
=== medberry is now known as med_out
jammorning all09:10
pooliehi jam!09:23
pooliewant to dial in?09:23
* bialix waves09:23
mgzjelmer, spiv: bug 597686 was the one I was talking about at breakfast09:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 597686 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: [Error 145] The directory is not empty: u'C:/Users/exarkun/twistedbot/windows7-64-py2.6-select/Twisted/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-7/words'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59768609:32
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
pooliejam: you need ":multiuser on" and ":addacl jriddell" i think09:36
poolieif they fail, i think root needs to allow the change09:36
jamRiddell: "screen -x jameinel/"09:47
pooliejam do you know what's up with https://answers.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+question/8061212:16
jampoolie: I posted an info request. I don't specifically know on that part.12:18
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jamRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/2.4-update-basis-by-delta-781168/+merge/6123212:35
spivmgz: fwiw I've pushed those experimental transform.py tweaks to lp:~spiv/bzr/treetransform-robustness-59768613:48
mgzspiv: lp:~gz/bzr/treetransform_create_file_interrupt_597686 has the tests in their current state14:23
spivbialix: haha, nice answer :)14:23
bialixI know somebody from canonical did the same trick in the past14:23
bialixspiv: the comments for that question is very funny too14:25
=== med_out is now known as medberry
apwi presume if i see _th14:49
apwi presume if i see _this_, things are very very bad: bzr: ERROR: The file id "x_Matt_Zimmerman_<matt.zimmerman@canonical.com>_Sun_Mar_13_00:51:19_2005_1366.3" is not present in the tree <bzrlib.inventory.CHKInventory object at 0x3bf07d0>.14:49
james_wit depends what you are doing14:52
etenilHi there15:56
etenilI'm trying to use the bzrlib with python, but I don't know where to start (the auto-documentation isn't that descriptive). What I want to do is just read the revision log of a repository. Could someone help?15:57
spivetenil: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/integration.html15:58
eteniloh I didn't find this15:59
spivetenil: (and other docs in http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/, like http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/overview.html, will probably help)15:59
etenilawesome, it's exactly what I looked for16:00
etenilthanks a lot spiv16:00
spivetenil: you're welcome :)16:07
spivRiddell: we don't use Fix Committed for bzr bugs: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/bug-handling.html#bug-status16:22
spivpoolie: added to http://webnumbr.com/profile?name=https%3A%2F%2Flaunchpad.net%2F~spiv16:28
spivpoolie: http://webnumbr.com/.join%28launchpad-oops-bugs.all,launchpad-timeout-bugs.all,launchpad-critical-bugs.all%2916:31
maxbjames_w: I'd like to ask you a question about something odd the UDD importer does, when you have some time?17:07
james_wmaxb, I can talk now if you like17:08
maxbSpecifically, I'm confused about why the importer uses the method it does for plucking out the upstream branch17:08
maxbThis is in import_package.py extract_upstream_branch17:08
maxbWhat it does, is to examine all the upstream-* tags, and pick the revision with the highest revision timestamp17:09
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
maxbThis has been causing me problems because of an import where the highest timestamp is not actually the highest debian version17:10
james_wso it should just use highest debian version?17:10
maxbThat is one option17:10
maxbThe existing code in bzr-builddeb uses two different algorithms in different places17:11
maxbmerge-package, import-dsc and merge-upstream look at the changelog in the branch, take the upstream version from that, and find the appropriate upstream-<version> tag17:11
maxbimport-upstream reviews all upstream-* tags and picks the one with the highest debian version17:11
maxbI was wondering if you had any insight on how the importer came to be using a third, different algorithm17:12
james_wI think it was actually the first alogrithm :-)17:16
james_wbut I don't really know why there are three versions17:16
maxbIt looks like you introduced the algorithm in udd r36, replacing the old algorithm based on find_changelog17:17
* jelmer 's ignorance is probably the cause of one of the extra versions17:17
maxbIronically, the fix I've developed for the problem I'm having is effectively reverting back to the find_changelog algorithm17:17
maxb"Hopefully fix the problems with resurrecting the upstream branches.17:17
maxbis what you said back in 2009 :-)17:18
james_wyeah, now I wish I had been more specific17:18
maxbHm. This poses a problem, because the current algorithm is definitely broken for my current pet testcase17:21
maxbWhereas the other algorithm was presumably broken for something in the past17:22
spivThinking of webnumbrs: http://webnumbr.com/.join%28bzr-active-reviews,bzr-pqm-queue-length,bzr-merged-reviews.derivative%2917:28
etenilThe example on how to get a revision doesn't work here: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/integration.html17:30
etenilIt complains that the module repository doesn't contain any "get_revision" function17:31
etenilmmh, maybe I don't understand well17:36
etenillet's say I have a done a bzr branch <some_repo> /tmp/branch/17:36
etenilthen should I consider /tmp/branch as a repository in itself?17:37
etenilhum, that did it17:39
etenilnot as simple as expected17:40
etenilok so the example at http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/integration.html is indeed incorrect and should read as http://dpaste.com/543458/17:49
etenilhttp://dpaste.com/543461/ wrong paste :(17:49
etenildunno who I should contact to correct it17:50
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
Riddellmgz: voila https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/qbzr/778012-user-error-handling/+merge/6128919:06
jametenil: actually, the way it is written is correct, but assumes you already have a Branch object named "branch".19:06
=== medberry is now known as med_out
maxbjames_w: I have an udd importer branch with 1 approve review. What are the next steps? (This change is separate to what I was asking about a few hours ago)19:15
james_wyou can go ahead and merge it19:15
james_wthen someone on the bzr team can help you get it deployed19:15
maxbjames_w: I'm not an ~udd member - jelmer is, but wasn't clear on whether it was OK to land without an OK on deploying it from someone19:17
james_wyeah, I think you can go ahead19:17
maxbAlright, so then I just have to ask around for a ~canonical-bazaar member who is confident in deploying the change themselves?19:18
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
james_wmaxb, yeah19:26
acrawfordHi all, I've set up a no-trees shared remote repository -nested style-19:55
acrawfordI branched it, checked it out19:55
acrawfordto my local machine,  added source19:56
acrawfordwhat is the preferred method to publish /auto mirror /push a copy of the working tree to a directory19:57
acrawford? like /var/www/site?19:57
acrawfordI tried export but the dir is empty19:57
acrawfordI am trying to automirror the shared remote repository (which has no working tree))19:59
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=== med_out is now known as medberry
awilkinsDo branches that contain a debian/ folder need a packaging recipe?20:50
meoblast001hm.. i think i answered my question by relooking at a directory string23:38

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