
=== michael is now known as Guest41938
maruqhi guys08:19
maruqI've been playing with Upstart today, but having a little bit of fun trying to get it going08:20
maruqI'm running Canonical's Lucid AMI, on EC2. trying to write an Upstart job to start our workling client (basically a ruby script)08:21
maruqI think I have things right, as per docs & examples, when I start I get:08:22
maruq# initctl start livfe-workling08:23
maruqlivfe-workling start/running, process 223508:23
maruqI then get the status, and it's stopped08:23
maruqinitctl status livfe-workling08:23
maruqlivfe-workling stop/waiting08:23
maruqis there a log or soemthing I can check?08:23
maruqI found: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging, now debugging08:37
maruqokay, managed to get it running, but it seems to go through weird statuses08:57
maruqI'm seeing start/post-stop, then start/running, then stopped/waiting. is that normal?08:57
maruqokay, got it going. 09:11
maruqI had some pid clean-up to do, so the thing wasn't starting correctly.09:12
=== Guest41938 is now known as mbiebl

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