
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
* gmb lunches11:53
gary_posterdanilos, hey.  Can I take "UI: unmute does not show dialog, just unmutes"--that is, is the kanban board accurate?  If so, what branch should I use as a base--is "Provide BugMute table and use it for muting bug subscriptions" in db-devel or is the kanban accurate again, and I need to get a branch?13:21
gary_posterlooks like I need to branch https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/proper-bug-muting13:22
danilosgary_poster, you could, but it'd be even better to branch off my nothing branch13:22
danilosgary_poster, I've got one test to take care of there and it's going up for review13:22
gary_posteroh, your nothing branch!13:22
gary_posterheh, got it now13:23
danilosgary_poster, heh, yeah :)13:23
gary_postercool thanks13:23
danilosgary_poster, I hit a bunch of test failures in the proper-bug-muting branch, fwiw, some of them related to person merging13:24
gary_posterah, yeah, that's a pain13:24
gary_posterbut resolved now, it looks like13:24
danilosgary_poster, yeah, up in ec2 again (just in case)13:24
gary_poster:-) cool13:24
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, kanban now-ish, skype in 413:26
_mup_Bug #783948: Entering a comment returns an error <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/783948 >13:33
_mup_Bug #752193: Installation of the acroread package causes completion to treat directories like files with some commands <amd64> <apport-bug> <natty> <acroread (Ubuntu):Confirmed for brian-thomason> <bash-completion (Ubuntu):Won't Fix> <bash-completion (Debian):Won't Fix> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/752193 >13:33
gmbgary_poster, benji: Am I right in thinking that a LocationError from TAL basically means "You're trying to access an attribute that doesn't exist"?13:58
benjigmb: not normally; it's more often a problem finding out where an object is in the url space; e.g., it doesn't have a __parent__14:00
gmbHere's the salient bit of the OOPS:14:01
gmbLocationError: (<zope.browserpage.metaconfigure.SimpleViewClass from /srv/launchpad.net/production/launchpad-rev-13053/lib/lp/bugs/browser/../templates/bug-portlet-subscribers.pt object at 0xfe1d610>, 'current_user_mute_class')14:01
gmbI'm trying to figure out what that actually means in this case.14:01
gary_posteris there a traceback as well, or is that eaten somehow?14:01
gmbgary_poster: It's all here: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1963BC36114:01
gary_postergmb, your initial description was correct14:03
gmbNow that's very odd.14:04
gary_posteras I expect you saw,14:04
gary_poster        attr = getattr(subject, name, _marker)14:04
gary_poster        if attr is not _marker:14:04
gary_poster            return attr14:04
gary_poster        if hasattr(subject, '__getitem__'):14:04
gary_poster            try:14:04
gary_poster                return subject[name]14:04
gary_poster            except (KeyError, TypeError):14:04
gary_poster                pass14:04
gary_poster        raise LocationError(subject, name)14:04
gmbSaw, but didn't pay enough attention to :)14:04
gary_posterthis may be one of those transitive attribute errors...sometimes they explain surprises like this14:06
gary_posterif current_user_mute_class is an @property14:06
* gary_poster looks forward to having Python use mwh's wrapped exceptions, from whatever version of Python that is in14:07
gmbgary_poster: That wouldn't explain why the page still OOPSes for Gavin and I but not wgrant, though.14:09
gary_postergmb, ForbiddenAttribute and Unauthorized both subsclass AttributeError, IIRC.  Maybe pertinent?14:09
gmbAh, true.14:10
* gmb pokes14:10
gary_posterThey would be eaten by the code above14:10
gary_posterand converted into LocationError14:10
gmbQuite so.14:10
gmbSo, let's see if I can break it.14:10
gmbMuhahaha, etc.14:10
gary_posterdanilos, I'm ready anytime for our call.  This is 11 minutes early, so no rush. ;-)  Give me a Skype call when you are ready.15:19
danilosgary_poster, sure thing, I am ready myself15:26
gmbgary_poster: I haven't been able to break anything and I've now been sucked into an OCR / helping out a contributor conversation. I think it might be a good time to roll back my last revision since that seems (to me) like a likely culprit.15:28
gary_postergmb, ok, please do15:52
gmbOn it now.15:53
gmbgary_poster: I can confirm that the rollback fixed the problem.16:44
gmbNow, that doesn't mean that it was actually my revision that caused the problem (we rolled back from 13050 to 13045 for logistical reasons) but it seems likely.16:45
gary_postergmb, just saw this, but mostly good. :-)16:57
gmbTrouble is reproducing it.16:57
danilosgmb, thanks for the review17:35
* danilos -> off17:35
bachi gary_poster, benji: on this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+subscriptions there is a help icon next to the "Stop my emails" link.  but we go to great pains to make it appear and disappear on hover.  why?18:21
baci think that link only appears for team subscriptions and perhaps ones for teams you don't administer18:21
benjibac, I don't remember specifically why I did it that way; I think it was to reduce confusion because of the number of other icons visible18:24
gary_posterbac: why: the number of icons were becoming problematic.  The hover was a problematic solution that benji prototyped up and that we felt was an improvement.  [Link should appear for team subscriptions, unless team has a contact address (that last part is in progress).]18:24
bacok.  fwiw it seemed like a browser bug when i first encountered it.18:25
gary_postermaking it appear gradually would reduce that impression, but not remove the underlying discoverability problem.18:26
bacgary_poster: bug 77832318:37
_mup_Bug #778323: On the subscription page, the help popup button opens up a 404 page. <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778323 >18:37
bacgary_poster: so the problem is the help file only exists for bugs.lp.net18:37
gary_posterbac, good one.  Sorry, I forget to do the bug review for you :-(18:37
gary_posterbac, is that one that we do a symlink for?18:37
bacgary_poster: but i think people are hacking urls to go to http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+subscriptions18:37
bacgary_poster: yes, i can solve it by putting a symlink in registry/help...but if they use code.lp.net or answer.lp.net it'll break.  :(18:38
bacso, perhaps the right thing to do is to force a redirect to the bugs rootsite?18:38
bacor change the way +help works18:39
bacadmittedly, coming via one of the other rootsites is pretty rare, i'd guess18:39
gary_posterbac, I'm ok with whichever is easier.  The redirect would be what I would tackle, probably.18:39
bacyeah, so how would you do that?18:40
bacthe zcml seems to only configure that page for the bugs rootsite, so i'm a bit confused why the others work18:40
gary_posterWell, I would have expected to simply di a redirect during the initialize stage18:41
gary_posterI'm not sure about the zcml.  I can stare at it with you, if you like; it's LP zcml machinery, I think, not ye olde Zope stuff18:42
bacthat's ok.  i'll bug you if i get stumped18:43
gary_posterbac, ready for call whenever you are19:29
gary_postergimme a call when you want19:29
bacgary_poster: ok.  just a sec.19:29

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