
dewmantgm4883, is 24.1 getting pushed out to the repos soon? ;)00:16
dewmantgm4883, disregard....I have had a few rum and cokes.... lol00:17
tgm4883dewman, yep, should be in the repos already00:18
dewmanyeah, like i said, few rum and cokes.....always helps to check first before asking...hehehe00:20
lwizardlI just installed the 11.04 version of Mythbuntu 64bit and on my tv when i tell it to select HD1080i output using the nvidia drivers the screen only displays in the center of the screen. how can i get it to calibrate and use the full screen06:43
tgm4883lwizardl, what TV?06:44
lwizardlSylvania 6842PEM06:46
lwizardlits a Plasma EDTV max displays are 720p or 1080i06:46
tgm4883lwizardl, how do you have the mythbox hooked up to it?06:47
lwizardlfrom the round multi connector to component video (looks like a s-video to rgb)06:48
tgm4883Have you tried outputting at 852 x 480 pixel resolution06:48
lwizardldoesn't show that resolution06:50
lwizardli get in my display options06:50
tgm4883what does it give you with () x 480?06:51
lwizardl1024x768, 800x600, 720x480, 640x480, 400x300, 320x240, 320x20006:51
lwizardland none of those seem to be right06:51
tgm4883hmm, not sure then06:52
lwizardlthink I should redo the install and select the 720 option ?06:53
lwizardland is there a generic usb ir dongle setting? i have a unknown brand model i was wanting to use for now06:54
mycosyslwizardl does your tv have hdmi?06:57
mycosysor dvi?06:57
mycosysor vga?06:57
lwizardlits about 3 years old or so06:57
mycosysshould have hdmi if it a 3yo plasma06:58
mycosysi would check again06:58
lwizardlcomponent x2, composite x2, s-video x206:58
lwizardltrust me i know my tv06:58
mycosyswow - that is crap06:58
lwizardldoesn't even have a tv tunder in it06:58
mycosysyou ntsc or pal?06:58
mycosysk, nv cards default to that06:59
mycosysis the tv set to be the only display?06:59
lwizardli have to use a lcd to setup the computer due to rolling screen but after the system restarted the lcd turns off and the tv only displays07:00
Zinn[us.download.nvidia.com] Chapter 16. Configuring TV-Out07:01
lwizardlthis is the first and last sylvania tv i will ever own for sure07:01
mycosysoh - disconnect the lcd to preserve ur sanity07:01
lwizardlmycosys, did that after turning the system off07:01
lwizardland before restarting07:01
mycosysset "tvstandard" "HD1080i"07:03
mycosysas detailed in that link07:03
mycosysis in xorg.conf07:03
mycosysalso add this to your ~/.xsessionrc07:05
mycosysnvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/TVFlickerFilter=1 -a [gpu:0]/TVOverScan=6607:05
mycosyschange the tv overscan setting to suit ur tv07:05
mycosysu can figure out what is right with the nvidia settings gui07:05
lwizardlso don't edit the xorg.conf file just use that command ?07:06
lwizardli was just creating a backup of the conf file07:07
lwizardlok I had to retype the information so i didn't do all the caps to save time07:12
Zinn[pastebin.com] section "screen" identifier "default screen" defaultdepth 24 endsection - Pastebin.com07:12
mycosysgoes in the screen section of the xorg.conf07:13
mycosys    Option         "TVStandard" "HD576i"07:13
mycosysworth noting "    Option         "Coolbits" "1" " lets you under/overclock07:14
mycosysgotta go feed the dogs - bbl07:14
lwizardlok it filled about 90% of the screen07:16
lwizardlbut now its rolling07:16
lwizardlok what ever the display is during the main boot screen (the standard linux boot screen has install, try, test memory, etc) uses for the resolution that fills like 90% of then screen07:31
lwizardlredoing the install again07:32
lwizardland selected the 720p option07:44
qwebirc22613hi just installed 11.04 and cant connect to database, tried the troubleshooting page and reset password and checked groups.14:21
qwebirc22613no luck, what else is there14:22
dewmanI dont think a bump is going to help on irc.17:25
rhpot1991nope not at all17:34
tmkt0.24.1 available via repos yet?18:03
tmktactually..no nm...installed the most recent mythbuntu-repos18:08
tmktand dpkg-reconfigure..and apt-get update..and still at 0.24.018:09
hpeterare the "special" format options for 4k sectors still needed under ubuntu 11.04?18:15
rhpot1991tmkt: if you are running repos then you will automagically get it from 0.2418:19
rhpot1991it didn't require a scheema upgrade so there will not be a separate ppa location for it18:20
tgm4883tmkt, I've updated the release page. I hope that makes it clear. http://www.mythbuntu.org/mythtv/0.24.118:42
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] MythTV 0.24.1 has been released | Mythbuntu18:42
tgm4883Note: may take 15 minutes to update18:43
tmktok..but I can't seem to upgrade to 24.1 ..apt-get update/upgrade gives me 0.24.018:46
tmktdid a dpkg-reconfigure and selected 0.24.x18:48
tgm4883superm1, ping18:58
tgm4883tmkt, looks like something fishy going on. I'll look into it18:59
sabhaindoes a system need to be "up to date" in it's current release before upgrading to another release?19:21
rhpot1991sabhain: it should be19:23
sabhainrhpot1991: thanks.  May explain why my upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 punted early on last night.19:35
qwebirc14632hi chat20:24
qwebirc14632sorry for my broken english, i speak only italian20:24
qwebirc14632not found upgrade mythtv 0.24.1 in maverick, but found in lucid. the website http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu/dists/maverick/ date last modified is 14 may!!!20:27
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu/dists/maverick20:27
tgm4883qwebirc14632, known issue, I'm looking into it20:50
qwebirc14632thank you tgm488321:32
tgm4883qwebirc14632, should be fixed tonight21:32
qwebirc14632i wait!! Thank you for work!21:33
* tgm4883 takes credit for superm1 fixing it21:34
superm1hum, the maverick problem might be something different21:35
superm1i fixed a master problem21:35
qwebirc14632I thought it was more simple21:39
superm1i think i see what the problem is21:42
superm1it seems that mythtv/VERSION is overwritten in our build process and this is a new file used21:42
superm1in 0.24.1 to identify the build21:42
qwebirc14632complicated ...... greeting superm1!21:44
qwebirc14632Good Night chat (in Italy is 23:05 pm) and GOOD WORK!!!!! Thank's for your time!22:06

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