
cjwatsonazeem: I agree with other commenters; I don't think the relatively small benefit of avoiding a few manual sync requests outweighs the risk of automatically-induced mistakes.  IME (I process the bulk of manual sync requests) it's rare for the Debian text to be identical to the Ubuntu text anyway.00:03
cjwatsonAlso rare for people to include the entire Ubuntu changelog.  To a first approximation I only see it when the package didn't previously exist in Debian.00:04
lfaraonemaco, ajmitch, could've sworn I signed both...00:11
ajmitchlfaraone: yeah I misread, it was maco that forgot :)00:13
* ajmitch shouldn't read email from the list archives00:13
lfaraonehah. Actually, that was how I got the right message-id for the thread. (I don't subscribe to newmaint)00:14
=== medberry is now known as med_out
dholbachgood morning07:22
RhondaHmm, I guess I should drop the idea of PPU rights, with no endorsements I guess I won't get anywhere. :)07:45
* Rhonda . o O ( *shamelessplug* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GerfriedFuchs/DeveloperApplication )07:46
ajmitchRhonda: where are you trying to get endorsements?07:46
* ajmitch goes to look07:46
Rhonda\o/ for 500 Internal Server Erorr07:49
RhondaError even, but if one would type Error as Error, it wouldn't be an Error, would it?07:49
* ajmitch hasn't directly sponsored uploads of yours, but has seen your work07:52
ajmitchI think I can endorse you07:53
RhondaI think there weren't any sponsored uploads of mine. %-)07:53
RhondaWell, none for these three packages anyway.07:53
ajmitchthey were mostly syncs, weren't they?07:53
RhondaYes, some sponsored syncrequests in the early days.07:53
RhondaAh, there was one for irssi recently. Yes, lucid-backports for irssi. :)07:54
RhondaAnd I'm still uncertain about that beep bug. I guess all I can do for it is just document how to enable it prominently, but it's not beep's fault that it doesn't beep anymore when the pcspkr module is blacklisted these days.07:55
RhondaI like this one: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=184055#508:04
ubottuDebian bug 184055 in beep "beep on sparc sounds very bad" [Minor,Open]08:04
dholbachhrw, what do you think about https://code.launchpad.net/~hrw/ubuntu/natty/armel-cross-toolchain-base/1.63/+merge/57852? should it still go into natty (does it qualify for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SRU?) or is it OK to just go into oneiric?08:05
dholbachhrw, same question about lp:~hrw/ubuntu/natty/gcc-4.4-armel-cross/1.4008:11
dholbachmenesis, should https://code.launchpad.net/~menesis/ubuntu/natty/wsgi-intercept/natty/+merge/58498 still go into natty or is it ok if it just goes into oneiric?08:12
menesisdholbach: first into oneiric, of course. but would be good to have in natty as well08:15
dholbachmenesis, can you put up a merge proposal for oneiric? I'm happy to review and test it and get it in08:16
menesisanother proposal, or resubmit this one?08:17
hrwdholbach: I am preparing updates for oneiric08:17
hrwdholbach: once will get rid of most of lintian complains I will upload08:18
dholbachhrw, should the changes still get into natty? if not, I'll ask somebody to mark them as irrelevant08:18
dholbach(irrelevant for natty)08:18
hrwdholbach: last changes were mostly lintian overrides only so nothing revelant rather08:18
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn08:19
dholbachok, great - thanks, I'll ask somebody to get them off the sponsoring list for natty then08:19
hrwdholbach: thx08:19
hrwdholbach: now I can upload armel/armhf cross toolchains on my own ;D08:19
dholbachnice :)08:19
hrwgot universe contributor access on uds monday08:41
=== hannesw_ is now known as hannesw
geserhrw: UUC is only for Ubuntu membership (@ubuntu.com), for upload rights you need at least PPU rights09:07
hrwgeser: ok, I was talking with persia during uds - will get ppu for all my 12 packages09:11
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LaneyI think exchange has mangled my received sigs :(14:40
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=== med_out is now known as medberry
scott-workanyone seen persia lately?22:31
* highvoltage saw him on Friday22:31
highvoltageand Laney did too :)22:33
Laneyhighvoltage: cool pics22:33
highvoltageyeah, looking at them I realise I should get a better camera next time!22:34
scott-workhighvoltage: oh, you mean at UDS22:34
highvoltagescott-work: yep22:34
scott-worki haven't seen him online much in quite a while22:34
directhexpersia is definitely different in real life to what irc implies22:34
Laneyi want to try some of the "black dragon" i got22:34
Laneyscary hungarian booze22:34
thekittsterHello everyone, if anyone's interested in getting the new mingw-w64 toolchain synced from Debian to Ubuntu I have the missing link22:35
thekittsterI've uploaded a gcc-mingw-w64-bootstrap package to REVU: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gcc-mingw-w64-bootstrap22:35
thekittsterI'd appreciate a review or two ;-)22:35
highvoltageLaney: I hoped that your message to -motu would get more response22:35
thekittsterThe needs-packaging bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-mingw-w64/+bug/78317522:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 783175 in gcc-mingw-w64 (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] mingw-w64 needs bootstrapping" [Wishlist,In progress]22:35
Laneyhighvoltage: indeed, I had hoped that too22:36
Laneymaybe that confirms things ...22:36
scott-workdirecthex: how is that?22:37
directhexscott-work: i always pictured another random nerd. this is my default picture for random nerds on irc22:38
highvoltagein my experience motus are hardly ever random nerds22:40
highvoltage(but persia is indeed more interesting)22:41
directhexnothing wrong with random nerds22:42
scott-workhighvoltage: i've never seen him and you are killing me with curiosity now :P22:46
highvoltagescott-work: he's a very friendly, honest and intelligent person. so for me he's the same on irc as irl :)22:50
scott-workhighvoltage: i don't think i can't imagine him other than as you described22:54
aaronrHi all. If a package is abandoned upstream by the Debian project, but is still in Ubuntu, what's the process for getting that package a maintainer? The mtop package currently has a 6.5 year old bug in the post-install script: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtop/+bug/7798023:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 77980 in mtop (Ubuntu) "mtop failed to install (wrong/no password)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:13
arandaaronr: If it's indeed orphaned in Debian, then likely it will be a matter of someone adopting it, if you care about it, that'd be you ;)23:17
aaronrWell I don't mind taking it on... if I'm not going to be stepping on any toes by doing so? I'm not an expert at packaging, but I've done a few bits, and happy to learn the bits I don't know.23:20
jtayloraccording to bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=595822 upstream is dead23:21
ubottuDebian bug 595822 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mtop -- RoQA; orphaned, dead upstream, minimal popcon" [Normal,Open]23:21
jtayloryou should then also think about becomming upstream23:21
aaronrCan someone point me in the direction of some documentation I should read about this sort of thing (both Ubuntu & Debian)? I'm happy to learn, but don't want to ask lots of questions here that are already answered somewhere else. :)23:23
gusnanaaronr, there is some info here: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/23:26
arandaaronr: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/#howto-o : set the status of the bug, upload new version to debian mentors, request sponsorship. Pretty much.23:27
aaronrawesome. thanks :)23:27

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