
Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/71977/00:04
DarkwingDuckRiddell: You know it's funny... Because while there are a few trials with Linux I have had a helluva time with windows on my mothers laptop. There was no drivers dick for it and it took me close to 30 hours to download and install the drivers *just* to get it to work. So, I guess it's a matter of perspective.00:18
DarkwingDuckRiddell: RE to that intereting email00:18
RiddellDarkwingDuck: Juan.A.Soler @team.telstra.com  if you want to send the guy a reply :)00:20
DarkwingDuckI just might.00:21
DarkwingDuckBecause side by side with each installer disk Linux is MUCH more out of the box user friendly00:21
=== jjesse__ is now known as jjesse
ScottKapachelogger: ?02:27
c2tarunI got this error while running cmake. http://paste.kde.org/72019/ can anyone please tell me name of the packages required?02:52
JontheEchidnathat's not a failure03:21
JontheEchidnaif it's failing, the relevant info is elsewhere03:21
DarkwingDuckHey guys03:33
ScottKapachelogger: Reading the packagers list you should be explaining to the kdegames people about phonon.04:10
DarkwingDuck                                                                                                                                                    04:37
DarkwingDuck 04:37
DarkwingDuckWow, kids again.04:39
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Is there a GUI frontend for meinproc4?05:29
tazzDarkwingDuck: why would you need that?05:36
DarkwingDucktazz: for another project where the people involved are not CLI savvy at all.05:37
tazzDarkwingDuck: iirc all i use meinproc4 is like "meinproc4 index.docbook"05:38
DarkwingDuckYeah, I was looking at that.05:38
tazzi dont remember ever using meinproc for anything else.05:38
DarkwingDuckShouldn't be hard to write a Qt or Python interface for it.05:38
tazzDarkwingDuck: yes it should not be hard. 05:39
DarkwingDuckActually, it would make a good first project for me. :)05:39
tazzi think thats why no one has created a gui for it. Maybe because its not needed.05:40
DarkwingDuckYeah, i know it's not needed for mainstream but, this project... yeah...05:40
DarkwingDuckI might take it a couple steps further.05:42
DarkwingDuckI might incorperate HTML2DocBook with it too05:42
eMylleryofel_: ping06:17
eMyllerwell, i've got some info about the kded-dbus-networking craziness06:19
eMyllera workaround, actually. maybe this could be helpful for finding a solution, too.06:20
* eMyller finally has his natty usable06:20
eMyllersad it has to be tricky.06:20
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
steveireScottK: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.core/7007210:19
dpmhi agateau, Riddell, is any of you guys going to the Qt Contributors Summit (http://is.gd/jwq3Pn)?10:21
Riddellnot me10:21
agateaudpm: I asked to go, haven't received Nokia answer yet10:22
dpmagateau, ok, Adam Weinrich, the Nokia guy at UDS was asking who was coming, so I'll let him know you've applied10:22
dpmlet me ask Kaleo too10:23
agateaudpm: ok, thanks10:23
dpmno worries :)10:23
padamsmoin moin10:37
padamsapachelogger: ping10:39
didrocksdpm: I'll maybe come as well10:58
dpmhey didrocks, I didn't even know you were on this channel :) Ok, let me send you an e-mail as well10:59
dpmthanks for the heads up!11:02
didrocksdpm: thanks for managing this :)11:02
dpmno worries :)11:02
dpmis anyone else from the Kubuntu/Qt community attending the Summit?11:03
jussiwhich summit ?11:07
jussidpm: ^^11:07
dpmjussi, [11:21] <dpm> hi agateau, Riddell, is any of you guys going to the Qt Contributors Summit (http://is.gd/jwq3Pn)?11:08
jussidpm: Im not, but I do know the Qt guy who was at UDS, ddenis, is going. 11:08
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: khc11:14
apacheloggerpadams: pong11:14
apacheloggerScottK: why is that?11:15
padamsapachelogger: hey, got the debugging output from kded4 when disconnecting from the VPn causes 100% cpu use... what do you want me to do with it?11:16
apacheloggerScottK: and my blueprints complaint was bogus ... it should have been blueprints on kubuntu-devel are the suck11:16
apachelogger(i.e. blueprints for which kubuntu members is assignee or something)11:16
apacheloggerpadams: paste or send it to apachelogger@ubuntu.com11:16
padamsalrighty - will mail it11:18
padamsapachelogger: ok - coming at you. this log starts with me invoking kded4 from the cli and ends with it eating cpu when i disconnected from the VPN11:21
apacheloggernot much usefulness11:22
padamsthat's what i figured11:22
apacheloggerperhaps we'll need callgrind or cachegrind to help11:22
* apachelogger is pretty sure applying either on kded4 will not work by default thanks to runtime library loading etc.11:23
didrocksI'm quite lost in process as there is not anymore ninja team. What's the workflow/process to update something in the stack nowdays? (for instance, let's see I want to give an itch at qtcreator)11:24
apacheloggersure there are ninjas11:25
didrocksoh, I was thinking it was not the case anymore, maybe reading blog post too late isn't a good idea :)11:25
didrocksbut for instance, for qt/qtcreator, does that follow the same policy (as it doesn't follow the same schedule than kde)11:26
apacheloggerdidrocks: there is no policy behind ninjas, except that coherent products are released as such to the archive :P11:26
apacheloggerdidrocks: anyhow, just check if the package has a packaging branch for kubuntu-packagers, use that if there is one11:27
didrocksapachelogger: is there a wiki page to declare I'm working on <component> ?11:27
didrocksok, nice, let me see :)11:27
apacheloggerotherwise completely normal11:27
didrocksapachelogger: thanks, let me have a look11:27
apacheloggerdidrocks: components that tend to have plenty of people work on them have packaging branches for exactly that reason :)11:27
* apachelogger thinks creator doesn't have one11:28
apacheloggerso.... we have todo for accessibility, community, council, defaults, documentation, filesharing 11:28
apacheloggermeh, installer next :S11:28
didrocksapachelogger: yeah, as we do for ubuntu-desktop :)11:29
didrocksapachelogger: so, confirmed, nothing for creator, let me do a traditional update then11:29
apacheloggermaco, afiestas: would one of you maybe like to write a todo for/from the kubuntu installer session?11:31
apacheloggerdidrocks: are you fixing jono's designer-no-starting bug? ^^11:46
didrocksapachelogger: I didn't see that bug, can you pastebin the discussion?11:46
apacheloggeroh, he posted it somewhere on identi.ca11:47
didrocks(is it the grey "design" icon?)11:47
didrockslet me look, I'm not a twitter/identica addict :)11:47
apacheloggerI believe it just didn't want to start11:47
apacheloggerdidrocks: http://identi.ca/notice/7358087511:48
* apachelogger just came to experience that jono is quite the replymaster on identi.ca ^^11:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 752713 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "Can't access Qt creator design mode" [Undecided,New]11:49
didrocksjust found it :)11:49
didrocksapachelogger: right, I found it on page 3… only in one day :)11:49
didrockslet me dive into the issue, i was thinking it was disable for 2.1 and enabled in 2.211:50
* apachelogger finishes compiling the mobile todo from uds \\o/11:50
apacheloggerdidrocks: depends on the kind of designer11:50
apacheloggerthe qml designer was disabled for 2.1 most definitely11:50
didrocksI think Jono is speaking about the qml one11:51
didrocksif you are in a qml project, I think that qml designer should be trigger, if you are in a qt project, qt designer should be, isn't it?11:52
apacheloggerdepends on the file that current has focus11:52
apacheloggeris it a qt ui file then qt designer kicks in, is it qml you get the qml code and the option to switch into the designer11:53
didrocksok, so s/project/file11:53
apacheloggerone can have projects with both :P11:53
didrocksok, I'll have a look :)11:53
apacheloggerdidrocks: could you work more often on qt/kde stuff, I fear I might get lonely with Riddell around in the mornings ^^11:58
apacheloggeroh, groovy, lightdm session has action items \o/11:59
didrocksapachelogger: right, that's why I stepped up on this :)12:01
didrocksapachelogger: I'll try Qt first, one step after another ;)12:01
didrockshence my question about policy/process if any :p12:01
apacheloggerawesome :D12:02
didrocksapachelogger: btw, I remember some years ago about awesome graphics of packages and dependencies for Qt/KDE in the wiki, are they still around?12:05
didrocksexcellent thanks!12:06
apacheloggerthen again, that ninjas page holds all the stuff worth documenting (like kde l10n building and whatnot)12:06
didrocksnothing similar for Qt?12:06
didrocksyeah, I'll give them a look again :)12:06
apacheloggerdidrocks: no, but feel free to create one ;)12:06
* apachelogger imagines getting the scope right for Qt might be a problem...12:07
apacheloggerthen again with Qt 5's modularization we'll need one for sure12:07
didrocksyeah, maybe best to wait for the Qt5 reorganization, seems it's getting slowly in shape :)12:07
apachelogger<----------------------------------------- Blame Harald for leaking KDnity screenshots -- blame Jussi for making them.12:09
apacheloggerQuintasan_: might I just say.... jussi leaked them before me!12:10
apacheloggeronly he did it to the wrong target audience (twitter)12:10
apacheloggerwho want's to write a todo for ballmer's peak?12:14
apacheloggerIMHO we should have some action items to prepare for next UDS12:14
apacheloggeractually valuable research output this time around seems rather low12:15
apacheloggerMartyn's idea of asking random not-so-trivial programming questions seemed jolly useful12:15
jussiapachelogger: would it not be more awesome to ask people to write something useful and then we can see which one codes the most awesome stuff? :D12:16
apacheloggerawesome != good programming12:17
apacheloggere.g. plasma :P12:17
apacheloggerjust kidding12:17
apacheloggerjussi: the thing is... if you have short but tricky programming questions the time it takes you to think up a sane solution is a good indication about proximity to ballmer's peak12:18
jussifair point12:19
apacheloggerI think what we should at least find out next time is: does ballmer's peak actually relate to the amount of alcohol in the blood, or rather the amount in relation with something else12:20
apacheloggerjussi: btw, do you happen to know what the tags at the beginning of the etherpad pages are for?12:20
jussiapachelogger: so you can see all of the etherpads by group. dont ask me how though12:21
apacheloggerIMHO someone shoudl hack into etherpad and make it more integrated12:23
jussiapachelogger: they hack lots already... :P 12:26
apacheloggerjussi: where does one report bugs? ^^12:26
apacheloggerwe still have todos postponed from karmic :O12:28
apacheloggerand one of them is even sorta related to me12:28
jussiapachelogger: get on it!!!! :D12:29
jussibtw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Xwta_XIJo&feature=player_embedded12:29
apacheloggerthere was some tricky stuff involved12:30
apacheloggercan't remember what exactly was stopping the show12:30
apacheloggersomething with the existing implementation not being cross-desktopy or something12:30
* apachelogger thinks zenity and kdialog should merge into one thing with multiple faces12:31
apacheloggerjussi: do you know whether sunday is claimable btw?12:33
jussiapachelogger: not sure - they said 3 days were claimable - 2 for us as Riddell paid that one day. 12:33
apacheloggermaybe tuesday12:33
* apachelogger writes mail to marianna12:34
apacheloggerjussi: do we have a python minion at hand?12:43
jussiapachelogger: dont think so12:44
apacheloggerrgreening: maybe you have time? :)12:44
apacheloggerthere were times when you just needed to say python in here and people were jumping at you12:45
jussiapachelogger: you are a attitude influencer, and your hate of python has driven many of them away. 12:47
apacheloggerI am not saying it is a bad thing :P12:48
apacheloggerjust pointing it out12:48
apacheloggeroh amichair!12:48
apacheloggeramichair: pling pling12:48
apacheloggeramichair: mvo would like ot have https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/software-properties/dbusworker for oneiric, but there are still plenty of todos ... basically it is just creating a dbus interface for polkit usage so that software-properties does not need to be run as root12:49
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: ping12:51
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: do you have a pyth0rn minion possibly?12:51
QuintasanDroidhmmm, I'll ask Matheww later12:52
QuintasanDroidhe expressed intrest in fixing printer magic12:52
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: what was the name of the tablet for 100€€€€€€€€€€12:53
Tm_Tagateau: have I told already how much I love you?12:53
QuintasanDroidwith monochromatic display12:53
agateauTm_T: I don't think so :)12:53
Tm_Tagateau: plasma-widget-menubar rocks, I12:53
Tm_TI've been missing that kind of functionality for some time now12:54
apachelogger!info kde-config-grub212:55
ubottukde-config-grub2 (source: kcm-grub2): Configuration module for the GRUB2 bootloader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 37 kB, installed size 236 kB12:55
QuintasanDroidwe dont want it by defauly, do we?12:56
dpmhey Kubuntu people, we're testing language packs, and it seems most of the teams are testing the Ubuntu but not the Kubuntu ones. Would anyone be up for testing Kubuntu translations and leave feedback as per the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA ?13:04
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid ^13:05
apacheloggerneversfelde ^13:05
macoapachelogger: yeah i told scott i'd do it. just havent yet13:46
didrocksapachelogger: FYI, fabo has an updated qtcreator package, I'll just resync it tomorrow14:01
keffie_jayxhello all, I checked some of the sessions for UDS and I must say, you guys rock :)14:05
keffie_jayxI wanna help out some more with the documentation on the wiki this cycle and probable help out with testing and packaging a bit14:06
jjessekeffie_jayx you need to talk to DarkwingDuck as he heads up the documentation14:06
keffie_jayxjjesse: well I have checked out the sessions results and actions, I am unsure if there is a particular mailing list though14:08
* keffie_jayx checks14:08
apacheloggerrbelem, jussi, Quintasan_, ScottK, afiestas: I just asked marianna about per diem ... if you had lunch and/or dinner on sunday you are entitled to claim th per diem for both ... if you did *not* attend the linaro showcase you can claim tuesday dinner ... those who did not join riddell on wednesday for dinner are entitled to claim per diem for that ... everyone is entiteled to claim dinner per diem for thursday (unless someone from 14:08
apacheloggercanonical was buyin and stuff)14:08
jussiapachelogger: thanks14:09
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.14:09
afiestaswell, I will donate my launch to canonical xD14:09
* afiestas is lazy even to do that :p14:10
* rbelem hugs apachelogger 14:11
apacheloggerScottK: do you have time to prescreen a UDS blog post?14:22
ScottKapachelogger: No.  I'm actually in a $WORK meeting pretending to pay attention at the moment and I can only take the pretending so far.14:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna:  I just asked marianna about per diem ... if you had lunch and/or dinner on sunday you are entitled to claim th per diem for both ... if you did *not* attend the linaro showcase you can claim tuesday dinner ... those who did not join riddell on wednesday for dinner are entitled to claim per diem for that ... everyone is entiteled to claim dinner per diem for thursday (unless someone from canonical was buyin and stuff)14:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, do you have time to prescreen a blog post?14:23
amichairapachelogger: plong14:26
shadeslayerQuintasan_: pong14:31
shadeslayerQuintasan_: you mean 100 USD?14:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: Android sucks monkey balls14:32
* afiestas never finds how to sign up on kubuntu wiki14:32
shadeslayerQuintasan_: lol ... i forgot the name14:33
afiestasaaaaaaaaaaah this little rectangle in the top-left corner14:33
afiestasnow I see :D14:33
apacheloggeramichair: whatever I wrote before14:34
QuintasanDroiddpm: cool, once I get home I can coduct some testing14:35
afiestasoneiric is going to package 4.7, right?14:35
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: when approx. todo will be ready?14:36
apacheloggerread yer mail!!!!14:36
dpmQuintasan, excellent. btw, did everything work with your re-addition to the Polish translation team?14:36
apacheloggerwho wants to be nice enough to prescreen a blog post???? :P14:36
apacheloggerafiestas: yes14:36
QuintasanDroidafiestas: yes, we will merge with Debian and then base 4.7 packaging on that14:36
apacheloggerafiestas: .2 to be precise14:36
QuintasanDroiddpm: I was added back, I shall blame Launchpad for emails not apparently reaching Tomasz14:37
dpmQuintasan, why Launchpad? Did you not e-mail him yourself?14:37
apacheloggerlunchpad - mails omnomnom14:37
QuintasanDroiddpm: thanks, I noted down his email so in case something like that happens again I will email him directly14:37
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: Noteslate14:37
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: and its 100 USD14:37
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: already found it, I know it is USD but my droid is retarded and by longpress on € it thinks I want tons of € signs14:38
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: i have a very minimal android build and even then it doesn't work like its supposed to14:39
QuintasanDroidandroid magic14:39
QuintasanDroidits good but some nitpicks make it awful to use sometimes14:39
apacheloggerme kernel is not bootin;14:40
QuintasanDroidfix it14:40
apacheloggerNightrose: ping14:40
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: i boot it and i keep seeing the bootsplash ....14:40
Nightroseapachelogger: pong14:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: sure14:41
QuintasanDroiddpm: well, I used Launchpad to email him thinking that mail have to reach him when he is managing our team14:41
apacheloggerNightrose: do you have time to presecreen a blog post?14:41
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: and then i have to turn off the screen and turn it on again ... horrible ...14:41
QuintasanDroiddpm: But it is Lunchpad as apachelogger pointed out - mails omnomnom14:41
Nightroseapachelogger: i have a telco in a few mins14:41
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: Thats android for you14:41
apacheloggerNightrose: ok14:41
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: indeed ...14:42
QuintasanDroidlets make sure that Kubuntu Active is better14:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: a mail was deliviered to your online inbox14:42
dpmQuintasanDroid, it should have reached him, I don't know what went on there. But in any case, I always e-mail people directly, since I want to have record in my sent folder on when I e-mailed someone14:42
* apachelogger notes that the name kubuntu active is not yet final14:42
apacheloggernot even close14:42
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: blog post prescreening?14:42
apacheloggerit actually has a todo item to figure out the name14:42
QuintasanDroidis it long?14:42
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: yeah ...  ARM + Plasma Active + Kubuntu is going to be my focus next cycle hopefully14:42
apachelogger711 words14:42
ScottKapachelogger: We need to schedule a KC meeting to review/approve the specs.  Presumably 5/30 or later.14:42
* QuintasanDroid is all for Kubuntu Active14:43
QuintasanDroidsounds more sophisticated than Kubuntu Mobile14:43
apacheloggerScottK: my council membership expires 2011-05-31 :P14:43
shadeslayerplasma active looks better too :P14:43
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: you actually get to have a voice in that :P14:44
apacheloggerScottK: why not before end of may?14:44
* QuintasanDroid just figured out he only has two tests to write14:44
ScottKI thought it would make sense for the new council to approve stuff, but I'm not wedded to it.14:45
QuintasanDroid+1 for new council making decisions14:45
apacheloggerScottK: well, there are arguments for old council and for new council I suppose14:45
apachelogger+ 1/2 of the council doesnt change anyway ^^14:46
ScottK$SOMEONE should schedule something.14:46
apacheloggerScottK: let us let the $SOMEONE decide ;)14:46
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I submitted feedback through that feedback submittal thing14:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: read is good enough, coherent and whatnot?14:50
apacheloggerinteresting etc.14:50
apacheloggermagic 14:50
ScottKapachelogger: Looks like Debian is about to upload 4.6.3 to Unstable.15:11
Quintasan_As I expected15:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanapachelogger: oh cool stuff about Sunday lunch15:18
afiestaswhere I can find the notes of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-lightdm ?15:24
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yus15:26
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Do you remember how much approx was it for KFC's bucket?15:26
apacheloggerafiestas: eh15:27
apacheloggerafiestas: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-lightdm/15:27
apacheloggeralso... bzr branch lp:kubuntu-web-shortcuts && cd kubuntu-web-shortcuts && sudo make install && kbuildsycoca415:28
apacheloggerthen you can use udesnotes:desktop-o-lightdm in krunner15:28
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: 2100?15:29
JontheEchidnait was a lot of chicken15:29
JontheEchidnayou claim the whole per diem though, no matter what you spent15:29
JontheEchidnayeah, that's the whole per diemd15:30
* Quintasan sends fixed Expenses Form15:33
apachelogger!info libnl-dev15:35
ubottulibnl-dev (source: libnl): development library and headers for libnl. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-6 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 300 kB15:35
* apachelogger waves fist15:35
apachelogger!info libnl115:35
ubottulibnl1 (source: libnl): library for dealing with netlink sockets. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-6 (natty), package size 116 kB, installed size 352 kB15:35
Quintasanapachelogger: Can I add Project Neon stuff to our main Todo list?15:35
* Quintasan is too lazy to maintain two lists15:35
apacheloggerpadams, ScottK: I believe the kded4 load comes from a bug in libnl15:35
ScottKOohh.  Nice.15:36
apachelogger208,820,950 function calls seem way too many15:37
apacheloggerespecially considering that qstrcmp only got 1,000,00015:37
padamsyes, that does seem somewhat excessive :)15:38
ScottKLooks like upstream has no bug tracker.15:39
ScottKLikely that means the software is perfect.15:39
padamsthere are only 2 bugs in launchpad15:40
padamsneither of which "feel" like they are related15:41
QuintasanIT'S A FEATURE15:42
* Quintasan goes to mow the lawn15:43
* padams is not entirely sure what Quintasan is trying to say15:44
Quintasanpadams: 208,820,950 calls to libnl15:44
Quintasanit's like15:44
QuintasanWOAH, why so many?15:44
apacheloggerthe issue must be in update-connectivity of ntrack-libnl1.so15:50
apacheloggerit is responsible for all calls to the function it would appear15:51
apacheloggerScottK:  * Copyright (C) 2009,2010  Alexander Sack <asac@jwsdot.com>15:52
apacheloggerI think we might be able to hunt down that developer :P15:52
apacheloggerit might be a broken iter actually15:55
apacheloggerupdate_connectivity while loops over an iter 2 times, within those loops the ifindex function gets called15:56
steveireScottK: I think the issue with SDO will be fixed by strueg.15:56
ScottKsteveire: I saw the discussion.  Thanks for taking that one.15:57
Quintasanlooks like anything will have to wait15:58
steveireSure. strueg needed a bit of a kick anyway. It's not the first time things break like that.15:58
apacheloggerScottK, padams: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ntrack/+bug/75560816:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 755608 in ntrack "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,Fix committed]16:26
* apachelogger should have looke dfor a bug before firing up gdb ^^16:26
ScottKVery good.16:27
apacheloggerbasically that loop would never ever terminate16:27
apacheloggerScottK: now you just need to poke asac to SRU this asap :P16:27
ScottKapachelogger: For asac values of 'P' tend to be very large.16:27
apacheloggers/asap/right now :P16:28
padamsit would make at least one kubuntu user just that little bit happier :D16:29
ScottKCould someone who is having this problem please file (or point me to) a bug against Ubuntu libnl with a test case for how to reproduce this?16:29
ScottKLooking into it, but need the bug.16:29
apacheloggerScottK: the bug is in ntrack, not libnl16:30
ScottKBug against that.16:30
apacheloggerScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntrack/+bug/75560816:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [Undecided,New]16:31
apacheloggerAdded steps to reproduce as comment + a callgrind log with 48 million calls to proof the awfulness ;)16:37
ScottKpadams: I just uploaded a test package to my PPA.  Once it's built, you can test and verify this fixes it.  If it does, I'll upload it to the archive.16:45
padamsalrighty - let me know when it is ready and i will go right ahead16:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe I should add pictures to the blog post?16:55
apacheloggerScottK: do you have time to read yet? :P16:55
ScottKapachelogger: No.  Meeting is all day.16:55
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
* apachelogger starts writing a blog post about daily wrap up meetings at uds16:56
ScottKpadams: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa <-- It's there.  There is also a test Qt package in there, so just take the nettrack update.17:06
padamsalrighty - thanks17:09
apacheloggerwho is around and has time to read a blog post before I hit the publish button?17:11
* apachelogger grumps and publishes17:17
* ScottK prepares to flame.17:17
debfxapachelogger: what are those low fat kde settings?17:22
apacheloggerdebfx: down with nepomuk, down with akonadi, down with kded modules for no good reason, down with pointless autostart apps17:22
padamsScottK: works perfectly! :D17:23
ScottKpadams: Please mark that in the bug.  I'll upload.17:23
debfxapachelogger: for the mobile edition?17:24
apacheloggerdebfx: every edition17:24
apacheloggerthe idea is to have an additional package which will allow you to go low fat if you want to17:24
apacheloggerembedded setups of course have most the junk by default17:24
ScottKpadams: Uploaded.17:26
debfxaha, kubuntu-default-settings-low-fat ^^17:27
jussikubuntu-default-settings-apachloggers-diet :P17:28
bambeeor kubuntu-default-settings-light ^^17:28
apacheloggernah, just call it kubuntu-low-fat and have the settings in there17:30
* jussi prods apachelogger's pm17:30
* micahg likes the idea of slimming down the desktop as an option17:47
apacheloggeralso terribly easy to do because it is essentially what we do for mobile anyway17:48
apacheloggerhrw mentioned that he felt the desktop to become fatter all the time and I was thinking, if we can make the system run on a crappy n900 we should be able to make it run decently on a p3 with 512mb or maybe even less ^^17:49
bambeeis there an api in kdelibs to compute changes between two files ? (like diff) :P17:49
apacheloggerbambee: that question is rather fuzzy17:50
apacheloggerthough I wouldn't know anything like that off the top of my head17:50
apacheloggerbambee: what are you tryig to do?17:50
bambeeapachelogger: actually all /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} files are entirely read and then entirely wrote. (it's easier like that). I want to compute and apply changes only for shadow, because  read it entirely requires authentication.17:54
bambee(and it can be avoided)17:54
apacheloggerI think you will have to write your own class for that17:55
bambeeso the idea is to send only changes to the helper, then the helper can read it entirely and compute changes17:55
apacheloggerit depends on how you handle things internally17:56
apacheloggerbambee: so the ui reads shadow once computes changes, sends the changes to helper, helper reads file, inserts changes, writes shadow?17:56
apacheloggerbambee: btw you might want to talk to jreznik in #fedora-kde, he might be able to help with a cpp port17:57
bambeeapachelogger: actually the gui reads shadow. with my changes it won't read it17:57
bambeeapachelogger: ah ?17:58
apacheloggerbambee: he did seem interested enough ^^17:59
apacheloggerbambee: so I still do not quite understand what is read where and how it woudl be written17:59
bambeeapachelogger: thanks for your help. at least for your contacts17:59
apacheloggersay you read the shadow, but do not store it internally as text, but instead parse each line into a struct and store that in a qset or qlist or whatever18:01
bambeeapachelogger: actually everything is read from authdb.pwd when the backend is loaded (when the program starts if you prefer), then everything is changed into a global user list and a global group list18:01
bambeeon save : everything is wrote18:01
bambeethe problem: shadow can only be read by root18:01
apacheloggerso how do you solve that right now?18:01
bambeeactually I ask the helper to read shadow18:02
apacheloggerah, ok, and that is a problem?18:02
bambeeit's ugly because it requires an authentication for that, which could be avoided18:02
apacheloggernot necessarily18:02
apacheloggeryou can just have an authless polkit action by default18:02
apachelogger(for reading!)18:03
bambeewhen you start the application the user needs to enter a password... I can move the read when it clicks "apply" (so read shadow before saving it)18:03
bambeebut in this case two passwords will be required o_O18:03
bambeewhen he clicks *18:03
apacheloggerno, just make it one polkit action :P18:03
bambeewith a "subaction" , like kcm-kdm does ?18:04
bambeeso org.kde.kcontrol.userconfig.save will read and save files... :P18:04
apacheloggerI mean, save can do that :P18:04
apacheloggeror you have read but make it authless by default18:05
apachelogger(admins can then make it require auth if they wish to)18:05
apacheloggers/auth/password dialog popup stuff18:05
bambeewe're talking about shadow...18:05
bambeethe shadow file18:05
bambeeso no :)18:05
bambeethe shadow file contains all user passwords...18:06
apacheloggerfair enough18:06
bambeeit's only readable by root for a reason, imho18:06
apacheloggerbambee: so how would you compute the changes?18:06
apacheloggerI mean, in order for the frontend to tell the helper what to change it needs to know what is there, no?18:07
bambeeI could compute the changes like kuser. with three lists "add", "del" and "mod"18:07
bambeemhhh... I am not sure...18:08
apacheloggerbambee: so you read group and passwd at startup?18:09
bambeeapachelogger: yes18:09
apacheloggerbut want to read shadow only at write?18:09
bambeeit's ugly ? :D18:09
apacheloggerbut I do not see the problem :P18:09
apacheloggerjust have a struct { bool dirty; str passwd };18:10
apacheloggerif dirty is true for a struct user the helper writes the new password18:10
micahgisn't there a system library that can be used instead?18:10
apacheloggermicahg: for what in particular?18:11
micahgapachelogger: manipulating the user files18:11
kubotumicahg meant: "apachelogger: manipulating the credentials files"18:11
bambeemicahg: there is. look at putpwent, putgrent, putspent. however you can just add entries :)18:11
bambeeyou can also get them18:12
bambee(fgetspwent for example)18:12
apacheloggerbambee: that would not help the problem at hand though... as what bambee is trying to do is get the necessary data for a change from a user app to a root helper application via polkit18:12
apacheloggermicahg: ^18:12
bambeeexactly the problem is the same18:13
micahgwhat's the goal of the app?18:13
apacheloggermicahg: user management18:13
bambeemicahg: users and groups management18:13
micahgsorry, can't think clearly enough ATM18:15
* apachelogger neither -> high on caffeine :S18:15
apacheloggerbambee: as I see it, you just need some internal structure to track whether the password was changed and an appropriate new password for the helper to write18:16
* apachelogger has 9 blog posts in draft state -.-18:17
jjessei don't think i've writtne a post in like 6 months18:18
* apachelogger has drafts older than 6 months! :P18:18
apacheloggerjjesse: mind that the oneiric todo states blogging as todo item :P18:18
apacheloggermultiple times :P18:18
* apachelogger hates it when blog writing on caffeine turns into incoherent yadayada18:23
bambeeapachelogger: wow. A RedHat software engineer. nice :)18:26
bambee(there are interesting people working on KDE)18:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofeleMyller: very late pong18:35
yofellet's see if that kded fix helps...18:35
ScottKapachelogger: What would you think about packaging kmail (4.4) and kmail2 (4.6) for parallel install and only using 4.6 for new installs or if the user explicitly switches?18:45
apacheloggersounds like a good idea, if 4.6 actually works decent enough to be default for anything18:46
Quintasanapachelogger: freakin' post something18:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: what should I be post0ring?18:52
Quintasanapachelogger: UDS blog post18:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: I did18:53
Quintasanoh cool18:54
* Quintasan will write a draft in school tomorrow18:56
bambeehttp://bellard.org/jslinux/ wow o_O18:57
* Quintasan never understood idea of using js for something like this18:57
* yofel wonders why we have more blogging 3 times on the community todo list ^^19:02
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/BV29p.png :D19:03
davmor2apachelogger: Do you have proof of that above outrageous claim? ;)19:03
apacheloggernot due for publishing in at least 24 hours though :P19:04
bambeehttp://bellard.org/jslinux/ <-- this guy has emulated a x86 in javascript ! OMG o_O19:08
eMyllerhi all :)19:08
eMyllerbambee: i had contact with a guy who was trying to do it (i'm not sure if it's the same person)19:08
eMylleri mentioned it at identica and got bashed :P19:09
bambeethe author is Fabrice Bellard (the qemu leader)19:09
apacheloggerand apachelogger wonders why the qemu arm emulation is so crappy19:10
eMyller[14:35:49] <yofel> let's see if that kded fix helps...19:13
eMyllerwhat fix?19:13
yofelScott uploaded a patch for ntrack which should fix my freeze I hope19:13
eMylleri came up with a workaround:19:14
yofelbug 75560819:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu Natty) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75560819:14
eMyllerwhenever it freezes, kill plasma-desktop; kill kded4; start kded4 then plasma-desktop19:14
eMylleras simple as that19:14
eMyllerrestarting plasma is required for avoiding notifications and other update annoyances19:15
eMylleri tried to mess with modem-manager and dbus first; one of these may have something related, but the workaround doesn't involve them19:16
apacheloggereMyller: how good is your system?19:16
eMyllerapachelogger: maverick was a lot lighter and smoother19:17
apacheloggerthat is not why I am asking, you might want to consider turning off desktop effects though 19:17
eMyllerxorg, kwin and kded4 (when it freezes) eat all my cpus19:17
apacheloggerstep number one deactivate desktop effect19:17
eMyllermem is okay, nothing special19:17
apacheloggerstep number two tell apachelogger what sorta cpu you have and how much ram ^^19:17
yofelif it matters, kded4 freezes the same on ma atom n270 and my i7 620M19:19
apacheloggerquestion is, does it freeze or does it just cause excessive load?19:19
eMyllerapachelogger: freeze.19:20
yofelwell, hard to say, I usually don't give it more than a minute or two before I kill it19:20
apacheloggereMyller: step number two! :P19:20
apacheloggeryofel: run it in gdb19:20
eMyllerapachelogger: after disabling effects, xorg went from ~30 to 5~1019:20
apacheloggerinstead of killing it cancel and get me a backtrace of all threads19:20
apacheloggereMyller: yeah, shitty intel graphics driver19:21
yofelapachelogger: that gave me a trace from libnm / ntrack, so I hope the ntrack patch helps19:21
eMyllerapachelogger: and kwin disappeared the cpu eaters list :P19:21
apacheloggeryofel: most likely same issue then19:21
eMyllerapachelogger: the one builtin with natty was completely unusable; i'm with the xorg-edgers'19:21
bambeeUntil jreznik is back, Can I help for something ?19:22
yofelnow I only need someone to fix bug 765516 and I can ditch wvdial19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 765516 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "can't establish a mobile broadband connection using an n900 connected over USB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76551619:23
eMylleryofel: did you try usb-modeswitch?19:24
yofelwhy should I need that? or what does it do?19:24
ScottKapachelogger: Relatively speaking, Intel graphics in Natty is better than Maverick on all systems I've upgraded.19:24
eMylleryofel: it makes some usb stuff work like expected19:25
yofeleMyller: *shrug* - wvdial doesn't complain, so someone should fix NM to use usb-modeswitch then19:25
apacheloggerScottK: broken crap remains broken crap until it becomes usable crap on my scale19:25
ScottKCrappage reduction is progress.19:25
apacheloggerand since I need to fiddle about with settings that threshold is not quite reached yet19:25
eMylleryofel: actually, it comes with natty already19:25
* eMyller just noticed it19:26
* ScottK doesn't think a non-crap video driver exists.19:26
eMyllerunfortunately. :\19:26
apacheloggerScottK: by the time crappage is resolved we wil be using wayland19:28
DaskreechMy 3dfx driver is rock solid I don' know what you are talking bout19:28
mgraesslinapachelogger: my fear is that we will be using Wayland before the crappage is resolved :-P19:29
apacheloggeroh, that is entirely possible19:29
apacheloggerfrom one crappage into the next one19:29
* micahg didn't know 3dfx still existed :D19:29
mgraesslinwith the advantage that if driver fails on Wayland everything goes *boom* back to login screen19:30
mgraesslinmicahg: there are I think still drivers around19:30
* yofel wonders if nouveau will be in a usable state for him when we go to wayland...19:31
mgraesslinwell in a better state than the NVIDIA blob19:31
yofelwell, as long as kwin doesn't tell me it can't enable like half of the effects with nouveau and nouveau stops giving me GPU lockups I'm happy19:32
mgraesslinyofel: I developed the GLES port on nouveau19:34
apacheloggeroh no, we are all doomed!!!!19:34
apacheloggersomeone get this man a panda or a beagle19:34
* yofel trusts mgraesslin in that regard 1119:34
* eMyller wonders what's 3dfx19:50
Quintasanapachelogger: ping19:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: hai19:50
Quintasanapachelogger: in C19:51
eMyllerapachelogger: xorg stays at 10~15% when i use xrender.19:51
eMylleropen gl has been a pain since maverick :\19:52
Quintasanif I do a -> char name[50]; strcpy(name, "Michal"); <-- this will also copy \0 to the end of the array, right?19:52
eMyller(maverick is smooth, but has some bugs like the lazy rendering)19:52
Quintasanapachelogger: ^ but the rest of the array is just wasted space, isn't it?19:52
eMyllernatty doesn't have it anymore, but is slow as hell :P19:52
apacheloggereMyller: because the intel driver does not actually do opengl for some stuff I understand19:52
apacheloggerso there is essentially no difference between xrender and opengl for intel as both will render vast amounts of the stuff in the cpu19:53
eMyllerlol, didn't know19:53
* Quintasan will try switching to OpenGL render in KWin tomorrow19:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes, "" == { '\0' } and yes, the rest of the space is wasted19:53
Quintasanhow do we deal with all that waste of space?19:54
apacheloggerwe strlen("Michael") and then allocate an appropriately sized char array using malloc()19:54
Quintasanthis is still build-time decision19:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: the example there is a bit silly though, as you could simply init the char[] with the value19:55
Quintasancan array size be decided at run time?19:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: not in a standard compliant way19:55
apacheloggerif you want runtime size you need to malloc the required size19:56
Quintasanso like this19:56
apacheloggerwhich allocates the memory on the heap19:56
apacheloggerwhereas what you are doing happen on the stack19:56
Quintasan1. user inputs name 2. strlen(name) 3. allocate memory for that with malloc ?19:56
apacheloggerwhat you do on the stack must (for the better part) be decdiable at build time19:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: would be one option19:56
Quintasanthe thing is, let's say most people have names under 50 characters, if someone has 75 characters in his name then using char[50] would simply crash the application19:57
Quintasanso we would most likley want to make the array size a runtime decision, or there is another way of doing it?19:58
apacheloggerno, runtime is all there is19:58
Quintasanoh, so my 3 steps idea is just one way of solving that?19:58
apacheloggerin Qt there is also qvararraylength or something like that, but that does not help you right now :P19:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: there are more ways to do input than operating systems ;)19:59
Quintasanokay, back to book then19:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://paste.kde.org/72277/ one way of doing it20:02
Quintasanoh wait, there is a whole chapter on strings, let's leave that for tomorrow then20:02
apacheloggeryou get char by char and add it to a string, which is allways bulk allocated20:02
QuintasanThat's the super-safe method20:03
apacheloggere.g. the string initially has an allocation of 64, if we run low on space we alloc another 64 and so on20:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: it is one of the most lowlevel approaches20:03
QuintasanCan one somehow cause overflow with this one?20:04
apacheloggerline 21 to 2520:04
apacheloggerif we run out of memory on the heap we error away20:04
Quintasanrunning out of memory while inputing a name is not most likely to happen :D20:05
Quintasanapachelogger: oh gawd, thanks20:06
* Quintasan goes to pack his books for tomorrow20:06
Quintasansee you tomorrow, most likely I will show up in the morning since we don't have physics tomorrow :P20:07
apacheloggerwell, if someone wanted to trigger an overflow to  do evil things they could still do it via the heap, as the stack on most architectures starts at high address and grows downwards, meaning the heap starts at the lowest address and grows upwards, since you'd constantly need to allocate a consistant block of data you might at some point reach the lower end of the stack and if not handled properly the text input could then be written into 20:07
apacheloggerstack memory20:07
apachelogger(assuming the OS does not detect that and shoots the application in the head)20:08
apacheloggerrather theoretical though as there are multiple factors playing into that20:08
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=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
yuriy_workupgraded to Natty today. everything went smoothly *thumbs up*21:28
shadeslayerseaLne: around?21:37
Rioting_PacifistWhere should I voice my oposition to the removing of the altCD ?21:50
shadeslayerRioting_Pacifist: on the mailing list i guess21:50
shadeslayerit's still being built, just not for final releases21:50
ScottKRioting_Pacifist: When you do, please explain what your use case is that requires it.21:50
shadeslayeri was going to say that ;) ^^21:51
ScottKRioting_Pacifist: It'd also be nice if you'd volunteer to test it if you want it.21:51
ScottKshadeslayer: There's lots of stuff you 'were going to do'.21:51
shadeslayerScottK: is there anything i can do in the next 10 minutes?21:52
shadeslayerbtw what is the state of our Armel packages ? i mean do we check if they build successfully or not?21:53
apacheloggertriage a bug, translate a couple of strings, write a blog post, write a micro blog post, find out about upstream plans for kmix, find us target devices for kubuntu tablet, 21:53
apacheloggermake your choice21:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: looking at the sate of armel kde packages right now21:53
shadeslayerand looks like everything is properly built21:54
shadeslayerno build failiures i mean21:54
shadeslayertarget device for kubuntu tablet ... hmmm21:54
shadeslayeri haz a idea ... one sec21:54
apacheloggerok, let me rephrase that21:55
apachelogger"find us a sponsor for target devices for kubuntu tablet"21:55
shadeslayerah :P21:55
* apachelogger shakes his head21:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: i want to see Kubuntu on this : http://www.notionink.com/design.php21:55
* apachelogger wants to see Kubuntu on the A38021:56
Rioting_PacifistScottK: unless I'm mistaken the liveCD contains no debs, so to install a minimal system one has to mess around with chroots and debootstrap. The alternate installCD contains debs and so can be used to recover systems, it makes an easy minimal install base.21:56
apacheloggeryou cannot do minimal installs using the alternate CD, can you?21:57
apacheloggerI mean unless you fiddle with the d-i21:57
apacheloggerin which case you might as well mess with the server d-i21:57
apacheloggerthat said you can also mess with the dvd d-i21:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'll talk to my prof who might be able to arrange some devices ....21:58
Rioting_Pacifistagain it has been a while since i did a fresh install but i belive the kubuntu alt installer has all the debs that a kubuntu install has so you can install offline/quickly aslong as what you install is a subset of kubuntu21:59
shadeslayermy dist upgrade is broken :'(21:59
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: you can install offline from the livecd21:59
apacheloggerthe livcd is nothing more than the extracted debs21:59
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: you can only install an image of the livecd, you can't install anything but the whole selection22:00
afiestasGuys: http://kde.mirror.aussiehq.net.au/stable/kamoso/2.0/src/ :p22:00
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: that is why the DVD has the debian-installer on board22:01
apacheloggerafiestas: fake22:01
afiestasapachelogger: uh?22:01
apacheloggerit is austrian, must be fake ^^22:01
apachelogger:D :D :D22:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: there, 5 minutes to update kamoso22:01
afiestasgogo! :p22:01
shadeslayerwhat about kamoso?22:01
yuriy_workapachelogger: the airplane?22:02
shadeslayernew version?22:02
apacheloggeryuriy_work: yes22:02
afiestasshadeslayer: minor update, from RC to final22:02
shadeslayerah thats doable22:02
afiestascouple of crashes fixed when using kamoso without webcam 22:02
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: DVD is big, slow and requires a DVD burner and reader. the alternative CD is useful for recovering broken systems as it has all the debs, the liveCD is useless for anything other than installing/testing. As the debs already exist what is the advantage to removing a useful tool and making users looking for a minimal install go to another distro? 22:04
apacheloggerI do not quite get that argument22:05
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: what repairs would you be doing?22:05
kubu2Rioting_Pacifist: if you want minimal and able to select then mini.iso or  netboot is for you 22:05
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger:  reinstalling packages due to a broken xorg/kernel/kdm or wifi drivers, It's possible the liveCD is more useful now but I always stick with the alt as I know it has them plug it's been tested for more as a result of using d-i22:08
Rioting_Pacifistkubu2: I didn't even realise there was a mini.iso or netboot, they arn't mentioned anywhere on the kubuntu site, plus neither of these have the core kubuntu packages on them in order to repair an install22:09
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: broken kernel -> you have the old kernel in your grub, xorg is repairable from within the system, so is kdm22:11
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: Trust me I know how to break a system, i'm sure if xorg is broken due to a driver conflict (I know the radeon drivers are packaged in such a way this can happen) it can leave you without any CLI making it very difficult to repair or perhaps I'd messed the permissions up on my entire / partition ( I know there are other ways to fix that but most need a second pc)22:16
kubu2Rioting_Pacifist: bec (I'm guessing) the live cd is  'minimal' to a Kubuntu distro22:16
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: fglrx?22:17
kubu2Rioting_Pacifist: have you heard of the recovery mode boot in grub? It gives you a CLI22:18
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: no just radeon, the subdrivers don't depend on the ati driver but do provide drivers to xorg22:19
apacheloggerwhich for that matter also works when graphics driver is broken22:19
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: recovery mode is what will work then22:19
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: ati driver has not seen updates in a release since hardy22:20
shadeslayerokay so i have a oneiric package ... do i backport to natty as well?22:21
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger:  recovery mode will not fix the broken permissions issue, nor afaik will it reinstall the radeon drivers, both these situations (and many more) are however easily fixed using the alt CD22:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: sure, why not22:21
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: recovery mode drops you into a root shell, where permission issues are of no concern and gives you the same abilities as you would have with an alternate cd22:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is the annoy-rick package?22:22
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: it doesn't have the debs, so there is no way to reinstall something that is not in your cache22:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra/+packages22:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: and i think i forgot to copy the akunambol package to your ppa22:23
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: you do however have network access22:23
* shadeslayer copies akunambol packages22:24
kubu2Rioting_Pacifist: not sure what you are trying to do but when fixing a broken system everything is done by hand, and you can do it with live cd or in the recovery mode22:24
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: only if 1) I have network access 2) I haven't broken my wifi adapters (which if i removed +x from modprobe i certainly did) 3) know how to connect up to a wireless network with just the CLI22:25
apacheloggerso you carry the alternate cd around with you everywhere you go?22:26
apacheloggerif you mess with executability of modeprobe you should know how to get on a network from a terminal.22:26
kubu2if you have wireless acess point then why don't you use the ethernet?22:26
Rioting_Pacifistkubu2: I'm trying to point out that having all the debs from a default install of kubuntu avalible on once disk in deb format is useful and removing a well tested installer (d-i) isn't going to benefit users22:26
apacheloggerd-i is not getting removed22:27
apacheloggerit still is on the dvd22:27
apacheloggerand as far as recoverability without intarwebs goes, I'd say that dvd is a way better medium than cd anyway22:27
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: yes, well I don't carry it arround but I always have a copy of altCD in my cd wallet as it is much more useful than the liveCD to fix broken systems22:27
kubu2Rioting_Pacifist: not so as it's easy to get the debs once network is set22:28
apacheloggeras by breaking dependency chains you can rip an even bigger hole in the system22:28
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: so why don't you have a usb stick with the dvd?22:28
apacheloggeroh actually22:29
apacheloggerregarding the highlighted cases ... livecd is better to repair if network is available22:29
Rioting_Pacifistkubu2: downloading 700+ mbs of data isn't always easy, nor is using a DVD as not all PCs have modern hardware. 22:29
apacheloggerbecause then the executablility of modprobe is not important, nor is knowing how to access the intarwebs from a terminal22:29
apacheloggeras you can connect using the livcd, chroot into the broken install and fix things comfortably22:29
kubu2why 700+mb? just get the debs you need.  Your altCD would be outdated vs. to waht you have installed22:30
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: a liveCD repair requires chrooting and downloading all the packages again, because the files on the liveCD are useless for anything other than an install. Maybe you guys come from the land of free bandwidth but an altCD has always been a useful tool for me and getting rid of it just because it's not required for luks installation anymore doesn't seem like a good idea22:31
apacheloggerthat is not the reason we want to get rid of it22:32
apacheloggerwe want to get rid of it because no one gives a rats arse about QAing it22:32
apacheloggerand we do not want to release untested distribution media22:32
apacheloggerof course the fact that there is no particularly sensible use case around anymore supports the whole idea rather a lot22:33
apacheloggerto that extent22:33
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: nothing is stopping you from getting an alternate daily image at release day, or before that and use that22:34
kubu2download all pkgs?? looks like you are trying a full install instead of a repair.22:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: natty backport in the same ppa22:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: natty backport will have to be filed with ubuntu-backports project22:37
apacheloggernothing I can do about that22:38
shadeslayerlooking into that22:38
apacheloggerone-eye-rick package looks good22:39
apachelogger-- Installing: /build/buildd/kamoso-2.0/debian/kamoso/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/./youtube.png22:39
apacheloggerafiestas: you might want to consider making that kamoso-youtube or youtube-kamoso or move it to oxygen 22:39
apacheloggeras to avoid future conflicts in case someone else decides to install that icon too22:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: can't i specify that i want to upgrade kamoso and not my entire system?22:42
shadeslayerupgrade wants to update all the packages, i want to upgrade just kamoso22:43
apacheloggerinstall kamoso22:43
shadeslayeroh hmm22:44
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: how much QA is really needed? how many bugs were reported against the altCD for any recent release, far less i suspect than the LiveCD. d-i is well tested (much more than ubiquity), the packages are well tested, as long as the cd is being built by the same build system as ubuntu's altCD. The AltCD is still the recomened way to install ubuntu on low end systems, a good recovery tool (imo), a good minimal 22:51
Rioting_Pacifistinstaller (imho) and a fallback if for whatever reason the main iso will not work on your system. Obviously a decision has already been made so I will stop arguing with you, but I strongly belive it is the wrong one22:51
apacheloggerno decision was made until the kubuntu council makes a decision22:52
apacheloggerRioting_Pacifist: also the alternate cd is not the recommended medium for low end systems22:52
apacheloggereven on the lowest possible supported setup by kubuntu ubiquity should work22:53
apacheloggerif it does not, then kubuntu will not work properly either22:53
apacheloggerit certainly isn't minimal as it installs exactly the same software set as the livecd22:53
shadeslayerScottK: bug 78429622:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784296 in natty-backports "Please backport kamoso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78429622:54
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: not if you use the d-i and select less than the full install (this is like doing a net install but works without the net)22:55
apacheloggera use case matched by the dvd22:55
shadeslayerokay i'm off now22:56
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: only if you can afford to use 3.2GB of data, have a DVD burner and have a PC with a DVD drive. DVDs are not ubiquitous and bandwidth is not free22:57
apacheloggeryou do not need a dvd, you can use a usb stick22:58
apacheloggerand if bandwith is a concern than you want netinstall anyway22:58
apacheloggerno point in downloading 700mib if you are only installing 50022:58
Rioting_Pacifistapachelogger: last time i tried doing that it wasn't simple. a CD can be reinstalled/installed multiple times so in low bandwidth situations you are better of with the altCD23:00
apacheloggerin low bandwith situations you are better off with the livecd and remove stuff you do not need23:01
apacheloggerpersonally I do not see why you would reinstall the same version of a release23:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh forgot something, should we register a project on pandaboard.org regarding porting of Kubuntu to OMAP 4?23:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: what for?23:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pandaboard.org/content/projects23:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: what for?23:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: to tell people that we might work on it later on?23:05
apacheloggerso we register it when we start working on it23:06
shadeslayerright, but i've seen projects that haven't been started and yet have registered there23:06
apacheloggerwhat is the gain for us?23:06
shadeslayerno gain for us as such :P23:07
apacheloggerthen I donotcare(tm)23:07
shadeslayerok really gone now23:07
apacheloggerdidn't we fix bug 784241 in mav?23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784241 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) ""[: 227: =: unexpected operator" reported in ~/.xsession-errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78424123:27
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I thought so.23:29
apacheloggerburn it, burn it with fire!23:29
apacheloggerprobably not applied in natty23:29
DarkwingDuckWho would it be? :P23:30
apacheloggeroh no23:31
apacheloggerdifferent issue23:31
apacheloggerdon't quite sure I understand it though23:31
apacheloggershell is made out of ugly23:31
DarkwingDuckI'm not suite sure I'm following...23:32
DarkwingDuckOkay, I think what he is saying is that on some netbooks it doesn't auto detect settings.23:33
apacheloggerthe message is just dash's way of saying screw you23:33
apacheloggerdoesn't mean it fails, just that it does not like the code23:34
apacheloggerstupid thing23:34
apacheloggershould be more like java and just don't give a butterfly23:34
DarkwingDuckOt like Perl and it doens't even check23:34
DarkwingDuckIt'll "guess"23:35
* apachelogger calls the arrm23:36
apacheloggerI am not sure we actually want to go by the return code of laptop-detect23:38
DarkwingDuckvvvvvvvvvv                                                                 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd23:38
apacheloggerwe do23:38
apachelogger Possible return values:23:38
apachelogger  0  most likely running on a laptop23:38
apachelogger  1  most likely NOT running on a laptop23:38
apachelogger  2  called with unknown option, -h, --help, -V or --version23:38
apacheloggerwho wrote that code :P23:38
apacheloggersomeone did not read the manual ^^23:38
apacheloggerRTFM FTW23:38
apacheloggerseems a bit tricky that change23:45
DarkwingDuckWhat manual?23:46
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: the one of laptop-detect23:46
* DarkwingDuck nods23:47
DarkwingDuckwhere are these programming manuals? :P23:47

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