
LjLtoday LjL not-so-humbly teaches: how to make a customer happy with a quick google search and without throwing ten factoids at them00:25
ubottuIn ubottu, jbicha said: !schedule is For Ubuntu 11.10's release schedule, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule01:30
rwwJordan_U: telnet!01:32
rwwIdleOne: nice. happen to know which package it was fixed in?01:32
* rww needs a changelog reference so he can close the bug he opened01:32
ubottuqin called the ops in #ubuntu (mernilio)01:38
rww^ troll, +q set01:40
rww(has been an issue in the past, it seems)01:45
* rww afk01:45
IdleOnerww: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apturl/+bug/78359402:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 783594 in apturl (Ubuntu Oneiric) "extremely long URL causes apturl to DoS window manager" [Low,Confirmed]02:05
IdleOnehello kingkong02:06
kingkongIdleOne: hello :)02:07
IdleOneHow can we help you?02:07
kingkonghere is only help channel?02:07
IdleOnethis channel is for ban resolution02:07
IdleOne#ubuntu is the support/help channel02:08
IdleOne#ubuntu-offtopic for chat02:08
kingkongok, i'm in them now, thanks :)02:09
IdleOnesure thing, if you don't mind could you please not idle in this channel.02:09
kingkonghere all of 56 users are ops in #ubuntu channel?02:09
IdleOnein #ubuntu and other channels yes02:09
kingkongi see02:10
kingkongit's too much :)02:10
kingkongthanks, see you :)02:10
ubottuIn ubottu, new2net said: !old is 30+ revolutions around the sun.02:22
IdleOnenew2net: I take offence to that factoid :(02:22
IdleOneI don't think we need the bot reminding us oldies how old we actually are.02:23
new2netI didn't mean the earth. I guess I should have been more specific :)02:27
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)02:28
IdleOnenew2net: chances are that if the factoid isn't helpful/Ubuntu specific it will not be added02:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:29
IdleOnenew2net: Would you mind not idling in here. Thank you.02:43
new2netk.. i was hoping that I would timeout after all 56 ops and gain control :P i'll leave tho02:46
IdleOne90% of the internet would need to shutdown for that to happen02:46
IdleOnebut okie dokie02:46
Piciyeesh, there are 56 of us here.02:58
Piciwell, 5302:58
IdleOnewith plans to add more02:58
PiciThats kind of scary.02:59
IdleOnewe are bigger then a lot of the LoCo channels02:59
PiciGranted, some of the people here belong to freenode, but still.02:59
elkyHence just one reason why the no-idling rule is necessary.03:09
rwwIdleOne: thanks03:27
IdleOnerww: sure thing03:27
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:57
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:57
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Jordan_U!away > lCH[A]06:06
jussiPici: any chance you are still up?08:06
LjLelky: #gentoo-ops has no no-idling rule and gets on just fine though11:42
Tm_Tit's different11:42
elkyCompletely different target audience.11:48
Picijussi: I'm up now. Still need me?13:07
jussiPici: pm13:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, soyo said: !trolling is A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.13:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, soyo said: !troll is A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.13:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (tyi675546 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)14:28
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
fujisancan i get some assistence please?14:57
PiciWhats the issue?14:57
fujisanit's a long story, in short: I stood up against borderline racist comments, and then i fell out of grace with the dutch ubuntu-nl-offtopic people, and they were always hostile to me afterwards, because they didn't see it as racism, but you see this is why i hate injustice, and i don't know how to deal with racist comments being made by ubuntu people, which are subsequently ignored by the admin?14:59
fujisani sorta went Marther Luther King on them... because i hate racism even if it's borderline15:00
fujisanthat's the worst kind in my opinion15:00
fujisani did the right, but i sacrificed a room in which i can chat in my own native language for it...it's sad really15:01
fujisanit's this whole Geert Wilders mentality, but i won't stand for racism esp. not in ubuntu chatrooms15:01
fujisani mean they literally shunned me because i am not on their bandwagon i fell out of grace sorta speak...15:03
fujisanwhat do you do when the country you live in turns racist, and you can't even feel safe in an ubuntu chatroom15:03
PiciI don't see how any of that has to do with this channel.  We manage the core IRC channels here.15:05
fujisanthey violated the ubuntu spirit15:05
fujisanso i think it has everything to do with it15:05
LjL#ubuntu-nl is not a core channel. you want #ubuntu-irc to handle this, not #ubuntu-ops15:06
CarlFKfujisan: people violate it all over the place.  we don't try to control the whole world.15:06
fujisanso you guys have any advise for me?15:07
fujisancan i start my own dutch ubuntu channel for instance ?15:08
LjLfujisan: yes, take it up with the IRC Council, either in #ubuntu-irc or by email, and be sure to have logs to provide15:08
LjLfujisan: as long as it's not a # channel but a ## channel, you're technically allowed to15:08
fujisanok thanks15:08
hypatiaman, that sucks :/15:26
rwwLjL: it's a LoCo channel, I'd have pointed them at the LoCo Council. But that's also because I can't run as easily from members of the IRC Council hunting me down.15:35
tsimpsonactually, they can come to either the IRC or LoCo council, we usually talk to each other about issues happening in LoCo channels15:36
popeyWe do!?15:36
popeyI mean, we do.15:36
PiciAnd it might be better for it to come from an IRC person since this guy has some history.15:37
tsimpsonwell, "we" talk to "them" anyway ;)15:37
rwwPici: true15:38
gordPici you seem to be channelling the godfather today ;)17:03
IdleOneSidewinder1: anything we can help you with?17:04
Sidewinder1No, not especially; I just wanted to see the discussion between you and nece228 as I completely understand and agree with your position and wanted to give you some polite support, not that you need it.17:07
IdleOneappreciate it but we normally don't allow onlookers17:08
IdleOneit makes the other person feel like they are being attacked in some way.17:08
Sidewinder1OIC. In that case I'm gone. BTW I really appreciate what you and all the other folks do here and on the forums. When I started with Gutsy, I didn't even know any one who knew *nix. I had to learn all myself and the forums were and are invaulable; It was two years later that I discovered these chanels. Sometimes I'm a little slow; bit it's all good. Thank you...Gone17:11
IdleOneThank you. :)17:12
Sidewinder1Side slides IdleOne  another cup of coffee; this time, with sugar. :-)17:13
IdleOneI think Sidewinder1 is trying to take genii-around's job :)17:13
Sidewinder1Genii? That went right over my head; not that that's unusual these days. :-(17:14
jussishall we continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic?17:15
IdleOnegenii is our resident coffee maker/giver17:15
IdleOnejussi: right :)17:15
Sidewinder1Bye, and thanks...17:16
ubottuA_J called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:06
* Pici rolls eyes18:07
guntberthi, iEatChildren in #ubuntu refuses to change the nick (in PM: not happenign)19:18
guntberthmm - noone around?19:23
Tm_TI am, but unfortunately not having time to do anything useful ):19:23
guntbertTm_T: its not that urgent either, but that nick bothers me19:24
guntberttalked to him in PM....19:25
IdleOnenot sure what else to do but remove them from the channel. Not sure that is the best solution though.19:31
IdleOneguntbert: is this something you can overlook? I mean besides the nick possibly being disturbing he didn't break any rules.19:33
IdleOneif you honestly feel they need to either change nick or be removed I am willing to do so.19:33
IdleOneAnybody else has a suggestion/comment on the nick please feel free to weigh in :)19:39
charlie-tcaI would say it is not in the right spirit. The only thing missing is the actual foul language words19:40
IdleOneGoing to let it be for now.19:41
PiciI don't think this is the first time that we've had this conversation about this nick.19:43
IdleOneI don't remember this specific nick19:43
IdleOnemost recent was FatherBadTouch iirc19:43
IdleOnewhich also happens to be in z#u19:45
guntbertsorry, people for the idling - necessities drove me from the computer19:45
IdleOneno problem19:45
guntbertif you are to let it lie - so will I19:46
IdleOneguntbert: I am not sure what to do about it. This is why I am asking for others opinions also19:47
guntbertmy idea would have been that someone with ops hat talk to him - but I can understand if you don't ...19:49
IdleOneI did ask him to change the nick19:49
LjLhonestly the nickname doesn't seem so terrible to me19:49
PiciMe either. /shrug19:49
LjLbut then i've always been on the cautious side about policing nicknames19:49
guntbertthen I may have been over reacting - no harsh feelings on my side :)19:50
guntberthave as nice a time as is possible around full moon19:51
Picithat was new.20:10
LjLPici: well it's still the compiz exploit, will add that site to the bots20:12
PiciLjL: The long apt url one?20:14
LjLPici: yes20:14
LjLPici: should have added the unvalidatedinput site in the first place, since i knew the other sites were calling stuff from there20:14
PiciLjL: Was this in the wild before the bug was filed?20:16
LjLPici: i don't know, it started happening the night before the last20:18
LjLthat i saw anyway20:18
LjLPici: popey, someone from ##club and i had some fun trying to understand what was going on with those sites20:19
PiciDid UndiFineD talk to anyone about their survey?20:19
* LjL has no idea about that20:19
PiciLjL: ah. I downloaded it with curl and noticed the huge url there.20:20
LjLPici: i opened it in my browser and accepted to install whatever apt: thing it offered, because i'm reckless :P20:21
LjLbut it does nothing on Chromium20:21
rwwIt's not a very good exploit, imho. A whole bunch of things need to be aligned properly for it to actually do anything bad.20:36
rwwPlus it's, you know, fixed.20:36
PiciNot in oneiric!20:37
rwwanyone who didn't learn their lesson after natty deserves what they get O:)20:37
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu bin_bash warned about language multiple times.20:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:45
PiciIdleOne: I already told erealz earlier that #ubuntu was for support only.20:45
PiciUndiFineD: Howdy.  Do you think you could just explain what you've been doing and the goals etc. of your link.20:57
UndiFineDyes, I can20:57
Picijussi: Do you have a moment for this?20:57
UndiFineDI get lots of pokes, so .. hold on for a sec20:57
UndiFineDThe ubuntu advertisement team, is trying to do some research among the community, to help promote ubuntu better for new users. http://ubuntuadverts.org/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAdverts20:59
UndiFineDwe are in the process of creating several campaigns and we need to target them well21:01
Picitopyli: do you have a minute?21:02
LjLis this the same campaign that another marketing team member, i don't remember who, was promoting in #u/-ot a little while ago?21:03
LjLsomeone, somewhere, in some way, for some reason. clear enough?21:03
topyliPici: sure21:05
topyliPici: note: i'm back from a party, so don't expect executive decisions :)21:06
LjLtopyli: can i be +F everywhere?21:06
topyliwheeeeee why the hell not!21:06
Picitopyli: I'm just looking for input or a blessing on UndiFineD asking people to fill out a survey in our channels.21:08
topyliyes i see the backlog now21:08
IdleOnemaybe we can add a link to the topic21:08
UndiFineDthat would be cool21:08
IdleOneinstead of "spamming"21:09
UndiFineDwe are in #ubuntu-adverts btw21:09
PiciAnyway, I need to depart. I just wanted to make sure that everything was "okay" so we wouldn't have any issues later.21:10
LjLPici: farewell21:10
topylilooks cool to me21:10
PiciI shall return at some later time.21:10
topylithe channel looks well handled also21:12
UndiFineDthank you21:12
LjLi'm sort of uneasy about advertizing anything in #ubuntu, tbh21:12
UndiFineDLjL, thats why i did not do it there :)21:12
UndiFineDtoo crowded anyway21:13
topylii would probably ask the CC about the coolness of this though21:13
UndiFineDmattgriffin works for canonical21:13
topylicanonical is not ubuntu :)21:13
UndiFineDno true21:13
LjLmy personal thought is it'd be fine to drop a line in #ubuntu-offtopic, and maybe set a topic there21:13
UndiFineDbut we have their blessing in helping us21:13
LjLalthough the regulars there would jump at it but who cares :P21:14
topylithe regulars will of course protest, but i think it's worth it21:14
LjLtopyli: and i will lead the protest!21:14
IdleOneLjL: I will start making signs21:15
topyli#ubuntu probably doesn't need it, those are people who already have ubuntu (and problems with it). -offtopic has people who might want to help21:15
UndiFineDI am about to celebrate, the first 500 responses are there any moment now21:16
LjLagreed. although in the topic would still be better than in the channel, but my fear is that of creating a precedent and then "why did you let Canonical do this but not XYZ company [owned by me]"21:16
IdleOnebecause Canonical pays us!21:16
IdleOneHow much is XYZ Inc. willing to pay?21:17
topylii don't think it's a big problem putting canonical above other companies in this matter21:17
UndiFineDwho is being paid ?21:17
topyli(personal opinion)21:17
IdleOnetopyli: I agree21:17
IdleOneUndiFineD: not me.21:18
LjLso if i send you €1 will you put my ad on #ubuntu? :P21:18
IdleOneLjL: Adv. packages start at €50021:18
topyliLjL: if you send everyon in #ubuntu €1, we'll see again :)21:18
LjLboo. anyway http://goo.gl/9bdKf is the survey we're talking about right?21:19
UndiFineDsame thing yes21:19
topyliactually that survey is something that *might* be better in #ubuntu. its audience is not in -offtopic21:21
LjLnobody in -offtopic uses ubuntu :P21:21
topyliand most of those who do, have used it for years. they can't even answer the questions :)21:22
UndiFineDwell, that is one thing I am already seeing, lots of windows and mac osx users21:22
LjLthere are a few new users coming into -ot though as being redirected21:23
LjLanyway if you need space in the #ubuntu topic, feel free to remove my "Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient", i only intended for that to stay a bit after release time21:23
topyliyes, and many stay. it's not as bad as we like to make it seem21:23
LjLtopyli: lies, it's terrible!21:24
topylithe #ubuntu topic is a pretty expensive estate, it's *full*21:24
UndiFineDdo you think ubuntu is terrible or -ot ?21:24
LjLeven i am only using Ubuntu because i'm busy mining bitcoins, otherwise i have Debian installed ready to try :P21:24
LjLUndiFineD: we're talking about -ot :)21:24
LjLUndiFineD: and we don't *really* think that either (least i don't)21:24
topyliUndiFineD: -ot is basically the whining channel :)21:25
LjLi can actually hear the channel whine at times21:25
UndiFineDyeah I am hardly found on -ot channels21:25
topyliit's a way of life!21:25
UndiFineDno, the other 60 keep me busy enough ;)21:26
LjL@random ubuntu-topic ubuntu-offtopic-topic21:26
topyliUndiFineD: i forgot. what do you actually need? permission to spam the topic with the survey link?21:26
LjL(topyli is drunk)21:27
UndiFineDwell, I expected bad news, so you make me happy with anything21:27
FlannelUndiFineD: There a time period/expiry to this? Only for a week or whatnot?21:27
topyliyeah, i shouldn't make decisions21:27
UndiFineDFlannel, I am hoping for 12.000 responses21:27
UndiFineDso that might take a while21:28
FlannelSo are we leaving it up until you get 12000 responses? or are you collecting as many as you can in a month, and then calling it off?21:28
LjLwhat about !Poll? we ask users not to make polls in the channel, but then it turns out the channel itself has a poll.21:28
UndiFineDbut to have is in a toopic somewhere for some time is great21:28
FlannelLjL: It's a bit different.  Things like this have been done in the past, although never actually in #u21:28
topylii'm personally fine with replacing LjL's "don't flood" bit with a link to the poll, for some specified period of time21:29
topyliLjL: !poll is different21:29
IdleOnethis is an actual Ubuntu team poll21:29
IdleOnenot random person poll21:30
FlannelUndiFineD: I think it'd probably go better if you went back to your team, you all discussed how long this was going to stay open (12000 is an order of magnitude more than #u, so it's not going ot happen from that alone), based on your polling experiences and what makes sense from a polling perspective21:30
UndiFineDwe started promoting it, when mark said he wanted to go to 200 mil, with the current estimated 12 mil users, having 12.000 responses to it would be great21:30
FlannelUndiFineD: That is, decide what you want, what makes sense, etc, and we can work to accommodate that within reason.21:30
topylii would also like to define a period in time rather than success21:31
FlannelUndiFineD: 12 million users, not 12 million people in #ubuntu (which currently has 1700)21:31
FlannelI'd hazard a guess that 10% of those are active, the others are idling, and that 50% of the active people actually read the topic.21:32
UndiFineDvery true21:32
ubottuIn #ubuntu, gebbione said: ubottu: this is not one that needs to be compiled21:32
UndiFineDI think we all would be happy with a week. I will stay around and keep you guys updated on it ok ?21:33
FlannelI'm not trying to discourage you, but most polls are collected over a distinct period of time, so that you have a better sample rather than just dragging on forever.21:33
LjLUndiFineD: while we're talking about polls perhaps i might go shameless-plug mode myself and point you people out to something i have? namely, BestBot in #ubuntu-bots is a poll bot that we direct people who want to do random polling to. it lets people vote for the "best" package in a certain category (like, what's the best word processor), although it can also be set to work for non-packages. just thought it might be of interest somehow.21:33
UndiFineDLjL, cool !21:34
Flannel(In addition, this time period usually coincides with the rest of the campaign, so if you're doing it on the forums, planet, etc, they'd all be the same period of time)21:34
FlannelThat way you hit as many eyeballs as you can, and then go off to crunch your numbers21:34
UndiFineDFlannel, I think you are right, my team should cut it off at some time, but right now I am spreading the news here and there to see its impact on the numbers21:35
UndiFineDThe other campaigns are being created right now, I hope the others will come up with great things too, from which you should hear pretty soon21:38
FlannelUndiFineD: I understand, but if we wind up sticking a trial balloon in #u, you won't get as good of results once the 'real' campaign starts, you're better off priming everything and maybe even just saying "It's the week of May 22 through 29" or "The entire month of June" (or whatever you actually decide is appropriate), and then when that starts, all the players just do it (with a reminder, of course :)21:38
popeyUndiFineD: has it been mentioned on planet ubuntu?21:38
UndiFineDpopey, I dont think so21:38
popeyright, well thats a massive fail.21:39
FlannelUndiFineD: That's why I suggest you get all your ducks in a row, right up a wikipage about it or something (because some people will be interested in learning more, besides just the poll it self), and then come back and we can help you out :)21:39
popey_loads_ of people read that21:39
popeythe irc community is tiny compared to the number of people who read planet ubuntu21:39
topyliUndiFineD: i would have to agree with Flannel, you should focus on a period of time and attack on all fronts during that21:40
FlannelUndiFineD: again, not trying to discourage, but to help you get more meaningful results, go talk these things through with your team, do some prep work, and we'll be happy to do our part.21:40
UndiFineDok I will21:41
popeyhappy to give it a metion on the podcast too - we have ~10000 listeners or so21:41
LjLUndiFineD: and pay bitcoins to people filling in the poll :P21:41
* LjL already filled it in, bleh :(21:41
topyliUndiFineD: the irc team will help you i'm sure21:41
LjLi could make BestBot spam a bit about it after people ask for something21:42
LjLafter all, they get to poll bot, bot gets to poll them - seems fair :P21:42
topyliyep :)21:42
LjLUndiFineD: what link should i use for doing that?21:42
UndiFineDI am using: http://bit.ly/lZk5xw21:43
UndiFineDfor http://bit.ly/lZk5xw+21:43
LjLUndiFineD: curiosity, do you keep track of how many users clicked on the poll link but didn't complete it?21:43
topyligood data point21:44
UndiFineDyes we do21:44
ubottuIn ubottu, guntbert said: !unforget register21:44
UndiFineDunless they went direct21:44
LjLok. i was going to suggest goo.gl did that for you but in that case, that doesn't matter21:44
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:44
* popey retweets it21:44
UndiFineDthank you popey :)21:45
FlannelUndiFineD: So, are you not taking a step back to collect yourselves beforehand?21:45
Flannel(since if you are, popey shouldn't cry wolf)21:45
UndiFineDno I know popey :) and I would not want to waste these results21:46
UndiFineDthey are pretty interesting already21:46
UndiFineDI just got 50121:48
LjLprobably me :P21:48
UndiFineDnow I am have a meeting in 10 mins21:50
topyliUndiFineD: the thing itself is fine by me, i don't think you need the ircc's permission. do a good campaign and ask the #ubuntu ops for help with the topic :)21:56
topyliUndiFineD: btw don't forget to /part before you go to the meeting, idling here is not a good idea :)21:59
topylijoin again when you want to talk21:59
UndiFineDalright bbl22:00
LjLdon't you feel bad when you do that22:00
LjLif i'm chosen as an op i refuse to tell people to leave here ;(22:00
topyliit's not so bad. it's like explaining a law of nature to somebody22:01
topyli"no sam, you can't jump that far"22:02
LjL"yes, seveas is evil, don't mind him"22:02
topylisimilar yes22:02
mneptokthere is no Santa Claus. get out of our channel.22:05
* mneptok meits a high-pitched metallic whine and disintegrates22:06
mneptok"emits," too22:06
LjL*"emits", too22:06
LjL[23:07:15] <Sidewinder1> I think it was Mr. George Bernard Shaw that said, "The Americans and the British are two peoples, separated by a common language."...22:07
rwwLjL: You're already an op, hence you having +v in here ;P22:12
rwwI think I told someone to /part once.22:12
LjLrww: #ubuntu-bots doesn't count ;(22:13
rwwLjL: I said that, but they let you in anyway.22:13
LjLrww: you said that? :(22:13
rwwwell yes, but only jokingly and not to IRCC ;P22:13
LjLrww: i will hate you forever22:14
LjLrww: wastrel-forever22:14
rwwLjL: I love you too22:14
LjLso no love :(22:14
rwwLjL: I don't believe in it!22:15
rwwalso, I vaguely scrolled through the scrollback and don't have an issue with putting a survey link in #ubuntu-offtopic's topic, but I don't think it'd do much good ;P22:15
LjLwhat other operating systems do you use? AmigaOS22:17
LjLwhat do you mainly use your computer for? porn22:17
rwwI haven22:17
rww't actually clicked on the link, but apparently it's okay!22:17
rwwquality opping there rww22:17
* rww does22:17
rwwwhat Ubuntu was 4 years ago22:17
rww6.10? edgy I guess?22:18
LjLrww: learn from me, i even click on obviously gnaa links!22:18
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.22:18
rwwno, 11.04 - 4... 7.04!22:18
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:18
rwwmore than four years!22:18
rwwokay, never mind, it has a Gender field that reinforces the gender binary so I hate it forever.22:19
rwwand by hate it forever I mean EMAIL TIME22:23
LjLrww: or you could just go to -marketing and tell them...22:23
LjLrww: no #ubuntu-adverts he said22:25

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