
Kiallanyone know what the correct syntax is for cloud-init's mcollective module? Using the example gives an error about not having .iter() (sorry .. dont have the error handy right now!) (smoser maybe?)00:21
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kim0Morning everyone09:07
TeTeThi kim0 , koolhead11|afk o/09:13
koolhead11|afkhi TeTeT obino  :)09:14
kim0TeTeT: obino koolhead11|afk yoohoo :)09:14
TeTeTanyone tested natty with openstack and lxc lately? I tried at release time and it wouldn't work due to cloudinit09:14
kim0aren't we one big lovely cloudy family :)09:14
TeTeTobino: hi there09:14
koolhead11|afkkim0, :D09:14
obinoTeTeT: I'm not experienced with openstack and lxc, but I don't think the cloud-init problem was fixed, at least from the UDS session I followed09:16
TeTeTobino: thanks for the update09:17
koolhead11|afkkim0, can you add openstack book in the topic here :D09:43
kim0when we can add it to the ubuntu wiki first09:44
koolhead11|afkkim0, am not the right guy!! :D09:45
kim0huh ? am or am not :)09:45
koolhead11|afkkim0, i meant i am not. :D09:45
koolhead11|afkTeTeT, howdy!!09:49
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smoserKiall, what ami / release are you using ?14:27
smoserlynxman is the one who contributed... please open a bug with 'ubuntu-bug' from inside an instance.14:28
Kialloo - not sure of the exact build .. maybe a week or so back?14:28
Kiallsure .. just have to spend more than 5 minutes at it to figure out if its the docs, or code thats wrong :)14:29
smoserKiall, ok. so you were using natty , though?14:45
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smosermathiaz, was there something specific you were looking for in lucid update ami ?18:43
mathiazsmoser: hi!18:43
mathiazsmoser: not really18:43
smoserhello to you too18:43
mathiazsmoser: I just always need to update all the packages when I start a new instance18:43
mathiazsmoser: on t1.micro it takes more and more time18:44
mathiazsmoser: with the number of packages to update18:44
smoserso... if i didn't suck so much, i think the right update plan at this point is to rlelease a new ami each time a kernel moves into -updates or -security18:44
smoserwhich would be ~ every 3 weeks.18:44
mathiazsmoser: which means it takes more and more time to spin up new instances18:44
smoseras having to reboot into a new kernel is (i think) unreasonable18:44
mathiazsmoser: that would be a great schedule!18:44
smoseri am accepting patches ... making the whole "release an updated ami" process push button would make it more likely to happen regularly.18:45
smosercurrently it takes probably a day of my time.18:45
smoserwe've gotten a good hunk of the way, with jamespage's work on automated tests from hudson18:46
Kyle__Which log files show how and why a kvm instance terminated18:53
Kyle__WRong window, sorry19:03
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