
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Guest11 is now known as kingkong
fujisani only know the date on which it occured i don't know if the channel was logged only log i have of it is in comic chat unfortunately15:11
fujisan@ LjL15:11
fujisanif it's a big issue with comic chat logs i will just file a complaint with the anti-discrimination authorities15:12
fujisani should have done it straight away15:12
LjLfujisan: please tell your story from the beginning. i'm not in the IRC Council myself, but the IRC Council will see this (this channel is logged). you may want to take some time to get your logs together. #ubuntu-nl is, i believe, also publicly logged.15:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:12
fujisanthis happened in ubuntu-nl-offtopic which isn't logged unfortunately15:12
fujisani am not disputing my ban there btw15:13
fujisanjust this incidence15:13
fujisanthe ban is a result of them hating me for taking racism serious15:13
fujisanit's all a big joke to them alas and i want to send a message15:14
fujisanthat there is zero tolerance for racism15:14
fujisanhttp://imgur.com/dOl1x << this is all i have of it no official looking log unfortunately15:17
fujisani can translate what he said15:17
fujisanit's about the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and many black people, and people of other cultures, and races live there.So he says:" I am afraid to go to Rotterdam with my car", and then the other guy asked: "Why did you go there?" and then the guy says: "Watching Monkeys." and then the other guy says: "Did you laugh at them." and then the other guy says: "I am careful not too they were carrying so many knifes in their pockets the15:21
fujisanthat's basically it i am not an official translator15:22
fujisanbut i think this is pure racism and uncalled for15:22
fujisanand it's all a big joke to them15:22
fujisanthat's the worst part15:23
fujisanand the admin JanC he didn't flinge or nothing15:25
fujisanand he left when he saw i came in15:25
popeyhe pung out15:25
fujisanye afterwards i was so angry that i couldnt behave normal anymore in their15:25
fujisanand i have a bad history of being a troll but i am in therapy and doing better and was getting along fine in there and then this happened15:26
fujisanbut if you guys dont take it serious i can understand i will go to the authorities15:26
fujisanthe admin banned me cause i was using someone elses 2nd nick btw the guy who made the comments i was seeking for my own justice i guess15:28
fujisanbut the admin is really to blame here for doing nothing about it15:28
fujisani asked him when this happened to ban me for life because the way they all saw this was like some big joke15:29
fujisanand being light brown myself i know what racism feels like so i had to speak out against it15:30
fujisanmaybe too little to late15:30
fujisani always felt safe from racism in the ubuntu channels but now not anymore i will just stick to the macosx channel where i never ever experienced racism15:32
fujisanthanks for letting me tell the story15:33
fujisani hope you guys will take this serious15:33
fujisanand not like some joke because i am dead serious15:33
fujisanbu bye15:36
JanCah, fujisan has been spamming here too...  :P17:49
JanChe has been spamming some #ubuntu-nl* regulars too  :-(17:53
PiciAny truth to his claims?17:53
JanCsomebody said something he claims was racist, but IIRC it was just something he misunderstood17:56
JanCin any case, he has been banned for repeated trolling, ban evading, insulting people and a number of other things17:58
JanCand this is about the 50th time he got banned for all those  ;)17:59
jussiJanC: sounds similar to the story in other ubuntu channels.17:59
ubot4In #ubuntu-bugs, Fvic said: ubot4, yes the bug is same.i read theory.but havenot actually triaged any bug.can you please help me to start.?19:27
=== Bill_Gates is now known as fujisan
fujisanoops now you know my real identity :)21:19
fujisanthanks again folks21:20
fujisani had a good day today after i got it of my chest21:20
hypatiaglad to hear, fujisan22:33
* hypatia offers tea and cupcakes22:33
fujisan:) thanks22:36
Logan_rww: I would recommend removing Guarddog from !firewall because it doesn't exist in the repo for natty23:35
ubottufirewall aliases: firestarter, iptables, shorewall, guarddog, ufw - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 19:46:03 - last edited by Pici on 2011-04-13 13:06:5623:36
rww!firewall =~ s/or Guarddog \(KDE\) /23:36
ubottuToo many (or not enough) delimiters23:36
rww!firewall =~ s/or Guarddog \(KDE\) //23:36
ubottuI'll remember that rww23:36
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) also exist.23:36
Logan_thanks :)23:36
rww!firewall =~ s/Gnome/GNOME/23:36

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