
PoDunkAnyone having issues with Firefox/Flash after upgrading to 11.0402:18
pittiGood morning05:26
cdbsGood morning pitti05:29
cdbspitti: While porting checkbox to pygi, and then running it, there's no command line output, and the program just terminates05:30
cdbspitti: Any way to get better traceback and stuff?05:30
cdbspitti: also, how does one force usage of gtk2 in pygi? Thanks!05:31
pittihey cdbs05:35
pitticdbs: hm, not even an assertion failure?05:36
cdbspitti: no, nothing, just nothing05:36
pitticdbs: I'm afraid then you have to run it through strace05:36
pitticdbs: what's the exit code?05:36
pitticdbs: add this before the from gi.r import Gtk:05:36
pittiimport gi05:36
pittigi.require_version('Gtk', '2.0')05:36
pittior just uninstall gir1.2-gtk-3.0, it'll automatically pick the latest available05:37
cdbsokay, thanks05:37
pitticdbs: but notice that using GTK 3 will have a lot less bugs05:37
pittiand we'll upload it to oneiric with GTK3 anyway05:37
pitti(we still need to port it to GTK 3)05:37
cdbsjust testing if its a GTK issue, I'll eventually put it up on GTK305:37
pittistrace should at least give you a pretty good idea why and where it terminates05:38
pittiif you aren't that familiar with reading it, feel free to pastebin it somewhere05:38
cdbsno difference with gtk205:38
cdbspitti: Pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/608808/ , can't understand why. I installed it properly, there's no doubt that the proper code is being used05:41
pittiECHILD (No child processes)05:42
pittiseems a subprocess died05:43
pitticdbs: can you run that again with: strace -fvvs1024 python yourprogram05:43
brodercdbs: did you see the error about canberra near the end?05:43
pittibroder: yes, that appears with every GI program05:43
broderoh, ok05:43
pitticdbs: or additionally use -o /tmp/trace in case it's too long for a screen05:43
cdbspitti: Yes I did see the message about canberra but that's just a warning, also canberra isn't used in this case05:45
brodercdbs: oh, right - /usr/bin/checkbox-gtk is just a wrapper script. you didn't pass -f, so you won't actually see the python process05:46
cdbsnow that's a huge wall of text!05:52
cdbspastebining is taking time :)05:52
cdbspitti: Ah, thanks for telling me about strace. I got it. The strace clearly shows python failing to stdout a proper traceback due to some internal python bug :) Thanks again, I know you're away. Enjoy your day!05:56
pitticdbs: urgh, that doesn't sound healthy -- what does it say on the write() to stderr?06:11
cdbspitti: just a sec, paste-bining06:12
cdbspitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608815/06:12
cdbswell, I fixed the colour issue now06:13
pitticdbs: hm, the write() was successful -- so you don't see it?06:26
pittioh, wait, why does it write to fd 3?06:26
pittistderr is fd 206:26
pitticdbs: you should reverse-grep the trace for an open.*= 306:27
pitticdbs: I assume it writes into a log file06:27
cdbserr, okay06:27
cdbsget it then06:27
cdbspitti: So it should be checkbox-gtk 3&>1 or something?06:28
broderhuh? it wrote to the log file successfully06:32
broderi think checkbox logs to ~/.cache/checkbox/checkbox.log06:32
brodercdbs: if checkbox opens a file, then writes to it, redirecting fd 3 will just mean that the file will get opened as fd 406:33
pitticdbs: I suppose it does some sys.stderr = magic at some point to redirect python's stderr06:34
cdbsokay, leave it, I'll get it done myself, the strace clearly shows the traceback, enough for now :)06:34
pittithe standard way to do this is to do os.dup2() to stderr (i. e. fd 2), but it seems checkbox does something else here06:34
pitticdbs: no ~/.cache/checkbox/checkbox.log ?06:35
cdbsyes, its coming up there, thanks pitti and broder06:36
pittiah, good06:36
pittieasier to read than from strace :)06:36
pittibut still, if everything else fails, strace will still be your friend06:37
cdbspitti: Ah, the sweet smell of success, checkbox in an ugly theme :D which means its running in gtk3 :) Thanks a lot for you help06:42
pitticdbs: yeah, it's not quite rewarding ATM :/06:47
pittiit works the same, just more ugly :)06:47
jbichacdbs: you haven't set your gtk3 theme to adwaita?06:57
cdbsjbicha: I'm not using the PPA07:02
cdbsjbicha: and neither will I use it (again), I have to work on unity nowadays07:02
cdbspitti: It may be ugly, but I prefer cleanliness of APIs over ugliness :) Well, the ugly issues will be fixed soon07:05
didrocksgood morning07:30
cdbsGood morning didrocks07:31
didrockshey cdbs!07:31
jasoncwarnerhey didrocks, pitti...morning...everyone feeling still feeling ok?07:31
cdbsjasoncwarner: hey there, how are ya feeling?07:32
didrocksjasoncwarner: hey! yeah, most of the team avoided ubuflu this time it seems :)07:32
didrocksand you, how is the jetlag? ;)07:32
* cdbs hands over a glass of refreshing, calming and energizing juice to everyone around07:32
jasoncwarnercdbs: feeling pretty good...thanks. Hoping all other desktopers avoided ubuflu as well :)07:32
cdbsjasoncwarner: no problem, take my potion, err, juice :)07:33
jasoncwarnerdidrocks: oh man, jetlag is a bit, well, laggy...I'm about to goto the gym to try and shake the rest of it off07:33
didrocksjasoncwarner: heh, enjoy and don't push it too hard :-)07:33
jasoncwarneroh, I think you saw the shape I was in at uds...I don't think anyone has to worry about me "pushing it" at the gym ;)07:33
cdbsSeems that UDS is more tiring than an Antarctica expedition07:34
* cdbs really should go there07:34
jasoncwarnercdbs: or perhaps people are better prepared for the physical rigors of Antarctica! All linux geeks need to start training for UDS a month before...maybe that will help07:35
didrocksjasoncwarner: well, I didn't ought to weigh myself right now. I prefer to wait for 2 weeks with normal dinners to not feel depressed :-)07:35
cdbsjasoncwarner: +1 that, a month before UDS it'd be nice to remind everyone on MLs to excersize ahead of a major tour :07:36
didrockspitti: weekly meeting today? really? :)07:40
pittihey didrocks07:48
pittididrocks: well, I don't insist -- it's just on the calendar07:49
didrockspitti: ok, I think it will be a short meeting ;)07:49
didrockspitti: hey btw, how is your new desk?07:49
pittiyes indeed07:50
pittididrocks: nice new command center!07:50
didrocksheh! :-)07:50
pittitook me 3.5 hours to assemble, though07:50
didrocksoh really? is it that big?07:50
pittiwas quite complicated with a million screws and small sheds07:50
pittididrocks: 1.35 m wide, so not that big, but it's not just two large boxes, but lots of small ones, CD sliders, and what not07:51
didrocksoh CD sliders and such, yeah, can grow complicated very fast07:53
pittiand now we got a new power plug in the hallway for phone/router07:54
pittiI can remove my chain of extenders taped on the floor, yay -- this might become a real place to live at last ;)07:55
didrocksheh, better place to live is quite important for work ;)08:01
chrisccoulsoneeeek, http://is.gd/9WRwUD08:25
chrisccoulsoni think i need to fix that ;)08:26
didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:26
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks08:26
didrockschrisccoulson: creating bugs? :p08:26
pittihey chrisccoulson08:26
pitticlearly the user's fault!08:26
chrisccoulsoni don't think i can blame the user for this one ;)08:27
didrocksa little bit oot, but I'm clearly impressed by the state of the Qt documentation08:28
pittilast time I looked at it it was fairly detailled, indeed08:29
didrocksyeah, detailed and quite easy to follow with concepts outlined08:30
pittiSweetshark: releaseing LibO SRU now, 12 days in proposed should suffice08:31
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i know why firefox is crashing :)08:32
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
pittiseb128: bonjour08:49
pittiseb128: FYI, I reuploaded your nautilus upload to oneiric instead of natty08:49
pittiit built fine for me, and libnautilus-extension-dev was required for e. g. g-d-u08:50
seb128doh, that's what happen when you don't dist-upgrade :p08:50
seb128pitti, thanks08:50
pittiit doesn't actually manage my desktop any more (I just get a window opened on boot), but that's not critical08:50
seb128pitti, cf changelog, did you turn the gsettings I listed there?08:50
seb128in the "known issues" at the start of the changelog08:51
pittiI didn't08:51
seb128ok, try that then08:51
pitti"using the gsettings command" -- how?08:51
didrocksseb128: so, the feature isn't removed? it's just a gsettings key to off isn't it?08:52
* pitti will try dconf-editor08:52
seb128pitti, gsettings set <key-name> <value>08:52
seb128didrocks, that would be too easy, it's a key set to off and nautilus is not a required component anymore nor has an autostart08:53
pittiah, indeed08:53
pittiit also overwrites my background image08:53
pittibut it works08:53
seb128pitti, you gconf and gsettings background values are probably out of sync08:53
didrocksseb128: hum, ok, that will be a little bit more work then08:54
seb128didrocks, right, that's why I added a workitem to the GNOME3 spec ;-)08:54
didrocksyeah, I saw the one to "consider if we use that or not"08:54
pittiseb128: I'll reset it, though, as at some point we need to fix this in upgrades08:54
pittibetter for testing08:54
seb128pitti, the migration work but it's done one and by gsettings-desktop-schemas08:55
seb128which I guess you installed in natty so it migrated what you had by then08:55
seb128one -> once08:55
mvohey seb128, good monring! a quick question about the gconf -> gsetting migration - do we keep the "old" gconf files around? for people e.g. using /home on a nfs mount with multiple versions of ubuntu?08:56
seb128mvo, yes, the scripts just read the gconf value and set the gsettings with it08:56
pittiseb128: ah, it's just done once ever?08:57
mvoawsome, thanks seb12808:57
seb128pitti, yes, you don't want your config to be resetted with what is leftover in gconf at each login08:57
pittiseb128: would it perhaps be prudent to run it again after a natty->oneiric update? if that is just me, I don't mind, but it might hit more users08:57
seb128pitti, we probably should, I added a WI to desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 about it08:58
pitti$ gsettings-data-convert --verbose08:59
pittiAll uptodate, nothing to do08:59
pittiI tried deleting .config/dconf/user, but that wasn't it apparently08:59
seb128pitti, no, .local/share/gsettings-data-convert09:00
pittiseb128: done, but show-desktop-icons is still false09:00
seb128pitti, right, cf nautilus changelog :p09:01
seb128pitti, upstream turned desktop handling for nautilus off by default09:01
pittifor g-s, right09:01
seb128cf "Decide on whether nautilus should still draw desktop icons or not in Ubuntu:" in the desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 spec also09:01
pittiseb128: ah, I got confused then -- I thought it was due to gsettings migration not running after the nautilus update, sorry09:01
seb128pitti, no, the migration was just giving you the wrong background image09:01
seb128pitti, GNOME3 has a "clean" desktop09:02
seb128i.e key set to off and they don't even start nautilus in the session09:02
seb128they dropped the autostart09:02
seb128gnome-tweak-tools create an autostart for you in .local if you turn the option on there09:02
didrocksbtw, there is nothing in the gs interface for showing automounted usb keys and such?09:02
pittiah, g-s-d does the automounting now, right09:02
didrocksok, pitti answered :)09:03
seb128pitti, yes09:03
seb128the ui is in the control center09:03
seb128the mounting in g-s-d09:03
seb128but g-s-d already landed no?09:03
seb128oh, it's depwait09:03
seb128"Missing build dependencies: libgnome-desktop-3-dev "09:04
pittiseb128: want me to work on anything with g3 updates?09:05
pittiwhat's most urgent right now?09:05
pittihey rodrigo__09:06
rodrigo__hi pitti09:06
seb128hey rodrigo__09:06
and471mvo, hey there!09:06
rodrigo__hi seb12809:06
didrockshey rodrigo__09:06
rodrigo__hi didrocks :)09:06
seb128pitti, help is welcome if you want to do some updates, I think gnome-control-center is blocked on libgnomekbd to build that need a new libxklavier09:06
mvohey and471! nice to see you - how are you?09:07
seb128we might also need a mir for accountsservice09:07
and471mvo, I am good, getting ready for exams :)09:07
pittiseb128: starting with libxklavier then09:07
and471mvo, how was uds?09:07
seb128pitti, otherwise anything red on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html09:07
seb128pitti, thanks09:07
mvoand471: good luck with the exams! uds was really good, very energetic, way more ideas than time to implement them :)09:07
and471mvo, I have a one line patch for SC, are you too busy atm?09:08
mvoand471: never for a patch09:08
mvoand471: where is it?09:09
pittimeh, what's up with nautilus09:09
and471mvo, it just adds a 3px border around the text in the status bar, so it doesn't looked as 'cramped'09:09
and471mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/608871/09:09
mvothanks and471, I apply it now09:09
and471mvo, many thanks09:09
pittidep-wait on libgnome-desktop-3-dev; how did I build that locally?09:09
seb128pitti, I'm just promoting it09:09
pittiah, universe09:09
pittig-d-u -> nautilus -> gnome-desktop09:09
and471mvo, btw SC is looking awesome :)09:10
mvoand471: thanks, happy to hear that :)09:10
* and471 dreams of a SC written in Vala...09:11
mvoand471: heh :)09:11
pittiseb128: grabbing libgnomekbd as well for completeness09:13
seb128pitti, thanks09:13
mvoand471: commited, many thanks09:13
chrisccoulsonpitti, am i ok to SRU bug 783790?09:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 783790 in globalmenu-extension/1.0 "Firefox 4 crashes when opening Selenium IDE window" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78379009:33
pitticrash fix? sure09:33
chrisccoulsonit will likely be with a couple of other crash fixes, eg, bug 783856 gets quite a few too09:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 783856 in globalmenu-extension "Thunderbird 3.1.10 Crash Report [@ uGlobalMenuBar::~uGlobalMenuBar ]" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78385609:33
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:33
and471mvo, np09:35
pittiseb128: all three on the way now; I'll send the libxklavier pkg-config fix upstream, so that we can sync this again at some point09:49
seb128pitti, thanks09:49
pittiseb128: moving to dbus then10:06
seb128pitti, great ;-)10:06
pittiseb128: oh, I see 1.5 is only in experimental, not sid10:15
pittiseb128: since dbus doesn't have quick release cycles, I actually wonder whether we should upgrade to the development version10:16
seb128pitti, right, slangasek merged on the current unstable version yesterday, not sure if we want 1.5 or not...10:16
pittiseb128: did you stumble over anything which needs it?10:16
pittiok, let's leave like it is for now10:16
seb128do they follow stable, unstable series?10:16
seb128i.e is 1.5 an unstable version?10:16
pittieven/odd numbers10:16
seb128pitti, I can promote libgnome-media-profiles without a mir since that's a split of gnome-media code which was already in main right?10:18
cdbsseb128: Hmm, the Nautilus desktop icon drawing thing *still* needs discussion?10:19
cdbsseb128: Are there any points in favour of *not* drawing icons?10:20
seb128where was that discussed before?10:22
cdbsseb128: Oh, I thougt it was discussed at UDS, well it wasn't10:22
seb128well, if GNOME3 decided to no do it they probably think it's better10:22
seb128we need at least to check with the design and unity teams10:23
cdbsseb128: They posted it on an ML about its rationale10:23
seb128not sure what your question is there?10:23
cdbsseb128: I thought it was discussed earlier. Sorry for poking then10:24
seb128no worry10:24
seb128do you think we should display those or not?10:24
cdbsseb128: I thought it needed a re-examination, and that's why you added it to the blueprint10:24
cdbsseb128: I'd say draw the icons, its better for newbies10:24
cdbsseb128: Windows users are used to desktop icons, though we aren't :/10:25
seb128well the files place make it easy to access your files in unity10:25
Sweetsharkpitti: yay for the ubuntu5 release.10:25
cdbsseb128: The upstream rationale: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-September/msg00033.html10:25
* Sweetshark is in postrelease cleanup and fslint, sorry for the latency.10:25
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
pittiseb128: I'd update poppler, so that we do the further rebuilds against that version, ok?10:49
seb128pitti, ok, to what version?10:50
pittiseb128: 0.17.1?10:50
pittior do we again only track the even numbers (stable)?10:50
seb128pitti, the issue with poppler is that I tend to not trust them to respect a schedule10:51
seb128so we might not have 0.18 before oneiric10:51
pittiok, let's wait for stable then; I overlooked that it was an unstable series10:51
* pitti grabs vte then, that should be safe (0.27.90 -> 0.28)10:52
seb128let me try to find their schedule10:52
seb128pitti, yes, that one is ok ;-)10:52
seb128pitti, hum, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/poppler/2011-January/006838.html10:53
pittiseb128: so we should perhaps update to beta-2 when it lands (0.17.2)?10:54
seb128pitti, they have enough margin this time that it's probably safe to track 0.17 so feel free to do the update10:54
pittithen we can port our apps to the new API without much danger of having to do it again10:54
seb128no hurry to add another transitions on top of those we already have10:54
seb128let's do that one a bit later10:55
seb128pitti, did you drop langpack.mk from cdbs?10:57
pittiI didn't10:57
pittioh, wait10:57
pittiyes, that one10:57
pittignome.mk now uses dh_langpack10:58
seb128that breaks builds10:58
seb128i.e https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71212116/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.system-config-printer_1.3.1%2B20110222-0ubuntu17_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:58
seb128some things use langpack.mk but not gnome.mk10:58
pittiand while I was porting this, I noticed a couple of bugs, so I thought it's better to move these to dh_langpack or gnome.mk, as appropriate10:58
pittiseb128: I'll fix s-c-p10:58
seb128I just noticed it because it showed up on versions10:58
seb128(it lists build failures and merge requests for desktop nowadays)10:59
seb128pitti, danke10:59
seb128I guess there is probably not much including langpack.mk directly so we should fix those10:59
rodrigo_I'm pushing my g-c-c work to the ubuntu-desktop branch, and I've removed lots of patches and the ones remaining need rebasing11:00
rodrigo_also, it needs the new NM, so when someone has time, can I get a review, to make sure I haven't dropped patches that should be rebased?11:01
rodrigo_in the meanwhile, I'll work on rebasing the patches I've left11:01
pittiseb128: right, that's what I thought; better than keeping the old code around for ages, as it's not quite correct any more11:01
seb128rodrigo_, ok, so you focus on that? do you have build-depends or depends needed which are not uploaded yet?11:02
rodrigo_seb128, yes, NetworkManager11:02
rodrigo_I was going to ping cyphermox, but he's not around11:02
seb128wasn't that a build option?11:02
rodrigo_he was working on that, right?11:03
seb128he's in Canada so not up yet11:03
rodrigo_seb128, we have a patch in the GNOME3 PPA to disable it, but didn't want to add that11:03
rodrigo_but I can11:03
seb128is there any way to turn the n-m panel off?11:03
rodrigo_yes, that patch11:03
seb128do it please11:03
rodrigo_let me add it11:03
seb128we don't want to rush n-m, it's going to take some weeks11:03
seb128the indicator need to be rebased to the new codebase11:03
cdbsseb128: Hi, I guess gnome-settings-daemon needs to be rebuilt with libnotify-dev instead of libnotify4-dev11:03
* cdbs gotta go11:03
seb128the kde applet might also need to be checked before uploading11:04
seb128cdbs, ok11:04
seb128rodrigo_, can you maybe do the g-s-d update to the current version and fix the libnotify-dev build-depenedS?11:04
seb128we went back to the libnotify-dev name11:04
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok11:04
rodrigo_I need to fix a crash in g-s-d also, so moving to that11:05
seb128rodrigo_, ok11:05
rodrigo_but let me first push the NM patch11:05
seb128I will review your gnome-menus and gnome-control-center work11:05
seb128rodrigo_, back to n-m, we tend to try to not rush into infrastructure changes11:05
seb128rodrigo_, especially if the component is used out of GNOME, in KDE for example11:05
seb128better to take time and test and rebase that correctly11:06
seb128hey ricotz11:06
ricotzseb128, hi11:06
seb128ricotz, the GNOME3 ppa is not a rolling unstable distro, if people want to upgrade the archive they will switch to oneiric, could you limit updates to GNOME?11:07
seb128i.e you pushed an updated telepathy stack there which is not really what the ppa is for11:07
ricotzseb128, i am just trying to keep the dependencies updated and telepathy is pretty much integrated in gnome-shell for its native chat-client11:08
seb128well I doubt the shell relies on gabble for example11:08
seb128that's just a protocol manager11:08
seb128the telepathy guys have a ppa also, maybe depends on it rather than redoing the work?11:09
rodrigo_ricotz, it would be great if you could push the gnome-shell stack to oneiric11:09
ricotzok, but it isnt really much work uploading the oneiric updates11:10
ricotzseb128, suggesting to use more ppas isnt a good idea, i think11:10
seb128ricotz, well the issue is not so much how much work is it but how likely the ppa is to break user systems by having too much crack11:10
ricotzrodrigo_, there are still some things missing11:11
rodrigo_ricotz, what's missing?11:11
ricotzseb128, ok11:11
seb128ricotz, I guess I suggest to restrain the number of changes pushed to stable users11:11
ricotzrodrigo_, libgweather3, evolution-data-server311:11
rodrigo_ricotz, hmm, 3.0.0 does depend on e-d-s?11:12
seb128ok, I can do the libgweather update11:12
seb128doing that next11:12
rodrigo_we have evo packages at  https://launchpad.net/~danilo/+archive/evolution11:12
ricotzit is called libgweather3 in debian now11:12
rodrigo_so maybe we should do the update?11:12
seb128ricotz, is it?11:13
ricotzrodrigo_, there is a package in the gnome3 ppa11:13
seb128ricotz, http://packages.qa.debian.org/libg/libgweather/news/20110329T135632Z.html11:13
ricotzseb128, yes11:13
rodrigo_ricotz, oh, cool11:13
seb128http://packages.qa.debian.org/libg/libgweather3.html is 40411:13
seb128ricotz, where is libgweather3?11:13
rodrigo_ricotz, hmm, can't see the evo packages in the PPA11:15
ricotzrodrigo_, oh sorry it is in my testing ppa11:15
rodrigo_ricotz, ah, ok11:15
ricotzseb128, also gtkhtml4.011:15
ricotzwill be needed for evolution11:16
seb128ricotz, there is a sync request for gtkhtml, should be synced today11:16
seb128cyphermox started on the new evo11:16
rodrigo_seb128, so, libnotify4-dev is now libnotify-dev?11:16
seb128ricotz, the svn didn't get any update for 6 weeks, not sure we need to rename the source11:16
ricotzcyphermox, yeah i talked to him11:16
seb128rodrigo_, yes11:16
seb128ricotz, libgweather's svn I mean11:16
ricotzseb128, mhh, i see, but the current packaging in the gnome3 ppa doesnt fit eds dependencies of debian11:17
ricotzanother thing: is someone having problem with X since today which doesnt take any keyboard or mouse commands11:19
pittiseb128: taking glade merge as well, prerequisite for vte11:20
seb128pitti, ok, we might just be able to sync that one11:22
pittiyeah, investigating whether we have a delta in glade-311:22
pittiI'll remove glade-3 and sync/merge glade, to get back to the names Debian has11:22
ricotzpitti, syncing it will ftbfs11:23
seb128pitti, you can do that for now but we will need to keep glade-311:23
pittiseb128: how so? it's just a different package name of our's?11:23
pittiricotz: you already tried it?11:23
ricotzit will need a fix for some gir package deps like atk11:23
seb128ricotz, it should not with the new atk merge11:23
* pitti will build it locally anyway11:23
ricotzthe atk-dev package doesnt depend on the atk gir11:24
seb128pitti, debian moved away from listing the gir in build-depends but make the dev depends on the gir11:24
seb128ricotz, it does in oneiric, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/atk1.0/2.0.0-1ubuntu111:24
pittiricotz: it does now11:24
ricotzah ok, i tried a week ago11:25
seb128pitti, so glade, short story, we need a glade-gtk2 still, some people maintain gtk2 applications and will need to be able to keep doing so11:25
seb128ricotz, in any case if that fails we just need to fix the libraries and retry11:25
seb128it's not a diff in glade11:26
ricotzyes, that should be a case11:26
pittiseb128: i. e. we should rename the binaries of glade-3 to something like glade-gtk2?11:27
pittiseb128: but the .ui files should work for GTK 2 as well; perhaps it has a GTK 2 compat mode, I'll check once it's built11:27
ricotzseb128, oh, did you get my mail about the missing patch in nautilus?11:28
seb128ricotz, yes but it's not missing?11:28
seb128pitti, just get the new glade for now, I will add a workitem to investigate how it works for gtk2 softwares and if we need to bring back a glade-gtk211:29
seb128pitti, but that can be done later in the cycle11:29
pittithis dependency sounds a bit weird anyway (vte depending on libgladeui)11:29
pittibut *shrug* dependency hell :)11:29
seb128ricotz, I renamed the patches to have consistent numbers11:29
seb128ricotz, but the patch is here and in the serie or I'm missing something?11:30
ricotzseb128, ah sorry, you are right, i looked for the specific named one :(11:30
ricotz08_... is it11:30
seb128ricotz, no worry, thanks for checking that things don't get broken ;-)11:30
ricotzso nobody has problems with X after the latest oneiric updates?11:31
seb128I didn't dist-upgrade, just picked selected desktop components to avoid those sort of issues ;-)11:32
pittierk, DSL reconnect11:33
pittinautilus binNEWed on all arches, libgnomekbd binNEWed on i386/amd6411:33
ricotzi already reverted some packages, but no luck :(11:33
seb128pitti, thanks11:33
seb128ricotz, try asking on #ubuntu-x in case11:33
ricotzafaik there was no x related package updated11:33
seb128ricotz, what sort of issue do you get?11:34
pittiseb128: current glade supports gtk 2.20, 2.22, 2.24, and 3.011:34
pittiseb128: IMHO that should suffice11:34
seb128pitti, great11:34
pittibuilds and works fine11:34
* pitti syncs/removes glade-3, the binaries of glade-3 will be shadowed anyway, so we'll need to re-do that if we need it11:35
seb128pitti, I keep the work item because I want to check what's the deal with custom widgets11:35
seb128ok, now we really need a theme :p11:35
seb128my desktop start being not nice11:35
pittiyeah, looks ugly11:35
ricotzseb128, normal boot until gdm where no mouse or keyboards works (really nothing, not tty switching), killing gdm over ssh make the ttys usable again -- using startx result in the same result no input works11:36
pittimakes it easier to see which parts already got moved to gnome 3 :)11:36
ricotzseb128, reverting updates like dbus, udev, policykit didnt solve it11:37
seb128when did it break?11:38
ricotzsince updating at 17:30 yesterday11:38
ricotzworked after an update 4 hours earlier11:38
seb128there was not so many updates yesterday11:41
seb128did anything got removed?11:41
seb128what got upgraded in that upgrade run?11:41
seb128seems the most likely would be udev but you downgraded that one already you said11:41
seb128lunch, bbl11:42
pittioops, we still need glade-3 for libgladeui-1-dev; reuploading then, *sigh*11:45
ricotzseb128, upgrades: udev, policykit, libnotify, avahi, libunique, zenity, gnome-desktop3,11:46
pittiseb128: argh, glade needs the gtk-3-dev -> gir1.2 dependency, so I'll merge gtk3 next, and then give this back11:51
pittilooong dep chain11:51
looldidrocks: FYI, the bug about the wrong date being highlighted that I had mentioned to you seems to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/75099211:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 750992 in indicator-datetime "Date/time indicator says it's the wrong date" [Low,Confirmed]11:53
didrocksmaybe that one should be on the SRU list?11:54
looldidrocks: The other one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/72157211:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 721572 in indicator-datetime "time = 00:00 or resuming across midnight still shows yesterdays date" [Low,Triaged]11:55
looldidrocks: I'm hitting that latter one regularly, time is basically incorrect for one minute after resuming11:55
looldidrocks: I don't feel strongly about SRU-ing this stuff, first step would be to fix in oneiric11:55
didrockslool: yeah, make sense after our discussion, not sure how this can be fixed properly without being hackish11:55
didrocks(I meant: no signal on resume)11:56
loolmaybe there's a signal whenever it gets painted?11:56
didrockswell, the issue is that the buffer is the same right now in nux (hence the issue with nvidia on resume where the buffer has been destroyed and no notification of that)11:57
didrockslet's wait on karl to have a proper look11:57
seb128pitti, there is a new point version of gtk while you are at it if you feel like doing it ;-)12:08
seb128ricotz, weird, nothing in there should break xorg12:08
pittiseb128: can do; I'm test-building my merge right now and will have lunch while it's building12:08
pittiafter that I'll upgrade12:09
pittivte is building locally now \o/12:09
* pitti will upload and let depwait sort it out12:09
ricotzseb128, it seems not be really broken, it "just" looses the input handling stuff/rights :\ pretty weird12:10
seb128didrocks, njpatel: so one of the most frequent complain on natty is that notification area icons (i.e skype) often are 1 pixel icons until you restart skype or the pnael12:10
seb128some people said it's a compiz 0.9 issue, it happens in unity and classic GNOME and some people downgraded compiz and said it fixes it in classic12:11
seb128just pointing it because it seems like something someone should investigate (sam?)12:12
njpatelseb128, yes, sam could take a look, and also I can make sure that Unity is giving the correct sizes for the tray icons (or at least a minimum size)12:12
seb128we get a few bugs, comments about that every day so I can give you pointers if needed12:13
seb128njpatel, bug #767095 is the one getting most comments12:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 767095 in gnome-panel "1 pixel icons in notification-area-applet for qt softwares (e.g. Skype)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76709512:13
njpatelthanks dude12:14
didrocksseb128: njpatel: I asked sam to have a look during the sprint, didn't get more info though12:14
njpateldidrocks, seb128 is it only Qt stuff?12:15
didrocksnjpatel: I only saw complaint on Qt apps from my part12:16
seb128njpatel, the comments are mostly or all qt applications ones12:16
seb128the most frequent is skype12:16
njpatelokay,I've added it to my todo, let me finish all the meetings and then I'll try and have a look (ping me if I don't have an answer by thurs :)12:17
geserseb128: did you had time to look into the pidgin FTBFS cjwatson asked about? I tried building the version from Debian in my pbuilder and it worked so I planned to check what delta caused it this evening if you didn't look into it yet (or anybody else)12:18
pedro_top of the morning!12:18
seb128hey pedro_! how are you?12:21
seb128geser, I didn't yet no, if you want to do it you are welcome to12:21
pedro_hello seb128! I'm good, thanks. how are you?12:22
seb128I'm fine thanks12:22
seb128hey mterry, still jetlagged? ;-)12:34
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
mterryseb128, yeah, a little.  ;)12:34
seb128mterry, do you want me to commit your libpeas .symbols to the debian svn?12:35
mterryseb128, ah yeah, I was going to file a bug with debian, but that's more direct.  ;)12:35
seb128mterry, ok, will do12:35
seb128mvo, hey12:41
seb128mvo, is there anything still keeping synaptic on the CD?12:41
mvoseb128: I don' tknow, I need to check, but I think we convert all of it by now12:43
mvoseb128: all of it to aptdaemon, iirc last time the codec installer was missing12:44
seb128mvo, ok, so we can drop it from the CD?12:44
seb128mvo, or will you hate us if we do that? ;-)12:44
mvoI will hate you and someone needs to double check that there are really no dependencies left anymore12:45
mvobut otherwise, just go ahead12:45
mvoit *might* be that software-properties-gtk is still using it for its reload, but see #ubuntu-devel for the way forward(tm)12:45
seb128mvo, ok, thanks (it's your comment on #ubuntu-devel which reminded me about ità12:46
ricotzseb128, yeah, it is a udev/base-files problem caused by a existing /run folder13:21
ubot2Debian bug 626604 in xorg "xorg: X server disables mouse and keyboard upon starting (Thinkpad T420 4180W1H)" [Important,Open]13:21
seb128ricotz, ok13:22
ricotznot sure, but perhaps the udev upgrade created it13:23
ricotzpitti, ^13:23
jbicharicotz: I saw your work on g-c-c 3.1.1 where you just patched configure directory instead of using dh_autoreconf13:29
jbichais that a better approach?13:29
ricotzjbicha, g-c-c is just and sync, you mean gnome-system-monitor?13:30
pittiricotz: we don't yet create /run; do you get a regression with latest oneiric udev?13:30
pittiworks fine here13:30
ricotzpitti, somehow /run got created here, but i dont know when13:31
ricotzwhich results in the bug i mentioned13:31
seb128jbicha, ricotz: no, don't work on 3.1 yet13:31
seb128we want to land the stable 3 first before adding another unstable stack13:31
ricotzjbicha, i only added some 3.1.1 package to my testing ppa13:32
ricotzbesides the one which are already in oneiric like mousetweaks ...13:32
jbicharicotz: yes, I guess I'm just stumbling over my words today13:32
seb128ricotz, you should really consider contributing to proper ubuntu packages rather than doing a crack ppa on your side ;-)13:32
seb128jbicha, hey, do you look for things to do?13:33
ricotzseb128, i want bleeding edge at least for g-s and mutter ;)13:33
ricotzseb128, another package would be gtkmm3.0 which need to get in13:34
jbichaseb128: yes, I'm not much of a programmer but can do some things13:34
seb128ricotz, that one seems something that should go in debian and synced ideally13:34
ricotzseb128, yes, somehow it is delayed there, the branch already exists though13:34
seb128jbicha, we do mostly packaging around, feel free to grab any merge on upgrade from http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html13:34
seb128jbicha, the gnome-settings-daemon or eog 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 updates should be easy13:35
seb128jbicha, or gucharmap or seahorse should be doable but a bit harder13:35
seb128or vino13:35
seb128ricotz, ^ same for you if you feel like doing some merges or updates for oneiric13:36
ricotzjbicha, in case of gnome-system-monitor autoreconf doesnt work, so the manual patch was needed13:36
kinouchouhello #ubuntu-desktop13:36
seb128lut kinouchou, ca va ?13:36
seb128ricotz, how does it fail?13:36
kinouchousalut seb128 oui :)13:38
ricotzseb128, it deletes some po/Makefiles which results in an error13:38
jbichahere's one workaround I had to do for dh_autoreconf: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65015013:38
ubot2Gnome bug 650150 in general "FTBFS because vinagre uses both gettext and intltool" [Major,Needinfo]13:38
seb128jbicha, there is a few mir that need to be written still if you feel like doing those, that would be quite useful since packagers tend to delay those and they are often blockers after a while, thanks for doing the seed and libpeas one!13:38
ricotzseb128, it might be caused by the cdbs call order13:38
ricotznot sure13:38
jbichabut I'm still stuck on a DSO error with vinagre13:38
ricotzbye all13:38
kinouchouet toi seb128, ça va?13:38
seb128kinouchou, ca va bien13:39
seb128jbicha, the DSO error means you lack a -l<libthatdefinesthesymbol>13:41
seb128jbicha, it's usually the pkgconfig checks in the configure.ac which don't list a library needed13:41
seb128jbicha, try http://git.gnome.org/browse/vinagre/commit/?id=808294134dccaca9dbcb949c5ffdd54cbb764a3d13:42
seb128jbicha, seems similar to your issue13:42
jbichaseb128: yes, I believe I tried that and it didn't fix it13:42
jbichabut I'll play with it some more13:42
seb128jbicha, did you run autoreconf after applying it? is your vcs somewhere I can get it? do you want me to have a look13:43
cyphermoxseb128, didrocks, care to ack/process a sync for gtkhtml4.0? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/78397113:45
jbichaseb128: that could very well be my problem13:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 783971 in ubuntu "Sync gtkhtml4.0 4.0.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:45
didrockscyphermox: I think cjwatson is on sync review today13:45
seb128cyphermox, it has been synced?13:45
seb128hey cyphermox btw13:45
cyphermoxnah, and it also should be acked afaik; I seem to always forget about -s to requestsync ;)13:46
cyphermoxhey ;)13:46
seb128cyphermox, well, maybe there was 2 bugs about it, it has been synced and newed13:46
cyphermoxsince i'm not in the team yet it should be acked by someone ;)13:46
cyphermoxoh really?13:46
cjwatsoncyphermox: I already synced that13:46
seb128cyphermox, you already opened a bug about it during UDS13:47
jbichaexcept that the LPI patch should have called autoreconf I'd think13:47
seb128which is the one who got closed13:47
cyphermoxweird, I was looking at rmadison to make sure..13:47
cjwatsonbug 78104613:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 781046 in ubuntu "Sync gtkhtml4.0 4.0.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78104613:47
cjwatsonprobably timing, it was quite recent.13:47
seb128well, it was synced and newed quite recently13:47
cjwatsonI'll dup it13:47
seb128cyphermox, do you work on eds next?13:48
cyphermoxseb128: eds is ready, so is evolution13:48
seb128oh ok13:48
cyphermoxcjwatson: I already invalidated it13:48
seb128subscribe sponsors ;-)13:48
cyphermoxseb128: yeah, just about to push my branches13:48
seb128jbicha, do you want me to check on it?13:48
seb128jbicha, do you target oneiric or the ppa with the update you work on?13:49
jbichausually the PPA but I've been building on oneiric13:50
seb128jbicha, we are back from UDS and working actively on oneiric so feel free to target oneiric, you should get help or review easily13:50
jbichaunless the g3 version is already in oneiric13:50
seb128jbicha, we works from http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html13:50
seb128jbicha, vinagre didn't get updated yet no13:51
jbichaseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/vinagre/vinagre-3.0.114:24
seb128jbicha, ready to review or do you need help fixing an issue?14:25
jbichaI am stuck on the DSO problem still14:27
cyphermoxseb128: agree EDS should be a simple sync from Debian experimental?14:30
seb128jbicha, ok, having a look to it14:34
seb128cyphermox, can't agree without reviewing it first, we used to have a diff iirc14:35
seb128cyphermox, they dropped the provider dir versioning they had?14:35
seb128cyphermox, I can have a look after I checked jbicha's vinagre issue14:37
seb128jbicha, what error do you get?14:41
jbichaseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609010/14:51
jbichadoes it build for you?14:51
seb128jbicha, yes, but I'm still on a natty toolchain basically14:52
pittiseb128: FYI, syncing gvfs; the only difference is that we have a leak fix backported from trunk, but the next upstream update (1.8.1) will fix that as well, so I don't bother14:53
seb128pitti, "syncing"?14:53
seb128pitti, like debian syncing?14:53
pitti1.8.0-0ubuntu1 -> -114:53
seb128pitti, hum, I though we splitted binaries in a different way and have quite some diff14:53
pittiseb128: yes, Debian merged libgvfscommon0 back into gvfs14:54
seb128like debian made their libgvfs private or something14:54
pittibut it doesn't have rdependencies14:54
pittiI don't see why we should keep that delta?14:54
seb128pitti, no reason, I'm just surprised it's the only delta, we didn't merge since jaunty and iirc previous cycle you said merging was work over what the effort was worth14:56
seb128pitti, I though we had a different split of where backends were installed or some other bits14:56
pittiseb128: Debian finally got a current version; before it had a rather old one14:56
seb128pitti, but if your reviewed the diff and are confident it's fine go for it, I was about to update to 1.8.1 but we can do that later14:57
seb128jbicha, btw I commented on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=650150 about the proper fix for the intltool issue14:57
ubot2Gnome bug 650150 in general "FTBFS because vinagre uses both gettext and intltool" [Major,Needinfo]14:57
pittiseb128: I'm currently doing a test build and compare the binaries and do an upgrade test, etc.14:57
pittiseb128: just announcing that I'm working on it14:57
seb128pitti, ok great14:57
seb128pitti, thanks!14:57
pittigtk3 still building as well, my computer is quite slow :)14:57
cdbsseb128: So when all GNOME3 packages land in Oneiric, Unity will break, right? Is upstream Unity work going on to fix that?15:01
seb128cdbs, why should it break?15:01
pittiunity working fine here, FWIW15:01
cdbsseb128: Uhm, it broke when one used Natty + PPA, right?15:01
seb128we shouldn't land anything that break unity before it's ready15:01
seb128cdbs, the session start you mean?15:01
cdbsseb128: Yes15:02
seb128that's a gnome-session issue, we will not upload that before it's sorted15:02
cdbsseb128: and there were some theming issues as well15:02
seb128theming is not really a breakage but it's being worked15:02
seb128kenvandine, speaking of which any news on that? ;-)15:02
cdbsseb128: Maybe that was fixed later on, but Unity would output several debug messages, and the dash would fail to open when the PPA is being used (this was in Natty beta 1, stuff must have changed in unity since)15:03
kenvandineseb128, Cimi said he has an engine, which i need to get packaged15:03
kenvandinebut no theme yet15:03
kenvandineseb128, in a meeting now15:03
seb128cdbs, we don't upload things that would break unity don't worry15:03
cdbsthanks seb12815:03
seb128jbicha, it might be that your rules hack prevent the configure to be updated, that's what it was doing there15:04
seb128jbicha, which leads to your bug15:04
cdbsI know one isn't supposed to use Oneiric on a production system, but I prefer my machine to be okay enough to get to a VT to fix stuff easily, atleast15:04
seb128jbicha, try dropping the rules hack and drop rather the 2 configure.ac lines I listed in the bugzilla bug15:04
pittiour remaining delta in gnome-vfs doesn't look very important any more, given that it is only used by some 10 programs still; we could just sync and forget about it for good..15:06
seb128pitti, or we could just not care or let it as it is now it's fine15:06
pittican we blacklist stuff from versions.html?15:07
jbichaseb128: ok, I'll do that, also on gucharmap I don't understand this diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609018/15:07
cdbsThe GNOME3 blueprint whiteboard seems cut off at the end15:07
cdbs"(my proposal is to"15:07
seb128pitti, you can list it in l1035 obsolete_gnome_packages =...15:08
seb128pitti, it's a list of obsolete sources to ignore15:08
pittiseb128: gvfs built; the only difference (aside from including libgvfscommon) is that debian ships the burn backend in gvfs, while we ship it in gvfs-backends15:08
pittiseb128: ah, will do15:09
seb128pitti, ok, I guess we can just put a replace15:09
seb128pitti, do you have access to the debian pkg-gnome svn?15:09
pittiseb128: I don't15:09
pittiseb128: but we can add it to ubuntu now, and drop it for good after 12.0415:10
seb128pitti, ok, can you upload to ubuntu (and update to 1.8.1 while you are at maybe?), I will add the Replaces to the debian svn15:10
pittiseb128: ah, will do15:10
seb128pitti, it shouldn't cost anything to debian so we can as well put it there15:10
seb128so we can sync on the next update15:10
pittiit already has a Conflicts:, just needs to be bumped (and the replaces added)15:11
seb128I'm trying to set a pbuilder for unstable so I can do those updates to Debian directly from now on15:11
seb128pitti, do we need a Replaces if there is a Conflict? I think some of pkg-gnome guys consider Conflicts to be enough15:11
seb128but I'm never sure about those15:11
* pitti uses a dchroot, faster; but of course pbuilder is cleaner15:11
pittiseb128: debian policy says to use breaks:/replaces for file moving15:12
pittii. e. transitional things15:12
seb128right, but since there is a conflicts there I'm not sure added a replaces is needed15:12
seb128anyway doesn't hurt15:12
pittiapparently it helps apt for easier upgrades15:12
seb128I should perhaps set a dchroot rather15:13
seb128I just went for the first howto I find on the ubuntu wiki to set an unstable build environment ;-)15:13
pittiI wouldn't mind doing the upstream release directly in Debian either15:15
pittidepends on whether the Debian gnome folks would want me to, and give me access15:15
seb128jbicha, gucharmap> the build things were required for the multibuilds for python which has been dropped since it only build a gir now so you just need the autoreconf line15:15
seb128pitti, just come on #debian-gnome on oftc and ask for commit access15:15
didrocksmy pbuilderrc works well for that if you want (based from the ubuntu wiki and slightely tweaked): http://paste.ubuntu.com/609020/15:16
seb128pitti, there is enough people that know you there15:16
seb128didrocks, thanks15:16
didrocksseb128: I have a hook dir, not sure you want that btw15:16
seb128didrocks, no need, I just want to build binaries15:17
didrocksseb128: hooks can be nice if you build package B depending on package A you just built, but yeah, apart from that, I don't have a huge use of them (apart from dropping me in the shell and installing vim in case of FTBFS to inspect what went wrong15:18
didrocksoh, and my list-missing to be picky ;)15:18
* kinouchou hugs didrocks 15:19
didrockssalut kinouchou! :)15:19
jbichaseb128: so keep the Debian stuff in gucharmap rules?15:25
seb128jbicha, yes, just copy the debian version and add back the autoreconf line basically15:25
seb128jbicha, did you try if my vinagre suggestion fixes your build issue?15:26
jbichaseb128: no, it doesn't fix the DSO thing but it does the original gettext bug report15:27
seb128jbicha, did you drop the rules hack?15:27
seb128jbicha, can you check in your configure that the .ac change get applied there?15:27
seb128especially the git backport your did15:27
pittiseb128: that was fast :)15:32
pittiseb128: I'll bump the conflicts/replaces as well then15:32
jbichaactually, maybe I didn't do it right15:33
rodrigo_when rebasing packages from debian, if the debian one is 3.0.0-2, the ubuntu one should be 3.0.0-2ubuntuX, right?15:34
seb128rodrigo_, yes15:34
rodrigo_dch -i gets it correctly then :)15:34
seb128rodrigo_, btw any reason you didn't upgrade g-s-d to the current version while you were at it before?15:35
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, it's already in 3.0.115:35
seb128rodrigo_, no it's not?15:35
jbichaseb128: I think that fixes it, I found something else I need to fix though, thanks!15:35
seb128jbicha, you're welcome15:35
rodrigo_seb128, ok, checking again15:35
rodrigo_seb128, right, it's, sorry, my fault15:36
seb128rodrigo_, no worry ;-)15:37
seb128pitti, btw while you are at debian update doing d-conf would be nice as well, I will do it later if you don't (downloading a debian iso now, I decided to go for a vm install rather than pbuilder so I can do some testing as well)15:43
pittiseb128: sure, added to pad15:44
rodrigo_hey pedro_! you found 'from lost to the river'!!!15:50
rodrigo_pedro_, did you start reading it?15:50
seb128pitti, hum, did you mean to sync 1.8.0?15:50
pedro_rodrigo_, I did at the airport , it's hilarious!15:50
pittiseb128: I didn't15:50
seb128pitti, it will conflict on the splitted lib and the backend?15:50
pittiseb128: preparing the 1.8.1 Debian update right now15:51
rodrigo_pedro_, cool, don't forget to tell me about the funny ones, I almost forgot all of them :)15:51
seb128pitti, ok, 1.8.0 is on oneiric-changes15:51
seb128pitti, not sure how it landed there15:51
pittianyway, I'll fix it15:51
pittigtk3 finished building, testing that ATM15:51
jbichaI don't have a good understanding of what gir is for, should we build it for all packages possible?15:57
pittijbicha: if upstream supports it, would be nice, yes15:58
pittijbicha: see http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection for what it is15:58
jbichaok, why does http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gedit/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/gir1.2-gedit-3.0.install16:02
jbichastore its gir in girepository-1.016:02
jbichais is 1.0 or 1.2?16:02
seb128jbicha, that's confusing, the directory name doesn't match the abi version16:03
jbichaso how do I know which to name the package?16:04
seb128jbicha, it's named after the typelib name16:05
jbichaI have Vinagre-3.0.typelib16:05
seb128jbicha, so it's gir1.2-vinagre-3.016:06
jbichahow do I know it's gir1.2 though?16:06
seb128mterry, I've added you to the gnomecc mailing list whitelist16:06
mterryseb128, thank you!  ;)16:06
seb128jbicha, look at the version= in the .gir16:07
seb128jbicha, but basically it's the current gobject-instropection abi version, it's the same accross the archive, we are at 1.216:07
jbichaoh ok, thanks, it's 1.216:07
seb128cyphermox, ok, so e-d-s to sync?16:08
jcastropitti: how often does the work item graph generate?16:14
pittijcastro: hourly16:14
jcastrook and one more question. I have some WI's that are on other team's specs; is there a way to show them on my team graph?16:14
jcastroso for example my manager reads our team graph, but if I have WI's for other teams he has no way of measuring that.16:15
jcastroor do we just need to track them both and deal with it?16:15
pittijcastro: that should already happen, doesn't it?16:16
pittijcastro: e. g. the desktop team chart shows the union of WIs for desktop team specs and desktop team members16:16
pittijcastro: e. g. http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html has some dx-* and cloud-server-* bits16:17
jcastropitti: right, I mean the other way around, so those under "jorge" don't show up in the canonical-community-team report.16:18
pittijcastro: can you point me to a specific example?16:19
jcastrook so on that page you just linked16:19
jcastrolook at the work items for "jorge"16:19
jcastrook so16:19
jcastrothose items do NOT show up on my team page: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-community.html16:20
jcastroso really, I am looking for a way to find out what "jorge" is responsible for for a cycle, regardless of team16:20
pittijcastro: ok, I must be blind -- I see all WIs on that desktop team page on canonical-community.html as well16:21
cyphermoxseb128: yeah, I think it's a sync16:21
seb128cyphermox, ok, I've synced it16:21
cyphermoxok, thanks16:21
cyphermoxsorry, busy with the plumber right now16:21
pittijcastro: oh, you mean http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/u/jorge.html perhaps?16:22
seb128cyphermox, if you have evolution ready you can ping didrocks to get it reviewed16:22
seb128cyphermox, no worry16:22
pittijcastro: btw, ~pitti -> ~platform please16:22
didrocksseb128: he already did (for e-d-s :p, waiting for evo)16:22
seb128speaking of which, didrocks if you recommend cyphermox for desktop upload please reply on the list to his email he sent about that ;-)16:22
jcastropitti: woo! that's exactly what I need!16:22
cyphermoxwill e-d-s/gtkhtml need MIRs or is it already good w.r.t making sure they still end in main?16:22
jcastrosorry to sound so confusing16:22
seb128same for others16:22
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: reminder for meeting in 8 minutes (will presumably be very quick)16:23
seb128cyphermox, no need of mirs, they are new version of sources which are there16:23
rodrigo_pitti, ok16:23
cyphermoxyeah, just making sure16:23
* rodrigo_ goes to get some drink16:23
rodrigo_kenvandine, non-alcoholic eh!! :)16:25
seb128rodrigo_, yeah yeah we believe that16:26
seb128there is no alcohol in beer right? ;-)16:26
rodrigo_no, afaik16:26
rodrigo_but now I'm drinking gazpacho :)16:27
rodrigo_hi tkamppeter16:29
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting starts16:30
pittihello everyone16:30
* bryceh_ waves16:31
* pedro_ waves16:31
* bryceh_ <-- still rather jet lagged16:31
pittiI hope that the Ubuflu didn't spread too much?16:31
rodrigo_not this way :)16:31
chrisccoulsoni've got quite a sore throat today16:32
tremoluxfeeling fine so far  ;)16:32
cyphermoxfeeling fine too :)16:32
pedro_chrisccoulson, same here...16:32
pittifrom my POV I just wanted to do a couple of quick announcements16:32
pedro_i blame rancell16:32
pitti(1) dist-upgrades to oneiric seem to work reasonably for at least two people, so if you wonder how safe it is, take the plunge16:32
mvoupgrade worked for me just fine16:33
pittiknown issues are ugly programs due to a missing GTK 3 theme, a non-configuring ca-certificates-java (can just be ignored for now)16:33
cyphermoxfwiw, dist-upgrade worked fine for me too16:33
pittiotherwise it worked pretty well16:33
seb128be ready for extra breakages though16:33
rodrigo_pitti, about the ugly theme, I suggest people to set Adwaita via gsettings or gnome-tweak-tool16:33
pittiwe are working heavily on gnome 3 upgrades, though16:33
rodrigo_oh, but you need th themes packages from the ppa, so forget what I said :)16:33
seb128like the new gnome-media landed which drop some of the binaries that moved to gnome-control-center but that one didn't land yet16:33
pittiplease see and use http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/oneiric-desktop for coordination who is working on what ATM16:34
jbichaand gnome-tweak-tool won't work without gnome-shell so perhaps it should be a dependency16:34
seb128rodrigo_, the theme package should be in oneiric?16:34
rodrigo_seb128, it's not yet afaik16:34
seb128rodrigo_, how is it named?16:34
rodrigo_gnome-themes-standard iirc16:34
seb128rodrigo_, Filename: pool/universe/g/gnome-themes-standard/gnome-themes-standard_3.0.0-2_i386.deb16:35
pittialso, did everyone get my email about blueprint drafting? There are already some "pending review", let's get the others WI-ified and drafted this week, shall we?16:35
bryceh_pitti, ok good to hear, I'll update my test boxen today16:35
pittithat's it from my side, I leave the floor to announcements/help requests/asking for coordination of oneiric updates16:35
rodrigo_seb128, so, that can just be synced directly, right?16:35
didrocksmine should be all set (under "pending approval"), try to push dx to do the same16:35
kenvandinepitti, will do16:35
seb128rodrigo_, it's synced from debian yes16:35
rodrigo_pitti, oh, was not sure about my 'reduce # of patches' blueprint, since we decided to do it as we updated, so no work items there, so what should I do?16:36
rodrigo_seb128, ah, cool16:36
pittirodrigo_: that should be a no-op to review; just add the initial set of WIs, and I'll quick-review it16:36
rodrigo_pitti, ok16:37
bryceh_pitti, 'pending review' - do you mean 'review' or 'pending approval'?16:37
pittirodrigo_: as this is both target of opportunity and also quite straightforward; there might be some real design decisions about the gnome 3 control-center handling, though16:37
pittibryceh_: either really; doesn't make much of a difference from my POV16:37
rodrigo_pitti, ok16:37
bryceh_ok, I've set mine to review16:37
seb128rodrigo_, pitti: speaking about the reduce patches we should probably add work items there about patches we cross that might be candidate to upstream but that we don't have time to upstream on the first merge round16:37
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, sounds good, I'll prepare the bp for review16:38
seb128I've added a few notes about such cases to the etherpad but they could go in the spec16:38
pittisounds like a good idea16:38
pittiat least it's much easier to find them then16:38
seb128it would also make a nice list to pick in for whoever is interested to help on that16:38
seb128urg, pitti will hate that16:40
seb128pitti, see the 2.32 and 3 debs16:40
pitti3.7 -> 25 MB?16:40
pittiseb128: well, one of my WIs is to drop it from the default install16:40
pittibut anyway, this seems a bit excessive16:40
pittidoes it build PNGs for any and all sizes?16:40
seb128well I think they put lot of 256x256 icons for gnome-shell16:41
seb128so alt-tab etc look nice16:41
seb128anyway not a meeting topic16:41
seb128sorry, I just cross it and though I would mention it16:41
mterryIs that it?16:47
seb128pitti, stop fighting svn and keep going with the meeting :p16:47
pittisorry, as I already said, I don't have other topics16:48
pittiso I guess adjourned, if nobody else has stuff to discuss16:48
seb128thanks pitti ;-)16:48
seb128let's get GNOME3 in then :p16:48
pittihave fun with GNOME 3!16:48
seb128mterry, will you do anjuta btw?16:48
chrisccoulsonpitti, got a couple of minutes?16:48
pittichrisccoulson: what's up?16:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, it seems like firefox 4 will get no more maintenance once firefox 5 is released in just over a month16:49
chrisccoulsonwhich means we need to start planning to upgrade natty already :(16:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - as discussed at UDS, that will also involve splitting firefox translations out of language packs too16:50
didrocks(fighting svn and taking 10 hours for the whole checkout really got on my nerves last time I pushed something to the debian gnome svn…)16:52
pittichrisccoulson: urgh, that soudns rather intrusive16:52
pittididrocks: I didn't check out the entire thing16:52
didrockspitti: wise man :-)16:53
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. but if we don't do that then the security team need to respin and test language packs every 6 weeks ;)16:53
mterryseb128, sure16:53
pittichrisccoulson: don't we need to test them anyway?16:53
seb128mterry, thanks ;-)16:53
seb128didrocks, I don't check the entire svn either16:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - for the firefox translations, yes. but i don't want them to have to rebuild and test all of the language packs every few weeks16:54
pittichrisccoulson: ah, right16:55
chrisccoulsonespecially as language packs were a bit of a bottleneck when we upgraded from firefox 3.0 -> 3.616:55
didrocksseb128: that was when I was motived to push a lot and rather than checking out every single components one after the other…16:55
pittichrisccoulson: I think we'd need to do a full langpack -base update in conjunction with the ffox 5 upgrade, though16:55
pittichrisccoulson: well, firefox-l10n-l* can certainly Replaces: language-pack-* for this issue16:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's fine. but once we've done that, then future updates should be a bit easier16:55
pittibut the langpacks already replace each other back and forth, not sure how stable that will be16:56
pittichrisccoulson: right16:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's why i'm mentioning it now :)16:56
pittichrisccoulson: the langpack-o-matic changes to stop adding XPIs are trivial16:56
seb128do we have someone who knows about IT_PROG_INTLTOOL and AM_GNU_GETTEXT there?17:00
seb128dobey, ^?17:00
seb128they seem to conflict, which one is the correct to use?17:00
seb128is there some clear GNOME documentation on that?17:00
seb128rodrigo_, ^17:00
seb128we have several patches that drop AM_GNU_GETTEXT to fix build issues17:00
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, I think glib had yet another one, dobey should know better17:01
seb128cf https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=650150 for example17:01
ubot2Gnome bug 650150 in general "FTBFS because vinagre uses both gettext and intltool" [Major,Needinfo]17:01
rodrigo_I think AM_GNU_GETTEXT is the correct one17:01
seb128or https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62778917:01
ubot2Gnome bug 627789 in general "Don't use both AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT and IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:01
pittibbl, supermarket17:01
rodrigo_seb128, danilo also should know better, afaik17:02
seb128where is danilo? ;-)17:02
rodrigo_if dobey's not around, as I think he was sick when leaving budapest17:02
rodrigo_seb128, in #canonical17:03
seb128rodrigo_, right, I pinged him there17:03
jbichalibpeas-WARNING **: Could not find loader 'seed' for plugin 'im-status'17:13
jbichadoes that mean anything to you? I finally got vinagre to build but am having trouble getting it to work right17:13
seb128jbicha, is seed installed?17:29
* Sweetshark looks around. Meeting now?17:33
didrocksSweetshark: was one hour ago :)17:34
didrocksSweetshark: you can try to blame jet lag, not sure it will work ;)17:34
micahgfridge was showing 16:30 UTC17:35
didrocksfridge isn't updated then, we decided to move it one hour ago a month before17:36
Sweetsharkthis is the weekly reminder for today's desktop team meeting at 16:3017:37
seb128jbicha, seems like it's not finding something, can you push you work somewhere so I can have a look?17:37
Sweetshark^- didrocks: from pittis email reminder.17:38
seb128right, he probably forgot to update the text17:38
* Sweetshark is timezoned.17:38
didrocksright and nobody noticed ;)17:38
* Sweetshark was here at the appointed time ;)17:39
seb128like I had time to read what pitti writes :p17:39
didrocksseb128: come on, you have time, you are just deliberatly ignoring, isn't it? :p17:40
jbichaseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/vinagre/vinagre-3.0.1 but I had to use dconf-editor to disable17:45
jbichathe VNC plugin in org.gnome.vinagre17:46
jbichawhich is a bigger problem than the IM plugin which I could just disable17:47
seb128jbicha, ok, let me have a look17:47
seb128jbicha, why is VNC_CFLAGS needed?17:47
pittiargh yes, sorry about the wrong time in the reminder17:50
pittiSweetshark: was nothing really important anyway17:50
seb128jbicha, dh_install: usr/lib/vinagre-3.0/plugins/im-status.js exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere17:51
seb128jbicha, I guess that explain your im-status issue17:51
seb128jbicha, running dh_install --list-missing in the build dir after the build17:51
Sweetsharkpitti: I know. I went to the wiki page, feeling a bit guilty because I had so little to report, but recognized it was the same for others ;)17:51
* pitti sighs at the implicit pointer conversion in the GTK ubuntu menu proxy patch17:52
pittiif only this package would work with -j417:52
seb128I still have somewhat on my todolist to make the rule just build the shared flavor if one environment variable is set17:53
pittiwell, I guess I can fix up the pointer conversions by just looking into one flavour17:53
* Sweetshark is currently heating the room with two LO compiles running at "-P4 -- -P4" ...17:54
Sweetsharkluckily there is ccache17:54
jbichaseb128: ok, & without the CFLAGS I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/609082/17:55
seb128jbicha, btw you should put the autoreconf rules before the debhelper one to avoid the .log generated in the debian dir17:56
seb128jbicha, what issue do you have with vnc? vinagre runs fine there after building with the im-status installed17:56
seb128rodrigo_, btw reviewing gnome-menus, the updates seems better but should not be uploaded17:59
seb128rodrigo_, you should probably remove the merge request from now to make sure nobody upload it18:00
seb128it breaks on gnome-panel << 2.9118:00
* didrocks was impressed by qtcreator taking 1h30 to build with -j4 here…18:00
seb128which is blocked on unity and indicator to go to gtk318:00
* pitti waves good night; dinner time, and then I need some time for some kitchen plumbing, and GTK 3 will build a while anyway18:01
seb128'night pitti18:01
didrocksenjoy pitti18:01
jbichaseb128: I get vinagre: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/vinagre-3.0/plugins/libvnc.so: undefined symbol: vnc_display_get_option_group18:01
seb128jbicha, dpkg -l | grep libgtk-vnc-2.0-018:02
jbichaii  libgtk-vnc-2.0-0                          0.4.3-2ubuntu1                             VNC viewer widget for GTK+3 (runtime libraries)18:03
seb128ok, weird18:03
jbichabut the im plugin still doesn't work for me18:03
jbichaI added debian/tmp/usr/lib/vinagre-3.0/plugins/im-status.js to vinagre.install18:04
seb128jbicha, hum, right, same here18:05
seb128jbicha, can you run "ldd /usr/lib/vinagre-3.0/plugins/libvnc.so | grep vnc" about the vnc issue?18:09
jbichaI just confirmed that the im plugin doesn't work on Fedora 15 either, so I'll report that18:12
jbichaseb128: I don't get anything vnc from that command18:13
seb128jbicha, weird18:13
jbichadid you change the rules file?18:13
seb128hum, I commented the VNC_CFLAGS to see if it breaks there18:14
seb128but that's about it18:14
seb128jbicha, you can try commenting the LDFLAGS = --as-needed line to see if that makes a difference18:15
didrocksok, letting qt4-x11 downloading (215 Mg) but disconnecting and dinner. See you tomorrow!18:15
seb128didrocks, have fun18:15
didrockshave a good evening seb128 :)18:15
seb128jbicha, it builds fine without VNC_CFLAGS in the rules there though18:15
seb128there is something weird on your system18:15
seb128rodrigo_, still there?18:25
hvrodrigo_: ping.  any news about #64980918:28
* hv watches eagerly ...18:28
seb128cyphermox, still there?18:28
seb128lp #64980918:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon "the session settings manager can try starting before the login screen one exits" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64980918:28
dobeyseb128: what's up?18:29
seb128dobey, cf the lines after the ping18:30
dobeyseb128: ugh, do people just not read documentation at all?18:33
seb128dobey, when it comes to autotools I guess they don't ;-)18:34
dobeyis there a way to turn off the osd notifications in firefox for download finished?18:36
hvin about:config ?18:37
dobeyhv: and which option would be for that? they are all undocumented18:38
hvwell, let me see ...18:38
dobeyand the only one that looks related, is already set to false…18:38
dobeyseb128: oh, looks like the documentation isn't up to date either. :(18:40
hvI guess18:40
dobeyi hope so18:41
dobeyseb128: so the answer is that with intltool, you only need to call IT_PROG_INTLTOOL18:47
seb128dobey, ok, thanks18:48
rayado..i wana know the name of the channel unbuntu in spanish ?18:53
dobeyguess i need to kill a bunch of intltool bugs soon and release a new version or three19:00
GunnarHjHi! Any backporter that has time to triage two MPs to lucid- and maverick-backports according to bug 778869?19:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 778869 in language-selector "[natty] fontconfig-voodoo -a does not work in Japanese locales" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77886919:35
micahgGunnarHj: those changes need to hit oneiric and natty before being backported19:38
GunnarHjmicahg: Ok, then I'll ask somebody about that first. Tnx.19:39
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