
nhaineshiatus: I'm sorry you're frustrated.  I know how annoying it can be to use your computer but not have it respond the way you need it to.00:01
nhainesChoosing "Ubuntu Classic" from GDM will reenable the classic GNOME Panel interface on Ubuntu 11.04.  This setting should stay until you change it again.00:02
nhaineshiatus1: I'm sorry you're frustrated.  I know how annoying it can be to use your computer but not have it respond the way you need it to.00:17
nhainesChoosing "Ubuntu Classic" from GDM will reenable the classic GNOME Panel interface on Ubuntu 11.04.  This setting should stay until you change it again.00:17
hiatus1man, no, I do man. I do00:17
hiatus1I freaked out when I checked out gnome 3 and it had all the things I hated about unity in it00:18
nhainesAnd thank you for using Unity and sharing your thoughts on it here with us.00:18
nhainesYes, GNOME Shell has a lot of the same design philosophy.00:20
hiatus1see, the thing is. I used to set up gnome to look similarly to unity.  if I could turn the ubuntu icon into a regular main menu. put the file, edit, etc. right after that. And following the file, edit stuff put the windows list. I would be happy.00:21
hiatus1or at least have a windows selector in the unity panel and keep all the application menu options in the top taskbar00:21
nhainesThere is a global application menu you can add to the GNOME Panels.00:22
nhainesThat used to be the default but there was a lot of negative feedback that most users wanted "Ubuntu Classic" to emulate Ubuntu 10.10 as closely as possible, so that was reverted.00:22
BoardinaryThe only beef I have with unity is that the workspace switcher should combine expo and scale together.00:23
hiatus1I never actually use workplace switcher00:23
nhainesBoardinary: It's very useful but it doesn't scale with tons of windows.00:23
Boardinarynhaines, I agree, but that is why we have 4 desktops00:23
nhaines(That is, it's very useful if you're using a couple windows per app at the most, but perhaps less useful as that increases.)00:23
BoardinaryI guess, your argument still applies to the current workspace switcher00:24
nhainesAs I recall, clicking a launcher icon will expose all windows across all desktops.00:25
hiatus1i really hate searching for my apps though. it just wastes so much time. I mean, could you imagine how much more ineffectual it would be to type all your apps in on your cellphone? this is a throwback from the 80's that needs to be killed00:25
hiatus1I mean, if I'm typing everything in anyway, why not just use the terminal?00:25
Boardinaryhiatus1, you only need to type the first couple of lettters usually00:26
nhaineshiatus1: you just have to type enough to get a unique match.00:26
nhainesAnd sometimes not even that.  I've found (to my surprise) that I can launch things faster than before.00:26
Boardinaryhiatus1, you can usually do it one handed00:26
Boardinaryit absolutely is faster if you know what you want.  If you don't know what you want, it is slower - that is an area where unity can improve00:27
nhainesDrove me crazy the first three days though.  :)00:27
ubot5Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:28
hiatus1I am not going to type in even the beginning of every application I want. Gnome Do (or was it gnome go) had this same feature, and it was cool for some, but most did not use it00:28
Boardinarynhaines, the single application expo does not really encourage the workspace concept as well as the expo + scale00:28
hiatus1windows 7, has a way to search for applications, but only by typing in a few keys. No one uses it. Mac osx as well, as a way of searching for applications. No one uses it.00:29
nhaineshiatus1: the intended use case in Unity is that you pin your most common apps to the launcher and search for the rest.00:29
hiatus1that only works for people who use a few applications. I develop games. Do you realize how much software I use?00:29
hiatus1amongst game engines, 3d applications, paint programs, amongst my browsers, media players, and everything else. I would just have a billion pinned applications00:30
nhainesSo I would recommend a desktop manager/shell that is optimized for that type of workflow.00:31
hiatus1and games is a big deal, You realize how many games people play? Your killing my market to want to develop games for ubuntu because people will not have easy access to them00:31
hiatus1your shell kills my market00:31
Boardinarynhaines, the single application scale* does not really encourage the workspace concept as well as the expo + scale00:31
nhaineshiatus1: That's not what the shell is for.00:32
nhainesBoardinary: thank you, I read it the first time.00:32
Boardinarynhaines, I was just correcting my typo00:32
nhainesah, okay.  I didn't want you to think I was ignoring.  :)00:32
hiatus1yeah, I noticed that00:32
nhaineshiatus1: so that's okay.  Unity will continue to improve but if it's that big a source of pain, you should use Ubuntu Classic (or another desktop environment) and optimize the settings to what you're doing.00:33
nhainesMaybe Unity will work better for your situation in 11.10 or 12.04, or maybe not.  But you obviously shouldn't use something that breaks your workflow.00:33
hiatus1yeah, I tried, but I couldn't take it anymore. Unity got way too in the way. Just switching for application to application was a pain in the neck00:34
Boardinaryhiatus1, do you have a mouse with lots of buttons?  I really recommend it.  You can then assign scale and expo to dedicated mouse buttons.00:35
hiatus1eh, I don't like my mouse really. I need to get a new one... sensitivity is great. but I turn my extra buttons off because I keep bumping into them with my thumb00:36
Boardinaryhiatus1, I have the logitech mx 1100 and I highly recommend it.00:37
hiatus1but, thats another issue. Things like the searchbar are going to great a huge amount of problems for third party applications and game developers00:37
hiatus1we do not have much of a presence in the unity shell. I develop for mainly cellphones, but I was working on a multi platform game using unreal and blender and I really dont think there will be much presence for installable games in unity00:39
hiatus1I mean, the whole workspace is assuming you are only launching a few favorite applications. while most steam users have a multiple of games that they keep installed. Do you expect everyone to pin every game they play?00:42
Boardinaryhiatus, it takes less time to hit super+ca to get a came like call of duty to show up00:43
BoardinaryI know with gnome 2, I had to go to applications, wine, programs, game publisher, call of duty00:44
nhainesWith Unity, it'd be <Super> "C-A-L-L"00:45
hiatus1hotkeys are only for neckbeards, surem they are easier. but casual users do not use them00:45
nhainesAlthough I actually just launch Steam and pick the game I want from there, usually.00:45
Boardinarynot even, might even be ca and it will show up00:45
nhainesBoardinary: calculator?  :)00:45
Boardinaryyeah but you will see call of duty next to it00:45
hiatus1i mean, if hotkeys were so simple to use. Everyone would be using emacs00:45
nhainesOne might also argue that no one could turn on their computer because it requires a dedicated button.00:46
Boardinaryemacs is not simple to use, pressing super plus the first letter of a program is00:47
hiatus1I know, I used emacs before. Took me awhile to figure out that Super pressed down, and super pressed up are two different things00:47
hiatus1no, this just reminds me of eben moglens speech about how he hated the apple lisa when he reviewed it for ibm. He hated it because it was point and grunt and said that it was a tragedy and the end of language but he also said that that was a losing argument. that people liked the "point and grunt" interface and unity seems a step backwards from that00:49
hiatus1well, anyway. if you type in "torrent" you dont get anything in unity. seems like a bug00:50
Boardinaryyeah, gotta type bit00:51
nhaineshiatus1: it probably is.  File a bug against Transmission and perhaps the package description can be updated.00:51
BoardinaryI also think that there needs to be some kind of indicator manager00:52
nhainesYeah, that's not very well-defined at the moment.00:54
hiatus1I will later, I'm working on something at the moment00:54
Boardinarythe thing I love about the new panel is that the icons don't rearrange at will when changing resolutions00:54
nhaineshiatus1: it was not a real-time request.  If you can do so later when you're free it would be a big help.00:54
nhainesBoardinary: isn't that great?  :)  It's fixed in GNOME 3.0, too.00:55
Boardinarynhaines, i really am shocked and appalled that it took so long to fix that bug.  It was so glaring.00:56
nhainesBoardinary: it might've been more complicated under the surface than it appeared.  I know it certainly got better before it was fixed.00:56
Boardinarynhaines, it was one of those OCD triggers everytime I would log in :)00:57
nhaineshaha :)00:57
hiatus1yeah, rearranging panel icons was very annoying00:57
BoardinaryI was reading in /r/linux that mutter may have better performance than compiz.  Is that the case now?  I know it wasn't last cycle.00:58
hiatus1lmao, my one musician tried to make normal music. and it ended up sounding like metroid00:59
nhainesThat I don't know.  I know it certainly wasn't the case last cycle either.00:59
hiatus1props to her using lmms though00:59
BoardinaryThere is a lot of unity hate in /r/linux so I don't know how objective it is when it comes to gnome 3 vs unity01:00
hiatus1i dunno, I checked out gnome 301:01
hiatus1it had everything I hated about unity. sooo...01:02
Boardinarynhaines, do you know anything about Udev-notify and if it will be inplemented into 11.10?01:03
Omegahiatus1: When you go on your rants, at least try to be somewhat constructive.01:03
OmegaAnd as for your musician friend: #ubuntu-offtopic01:04
hiatus1i try, i try. I am not always successful, but I try.01:04
hiatus1god forbid my off topic comments get in the way of all this conversation ^.^01:33
didrocksgood morning07:30
oSoMoNgood morning08:04
didrockssalut oSoMoN08:04
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:04
apwdoes anyone know if i can turn off the F10 behaviour in global menus.  seems to have bound itself to both F10 and End after a keyboard reconfigure, and i have no End now08:40
didrocksapw: ccsm -> unity plugin -> Key to open the first panel menu08:42
apwdidrocks, thanks08:42
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hichamgood morning09:54
hichamhi njpatel10:05
zniavregood morning10:27
zniavrewith appmenu (the globalmenu thingy) gksu appas are not allowed , there is a way to use this menu with gksu apps please?10:28
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andyrockhi! :) this my new nickname (Andrea Azzarone)13:48
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hichamdidrocks: no luck on #compiz-dev either15:04
kenvandineCimi, is the theme engine ready to be packaged? i would love to get started on that soon16:00
Cimikenvandine: yes16:03
Cimikenvandine: though I won't make release and I won't follow branch/reviews thing16:03
Cimineither update readme16:03
kenvandinebut it is  a start :)16:04
kenvandinejust point me at a branch16:04
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Cimikenvandine: lp:unico16:09
dinthcould somebody explain to me, why indicator-application requires appindicator at ./configure stage when compiling ?17:05
dinthisnt appindicator same thing ?17:05
dinthcould somebody tell me if appindicator and indicator-application are same thing or not, please ?17:19
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Cimijjardon: could you mark this branch as abandoned? https://code.launchpad.net/~jjardon/ayatana-scrollbar/fix-72412 to clean up the stuff here :)18:29
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smoseri'm wondering what package/project i should add as "also affects" for the root issue of bug 78405518:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 784055 in System Load Indicator "compiz CPU usage increases 0->4% when running indicator-multiload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78405518:40
rickspencer3hey guys, if I wanted to stop Unity from "recording" for a while, could I just set the mru file and the zeitgeist database to readonly or something?18:44
rickspencer3I'm picturing an indicator that lets me toggle tracking on and off18:45
smoseri'm guessing it should be libindicator or indicator-applet18:48
jcastrorickspencer3: this is the best you can do afaict (unfortunately): http://askubuntu.com/questions/21417/temporarily-stopping-zeitgeist/21448#2144819:53
jcastroit would be nice to have a desktop-wide "privacy mode" though, like we do for browsers19:53
rickspencer3jcastro, I think I could just set the mode of hte file to read only20:06
rickspencer3I'll try it after my break20:06
LLStarksany good themes i can use on oneiric until murrine or clearlooks is ported to gtk3?21:16
davidcalleLLStarks, Adwaita?21:21
davidcalleLLStarks, I've just posted this on the Oneiric+1 forum : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10828712&postcount=1521:21
LLStarksdavidcalle, no adwaita wm21:31
LLStarksbut works good enough i guess21:32
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HoomanAnyone noticed hitting shortcuts that use the windows key too fast loads the launcher?21:40
HoomanE.g., I use Windows+Arrow keys to move between desktops and this loads the launcher after let go of the keys21:40
Hoomanunless I hold them for a few seconds21:41
vishmaco: it was a MarkDecision™  ;)22:18
macomagnifying glass != generic symbol for application22:19
macoi thought it was going to open either compiz ezoom or gnome-mag22:19
vishmaco: i guess it was one of those "best among the options we had" kinda thing22:20
jjardonCimi: done23:06
Cimijjardon: thx! goodnight23:06

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