
YoBoYgood morning06:30
* BigWhale opens one eye.06:32
BigWhaleAlready? :>06:32
BigWhaleMorning nigelb06:33
nigelbI'll admit my sleep is still whacked out :(06:34
BigWhaleI sleep 4-5 hrs per night so it is always whacked... :/06:34
dholbachgood morning07:22
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paultaghey locoteams :)21:32
mhall119hey paultags21:33
paultagmhall119: howdy21:33
YoBoYhi paultag 21:33
highvoltagewhoah it's true21:33
YoBoYwhat's true ?21:33
paultaghighvoltage: duh, and or hellllo21:34
toroshi paultag 21:42
paultagheyya toros :)21:42
toroshi everyone :)21:42
YoBoYhi toros 21:43
YoBoYwho wants cherries ? :D http://yoboy.fr/images/2011-05-17-223421.jpg21:44
paultagme me!21:44
toroscherries \o/21:45
* toros loves cherries21:45
* YoBoY dcc send a basquet of cherries to paultag and toros 21:45
paultagawww, thanks :)21:45
* toros accepted a basquet of cherries21:46
torosYoBoY: thank you!21:46
dsatheis it possible to open a local chapter of a loco team ?21:57
paultagdsathe: sure :)21:57
paultagI did it :)21:57
dsathelike , i am from an engg institute , it is one of the countries premier engg colleges and is located away from any major loco team and is the hub of all such activities in the state21:59
dsatheso if we start one there it will be beneficial not just to the college but every institute in the state21:59
paultagfor sure!21:59
dsathehow do i go bout doing it ?22:00
dsathewe have the basic support of our own campus LUG GTUG (google tech user group),etc got a repo server going , hold install fests etc22:01
paultagdsathe: get in touch with the LoCo that you belong to (remember they cover huge area) and get them to OK the local chapter22:02
paultagdsathe: we set something up for Ohio, USA like this that really really helped us get active again22:02
dsathenow most of the people if not all use ubuntu and its usage is growing exponentially , I being the head of the LUG  thought it woyld be a great idea22:02
paultagI think it's a super awesome idea too22:03
dsatheoh forgot to mention i am from BITS Pilani Goa , so Mumbai is the closest LOCo22:03
dsatheIndia 22:03
paultagdsathe: aye, so you'd get in touch with someone from ubuntu-in and get the +1 to create the loco :)22:04
paultagdsathe: sec22:04
paultagnigelb: you here?22:04
cjohnstonI believe he just went to bed paultag 22:04
paultagthanks cjohnston 22:04
paultagdsathe: let me find you their page22:04
paultagdsathe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam22:05
paultagdsathe: it looks like they already have a "fractured" setup, I'd just get their +1 and get rocking!22:05
paultagdsathe: or stop by #ubuntu-in :)22:05
dsatheActually we have MSDN, IEEE , acm ,GTUG , and most other tech groups having their state wide HQ chapters on campus22:06
paultagtuxmaniac, m4n1sh, geekosopher look to be admins 22:06
dsathei think we need one for ubuntu :)22:06
paultagdsathe: :)22:06
paultagdsathe: give any one of those fine folks a ping and I'm sure you can work out something totally official22:06
paultagdsathe: cool?22:07
dsathejoined ubuntu-in22:07
paultag:) great22:07
dsatheguess everyone here is asleep will catch them sometime 2moro ;)22:11
highvoltagemy word this channel has lots of smiley faces22:18
paultaghighvoltage: I overuse them. I have a theory on smily faces 22:19
paultagI treat them like ACK packets, but with emotions. You can :( (ACK,THATSUCKS), :| (ACK,ERM-WAT), and :) (ACK,GREAT)22:19
highvoltagethere's actually an RFC for that22:20
paultaghighvoltage: wait, really?22:20
paultagoh yes yes :)22:21
mhall119If you can think of it, there's an RFC for it22:21
mhall119rule 3222:21
paultagthis was a google april 1st joke :)22:21
paultagmhall119: hahaha, so true22:21
highvoltagedon't mess with angry packets!22:21
mhall119does the RFC let you send emails using nothing but angry packets?22:22
paultagI really really really hope so22:22
paultagHealthy packets are happy packets you could say.22:23
paultagI love that RFC22:23
* highvoltage doesn't like angry packets (retransmitting packets means that my connection gets slower)22:23
paultagNo loss, low-latency packets also makes for happy users. So the packet would be reflecting the end-user experience.22:23
paultagAny packet that is carrying a text joke SHOULD be marked as 'amused'.22:24
torosgood night!23:42

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