. I had the same stuff with a broadcom card. But I have something for you to try! Use wicd instead of network-manager and see if it works.05:23
pyfontntc: currently installing wicd, hope this works05:24
Sylvietntc, http://pastie.org/190815405:24
ubuntuQ Hi guys05:25
ubuntuQI have a problem with networking05:25
tntcpyfon: is there anything in dmesg?05:25
tntcpyfon: related to wifi?05:25
ubuntuQI can't get it to start basically05:25
Sylvietntc, was it installed or was there an error? I find the message not too clear05:26
tntcSylvie: there was an error. It looks like glibc caught something05:26
pyfontntc: it just says "ndiswrapper (mp_reset:64): wlan0 is being reset" over and over again05:26
Peddymy /etc/grub.d is empty, what package should I reinstall to repopulate it?05:27
djr013ubuntuQ: What type of connection are you trying to establish?05:27
austinbvwhere are the settings for the new dock/launchbar hidden?05:27
Sylvietntc, alright, I'll try one last thing and hope it will resolve the issue :) bbiaw05:27
ubuntuQdjr013: so basically, I run /etc/init.d/netwoking start and it says Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start networking networking stop/waiting05:28
tntcSylvie: do you have ia32-libs installed?05:28
tntcpyfon: NDISWRAPPER?! That's not right...05:28
tntcpyfon: that card is supported by ath9k, I thought...05:28
Jordan_UPeddy: grub-pc05:28
ubuntuQSo it's a wired connection, wicd says I'm connected, but can't browse or ping anything05:29
pyfontntc: so what do I need to do?05:29
Sylvietntc, don't think so05:29
tntcSylvie: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Natty_Installation_Guide05:29
ubuntuQPlus, my card is named eth205:29
Peddythanks Jordan_U, dpkg search wasn't working for some reason.05:29
tntcSylvie: check that bit out. there are some packages you need to install.05:29
KM0201ubuntuQ: are you hooked to a router?... does your router show you connected in the manage section?05:29
tntcpyfon: well, try this: lsmod | grep ndiswrapper05:29
tntcpyfon: that should tell you if the ndiswrapper module is loaded05:30
ubuntuQKM0201: oh yes, I totally have perfect connection05:30
Jordan_UPeddy: dpkg -S only searches packages you already have installed. apt-files search is for packages you don't already have installed.05:30
ubuntuQanother computer works perfectly05:30
pyfontntc: I get "ndiswrapper           184207  0 "05:30
KM0201ubuntuQ: can you ping the other machine on the network?05:30
tntcpyfon: "sudo rmmod ndiswrapper" should remove it05:30
tntcpyfon: then "sudo modprobe ath9k" should install the right driver.05:31
PeddyJordan_U, ah, that explains it. Thanks!05:31
Jordan_UPeddy: You're welcome.05:31
Sylvietntc, I was on the right track (I uninstalled xserver-ati-* :))05:31
tntcSylvie: you shouldn't /have/ to do that, IIRC05:31
pyfontntc: ran both those commands, nothing ouputed, is that expected?05:32
tntcSylvie: but the important bit is the prerequisite packages05:32
tntcpyfon: yes.05:32
megalinuxdon't understand yours05:32
tntctry your wireless now05:32
Sylvietntc, well, yes, I'll just run these commands (less wget since I already have that 76MB file)05:32
tntcSylvie: k!05:32
tntcpyfon: also, see if iwconfig says anything05:32
megalinuxi from brazil05:32
ubuntuQKM0201: I'm running it basically in a vm, but can't ping the router nor the host05:32
tntcpyfon: "iwconfig" in a console should show up with wlan0 or something05:33
ubuntuQbut other linux vm's with the same configuration work perfectly05:33
megalinuxhelṕ me05:33
KM0201ubuntuQ: you're running it "basically in a vm" or you're running it "in a vm"..05:33
ubuntuQin a vm05:33
ubuntuQit's a full installation05:34
megalinuxpeople help my system not open05:34
tntchuh. what's the thing for sending someone to brazil support?05:34
megalinuxyes from brazil05:34
KM0201ubuntuQ: if you can't ping the router nor the host, then there's something going on w/ your vm set up... what virtual software are you using?05:35
pyfontntc: "lo        no wireless extensions. eth0      no wireless extensions." with iwconfig05:35
tntcmegalinux: #ubuntu-br I think!05:35
ubuntuQKM0201: vmware05:35
Jordan_U!br | megalinux05:35
ubottumegalinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:35
tntcJordan_U: thanks! :)05:35
Jordan_Utntc: You're welcome :)05:35
KM0201ubuntuQ: i don't have any experience w/ vmware, but you need to go through the network settings on vmware... thats the only logical explanation05:35
thegoodcushionGood afternoon, Ubuntu people05:35
tntcpyfon: so it didn't detect the driver...05:35
alastair_I'm backing up an old hard drive and copying about 300GB of files. It had about 50GB left when I got a kernel panic and now I want to resume the copying. Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu? (A don't copy if file already exists but copy all files that don't already exist argument?)05:35
ubuntuQKM0201: it's using same configuration as the every other vm, but it doesn't work05:36
tntcor rather, the driver didn't detect the card. But it should for that model! Weird.05:36
pyfontntc: also no connections are showing up anymore in wcid, when they were before i removed ndiswarpper05:36
tntcpyfon: well, if you're using NDISWrapper for that card, you need the windows driver to plug into NDISWrapper05:36
ubuntuQbut if there's an easy way to change the upstart script to use eth2 instead of whatever default name it has to start networking or change eth2 to the name upstart uses05:36
tntcmegalinux: "/join #ubuntu-br"05:37
bsajsbHi, I have a problem with graphics drivers. Ubuntu leaves artifacts on screen. I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and got this problem. Help ?05:37
thegoodcushionreinstall graphics drivers05:37
thegoodcushionbsajsb: have you done that05:37
megalinux"/join #ubuntu-br"05:37
tntcmegalinux: no quotes. no "05:37
bsajsbthegoodcushion, how do I do that ?05:37
thegoodcushionbsajsb: what graphics card do you have?05:38
pyfontntc: I guess thats what I had a few minutes ago, because i was at least able to pick up networks05:38
megalinuxtntc não consigo05:38
bsajsbthegoodcushion, Radeon Mobility X140005:38
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thegoodcushionDoes anyone know what the command is?  For nvidia it's sudo apt-get install nvidia-current05:39
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megalinuxapt-get install ? como faço05:39
alastair_I'm backing up an old hard drive and copying about 300GB of files. It had about 50GB left when I got a kernel panic and now I want to resume the copying. Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu? (A don't copy if file already exists but copy all files that don't already exist argument?)05:39
thegoodcushionbsajsb: sudo apt-get install fglrx05:41
bsajsbthegoodcushion, Thats I shall try that.05:41
tntcpyfon: ok. try rmmod ath9k and then modprobe ndiswrapper05:42
bsajsbthegoodcushion, *thanks :)05:42
thegoodcushionbsajsb: then type sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle  to get the Catalyst Control Center, if you want that05:42
megalinux_how do I run my linux kernel?05:43
thegoodcushionmegalinux: you are running it05:43
pyfontntc: ERROR: Removing 'ath9k': Operation not permitted05:43
tntcpyfon: sorry, you have to "sudo rmmod ath9k"05:43
nit-witmegalinux, what do you mean05:43
nit-witmegalinux, the kernel in what circumstances?05:44
bsajsbthegoodcushion, it is being automatically installed as dependency (is that okay?)05:44
Steristif anyone in here uses xubuntu, could you please join the #xubuntu channel too :( the entire channel is away05:44
IsrafelAnyone here having issues with flash cookies not working on Ubuntu?05:44
bsajsbthegoodcushion, after installing fglrx, restart? or should it already be using the new correct graphics drivers ?05:45
tntcmegalinux_: http://ubuntu-br.org/05:45
piyushmishrais there someway to pause the script in the middle of an upgrade?05:45
SnakkahThe "Sound Recorder" application is giving me this strange output when I try to run it: Could not create the GStreamer GConf audio recording element.Please install the 'gconfelements' plug-in from the 'gst-plugins-good' module.Verify that the installation is correct by running  "gst-inspect-0.10 gconfaudiosrc" and then restart gnome-sound-recorder.05:45
nit-witIsrafel, I clear mine every session.05:45
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megalinux_shut your mouth, do not understand what he says. I'm from Brazil and I just want a help05:45
Coreymegalinux_: Please keep it civil.05:45
SnakkahWhat's going on here?05:45
tntcpyfon: I'm not too familiar with ndiswrapper...05:45
thegoodcushionbsajsb: log in again05:46
MethedMancivility please05:46
nit-witmegalinux_, who are you talking to tab a nick so we know05:46
pyfontnct: understandable, at this point I'm just not sure what to do05:46
bsajsbthegoodcushion, okay.05:46
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thegoodcushionbsajsb: actually restart just to be sure05:46
Israfelnit-wit, yeah, I deleted my folder, but now it doesn't save any of them. Every time I log in I have to reenter my hulu, google, facebook, etc info.05:46
tntcmegalinux_: Desculpe! Eu não falam Português. It is tough to translate.05:46
nit-witIsrafel, are you running in private?05:47
rwwwhich is why we have channels like #ubuntu-br and #ubuntu is English-only ;P05:47
Israfelnit-wit, What do you mean? Incognito?05:47
tntcrww: right, but he is having difficulty joining them. There is a language barrier to helping him join as well.05:47
Israfelnit-wit, Nope, and it's broken for both Firefox and Chromium05:47
Israfelnit-wit, I see the saved folders, but neither browser loads the flash cookies to restore any session after I close the browser.05:48
nit-witIsrafel, if you look in the preferences-privacy for FF is it set to remember05:49
megalinux_I speak the way they want as well ... you need nick guides that also can speak in Portuguese, you guys in our country are welcomed05:49
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Israfelnit-wit, I primarily use Chromium and it doesn't have an option for flash cookies yet. So at least it should be loading them.05:49
jmcantrellare there "applets" in unity? looking for some sort of system monitor05:49
rww!br | megalinux_05:50
ubottumegalinux_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:50
basix_hey folks. does anybody know an application similar to Mac OSX's spotlight ?05:50
nit-witIsrafel, I don't use chromium but it has a area to set cookie activities05:50
pyfontntc: just wanted to let oyu know I restarted and now i'm able to connect, no clue what fixed it lol05:50
megalinux_how do this? and where?05:51
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rwwmegalinux_: as ubottu says, type /join #ubuntu-br05:51
rwwin the same box you're currently typing messages in05:51
Israfelnit-wit, I didn't change the settings when it started doing this. All I did was delete the fodler that had the cookies. it's still saving the cookies, but not loading them.05:51
tntcpyfon: XD Awesome! does lsmod | grep ath9k return anything?05:51
HarrowedAUWould someone mind asking the bot about Firefox 4 PPA? I can't recall command05:51
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox05:51
tntcpyfon: also check for ndiswrapper again05:51
HarrowedAUThanks rww05:52
rwwhrm, doesn't Ubuntu 11.04 do firefox 4?05:52
nit-witIsrafel, have you run the arrow in the right end of the http window to reload the page and see if they work05:52
rwwlooks like05:52
HarrowedAUrww; yes .. But unsure if it's latest stable (of the dev team)05:52
rww!ff4 =~ s/Current versions of Ubuntu/Versions of Ubuntu before 11.04/05:52
ubottuI'll remember that rww05:52
nit-witIsrafel, thats FF not sure of chromium05:52
pyfontnct: nothing for ath9k, "ndiswrapper           184207  0"  for ndiswraper05:53
megalinux_how do this? and where?05:53
Israfelnit-wit, yes, I can leave the page and come back and it's still active, but if I close the browser and reopen it, it won't log me in.05:53
megalinux_not understand05:53
tntcpyfon: funky. it's using NDISwrapper still.05:53
rwwmegalinux_: in the place you are typing now, type /join #ubuntu-br05:53
HarrowedAUThere is no natty package on the PPA :( So no point05:53
Israfelnit-wit, Testing FF now.05:53
pyfontntc: but at least it works...should I just leave it alone? also should I keep wicd or network manager?05:53
bsajsbthegoodcushion, the problem still stays. The artifacts on screen have not changed after reinstall and restart.05:53
Sylvietntc, well, I finally have my ATI Catalyst center :) I had to activate the ATI driver in jockey then update the ATI driver from the generated .deb package (from the page your provided)05:54
nit-witIsrafel, if you go there cold, it does let you login if you reload then and try does it.05:54
thegoodcushionbsajsb: then they're probably not from that driver05:54
nit-witIsrafel, reload mens while still on the login page, don't leave05:54
thegoodcushionbsajsb: could you pastebin a screenshot?05:55
megalinux_but I tried and get nothing05:55
nit-witIsrafel, I meant does not login sorry05:55
tntcpyfon: We got a saying where I come from: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" :)05:55
bsajsbthegoodcushion, when I try aticonfig  it says "aticonfig: No supported adapters detected"05:55
tntcSylvie: is it quiet and cool now?05:55
Sylvietntc, the window movement is not as smooth, but web scrolling is not choppy, and the 3d test works... and fan is *finally* silent :) (well, a lot more than what it used to be!)05:55
tntcSylvie: for smoothness, see if you can turn on sync to vblank05:55
Sylvietntc, sensors doesn't return the GPU temp anymore :(05:56
Israfelnit-wit, Not sure what you're asking. Seems FF doesn't work either.05:56
tntcSylvie: not even in the control center? that's a bummer.05:56
afromanhi. I can't read dual layer dvds, why?05:56
Peddyhow can I set the tty resolution?05:56
thegoodcushionbsajsb: hang on I'm working on it05:56
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alastair_megalinux_, você pode conectar a #ubuntu-br?05:56
megalinux_when I am invited to # ubuntu - I do br?05:56
megalinux_posso sim05:57
megalinux_mas como faz isso?05:57
thegoodcushionbsajsb: reboot and tell me when you're back in05:57
bsajsbthegoodcushion, I reboot my computer before.05:57
nit-witIsrafel, when your on a web page, you can click on the http and hit enter to reload can you if you don't get in try that.05:57
thegoodcushionbsajsb: are you on 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu?05:57
afromancan somebody tell me why my pc can't read dual layer dvds?05:57
alastair_megalinux_,  Escreve "/join #ubuntu-br".05:57
Israfelnit-wit, You want me to reload the page while still at the page?05:57
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=== ubuntuQ is now known as firebots
megalinux_aqui aonde estou digitando mesmo05:58
bsajsbthegoodcushion, http://i.imgur.com/K0nSx.png The screenshot. 32 bit ubuntu on Toshiba Satellite series laptop.05:58
nit-witIsrafel, I have to do this with Igoogle alot it wont show the name untill I reload the page05:58
nit-witIsrafel, YES05:58
alastair_megalinux_, sim05:58
tntcSylvie: you should see the boat I'm in. I have a laptop with NVIDIA Optimus. Thank God for Bumblebee. Martin Juhl is the man.05:58
thegoodcushionbsajsb: type fglrxinfo and tell me the output05:58
tntcSylvie: I'm still waiting for power managment as well, but it's really promising.05:59
rwwalastair_: thanks05:59
bsajsbthegoodcushion, "Segmentation fault"05:59
thegoodcushionbsajsb: God damn.05:59
nit-witafroman, is it a dual reader dvd  reader05:59
thegoodcushionbsajsb: reboot and try it again05:59
reedysethafroman: perhaps it is not a dual layer reader05:59
Israfelnit-wit, Everything works as it should so long as I don't close the browser. When I open my browser, all the webpages that I'm supposed to remain logged in on are at login screens.05:59
Sylvietntc, actually, vsync is better on :P ... what's Bumblebee?05:59
afromannit-wit: ya05:59
bsajsbthegoodcushion, okay. Rebooting now.05:59
afromannit-wit: it's even a dl burner06:00
npricereedyseth: all dvd drives should be able to read dual-layer06:00
tntcSylvie: oh, it's supposed to be on. I was making sure you had it on :)06:00
nit-witIsrafel, thats my best06:00
nit-witafroman, is it palying one side06:00
reedysethnprice: i'm just guessing may be he has an old one06:00
bsajsbthegoodcushion, no segmentation fault if I run the command with sudo06:00
afromannit-wit: what do U mean 1 side?06:00
thegoodcushionbsajsb: what's the output?06:00
tntcSylvie: Bumblebee is a project by this guy to make NVIDIA Optimus work on Ubuntu. I can to optirun32 or optirun64 and run apps on the NVIDIA card rather than the intel one. He's still working on integrating power managment, otherwise I'd just have to turn the intel card off.06:00
npriceReku: no, i mean *EVERY*06:00
tntcer, the NVIDIA card off.06:01
bsajsbthegoodcushion, nothing06:01
nit-witafroman can the dvd paly at all06:01
thegoodcushionbsajsb: type sudo aticonfig --initial06:01
npricereedyseth: no, i mean *EVERY* - all dvd movies are dual-layer... ALL06:01
kaushalI have upgraded to 11.04 on Dell Vostro 1014 Laptop, keyboard does not work,only the USB Mouse works fine.Not able to type anything using the keyboard.Any known issue ?06:01
afromannit-wit: nope06:01
tntcSylvie: I had a laptop with a similar video card before, and they are making progress in the FOSS radeon driver, but it's still... rough06:01
IsrafelThere's 1 billion websites that explain how to delete flash cookies, and zero telling you how to enable them.06:01
nit-witafroman, cool just phishing for clues.;)06:01
Sylvietntc, it's all good news :) I sell Ubuntu all around me, and it saddens to see video problems :(06:01
bsajsbthegoodcushion, "aticonfig: No supported adapters detected"06:01
afromannit-wit: not at all... it doesn't even find the dvd06:01
reedysethnprice: so then his dvd reader doesn't work06:01
thegoodcushionbsajsb: okay.  Try purging and reinstalling fglrx06:02
nit-witafroman, how about any disc?06:02
Sylvietntc, thanks again. I'll be back when I need some more help :)06:02
thegoodcushionbsajsb: so completely remove fglrx, reboot, then install again and reboot06:02
tntcSylvie: no problem! Good luck!06:02
bsajsbthegoodcushion, okay06:02
thegoodcushionbsajsb: are you on 11.04 by the way?06:02
afromannit-wit: other discs work fine: dvds, cds,...06:02
bsajsbthegoodcushion, yes on 11.0406:03
thegoodcushionok.  The screenshot looks like it06:03
afromannit-wit: actually I havent tried blu rays06:03
nit-witafroman, the dvd work on other computers?06:03
afromannit-wit: ya. it works even on win7 on the same pc06:04
nit-witafroman, now see that is key information.;)06:04
nit-witlets go to google06:04
ZeeofuCan I install ubuntu or any linux distro on Macbook pro 13" 201106:05
thegoodcushionZeeofu: yep06:06
thegoodcushionZeeofu: 10.04 or 11.04 would both work well06:06
_Rixhey is it possible to edit a file from terminal06:07
nit-witafroman, I don't see much I wonder if it just the disk what is the disk manufacturer06:07
i_is_broke_Rix, yeah, i would think so. should just be able to cd to the dir. and go from their.06:08
nit-witafroman, probably does not matter since you have it working in W706:08
_Rixwithout having to open an editor, i_is_broke06:08
afromannit-wit: media range06:08
i_is_brokeah, thats like important info. lol06:09
i_is_broke_Rix, what type of file?06:09
_Rixa text file06:09
i_is_brokeugh and no editor?06:10
_Rixyeah :S06:10
_Rixis there a command06:10
HarrowedAUBah! Wish there was a apt-get update plugin enabling you to only grab lists older than 24 hours or so :(  Probably is and I'm being lazy?06:10
i_is_brokecan you copy it to a flash and put it on one that will?06:10
_Rixsory what i_is_broke06:11
nit-witafroman, the only thing I saw was memorex as a not good disc but that is their opinion. sorry man.;)06:11
MethedMani am booting from the 11.04 live usb and it appears not to work.  says there is an "unknown keyword in configuration fiel"06:11
MethedMananyone else get this06:12
i_is_broke_Rix, do you have a flash drive that you can copy it too, and put on a computer that will let you use an editor?06:12
afromannit-wit: it dont matter what brand, any dl dvds don't work06:12
afromannit-wit: not on Ubuntu anyway06:12
bsajsbthgoodcushion, removed fglrx and rebooted, installed fglrx and rebooted. No improvement. sudo aticonfig "aticonfig: No supported adapters detected"06:12
_Rixwell that isn't what i want, i misinterpreted what you said i_is_broke06:12
_Rixi have a text editor but i want to edit a text file frmo terminal06:12
_Rixis there no such command06:13
bsajsbthegoodcushion, removed fglrx and rebooted, installed fglrx and rebooted. No improvement. sudo aticonfig "aticonfig: No supported adapters detected"06:13
nit-witafroman, well I guess thats a good warning I use usb stuff I have netbook06:13
Peddyafter setting a custom tty resolution, my screen is blank when booting. how can I fix this?06:13
pedroleoneanyone familiar with the boot process? I'm working on a machine where I don't have much info and at bootup, after grub, i'm getting some init: errors like "failed to spawn udev main process: unable to execute: no such file or directory"? any idea ?06:13
tanathanyone know how to fix winetricks giving 'sha1sum mismatch'? deleting winetricks cache folder didn't help06:13
HarrowedAUAdd xorg-edgers ppa to your list and update.. ATI drivers from their PPA seem to kick ass06:13
afromannit-wit: U mean U have Ubuntu running from USB?06:14
nit-witafroman, not at the moment, but medai and such, a thumb will run better then a disk, or faster06:14
i_is_broke_Rix,  my google fu is not that good this week. you might want to look. cause all i come up with is how to open one with an editor.06:15
nit-witafroman, the OS06:15
pedroleonei didnt see anything in the var log messages and did force fsck and it looks good06:15
afromananybody else want to give it a try? can somebody explain to me why I cant read dl dvds on UBUntu?06:16
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nit-witafroman, I didn't catch your use of the disk I assumed media.06:16
nit-witafroman, is it that you can't boot that dvd06:16
afromannit-wit: ya06:16
i_is_brokeafroman, have you installed the codecs?06:16
nit-witafroman, is that a yeah to boot06:16
afromani_is_broke: what codecs?06:16
i_is_brokelol, ok06:17
reedysethafroman: is that problem only with an specific disk o any dvd?06:17
thisisweirdyo anyone in here real06:17
nit-witno we are all bots06:17
i_is_broke!dvd | afroman06:17
ubottuafroman: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:17
reedysethwe are bots06:17
afromannit-wit: it can't read the dvd.... U don't even see that the dvd is in or not06:17
=== HarrowedAU is now known as HarrowedAU[BNC]
nit-witafroman, that is in a ubuntu install no disk seeen06:18
thisisweirdI know ur bots06:18
afromanthx ubottu06:18
reedysethafroman: I guess ubottu answer your question06:18
afromanthx nit-wit06:18
nit-witwe serve the humans until we are smarter06:19
i_is_brokesorry, let me back up a min? what type of dvd?06:19
nit-witarno prob06:19
bsajsbthegoodcushion, anything else I could do ? The problem remains.06:19
nit-witafroman, no prob06:19
tanathanyone know how to fix 'sha1sum mismatch' from winetricks? deleting winetricks cache folder didn't help06:19
i_is_brokeok never mind.06:19
afromani_is_broke: dl dvds06:19
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thisisweirdyo someone help me get this tracker off my mbr06:19
tanathafroman, are you sure the drive supports DL DVDs?06:19
i_is_brokeya, you need the restricted codecs.06:19
nit-witthisisweird, what tracker06:20
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danielcg25Can anyone recommend a good 3.5" HDD enlosure with USB 2.0 and FireWire 800 for under $60?06:20
thisisweirdI have bt4 loaded no harddrive06:20
nit-witooh lala06:20
thisisweirdand still spiked06:20
afromani_is_broke: ya I got the link from ubottu, I'm reading it now06:20
nit-witthisisweird, it is grub-legacy06:21
orugasamalguien habla español?06:21
orugasamhi gigah06:21
gigahun poco06:21
reedysethque necesitas?06:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:22
orugasami have a problem with mi webcam06:22
thisisweirdlike im that dumb to not know who im chatting with if someone actually can see this give me some help06:22
nit-witthisisweird, is not booting ?06:22
gigahthisisweird: what you need?06:22
thisisweirdwhat not booting06:22
thisisweirdneed this hacker off my pc06:22
gigahwhat do you need help w/?06:22
nit-witthisisweird, back track 406:23
thisisweirdwanna be hacker doesnt deserve that tittle06:23
thisisweirdsupposed to be06:23
thisisweirdbut its ubuntu06:23
i_is_broketrack them down and shoot them.:D06:23
disappearedngcan anybody help? I can't do apt-get install anymore http://paste.pocoo.org/show/389694/06:23
danielcg25THE N WORD IS06:23
danielcg25"No pie"06:24
thisisweirdplan on it06:24
thisisweirdtheres no pipe cause theres no hd duh06:24
nit-witthisisweird, and it is not booting?06:24
thisisweirdman some people are special06:24
i_is_brokeme i would just reboot and change passwords. and then change ip settings.06:24
thisisweirdi got firestarter but its manipulated06:25
tanathanyone know how to fix 'sha1sum mismatch' from winetricks? deleting winetricks cache folder didn't help06:25
thisisweirdshows master006:25
i_is_brokejust reboot the modem or router or whatever.06:25
gigahstupid question: is x chat what i should be using for irc on gnome?06:25
thisisweirdwinedoors i cant get out and after i finally do it doesnt matter since the hd isn't deployed06:25
gigahis xchat-gnome any better?06:25
nit-witgigah, you can load it and remove so try it out.06:26
i_is_brokethisisweird, have you rebooted the modem or router or what have you and then change the settings?06:26
thisisweirdnice try06:26
thisisweirdi have tryed it all getting a real pc and blowing up my attackers thats a promise06:27
nit-witI wouldn't bother helping thisisweird  t is obviously a waste of time06:27
reedysethgigah: sometimes is not that is better, is what you like06:27
thisisweirdmost are in this room06:27
gigahright right, i should not have used the word "better"06:27
disappearedngcan anybody help? I can't do apt-get install anymore http://paste.pocoo.org/show/389694/06:28
gigahalso not trying to start a flame war, but is there a popular/most widely used client?  e.g. windows = mirc06:28
gigahdisappeardng: have you tried apt-get clean06:28
thegoodcushionbsajsb: sorry, I was lying down.  I'm more familiar with nvidia myself.  I reckon you should go to the Hardware forum on ubuntuforums.org06:28
i_is_brokedisappearedng, or reset it?06:28
gigahand blowing out /var/cache/apt/*.bin?06:28
thisisweirdyo i cant get anything to install because of generic06:28
rwwthisisweird: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Notably, it is not for Backtrack Linux support (see #backtrack-linux) or random nonsense.06:28
disappearednggigah yeah I have06:28
thisisweirda few apps i can but like i said its a null session06:28
thisisweirdno hd06:29
gigahwhat does backtrack mean?06:29
disappearedngI am trying to uninstall and reinstall06:29
i_is_brokerww, ah that is true duh.06:29
disappearedngI dunno06:29
bsajsbthegoodcushion, okay. I will try the forum. Thanks.06:29
gigahdisappeardng: and u tried reinstalling apt-get too?06:29
gigahvia aptitude06:29
thisisweirdtakes controol06:29
thisisweirdcant install redhat06:29
rwwthisisweird: Have a nice day.06:29
gigahis backtrack a diff distro or something?06:30
rwwgigah: It's an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu.06:30
gigahdo u think xubuntu would be too steep of a learning curve for a non-linux/newbie user?06:31
Phong_hi all06:31
gigahi have old hardware for my wife, ubuntu 10.04 LTS now, and she likes the speed06:31
gigahim thinking xubuntu is the logical extension06:32
disappearedngI followed the mac guide to do syndaemon -i 2 -t -d but then ubuntu is telling me No synaptics properties on device 'bcm5974'. (to disable the trackpad). What does that even mean06:32
gigahim just worried about the 'user unfriendlyness' for a newbie06:32
gigahdoes that make any sense?06:32
i_is_brokedisappearedng, try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:32
gigahand dpkg-reconfigure --all06:32
gigahbut that will reconfig everything06:33
disappearedngi_is_broke I reinstalled ruby 1.9.2 and everything works06:33
gigahand is probably overkill06:33
disappearedngare you talking about No synaptics properties on device 'bcm5974'.06:33
reedysethgigah: I feel confortable working with Ubuntu 10.04, the newers versions seems to be focus totally to the other operating system06:33
i_is_brokedisappearedng, no its to fix your apt-get problem.06:33
gigahreedyseth: so no on xubuntu then?  stick w/ ubuntu?06:34
gigah(another reason i choose ubuntu or say kubuntu is ease of googling answers)06:34
i_is_brokei love google.:D06:34
i_is_brokeits my hero06:34
hudowhats your alternative to ubuntu ?06:34
gigahi love this channel, sometimes u need a human06:34
gigahhudo: was asking about xubuntu for a newbie06:35
i_is_brokehudo, sorry. i dont have one.06:35
reedysethactually I haven't tried the newers version of kubuntu, but the newers version are trying to limit it o little06:35
i_is_brokegigah, you got that right.lol06:35
gigahreedy: what u mean?06:35
gigahby 'limit'06:35
gigahbtw, chrome is SO stupid fast on 10.0406:36
gigahim in love06:36
i_is_brokereedyseth, you can do anything in ubuntu that you can do in the more pain in the butt ones. you just have to open a terminal and proceed.06:37
disappearedngyeah apt-get is fixed06:37
reedysethI used to install the lamp server by synaptic and now you have to install an alternate programm to install this and other packages. Also you can't personalize the GDM as I used in the older versions06:37
i_is_brokedisappearedng, ;)06:37
gigahdisappeardng: what was the fix?!06:37
reedysethgigah: can you get my point?06:37
disappearedngreinstalled ruby 1.9.206:38
gigahbtw, apt-get dpkg was seg faulting on me yesterday, i ended up just doing a reinstall06:38
disappearedngcause it was from anotehr PPA06:38
disappearedngwhich had dep problems06:38
gigahreedy: oh yes. on windows, i love xampp06:38
gigahdisappear: how did u konw it was ruby that was the problem?06:38
reedysethsee you guys !!06:39
RenaKunisakianyone know why I seem to be missing glibconfig.h on my new install?06:39
quiescensRenaKunisaki: is it supposed to come with glibconfig.h by default?06:40
RenaKunisakiquiescens, I imagine so. my previous install (x86) had it, and various programs are failing to compile because of not being able to find it06:41
quiescensRenaKunisaki: well, that particular header file should be in the package  libglib2.0-dev06:42
rwwwhich is not installed by default06:42
RenaKunisakiyes, I have that installed06:42
gigahin general: how do u look up which package a certain lib or header is contained in?06:42
quiescensRenaKunisaki: then something isn't looking for it in the right place for some reason I guess06:43
quiescensgigah: i usually use http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:43
gigahupdate LD_LIBRARY_PATH?06:43
RenaKunisakiyeah, I did just find it in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h but it looks like the compiler isn't looking there06:43
RenaKunisaki/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:34:24: fatal error: glibconfig.h: No such file or directory06:43
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gigahrena: what are you using to compile?06:44
gigahu updated your include and lib dirs in your IDE?06:44
gigah(if using one)06:44
RenaKunisakijust doing make on the command line06:44
gigahok so -I06:44
RenaKunisakitrying to compile XChat at the moment06:44
gigahand -L are updated?06:44
RenaKunisakiwhere would those be set?06:45
gigahon your gcc call?06:45
gigahor g++ call06:45
gigahyour compiler call06:45
gigahsomewhere in your Makefile06:45
gigahthere should be a INCLUDE_DIR06:46
gigahand/or LIB_DIR06:46
RenaKunisakiahh. I forgot to re-run ./configure when I moved it from the old system >.>06:46
quiescensRenaKunisaki: yeah06:46
gigahwhich will be a cvs or colon seperated list of dirs06:46
quiescensRenaKunisaki: i was about to say, ./configure should complain about header files, not make06:46
gigahoh heh06:46
RenaKunisakiI'm having an issue with /etc/hosts too. basically nothing seems to be looking at it06:46
disappearednganyone familiar with syndaemon06:47
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RenaKunisakiI get an NXDOMAIN response back from my router and that's it, it gives up looking06:47
quiescensRenaKunisaki: what are you using to look it up?06:47
RenaKunisakiquiescens, `host akira` or other names defined there06:47
RenaKunisakigethostip works but nothing else seems to06:47
quiescensRenaKunisaki: host won't work like that06:48
quiescensRenaKunisaki: ping etc will06:48
quiescensRenaKunisaki: host is DNS only06:48
RenaKunisakiI see, I thought host would look there too06:48
gigahthat's funny, the "host" command doesnt look at the hosts file06:49
RenaKunisakithanks for all the help06:49
jmcantrellanyone tried to create a launcher for xterm and tried to add it to the bar on the left?06:49
afromanubottu: hello again. libdvdread4 install didn't help.06:53
ubottuafroman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:53
afromani_is_broke: hello again. libdvdread4 install didn't help.06:53
djr013Does anyone have a minute to help me test 'nice'? It doesn't appear to be working properly for me, which hints at a kernel issue.06:54
ybtKyKVYdjr013: what kernel version?06:54
Gskelligwhat is the easiest way to make an ISO and mount it on ubuntu?06:56
Gskelligcommand line is ok/almost preferred06:56
afromani_is_broke: u still there?06:56
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:56
djr013ybtKyKVY: The latest normal 32bit. (
rwwdunno about making them though06:56
ybtKyKVYdjr013: what's the issue with "nice"? If you start two processes from different terminals, the 2.6.38 autogrouping will probably make nice have no effect at first06:57
djr013ybtKyKVY: I was not aware of 'autogrouping', I'll have to look into it. I discovered the issue running BOINC at nice 19 and having it take away processor time from other processes.06:58
djr013seeing* it take06:58
jmcantrellhow can i add xterm to the left bar in unity?06:59
ybtKyKVYdjr013: yes, nice will only priorizise processes in the same process group. you can put boinc into a different process group and give it a smaller share to get a similar effect07:00
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ybtKyKVYdjr013: you could also disable autogroup and everything should be back to normal. :) sysctrl kernel.sched_autogroup_enabled=0 or put it in /etc/sysctl.conf07:01
djr013ybtKyKVY: Sounds complicated. :P Do you have a good reference on it within easy reach?07:02
DinVitaminIs there a way to have grub automatically and immediately boot into the first option instead of waiting a few seconds?07:04
KyleBCan some help me with proftpf?07:04
celthunderKyleB: what's the problem (just got here sorry if you already stated it07:04
KyleBI can't log in.07:04
DasEiDinVitamin: yes, edit /etc/default/grub, then update-grub, both as root07:05
celthunderKyleB: what's the authentication method anything show up in the logs? hosts.allow/deny/iptables setup right?07:05
MethedManis there a way to access the history from this channel, say from 4 hours ago07:06
KyleBI'm not sure I'm very new to ftp.07:06
DinVitaminDasEi: Thank you. Are there any other simple ways to improve boot times?07:06
Jordan_U!logs | MethedMan07:06
ubottuMethedMan: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:06
=== ben__ is now known as Falkon303
Gskelligwhat is the easiest way to make an ISO and mount it on ubuntu07:06
Falkon303omg I can see text07:06
Falkon303I was sure comcast completely blocked mirc07:07
DasEiDinVitamin: yes, eliminate not needed services/daemons, startupapplicatipons or :07:07
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:07
Gskelligyay text07:07
RenaKunisakiyou are the one, Neo.07:07
* Falkon303 wipes forehead07:07
GskelligFalkon303, comcast doesn't block irc, if they did you can connect with the alternative ports07:07
ybtKyKVYdjr013: there are some nice explainations about autogroup somewhere on the internets but I don't know of any comfy howto for Ubuntu, especially for every boot07:07
Falkon303@Gk - I couldn't see anyone else's msgs07:07
RenaKunisakiI'd like to hope any ISP blocking IRC would be met with an angry mob07:07
GskelligI think freenode listens on a TON of ports07:07
DinVitaminDasEi: What exactly do I change in /etc/default/grub?07:07
celthunderKyleB: ok first off does it connect to the server? (do you get the auth prompt)07:08
Falkon303I am convinced that facebook is just a stupid slow mirc07:08
Gskellig6665, 6666, 6667, 6697, 7000, 7070, 8000, 8001, 8002 for freenode07:08
Gskelligif an ISP blocked ALL those ports, it would be an outrage07:08
Jordan_U!ot | Falkon30307:08
ubottuFalkon303: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:08
DasEiDinVitamin: the two timeouts, set to 007:08
Falkon30311.04 upgrade sucked for me btw07:08
Gskelligbest/easiest way to create/mount an ISO in ubuntu?07:08
Falkon303buggy as... a bug07:09
DasEiDinVitamin: the first DEFAULT lines handles which kernel boots07:09
KyleBThis is a message I get - Connection established, waiting for welcome message...07:09
Falkon303the new scrollers are jacking up the windows controls too07:09
celthunderGskellig: fuseiso07:09
Falkon303I rolled back to 10.1007:09
Gskelligthanks celthunder07:09
Falkon303and am way happy07:09
DasEiGskellig: sudo mount -o loop your.iso mountdir07:09
celthunderGskellig: theres a lot of ways to do it that's just one07:09
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
DasEi!iso | Gskellig07:10
ubottuGskellig: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:10
Gskelligi'm aware07:10
Falkon303weird thing is a flat install of 11.04 goes great apparently07:10
Gskelligreally that simple for iso files?07:10
Gskelligjust -o loop07:10
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celthunderGskellig: might need -t if it's not 966007:11
Gskelligis there a built in terminal command to make an iso?07:11
Gskelligfrom /media/cdrom07:11
YankDownUnderGskellig, genisoimage07:12
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KyleBCelthunder: What should I be looking for in the logs?07:14
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Falkon303what sucked is even when I started Ubuntu 11.04 in classic mode, the interface still got jacked up07:14
celthunderKyleB: access denied reason?07:15
KyleBCelthunder: It says password incorrect.07:16
Falkon303Has anyone experienced missing areas in fonts in ubuntu 10.10?07:16
Falkon303namely in firefox?07:16
afromancan anybody help me? my pc can't read dual layer dvds07:16
Falkon303horizontal strips primarily07:16
Falkon303I downloaded chrome because of it07:17
celthunderafroman: do you have a dual layer drive?07:17
RenaKunisakiFalkon303, that sounds like it could be a faulty GPU? any other graphical glitches?07:17
RenaKunisakihorizontal stripes are a sign of GPU failure, but they'd usually be everywhere07:17
afromancelthunder: yes I do... dl dvd burner/bd reader07:17
Falkon303@ Rena, I am pretty sure it's not because I have seen others with the same problem and never experienced it before07:17
Falkon303If I am on a different build it's fine07:18
YankDownUnderGPU failure or badly configured graphics driver07:18
Falkon303it's only in firefox07:18
sunny_Can anyone guide me on how to download ubuntu 10.04 repository and how to configure client to pickup .deb package from that repository.07:18
Falkon303how is that possible?07:18
Falkon303not gpu if it's only in one browser07:18
RenaKunisakiyeah, hardware/driver issues wouldn't be restricted to one program07:18
RenaKunisakicould be Firefox. they added GPU acceleration in version 4 didn't they?07:19
Falkon303I am running 3.607:19
Falkon303I thought it might be linked to subpixel smoothing07:19
RenaKunisakitry 4? maybe they fixed it by then07:19
afromancelthunder: U still there?07:19
Falkon303nice idea rena07:19
phoe6who creates a the group called 'nogroup' in ubuntu? How/when is it created?07:20
Falkon303I just get very used to hating upgrading07:20
RenaKunisakia group named nogroup, whose purpose is to contain paradoxes?07:20
phoe6RenaKunisaki: actually a requirement by some software which is try to set the ownership to nogroup, but nogroup does not exist in my system.07:21
Falkon303it could be "no grow up"07:21
venkateshhello everybody...07:22
sunny_Can anyone guide me on how to download ubuntu 10.04.2 repository and how to configure client to pickup .deb package from that repository.07:22
venkateshi have a problem in my ubuntu system ....a song continuously running in the background ....how to stop it..07:22
chaofluxanyone here have a usb soundcard?  got a creative x-fi 5.1 and it just sounds terrible.. real tinny... pops... tried it in ubuntu and os x, same results.. not sure if i should buy a different one or if this is what i should expect out of a usb soundcard07:22
DasEisunny_: you want to dist-upgrade ?07:23
HeColdFeetsunny_: follow the instructions at http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror07:23
DasEivenkatesh: install and look up in howtop, find it's pit and kill it07:23
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DasEivenkatesh: install and look up in htop *, find it's pit and kill it07:24
KyleBCelthunder: When I try to connect I get Response: 530 login incorrect and Error: critical error. Then a could not connect message.07:24
DasEipid, darn07:24
nick87720zIs there some mail client, that can work as system daemon?07:24
DasEinick87720z: fetchmail, f.e.07:24
DasEi!info fetchmail07:24
ubottufetchmail (source: fetchmail): SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder. In component main, is optional. Version 6.3.18-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 327 kB, installed size 888 kB07:24
User4968i have a python script, in a directory, how can i get that script to be recognized all over my computer so that i can execute it with one command? without having to "python /go/to/dir/to/run.py"07:25
nick87720zDasEi: thanks, i looked to synaptic but skiped somehow07:25
sunny_HeColdFeet: thx, I am checking the link07:25
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DasEiUser4968: put it in /usr/bin07:25
DasEiUser4968: or add a dir for your sccripts to your systems path07:26
Falkon303@Rena - Installed firefox 407:26
HeColdFeetUser4968: you may have to add a line #!/usr/bin/python to the top of the script and then copy it to /usr/bin and finally chmod a+x07:26
User4968ok, thanks.07:27
sunny_HeColdFeet: in the link there is a line "If you are on Debian Sarge, you must modify /etc/apt/sources.list to install apt-mirror." How can i check what ubuntu I am using. I mean if ti is Sarge or not.07:27
Falkon303@Rena - still there... :(07:27
venkateshDasEi: I have installed htop here many processes are running which one to kill...please can u help me to find out the pit07:28
HeColdFeetsunny_: you dont need to modify anything to install apt-mirror in ubuntu07:28
Falkon303I am gonna upload a screenshot07:28
DasEisunny_: sarge is debian, lsb_release -a tell which ubuntu07:28
Falkon303just so if anyone else experiences it and it gets figured out it'll be known07:28
DasEivenkatesh: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && htop | pastebinit , then...07:29
Falkon303also, have the msttcorefonts installed07:30
Falkon303so it's not that07:30
sunny_HeColdFeet: I am using Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS  codename: lucid. So, is there any modification required. I mean what changes are required if I just want to download packages related to this version.07:30
DasEivenkatesh: press q to stop htop, give url here or pm me it07:30
sunny_HeColdFeet: one more thing, can i download 64bit while using 32bit version.07:30
BaribalHi. I'm in the process of eyecandying my desktop and would like to use the icons that Gnomes menu uses in cairo-dock. Where can I find the images?07:30
HeColdFeetsunny_: just edgy in the examples with lucid, and yes apt-mirror downloads 32 and 64-bit both07:31
sunny_HeColdFeet: I just want 64 bit and not 32 bit and .deb package specific to this version.07:32
Falkon303@Rena - http://www.oopsoup.com/images/strange.jpe07:33
Falkon303that is what the text is doing07:33
DasEisunny_: you cant upgrade a 32 to 64 bit, fresh install required07:33
Falkon303not always one letter either07:33
HeColdFeetsunny_: you can select the required versions, just check the man page for apt-mirror07:33
Falkon303it picks random letters07:33
Falkon303totally weird07:33
sunny_DasEi: I am not upgrading, I just want to configure local repository 64bit for my office07:34
DasEiah, ic07:34
RenaKunisakiFalkon303, does that happen with other fonts?07:34
sunny_HeColdFeet: Ok, I am checking now07:34
Falkon303let me check07:34
Falkon303interesting thought07:34
DasEivenkatesh: ? url ?07:34
Falkon303I had changed the default fonts of FF07:34
Falkon303but let me check that07:34
venkateshDasEi :   one sec07:35
brophatupdate manager does not seem to be notifying me automatically on 11.04 is this a known problem?07:35
HeColdFeetsunny_: replace the deb in the configuration files to deb-amd64 or deb-i38607:36
FlynnOMFG!!!!!  Ubuntu sux!!  Winblows sux worse!!!   All computers are blackholes where all logic and ease of use gets sucked into nothingness!!!07:36
brophatFlynn that is good poetry07:36
misaqhello everyone07:37
brophatyou are channeling your anger nicely07:37
tensorpudding!ot | Flynn07:37
ubottuFlynn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:37
blakebrophat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174153307:37
RenaKunisakihumans just don't like computers because computers are logical and they aren't :V07:37
Falkon303Rena - it seems to be Arial07:37
RenaKunisakiFalkon303, and does Arial work in other apps?07:37
Falkon303I know07:38
Falkon303what is even  stranger is when I zoom, the lines dissapear07:38
venkateshDasEi:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && htop | pastebi installed then it is giving pastebi command not found07:38
DasEihtop | pastebinit07:38
brophatblake nah what I am saying is update manager used to show up on the bar when it had updates but now with 11.04 where does it show up?07:38
DasEithen exit with q, venkatesh07:39
blakeoh, i see. Yeah, come to think of it it doesn't show for me either.07:39
venkateshok....i have exited ...next what should i do07:39
DasEivenkatesh: give url here or in a pm07:39
brophatblake yeah i installed 11.04 and then thought hey i have not seen update manager so I ran it and sure enough it had a ton of updates for me07:39
brophatI guess they forgot to send it to that new bar thing in 11.0407:40
sunny_HeColdFeet: you mean I need to make the said change in /etc/apt/mirror.list07:40
HeColdFeetsunny_: yes07:40
brophatpast  my bedtime night all07:41
sunny_HeColdFeet: But in this file there is no deb-amd64 or deb-i386. this file contains deb and deb-src only07:41
FlynnA hacker could wirelessly right now hack my computer and steal my internet connection!!  But, I have to go to my desktop and spend 3 days asking it nicely to share my own internet connection wirelessly across the room that it picks up from a router that has a wireless signal that's just weak enough to be a pain in my ...  Where's the program that can just hack windows and steal the ethernet connection?07:41
B|ackPantherHi, i have a remote terminal where i run some program. Is there a way i can get all that output and pipe it to my program running locally ?07:42
HeColdFeetsunny_: replace deb with deb-amd6407:43
Falkon303why hack windows?07:43
Falkon303it's like kicking an injured calf07:43
sunny_HeColdFeet:  ok,07:43
venkateshDasEi : sorry which url should i give07:43
Falkon303everyone thinks it looks cute, but it's going to die07:43
FlynnFalkon303, because it won't share nicely.07:43
DasEivenkatesh: the one occured in your terminal07:43
Falkon303I agree07:44
Falkon303windows permissions are the devil07:44
rwwwindows permissions are offtopic for #ubuntu :|07:44
DasEivenkatesh: left-click on it, copy link.. , paste here07:44
sunny_HeColdFeet: After download, I have share the /var/spool/apt-mirror through ftp or http. am I right.07:44
Falkon303sorry rww07:44
HeColdFeetsunny_: the link i sent your uses apache (http)07:45
FlynnBut, ubuntu must speak windows.07:45
venkateshDasEi: here is the url07:46
=== mdel is now known as mdel_away
venkatesh[venkatesh:~]$   sudo apt-get install pastebinit && htop | pastebi07:46
venkateshReading package lists... Done07:46
venkateshBuilding dependency tree07:46
venkateshReading state information... Done07:46
venkateshpastebinit is already the newest version.07:46
FloodBot1venkatesh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
sunny_HeColdFeet: what changes the client will have to do, so that he can use this local repository.07:46
* rww facepalms07:46
DasEivenkatesh: htop | pastebinit07:46
DasEivenkatesh: exit with q, copy url from terminal here07:46
sunny_HeColdFeet: I found, the client need to use "deb" something like this where the ip is the ip of the local repository server07:47
Falkon303Rena - do you knwo where Firefox installs to?07:47
venkateshDasEi: http://pastebin.com/v9rJaF4H07:47
RenaKunisakiFalkon303, `which firefox` would tell you where the binary is, and then your profiles and such are in ~/.mozilla07:48
Falkon303Rena - 'which' can be used with any program to give the install dir?07:48
HeColdFeetsunny_: please check page 3 of the guide, it shows how to install from your mirror and how to use it07:48
DasEivenkatesh: bad format. other apprroach : gnome-volume-manager07:49
FlynnHow do I know if I have the right driver for my network card/wireless adapter?  Just because it works does that make it right?07:49
YankDownUnderFirefox => libs: /usr/lib/mozilla /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox => bins /usr/bin & /usr/lib/firefox07:49
DasEivenkatesh: use applications-tab, where is the sound coming from ?07:49
* YankDownUnder thinks that venkatesh might have rhythmbox running in the background...07:49
DasEior amarok or vlc or07:50
sunny_HeColdFeet: yes, I have already read, after reading I posts, what I understood.07:50
YankDownUnderDasEi, Same difference...but still, running in the background...07:50
DasEivenkatesh: use applications-tab, where is the sound coming from ? you can test-mute all to find out07:50
Falkon303thanx Yank07:51
Falkon303I can't seem to find what fonts firefox is calling07:51
venkateshDasEi : ok.....07:51
YankDownUnderFalkon303, Um...have you tried the Firefox "config" page? (in the URL field, type: about:config)07:51
DasEivenkatesh: which app produces the sound ?07:52
Falkon303yes I have07:52
Falkon303I changed the default fonts07:52
Falkon303I need arial to display though07:52
Falkon303I do web dev07:52
sunny_HeColdFeet: One more thing, I already have some .deb packages so can which were downloaded in /var/cache/apt/archives while I was updating /installin packages, so can I copy them to /var/spool/apt-mirror.07:52
Falkon303I suppose I coudl reinstall arial07:52
YankDownUnderFalkon303, I've not seen yer issue with the exception of having the wrong vid driver and bad font settings...otherwise, all been smooth...07:52
sunny_HeColdFeet: One more thing, I already have some .deb packages which were downloaded in /var/cache/apt/archives while I was updating /installin packages, so can I copy them to /var/spool/apt-mirror.07:52
Falkon303YankDownUnder - did you see the screenshot then>?07:53
FlynnI'm thinking of returning my wireless usb adapter and eating a bunch of money  and buying the router I can find with the longest range.  What's a well supported one for computers using ubuntu desktop.07:53
YankDownUnderFalkon303, Seen it before. As per my last comment.07:53
Falkon303possible I have the wrong vid driver07:53
Falkon303it is Nvidia07:53
Falkon303lemme check for my desktop fx07:54
YankDownUnderA router is a router - regardless of your desktop OS. Getting a better antennae is always a good idea - then again, troubleshooting your adapter is even better.07:54
venkateshDasEi:  : "/usr/bin/pulseaudio --strat --log--target=syslog" i killed this process from htop and the background sound stopped07:54
HeColdFeetsunny_: well apt-mirror has a command to copy local files to your mirror folder, again man page is your friend as I don't remember the command07:54
YankDownUnderFalkon303, If you've got an nVidia card, double check your driver's settings (sudo nvidia-settings) - then check your font settings - smoothing and DPI and the likes in your Appearance preferences....07:54
sunny_HeColdFeet: ok, but apt-mirror man is not helpful, it has very short discription.07:55
DasEivenkatesh: k, but that was the sound daemon asa whole (proxy), that was not the origin of it, like sudo killall vlc, fine then07:55
Falkon303YankDownUnder - sudo nvidia-settings does nothing07:55
Falkon303but my desktop fx work07:55
Falkon303I have subpixel smoothing07:56
Falkon303just changed it to "best shapes"07:56
HeColdFeetsunny_: ok found it, you have to use apt-move to move local files to your mirror folder07:57
FlynnYankDownUnder, I set up my wireless network using XP.  I click on the network manager and select my ad hoc network and I just see lines going up the icon....  After 3 days of working on it.  Googling, chating, googling more...07:57
Falkon303YankDownUnder - not the font settings07:57
sunny_HeColdFeet: ok, let me check this command07:57
Falkon303still there07:57
BoniAnyone in the age group 13-15 ?07:57
HeColdFeetsunny_: you have to use apt-move update07:58
HeColdFeet!ot > Boni07:58
ubottuBoni, please see my private message07:58
sunny_HeColdFeet: ok07:58
YankDownUnderFalkon303, If you don't have the "nvidia-settings" control panel, mate, I'll say you've not got the right nvidia driver.07:59
Falkon303YankDownUnder - I changed my "application font" from ubuntu to arial and the problem isn't showing yet08:00
YankDownUnderFlynn, A router is a router, regardless of the OS on any of the machines in your network. Your router has a configuration page available via web/browser -> have you tried this yet mate? Have you read up on your router and how to actually configure it?08:00
Falkon303firefox may have used the default application font as the default browser font perhaps08:00
Falkon303going to relaunch FF to see08:01
BoniWhat is ff?08:01
Falkon303Firefox to a lazy person08:02
thegoodcushionI've been using Chrome and I think it's much better08:02
Bonisrry falkon08:02
rwwFirefox to a lazy, inaccurate person. The real abbreviation is Fx :(08:02
Falkon303that's your real abbreviation08:02
Falkon303I liek mine better08:02
thr01the issue with chromium it is not 100% complient yet. Some sites will simply not work08:02
rwwIt's Mozilla's real abbreviation ;)08:02
Falkon303I have to cross-browser test or I wouldn't use any of them08:03
Falkon303browserlab saves me alot of headaches lately though08:03
FlynnYankDownUnder, I've had this router for a long time and never had a problem.  My netbook connects fine.  My desktop connects fine.  Even my nintendo wii connects fine.  But, trying to share my desktops wired connection via wifi, just not working.08:03
Falkon303rww, I am guessing you are over 3508:03
thr01alw it falkon, thats deep08:04
mattypantscan I add a file to etc/apache2/conf.d with code to tell apache to parse html as php?08:05
thegoodcushionFlynn: For some stupid reason my NIC will work on Windows but not Ubuntu08:05
YankDownUnderFlynn, "Share your desktops wired connection via wifi" => well, mate, that certainly explains alot. Why aren't you allowing the router to do all that for you? Ya know, the KISS principle? (Keep it simple, stupid) ??08:05
Falkon303I don't like you rww, please don't talk to me anymore08:05
thr01mattypants y would you want to do that?08:05
thr01just keep php to php files08:05
Falkon303php is my hot girlfriend08:06
Falkon303I love her very much08:06
FlynnYankDownUnder, my router's wireless signal is weak.08:06
rwwFalkon303: let's not go there, thanks.08:06
mattypantsthr01,  for shigs and gittles08:06
thr01mattypants : not really sure how you would do it but im sure there is an apache config that changes associations08:07
YankDownUnderFlynn, Um...cheap new antennae (that's what I did to boost a cheapo wireless here - didn't want to buy a new one, so found an antennae that boosted gain, resolved the issue) => aside from that, there are all the "iw" tools for tweaking your wifi card in your box => they're all either installed already or easily installed at the drop of a hat...08:08
Falkon303YankDownUnder - The problem seemed to be fixed by changing the default application font from Ubuntu to Arial08:08
Falkon303at least for me08:08
Falkon303was a font issue.08:08
mattypantsthr01, there is, but you can keep your own seperate in that dir08:08
YankDownUnderFalkon303, Hmmm...well, cool - resolved...still strange...(and God, do I hate arial - or anything patented/copyrighted by Microsoft)08:08
Flynnthegoodcushion, that's because no one has figgured out how to make computers just work yet.08:09
Falkon303I might redownload the ubuntu font08:09
Falkon303or make one when I am super bored08:09
YankDownUnderFalkon303, Why not just use something free...or just nicer looking - like the Mac fonts...ahem... :)08:09
dsbillingHello! :D08:09
thr01mattypants : normally i would help you to research this, but seems i need to leave (actually already 20mins somehow) good luck with this crazy plan08:09
Falkon303because Mac is the great Satan08:09
YankDownUnderFalkon303, And Microsoft ain't? Hmmm...08:10
dsbillingI need some help regarding installing Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop08:10
Falkon303there is something wrong with someone who wears a turtleneck that often08:10
YankDownUnderFalkon303, Yeah - the bloke is dying - duh...08:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:10
nit-witdsbilling, whats up08:11
dsbillingWhen i boot from the CD/DVD it doesent get to the loadscreen. Why?08:11
* YankDownUnder watches out for the channel-nazis again...08:11
rwwYankDownUnder: Excuse me?08:11
nit-witdsbilling, what is your definition of a load screen there are two before the desktop08:11
dsbillingthe Ubuntu and the dots :P08:12
Falkon303YankDownUnder - people die every second, that doesn't mean they should all be wearing turtlenecks.08:12
YankDownUnderFalkon303, :)08:12
karthick87How to run php in ubuntu ?08:12
rwwFalkon303: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please take the turtleneck discussion elsewhere.08:12
rwwalong with the rest of the silly comments.08:12
nit-witdsbilling, hold down the shift at powering on form that gui what happens08:12
Falkon303no laughing allowed in a community based OS....08:13
dsbillingWhat? :/08:13
nit-witdsbilling, read the instructiopns08:13
dsbillingi cant even load the installation from the CD/DVD/USB...08:14
nit-witdsbilling, the cd is not booting at all?08:14
bigeyeWhat do you use command-line utility for transporting files? I have used sftp and scp now, but It is not perfect for me because there is no auto-completion.08:14
exasamblank screen or errors?08:14
BoniIs there any kind of anti-virus for ubuntu?08:14
rww!antivirus | Boni08:14
ubottuBoni: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:14
nit-witBonds, bitdefender08:15
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Sometimes there's more to the picture than meets the eye. Was the CD/DVD burnt properly? Is the actual CD/DVD drive clean? (Have you run a cleaner through it?)08:15
venkateshDasEi : did it causes any problem08:15
maruqhi guys, having some fun getting Upstart job going.08:15
nit-witBoni; bitdefender08:15
woatAnyone know about the status of python, and virtualenv? I am reading that it is messy in ubuntu? Does this 2008 post still apply http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv/browse_thread/thread/1412994580f0a2c6 ?08:15
DreamPCsnothing came up when typing !antivirus08:15
maruqis there a better channel for Upstart stuff, or okay to ask here?08:15
DasEivenkatesh: you killed all sound with  that, for this session08:16
FlynnBoni, someone will probably start making viruses for Linux soon though.08:16
dsbillingYank, I have tried 3 different CD/DVD with both 32 and 64bit. and i just tried 32bit on a usb....08:16
tsimpsonmaruq: there is #upstart08:17
YankDownUnderFlynn, Making a "virus" for linux/unix/BSD is not an easy proposition. There are approximately 13 "viruses" for linux/unix/BSD, but they cannot survive in the "wild". It's the nature of the architecture.08:17
DreamPCsdsbilling I would try the alternate cd08:17
venkateshany problem ...if i do that08:17
maruqtsimpson: thanks, I'll give that a try ;p08:17
rob_pFlynn: Boni: There have already been viruses written for Linux but they can't propagate like they do on other platforms because of Linux's security model.08:17
dsbillingDreamPCs where do i find that? :P08:17
woatuew gies evar hrd ov python?08:18
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Before doing all kinds of stuff that may NOT work, clean your CD/DVD drive, and then re-try burning the ISO image. If that doesn't work, move on to other possible resolutions. Sometimes it's the simple things that cause the most problems.08:18
dsbillingi found it08:18
maedoxdoes anyone know where the settings are for the auto-resize windows when you move them close to screen edges? It is frickin' annoying and I want to either disable it or get a modifier key I can press to avoid it.08:18
Flynndoesn't mean they won't figgure it out.  Mac used to say they don't get viruses.08:18
sirexIs it true, that next Ubuntu version will use Gnome 3?08:18
woatis there a #ubuntu-unewb chan?08:19
blakesirex: no, they've decided on Unity for now. :(08:19
YankDownUnderFlynn, OSX gets "backdoors" through the browser(s).08:19
dsbillingI have burned 3 discs with 2 different computers.08:19
FlynnWhat is ubuntu working on for the next LTS version08:19
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Ok...so have you tried cleaning the drive?08:19
sirexblake, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/expected-changes-in-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html <- it says, that oneiric will use Gnome 3.08:20
woatFlynn: probably new themes08:20
tsimpsonsirex: yes, Oneiric will use Gnome308:21
dsbillingno, one of the computers is under 1 month old...08:21
blaketsimpson: Interesting. Then why the switch to Unity for 11.04?08:21
rob_pFlynn: Viruses written for mac suffer the same fate... They *can* survive and cause some damage to an infected system, but propagation is where they usually fail.  And if a virus can't propagate, its widespread affect is quite minimal.08:21
Flynnwoat, that seems lame.  why not preinstalled windows file sharing?  Animated backgrounds?  Or making it faster?08:21
tsimpsonblake: unity does not replace gnome, it's just a "shell"08:22
FlynnOk, viruses on macs is off topic.08:22
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ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html08:23
DasEiwoat : #ubuntu-beginners  ?08:23
thegoodcushionsirex: Mark Shuttleworth was saying they're going to ditch GNOME in 11.1008:23
dsbillingYankDownUnder. Any other ideas? :)08:23
thegoodcushionso that's interesting08:23
rob_pFlynn: You are the one who mentioned Mac in the first place! :)08:23
tsimpsonthegoodcushion: don't be silly08:23
rob_pFlynn: ...but you're right, it's off-topic for this channel.08:24
thegoodcushiontsimpson: I'm not08:24
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Are you even getting any kind of graphic when you're booting to the CD?08:24
thegoodcushiontsimpson: someone found an archived email in which he said it recently08:24
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dsbillingYankDownUnder. yeah, i get the keyboard = help logo thingy. after that...nothing.08:24
tsimpsonthegoodcushion: then someone read it wrong, Ubuntu will use Gnome3 in 11.10, so it's obviously not ditching it08:25
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Hit "Esc" => you should get a grub boot menu .... yeah?08:25
dsbillinglet me try08:25
thegoodcushiontsimpson: how much does Unity obscure GNOME?08:25
ameriserfditch gnome?08:25
thegoodcushiontsimpson: see, I don't want to use something that's not default08:25
ameriserfdoes that mean you wont be able to run classic08:25
ameriserfi just run classic in 11.04508:25
thegoodcushionameriserf: that's what Shuttleworth's email said08:26
thegoodcushiontsimpson: I want GNOME to be the default thing.  That's why I'm thinking of debian08:26
dsbillingThat worked, YankDownUnder08:26
* YankDownUnder thinks Ubuntu should move to Enlightenment08:26
tsimpsonthegoodcushion: it's just a shell, it's still gnome and you can change to the "classic" shell too08:26
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Right oh...so then hit ENTER, and watch carefully...08:26
ameriserfehsy fif iy dsy?08:26
ameriserfwhat did it say?08:26
ameriserfthat you wont be able to run classic anymore?08:26
FloodBot1ameriserf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
dsbilling"Try Ubuntu without installing"?08:27
ameriserfwtf im banned from #ununtu on freenode08:27
ameriserfim not flooding08:27
ameriserfwhat is the biggest irc network besides efnet?08:27
tsimpsonameriserf: don't use the enter key as punctuation08:27
ameriserfwhat the hell does that mean?08:27
sikSilly question: I see four Wine packages in the software center... which one is the recommended one? (package name if possible)08:28
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:28
dsbillingYankDownUnder, "Try ubuntu without installing" ? :P08:28
ameriserfwhat is the biggest irc network besides efnet?08:28
tsimpsonsik: the one called "wine"08:28
sirexNow Unity is written on top of compiz, but if they decided to use Gnome 3, maybe now Unity will move to mutter?08:29
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Well...that seems the safe option....however, do you see the other option that says, "Install a Microsoft Operating System so that you ruin your life." ? :)08:29
CelphishAnyone know how to install, configure and get Citrix xenapp web plugin to work in ubuntu?08:29
dsbillingYankDownUnder, yeah i see it at the bottom! :P08:29
tsimpsonameriserf: this channel is for ubuntu support, you can ask those kinds of questions in #ubuntu-offtopic08:29
dsbillingYankDownUnder, nothing happens...08:31
ameriserfwow this is a scrict channel08:31
YankDownUnderdsbilling, You might try all this again - same basic start, but you can try out some options for the kernel parameters => see if that can get you past "the hump" as it were...is there anything strange about this particular machine? Like does it have an ATI graphics card or something oddly similar?08:32
YankDownUnderScrict Channel? Hmmm...didn't know that...08:32
RenaKunisakiwell it has over 1500 users; if you don't enforce the rules pretty heavily you'd end up with chaos in no time08:32
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ameriserfoh its one of the largest channels I saw, on google now, sorry08:32
dsbillingIt got a ATI Graphics card...08:32
ameriserf#3 in the world? wwierd08:32
YankDownUnderRenaKunisaki, That's not necessarily true...it's a matter of having tact and being able to support folks with at least some levity.08:33
ameriserfokay cool,  so since I installed 11.04, I can only reboot, if I 'use old linux versions'08:33
dsbillingYankDownUnder, I can install Ubuntu 10.10 but not 11.0408:33
ameriserfhow do I fix this easily?  sorry forgot about enter on that one08:33
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Right - so then you're going to want to check into probably using framebuffer params for the kernel...08:33
cannavistits a bug08:33
deavida bit off-topic: anyone can recommend me a free software (GPL/BSD...) replacement for a Plesk panel ?08:33
gforces 00:34:09 up  2:45,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.0508:34
ameriserfokay cool,  so since I installed 11.04, I can only reboot, if I 'use old linux versions'.   how do I fix this booting problem?08:34
tasslehoffis there a way to measure the strength of my wireless network (in more scientific measures than 4/5 bars)?08:35
FlynnHow do I change my wireless channel?08:35
YankDownUndertasslehoff, In a terminal, try out the "iwconfig" command.08:35
karthick87How to install samba-gui in ubuntu 10.10 ?08:35
=== MortenTemp is now known as Morten_
YankDownUnderdsbilling, https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/ia64/boot-parms.html08:36
rtdpwhat is deafult deletion of /tmp contents for ubuntu server ?08:36
tasslehoffYankDownUnder: ah. thanks08:36
Flynntaasslehoff, measuring tape from your router08:36
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
YankDownUnderRight - time for more coffee...08:36
rtdpcan my web application use some images to be stored for tmperoray use in /tmp folder..08:37
bloodriverQUESTION: I have a usb network adapter that - when I use Network manager - connects perfectly in opensue  but  not in ubuntu (or fedora or pclos).  On ubuntu I can see the network (@ 90%) but it will not connect.  it has connected in the past but often drops the signal.  I tried using windows drivers but it will  not connect.   Help?08:37
Flynnkarthick87, ubuntu software center08:37
nit-witameriserf, do you have an answer for you problem=bot08:37
CelphishIs there anyway to disable the launcher on the left side of the screen?08:37
FlynnHow do I change my wireless channel?  Anyone?08:38
karthick87Flynn: I dont find the GUI for samba in software centre..08:38
tsimpsonrtdp: /tmp is deleted on boot08:39
rtdptsimpson : but as it's server, it will be on for many days and will stack up many files there in ?  any workaroud for this ?08:39
rtdpi just need to store files for in between processing08:40
tsimpsonrtdp: delete them when you don't need them any more08:40
Flynnkarthick87,  I did a search for samba,  I think the first or second one is it.08:40
tsimpson/tmp can't just be deleted when the system is running, or things will start to break08:40
rtdptsimpson : ok.. so i will use some other folder, and then delete manually then...08:41
rtdpThanks a lot...08:41
karthick87Flynn: I have installed it apt-get install system-config-samba08:42
tsimpsonrtdp: you can use the "mktemp" command to create a unique random temporary directory under /tmp (or anywhere else really)08:42
bloodriverFLNN: It depends on your router.  most have a browser address ( in my case) then enter in user name and password.08:44
* Zelozelos is yelling "yay i conqured the ways of grub 2"08:44
=== dsbilling_ is now known as dsbilling
Flynnbloodriver, oh, on my router's page?08:45
dsbillingYankDownUnder What did you say? I got disconnected.. :/08:46
Zelozelosmessed it up real bad, installed grub onto my windows partition, completely wiping out grub twice, fighting to get vista to be listed, and i got it working all by my self (w google)08:46
bloodriverI have a Linksys router.  to access the router's settings, i enter into a browser's url space.08:46
bloodriverI believe that's the m.o. of most routers08:47
spm_DragetWhich NFS version does the recent ubuntu try by default when connecting as a clinet? NFSv4 oder v3?08:48
bloodriveruseless i've misunderstood what channel settings you meant   ?08:48
Zelozelosanyone screw up grub? im your man rofl08:49
Zelozelosoops sorry *messed08:49
katselphrimeQuestion: Does PulseAudio ALWAYS perform sample rate conversion?08:51
dsbillingYankDownUnder, are you there? :)08:51
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bloodriverflynn: have i helped or just confused things/08:52
ojiihi everyone, for a while now I can't open nautilus anymore on my natty installation (clicking the 'home' icon in the bar does nothing, and should it against all odds open after a long time, it's just frozen and all I can do is force-quit it), how can I revive my file browser?08:52
CelphishNvm, I found out that Compiz configuration manager has the options for the launcher I was looking for :)08:53
Flynnbloodriver, helped.08:53
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Sorry - was having coffee and a smoko...wassup?08:53
dsbillingWhat did you say i had to do?08:54
YankDownUnderdsbilling, When booting, hit ESC, takes you to the grub boot menu, you can enter different boot params...08:55
bloodriverQUESTION: I have a usb network adapter that - when I use Network manager - connects perfectly in opensue but not in ubuntu (or fedora or pclos). On ubuntu I can see the network (@ 90%) but it will not connect. it has connected in the past but often drops the signal. I tried using windows drivers but it will not connect. Help?08:55
wisienanyone uses speech recognition for linux?08:57
Flynnboodriver, is the signal from your router?08:57
exasamI have one pdf open in workspace 2. If i click on evince in the launcher while i'm on workspace 1 the pdf window moves for ~2cm showing up on the left side off my screen instead of switching to workspace 2. Is that intended? It's really annoying.08:58
exasamim using unity ofc08:58
exasamcan i disable it somewhere?08:58
dsbillingI kind of a noob unbuntu/linux. But what does the grub boot menu look like?08:59
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Mate, did you hit ESC when it was first booting?08:59
bloodriverthe signal is from the router...and i can see all the wireless systesm in the 'hood too08:59
exasami expect unity to switch to the workspace where my pdf is open not to mess up my window arrengement^^08:59
katselphrimeQuestion: Does PulseAudio ALWAYS perform sample rate (or bit depth) conversion by default?09:00
dsbillingyes, YankDownUnder09:00
IledenHi! Problem with SMB shares and charset. When I connect via Nautilus, all works ok, and I can see special characters correctly. However, when I mount SMB using /etc/fstab and smbfs some file names have an error of (invalid charset). How can I fix this? Using Ubuntu 10.10.09:00
YankDownUnderdsbilling, Well, then that's the grub boot menu. You should be able to hit F4 or F6 to start with some basic kernel params to see if the machine will boot properly...eh?09:00
TaoRichgreetz ... any idea where I can get some assistance with Evolution email ? all mail folders gone but address book & tasks still there.09:01
wisienany c++ programmers here?09:01
ojiiTrying to start nautilus (from terminal) I get "(nautilus:19752): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.", how can I fix that?09:02
murphyHI wisien09:02
YankDownUnderdsbilling, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:02
Flynnbloodriver, did you try additional drivers09:02
murphyhi wisien09:02
murphyI have a issue09:02
wisienhi murphu09:02
murphywisien: I have a issue, one of my folder was be deleted09:03
bloodriverabout 3 of the windows drivers...and another wireless (wicd) manager09:03
bloodriversame story09:03
murphywisien: how can i find whcih proecss do it?09:03
wisiendont know,sorry09:04
murphywisien: in my one folder, I touch a file in it, later, it is be deteted by ohters process, how can I look for it?09:04
bloodriverOpenSuse connects in a heartbeat, so it's not my router, signal, password...it's something in Ubuntu09:04
wisienmurphy:i dont know09:04
murphywisien: thanks,09:04
AdvoWorkhi there. if i do cat /etc/passwd, i see a user: username:x:1005:2002::/home/default/website.com:/bin/false  how would I go about making a user with the same permissions as that?09:04
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nit-witAdvoWork, you want a second user with admin09:06
nit-witsuper user sudo access09:06
RenaKunisakiwhat is this tumblerd eating up my CPU?09:06
Flynnbloodriver, try a different ...  like wifi radar or something09:06
bloodriverokay will google a bit more...but it po's me...09:08
nit-witRenaKunisaki, you have htop installd09:09
RenaKunisakinit-wit, OK, and?09:09
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RenaKunisakiwhy does htop use that and how do I stop it eating CPU09:10
nit-witRenaKunisaki, do you need help09:10
RenaKunisakiI guess so?09:10
nit-witRenaKunisaki, what is this tumblerd?09:11
AdvoWorknit-wit, can i not just give them specific permissions, ie for ftp, mysql stuff?09:11
RenaKunisakinit-wit, that's what I was asking. it seems to be a network service?09:11
qinmurphy: iotop and inotify (but do not fully understand your problem)09:12
nit-witRenaKunisaki,  can't understand what you doing carry on.;)09:12
zetheroohow can I report a bug on something if I don't even know what is at fault!!!?09:12
murphyqin: thanks for your help09:12
RenaKunisakinit-wit, I was wondering what tumblerd is, why it's running and how to make it not use up all my CPU power09:12
murphyqin: in my folder, when I touch a file in it09:12
murphyafter a while09:13
murphyqin: it is be deleted09:13
nit-witRenaKunisaki, you can kill it with htop09:13
beta0x64zetheroo: just document it the best way you can and report it as a general bug or something?09:13
murphyqin: I want to find which process do it?09:13
RenaKunisakiyes I can kill it, I'm just wondering why it's there09:13
zetheroobeta0x64: I am trying to follow this ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs09:13
rober7a daemon-tools software for xubuntu?....09:13
rumpel_rober7, rightclick -> mount   in nautilus (afaik)09:14
qinmurphy: What folder? Can you give me path?09:15
beta0x64zetheroo: well, what's happening wrong?09:15
IledenHi! Problem with SMB shares and charset: I'm using a NAS share via samba on Ubuntu. When I connect via Nautilus "connect to windows share", all works ok, and I can see special characters correctly. However, when I mount it using /etc/fstab and smbfs some file names have an error of (invalid charset). How can I fix this? Using Ubuntu 10.10.09:15
nit-witRenaKunisaki, are you running xfce?09:15
RenaKunisakinit-wit, yes09:15
r4yI am confused about open with other applicate and alacarte. For instance there are 3 entries called Banshee and only one of them is checked but all three entries appear in the open with other application when right clicking and look at the whole list09:16
zetheroobeta0x64: some notification icons will not respond to being clicked on directly ... like the volume icon for instance09:16
murphyqin: I think it is nothing with its path, it is a jetty path\09:16
murphyqin: e.q. /var/www/path/jetty/...09:16
bloodriverokay...i have a problem...i can not not connect to my wireless network...i know that it is not ubuntu, my router, or any settings...because i can connect to other low signal networks (unprotected one in the area)...am i too close to the signal?  if so, why does the same manager (Network Manager) connects to my router on OpenSUSE but not on Ubuntu?09:16
zetheroobeta0x64: I have to click on the icon to the right of it and slide the cursor over to the left to get the volume, network, BT icons to respond09:16
nit-witRenaKunisaki, I see stuff on the web a ffmpeg problem supposed to be fixed but it seems not with hyou09:18
qinmurphy: Well, to prevent removal you can flag it, and if you do not own it that info should be in /var/log/auth.log.09:19
beta0x64zetheroo: I believe notification-ar is the executable for the notification-area. maybe try "top | grep notification", which is what I did. what do you think?09:19
zetheroobeta0x64: what will that command do ?09:20
beta0x64it will run a task manager of sorts and sort out every running process whose line contains "notification". on my machine it shows notification-ar. I'm considering killing it out of curiosity but that might be bad hah09:21
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem|lapto
Bonibeta0x64, i took ur name to be a command09:22
beta0x64zetheroo: wait I found it. ps aux | grep notification09:22
zetheroops aux | grep notification ?09:23
beta0x64zetheroo: /usr/lib/gnome-panel/notification-area-applet09:23
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zetheroobeta0x64: which one?09:23
beta0x64zetheroo: this is strange. I killed them and got a gnome bug saying it quit unexpectedly and needed to reload. volume and all that responded normally though09:24
zetheroobeta0x64: what exactly did you kill?09:25
kamran1is lxde for ubuntu still a beta ?09:26
beta0x64zetheroo: notification-area-applet and gdu-notification-daemon09:26
zetherooI don't have notification-area-applet09:26
beta0x64zetheroo: what do you have?09:27
damian_-_hi, im trying to upgrade to 11 from 10. upgrade option isnt available on install, it was on other pc's i upgraded. what causes this?09:27
zetheroobeta0x64: gdu-notification-daemon09:27
qindamian_-_: 10.04 or 10.1009:27
beta0x64kamran1: http://lubuntu.net/ no it's official now09:28
zetheroobeta0x64: and another one with an ID of 3195 .... but I cannot locate it in System Monitor09:28
damian_-_do i need to goto 10.10 first09:29
nit-witdamian_-_, yeah09:29
qindamian_-_: So by default it waits for next LTS.09:29
qindamian_-_: No09:29
damian_-_ok, so i can trick it to?09:29
qindamian_-_: Change, option in update manager (or synaptic) to look for normal releases, not only lts.09:30
damian_-_or i just cant goto 10.1009:30
damian_-_easy. thanks09:30
damian_-_and can i then use the cd. or will a dist-upgrade be the only way09:31
beta0x64zetheroo: well I don't know if it would help but you could try restarting it. I am looking in Add to panel for what controls sound volume and can't find anything at all. Hmm09:31
qin!alternative | damian_-_09:32
ubottudamian_-_: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:32
zetheroobeta0x64: restarting helps 1 time out of 10 ... tried that a lot ;)09:32
beta0x64zetheroo: Darn. So your volume control doesn't work at all?09:33
zetheroobeta0x64: it's not really that ... here is my description https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/78335409:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 783354 in Ubuntu "notification icons do not respond when clicked on directly" [Undecided,New]09:33
AethelwulfMorning everyone09:34
wdzzz Hello guys i have problem, when I type TOP commands and when im trying to exit top..then CTRL+Z works but its not exit from memory but only suspened top process09:35
_rubenwdzzz: use 'q' to exit top09:35
wdzzzoki thanks ill check it09:35
jfcaronWhen I ssh to a remote machine, I get two "Welcome to Ubuntu!" messages, one saying that there are 6 package updates available and 3 security updates, the second saying that there are 90 package updates and 57 security updates.  However when I do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade, it says that there are no packages to update.  Any ideas on how to figure out what's wrong?  This is Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS.09:35
AethelwulfI wanted to ask I am buying a new laptop and I don't want to re-install all the updates and programs i already installed on my ubuntu 11.04 so considering if I took an image of the whole system and just burned that image unto the new laptop would that cause any problems?09:36
icerootAethelwulf: normally not09:38
wdzzzwhen Im logon to my server via SSH .. then when Im logon successful I'll see starting information Welcome to Ubuntu ... how to delete this message ?09:38
Aethelwulficeroot: even if the laptops were of different brands ?09:38
gudduhow to upgrade ubuntu 10.1009:38
icerootAethelwulf: doesnt matter09:38
icerootAethelwulf: only windows will break on something like that, you can put your harddrive on every system and boot it (same architecture)09:39
AethelwulfIceroot: Now that is a chiller thank you lots I appreciate the help09:39
Aethelwulfbtw I use acronis to backup an image09:39
beta0x64zetheroo: what do you think is wrong?09:40
damian_-_after sleep my wifi wont work. i need to restart. also happens when i logout and back in. how can i fix it?09:40
Aethelwulfany suggestions of any better software?09:40
qinjfcaron: I guess it is /etc/motd.tail fault.09:40
AethelwulfI face the same problem as damian_-_09:40
ameriserfokay cool,  so since I installed 11.04, I can only reboot, if I 'use old linux versions'.   how do I fix this booting problem?09:40
gudduanyone help me09:41
damian_-_Aethelwulf: what wifi card?09:41
Aethelwulf1 min let me recheck which09:41
BraiamCompiz/Unity problem: when I move a windows between desktops using the wall plug-in and I minimize/close it, the indicator/menu still there, so I have to click the desktop to unblock the screen09:42
damian_-_tok im on intel 3945 rules that out09:42
jfcaronqin: Yes I do have a file at /etc/motd.tail, should I simply delete it?09:42
qinjfcaron: rather backup and echo09:43
qinjfcaron: If i recall well.09:43
galerienjfcaron, "mv /etc/motd.tail.back"09:43
galerienjfcaron, "mv /etc/motd.tail /etc/motd.tail.back" * sorry09:43
jfcaronqin, galerien: Ok, thanks.09:44
Braiamgalerien: whit sudo09:44
galerienBraiam, +109:44
grenadecx-Ascendanyone here experience with rdiff-backup?09:45
qingalerien: Also cp not mv, since we need empty file09:45
iceroot!anyone | grenadecx-Ascend09:46
ubottugrenadecx-Ascend: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:47
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.09:47
grenadecx-AscendOkay. well, I have a script that runs rdiff.backup to perform backups. But I get different results if I run in from cronjob then if I run it from terminal, http://pastebin.com/Xb12itYQ , anyone got any idea?09:48
llutzgrenadecx-Ascend: cronjobs are running in a limited environment, so you may have to use full pathes etc. to call stuff09:48
AethelwulfIceroot: thank you again09:49
AethelwulfGoodbye everyone09:49
grenadecx-AscendBut rdiff-backup is in the PATH variable09:49
grenadecx-Ascendshouldn't that be enough09:49
jfcaronOk new problem, when I do sudo apt-get update on my remote machine, it goes through all the repos (with hits) but finally ends with E: Unable to change to /home/myuser/ - chdir (13: Permission denied).  What permissions (and on which files/directory) do I need to set for this to work properly?  My home directory has u+rwx and a+r.  Again this is Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS09:49
llutzgrenadecx-Ascend: and PATH is identical when using cron?  i doubt that09:49
llutzgrenadecx-Ascend: crons PATH is not identical to users PATH in most cases, so use full pathes09:50
guckiis there any way to use/ import a mac keychain with ubuntu 11.04?09:50
grenadecx-AscendTHis happened after I updated rdiff-backup from 1.2.7 to 1.2.8, and they are in the very same spot09:51
ejvanyone have suggestions on removing a corrupted file (xfs filesystem) when trying to remove, via the inode, fails?09:51
grenadecx-AscendHow do I found out which PATH the crontab has then?09:52
llutzgrenadecx-Ascend: whats /etc/tibet/tibet-backup.sh line 34?09:52
brett__is there any good console based icq programs with decent tutorials out there for ubuntu? can anyone recommend one?09:52
llutzgrenadecx-Ascend: run a cronjob "echo $PATH >/tmp/cron-path"09:53
guesthello, i've just upgraded ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 and as soon as grub screen should be visible i get "no signal" from my monitor. My other system (after i blindly go to it through grub) works, what may be wrong ? is there any way to unupgrade ubuntu ? (i didn't know 11.04 isn't stable)09:53
qinbrett__: irssi (and some scripts), /j #irssi09:53
BraiamCompiz/Unity problem: when I move a windows between desktops using the wall plug-in and I minimize/close it, the indicator/menu still there, and the keyboard shortcuts are useless as same that the panel until I clic the desktop09:55
sunny_I am not able to figure out the difference between /etc/apt/mirror.list and /etc/apt/sources.list. Can anyone help me in this.09:55
grenadecx-AscendThere's really nothing in line 34 in my script, maybe it says that because of the loop. Well, I'm calling on rdiff-backup a few times so, probably because of it. Well, I'm gonna check the path of crontab now09:55
B|ackPantherHi, i have one program that uses /dev/ttyUSB0 and i want to read all the output in that file. Is there a way i can capture the output ?09:57
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qinB|ackPanther: wireshark09:58
B|ackPantherI want to use another program to read that output. The program using the /dev/ttyUSB0 is kermit.09:58
sunny_I am not able to figure out the difference between /etc/apt/mirror.list and /etc/apt/sources.list. Can anyone help me in this plz09:59
razz1any blufish ppa that works10:00
BraiamCompiz/Unity problem: when I minimize/close a windows, the indicator/menu still there, and also block both the keyboard shortcuts and the panel until I clic the desktop10:00
andrew_46razz1: There is a guide on the forums for building your own copy10:01
brett__qin: i am using irssi right now, are you telling me it can handle instant messengers such as jabber as well?10:01
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llutzbrett__: using additional stuff like btlbee, yes. without no, irssi is an irc-client10:01
andrew_46razz1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1426958 This is my guide :)10:02
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razz1andrew_46: i know, just wondering there might be a easy way. I tried the "deb     http://debian.wgdd.de/debian sid main contrib non-free" but fails to get the repository key10:02
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brett__llutz: cool thanks10:03
daedaluzis the kernel power consumption bug fixed?10:03
qinbrett__: Yes, with bitlbee, facebook includes, also twitter ;)10:03
andrew_46razz1: Hmmm... I don't know any PPAs unfortunately, the guide only has 3 single commands though?10:04
ron_ubuntu supports installation of DEB packages, right?10:04
ikoniaron_: deb package formats, yes10:04
Goliathhow can i mount a gbp image?10:04
razz1andrew_46: if compiles from source, how to upgrade then10:05
Celphishhmm, the keyboard-shortcuts for switching workspace just stopped working+10:05
Celphishhow do i restart it+10:05
ron_ikonia: thanks10:06
Celphishhmm, my shift seems to have hanged itself, can't write question mark10:06
andrew_46razz1: The checkinstall commands integrate the package into the package management system, so a newer repository version will upgrade it10:06
andrew_46razz1: Mind you natty does not have 2.0.3 yet :)10:06
qinsunny_: http://popey.com/blog/2006/10/24/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror/ I take it this way: mirror.list is "dynamic" source.list10:07
abbavanisankarDoes anyone know how to create a website?10:07
qinabbavanisankar: 15 bucks10:08
Celphishhahah, I know the problem now :D10:08
abbavanisankari'll give u 1510:08
=== npmap is now known as uniqueclone
abbavanisankarhey qin10:09
Celphishthe problem was that when I attached a usb-drive, my win7 VM took control over it instantly10:09
sunny_qin: I am not able to open the link.10:09
sahipwhat is the problem?10:10
qinabbavanisankar: IT would be easier for you to hang out around #apache etc, if you want /msg me10:10
qinsunny_: http://goo.gl/4arB10:10
sunny_qin: this link is also not working.10:11
qinsunny_: hm, does http://popey.com works?10:13
sunny_qin: no10:14
qinsunny_: google popey.com , please10:14
sunny_qin: ok10:14
sunny_qin: google found the link, but that too is not working.10:15
bc81Goliath: looks like you need to first convert the file to an iso, since gbp is a proprietary format.  there seems to be an open source program you can compile and try it out for yourself here: http://tinyurl.com/3ermxdn     good luck with that10:16
qinsunny_: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror ???10:16
stimpieIn my  unity launcher the workspace button disappeard, how do I restore it?10:17
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sunny_qin: yes this is working, I have see this page, but could not found the difference.10:17
bc81well, that dude left 2 minutes before i answered his question lol.  looks like either i need to lear to type faster, or he needs to learn patience :-)10:19
fanleiI'm new here10:21
bc81welcome, fanlei10:21
fanleiThis it's my first time use xchat10:22
fanleiWhat can I do here10:22
yoriu can find ppl ip's here10:22
ikoniafanlei: the channel you are in is called #ubuntu and is for ubuntu support discussion only10:23
definityHELP! im not sure which graphics card driver to download, i have a Nvidia 7600GT but im confused as to which drivers to download!10:23
Dr_Heckledefinity: the NVIDIA site lists which cards are supported by which dirver versions10:24
qinsunny_: It make diffrence if you updating dozen of machines (it reduce used bandwith around tenfold)10:25
definityi am on the website http://www.nvidia.com/page/geforce_7600.html and it dont say nothing about the drivers10:25
Dr_Heckledefinity: nvidia.com >> linux link/seach linux10:25
Dr_Hecklego from there10:25
gustavoalguem sabe um bom editor de video para linux??10:26
definitycant see no linux link, and when i type in linux on the search nothing comes up!10:27
Dr_Heckledefinity: well it worked for me when i tried it a few days ago10:28
Dr_Heckletry harder10:28
Dr_Heckletry smarter10:28
Dr_Heckletry better10:28
FloodBot1Dr_Heckle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
sunny_qin: I said I am not able to make out the difference between sources.list and mirror.list. And the link you provided did mention the difference between these two.10:29
fanleiCan I speak Chinese here10:29
RenaKunisakiis bugs.launchpad.net down?10:29
rigved!cn | fanlei10:29
ubottufanlei: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。10:29
drcdefinity: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-270.41.06-driver.html lists the Nvidia 7600GT10:30
qinsunny_: It may be not difference (especially before update).10:30
TimRRenaKunisaki: Nope10:30
definityDRC: thanks fro the link dude!!10:30
TimRRenaKunisaki:  http://downorjust.me10:31
RenaKunisaki!chinese | fanlei10:31
ubottufanlei: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。10:31
sunny_qin: There must be some difference.10:32
RenaKunisakiTimR, thought so, thanks10:32
RenaKunisakithat site never works for me >.>10:32
Cube``hey guys, i just create a new user on my computer and logged in with him, the way the desktop looked was entirely different (theme-wise and it also had the apple-like shortcuts on the bottom of the screen). how can i reset my own account to get the default screen setup/decoration?10:32
RenaKunisakiheh did ubottu respond automatically to the Chinese text or was that just severe lag?10:32
jiltdilchannel for libreoffice10:32
talntidwould be a good guess.10:33
Bonicube, When u enter ur username, u could see the themes at the bottom10:34
Boniu can change it from there10:34
Boniok cube?10:34
Cube``Boni: yes tried them all, to no avail10:35
BoniThen u must have installed a modified version of ubuntu like pinguy OS10:36
BoniIt must be  normal10:36
BoniCannot be changed10:36
padi999Hi all10:37
padi999In Lucid I had a SIP Plugin in Evolution. Now it's gone in 11.04, where is it? How can I regain it?10:37
Cube``Boni: xubuntu10:37
padi999Oh my bad, it's not evolution but empathy ^^10:38
guesthello, i've just upgraded ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 and as soon as grub screen should be visible i get "no signal" from my monitor. My other system (after i blindly go to it through grub) works, what may be wrong ? is there any way to unupgrade ubuntu ? (i didn't know 11.04 isn't stable)10:39
rigvedguest: there is no way to go back.10:40
rigvedguest: 10.10 is also a STS version, just like 11.04. 11.04 will become stable soon just like 10.1010:41
guestok, thanks10:41
helloEARTHguest: try using the nomodeset option when ur booting10:41
helloEARTHhad the same problem with 10.10 and that helped me fix it10:41
Steristis there a key combo to close applications or return to desktop?10:42
guestthanks helloEARTH10:42
iivvoohi, I'm trying to fix thunderbird's broken (US) date notation, I probably need to (re)configure my locale setting. How/where can I do that?10:42
Peddyis there a way to permanently enable indirect rendering in Unity?10:43
helloEARTHSterist:  alt-f4 to close application, and super+D to show desktop, was that what ur looking for?10:43
Steristhelloearth super?10:43
sahipwin ker10:44
helloEARTHwindows key on keyboard10:44
helloEARTHwe just dont like using that name. haha10:44
Steristthat key has yet to work for me10:45
RaptorsHey guys. I came here because #samba is literally dead. Does anyone know how to get nautilus to detect my samba share properly?10:47
Raptorsit's seeing "localhost" but when I double click it on it says "Failed to retrieve share list from server"10:47
Raptorswhen I type in my ip manually "smb://" it works10:48
DasEiRaptors: add it to /etc/fstab and do a mount -a10:51
RaptorsDasEi, that's not really the prob. I want it to be detected properly under network10:51
definityis it possible to install mac drivers on ubuntu?10:51
definitysicne there both linux10:51
sipiordefinity: both of those statements are incorrect :-)10:51
definityi thought mac is darwin, which is linux10:52
Dr_Hecklewhat was the kernel version what that split happened...?10:52
* Dr_Heckle doesn't know10:53
sipiordefinity: darwin is unix, not linux.10:53
DasEiRaptors: which distro ?10:53
sipiordefinity: specifically, it's descended from the BSD part of the family tree.10:53
definityoh shit10:53
DasEidefinity: mac is leopard OS , which is not linux10:53
andeeeukdoes anyone have any good alternatives to virtualbox?10:54
pedrocrI just booted a computer after a motherboard swap. It has two raid arrays running over the same 4 disks. The raid5 array apparently resynced and is now working. The raid1 array is working but degraded with only 2 of the 4 disks.10:54
DasEiandeeeuk: vmware10:54
pedrocrall disks seem to have some smart errors on bootup but nothing else10:54
Raptors<DasEi> Raptors: which distro ?10:54
definitybut its backbone is UNIX10:54
andeeeukdoes vmware work on ubuntu?10:54
pedrocrany ideas on what this could be and how to repair the raid1 array?10:54
helloEARTHandeeeuk: yes!  it has a cool unity mode too10:55
DasEiRaptors: which distro are u using ? lsb_release -a tells you10:55
andeeeukohhh nice one!! thanks!10:55
RaptorsDasEi, Gentoo10:55
secret6554454546What !10:55
RaptorsWell Funtoo but it's pretty much Gentoo10:55
definitydammit, i doubt im gonna get ym sound card to work then10:55
andeeeukdo you install VMware toolbox from the software centre?10:56
DasEiRaptors: #ubuntu here, ask in ##linux instead then, might (idk for gentoo) SUID problem10:56
Raptorskk I'll go to linux10:56
andeeeukhelloEARTH do you install the vmware toolbox from software center then?10:57
helloEARTHandeeeuk: nope10:57
DasEi!repeat | andeeeuk, no : http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/new_guest_tools_ws.html10:58
helloEARTHumm..one sec, notes...notes..10:58
mnemochi, can you point me to documentation about packaging kernel drivers?10:58
DasEi!packaging | mnemoc10:58
ubottumnemoc: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports10:58
helloEARTHandeeeuk, lets open a private chat, i have a lot of pasting...10:59
secret6554454546what iptables dns block traffic ?10:59
mnemocDasEi: but something more specific to dkms? :)10:59
secret6554454546example plz !10:59
BactaIs 11.04 officially out yet?11:02
DasEimnemoc : that's outdated, might look yourself : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-August/026088.html11:02
mnemocDasEi: thanks11:02
mnemocBacta: yes11:02
DasEimnemoc: also there is #ubuntu-devel, where more people might know11:02
jussimnemoc: try #ubuntu-packaging or perhaps #ubuntu-motu, or even #ubuntu-kernel :)11:03
mnemocjussi: thanks for the hint, didn't know those11:04
nanchoHi, I'd like to know if to add space on the systme partition is possible.11:04
jussinancho: yes11:04
jussi!info gparted | nancho11:04
ubottunancho: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 487 kB, installed size 1632 kB11:04
DasEinancho: if there is space before or behind can be freed, yes, else can have a new partiton, so yes11:05
nanchojussi: I've got a 210 Gio which is empty11:05
DasEinacho: mind to change fstab''s uuids afterwards11:05
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)11:05
ElectricPrismDoes anyone know the criteria for a package to be installed natively in Ubuntu?11:06
chrislustichi there guys. i seem to be having a problem...  im trying to uninstal wine...  and it says that  apt-get or aptitude are running and need to finish or be closed first.11:06
chrislusticbut they are not..11:06
DasEinancho: just make this your new /home and copy things over (move) ?!11:06
sahipchrislustic: after you restart?11:07
nanchoDasEi: but I havefirst to move the partition because they're not the one beside the other.11:07
ElectricPrismDoes Ubuntu have only GPL libraries or also LGPL by default? I know certain packages arent included by default11:07
DasEichrislustic: synaptic or another manager open  ?11:07
chrislusticno no other manager were open.... synaptic would not open it just opened tho but it says this11:08
chrislusticE;dpkg was interrupted you must manually run "sudo dpkg- configure -a to correct the problem11:08
DasEinancho: you could just use this 210gb for additional /home, tell it to fstab, mount it, copy - then delete your old data over, then delete old /home11:08
chrislustici guess i will try that11:09
rigvedchrislustic: run that command ^^11:09
DasEinancho: just check by df -h in current home, space is enough11:09
DasEiif there is enough soace*11:10
DasEispace, darn ;)11:10
RenaKunisakiI wonder why it tells you the command to run instead of running it11:10
RenaKunisakiseems like bad UI design11:10
DasEiRenaKunisaki: most  likely apt was interrupted11:10
RenaKunisakiif it knows how to solve the problem why not solve it?11:10
DasEiRenaKunisaki: administrative tasks don't run on their own11:11
Celphishwhat happends if I un-check "enable ubuntu unity plugin", does that shut off the launcher?11:11
nanchoDasEi: I do not speak about /home because my partition is used for data (who can be whitten and read on windows and linux)11:11
sipiorRenaKunisaki: because automatically running the command might break something, and it would be better if the user is directly involved.11:11
rigvedRenaKunisaki: sometimes just running the command is not enough. in that case some thing else needs to be done like deleting lock files etc.11:12
RenaKunisakihmm, but at least prompt "do you want to try to repair?" or some such11:12
chrislusticalso... with aircrack-ng im having a problem...   with setting the channel11:12
chrislusticwaiting for beacon frame (bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel -111:12
chrislusticmon0 is on channel -1 but AP uses channel 311:12
sipiorRenaKunisaki: feel free to contribute a patch.11:12
sunny_I am getting the following error; $ sudo apt-mirror -c apt-mirror apt-mirror: invalid config file specified at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 122.11:12
RenaKunisakipeople will see this "you must manually run this command" and go "but how do I do that?"11:12
RenaKunisakisipior, not a bad idea...11:12
DasEinancho: you initally wanted more space, and said you got an additional partition, so my idea11:12
chrislusticbut sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 "then with the channel number" will not set it11:12
chrislusticor whatever tghe command is.. close to that11:13
RenaKunisakiwill take all bloody night to download the source on this connection though >.>11:13
RenaKunisakianyone got a carrier pigeon? I suspect it'd be faster11:13
nanchoJust to add space on the /. It's about 7 Gio now11:13
jjp_Renakunisaki: only faster with QoS support; cf. RFC254911:14
quiescenscarrier pigeon has really high return trip latency though11:14
nanchoahh but Ithink the only solution is to move a partition (to add) and merge it to ma system part. What do you think?11:14
RenaKunisakiwell those RFCs are a bit out of date what with the printing and scanning TCP packets. should just stick them on USB sticks. have an entire distro ISO download in one packet :p11:15
DasEinancho: depends, works only easily if it's next to your existing root11:15
jjp_quiescens: you can still maximize throughput on tcp link over carrier pigeons with option TCP window scaling11:15
chrislustici need to set the channel for monitoring directly in aircrack-ng   it goes to default channel 11 but i need it on channel 311:15
nanchoDasEi: I thiunk I'll reinstall all the OS with at least 10 Gio.11:16
DasEinancho: run gparted an post a screenshot11:16
chrislusticI had installed macbuntu theme.   then i used wine to install safari,  but safari wouldnt run very well at all ,,,11:16
jjp_RenaKunisaki: I agree. I once also read a paper with a snail pulling a chariot whose weels were DVDs. Good throughput too, but on short distances11:17
DasEinancho: /home is where all your personal stuff goes, and a 10G is not much for a whole os11:17
RenaKunisakiI suspect that's what my ISP is using at the moment11:17
chrislusticnancho: 10 gb runs out fast,11:17
RenaKunisakiwhat year was it when you received this message?11:18
nanchoDasEi: I don't need a /home in fact because of my partition data (210 Gio is amply enough)11:18
DasEinancho: which size has your current root ?11:18
DasEidf -h tells you11:18
nanchoDasEi: what do you mean? The syst partition ?11:19
Cube``hey guys, why is truecrypt not in the repos?11:19
templerhi there does anyone know a news feed widget that i can embed in my desktop wallpaper11:19
DasEiCube``: third party11:19
Cube``DasEi: so they have repos for ubuntu?11:19
zetheroobeta0x64: I think I found out what the issue was ... sorta11:19
nanchoDasEi: where do you post a picture?11:20
DasEiCube``: no, but debs, and then the app has an update-function11:20
DasEinancho: http://imagebin.org/?page=add11:20
Cube``DasEi: thanks alot11:21
nanchoDasEi: http://imagebin.org/15351211:21
DasEiCube``: you kow howto install single deb ?11:21
Cube``DasEi: yes thanks11:21
DasEifine, have crypt :)11:22
nanchoDasEi: sorry it's in French.11:22
Cube``is it unbreakable though?11:22
nanchoAnd I'll be back soon: something important to do sorry.11:22
DasEinancho: nvm, picture's the same11:22
DasEinancho: cu11:23
user12can anyone tell me the why ubuntu hangs while downloading repos during installation on xenserver vm . trying lucid server edition. this is urgent.11:23
nanchonvm, cu ?11:23
joanianhello i have been using a source that used to name version starting with a character. IS there any config to bypass policy of versionnumbers not starting with digit?11:23
DasEinancho: nevermind, see you c-u11:23
chrislusticexcuse my language11:23
nanchoahh ok thanx a lot11:23
DasEicu, hehe11:24
helloEARTHthats a new one for me too. cu. haha11:24
joanianor better do a downgrade to 10.10?11:24
chrislusticI installed mac osx snow leoperd server edition on my HP pavillion intel core duo PC, but im having much problems troubleshooting the sound/11:25
chrislustic64 bit version11:25
ray1clawthis comes up when I apt-get update: http://pastebin.com/4Ld8y3Hw any ideas anyone?11:25
ray1claw ^ it has rendered my apt pretty much useless, cant do shit now11:25
sipiorchrislustic: i think you're in the wrong channel.11:25
chrislusticsipior: naww im not11:25
TER0RRthis might be a stupid question, but how can i install ubuntu without any window manager? i know that ubnutu server does this but PAE kernel is... well not for me11:25
sipiorchrislustic: we don't support mac os here. so yes, you are.11:25
wooterchrislustic, look up hackingtosh supported sound cards11:26
chrislustic:sipior I didnt ask a question11:26
chrislusticim in the right channel11:26
chrislusticthanks wooter,11:26
tsimpsonray1claw: please watch your language in here, and you can just 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-amd64_Packages' and apt-get update should re-download it11:26
DasEichrislustic: this is #ubuntu, not macos11:26
chrislustic I DONT CARE11:26
sipiorchrislustic: yes, but we do.11:26
chrislusticgood for you11:27
ray1clawtsimpson, sorry for the bad language, should try that asap, i was just being casual11:27
chrislustici dont care that you care11:27
DasEihi, yeyeye11:27
yeyeyeis possible to speak with somebody in spanish please?11:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:27
sipiorchrislustic: try not to be a douchebag, if you can possibly manage it.11:27
chrislustichave fun caring... this channel has more useful info on just about anything than other channels.11:28
yeyeyeDasEi, thanks11:28
chrislusticsipior: it's a free country and your entitled to your opinon,  if you don't like why i'm here then you should stop crying me a river11:28
loculinuxbuenos dias a todos11:29
sipiorchrislustic: is this the country where they use "your" instead of "you're"?11:29
lolmausPlease suggest a simple way to determine where free space is spent to, using console.11:29
user12can anyone tell me the why ubuntu hangs while downloading repos during installation on xenserver vm . trying lucid server edition. this is urgent.11:29
DasEilolmaus: df -h11:29
chrislusticsipior: are you playing teacher now and you are superior because I didn't take the time to make sure I spelled osmething correctly?11:29
chrislusticsipior: bravo would you like a trophy11:29
DasEi!ot > chrislustic11:29
ubottuchrislustic, please see my private message11:29
user12no one??11:30
sipioruser12: you haven't exactly given us much to go on.11:30
DasEiuser12: slow mirror ?11:30
wooterirc needs a like button sometimes11:31
DasEiuser12: you could use synaptic to find fastest mirro, or are you running headless ?11:31
exasamWhat means "none" in the "Filesystem" column of 'df -h'?11:31
DasEiexasam: swap11:32
exasamthank you!11:32
sipiorexasam: just that. the files are resident in memory (not swap)11:32
DasEiexasam: read sipior, /dev is there11:33
ufehifehiehfiuhello. I'd like that my computer change a setting at every shutdown : I want the mouse to be back for right-handy at every restart.11:33
ufehifehiehfiuwho could help me acheive this?11:33
nibbler_ufehifehiehfiu, you have the CLI commands for that?11:34
ufehifehiehfiuI don't recall what CLI stands for.11:35
ufehifehiehfiuCommand lkine?11:35
ufehifehiehfiuno, not at the moment.11:35
ufehifehiehfiunibbler_:  this post should help me right?http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115875011:35
DasEiufehifehiehfiu: you could use a makrorecoder an then add that to your startupapps11:36
DasEi!info xnee11:36
ubottuxnee (source: xnee): X event recorder/replayer - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.06-1 (natty), package size 10 kB, installed size 56 kB11:36
ufehifehiehfiuDasEi: so you suggest me to install xnee, right?11:37
ray1clawtsimpson, it worked man! thanks a bunch! but now it shows the same error with another file. *sigh*11:37
ufehifehiehfiusudo apt-get install xnee11:37
ufehifehiehfiuDasEi: and once I've installed XNEE ?  the xnee command doesn't exist11:39
DasEiufehifehiehfiu: man cnee11:39
ufehifehiehfiuDasEi: thx11:39
ufehifehiehfiuDasEi: I am not able to understand the CNEE manual.11:41
Nagelafter doing apt-get upgrade, my mouse doesn't work.  How do I fix it?11:42
jamiewanNagel, try reconnecting it11:43
DasEiufehifehiehfiu: http://itupw056.itu.chalmers.se/xnee/doc/xnee.pdf11:43
NagelIt's a mousepad11:43
uuuzuyzyzuDasEi: I tried "cnee -demo" but I didn't got it. It shutdown my session...11:44
uuuzuyzyzuDasEi: reading your doc.11:44
uuuzuyzyzuDasEi: you suggest me to record my action with cnee and ask cnee to reproduce that action?11:45
guesthow can I add "nomodeset" parameter to grub, if as soon as i launch grub i get "no signal" on my monitor ?11:47
DasEiufehifehiehfiu: yes, you can have a very litle script just doing so and call that at each startup (sytem>preferences>startup-applications)11:47
guestbut i can't even launch ubuntu, "no signal" - is accessing it from other OS the only way ?11:48
iulhkhello all, using debian lenny, if i hv some php page in /var/www/info.php then i can able to open it. but if i will try to open the same page from /var/www/directory1/info.php then i am unable to open it, how to enable /var/www sub directories for web pages ?11:48
DasEiGuest: ah , no, when grub starts, press left shift, hover to desired entry and press e11:49
uuuzuyzyzuDasEi: It sounds complicated to me, do you beleive that CNEE solution is one of the simplest?11:49
guestDasEi: umm, i'll try, what does'e' do ? (i get no signal as soon as grub starts11:49
guestis it grub batch ?11:49
DasEiufehifehiehfiu: unless you find the commands to achieve that and just have a script doing so, yes11:49
Flanneliulhk: In Ubuntu it's enabled by default, you should ask in #debian.11:50
DasEiGuest: lets you edit grubs's line11:50
guestDasEi: ok thanks11:50
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:50
rigvediulhk: this is the support channel for ubuntu. head over to #debian for debian support. also, sub-direcories are accessed by www.example.com/sub-directory/info.php11:50
Flanneliulhk: One other thing to check is if those files are readable by the user apache is running as.  In Ubuntu, that's www-data, I don't know what it is in debian (this is why it's important to ask in #debian)11:51
uuuzuyzyzuDasEi: Ok, so I am going to have a look to find the command to acheive that.11:51
helloEARTHTsune: hi11:53
Tsunewhat's up?11:53
Edulixhi people11:55
Tsunehey Edulix11:55
uuuzuyzyzudoes anybody ever used "xmodmap"?11:56
uuuzuyzyzuIs it a good idea to use it?11:56
Tsuneanyone can tell me how to unistal kubuntu from my pc?11:56
amokpauleHello, can someone recommend me a scanner for ubuntu price around 100 euros?11:57
MonkeyDust!ot| Tsune11:57
ubottuTsune: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:57
falafell1errr how do i enable viewing hidden files in nautilus? O_o i used to right-click -> show hidden but that option is gone11:59
jamiewancontrol h11:59
Tsunewhy is ot? i need to unistall *ubuntu from my pc11:59
falafell1oh w00t, tnx jamiewan11:59
amokpauleor a good company where most models have linux support11:59
DJonesTsune: Do you mean completly remove kubuntu just to leave you with windows?12:00
jamiewanamokpaule, canon and hp have been good for me with printers and scanners12:00
sahipTsune: you need to format, that's all12:01
amokpaulejamiewan: thanks12:01
Tsunebut that doesn't will format my Windows too?12:02
=== Anope_ is now known as FED
TsuneDJones: yeah, i just want windows12:03
jamiewanamokpaule, i use a canon cheap flatbed scnner a hp 6500 printer MFC and logitech c series webcams they all work flawlessly in ubuntu12:04
sahipTsune: are they on the same portion?12:04
DJonesTsune If you want to keep windows, you'll need to use your windows cd and run the fixmbr app which will remove grub so that your pc will just boot into windows, once thats done, you can just reformat the partitions you've given to kubuntu/swap etc from windows12:04
Tsunelet me see12:04
DJonesTsune: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true12:04
amokpaulejamiewan: ok i will look at them, i have an canon at the moment but it is not supported by sane . so im looking for one that is12:05
jamiewanamokpaule, try installing simple scan12:06
amokpaulejamiewan: OK will try, you maybe also know a solution for my oki laser printer? Not in cups^^12:07
ruslan_osmanovhow do I load a php extension from apache2 vhost config/12:07
Tsuneso after using fixmbr app i can restore the hard disk with gparted without problems?12:07
jamiewanamokpaule, all i can say is theres a pretty big list of hp supported printers and they seem to be the best for my experience anyways12:08
DJonesTsune: You shouldn't need gparted, you'll be able to format the partitions from Windows12:08
amokpaulejamiewan: Ok, thanks for your time :)12:08
szalDJones: having a GParted live CD can't hurt, however ;)12:08
DJonesTsune: If you're not sure, the best place to ask will probably be ##windows though, the windows users tehre should be able to talk you through it12:09
Tsune've to look the windows restore cd now12:10
=== sbell_ is now known as sbell
blashyrkhwhen iam connecting my laptop with a lan cable the wireless is switched off automatically12:12
blashyrkhhow can i turn off this functino?12:12
blashyrkhit says, "wireless lan is turned off by hardware switch"12:12
ruslan_osmanovI specified php.ini with PHPINIDir directive in /etc/apache2/sites-available/localhost: /var/www/localhost/conf/php.ini. This file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608324/12:14
ruslan_osmanovphpinfo() outputs the raw constant name: COUNTER_RESET_PER_REQUEST. While it's value parsed successfully in any .php file12:15
ruslan_osmanovso I wonder, why the constant value is not parsed in php.ini and phpinfo()12:15
ruslan_osmanovhere is the main extension code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608325/12:16
ruslan_osmanovjust this code had worked on opensuse12:17
ruslan_osmanovhowever, on opensuse I've php5-fpm+nginx installed. I.e. no apache12:17
DasEiruslan_osmanov: ask in ##php maybe ?12:17
ruslan_osmanovDasEi, I'd like to. But I'm falling into #overflow12:17
ruslan_osmanovcannot connect to the channel12:18
DasEi!register | ruslan_osmanov12:18
ubotturuslan_osmanov: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:18
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuDasEi: can't I use the CLI "gnome-mouse-properties" to change the mouse property?12:18
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: I don't know that, I rather would look after dpkg, but have no clue about that12:19
DasEiHow is a mouse set from left to right hand via terminal ?12:20
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: or add a section in xorg.conf12:20
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuDasEi: I don't manage to know how is a mouse set from left to right hand via terminal12:20
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuwith xmodmap maybe, but not properly12:21
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: same here, is why I put the question in the channel12:21
sahipwho has the mouse problem?12:21
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu:  has, sahip12:21
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: tried X - configure?12:21
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: tried "X -configure"?12:22
uuuuuuuuuudfdzusahip: no I did not.12:22
ruslan_osmanovDasEi, thank you12:22
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuI am.12:22
DasEi!cn | mkdir12:23
ubottumkdir: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。12:23
NagelSo it looks like apt-get upgrade has f***ed the system.  How do I downgrade?12:23
uuuuuuuuuudfdzusahip: "Server is already active for display 0" Can I shutdown X and still work on my browser and terminal?12:23
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: browser? web browser?12:23
DasEiNagel: f** ..  ... what's the errormessage ?12:23
karthick87How to install java plugins in ubuntu 10.04 ?12:24
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuyes, the one I use to talk to you. (empathy doesn't work here...)12:24
NagelDasEi: No error message.  But the touchpad no longer works.12:24
DasEi!java | karthick8712:24
ubottukarthick87: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:24
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: you con use irssi.12:24
DasEiNagel: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:24
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuanyway I feel confused. The "gnome-mouse-properties" gtk window allow to change the setting from Right-handed to Left-handed.12:25
DasEiNagel: else try gsynaptics and tpconfig12:25
mkdirthanks ubottu12:26
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuSo how come that window manage to do that, and we cannot using CLI ?12:26
NagelI've tried all those.12:26
DasEimkdir: ubott.. is  the channel ro-bot12:26
lynx__i am going to install ubuntu server at office, however can someone tell me a lightweight window manager & how to install it? do i need to install x11 and xorg as well? ty.12:26
mkdirmy god ...12:26
RenaKunisakiheh maybe ubottu should respond to being thanked, like "don't thank me, I'm a robot"12:26
sahiplynx__: blackbox12:27
icerootlynx__: why install server then? the server is normal ubuntu without a gui and with pae-kernel12:27
DasEimkdir: look, triggered by "!"12:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:27
lynx__iceroot: because any other iso comes with a desktop environment by default12:27
iceroot!minimal | lynx__12:27
ubottulynx__: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:27
lynx__iceroot:  and i want a window manager, not a desktop environment12:27
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuWhere is the source code for the "gnome-mouse-properties" application?12:28
lynx__i am just confused cuz someone told me about xorg/x1112:28
lynx__and i dont know whay the fuck should i do12:28
DasEilynx__: language, sure, ask12:28
icerootuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: find out from what package its comming from (dpkg -S filename) then to, sudo apt-get source packagename12:28
szallynx__: someone told you what about Xorg/X11?12:29
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuiceroot: thx.12:29
sahiplynx__: do install X. Then pick a wm like blackbox and done?12:29
linuxer0203  .12:29
lynx__well, ive told them that i was going to install ubuntu server but i want a way to see my desktop also, they told me to use a window manager which would come with no apps like desktop environments so icould dl my ownbrowser n shit12:29
icerootlynx__: you need X, then you need a window-manager12:29
lynx__but they were like12:29
FloodBot1lynx__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:29
xiongRenaKunisaki, Um, nono; "You're welcome."12:29
lynx__'yo bro, u need x11/xorg aswell'12:29
icerootlynx__: and you dont need a gui on a server12:30
lynx__how do i install x?12:30
DasEilynx__: x is the graphical environment, install xserver-xorg12:30
lynx__iceroot: but i do want it, mainly cuz sometimes ill write docs here12:30
lynx__k thanks DasEi12:30
DasEilynx__: then you need a windowmanager, like gdm12:31
DasEi..or other12:31
linuxer0203kgdm ?12:31
sahiplet me link you to wingow managers list12:31
js_gdm is a session manager12:31
szalDasEi: GDM is not a window manager12:31
DasEikdm,xdm, and and12:31
linuxer0203 yes12:31
szalDasEi: neither are KDM or XDM12:31
linuxer0203but , i think12:31
lynx__so, i just need to install X and a window manager?12:31
linuxer0203server can work well without X12:32
xiongRenaKunisaki, Even maybe, "You're welcome. Please ask for help on any related topic."12:32
linuxer0203what do you want to do with ubuntu server?12:32
something_herehi. if i install ubuntu from either cd or the ms executable I get no display during the installation. Does anyone know how to fix this?12:32
RenaKunisakiyeah that would be nicer12:32
Nageltpconfig just says "cannot open PS/2 Port [/dev/psaux12:32
Nagelwhat does that mean?12:32
igorThey, I am having problem installing mint, i was getting the error that /cdrom cannot be unmounted, afer I unmounted it manually, i now get the May 16 11:14:16 mint install.py: AssertionError: Missing filesystem.size. error. I am using  unetbootin. help?12:32
xiongI'm quick to endorse rewards for displayed courtesy.12:32
DasEiszal: gives you a basic desktop without ubuntu-desktop, am I wrong ? it's a displaymanager12:33
lynx__linuxer0203: it'd be used to store mysql database & to write docs if someone need it12:33
lynx__thats why i do need some desktop visuals aswell12:33
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_window_manager -12:33
szalDasEi: indeed, these are display managers, and for starting X you don't necessarily need one12:33
linuxer0203that my English isn't good ~12:34
WalexNagel: the PS/2 port is the old style serial port (DIN type connector) for mice and keyboard12:34
uuuuuuuuuudfdzusahip: DasEi : I f**** find the CLI: gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/left_handed --type bool "1"12:34
uuuuuuuuuudfdzugconftool-2 is our friend12:34
NagelSo why is tpconfig trying to use it?12:34
lynx__let me ask one last thing12:34
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: f**inally, nice12:35
lynx__lets say that i like how gnome looks like, but i deslike it's default applications such as the browser, ftp client, etc. is there a way to install gnome without it's apps?12:35
sahipuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: I didnt mean to send that to you12:35
sahiplynx__: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_window_manager -12:35
linuxer0203 not install x-window-system-core ?12:35
lynx__sahip: thanks, i know but what about the gnome question?12:35
sahiplynx__: I don't use gnome. I wouldn't know12:36
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuDasEi: so know I write a file called "put-mouse-back-for-right-handed" with that CLI, and I configure my Ubuntu to execute that file at every shutdown12:36
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuAm I right?12:36
something_hereif i install ubuntu from either cd or the ms executable I get no display during the installation. Does anyone know how to fix this?12:36
lynx__well, xfce gnome kde, i dont care, is there a way to install it without the default apps?12:36
linuxer0203i think  no way ~12:37
sahipthose are not window managers12:37
linuxer0203 it looks like12:37
sahipthey are desktop environments12:37
linuxer0203you can install them , and then remove12:37
sahipand it will cause malfunction12:38
sahipinstall a minimalist window manager12:38
sahipand that's it12:38
linuxer0203ye ?12:38
lynx__k ty12:38
linuxer0203install a minimalist window manager12:38
linuxer0203 yes12:38
igorThuh, ill try again, I would appreciate any help, google came up blank. hey, I am having problem installing mint, i was getting the error that /cdrom cannot be unmounted, afer I unmounted it manually, i now get the May 16 11:14:16 mint install.py: AssertionError: Missing filesystem.size. error. I am using  unetbootin. help?12:39
kki313Is there a way to get a notification if empathy detects a new entry in an IRC channel? It should show the written text - excluding entry and quit messages12:39
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: almost, do : gksu gedit /usr/bin/Mouse.sh12:39
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: first line :12:39
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu:  #!/bin/bash12:40
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: then your command12:40
WalexigorT: perhaps damaged install CD or bad CD drive12:40
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: save n close12:40
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuok DasEi , thanks a lot!12:40
Walexsomething_here: try text installation from the 'alternate' cd12:40
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: chmod +x Mouse.sh12:40
linuxer0203it's difficult to chat with your12:40
linuxer0203 OMG ,12:41
DasEiuuuuuuuuuudfdzu: now add /usr/bin/Mouse.sh to your startupapps12:41
igorTWalex: I am installing from the HD, it seemed to wrok.12:41
uuuuuuuuuudfdzusudo chmod +x /usr/bin/Mouse.sh12:41
DasEimakes it executable12:41
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuok, go to my startup apps.12:41
rm1dont speac english12:42
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:42
linuxer0203dont speak english12:42
linuxer0203ye, thanks12:43
DasEilinuxer0203: is that japanese ?12:44
brett__for some reason the logoff button for ubuntu keeps getting covered up by some unused chat menu. I see two copies of a talk bubble with my user name, one of them where the logoff button is supposed to be, i also do not know how to get rid of it, short of rebooting. Can someone help please?12:44
uuuuuuuuuudfdzuDasEi: OK i am gonna test this.12:44
linuxer0203no , i'm chinses12:44
DasEi!cn | linuxer020312:44
ubottulinuxer0203: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。12:44
linuxer0203i kown ~.12:44
linuxer0203i also in #ubuntu-cn12:45
linuxer0203there , i can practice my english12:46
Demorionme too12:46
exasamhow can i easily remove entries in in the indicator applet? (i want to remove empathy, gwibber and evolution)12:47
sahipthere are channelo for that12:47
DasEiDemorion: linuxer0203: this a technical support channel, there are other channels to chit-chat12:47
Demorionok, im go to other chanel ? where ?12:48
linuxer0203DasEi:  i kown ,12:48
DasEiDemorion: might try ##politics, #defocus, or :12:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:48
linuxer0203 #ubuntu-offtopic12:48
brett__for some reason the logoff button for ubuntu keeps getting covered up by some unused chat menu. I see two copies of a talk bubble with my user name, one of them where the logoff button is supposed to be, i also do not know how to get rid of it, short of rebooting. Can someone help please?12:49
joseph_Is anyone else having problems with GDM crashing when you switch between users? I did a clean install of 11.04 and I can log out/in of the primary account fine. But if I use another account GDM crashes on logout/switch. I just get a garbled screen.12:51
sahipbrett__: for 1, you can reboot through terminal; "shutdown", "reboot" "halt"12:52
sahipbrett__: next, do you know what program it is?12:52
brett__sahip: about me12:52
sahipbrett__: what?12:53
CelphishFor some strange reason my core 2 duo 2,4ghz and 4gb of memory isn't enough for ubuntu, it still feels a tad slow and such12:53
Faustus2is there a easy way to change the icon of a file-type? eg: png??12:53
igorThey, I am having problem installing mint, Ubiquity crashes. I  was getting the error that /cdrom cannot be unmounted, afer I unmounted it manually, i now get the May 16 11:14:16 mint install.py: AssertionError: Missing filesystem.size. error. I am using  unetbootin. help?12:53
DasEiCelphish: graphics ?12:54
brett__sahip: not sure the name, but it seems to be called 'Me' or 'About Me'12:54
CelphishDasEi: you mean which card I have?12:54
brett__sahip: it came with the OS12:54
DasEiyes, Celphish12:54
CelphishDasEi: intel gma-4000-something12:54
brett__sahip: maybe 'Ubuntu One' is the name?12:54
Demorionany one tell me what the name of manger of packets ?12:55
sahipbrett__: well, right click the top bar and say "add to panel", see if it is there12:55
DasEiCelphish: that might be a problem, get a cheap nvidia and be done12:55
EarlOfEgoHey, after installing natty my ethernet doesnt work, but it is connected. How can I search for the failure?12:55
CelphishDasEi: it's my work laptop ><12:55
DasEiah ic12:55
uuuuuuufgsahip: DasEi : thanks, you fullfilled my need.12:56
DasEiCelphish: are you running natty ?12:56
brett__sahip: no, i can't find it12:56
CelphishDasEi: yeah, 11.04, installed it last week.,,12:56
uuuuuuufgmaybe we cannot do that on windows or mac OS ;)12:56
DasEiCelphish: you could try gnome classic12:56
DasEiCelphish: no compiz, that will free a lot12:57
sahipbrett__: well. remove all of them and see if it disables12:57
uuuuuuufghow to hide the status IRC messages starting with == ?12:57
CelphishDasEi: compiz? I do use compiz.. I would love to be able to use the same kind of "search and you shall find"-kinda menu12:57
sahipuuuuuuufg: what client?12:57
uuuuuuufg./hide status12:57
uuuuuuufgwebchat freenode12:57
chilli0Hi, how can I see how much ubuntu is currently downloading? under CLI.12:57
DasEi!gnome-classic | Celphish12:58
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.12:58
brett__sahip: you mean remove the panel and recreate it?12:58
CelphishDasEi: but that will remove the nice and practical start menu right?, the one that linuxmint has had for ages12:58
sahipbrett__: no no no. remove all the enabled indicators from that window I linked you to12:58
gis2hi, I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Any now how can access on ubuntu machine like xdcmp (I undestand that the xdcmp no more support)12:58
DasEiCelphish: the specs of the box are fine, the graphics are not best for heavy window managers, gnome looks like ..second snapshot coming12:59
CelphishI truly love the menu from mint, but I wanted to give ubuntu another chance since they had the new 11.04 are out12:59
brett__sahip: i don't see any links that you sent me12:59
vectoryhi, is there a way to protect folders in /tmp from deletion?13:00
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
gis2any now about xdcmp and ubuntu 10.04 lst13:01
icerootvectory: no13:01
DasEiCelphish: http://imagebin.org/15352213:01
CelphishDasEi: but I have applications running that I can't close atm, can I log out and keep some of them running? (Vmware workstation)13:01
icerootvectory: why is it important to protect them?13:01
sahipbrett__: there is a horizontal menu over the top, yes? right click on an empty spot on it and you should get a menu. there, there should be 'add tto panel'13:01
brett__sahip: yes13:01
brett__sahip: i see that13:01
Demorionwhy  have enabled xchat in applet menu ?13:01
DasEiCelphish: I think they close then13:02
chilli0How can I stop my ubuntu server from accessing the internet for a bit? Just the internet and not the ethernet13:02
sahipbrett__: that should open a window that has things you can enable and disable. right?13:02
=== HammerTiem|lapto is now known as HammerTiem
vectoryiceroot: i wanna hardlink files that get created in tmp, so they dont get automatically deleted, eg flash vids, but that cannot be done across disks, and ~ is a seperate partition13:02
brett__sahip: no, i can only add from there13:03
AmeobaChilli0 - do other computers have to access the net? you could unplug the router13:03
Sm1Bug #26382213:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263822 in vte (Ubuntu) "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26382213:03
icerootvectory: bad idea, also /tmp is cleaned after every reboot13:03
vectoryi saw13:03
CelphishDasEi: hmm.. it's difficult to go back to the classic gnome style since I truly hate the menues since I can't learn to navigate them, hence the love for the win7-lookalike menu13:03
vectorydeleted 2 gb worth of clips13:03
sahipbrett__: I am sorry in that case. I must have forgot what it looked like13:03
tobasvectory: you could just mount /tmp as a real partition instead of tmpfs.13:03
vectoryi wil think about it13:04
tobasvectory: not as fast, but would work and be persistent13:04
vectoryis there a ff plugin that can save the clips automatically13:04
vectoryfrom youtube etc13:04
tobasvectory: or you could make an lvm backed delayed write mirror of /tmp13:04
DasEiCelphish: then you will feel the rather slow graphics, or use unity's 2d repo and save some effects13:05
tobaslogical volume manager13:05
brett__sahip: so delete the whole panel and recreate?13:05
sahipbrett__: ask your question again and someone using gnome can respond13:06
BluesKaj'Morning all13:06
chilli0Ameoba, Yeah, I want to run a speed test to establish where my network is slowing down.13:06
jaybeehi all13:06
Demorionwhy xchat has not in menu applet ? when it is running13:06
chilli0Ameoba, I can't just view the speeds on my server because it's running loads of things via samba.13:06
vectorychilli0: tracerout13:06
brett__sahip: ok thanks13:06
NagelMy xserver say ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad Unable to query/initialise Synaptics hardware.13:06
CelphishI suggest smoke-signals.. DasEi I don't care much for the effects atm...  but I am running a win7 VM at the same time, along with this chat, firefox or chrome and so on13:06
brett__for some reason the logoff button for ubuntu keeps getting covered up by some unused chat menu. I see two copies of a talk bubble with my user name, one of them where the logoff button is supposed to be, i also do not know how to get rid of it, short of rebooting. Can someone help please? I am using Gnome btw13:06
vectorychilli0: tracepath*13:07
NagelHow do I enable such capabbility?13:07
Ameobachilli0, so you want to test the speed from your PC to the internet, but don't want the server effecting the results?13:07
jaybeeI have a problem with sound: I get sound out of the onboard speakers of my laptop, when I pug in headphones, speakers are muted, but no sound in headphones - what am I doing wrong?13:07
Ameobachilli0, I'm guessing you don't want to unplug the server from the LAN13:07
Ameobachilli0, you could try changing the default gateway specified on the server so that i can't find any internet addresses13:08
DasEiCelphish: look at conky or htop, where your ressources go, I bet it's unity's 3d on that graphic where your problem is13:08
vectorychilli0: tracepath tracks every server your data gets send through and times the ping13:08
vectoryis that what you want?13:08
tobasvectory: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/using-tmpfs-is-not-improving-performance-761822/#post371987213:08
chilli0vectory, oh cool. I guess I'll have a look at that.13:08
sahipjaybee: if you know your headphones are not broken, then your audio-out socket is not working..13:09
chilli0I'm gonna restart the router I have a made a few changes so I'll get D\c.13:09
vectorytobas: wouldnt it be enough to make a hardlink of /tmp to eg /tmpsave13:09
DasEiCelphish: https://launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/+archive/unity-2d-daily13:09
DasEiCelphish: that keeps the same functionality, my natty vm uses same13:10
tobasvectory: yeah, and then comment out the mount in /etc/fstab13:10
jaybeeSahip, headphones are fine, socket was fine in XP, just installed Ubuntu last night13:10
tobasvectory: or just comment out the mount and it will default to your rootfs13:10
vectoryi havent tmp mounted in fstab13:10
tobastrue. one sec13:11
sahipjaybee: ubuntu does not detect it in that case. did you search the internet?13:11
Iormangundheya, is there a way to change wireless network connection order of preference? ie it currently connects to weak one instead of strong.13:11
vectorytobas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608361/13:11
jaybeesearched Ubuntu site, then came here - probably take it to someone who knows what they're doing over the weekend13:12
vectorynotice the last two lines, can i savely ucomment them?13:12
CelphishDasEi: the 2 things that took most cpu is the system monitor used to see the info and vmware ;P13:14
Faustus2can one change the icon of a file from the console?13:14
e2fsckvmware? why not try virtualbox?13:15
DasEiCelphish: see, what makes it laggish isn't your cpu/ram combo, that I wanted to show you13:15
uuuuuuufgwhen doing in python:  "os.system(cmd)", how can I get the error returned by the cmd?13:15
uuuuuuufg(it is for that app: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alfred-maghi/localhost-indicator/trunk/view/head:/localhost-indicator )13:15
Piciuuuuuuufg: This isn't the best channel for that, try #python13:15
CelphishDasEi: ah, how do I see the gpu-usage then?13:15
sahip_jaybee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608361/ ?13:15
vectoryuuuuuuufg: ret=os.system(cmd) ?13:15
uuuuuuufghow can i get the system messages returned while executing:  "os.system(cmd)"13:16
jribuuuuuuufg: still the wrong channel :)13:16
e2fscktry: os.system(cmd) except:13:16
tobasvectory: got it. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-removes-files-at-boot-time/13:17
DasEi!info intel_gpu_top | Celphish13:17
ubottuCelphish: Package intel_gpu_top does not exist in natty13:17
DasEiCelphish: there was this tool, gone now seems13:17
CelphishDasEi: oh.. ok13:18
tobasvectory: so setting TMPTIME to -1 should work to never delete13:18
vectoryi see13:18
DasEiCelphish: still d/l : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/intel_gpu_top.1.html13:18
PiciCelphish, DasEi: Its in the intel-gpu-tools package.13:18
DasEiCelphish: another question, you use 64 not 32 bit ?13:19
DasEiPici: good to know , thanks13:19
CelphishDasEi: 64, got 4gb of ram,13:19
DasEiCelphish: all fine13:19
CelphishDasEi, Pici, ubottu: it is installed in my dist anyway appearently, so how to start it?13:21
DasEiCelphish:  intel_gpu_top in terminal13:22
CelphishDasEi: can't say that much happend?13:22
=== [1]user12 is now known as user12
DasEiCelphish: ubott.. is the channel ro-bot13:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:23
CelphishDasEi: it cleared the terminal-window and tha marker is blinking in the lower left corner13:23
CelphishDasEi: wops :D13:23
DasEiCelphish: sry, ctrl+c to stop it, next time prefix with sudo13:24
CelphishDasEi: I did, that's when what I described happens, before sudo it just wanted admin priveliges13:25
nickplz help13:27
=== nick is now known as Guest54624
Guest54624i cant get my wireless card to work with zubuntu13:28
DasEiCelphish: hm should take some time and draw balcons on the left screen side, else something is going wrong13:28
Guest54624help me plz13:29
CelphishDasEi: I'll try again in a moment, my gui just did a twist13:29
Gnea!wifi | Guest5462413:29
ubottuGuest54624: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:29
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
Celphishmy vmware-window just shot itself in the head13:32
Virdoes anybody know how to make non-prepackaged GCC work on Natty?13:32
HanHi, I just updated to narwhal and after entering my credentials my sessions die. .xsession error says: XIO fatal IO error 11 (resource temp. unavailable) on X server 0:13:32
Virlibc and such stuff is not in its usual place and therefore everything just fails to link13:33
sipiorVir: you built it against the local libc, i hope?13:35
Virsipior: I have no other libc installed than the Natty one13:36
Virand the dev packages are all installed13:36
Virerror message is: "cannot find -lc"13:36
sipiorVir: it would be useful if you could pastebin the build command and all the resulting errors.13:37
=== retentiveboy is now known as retentiveboy_
Virsipior: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608372/13:39
sipiorVir: sorry, i meant the build command you used to make the compiler :-)13:39
Virsipior: http://code.compeng.uni-frankfurt.de/projects/gcc-build/repository/revisions/master/entry/install.sh and functions.sh13:40
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。13:41
bullgard4MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual: "Use the SHOW statement to find out what databases currently exist on the server." 'mysql> show databases; dbBegriffe2011'. Why does '~$ locate dbBegriffe2011' not produce any output?13:43
ikoniabullgard4: because it's not in your locate cache path13:43
sipiorVir: and that ran with no errors? (i'm guessing no...)13:43
Virsipior: it runs without errors if I disable GCC bootstrap13:44
papafbullgard4: plus that's not a file13:44
Virsipior: otherwise I get the same problem13:44
ikoniabullgard4: also there is no extension on that file13:44
bullgard4papaf: What does 'plus' mean in your message?13:44
ikoniabullgard4: "in addition"13:44
beyondqgp我这机器不知道怎么回事 一会就蹦到注销了13:45
papafbullgard4: in addition to what ikonia said13:45
Virsipior: the point is that the pre-packaged GCC knows to find all libs in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, but all self-built GCCs have never heard of such a directory for libraries13:45
Virsipior: Ubuntu Natty is the first and only distri I could find that uses this subdir for libraries13:45
bullgard4papaf: What "is not a file"?13:45
Virsipior: though I could not find a rationale for this anywhere...13:46
papafbullgard4: you asked why locate couldn't find your database, right? That's because locate is a command that finds files by name13:46
ikoniabullgard4: database is not a file name for mysql, database.blah is13:46
sipiorVir: it's actually fairly common nowadays.13:46
papafbullgard4: and mysql databases are not files13:46
ikoniabullgard4: so a.) the path of the file would need to be in your locate cache path b.) you need to specify the full file name, eg: mydatabase.mdf13:46
Virsipior: well, maverick didn't have it OpenSUSE doesn't have it, and none of the other distris I have used on servers lately have it13:47
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sipiorVir: 9.10 had it, for example.13:47
bullgard4papaf: Almost everything in Unix and Linux is a file. --  If mysql databases are no files, what else are they?13:48
sipiorVir: anyway, check your build scripts, and make sure that path is specified explicitly.13:48
linuxer0203what is another chat room13:48
linuxer0203 iD13:48
Virsipior: just checked 10.10 - doesn't use /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, except for liblouis.so.213:48
ikoniabullgard4: they are files, but you need to specify the extension13:48
papafbullgard4: directories. You should have a directory for every database you have, with many files in it, normally 3 per every table13:49
wolfpackHow to remove recent files list from ubuntu natty ?13:49
Virsipior: you're saying I have to add -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to every GCC call now?13:49
sipiorVir: no, i'm saying build the compiler properly in the first place.13:49
linuxer0203 what is about another chat room ?13:49
erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:49
Virsipior: if you can tell me the magic switch - I'd be happy to13:50
sipiorVir: try grabbing the build scripts from the ubuntu gcc package if you need guidance.13:50
wolfpackhi, How to remove recent files list from ubuntu natty ?13:50
qinlinuxer0203: /j #ubuntu-offtopic13:50
Virsipior: if you try to build vanilla GCC packages on Natty they will not compile...13:50
* Vir considers that a bug in Natty13:51
papafbullgard4: in any case, checking with one of my servers, your user probably won't have access rights to those directories13:51
sipiorVir: have you filed the bug?13:51
rgb1hi to everyone, how can I install pidgin from a package (it have files like: configure, compile, install-sh13:51
papafbullgard4: so locate will never work, unless you run it as root13:51
Virsipior: there was a report for that already and I commented - but now I can't find that on launchpad anymore13:51
Virsipior: doesn't even list it in the list of bugs where I commented13:51
erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:51
sipiorVir: you can find a ppa with gcc 4.6 here, if you prefer: https://launchpad.net/~doko/+ppa-packages13:51
sipiorVir: so someone seems to have managed it :-)13:52
Virsipior: thanks, I prefer to build it myself, but I'll take a look at what they have to do to make it work13:52
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sipiorVir: that works too.13:52
finalbloggerhai everyone13:52
finalbloggeri want to know how to setup yahoo email in Evolution13:53
finalbloggeri tried alot13:53
finalbloggernothing happends13:53
papaffinalblogger: hasn't yahoo disabled external access? unless you have premium account?13:53
erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:54
papaferebus: with package manager?13:54
erebuspapaf: yeah13:54
papaferebus: what distro?13:54
erebuspapaf: the last one13:54
papaferebus: natty?13:55
rgb1anyone can help me to install pidgin? i've downloaded an archive from main site and now?...13:55
erebuspapaf: enable unsupported updates in sources?\13:55
rgb1I extracted this and I've found files like: configure, install-sh, config, compile etc...13:55
rgb1please help me13:55
Picirgb1: pidgin is in repositories.13:55
Picirgb1: sudo apt-get install pidgin   is all you need to do.13:56
papaflook here: http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-wine-1-3-12-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-10-04-ppa/13:56
sipiorVir: it would also be interesting to run ldd against your linker, and see where it thinks libc should be...13:56
leaothis XCHAT program has the User list hidden13:57
leaohow can i solve this ?13:57
zer0nergb1: did you cat README?13:57
Virsipior: ld itself runs fine (i.e. ldd resolves all libs), but when linking the new executable it doesn't find libc.so13:57
Virsipior: that's because libc.so is not installed in /usr/lib13:58
rgb1pici: I want newer version, in repo is an old one13:58
Virsipior: if I symlink libc.so from the x86_64-linux-gnu subdir to /usr/lib it links -lc just find13:58
Virsipior: if I symlink libc.so from the x86_64-linux-gnu subdir to /usr/lib it links -lc just fine13:58
sipiorVir: sure. adding the path to ld.so.conf doesn't help?13:58
papaferebus: wait, install wine1.313:58
iAxXi just got ubuntu and i need some help13:58
Virsipior: but then it won't find libpthread, and so on...13:58
papaferebus: overlooked that13:58
sipiorVir: right.13:58
Virsipior: it's already in ld.so.conf.d/...13:58
bullgard4papaf, ikonia I need to further investigate. --  Thank you very much for your help.13:59
Virsipior: ld.so.conf is only for run-time linking13:59
erebuspapaf: yeah it says that in the link13:59
html_inprogresshow do set up opendns?   ,, need help with the script (prepend)13:59
erebuspapaf: what do you mean13:59
iAxXI have a problem ... installed ubuntu and created a user with adduser ... now when i try and do something it asks for Password for Administrator . I don't have that13:59
sipiorVir: yes, you're right of course.13:59
papaferebus: there's a package called wine1.3 in natty. Install that.13:59
rgb1It ask me to install gtk > 2.0, what is gtk and how can I install this13:59
leaoyeah how can i disable the password request that pops up everytime i do something ?14:00
iAxXI need some hlep ... anyoneee14:00
leaowould it be harmful for the security to disable it14:00
erebuspapaf: is it a problem i enabled that ppa in the link?14:00
html_inprogresswhat is it14:00
iAxXI have a problem ... installed ubuntu and created a user with adduser ... now when i try and do something it asks for Password for Administrator . I don't have that14:00
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papaferebus: I think not, it will probably add a more fresh version14:00
html_inprogresswell are you the admin?14:00
leaoi am using the computer14:01
iAxXno i had some problems and i had to reinstall it and it never asked me to make a user and password14:01
iAxXso i just went with it ... than i got into recovery mode so i can make another user14:01
iAxXso i can log in14:01
leaodude ok14:01
leaoeven if i wasnt the admin14:01
leaohow can i just disable this ?14:01
jribiAxX: what does « ls /home » return?14:01
andeeeukGrrrrRRRrrrr, is anyone else haveing issues with virtual machine software?14:01
prashantcan any one help me out with folder permissions14:02
kflottorpGuys. I'm running Kubuntu, recently upgraded to natty. I've installed ubuntu-desktop to try Unity, but now Unity is also starting in my KDE session. I've tried removing ubuntu-desktop, but that didn't seem to do anythng. I can still choose ubuntu desktop at login. Any tips?14:02
erebuspapaf: so if i get wine1.3 do i lose the regular wine?14:02
andeeeukbecoming very frustrating14:02
iAxXjrib : it only says administrator14:02
jribiAxX: is that the user you created?14:02
leaoyeah what do you expect from 1667 people14:02
iAxXno . i crated a user iAxX14:02
Celphishehm, that's just annoying, now I can't get my vmware-window of win7 to expand to fullscreen over both monitors?14:02
jribiAxX: how did you create that user *exactly*?14:02
Lateralisleao: yes, setting your computer so you don't need to input your password would leave your system open.  The following Wiki link provides all the information you need regarding sudo and root privileges: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:02
iAxXwent into recovery mode root shell adduser iAxX --forcebad-name14:03
leao<3 love you Lateralis14:03
papaferebus: could be.14:03
leaoim just hungerin for more information over networks and privileges14:03
erebuspapaf: so i can still run programs in my old .wine dir right?14:03
erebusor do i have to make a new .wine14:03
jribiAxX: grep -i iaxx /etc/passwd14:04
iAxXjrib : isn't there like a default password for Administrator ... or how can i enable the sudo root user14:04
papaferebus: if you never tried 1.3.x and you have important configs in your present .wine, just make a backup beforehand14:04
iAxXjrib : where should i put that14:04
jribiAxX: in a shell14:04
erebusk ty14:06
iAxXjrib : comes back with/home/iaxx23:/bin/bash14:06
jribiAxX: I really doubt that.14:07
iAxXthats what it says ...14:07
jribiAxX: pastebin your /etc/passwd14:07
iAxXAm I doing something wrong ... new to the linux thing ...14:08
jribiAxX: what does « ls /home » return (in full)?=14:09
iAxXadministrator  iAxX2314:10
rob_piAxX: If there's a home directory within /home for administrator, then *somebody* created that account, maybe you when you installed the OS. That account *should* have sudo privileges.  So login to that account and fix your system via sudo.  You can also make your new user a member of the admin group if you want him to be able to use sudo.14:10
jribiAxX: grep -i iaxx /etc/group14:10
iAxXrob_p : on the administrator account i don't know the password i never remember making an account14:11
iAxXjrib: there is nothing coming up just a blank spot14:12
jribiAxX: pastebin your command and the full output14:12
jrib!paste | iAxX14:12
ubottuiAxX: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:12
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the_dreamer_iAxX, when you first created the set up you gave it a user name and password, that is what its looking for now14:13
pratzhey guys does any one now how can i ssh with ip address (in local network)14:13
iAxXok so this means i'm dumb and forgot that i made an account :|14:14
rob_piAxX: If you don't know the password to the, "administrator" account, then I can only assume you are trying to gain access to a system that isn't yours!  Otherwise, why would there be an user account that you don't know about, or have the password to?14:14
mbeierlpratz: do you mean simply "ssh user@" ?14:14
pratzmbeierl: yes, but the problem is that i do not have the user name, i just have the ip address14:15
iAxXrob_p : there is nothing on my computer the driver is WIPED14:15
mbeierlpratz: you will need the user name.  It's part of the SSH credentials, and not something that can be avoided.14:16
Guest54624hey guys, I'm having trouble getting my wireless to work on Xubuntu.  I have a Broadcom bcm 4306, and the wireless device is enabled, however, when I go to my network options it shows that the wireless is not ready14:16
jribiAxX: add your user to the « admin » account as rob_p suggested earlier.  You should probably reset the administrator password too, but keep in mind this is the name of an account: "administrator".  When you login with iaxx and get prompted for an admin password, it just wants iaxx's password14:16
iAxXrob_p : is there a way I can reset the password for the administrator account14:16
pratzmbeierl: i tried with smb also, but the workgroup and the computer is not listed there also14:16
iAxXok so where can I add the username ?14:16
Barridusanyone know why this command isn't giving me write permissions to this windows share?  i have read only.  sudo mount -t cifs // /media/JDmedia -o user=XXXX,password=XXXX,rw14:17
DasEiiAxX: sudo useradd iAxX, or whatever14:17
mbeierlpratz: that last statement confused me.  what does SMB file sharing have to do with the SSH session?  Were you trying to guess the user name that way, perhaps?14:17
rob_piAxX: Of course there is!  But I'm not convinced you own the system you're trying to, "own!" ;)14:17
Barridususer/password fields are the admin account on the windows share pc14:17
jribiAxX: recovery mode14:17
iAxXoh i need to do that in recovery mode because it just said : iAxX23 is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.14:18
mbeierlBarridus: mounting it with sudo gives "root" the permissions, not the current user.  is that the case here?14:18
TakeGood day14:18
iAxXrob_p : is there a way i can prove you that this is my computer ?14:18
rob_pjrib: You can take it from here... I'm going to bow out on my suspicions! :)14:18
iAxXno rob . i don't like to be called a liar ... so how can I prove you that this is my system ?14:19
LateralisiAxX: if Ubuntu is newly installed then I would just reinstall it, being careful to remember the username and password of the account you are forced to create during setup14:19
rob_piAxX: Nope! But if that's truly the case, I apologize! Take care.14:19
TakeShould simple-cdd work just fine with ubuntu, or what tool I should use to upgrade/customize lucid cd image?14:19
Barridusmbeierl, perhaps not, good point, let me try without sudo14:19
jribit doesn't matter, you can't really prove it anyway14:19
iAxXwell i have the pass to my windows account ... but idk how thats gonna prove anything ... anyways ill go in recovery mode and make an account with sudo14:20
pratzmbeierl: actually i am given a ip address, i have to create files and save them there, i can ping that computer, but do not know how to connect to that computer14:20
Barridusmbeierl, "mount: only root can do that"14:20
iAxXthanks for the help guys14:20
jribiAxX: you're not making an account14:20
afeijohi :)14:20
afeijome again14:20
jribiAxX: you're adding iaxx to the admin group14:20
iAxXthat works too thanks14:20
afeijostill having problems with dns server14:20
afeijoI think I have bind9 well configured, do I need to change something in my router config?14:20
pratzmbeierl: any ideas on this ??14:21
erebuspapaf: hey14:21
Takeafeijo: Obviously your router has to know about your named if you intend to actually use the server14:22
erebuspapaf: i got wine1.314:22
mbeierlBarridus: ah, yes.  I've hit that before.  I think you have to make smbfs setuid root... Try chmod a+s /sbin/mount.cifs14:22
erebuspapaf: its version 1.3.1914:22
erebuspapaf: but the last version is 1.3.6 how do i get that?14:22
papaferebus: erm, no14:22
afeijoTake, I'm looking into my router where to do it14:22
papaferebus: 1.3.19 > 1.3.614:22
mbeierlpratz: for guessing a user name, no.  That would actually constitute a security attack on the remote computer.  If the owner of the remote computer cannot tell you the credentials to use, then you are out of luck14:22
afeijoTake, would it be in Routing? I add my server IP and subnet?14:22
erebuspapaf: oh ok14:23
Barridusmbeierl, heh can you dumb that down a notch?  XD14:23
papaferebus: what do you need 1.3 for, anyways?14:23
rjonesxany thoughts on ZaReason vs System76? Trying to decide at the moment but wndered if any of you have a history with either...14:23
erebuspapaf: a game14:23
erebusnba 2k1114:23
pratzmbeierl: the owner has just given me the ip address and his computer is not listed in smb list also14:23
Takeafeijo: Depends on your router14:24
Takeafeijo: Often DNS setup is related to DHCP settings, but can't really do much more than just quess14:24
mbeierlBarridus: ah, ok.  the problem is that Microsoft file sharing (smb) program is installed to be run as root.  you want to be a user and mount the files.  so, you need to be able to run "smbfs" as if you were root, but continue to remain your normal user.  The "setuid" program helps with that.  Give me a moment to chase down further information14:24
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mbeierlpratz: I am really sorry, but it sounds like the person did not give you enough information.  attempting to guess a user name for credentials is essentially an attempt to "hack" into the remote computer.  I cannot help you with that.  the owner needs to give you that information.14:26
Barridusmbeierl, ok i understand.  but trying "chmod a+s /sbin/mount.cifs" returns "chmod: cannot access `/sbin/mount.cifs': No such file or directory"14:26
pratzmbeierl: thanks buddy14:26
papafBarridus: add uid=yourusername to the command you tried earlier14:26
mbeierlpratz: sorry :)14:26
tech3Hi, I'm currently on a development machine. Our dev server has  my ssh public key from this machine. I'm about to set up a new  machine to replace this one. Is it okay to copy my ssh  public/private key from here to my ~/.ssh/ of the new machine?14:26
pratzmbeierl: it is fine dude, i will ask the owner for more info14:27
cactusbintech3: yes14:27
frostschutztech3: yeah, sure, or you could just add a new key to the .authorized_keys of the dev server14:27
Barriduspapaf, bingo that worked great.  thank you mbeierl also as i learned something as well14:27
iceroottech3: is the hostname the same? if i am correct the hostname is crypted in the key14:27
Pumpkin-Ubuntu doesn't support non-x86/x64 architectures ?. Is that correct.14:28
Takeiceroot: No, it's not14:28
icerootPumpkin-: no not correct14:28
mbeierlBarridus: actually, the uid= is preferred.  I just forgot that's how I solved it last time.  it'14:28
icerootTake: so its machine-independed14:28
Pumpkin-what architectures does it run on ?14:28
Takeiceroot: Yes14:28
Taketech3: So, just copy ~/.ssh to new box and be happy ;)14:28
icerootPumpkin-: ppc, i386, amd64 and maybe ia6414:28
mervakaiceroot: i carry an openssh and putty key around with me on usb14:28
B|ackPantherhow can i redirect output of one terminal to another and use that as input to a program ?14:28
tech3Awesome, thanks everyone =)14:28
icerootmervaka: Take thanks, good to know14:29
TakeB|ackPanther: |14:29
santagadaI tried changing my hostname in 11.04 and now gdm doesn't start anymore14:29
iceroot!hostname | santagada14:29
ubottusantagada: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:29
santagadaI changed it back, now I can do startx but gdm is broken14:29
santagadaiceroot, they match14:29
santagadaiceroot, still no luck with gdm14:29
B|ackPanthertake , i already have the process producing the output running which i think would be hard to use |14:30
vectoryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/608361/ notice the last two lines, can i savely ucomment them?14:30
Barridusis it just me or are lan transfer speeds worse in 11.04 than previously?14:31
zaggynlHi, how do I mount a PCMCIA Flash card?14:31
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zaggynlI tried mount /dev/mtd0 /mnt/smart but I get back "/dev/mtd0 is not a valid block device"14:31
BluesKajBarridus, transfer using ?14:32
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BluesKajBarridus, my smb transfer speed is 5 times slower than scp/ssh on our lan14:32
santagadaany other ideas?14:33
santagadaI can't see anything wrong on Xorg.0.log14:33
santagadaright now on x "sudo start gdm" worked14:34
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santagadabut if I reboot it doesn't14:35
kflottorpGuys. I'm running Kubuntu, recently upgraded to natty. I've installed ubuntu-desktop to try Unity, but now Unity is also starting in my KDE session. I've tried removing ubuntu-desktop, but that didn't seem to do anythng. I can still choose ubuntu desktop at login. Any tips?14:35
BarridusBluesKaj, rsyncing folder contents from a windows share14:35
Barridusi'm getting ~3MB/s14:36
mervakakflottorp: try apt-get autoremove14:36
kflottorpmervaka: I have, doesn't remove anything14:36
mervakalook in the synaptic history14:37
BluesKajBarridus, does rsync use smb  ...never used it ..I just use samba with our windows shares14:39
kflottorpmervaka: says it's not installed.. weird.. I can still reboot and choose it at login14:39
papafBarridus: you're wondering why rsync is slow on a smb mounted fs?14:39
mervakaubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, it creates a dependency on other packages14:39
Barriduspapaf, it's a lot worse than the speeds command got on previous ubuntus14:40
Barridusthis command*14:40
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papafBarridus: just smb?14:41
Barriduspapaf, not sure what that means.  knowledge level isn't that high i guess?  it's the share we just mounted in that cifs command you helped with earlier.  i was able to run this command before just with the read permissions since it's from that drive to this ubuntu machine, so it's always been slower in this release of ubuntu14:43
prashantcan anyone tell me why some webpages does not load in ubuntu 11.04 ?14:44
papafBarridus: what I mean was, is this machine only this slow with smb/cifs? Have you tried a simple ftp transfer? Just to rule out nic driver regression in the newer kernel14:44
lolzer prashant can you paste the link14:44
DasEiprashant: which browser, which side ?14:44
amin4Hi guys I want to tweak the kernel in ubuntu desktop which software is the most easiest?14:45
DasEiprashant: some very rare don't in chromium, but ff has no probs as far as I saw14:45
prashantDasEi, i have tried opera firefox google chrome browser14:45
DasEilink ?14:45
amin4chasnge the krenel configuration and then make and build moudles?14:45
prashantDasEi, ok i will tell u14:46
Barriduspapaf, would attempting a copy/paste with nautilus be sufficient to answer your question?14:46
Barridusif yes, it's a ton faster14:46
papafBarridus: from the same mounted directory?14:46
Walexamin4: if you want an Ubuntu-style kernel you must use 'kernel-package'.14:46
prashantDasEi, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/158873-better-understanding-linux-partitioning.html14:46
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Walexamin4: there are a number of tutorials online on how to use 'kernel-package' so just do a web search14:47
BluesKajprashant, install ubuntu-restricted-extras , you probly need the java and flash plugins that come with it14:47
prashantDasEi, how to install that14:47
rigvedamin4: http://kernelnewbies.org/KernelHackingTools  <-- you should check the kernel newbies website for other tutorials. and be sure to join the mailing list and the IRC channel14:48
lolzerBluesKaj the adobe is a mess this time14:48
amin4Walex: I want to active the cpu and fan sensors in kernel and I have no clue what should I do/ Do I need to do that in chroot14:48
lolzerwhat do you think about gnash??14:48
DasEiprashant: fine here ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:48
quizmei'm on 10.04, does that mean that I'm using Debianoid with Upstart?14:48
DasEiyour link to me , prashant: http://imagebin.org/15353614:48
BluesKajlolzer, I have no trouble with them14:48
crazedpsycHi guys, I was playing with KDE yesterday, and today I logged into GNOME (Unity) and found that all the fonts in programs like chromium and firefox are rendered wrong14:49
amin4rigved: how to join mailing list?14:49
prashantDasEi, ok14:49
rigvedamin4: it's there on the website. wait i'll pull it up for you14:49
DasEiquizme: lzb_release -a tells distro, yes ubu 10.04 comes with upstart14:49
quizmewhat is Debianoid and Upstart ?14:49
amin4rigved: thanks14:49
prashantDasEi, right14:50
DasEilsb_release -a , quizme14:50
crazedpsycextra detail for my issue: Hinting appears to be set to medium vs the default slight, although it is set to slight in Appearance Preferences14:50
rigvedquizme: you are already using upstart14:50
lolzerBluesKaj it crashes abruptly for me.. saw the reviews on the software centre .. i think i am not alone14:50
quizmewhat is upstart ?14:50
DasEi!info upstart14:50
ubottuupstart (source: upstart): event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 0.9.7-1 (natty), package size 246 kB, installed size 872 kB14:50
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:51
Barriduspapaf, now i'm getting different results than when i tried before i asked about it than trying it again now to get a specific answer for you.  i'm gonna look into some other things and rule some variables out14:52
BluesKajlolzer, perhaps , but when I ran unity and gnome , I didn't encounter that , however I've since switched to KDE , which is very stable .14:52
prashantDasEi, i think java runtime missing14:52
DasEiquizme: it handles the dependently starting services at bootup an due to it's parallelity is much faster then old hal/sysinit, which was sequentiell14:52
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:52
crazedpsycis this #ubuntu14:52
rigvedamin4: http://kernelnewbies.org/ML  <-- just subscribe to whichever you are interested in by clicking on the subscription link and following the on-screen instructions14:53
Barriduscrazedpsyc, yes14:53
crazedpsycBarridus: Ok, it says #ubuntu-unregged in some places, so I wasn't sure :)14:53
DasEiprashant:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin14:53
rigvedcrazedpsyc: that's just to prevent bots from entering #ubuntu14:54
prashantDasEi, thanks14:54
crazedpsycrigved: Ahh, Ok. Well I don't think I am one ;)14:54
quizmedasei thanks14:55
DasEiquizme: np, upstart took me some time to understand, too14:55
hitttmy numpad doesnt work14:55
hitttany solutions?14:56
DasEiquizme: the old hal is still there, too, but will be dropped sooner or later14:56
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.14:56
rigvedquizme: there's a technical video on the Official Ubuntu Developer's youtube account, if you are interested in understanding what upstart is and why it was created14:56
heloi have three identical drives in this machine, and im getting errors on ata3.01... how do i know which drive it is?14:57
quizmerigved: it's ok i just never heard of it.  i'm not a kernel developer or anything.14:57
rigvedquizme: ok :)14:57
papafhelo: should be sata port 314:58
helodmesg lists ata3 and ata4, so is ata3.00 sata0, ata3.01 sata1, ata4.00 sata2, etc?14:58
lionheartedhi guys14:58
papafhelo: hmm, then no14:58
GJohannsHello, I have a projector hooked to a Ubuntu box that I would like to do a "remote desktop in reverse" on. (The guest would connect to the Ubuntu box, and the Ubuntu box would display the clients desktop.) Anyone know of software to do this?14:58
papafhelo: sorry, you write ara, I've read sata14:58
WalexGJohanns: yes.14:59
papafhelo: are those ide drives?14:59
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.14:59
vectoryhow can i remove all files that are hardlinked to one inode?15:00
GJohannsI have looked at VNC, they have a portion of there project that does this. but it requires the client to install the server version of VNC. I am looking for something more elegant if it is out there.15:00
DasEiGJohanns: other way around, establish a vnc (maybe teamview) from the projectors box to the client, there you are15:00
Walexhelo: 'grep' into 'dmesg' or install 'lsscsi'15:00
wolfricif i do sudo nmap something and try to press a button, it doesn't send the data to nmap, it just displays that letter on the screen. If however i do su root and then run it, it runs fine. is there something about sudo that does this recently? (pretty sure it's worked fine in the past)15:00
secretary_linuxwolfric: what are you trying to send to nmap?15:00
wolfricsecretary_linux: key pressed. any key should give an update (bla done bla left to go bla bla bla). v should turn on verbose, d debug etc15:01
escottvectory, i think you can use find to search by inode15:01
WalexGJohanns: so you expect to find something that allows you to display locally another PC's desktop without doing *anything*? Wouldn't that be a big problem?15:01
wolfricsecretary_linux: instead the keys seem to be getting caught and displayed on the screen instead15:01
karthick87How to access a ubuntu machine through VNC from the login screen ?15:01
secretary_linuxwolfric: ahh I wasn't aware those keys would do anything with nmap15:01
wolfricthank god that wasn't something more important15:02
secretary_linuxwolfric: what you are describing is the behavior I would have always expected from nmap15:02
vectoryis there a way to move data at an inode the easy way, leaving hardlinks pointing into void?15:02
wolfricsecretary_linux: nope just when i do sudo on ubuntu. works fine in debian and in ubuntu if you su first15:02
vectoryremove, even15:02
deploymentAnyone know any GUI network monitor software, ubuntu 10.4 (ping,smtp etc..)15:02
Walexkarthick87: that does not make much sense, what you can do is to use a desktop manager to let you use the local display with programs running on  a remote Ubuntu system15:02
DasEiGJohanns: ssh -X also works, case not enough bandwith15:02
vectorydeployment: wireshark15:02
vectorydeployment: and the like15:02
wolfricdeployment: yeah sure if you go to administration and network tools it has a semi-gui for it15:02
vectorydeployment: etherall15:02
GJohannsWalex: No, I would like for the server (the ubuntu box) to accept connections from the client, and then once a session is started, the server would display the clients desktop.15:03
DasEideployment: zenmap15:03
papafGJohanns: xdmcp then15:03
=== InHisName is now known as INH_TestBox
deploymentnot for a onetime scan. more a screen on the wall...15:04
heloWalex: there is no mention of ata4 in lsscsi, and there is no mention of /dev/... along with ata? in dmesg15:04
GJohannspapaf: Thanks, will look into it15:04
lionheartedI have a really annoying bug. I use the LTS ubuntu desktop on my atom nettop (atom 230). I've installed it in september, it was ok till these days. Now I got freezes randomly. Last month I used it about 1 week continously, it was still ok...but now. : / I dont know what i did before it started, cos i didnt use it for a while. memtest doesnt show any error. Ive installed 3 PPA, ubuntu-tweak, pidgin, firefox-stable. Now, i believe fir15:04
helolsscsi associates host/target paths and partition names, but not the ataX.YY15:05
stevr1ithello , i am with a cd live because when i log in it cannot read thehome/user, probably i have probelms with the owner or the permissions, can you help me to ripristinate ubuntu 11.04? thank you15:05
ThinkT510deployment: maybe some sort of conky setup with some scripts could show that info (if you want it on display constantly)15:06
helolsscsi lists host 2 or 3, but dmesg shows ata3 and ata415:06
helois it safe to assume ata3 is host 2?15:06
DasEistevr1it: yes, open a terminal ..15:06
deploymentThinkT510: Like a dashboard.15:06
papafhelo: don't know if that's safe, but on my PC it's like that15:06
DasEistevr1it: seperate home ?15:07
Magnussonis there a way to update aliases without relogging?15:07
papafhelo: normally, the kernel names the ata interfaces from 0, while all the rest of programs normally start from 115:07
stevr1itDasEi, yes15:07
DasEistevr1it: sudo fdisk -l15:07
anghelokoMagnusson, newaliases15:07
erebushey i am running a game with wine and it has no sound, following errors appear on terminal15:08
erebusfixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer15:08
erebusfixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x192640,0x192540): stub15:08
erebusfixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x192660,0x192560): stub15:08
DasEistevr1it: which partition is /home ?15:08
FloodBot1erebus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
ThinkT510deployment: sorry, you lost me..15:08
erebusany ideas?15:08
stevr1itDasEi, i cannot find the terminal from this version15:08
DasEistevr1it: ctrl+alt+t15:08
DasEistevr1it: sudo fdisk -l15:08
DasEistevr1it: which partition is /home ?15:08
stevr1itDasEi, i dont remeber the partition og the home, i can find it, it si cripted15:09
papaferebus: are you using hdmi to output audio?15:09
erebuspapaf: no15:10
papaferebus: then that message doesn't relate to the problem15:10
lionheartedhmm, so no idea. like google have no idea, too. : /15:10
DasEistevr1it: it si cripted = it's encrypted ?15:10
papaferebus: it just means wine can't control volume on the hdmi output15:10
stevr1itDasEi, encrypted, here is http://paste.ubuntu.com/608427/15:11
stevr1itDasEi, now i check with is the one15:11
papaferebus: you can check audio settings within wine with winecfg15:12
erebuspapaf: yeah15:12
erebusand then what?15:12
B|ackPantherHi, now am getting close, how can i redirect output of a running process to another, i have the process PID, and file descriptors.15:12
DasEistevr1it: so I assume sda7 with ecryptfs, or was it luks ? paste also : sudo blkid15:12
papaferebus: does the sound test work in winecfg?15:13
erebuspapaf: yes15:13
papaferebus: then it's possible that the program you're running with wine is trying to access another audio output15:14
stevr1itDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608429/15:14
papaferebus: does the program have any kind of setup?15:14
erebuspapaf: yes15:14
erebuspapaf: but not for audio. generally there is a bug for sound15:15
erebuspapaf: some have reported to be fixed by some steps15:15
erebusdoesnt work for me15:15
zaggynlanyone have a clue how to mount a /dev/mtd0 4MB Flash card?15:15
papaferebus: well, wine is not perfect, especially for very recent games15:15
OsmodivsHello. Ubuntu 11.04 does not recognize my CompactFlash memory card, when I insert it to the slot, Ubuntu opens a window with /, so it shows all folders under /15:15
zaggynlI keep getting "is not a block device"15:15
lionheartedDoes anyone use Firefox 4 on LTS ubuntu?15:15
stevr1itDasEi, the partition with hom eis 68 Gb and the root 35 gb15:15
jzarris there a PPA to install gnome3 on 10.04?15:16
DasEistevr1it:  paste also :   sudo find / -type d -iname '.Private' 2>/dev/null15:16
escott!gnome3 | jzarr15:16
ubottujzarr: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.15:16
crankharderI just installed LTS in VirtualBox(OSX), added a host-only adapter - and still can't ssh to the new machine.  What do i need to do to allow sshing?  (ssh is running)15:16
DasEicrankharder: go to vb's homepage, FAQ15:16
zaggynlanyone have a clue how to mount a /dev/mtd0 4MB Flash card?15:17
lionheartedcrankharder: and check your firewall :)15:17
DasEizaggynl: as any other disk15:17
OsmodivsI want to intall .deb packages from my CF memory card, but Ubuntu opens a window with all folders under /15:17
galerienzaggynl, cd /media && mkdir flashcard && mount /dev/mtd0 /media/flashcard (all this with sudo if needed)15:18
crankharderDasEi: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch12.html ?  Nothing here?15:18
dajhorncrankharder: You may need to add the second host-only adapter to the /etc/network/interfaces file in the guest.15:18
DasEiOsmodivs: just enter mount in terminal to see it's dir, cd there manually and copy deb to hd15:18
stevr1itDasEi, th home is under media 0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b46245815:18
crankharderdajhorn: why a second one?  I added eth1 as dhcp and it picked up an ip address just fine15:19
DasEistevr1it: so I assume sda7 << was right15:19
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crankharder...and i can ssh to that ip from the machine itself - so it's not ssh or the interface15:19
OsmodivsDasEi: osmodivs@Djiin:/media$ cd EOS_DOGITAL15:19
Osmodivsbash: cd: EOS_DOGITAL: No such file or directory15:19
dajhorncrankharder: NetworkManager doesn't always see a second network interface.  If you used the defaults, then the primary interface is NAT.15:20
stevr1itDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608436/15:20
DasEistevr1it: you got the mount-passphrase ?15:20
crankharderdajhorn: yes, eth0 is NAT. eth1 is host-only.  and I installed ubunt-server, so there's no network manager15:20
prashantDasEi, ok i have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras15:20
stevr1itDasEi,  yes15:21
dajhorncrankharder: If you're manually starting dhcp on eth1, then you need to restart the sshd too.15:21
prashantDasEi, anything else to install15:21
crankharderdajhorn: rebooted15:21
OsmodivsIt seems there is nothing inside my EOS memory card..15:21
dajhorncrankharder:  Double-check that sshd is listening on all interfaces with `netstat -lntp`15:21
DasEistevr1it: sudo ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek15:21
ramalave_hello goog morning15:22
kamran1good morning15:22
stevr1itDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608438/15:22
kamran1its evening here @ karachi ;)15:23
DasEistevr1it: fine, :15:23
Osmodivs/dev/sdc1 on /media/c3d0afc4-9bb2-4755-941c-ea3e2c4fda43 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)15:23
stevr1itDasEi, and??? the directory stevr1it with verything is still blocked15:23
OsmodivsWhat am I suposed to do with this?15:23
StupidCrowsJust wondering, whats the best way to block all non-US IPs from accessing my server?15:24
DasEistevr1it: sudo mkdir /mnt/Crypt15:24
DasEistevr1it: sudo umount /dev/sda7 (just in case)15:24
stevr1itDasEi, done but nothisng happened15:24
DasEistevr1it: sudo sudo mount -t ecryptfs /dev/sda7  /mnt/Crypt15:25
DasEistevr1it: patience15:25
stevr1itDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608440/15:26
DasEistevr1it: asked for password , spilling some lines aka aes blah~ah, fine15:26
=== Mike is now known as Guest22620
DasEistevr1it: cd /mnt/Crypt15:26
stevr1itDasEi, i used the normal password15:27
crankharderI just installed LTS in VirtualBox(OSX), added a host-only adapter - and still can't ssh to the new machine.  What do i need to do to allow sshing?  (ssh is running)15:27
DasEistevr1it: ls , files there ?15:27
stevr1itsorry but it ask me to slect something15:27
stevr1itDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608441/15:28
DasEicrankharder: again, it's a question vor #vbox, and can easily be found in their FAQ's15:28
DasEistevr1it: just hit enter15:28
DasEistevr1it: cd /mnt/Crypt15:29
DasEistevr1it: ls , files there ?15:29
lionheartedls /mnt/Crypt would be easier, wouldnt it? :)15:29
stevr1itDasEi,  nothing appears15:29
chucknadesany good sites to learn java?15:30
chucknadesbeen playing with laby and i need more15:30
DasEistevr1it: you used the pass of setting up ecryptfs ?15:30
braiameach time that I minimize/close a window on 11.04, the app menu stay and block my interface until I click on the desktop15:30
DasEistevr1it: paste : df -h15:31
stevr1itDasEi,  it says : invalid option -- 'h'15:31
genii-aroundstevr1it: The dash and the h are together15:32
lionheartedomg, i have a 40mbit connection...and it's crappier than an 54k modem :/15:32
DasEistevr1it: mount , paste output from that15:32
LarsTi changed to xfce15:32
Walexcrankharder: you need to run the client on the same physical host and ensure that the physical host has an address in the same subnet.15:33
stevr1itDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608444/15:33
html_inprogress 3d acceleration, how do i get it to work?15:33
DasEistevr1it: so for some reason sda7 isn't mounted15:34
crankharderWalex: and
escotthtml_inprogress, depends on your graphics card15:34
lionheartedhtml_inprogress: just download the property drivers15:34
StupidCrowschucknades: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=learn+java15:35
html_inprogress its on board,15:35
Walexcrankharder: can you ping one node from the other?15:35
stevr1itDasEi,  now mounted http://paste.ubuntu.com/608446/15:35
html_inprogresssomeone please poke the bot/ for  3d acceleration?15:35
crankharderWalex: nope :/15:36
Walexcrankharder: then you have a networking problem, not a SSH problem15:36
crankharderWalex: yes, I know?15:36
crankharderhence me asking what *networking* things I need to do to allow sshing...15:37
Walexcrankharder: if you do 'ip route show' on the physical host, do you see a route to the subnet?15:37
DasEiwalex, crankharder: it's vboxmanage and this the wrong channel15:37
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Guest93830Hello I have a problem with my ubuntu installation, can anyone help me?15:37
Walexcrankharder: the networking things are the same for SSH and anything else...15:37
popey!anyone | Guest9383015:37
ubottuGuest93830: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:37
DasEistevr1it: what the  regular username of that hd ?15:37
crankharderWalex: I see this: inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
A_Jbazhang, around ?15:38
DasEistevr1it: sudo umount /dev/sda715:38
stevr1itDasEi,  here are the permission of my home dr-x------ 3 1000 1000  4096 2011-01-13 19:38 stevr1it i think the problme is here15:38
Walexcrankharder: and what about on the VM?15:38
escott!compiz | html_inprogress15:38
ubottuhtml_inprogress: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:38
DasEistevr1it:can you see files now in /media/Crypt ??15:39
psijackoff[ * | NOTICE | * ]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE  UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   psijackoff cesar18 Darkenvy tensorpudding quake_guy A_J magepsycho oxseyn jmcantrell shentino dinya Guest93830 dury danslo ramalave_ Zeku Osagasu ymasory shaky ppradhan farmer gerardo_ joost_ timrc frack15:39
ubuntuguyDo u guys think it is worth it to upgrade by 10.10 to 11.0415:39
psijackoff[ * | NOTICE | * ]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE  UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   braiam ubuntu_ Craig_Dem sssstavr1 eipou radarek SortiE bfiller qhgump rumpel_ najm kokonoula flodine Barridus gg_ slinker1 Osmodivs termleech cmdshftn jcrigby punto Boardinary_ uifjlh IRCAnswersBot_ jor15:39
psijackoff[ * | NOTICE | * ]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE  UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   eduardo ckrailo Finnish osmosis_paul Zonetti ashwin zulax pmcgowan Sansui350A_ eddyc MadViking arvaro stevesmall adlight pawartur_ dsathe x1sc0 k3strel shaneo angheloko dajhorn Oli`` Pitel bollullera ber15:39
psijackoff[ * | NOTICE | * ]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE  UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   zappo_ soultekkie davidcalle Daniel0108 jnlsnl_ dimmortal rtdos Bump bolt12 Dave888 tohtori tankdriver elslunko Terminator gepatino jamur2 slipp3d Destine dollarbang simion314 rfolco OkropNick zeddii_ za15:39
psijackoff[ * | NOTICE | * ]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE  UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   kaffe_02 adac vish Pranav_rcmas jonatasnona mrb user12 papaf mbeierl ArdIt Reku gare tbemus [IDC]Dragon pratz Mikelevel lsp eggonlegs Afrix RomD andygraybeal hittt guampa Necrocyber mtlife cannonball zpa15:39
FloodBot1psijackoff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
rwwThe above is spam, you should ignore it.15:39
crankharderWalex: dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
SikEnCideHas anyone tried running 11.04 on a late 2010 macbook pro ?15:39
anghelokohas anyone tried installing the mini without internet  connection? (ie via aptoncd)?15:39
DasEistevr1it:can you see files now in /media/Crypt ??15:40
hittti wonder what SASL even is15:42
DrHalanhey, anyone using a lenovo thinkpad egde with natty?15:42
=== Guest93830 is now known as TiagoDF
DasEistevr1it: ?15:42
TiagoDFhello? help me please15:42
Pendrag0n1wow, flooded room15:42
crazedpsycafter playing with KDE yesterday, I found font rendering in certain non-gtk applications in GNOME to use medium (vs. slight) font hinting. Any idea why that may have happened?15:43
DasEi!ask | TiagoDF15:43
ubottuTiagoDF: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:43
Pendrag0n1something tells me I might stand a better chance of getting answered on a less busy channel15:43
hitttits kinda weird though15:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:43
hitttthere are 1715 people here, and i get nickalerted by them 90% of the times15:43
stevr1itDasEi,  i don't understand i was following your instructions15:43
TiagoDFwhat can i do to get past the login screen?15:44
DasEistevr1it:can you see files now in /media/Crypt ??15:44
crazedpsycTiagoDF: What do you mean? You click a user and put in your password15:44
stevr1itDasEi,  not at all there is not file like that nor directory Crypt15:44
TiagoDFand then it hangs15:45
DasEistevr1it:sudo umount /dev/sda715:45
crazedpsycTiagoDF: Are you using KDM or GDM?15:45
Pendrag0n1I don't think anyone even saw my question...15:45
ubuntuguyMy qn again , Do u guys think it is worth it to upgrade by 10.10 to 11.0415:45
TiagoDFI dont really know15:45
DasEistevr1it:sudo mount -t ecryptfs /dev/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private  /mnt/Crypt15:45
crazedpsycTiagoDF: Did you specifically get KUbuntu or install KDE? no? then you have GDM15:46
TiagoDFi installed the update from 10.04 to 11.0415:46
[TK]D-Fenderubuntuguy: Neither is LTS,  11.04 offers LibreOffice , FF4, and a bunch of other nice stuff.  I'd say "why not".15:46
stevr1itDasEi,  done15:46
Pendrag0n1DasEi: I see you are talking about Crypt, any chance you'd know the anwser to my question?15:46
zencopying a 5.2Gb file on a free16 Gb Corsair memory stick, give error "file too large"15:46
TiagoDFi suppose it is gdm15:46
DasEiPendrag0n1: maybe, few minutes please15:46
DasEistevr1it:ls /mnt/Crypt15:47
DasEifiles ?15:47
llutzzen: vfat/fat32? that has a 4GB filesizelimit15:47
SikEnCidezen What is the drives file format ?15:47
[TK]D-Fenderubuntuguy: In 11.04 You're less than 1/2 dozen clicks away from switching from Unity back to Gnome 2.X as your DE if you decide it doesn't suit your tastes15:47
A_JDasEi,  hello mate, a little help. A GFX for linux, any idea which are compatible ?15:47
stevr1itDasEi,  done15:48
SikEnCideFat32 cannot handel files over 4Gb in size15:48
DasEi!hcl | A_J15:48
ubottuA_J: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:48
DasEistevr1it:ls /mnt/Crypt , files there ?15:48
TiagoDFwhat can i do to fix the problem with the login15:48
zeni need to copy the file for a win system  :(15:48
DasEiA_J: also cannoncialhas a new, updated one15:48
llutzzen: split it15:49
TiagoDFit was working fine before the update15:49
papafzen: use NTFS15:49
stevr1itDasEi,  i don't understand there are empty directories15:49
zenNTFS can handle it?15:49
stevr1itcd ..15:49
ubuntuguy[TK]D-Fender:  upgrading now.. Any idea how long it will take...15:49
A_JDasEi,  no GFX Card's there, only full pc's15:49
lionheartedmy computer write there's no FS on my root partition. live CD can solve the problem? (fschk or sth like that)15:49
[TK]D-Fenderubuntuguy: More than a little & less than too much :)15:49
papafzen: sure15:49
DasEistevr1it: so we are still wrong:15:49
erebusin wine i get15:50
zenthanks, i`ll try15:50
erebuserr:ole:CoGetClassObject class {da7738a2-cd0c-4367-9aac-d7ead7c64f98} not registered15:50
stevr1itDasEi,  i am into the direcotry of them cd live home15:50
erebushow do i fix that15:50
DasEistevr1it:sudo umount  /dev/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private15:50
ubuntuguy[TK]D-Fender: hopefully, it doesnt take more than an hour... :D15:50
DasEistevr1it:paste out from : sudo find / -type d -iname '.Private' 2>/dev/null15:50
prashantDasEi, how can i send u screenshots ??15:50
stevr1itDasEi,  /media/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private15:51
[TK]D-Fenderubuntuguy: Depends on your PC specs, internet connection (if doing a live upgrade via internet), etc15:51
prashantDasEi, how where to upload screenshots ??15:51
A_Jprashant,  do system>prefences> take screenshot15:51
middleHELP::I tried to update my ati graphics drivers to catalyst 11.5, It did but it was awful and wouldn't work properly. SO i tried to remove it with the removal script. I think that worked, however upon reboot it will blackscreen, even when i reboot into recovery mode! I am pretty sure i had a similar issue before and i some how solved it from a live USB distro... so any ideas?15:51
A_Jprashant, lulzimg.com15:51
prashantA_J, thanks15:51
A_Jprashant,  upload there and post direct link15:51
DasEistevr1it:sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private  /mnt/Crypt15:52
prashantA_J, thanks15:52
A_JDasEi, no graphics card's listed there mate15:52
stevr1itDasEi,  now it ask me the Passphrase.15:52
erebushow can i find a guid i have what software it is?15:52
stevr1itDasEi,  what should i write?15:53
DasEistevr1it: the pass you used to setup ecryptfs15:53
DasEiA_J: http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html15:54
middleNo help : (15:54
stevr1itDasEi,  it comes back to: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608456/15:54
DasEipress enter ?!15:54
=== erebus is now known as Goliath
DasEifiles there ?15:55
A_JDasEi, Nvidia over ATI ?15:55
middleAti but i am raging at them now15:55
DasEiPendrag0n1: what was your question15:55
DasEiA_J: gfx you asked , so nvidia15:56
Pendrag0n1 On my ubuntu box, in, I need to look at word documents in linux/bash commands, and know if they are encrypted by word or not.  with docx files I can use the strings command I search for the word encrypted, but with regular .doc documents, I don't see any way of telling if they are or not.  Any ideas?15:56
prashantA_J, thanks15:56
A_JDasEi, was thing ATI 4850 Radon.15:56
prashantproblem solved15:56
middleanyone able to help me?15:57
A_J!ask | middle15:57
ubottumiddle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:57
middlei did15:57
middleHELP::I tried to update my ati graphics drivers to catalyst 11.5, It did but it was awful and wouldn't work properly. SO i tried to remove it with the removal script. I think that worked, however upon reboot it will blackscreen, even when i reboot into recovery mode! I am pretty sure i had a similar issue before and i some how solved it from a live USB distro... so any ideas?15:57
DasEiA_J: generally, many nvidias are better supported, though there are few atis quite well also, either browse the hcl's or ask in here for specific experience15:57
szal!patience | middle15:58
ubottumiddle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:58
arandPendrag0n1: Have you looked at "catdoc"15:58
DasEimiddle: ati's propitary aren't supported by current x15:58
A_Jask where DasEi15:58
stevr1itDasEi,  lots of lfiles not in Cryp but like that http://paste.ubuntu.com/608459/15:58
Pendrag0n1arand, no I will15:58
middleDasEi: I am still on 10.1015:59
szalA_J: read DasEi's answer again ;)15:59
Pendrag0n1arand: I wonder the difference between catdoc and antiword15:59
A_Jszal,  what's an hcl ?15:59
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:59
ubuntu2012when running ./configure it complains that it cannot find jpeglib.h. I've downloaded such  file and put it in a directory, how can I make the compile aware of this location?16:00
A_Jty DasEi and szal16:00
middleIs there anyway to see a list of ubottu commands?16:00
magepsychoi want to create a batch file based on the following commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608461/16:00
deepui get error (port binding failed) while connecting vpn..16:00
magepsychois it possible in ubuntu?16:00
DasEistevr1it: ls /mnt/Crypt , not media16:00
middlemagepsycho: Yeah, just make a bash script16:00
stevr1itcd ..16:00
escott!ubottu | middle16:01
ubottumiddle: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:01
middlemagepsycho: #!/bin/bash at the top of the file then copy the code in and save it as whatever.sh then give it permissions and execute it16:01
magepsychomiddle i am newbie can you help me16:01
stevr1itdaed, the same16:01
DasEimagepsycho: yes, easily, but call as root, ask in #bash, just one line in the top missing16:01
llutzubuntu2012: you've to install the -dev package holding the needed file, not to get single files and put them somewhere into the fs16:01
llutzubuntu2012: in your case, likely libjpeg62-dev or libjpeg8-dev16:02
ubuntu2012llutz: but I want to do this from scratch i.e. telling the compiler where to find the files in a local directory of my own making, without having to install anything system-wide16:02
llutzgood luck16:03
DasEistevr1it: did the ecryptfs mount now or not ? mount tells you (on /mnt/Crypt)16:03
A_JDasEi, found this says linux what do you think for ubuntu http://bit.ly/lM2wsp16:03
stevr1itDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608464/16:03
ubuntu2012llutz: what flags should I change in the compiler? It tells me to try changing CPPFLAGS, but if I do that I get other kind of problems16:03
stevr1itDasEi,  it mounts but inside you see the reuslt16:04
magepsychoi see .. that's great idea16:04
DasEistevr1it: so either wrong pass or wrong cipher-algo, remount and try16:04
magepsychodo we need to call it from root?16:04
DasEistevr1it:sudo umount  /media/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private16:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!16:04
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
stevr1itDasEi,  done16:05
macoKuifje111: what?16:05
PiciKuifje111: Yes?16:05
Goliathhow can i run jack server?16:05
apoagehi have just litle problem with sound ,, just have no sound since yesterday(it were work for last year) .. no idea why .. have alc887 by lshw and manufacturer of my motherboard .. lspci and lshw -c sound (with sudo) says this http://www.pasteall.org/21672 and  in sound properties i see no hardware ..  anyone some idea16:05
Kuifje111maco, Pic: sorry about that16:05
DasEistevr1it:sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/0bf25133-37c3-4850-bcbf-f3284b462458/.ecryptfs/stevr1it/.Private  /mnt/Crypt   && ls /mnt/Crypt .. till it shows files16:05
ubuntuguyDoing Distribution Upgrade, now in the Getting New Packages segment, Its taking too long... IF I CANCEL it now, can i do my upgrade later.. Will there be any problems ?16:06
jpdsKuifje111: Hello there.16:06
DasEiif you're sure about the pass, try other algos (blowfish, and so own)16:06
JaxanI have a problem with login in (ubuntu 10.04): when i log in, it returns to the login screen. It doesn't start any session. (probably related: i don't have this dropdown-box: http://bit.ly/iQEnDY )16:06
Kuifje111jpds: false alarm16:06
stevr1itDasEi,  it ask me if i want to proceeed with mount, what should i ask?16:06
stevr1itDasEi, answer sorry16:07
Lateralisapoage: it doesn't look like your sound kernel module has been loaded16:07
Pendrag0n1the antiword and catdoc suggestions from you guys was perfect, thanks!16:08
stevr1itDasEi, it also says soemthing like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608469/16:08
A_J DasEi, found this says linux what do you think for ubuntu http://bit.ly/lM2wsp16:08
DasEiA_J: I don't know where they are now, but since few distro's they don't work no more16:08
A_JDasEi, the link mate16:08
rpkWhy do my window titlebars, max, min, close buttons disappear on occassion?16:08
apoageLateralis, emm ok triing google again ..16:08
apoageLateralis, thanks16:09
Lateralisapoage: If the module is properly loaded it will appear on the "configuration" line as "driver = <something>"16:09
DasEiA_J: I don't know where they are now, but since few distro's they don't work no more, checkout the Version of x-server against it, you'll see16:09
vectoryrpk: gnome or unity?16:09
escottJaxan, most likely gnome-session is crashing. I would stop the gdm service and ctrl-alt-f1 over to a console, and then startx from there. it may print out info about why gnome-session is crashing16:10
rpkvectory: gnome, on 11.0416:10
vishkjhfkadshauywenbwkfjwnf icwefhnewnweiu cweirwecr16:10
Lateralisapoage: If it is an Intel sound card, then you could probably modprobe it with snd_hda_intel16:10
stevr1itDasEi, any suggestion?16:10
ranger03whats the differnece between insmod and modprobe ?16:10
DasEistevr1it:seems pass is wrong and I can't know how you set up the partition, which keylength or algo16:10
escottJaxan, and your probably related is natty 11.04 specific you would not have that for 10.0416:10
Jaxanescott: there normally is no dropdown box?16:11
escottranger03, modprobe is a little smarter and resolves some dependencies of modules16:11
DasEistevr1it:you will have to retry until you succeed, can't help there any further16:11
stevr1itDasE i had just upgraded form ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 the password was IPEuro1 i didn not changed, and it was working for this week16:11
Jaxanescott: when i do startx it says the display is already in use...16:12
escottJaxan, at the very least the contents would be different16:12
escottJaxan, you have to stop GDM first16:12
lionheartedlol..u write the pass :D jesuschrist.16:12
middleQUESTION: If i boot into a live CD and chroot to the root of my ubuntu installation will changes occur to that instalation or the live CD?16:12
middleSo like can i install drivers from there?16:12
DasEimiddle: mind other dirs are needed then just root, it changes the hd16:13
edhjrw!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   edhjrw aja SANGKEUN dari ticaozinho eekTheCat renato SWFu haluan phox_ shentino abdulkarim rlblood_ Eyes-Only oxseyn dewman iomari benkevan arthy PhoenixSTF fgump bfiller wazzup rpk davros gigasoft_ Glavat16:13
edhjrw!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   blamar tpe Caly lighta ChrisTX ssfdre38 Spec Richard| D3814N wissem `greenlight guampa bdavenport admin1 clakes superman097 middle svg magentar soapie olskolirc apoage RaNa StrangeCharm dkim1987 beli Soupe16:13
edhjrw!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   IRCAnswersBot__ oski html_inprogress kizee iluciv_ schnuffle skiphuffman_ Solly FiReSTaRT braiam ubuntu_ Craig_Dem eipou rumpel_ najm kokonoula flodine Barridus gg_ slinker1 cmdshftn jcrigby punto Boardina16:13
FloodBot1edhjrw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
PiciThe above was spam, please ignore it.16:13
apoageLateralis, ok thanks16:14
lightahow many time will he tell us that ? like 5time a day ?16:14
Lateralisapoage: No worries.  I just had a quick google myself.  Looks like the snd_hda_intel module will work with your hardware16:14
middlei can't seem to be able to remove the atidrivers any more than i have allready16:14
DasEistevr1it:your sure that isn't you root-pw instead of the ecryptfs one ? and no, don't give root pw here16:15
lilsteviebleh that stuff has been spammed so much it is stupid16:15
shentinoI'm ignoring all highlights here :(16:16
shentinoanyone wants my attention, PM me16:16
rpkanyone?  why can applications crash my window manager?16:16
rpkand what do I need to do to prevent it in the future?>16:16
magepsychoguys i creates a bashtest.sh file .. and put #!/bin/bash in front .. what's the next step to execute it16:16
magepsychoyes middle16:17
middlemagepsycho: You have the first line as #!/bin/bash then all the commands listed below correcT?16:17
magepsycholet me post in paste.ubuntu16:17
middlesave the file, to your home directory16:17
middlethen open a terminal and enter16:17
middlechmod +x bashtest.sh16:17
middlesudo ./bashtest.sh16:18
Picisudo shoudln't be used in sitiuations where its not needed.16:18
haluanhow to enable wireless in 11.04?16:18
apoageLateralis, well it worked somehow for long time sometimes failed to load(or crashed sound system) but this time i just cant load it ..  .. i just trying to find core of my problem ..16:18
Lateralismagepsycho: Don't use sudo unless you need to.16:18
middlePici: i didn't know if he needed it or not16:18
DasEimiddle: sudo chmod +x bashtest.sh16:18
Picimiddle: Exactly why you shouldn't suggest it.16:19
Lateralisapoage: Strange.  Did you do a dist upgrade, and that broke your sound?  Or was it working, and now not?16:19
magepsychohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/608474/ this contains the shell script16:19
quiescensstop putting sudo on every single thing16:19
middleDasEi: do you need sudo to chmod?16:19
DasEimiddle,sry, magepsycho: sudo chmod +x bashtest.sh16:19
middlei thought you didn't because it was created by the user chmod'ing it16:19
PiciDasEi: you don't need sudo to chmod your own files.16:20
middlethat will be fine16:20
middlethe script i mean16:20
Lateralismagepsycho: You don't even need to chmod it.  Try going "sh <filename of shell script>"16:20
=== admin1 is now known as alien1
zenpapaf  -it works, thanks!16:20
=== yarddog_ is now known as yarddog-
stercorHow do I find out what fonts are installed on my machine?16:21
stevr1itDasEi, i don't know what to do16:21
DasEistevr1it:I gtg soon, hopefully you can recover algo/path, then you can re-set ownership16:21
magepsychoso Lateralis .. you mean.. create a .sh file with shell script then run command sh <filename>16:22
magepsychowill do?16:22
DasEistevr1it:I mount/umount until plain files occur in /mnt/Crypto16:22
anghelokostercor, /usr/share/fonts or install gnome-specimen16:23
T_Xhi there, is there a known problem with ati radeon graphic cards? the display just stays black here with ubuntu 11.04. switching to a terminal works but switching back and forth once or twice makes the system freeze. ati radeon 9800 pro, amd athlon 1800+16:23
T_Xand also graphics failsafe mode (so using vesa) works fine16:23
apoageLateralis, well for now it absolutely don't work .. before this issue i did not nothing special just compiles newest wine it   shud not nothing to do with audio system maybe some update in packages no idea ill check log16:24
stevr1itDasEi,  i did it but no cahngement16:24
stevr1itDasEi,  it always says the same error16:24
mernilioHello all! Im using wireless internet. Do i have to install dhcpcd?16:24
stevr1itDasEi, i think the probelm is in the permssions, or the owner16:24
llutzmernilio: no16:25
Lateralismagepsycho: Yes.  You could also go "bash <script>".  If you do that, you don't even need the #!/bin/bash-type line.  Else, you can chmod +x the file and then ./ it to run it16:25
merniliollutz: thanks!16:25
stercorangheloko: Second question: How do I specify then in CSS?16:25
middlei hate ati > >16:26
lucas-arghow can i enable appmenu to show menus all time??16:26
xibalbahey guys, is there a way to specify what I'm looking for in SIP on the Capture Filter?16:26
xibalbaI want SIP, but only Proxy-Authenticate packets16:26
Administrator_Does ubuntu alternate CD allows one to drop to a "live" console session?16:27
dios_mioAdministrator_, no16:27
Administrator_Thanks dios_mio :)16:27
dios_mioAdministrator_, oh, you mean console... i dont know heh16:27
xibalbaanyone know that about capture filters? I know you can do it with the display filter16:27
Lateralisapoage: Did you just try to add snd_hda_intel using modprobe?16:27
szalAdministrator_: you could toggle through the ttys in there & see whether there is a prompt somewhere16:27
xibalbabut i'm pushing 80mbit/sec of VoIP16:27
NoiseEeehi folks, some bad RAM seems to have really f*cked my Ubuntu server 10.04 installation... it can't even boot, I get a "sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: libdbus-1.so.3 cannot open shaerd object file: no such file or directory16:28
DasEistevr1it: you can't alter it, untill succesfully plain - mounted, here is another way to try, and i have to go for now :   http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs/#Live16:28
NoiseEeeIm just wondering how its possible to re-install/recover without losing my data, particularly database data16:28
Administrator_szal, right...let me try16:28
NoiseEee(i've replaced the  bad ram)16:28
anghelokostercor, font-family, just use the name ie arial, ubuntu, sans-serif or something to that effect... but the client must have the font installed16:28
stercorangheloko: Oh...the client, eh?16:28
SavoxUnityapt-build --yes --force-yes --rebuild world16:29
llutzNoiseEee: restore backup16:29
szalNoiseEee: you don't have your data on the same partition as the OS files, have you?16:29
stercorangheloko: Well, that solves _that_ problem...16:29
NoiseEeellutz: thanks for the obvious answer.16:29
magepsychobash script and shell script are same?16:29
anghelokostercor, yeah.. the client viewing your site... i assume you meant CSS (cascading style sheets)16:29
NoiseEeeszal: i do... is it possible just to re-install "system" files, etc?16:29
szalNoiseEee: bad design, to begin with16:30
apoagelatenite, well have two errors WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'options' and one about futute ingnoring of .conf files or something16:30
DasEimagepsycho: you define in first line what is used, bash,dash..16:30
stercorangheloko: Yes, I meant CSS.  Then the last one should be generic (sans serif, serif, ...)16:30
SmokeyDhey everyone, is there a way to find out which applications have been instaled from one specific repository. I want to downgrade all stuff I have installed from one of the ppa repositories, back to the default ubuntu versions16:30
NoiseEeeszal: i've got as far as telling the installation/partition manager to use the existing partition and not re-format, i assume thats my best choice.  just not sure where to mount to, should I pick /   ?16:30
DasEimagepsycho: so they are all scripts, your's is a bashscript16:31
apoageLateralis, omg white it looks like ti works ..16:31
anghelokostercor, yes, for safety if non of the first few fonts are installed in the client16:31
=== Administrator_ is now known as AmberJ
stercorangheloko: K.  Thanks.16:32
SmokeyDNoiseEee, yes, the new partition you created should have / as the mount point16:32
magepsychothen what is shell script DasEi16:32
NoiseEeeSmokeyD: not so much creating a new one, as trying to (re)install the server on the existing one... but thats what i'll choose, thanks16:32
erebuswhere new updates for ubuntu just release?16:32
kalimojohi im thinking of running ubuntu on my laptop. how well does it work with a mobile mifi dongle such as those from o2 and vodafone ?16:32
erebuswere new updates for ubuntu just released?16:33
erebuskernel etc16:33
SmokeyDNoiseEee, if you install on the existing partition, you may loose data (and configuration) on it, don't forget that. If that is not an issue, you can just as well erase the whole machine and reinstall.16:33
ssfdre38how do i remove phpmyadmin on my server?16:33
lucas-argshow menu all time in appmenu???16:33
NoiseEeeSmokeyD: yeah i'd like to keep it... so i guess i should maybe create a new partition, install on that, and then mount/move files from the old one over as required??16:34
Carl892I have a serious issue, I just rebooted an ubuntu server machine and suddenly it shows no interfaces! just lo0. I had just ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade16:34
Carl892Any ideas?16:34
middleJust wrote a stiff letter to Ati. Dicks16:34
SmokeyDNoiseEee, yeah, and also make sure you make a backup of the machine before you start.16:34
erebusFUCK ATI16:34
NoiseEeeSmokeyD: not sure how to make a backup if i can't boot it :P16:34
SmokeyDNoiseEee, through a live cd16:34
szal!language | erebus16:35
ubottuerebus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:35
Carl892lspci shows the ethernet controller: It is a Gigabit with two ports. ifconfig -a shows nothing16:35
SmokeyDNoiseEee, just download a live cd, boot from it, mount the root partition of the computer, and copy your stuff to a flash drive or something16:35
Jaxanescott: i get two warnings: unable to load /etc/gdm/custom.conf. and: unable to find users: no seat-id found16:35
roastedI have DHCP-server installed on Ubuntu, but when I run service--status-all dhcp isn't listed, and that's something I need to get running. Any idea? On Ubuntu 11.04. 10.10 and previous never exhibited this issue.16:35
Lateralisapoage: Excellent.  it might be that asla-base is borked and needs correcting.  But just to confirm: your sound is now working again after you used modprobe?16:35
SmokeyDNoiseEee, even more througough would be to create an image of the pc16:35
escottJaxan, from startx?16:35
Jaxanfrom gdm16:36
NoiseEeeSmokeyD: yeah but the disk is fubarred so wouldn't an image just create a bad image... usb key is a good idea i'll try that16:36
Jaxanescott: startx works (black screen with mouse)16:36
escottJaxan, well black screen with a mouse isn't exactly working :)16:36
Jaxanescott: hehe16:36
escottJaxan, i think your gnome-session may be fubar-ed16:37
Carl892Prior to rebooting, I had an eth0 and eth1. Then I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade which ran without an issue. Now, upon booting, I have no eth0 or eth1 ONLY lo0. lspci shows the network cards are there but Ubuntu is not recognizing them. Ideas?16:37
SmokeyDNoiseEee, yeah, but depeinding on how you create the image, you can later on copy individual files from the image. The advantage of an image is that you have absolutely everything in it16:37
kalimojohi how well does ubuntu support usb mobile nr16:37
Jaxanescott: :(16:37
SmokeyDkalimojo, the usb dongle that I have from t-mobile works fine16:37
llutzCarl892: check "dmesg" for errors, maybe firmware needed for your nic?16:38
askhaderI've installed the broadcom-sta packageb but how do I enable the broadcom-sta driver?16:38
kalimojosmokeyd : anything fancy u had to do ?16:38
apoageLateralis, so it works now but have no idea how to get it to work.. any way thanks .. and sorry for my bad eng.  .. probably yes but im not sure about alsa-base.conf ill have to check it later .. for now im going to enjoy that sound :)16:38
dkim1987has anyone used Spring IOC?16:38
dkim1987trying to pass values for "String... params"16:38
SmokeyDkalimojo, no, just plug it in and it was available in  the network manager applet16:38
escottJaxan, which isn't that big a deal the best thing is just to nuke the session and run the default one16:39
Jaxanescott: how?16:39
Lateralisapoage: Glad it is working again.  What you can now do is check alsa-base.conf for an obvious error, you can modprobe every time you boot up, or add the modules to /etc/modules16:39
kalimojook smokeyd16:40
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
apoageLateralis, about that modules it looks like workaround abit .. .. anz waz thanks alot ill have to go ..16:41
escottJaxan, I would cd ~/.config; rm -rf gnome-session16:41
SmokeyDkalimojo, but it depends on the specific hardware the dongle uses I think. So you should plug it in and see what type it is16:41
roastedI have DHCP-server installed on Ubuntu, but when I run service--status-all dhcp isn't listed, and that's something I need to get running. Any idea? On Ubuntu 11.04. 10.10 and previous never exhibited this issue.16:41
Lateralisapoage: well that module is the driver for your hardware16:41
middleQUESTION: How to recover an Ubuntu system that blackscreens in regular and recovery mode? I know that i will have to use a Live USB but what will i need to do exactly? the blackscreen was caused by Ati drivers16:42
SmokeyDkalimojo, in the terminal you could run 'lsusb' to see what usb devices are plugged-in16:42
askhaderHow do I make a driver show up in 3rd-party-hardware-drivers?16:42
kalimojook smokeyd16:42
Lateralisapoage: the fact that it isn't loaded properly at boot is strange.  But you're right, it is a bit of a work around.  There's a reason why alsa-base.conf isn't correct and that will need a bit of investigation16:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!16:42
Lateralisapoage: This though will help -- wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh16:43
escottroasted, you have to configure your dhcp server to bind to an interface and setup the ip address ranges you want it to serve. have you done that16:43
roastedescott, no, but I am installing FOG. FOG automatically does that. FOG told me the DHCP service failed to initialize. I ran service --status-all and it wasn't even listed, whereas on every other version of Ubuntu I've used prior to this, it WAS listed. What changed with 11.0416:44
erebushey do i run (jackd -d alsa &> /dev/null &) with sudo or not? I want to select jack in winecfg,16:45
apoageLateralis, ok im planing to rewrite that conf sometimes soon .. ok anz waz thanks ..16:45
escottroasted, make sure you are looking at the right name isc-dhcp-server not dhcp-server16:45
Lateralisapoage:  Cool.  Glad your sound is working again!16:45
roastedescott, is that new for 11.04? I never recall seeing that. how do I start the dhcp service?16:46
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! Does anyone know of an Ubuntu application that I can use to interface with Apple's Facetime?16:46
nerdy_kidI am getting "fatal error: glibconfig.h: No such file or directory" when I try to compile a gtk theme, it seems to be a problem with natty16:46
nerdy_kidbut I can't figure out how to fix it.  please help!16:46
escottroasted, i dont know but i remember there was a name change for the service/package recently to be isc-dhcp-server16:46
CAP9834somebody speak spanish?16:47
escott!es | CAP983416:47
ubottuCAP9834: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:47
genii-aroundnerdy_kid: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=glibconfig.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=natty&arch=any16:47
CAP9834ok ubottu thanks16:48
StravHi. I'm looking for suggestions on a music player and so far I've tried: amarok, rhythmbox, exaile, banshee, xmms and audacious. Surprisingly none suits my needs. First: I don't want anything to do with a music collection organized by tags, it's always messy error prone and far inferior to the manual sorting of my files and folders (rhythmbox and banshee fails for that). Then, as most of my music is in .flac, I wish to be able to open a16:48
Strav.cue file and simply get the right tracks (amarok can't do this unless you have scanned your whole collection and exaile cannot either). I wish it to be lightweight (amarok fails) and have a way to set a buffer for gapless reading over a samba mounted share (while audacious wins in every other aspects, I cannot seem to get a smooth playback over the network). Any suggestion?16:48
nerdy_kidgenii-around: that is already installed16:49
econdudeawesomeStrav: give MoC a try16:49
econdudeawesomeStrav: Otherwise, there is always WinAmp with Wine :-)16:49
squonkhi folks!16:49
marchdownWhat should I do if my wireless network interface works during installation, but doesn't work after?16:49
gdoteofhow can I use apt to search for package names?16:49
Stravecondudeawesome: should I?16:49
gdoteofapt-get search is not it16:50
llutzgdoteof:  apt-cache search pattern1 pattern216:50
Picigdoteof: apt-cache search16:50
econdudeawesomeStrav: shouldyou what?16:50
gdoteofllutz: Pici;  ah.  ty16:50
econdudeawesomeStrav: give MoC a try? I use it all the time. Simple, next to no overhead, fast16:50
econdudeawesomeStrav: It's console based, but its worth it16:50
marchdowngdoteof, that's one useful tip. I keep forgetting that. Thanks.16:50
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squonkquestion: I installed ubuntu using wubi on my laptop... after running the updates and rebooting... the display has changed and a goodly portion of my display remains unused. It was fine during the initial install. Ideas?16:51
alien1marchdown: aptitude search  <string > is also useful and might be easier to remember16:52
adam61i just set up evolution for the first time and i can't get it to connect. it says "Error sending password: -ERR authentication failed". i googled around and couldn't find anything. anyone know how to fix this?16:53
Stravecondudeawesome: Ah, nah I don't want a console based player, even if it has shortcuts to do whatever you want, I guess for this one a shiny gui is required.16:53
genii-aroundnerdy_kid: Possibly might be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pkg-config/+bug/78053716:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 780537 in pkg-config (Ubuntu) "/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:34:24: fatal error: glibconfig.h: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New]16:53
kalimojohi folks , im looking for a general chat channel, any suggestions on irc servers and rooms ?16:53
Pici!alis | kalimojo16:54
ubottukalimojo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:54
squonkkalimojo, that's a tough request... mIRC is huge16:54
Picikalimojo: Also, #ubuntu-offtopic16:54
* squonk grins at ubottu16:54
econdudeawesomeStrav: I guess you're up a creek then. MOC is easy + awesome, but whatev16:54
rigvedadam61: sometimes the server is unreachable. shut down evolution and start it again. then enter the pass and see16:54
squonkEasy on that lang, middle.16:55
nerdy_kidgenii-around: I dont get how he fixed it though, he says he linked the headers, but I'm not sure where to link them to16:55
adam61rigved ok i'll try that thanks16:55
Stravecondudeawesome: it sucks that audacious actually has a buffer setting but it ain't helping, otherwise it would be perfect.16:55
squonkHey Pici, how goes it today?16:55
Picisquonk: Its monday ;)16:55
genii-aroundnerdy_kid: Looks like into his working directory of whatever was trying to compile16:55
nerdy_kidgenii-around: ah, I'll give that a try then, thanks!16:56
* squonk slides over an oversized mug of java16:56
marchdownHow should I troubleshoot drivers that refuse to load?16:56
galacticaboy00teOk, I log into my computer and Gnome is gone, I cannot do ALT+F2, nothing shows up, I need help! Thanks, oh I have ubuntu 11.0416:56
szalmarchdown: such as?16:56
squonkPici, did you see my query?16:56
adam61rigved, didn't seem to work16:57
nerdy_kidgenii-around: great, that worked, thanks!16:57
rigvedadam61: make sure that the server address is correct16:57
* squonk laughs and goes back to reading whitepapers16:57
escottgalacticaboy00te, sounds like your panel or unity session crashed. if you can get some kind of command line in your X window you can try to run gnome-panel or unity (as the case may be) otherwise you need to logout, you can ctrl-alt-f1 and kill any outstanding processes of yours16:57
galacticaboy00teok i will try that, thanks escott16:58
rigvedadam61: close evolution and start it from the terminal. check the error output16:58
Picisquonk: Besides looking into your display settings to make sure that its using the native resolution of your screen, I'm not sure what else to suggest.16:58
adam61rigved: it the correct address supposed to be pop3.live.com?16:59
rigvedadam61: yes that's correct16:59
marchdownszal: I've got wifi working during install, but after first boot I can't load drivers.16:59
squonkhiya LarsTorbenn17:00
LarsTorbennone question i use unity if i want to maximize some windows they maximize on other destop17:00
adam61rigved: k i tried from the terminal and same thing17:00
squonkPici, I think that's what happened. ubuntu simply is using generic drivers to run the display... it's taking it's BEST guess.17:00
gsp2009good morning everyone.17:01
marchdownproblem is aggravated by the fact that I'd prefer to run without hard drive at all, from live cd with personal setting on ramdisk synced with remote git repo. If I can't get wifi working, that's a no go.17:01
squonkSince I used wubi, and not a live disc... I am learning that I have severely limited myself.17:01
szalgood evening gsp200917:01
LarsTorbennone question i use unity if i want to maximize some windows they maximize on other destop17:01
awbHi, I'm setting up 'Internet DJ Console' and it requires Jack for sound, I have tried configuring jack using QjackCtl but I am unsure how to configure the microphone. I have 1 sound card and 1 onboard sound system, with the soundcard being the default. Any suggestions on how I could configure jack?17:01
adam61rigved, here's the output: http://pastebin.com/PYSUfMf017:02
rigvedadam61: are you able to ping pop3.live.com17:02
squonkAmazing what you can figure out reading white papers!@17:02
szalawb: mic in IDJC is a bit of a b**ch, you gotta try around17:02
LarsTorbenni hve a question17:03
squonkWhatcha got LarsTorbenn?17:03
SmokeyDLarsTorbenn, just ask you question17:03
gsp2009I have noticed since my upgrade to natty, if I leave my machine on over night, in the morning the drive activity is really heavy and the machine is very slow. Most times I can't even switch tty. I have to REISUB. Anyone seen this before?17:03
LarsTorbennone question i use unity if i want to maximize some windows they maximize on other destop17:03
awbszal: Where is it you configure the microphone, in jack or IDJC?17:03
adam61rigved, it's doing that now, will it just keep going?17:04
LarsTorbennone question i use unity if i want to maximize some windows they maximize on other destop17:04
rigvedadam61: the error says that your password has not been saved to the keyring17:04
Carl892Prior to rebooting, I had an eth0 and eth1. Then I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade which ran without an issue. Now, upon booting, I have no eth0 or eth1 ONLY lo0. lspci shows the network cards are there but Ubuntu is not recognizing them. Ideas? (I checked dmesg, nothing strange)17:04
rigvedadam61: i don't understand? are you able to connect now?17:04
szalawb: define "configure"..  first you need to get it running, i.e. make sure you get sound input..  not sure if there's something to do in JACK for it, it's been a while since I last used IDJC17:05
LarsTorbenni have a question17:05
Carl892I have no ethernet ports after rebooting, whereas I should have two17:05
szalLarsTorbenn: you're repeating yourself17:05
adam61rigved: no, still the same. how do i stop the terminal from pinging?17:05
LarsTorbenni already asked the question !!!17:05
awbszal: Just how do I make it work really, I got IDJC to output, just not to take mic input17:06
rigvedadam61: Ctrl+C17:06
adam61rigved: thanks, does that end any process in terminal?17:06
rigvedadam61: yes, most of the times.17:06
rigvedadam61: how did you install evolution?17:07
llutzCarl892: what card brand/type pci-id?17:07
LarsTorbennplease please please17:07
LarsTorbennhelp me17:07
A_J!ask | larry117:07
ubottularry1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:07
adam61rigved, i didn't, it came already on ubuntu 11.04. i just clicked on the mail icon and said set up mail17:07
szalLarsTorbenn: for the 3rd time, with what?17:07
A_J!ask | LarsTorbenn17:07
blackmoonhi, under natty bluetooth is enable only if i reboot from windows 7, if i shut down and turn on the bt is disabled. how fix this?17:07
ubottuLarsTorbenn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:07
jiltdilmsg nickserv identify @007amit17:07
LarsTorbennSZAL !!17:07
SmokeyDLarsTorbenn, please read http://goo.gl/cEF1w17:07
LarsTorbenni already asked17:07
LarsTorbennone question i use unity if i want to maximize some windows they maximize on other destop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!117:08
szalLarsTorbenn: no, you didn't17:08
LarsTorbenni DID !!!!!!!!!17:08
Carl892llutz: will get that in 1 sec, brb17:08
rigvedadam61: your password is not being stored. can you delete this account and create it again?17:08
SmokeyDszal, he already asked the question twice indeed. But LarsTorbenn please be patient and read the guidelines17:08
LarsTorbenn5 times17:08
LarsTorbennthe one tells me about her shit: ask your question17:09
LarsTorbennand the others: dont ask so often17:09
SmokeyDLarsTorbenn, you aren't paying us for support, so please be polite17:09
szal!language | LarsTorbenn17:09
ubottuLarsTorbenn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:09
LarsTorbennwhy do you want to kidding me17:09
LarsTorbennstop that please szal17:09
LarsTorbenn!language | szal17:10
ubottuszal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:10
Carl8920d:0 and 0f:0 -- both are: Intel Gigabit Ethernet17:10
nep1xhi! good afternoon to all17:10
Carl892they show up in lspci but not in ifconfig -a17:10
nep1xlisten, anyone knows how to see the partition table of my hard disk???17:11
szalnep1x: sudo fdisk -l17:11
LarsTorbennso please17:11
LarsTorbenncan i get an answer after 30 minutes ?17:11
adam61rigved: didn't work; i deleted the account then exited and set it up again, and same thing17:11
ChromeyHello All! Just wondering if anyone can help me figure out why hostapd won't start when Ubuntu 10.10 starts. I can lauch manually, but for whatever reason, it won't autostart.17:11
szalLarsTorbenn: answers take as long as they take, no point in trying to force something17:12
LarsTorbennszal who has read my question? nobody17:12
awbLarsTorbenn: The people in this IRC are not here just to help YOU, learn to get some respect, they are providing support for free and if you carry on like that I'd be surprised if you get support at all!17:12
nep1xgood man, thanks szal!17:12
szalLarsTorbenn: how do you know?  can you read ppl's minds?17:12
llutzCarl892: "sudo modprobe e1000e"17:12
* squonk sighs17:13
LarsTorbenn!pm | SmokeyD17:13
ubottuSmokeyD: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:13
passsswindow is better17:13
squonkSilly as this is about to sound, perhaps a link to nettiquite in the topic?17:13
squonker nettiqutte17:13
squonkI can't spell.17:13
icerootpassss: stop it17:13
szalsquonk: netiquette :P17:14
llutzsquonk: and you really expect users to read/respect it? ;)17:14
passsswindows is beter than linux17:14
* squonk grins at szal17:14
SmokeyDLarsTorbenn, I wasn't asking a question but telling you that I might not know the answer to your question and would put more effort in it if you were more patient17:14
rigvedadam61: well the problem is that the password is not getting stored in your keyring, where all the e-mail passwords are securely stored. do you have another account with which you can try, like gmail17:14
iceroot!ops | passss17:14
ubottupassss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!17:14
* amal029 likes windows sexp17:14
adam61rigved, no that's my only email account17:14
squonkWell I guess, it's more of a sign to save the OPs from having to deal with A$$hats17:14
Carl892llutz, It returned me to the prompt. I ran ifconfig -a again, nothing changed.17:14
llutzCarl892: check dmesg, last lines for anything related17:15
LarsTorbennSmokeyD: okay, sorry.17:15
squonkSorry, I've op'd too many chans I get a lil impatient with impatience.17:15
Mission_ControlI have a question17:15
gsp2009LarsTorbenn: here is a tip. If you type out your question in a manner that provides people as much relevant information as possible, they may be able to help. A one line usually won't suffice. ie: do you have multiple monitors, etc...17:15
* squonk shrugs and goes back to reading 17:15
sipiorsquonk: i like your optimism, but fear it is quixotic.17:15
LarsTorbennyes gsp2009 but nobody will see it17:15
yaaarHi guys. Having a bit of trouble/confusion with SuPHP. Specifically, I can get it to work, but then my phpmyadmin install (and presumably other web apps installed via apt-get) doesn't work anymore. Seems this is because the files are owned by root and SuPHP understandably has a minimum UID. Is there some way to get normal php5 to run the apt-gotten apps and SuPHP to run everything else? Or...17:15
* squonk nods in resigned agreement with sipior17:15
yaaar...is there some other way I'm supposed to do this?17:15
squonkThey are Dragons, NOT windmills my friend!17:16
SmokeyDMission_Control, we read you loud and clear ;) What's up.17:16
Mission_ControlI'm trying to install ubuntu over the network to a laptop that doesn't have a WORKING cd rom drive17:16
NoiseEeeanyone happen to know where MySQL stores its data on ubuntu server 10.04?17:17
szalMission_Control: tried a live USB drive?17:17
Mission_Controlthe bios doesn't accept usb17:17
llutzNoiseEee: /var/lib/mysql17:17
Mission_Controlbut I guess I could try it a few more times17:17
Carl892llutz, It says (c) Intel ethernet driver... all normal stuff, no errors17:17
NoiseEeei just don't have that directory llutz even though i see it on the webs17:17
aethelrickMission_Control, szal USB stick is the way I'd do this17:17
SmokeyDMission_Control, try http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download and then scroll down to option 217:17
shaggsteranybody have an idea why apache would be running under limited permission, getting an error through php fopen() failed to create stream permission denied running a script that creates a file. Everywhere i search says to chmod it 777 but i  would like to not have it risk that, but it does work I verified it.. running 10.10 Enterprise cloud, apperciate any suggestions17:17
yaaarNoiseEee: what does 'show variables;' say?17:17
szalMission_Control: if you can call up a boot menu _and_ have USB listed there, it should work17:17
NoiseEeeyaaar: its not running17:17
Mission_ControlI don't think it does but I could double check17:18
szalMission_Control: usually you press F8 during POST screen17:18
llutzNoiseEee: grep datadir /etc/mysql/my.cnf17:18
rigvedadam61: sorry i have to go now. maybe someone else here can help you. also, you should as in #evolution on irc.gimp.org17:18
yaaarNoiseEee: well, llutz correctly gave you the default.... /var/lib/mysql17:18
ghufranhi. does anyone know if there is a known issue of wifi being disabled in 10.10 or 11.04 ? i had 10.10 running on my laptop with wifi working but then i updated and it stopped working. i then installed 11.04 to try it out and wifi was still not working..17:18
Mission_Controlall it has though is floppy, hard disk, cd rom, and network17:19
adam61rigved: ok thanks for all your help! i appreciate it17:19
=== Toph is now known as Guest50549
ghufrani then installed windows to see if it was really a hardware issue. but it worked fine on windows..17:19
szalMission_Control: ah, that makes the picture clearer17:19
gsp2009ghufran: broadcom?17:19
SmokeyDMission_Control, why don't you install from cd then?17:19
ghufranso does anyone know of a fix for this?17:19
ghufrangsp2009, yes17:19
Mission_Controlthe cd tray is broken17:19
Mission_Controland I don't have an external one17:19
Mission_Controlit's a really old laptop17:20
gsp2009ghufran: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175018517:20
rigvedadam61: np. also, if you think that it is a bug, then you can take these steps to solve it: http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/bugs.shtml17:20
SmokeyDghufran, what type of wifi card do you have?17:20
cprofittMission_Control: are you trying to PXE boot?17:20
SmokeyDghufran, you can see it probably in the terminal with the command lspci17:20
Mission_ControlI'm not sure what pxe is17:20
adam61rigved: great thanks i'll do that17:20
Carl892Separate issue, did apt-get upgrade on a different server and now apache will not start. Here is what I get when I try apt-get upgrade again: http://pastebin.com/w5PdZyfA17:20
daurnimatortrying to install natty (from usb) on my laptop: after grub I just have a black screen17:21
Mission_ControlI'm in the bios trying to set a boot priority17:21
aethelrickMission_Control, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies17:21
Carl892ERROR: Module reqtimeout does not exist! <-- probably the issue17:21
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
vectoryis there a way to view console output on boot?17:21
cprofittMission_Control: if your computer can PXE boot you might want to try this17:21
Mission_ControlI hope it helps17:21
gsp2009SmokeyD: he has broadcom17:21
Mission_Control: P17:21
vectorylike in suse?17:21
yaaarHi guys. Trouble/confusion with SuPHP. It works, but then my phpmyadmin install (and presumably other web apps installed via apt-get) doesn't work. Seems this is cause the files are owned by root and SuPHP has a min UID. Is there a way to get normal php5 to run the apt-gotten apps and SuPHP to run everything else? Or is there another way I'm supposed to do this?17:22
ChromeyHello All! Just wondering if anyone can help me figure out why hostapd won't start when Ubuntu 10.10 starts. I can lauch manually, but for whatever reason, it won't autostart. I have tried using17:22
phox_How do change so that the top bar auto-hides, just like my unity-bar does? I have 11.04.17:22
fsmytheCan someone give me the full script of what I need to put in the BOOT.INI file so i can boot from LINUX and WINDOWS???? THanks17:22
=== harck is now known as dharcker
flowbeei'm getting "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" .... when i try to initiate a second ssh session to my ubuntu 10.04 server.  i have allowed key based auth.  i was following the guide here: http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/17/securing-an-ubuntu-server/ ... but i think one of the steps disasllowed multiple ssh sessions but i'm not sure which one.17:23
ChromeyHello All! Just wondering if anyone can help me figure out why hostapd won't start when Ubuntu 10.10 starts. I can lauch manually, but for whatever reason, it won't autostart. I have tried using "update-rc.d" and it processes fine. But still doesn't start on boot up...and I can't find a log file the says why...17:23
daurnimatoranyone able to help with usb not botting?17:23
=== pkkm_ is now known as pkkm
fsmytheCan someone give me the full script of what I need to put in the BOOT.INI file so i can boot from LINUX and WINDOWS???? Because there is currently nothing in it THANKS :)17:23
szaldaurnimator: --verbose please17:23
pythosAnyone listening have cluster experience (using the ubuntu packaged redhat cluster)?17:24
aethelrickfsmythe, BOOT.ini is the windows BOOT loaded config file. as far as I know it does not support booting other operating systems. Your best bet is to use grub to boot into windows and linux17:24
alien1fsmythe: boot.ini may not work ..if you are not happy with ubuntu bootloader ...try easybcd as an alternative17:25
aethelrick*boot loader (not loaded)17:25
daurnimatorszal: as in, edit Install and add a --verbose flag somewhere????17:25
SmokeyDghufran, is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748245 a good startpoint? You don't seem to be the only one with this kind of trouble (for what it's worth)17:25
szaldaurnimator: no, as in, please explain your problem in more detail17:26
multipasson my dual display setup, one screens desktop is fine, but the other dosnt have any "window appeareance" the top bars are missing17:26
funkyhow can I know which repo a package belongs to?17:26
adam61why is it saying cannot send to channel on #evolution?17:26
adam61i'm just trying to ask my question about evolution there17:26
daurnimatorszal: created USB boot disk with UNetBootin (11.04): I put it in my laptop (T1125n) and select Install from the grub menu. I get a black screen.17:27
szalfsmythe, askhader: the XP bootloader can load non-Windows OSes, the Vista/Win7 bootloader, however, can only load Vista and/or Win717:27
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
aethelrickmultipass, it sounds like your second screen physical resolution is smaller than the desktop resolution or that it's only displaying part of the desktop (the bottom part)17:27
multipassaethelrick: no, its displaying everything, i can see the top panel and bottom panel17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   u56765 iskin boteeka wae zach_ gepatino toddc Elv13 tonghuix The_Pugilist funky gnugr isilion simion314 lolmatic jerrad Guest81983 multipass pythos eros derp f|shy pascalaldo edbian dharcker fsmythe bf17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   nfrejhfw jubu bergman Andy80 hcaine pr0ton beefman blackmoon jiltdil sawcisse ntr0py andi_ engled Prodego AxeZ trism amin` ceed^ apelgate tasse dim_ Silowyi ogra_ zappo_ gsp2009 functor xiambax pyrony 17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   selig5 jahil1 Logan_ dca MrWade blamar JoFo cdavis Urocyon ivancp gremset roasted Stoil89 ChrisGagnon Carl892 demagogue ZeRoN ArexBawrin drc kalimojo nikhil_ SmokeyD SavoxUnity NoiseEee m00se Anubisss 17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   teknowill Enissay IRCAnswersBot___ crescendo takeshi ubuntu2012 awolfson biella deepu ring1 safejav tpe lighta ChrisTX Spec Richard| `greenlight guampa bdavenport alien1 clakes superman097 svg magentar17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   html_inprogress kizee iluciv_ skiphuffman_ Solly FiReSTaRT braiam Craig_Dem eipou rumpel_ kokonoula Barridus gg_ slinker1 punto Boardinary_ uifjlh IRCAnswersBot_ jorgeu genii-around syn-ack SimonP86__ 17:28
u56765!calltheops [**| NOTICE |**]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [**| NOTICE |**]   xortham314 bresta int3nz0r| joris_ BluesKaj dv310p3r tempeldirne bnovc tic^ bafilius py9371 wet-chan wisey danjac escott cesar_CR soultekkie Daniel0108 jnlsnl_ dimmortal rtdos Bump bolt12 Dave888 tohto17:28
FloodBot1u56765: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
funkywhen I try to install lirc, aptitude says that it's aun unstruted package, why??17:28
multipassaethelrick: but, when i open a program its void of window decorations and dosnt seem to be that functional17:28
jerradoh noes17:28
=== jerrad is now known as NightDragon
aethelrickmultipass, how rare... never seen that before17:29
szalfunky: where are you installing it from?17:29
aethelrickmultipass, at least not confined to one screen only17:29
Carl892http://pastebin.com/w5PdZyfA <-- can someone please look at this, problem with Apache when doing apt-get upgrade. any ideas?17:29
multipassthe second isnt functional tho :[17:29
funkyszal:      0.8.7-0ubuntu4.1 017:29
funky        500 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main amd64 Packages17:29
funkythat's the repo, taken from apt-cache policy17:30
phox_How do change so that the top bar auto-hides, just like my unity-bar does? I have 11.04.17:30
aethelrickmultipass, are you running dual X i.e. two X sessions or are you mirroring the display?17:30
szalfunky: could you have an outdated key for that repo?17:30
funkyszal: it's a 11.04 downloaded/installed yesterday night17:30
multipassaethelrick: its dual sessions, so 2 monitors, each have their own desktops17:30
funkyszal: how it was for updating the keys ?17:31
DawnLight i'm missing modes on my R370. help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/608500/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/608499/17:31
szalfunky: sorry, don't know17:31
gsp2009phox: compizconfig settings manager?17:31
BluesKajwth was that yelling about SASL above?17:32
ninjaianyone notice the lack of updates? I don't think I've seen an update in 1-2 weeks17:32
szalBluesKaj: spambot17:32
rwwBluesKaj: spam, ignore it17:32
BluesKajyeah, figured17:32
szalapparently this type of spam isn't new either, there's a blog post on it on Freenode blog from last December17:32
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
szalthough I wonder what the originator of the spam wants to achieve w/ that as it doesn't contain any weblink or anything17:33
WalexDawnLight: most likely your KVM does not pass DDC information17:34
mang0I've downloaded urbanterror, but I can't make the correct file executable, wtf.17:35
DawnLightWalex, i just bypassed the kvm. same thing. should i run some command?17:35
ninjaimang0, chmod +x filename17:35
mang0I click "make executable" and the checkbox immediantly un checks17:35
mang0ninjah: thanks, lemme try17:35
Walextry 'ddcinfo' if you have it.17:36
shaggsterif you dont help me in the next 15 mins im going to run my appahce as root user... lol17:36
szalshaggster: your problem, but don't come whining if you get rooted or something :P17:36
DawnLightWalex, i don't dpkg -S ddcinfo doesn't find it either17:37
ninjaihas anyone gotten updates for 11.04 in the past week or so?17:38
mang0ninjah: it doesn't work....17:38
zetaif i'm working on the source code of something that is already in the repos, what is the best to make it myself and have all the binaries be available?17:38
ninjaimand0, what happens if you type ./your_executable_file17:38
mang0I think I need to be in the right directory first.17:39
varunhi friends,how to configure the audio/video settings in pidgin,how to make it to detect my webcam and audio,i am succesfully able to talk with skype,help needed in configuring audio/video of idgin17:39
mang0The file is on an external HD17:39
ninjaiwhere is your executable located?17:39
mang0Well it's called elements...17:39
mang0so i suppose..17:39
ninjai(remember linux is case sensitive)17:39
WalexDawnLight: sometimes to get DDC one has to switch to console and back, so X reinitializes the monitors.17:40
WalexDawnLight: also, try to use XRANDR, e.g. with 'grandr'.17:40
mang0ninjah: Elements, UrbanTerror, ioUrbanTerror.i38617:40
DawnLightWalex, check ^17:40
varunhi friends,how to configure the audio/video settings in pidgin,how to make it to detect my webcam and audio,i am succesfully able to talk with skype,help needed in configuring audio/video of pidgin17:41
WalexDawnLight: that seems to be empty here.17:43
onyxi need helping with setting up icecast17:43
DawnLightWalex,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608507/17:43
DawnLightseems to be corrupt all of the sudden17:43
Walexzeta: download the src '.deb' and work from that adding patches to it17:43
zetaWalex, i just downloaded the tarball and extracted to a home directory17:44
WalexDawnLight: that's very strange, maybe hw is not working right. Anyhow try to do a web search for "DXS: 1313", there are quite a few manual configuration examples17:45
=== onyx is now known as justin|tech
yaaarHi guys. Trouble/confusion with SuPHP. It works, but then my phpmyadmin install (and presumably other web apps installed via apt-get) doesn't work. Seems this is cause the files are owned by root and SuPHP has a min UID. Is there a way to get normal php5 to run the apt-gotten apps and SuPHP to run everything else? Or is there another way I'm supposed to do this?17:46
ksnso... how do I get rid of packages installed from external repositories?17:47
justin|techi need helping with setting up icecast server17:47
ikoniaksn: same way as ubuntu packages17:48
anghelokowhere is wpa_supplicant.conf in 11.04?17:49
justin|techi need helping with setting up icecast server17:51
trismangheloko: generally you create wpa_supplicant.conf with wpa_passphrase17:52
anghelokotrism, i see.. so i don't need to create the file then17:52
ChromeyHello All! Just wondering if anyone can help me figure out why hostapd won't start when Ubuntu 10.10 starts. I can lauch manually, but for whatever reason, it won't autostart. I have tried using "update-rc.d" and it processes fine. But still doesn't start on boot up...and I can't find a log file the says why...17:52
blackmoonhi, under natty bluetooth is enable only if i reboot from windows 7, if i shut down and turn on the bt is disabled. how fix this?17:53
justin|techi need helping with setting up free icecast server17:53
nixNcodei'm unable mount/umount from Nautilus.. it gives error that only root can mount.. but this wasn't the case before17:54
opfourChromey: try putting it under /etc/rc3.d Run level 317:54
zetawhere are FFTW3 libraries?17:54
zetawhere are they instaleld that is17:54
zetai need to set the env17:54
llutzChromey: since ubuntu uses upstart, write an upstart-script, put it into /etc/init17:54
llutzChromey: or just start hostapd from /etc/rc.local17:54
Chromeyllutz: I added the line "service hostapd start"17:55
Gskellighow can I login to a windows server on a domain to share files17:55
anghelokoChromey, or @reboot in cron?17:55
Chromeyllutz: and nothing17:55
llutzChromey: call it directly with full path from rc.local17:55
thr01having really weird time with this irc channel 2day17:56
Chromeyopfour: I have the file "S99hostapd" already there....17:56
llutz!runlevel | opfour17:57
ubottuopfour: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:57
Gskelligon windows I can type \\(ip address) to share files with a server, regardless of domain or workgroup17:57
Gskellighow can I do that on ubuntu17:57
kotiquehi. I want to completely disable graphic mode in my grub17:57
kotiquethat is, no vbe mode setting, nothing. pure text input.17:57
opfourubottu: bummer17:58
nixNcodehi, i'm unable mount/umount from Nautilus..17:58
opfourjk  :)17:58
An_Ony_Moosehow can I change the default program for filetypes en masse? Just knowing where to find the files where this is defined would be enough for me.17:58
anghelokonixNcode, have you tried via the terminal?17:58
An_Ony_Moose(basically I want to change the default program for all types of text file)17:58
nixNcodeangheloko, using sudo it works.. but before i could do this from nautilus by using icon next to drive17:59
Chromeyllutz: I am going to try calling it with the full path...running to a meeting now ;) be back in 30mins :)17:59
=== brian is now known as Guest95447
roastedSo I'm trying to NFS from 1 box to another. Each one the user is UID 1001. yet I get access denied. I have ownership to the mount point Im trying to put it on. Any ideas?18:00
icerootroasted: is the ip allowed to do nfs?18:01
roastediceroot, I didn't specify any IP rules. I was leaving it wide open for now.18:01
icerootroasted: imo it is in /etc/exports18:01
Gskelligon windows I can type \\(ip address) to share files with a server, regardless of domain or workgroup, how can I do something like that on ubuntu?18:02
icerootroasted: if i am correct you have to specific if all are allowed or only some ips18:02
daurnimatorszal: mmm?18:02
kotiquepubkey auth is enabled in sshd config, but it doesn't let me in. whats' up/18:02
daurnimatoranyone know why I can't use the live-cd (on a usb)18:02
icerootdaurnimator: no18:02
roastediceroot, I didn't do this at home, but I am in a different environment now, so I should probably try it18:02
icerootdaurnimator: only with usefull infos we can help18:03
zetaI just installed a new program by building from source, and I would like to add it to my terminal so I can just do something like "myprogram args" as opposed "../path/to/program/myprogram args"18:03
roastediceroot, same error. oh well.18:03
sipiorkotique: try running ssh with the -v switch (or even "-vvv") and see if anything useful is reported.18:03
zetawhat is the best way to do this aside from using aliases?18:03
iceroot!path | zeta18:03
roastediceroot, I should plug a cat5 directly into it segregated and see if it works. I wonder if it's an error on our network.18:03
icerootzeta: put the program in a directory which is in your PATH-Variable18:03
kotique debug1: Could not open authorized keys '/home/yuri/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory18:04
llutzzeta: put it into ~/bin  or /usr/local/bin which is in your PATH18:04
kotiquehow's that? the file is there.18:04
icerootroasted: normally there is a nfs-log in /var/log18:04
kotique-rwx------ 1 yuri yuri 212 2011-05-16 19:59 /home/yuri/.ssh/authorized_keys18:04
prashanthttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/158873-better-understanding-linux-partitioning.html this link dont open in ubuntu 11.04 any browser ??18:04
zetallutz, the binary and all of its libraries?18:04
zetais there a place that sets all the PATH variables?18:04
icerootprashant: working fine with ff4 11.0418:05
llutzzeta: the bin, libs to /usr/local/lib. better build a deb with PREFIX=/usr/local18:05
roastediceroot, in just /var/log? I see nothing NFS related there18:05
icerootroasted: maybe syslog18:05
Id10THello, I am on Natty x64 with an Asus DVD burner and tried to burn a cd using Brazo but it caused natty to lock up, anyone else experience this?18:05
prashanticeroot, its not working with ff its working with opera but its too slow18:05
llutzkotique: authorized_keys on Server?18:05
prashanticeroot, dont know why18:05
icerootprashant: maybe you have installed some addons which block the site18:06
prashanticeroot, just installed jre and rebooted18:06
llutzkotique: do "ssh-copy-id user@server" then try again18:06
kotiquellutz, what's that?18:06
llutzkotique: you have to copy the pub-key to the remote site, you want to connect to.18:06
roastediceroot, no entry of nfs found anywhere in syslog. oh well. thanks anyway.18:06
kotiquei've got ssh pub key in there, sshd can't find it18:06
prashanticeroot, i have installed ubuntu restricted areas18:06
PirschHello, how do I install a bin file?18:06
Id10THas anyone successfully burned a live .iso with Natty x64 and Brazo?18:07
tyler_dwhen I ssh to a server I want gnome-terminal to update the "title" with the current hostname.... please?18:07
vectorytyler_d: have you googled for that already?18:08
prashanticeroot, it loads some page only18:08
justin|techi need helping with setting up free icecast server18:08
tyler_dvectory: tried all I could find in google18:08
prashanticeroot, ff4.0.118:08
drcjustin|tech: Try #icecast18:09
kotiqueokay, copied. what next?18:10
obengdakowelcome okums to the ubuntu channel sorry floodbot18:10
kotiqueasks for password18:10
prashantPirsch, sh name_of_the_downloaded_file, for instance sh jdk-6u2-linux-i586.bin.18:10
Pirschprashant: ok, thanks, I'll try it.18:11
prashantPirsch, its ok18:11
sipiorkotique: could you show us the result of "ls -ld /home/yuri" on the remote system?18:11
kotiquesipior, i've shown you the file's ls -l18:12
kotiquedrwx------ 31 yuri yuri 12288 2011-05-16 20:09 /home/yuri18:12
sipiorkotique: i didn't ask about the file.18:12
kotiquewell you're talking with  a sysadmin not a regular user18:12
kotiquei'm asking what's up with your openssh package18:12
sipiorkotique: try adding r-x to group and other.18:12
Andyhu /me 跳一下18:13
kotiquedoes it blacklist keys or something18:13
* obengdako introduce okums18:13
Andyhuhello ! everybody18:13
prashantwhere to get official documentation for linux18:13
kotiquewhy would I need to add a group if sshd's downgrading to my uid18:13
obengdakohi Andyhu18:13
sipiorkotique: that's begging the question, isn't it?18:13
l2limaWhat will be the next ubuntu release?18:13
AndyhuThis is my first time using Irc18:13
obengdakogood for you Andyhu18:14
obengdakoi just introduced my friend to irc Andyhu18:14
arand!oneiric | l2lima18:14
ubottul2lima: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=64618:14
l2limaThanxs ubottu!18:14
Heron_MarkedMorning everyone.  I have an iTouch 4G, iOS 4.2.1.  I am trying to add music, videos and photos to it, but no luck. I installed USBMuxD and libimobiled and libimobiled1 (I believe those are the right names).  But I can't access the iTouch with Banshee or Rythmbox.  Anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this.  I have to switch back to windows everytime I want to add something to my iTouch and I really hate having18:15
Heron_Markedto do it.  Tks.18:15
Pirschprashant: The exact file name is astrill-setup-linux  . I typed 'sudo sh astrill-setup-linux' and got the message 'can't open astrill-setup-linux'18:16
prashantPirsch, what is the extension of the file name18:16
Pirschprashant: there is none but I also tried fixing '.bin' to the end and got the same message.18:17
vectoryPirsch: cd to the dir it is in and try ./astrill-setup-linux18:17
prashantPirsch, u dont need to fix the extension18:17
Pirschprashant: in the download notification it showed up as a bin file18:17
prashantPirsch, r u sure its a .bin file18:18
prashantPirsch, ok18:18
prashantPirsch, will tell u how to do that18:18
sipiorkotique: did that solve your problem?18:18
vectorymaybe youll need to chmod u+x astrill-setup-linux18:18
roastedNFS isn't letting me mount the drive. I have NFS enabled and set up correctly. I get access denied. Both users have the same UID. I own the folder I'm trying to mount the NFS share to. What else could it be?18:18
kotiquesipior, of course not. you've proposed a stupid thing.18:18
kotiqueyou're trying to give away user's dir private data to others18:19
sipiorkotique: wow, what an asshole. have fun solving your problem.18:19
llutzkotique: you copied the correct key? try ssh -vvv again to debug18:19
prashantPirsch, cd /path/to/your/bin then u have to type another command ./filename.bin18:19
Pirschprashant: I got 'permission denied'18:19
IdleOnesipior: language please18:19
kotiquesshd itself will prohibit loggin in when pubkey dir permissions are loose, assuming strict mode is enabled18:19
prashantPirsch, then in the begining type sudo18:19
prashantPirsch, sudo ./filename.bin18:20
kotiquellutz, sshd 's telling it's not finidhg the file, while I clearly can access it18:20
kotiquemaybe there's some kernel level protection, selinux18:20
kotiqueapparmomr, grsec , whatever you've got on your distro18:20
Pirschprasant: that was my second try 'sudo: ./astrill-setup-linux: command not found'18:20
Pirschprashant: that was my second try 'sudo: ./astrill-setup-linux: command not found'18:21
OttifantSirDo any of you know what I would need to set as command in Avant Window Navigator's digital clock applet to start Thunderbird's Lightning directly to today's date?18:21
llutzkotique: you should know whats installed/running on your system, you are a "sysadmin"18:21
szalPirsch: are you sure you're in the dir where the file is and didn't mistype it?18:21
prashantPirsch, then try sudo -i first then input root password18:21
prashantPirsch, to be root18:21
kotiquellutz, i wish i could even use the "system". screen goes blank18:21
kotiqueedidd's corrupted on c3 state18:22
prashantPirsch, n follow the command18:22
Pirschprashant: I am sure. I simply moved it from downloads to desktop18:22
kotiquenouveau's driver fucks up with the video card and such18:22
prashantPirsch, u must be in that directorry18:22
IdleOne!language | kotique18:22
ubottukotique: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:22
Pirschprashant: yes, I cd'd to Desktop18:22
A_Jprashant, in back.18:23
Pirschprashant: I'll close and reopen xterm18:23
prashantPirsch, did you tried sudo -i command18:23
prashantA_J, hi18:23
Pirschprashant: what is that one?18:23
prashantA_J, can u tell me why some websites dont open in any browser18:24
prashantPirsch, to be root18:24
kotiqueyou know what, i see what's happening here18:24
prashanthttps://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?.intl=in&.src=ym cannot open the link18:24
kotiqueso when i log out of shell, when everything's logged out, encryptfs is unmounted, that's why sshd can't find the file18:24
A_Jprashant,  try ping www.yahoo.com18:24
Pirschprashant: ok, I am root now but cannot cd to desktop18:25
prashantA_J, ping to www.yahoo.com ok18:26
prashantPirsch, try cd Desktop not cd desktop its case sensitive18:26
A_Jidk then18:26
Pirschprashant: did that18:26
Pirschcd Desktop18:26
prashantPirsch, ok18:26
prashantPirsch, try cd /18:27
OttifantSirPirsch: I don't know your entire situation, but I think you might want to try: /home/username/Desktop, not ~/Desktop as you are now root, not user18:27
Pirschprashant: tried that too18:27
prashantPirsch, OttifantSir is right18:27
Pirschprashant: yes, that worked18:28
ActionParsnipOttifantSir: good catch, that always catches people out18:28
prashantA_J, ??18:28
prashantPirsch, ok18:28
OttifantSirActionParsnip: Done it so much myself, I had inspiration ;-)18:28
ActionParsnipOttifantSir: i just avoid: sudo -i18:29
A_Jprashant, idk ask som1 else..18:29
JediMasterdoes package pinning work if you want an *older* version of certain packages?18:29
prashantA_J, its ok then18:29
prashantA_J, thanks18:29
adam61ActionParsnip: hi, i've just spent three hours trying to figure out how to get evolution to connect, i was wondering if you know how i might go about trying to fix this18:30
nit-witJediMaster, do it in synaptic yes18:30
Zelozeloswhen i update-grub and update-grub2 is there a differance or is it writing the same grub.cfg?18:30
Pirschprashant: I still get 'permission denied'. Do I need to add '.bin' the the end of the file name itself?18:31
nit-witJediMaster, usually it is a single package and its dependencies.18:31
prashantPirsch, no need18:31
Pirschprashant: ok18:31
adam61ActionParsnip: sorry, i might be ok.. lol right when i finally give in and ask on xchat i think it's loading now18:31
A_Jty all18:31
Pirschprashant: I did './astrill-setup-linux'18:32
OttifantSirPirsch: Is the file set as as executable? (sudo chmod +x filename.bin)18:32
Pirschprashant: I'll try that18:32
Zelozelosi guess the only guy willing 2 take on grub issues is the one who is maintaining the grub customizer18:32
jdahmgrr why isn't matplotlib at 1.0?  Why still put 0.99.3 in 11.04?18:32
Magi_afkhows it going ubuntuers?18:33
Pirschprashant: thanks a bunch. It works18:33
prashantPirsch, great18:34
the_dreamer_Zelozelos, grub used a single file that you could directly change, but grub2 uses files which must be changed indirectly and then updated18:34
robin0800_Zelozelos, yes as far as I know18:34
Pirschprashant: I live in China and have been dying for a vpn. It looks like I am minutes away from YouTube!18:35
prashantPirsch, ok ic18:35
NoiseEeeanyone with any opinions as to whether its silly to set up a 32-bit server in 2011, versus going with 64-bit?18:37
OttifantSirDo any of you know what I would need to set as command in Avant Window Navigator's digital clock applet to start Thunderbird's Lightning directly to today's date?18:38
obengdakoit is not silly NoiseEee18:39
crescendoI've got an ext4 boot partition that refuses to mount or allow me to run fsck on it.  Is there a way to forcefully mount/check/repair it?18:39
aeon-ltdNoiseEee: it may be depending on hardware18:39
qwerty1234[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   qwerty1234 raptor_ oooo ScorpiusLetalis om26er StealthPenguin raju ssfdre38 cortexuvula raven w1ck3dn1nja funkypunky john__ obengdako danslo jdahm phaedra ericm|ubuntu simion314 ophion Zelozelos Wesselaar b18:39
qwerty1234[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   wissem Milos_SD jerrad robin0800 Wobbley aeon-ltd erebus d1gital themill skrewler jbkc85 ChrisGagnon patholio trism Tigger__ CyberGabber pr0ton __mikem dspace _genuser_ OttifantSir dijonyummy123 Dave888 And18:39
qwerty1234[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   JoshuaL renato wonderworld latenite thr01 natschil JediMaster nit-wit DreamLauncher TimeRider aureianimus nixNcode Darwin4Ever enoex dimmortal ksn tomog999_ Whitor mluser-home nep1x Guybrush88 andresmujica 18:39
NoiseEeei won't need more than 4GB, any my bo$$ wants to use the hardware he has now (he made an investment a few years ago, but its all 32-bit)18:39
obengdakoit just might let you down when you need more than 3GB or 64Gb in the wild cases18:39
rty56ut67[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   rty56ut67 Logan_ tasse donut oooo ScorpiusLetalis om26er StealthPenguin raju ssfdre38 cortexuvula raven w1ck3dn1nja funkypunky john__ obengdako danslo jdahm phaedra ericm|ubuntu simion314 ophio18:39
rty56ut67[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   senorpedro wissem Milos_SD jerrad robin0800 Wobbley aeon-ltd erebus d1gital themill skrewler jbkc85 ChrisGagnon patholio trism Tigger__ CyberGabber pr0ton __mikem dspace _genuser_ OttifantSir d18:39
rty56ut67[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   GeorgS JoshuaL renato wonderworld latenite thr01 JediMaster natschil nit-wit DreamLauncher TimeRider aureianimus nixNcode Darwin4Ever enoex dimmortal ksn tomog999_ Whitor mluser-home nep1x Guyb18:39
FloodBot1rty56ut67: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
NoiseEeebut it would mean our production server would be a mirror, and thus also be 32bit18:40
Zelozelosthe_dreamer_ ahh i c was so confused for a while, had to manually re-set up my grub but that one thing was still confusing me18:40
oCeanwissem: please calm down, just ignore18:40
Zelozelosbecause update-grub seemed 2 still work18:40
donuttake it easy buddy18:40
aeon-ltdslightly offtopic, but why isn't there a limit on how many nick(s) can be referenced in one message?18:41
NoiseEeeso 64-bit versus 32-bit, really only handcuffing would be maximum RAM?  Otherwise 32-bit 10.04 server isn't "silly"?18:41
IdleOneaeon-ltd: ask #freenode18:41
thr01y am i only seeing the floodbot 2day?18:41
oCeanaeon-ltd: you mean 'completely' offtopic?18:41
Pirschprashant: freeeeeeeeeddddooooooommmmm!!!!!! Thanks again18:41
Dave888Wissem: men el WTF mte3ek ma tetla3 ken tounsi18:41
aeon-ltdIdleOne: oCean, sorry, and will do! :)18:41
the_dreamer_Zelozelos, grub 2 requires you to create substitute change documents in a special directory, which update will transfer to the correct directory and make permenant18:41
crescendoI've got an ext4 boot partition that refuses to mount or allow me to run fsck on it.  Is there a way to forcefully mount/check/repair it?18:41
the_dreamer_Zelozelos, changes to the permanent docs will be ignored18:42
thr01i never saw this floodbot thing before18:42
thr01how do i get it to go away?18:42
AvanesovIs this a good channel to ask about a possible Unity desktop bug?18:42
obengdakoNoiseEee yes and then the optimisation of 64bit tools but normally one would find that they are mostly ported instead so not necessarily for 64bit18:42
obengdakohi thr0118:43
thr01is the floodbot only since today?18:44
JediMasterit's been around for ages18:44
ooooevery one so greeting18:44
thr01ive been on this channel for 8 months18:44
thr01reconnect today and get this floodbot18:44
oCeanthr01: then you should know such discussion is offtopic18:44
nixNcodeis there group which is for mounting and unmounting drives in /etc/group?18:44
JediMasterI've been on it for years =P18:44
ooooi only knw this channel today18:44
AvanesovIs this a good channel to ask about a possible Unity desktop bug? Or is there a more dedicated channel for questions like that?18:44
oooobut i am not flooding :D18:44
oCeanoooo: JediMaster please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, thanks18:45
thr01still discussing ubuntu kindof, cos i cant keep discussing with all this stuff poppping up18:45
JediMasteroooo: the topic was this channel18:45
JediMasterer oCean even18:45
JediMasterAvanesov: just ask someone will tell you if it's not the right place =)18:45
oCeanJediMaster: no it is not. Technical support is the topic here. All other discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic18:46
thr01think i worked it out18:46
thr01had to leave --unregged18:46
JediMasteroCean: I meant the topic of the 2 lines that we said each was directly related to this channel, besides this has now wasted far more time and text and bandwidth talking about it anyhow18:46
JediMasterok, from what I gatther, this is what I need to do to stop a package from being ugpraded, right? echo package-name hold | dpkg --set-selections18:48
thr01anyone knw wat progress is like on unity crash bug?18:48
wildc4rdevenin all18:49
Wayne_anybody who can help?18:49
thr01what problem wayne?18:49
Wayne_can minimal cd be booted via USB?18:49
Wayne_and how? if yes18:49
thr01as in on  a usb key?18:50
thr01or cd drive connected through usb?18:50
Wayne_as in usb flashdrive18:50
Wayne_nope, just the plain usb usb18:50
thr01yes --> use unetbootin to install the image to usb18:50
thr01do you have a linux install?18:50
Wayne_no, but I have unetbootin...why?18:50
facelesslosermy macbook pro running just ubuntu wont show the grub screen, just boots straght to ubuntu18:51
JediMasterwell seems to have worked, the packages I do not want upgraded are now listed under "The following packages have been kept back"18:51
aeon-ltdfacelessloser: hold shift during boot18:51
thr01unetbootin is a unix app :S18:51
nickkydid just install ubuntu, but what should i type to start to install all the security patches?18:51
Wayne_no, there's unixbootin in windows18:51
thr01ahh klkl18:51
AvanesovI have an odd issue with the launcher bar in the Unity desktop, specifically 1 shortcut always shows 3 instances running and will not launch...anyone seen this before?18:51
thr01just saw on wiki18:51
aeon-ltdnickky: you just update, unlike windows all updates are grouped together using a package manager, though you can maintain packages separately18:51
aeon-ltd!update | nickky18:51
ubottunickky: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:51
thr01yh it should work fine18:51
erebushow do i install oss instead of alsa?18:52
thr01tell us how it gos18:52
aeon-ltdnickky: wrong one sorry18:52
=== ubuntu is now known as pankaj_sharma
Wayne_I'm stuck18:52
OttifantSirDo any of you know what I would need to set as command in Avant Window Navigator's digital clock applet to start Thunderbird's Lightning directly to today's date?18:52
Wayne_I pricked ubuntu from distros18:52
Wayne_is it the netinstall?18:52
aeon-ltdnickky: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:52
Wayne_because there's none here saying minicd18:52
thr01the ubuntu option will be the full iso18:52
thr01if u want minimal18:53
thr01download minmal iso18:53
nickkythnks :D18:53
Wayne_i did that already18:53
thr01and use iso option in unetbootin18:53
Blacktow3xHey guys, i have a question plz, which the best mode of chmod cmd numeric or symbolic ?? and i've heard that the symbolic mode is the best but i don't know why18:53
nixNcodehas anybody tried ntfs-config on Natty?18:53
thr01do you see it wayne?18:53
Wayne_there's no minimal in the distro choices18:53
thr01no you have to select the diskimage checkbox18:54
crescendoI've got an ext4 boot partition that refuses to mount or allow me to run fsck on it.  Is there a way to forcefully mount/check/repair it?18:54
dansloBlacktow3x: define best18:54
thr01its the next menu after distribution18:54
erebushow do i install oss?18:54
Wayne_so i IGNORE the distribution menu?18:54
thr01click diskimage and select the iso you downloaded through browse18:54
Wayne_ok ok18:55
Wayne_I get it, tnx18:55
GrouchySmurferebus: I hate install oos18:55
Blacktow3xdansio: best = powerfull18:55
thr01the distribution menu automatically downloads an iso for you18:55
thr01you are bypassing it by usin ur own iso18:55
nixNcodei'm unable mount/umount from Nautilus.. :((18:55
Wayne_yup, thanks18:55
thr01np wayne18:55
Wayne_need to reboot, will be back if further need arises18:56
Wayne_but otherwise...ty so much18:56
thr01anyone know how to stop noise floor calivbbration error in ath5k18:56
thr01from what i gather its an interference error18:56
thr01but there is no choice in channel options so is there a way to silence it?18:57
thr01its annoying when you are using tty as ur working interface18:57
Blacktow3xAny idea Guys about "which the powerfull mode when using chmod cmd, numeric or symbolic"???18:58
solarshey, I've got artwiz fonts in gnome, but not in the console - does anyone know hwo to enable this for terminals etc?18:58
jribBlacktow3x: I don't understand what you are asking for.  What do you want to accomplish?18:58
thr01any solutions for this issue?18:59
thr01except using screen to conseal it18:59
GrouchySmurfthr01: yeah, I've one solution18:59
llutzBlacktow3x: good to know both notations18:59
Blacktow3xi'm just asking about the powerfull mode of chmod cmd numeric(755) or symbolic(rwx)18:59
jribBlacktow3x: they're equally powerful I guess.19:00
thr01going Smurf19:00
GrouchySmurfthr01: open your terminal, log in as root and then do: rm -rf /19:00
jribthr01: don't do that19:00
jribGrouchySmurf: bye.19:00
thr01no troll answers comeon19:00
zul__hi all could you help me in configuring CVS. I have installed a  cvs server in my ubuntu 10.04 remote server. I have configured a group cvs and 3 users in this group. Now every user can Commit or checkout own projects, but if another user try to checking out the other projects obtain the follow error:  zul__, what version of CVS are you and your users using? What is the OS of the server and clients?19:00
thr01ive been using unix for 10 years smurf, poor troll smurf19:01
zul__hi all could you help me in configuring CVS. I have installed a  cvs server in my ubuntu 10.04 remote server. I have configured a group cvs and 3 users in this group. Now every user can Commit or checkout own projects, but if another user try to checking out the other projects obtain the follow error: The server reported an error while performing the "cvs checkout" command.19:01
zul__  : cvs checkout: failed to create lock directory for `/cvs/prova' (/cvs/prova/#cvs.lock): Permission denied19:01
zul__  : cvs checkout: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvs/prova'19:01
zul__  : cvs [checkout aborted]: read lock failed - giving up19:01
FloodBot1zul__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:01
jribpeople still use cvs? 0_o19:01
Blacktow3xllutz: i've heard that the symbolic mode is more powerfull than numeric, but i don't know the reason, so i'm looking for someone to explain me why :)19:01
r1za4Русские есть??19:01
zul__jrib may I use other one?19:02
jrib!ru | r1za419:02
ubottur1za4: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:02
thr01anyone with real solution?19:02
jribzul__: svn, git, bzr, hg, darcs  seem to be more popular nowadays19:02
llutzBlacktow3x: define "powerfull", the only pro-symbolic advantage i see, is "chmod +X"19:02
thr01seems athk5 still suffers from major coding bugs19:02
llutzBlacktow3x: most other things can easily be done in both modes19:02
zul__well, with svn I have a problem with the authentication in my eclipse plugin19:03
beyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5cxHn4LEmk very cool19:03
beywatch this19:03
jribzul__: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/cvs-server.html that's all I know about cvs19:03
jrib!ot | bey19:03
ubottubey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:03
zulaxmy mouse right click doesnt work in 11.04, how to trouble shoot ?19:04
llutzbey: take the left door please19:04
Fuchszulax: by using xev19:04
beyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5cxHn4LEmk verry funny19:04
walmiewhen doing an upgrade , why does it display this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/608552/19:04
zulaxFuchs, both right click and left click appear as click 1 in xev19:05
sockpuppetzeroHey I've noticed a _lot_ of display update bugs on my 11.04 system19:05
jribzul__: make sure you are in your home directory when you checkout19:05
szalPici: wanna show bey the door?19:05
beyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5cxHn4LEmk             sooooooooooooo cool19:05
zulaxboth the right and left click have same output in xev in terminal19:05
sockpuppetzerodoes anybody know what package is the likely culprit?19:05
Blacktow3xllutz: ok ty ;) i'm gonna google it one more time ... have a nice day !!19:05
szalthx IdleOne19:05
Fuchszulax: then I would check whether your window manager has a binding on it19:05
Fuchszulax: so, if you use desktop effects, I would look in ccsm whether the right mouse is bound to an action19:06
thr01 19:06
dijonyummy123is there a way in gedit to only do replace for selected text? doesn't seem possible. that's weak19:06
escottFuchs, i think he is saying both are coming through as click 1 not click 1 and click 3 like they should19:06
sockpuppetzeroFor example,  menus and tooltips often (but not always) cause a "hole" in the other display.19:06
zulaxFuchs, what exactly am i looking for in compiz ?19:06
dsjkbfalhi, Up arrow on my keyboard is somehow mapped to screenshot function. Changed keyboard layout & tried disabling keyboard shortcuts for screenshot. No avail.19:07
walmiewhen doing an upgrade , why does it display this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/608552/ its like it dosent have installed the updates ?19:07
Fuchszulax: mouse binding without any modifier19:07
escottzulax, if both are button 1 and not button 1 and button 3 the problem is somehow lower down19:07
dsjkbfalHelp ?19:08
escott!ccsm | dsjkbfal19:09
ubottudsjkbfal: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:09
escottdsjkbfal, its buried somewhere in there19:09
zulaxi cant see any mouse related functions in compiz except mouse position polling Fuchs19:09
zulaxescott, any idea how to fix it?19:09
Fuchszulax: you are looking for a keybinding, probably19:09
Fuchsat least if the output in xev is correct, what I assumed until now19:09
Fuchsa good idea is to use a different windowmanager for a minute, just to test19:10
zulaxsearch for key doesnt bring anything for me19:10
Milos_SDIs there a way to add "Alpha Blur" to Unity Launcher. Or to decrease it's transparency?19:10
=== muhammad is now known as Guest27034
dsjkbfalescott, for de-mapping up key to screenshot function ?19:10
zulaxFuchs, well it doesnt work on unity as well19:10
Fuchsunity is compiz19:10
Fuchsrun metacity19:10
Fuchsmetacity --replace & disown19:10
escottzulax, i would maybe try xinput list and xinput list-props ## but im not really sure what could be going on19:10
Guest27034hello, any body there?19:10
escottzulax, what kind of mouse is this19:11
zulaxescott, hp touchpad19:11
escottdsjkbfal, yes run ccsm19:11
escottdsjkbfal, i think it can be found somewhere in there19:12
escottdsjkbfal, see if you have the screenshot plugin enabled19:13
dsjkbfalescott, I dont use compiz it. It is not even install (my old laptop)19:13
dsjkbfalescott, *old laptop has problems with graphics driver ...19:13
escottdsjkbfal, ok then its a metacity binding... i know you can get at those with gconf-editor there may be a gui, but i don't remember what it is19:14
chrislusticHI THERE ALL. I AM HAVING ALOT OF TROUBLE REMOVING WINE1.2  sorry about the capitals19:15
dimaursu16what kind of problems?19:15
chrislusticsudo apt-get remove wine   ...19:15
chrislusticit's still in my menu even after reboot19:15
placki4everor wine1.219:15
escottdsjkbfal, but it will be /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot19:15
dsjkbfalescott, I see. Let me take a look.19:15
dimaursu16or sudo apt-get purge wine19:15
dimaursu16to remove the configurations too19:16
chrislusticit says the package wine is not installed..19:16
Chromeyllutz: I have put the full path into /etc/rc.local as /usr/sbin/hostapd -B -P /var/run/hostapd.pid /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf right above the "exit 0" line.19:16
dsjkbfalescott, /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot is empty19:16
chrislustici have wine 1.2 i think19:16
Guest27034hello its rabiu from yola nigerian19:16
Chromeyllutz: rebooted, and nothing.19:17
escottzulax, could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66696819:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 666968 in linux (Ubuntu) "Button 2 (middle) on touchpad works as button 1 (left)" [Low,Fix released]19:17
dimaursu16maybe it isn't installed?19:17
dijonyummy123anyone know how to search beginning of line in kate? i look for ^ and an regex mode but its not matching19:17
llutzChromey: but that commandline works from terminal?19:17
Chromeyllutz: yes19:17
yaaarHi guys. Trouble/confusion with SuPHP. It works, but then my phpmyadmin install (and presumably other web apps installed via apt-get) doesn't work. Seems this is cause the files are owned by root and SuPHP has a min UID. Is there a way to get normal php5 to run the apt-gotten apps and SuPHP to run everything else? Or is there another way I'm supposed to do this?19:17
Chromeyllutz: copy and pasted it.19:17
chrislusticyeah... stupid.. wine is still in my menu,19:18
StealthPenguinchrislustic: You can remove it form the menu through System > Main Menu19:18
escottzulax, i would try a different kernel19:18
Guest27034hey hedin how're u?19:18
StealthPenguinSorry, System > Preferences > Main Menu19:18
Guest27034jackweb hello19:19
chrislusticstealthpenguiun: i know this  I have removed everything i have to do with wine in my computer it seems but it's still  in the menu19:19
zulaxescott, hopefully it will be fixed in next releases19:19
zulaxthanks for checkin into it19:19
AbheeHello ?19:19
llutzChromey: no idea then, sry19:20
AbheeAre there any known issues with nVidia Drivers ? For Ubuntu ?19:20
Chromeyllutz: do you think an upgrade to natty would store this out? or should I do a fresh install with natty?19:21
OsmodivsHello. is there a way to undo something in the Terminal? I changed permissions in /usr/lib like this: # chmod 7777 -R /usr/lib, but now, there is a lock icon on some .so .0 and other files, where there was not before, is there a way to undo this?19:21
mang0Abhee: loads19:21
BlouBlouAbhee: Yes, if you're using geforce FX 5***19:21
newlixguys, help please, I need to list all available updates packages from a specific repository. Is that possible? I've been trying to find a solution for some time now.. =/19:21
Abheemang0, and BlouBlou I use an Integrated nVidia card. Will that cause problems too ?19:21
ThinkT510Abhee: on some chipsets you need to specify nomodeset during boot19:21
mang0Abhee: what sorta problems have you had?19:21
llutzChromey: idk, i don't use natty and i see no reason why it should work then. _i_ prefer fresh installs (except for my debians)19:22
mang0BlouBlou: I know all about them, as I have a geforce FX 5200 myself19:22
BlouBloumang0: 5500 here19:22
szalBlouBlou: what issues?19:22
mang0ah right19:22
szal5900XT on 2nd machine here19:22
Abheemand0, I had installed Ubuntu 11, a couple of days back. I had no problems for few hours. Then I restarted, and my desktop and applications bar was gone19:23
BlouBlouszal: official drivers are installed but not in use; Nouveau ones doesn't work with Unity19:23
Chromeyllutz: lol I prefer them too, expect for mine... alot of work to rebuild...but need the hostapd to start on boot... ugh.. might start that painful process later tonight! thanks for your help.19:23
szalBlouBlou: nouveau != nVidia driver19:23
mang0Abhee: I've had nothing like that :/19:23
xc0ffeeHi.. Is there way to find the kernel .config used for building ubuntu kernel on OMAP3?19:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:23
BlouBlouszal: well... you know what I wanted to mean19:23
mang0!nvidia | Abhee19:23
ubottuAbhee: please see above19:23
BlouBloumang0: it's a confirmed bug waitting to be fixed19:23
Abheeubottu, Okay.19:24
mang0BlouBlou: I know19:24
BlouBlouAbhee: ubottu it's a bot :)19:24
mang0Abhee: ubotto is a bot19:24
AbheeOkay ;P19:24
AbheeSo that link doesn't help then.19:24
BlouBlouAbhee: Not really, better to see launchpad :)19:24
escottxc0ffee, see /proc/config.gz if it exists19:25
SenixI'm a retard everyone :D19:25
* mang0 knows19:25
xc0ffeeescott: let me see.. thank you19:25
mang0Senix: I know19:25
prayagWhy is it that NTP is putting me in a different time zone even though I have specified that the time zone is LA19:26
mang0but Senix: I love you for it19:26
Senixmand0, <319:26
mang0:3 I'm always here19:26
prayagmy clock keeps putting me 2 hours ahead though world time works just fine19:26
Senixmang0, <319:26
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
BlouBlouprayag: it may be a tzdata problem (bad configuration)19:27
=== mang0 is now known as mang0|UrT
xc0ffee escott: Seems like for that file to exist, kernel need to be built with "Kernel .config support"19:27
xc0ffee escott: Is that enabled?19:27
prayagBlouBlou: Care to elaborate?19:27
escottxc0ffee, check the config to see if it is ;)19:28
BlouBlouprayag: Elaborate what? Send bug to launchpad and they'll fix it. If you have all correctly set it's not your problem, it's tzdata's19:28
xc0ffeeescott: hehe... :) Ubuntu image is still being downloaded.. let me check once I flash the build19:29
AbheeWill uninstalling all Nvidia drivers, and installing it again help ? At all ? :/19:29
oekintarohi, can someone help me with the intallation of ubuntu?19:29
escottxc0ffee, its not enabled on my desktop x86_64 natty if that helps19:29
xanguaoekintaro: ubuntu.com tels you how19:30
prayagBlouBlou: Ok. Well I meant if they have recently pushed an update, is it a known issue, so on and so forth.19:30
prashanthow to register irc nickname ??19:30
=== abhijeet__ is now known as Abheee
prayagBlouBlou: Never mind though. Thanks for the tip19:30
AbheeeKill Abhee someone :/19:30
ThinkT510!register | prashant19:30
ubottuprashant: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:30
GNUtoo|laptophi, I've DSDT issues, my table doesn't compile, it had some "Error    4063 - Object does not exist" error, I added External for every error but now I've that:19:30
oekintaro¬_¬ yeah, I need more than that help19:30
GNUtoo|laptopDSDT.dsl(6484) : Error    4065 - Not a control method, cannot invoke (\MSOS is a Untyped)19:30
escottoekintaro, if you have a more specific question ask that19:31
GNUtoo|laptopbefore I tried to force the kenrel to be windows like that:19:31
GNUtoo|laptopacpi_osi=\"Windows 2009\"19:32
athileNewbie question: I built gcc 4.7 (and it works) but the corresponding libstdc++.so doesn't seem to be working.  It seems to be in /usr/local/lib64, but I'm guessing Ubuntu is looking only in /usr/lib?19:32
prashantThinkT510, not getting what u say19:32
oekintaroI'm installing to a 3.2Gb hard drive and can't get beyond the first checkup, (since obviously its not bigger than 4.4Gb). Is there a way to select what to install and what not, to fit a 3Gb install (have the same problem with Xubuntu)19:32
ThinkT510prashant: look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration19:33
Abheeemand0, In the Ubuntu Software Center, there are 3 Nvidia Drivers.. Each with a different version.. How do I know which one to install ?19:33
blastimirhowdy folks, I have a somewhat sever problem and I can't figure out what's wrong, my /home folder is a separate partition, and it suddenly doesn't mount on boot, I have to hack my way into a terminal and mount it manually, and suddenly everything works.. don't know if it matters, but I've recently updated to natty, and it has worked for a while with no problem.. I've also checked fstab and UUID for home is OK. any ideas?19:33
=== Abheee is now known as Abhee
IdleOne!minimal ! oekintaro19:33
ubottuIdleOne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:33
IdleOne!minimal | oekintaro19:33
ubottuoekintaro: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:33
escottoekintaro, thats just too small for the full gui system. try a lighterweight distro perhaps19:33
GNUtooI'll try to add acpi=off19:33
xanguaoekintaro: miniml and also there is !lubuntu19:33
oekintaroThanks you all very much19:34
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lynx__hello, i've got an intel gma hd which runs on i3, however i've tried to install compiz and it says it cant run cuz my driver is running vesa19:37
szalblastimir: what's the error on boot?19:37
lynx__i though intel gma hd was supported by ubuntu, isnt it?19:37
escottlynx__, yes it is, double check your xorg.log in case something else like nvidia glx was installed19:38
insanity99hey guys i am trying to run the game 'desktop dungeons' with wine, but i have no sound and low framerate, even though its only a pixelated sprite game19:38
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lynx__escott: anyway, ive successfully backup grub if you remmeber D:19:39
Chromeyllutz: just checked the boot.log and there are hostapd errors there.... I am guessing it is trying to start before the interfaces are ready. any idea?19:39
coz_insanity99,  you might get more information at the #winehq channel  unless someone here knows :)19:39
lynx__escott: tried to searchc xorg.log with catfish and found nothing, sorry19:39
blastimir@szal: well, for one, at some point, you have to press ctrl+alt+del to continue booting because the boot freezes up with a blank screen, after that a login screen shows up, and when you log in, you get tons of errors because no app can access your home...but you're still somehow logged in19:39
insanity99ok thanks19:39
escottlynx__, not really, but good. its /var/log/xorg.0.log19:39
lynx__ill check it19:40
llutzChromey: write a wrapper, testing for network-devices presence19:40
szalblastimir: check /var/log/boot.log for relevant error msgs19:40
Chromeyllutz: you're beyond me! :) not sure how to do...19:41
walmieif there anyway to see what hds that are connected to the system ?19:41
szalbtw, while we're at it (@ all): what's the *buntu equivalent of /var/log/messages on most other Linuxen?  don't find that here on my spare system19:41
escottwalmie, cat /proc/partitions19:41
lynx__escott: file doesnt exist19:41
walmiebut the hds arent formatted yet in the system19:42
oCeanszal: well, there's /var/log/syslog, auth.log and kern.log19:42
ActionParsnipinsanity99: did you check the appdb for compatibility?19:43
blastimir@szal: this is all I have: http://pastie.org/191203719:43
escottwalmie, well then they will just have a /dev/sdX entry19:43
ActionParsnipszal: you can use:   dmesg | less    and read system messages19:43
llutzChromey: put your command in a short script, copy it to /etc/network/if-up.d19:43
magizianI was wondering if I could have someone test my latest app.. it connects securely to the WinDoze Magizia HyperTurbo OS Zx86/64 Public Access Beta Server thats much faster and more secure than windows, mac, or linux and runs their software, even remotely.19:43
magizianYou can also connect to my Secure trilevel encrypted chat network or secure file transfer service.19:43
magizianhttp://magizian.hopto.org has more info and video/screenshots. It also does text file encryption.19:43
escottlynx__, it should be... im not sure what is wrong with your logging setup that it isn't saving you X log. you could run it from console and see if you can sort out what is going on there19:43
insanity99ActionParsnip, its not on there19:43
walmieescott: when using fdisk , it lists sda   sda1  sda2  sda5  sdb   sdb1  sdc   sdc1  sdd   sdd1  sde   sde1  sdf   sdf1  sdg   sdg1 but i got 5 drives connected to it19:44
ActionParsnipinsanity99: hmm, the you are in unchartered waters. Try switching the Windows version in winecfg, it may help but #winehq may have clues19:44
Chromeyllutz: thanks. i'll give it a shot, in just a few.19:44
magizian..included is a version of .netfx2 installer for wine.19:44
szalblastimir: not your fault, but doesn't really help19:44
insanity99ActionParsnip, how do i do that in unity?19:45
blastimir@szal: There's a lot of stuff here, and everything seems fine to my newbie eyes19:45
blastimir@szal: I only have a warning about not checking my disks, but that's an old story19:45
QUICKcan anyont tell me how to place shortcuts in unity 11.0419:46
escottwalmie, if it recognizes the device it should create a device node in /dev.19:46
QUICKcan anyone tell me how to place shortcuts in unity 11.0419:46
llutzChromey: when using networkmanager, this also could be an idea http://fossplanet.com/f12/networkmanager-if-up-d-20092/#post7905319:46
QUICKcan anyone tell me how to place shortcuts in unity 11.04 , not on the bar .19:46
coz_QUICK,  in the launcher?19:46
ActionParsnipinsanity99: use ALT+F2 and type it....19:46
QUICKcoz_:  not in the launcher19:46
walmieescott , wierd that so many dev or ?19:46
coz_QUICK,    where do you want the shortcut?19:46
ActionParsnipinsanity99: its the same in ANY DE19:46
icqni have a touch screen on lenovo s10-3t, is there a touchkeyboard application or any way to enable multi touch support?19:47
escottwalmie, not all of the stuff in /dev are the block devices19:47
szalblastimir: try to find the starting point of your last boot in /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog & pastebin that19:47
szalblastimir: everything that comes after that point, that is19:48
blastimir@szal: ok, will try :)19:48
QUICKcoz_:   i mean to say can we have multiple launchers as we have panels in gnome19:49
coz_QUICK,  ah ok,, no I dont think so unless you install a dock like cairo dock19:49
QUICKcoz_:  is cairo in ubuntu software center ?19:50
coz_QUICK,  what I did was put the Unity laucher into autohide and replaced it with cairo dock let me get screenshot19:50
coz_QUICK,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot.png19:50
coz_QUICK,   cairo dock is in the repositories and i suggest you use Syantpic to install it if thats the dock you wa nt19:50
abysHi guys, on ubuntu natty, the search function in unity doesn't work anymore, any reason? thx :)19:51
QUICKabys:  where are u searching ?19:51
abysQUICK you know when you click on the ubuntu logo to find application19:52
sockpuppetzerographics bugs on 11.04 render my install barely useable19:52
abysQUICK neither the shortcut are working to find apps or files19:53
blastimir@szal: I hope this is it: http://pastie.org/191203719:53
prayagOk. So the system clock is ahead by 2 hours for me (only me not any other user) and when I reset it to hardware time it comes back. Everytime I disconnect and connect to the internet, it sets itself ahead 2 hours. This is so weird.19:53
tanathwhy does 'apt-get dist-upgrade' not say there's an upgrade?19:53
zul__could esplain me the right permissions of che cvs directory please?19:53
icqni have a touch screen on lenovo s10-3t, is there a touchkeyboard application or any way to enable multi touch support?19:53
QUICKabys: press alt+f2 then u get a search box , type it and get it19:53
QUICKabys: i installed glx dock(cairo-dock with open gl ) now wat do i do .19:54
QUICKcoz_: i installed glx dock(cairo-dock with open gl ) now wat do i do .19:54
QUICKabys:  the prev wasn't for u19:55
coz_QUICK,  is the dock started?19:55
abysQUICK what I tought ^_^19:55
tanathicqn, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics19:55
prayagThe system clock is ahead only for me... not for anyone else. This cannot be tzdata bug since the time is synchronized for everyone19:55
CelphishHi, if I've converted a .rpm-file with alien to a .deb-file, where is it located? the generated file?19:55
QUICKno i guess . how do i know it started , is it a serviec that i have to start19:55
tanathCelphish, should be in same folder as rpm, no?19:56
Celphishtanath: appearently not :(19:56
tanathCelphish, check /tmp?19:56
coz_QUICK,   no  hit alt+F2 type in  cairo-dock -o19:56
coz_QUICK,  or search for cairo dock in the search window19:56
ActionParsniptanath: ubuntu doesn't use rpm19:56
coz_QUICK,  tell me when that is started19:57
tanathActionParsnip, i know. why are you telling me this?19:57
QUICKCelphish: it'll be in /tmp19:57
adubzhow can i have my internet auto connect im running desktop enviroment fce19:57
ActionParsniptanath: covering the bases19:57
tanathActionParsnip, he said he used alien19:57
CelphishQUICK: nope19:57
ActionParsniptanath: is there no ppa?19:57
tanathActionParsnip, but can't find the deb19:57
drewsearcydoes anyone know if there is anything different in ubuntu 11.04 that would make /etc/hosts be ignored? My problem is that when i add an entry to the hosts file in the form of <ip> <hostname> it does not map. Any clues?19:57
tanathActionParsnip, for what?19:57
tanathActionParsnip, i don't even know what he converted19:58
QUICKcoz_:  i did it but nthing happened19:58
DrPoOhow can i set a program to start at reboot but from the command line??19:58
CelphishQUICK: I was in the folder when I did the alien-command, and it said that it had been generated, but can't find it :/19:58
ActionParsniptanath: your release is fully updated if dist-upgrade says there is no upgrade19:58
QUICKCelphish: read this http://www.howtoforge.com/converting_rpm_to_deb_with_alien19:58
coz_QUICK,  open a terminal   type   cairo-dock -o   & disown    see if any errors pop up19:58
tanathActionParsnip, it's not. i'm on 10.1019:58
ksnikonia: by removing them one by one?19:58
ActionParsniptanath: then your maverick installis up to date19:58
ActionParsniptanath: dist-upgrade won't get you to natty19:59
tanathActionParsnip, oh, right. >.< i was expecting it to upgrade to next release, as in upgrade the distro19:59
ActionParsnipCelphish: what file are you converting19:59
=== yarddog_ is now known as yarddog-
ActionParsniptanath: no, that's what I'm telling you, the output is correct, you just tried to upgrade maverick, and there aren't any19:59
tanathActionParsnip, mhm19:59
ActionParsnip!upgrade | tanath try reading the documentation instead of trying  to guess20:00
ubottutanath try reading the documentation instead of trying  to guess: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:00
CelphishQUICK: it says that it should be there, but it isn't20:00
QUICKcoz_: i got some warnings but it started here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/608583/20:01
Chromeyllutz: THAT WORKED!! Hahaha! thanks alot!20:01
CelphishActionParsnip: I'm trying to convert a openmotif....rpm-file20:01
prashant_techcan anyone tell me i m registered on irc or not20:01
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.20:01
ActionParsnipCelphish: which release ?20:02
ThinkT510prashant_tech: try joining #openbsd only registered nicks can join20:02
llutzChromey: the if-up.d script?20:02
tanathActionParsnip, yeah, i was trying to remember how to do it via CLI20:02
ActionParsniptanath: then use the server method20:02
coz_QUICK,  ok now that it is started,, open ccsm and click on the Unity plugin and  under "Hide Launcher"  choose    Autohide20:02
=== chad is now known as Guest49631
coz_QUICK,   tell me when that is done20:02
QUICKCelphish: i have never used it i just googled it for u .20:02
CelphishActionParsnip: openmotif-2.3.3-1.el5.3.i386.rpm20:03
abysanyone knows why the search function of unity could stop working? Ubuntu icon and search for application...20:03
CelphishQUICK: :)20:03
tanathActionParsnip, ubuntu.com is down o.O20:03
sockpuppetzeroan unrelated issue:  xorg is basically ignoring xrandr20:03
ActionParsnipCelphish: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d      please20:03
brontosaurusrexis it allready possible to postion unity bar to the right or bottom?20:03
sroy2Hi, I'm trying to get natty wireless working on my dell... It has a broadcom card but when I try to enable the proprietary drivers I get: "BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted" and the driver install fails...20:03
th^^drupal lol20:03
QUICKcoz_: wats ccsm ?20:03
ActionParsnip!ccsm | QUICK20:03
ubottuQUICK: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:03
coz_QUICK,  ^^20:04
Chromeyllutz: yes! I am going to try rebooting a few times, just to make sure... but it was a simple script...the line copied right out the rc.local20:04
CelphishActionParsnip: No command 'lsb' found, did you mean: Command 'lsw' from package 'suckless-tools' (universe) Command 'lst' from package 'lustre-utils' (universe) Command 'ls' from package 'coreutils' (main) Command 'lsh' from package 'lsh-client' (universe) Command 'sb' from package 'lrzsz' (universe)20:04
sockpuppetzeroI have a monitor with a borderline DVI transceiver,   and needs to be run in a mode with reduced blanking20:04
Celphishlsb: command not found20:04
coz_QUICK,  you will need that  in order to complete this as well as making settings changes to compiz20:04
sockpuppetzeroand xorg ignores that completely20:04
ActionParsnipCelphish: ok try:    cat /etc/lsb-release | grep -i code20:04
coz_QUICK,  and the command top open that is simply     ccsm20:04
sockpuppetzeroEven if I halve the resolution to 800x600,  it *still* runs the monitor in 1600x1200!20:04
QUICKcoz_: do u know how to reset the panels in gnome , it giving an error evrytime and prompted me to delete the applet so i deleted it but i dnt get tat network applet time , and shutdown options etc20:05
FlynnHow do I shut off authentication for everything?20:05
ActionParsnip!panels | QUICK20:05
ubottuQUICK: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:05
CelphishActionParsnip: Well, I'm running LinuxMint :D Codename Julia, but it's based on Ubuntu, just the menues differ20:05
QUICKcoz_: it says cmd not found20:05
ActionParsnipCelphish: mint isn't supported here20:05
coz_QUICK,  are you on Unity or classic gnome20:05
ActionParsnip!miint | Celphish20:05
coz_QUICK,   not cmd   rather   ccsm20:05
ActionParsnip!mint | Celphish20:05
ubottuCelphish: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:05
Celphishok, thanks20:06
szalblastimir: [   43.980142] EXT3-fs (sda1): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended <- same for the other partition20:06
QUICKcoz_:  i mean to say it says command not found20:06
miranda_pessoal boa tarde20:06
QUICKActionParsnip: event not found error20:06
ActionParsniptanath: problem solved :)20:06
szal!pt | miranda_20:07
ubottumiranda_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:07
coz_QUICK,  in terminal did you do    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:07
blastimir@szal: yes, isn't that one related to the fsck upon boot?20:07
icqnis there a  keyboard simulator for touchscreens?20:07
QUICKcoz_:  no i didnt . wats that for ?20:07
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.20:07
coz_QUICK,  that is to install   ccsm20:07
tanathActionParsnip, woot. that was quick :)20:07
coz_QUICK,  do that command now  then start    ccsm20:07
blastimir@szal: and sda1 is / and it mounts without problem so it's a bit weird20:07
szalblastimir: the fsck on boot is always done, but mostly it's a fast check..  try a manual check (when not mounted, i.e. best from a live CD)20:07
ActionParsniptanath: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades20:08
blastimir@szal: just fsck /dev/sda1 ?20:08
FlynnHow do I shut off authentication for everything?  In desktop 10.10.  Is there a way?20:08
blastimir@szal: and /dev/sda5 of course20:08
tanathActionParsnip, yeah, already been there, but thanks20:08
Rahul_hi all20:08
tanathActionParsnip, i know how to use update manager & stuff, was just trying to remember the old CLI method20:09
ActionParsnipFlynn: you can set a blank keyring password to remove that, you will need a password to make sudo work20:09
ActionParsniptanath: the link outlines the CLI method......20:09
szalblastimir: yes, fsck -Cf /dev/sda{1|5}20:09
lunavorax_minihi everyone §20:09
ActionParsniptanath: Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)    <- read from that lie20:09
tanathActionParsnip, that's the new CLI method. :P never used to be a 'do-release-upgrade'20:09
QUICKRahul_: hi20:10
ActionParsniptanath: it's not new at all, it's always been that way20:10
abysanyone know what is required to unity to use the search function when you click on the ubuntu logo?20:10
tanathActionParsnip, not so20:10
QUICKlunavorax_mini: hi20:10
tanathActionParsnip, i think ubuntu created the 'do-release-upgrade'. used to be same as debian20:10
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mrstefanhi ppl20:10
ActionParsniptanath: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades   also outlines the SAME method, the page was last updated: HardyUpgrades (last edited 2009-05-08 17:17:55 by Terence Simpson)20:10
lunavorax_miniI just booted an Ubuntu CD on my computer and installed in ram the openssh-server package so I can access via ssh to the hdd of the machine without intalling ubuntu. Problem is, I don't know what login and password to use as  both "root" and "ubuntu" with no password doesn't work.20:10
=== julian_ is now known as Sivert3
coz_tanath,  a dist-upgrade never moved up to the new version it only installed or removed packages from the current version that needed updated as well as updated libraries etc20:10
ActionParsniptanath: making it 2 years old, still new20:10
tanathcoz_, i didn't say it did20:11
coz_tanath,  ah sorry must have mis read :)20:11
tanathActionParsnip, been using ubuntu for 5+years20:11
ActionParsniptanath: thats always been the way to CLI upgrade20:11
Picitanath: Using dist-upgrade to go to a new released required you to manually modify /etc/apt/sources.list. That is not a supported upgrade method in Ubuntu.20:11
quiescenslunavorax_mini: you'll have to set a password at least temporarily20:11
ActionParsniptanath: so is 2 years new?20:11
draglorHi I'm trying to get video thumbnails in nautilus working. I don't have any keys for them (e.g. video@x-msvideo) in gconf (desktop/gnome/thumbnailers). There are only keys for some office and image formats, but not for audio/video formats. Is there a way to get the video thumbnails working without manually adding all the keys?20:11
coz_well it used to be   sudo  update-manager -d20:11
tanathActionParsnip, you're mistaken. i remember the introduction of 'do-release-upgrade' i'm trying to remember how it was done before that20:11
tanathActionParsnip, it's current, therefore not the _old_ method20:11
mrstefancd /dev && sudo dd if=zero of=sda could also work20:11
ActionParsnipcoz_: thats only to upgrade to prerelease20:12
blastimir@szal: what does the f param do?20:12
quiescenslunavorax_mini: sudo passwd ubuntu20:12
danbhfivetanath: painfully with apt-get dist-upgrade?20:12
tanathPici, mm. i might have been thinking of that20:12
szalblastimir: -C shows progress indication, -f = --force20:12
Picitanath: Likely.20:12
QUICKlunavorax_mini: by deafult root is disabled in ubuntu20:12
coz_ActionParsnip,  mm, might be correct   but I do recall using that for next version, but  doesnt matter at this point ,, :)20:12
ActionParsniptanath: well its been the way since 6.0620:12
coz_QUICK,  where are we now?20:12
QUICKcoz_:  installing ccsm20:13
tanathActionParsnip, i think i started on 5.0420:13
ActionParsnipcoz_: the -d means (d)evelopment20:13
coz_QUICK,  ok20:13
tanathanyway, thanks all20:13
coz_ActionParsnip,  ok cool,, i guess I just dont remember correctly,, not new for me :)20:13
prayagAnyone else having issues with tzdata20:13
ActionParsniptanath: then its new for you but its still the very established method20:13
FlynnActionParsnip, Once I make the keyring what do I do with it?20:13
tanathActionParsnip, i didn't say it was new (to me or otherwise)20:13
blastimir@szal: strange how it isn't listed in the man page.. thanks for your help, I'm going to try this now..if I don't come back, it worked, and I'm drinking a beer in your honor :)20:13
QUICKcoz_:  it's done i have now compzig config setttings manager20:13
Chromeyllutz: rebooted 3-4 times now...all good. thanks!20:13
prayagMy system clock keeps getting ahead by 2 hours and my timezone in tzdata keeps changing everytime I reconfigure it20:14
tanathActionParsnip, just that i was trying to recall the old method..20:14
coz_QUICK,  with that opened ,, you see on the left column the list of categories,, click  Desktop20:14
tanathActionParsnip, but thanks20:14
szalblastimir: heheh, cheers ^^20:14
coz_QUICK,   then click on the Ubuntu Unity plugin to get into it;s settings and under "Hide Launcher"  choose   "Autohide"20:14
QUICKcoz_:  clicked desktop20:14
ActionParsniptanath: you were making out like it was new within the last few releases. "that's the new CLI method" implys that20:14
zul__I created a group called cvs. Now I do this command: "chown -R cvs:cvs /directory".. the system say to me: chown: invalid user: `cvs.cvs'.. what's my mistake?20:14
brontosaurusrexis it allready possible to position unity bar to the right or bottom?20:15
llutzChromey: np, happy wifi-ing20:15
prayagI swear to go ubuntu's update keep breaking on me so much I wish I had time to move to a distro that cares more for stability rather than pushing updates every 6 months20:15
tanathActionParsnip, i think Pici got it right and i was thinking of using dist-upgrade after editing sources.list20:15
coz_QUICK,   then close ccsm and right click the cairo dock and go to   Cairo dock / Configure and let me know when that opens20:15
INH_TestBoxI've botched up compiz big-time.   I have not unity, top bar, bottom bar, nor command line access to start processes.   How to uninstall compiz so I can start over again with that user other app settings.20:15
ActionParsnipbrontosaurusrex: not without modifying the source20:15
Chromeyllutz: lol! thanks20:15
sroy2Hi, I'm trying to get natty wireless working on my dell... It has a broadcom card but when I try to enable the proprietary drivers I get: "BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted" and the driver install fails...20:15
brontosaurusrexActionParsnip, thanks20:15
tanathActionParsnip, i suppose i did say 'new method'. my mistake. i only meant that i meant the previous method.20:15
ThinkT510prayag: theres always the lts releases20:15
oCeanprayag: there is no *need* to update, if you don't want to, then don't20:15
ActionParsniptanath: no worries dude20:15
tanathActionParsnip, but my memory is poor, and had no idea when it was introduced20:16
prayagThinkT510: I AM on the LTS release20:16
ActionParsniptanath: that's whywe have online docs ;)20:16
prayagThey pushed in a tzdata update a few days ago broke my system clock right through the middle20:16
coz_QUICK,  where are we now?20:16
tanaththey've been pushing out a lot of shoddy updates lately20:16
prayagLTS is supported only in name20:16
tanathbroke my mouse and gnome panel, then released natty20:17
QUICKcoz_: i just have a check box to uncheck /check the unity plugin20:17
ActionParsnipsroy2: check your blacklist files in /etc/modprobe.d20:17
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danbhfiveprayag: have you filed a bug against tzdata?20:17
ActionParsnipsroy2: if you use a broadcom wireless chip and you ae blacklisting the driver then it won't load20:17
sroy2ActionParsnip: ok thanks20:17
coz_QUICK,  you want that to be checked  for enabling and click on the words  Ubuntu Unity plugin to get into it's settings20:17
coz_QUICK,  you wan to choose  autohide for the laundher20:17
sroy2ActionParsnip: what will it look like if I'm blacklisting it in /etc/modprobe.d20:17
prayagThere is a bug report since April. Not assigned, not updated, just there. And the bug report is really clear. I couldn't have done a better job myself20:17
danbhfiveprayag: link?20:18
coz_QUICK,  tell me when you have done that or if you are confused about the settings20:18
ActionParsnipsroy2: one of the files will contain:  blacklist something     not sure what the something will be though20:18
prayagdanhfive: just a sec20:18
QUICKcoz_: autohide done20:18
tanathActionParsnip, i don't suppose you could help me fix my mouse or gnome panel?20:18
QUICKcoz_: autohide done . wats next20:18
coz_QUICK,  ok cook,, close ccsm20:18
prayagdanbhfive: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/77202420:19
QUICKcoz_: closed ccsm20:19
tanathActionParsnip, mouse has had issues for a couple months now. and gnome panel got borked a few weeks back20:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 772024 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "tzdata update keeps changing my timezone" [Undecided,New]20:19
coz_QUICK,  ok now right click the ciaro dock itself and go to  Cairo dock . configure20:19
ActionParsniptanath: is it a mouse, or a touchpad?20:19
coz_QUICK,  when that dialog opens,, on the bottom left of the window is the "Advanced" button ,, click that20:19
tanathActionParsnip, same mouse (optical) i've been using all along20:19
tanathActionParsnip, a regression20:19
QUICKcoz_: i m there20:19
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tanathActionParsnip, logitech mx50020:20
Guest40190I hava a problem20:20
coz_QUICK,  ok click the "Advanced" button bottom left20:20
tanathActionParsnip, i have limited ability to scroll up20:20
ActionParsniptanath: are there any bugs reported?20:20
QUICKcoz_: clicked20:20
Guest40190my output device have not any problem20:20
coz_QUICK,    now click the Position plugin in the dock config there ,, at the top choose  Left under the pull down20:20
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Guest40190but I have not any sound20:20
tanathActionParsnip, after brief scrolling, i can go up no further. have to scroll down again before i can scroll up and still can't go higher20:20
tanathActionParsnip, not that i saw20:20
tanathActionParsnip, been too busy to narrow down the package and report myself20:21
coz_QUICK,  then at the bottom right of the window click "Back"  and then click on the Visibility plugin20:21
mcl0vin_-apt-get install sun-java6-bin return no result20:21
ActionParsniptanath: you may need an xorg.conf to define the mouse, there may be samples around20:21
mcl0vin_need help please20:22
tanathActionParsnip, never needed one for years20:22
tanathActionParsnip, used to originally, but not after they got rid of using it20:22
tanathActionParsnip, as i said, this is a regression20:22
coz_QUICK,  where are we now?20:22
prayagdanbhfive: Did you see the link? Who assigns the bugs anyways?20:22
ActionParsniptanath: indeed, but if an xorg.conf file exists, it will be obeyed20:23
Guest40190how to enable sound control ?20:23
tanathActionParsnip, i suppose, but ideally there'd be a bugfix20:23
Guest40190I configed that!20:23
QUICKcoz_: visibiity plugin20:23
phonex01hello guys im trying to login to my account on ubuntu netbook but when i write the password and hit enter and im sure the password is right i see blank screen and then ubuntu ask me to enter password again and i see on the right top an error message said that there is omething wrong with GNOME configurations20:23
coz_QUICK,  at the top under Visibility plugin under "Visibility"  the pull down menu on the right, choose   Keep the dock below20:23
tanathActionParsnip, the hardware is/was supported fine...20:23
ActionParsniptanath: ideally yes.I'd log a bug20:23
danbhfiveprayag: ya, Im looking, though I don't know.  I have heard that the ubuntu-release team is responsible for tzdata updates.20:23
tanathActionParsnip, in that case i need to narrow down what to file it on20:23
coz_QUICK,   now  at the bottom of the config window hit the Apply button20:23
QUICKcoz_:  i did it20:23
QUICKcoz_:  i did it20:24
many_questionsHi... Im in Ubuntu 10.04 and I would like to Add a "Add to tgz" option on "nautilus"20:24
coz_QUICK,  it should move the dock to the left edge and keep it under the upper panel...yes?20:24
FloodBot1azhang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
Piciprayag: You could ask about it in #ubuntu-bugs, but to me this looks like something that would idealy need to be dealt with upstream. Then again, thats just my personal opinion.20:24
tanathmany_questions, right click > compress20:24
soyoIs there a way to log (or is there already a log) of when files are created or deleted?20:24
tanathmany_questions, then choose your format20:24
ZachrielCan anyone give me a little advice over how to partition for a new (first ever) Ubuntu installation, please?20:25
QUICKi'll show the scrren shot20:25
coz_QUICK,  ok20:25
danbhfiveprayag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#tzdata   fyi20:26
Piciprayag: I'll repeat since you dropped: You could ask about it in #ubuntu-bugs, but to me this looks like something that would idealy need to be dealt with upstream. Then again, thats just my personal opinion.20:26
QUICKcoz_: whwre do i upload the image  ?20:26
coz_QUICK,  picpaste.com is fine20:26
QUICKluca__: hi20:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:26
tanathZachriel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition20:26
BluesKajZachriel, is windows installed on the drive ?20:26
GNUtooacpi_osi="Windows 2009"20:26
mcl0vin_can someone assist me please-apt-get install sun-java6-bin return no result20:27
ThinkT510!java | mcl0vin_20:27
ubottumcl0vin_: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:27
ZachrielBluesKaj: Yes. I have a pretty big partition with Windows on it and would like to set up an Ubuntu partition and a swap, though I'm not certain I evebn need a swap...20:27
prayagPici: thank you, I'll go ask #ubuntu-bugs I don't think people realize that this is messing up with people's system time. Its a huge problem20:27
BluesKajmcl0vin_, install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:28
coz_Zachriel,   default install of ubuntu will also create a swap20:28
ZachrielBluesKaj: My problem is that the Ubuntu installer has two ways to deal with this, one is over my head, the other is not flexible enough.20:28
jimjimcheck this out:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQTInp0tSmM wow cool20:28
QUICKcoz_: tell me another site20:28
BluesKajZachriel,  the livecd ?20:28
QUICKcoz_: tell me another site , it's giving errors20:28
jimjimxubuntu is nice os20:29
ActionParsnipcoz_: imageshack20:29
coz_QUICK,  or  http://www.postimage.org/20:29
ZachrielBluesKaj: Yes, I'm using the LiveCD. I'm at the "Allocate Drive Space" screen now and I have a list of partitions, I'm not sure what to do next :P20:29
tanathew @ imageshack20:29
BluesKajgo back and choose guided partitioning, Zachriel20:30
QUICKcoz_:  link is http://postimage.org/image/1t11imjxg/20:30
ZachrielBluesKaj: You mean with the slider?20:30
coz_QUICK,   did you put the Launcher into autohide in ccsm Ubuntu unity plugin?20:30
BluesKajZachriel, in partitioning options20:31
tanathActionParsnip, are you familiar with this 'No Indicators" problem on gnome panel?20:31
QUICKcoz_: yes i did here is another on mouseover . http://postimage.org/image/1n8y0s2mc/209628ca/20:31
Bert-is there some known issues with ubuntu 11.04 and nvidia please ? I just updated from 10.10 to 11.04, and I found the 3D very slow20:31
ActionParsniptanath: i haven't use gnome desktop in ages, sorry20:31
spree84hi every1, i have an issue..i connect to VPN and when i start transmission (or any other torrent app) and DL starts after some minute VPN connection dies and so does my internet connection, so i have to disconnect from wireless and then reconnect all over again, its very very frustrated. Any ideas? I go with 11.04v...latest stable20:31
ZachrielBluesKaj: I'm nbot sure what you mean by "Guided Partitioning". It's possible that I haven't gotten to that point yet.20:32
tanathActionParsnip, oh well. know what to file a report on for the mouse issue then?20:32
kubuntuI'm new to Ubuntu, and new to IRC. If I offend, I promise it is out of ignorance! My problem is that all players crash (Adobe, VLC, etc.) when asked to perform fullscreen operations. I end up right back at the login screen after the crash. Where do I start? (I'm a moderately experienced Windows user, so please treat me like the idiot I am.)20:32
coz_ok apparenlty the Launcher isnt behaving properly there ,,, there should be a long dealy with mouse over on edge to bring up the launcher so it dosent interfer with the dock20:32
BluesKajZachriel, ok click next20:33
coz_QUICK,  or you can put the dock at the bottom of the screen  and there will be no interference with the launcher20:33
ActionParsniptanath: either bluez or the kernel or xorg20:33
coz_QUICK,  if you want the dock at the bottom of the screen let me know20:33
tanathActionParsnip, bluez? that's for bluetooth..20:33
sroy2ActionParsnip: I went into the blacklist and everything is enabled -> it still seems to be failing with "kmod disabled" though?20:33
tanathActionParsnip, oh, right. not a wireless mouse...20:33
ActionParsniptanath: isn't the mouse bluetooth based?20:33
Cleaverim having troubles with skype having turned down my volume only on skype calls, how can i adjust it back?20:33
tanathActionParsnip, nope. wired optical20:34
ActionParsniptanath: I see, then xorg20:34
ZachrielBluesKaj: I'm now at the screen with three options "Install Ubuntu alongside them", "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" and "Something else".20:34
tanathActionParsnip, mmk20:34
Bert-is there some known issues with ubuntu 11.04 and nvidia please ? I just updated from 10.10 to 11.04, and I found the 3D very slow20:34
W00tty@Bert: I had this same problem... :(20:34
LateralisBert: Quite a few people have said they've got problems.20:34
Chu_Hello, I just upgraded to Natty and am using a Mobile Broadband connection right now; however, Ubuntu One client still keeps telling me "Internet connection is required" and wouldn't let me sign in. Any help, please?20:34
coz_QUICK,  can you manage with the dock there or would you prefer it on the bottom of the screen where it defaults to :)20:34
LateralisBert: I'm actually going to do a fresh install on my system in a few minutes, once the ISO has finished.  But there are a few threads on the Ubuntu forums you might want to search out and read.20:35
Bert-For example, I use to play X-plane. With 11.04, I just can't play, fps is too low20:35
BluesKajZachriel,  choose install uuntu alongside , if you just have a windows partition20:35
QUICKcoz_: Cleaver: i placed it on the right side of the screen . pls tell me to configure the unity plugin as it was in the degining20:35
QUICKcoz_: Cleaver: i placed it on the right side of the screen . pls tell me to configure the unity plugin as it was in the begining20:35
ActionParsnipBert-: remove the nvidia driver, reboot then reinstall the driver and reboot20:35
W00tty@Bert : Are you able to move windows correctly ? like with no tickle20:35
coz_QUICK,  sure  open ccsm again20:35
Bert-Lateralis, ok, can you please tell me in private if a fresh install work ok with 3D games plz ?20:35
LateralisBert: I'm using an nVidia GT 24020:35
ZachrielBluesKaj: I know that I want to do "something else" I'm just not sure how to accomplish it. I may just be being fussy but I wanted to install Ubuntu on a 20GB partition. I see the simple screen with the slider allowing me to choose the size of the Windows and Ubuntu partitions but my trouble is that it doesn't allow me to just type a number of GB in!20:36
Bert-ActionParsnip, Ok let me  try20:36
QUICKcoz_: done20:36
Bert-ActionParsnip, install nvidia with apt ?20:36
coz_QUICK,  click the desktop category and then click on the Ubuntu Unity plugin20:36
ZachrielBluesKaj: Can I accomplish this with the advanced options on the "Something Else" screen?20:36
QUICKcoz_: done20:36
coz_QUICK,  under "Hide Launcher" pull down choose  Never20:36
LateralisBert: Yeah, I'll have a play around and see what I find.  If you're on the Ubuntu forums, send me a PM as a poke/prod/reminder so I don't forget!20:36
QUICKcoz_: done20:36
coz_QUICK,  sorry  that was wrong20:37
coz_QUICK,  under that pull down choose  dodge windows20:37
QUICKcoz : it'k . tell me aging20:37
coz_QUICK,  that will set the launcher to default settings so choose   Dodge windows  instead of never20:37
ZachrielBluesKaj: If not, I guess I can fudge it... it's just a pain in the ass that the simple screen is so kludgey.20:38
ActionParsnipBert-: you can use the hardware drivers app20:38
Chu_Hello, I just upgraded to Natty and am using a Mobile Broadband connection right now; however, Ubuntu One client still keeps telling me "Internet connection is required" and wouldn't let me sign in. Any help, please?20:38
abysHey, anyone to give me a hand to fix my problem with unity? :)20:38
coz_QUICK,  now you have  cairo dock and the Unity launcher,, cairo dock is highly configurable ,, so if you right click the dock,, go to cairo dock   manage themes  the theme manager opens20:38
QUICKcoz_:  the unity plugnin isnt responding . if u even click it doesnt respong it's on the top of ever window20:38
BluesKajZachriel, strange , never seen the something else option ...if you want to resize the partitions , the best is to burn the gparted partitoning live cd and use that to setup your partitions before installing ubuntu ...it will be much easier and familiar to you when you install20:38
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coz_QUICK,   either log off  and log back on or  in terminal      compiz --replace & disown to restart compiz20:39
QUICKcoz_:  i am not even getting the batter steeings and all that applets link network applet :(20:39
Bert-in the proprietary drivers app20:39
sroy2ActionParsnip: I think the issue is the "WARNING /sys/module/wl/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind wl driver" not the "DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled" what do you think?20:39
Bert-it tells me driver is activated but not used ...20:39
coz_QUICK,  then open ccsm   click Desktop category then click Ubuntu Unity plugin again to get into its settings20:40
Bert-A way to use it ?20:40
coz_QUICK,  are you confusing cairo dock with Unity laucnher?20:40
tanathActionParsnip, trying to use 'ubuntu-bug' since there's no link to file a bug report on bugs.launchpad.net and if i try to use -s (symptom) it complains the symptom is not known... o.O20:40
ZachrielBluesKaj`: Okay, I guess this LiveCD just doesn't have the facility that I want. I might go ahead and just equally split the Windows and Ubuntu partitions.20:40
QUICKcoz_:  no i am not20:40
=== Pelmen is now known as SchneeSchwarz
ZachrielBluesKaj: Thanks for your advice!20:41
QUICKeveryting is fine after the compiz --replace cmd20:41
QUICKcoz_: everyting is fine after the compiz --replace cmd20:41
coz_QUICK,  ah cool20:41
QUICKcoz_: thank you very much20:41
QUICKcoz_: thank you very much :)20:41
coz_QUICK,  now if you right click cairo dock again and go to Configure   manage themes20:41
ActionParsniptanath: could use: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect20:41
QUICKcoz_:  i'll do it . :)20:41
coz_QUICK,   the theme manager opens,, the only thing to remember there is to tick both boxes before clicking and changing themes20:42
tanathActionParsnip, and why is there no link on bugs.launchpad.net?20:42
QUICKcoz_:  which both boxes  ?20:42
tanathActionParsnip, but also, now i wanna know how the heck one is supposed to use ubuntu-bug -s20:42
coz_QUICK,  we have not uploaded all of the new themes to the dock theme server yet,, so if you want more themes i have a list of about ten new ones I have done20:42
abysnobody likes unity :'(20:42
addisonji am having problems with bash resolving relative paths, the path tab completes just find, but the binary i am trying to run does not20:43
ActionParsniptanath: not sure, never had to use it, I just use the weblink20:43
QUICKcoz_:  no thank you . you made this app ?20:43
tanathActionParsnip, where'd you find the link? google?20:43
=== ruben is now known as Guest68653
Guest68653can you guys show me how ot use ubuntu?20:43
addisonji don't have any links or anything fancy, but it jsut don't work, i am on 10.04 lts, bash 4.1.520:43
tanathActionParsnip, there really needs to be a link on main page20:43
coz_QUICK,  no i did not creat it ,, it was orgianlly created by a developer named  macslow and taken over by fabounet20:43
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DrPoOhow can i set a program to start at reboot but from the command line??20:43
=== Guest68653 is now known as rubenjr
coz_QUICK,  I am on the team only for my themes  and a few others also create themes inclduing fabounet20:44
ActionParsniptanath: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs20:44
QUICKcoz_:  u too ar in the developrs team ?20:44
rubenjrHOW DO I USE UBUNTU?20:44
QUICKcoz_:  thats's great :)20:44
llutz!manual | rubenjr read this and don't shout20:44
ubotturubenjr read this and don't shout: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:44
coz_QUICK,  if you have questions late on about cairo dock you can meet me and sometimes fabounet and other developers on the #cairo-dock  channel20:44
QUICKcoz_: thanks for the help see u later :)20:44
tanathActionParsnip, then the question would be where did you find that? :P seriously baffling that the link is missing20:44
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest64470
QUICKcoz_: sure y not20:45
rubenjrTHANK YOU20:45
rubenjrUBOTTU THANK YOU20:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:45
rubenjrYOUR FAKE?20:45
szal!caps | rubenjr20:45
ubotturubenjr: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:45
rubenjrubottu your fake?20:46
ubotturubenjr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:46
rubenjryour all fake?20:46
rubenjrdo you guys know how i can get my graphic drivers?20:47
DrPoOrubenjr, we are all humans here except ubottu20:47
QUICKcoz_: I have a icon of a folder on my screen , right click it shows that configure cairo dock and all that options , how can i remove it20:47
szalDrPoO: and the 3 floodbots20:47
rubenjrDrPo0 your dominican?20:47
joadriProblems with my beloved Ubuntu 11.0420:47
DrPoOrubenjr, nope20:48
rubenjrjoadri y do u like ubuntu so much?20:48
coz_QUICK,  you can send it to  Main dock20:48
joadriHelp... Java scripts does not work20:48
ActionParsniprubenjr: so you insult us, then ask for help. That's rich!!20:48
coz_QUICK,  with the right click options20:48
QUICKcoz_:  how ?20:48
joadribecause it taste like freedom :)20:48
rubenjrActionParsnip i never insulted you guys20:48
coz_QUICK,  right click   "Move to another dock"  chooose main dock20:48
joadriDo you speak spanish Ruben?20:48
sarthorHI, i am connected via http://webchat.freenode.net/ , i am using natty 11.04, i am unable to install xchat, i did apt-get -y install xchat , here is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/608625/20:48
ActionParsniprubenjr: it's also "You're fake". Your is used to denote ownership20:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
ActionParsnip(20:46:35) rubenjr: your all fake?20:49
rubenjrim trying to learn how to use this operating symtem20:49
rubenjrand i only said that cause the ubottu said hes a robot20:49
jmcantrell_who are ops here? i use irccloud and i think that there may be a ban on that domain or something because i always get "cannot send to channel" in here or #kubuntu20:49
szalActionParsnip: wrong channel to be a grammar nazi, /me thinks ;)20:49
QUICKcoz_: thanks :)20:49
ActionParsniprubenjr: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a20:49
macojmcantrell_: for ops help see #ubuntu-ops20:49
jmcantrell_maco, thanks20:49
xanguasarthor: if you are using your country servers, try with the main instead20:50
ActionParsniprubenjr: use http://pastebin.com    to host the text, we can then advise20:50
joadriAnybody available here?20:50
rubenjrActionParsnip idk what that is20:50
wonderworldhow would i find out from console if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit?20:50
ActionParsnipjoadri: 1761 last count20:50
rubenjrActionParsnip what is pastebin'20:50
joadriI have problems with java20:50
sarthorxangua: i did also, with a main server, and also for best server. no luck20:50
ActionParsniprubenjr: copy the command and paste it into a terminal20:50
rubenjrwhat does it do?20:50
ActionParsnipjoadri: wassup?20:50
rubenjri dont want viruses =[20:50
ActionParsniprubenjr: it will output the video chip, driver and your ubuntu release20:51
rubenjrthats why i left windows 7 cause of viruses20:51
Guest64470i have ubuntu 10.4   i  got my sound working in 2 0f   my speakers but i have 5.1 sound card realtek   but i cant get the sound to come out of the other speakers can some one help me20:51
joadriI tried to use a kind of link on a page and it did not work20:51
ActionParsniprubenjr: ubuntu doesn't have viruses20:51
rubenjrbut now i cant play games20:51
ActionParsniprubenjr: sure you can20:51
joadriI did a search and found many complaining about it20:51
squonkhey people.20:51
ActionParsniprubenjr: you just need to get your video hardware setup. Tis back and forth is all time you could b using to run the command we can use to get you fixes20:52
rubenjrwhat does this mean ActionParsnip20:52
joadriI downloaded java6 following directions from the website adn it did not solve anything20:52
ActionParsniprubenjr: if you run the command I gave, we can advise. If you keep wanting to natter about nothing in particular, it holds YOU up20:52
SMGwhat is the command to see which extensions are being loaded in gnome shell 3?20:52
rubenjrok one sec20:52
rubenjrhow do i find the terminal?20:52
rubenjrwhere is the start button?20:53
ActionParsnipjoadri: does  http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp   say you have java?20:53
rubenjri click top left and a ubuntu sign but programs20:53
ActionParsniprubenjr: press CTRL+ALT+T20:53
rubenjrit says a bunch of stuff20:53
=== vorpal_ is now known as Guest97283
joadriWhatś that? I click on it and nothing happens20:54
rubenjr<ActionParsnip> it says a bunch of stuff20:54
ActionParsniprubenjr: yes, obviously. use http://pastebin.com  to hold the text20:54
ActionParsnipjoadri: use this: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/   works great here :)20:54
rubenjr<ActionParsnip> i dont understand. you want me to cut and paste it in there?20:54
JoshuaL!paste | rubenjr20:55
ubotturubenjr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:55
joadriwhat am suppossed to do with this? Is it a link to a website?20:55
joadriWhen i click on it nothing happens20:55
SMGwhat is the command to see which extensions are being loaded in gnome shell 3?20:56
creatureHello. Since upgrading to 11.04, my xmodmap settings aren't being honoured. I've found some bug reports about this, but can't seem to find any suggestions as to what's changed in 11.04 about keyboard handling. Any suggestions?20:56
sarthorHI, i am connected via http://webchat.freenode.net/ , i am using natty 11.04, i am unable to install xchat, i did apt-get -y install xchat , here is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/608625/, i tried with a main server also, any idea?20:56
ActionParsniprubenjr: yes, then click paste, the address bar will change and you can copy and paste the new url here20:56
rubenjreverything is so complicated and/or different here20:57
rubenjri like it =]20:57
Guest64470ok can you help me20:57
ActionParsniprubenjr: its not at all, you just gave 17 lines of text and didn't scroll the channel at all20:58
prashant_123456how to check my nickname is registered ??20:58
ActionParsnip!ask | Guest6447020:58
ubottuGuest64470: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:58
tanathActionParsnip, any constructive criticism for my bug report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/78365920:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 783659 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Regression: Limited ability to scroll up with Logitech MX500" [Undecided,New]20:58
rubenjractionpasnip did i do it correctly?20:58
joadriI've been there. I followed the instruccions on a terminal but it did not fix the problem...20:59
rubenjractionparsnip, did i do it correctly?20:59
ActionParsniprubenjr: spot on :)20:59
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
rubenjri went to ati.com to try and download my drivers and tried using wine but it didnt go to well20:59
tanathrubenjr, wine is meant for normal apps, not windows drivers..21:00
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rubenjrdoes it work for games that are meant to play on here?21:00
LeoMedeirosany1 knows if theres is a solution for using webcam/audio with aMSN?21:00
rubenjron windows*21:00
vectoryrubenjr: yes21:01
rubenjri installed a windows game on here using wine but it didint work either21:01
vectoryrubenjr: could play starcraft and all21:01
qjqqyyrubenjr: wine can only emulate programs, not drivers21:01
qjqqyyrubenjr: try using playonlinux to get some games21:01
vectoryrubenjr: all it does is translate system interrupt calls21:01
mervakarubenjr: i can play ut2004, using native linux binaries21:01
mervakaruns better than windows.21:01
tanathqjqqyy, Wine Is Not an Emulator ;)21:01
prashant_123456how can i upload screenshots21:01
rubenjrdo you guys have like 3d game like need for speed21:01
qjqqyyrubenjr: or u can use a virtual machine as a last resrt21:01
qjqqyytanath: :(21:02
vectoryqjqqyy: you dont wanna play 3d accelerated games in a vm21:02
rubenjractionparsnip did u see my post? http://pastebin.com/mzfR0xWf21:02
rubenjrdo any of you know the game freestyle stree basketball hosted by gamekiss21:02
qjqqyyvectory: if you have 8GB of ram and 4 cores, why not?21:02
qjqqyyvectory: unfortunaly, i only have 4GB and 2 cores, so i am rebooting21:03
vectorybecause it will be slow21:03
vectoryyou could just aswell install dualboot21:03
SMGwhat is the command to see which extensions are being loaded in gnome shell 3?21:03
rubenjrcan someone help me with my grpahic drivers please21:04
OldCarlI could use a lot of help concerning fullscreen video crashes.21:05
prashant_123456how can i install fancy analogue clock on desktop21:06
danbhfiverubenjr: whats the prob?21:07
prashant_123456rubenjr, try lspci21:07
xocolatehello... I need a software that runs like "hyperterminal for windows"... somebody knows anyone??21:08
prashant_123456xocolate, u can find it in windows/system3221:09
Picijmcantrell: we read you21:09
xocolatei'd used it sometime ago and the interface is not good...21:09
jmcantrellPici: thanks21:09
rubenjr<prashant_123456> whats lspci21:09
Guest64470i have a realtek 5.1 sound card can i get some help please21:09
prashant_123456rubenjr, its a command21:09
cfeddexocolate: you can also use kermit.21:09
rubenjr<danbhfive> i dont have my graphic crad drivers but want them21:09
prashant_123456xocolate, which windows u use21:09
cfeddeapt-cache search ckermit21:10
rubenjr<prashant_123456> i typed it in'21:10
rubenjr<prashant_123456> it just says a bunch of stuff21:10
rubenjrlooks like jiberish21:10
prashant_123456rubenjr, its all drivers installed on your system21:10
szalrubenjr: pastebin it, the hell21:10
szalprashant_123456: no, it's a hardware listing21:11
xocolatedaniel@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache search ckermit21:11
xocolategkermit - A serial and network communications package21:11
xocolateckermit - um pacote de comunicação serial e em rede21:11
prashant_123456szal, ok21:11
xocolatewhich of them?21:11
kjcoleAny special magic to make a very slow LiveCD boot faster?  I keep getting udevsettle timeouts.21:11
prashant_123456pastebin for gnome ??21:11
PlughI'm on ubuntu 9.10 and the update tool is telling me there is a new dkms package available but if I say to install that update it wants me to insert the CD for 11.04. That seems like the wrong version of a package was put in to the updates area for 9.1021:12
szal!paste | rubenjr, prashant_12345621:12
ubotturubenjr, prashant_123456: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:12
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:12
xocolatesomebody knows the difference between gkemit and ckermit ?21:12
szalPlugh: Karmic is dead21:13
Plughszal, the updates haven't stopped or else it wouldn't say there is an update for dmks21:13
rubenjrszal> i pasted it21:13
kjcole(Tried with an LTS Live CD and a Maverick Live USB.  Both worked on other systems.  And the current system still boots into Windows XP, so the hardware's good...)21:13
szalrubenjr: I read it..  ATi -> I'm out21:13
rubenjrszal http://pastebin.com/YuS5CCgZ21:13
PlughKarmic is the last version that has a mostly working PulseAudio.21:13
rubenjru dont like ati?21:14
guntbertPlugh: why don't you upgrade your system?21:14
Plughguntbert: PulseAudio goes from bad to worse after 9.1021:14
rubenjrszal you dontlike ati?21:14
* szal never has21:14
szaldecided to go nVidia after 1st Linux failure in 200321:14
rubenjrso ati doesnt work with linux?21:14
rubenjrme and my luck21:15
szalsome ppl claim it does21:15
Plughok, so no one cares that someone messed up the 9.10 because its at eol.21:15
szalPlugh: that's how it is, get over it21:15
rubenjrszal so im out of luck?21:15
rubenjri cant get graphic drivers for it =[21:15
Plughok, First time I've seen someone put the wrong version of an update packge in to a repo.21:15
rubenjrits a god graohic card21:16
szalrubenjr: as far as I am concerned, yes..  though that's not to say that there isn't anyone who could help you21:16
guntbertPlugh: that can be a reason - I suppose :-) - have a look into /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/sources.list.d/* if there is some weird PPA21:16
rubenjrszal do you know anyone that can help me?21:16
szalrubenjr: no21:17
PlughI'll try booting 11.04 later and see if it has a fixed version of PulseAudio. Previous release as a live CD hung during boot.21:17
rubenjrim screwed =[21:17
rubenjrto poor to buy a new one LOL21:17
prashant_123456rubenjr, which command u typed to get drivers21:17
Sirisian|WorkDoes anyone here remember if there's a step you need to do to make printers work with samba other than the smb.conf files?21:18
rubenjrprashant_123456 im nto sure21:18
rubenjri went to ati and download the drivers for linux but it it says could not open the file21:18
prashant_123456rubenjr, its lspci21:18
prashant_123456rubenjr, ??21:18
rubenjryes i did that21:18
Sirisian|WorkI mean through cups. I have samba set up but it says it can't connect to the printers when I use the \\url\PrinterName. I have an identical server and it works fine.21:18
rubenjri posted it to pastebin21:18
rubenjrthe link is21:19
* szal had a Radeon 9000 back in ye olde days, driver pkgs for Debian and derivatives were a foreign word back then, and installing fglrx from official sources was a royal pita21:19
prashant_123456rubenjr, yep i saw it21:19
rubenjrso theres no drivers i ca get for my graphic card?21:19
PlughSirisian|Work: Are you setting up Samba to share a printer or to access a shared printer?21:20
guntbert!enter > rubenjr21:20
ubotturubenjr, please see my private message21:20
Guest64470yes it do21:20
dphave there been any package updates in natty since the release?21:20
Guest64470mine ati do21:20
flowbeebasic linux questions: 1) how can i learn how many actual MB each process is using?  top tells me a % of memory but not actual memory.  2) how can i learn what is causing my load to be higher?  3) how can i learn how much i/o (and how much avaialble i/o) i have? 4) how can i do the same for networking?21:20
Sirisian|WorkPlugh, to share the cups printer so that windows can access them.21:20
ThinkT510dp: package updates?21:21
Plughrubenjr: If a driver download from ATI won't open you can check another download site for the file.21:21
szaldp: release was, what, 6 weeks ago?  you're not seriously thinking there were no updates so far, were you?21:21
=== david is now known as Guest19948
rubenjrPlugh it wont install though21:21
ThinkT510!latest | dp21:21
ubottudp: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:21
rubenjr i downloaded it btu ti wont install21:21
dpszal: I haven't received any via apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade in a couple of weeks21:21
guntbertflowbee: for the first questions: install htop - it is more convenient to use21:21
szaldp: tried upgrade instead of dist-upgrade?21:22
dpszal: dist-upgrade doesn't contain upgrade in ubuntu?21:22
Sirisian|WorkPlugh, Like I said I have an identical server where this works. It's like I forgot a step to make this work for cups. I copied the smb.conf file over and restarted the server even. Do you know if there was something else I needed to set in a file?21:22
guntbertdp: no, use upgrade21:23
szaldp: no idea, haven't been using apt for quite some time..  other than that, dist-upgrade is for just that, upgrading to a newer distro version, not for updating packages21:23
rwwdist-upgrade isn't for upgrading to a newer distro version, and does everything that upgrade does.21:24
dpguntbert: even using just upgrade, I get no new packages21:24
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.21:24
PlughSirisian|Work: The remote machines aren't seeing the printer as available21:24
dprww: that's what I thought21:24
dpsame way it's done in Debian21:24
guntbertdp: if you doubt apt-get you can also use aptitude (with update and then safe-upgrade)21:24
guntbertdp: and you used sudo of course?21:25
dpaptitude safe-upgrade says the same. wonder if I can see *when* a package was last installed21:25
dpguntbert: aye21:26
PlughSirisian|Work: Did you set the Shared option for the printer?21:26
aranddp: You can always look in /var/log/dpkg.log21:26
dp/var/lib/dpkg/status file last modified on 05/12; so no package updates in ~4 days? hrm21:26
dpyeah, 05/1221:27
insanity99hey guys how do i disable compiz in 11.04?21:27
aranddp: That's not very unusual I'd say, post-release upgrades are conservative.21:27
Sirisian|WorkPlugh, well it's not even showing the list by discovering them. You know in Windows 7 when you add a printer and tyoe \\url\ and it displays a list of all the printers? It's working for one of my servers but the other isn't showing the list of printers on it.21:28
Sirisian|WorkPlugh, shared option?21:28
majsterhi, Right click on screen21:28
dparand: when I upgraded to maverick, there were a flurry of upgrades afterwards21:28
majster#join ubuntu-pl21:28
dpmaybe maverick was just a special case21:28
marsjewhy is it so easy to totally screw up your gnome panels?21:28
newbieqfqwffqqfwhello. I need a little bit of help21:28
aranddp: Well it all depends if the bugfixes are important enough.21:29
marsjeI see panels that I can click, I lose panels, panels overlap, and I don't see where one panels stops and where another begins...21:29
newbieqfqwffqqfwwhy on my ubuntu 11.04 is gnome, not unitu?21:29
PlughSirisian|Work: On this version of Ubuntu I can go to System->Administration->Printing to see a list of known printers on the computer. If I right click a printer one of the menu options is "Shared".21:29
squonkgave up on that... I'm doing the whole email, chat integration thing Evolution is it?21:29
dparand: k. so not out of the norm21:29
PlughSirisian|Work: The menus at the top of the Printer configuration dialog also has a Server menu that has an option "Publish shared printers connected to this system.21:30
guntbertdp: here I have 36 updates (since 3.5.)21:30
aranddp: I would assume not, and in addition, UDS happened lately, which is likely to make upgrades lag a bit.21:30
insanity99can i disable compiz?21:30
dparand: UDS?21:30
PlughSirisian|Work: You can check how those settings compare between your systems.21:30
arand!uds | dp21:30
ubottudp: The Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between May 9th - 13th in Budapest, Hungary - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details21:30
Sirisian|WorkPlugh, yeah it's set to shared21:31
=== Guest19948 is now known as Smkaix
PlughThe only other thought I had about sharing things should have been dealt with as you copied the smb.conf file21:32
katkeehello, is xen supported in 11.04?21:32
ThinkT510!xen | katkee21:33
ubottukatkee: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:33
=== root is now known as Guest239
ThinkT510!kvm | katkee21:33
ubottukatkee: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM21:34
Guest239Question: is there one specific tcp port that irssi uses for connection/communication?21:34
bannikhey i got a small problem I reinstalled wine 1.3 but my menu is missing there is no winetricks or wine edit selection in the menu21:34
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danbhfivebannik: I think you can right click the menu and do edit menus21:35
bannikyea i did that21:35
bannikbut i have no idea how to add winetricks etc....usually it automatically installs21:35
Vinc33ntI have mouse lag with catalyst 11.5 on the bottom right screen zone, in a new install of xubuntu, i have this with archlinux too21:35
cousteaugnomebaker segfaults when I click "Create audio CD" (Ubuntu 10.10 64b), but only sometimes21:36
cousteauProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff3be1a83 in g_type_check_instance_cast () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.021:37
cousteaugoogling says that bug was already fixed on hardy (seems a similar one reappeared)21:37
katkeeThinkT510: i tried kvm but i think the performance is better with xen. i heard xen was going into mainline kernel but is not ready yet21:38
Wayne__anyone who can help a noob? :(21:38
ThinkT510katkee: i haven't used either, virtualbox is good enough for me21:39
LateralisWayne__: Hopefully!  What's your problem?21:39
Wayne__screen turns off when I try to boot ubuntu21:39
Wayne__I googled it21:39
Wayne__but couldn't get it right21:39
ThinkT510!enter | Wayne__21:40
ubottuWayne__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:40
Diable^FREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/21:40
katkeeThinkT510: yes virtualbox is nice too ;)21:41
knmsmbFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/21:41
Relevantubuntu porn xD21:41
SmkaixWayne__: are you using cd or pendrive to boot ubuntu?21:41
_genuser_so aptitude is useless on ubuntu 8?21:41
_genuser_or rather on old machines, people can't install new stuff?21:41
Wayne__pendrive, but I've finished installing21:41
_genuser_without upgrading to new version?21:41
lalochez1ahi. how can i disable unity from the terminal?21:42
mervakalalochez1a: sudo service gdm stop?21:42
mervakawill stop gnome21:43
bungleyhello, and help!21:43
multipassever since installing 11.04, my ati drivers are super laggy-- also in dual monitor mode, my second desktop dosnt seem to have a window manager... anyone know about this?21:43
nixNcodeIs anybody using Ekiga on Natty?21:43
bungleyi shut my laptop lid and now my X session isn't listening to me21:43
bungleyi can move about the mouse, but clicking on things doesn't work, and they keyboard doesn't ether.21:44
bungleybut i can ctrl-alt-f1, and use irssi.21:44
lalochez1amervaka: actually i want to disable gdm from entering unity and use classic gnome instead21:44
ThinkT510bungley: so the keyboad does work21:44
bungleyThinkT510: yeah, i'm using it right now. :)21:44
DrSlonyHelp, I need to install lcms2, I found this, how do I do it? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lcms2/2.1.dfsg-121:45
insanity99hey guys, in glxgears i only get 60fps21:45
bungleyThinkT510: this is on a t420s, fwiw.21:45
mervakalalochez1a: choose "classic gnome" at gdm login then21:45
ThinkT510bungley: good choice, i like thinkpads21:45
bungleyi figured ;)21:45
* mervaka needs a thinkpad :/21:46
lalochez1amervaka: yea, but i have access to terminal only. gdm dies...21:46
danbhfiveDrSlony: that looks like it is for the next version21:47
mervakahave you got automatic login enabled?21:47
DrSlonydanbhfive: any way to get it from a ppa?21:47
sluginsanity99: what's your graphics card? you might have opengl sync to vblank21:47
robin0800insanity99, thats right its locked to monitor refresh rate21:47
danbhfiveDrSlony: I dunno, doesn't look like it21:48
danbhfiveDrSlony: why do you need it?21:48
DrSlonydanbhfive: what about this, how do i add this? https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+ppa-packages21:48
DrSlonydanbhfive: to compile RawTherapee21:48
insanity99its Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller21:48
OttifantSirDoes anyone know what command I need to enter into Avant Window Navigator's Digital Clock applet to directly launch Thunderbird's Lightning extension to today's date?21:49
torchiecan I share my ethernet connection through wifi on ubuntu?21:49
danbhfiveDrSlony: https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+archive/darktable-release21:49
lalochez1amervaka: yes, unfortunately21:49
mervakalalochez1a: sudo gedit /etc/gdm/custom.conf21:50
OttifantSirtorchie: Yes. If you install Firestarter, you should be able to do so easily, though exactly how, I don't know, cause I've never done it. Wicd should be able to IIRC, and there are other options too, but those are the ones I know of.21:50
mervakalalochez1a: change AutomaticLoginEnable to false21:50
mervakalalochez1a: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102332621:50
lalochez1amervaka: thx! will try that21:51
lalochez1amervaka: i don't have that file :(21:54
lalochez1aneither on my own sys (which is working like a charm) nor on the system i am trying to fix21:54
mervakalalochez1a: hmm. exists for me. you running natty?21:57
mervakalalochez1a: ls -l /etc/gdm21:57
robin0800lalochez1a, applications/login screen is what you want21:59
ena_hiaFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
ena_hiaFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
ena_hiaFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
FloodBot1ena_hia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
McPeterNO  CLCIK22:00
hrmtvFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
hrmtvFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
hrmtvFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
McPetercrash X22:00
FloodBot1hrmtv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
tketgFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
tketgFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
tketgFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
FloodBot1tketg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
McPeterDon't click this link all22:00
oeuvziFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
oeuvziFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
oeuvziFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
oeuvziFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:00
FloodBot1oeuvzi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
niko!ops spam bot22:01
ubottuniko: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
niko!ops | spam bot22:01
ubottuspam bot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!22:01
mervakaplease can someone ban by hostmask?22:01
knmsmbFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:01
knmsmbFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:01
maconiko: i just banned the host they're all coming from22:01
knmsmbFREE UBUNTU PORN FOR UBUNTU USERS! http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/22:01
FloodBot1knmsmb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
macomervaka: i just did22:01
McPeterDon't click this link all  --> Crash X22:01
* pfifo clicks the link22:01
macoMcPeter: im surprised anyone even bothered trying clicking on what is obviously spam22:01
pfifoit goes to a bug report22:02
derppfifo, with a hidden iframe :)22:02
McPeterpfifo, NON22:02
szalpfifo: you gotta be kidding22:03
pfifoit didnt do anything in chromium22:03
wayne_anyone who can help?22:03
derppfifo, try in Firefox :)22:03
LjLpfifo: but as you can see from all the QUITs, it's doing stuff to other people in Firefox ;)22:03
LjLanyway let's carry on now22:03
savidIs it possible to have the audio from my ubuntu computer play through the speakers of another ubuntu computer?22:03
pfifoderp, not gonna instal ff just to crash x22:03
CarlFKsavid: yes, but it is hard to make it work well.  there will be drops and or lag22:05
lalochez1amervaka: yea, natty. i don't have that file :(22:06
mervakalalochez1a: ls -l /etc/gdm22:07
mervakapastebin that for me22:07
lalochez1arobin0800: i have no x working22:07
BluesKajsavid, vlc can stream audio over your lan22:07
mervakawhat do you have there?22:07
yaaarok, i'm stumped. i'm used to doing something like      mail -s "subject" address@host.name.com      ....and then typing a message and ending with a period alone on a line. that's not working in ubuntu 10.04 for me. what do i use to end the message?22:07
lsmobrianhas anybody noticed long pings in natty? (like 0.6 ms vs 600 ms to your gateway)22:08
p_dillahello. i have a rar file that makes trouble. i have unrar installed but file roller asks for the password again and again and ark is loading the archive since more then a minute.22:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]22:08
lalochez1amervaka: http://pastebin.com/sS98ZFiX22:08
pfifolsmobrian, i was having some weired problems putting an app together that used UDP22:08
=== Guest49631 is now known as Solnse
[dlp]Um... I think my apt database is borked: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/608662/22:09
adam61i'm adding new keyboard shortcuts, and i was just wondering if someone could tell me what to put in the command field if i wanted to have it open a folder (~/home/adam/Music for example)22:09
lsmobrianpfifo: you think it was caused by network latency22:09
bindiadam61: nautilus infront22:09
yaaarlalochez1a: yeah i'm really disappointed with the keyboard layout handling in 11.04 (along with a ton of other UI things). In 10.04 it was simple: you switch it and it stays until you switch it back. now it's completely unpredictable.22:10
qinyaaar: Ctrl-D ??22:10
adam61bindi: great, thanks very much22:10
ThinkT510adam61: ~ means /home/username/22:10
pythonirc101The bug in which 11.04 does not let a laptop display output on external LCDs, how long before a fix for it arrives?22:10
mervakalalochez1a: then again, my custom.conf might be depreciated22:10
pfifolsmobrian, Im not sure, my ping was acting funny to localhost, not the gateway, but i can reproduce the problem22:10
mervakalalochez1a: still exists, but doesnt affect anything22:11
yaaarqin: hmmm. maybe. that just gave my prompt back without giving any output....but i don't have anything in mail.log, which could be that local mail just isn't working (i was trying to send a mail to test that)22:11
adam61ThinkT510: oh ok, so then it would be ~Music for /home/adam/Music ?22:11
mervakalalochez1a: i'm just trying to find out how natty goes about storing this setting22:11
ThinkT510adam61: nearly: ~/Music22:11
adam61ok great thanks!22:11
ThinkT510adam61: np22:11
pythonirc101anyone knows when this will be fixeD : https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/778277 or if there is a workaround?22:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 778277 in unity "Unity should perform video mode switch on Super+P, or allow gnome-settings-daemon to handle the key" [Undecided,New]22:12
lalochez1ayaaar: well, i think it's not that bad. but somehow a remote pc stopped working... it's showing a strange error (mounting the / in ro), and in some forum they said it stopped when falling back to classic22:12
=== mdel_away is now known as mdel
lalochez1amervaka: thx for you effort. the prob is that i don't have any access now, am coaching a person via phone. i am not that new to linux, but used to debian servers (though i startted using natty at work)22:13
yaaarhrm. in other news those bugs.launchpad sites slow my 10.04+compiz+nvidia desktop to a crawl22:13
opal_frootskianyone know the boot option required as a workaround for Nvidia laptop chipset ?22:13
mervakalalochez1a: no worries. i need to head off now anyway, sorry.22:14
ThinkT510opal_frootski: nomodeset22:14
opal_frootskinomodeset !! thanks22:14
ThinkT510opal_frootski: np22:14
[^Pipunic^]http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:14
yaaarbtw how long is the "classic" UI slated to stick around?22:14
xanguayaaar: just for 11.04 i believe22:15
thr01it will be removed in next release22:15
yaaaroh noes22:15
=== wirrr is now known as improveupon
thr01a ver bad move in my opinion#22:15
thr01but gnome 2 will no longer be supported by the gnome project22:16
brewsterany idea when theyre going to update unity? i keep getting mouse deadspots22:16
Kanoue[DoDo]http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:16
improveuponmy natty installation keeps freezing when it comes back from being on the screen saver for a long time. you can still bring up f1-f6 terminals, but that is all.22:16
brewsterunless someone has a solution :]22:16
chrifahttp://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:16
NeOoPhttp://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:16
improveuponthis happened before upgrading to natty also22:16
adam61bindi: didn't seem to work.. i just typed "nautilus ~/Music"22:17
ThinkT510thr01: there is trinity for continuing kde, don't know if there is a similar project for gnome2 though22:17
emorriswow, does #ubuntu always have problems with spam these days? :-s22:17
hphello there...im sorry is there any way to connect to others servers thru gnome x-chat? thanks22:17
ThinkT510thr01: kde3 i mean22:17
new2netI accidentally my window manager to kdm as default, where do i change it back to gdm by default?22:17
improveuponhp: yes...22:17
adam61ThinkT510: how would i enter a command when adding a custom keyboard shortcut that i want to have open my Music folder?22:18
emorrisnew2net, you should be able to select it from the logon screen, and it will remember for next time22:18
new2netemorris: I'll give it a shot I guess. Thank you22:18
thr01thinkT510 : cant seem to find a mentiion of this on the net tho22:18
ThinkT510adam61: sorry, not sure how to do that22:18
[TK]D-FenderHello all.  Runnin 11.04 upgraded from 10.10.  Tried Unity, decided to use22:18
ThinkT510thr01: http://www.trinitydesktop.org/22:19
arandbrewster: Links to an apt://url exploit, it locks up the window manager.22:19
[TK]D-FenderHello all.  Runnin 11.04 upgraded from 10.10.  Tried Unity, decided to use  "classic" instead but my theme seems messed up.  Don't seem to have the proper themes applied against my panels.  Anyone got a good tip?22:19
thr01i have a feeling gnome 2 will be replaced with lxde22:19
adam61ThinkT510: bindi said to put nautilus in front, but that didn't seem to work. i can't get go or gnome-open to work either. i've googled around for a couple hours. oh well lol22:19
brewsterarand: what does that mean?22:19
LiteralKabrewster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apturl/+bug/78359422:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 783594 in apturl (Ubuntu Oneiric) "extremely long URL causes apturl to DoS window manager" [Low,Confirmed]22:20
adam61anyone else here know what to write for the command to open a folder?22:20
arandadam61: cd /path/to/folder ?22:20
pfifoadam61, try `nautilus /home/adam61/Music`22:20
adam61arand: pfifo: thanks i'll try those22:21
brewsterarand: what do i do to fix it?22:22
pfifobrewster, dont click on the links22:23
arandbrewster: Wait untill the quick security update gets publised to the repositories. Or go to the package page and install the new version manually.22:23
LiteralKalol open sores22:23
adam61pfifo: didn't seem to work22:23
flowbeei hear audio 'glitches' whenever i try to play sound locally or remote.  can anyone tell me why?   running 10.04 with sound blaster live card value.  its not my speakers because i hear the same thing with my headphoens22:23
p_dillahey i have an rar file that cant be unrared with fileroller and isnt repairable with rar what to do?22:24
brewsterand this will fix the mouse deadspots?22:24
arandbrewster: A fixed version was published about an hour ago, so it will take a while to get published to all archives22:24
adam61arand: would that be like "cd /home/adam/Music"? i tried that and it didn't work22:24
arandadam61: It should work, use [tab] in order to auto-complete and avoid spelling mistakes22:25
ThinkT510adam61: what happens when you type from a commandline: nautilus ~/Music22:25
McPeterarand, update installed :)22:26
jrmcmI am planing on upgrading to a solid state hd. The problem is that it is going to be smaller then my current hd. Is it possible to clone it to the smaller drive?22:26
adam61arand: i'm doing it in keyboard shortcuts not terminal; should it still work or no?22:26
p_dillahey i have an rar file that cant be unrared with fileroller and isnt repairable with rar what to do?22:26
jrmcmThere will be plenty of room on the new drive22:27
winged_arelHow do i specify where grub is isntalled during the Ubuntu 11.04 installation? The installer putt it on the drive where my windows partition was not where i was installing Ubuntu22:27
prashant_123456p_dilla, hi22:27
ThinkT510adam61: if you are mapping the command to a keyboard shortcut it should behave just the same, i think22:27
adam61ThinkT510: my Music folder opens22:27
adam61ya, you'd think22:27
adam61that's weird22:27
=== vladikoff_ is now known as vladikoff
prashant_123456p_dilla, try to install universe22:28
arandp_dilla: You may want to search for "rar" and possibly "archive" as well in ubuntu software centre and see if there are additional support packages to install (rar/rar-nonfree or something like that..)22:28
prashant_123456p_dilla, or try to install multiverse22:28
arandadam61: If you want to open it in the file manager you need to use something like "nautilus /home/adam/Music" I think (nautilus being the file manager to invoke)22:30
lderdoes empathy support joining XMPP rooms with spaces in them?22:30
adam61arand: ya, that makes sense, but it's not working for some weird reason22:30
steev_question: in ubuntu 10.10 i could just right click on my gnome panel, and add a system monitor... how do i do such a thing in 11.04?22:31
ThinkT510adam61: how are you assigning the command to the keys?22:31
opal_frootskinomodeset on usbpen drive ???22:31
adam61ThinkT510: yes22:31
ThinkT510adam61: how?22:31
=== uifjlh_ is now known as uifjlh
adam61ThinkT510: in system settings > keyboard shortcuts > add22:32
mangazAnyone else experienced a problem with 11.04 freezing up? I'm suspecting it's the new fancy menu on the side.22:32
brewsterone more problem: when i have too many maximized windows open and open another maximized window i get another window that is empty and white22:33
Lateralissteev_:  my understanding is you can't do that using the Unity desktop.  Unity instead uses "indicator applets" I believe.22:33
brewsterhow do i fix this?22:33
steev_Lateralis, so, no indicator applet for system monitoring?22:33
pom______http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:33
danielle564http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:33
[KissMeAs]http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk FREE UBUNTU HARDCORE GAY PORN! http://ubuntu.hardcorehomos.tk22:33
LateralisI think there are alternatives in Unity, but I haven't personally tried to get them yet.22:33
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.22:33
* voronika is elsewhere - Automagically set away at Mon May 16 14:34:00 2011 -22:34
Successhey guys22:34
niko!away | voronika22:34
ubottuvoronika: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:34
Successi have a laptop right22:34
mangazSo, there is no way of turning Unity off?22:34
adam61ThinkT510: arand: do you know how to go about finding the command to run a given program in terminal?22:34
Successi was messing around and i pluged laptop into monitor and external keyboard22:34
ThinkT510adam61: try nautilus Music (it might assume you are working from your home directory)22:34
Successever sence i plugged it into the external keyboard the laptop keyboard doesnt do anythin22:34
prashant_123456can anyone tell me which is the best filesystem to write data dvd in ubuntu22:35
danbhfive!classic | mangaz22:35
LiteralKaubottu: you are stupid22:35
ubottumangaz: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.22:35
ubottuLiteralKa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:35
Successi think it is stuck thinking i have it plugged in so i have to use it with external22:35
LiteralKathat is not a dcc exploit22:35
LiteralKaGJ ubottu owner22:35
adam61ThinkT510: ya i tried that and it said it couldn't find /Music22:35
lalochez1an8, thx 4 hlp22:35
LiteralKaspreading FUD22:35
Successlaptop keyboard works fine on windows so i think its a setting somewhere22:35
steev_LiteralKa, bleh, looks like i'm supposed to add a ppa to enable previous core functionality22:35
brewsterrofl -> ubottu22:35
p_dillaarand , prashant_123456: ich find neither multiverse, universe or archive in software center. i also tried apt-get.22:35
ThinkT510adam61: without /22:35
flowbeei hear audio 'glitches' whenever i try to play sound locally or remote.  can anyone tell me why?   running 10.04 with sound blaster live card value.  its not my speakers because i hear the same thing with my headphoens22:35
LiteralKasteev_: what22:36
mangazdanbhfive: Thing is, I can only be in 11.04 for about 2 minutes before it freezes up and I have to do a hard reboot.22:36
prashant_123456p_dilla, so u want to unrar files right22:36
adam61ThinkT510: i did it with and without, but either way it writes "/Music" in the error ms22:36
steev_LiteralKa, oops, that was meant for Lateralis22:36
Successcan someone help me\i have 10.1022:36
ThinkT510adam61: hmm, can you screenshoot the message for me please22:36
brewsterwhat is your proble success?22:37
p_dillaprashant_123456 yes. i have unrar and rar installed and trief file roller. it asks for the password again an again.22:37
Lateralissteev_: Check out this link: bit.ly/hUzIVh22:37
prashant_123456p_dilla, so u have password to rar file22:37
Successlaptop keyboard worked before i plugged in an external one now it doesnt22:37
Successbut keyboard works fine before i logon where i choose os and such22:37
onetwop_dilla, i have same issues on some files and i only found the solution to use is winrar via wine22:37
steev_Lateralis, yeah, that's great, if you have x86 or amd6422:37
brewsteri had a similar problem and it also came with the touchpad problems22:37
steev_Lateralis, ppas don't support ARM22:38
brewsterdo you have a button that disables the touchpad?22:38
Lateralissteev_: And I kind of agree.  I have a load of useful little apps and shortcuts on my Gnome 2 panel.  Kind of annoying having to redo everything22:38
rober7xubuntu 11 slow on 512 Ram ... it is just on me?22:38
p_dillaonetwo: omg lets see if i get used to this or buy a mac ;)22:38
Successi have ubuntu 10.10 32bit22:38
mangazp_dilla: there are better ways to waste your money :)22:39
p_dillais wine a programm i have to build?22:39
adam61ThinkT510: sorry for the delay i'm trying to figure out how to copy the png to pastebin22:39
steev_if enabling ppas worked on ARM, it wouldn't be near as frustrating22:39
prashant_123456p_dilla, wine is to run windows programs in linux22:39
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.22:39
brewstersuccess: is there a button around your touchpad mouse that disables the mouse?22:39
macoadam61: need an imagebin instead of a normal pastebin22:39
Lateralissteev_: Unfortunately I can't help you there. =(22:39
robotarmywhat is -rw-r--r--@  ??22:39
robotarmythe @ sign is new to me22:39
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.22:40
Successplus its a keyboard and mouse on keyboard22:40
Successguys plz hurry dont have much time not supoce to be on internet my dad in shower almost done22:40
mangazthat's kinda funny. :P22:40
adam61ThinkT510: sorry about that here it is: http://imagebin.org/15360722:41
adam61maco: k thanks i bookmarked both of those now22:41
ThinkT510adam61: hmm, that was helpful... (sorry, thought it might show more info; i'm used to xfce)22:42
brewsterthere's a program that enables and disables the touchpad and installing it and enabling and disableing the touchpad with it might fix your keyboard success. it worked for me somehow22:42
prashant_123456how to change nickname22:42
Successhow enable disable it22:42
ThinkT510adam61: silly question: does the /Music folder exist?22:43
Successi tried unplugging it stays22:43
brewsterit will have an icon on the panel22:43
Successguys almost out of time abt 1min left22:43
LiteralKawhy do we need 3 floodbots22:43
brewsterjust right click it22:43
MrNibblesanyone here ever been to Poland?22:43
MrNibblesor is from Poland22:43
MrNibblesneed some advice, i am heading there in 2 days22:43
LjLLiteralKa: happy to discuss it in #ubuntu-ops22:43
LiteralKais this ubuntu related, MrNibbles22:43
mangazPolish guys usually work here, does that help you MrNibbles?22:43
YankDownUnderMrNibbles, The food is great.22:43
squonk_i can't decide which is better for irc ... straight xchat or the gnome ver, for 11.03 ubuntu22:43
LiteralKaLjL: just PM me, I'm not joining a channel for that sole reason22:43
adam61ThinkT510: haha, ya unless i have the location wrong somehow.. is it case-sensitive i'm wondering (for the /adam)22:44
onetwonibbles beware of your wallet22:44
Successnope still not working22:44
MrNibblesLiteralKa: thanks :S22:44
MrNibblesoops sorry, i meant that to onetwo22:44
brewsterok then i have no idea. sorry22:44
ThinkT510adam61: i'd assume it is case sensitive, things usually are22:45
brewstergood luck Success22:45
MrNibblesIm heading to a conference there in 2 days, any recommendations for payg 3g sims?22:45
Successstill no work g2g22:45
prashant_123456adam61, what u trying to do?22:45
p_dillaok ill try wine for the rar. another problem. when i jack in my headphones the build-in speakers arent turned off. i dont want my neigbours listening to my porn ;)22:45
adam61ThinkT510: prashant_123456: ahh! i got it!! haha22:45
IdleOne!ohmy | p_dilla22:45
ubottup_dilla: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:45
ThinkT510adam61: well done :)22:46
prashant_123456adam61, got it ??22:46
ThinkT510!yay | adam6122:46
ubottuadam61: Glad you made it! :-)22:46
adam61prashant_123456: just set the command to open a folder in add custom keyboard shortcuts. yep got it, thanks22:46
adam61ThinkT510: thanks for all your help!!!22:46
prashant_123456adam61, great22:46
brewstercan anyone fix my window problem?22:46
adam61ubottu: thanks!22:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:46
adam61oh ya lol22:47
ThinkT510adam61: no worries (i learned how to set shortcuts in xfce now, so thanks to you too)22:47
daviddoriaI am trying to login to my computer remotely22:47
daviddoriaI ran vncserver22:47
DinVitaminAnyone know of a utility that will give me CPU/GPU temp readouts, preferably in a graph over time format22:47
daviddoriaand then modified ~/.vnc/xstartup to say gnome-session & at the bottom. When I login, however, I just get a terminal instead of the current session22:48
adam61ThinkT510: that's great. i wasn't far off after trying nautilus in front, just had an extra "~/" in front of home/adam/Music22:48
brewsterDinVitamin: i think nvidia x server settings program does that22:48
DinVitaminbrewster: I'm using ATI not nvidia22:49
LjLDinVitamin: for AMD GPUs, "AMDOverdriveCtl" will do that22:49
DinVitaminLjL: Thank you. What about CPU temp?22:49
LjLDinVitamin: for the CPU, try "apt-cache rdepends lm-sensors" for options22:49
DinVitaminLjL: Thanks22:49
brewstercan anyone fix my window problem?22:49
brewsterplease :]22:49
LjLDinVitamin: also "apt-cache rdepends libsensors4"22:50
pfifobrewster, yes, i can one simple command 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop`22:50
adam61ThinkT510: do you know the command for the weather indicator applet (or the method for determining the command of any program in general)?22:50
LjLbrewster: you might try restating your issue, as i can't even find it in my backscroll now22:50
ThinkT510adam61: sorry, never used weather indicators (apart from browser extentions)22:51
brewsterwhen i have too many maximized windows and i open more my windows come up as white and blank22:51
adam61ThinkT510: that's ok, i'll find it soon enough22:51
skapismHi, after installing wine my fonts in firefox and elsewhere suddenly look a bit differently. I removed wine and ms core fonts, but the fonts are still changed. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?22:51
LjLbrewster: ah yes, i've heard of that issue, i *think* it's a Compiz issue (with NVidia GPUs?) but i'm not really sure, nor do i know what the solution is :(22:52
brewsteri do have nvidia22:52
brewsteris there a link you can provide?22:52
pfifobrewster, I didnt have that problem when I was on unitly, I use nvidia, how many windows are you talking about?22:52
prashant_123456can anyone help me out22:52
pilojoThe Game22:53
Rob235how do you use CGPoints in the interface file22:53
Rob235oops wrong channel sorry22:53
prashant_123456some websites not opening in ubuntu 11.0422:53
brewsterpfifo: maybe 4 or 522:53
prashant_123456mail.yahoo.co.in not working22:53
KM0201prashant_123456: worked fine for me22:53
klemaxI can see wireless network but I can not connect it even if my password is correct.22:53
pfifobrewster, all on one workspace?22:53
prashant_123456KM0201, how22:54
KM0201ah ait, no it didn't... it redirected me to us.yahoo22:54
prashant_123456KM0201, some other dont work for me22:54
klemaxwhat do you suggest me to determine whats the problem?22:54
pfifobrewster, I always used mutiple workspaces, that will work for you if you cant get a fix22:54
LjLbrewster: http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting#Black_Window_Bug and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/752445 might be relevant22:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 752445 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Intermittent white window contents when maximizing/switching windows" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:54
prashant_123456KM0201, like http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gaming-multimedia-entertainment/35202-installing-run-files.html22:55
KM0201prashant_123456: well, "doesn't work".. need to be a bit more explanitive than that22:55
prashant_123456KM0201, i dont know why some websites dont open in ubuntu 11.0422:55
KM0201prashant_123456: well, that works fine for me22:55
=== cipher is now known as Guest84042
prashant_123456KM0201, i have the problem like mail.yahoo.co.in and http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gaming-multimedia-entertainment/35202-installing-run-files.html22:56
kieppie1has development on remmina stopped? it seems busted under 11.04 & few recent update show up online @ sites22:56
KM0201prashant_123456: what do you mean by "doesn't open"... that doesn't tell anyone anything22:56
KM0201prashant_123456: does it time out, or does it give you a page not found error, or what?22:56
prashant_123456KM0201, page does not load properly22:56
prashant_123456KM0201, its too slow22:56
pfifo!info remmina22:56
ubotturemmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2 (natty), package size 234 kB, installed size 1192 kB22:56
prashant_123456KM0201, only few words22:56
prashant_123456KM0201, only some page display22:57
prashant_123456KM0201, not whole page22:57
yorihey schoen hoe hide je je ip?22:57
kieppie1pfifo: thanks. there seems little movement on the app. u know anything about this?22:57
onetwoyori hide ip for webbrowsing or other services?22:57
pfifokieppie1, nope, only know that you were lookingfor the 1info factoid22:57
KM0201!pastebin | prashant_123456 can you go to that site?22:58
ubottuprashant_123456 can you go to that site?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
yorihiding ip in this IRC, onetwo22:58
winged_arelHow do I change where grub is installed? The installation installed it on the wrong hard drive and i want to correct where it is instead of switching my hard drive boot order in the BIOS22:58
prashant_123456KM0201, will upload screensots22:58
KM0201prashant_123456: see if you can go to that pastebin site22:58
KM0201prashant_123456: i don't need screenshots.22:58
prashant_123456will give u link to image22:58
onetwoyori you could use a proxy if this is not blocked22:58
KM0201just listen... cna you go to the ubuntu pastebin, yes or no22:58
prashant_123456KM0201, will give u image22:58
KM0201prashant_123456: forget it22:58
KM0201what the heck is an image gonna tell me?22:58
KM0201now listen, or i'm not wasting my time further22:59
prashant_123456KM0201, ??22:59
KM0201can you go to the pastebin site i linked you to earlier22:59
prashant_123456KM0201, http://imagebin.org/15361422:59
prashant_123456KM0201, go to image22:59
prashant_123456KM0201, click onlink22:59
mernilioHello fellow men and females! :-)22:59
KM0201cuz an image tells me absolutely nothing22:59
prashant_123456KM0201, ok23:00
yorithanks onetwo! will try to use irc via proxy23:00
mernilioback.. what the hell?23:00
=== andy_ is now known as Guest92142
=== Guest84042 is now known as cipher__
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cipher__would anyone attest to a cup of 70proof being dangerous?23:01
* LiteralKa is elsewhere - Automagically set away at 18:01:3423:01
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
merniliowell, me now looking at pornograpy .. nice pornograpy!23:02
LiteralKamernilio: url23:02
merniliohi nameless`23:02
nameless`what is the right way to use "editor's note" in a document in english ?23:03
mernilioLiteralKa: i cant say it :-D23:03
* Pumpkin- detects trolling23:03
nameless`sorry to ask this, but there is no "english" chan :)23:03
ScottR4I'm new to bash scripting and had a question on how to put together a command. I'm trying to do something like "java -Djsdoc.dir=$(some command to get jsdoc.dir) [[the rest of the command here]]"23:03
LiteralKamernilio: PM me23:03
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
roastedHey guys - GVFS questions. I'm using GRSYNC, a gui for rsync. If I use GRSYNC to synchronize to a CIFS directory, what are the downfalls? I'm syncing from /home/jason to a CIFS share, which maps to /home/jason/.gvfs/network_storage/jason. Would I create an infinite loop? So far it seems to be working, but I'm curious if there's something I'm doing here that might cause an issue.23:06
merniliopushpop: we dont detect anything here! despite you being an asshole! Look att my face friend. My fist is to hard for you to get a grip on!23:06
zerwasIs there any graphical way to show if a 64 or 32 bit ubuntu is installed?23:07
mernilioWith that said! beware of my :-)23:07
pauselife_turkce bilenler icin linuxta c programlama 3 ayri proses olacak  p1 n tane sayiyi gelistircek genel hafizada tutucak p2 tek sayilari bir txt dosyasina yazicak p3 cift sayilari bir txte yazicak23:07
etoddMajor problem with wireless driver for Dell, can one who has experience help?23:07
mernilioLiteralKa: i will not PM you but thanks for asking me! :-)23:07
LiteralKamernilio: ty for mocking me then23:08
merniliomy fist is long and hard!23:08
Guest5172mernilio, erection? :-)23:09
mernilioLiteralKa: ;-) no.... im not mocking you! :-)23:09
etoddSigning on with windows machine because Ubuntu let me down, please help23:09
jrmcmHow can I install the kde desktop alongside gnome?23:10
IdleOnejrmcm: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:10
jrmcmIdleOne, thx23:10
etodddriver for Dell ethernet lost when making an update.  How do I get it back with out internet access?23:11
roastedHey guys - GVFS questions. I'm using GRSYNC, a gui for rsync. If I use GRSYNC to synchronize to a CIFS directory, what are the downfalls? I'm syncing from /home/jason to a CIFS share, which maps to /home/jason/.gvfs/network_storage/jason. Would I create an infinite loop? So far it seems to be working, but I'm curious if there's something I'm doing here that might cause an issue.23:11
mfilipewhat is the better place to put some environment variables?23:11
mernilioGuest5172: no.. well.. to tell you the truth. Im 42 years old and today some teenies came bout and .. i know its stupid to say.. but i.. yeah.. ;-)23:12
jrmcmIdleOne, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608692/23:12
jrmcmIdleOne, apt says there are broken packages23:12
killownEvery few second I hear a clicking noise of my hd, this is very boring, what's happen with linux? this problem affects all distros23:13
mernilioIm an 42 year old alcoholic .. thank you very much! ;-)23:13
Jordan_Uroasted: Use the --one-file-system option to be sure it doesn't descend into ~/.gvfs .23:13
roastedJordan_U, so to your knowledge, does grsync NOT include --exclude=.gvfs by default?23:13
IdleOnejrmcm: sudo apt-get -f install23:13
IdleOnejrmcm: that should fix the broken packages23:14
jrmcmIdleOne, alright thx again23:14
jrmcmIdleOne, Im still getting the same error message23:15
k4r1mHai, just installed ubuntu on my other computer but I can't seem to get it working.. I'm pretty grub was installed but for some reason after the initial boot screen I get a windows boot manager error.. I loaded the live cd and checked gparted and my ubuntu disk has the boot flag and I don't see another drive that would contain this "windows boot manager" so what can I do here?23:15
IdleOnejrmcm: from apt-get -f install?23:16
jrmcmIdleOne, no that ran with no problems23:16
k4r1m_got disconncted there.. anyone answer my question?23:16
IdleOnejrmcm: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:17
jrmcmIdleOne, i ran that about an hour ago23:17
IdleOnejrmcm: not sure what to tell you.23:18
jrmcmIdleOne, alright, my laptop just sucks lol23:18
IdleOnejrmcm: you might try installing those 3 depends first23:19
=== MisterX is now known as JasonO
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=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX
GlowballMy pc crashed, so after rebooting, I looked into the logs and found these messages. What do they mean? : http://pastebin.com/ATLLnMmg23:19
GlowballWell okay, my drives were remounted as read only, but what could be the cause?23:20
opal_frootskiubuntu linux is not ready23:21
GlowballI also find these messages - although they're a lot older, they might be related? : http://pastebin.com/Ev8Etgnt23:23
p_dillahey i have a problem with my soundcard. when i jack in headphones the build in speaker arent turned off.23:23
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
OttifantSirAnyone know of a way to edit the title, artist, editor, or what not of AVI-files? Preferably a GUI, but I'm not too afraid of the terminal if someone has a script or an easier way than using FFMpeg or MEncoder, like a CLI-program23:24
WilliamGatesIIIAnyone here got info on when Wine 1.3.20 will be made available to Ubuntu?23:27
OttifantSirk4r1m_: I won't give you false hopes, as I don't know much, but a few questions: How did you partition? Did you set the bootflag on a logical partition (I've noticed these start at sda5)? Did you choose to install Ubuntu side-by-side with another OS?23:27
WilliamGatesIIIHola <rreebudio_>!23:27
yigalIs anyone using a usb soft fax modem in Ubuntu with limited or great success?23:28
WilliamGatesIIII'd not like to be an asshole, but I didnt know they still used those things xD23:29
yigalWilliamGatesIII: or some other way to send FAXes23:29
k4r1m_OttifantSir: no I completely formated my windows 7 drive and created a new primary partition and a swap23:29
IdleOneWilliamGatesIII: no swearing please23:29
WilliamGatesIIIHave you tried to use any online fax service?23:30
yigalWilliamGatesIII: but using an Ubuntu box as a FAX server23:30
yigalWilliamGatesIII: they are either a monthly pay service or they aren't in BBB23:30
yigalWilliamGatesIII: Better Business Bureau23:31
WilliamGatesIIIhmm... in that case, i dont know about it anything... sorry!23:31
sroy2Is there a way to allow the installation of packages from "not authenticated sources"?23:32
WilliamGatesIIIsroy2: Yes there is!23:32
WilliamGatesIIIbut you'll have to do it via command line23:32
sroy2WilliamGatesIII: thats ok :)23:32
yigalWilliamGatesIII: no worries, I need some assurance that where I'm sending my FAX to isn't saving my personal data23:32
OttifantSirk4r1m_: I'm not too sure it will work, but I made a rather grievous error when I first installed 11.04. I believe I started the install program and got the option of "rescuing" the system. It worked for me at that time. You might try to start the Live CD and start the install program to see if you get the option. If you do, you might be saved by that. Otherwise, you'll need to run some GRUB-commands, and I don't know those.23:32
WilliamGatesIIIit is a .deb file, right?23:32
zvacetsroy2: try from terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:33
qinOffbeatAdam: Do you want to have script based on this?23:33
qinOffbeatAdam: http://goo.gl/ouAho23:33
WilliamGatesIIIyigal: Try opening a thread at the forums =)23:33
sroy2zvacet: I'll try that instead of using synaptic...23:33
yigalWilliamGatesIII: there are a few of dead one's through out the years, roughly 2006-200923:33
yigalWilliamGatesIII: thanks for trying though23:33
KM0201yigal: if you're sending a fax to a fax machine, what personal info do you think they're saving?23:34
sroy2I was just trying to run the update manager after a clean install and I was getting that warning and it wouldn't let it install23:34
WilliamGatesIIIsroy2: yes, please do. Synaptic doesnt allow these packages in for security issues...23:34
yigalKM0201: no you send a PDF to a service to send it as a FAX23:34
WilliamGatesIIIyigal: You're welcome =)23:34
KM0201yigal: oh i see... i don't know how secure that is.. you'd have to ask them....23:35
KM0201sroy2: what are you trying to install from a .deb file?23:35
WilliamGatesIIIDoes anyone have any info on wine 1.3.20?23:35
yigalKM0201: no, I know how safe it is, in general not very23:35
sroy2KM0201: I was just trying to run update manager after a clean install23:35
sroy2I forget the packages it didn't like... they were something like gil or girl...?23:35
KM0201oh ok.23:35
WilliamGatesIIIsroy2: You mean git?23:36
KM0201sroy2: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:36
zvacetsroy2: did you tried to run commands from terminal and did you get any errors23:36
OttifantSirsroy2: or gir perhaps?23:36
KM0201it's probably girl   i recal that error...23:36
sroy2WilliamGatesIII: could be, do I still need the dist-upgrade if I just did a clean natty install? I think gir sounds right... but meh23:36
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KM0201sroy2: not really, just being thorough.. :)  pastebin the results of sudo apt-get upgrade23:37
sroy2mm ok23:37
zvacetsroy2: you can try with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in case that some packages are hold23:37
sroy2err... well its already working and they would seem to be very long23:38
WilliamGatesIIIsroy2: do you have a lot of repos?23:38
KM0201zvacet: if its a clean install, install, in theory... dist-upgrade shoudln't do anything23:38
WilliamGatesIIIoh, nevermind... clean install, i see.23:38
KM0201WilliamGatesIII: he said he just clean installed, i would take that to mean no23:38
WilliamGatesIIIi read it already =P23:39
KM0201!pastebin | sroy2 pastebin the output of sudo apt-get upgrade and give us the link23:39
ubottusroy2 pastebin the output of sudo apt-get upgrade and give us the link: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:39
roastedHey guys - GVFS questions. I'm using GRSYNC, a gui for rsync. If I use GRSYNC to synchronize to a CIFS directory, what are the downfalls? I'm syncing from /home/jason to a CIFS share, which maps to /home/jason/.gvfs/network_storage/jason. Would I create an infinite loop? So far it seems to be working, but I'm curious if there's something I'm doing here that might cause an issue.23:39
sroy2_http://paste.ubuntu.com/608698/  << pastebin as requested23:40
KM0201sroy2: no, sudo apt-get upgrade23:40
sroy2that will be done in a sec ;)23:40
HBNeed help> Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 16: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.23:41
HBThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which23:41
HBcould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.23:41
KM0201all thsoe are normal there.. so they shouldn't be the issue.23:41
zvacetKM0201: dist-upgrade will upgrade packages  ;)23:41
KM0201zvacet: so will sudo apt-get uprade.. your point?23:41
OttifantSirAnyone know of a way to edit the title, artist, editor, or what not of AVI-files? Preferably a GUI, but I'm not too afraid of the terminal if someone has a script or an easier way than using FFMpeg or MEncoder, like a CLI-program that takes the filename and set the title, and/or vice versa23:42
WilliamGatesIIIHB: Is it a Windows volume? If yes, check if the firewall of said machine is enabled, or if there is some kind of permissions blocking it.23:42
zvacetKM0201: sometimes packages are hold back and you can get them with apt-get dist-upgrade23:43
KM0201zvacet: uh, no23:43
Dexoim having some issues with WUBI23:43
LuizCBhi. how can i effectively change default monitor position? - the monitor on top keeps acting as default, position 1 - with main screen in it (menus, etc) when it should be 2. This is bugging me for a couple days. current xorg.conf -> http://pastebin.com/8R6Bfqvi23:43
sroy2KM0201: I have a feeling that it was just a permission thing with the update manager, but there might be something else there23:43
WilliamGatesIIIKM0201: if he did a raw installation without accesing internet during the process...23:43
KM0201Dexo: thats your PC's way of saying you shouldn't use it.23:44
KM0201sroy2: ok, is the machine updating after you went sudo apt-get upgrade?23:44
zvacetsroy2: as KM0201 give us pastebin of sudo apt-get upgrade23:44
KM0201WilliamGatesIII: even then.. its not gonna hurt anything... it'll just need updates after the install process (when he connects)23:44
KM0201zvacet: i've asked him that like 40x, he keeps posting other irrelevant stuff23:44
KM0201if the machine is updating after sudo apt-get upgrade    then the problem will probably be resolved when its done upgrading23:45
sroy2_http://paste.ubuntu.com/608704/  << as requested23:45
zvacetKM0201: I saw that and that is the reason why I ask him to do it too23:45
HBWilliamGatesIII,  its a windows volume... but thats happening with all drivers i have 4 and ubuntu mounted on a usb23:45
=== Cap7Ram1u5 is now known as Cap7_Ram1u5
ceed^Hi, I'm running a Java application (JBidWatcher). I've added it to the menu using the main menu editor. It can be launched from the Unity launcher, but there's no icon for the running task in the launcher, only a question mark.  How can I get the application icon to show?23:46
KM0201sroy2: ok.... let it finish installing all that stuff, then run sudo apt-get upgrade again.... and see if you're still getting a broken package error...23:46
WilliamGatesIIIHB: Odd... but is there a Windows OS installed within this(these) drivers?23:46
HBWilliamGatesIII,  on one of them yes.... the other 3 no23:47
=== Cap7_Ram1u5 is now known as Cap7Ram1u5
myrkafter a suspend, my wireless card fails to reconnect every time. It used to work fine a week ago. Help?23:47
Jordan_UHB: Can you pastebin the output of "mount"?23:47
HBJordan_U, how i do that ?   i-m new in ubuntu23:48
Jordan_U!terminal | HB23:48
ubottuHB: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:48
Jordan_U!pastebin | HB23:48
ubottuHB: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:48
WilliamGatesIIIHB: Easy, copy the message displayed at the terminal23:48
WilliamGatesIIIand paste it at paste.ubuntu.com23:49
* KM0201 predicts epic flood in a minute23:49
WilliamGatesIIIKM0201: ??23:49
KM0201WilliamGatesIII: a joke... you'll get it if it happens.. :)23:49
myrkafter a suspend, my wireless card fails to reconnect every time. It used to work fine a week ago. I tried "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart", it worked a few times but now it hasn't for a while. Has anyone else had this problem?23:49
Jordan_UHB: You're going to need to run "mount" (without the quotes) in the terminal, then copy and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us a link to it.23:49
HB1st drive: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 16: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.23:49
HBThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which23:49
HBcould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.23:49
WilliamGatesIIIKM0201: Awwwwright.23:49
HB2cond: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 16: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.23:50
HBThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which23:50
HBcould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.23:50
OttifantSirHB: I'd do: mount > output.txt, then open output.txt and copy the contents to pastebin. A round-about manner which can be done easier from terminal, but it's ONE way of doing it.23:50
Dexocan someone help me out with WUBI23:50
Dexoive been haveing issues23:50
WilliamGatesIIIHB: Not this way...23:50
Jordan_UHB: If you need to give more than one line please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com.23:50
HBmount: can't find /dev/sdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:50
Jordan_UHB: And I need the output of just "mount" with no other arguments.23:50
WilliamGatesIIIHB: To copy a text from a terminal line, select it and press Ctrl+Shift+C23:51
WilliamGatesIIIand paste it at paste.ubuntu.om23:51
HBWilliamGatesIII,   Jordan_U   :  mount: can't find /dev/sdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:51
HBthats the terminal output23:51
corrytonapple!gpgerr | corrytonapple23:51
ubottucorrytonapple, please see my private message23:51
HBmount: can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:52
Jordan_UHB: Read very carefully. I want you to open a terminal and type "mount", nothing else, then hit enter. Pastebin the output you get.23:52
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: What is your wireless card model?23:52
KM0201Jordan_U: will it still look for mount points, since he's trying to use Wubi?23:52
DexoHey, can someone help me with WUBI? ive been having issues23:52
HBlets c if i can paste that info23:52
HBrootfs on / type rootfs (rw)23:52
HBnone on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)23:52
HBnone on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)23:52
HBnone on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=1023160k,nr_inodes=214683,mode=755)23:52
FloodBot1HB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
HBnone on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)23:53
* KM0201 laughs... I WAS RIGHT!23:53
Jordan_UHB: You need to pay more attention.23:53
KM0201Dexo: wubi is bad news.. i wouldn't use it... partition and install properly23:53
WilliamGatesIIIKM0201: Gratz, you got a cookie.23:53
KM0201WilliamGatesIII: :).. just took longer than i thought, but thats just cuz he can't follow directions23:53
WilliamGatesIIIKM0201: =)23:53
Dexokm0201 why is wubi so bad?23:53
OttifantSirToo bad... Another one for the hungry jaws of Floodbot3 The Mighty23:53
KM0201Dexo: if it has to be explained, you wouldn't get it...23:54
LuizCBhi. how can i effectively change default monitor position? - the monitor on top keeps acting as default, position 1 - with main screen in it (menus, etc) when it should be 2. This is bugging me for a couple days. current xorg.conf -> http://pastebin.com/8R6Bfqvi23:54
myrkWilliamGatesIII, it's the ath9k driver23:54
KM0201Dexo: just google "Wubi problems"23:54
sroy2is there an equivalent of something like "sudo apt-get install broadcom-current" ?23:54
Jordan_UHB: You were told 6 times *not* to paste directly into the channel.23:54
myrkWilliamGatesIII, but it worked fine for years now23:54
Dexolol i will do that23:54
HBiigth ! my bad...23:54
Dexoi just really hate partitioning23:54
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: Have you installed any packages recently?23:54
antoniusI use OS X at this desktop computer, and Toast, the "top of the line" burning software is crap.  How well will burning software work  with ubuntu in vbox?23:55
n-iCehi I have a laptop who has already a iwl3945 intel card, I just bought a realtek based chip one, but seems to not be working well, everything take years to load, could it be interference between both? how do I disable the first one?23:55
myrkWilliamGatesIII, yes, but I don't think they're network related. They're mostly games and some algorithm libraries23:55
antoniusI mean, I know the software, like it, how well does it PERFORM in vbox23:55
KM0201Dexo: well, its the best way to do it... the biggest isssue w/ Wubi, is if wubi bricks... there's a good chance its gonna take windows with it... on a properly dual booting system, if somehow Linux gets messed up, yous houdl still be able to boot Windows, and likewise you should still be able to boot Linux, if windows has a problem.23:55
WilliamGatesIIIcan you type sudo lshw and pastebin the result?23:55
WilliamGatesIIIor sudo lspci?23:56
KM0201Dexo: at least thats been my limited experience with it.. i won't use it any longer23:56
Jordan_Uantonius: That's more a question for #virtualbox or ##mac than here.'23:56
Dexowould it be a bad idea to install ubuntu to an external harddrive, would it be slow over USB?23:56
uberjam545yea use vbox instead of wubi im running xubunut in vbox right now23:56
antoniusJordan_U: my bad, i thought people that use ubuntu hang out around here23:57
KM0201Dexo: in my experience, yes.23:57
myrkWilliamGatesIII, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608710/23:57
uberjam545Dexo: if you plug the external hdd into your computer using an external eSATA cable it should be alright23:57
KM0201uberjam545: even vbox has its drawbacks, especially if you're using a PC that doesn't ahve the horsepower to run two OS's.23:57
OttifantSirantonius: Depends on whether it can be accessed directly from the VM or needs an emulated driver to work. If it can be accessed directly it'll probably work great. If it needs emulated drivers, probably not so.23:57
uberjam545yea thats true but mine can handle two os's23:58
Dexouberjam: it doesnt have a eSATA cable, its USB23:58
Jordan_Uantonius: People who need Ubuntu support ask for it (or give it) here. #ubuntu-offtopic is for general discussion.23:58
uberjam545it still might be okay23:58
KM0201uberjam545: well, not everyone has a bunch of ram anda fast proc...23:58
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=== morn is now known as nor42
KM0201Dexo: it might work, but the USB bus speed will be the bottleneck.23:58
Dexowould it be unbarably slow?23:59
phunyguyI have 6 cores and 8 gigs of ram23:59
uberjam545most computers these days do have at least 3gigs though i run vb with 512mb and everything works fine23:59
Jordan_UHB: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" now as well?23:59
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: very well... do you use madwifi or some sort of third party driver? or ubuntu already did the trick to you?23:59
phunyguytoo bad thats in 4 PCs23:59
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: lolz23:59
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KM0201Dexo: it depends.. it might be, it might not... why don't you just partition your drive and set up a dual boot system?.. you're making this harder than necessary23:59
Dexoi think im gonna have to partition.23:59

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