
TheMusoScottL: Whenever I tried to get Andy's attention/find him, he was busy...06:43
holsteinScottL: ping14:53
holsteinmaybe i'll wait for scott-work14:53
holsteinailo__: you around?15:25
ailo__holstein, Just came back15:52
holsteinailo__: i have an idea15:55
holsteinit came to me while i was reading ralphs email15:55
holsteinand thinking about putting a fork in my eye ;)15:56
ailo__a fork in your eye?15:56
holsteinailo__: jabbing my eyes out, so i cant read them anymore15:56
holsteini have an email on the -del list about this idea15:56
ailo__ah, ok :)15:56
holsteinsince the UI change is such a mess15:56
holsteinwhat is the current ubuntustudio-desktop metapackage..15:57
holsteinwe just take that15:57
holsteinbasically as-is15:57
holsteinhopefully needing little to no maintanence15:57
holsteinrename that package15:57
holsteincall it ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome15:57
holsteinwhen someone installs normal buntu15:57
holsteinthey sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome15:58
holsteinand they get what we got now15:58
holstein*for as long as gnome2 is in the repos15:58
holsteinsome documentation on the website, and in the 'vanilla' section of the wiki15:58
holsteinthat should get closer to pleasing everyone15:59
holsteinand not require anything on our end15:59
holsteinailo__: ?15:59
ailo__sorry. had to run out a bit16:00
ailo__I think it sounds like a good idea16:00
holsteinseems easy enough16:01
holsteinwhats the other one?16:01
holsteinubuntustudio-menu ?16:01
holsteinsomething like that16:01
holsteini'll need to look into that too16:01
holsteinand whats happening with it16:01
ailo__I don't remember how much installing ubuntustudio-desktop onto a vanilla install will actually turn the desktop into ubuntustudio-desktop, though16:01
holsteinno reason why the current cant be ubuntustudio-menu-gnome16:02
holsteini remember ScottL trying to show me how to maintain some of that16:02
holsteini could try again16:02
ailo__I mean, themes and things like that will of course change16:02
holsteinailo__: i was thinking it would be like installing xubuntu-desktop16:02
holsteinin 10.0416:02
ailo__But panel settings and that sort of things will not - if there are any user settings already made16:02
holsteinif you run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:02
holsteinubuntu-desktop wants to go bye-bye16:03
holsteinSO, ideally, in unity buntu16:03
ailo__Also, I don't know about all the stuff in the background that on vanilla takes up a lot more memory than on current ubuntustudio-desktop16:03
holsteinyou run sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome16:03
holsteinand unity is gone16:03
holsteinand what we have now shows up16:03
holsteinif someone wants unity-studio16:04
ailo__Well, I don't think it's all that simple - even though you get the desktop functionality you want16:04
holsteinthey just get the other metas16:04
holsteinailo__: we'd need to test and ask around16:04
holsteinand im into that16:04
ailo__I wonder what is the most important about all that. Is it the theme, or is it the desktop16:04
holsteinwell, there was an interesting message on the ML16:05
ailo__Cause if it's just about the desktop, then you don't really need ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome, just gnome16:05
holsteinsomeone said that the current desktop is too divergent from the standard buntu16:05
holsteinthe gnome we produce is too different for their taste16:06
holsteinailo__: i thought it was be easier to maintain ubuntustudio-desktop16:06
holsteinfor us*16:06
holsteinand the look and feel would be the *same*16:06
holsteinwhich is the end result i wanted16:06
holsteini just wanted to say 'if you dont like change, heres what you do'16:07
holsteinand you can do that as long as gnome2 is around16:07
holsteinwhich is out of our control16:07
ailo__Ok. Like a transition thing16:08
ailo__At least for next release16:08
holsteinor just something we 'set and forget'16:08
holsteintil buntu pulls gnome216:08
ailo__But is gnome2 going to be supported next release?16:09
holsteinailo__: thats the other question16:09
holsteinwhen does buntu pull gnome216:09
holsteini heard, and assumed its going to be there for a while16:09
holsteinbut, who knows16:09
ailo__Even with Gnome3, it will not be a big change. You can always run it without gnome-shell16:09
holsteini cant imagine it being around after the wayland switch*16:09
holsteinailo__: i dont want us to have to develope a gnome3 desktop though16:10
ailo__Gnome3 without the shell I think is practically gnome2, but less configurable at the moment16:10
holsteinunless it just takes out current gnome2 setup16:10
holsteinOR if its dirt-simple16:10
holsteinOR, if one of the list complainers wants to take that on16:11
ailo__I don't know the specifics of course, but as far as I understand, anything gnome2 should be supported16:11
holsteinailo__: thats compatibility mode?16:11
ailo__Gnome3 uses both gtk2 and gtk3. You can use the panel, just as before - what else is there?16:11
holsteinthats something to entertain16:12
holsteinof course, that does involve change16:12
holsteinto some degree16:12
holsteini was trying to get the exact same thing16:12
ailo__Just saying that it may be no difference going with Gnome3 for the next release, or even the next two releases16:12
holsteinuntil change is not an option anymore16:12
ailo__As long as you use it without the shell16:13
holsteinailo__: im lurking in #gnome now16:13
holsteintrying to learn a few particulars16:13
holsteinwe'll see16:13
holsteinailo__: i wouldnt mind having a 'same' option16:13
holsteinas long as its simple16:13
holsteinand maintenance-free for us16:14
ailo__tbh, the change to XFCE is not about creating a safe option for multimedia use in the future in my view. It's about personla choice. And especially when it comes to AWN16:15
ailo__There is of course the notion that Gnome3 is not going to be the default for vanilla Ubuntu16:16
ailo__But, now when you brought this up, I'm thinking the transition from Gnome2 and Gnome3 is probably pretty painfree for at least one release, maybe two16:16
holsteini asked about compatibilty mode16:17
holsteinin #gnome16:17
ailo__This would need to be looked into of course16:17
holsteinand how long it would be around16:17
holsteinand someone quickly said 'gnome2 is dead' ;)16:17
holsteini didnt ever get anything definitive16:17
ailo__Well, whatever they meant by that16:17
holsteinnor, have i been able to see compatibility mode from the live CD's im running16:18
ailo__And what do they mean with compatibility mode?16:18
holsteinailo__: i know, im not sure16:18
ailo__All of the gnome2 apps will work16:18
holsteini was thinking gnome2 like look16:18
holsteinthats what someone on the ML implied16:18
holsteinand i didnt spend a whole lot of time on it16:18
ailo__So, it's about the theming, then?16:18
holsteinin a live CD16:18
holsteinailo__: well, i think its going to be change in general16:19
holsteinthats what most dont understand16:19
holsteinchange is happening16:19
holsteinaround US16:19
holsteinwe have to do something16:19
holsteingnome3 is not default16:19
ailo__gtk3 is a new standard for gui applications, but it doesn't mean gtk2 will stop being supported16:19
holsteinunity would be the natural move16:19
ailo__Just like gtk1.2 was around for a long while16:19
ailo__And qt3, when that was replaced by qt416:20
holsteinunity, in one way is the move to stay more like what we have now16:20
holsteinXFCE is another way to stay with what we have now16:20
holsteinits challening16:20
holsteini mean, at some point, we just have to do it16:20
holsteinand let the chips fall16:20
holsteinralph just came around a bit16:21
holsteinon the list16:21
holsteinhe asked how to help :)16:21
holsteinthats cool16:21
ailo__Yeah, it would be nice if he helped.16:21
ailo__I don't see XFCE pushing to become anymore multimedia friendly than Unity or Gnome3. I don't feel the purpose for changing UI is totally clear right now16:22
holsteini think its a good idea to do it now though16:23
ailo__It's not about single app focus, at least I don't think that's a dilemma at all16:23
ailo__And it sure isn't about performance either16:23
holsteinwe could jump ship by 12.0416:23
holsteinand do something different16:23
ailo__I don't think anything called Ubuntu should try to be different. Ubuntu Studio, being in the main repo should be Ubuntu, but multimedia friendly16:24
holsteinthats one angle16:24
holsteinand a valid point16:24
holsteinthats more like thinking of appealing to current desktop users16:25
holsteinwhich is fine16:25
holsteini think we were hoping to pool resources with xubuntu16:25
holsteinand maybe attract some unity defectors16:25
ailo__I think it should be universal as much as possible, but be very strict about audio and video performance and compability16:25
ailo__Using windows is of course a big issue16:26
ailo__Theming for me, should come last anyway16:27
holsteinthis could also get to, why have a release?16:27
holsteinwhy not just maintain some metas16:27
holsteinthat folks can add?16:27
holsteinand theres good reasons for having an iso16:27
holsteinits challenging16:27
holsteinthese are exciting times though16:27
holsteinim stoked :)16:27
ailo__Well, if the UI is not good for multimedia, than it should only be changed to the degree it needs to be, in my opinion. That could mean just tweaking a panel16:27
holsteinif we are trying to ease the trasition16:28
holsteinXFCE is a good call16:28
holsteinXFCE does look and feel more like gnome2 than unity16:28
ailo__I'm more worried about -lowlatency tbh16:28
holsteinbut, thats catering to current ubuntutsudio users16:28
ailo__Without that, I don't care about the UI16:28
holsteinnot ubuntu users16:28
holsteinailo__: yeah, i cant believe we dont have -lowlatency16:29
holsteinthat sux16:29
holsteini thought that was just happening16:29
ailo__We should have a -lowlatency installable for Oneiric by the beginning of June16:30
ailo__For me the two main focus points are getting -lowlatency in and some kind of a -controls application to help tune the system16:30
ailo__With those two, you can use any UI you want - even though a specific UI for multimedia is of course a nice bonus16:31
holsteinailo__: agreed16:31
ailo__You can even use any Ubuntu derived distro you want16:31
ailo__As ScottL said, you can always change your mind about the UI for the next release. It's not easy making a good choice now. And it's nice that there is vision.16:32
ailo__I can see one point in using AWN, or something like that. If you make it into a multimedia specific panel, even that can be used on any Desktop or distro16:33
holsteinand it looks more like OSX16:34
ailo__It doesn't have to be16:34
holsteinwhich, if we are attracting an audio professional16:34
holsteinthat might be a +16:34
ailo__I'm more concerned with the functionality. Not the look16:34
ailo__If it doesn't add anything, no reason to use it16:34
holsteini still plan on removing it ;)16:35
ailo__If it doesn't help using awn, it's just a waste of resources adding that to the Desktop config16:35
ailo__But, there are ideas around it, which is what makes me interested16:36
holsteinim trying to stay open-minded about it16:36
holsteinits not going anywhere16:36
holsteinit came with the XFCE move somehow16:36
holsteinand thats fine16:36
ailo__ckontros had that plan from the start16:36
holsteini would like to hold off on the dock16:36
holsteinmake the new XFCE look and feel almost exactly like the current setup16:37
holsteinease the transition16:37
holsteinthen, start tweaking it16:37
holsteinso its not such a drastic change16:37
ailo__Well, it would be less of a transition with Gnome316:38
holsteinim sure its going to look and feel great though16:38
holsteinailo__: you think?16:38
ailo__Without gnome-shell16:38
holsteini think it depends on how long that stays around16:38
holsteinwhich we dont know16:38
holsteinmaybe we should entertain that as a viable backup plan16:39
holsteinjust in case16:39
ailo__Not a bad idea continuing the gnome2 support16:40
ailo__Just a matter of who will have time to do it16:41
holsteinyeah, maybe i can learn16:41
holsteinif its easy enough for me16:41
holsteinralph and I :)16:41
holsteinwe'll be the gnome2 team 16:41
holsteinalright... gott get some eggs16:42
holsteinand pick up some audio files :)16:42
ailo__ok holstein. See you16:42
scott-workholstein: astraljava: if we did keep a ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome package around for people then we might smooth any transition by really joinking the UI as cory might do with a dock and no panel22:28
holsteinscott-work: agreed22:29
holsteini was thinking that it should work22:29
holsteinfor a while22:29
holsteinjust keeping that meta-package as-is22:29
holsteinand renaming it22:29
holsteinthe gnome2 stuff should be changing much anymore22:29
holsteinand developers gernerally wont be implementing things that break gnome2 for a long time22:30
astraljavascott-work: Right, yeah I just worry that some of the package names will be pointing to GNOME 3 versions of functionalities.22:32
astraljavaBut I will pay more attention to it soon, so I can give a more valuable opinion.22:32
holsteinyeah, these are the questions to ask22:37
holsteinand if it seems easy22:37
holsteini say, lets do it22:37
holsteintheres a great new thread that just got started 22:38
holsteinby karl22:38
holsteinasking about this*22:38
holsteini was thinking22:38
holsteinnew versions of apps will run in both22:38
holsteinfor a long time22:38
holsteinthe metapackage shouldnt need tweaking22:39
holsteinassuming we dont want to change the wallpaper and theme22:39
holsteinwhich, i think should be left alone22:39
holsteinthe menu?22:39
holsteinthats something im not sure about22:39
holsteinthe xfce from what i understand is actually one of the better DE's at being compliant with standards22:40
holsteinwe'll see22:40
holsteinwe can just keep that on the back burner as we get close22:40
scott-workmy understanding is that gtk2 applications will still work with gtk3, which apparently is what gnome3 is going with currently22:40
holsteinit would help ease the transisition22:40
holsteinscott-work: right22:40
holsteingtk3 apps is what i worry about22:41
scott-workastraljava: i would expect that the gnome2 stuff would work as it is22:41
holsteinyeah, it *should*22:41
astraljavascott-work: Okay, so things like gnome-menus and gnome-session and the like won't be called as such in GNOME 3? I must admit, I am totally clueless to the architecture and implementation of the new DE.22:42
scott-workastraljava: i'm not sure we need to worry about the mechanics of gnome3, do we?22:43
* ckontros waves.22:43
scott-workoops, i'm wrong, dreadfully wrong astraljava 22:43
scott-workubuntu-desktop just answered that gnome2 won't be in the archives and it _will_ be gnome322:43
scott-workhi cory22:44
astraljavascott-work: That was my worry, and that the packages that would be called with those names will actually provide GNOME 3 components.22:44
scott-workckontros: did you enjoy the fireworks this weekend on the ML? ;)22:44
ckontrosScottL: The guys from the Shimmer Project (did the Xubuntu art) and that one artist both responded positively. The both want details as to whats involved. Sounds good though.22:45
ckontrosscott-work: Where? Did I miss something? :)22:46
scott-workckontros: oh, that sounds incredibly awesome!22:47
ckontrosBoth are busy and just want exacting details as to whats involved. But both seem keen to help.22:48
scott-workastraljava: holstein :  more bad news, i was speaking with jibicha in #ubuntu-desktop, he says that gnome2 will not exist in the archives, that gnome3 will provide that functionality, and it will be the "compatability" mode that looks and functions like gnome3 less the 3d22:48
scott-workckontros: we can work up some specs i'm sure :)22:49
ckontrosscott-work: Yeah. I got it handled. Working it all up now.22:49
ckontrosOnly thing we might have to talk about ate thematic elements.22:50
ckontrosThat's /if/ they don't want to take those creative reigns.22:50
astraljavascott-work: Okay, so that idea is outta window. Too bad, but it's not like we were really counting on it in the first place.22:51
scott-workckontros: we'd probably need to get kokito invovled, either on the front end or at least on the back to tie it with the website22:51
holsteinscott-work: when?22:52
holsteinthey are pulling it this release?22:52
holsteini heard they were leaving it in22:52
holsteinthat would kill the backup plan22:52
scott-workholstein: jbicha says it is so, i'm trying to get his ppa name so we could test it22:52
holsteini think its gotta be easy*22:52
holsteinif buntu is pulling gnome222:52
holsteinthen, we let it go22:52
holsteinckontros: o/22:53
ckontrosscott-work: Well, if we have what we want to convey (thematic stuff) I can just have them create some more images, use a wallpaper and general color scemes for the site.22:53
scott-workholstein: astraljava : here is jbicha's ppa if you are interested:  https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/ppa22:53
scott-worki might try it as well just to verify it22:53
scott-workbut we really might need to talk to *someone* like cjwatson just to make sure we are not getting fed something incorrect22:54
holsteinscott-work: whats in his PPA?22:54
scott-workone of the pakcages built is called gnome-panels22:55
ckontrosSo, what's the current chat about here? The ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome post?22:55
holsteinscott-work: O I C22:55
holsteinnah, i wanted ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome to just be the same as ubuntusudio-desktop is now22:56
holsteinim not interested in a gnome3 version22:56
holsteinckontros: basically22:56
ckontrosAhh... Yeah. No GNOME2 and upgrade paths will be a PITA.22:56
holsteinif gnome2 could stay in the repos22:57
holsteinand we just rename22:57
holsteinthen, why not22:57
holsteinbut, otherwise, screw it22:57
astraljavascott-work: Alright, will have a look.22:57
holsteinthats just more support for the move22:57
holsteinand folks are coming around22:57
scott-workyeah, it would have been nice to be able to offer that to people with only renaming the package22:57
ckontrosBecause it aint gonna happen. Basically. I would bet my home it wouldnt happen.22:57
holsteinscott-work: so thats confirmed though?22:57
ckontrosI could just see that being a *massive* lib mess.22:58
holsteinckontros: ?22:58
holsteina gnome3 meta?22:59
ckontrosKeeping GNOME2&3 in the repos.22:59
holsteinckontros: O I C22:59
holsteinyeah, for them22:59
scott-workyeah, that's what it's sounding like from #ubuntu-desktop22:59
holsteini just thought i had heard it was sticking around23:00
holsteinfor compatibility23:00
holsteineh, i like it23:00
holsteinout with the old, in the the new i say23:00
holsteinwe just got some FUD going around 23:00
holsteinnot a big deal23:00
ckontrosI think G3 is in a much better state for that than GTK1 vs. 2 was.23:01
holsteini think the tone has improved recently23:01
ckontrosHonestly, I think the distro is the least of our concerns. I agree with Scott that the website will be where its at. Thats where I think we can pull the greatest community help.23:02
scott-workalright, going home, catch you in 3023:03
ckontrosAs we can, or technical folks come along, we can go after bugs and better integration of systems. Upgrading/backporting packages.23:03
holsteinckontros: yeah, i like that angle23:03
holsteinand agree23:03
holsteinit'll be fine23:03
holsteinim just trying to chill the current complainers out a bit23:04
holsteinthey'll be fine though23:04
holsteinand might actually come get involved23:04
ckontrosWhere? On the *-users list? (im not on it) I musta missed something. :)23:04
holsteinyeah, the -user list is the one with the mess23:04
holsteinpretty much23:05
holsteinits good though23:05
holsteinpeople getting fired up about it23:05
ckontrosOk Ill look it over to get the gist.23:05
holsteini wouldnt unless you just have to ;)23:06
ckontroshaha. Ok. I wont. I realize everyone wont like the change. Im ok with that. Far more people will bitch than those who are fine with it.23:07
ckontrosWe'll test upgrade paths. If it doesnt work well (it should just fine) we'll ask people to do clean installs.23:07
ckontrosWorst thing I see happening is that it will pull new XFCE deps people wont want.23:08
holsteinyeah, we cant please everyone23:08
holsteinthere were a lot of folks that just wanted to keep gnome223:08
holsteinand didnt seem to realize why that was off the table23:08
ckontrosNew installs should rock. I've been using what I hope works as the new UI for weeks now and its been very nice. I didnt expect it to go this well considering I *never* change things around. :P23:09
ckontrosholstein: Not really up to us. Hell, XFCE will even go to GTK3.23:10
* ckontros shrugs.23:10
ckontrosIn the end, it the new Layout doesn't work, we'll recreate our GNOME layout with XFCE. Totally possible. But I think we should try something new.23:13
ckontros*if the new...23:13
holsteinits a good move23:14
holsteinthat we have all thought about23:14
holsteinand necessary23:14
holsteinand i think folks on the list just didnt realize that23:14
holsteini think they thought it was just a UI change23:14
holsteinfor no good reason23:14
holsteinthere were folks unaware of gnome323:14
holsteincommenting on how bad xfce was once23:14
ckontrosHeh. How could that happen. News of it is everywhere. :)23:14
holsteinits better now though23:15
holsteinckontros: well, if you're a mailing list kinda guy23:15
holsteinand not on the IRC23:15
holsteinor listening to a podshow or whatever23:15
holsteini guess you could just miss it ;)23:15
ckontrosJust in general Ubuntu news. Its everywhere. Tied up with talk about Unity.23:15
* ckontros shrugs.23:15
holsteini know23:15
holsteini dont think they know about unity either 23:16
holsteinanyways, its going to be fine either way23:16
holsteinwe are looking to the future23:16
* ckontros scratches head. Ok. :)23:16
holsteinand thats great23:16
* holstein gotta run eat before the gig23:16
* ckontros waves.23:16
astraljavackontros: It was news to me too, and I at least read quite a lot of ubuntu-related mailing list activity. Granted, I'm in shadows when it comes to blogs (planet.*) etc.23:18
astraljavaIt's not all over everything.23:18
ckontrosastraljava: Suprising. Ubuntu and GNOME3 news is all over it seems. Slashdot, Engadget, Ars... Tech sites really.23:19
ckontrosBig change all around so it's got some press.23:19
astraljavackontros: Yeah, I meant really that it's going to replace the existing in so tight schedule.23:20
ckontrosIt'll be like the KDE 3->4 bandaid. Just gotta rip it off and get it over with. :P23:21
astraljavackontros: Well it makes sense when you think about it. Guess I just hadn't given it the thought it required.23:21
* ckontros wonders what a Studio switch to KDE would do to peoples fragile little minds... :P hhehehehehhee23:22
ckontrosThe *big* thing we23:22
astraljavaNot an altogether impossible idea. :D23:22
astraljavaJust for the heck of it. :D23:23
ckontrosThe *big* thing we'll have to watch out for is *apps* that pull GNOME depends. Could inflate our disk size dramatically.23:23
astraljavaThat's right.23:23
ckontrosSome weird app that wants to pull Nautilus and therefore half of GNOME with it.23:24
ckontrosI do like Thunar, but I miss my Nautilus tabs right about now. :( But I think the switch is good and gonna work fine. We just have to test alot to be sure of the switch. I don't wanna switch back to GNOME in 2 cycles. :P23:26
astraljavaHehe... I haven't touched Nautilus (in the GUI sense for browsing the filesystem) in several years. It's all terminal for me, so wouldn't possibly interact with Thunar at all.23:31
astraljavaBut you're right, switching back and forth is crazy.23:32
* ScottL is cooking dinner for the kids and reading backscroll23:52
ckontrosLater guys. PM if needed.23:56
ScottLit will be interesting to see what the daily images are like before we change the seeds23:59
astraljavaScottL: True. :D23:59

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