
chotazIs any version of oneiric released for testing yet?01:26
kavurtchotaz: not yet01:32
jbichachotaz: Alpha 1 will be 2 June https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule01:32
donnieWhen will daily images be available?05:30
ubottuA schedule of Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule05:35
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donnieThanks. Sorry for the noob question. Are ISOs provided starting Alpha-1?05:58
IdleOnedonnie: correct06:11
donnieIdleOne Thanks06:11
IdleOneno problem06:11
elvhi how to fix udev bug?13:03
elvanyone has /runudev not writable?13:04
elvsorry /run/udev not writable13:04
pfifoyou mean /var/run/udev13:04
elvdonno how to fix13:05
elvmy keyboard is not recognised13:05
elvi cannot login13:06
elvno one has the same problem?13:06
pfifoIt says its a problem with the initramfs, maybe try rebuilding it, and if that doesnt work then use an older one13:10
elvpfifo: i manage to boot but i have a frozen gdm. removing mouse and then pluggin it in works but i cannot do the same for the keybord 'cause i'm on a laptop13:13
elvpfifo: suggestion?13:14
pfifochroot in13:14
elvand the rebuilding initramfs?13:16
jbichamvo: hi, you wanted me to remind you about possibly bypassing the NM check in update-manager13:22
elvwhat is the command to rebuild initrams?13:25
elvi don't think rebuildng udev could be a solution: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36567913:35
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 365679 in Core system "sys-fs/udev-168-r1 - udevd: error: runtime directory '/run/udev' not writable, for now falling back to '/dev/.udev'" [Major,Confirmed: ]13:35
elvideas based on that bug?13:35
elvremoving /run directory?13:36
elvpfifo: ?13:37
elvplease guys...13:38
PiciBugs should be expected when running Oneiric, especially at pre-alpha status.13:39
pfifomorning Pici13:40
elvPici: yep but solving them is also expected13:43
popeydoesn't mean someone here knows how to solve that issue13:43
elvrebuilding initramfs doesn't work13:48
elvBINGO! removing /run worked!14:02
IdleOne113 packages upgraded, 14 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1 not upgraded.18:10
IdleOneThis should be fun18:10
* IdleOne jumps in18:10
anadonhey, is there any way to run the windows kernel within linux without a VM?18:11
patdk-wkwine :)18:11
anadonwine is not the windows kernel18:17
patdk-wkwine is a windows kernel emu18:19
anadonno...wine stands for Wine IS Not an Emulator18:20
anadonit's a set of libraries and a few scripts written for linux to imitate the windows environment18:21
IdleOneanadon: I guess the answer to your question is no18:26
IdleOnetime to reboot this update18:27
IdleOneUnity is broken.18:34
IdleOneclassic no effects boots fine (ugly theme)18:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
anadonatleast that theme works!  Unity is clunky and buggy.18:58
UndiFineDplease help the ubuntu advertisement team by spreading this url and filling this anonymous survey, I am aiming for 12.000 responses: http://bit.ly/lZk5xw20:14
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
jimmyxuHey anyone got his GNOME theme screwed up after an upgrade?20:16
jtaylor< 220:17
jimmyxujtaylor: any hint?20:21
jtaylormaybe wait a while and then reset the desktop20:21
jimmyxuseems everything is working, except it's *ugly*20:22
dsatheu referin to gnome 320:22
dsatherelated issue20:22
jimmyxudsathe: nope, classic20:22
dsatheclassic after gnome 3 ?20:22
jimmyxudsathe: still gnome 220:22
dsathewat happnd ?20:23
jimmyxudsathe: upgraded, rebooted, something wrong w/ the theme20:23
dsathewat dist ?20:23
dsatheit has gnome3 stack20:23
dsatheu need to set stuff in dconf20:24
dsatheor get gnome tweak tool20:24
jimmyxuwell... any hint or keywords?20:24
dsatheyep get dconf-tools20:24
dsatheopen dconf-editor20:24
dsatheset the theme20:24
dsatheon deviant art look for gtk3 themes20:24
dsatheambiance,atolm adwaita20:24
dsatheall work fully20:25
dsatheput those20:25
jimmyxudsathe: should install that? btw i don't want to switch to GNOME 3 by now..20:25
dsatheset icons etc20:25
dsatheu hav gnome 3 stack if u r on oneric20:25
dsathethe packages are trickelin into it with every update20:25
jimmyxuany means to stay on oneiric but do some downgrade? I don't mind removing ubuntu-desktop20:25
dsathei doubt20:26
dsatheuse natty then20:26
dsathethat is oneric ddowngraded20:26
dsathewhy r u on oneric if u want gnome 2 ?20:26
jimmyxu:( well _everything_ is downgraded then20:26
dsathene specific purpose ?20:26
PiciUndiFineD: Do you have a moment for a pm?20:26
jimmyxudsathe: i just want everything but the desktop to stay new20:26
dsathewat everything ?20:27
dsatheoneric is like aa month old only20:27
dsatheuse specific ppa if u need those pkgs updated20:27
jimmyxudsathe: btw, gnome-appearance-properties displays itself correctly20:27
dsathei kno20:27
dsathebut those are no longer obeyed20:27
dsathegconf migrated to dconf20:27
dsathesee all the new apps u waant are now based on the gnome 3 satck u cannont not have them and hav gnome 220:28
* jimmyxu starting to get it...20:28
dsathegnome stack is much much more then gtk (what u get to see)20:28
dsatheall backends aud vid tc adevices use a newer stack20:29
dsathenatty is new enough20:29
jimmyxuyea i do see a lot of 2.xx->3.020:30
dsatheas i said20:30
jimmyxuso the classic would be screwed in oneiric release?20:30
dsatheinstall gnome tweak tool20:30
dsathejimmy i guess20:30
dsathenot completely20:30
dsatheunless canonical/ubuntu port gnome panel to gnome3 stack20:31
dsatheunity works gr8 on gnome 320:31
dsatheand i guess u can us gnome 3 without the shell20:31
dsathegoogle a luil20:31
cebalraiShouldn't gnome-shell be moving into the repos?20:31
dsatheit is more stable then unity afaik20:32
jimmyxudsathe: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.clock' is not installed  // means i need `gnome-shell'?20:32
dsatheu missin a file20:32
dsatheadd the gnome3 ppa20:32
dsathe(assumeing u hav used oneric20:32
jimmyxudsathe: gnome3-team/gnome3 right?20:33
dsatheand not compiled it20:33
jimmyxuyea that ppa only compiles natty20:33
dsatheno oneric ?20:33
jimmyxudsathe: nah20:33
cebalraiI'm running gnome3 on arch, but it is unstable using both nouvea/nvidia20:34
dsathei am on natty due to production req20:34
dsathei used gnome3 on arc wor months20:34
cebalraiits not a gnome3 problem, it also freezes using kde.20:34
dsathegot so used to it so use the ppa in natty20:34
* jimmyxu <-- just want a mean to get things done w/o that shell or unity stuffs20:34
cebalraignome-shell itself is quite stable20:35
dsathecebalrai: nvidia ?20:35
dsathewat model ?20:35
dsathegfx card ?20:35
cebalraiquadro 140M/8400GS20:35
dsathewat driver u usin in arh20:35
dsathethe nvidia one >20:35
cebalraiI used both20:35
dsatheand wat xorg /20:35
dsathei am askin driver ver ?20:35
cebalrailet me chroot and check real quick20:36
dsathearch unstable gnome and unstable enable20:36
dsathegiv v stable gnome3 exp20:36
dsathei dumped arch 2 weeks ago20:36
dsatheonce i cud get 3 on ubuntu20:36
dsathei dunno if it went into the main repo20:36
dsathelast known was in testing and gnome-unstable20:37
cebalrainvidia is: 270.41.06-120:37
dsathei am on ubuntu gnome3 shell20:37
cebalraithey moved gnome3 into stable around May 1st20:37
dsathewait ill see me driver ver20:38
dsatheafaik its nvid current in natty20:38
jimmyxu270.41.06-0ubuntu1 here20:38
dsatheii was using a custom kernel / bfq/ck with a highr nvid from aur20:38
dsatheno issues then20:38
dsatheunless u fiidddle with extensions20:38
dsathelike a few tht cause it to crash20:39
cebalraii was just running stock arch kernel, no extensions.20:39
dsathestock also worked20:39
cebalraiWeird part, it also happens using nouveau20:39
dsathehave you conf ur xconf.org properly20:39
dsathewat does lspci say ?20:40
dsatheinstall nvi from testing20:40
dsathesee if it hasa anewer ver20:40
dsathedo u hav ne logs ?20:40
cebalraixconf, etc. is all configured correctly20:40
dsathesystem fully updated nah ?20:41
cebalraiyup yup20:41
dsathene logs ?20:41
guntbertreading this conversation is quite hard - abbreviations (u, ne,...) and so many <enters> ....20:41
cebalraihaven't gotten around to checking, might as well have a look at them right now20:41
dsatheguntbert: sorry20:42
rwwguntbert: you just beat me to saying that :)20:42
dsathei will make my conversations more complete soo soo sorry20:42
jimmyxugive me a hint: gnome-shell is a WM?20:42
cebalraiah cool, I actually found it20:43
cebalraior something at least20:43
jimmyxuwhy libpurple still depends on perl 5.10......= =20:43
jimmyxudsathe: so is it possible to run metacity on a gnome 3?20:44
cebalraiThat was running nouveau20:44
dsathenot sure .. atm are you using noveau or nvidia module >20:44
dsathejimmyxu: not sure20:45
zniavrewith compiz ?20:45
cebalraijimmyxu: I believe gnome-shell fallback still uses metacity? gnome-shell itself uses mutter20:45
dsathejimmyxu: there is i guess a gnome 3 version of metacity coz i have heard of gnome 3 without shell20:46
dsathezniavre: yess definitly what you will see in 11.1020:46
dsatheusing unity20:46
jimmyxunot seeing metacity being upgraded though20:46
cebalraimight be some kind of mutter fallback then20:46
dsathecompiz with gnome 3 umm for all people lookin for classic exp what you can dois run unity , and turn of the unity plugin that way what you have is classic with compiz20:47
dsatheand gnome320:47
jimmyxutired of compiz crashing all the time so fallbacked to metacity a long time before... gotta give it another try20:48
cebalraiI'm note alone with my problems: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=93542920:49
dsathethere was an issue during natty devel that compi kept crashing because it defaulted to ini (file backend) rather than gconf20:49
dsatheset that to gconf and reset all  your prefs20:49
dsathemuch more stable20:49
cebalraii was actually curious to see if this would also happen under oneiric20:50
dsathenatty gnome3 all well20:50
dsathetry reinstalling the nvidia driver20:50
dsatheand xorg20:51
dsatheblacklist noveau20:51
cebalraididn't try gnome3 under natty. natty is/was running fine. now i upgraded it to oneiric for fun20:51
cebalraias I said, I tried both nouveau and nvidia. Problem happens with both.20:51
dsatheno idea20:51
dsathecant do tht as of now20:52
cebalraiI was just curious if someone here has run into that20:52
dsathewish i could jump onto 11.1020:52
jimmyxucebalrai: works for me here20:52
dsathegenerally wait for alpha120:52
dsatheatleast get the feature freaze20:52
jbichadsathe: that's a good idea, only part of gnome 3 is in oneiric so far anyway20:53
dsathethen play coz rite now tooo volatile20:53
cebalraiI usually switch a couple of weeks after the repositories are open. even on production systems, just for the fun of it20:53
dsathesame her20:53
dsathei wait till alpha120:53
dsatheif major known bbug20:53
cebalraii have other partitions I can boot, should the need arise.20:53
dsathei wait till its sorted20:53
dsatheall thru i had arch to do tht20:53
cebalraiyeah right now i got oneiric, arch and win7 :-D20:54
dsatheif u want to go oneric for gnome 3 i think natty + ppa better20:54
cebalrainah i wanted oneiric out of curiosity20:54
dsathecoz in oneric too many libs xorg libc etc will change cause too many breakages20:54
dsatheor wait till alpa 1/220:54
cebalraiits usually easy enough to avoid x breakages if you pay attention to what you are actually doing during upgrades20:55
dsathewill wait till aug wen proj gets over will claean up hdd and put back arch , 11.10 and win820:55
dsathebfore u pounce on me win8 exclusivly for engg sw / gaming20:56
jimmyxuwell it's quite hilarious to see such an ancient theme... after staring at the screen for some while20:57
cebalraii need win7 almost exclusively for raw photography, starcraft2, office *shudder*20:57
dsathejimmyxu: use atolm20:57
guntbertdsathe: please slow down on the keyboard a little - I'm good with english but "all thru i had arch to do tht" is nearly impossible for me20:57
jimmyxudsathe: would give that a shot after (hopefully) theme starts to work again20:58
dsathejimmyxu: it does :/ use adwaita or atolm20:58
dsathethey have been ported to gtk3, use dconf to set them or gnome-tweak-tool20:59
dsathei am using it currently20:59
jimmyxugnome-tweak-tool crashes w/ that shell.clock error20:59
dsatheuse dconf21:00
jbichajimmyxu: gnome-tweak-tool depends on gnome-shell but that's not listed in the control file21:00
jimmyxudsathe: gotta do the ppa upgrade first :)21:00
dsathewhat you can do is this :21:00
dsatheinstall dconf-tools ,> runf-dconf-editor21:01
dsathego to > org>gnome>desktop>interface21:01
dsatheset al the threads to as you like thats how i did it before tweak tool came around21:01
dsathebtw did an dist-upgrade with the ppa like 30 min ago no issue here21:02
jimmyxudsathe: marked, restarting gdm21:02
dsathedconf-editor is like gconf-editor ,  infact easier to use and restore in case you goof up21:03
jbichadsathe: there's plenty of bugs in oneiric now21:03
dsatheexpected ;)21:04
dsathehave to be, always are its started like a week or 2 ago21:04
jimmyxudsathe: started w/ Ubuntu GNOME Shell (whatever it's named), and it shows nothing. ran a gnome-terminal from tty2 and started metacity and gnome-panel.. now it seems working21:15
jimmyxudsathe: except right-clicking on desktop doesn't respond.21:15
cebalraishould I upgrade my vserver to oneiric? :-D21:16
dsathewait till alpha1/221:17
cebalraiim keeping it on natty till rc as usual21:17
dsathebest switch is alpha221:17
cebalraion a server ^^?21:18
dsatherc is good to to avoid rush and u dont want the bugs at all21:18
cebalraiits not mission critical, but i would rather have it running21:18
dsathewait then till rc21:18
jimmyxudsathe: didn't see a fallback mode in gdm... where are these conf files again?21:19
dsathefallback to what ?21:19
dsathethe conf fils i was referin to were to do with theming gtk321:20
jimmyxudsathe: eg. start metacity and gnome-panel from gdb, instead of shell21:20
dsathelemme see brb trying out gnome3 without shell ;) need to log off gimme a bit o time21:21
dsatheyep it works21:27
dsathethough i hav mashup of 2&321:27
jimmyxudsathe: where did you find that classic21:29
dsathein gdm21:29
dsathesorry ubuntu classic and ubuntu-classic no effects21:29
jimmyxugonna try21:29
dsatheis gnome 2.32 of natty but all my 2.32 libs are now 3.0.1 so as i said a mashup21:30
jimmyxuno such thing here :(21:31
jimmyxudsathe: and gdmsetup stops working21:35
dsatheoneiric :D21:36
dsathewait a bit more i guess21:36
jimmyxuwhere did gdm put those session config?21:36
jimmyxulooked inside /etc/gdm and found nothing21:37
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jimmyxudsathe: oh... got it21:40
jimmyxudsathe: can you paste your /usr/share/xsessions/? thx21:40
dsatheone sec21:41
dsatheumm its a folder O.o21:41
jimmyxudsathe: yup... just find something _classic_21:42
dsatheya se 2 of them21:42
dsathecant open them tho21:42
jimmyxunot text? o.O21:42
dsatheaah now when i see it throuh a terminal i see all the files as .desktop21:43
dsathewait will send you the text21:44
jimmyxudsathe: thx21:44
dsathe pm or pastebin ?21:44
jimmyxudsathe: pastebin21:44
jimmyxueasier to copy IMO21:44
jimmyxudsathe: oh and /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/, maybe something w/ a classic or fallback in its name21:47
dsatheone sec21:48
dsathegiving a detailed post gimme a few min21:48
jimmyxuwill do :)21:48
dsathecoming through with the gnome-session ones in a bit21:50
jimmyxuokay i think i start to get it21:51
jimmyxusomehow `gnome-session-fallback' has been left uninstalled...21:51
jimmyxugonna relogin21:51
jimmyxudsathe: ah it's finally working :)21:54
dsathethis might be more usefull too21:56
jbichanah, you likely don't need to edit the sessions manually22:06
jimmyxujbicha: yea from the paste i found out i missed a pkg..22:07
jbichagnome-session-fallback is what you need22:07
jimmyxuyup exactly22:08
dsathe:D glad i could help22:09
jbichaif you want another way to break your computer, I have gnome-panel 3 in my PPA22:09
dsathegood nite , its 3am *yawn*22:09
jimmyxu5am here :) night dsathe22:10
dsathewher u based >22:10
jimmyxudsathe: chn22:10
dsathemumbai here ;)22:10

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