
pittiGood morning05:26
slangasekcjwatson: the debconf source points at a bzr branch with rich history that's been out of date since maverick; do you want me to fix that up when merging from unstable, or should I instead drop the Vcs-Bzr field?06:17
pittipoolie: meh, "bzr get" deprecated? is there some way or amount of beer that I could convince you to keep it?07:22
dholbachgood morning07:22
pittipoolie: we have convenient shorter aliases for a lot of other stuff like "mu" or "up", can we keep "get" as an alias?07:22
StevenKbzr br ?07:22
pittipoolie: after so many years it's just on everyone's fingers, not to mention in documentation07:22
didrocksgood morning07:30
ok2cqrHi, I would like to rebuild existing package from devel version of Ubuntu to Lucit. I downloaded source package, extracted it, made changes and now I want to pack it again.07:42
ok2cqrBut the package is signed by someone and I can't build it even when I have my own gpg signature.07:42
ok2cqrCould you help me please how to re-sign the package with my signature?07:43
broderok2cqr: sounds like you might be looking for the backportpackage script in ubuntu-dev-tools07:45
ok2cqrbroder, I already have ubuntu-dev-tools installed but didn't have this script. I use ubuntu 10.0407:50
dholbach@pilot in07:54
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
dholbachbroder, chrisccoulson: do you have any idea where we're going with the "sleep" branches (upower, indicator-session, g-p-m)?07:56
dholbachjdstrand, are you on bug 723830?07:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 723830 in seamonkey (Ubuntu) "seamonkey-2.0-bin assert failure: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.0.11/seamonkey-2.0-bin terminated" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72383007:58
dholbachbarry, mvo: do you think https://code.launchpad.net/~hodgestar/software-properties/configurable-key-server/+merge/57406 can go into oneiric?07:59
dholbachcjwatson, james_w: can somebody of you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu/natty/winpdb/bug-761131/+merge/57787 as irrelevant?08:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 57787 in partman-base (Ubuntu) "Obscure scary warning in installer." [Low,Triaged]08:01
mvothanks dholbach, looking08:02
* dholbach hugs mvo08:02
dholbachrbelem, ScottK, do you think https://code.launchpad.net/~rbelem/ubuntu/natty/kubuntu-mobile-default-settings/plasma-mobile-patches/+merge/58018 is SRU material or is it something we should just get into oneiric?08:07
dholbachjames_w, cjwatson: can you also please mark https://code.launchpad.net/~benoitg/ubuntu/natty/libofx/libofx.new-upstream-fix-661809-629996/+merge/58207 as irrelevant?08:09
dholbachchrisccoulson, micahg, does the patch in bug 766559 look alright to you?08:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766559 in icedtea-web (Ubuntu) "Forcing installation of firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76655908:14
dholbachjames_w, cjwatson: can you also please mark lp:~hrw/ubuntu/natty/armel-cross-toolchain-base/1.63 and lp:~hrw/ubuntu/natty/gcc-4.4-armel-cross/1.40 as irrrelevant for natty?08:20
ohsixbug 5778708:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 57787 in partman-base (Ubuntu) "Obscure scary warning in installer." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5778708:21
cjwatsondholbach: I've done the first two.  For the last one, please add some kind of commentary to the merge requests explaining why08:30
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dholbachcjwatson, hrw said that it's OK to just get them into oneiric, but yeah, let me add it08:41
mdkepitti: hiya08:42
pittihey mdke08:42
cjwatsonslangasek: so I think something complicated went wrong with the upstream branch import; if you want to fix that all up, I certainly wouldn't object, but if that isn't straightforward (I don't remember it being so) then feel free to drop Vcs-Bzr08:42
mdkepitti: is that you looking at the gnome-user-docs uploads?08:43
pittihad to reject maverick due to a version number conflict, see my bug followup08:43
mdkepitti: ah, I haven't got that email yet, will wait for that. Thanks for looking at them though08:44
cjwatsondholbach: OK, rejected08:44
mdkepitti: I guess the existing versions in lucid and maverick also have the same version number though? (because the lucid package was copied over to maverick)08:44
dholbachthanks cjwatson08:44
pittimdke: the lucid SRU worked fine08:45
mdkepitti: if I use ~ubuntu2.1 as the version number, will that cause problems for people upgrading from lucid to maverick?08:47
mdke(because lucid users will already have ~ubuntu3)08:47
pittimdke: ah, right; use 3.1 then08:54
mdkepitti: cool, thanks08:54
mdkepitti: uploaded. Thanks again for your help09:04
pooliepitti: sorry; we could re-add 'bzr'09:09
pooliei mean 'bzr br'09:09
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pittislangasek: I forwarded your libxklavier patch to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37278, but I only gave a vague description as I didn't see the build failures myself; there might be some further request for info there09:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 37278 in General "Don't substitute other library's CFLAGS/LDFLAGS into pkg-config file" [Normal,New]09:56
cjwatsonzul: could you merge apache2, which will include rebuilding it against openssl 1.0.0?10:01
seb128cjwatson, hey, do you plan to do a syncs round today?10:15
dholbachcjwatson, james_w: can you please mark https://code.launchpad.net/~menesis/ubuntu/natty/wsgi-intercept/natty/+merge/58498 as irrelevant? it was superseded by https://code.launchpad.net/~menesis/ubuntu/natty/wsgi-intercept/natty/+merge/6121210:23
cjwatsonseb128: it's in progress10:23
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:23
cjwatsonseb128: (or do you mean manual syncs?)10:23
seb128cjwatson, both... ;-)10:23
cjwatsonautosyncs are in progress - I do plan to get to manual syncs though10:24
seb128excellent, thanks10:24
cjwatsondholbach: done10:24
dholbachcjwatson, thanks!10:24
cjwatsonslangasek: could you merge wget?  it's part of the openssl 1.0.0 transition10:30
slangasekpitti: thanks for the forward!  If in doubt, pkg-config upstream (i.e., Tollef) will be happy to explain10:31
slangasekcjwatson: ack, queuing10:31
slangasekqueuing and going to bed, that is :)10:31
dholbachDaviey, do you think it's worth getting https://code.launchpad.net/~abone/ubuntu/natty/procps/fix-for-753124/+merge/58905 into natty still?10:31
dholbach(seems like -10ubuntu2 didn't solve the problem)10:32
Davieydholbach, looking10:50
Davieydholbach, Not entirely sure TBH... it does look kinda large... I'm missing what the impact of it is TBH.10:55
dholbachDaviey, it looks like a cleanup of the patches because in 10ubuntu2 the patch was not really applied10:55
dholbachDaviey, at least that's what I got from the description of the merge proposal10:56
Davieydholbach, yeah, that makes sense - but i missed if it meet SRU criteria.11:00
Davieydholbach, I have a call now - but will delve deeper after this.11:00
dholbachDaviey, maybe just get it into oneiric then11:00
dholbachDaviey, thanks muchly11:00
Davieyno worries.11:00
dholbachcjwatson, can you also mark this one as merged https://code.launchpad.net/~xaba/ubuntu/natty/pytrainer/bug-760885/+merge/58908? seems it got into natty-proposed and -updates already11:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 58908 in gnome-cups-manager (Ubuntu) "HP PSC 2110 printer PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL3GUI (dup-of: 55828)" [Undecided,Invalid]11:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 55828 in cupsys (Ubuntu) "PJL output from 1.2.2 client over IPP" [Medium,Fix released]11:03
cjwatsondholbach: the new revision mentioned at the end of the comment thread too?11:04
dholbachcjwatson, hum, looks like not - I'll follow up on the merge proposal11:06
dholbachcjwatson, oh no, it's included - it's just not documented in d/changelog11:08
lifelessdholbach: oh hai; I've been meaning to let you know - we recently fixed searching for bugs w/ patches in lp11:09
lifelessdholbach: which I believe was something important to you :)11:09
dholbachlifeless, oh nice - what exactly did you change?11:10
lifelessadded an index11:10
lifelessso that it works in non geologic time11:10
dholbachdo you still have a bug number for that somewhere?11:11
cjwatsondholbach: generally, if you could add a comment to the merge before asking me, that would be good - I'd like to be able to operate mostly on autopilot for this kind of thing rather than needing to review11:11
dholbachI'd like to understand it a bit better :)11:11
cjwatsonit won't scale otherwise11:11
dholbachcjwatson, will do - that's entirely reasonable11:11
cjwatson(well it obviously doesn't scale particularly well as it is, but ...)11:12
cjwatsonI'll just dump in the IRC conversation for this one11:12
dholbachcjwatson, added a comment11:13
dholbachand let's hope it's fixed soon :)11:13
mptmvo, good morning, who do you think should be Approver for <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-software-maturity-ratings>?11:27
cjwatsonmdeslaur: you're touched-it-last for isc-dhcp - are you likely to have time to merge it?11:27
ScottKdholbach: Seems SRu worthy11:49
nigelbev: I welcome the collection of ubiquity success/failure, if you need help building the public-facing website, I could possible pitch in and help11:52
dholbachmdke, mako: CC meeting?11:59
evnigelb: wonderful. If you could post your support to the mailing list post, I'd greatly appreciate it, as it will otherwise get lost here12:09
nigelbev: sure, will do :)12:10
ev@pilot in12:11
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach, ev
nigelbev: done :)12:15
barrydholbach, mvo: any thoughts on the software-propoerties merge proposal?  is it worth looking at ~hodgestar's update?12:26
barrylifeless: ping12:28
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mdeslaurcjwatson: are you offering to do it?12:36
seb128could somebody from the security team review bug #78297212:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 782972 in seed (Ubuntu) "[mir] seed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78297212:37
seb128some of the GNOME3 components are depwaiting on it12:37
cjwatsonstgraber: bug 778655 - looks like the new version is in Debian now?12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778655 in lilo (Ubuntu) "Will need to Sync lilo 1:23.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77865512:39
cjwatsonmdeslaur: only if necessary - I'm drowning in library transitions12:39
mdeslaurcjwatson: I'll try and get to it this week12:40
mvohey apachelogger - nice work on the dbusworker branch for software-properties! how do you feel about it? is it ready for merging?12:40
apacheloggermvo: did I make that one? ^^12:41
cjwatsonmdeslaur: *nod*, thanks12:41
apacheloggerah yeah12:41
apacheloggermvo: needs some work & QA I think12:42
mdeslaurseb128: I'll get kees to take a look when he arrives12:42
apacheloggermvo: do you want it for oneiric?12:42
seb128mdeslaur, thanks!12:42
seb128mdeslaur, no real hurry but we are eager to get those GNOME3 bits to build ;-)12:42
seb128(eog and gedit are the ones waiting on it)12:43
mdeslaurseb128: argh! I need gedit! :)12:43
mdeslaurof course, now I'm wondering why an image viewer and a text editor need a _javascript library_...where's the world going to? :)12:44
mvoapachelogger: that would rock, I would love to get the gtk version to no longer run as root12:44
seb128mdeslaur, they need libpeas which is used for loading python and js code and use seed for js12:45
seb128mdeslaur, in practice I don't think any .js code is in the archive or loaded but the loader is there12:46
apacheloggermvo: I'll try to find someone to finish the work, though apparently my supply of python minions is a bit compromised ^^12:46
mdeslaurseb128: I see...thanks12:49
mvoapachelogger: haha, ok - I will also try to squeeze in a bit of time to help out12:49
mvobarry: I check the diff out now12:49
barrymvo: cool.  i did make a slew of comments in the mp, but haven't looked to see if he addressed them12:50
apacheloggermvo: I might have found someone, if he has time ... I'll report back once I know more12:50
mvogreat, thanks apachelogger12:51
dholbachbarry, mvo: I'll leave that to you 2 :)12:51
debfxpitti: I have added support for .svgz files to dh_scour. the patch is on bug #781810. could you have a look at it?12:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781810 in scour (Ubuntu) "dh_scour: optimize .svgz files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78181012:54
broderdholbach: the sleep/upower branches should have been rejected. i think at this point they might be caught in the SRU/branch re-targeting bug12:55
mptmvo, hi, did you see my question about who should be the Approver for <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-software-maturity-ratings>? (sorry I dropped off for a bit)12:55
pittidebfx: oh, thanks! will do ASAP12:55
dholbachbroder, ok - can you add some kind of justification/explanation to the bug report?12:55
dholbacherr merge proposal12:55
broderat least one of the patches already has an explanation from me as to why i don't think it should be merged12:56
dholbachthen Colin or James can reject it :)12:56
mvompt: I'm happy to be the approver (if I'm not the assigne), otherwise probably slangasek12:56
dholbach@pilot out12:56
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev
dholbachI'll continue piloting later on12:56
dholbachnow it's lunch time12:56
mptmvo, ok, made slangasek the Approver and you the Assignee :-)12:56
lifelessbarry: hi?12:59
barrylifeless: hi.  this page times out for me all the time.  thought you might be able to blacklist it or something?   (i think you asked me about this?) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=python2713:00
lifelessbarry: sadly no, its really sick.13:01
lifelessdholbach: bug 61839213:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618392 in Launchpad itself "Distribution:+patches slow 10% of requests timing out" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61839213:01
barrylifeless: ah well.  it was worth a shot :)13:02
dholbachthanks lifeless13:05
mptmvo, is it intended that the UI for <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-update-manager-btrfs> is entirely in Grub? What if someone doesn't use Grub?13:07
cjwatsonmpt,mvo: I thought the agreement in that session was to put any non-trivial UI in the real system, specifically not in the boot loader13:13
mptcjwatson, ah, I see "GUI tool for selecting old snapshots (needs input from mpt what it looks like/where it should go)" in the session notes but not in the work items13:14
cjwatsonalthough I think "because trying to do the UI in the boot loader would suck" is probably a better objection than "what if someone doesn't use GRUB" in the case of btrfs :-)13:15
mvompt: for oneiric we probably just go with a text ui in friendly-recovery13:21
mptmvo, what's friendly-recovery and how does one run it?13:21
cjwatsonit's the text menu you get if you select recovery mode from the boot menu13:23
mvompt: its in the grub menu, the "recovery" option. its a small text UI to help recovery from various aspects of breakage13:23
rbelemdholbach, ScottK, i think that patch was applyed already13:24
zulcjwatson: yep im just waiting for apr as well13:33
cjwatsonzul: OK, I synced that a little while ago so it shouldn't be too long - thanks13:36
zulcjwatson: np13:36
* pitti suspects cjwatson's upload karma can only be measured in powers of ten these days13:41
micahgdholbach: I should talk to chrisccoulson about that, I think there might have been a better solution13:41
cjwatsonheh :)13:41
cjwatsonpitti: I still only have about a quarter of your karma though13:42
cjwatsonwhere does it all come from?  language packs?13:42
cjwatsonor are you just awesome?13:42
mptmvo, ok, it's up to you whether you add a work item for me to design something there13:43
pitticjwatson: I think it still misattributes langpack uploads to me13:43
pitticjwatson: presumably because it identifies the langpack-builders GPG key as being an alter ego of me (which it kind of is)13:43
pittiI filed a bug about it ages ago13:44
cjwatsonah yes13:44
mvompt: ok, I think for now it should be fine the text ui will be pretty borning13:49
* Sweetshark is getting close to a real work environment: a) local git mirror -> check b) local tarball mirror -> check c) local CI builder for master -> running d) local CI builder for release branch -> tbd ...13:54
andyrockhi, i've a problem in transition from gtk2 to gtk3. Is it the right place for asking support?13:55
ScottKandyrock: No.  Support is in #ubuntu.13:58
mptmvo: Sorry to keep bugging you. :-) Does <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-apt-mirror-method> require any design work for the "UI support [in] software-properties"?13:59
jamespagedoko: are you looking at bug 779174? just noticed your comment...14:01
mvompt: yes, some UI selement that essentially says "pick the best one automatically"14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779174 in ca-certificates-java (Ubuntu) "package ca-certificates-java 20110426 failed to install/upgrade: fix path to libnss3 for multiarch" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77917414:01
dokojamespage: yes14:02
highvoltagea bit off-topic, but the awesome scale makes it worth while posting here:14:02
jamespagedoko: so is the fix for that issue likely to be in openjdk?14:03
dokojamespage: yes, see my last comment for a work around14:04
stgrabercjwatson: it was on my post-UDS todolist. I'll have a look now. Thanks for the reminder.14:05
jamespagedoko: right-oh; I'll stop digging....14:05
dokothe main issue is that we'll see such breakage will probably occur with other multiarch conversions too14:05
jamespagedoko: I suspect so14:06
axp2highvoltage: that's quite cool, probably has some interesting applications when it is more developed too14:07
stgrabercjwatson: bug updated14:09
mvohighvoltage: I have to say that I'm blown away by how fast it is14:15
SatorisInstalling the Gnome 3 PPA makes my machine (or actually VirtualBox install) fail to boot. Is this a known issue?14:18
highvoltagemvo: yes, me too!14:24
jamespagehey - can anyone help me understand why I can find libjibx1.2-java in Debian but not in Ubuntu?  I can find a launchpad page in the Ubuntu project but its completely empty...14:25
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cjwatsonjamespage: it's in the list of new packages that haven't been processed yet.  I take it you want it?14:34
jamespagecjwatson: ultimately yes but it can wait; causing a FTBFS elsewhere at the mo14:35
jamespagecjwatson: thanks for looking :-)14:35
cjwatsonjamespage: ah, yes, I see why we didn't process it - is this supposed to be replacing libjibx1.1-java, currently in main?14:35
jamespagecjwatson: hmmm - not sure - I'll take a look14:36
cjwatson(which also ships a libjibx-java binary)14:36
cjwatsonE: libjibx-java is in main but its source (libjibx1.2-java) is not.14:36
cjwatsonthis is overridable, but preferably under instructions by somebody who knows about the packages in question14:37
sconklincjwatson: do you have anything to add to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/747090 ? I'm about to respin the Natty stable update and will be reverting some patches, not sure whether this should be among them14:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 747090 in Ubuntu Translations "wrong return address sometimes pushed for INT in kvm (not qemu)" [Low,Triaged]14:43
cjwatsonsconklin: I'll test it now - I couldn't do it at UDS because my ISO images were on the external disk for which I'd forgotten the power adapter14:43
sconklincjwatson: thanks!14:44
jdstranddholbach: I am not actively working on 723830 (I don't think I have the necessary expertise to ack the patch). I was just trying to make sure it was still a problem14:47
matttbeIt seems that Cairo-Dock BZR branches on Ubuntu (lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock & lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins) are not up to date (and broken?).14:49
matttbeWhat can I do and/or who can I contact?14:49
matttbeNote that this bug has already been reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/70469414:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 704694 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "import has failed with cairo-dock-plug-ins" [High,Confirmed]14:49
matttbeI can see the problem there: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/#analysis14:52
matttbebut I don't know what can I do to resolve this problem14:52
cjwatsonsconklin: verified now, so please keep that patch :-)14:52
sconklincjwatson: great, thanks! I hate pulling them14:53
cjwatson(a whole half-hour before the Brad-stated deadline)14:54
sconklinpitti: I have a question about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/735171 - you wrote "Marking as verification-failed, but as this is not a regression, this doesn't block -updates migration.", does that mean that you don't think the patch should be reverted?15:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 735171 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "driver ath9k is too slow or not responding" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:00
pittisconklin: if you are about to upload a followup kernel, then I'm fine with reverting it (it's safer, of course)15:03
pittisconklin: it just means that if would have been the only problem, it wouldn't block -updates migration15:04
sconklinpitti: ok, thanks there is also this one which needs to be reverted, best I can tell - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/70029215:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 700292 in bluez (Ubuntu Natty) "Bluetooth keyboard after natty upgrade not working" [Undecided,New]15:05
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pittisconklin: *nod*15:10
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mvopitti: if you have a moment, could you please check the natty-proposed queue? there is a software-center 4.0.2 there, one is old, one from a couple of minutes ago, the old one can be rejected now. would be nice to get the new one reviewed because for new installs the review stats are currently not showing15:17
pittimvo: there is just one software-center there15:19
pittimvo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=115:19
cdbsmvo: Looks like the new one superseeded the old one... ?15:19
qchn22.  #kapy          │16:19:50  cdbs | mvo: Looks like the new one superseeded the old one... ?                                                                                                      │ bantu15:20
qchnWhoops, sorry.15:20
mvopitti: oh, how odd. but in any case the new one is the right one :)15:23
micahgmatttbe: the bug is sufficient to have someone look at it, the lack of branch update doesn't block further uploads15:25
qchnDoes anyone know how to decrypt luks over the network and start this script with initramfs?15:27
pittimvo: you didn't mean the aptdaemon which is in the queue? there's already an unverified aptdaemon in -proposed, I wanted to get that to -updates first15:28
pittior you reupload with -v, if it's urgent15:28
mvopitti: thanks, aptdaemon is not super urgent, fix is pretty small etc, but it should be fine to wait15:28
dholbachrbelem, you're right15:29
dholbachcjwatson, james_w: can one of you please mark https://code.launchpad.net/~rbelem/ubuntu/natty/kubuntu-mobile-default-settings/plasma-mobile-patches/+merge/58018 as merged?15:29
brodercjwatson or james_w: could you also reject https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/upower/sleep/+merge/54093 https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/indicator-session/sleep/+merge/54094 and https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/gnome-power-manager/sleep/+merge/54095 ?15:31
james_wbroder, https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/indicator-session/sleep/+merge/54094 was approved, why reject it?15:32
broderjames_w the 3 merges are tied together. it's only correct if the other two are accepted, and they weren't15:41
dholbach@pilot in15:46
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev, dholbach
broderare there any examples on how to migrate a sysv script that uses /etc/default to upstart? i.e. in terms of migrating the /etc/default settings16:07
broder(i'm trying to evaluate https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/oneiric/mediatomb/fix-212441/+merge/60574 . i'm not particularly fond of the approach, but not sure if there's a better example i can point the submitter at)16:10
micahgbroder: that /etc/default change should happen in Debian, not Ubuntu16:26
brodermicahg: huh? he's trying to convert the package to upstart, and Keybuk says that upstart jobs shouldn't use /etc/default16:26
micahgbroder: ugh16:27
micahgbroder: do we normally carry a similar diff for other packages with upstart?16:27
broderhonestly, i have no idea. but i think it could be a good idea in this particular case, since they're running into a race condition from networking devices not being up16:28
micahgbroder: also, since there is upstart in Debian, just not the default, I'd like to try to get that into Debian first16:28
broderhmm...i bet that debian's not interested in Keybuk's belief that upstart jobs shouldn't use /etc/default...16:29
broderalso, the policy to ship config jobs for multiple init systems isn't finalized, is it?16:29
micahgbroder: not yet, but that can be worked around in debian/rules16:29
brodereww :)16:29
matttbemicahg: thank you :) . But if I want to propose a new version, I've to create a debdiff, join some files, etc. instead of simply launch bzr merge-upstream...16:34
apwcjwatson, do we have oneiric dailies yet ?16:40
mdeslaurslangasek: any objections to me killing the hurd compatibility patch in pam security updates?16:41
ogra_apw, we're (well, currently colin is)  switching the live builder tool, that will take a bit i guess16:41
matttbejames_w: Hello and sorry to ping you but is it possible to repair Cairo-Dock bzr branches? (lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock & lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins). My bug report has been marked as duplicated of this one: LP: #49448116:41
apwogra_, oh ok, hrm16:41
james_wmatttbe, hi, that's probably possible to fix16:43
matttbejames_w: great! and can I do something?16:44
james_wmatttbe, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock/oneiric/revision/23 <- what did you do to create that revision?16:45
poolieev: that's a great concept regardless of the various difficulties16:45
matttbejames_w, yes I guess I forgot to use bzr merge-upstream for this one...16:46
james_wmatttbe, I'm not sure what the best way to recover from this is16:47
james_wmatttbe, an easy one is to uncommit your revisions back to the last-good one, and have the importer take care of the new versions16:47
james_wthat obviously loses your history16:47
matttbejames_w: I'm sorry but at this time I though I had to use uscan as before16:48
rbelemdholbach, :-)16:48
james_wthe other solution is to decide where to put that missing tag, but as merge-upstream wasn't used there isn't a "correct" place to put it16:48
matttbejames_w: but I prefer to lose this history and use the branch. but yes, if we can simply add these missing tags, it's better16:49
matttbejames_w: note that if I add a upstream tag, the bzr merge-upstream command remove the debian directory. But it's not a problem if it removes this folder only this time16:51
matttbejames_w: this is what I said there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/75803216:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 758032 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Tags are wrong in lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:52
brodermicahg: it looks like there are already a handful of packages in universe that ship upstart, though i suspect that most/all of them are ubuntu-native and not merged from debian16:54
evpoolie: thanks!17:00
slangasekmdeslaur: ah, I suppose not... :)17:04
mdeslaurslangasek: unless you're willing to rewrite it before I publish :)17:04
mdeslaurslangasek: I also gather you'd rather not turn off pam_env on user home directories?17:05
slangasekmdeslaur: is the security bug *in* the hurd patch, or is it just caught in the crossfire?  i.e., is another fix needed for Debian unstable?17:06
slangasekmdeslaur: turn off pam_env> it's not a behavior change I'd like in a security update, but we could change the default to not check user environment files going forward, to match upstream17:07
mdeslaurslangasek: ok, that's what I was going to do17:08
mdeslaurslangasek: the hurd patch is caught in the crossfire...the following commits have moved around all the privilege dropping code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609063/17:08
mdeslaurslangasek: half of those commits went in after 1.1.2, so debian unstable needs them also17:08
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mdeslaurslangasek: I'll let you know once I've done natty which ones are missing in unstable17:10
broderSpamapS: ping? what was the end result of the /etc/default discussion you had on ubuntu-devel a few months back? have you actually used that code anywhere yet?17:10
slangasekmdeslaur: thanks17:11
broder(no rush - feel free to wait until the end of your meeting)17:11
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SpamapSbroder: definitely not, there was no end result.. we kind of deferred the discussion. At UDS we all suggested that we actually measure the impact of sourcing default files before we abandon them completely.17:11
SpamapSs/we all/somebody/17:11
dholbach@pilot out17:13
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev
micahgbroder: so in light of what SpamapS said, I'd rather not make such a divergent change unless there's a decision17:14
broderSpamapS: ok. i can certainly make an argument that with ureadahead, there shouldn't actually be any sort of additional disk hit, which i think means that the /etc/default things is purely a philosophical and stylistic discussion17:21
broderbut yeah, i think keeping the /etc/default file for now is fine17:22
SpamapSbroder: certainly for new things that we create, use env .. but for sanity in syncing w/ debian, probably easier to just keep sourcing the default file.17:27
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bakaratbeen an ubuntu user since dapper (if memory serves) and i just gotta say: so far (not been using it for very yet though), unity kicks ass18:00
bakaratgreat job!18:00
hvso, what's the deal with gnome-settings-daemon?18:08
hvit segfaults :(18:08
seb128hv, what distro version?18:13
hvapparently it has an issue with libgnomekbd7, as far as I can guess.18:16
seb128hv, don't use oneiric yet ;-)18:17
seb128but otherwise there is a known issue in the indicator code I think, check with rodrigo on #ubuntu-desktop maybe if you can18:18
hvheh, someone has to use it before release ;)18:18
hvok, thanks.18:18
seb128well right now it's rather "it's broken and has no theme and we know about it"18:18
seb128it needs work, we don't really lack feedback, we basically know quite some things are broken ;-)18:19
hvbut is it in the indicator? the segfault I get relates to xkb, xklavier, and libgnomekbd7.18:20
seb128hv, could be another one, the new libgnomekbd just landed today18:22
seb128hv, get a stacktrace if you can that would be useful18:22
hvwell, the stacktrace (not mine, someone else's with similar issue) is already on launchpad.18:23
seb128hv, can you give the bug number?18:24
hv#649809, see comment #191 (3rd from the end)18:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Natty) "the session settings manager can try starting before the login screen one exits" [Medium,In progress]18:27
hvI suspect the latest comments are not exactly aligned with the title. maybe they need their own new bug report.18:29
seb128right, that should go to a new bug report18:29
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cr3hi folks, what might cause someone upgrading from maverick to natty to have files under /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/project.. but not /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/project...?19:03
tumbleweedcr3: the package may (incorrectly or correctly) say that only supports 2.6 or <= 2.6. Or it may just need to be rebuilt (if it uses dh_python2)19:05
tumbleweedcr3: which package?19:05
stgraberslangasek: hey, I'm preparing a test setup for IPv6 so I can easily test it in Oneiric. I currently have the following networks setup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/609117/), anything I'm missing in there?19:05
cr3tumbleweed: checkbox19:06
cr3tumbleweed: XS-Python-Version: current, is that sensible?19:07
slangasekstgraber: I don't understand the shorthand.  What does each line represent?  A machine, a network interface?19:08
tumbleweedcr3: we try not to use that if possible, as that'll only build for one version, not all supported versions19:09
stgraberslangasek: each line is a bridge on my laptop to be used with libvirt. I have a single VM that's plugged on all of them and doing the dhcpv4/dhcpv6/radvd depending on what's supposed to be on the bridge19:10
slangasekstgraber: we probably need more test cases that are explicitly related to broken IPv6 - e.g., ipv6 advertised but no packets getting routed; ipv6 advertised but DNS server misbehaves when asked; that sort of thing19:10
slangasekstgraber: aha, got it19:10
mpoirierslangasek: aside from barry, who else can I ask a phyton question ?19:11
stgraberah, interesting, I guess I can simulate the "broken network" relatively easily by writting a few scripts for my "router" VM, so one can simulate these qite easily19:11
slangasekstgraber: some of these cases require different static configurations of the VM, how do you plan to do this with only one VM?19:11
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slangasekmpoirier: the channel is dense with python expertise, you could just ask the question here :)19:12
stgraberI currently have a bunch of .xml files for libvirt creating all of these bridges, will have the same for the router VM + at least documentation on how to setup the router so someone can easily replicate the setup19:12
slangasek(electrons : electric fields :: python : pythic field?)19:12
slangasekstgraber: but don't the static configs require changes to the *client* VM, not just the router VM?19:13
tumbleweedcr3: aah. it uses python-central. That shouldn't require a rebuild, it should just support whataver the current default python version is (pyversions -d). BTW: We are trying to get rid of python-central and replace it with dh_python2.19:13
stgraberslangasek: yep, the idea is to have a test network. The client part will have to be done with one VM being moved from a bridge to another and reinstalled/reconfigured depending on the configuration (at least for the static cases)19:14
stgraberslangasek: or have one VM per bridge (if you have enough resources)19:14
cr3tumbleweed: I could migrate to dh_python2 for oneiric. for natty, I suspect this is not the only package relying on python-central, is there something I should sru to improve user experience of people upgrading?19:14
tumbleweedcr3: no need to do anything for natty. Indeed it's not the only package. There's a goal to convert all the packages on the CD for oneiric (there was a UDS discussion). All python-central packages in debian will already have bugs filed against them, encouraging micration.19:16
cr3tumbleweed: by the way, if python-central "shouldn't require a rebuild", I'm not sure I understand why the package is failing to import some of its dynamic modules. very strange...19:18
tumbleweedcr3: trying a dist-upgrade from maverick -> natty with it installed...19:20
cr3tumbleweed: thanks!19:21
tumbleweedcr3: checkbox is importable for me in python2.7 after the upgrade19:23
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cr3tumbleweed: can you try running this: for py in `pyversions -s`; do echo $py; echo '__import__("checkbox_gtk.gtk_interface", None, None, [""])' | $py; done19:33
tumbleweedcr3: aah, I was looking at checkbox not checkbox-gtk. Of course we don't expect it to be importable in 2.619:41
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cr3tumbleweed: so, if the python executable points to python2.6 for some reason, hell might break loose, right?19:43
tumbleweedcr3: but that wouldn't happen unless the user breaks their own system. The python package tells python-central to rebuild those symlink farms when the default python version changes19:45
mterryDoes anyone know much about -Bsymbolic-functions?  It's causing the libpeas test suite to fail, but not entirely sure why yet19:45
cr3tumbleweed: heh, not always easy to troubleshoot what people do on their systems :)19:48
tumbleweedthe usual hint for something like this is the appearence of /usr/local somewhere in their traceback19:49
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keks-nGuys, I have some problems with uploading to ppa20:38
keks-ndput says "Successfully uploaded packages.", but I cann't see my package in the build queue20:39
stgraberkeks-n: as it's a PPA and not the main archive, you probably want #launchpad20:39
broderkeks-n: #launchpad is a better place to ask about ppa issues, but it takes a few minutes for packages to migrate from uploading into the build queue20:40
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hallyn_kirkland: jjohansen: regarding http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/server-o-ecryptfs-testsuite/, the first block is about ecryptfs enhancements.  Should I write those up as actions in the ecryptfs-testsuite blueprint, or do you want to put it somewhere else?21:32
jjohansenhallyn_: I am fine with in the blueprint21:33
hallyn_jjohansen: ok, will put them there, thanks21:33
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macojust saw unity in action for the first time. the user and i were both confused. why is there what looks like a "zoom" icon (magnifying glass with + sign) that opens up the application list?21:41
* vish points maco in the direction of #ayatana22:18
rootuser23looking for a command so i can send mails trough ubuntu's terminal pls23:13

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