
nit-witusing lubuntu natty what is the save session settings protocol00:56
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semitoneswhat does it mean that lubuntu is moving to gtk3+?04:40
palhmbsthere is a key combination in vim that doesn't work with lxterminal - using CTRL-w then CTRL-q used to close a file, not any more07:28
palhmbscan somebody explain the weirdness I've been experiencing between terminals from 10.10 and 11.04?07:29
palhmbsmrxvt with lubuntu / 11.04 has totally screwed vim :(07:29
bioterroreverybody has moved to rxvt-unicode ;)07:29
palhmbsespecially cut and paste07:29
palhmbsyour telling me that mrxvt doesn't support unicode, i don't believe it.07:30
palhmbsI thought unicode support has been around for awhile, in lot's of terminals07:30
bioterrorQ:  Does mrxvt support UTF-8 locale/encoding method?07:31
bioterrorA:  Not now. This is a planned work and hopefully will be supported in the next07:31
bioterror    development branch (0.5.x).07:31
palhmbsI liked mrxvt cause I could setup key shortcuts eg CTRL-SHIFT-2 / 3 to run vim / ssh or whatever, in a new tab.07:32
palhmbsfrak, i don't need UTF-8 support, as long as cut & paste works ( like it did, before I upgraded )07:32
palhmbsoh, well, life goes on - I guess I live with lxterminal until MRXVT get their act together....07:33
palhmbsthough I thought it was a almost dead / dead project07:34
bioterroryou could try terminator?07:34
bioterrorbut I like urxvt, I have clickable urls and so on07:35
bioterrorI have tabbed urxvt now on my screen07:37
AscavasaionHello.  how would an AMD 900MHz, 184Mb RAM, and 20Gb system run with Lubuntu.  Will it even run?08:21
bioterrorAscavasaion, sure it will08:28
bioterrorbut get more RAM08:28
bioterrorit wont hurt08:28
Ascavasaionbioterror: thank you... I have no more RAM :(08:28
bioterroryou need to scavenge :D08:29
Ascavasaionbioterror: I booted the installation CD, and it has been "loading" for about 1/2 an hour... not sure if it has hung or what.  The little row of dots that alternate under the Lubuntu logo are still movning.  Any advice?08:29
bioterrorpress esc or spacebar08:30
AscavasaionESC or Spacebar do nothing.08:30
bioterroryou should see under the beautiful plymouth08:30
bioterrorreboot and try again08:30
Ascavasaionthe 5 little dots just keep alternating.08:30
AscavasaionOkay, rebooted and opted for Install Ubuntu... now we wait again.08:32
jmarsdenAscavasaion and bioterror, will the GUI installer run OK in 184 MB??  Maybe you should try the "install from mini.iso, then add lubuntu-desktop" approach?08:32
bioterrorAscavasaion, if that doesnt do the trick08:32
bioterror!mini | Ascavasaion08:32
ubot5Ascavasaion: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:32
bioterrorI was just going to suggest08:32
AscavasaionPity the Linux distro does not run the old text installer as default.08:33
bioterrorI feel the same08:33
poltakwhy don08:33
poltakwhy isn't Java jdk packaged with lbuntu?08:34
bioterrorthank god we have gentoo and arch linux08:34
bioterrorpoltak, becouse propietary08:34
poltakwhat about openjdk entiety of free?08:34
bioterrorit is08:34
bioterrorand if someone needs to develop java, they can fetch the jdk08:35
bioterrorI assume08:35
poltakcan  it be packed with lubuntu?08:35
AscavasaionShould I go 10.04?  Or stick with the 11.04?08:35
bioterrorjmarsden, I have set my lubuntu-desktop mails go to gmail and I have pushmail to my phone08:35
bioterrorI hear all the time *ding* :d08:35
bioterrorAscavasaion, go with the latest08:35
jmarsdenbioterror: :)08:35
Ascavasaionbioterror: Okies08:35
bioterrorAscavasaion, when you have that installed, you say "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends" without "" ofkooz08:36
Ascavasaionbioterror: Braggart :)08:37
jmarsdenpoltak: There is not really room left on the CD for developer-only tools, and any "spare" space will probably be used for more language packs instead of new packages.08:37
bioterrorjmarsden, should I add to faq a guide how to make --no-install-recommends always on?08:37
jmarsdenbioterror: I'm not sure... we are trying to get lubuntu-desktop to "work" with recommends ; we need it to work that way for the official Ubuntu build system, it seems.08:38
jmarsdenSo adding a FAQ entry might be unnecessary fairly soon...08:38
bioterrorit's okay for another programs too :P08:38
jmarsdenYou can add it to the FAQ, it shouldn't hurt anything; but it is just one more "unusual" thing to do that makes using Lubuntu seem hard or strange to newcomers...08:41
bioterroreven debian needs that on server installation08:41
poltakjmarsden: java is everywhere!08:41
jmarsdenpoltak: Really? :)  Then find it inside your keyboard (you said it was everywhere!!) and download it from there into your Lubuntu machine :) :)08:42
poltakIt isn't in my keyboard marsden! I got a really old keyboard08:42
jmarsdenpoltak: BTW, good luck finding Java on your Windows CDs :)08:42
jmarsdenEven new ones :)08:42
poltakI don't have any windows CDs! They're way too expensive08:43
poltakWhat about evolution mail? Anyone use that?08:43
jmarsdenSo its not in your keyboard, and it is not in your windows CDs... I suspect it is not really "everywhere" :)08:43
poltakit is! It says on oracle site, you hero08:43
jmarsdenpoltak: evolution is a very large program, Lubuntu is more intended for smaller less memory hungry apps :)08:43
poltakback to the matter at hand08:43
jmarsdenJust because it says something on a web site, does not make it true :)08:44
poltakI'm talking about use in general. Anyone use evolution mail?08:44
Ascavasaion"chroot: can't execute 'dpkg-divert': Input/output error.08:44
jmarsdenpoltak: This is #lubuntu ... for Lubuntu support.08:45
poltakdo you heard of java marsden?08:45
jmarsdenAscavasaion: Sounds like either the install CD or your hard drive has issues.08:45
Ascavasaionjmarsden: Sigh.08:45
jmarsdenpoltak: I program in it and have packaged Java apps, so yes.  But that is not really on topic here.08:45
poltakRight, I'm gonna pretend you're not here anymore08:46
AscavasaionOkay, burning the mini.iso.08:47
bioterrorpoltak, no. evolution is gnome integrated and filters doesnt work that good08:52
poltakoh that explains why it's on every bloody gnome distro I try out08:53
poltakdo the lubuntu site have a request section?08:53
bioterrorwe have discussions about requests soon08:53
poltakI'm gonna request openjdk08:53
poltakdoes lubuntu not come with ANY proprietary software?08:54
bioterroryou have to enable partner repo for that08:54
poltakbut it's not considered free because of the ubuntu repos right?08:54
jmarsdenSome restricted drivers, maybe?08:54
poltaka free distro, I mean08:54
poltakI'm not allowed to click links08:55
bioterrorwhy not?08:55
bioterrorspreading word of opensource software is spreading word of communism!08:55
poltaklast time I did I ruined gran's laptop08:55
poltakbut that was an msn link08:56
poltakalso, opensource software isn't communism08:57
AscavasaionMini.iso is also giving me trouble now... sigh.  Puppylinux runs fine on this machine with a Frugal install.  HOwcome Ubuntu will not even boot into the installation media?08:57
bioterrorAscavasaion, any errors?08:58
Ascavasaionbioterror: froze on loading vmlinuz or something.  I have since rebooted... again.09:00
AscavasaionOkay, trying with Mini.iso again.  I opted for first option... Install.  CDROM is reading like crazy and initial installation menu has not disappeared.09:05
Ascavasaiongot an error... but it disappeared... EDD Error: something something Sector something .... sound slike the hard disk is dodgy or the disc.  I just burnt the disc.  Argh!  Why can it not just work.  Sheesh.09:06
poltakwhat's you guys favourite thing about lubuntu?09:08
Ascavasaionpoltak: Um... not installing it, that is for sure heehhe09:09
poltakWhy is this hard for you?09:12
Ascavasaionpoltak: Because the installer is dying on me ehhe09:14
poltakstop laughing or you'd be wise to not belief it09:14
poltakjust drop it09:15
poltakbrb I need to do some networking maintenance and repairs (I'm network administrator of my house)09:15
AscavasaionTurns out it was a dodgy burn :)  EDD error = dodgy CD heeh  Reburnt it on the XP machine and it is installing now :)10:01
poltakAscavasaion: you can never trust XP10:03
AscavasaionDoes mini.iso install X Windows, etc.?10:05
poltakAscavasaion: nope10:05
AscavasaionOh :(10:06
poltakAscavasaion: tell me you've got it working10:41
Ascavasaionpoltak: It is downloading stuff off the Internet now :)10:42
poltakgood lad. You can thank me later10:42
Ascavasaionpoltak: HAHA!10:42
AscavasaionIt crashed... Installing The Base system failed.  :(10:48
poltakThat's not my fault!10:48
AscavasaionI never said it was your fault.10:48
poltakyou basically implied it. It's recorded now anyway10:49
AscavasaionHA HA HA!  Nonsense.10:49
poltakIf I get an email from the administrators I'm giving them the timestamp so they can come check the records from then10:50
poltakI didn't do anything wrong10:50
MrChrisDruifWhat's going on?10:52
poltakbasically accused of breaking some guys system10:53
MrChrisDruifAha...only if you suggested third party PPA's etc then you MIGHT get blamed, otherwise your probably safe :)10:54
poltakI didn't even do that!!! :( seriously feel like crap now10:55
MrChrisDruifCheer up poltak10:56
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif: He is talking crap.10:57
MrChrisDruifI don't know what happened fully, so just chill :P10:57
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif: I am chilled hehe  Either we have a language problem and he misunderstood what I said, or he is playing the fool.10:57
poltak:( shit I used to think you guys were the coolest but not any more10:58
* Ascavasaion shuts up.10:58
MrChrisDruifpoltak; We're not accusing you of anything, what's wrong?10:59
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poltakMrChrisDruif: I just think I'm gonna have to go for another walk to get this off my chest11:00
MrChrisDruifAlright, have a nice walk :)11:00
poltakIt's bloody freezing so I won't!11:02
MrChrisDruifSouthern hemisphere?11:06
AscavasaionWhich is lighter... Xubuntu or Lubuntu?11:53
MrChrisDruifAscavasaion; I'm not sure, I haven't tested. But in my experience is Lubuntu lighter then Xubuntu11:55
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif: Aaaah, thank you.11:55
AhmuckLubuntu for now14:13
Ahmuckrofl, that guy sounds like he's had a little to much of something14:21
Ahmuckwhy don't i ever get here to join the fun at the right time14:21
kalithlevhm, is it possible to get the "Extract here" thing in pcmanfm to create a folder with the archive name?15:23
Soupermanitowhy the lubuntu homepage doesnt lead you to the torrent?18:51
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mikeatvillageHi, is there a gui I can use to enter details of my proxy for internet access20:47
mikeatvillageI've just install the gnome network tools but it's not in there20:48
bioterrorseems like we have a faq material in here20:48
bioterrorcromium-browser --proxy-server=host:port20:49
bioterrorchromium-browser even20:49
bioterrorman chromium-browser20:50
bioterrorand /proxy20:50
bioterrorfor searching proxy settings20:50
mikeatvillagebioterror: Thanks. I thought the browsers used the "system settings"20:51
bioterrornp ;)20:53
bioterroractually that's ridiculous thing20:53
mikeatvillagebioterror: I was looking for a gui that would edit /etc/environment for me20:53
bioterrorgilir, ^^ proxy case20:53
gilirbioterror, lxproxy in the Lubuntu PPA ?20:56
mikeatvillagebioterror: PPA ?20:56
bioterrorgilir, is that going to be moved to official repos too?21:01
gilirbioterror, it's not planned in the short term21:01
Keutelgebakjenoob question: can I install lubuntu without losing everything here on my windows drive? I only have one partition, so can I make an etx4 partiton for lubuntu without having to format everything?21:06
bioterrorthere's option "install side-by-side"21:06
Keutelgebakjereally? when booting from the installation cd?21:07
Keutelgebakjeand all my data will be safe?21:07
Keutelgebakjethank you, that's what I needed to know:)21:07
bioterrorI can dig you a screenshot .D21:08
mikeatvillageI did a 'side-by-side' last week and it all worked perfectly21:08
Keutelgebakjewell I used to have linux mint before this and I know mint could do that too somehow, but I've never tried it :P21:08
kosaidpohello people ; ]21:09
Keutelgebakjeit says there "alongside an exsisting copy of Ubuntu", but same goes for windows I understand?21:10
bioterrorthat shot was to demonstrate that you can even upgrade your existing installation with new ubiquity21:11
Keutelgebakjeallright :D21:11
Keutelgebakjewell I'm curious about lubuntu, looks quite good. I used to have mint 9, worked like a charm, but when I updated to 10 all hell broke loose haha21:12
bioterrormint is not designed to be upgraded from working installation21:13
bioterrorthey like to have a fresh new installation21:13
bioterrorthat's why they have made those backup softwares :D21:13
twiztalubuntu works great on my old aspire one.21:14
Keutelgebakjewell, we shall see, thanks for your help everyone :)21:15
Keutelgebakjetime to install, bye21:15
mikeatvillagegilir: I've found the lubuntu-control-center and downloaded it but get a dependency error "python < 2.7  :-(21:15
mikeatvillagegilir: and all the pages I google for lkproxy do not seem to have a download :-((21:16
kosaidpomikeatvillage: update ur python then21:26
mikeatvillageAccording to Synaptic I have python
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kosaidpomikeatvillage: but pythin now its at v 3 :D21:36
mikeatvillageThanks, I'll go there and see what I can do :-)21:37
kosaidpomikeatvillage: : ]21:41
gomiboypay attention that they changed apis with python 3... not all programs written with python <2.7 will work... just saying :321:49
mikeatvillageI've installed 3.2 now ...21:51
mikeatvillageAh, still getting the dependency error even now I have python 3.2 :-(21:55
bonnyhow do i install java it says it has no installation candidate22:26
MrChrisDruifbonny; Search for java in synaptic22:27
bonnyi need jdk to run minecraft22:31
MrChrisDruifjdk? Not jre?22:32
bonnyi have jre22:32
bonnyhave u used minecraft before22:32
MrChrisDruifNope, but jre = Java Runtime Environment, that why I thought you'd needed that22:34
bonnybut i think i have java22:36
bonnyruntime environment22:37
bonnyi only need to know how to sart up minecraft cuz it needs java it works online but online wheneer i click it opens the menu thats why im installing the non browser version22:37
bonnybut i extracted the file and i dont no how to open it with java22:38
bonnyon internet section i have : sun java 6 web start22:39
bonnyon  preferences i have: open jdk java 6 policy tool22:39
bonnyand sun java 6 plugin control panel and sun java 6 policy tool22:39
gomiboybonny: if it's a .jar you have to write in a terminal: java -jar filename22:40
bonnybonny@bonny-desktop:~$ java -jar minecraft.jar22:41
bonnyUnable to access jarfile minecraft.jar22:41
bonnyits says unable to access22:41
gomiboyyou have it on your home dir?22:42
bonnywat is dir?22:42
bonnyu mean computer22:42
bonnyya i have it on my home computer22:42
gomiboybonny: your home directory (dir) is where all your files resides22:43
bonnyso.... yep so any other ideas mrchrisdruif22:43
bonnyi have it on my desktop22:43
bonny/home/bonny/Desktop thats where i have it22:44
gomiboythen "cd Desktop" before executing java -jar22:44
MrChrisDruifgomiboy; Thanks22:44
bonnyhow do i do that just type cd desktop ?22:44
gomiboyMrChrisDruif: for what? :P22:45
bonnyon terminal?22:45
MrChrisDruifbonny; Yup22:45
MrChrisDruifcd ~/Desktop22:45
bonnyoh ok22:45
gomiboybonny: commands are case sensitive... as MrChrisDruif says :D22:45
bonnyit still says unable to acces22:46
bonnythats why it makes me think if i have java jdk22:46
bonnyi have it as a executable file too22:47
gomiboyok, type "ls -l" and paste here the line with your .jar22:47
MrChrisDruifOr post the entire outcome on paste.ubuntu.com22:48
bonnyok its cool i got it too work22:48
bonnyi type java then i did java -jar minecraft22:49
bonnytthanks guys22:51
bonnygomiboy and mr chrisdruif thanks its been days since i tried to open this thing lol thanks :)22:51
MrChrisDruifYour welcome22:58
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