
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
OomElviswhat about them?07:49
mandelmorning all07:54
ralsinamorning mandel08:01
Apacheukmorning everybody, quick question if I may08:07
Apacheukis there a way to make a directory only sync one way? I want to have a backup directory, but don't want it to sync back to all my other machines?08:07
duanedesignhello Apacheuk08:16
ehwApacheuk: in newer clients (natty) you can specify which folders you want to sync on that machine08:17
ehwApacheuk: sync it on one machine and make sure it stays disconnected on the others, should work08:18
Apacheukehw: OK, I'll try tah08:18
duanedesignbut what you remove from that machinr will be removed from the cloud08:18
duanedesignUbuntu One and other sync services like deopbox do not make very good bavk up options IHMO08:19
Apacheukduanedesign: thats want I want it for, it'll nearly do want I want....08:20
Apacheukis there a way to suggest this feature to the devs?08:20
ralsinait's probably a better idea to backup *into* the ubuntu one folder and sync the backup08:38
ralsinaYou could backup using rdiff-backup for example.08:38
Apacheukralsina: thats what I'm doing now, but don't want that backup file to then get sync'd down to my other machines, I want a folder within ubuntu one that isn't sync'd down08:49
ralsinaApacheuk: then sync another folder and don't subscribe to it.08:49
ralsinaI think that was the advice you got so I agree with it :-)08:50
Apacheukok, I'm going to try that today, my only other question would be what would happen if I lose that machine, would I be able to retrieve my files from another machine?08:51
ralsinaAt UDS there was an interesting session about Deja Dup as default backup tool, and I am really interested on having it integrate with ubuntu one the right way.08:51
ralsinaApacheuk: sure, they are in the web, and all you have to do is subscribe to that folder from  the machine you want to use for restore08:51
Apacheukralsina: cool, sounds like I have my solution.... cheers everyone08:53
ralsinaApacheuk: have fun, let us know if you run into any problems!08:53
Apacheukralsina: also cheers for the heads on DejaDup, hadn't seen that one08:53
ralsinaI hae not tried yet (I am a long time rdiff-backup user) but it does look cool08:54
czajkowskimandel: boo09:54
mandelczajkowski: hi09:55
ralsinaout to lunch!10:41
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fagancrap morning11:00
* fagan dosed off waiting to start11:00
ryehas anybody already written the CLI tool for file upload/download using the REST/API?11:00
ryes/REST\/API/REST API/11:01
ryeotherwise that would have created uploaddownload word11:01
karnirye: jdo has a Python implementation, which is ridiculously easly to use. I think you could use that.11:10
karnifagan: you don't have to wait to start, you can start earlier - can't you :)?11:10
karnirye: it's called u1-rest, I'm looking it up11:10
fagankarni: this was like 7 am11:10
karnifagan: :D11:10
karnifagan: you'd be free at 3PM :D11:10
karnirye: https://code.launchpad.net/~jdobrien/restful-u1/trunk11:11
karnirye: he renamed it ;)11:12
fagankarni: but it would make my times off like id be working at weird times then11:12
karnifagan: I see.11:12
faganmandel: have any merges for me11:25
mandelfagan: I dont think so, let me look11:25
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mandelfagan: does not look like11:27
mandelralsina: ping11:27
ralsinamandel: pong11:27
mandelralsina: could you review this crazy branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_vm_helper/+merge/6058611:27
ralsinamandel: sure!11:27
ralsinamandel: going to take a while (long branch)11:28
ralsinamandel: but I'm on it11:28
mandelralsina: that's why a said crazy ;)11:28
mandelit kept growing and growing til I realized the size...11:29
faganralsina: im going to have a pretty quiet day im still feeling under the weather (have the flu or something else horrible)11:29
ralsinafagan: get a doctor's permit and take the day off11:29
* ralsina is not sure permit is the right word, you know what it should say there11:30
Chipacamandel: that's what she said!11:30
faganralsina: na no need not that bad11:30
ralsinafagan: well, it's the right thing to do11:31
ralsinathere's too much uds hangover around anyway11:31
faganralsina: yeah its just the docs are across town so dont want to walk it, its not like ill be programming rockets all day or anything anyway :)11:32
ralsinafagan: doctor's don't do house calls over there?11:34
faganralsina: yeah but that sounds like a load of effort for the back end of the flu11:34
faganim just one of those people that unless im half dying here I dont call the doctor11:37
* fagan is a country boy 11:37
ralsinafagan: ok, but for next time, here's how it works. If you feel sick enough that you shouldn't work, then get a doctor to say so. If you don't, you are supposed to feel ok-ish. Keeps everything clear for everyone.11:37
faganralsina: cool well im ok to work im just going to be a bit sluggish11:38
ralsinafagan: cool11:38
mandelralsina: there are other 2 branches missing that I'd appreciate a review with11:40
ralsinamandel: before this one or after this one?11:41
mandelralsina: before, but that is not a problem because I did the dependencies and in the diff you just get what I changed11:41
mandelso you can finish that and then we can move to the others11:41
ralsinamandel: I meant if you want me to do them before or after. Ok, this one first.11:42
ralsinamandel: Ja! options.im_ok_with_being_root_pretty_please_let_me_be_root11:48
ralsinaand a +111:49
* ralsina goes back to the older branches11:49
mandelralsina: yeah, thats a funny option :)11:49
faganmandel: doesnt that name break some convention?11:50
mandelfagan: maybe, but that was there already and there is no reason to change it11:50
mandelralsina: please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_ipc_interface/+merge/5992311:50
mandelralsina: the other one is just 100 lines, dont worry :)11:51
ralsinait's like totally PEP8-compliant, too11:51
faganmandel: hah well it reminds me of that thing with C that it only technically recognises the first 25 chars in a var11:51
ralsinashane, did you run the last branch manuel mentiond on linux and windows?11:51
faganralsina: just windows11:52
ralsinafagan: the first 31 characters11:52
faganahhh I remembered it was some number around that11:52
fagan25 must have been for something else11:53
ralsina25 just doesn't sound right because it fits no way to store data :-)11:53
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ralsinaThat's why I googled it, (I had no idea!)11:53
faganralsina: its one of those things they say to you in programming and everyone laughs and forgets about it later11:54
faganbut still they probably wouldnt mention it if people didnt try it at some stage11:55
ralsinaif someone has two variable names that differ on the 32th character, he deserves any problems he gets.11:55
faganralsina: yeah thats a good way to look at that11:57
ralsinamandel: what time is good for the mumble about the installer wireframes?11:58
mandelralsina: best for me is just after the stand up, is that good for you?11:58
ralsinaI am at GMT+3 so that is... 2 hours from now?11:59
* fagan though ar time was later than that 11:59
* ralsina is a long way away from .ar11:59
faganahhh ok12:00
ralsinamandel: will try to set it up for that time12:00
ralsinafagan: I am in asia at the moment. Ok, about 2km inside asia, but still, asia!12:00
ralsinamandel: confirmed, right after standup12:01
faganralsina: wow nice12:01
ralsinafagan: office window view: http://picplz.com/rmJ012:02
ralsinaaaaaaand back to reviewing code.12:02
nigelbralsina: where in asia is that?12:14
ralsinanigelb: outskirts of istambul12:15
nigelbralsina: nice, you headed there post-UDS?12:16
ralsinanigelb: yes, will stay here until our full team sprint in london in 3 weeks.12:16
nigelbralsina: oh, nice. I guess I missed meeting you at UDS12:17
ralsinanigelb: uds was really crowded and I am not all that social12:17
ralsinaand I was there for summit before, so around wednesday I was pretty much burned out already12:18
nigelbralsina: also doesn't help that I hardly know ubuntu one folks apart from aquarius12:18
nigelb(I did get an awesome picture of aquarius with the hat)12:18
fagannigelb: you know me :)12:19
ralsinawell, aquarius is the recognizable one ;-)12:19
nigelbfagan: ah, you too :)12:19
nigelbfagan: but you were in UDS in spirit, not in person12:20
fagannigelb: yeah but I was at the lucid one if you were about then12:20
nigelbfagan: Nope, this was my first12:20
faganah ok12:20
ralsinamandel: +1 on provide_windows_ipc_interface12:25
mandelralsina: cool let me get you the last one12:29
mandelralsina: there yo go: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_signal_emition/+merge/5994112:30
ralsinamandel: ok, on it!12:30
mandelone question for a more normal person than me, if you get bitten by a dog, and the wound is big enough that you see the fat layer of your screen, do you need to go to a doctor?12:32
mandelthe wound has started to bother me a little and is not close, yet I'm not bleeding badly12:32
* mandel pains tolerance is quite high usually12:34
ralsinamandel: if you are bitten by a dog, yes you should see a doctor because of infection risk12:35
ralsinaspecially if they broke the skin12:36
ralsinanot to mention rabies shots if it were a stray dog12:36
mandeloh, really??12:36
mandelhmmmm I might have to look into it later then...12:37
ralsinaimagine rubbing raw meat in your wound. Would you consider that risky behaviour? ;-)12:37
ralsinanow imagine that raw meat has been rotting inside a dog's mouth for a week or so12:37
mandelralsina: well, I would really not think that it must be bad, I always expect the inmune system to take care of it, but I just at the wound, and is not looking as a normal one… he, I'm really prone to accidents :P12:39
mandelralsina: by the one, if you've seen the pict, the scale is 1:112:39
ralsinamandel: it's really dangerous. I usually let my immune system handle that kind of thing too, but...12:40
ralsinawhere did it bite you?12:40
mandelralsina: chest12:42
mandelralsina: si, un perro me ha mordido una teta, hehehe12:42
ralsinaparece el remate de un chiste "y el jodío perro me ha mordido la teta!" ;-)12:43
mandelyes, it does, hehe12:43
mandelnot the best 'weekend' ever12:43
ralsinaif I were you I would see a doctor, even if just to know it's nothing12:44
ralsinamandel: yep :-(12:44
mandelralsina: we do the meeting with design, and will decide later then12:44
mandelneed to go to walk the dog again, wish me luck, I might be eaten by a cocrodrile  this time12:45
* mandel walks the dog, but this time carries a gun12:45
ralsinamandel: good luck!12:45
ralsinaok, there's a freaking crow 5 feet away from me (I am working in a balcony).12:47
* ralsina googles for anti-crow measures12:48
faganslingshot is good12:49
ralsinaIt looks exactly like this one and is about 35cm tall: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eob/4227171018/12:50
duanedesignralsina: wow that is a neat looking crow12:54
ralsinaok, it escaped when I tried to take a picture. Chicken crow!12:55
duanedesignat least neat compared to the crows indigenous to my neck of the woods12:55
nigelbralsina: now you have a new way to scare them off12:56
nigelbralsina: throwing laptop at it might work :p12:56
ralsinanigelb: I fear throwing the notebook may hurt my estimates.12:56
aquariusralsina, hey, I'm not that recognisable :)12:59
ralsinaaquarius: yes you are!12:59
ralsinayou are the blonde guy shouting "By George!" ;-)12:59
faganaquarius: its your voice man12:59
nigelbaquarius: Yeah, with a black dress and a hat, of course not.13:00
* Chipaca just pictured aquarius in a black evening dress13:01
Chipacanigelb: i hate you :(13:01
nigelbChipaca: hahaha13:01
faganChipaca: dont do that to yourself13:01
duanedesignugh /me shudders13:01
nigelbthat vision is going to give me nightmares13:02
duanedesignpicked the wrong time to join and read the scroll back13:02
* Chipaca goes to forage for food13:02
Chipacaas opposed to foraging for internets13:02
duanedesignon a serious note. Their was talk about PayPal support for Ubuntu one does anyone know where this stands. I have a user requesting an update on this13:03
Chipacaduanedesign: it's been pushed back into the second half of the (fiscal) year13:04
duanedesignChipaca: thank you kind sir13:05
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Chipacamandel: ralsina: was it to you i mentioned something about training crows to find coins? http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_klein_on_the_intelligence_of_crows.html13:11
ralsinaChipaca: yes it was13:11
ralsina"... so I spent the next 10 years reading about crows on my spare time". I feel so identified already ;-)13:13
Chipacayeah :) I love the (was it tacit?) "as you do"13:14
ralsinaI mean, not crows, but...13:15
ralsinareally, there are some things I have spent 20 years on.13:15
ralsinalike, college ;-)13:15
nigelbI thought college was supposed to be 4 :p13:16
ralsinanigelb: actually 5 for my degree. And I stopped a few months too early, 18 years ago13:16
ralsinabut in a general manner, I have been reading and writing open source code in my spare time for 15 or 16 years13:18
faganralsina: ive been doing the same for like 313:19
faganbut not writing as much as reading13:20
ralsinaI think I will switch to crows now, though. That video is way cooler than what I do ;-)13:20
ralsinaoh, wait, I live in the only place other than antartica where there are no crows13:20
faganneed to head to the shop real quick might just about miss the standup but will do it when I get back13:45
ralsinafagan: ok13:46
mandelralsina, fagan: when I started in spain, my degree was 6 years :P13:56
ralsinamandel: well, my degree was a simple licenciatura, not an ingeniería13:57
mandelwell, I did not finish that one :P13:57
ralsinamandel: anyway, standup would involve just we, and I think we know what we have been doing13:57
ralsinamandel: I didn't finish mine either ;-)13:57
ralsinamandel: I have a problem with the mumble thingie. My mic broke on the trip13:58
mandelralsina: I did finish a degree thoug, but in the UK and was 4 years :)13:58
ralsinaand the notebook's mic is just crap13:58
ralsinaso I can type but I can't lead the call13:59
mandelralsina: oh! what do you propose to do?13:59
mandelralsina: I can lead the call, but would be nice to hear you speaking, I would be surprise if people read in mumble13:59
ralsinamandel: well, we need to have it, but mostly it's about the wireframes not having crazy stuff13:59
ralsinaOk, I will speak and we'll see how it goes13:59
ralsinaat least I will make robot noises14:00
ralsinamandel: BTW: I +1d the last branch14:01
mandelralsina: cool, I'm on mumble right now in the windos channel14:02
mandelwe have no standup, rigth?14:02
JamesTaitmandel: You can stand up if you want to. Or you can just tell everyone you're standing up, but stay sat down, no-one will know. ;)14:03
ralsinamandel: no point today14:03
ralsinaI mean you have been coding, and I have been reviewing your code. Standup finished ;-)14:03
ralsinamandel: we have a windows channel on mumble?14:04
mandelralsina: yep14:04
mandelralsina: online services/windows14:04
faganoh so I didnt miss anything14:15
fagansweet im going back to what I was doing before I left (writing up my blog posts for college)14:15
ralsinafagan: ok, cool14:16
faganmissing 2 so need to spend some time on it14:16
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ralsinamanuel: you still on mumble?14:33
ralsinaOk, taking a short break now since I have been here 7 hours. Will be back later.14:50
* fagan takes a break15:28
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etherealghey everyone, wanted to check if anyone knows of work being done on a mac client, and if so where I could get a look at the code15:52
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beunoetherealgg, no work has started yet, no. It's on our roadmap, but it could be 9-12 months away16:01
etherealggcool, if I were interested in getting one up started, would it be ok to start hacking on something using the API, or do you think it's better to try do things more "low level" like a shared lib between the linux and mac version?16:02
beunoetherealgg, anything you want to start off would be awesome, even if we need to change things later on16:03
beunoetherealgg, I do think that if you started making the syncdaemon library work on OSX, we'd be more likely to all work on the same code base16:04
* fagan back 16:08
etherealggsounds good, I'll start there if I do :)16:08
etherealggI'm gonna be horribly lazy and ask instead of going to search for it, where do you guys keep your source for it?16:09
beunoetherealgg, yes, but maybe facundobatista or Chipaca can give you some tips on what to look at16:10
etherealggcool, just found the source on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/files/head:/libsyncdaemon/ , is that the right place?16:10
facundobatistaetherealgg, best you can do is branch the code, and try to run the tests, to see how them go, and even try to start the client from there16:11
faganetherealgg: nope16:12
faganoh it is16:12
etherealggheh, cool :)16:12
etherealggI'll maybe have a hack at getting it running on osx tonight, thanks guys16:12
facundobatistaetherealgg, the file syncronization client (we call it "syncdaemon") is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/files/head:/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/16:12
* fagan wonders why its under control tower16:12
facundobatistaetherealgg, feel free to ask me anything about it!16:13
etherealggcool, thanks16:13
faganetherealgg: the best place to start would be just trying to run the code and see what heppens id say16:13
etherealggsounds like a good idea, I see that part is python16:13
etherealgghopefully that means relative ease in getting things working cross-platform16:14
faganetherealgg: well mac is a lot easier to port to than windows which is what we are doing at the moment16:14
faganso some things may or may not work easily :)16:15
faganporting is a funny process that way16:15
etherealggI've seen, tbh I've never even tried it on ubuntu, but in the mac world the incumbent is dropbox, which has quite a few... shall we say... "issues". I was thinking of trying a more open alternative, when I saw ubuntu one wasn't available on mac thought I might see about hacking it together.16:16
Chipacaetherealgg: the main parts are in python; libsyncdaemon is for integrating with some things that are in C or vala or such16:16
faganChipaca: isnt the vala just for the tests?16:17
faganI was trying to get my head around the code base and didnt see much vala there16:17
etherealggwell, I'm off for now, thanks for all the info guys. I'll keep you posted if I get anything working16:19
faganok im taking another quick break to get some food and all will be back around 8 to finish the day off and publish those posts and all16:53
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jo-erlendpeople... I've been writing some really cool stuff in LibreOffice in 11.04 today and I decided to store it in my Ubuntu One folder because I'm using several laptops and very mobile at the moment. Now, Ubuntu One keeps uploading and downloading the file periodically, even though I haven't changed those files.19:12
jo-erlendthat file.19:12
jo-erlendthe original file is gone, and I'm stuck with files named firstname.odt.u1conflict and firstname.odt.u1conflict.1 and .u2conflict.219:14
jo-erlendwhat is going on? And I seriously hope those files actually contain my document?19:14
jo-erlendyes, the contents are safe. But this is fairly annoying. I worked in LibreOffice Writer and saved directly to my Ubuntu One folder. Is it possible that LibreOffice's autosave feature has caused some kind of syncloop?19:16
jo-erlendI was told that the file was synced, and it does appear on Ubuntu One on the web, but it's 0 bytes. This ain't good.19:18
faganjo-erlend: when u1 conflict happens there are 2 different versions and it doesnt know which one is the right one19:24
faganso they are like versions of the file19:24
Ian_CorneI'm getting Value could not be retrieved. (Unauthorized: ('unauthorized', 'Authentication required.'))19:24
Ian_Corneany quick fix?19:25
faganjo-erlend: so open the files in libre office and check which one is the most complete and delete the others19:25
faganjo-erlend: but your files are ok :)19:26
faganIan_Corne: where are you getting the error?19:26
Ian_Cornein the ubuntu-one interface19:26
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Ian_CorneUbuntu One Control Panel19:26
faganIan_Corne: what version of ubuntu are you on?19:26
faganoh so natty then19:26
Ian_Cornein the services tab19:26
Ian_CorneAnd i'm about to go the 11.1019:26
fagangive me a sec I need to check the bug list19:26
Ian_Cornebut i wanted to sync some files first :)19:26
Ian_Corneok :)19:27
faganIan_Corne: well there isnt much of a reason to go to 11.10 yet19:27
Ian_CorneI know19:28
Ian_Cornebut I can't wait :D19:28
faganIan_Corne: well there arent any changes in there yet either :)19:28
Ian_CorneI know i should wait to alpha one..19:28
Ian_Corneor at least till the gnome3 packages are uploaded19:29
faganIan_Corne: I couldnt find any bug that explains that error are you on a clean natty install or do you have gnome 3 installed or something?19:29
jo-erlendfagan, in other words, you must never save files directly into Ubuntu One? That isn't good enough. :(19:29
faganjo-erlend: I save over stuff all the time19:30
faganjo-erlend: were you working on more than 1 computer or something?19:30
* fagan cant remember if there was a problem with saving to files on a computer19:31
fagan(but it never caused me any issues)19:31
jo-erlendfagan, no, only one. I wrote something in LibreOffice Writer. It keeps autosaving the document, and I saved manually from time to time as well. My internet connection is somewhat variable in speed because of bad reception.19:31
faganjo-erlend: ahh thats probably it19:31
Ian_Cornefagan: pretty clean install19:32
Ian_Corneand music syncing has worked19:32
faganIan_Corne: well then it might be that weird issue that I thought was fixed before release19:32
jo-erlendfagan, still can't recommend it if it depends on what application you use and what kind of internet connection, or the reception.19:32
Ian_CorneIt seems to work now19:33
faganIan_Corne: it should be fine anyway19:33
Ian_Corneat least a bit19:33
Ian_Corneit says file sync in progress now19:33
Ian_Cornebut the error message lingers19:33
faganIan_Corne: well the error seems to not be a problem but I cant reproduce it on my machine so I dont really know what to do19:34
jo-erlendI don't understand why new services keeps being added before the basic stuff actually works.19:35
faganjo-erlend: well it just didnt know what to do with the different version of the file that was uploaded since it was trying to upload it so many times19:35
faganjo-erlend: im sure there is a bug somewhere about it19:35
Ian_CorneI tried deleteing the folders as described here http://askubuntu.com/questions/39912/how-to-completely-reset-desktopcouch19:35
Ian_Corneaha i just go a notification that 2K files are being uploaded19:36
Ian_CorneBut the connection seems flaky at best19:36
faganIan_Corne: cool so its working then19:36
faganwell there is a performence problem at the moment I think19:36
jo-erlendyes, I've tried Ubuntu One so many times, with great enthusiasm... I've _never_ been able to use it properly for any longer periods of time than an hour or two. Never. Such a shame.19:36
Ian_Cornemaybe that's it19:36
faganjo-erlend: well we try pretty hard to improve it release on release but its not perfect so all we can do it try our best to give the best service possable19:37
faganjo-erlend: all I can suggest is copying the file to your share after your done with a version19:38
fagan(when working with an autosaving application19:38
faganoh the performace problem is fixed19:39
faganso it might be just your connection Ian_Corne19:39
* fagan gets back to what he was doing19:40
jo-erlendI seriously hope it's time to stop adding new features to u1 soon, so we can get a cycle to harden it before 12.04 is released. Otherwise, I think it has to be removed from the default install unless Ubuntu really wants to destroy its own reputation. Being told that a file has been saved, when in fact nothing has been saved, can really have some quite destructive consequences.19:45
faganjo-erlend: we are always hardening there are a lot less bugs and its a lot faster than it used to be. We do want to make it the best cloud platform around and that is a big goal19:49
faganjo-erlend: the only thing I can say is we are working on it and hopefully it will get better in the future19:49
jo-erlendyes, but if it sometimes deletes -- or doesn't save -- your documents, then it doesn't really matter how fast it is. And stuff like that can kill a reputation. It doesn't matter much if Unity is nice if you can't trust that your files will be available. But it really _has to_ be perfect by 12.04.19:51
jo-erlendI'll see if I can find a good bug report, or file one. And I'll see if I can reproduce it in other instances too.19:51
faganjo-erlend: well it did save them it just created copies because the one on the machine diverged from the one on your computer19:53
fagansince it was so slow to upload19:53
jo-erlendit saved the filename, but none of the content.19:53
jo-erlend0 bytes.19:53
jo-erlendan instance like that could've gotten me fired if this was a business context.19:54
faganjo-erlend: but there were versions with the content right?19:55
jo-erlendit seems to have refused any further updates after the initial save that gave it the filename, because the file already existed.19:55
jo-erlendfagan, none that were uploaded, no. Only the filename.19:55
jo-erlendit didn't delete stuff from my home computer. But the point is that it told me that it had uploaded new revisions onto my personal cloud and it hadn't. And I didn't get any error messages at all.19:55
faganjo-erlend: but it did sync the proper version19:56
faganGo to the web interface and check if the file was actually uploaded19:56
jo-erlendactually... I wondered about that while I was writing. There was only one file in my Ubuntu One folder on my home computer. But as I wrote, I was told it synked 2 files, 3 files, etc. However, none of those conflict-files were uploaded.19:57
jo-erlendfagan, I have. There is only one file there, and it's 0 bytes.19:57
jo-erlendso... "Ubuntu lied to me" :)19:58
jo-erlend"My Ubuntu ate my paper!"19:58
faganjo-erlend: oh so I think I know whats going on. You changed the file so many times it tried to reupload repeatedly and thats why there are so many versions19:58
faganso every time it changed it stopped uploading and tried to upload the next version19:59
jo-erlendfagan, that's the default in Ubuntu, though, so that shouldn't happen.19:59
jo-erlendwhy doesn't Ubuntu One use bzr?19:59
faganuntil it got confused :D19:59
faganjo-erlend: it wouldnt make much sense to use bzr19:59
jo-erlendhow come?19:59
faganjo-erlend: well it would create a lot of overhead but there is something being done from what I remember of last weeks UDS sessions20:00
faganI dont remember the details though20:01
jo-erlendfagan, but it did say it was sync-ing and it did confirm that it had been synced. If there are conflicts, then at least it should notify the user.20:01
faganjo-erlend: it says syncing when it is doing it. Then it gives confirmation that its finished20:02
jo-erlendand it confirmed something that didn't happen.20:02
faganjo-erlend: well it did finish but it started again because it needed to reupload because of the changes20:03
faganjo-erlend: id say if the upload worked faster it wouldnt have happened id say20:04
faganjo-erlend: sorry about the problem though20:04
jo-erlendfagan, then the u1 client only relies on inotify or something like that?20:05
jo-erlendhmm. Or maybe LibreOffice Writer actually does change the document with each autosave, even if the document haven't been changed in any way since the last autosave?20:05
jo-erlendin that case, I'd say that's probably a bug in LibreOffice as well?20:06
faganjo-erlend: yeah it watches the folders and waits for changes and if there is a write it uploads20:06
faganjo-erlend: id say it is just the two having issues with each other, libreoffice doing the autoupdate probably did the entire thing20:06
faganjo-erlend: if you could make it save after longer periods it would fix it I think20:07
jo-erlendyes, but I'm concerned about less experienced users. I don't really recommend tweens for those, but still.20:08
faganjo-erlend: well maybe we can fiddle with the default config of open office and turn down the duration a bit just in case people are on slower internet connections?20:10
faganIll look into it tomorrow and see what can be done20:11
jo-erlendfagan, any idea why LibreOffice should autosave a document that hasn't been changed since the last save?20:11
jo-erlendbecause if that is the issue, then the way I'd fix it, is to prevent LO from doing that. Seems pointless to me.20:11
faganjo-erlend: it works on time not revisions I suppose20:11
jo-erlendfagan, yes, but that timeloop could check to see if the document has been changed in any way since the last save? I mean... That seems like a natural thing to do in any case. What if you store directly to a memory card and then go away for a week? When you come back, the card will have been overwritten so many times, it's no longer functional :)20:13
faganjo-erlend: yeah id say LO could do it better so if you can fix it that would be awesome :)20:14
jo-erlendthat is beyond my capabilities, I'm afraid. But I'm really good at nagging on about stuff, so I can give it a go in #documentfoundation :>20:15
* rye is reading jo-erlend story...20:15
jo-erlendfor all I know, there is a valid reason for it acting that way.20:15
ryefile is not saved but notification says otherwise? hmmmm20:16
faganrye is the perfect one to answer this jo-erlend20:16
* fagan is just applying his month and a half experience with u1 stuff :)20:17
jo-erlendfagan, oh. :)20:18
faganjo-erlend: im an intern I was just presuming that everyone else was finished for the day so wanted to give an answer20:18
kamusinsorry for ask this folks but have any body seen to nessita?20:19
jo-erlendfagan, I appreciate it! :)20:19
ryebug #74116520:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 741165 in ubuntuone-client "Bubble notification states "successful upload" even if the file upload failed (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74116520:19
fagankamusin: she was at UDS but I presume there is some ubuflu going around so not here today20:20
ryejo-erlend, ^ that is the first part of the problem you have experienced20:20
jo-erlendrye, that's one of the issues.20:20
jo-erlendrye, did you get the other one?20:20
* rye continues reading20:20
kamusinfagan, yeah.. I saw her at budapest..20:21
fagankamusin: yeah id say check back tomorrow around 3PM UTC20:22
fagankamusin: hopefully she will be around then :)20:22
kamusinexcelent, by the way I have some bad user experiences with banshee and ubuntu one extension that really need atention, so if any u1 developer can help me I really appreciated20:23
ryejo-erlend, the other one was that the uploaded content was of size 0?20:23
Ian_Cornefagan: It's upto 80K files now20:24
Ian_CorneI guess it's just taking ages to look locate all the files20:24
jo-erlendrye, yes, that was the net result. None of the conflict files were made available.20:24
Ian_Corneevethough I have an ssd so it should be pretty fast20:24
ryejo-erlend, the .u1conflict files and folders are completely ignored by syncdaemon and they will not be uploaded20:24
ryejo-erlend, you are using 11.04 version, right?20:25
fagankamusin: id say you should be talking to dobey instead then20:26
ryejo-erlend, are you now on the machine that had the files moved to *.u1conflict ?20:26
jo-erlendrye, in this case, I was actually considering just picking up my laptop and just leave the house, since I knew it was saved and uploaded onto u1, and I was told that everything was fine. In this case, that would just be extremely annoying, but in a business context... You can't tell your boss that your computer ate your homework. :)20:26
fagannessita doesnt handle the banshee plugin20:26
jo-erlendrye, I am using 11.04, yes. And all updates are installed. And I am on that computer, yes.20:26
faganIan_Corne: it should have no issue finding the files20:26
ryejo-erlend, eeexactly, raising the priority and will start poking thisfred about this (Eric)20:26
Ian_Cornefagan: issues as in, doing it slowly :p20:27
Ian_Corneor maybe it's just failing every seconds and restarting and that's why it's taking so long20:27
Ian_CorneI don't know :)20:27
faganrye: any idea what Ian_Corne's problem is?20:27
Ian_Corneis there a special log i could check?20:27
kamusinfagan, I see, any way I need to talk with her ;)20:28
Ian_CorneI'm on a pretty backbone unfirewalled connection20:28
fagankamusin: cool anyway :D20:28
ryeIan_Corne, the log is at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log20:29
ryejo-erlend, could you please grep the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/*.log* for the name of the file and whether there are related DOES_NOT_EXIST entries?20:29
jo-erlendrye, you mean the document name? There is no log file for it.20:30
jo-erlendoh...I actually deleted those conflict-files and replaced it with the final version.20:31
jo-erlendwhat I can do, though, is to recreate it. That's useful in any case.20:31
ryejo-erlend, basically you were editing a file and it kept generating the conflicts, right?20:32
jo-erlendrye, right.20:32
ryejo-erlend, this bug #718924 was about this type of behavior20:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 718924 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "self conflict while saving the same file a lot (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 112)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71892420:32
fagannice see this is why rye is so much better to ask questions to :D20:33
jo-erlendoh... Is u1 written in Python?20:34
faganjo-erlend: yep20:34
faganand a bit in C20:34
jo-erlendperhaps I can be of some use anyway then. :)20:34
faganand a bit in Vala20:34
faganI think im about done for the day :)20:35
jo-erlendok, I need a break and then I'll try to recreate it.20:35
faganralsina: if you see my pm ill get back to you tomorrow about it20:35
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
Ian_CorneIt's upto 120K files discovered already :)22:25
Ian_CorneIt's also using 60% of my ram...22:25
Ian_Corneand 100% cpu22:25
Ian_Cornerye: if you're something with this information ^22:26
jo-erlendfirefox bookmark sync still doesn't seem to be working?22:59

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