
uvirtbotNew bug: #783747 in php5 (main) "segfault in zif_spl_autoload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78374700:56
=== medberry is now known as med_out
a7ndrew 01:01
RoyK 01:01
failover 01:18
aroonihow do i upgrade my ubuntu server packages (specifically security ones)01:54
qman__arooni, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:55
aroonithank you01:55
qman__use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to install updates which require installing new packages01:55
aroonialso i'm looking for somethign to keep track of why i seem to run out of memory01:55
qman__such as kernel updates01:55
aroonii.e. when my app crashes its too late to figure out the culprit01:55
qman__use top, or script something with free and ps to log01:56
qman__so next time it happens, you have an idea of what was going on01:56
arooniis there a package that does that nicely?02:04
aroonihow do i make bash my default shell02:04
RoyKarooni: chsh -s /bin/bash [username]02:10
qman__top is likely capable of doing what you want, but you'll have to dig deep in TFM to find the right switches02:33
qman__I barely know the basics of it02:34
arooniERROR: APACHE_PID_FILE needs to be defined in /etc/apache2/envvars02:37
hallyn_SpamapS: collectd lxc plugin - https://github.com/dotcloud/collectd/tree/lxc-plugin   seems right up your alley :)02:47
aroonihow do i recreate the /etc/apache2 folder?02:50
qman__you could purge apache, then reinstall02:50
qman__make sure you back up any important configs first02:50
julian_cWould <dpkg-reconfigure apache2> work?02:50
qman__I don't think so, but I haven't tried02:51
aroonireinstalling i dont see /etc/apache202:51
qman__that's because you have to purge it first, not just remove02:51
qman__apt-get remove --purge or just apt-get purge02:51
qman__and the package is probably apache2-common02:51
aroonii manually removed the /etc/apache2 directory02:52
qman__yes, but you still have to purge the package02:52
qman__or it won't install new configuration02:52
arooniqman__, i purged it first (both apache2-common and apache202:52
arooniand reinstalled but i'm getting no /etc/apache202:53
qman__must be in a different package then02:53
qman__arooni, ^02:55
qman__purge that, then reinstall, and it will recreate the configuration02:55
arooniyup after you said that i purged every installed apache2 package02:55
arooniand it worked02:55
qman__I found that by using dpkg -L and some tab completion02:56
zulhallyn_: http://zulcss.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/the-big-uds-o/03:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #783780 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.5 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78378003:16
hallyn_zul: cool, thx03:24
maxagazhow to chose which one to adopt between svn and git ?03:38
Coreymaxagaz: Git.03:39
CoreyIt solves the branching / merging headache.03:39
CoreyGuest43057: Unless you're the Ubuntu project, bad idea. :-)03:44
maxagazGuest43057: can I use bazaar over git ?03:44
fallousbazaar is pretty craptacular in my experience03:44
AlexMaxThe last time I restarted my server, SSHD did not come up.  I'm not really familiar with upstart, how can I tell if openssh is actually attempting to start at boot?05:40
AlexMaxI have no idea if it's not being started at all, or if it's being started and not working05:40
AlexMaxMy host was able to start ssh manually from the terminal05:40
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
Proz01dnoob question.....need to transfer files to my server and from my server. nothing is installed yet... all i have is a web based vnc access.  I'm trying to setup openssh as we speak  but need to get the keys transfered so i can connect..05:51
Proz01dany ideas....05:55
koolhead11|afkProz01d, do you have password for the same server? So in order to transfer key you can log in there 4 once?06:06
jmarsdenProz01d: Or, use ssh the other around ... ssh from the server command line *to* an sshd on your local machine?06:07
greppyProz01d: you could put your public key on the remote server with just a copy & paste, if you can do that over webvnc that is.  the ssh key files are plain text.06:30
Proz01d<koolhead11|afk: yes i have the password06:35
Proz01dgreppy: the web interface doesn't let me cut and paste... :(06:36
Proz01dit's java based Xen06:36
Proz01dtrying to test my openssh install / config and i get..06:36
Proz01dconnection closed by UNKNOWN when i do "ssh -v localhost"06:37
jmarsdenProz01d: What did you do to your server??  sudo apt-get install openssh-server   # should just work.06:40
Proz01ddamn it.06:40
Proz01dwell i was follwing a guide that was telling me to change the configurations etc.06:41
jmarsdenLesson #1: Quit following guides.06:41
jmarsdenI am 100% serious.06:41
jmarsdenThey may be old, they may be inaccurate... if you do not understand them and agree with their ideas, don't follow them.06:42
jmarsdenSo now you get to   sudo apt-get purge openssh-server   and then   sudo apt-get install openssh-server    # and see if that fixes it.06:43
Proz01dwill that remove all the configs?06:43
jmarsdenapt-get remove leaves the configs, apt-get purge ... purges the config files .06:43
Proz01di did the remove last time06:44
arooniok i think i finally have an apache question.  i want to test that my apache/app config is working before i make mydomain.com => newly set up server.  right now i have ServerName and ServerAlias set... is there a way for me to directly address this particular virtualhost by ip/port?  and how would i add that to the apache config?  ps there are two rails apps running on this box06:45
Proz01dsame error06:45
jmarsdenarooni: Make that virtual host the first one and it should be the default one.06:46
aroonijmarsden, how do i know which is first/second.  all i know are the two sites are already enabled via a2ensite06:46
jmarsdenProz01d: OK... so does    sudo netstat -ntl | grep :22     # show you that something is listening on port 22 ?06:47
Proz01di'm purging the client as well06:48
koolhead11|afkarooni, in the virualhost file you can specifically mention which port it has to run06:48
aroonikoolhead11|afk, awesome; do you know which config option that is06:48
koolhead11|afknamevirtualhost and port06:48
koolhead11|afkarooni, lemme recheck :P06:49
jmarsdenarooni: I think you can just make the filename under sites-available/ be alphabetically first ... I've not done it for a while :)06:49
Proz01djmarsden: cleaned everything up and i do have listeners on 22 for ip4/606:50
Proz01dthere we go06:50
koolhead11|afkarooni, Listen and port number :)06:51
koolhead11|afkProz01d, seems that will solve your issue :D06:51
jmarsdenProz01d: OK... next time... don't mess with config files you don't understand, that do not need to be messed with :)06:52
Proz01dtrying remotely.... from my local machien.... hope this works06:52
koolhead11|afkarooni, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1440839 :D06:53
jmarsdenif you need to add your public key to the remote server's authorized_keys file, use  ssh-copy-id user@remoteserver.example.com   on your local machine to do that.06:54
Proz01dmy local machine is windows06:58
Proz01dand i'm trying to connect via putty06:58
arooniits working now!06:58
arooniman it took longer than i thought to get my ubuntu server running like my debian 4.0 one was06:58
aroonialways longer than you think06:58
jmarsdenProz01d: ick.  OK, use pscp to copy the files you need, if you have to do it the hard way :)07:00
Proz01dwow... so much easier when i take your advice... no guides!07:01
Proz01di just want to secure this a little07:02
jmarsdenAgainst what?07:02
Proz01di'm just using defaults right now..07:03
jmarsdenThe only way to secure a machine against "anything" is to disconnect it from the Internet and bury it in a concrete box :) :)07:04
jmarsdenWhat are you worried about, in the realm of "security"?07:04
Proz01dshuoldn't i use non standard ports.. disable password access and use keys instead...07:04
Proz01dthose were some readings from guides07:05
jmarsdenRandom script kiddies?  Your government agencies?07:05
Proz01dparanoid :)07:05
Proz01dit's my first server...07:06
jmarsdenUsing keypairs is a good idea... that is what I thought you were copying the public key file for.  Did that work?07:06
jmarsdenThe non-standard port thing is... well, it's your choice.  adding denyhosts is also one way to reduce the clutter from automated attacks on port 22.07:06
Proz01di'm a little lost on PKI....07:07
Proz01dthe pub / private keys generated on the server.  i should grab the pub key and copy it to my local machine and i should be okay to connect right?07:08
jmarsdenOther way around... generate a keypair locally on your desktop PC, then copy the public key from it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and set the permissions correctly.07:09
jmarsdenOh, and if you use Putty I think you have to convert the key from Putty's format to normal ssh format...07:09
koolhead11|afkhi RoyK07:14
Proz01dby normal you mean openssh key?07:20
jmarsdenProz01d: yes.07:21
jmarsdenI've not used putty for a long time, though.07:21
jmarsdenWhen I need to use Windows machines for this sort of thing, I tend to install Cygwin (bigger, but much more unix-like shell environment, so more useful)07:22
Proz01dthis is going to be the death of me.... the authorizedkeys files is supposed to be located in "%h/.ssh/authorizedkeys07:39
Proz01daccording to my config but no such dir or file exists..07:39
Proz01di need to create this manually?07:39
Proz01di'm guessing %h means /home/[user]?07:41
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joschiProz01d: yes. but the file is named 'authorized_keys' by default (mind the underscore)07:57
aroonihow do i make it so that a user still has to sudo ; but doesnt have to type password08:04
aroonieach time08:04
BashewHi everyone, I have a bit of an issue. I have a server I'm going to colo but I'm experimenting right now. My server has only 1 network card eth0, with ips 192.168.1.[30-34]. I want to selectively forward ports from individual IPs to certain VMs, and have certain VM's send their traffic out of certain IPs08:04
Bashewlike on, go to one VM whereas goes to a completely different one08:05
Bashewarooni, if i remember correctly, sudo shouldn't bother you for a password for 15 minutes after you first use it08:07
Bashewarooni, i haven't tried this myself but you could give http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/how-to-change-sudo-password-time-out-in.html a try. just give the timeout a big number08:09
jmarsdenarooni, Bashew: You can set that to whatever you want in /etc/sudoers, the default is 15 minutes.  The setting is called timestamp_timeout08:10
arooniyou would do that over not prompting for a pw?08:10
jmarsdenIf you make it too big and go to lunch with your terminal unlocked, you are asking for trouble :)08:10
jmarsdenarooni: Once every 15 minutes, for sudo priviledges, is pretty reasonable... why is it a problem for you?08:11
aroonii am just typing the pw a lot08:17
aroonii guess from differnet terminals08:17
aroonieach time i have a different session open08:17
aroonihave to reauth08:17
Bashewyou could try using screen08:17
arooniok thats a cool idea08:17
aroonii've heard of it before08:17
Bashewopen screen up on your first terminal, then on subsequent terminals, use screen -x08:17
Bashewa side benefit is, if you ever drop your local connection, your stuff will still be up :)08:18
w00arooni, or you could add something like this in /etc/sudoers: %wheel  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL08:18
w00arooni, so if you are in group wheel you don't have to type pass to sudo08:18
maxagazwhen I run rm /tmp/*, is there somewhere a log of all what has been removed ?08:29
maxagazif not, is it possible to set it ?08:29
Bashewyou could make a log every time you run it08:30
Bashewrm -v /tmp/*  > /path/to/output.txt08:30
Bashewbut there are no logs08:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #783836 in openldap (main) "slapd syncrepl failing using SASL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78383608:32
missilhi all09:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #783864 in qemu-kvm (main) "need a versioned depend on vgabios" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78386409:42
airtonixI have a ubuntu 10.04 server running apache2 containing two virtualhosts... same domain one is http the other https. currently they both serve files out of /home/ubuntu/vhostname/public_html but i want to move it to /var/www/vhostname/public_html . i can make this happen in the http vhost def file but not the https. when i make the relevant changes in the https vhost file and restart it fails and doesn't ask for the ssl cert password.09:56
remix_tjairtonix: what's the error?10:09
remix_tjcheck the error.log of apache10:09
airtonixremix_tj: i have to check something to confirm... #httpd are being nazis and unhelpful10:13
remix_tjcheck the log10:13
remix_tjand let me know10:13
airtonixequiv of Oh hoho you're supposed to spell it "you're" not ur10:13
airtonixanyway testing...10:14
koolhead11|afkwhy i can`t ask a question at https://launchpad.net/cobbler  :(12:48
* koolhead11|afk looks at Daviey, 12:49
* Daviey hides12:50
Davieykoolhead11|afk, So the launchpad cobbler project is not related to the upstream project management...  Do you have a question specific to ubuntu server?12:50
koolhead11|afkDaviey, i have a question regarding cobbler on natty.12:51
Davieykoolhead11|afk, The best place to throw that would be ubuntu-server mailing list tbh.12:51
koolhead11|afkDaviey, i just wanted to know if its a good way to hardcode my local repo intp preseed file ?12:53
Davieykoolhead11|afk, it is 'a way'... if you are using cobbler purely for that, then it is purely overkill.12:56
koolhead11|afkDaviey, cobbler import --mirror is not an option it seems in case of ubuntu :D12:58
Davieykoolhead11|afk, If something isn't working that you expect it to, please raise a bug.12:59
DavieyI know i haven't used that feature.12:59
koolhead11|afkDaviey, but i cannot in launchpad12:59
koolhead11|afk   /o.0\13:00
koolhead11|afkDaviey, thanks.13:03
Davieykoolhead11|afk: Hmm13:08
Davieykoolhead11|afk: You can't in launchpad?13:08
Davieykoolhead11|afk: Oh, raise a bug - do that here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+filebug13:09
koolhead11|afkDaviey, yay!! got it13:09
koolhead11|afkDaviey, i was looking at https://launchpad.net/cobbler all this time13:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #783951 in libvirt (main) "Automatically add libvirt dnsmasq to resolv.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78395113:16
bencer_anyone with experience on multipath stuff? i've a lucid box attached to an emc san, dmesg reports qlogic driver load and i can see the 4 scsi devices created by the hba on dmesg, but multipath -l reports nothing13:22
bencer_i've filtered out these scsi devices con lvm.conf but still nothing13:22
bencer_running multipath on debug shows the scsi devices, but can't manage them: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608968/13:25
tyrezahello there13:41
tyrezahow to check disk on ubuntu?13:41
patdk-wkhow do you mean?13:45
patdk-wkdf? smartctl? badblocks? ....13:45
a7ndrewfsck checks filesystems, not disks. smartctl might be what you are after13:48
tyrezai simply need to check filesystem on drbd13:51
tyrezawhat i have to do ?13:51
TensibaiHi there13:52
TensibaiMay someone help me with preseed files ?13:53
tyrezahow to find drbd partition on my system ?14:02
ppetrakityreza, shoudn't they be defined in your drbd config?14:07
tyrezacorrect blkid14:07
tyrezai find drbd  partition14:07
tyrezanormally it is in /dev/mapper14:08
tyrezanow how to fsck on that partitioN ?14:08
sorendrbd is not a filesystem.14:09
sorenfsck is for checking filesystem integrity.14:09
tyrezawhat have to do to make a complete check on drbd ?14:14
dawolf123Does anyone know where I can get a list of the maximums for ubuntu server?14:16
pmatulisdawolf123: maximums?14:18
dawolf123such as the maximum amount of memory, cpus, disk etc...14:18
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:23
RoAkSoAxlynxman: pin14:23
RoAkSoAxlynxman: ping14:23
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: pong :)14:24
pmatulisRoAkSoAx: o/14:24
highvoltagezul: something seems to be wrong with your blog configuration on planet, your post is summarized and links back to planet, so it's hard to find the actual entry to read it14:25
highvoltage(been a problem for a while, not sure if it's intentional)14:26
jamespagehey RoAkSoAx14:26
zulhighvoltage: yeah i know about it i havent figured out how to fix it yet14:26
RoAkSoAxpmatulis: o/14:26
* zul kicks wordpress14:26
RoAkSoAxzul: /me still waiting for endorsement :14:27
zulRoAkSoAx: everytime you ask ill kill a kitten ;)14:27
highvoltagezul: mind if I look at it?14:28
RoAkSoAxzul: ehehe14:28
* lborda hi folks14:28
lynxmanjamespage: James Page! o/14:28
jamespagehey lynxman14:28
glen1when I read about websites buying new hardware for their visitors, how do they know how much hardware to purchase?14:29
pmatulisdawolf123: that is kernel-specific14:29
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lynxmanglen1: simple logistics and previewing demand :)14:29
glen1I see. So they simply say will have this many users so we need to deal with them14:30
dawolf123k, thx14:30
lynxmanglen1: exactly14:30
glen1So if I have 100 new customers a month, how would I calculate how much storage, cpu, ram they need. its something that i never knew thanks lynxman haha14:31
lynxmanglen1: you either allocate limited resources per user, otherwise you oversell the available resources and try to keep up with demand14:31
glen1is there a comparison like say 1000 users per cpu?14:32
lynxmanglen1: your mileage may vary a lot, so there's no strict rule, it depends on what kind of services your users will be running14:32
glen1ahh :) So kinda extrapolate a perfect situation. thanks lynxman14:33
lynxmanzul: you up for some packaging crack hell :)14:34
lynxmanglen1: no prob :)14:34
zullynxman: depends14:34
lynxmanzul: just wanted to poke your brain slightly with a couple issues I'm having14:34
zullynxman: sure ask away but im not very alert yet14:34
lynxmanzul: no worries, your half awakeness packaging expertise is way better than my fully aware one ;)14:35
RoAkSoAxjamespage: James Page \o/14:37
* jamespage takes a bow...14:38
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: I was sitting one next to jamespage, he's such a gentleman and scholar14:38
RoAkSoAxhow's everybody doing post-uds hangovers :)?14:38
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: I barely cope14:39
RoAkSoAxlynxman: hehe I had to move and tide up my new place :S14:39
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: that'll keep you awake through jet lag14:39
RoAkSoAxlynxman: I'm way past jet-lag by now :):D14:40
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: me too, going through London and back.. crossed the timezone twice :)14:40
lynxmanzul: is there any way to determine package install order? afaik there isn't14:46
zullynxman: not really an acceptible way why?14:47
lynxmanzul: I have a postinst script that fixes squid-deb-proxy config for unknown enviroments14:47
lynxmanzul: I was thinking of just creating a metapackage that gets the package and does the postinst config change, would that be kosher?14:47
zullynxman: you can use a pre-depends but thats frowned upon14:47
zullynxman: whats the problem you are trying to solve?14:48
MTecknologyI'm trying to use XIV on a Linux box. A storage admin gave me two LUN's. I used xiv_attach to get them seen my the disk. Now apparently they're being seen out of order. (/dev/mapper/mpath15 needs to be assigned to VolID 595). Wondering if by chance maybe someone in here has a clue about something like that...14:48
lynxmanzul: I need to change squid-deb-proxy config file, to allow ppa import and also open it to more nets than the default value14:49
zullynxman: why not talk to mvo about it then?14:49
lynxmanzul: I was also thinking of looking at the squid-deb-proxy code and just dotdee the config, but that's a bit more complicated and I would rather find a way around it for the moment14:49
lynxmanzul: did talk with him, I know the changed I need to do :)14:49
lynxmanzul: it's just the question of how can I modify the config so the metapackage installs fine14:50
lynxmanzul: another way would be creating our squid-deb-proxy package with debconf hooks attached14:50
zullynxman: i think you might want to do the debconf hooks and then we can preseed it with puppet or something14:51
lynxmanzul: can even preseed it from the metapackage, and proceed as we agreed with other default configs and have a puppet module as well for future "modification" from the sysadmin side14:52
zullynxman: that makes sense for me14:52
lynxmanzul: cool, I'll go that way then, thanks14:52
Davieylynxman: Have you spoken to mvo?14:53
Davieylynxman: If squid-deb-proxy introduces a documented interface for config management, then Orchestra can edit it as it sees fit.14:55
lynxmanDaviey: yeah, before UDS, he told me where to touch and how and such, but there's no debconf hooks to do so in squid-deb-proxy14:55
lynxmanDaviey: that's the issue, it's just a plain config file14:55
lynxmanDaviey: actually several of them14:55
Davieylynxman: Yeah..  do you have a diff of chanegs you want?14:58
lynxmanDaviey: I'll have in a few, was just agreeing with zul the best way to handle it14:58
Davieylynxman: Well seeing that changes you want to introduce, largely determines how best to handle it :)14:59
lynxmanDaviey: I see your train of thought :)14:59
Davieychoooo chooo. :)14:59
lynxmanDaviey: I'll add debconf hooks in order to be able to a) add or remove access to different things (updates, ppas, etc) and also be able to add/remove networks to the ACL or just lift the acl completely15:00
lynxmanDaviey: after speaking with mvo the default acl makes not much sense in heterogeneous networks scenario15:00
lynxmanDaviey: it's limited to only private IP ranges15:01
lynxmanDaviey: and lifting the ACL will only mean that if someone knows the proxy they'll be able to proxy packages only15:01
lynxmanDaviey: and also it comes with access to ppa's disabled by default, and we want that for orchestra15:01
lynxmanzul: because orchestra is in a ppa15:02
Davieyi thought ppa.launchpad.net was added last cycle?15:02
Daviey(to squid-deb-proxy)15:02
lynxmanDaviey: it's added but commented by default15:02
lynxmanDaviey: so not active15:02
zuli would leave it as it is and ask the user if they want to enable it or not15:03
lynxmanzul: hence why I want to add a debconf hook :)15:03
zullynxman: k15:03
lynxmanzul: it'll ask the user if you reconfig the package and we'll preseed the selection from the orchestra-client package15:04
Davieylynxman: Less yapping, more patching :P15:05
lynxmanDaviey: aye aye captain!15:05
zullynxman: what daviey said15:05
lynxmanzul: aye aye coach!15:05
lynxman(adapts the aye aye to different cultures)15:05
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hggdhjamespage: good morning/afternoon/something dear sir. When would super-james have a bit of time to get in details on the amazingly profound advanced testing BP?15:46
* hggdh hopes that, with so much fluffery, an answer will be forthcoming15:46
hggdhDaviey: I think we have some unfinished business, do we not?15:49
hggdhsomething about Lucid15:49
RoyKgood localtime();15:50
hallyn_mdeslaur: meeting-filled morning (relatively), so will ping you this afternoon15:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #784060 in clamav (main) "freshclam fails in DNS query due to apparmor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78406015:51
mdeslaurhallyn_: sure, np15:52
jamespagehggdh: yeah - have been thinking that one through over the last day or so.16:05
hggdhjamespage: perfect16:11
jamespagehggdh: I think we need an approach to each type of testing; trying to build a one-size fits all probably won't work that well16:12
jamespageand might end up quite brittle at the end of the day16:12
hggdhjamespage: I agree 100%. There is *NO* such thing...16:13
jamespagehggdh: this is my current thinking16:13
jamespage1) Re-use existing ISO testing to ensure first install works OK - this should cover LVM, RAID etc....16:14
lwhalen42hey all, I'm trying to install a KVM instance of Ubuntu Server 11.04, but I can't seem to get the 'virsh console' feature to work16:14
jamespage1b) Re-use existing ec2 testing to ensure AMI's are OK16:14
lwhalen42here's my virt-install: http://pastebin.com/SSYs5RbC16:14
jamespage2) Use orchestra to create complex deployments either on bare metal or vm's16:15
jamespageor maybe ensemble16:15
hggdhto be tried and seen16:15
jamespage3) Build out a testing framework to support testing complex deployment scenarios (probably based on mcollective which is already part of orchestra)16:16
jamespagehggdh: agree that orchestra and ensemble need work; but I don't want to re-invent the wheel16:17
stethoI'm having a problem setting up an Ubuntu server as a router between two LANs ( and I've done the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1 and the sysctl stuff but I still can't get any further than pinging the other networks interface on the on the ubuntu box (eg, 192.168.55.x can ping but not 192.168.56.x) Anyone suggest what I might have missed?16:17
jamespage4) Upgrade testing - we need to review with mvo to see how we deliver this16:17
lwhalen42stetho: I don't know offhand what you may have missed, but can you hang wireshark off either interface and see what's making it through?16:18
jamespage5) boot testing - no idea at the moment16:18
lwhalen42also, could you possibly have iptables filtering traffic?16:18
hggdhjamespage: (3) could be split into (3.1) complex server deployment and (3.2) AMI/UEC instance testing16:18
jamespageyeah - I was thinking along those lines.16:18
hggdhjamespage: I am a bit worried this is too much for one single cycle -- so we need (if I am correct) to prioritise some items, and accept that not all will be there16:20
hggdhright now16:20
jamespagehggdh: agreed - far to much for one cycle16:21
hggdhjamespage: and there is smb's request to facto in also16:21
jamespagehggdh: yeah - although I think that should be fairly easy to achieve16:22
hggdhjamespage: oh yes, the framework is already in place, just expanding the test suite. But I do not want to do it and have something that does not quite align with the rest16:23
jamespageI think it fits well into the testing AMI images use case16:23
hggdhI would like to have it compatible with AWS or UEC (openstack/euca)16:24
hggdhso we could run on either with just some conf file changes16:25
jamespagehggdh: hmmm - that should be possible16:28
lwhalen42does anyone even do virsh-serial-like installs with Ubuntu?  Or is that more of a Xen/Redhat workflow?16:32
mousecloneGRRRR... I don't understand why when I purge a program using aptitude and then reinstall I do not get all of the .conf files back for that package.  I'm missing radiusd.conf and I"m unsure how to get the defalut file back.16:38
Davieyhggdh: we do!16:39
Davieyhggdh: i'm tied to the meeting right now, but following that.16:40
hggdhDaviey: certainly16:40
mousecloneanyone know how to get the default files back in the /etc/freeradius directory?16:42
mousecloneapt-get install doesn't put them all back16:43
lwhalen42mouseclone: maybe "dpkg-reconfigure"?16:44
mouseclonedolwhalen42: doesn't work.  Tries to start the services, which fails because htere is no radiusd.conf file.16:46
smbhggdh, jamespage What I was looking for sounded rather like making use of the existing framework for most parts. My actual testing may or may not be different but the main use was the launching and access to instances in a larger scale than ... err one or two.16:58
hallyn_zul: did the new lxcguest work for you?16:58
zulhallyn_:  not yet will do so now16:59
mousecloneanyone know how to reprocess packages so that they fully reinstall?17:00
hallyn_zul: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxcguest_0.7.4-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb17:00
zulhallyn_: what did you fix anyways?17:01
hallyn_jdstrand: in case you fetched it last week, there had been a bug in my libvirt package last thu (forget what), so as of last friday the proposed oneiric libvirt package is at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libvirt-0.9.1-sync.2.tar.gz17:01
hallyn_zul: it now allows for LIBVIRT_LXC_UUID=xyz as indicator of running under libvirt17:02
hallyn_zul: then the next libvirt sync will drop your patch, and make use of just that17:02
jdstrandhallyn_: thanks. I had not yet. I hope to look at it today or possibly tomorrow17:02
hallyn_(it's a new boot argument which libvirt added for containers as of 0.9.0 or so)17:02
hallyn_jdstrand: thanks17:02
hallyn_oops, mtg17:03
lwhalen42mouseclone: is there a /etc/radius.conf.dpkg or similar?17:03
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zulhallyn_: okie dokie17:03
Thanatos__Hello . Since I upgraded to Natty , I have to do a manual poff / pon after reboot for ddclient to update my dyndns properly .. does anyone else have the same issue ?17:03
mouseclonelwhalen42: no the files i need are in the freeradius-common packages or freeradius-common_2.1.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1_all.deb package in the repoes17:04
lwhalen42when you uninstalled them, did you just 'remove' or did you 'purge'?17:05
mouseclonelwhalen42: aptitude purge freeradius17:05
mouseclonelwhalen42: I have downloaded the packages, ar vx to get the tar.gz files and have put some of them back.17:07
mousecloneI just really really do not understand why adding a package back doens't over write everything17:07
lwhalen42the packager thinks its smarter than you ;-)17:09
mouseclonethink i got it.. stupid stupid hobbit.. aptitude purge freeradius freradius-common freeradius-utils17:13
mouseclonenow it is reinstalling itself and now it has started back up17:14
lwhalen42ahh, missed a package?17:14
lwhalen42I'm still trying to figure out how I can do the install dialog on a VM without having to run VNC17:15
mouseclonelwhalen42: didn't know that you had to purge 3 of them to make it work correctly again.17:15
lwhalen42dpkg -l | grep radius can be helpful for that17:15
mouseclonewhat do you mean by install dialog on a VM (virtual machine)?17:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #784120 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78412017:21
lwhalen42mouseclone: I mean, when I currently do a virt-install against an ISO (or any install source, really), in order to say "Partition my drives thusly, install these packages", etc, I have to hook up a VNC viewer from my desktop17:22
lwhalen42I'd like to be able to say "virsh console <vmname>" and do the install like that17:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #784123 in samba (main) "Samba printer is not shared after boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78412317:32
hallyn_zul: if that lxcguest works all right, then please grab http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc_0.7.4-0ubuntu9-package.tgz   and dput it :)  (I need to request the lxc upload rights, i know)17:36
zulhallyn_: okie dokie17:37
lwhalen42silly question: is there an Ubuntu Server "netboot" or similar ISO?17:48
lwhalen42booyah, Google is my friend: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/natty/17:50
SpamapSlwhalen42: we've been doing a ton of work getting the Cobbler provisioning system working too btw.18:02
SpamapSlwhalen42: can help with managing a whole bunch of server installs.18:02
lwhalen42SpamapS: wait, I can rock Natty installs via Cobbler/koan?18:32
SpamapSlwhalen42: yes in the latest cobbler18:50
SpamapSlwhalen42: its also available in Natty and later18:50
lwhalen42most excellent18:50
SpamapSlwhalen42: I believe we tested installing lucid too18:51
rcaskeyhas anyone had problems with samba adding machine user accounts in the wrong case?18:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #784195 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.5 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78419519:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #784196 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 [modified: usr/bin/rpcclient] failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78419619:21
MTecknologyAnyone know anything about multipath? I tried issuing mpath_ctl add path mpath16 but apparently that syntax is wrong?19:26
hggdhDaviey: so. Back to Lucid and SRU... what do you need to test?19:28
ppetrakiMTecknology, linux multipath or some proprietary vendor MP util? That invocation doesn't look like a native MP client19:31
MTecknologyppetraki: the invocation could also be me not having a clue what i'm doing...19:33
ppetrakiMTecknology, no worries19:34
Davieyhggdh: I just need to do something, will then upload a bunch of new packages to the PPA.19:40
Davieyhggdh: build time dependant.19:41
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hggdhzul: can I use the test rig?19:44
zulhggdh: yep19:44
SpaceBasshey folks20:00
SpaceBassanyone know of a good package to create RSS feeds of files in a directory structure?20:00
CyrusB_1where is the dir where services / processes are started on startup? ubuntu 10.04. I remember there might be a few .. rc.d is ringing a bell20:02
pmatulisCyrusB_1: /etc/init.d and /etc/init20:05
CyrusB_1automaticlly get run on startup?20:07
CyrusB_1thought that was just for services, and places to place scripts20:08
pmatulisCyrusB_1: then look into /etc/rc2.d for sysvinit scripts and look in each and every script under /etc/init for upstart scripts/jobs (grep 'start on runlevel \[2' /etc/init/*)20:14
CyrusB_1yep, got it20:14
CyrusB_1thank you pmatulis20:14
pryordaUpgrading from 32bit to 64bit?20:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #784231 in freeradius (main) "Sync freeradius 2.1.10+dfsg-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78423120:36
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hggdhDaviey: interesting... installed NTP, and -- on start, about 20 min from boot -- got a time correction of 0.2 seconds20:44
mama21mama"solution to this?"20:46
mama21mamaopen /dev/null failed: No such file or directory20:46
mama21mamaubuntu server 10.0420:46
guntberthggdh: it takes some time for the daemon to find the correct values for the "hardware clock"20:46
mama21mama"not find a way"20:46
hggdhguntbert: not if you are running with -g -- which is what we default to20:47
guntberthggdh: no, I meant that ntpd tries to get a "feel" for the hardware clock (is it slow, does it wobble?) - and that takes some time so its estimates will not be too good from the start20:49
hggdhguntbert: oh, OK, yes. In this case, since this was a brand new server isntall, there was no drift file20:52
hggdhguntbert: what surprised me is that we sync (right now) with ntpdate on interface up time; in my case, we are using the same NTP server for both ntpdate and ntp (after I installed NTP)20:53
guntberthggdh: ah . "drift" was the word I was looking for - yes and that seems to explain the necessary correction20:53
adam_gls/win 220:54
guntberthggdh: I'm sure the hardware clock might be off by that amount and without a drift estimate...20:55
hggdhguntbert: it might be. But to drift 0.2 seconds in 20 min is sort of surprising21:01
* guntbert cannot be surprised by hardware glitches an more :)21:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #784252 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.2.0-3ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78425221:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #784290 in ec2-api-tools (multiverse) "ec2-bundle-instance should it make clear that it only works for Windows instances" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78429022:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #784300 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78430023:11

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