
exswhen i copy a text from eclipse the clipmanager doesnt register the new content in my clipboard00:10
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mister_mif i wanted to write a program to detect hardware info, would manually reading stuff in the /proc directory be a decent way to do it?05:10
einseenaiguys, how do i format usb drive?05:13
einseenaii tried right click but there's nothing05:13
Steristhow do i revert the bottom panel to non-macintosh style? (-_-)05:38
Soupermanitowhat do you mean?05:55
Soupermanitoyou installed awn?05:56
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Aeehowto write CD in xfburn it reboot away before write07:17
RenaKunisakithe machine reboots? o.O07:19
Aeexfburn don't looking CD07:24
Aeeit reboot xfburn looking CD07:24
Aeein desktop show CD-R but xfburn don't looking CD07:26
RenaKunisakirun it from a terminal and see what it says there07:26
Aeeterminal? why! I choose frome menu07:27
RenaKunisakiin the terminal you can see the messages that tell you what's wrong07:28
RenaKunisakialso if you ask in #ubuntu, someone there can probably help in your native language07:28
Aeeok try in07:28
RenaKunisakiin the application menu, accessories, terminal07:29
RenaKunisakia black window should appear07:29
Aeeblank CD-R ok looking07:31
RenaKunisakiin the terminal window type xfburn407:32
RenaKunisakitry to burn the CD again07:32
RenaKunisakiit should show messages to explain the problem07:32
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:32
RenaKunisakithat works too. I just figured if you go into #ubuntu and ask for help in any language, someone will probably respond given it has over 1000 users07:33
Aeeif DVD RW07:33
rwwRenaKunisaki: If you go into #ubuntu and ask for help in any language other than English, we give you that URL or throw the relevant language factoid at you ;)07:33
Aeewarning: Nodriver07:34
RenaKunisakiAee, copy all the messages and paste into http://pastebin.com07:34
Aeepastebin.com? what is it07:36
RenaKunisakia website where you can paste a lot of text, and then give the URL on IRC07:36
Aee(xfburn:4552): WARNING **: No drives were found! If this is in error, check the permissions07:39
Aee** Message: Using gstreamer transcoder.07:39
Aeeit web sing up I no want07:39
RenaKunisakithere's no signup o.O07:40
RenaKunisakioh well there is, but you don't need to07:40
RenaKunisakianyway there seems to be a problem with the permissions on your DVD drive. is another program using it?07:41
AeeIn DVD have old data07:42
RenaKunisakiOK, I don't know how to fix that, but try explaining the problem in #ubuntu and giving that URL. someone there should know.07:43
AeeI try reboot & run xfburn it looking DVD and write ISO file07:44
Aeewant no reboot to write DVD07:45
Aeethank for web07:46
RenaKunisakiyou're welcome07:46
RenaKunisakisorry I can't help any more07:46
AeeI bookmark your web pastbin07:47
Aeeone question07:48
Aeehowto chang xfce theme07:48
AeeI load axiom Xfce Theme from xfce-look.org07:49
Aeebut unknow install07:49
RenaKunisakiI think you can drag the file into the theme chooser window07:52
Aeeare tou have GUI07:54
Aeeare you have GUI?07:54
Aeeadd same gnome07:54
Aeeno hard08:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AEEhave forums for xubuntu community?08:45
knomeAEE, ubuntuforums.org is for all versions08:47
AEEoK thank08:49
AEEhey in xubuntu nothing bluetooth?09:33
starkidhello. does anyone know if it's possible to get libreoffice to use the system colors for it's scheme? I  have xubuntu 11.0409:46
starkidI mean theme, not scheme09:46
knomestarkid, afaik that's not possible, theming libre-/openoffice is hard/impossible09:46
starkidI was afraid of that.09:46
knomewe would have taken care of that if it was easy/doable :)09:47
knomeno problem09:47
exsmoin. i have problems with ctrl+c in eclipse. does anyone know i reason? clipmanager is already instaslled10:15
einseenaiguys, has someone experince the bug with "don't show this message again after nm get disconnected?10:17
drcexs: Is it only in eclipse that you are having this problem?10:20
exsdrc: yes10:24
exsdrc: iam using openjdk. could be this the reason?10:24
drcNo idea, I'd ask in #eclipse as it appears to be an eclipse specific problem.10:25
exsdrc: but i have this eclipse problem only at xfce10:25
Cube``hey guys, i just create a new user on my computer and logged in with him, the way the desktop looked was entirely different (theme-wise and it also had the apple-like shortcuts on the bottom of the screen). how can i reset my own account to get the default screen setup/decoration?10:32
knomeCube``, that is the default10:33
knomeCube``, old users are nor migrated, but if you create new users, they will get the new default10:34
Cube``knome: so however i customize my screen, new users will inherit that?10:35
Cube``no way10:35
drcCube``: And cross-posting is frowned upon10:35
Cube``drc: feel free to10:36
erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:51
Nor8Hi all.  Who can tell me, where i can get a cpu-frequency-applet for Xubuntu?15:28
ballNor8: Do you want to read your CPU frequency, or control it?15:29
Nor8 ball: control like in gnome, but without installing of gnome-applets if possible15:30
LarsThello partypeople :D15:33
Sysigovernor-plugin should be available15:33
LarsThelp ß15:34
LarsTneed help15:35
Sysiask a question and it may be ansvered15:35
LarsTi changed to xfce15:35
LarsTdo you know why15:35
Nor8Sysi: Ок, installed, but cant add it to panel.15:36
Sysibecasue it's awesome, propably15:36
LarsTquite right15:37
LarsTwell i will tell you15:37
LarsTit was 20 th march 2006, first use of linux... i luve it, ubuntu xx.xx. it was sunday night and i was bored15:37
LarsTi thought, gnome 2 is good ...15:38
LarsTbut then the day arrived, the horrible da<15:38
LarsTit was mai 2011, i heard, never ever gnome2 again15:38
LarsTi hate gnome 3 such shit15:38
Sysiso you're stuck in 2006, sad15:38
LarsTthen i heard, xfce15:39
LarsTand its good15:39
LarsTwas it an good idea15:39
LarsTfrom me15:39
Sysiless enter and swearing please15:39
LarsTi didnt know how to discribe gnome 3 and unity15:40
LarsTinstead of shit15:40
Sysiunity isn't much better than gnome2, i never liked that, gnome3 is pretty good if you only got one screen15:43
Sysii think most of opposing people say "oversized smartphone"15:44
ballWill Xubuntu stay more conventional (in terms of window manager) than Ubuntu?  There will be people who don't like Unity.15:48
Sysithere was, is, and will be people who don't like unity, xubuntu is more 90s15:50
Nor8May be, but its works better at moment than Ubuntu with unity15:50
Sysiyou can use 11.04 with classic-desktop for two years anyway15:50
charlie-tcaXubuntu will work with the Xfce developers, and at this time, will remain as is until Xfce 4.10.15:51
Nor8Well, we have broken compiz-emerald in 11.04 gnome classic.15:51
Nor8testing branch of compiz in stable relize wasnt so good idea15:52
charlie-tcaemerald is broken, in any enviroment. That is not gnome classic fault15:52
Sysiyou don't actually need emerald15:52
charlie-tcabug 726229 has a good version of emerald that works15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 726229 in emerald (Ubuntu) "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in decor_quads_to_property()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72622915:53
Nor8Im need in emerald15:53
charlie-tcaThen you should use the package attached to that bug report15:54
larstorbenn 15:54
Nor8already used from PPA.15:54
=== erebus is now known as Goliath
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.15:55
charlie-tcahelp | larstorbenn15:55
charlie-tca!help | larstorbenn15:56
ubottularstorbenn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:56
larstorbennshould i install if like xubuntu?15:56
larstorbennno i meant15:56
larstorbennshould i install xubuntu if like xubuntu15:56
charlie-tcalarstorbenn: only you can answer a question like that.15:56
ballThat's like saying "should I eat pie if I like pie?"  Yes, provided you're not allergic to the pie in question or have some other solid reason not to eat it.15:57
larstorbennno i meant15:57
larstorbenni like GNOME 2 ubuntu15:57
lightahi weird question larstorbenn I quite don't understand what's your issue here15:57
larstorbennbut should i install xubuntu15:57
ball(e.g. I'm an overweight middle-aged Englishman and should probably lay off the pies for a few days)15:57
ballMmmm... pie.15:57
lightahmm why not 2 session larstorbenn ?15:58
Sysilarstorbenn: you can use classic-desktop with 11.04 and if you want, test xubuntu-desktop along it15:58
balllarstorbenn: I recommend Piebuntu.15:58
larstorbenni think15:58
lightaa GNOME and Xu session ?15:58
larstorbennubuntu 11.10 wont have classical right ?15:58
Sysi11.04 will be supported for two years anyway15:59
larstorbenntwo years ???15:59
lightawhat's new on 11.10 ? what's the command again15:59
charlie-tcaSysi: 18 months only15:59
larstorbenn1 1/2 ... or 115:59
Sysicharlie-tca: oh15:59
Sysiwell, quite a time anyway15:59
charlie-tcaAll non-LTS versions are 18 months16:00
larstorbennso the question is16:00
larstorbennshould i change to xfce, 11.04 or 10.04. i normally like gnome 2, but xfce is also possible16:00
Sysiif you son't like unity or kde, xfce might be for you16:00
larstorbenni hate unity and gnome 316:01
larstorbennkde gnome 2 and xfce are possible too16:01
lightahey what's the package for cli autocompletion again, I mean like to complete filename in cmd ?16:04
charlie-tcalighta: /etc/bash_completion  ?16:06
charlie-tcalighta: or to enable it in /etc/bash.bashrc16:07
lightaok thx charlie-tca =)16:08
charlie-tcalarstorbenn: stop please.16:09
larstorbenncharlie-tca i report you16:09
charlie-tcaYou will be given help if you ask questions that need an answer16:09
larstorbennin the #ubuntu-ops16:09
larstorbenni already said it16:09
larstorbennshould i change to xfce, 11.04 or 10.04. i normally like gnome 2, but xfce is also possible16:09
Sysitry and see16:10
likemindeadYes. Xubuntu is excellent.16:10
charlie-tcaThat is a decision only you can decide. No one can tell you if you should change16:10
larstorbennthanks you16:10
likemindeadI'll be glad to tell you. ;-)16:10
Sysi11.04 has newer xfce than 10.04 has16:10
larstorbennthats no problem Sysi. i tested new xfce xubuntu 11.04 yesterday16:10
larstorbennin standard version it isnt quite good but i can modify it until it looks like old gnome 2 or old xfce 4.6.316:11
likemindeadThere's Lubuntu too. >> http://lubuntu.net/16:15
larstorbennlubuntu is really ...16:16
larstorbennits good16:16
larstorbennbut it is not my favrouite16:16
larstorbennit is an XFCE channel here, right ?16:17
larstorbennwhy do you try me to use the lxde lubuntu16:17
lightaI prefer pulse audio from xubuntu then alsa that was by default on lubuntu16:17
charlie-tcaThis is the Xubuntu support channel, that does not mean we do make suggestions for things that might work better for you16:19
larstorbennyes allright16:19
larstorbennbut WHY ?! on heavens hell should lxde work better16:19
larstorbennthere is no reason for it16:19
ballcharlie-tca: "does not mean we do" or "does not mean we do not"?16:19
larstorbennand then its not okay16:19
charlie-tcaball: We do16:20
charlie-tcaWe won't support other distros, but we do suggest things we think might work16:20
* ball nods16:20
ballThat sounds entirely reasonable to me.  It's not what you said though ;-)16:20
larstorbenncharlie-tca you didnt answered my question either16:20
larstorbenncharlie-tca you should tell me why xfce should not good for me16:20
charlie-tcaBecause it was not a valid xubuntu question16:21
larstorbenni look for an gnome 2 distro16:21
charlie-tcaIt is possible your equipment is not suitable for Xubuntu16:21
larstorbennwhich is similar to gnome 216:21
charlie-tcaIt is possible that you do not like the way Xubuntu works16:21
Sysixfce is not gnome2, you like if if it fits yur needs16:21
charlie-tcaIt is possible it is too complicated to make Xubuntu work for you16:21
larstorbennyes but if you read right16:21
larstorbenni look for an gnome 2 distro16:21
larstorbennwhich is similar to gnome 216:21
larstorbennand lxde isnt it16:21
charlie-tcaXubuntu is not a gnome distro16:21
larstorbennL O O K  !16:22
larstorbenni write: similar16:22
Sysiwhy would we know what is gnome like16:22
larstorbennbecause you are a support channel ?!?!?!?!?!?16:22
balllarstorbenn: Not a Gnome support channel though.16:23
ball(or the support channel for a Gnome distro)16:23
larstorbennyou can not tel me you never saw an gnome 2 distro16:23
balllarstorbenn: Why?  Some of us haven't used Gnome16:23
larstorbennyou definitly saw it on screenshots16:24
likemindeadYou every try Linux Mint, larstorbenn?16:24
balllarstorbenn: It's not reasonable to make assumptions about what other people have used.  I came to Xubuntu from NetBSD, where I ran Blackbox almost exclusively.16:24
larstorbennoh charlie-tca16:24
larstorbennwell then tell me you dont know16:24
larstorbennbut not tell such a shit16:24
charlie-tca!language | larstorbenn16:25
ubottularstorbenn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:25
ballBased on what I've seen recently, I think my users would find Xubuntu less alien than Ubuntu with either Unity or Gnome Shell.16:26
larstorbennyes its unity is really not good16:27
larstorbennit is very complicated16:27
larstorbenni can happen that some windows go onto the other desktop16:28
larstorbennand then i have to change the desktop and so on16:28
charlie-tcaI had not heard that before16:28
larstorbenncharlie-tca i dont either16:29
charlie-tcaI do know that Ubuntu still offers classic session on 11.0416:29
larstorbenni happens if i move some windows down and then if i want to maximize them per double click on the window border16:29
larstorbennthen it maximizes, but on the other desktop16:29
likemindeadcharlie-tca: That being GNOME 2.x, right?16:29
larstorbennbut i know how to change it16:30
charlie-tcawell, kind of gnome 2.x, anyway16:30
larstorbennif i resize the numbers of the desktops it doesbt happen again16:30
larstorbennthat is a possible choice twoo16:31
erebuswere new updates for ubuntu just release?16:32
larstorbenncharlie-tca i wasnt be so rude to you as one minutes ago16:32
larstorbennsorry i am only very sad because i look since 2 years really, for an distro environment and so on16:33
charlie-tcaThen you should try different ones, to find a good one for you.16:33
larstorbenni already tried16:33
charlie-tcaI tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Suse, Xubuntu to find one. That was in 200516:34
charlie-tcaI have used Xubuntu since 6.0616:34
larstorbennNumber 1: Gnome 2, Number 2: Unity (with only 1 desktops), Number 2: XFCE, Number 3: KDE ...16:34
likemindeadXubuntu is my homeboy.16:34
likemindeadI really think that Linux Mint might be a good fit for you, larstorbenn.16:35
larstorbenni hate mint16:35
larstorbennsuch a shi*16:35
charlie-tcaThat is still not okay language16:35
larstorbennok sorry16:35
larstorbennbut mint i really hate16:35
larstorbennbecause it is ubuntu, only a few tweaks16:36
charlie-tcaokay, then don't use it, but if no one asks, they won't know16:36
charlie-tcaI thought linux mint in not ubuntu anymore. It is now Debian based16:36
larstorbenni will try xubuntu 11.04 amd 64 for productive use16:36
larstorbennno charlie-tca16:36
charlie-tcawhich should be more like gnome again16:36
charlie-tcaoh, maybe it is gnome 3 now16:37
charlie-tcaVery nice work by all of you16:39
likemindeadLinux Mint has a Debian-based branch that is a rolling distro, but the "main" release is still Ubuntu-based.16:40
drccharlie-tca: IIRC Linux Mint Debian Edition is Debian (testing) based...Linux Mint 11RC is Ubuntu Based w/o unity....LM 13 (11.10) will come with GNOME316:40
charlie-tcahow confusing16:40
drcYup :)16:41
charlie-tcaThanks, drc16:41
likemindeadXubuntu FTW! "We're less confusing!(R)" ;-)16:42
likemindeadAny of you really like Gmusicbrowser? I've gone back to Exaile; it's just too good.16:42
drcWell, I <thin> I made an error...The upcoming release is based on 11.04 w/o unity and the next release (based on 11.10) with have gnome3...whatever the release numbers are16:42
charlie-tcalikemindead: anything in particular?16:43
drcLM is in (probable) process of moving everything BUT the Main Release to a rolling Debian (testing) system16:44
likemindeadI'm pretty OCD about my music collection. It's ~900 albums & growing. Gmusicbrowser goofed a lot of it up. It was slow & buggy.16:44
likemindeadExaile is smooth, simple, & works brilliantly for me.16:44
likemindeadIt's "the first music player/organizer I /don't/ hate!"16:45
likemindeadAs I saw someone say a while back. :D16:45
Sysii like rhythmbox and juk16:45
likemindeadBut, to each their own, of course. The beauty of GNU/Linux!16:45
Sysiit's actually fun how hard it is to find decent music player to windows16:46
drclikemindead: That's why there are so many distros..everyone with an idea just <has> to create their own distro :)16:46
Sysii end up with winamp, not perfect but good enough16:46
likemindeadI haven't used Windows in ~4 years, but when I did I used MediaMonkey & really dug it.16:47
erebushey do i run (jackd -d alsa &> /dev/null &) with sudo or not? I want to select jack in winecfg,16:47
erebushow do i install oss?18:54
likemindeadOffice of Secret Service?18:56
likemindeaderebus: Go to Synaptic Package Manager & look for oss.18:57
erebuslikemindead: which package to get?18:57
likemindeadWhat are you trying to do?18:57
erebuslikemindead: i want oss instead of alsa18:58
Sysii think oss isn't supported by modern kernels19:00
ysisHi, after the upgrade to natty I get a very non-informative status icon for Pidgin. Anyone sees the same and/or has an idea how to get the old icon back where one can also see the own status and incoming messages.19:10
drcFrom Wikipedia: OSS is the only audio API in Linux up through the 2.4 series of official (kernel.org) Linux kernels. ALSA was added starting with 2.5, and in those versions, Linux kernel authors marked OSS as deprecated. 4Front continued to develop OSS outside of the Linux kernel.19:10
kupferysis: there's a Themes tab in the Preferences window.  That might be where to fix it.19:15
ysiskupfer: I saw this, but there's only the default theme in the list. Just wondered why anyone would want to have an exclamation mark in a pink speech bubble which shows nothing... I'll look for some alternative theme19:16
lfformani installed xfce 4.8 today on top of my ubuntu 10.10 and would like to make globalmenu working, i searched on google but i could not make it work any one can give me some directions?20:17
Sysiinstall xfapplet and globalmenu and add those to panel20:18
lfformani did it but it does not show the menus20:19
Sysiyou know it won't work properly anyway? there's a bug in xfapplet that prevents it from expanding20:21
lfformani see!20:21
lfformanand there is another way to implement a menu like macintosh?20:22
Sysinot with xfce4-panel20:22
lfformanthank you very much20:23
lfformani can live without it20:23
roastedis software center in xubuntu by default?21:16
roastedIVe always installed ubuntu + xfce, not xubuntu entirely and it just got me wondering21:17
mister_mwhy would my laptop heat up a lot when I close the lid?21:19
Sysibecause it can't cool off from keyboard properly21:20
drcmister_m: Probably because it's designed to also vent the heat thru the keyboard21:21
mister_mdrc, that is pretty :(21:22
drcmister_m:  Pretty?21:25
mister_mpretty + a sad face21:26
zoom738Can somebody help me to get my wireless working? I used ndiswrapper to install the driver, but the wireless networks still don't show up.22:04
nit-witare you using a usb antennae or a card and what is the specifics22:06
zoom738a card. It is a Broadcom wireless LAN card, and it is in an old Compaq Pressario R30022:07
nit-witahh the lovely broadcom I can do is look on google mainly it seemed that info might be pertnant.;)22:08
zoom738;-)once, on a previous installation with wubi, the driver showed up in the additional drivers.22:10
zoom738i'm not using wubi now though22:10
nit-witdo you remember if it was a generic that worked?22:11
zoom738I used this to get the driver installed22:14
nit-witdo you know the exact card?.  I thought there was a ubuntu wiki page on broadcom but can't find it.22:17
zoom738let me check the card22:17
zoom738BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller22:18
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:18
nit-witthe bot always knows.;)22:19
nit-witor drc or another helper.;)22:20
zoom738Supported models include: BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4313, BCM4321, BCM4322, BCM43224, BCM43225, **BCM43227, **BCM43228  but I have BCM430622:22
zoom738i'll try what it says anyway22:23
nit-witBCM4306 is on that page22:28
nit-wityou running natty22:29
nit-witscoll down and see this.....On Ubuntu 11.04 installing the 'firmware-b43-installer' package takes care of the downloading and installation of the b43 driver.22:30
zoom738oh ok22:30
nit-witnot sure here just looking at the page.22:30
nit-witI'm lucky all my stuff works no additinals.22:31
nit-witit's a burden I live with lol.;)22:31
zoom738I have that package22:31
nit-witI figured so that is as close as I can get really good luck, the ubuntu channel might help as well,22:32
zoom738i'll read that wiki page22:33
nit-witcool.........the ubuntu channel has 1600 people showing that is about average, many sleeping or just on all the time.22:34
zoom738that's a lot22:40
zoom738do I have to restart my computer?22:41
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