
dpmgood morning all!08:17
j1mchola dpm08:51
dpmhey j1mc :)08:58
* j1mc goes off to try and sleep. curses jetlag. 09:08
j1mclater, dpm09:09
dpmnight j1mc09:09
rhce7320goof2092: Hi Goof!09:25
goof2092hold, just having a small meeting09:29
rhce7320goof2092: OK, I just got home from work (1830hrs z) Dinner time.09:30
gtriderxcmay i ake You a while?10:08
gtriderxcthe photo is pretty weak10:08
gtriderxcbut good enough10:08
gtriderxcthe problem is that the last position on the list is not translated10:09
gtriderxcis it because of some package that wasn't translated in time or a bug perhaps?10:10
gtriderxcI mean that the last position on the list "system settings" is not translated and I've no idea why.10:11
gtriderxcdo You?10:11
TLEgtriderxc: hey10:37
TLEThat menu point is translated on my system, with the lang pack from release10:37
TLEso if it is a bug, it has to have been intriduced since10:38
TLEso I guess that it is package that is missing a translation10:38
TLEunfortunately I'm not sure which package that string comes from10:38
gtriderxcneitehr do I:/10:39
TLEgtriderxc: 2 sek10:39
dpmgtriderxc, just a sec, I'm in the middle of something else10:39
gtriderxcok no problem:)10:40
TLEcandidates from search-translations are: app-install-data, gnome-control-center-210:40
TLEbut I'm not sure if that makes sense10:42
TLEahh yeah, it is probably the gnome-control-center-2 one10:42
TLEgtriderxc: ^^10:45
gtriderxcapp instal data is a sofware center10:45
gtriderxcfound:) thanks10:46
gtriderxci have no idea how could I miss it before 30.0410:47
gtriderxcnever mind10:47
TLEnp, anyway the next lang pack update is not to far away10:48
gtriderxcyes I know10:48
gtriderxctommorow as i remember10:48
gtriderxci have to go now. cu and thanks a lot again10:49
TLEno I meant the next one10:49
TLEok, see you10:49
gtriderxcfor answering my stupid question:)10:49
goof2092dpm: Bemba Team Translation page update done. Please review again when you have the time.11:49
dpmgoof2092, excellent, thanks, let me do it now to see if you can start translating straight away :)11:50
goof2092dpm: hehe would be great11:50
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
dpmgoof2092, so you've been added to the Ubuntu Translators group. Welcome to the Ubuntu Translations community! :)12:10
goof2092dpm, many thanks for the speedy response, much appreciated. Will followup other items as advised. Thanks!!!12:11
dpmexcellent :)12:11
andrejzhello people, i am promoting ubuntu here ar a stage in ljubljana and i ran out of ubuntu cd's in one hour :O)12:16
=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
goof2092andrejz, how many did you have?13:21
andrejzabout 20, but now i got some more. :)13:24
goof2092ah thats great!!!13:25
rhce7320goof2092: I emailed Lonsita with the bemba-team news.  Suggested that she try translating one of the little apps, then contact you guys for directions13:41
rhce7320... time to turn in in Tassie.    'night all.13:42

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