
ojwbis there an easy way to see which repos you have software installed from?05:46
chiltsojwb: I have no idea, but I did just come up with this:10:47
chilts    grep '^Package:' /var/lib/dpkg/status | cut -c 10- | xargs apt-cache policy  | grep 500 | sort | uniq10:47
chiltsI'm really not sure if the grep 500 is what is really wanted ... it seems like a magic number to me10:47
ojwbthink it might be the pin priority10:48
ojwbgrep :// is probably better10:48
chiltslooks like that might work for you ... not sure if that status file includes things that have been installed and then removed10:50
chiltsno idea10:50
ojwbit's good enough anyway - thanks10:52
ibeardsleeI put Android on my Nook Color last night20:51
ojwbibeardslee: all you need to do now is add a 'u'21:08
ibeardsleeit's probably why they don't sell to the NZ market21:10
Atamiraibeardslee, is it worth get a Nook Color?21:46
Atamirai know its been hot topic on the AKLUG list atm21:46
ibeardsleeAtamira: it is a nice device for a tablet. No camera or GPS23:44
ibeardsleehaven't done a cost comparison comparing to other tablets yet23:46
ibeardsleebiggest issue is being able to get one into the country23:46
ibeardsleeneed to get someone to bring one in for you.23:46
ibeardsleein the process of getting a bunch of notes about the process and reasons for doing things etc23:49
ibeardsleeanyway back into the PM training23:51

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