
coalwaternight seidos and MrChrisDruif00:00
MrChrisDruifSleep well coalwater00:01
norm_hello, I have a question: How is it that my terminal windows are unreadable? Ie. ctrl-alt-F2 is white and funny looking. Is this a video card problem or can I set it to default vga?00:18
MrChrisDruifI don't know, but I'm going offline. Bad timing I guess. Good luck norm_ :)00:21
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KyleBWhat does disabling shell access when creating a user do?03:37
holsteinKyleB: keeps that user out of the shell03:38
holsteini would think it would be a security step03:38
KyleBholstein: Ok thanks.03:39
asterismoi have a question03:40
asterismoi people03:40
asterismohi people03:40
asterismomy HP 6735s laptop since 2 weeks started to reboot spontaneously when idle03:41
asterismothis happens to me once a day or two03:41
asterismobut i would like to look at the logs if there is any, and see what did last the laptop before reboot03:42
asterismois there any kernel log i can check out?03:42
asterismobecause this is a very bad bug03:42
holsteinasterismo: might be03:42
holsteini would say03:42
holsteinunplug the HD03:43
holsteinget a live CD03:43
holsteinboot that03:43
holsteinIF it starts failing03:43
holsteinthen, you know its hardware03:43
holsteinthats what you need to rule out*03:43
asterismobut i really do not have the time to do this03:44
asterismobut if it is some hardware it should be an error log somewhere, right?03:44
holsteinasterismo: not necessarily03:45
holsteinif the hardware is causing the issue03:45
holsteinthen, it would just shut ff03:45
holsteinand im not sure if you would get a proper report03:45
holsteinthats fairly definitive03:45
holsteineven if you dont want to unplug the drive03:46
holsteinjust run a live CD03:46
asterismobut in live CD i don not have all updates and stuff03:46
holsteinto get the OS out of the way03:46
holsteinasterismo: right03:46
holsteinIF the machine shuts down03:46
holsteinwhen you are running the live CD03:46
holsteinthe same as it is now03:46
holsteinthen, you can stop messing with the OS03:46
holsteinand fix the hardware03:46
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zavahello, how is Ubuntu getting along with EMU soundcards ?11:06
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Sidewinder1zava: I'm not familiar with EMU cards, you might try a search on http://www.ubuntuforums.org, if you haven't already.11:08
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:09
zavawell, last time i've tried Ubuntu it was quite buggy and the guys from the forums gave me the same feedback11:09
MrChrisDruifJust try the livecd I would say11:09
zavaI' ve tried previous version, 1011:09
zavanow i'm running virtual box11:10
zavaI'll say what happens11:10
MrChrisDruifAlright, but now we're at 11.04 (btw, which version 10? 10.04 or 10.10?)11:10
zava10.4 I guess11:10
MrChrisDruifA year ago?11:10
MrChrisDruifUbuntu has a new version every 6 months11:10
zavaGeneral impression was that EMU cards are quite difficult11:10
zavalast year, yes11:11
zavai'll give it a try11:11
MrChrisDruifAlright, good luck :)11:11
Sidewinder110.04 Is the LTS Long Term Service version11:11
MrChrisDruifThat's true11:12
MrChrisDruifBut that's mostly interesting for servers, for Desktop you might as well update/fresh install every 6 months11:13
Sidewinder1Not my personal philosphy, I just want it to work without having to mess with settings, etc., every 6 months; but it's all good11:14
Sidewinder1My history: Gutsy--> Hardy--> Lucid11:15
MrChrisDruifSidewinder1; Indeed, and I use the LTS version on machines I'm not regularly on myself (Desktops and laptops of family)11:16
Sidewinder1MrChrisDruif, That's the nice part; there are options. :-)11:20
Sidewinder1MrChrisDruif, Actually, with all of the complaining that I've seen regarding Unity, I'm hopeing that Conical will reconcentrate back on Gnome for their future LTS releases. But in all fairness I haven't tried Unity yet; I'll need a test "box" for that.11:42
MrChrisDruifSidewinder1; It was buggy with me (buggy as in crashing the environment)11:42
coalwatermy unity is kinda stable, but i hate the lack of indicators, and it acts funny sometimes, but nothing that crashes11:59
MrChrisDruifNo indicators?12:01
bioterrorpeople are so happy about unity12:02
MrChrisDruifbioterror; Sarcastic? ;)12:02
bioterrormmm yes12:02
bioterrorand using compiz by default fails12:03
bioterrorpeople has lots of problems with 3D drivers12:03
MrChrisDruifCompiz is stable in 10.1012:03
Puck`you need the hardware for it, i'm fortunate to have unity working totally12:04
bioterrori could probably have12:04
bioterrorbut i dont see the benefits12:04
bioterrorif i want working 3D desktop, I would go with the windows 7 aero :D12:05
bioterroroh great two rims of four are messed up in my car12:07
coalwateryea im with bioterror about compiz, i did a fresh install and yet just cuase i enabled 1 compiz plugin it took me like 30 mins of fixing just to get a unity back12:17
coalwatera lot of compiz plugins   crash unity just by being enabled12:18
coalwaternot to mention that any compiz change makes unity act weird or logos disappear till a compiz --replace to get the unity to work properly12:19
=== Guest11 is now known as kingkong
bioterrorcoalwater ;)13:21
coalwaterhey :D lol13:21
UndiFineDplease help the ubuntu advertisement team by spreading this url and filling this anonymous survey, I am aiming for 12.000 responses: http://bit.ly/lZk5xw15:08
Sidewinder1Been there, done that. :-)15:08
UndiFineDyeah.. I have to promote it a bit15:09
UndiFineDso i spread it around here and there15:09
Sidewinder1As you rightly should!15:10
Error404NotFoundthat wasnt to painful...15:11
Sidewinder1Have you put it anywherein http://ubuntuforums.org?15:11
UndiFineDno not yet15:11
UndiFineDbut feel free to do so yourself15:12
Sidewinder1UndiFineD, If you haven't, respectfully, you should; probably in The Community Cafe.15:12
coalwatercan i do a cron that runs 3pm and 11:45 pm in a single line?15:43
newubuntuanyone here?15:55
Sidewinder1Me too..15:58
newubuntui have a question15:59
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:59
newubuntuin ubuntu 10.10 whenever i used to startup ubuntu, it would autoatically connect to my wifi16:02
newubuntubut now in 11.04 when i start my ubuntu, i have to switch my wlan off, then on, then ubuntu detects it and asks for keyring and then connects16:02
Error404NotFoundthats not a question its a statement16:03
newubuntuany solution?16:03
xardas008the network isn't visible?16:03
xardas008only after rebooting the wlan module?16:03
newubuntuyes it says wlan device not found16:04
xardas008ok that's strange16:05
newubuntuyup strange indeed16:05
Sidewinder1Have you tried to hit it with a BFH?16:08
newubuntuwhats a BFH?16:08
Sidewinder1Big ***Hammer16:08
Sidewinder1Just kidding... :-)16:08
newubuntuany non harmful solution16:09
Sidewinder1Sad part is, sometimes it works. :-)16:09
newubuntuok leave this problem, i can live with it16:09
newubuntui got a bigger problem16:09
newubuntuit has happened twice or thrice since i installed ubuntu 11.04(that'd be 2 weeks ago)16:10
newubuntuthe system FREEZES16:10
newubuntujust freezes for NO APPARANT REASON16:10
Error404NotFoundthats 11.04 for ya16:10
Error404NotFoundits not an lts16:10
Error404NotFoundmine freezes too16:10
Sidewinder1I only use LTSs; Couldn't be bothered with all the messin' around every 6 mos. But that's just me.16:12
newubuntui mean freezes for no reason,16:12
Error404NotFoundso does mine...16:12
newubuntui had no fancy stuff in the background, it just froze16:12
Error404NotFoundive had 11.04 for like 2 weeks16:12
Error404NotFoundfroze atleast 10 times16:12
newubuntuand it froze forever, i had to eventually reboot forcefully16:12
Error404NotFoundmy main problem now is blue tooth16:14
Error404NotFoundinitial boot it dont work i have to reboot16:14
Error404NotFoundthen it just works...16:14
Sidewinder1!enter | Error404NotFound16:15
ubot2Error404NotFound: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:15
Error404NotFoundyou cant change my typing practices...16:16
Sidewinder1newubuntu, Don't force; type "R-E-I-S-U-B" while holding down the Alt and Prtscreen keys waiting about two seconds between...16:17
Sidewinder1Error404NotFound, Wasn't trying to, just a suggestion. :-)16:17
newubuntusidewinder1, i didnt get u, pelase elaborate16:18
Error404NotFoundwith dashes?16:18
Error404NotFoundi dont have a print screen key16:19
Sidewinder1Do a search for REISUB that will explain more accurately and in more detail than I can; I'm a "peck and hunt" kinda' guy. :-)16:19
Error404NotFoundso am i16:19
Sidewinder1No, no dashes.16:19
holsteinnewubuntu: what wifi hardware?16:20
Error404NotFoundhola holstein16:20
holsteinim experiencing something similar16:20
newubuntuumm, i dont know16:20
holsteinwhich i am assuming is a regression bug16:20
newubuntuholstein, but it doesnt matter coz it wasnt a problem in 10.1016:20
holsteinand might acutally be fixed16:21
holsteini havent installed 11.04 on the hardware in question16:21
holsteinand ive been a little too busy to track it down properly16:21
holsteinError404NotFound: o/16:21
Sidewinder1It preserves "machine-state" and all kinds of other things that can be screwed up by a forced shut-down, such as holding the power button th show the 'puter who's really bosss.16:21
holsteinNetwork controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)16:21
holstein^ thats my hardware16:22
Error404NotFoundive had problems with my wifi, usb dlink 802.11n16:22
holsteinso far, any 11.04 based distro is running great live16:22
holsteintil i join a wifi network16:22
holsteinthen, it starts to crawl16:22
holsteinand lock up16:22
holsteinagain, if i actually installed16:22
holsteinand updated the pacakges16:22
holsteintheres probably an update to fix it16:23
Error404NotFoundmy wifi connected but was literally bytes per second16:23
newubuntuim actually thinking of switching back to windows16:24
Error404NotFoundgo back to the lts16:24
holsteinpotentially easier i suppose16:24
holsteini always quote a book i have, 'how linux works'16:25
holsteinnothing in linux is hiding itself from you16:25
holsteinif you want to get involved16:25
holsteinand help fix te problem16:25
holsteinim sure that would be appreciated16:25
bioterrorpeople is waving french flag again in here16:25
holsteinbut, thats quite a departure from the usual model16:25
holsteini would give the LTS a chance live16:26
holsteinor, search around for bugs relating to your specific hardware16:26
bioterrori would trylts kernel on 11.04 ;116:26
Sidewinder1!enter > holstein16:26
ubot2holstein, please see my private message16:26
holsteinbioterror: :)16:26
Error404NotFoundi like the french reference16:26
Sidewinder1holstein, Sorry, couldn't resist. :-)16:27
holsteinSidewinder1: ?16:27
Sidewinder1holstein, You're not ignoring ubot2 are you? :-)16:28
holsteinSidewinder1: i'll review the /topic, and try to be more consice16:28
Sidewinder1holstein, On a slow day like today it's not bad; but when it get busy, a "page" can fill up really quick...16:29
Sidewinder1holstein, Us old farts get confused faster and faster.16:30
Error404NotFoundold fart...16:30
Error404NotFoundim old too16:33
UndiFineD404 ?16:33
Error404NotFoundim 3316:33
Error404NotFoundnot 40416:33
MrChrisDruifThat's not old, only 10 years older then I am16:33
UndiFineDand you call yourselves old with 33 ?16:34
Error404NotFoundtell me that in 10 years lol16:34
bioterrorhah, old timers16:34
UndiFineDI still pretend to be 1816:34
Error404NotFoundhow old are you bioterror holstein16:34
bioterrorError404NotFound, 16!16:34
holsteinSidewinder1: i feel like !enter should be implied more prominently in the /topic16:35
Error404NotFoundyoung punk!16:35
bioterrorError404NotFound, my wife is almost as old as you ;)16:35
holsteinive been her a long time, and was not aware16:35
Sidewinder1Ok, with all of the wisdom that I've aquired...What would you like to know?16:35
Error404NotFoundmarried at 16?16:35
bioterrorError404NotFound, wiki.ubuntu.com/bioterror ;)16:35
UndiFineD!sit-still | charlie-tca16:37
ubot2Factoid 'sit-still' not found16:37
MrChrisDruifUndiFineD; Was ;sitstill with DragonEyes16:37
charlie-tcatrying to change some xchat settings requires a restart16:38
* UndiFineD is Error404NotFound +116:38
Error404NotFoundwho what?16:39
UndiFineD[[ UndiFineD ]]16:39
r4yI was thinking of an idea. Make a program that makes the computer child proof, so that delete and move to trash don't exist unless that program is opened and the password is used and what ever else on top of that idea16:45
r4yanyways bye16:45
=== TheTrascendentOn is now known as Jack
=== Jack is now known as Guest74456
kristian__holstein, ping-ping18:18
kristian__Sidewinder1, are you holstein?18:19
Sidewinder1Standy, let me check.18:20
Error404NotFoundholstein:  is holstein18:20
Sidewinder1As long as holstein believes himself to be holstein.18:20
kristian__fair enough ;)18:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
holsteinkristian__: lol18:43
holsteinim around for a minute, whats up?18:43
kristian__holstein, private?18:43
Guest74456I have a problem with window decorations. I can't change them from a default one. Any thoughts? I've seen others with the problem in the forums, but no solution. :(18:52
xardas008which desktop environment are you using Guest74456?18:52
Guest74456I'm on Gnome2.18:53
xardas008System -> Settings -> Appearence normally18:53
Guest74456In appearance I can change everything but the window decoration. But Emerald is not on.18:54
Guest74456Settings in Decoration plugin under Compiz say it's "gtk-window-decorator", but I can't change it.18:56
Guest74456Changing themes in Appearance does change the color of the window border, but not the border theme itself. :S18:57
Guest74456Nothing? C'mon, in the forums they have no answers, I'm running out of ideas. It doesn't affect KDE, AFAIK, but I'd prefer to use Gnome.19:06
holsteinGuest74456: 10.10 ?19:19
Guest74456It started in 10.10 when I tried to activate Emerald and I got no borders at all, then went back to gtk decorator and this started. Now I'm in 11.04, but it's still the same.19:20
Fvichi all,can anyone guide me   through bug-420918.....m new and wanted to get involved in bug triaging?19:21
holsteinGuest74456: i would try making a different user account real quick19:27
holsteinsee if its still there19:27
* holstein using enter as punctuation again...19:27
holsteini had no idea...19:27
Guest74456alright, will do. brb19:27
Guest74456holstein: I like how you think! The new user has Compiz enabled AND regular window decorations that CAN be changed!19:32
holsteinGuest74456: interesting...19:33
Error404NotFoundi always use enter as puncuation holstein19:33
Guest74456So it's a matter of settings? Short of reinstalling, I'll do anything to get rid of this generic window border.19:33
Error404NotFounddont feel so bad19:33
holsteini suppose that should help you track it down, in your user account19:33
holsteinGuest74456: you can always start moving/renaming .config directories19:34
Guest74456Yes, that's very helpful. At least it doesn't seem to be a problem with the system.19:34
Guest74456If I were to remove the Compiz .config directory, would it create a new one on next login, or would I get BSOD or something?19:34
holsteinGuest74456: shouldnt19:35
holsteinbut, just know how to revert, and you'll be fine19:35
holsteinyou can rename/move and go in from a live CD and put the backup back in place19:35
holstein*should* just make a new directory though, without issue19:36
Guest74456Alright. I'll give it a shot. Thanks a lot. :)19:36
holsteinsure, anytime :)19:36
JackyAlcineAh, removing .compiz-1 and .config/.compiz-1 would have reset a few things.19:44
JackyAlcineIt's how I fixed my issue with Unity; because my config was incompatiable.19:44
xardas008after using gnome3 now for a few days, i come to the conclusion that unity is more user friendly than the new gnome desktop19:47
JackyAlcineIs GNOME3 more customizable?19:48
xardas008and notifications are terrible19:48
JackyAlcineIn that case,.19:49
* JackyAlcine remains with Unity.19:49
xardas008if someone writes me in irc i won't see it19:49
=== GuestSomething is now known as Guest74456
Sidewinder1holstein, Please don't take my previous (actually the "bot's") advice re: the enter key too seriously. I simply wanted to point it out to you. There have been many times on the #ubuntu, when it's very busy, I have trouble keeping up if folks use enter too frequently. I'm just an old fart and am slowing down.19:49
Sidewinder1holstein, Anyone who volunteers their time as graciously as you do deserves mucho credit, I certainly did not mean to chastise.19:51
Guest74456I just erased the config file in Compiz and entered a new session. It shows things have defaulted. Now the decorator under decoration plugin is "compiz-decorator". However, the generic border is still there. What else can I erase? I looked for a "metacity" folder, just in case, but there's none.19:51
Sidewinder1I hope that you understand. :-)19:51
Sidewinder1holstein, You certainly are a gentleman and a scholar.19:52
Guest74456Oh, how about .gconf and the one next to it, .gconfd? Those looks settingy. Would it be dangerous to erase them?19:53
xardas00820:44:19) JackyAlcine: Ah, removing .compiz-1 and .config/.compiz-1 would have reset a few things. @Guest7445619:53
Guest74456I hadn't removed the one on ~. I'll try that.19:55
JackyAlcinenorm_, don't delete .gconf19:56
Guest77456Oh, wrong nick. Anyway, erasing .compiz-1 didn't do the trick. But erasing both .gconf directories fixed it!19:58
Guest77456I mean, the desktop looks like a fresh install now, I'll need to tweak it again, but the problem is fixed! :D19:58
Guest77456Thanks all who helped. This problem was really making me mad. :D19:59
holsteinSidewinder1: no worries :) ...im always learning20:51
Sidewinder1holstein, Me too; that's the beauty of it all! :-)20:53
zaveanyone know the command to stop lftp from trying to reconnect?21:19
Sidewinder1Or kill the process in system monitor.21:20
kristian__killall ltfp21:20
bioterroror press power button for ~5 seconds21:20
bioterrorright guys?21:21
Sidewinder1bioterror, You're bad.21:22
zavectrl+c that did it, thanks21:23
xardas008power botton is the overkill xD21:23
head_victimThe power button is the windows solution21:35
Sidewinder1That's 'cause it's needed so often.21:35
Sidewinder1BSOD, and all...21:36
xardas008head_victim: i needed it on ubuntu too a few days ago while watching a fullhd movie, nothing reacted, no chance to do anything (keyboard + mouse dead)21:44
bioterrorand it's also OS X solution21:47
Error404NotFoundi love my power button21:54
bioterrormee too!21:54
bioterrorI have dig that power button with screw driver from the inside of this laptop21:54
Error404NotFoundi thought i used my power button so much in windows, because it was windows21:55
Error404NotFoundbad hdd ftl21:55
head_victimxardas008: ah bummer, I've only had that problem when hardware fails21:56
Error404NotFoundmy 1tb hdd took a dump21:56
Sidewinder1Certainly hope you guys are jokeing about the power button, right?21:56
Error404NotFoundSidewinder1:  has power button envy21:57
xardas008head_victim: i think that my external hdd was the reason for that21:57
bioterrorwho is joking21:57
Sidewinder1Lost mine many eons ago.21:57
head_victimxardas008: yeah mine was a usb failure as well actually21:57
bioterrori still think that killing processes for no real reason is as stupid as pressing power button for ~5secs ;)21:57
ibuclawwell... a hardware shutdown without safely disabling all active processes can be hazardous to data. ;)21:58
xardas008i only had a movie opened so there couldn't happen too much21:58
ibuclawmechanically, there's probably nothing to worry about.21:58
Sidewinder1On the off chance that you're not joking...The power button solution is beyond last resort. The preferred method is to hold down Shift-Alt_Printscreen and type REISUB, waiting about 3 secouns between eack letter.21:59
ibuclawactually, my preferred method would be to get a hammer and thrash the device into a thousand pieces. ;)22:01
ibuclawbut that would require a swift replacement, so I choose not to.22:01
ibuclawSidewinder1, it would ultimately depend on what's gone wrong / where you are.22:02
Sidewinder1But, I'll bet you always get the last word in, with the device!22:02
Error404NotFoundi use my hammer a lot22:03
bioterrorError404NotFound, 20kg calibration hammer22:04
Sidewinder1I've, in the last 4 years had very few lock-ups, but each time that I did, the above worked and didn't "bork" anything as the power button sometimes will...22:04
ibuclawctrl+alt+delete whilst in one of the vt's should safely reboot if the system where still in a functional state - else REISUB to ensure the safe dismounting.22:04
bioterroryeah, it sucks to wait jfs or what ever people is using to check journal status :D22:04
Sidewinder1Then, again, the BFH does have it's uses.22:05
ibuclawbioterror, ext4 when it was first pushed into Linux was in a similar state too22:05
ibuclawsteps to reproduce:22:08
ibuclawcp -r /usr/share/man ~/Desktop/man22:08
ibuclawsleep 12022:08
ibuclawecho b > /proc/sysrq-trigger22:08
ibuclawbecause of the long delay in commits the ext4 defaults had, nothing of that cp would have been written to disk by the time you forced reboot.22:11
bioterrorzsh: file exists: /proc/sysrq-trigger22:14
bioterrorgood night22:18
Error404NotFoundonly 4pm22:19
Sidewinder1G'night bio...22:20
Sidewinder1The first boat my father ever bought was a Starcraft. Brings back fond memories.22:26

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