
MarkDudejono - you going to Maker Faire this weekend? What about your lovely wife too?05:06
jonoMarkDude, not sure yet05:06
MarkDudeOk- I have a few tickets- there will be a few of there for Sat05:06
MarkDudeOh and in the spirit of humour - I started a rumour that Larry Cafiero was joining your band05:08
MarkDudeHe just left Fedora- and has not announced what he was doing - so I speculated05:09
rwwmaybe he and mdz are starting a Super Secret Thing05:12
MarkDudeI almost felt bad about OMGubuntu being the butt of the joke- then realized it's OMG05:13
* DarkwingDuck sighs05:34
DarkwingDuckI'm tired of tailoring Resumes05:34
DarkwingDuckAnyone want to hire a geeky ex-military guy for a full time job?05:35
DarkwingDuckI have expirence in Web Dev, Documentation and QA05:35
sn9documentation is in higher demand05:40
DarkwingDuckLooking for a job. If anyone knows of anyone looking my resumes are on my site... www.wonderly.com05:41
MarkDudePut a landing page together?05:53
MarkDudeThrow it out on Twitter05:53
* MarkDude and others will RT it05:53
MarkDudeGet on some podcasts also, IMHO05:53
MarkDudeContact Ohio Teams ring of fire podcast- and tell them they need you on there talking about KDE05:54
MarkDudeand that paultag will make them an offer they cant refuse if they dont05:55
* MarkDude is suggesting higher visibility is key05:55
* DarkwingDuck nods05:57
DarkwingDuckI need to "Vacation" to the Bay area to hunt.05:57
DarkwingDuckThat's where the jobs are.05:57
MarkDudeThere is hiring going on06:12
MarkDudeIf you are ok with being evil- Google is always hiring06:13
MarkDudeAlso finding a charity you can demonstrate some of your skills with - works. Like telling people I can write OR actually using my words to do it06:14
MarkDudeMaybe you can throw in some stuff about being a cage fighter on the side06:14
DarkwingDuckI'm too fat to pass that one off.06:15
rwwnow now, Google has very nice people working for it ;P06:15
* MarkDude can photo edit you fighting in a south American wrestling match06:15
rwwit just turns out that when you put a lot of nice people together they get ethically challenged06:15
rwwhence every country ever :\06:16
sn9google is anti-fat?06:16
MarkDudeEl oscuro pato ala is DarkwingDuck is gringo Spanish06:17
seidosala is duck06:19
seidosduck Allah06:19
seidosdon't give in to hate, that leads to the darkside06:19
seidosoh, so i was thinking, Obiwan failed.  he should've taken Anakin's bloody stump to his ship06:19
MarkDudeseidos, he could make clones- like all the Fetts06:20
seidosi guess he rectified it by letting Vader halve him...sorta' kinda'06:21
seidosMarkDude: clones of Anakin?  haha, sound diabolical06:21
seidosor like Palpatine, he was into the cloning in the dark horse comics06:21
MarkDudeThere was Boba Fett, jango as well as Floyd06:22
MarkDudeMost folks forget about Floyd fett06:22
seidosnever heard of Floyd fett, was he a crazy diamond?06:22
* MarkDude just made that part up06:25
MarkDudeAlways found the name Floyd amusing06:25
seidosshine on you crazy diamond06:25
* seidos bows to everybody06:27
MarkDudenamaste seidos06:27
DarkwingDuckGarg, I don't have the education that Google is looking for.06:34
MarkDudeHave you done any talks?06:34
sn9they need that?06:42
MarkDudeits highly overated , imho06:44
sn9they don't ask for it06:44
=== itnet7_uds is now known as itnet7
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited19:50
iLOVEbeesI Love BEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:55
akkDon't move to Marin county. http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci_1807343420:58
MarkDudeBees are good- they keep our food supply working21:04
MarkDudeDoes California Team get any free books from O'Reilly?21:33
MarkDudeThey are very nice about sending some- They have given some to GK- and other local TEams- we should ask for some21:34
MarkDudeWA Teams request >>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/BookRequests21:34
jtatumpackt and apress also send books to user groups for reviews21:35
MarkDudeCool thanks jtatum I will put those on my list also21:36
jtatumgreat :)21:37
jtatumjamalta: are you going to UH tonight or tomorrow?21:38
pleia2jtatum: you're a day off :)21:42
jtatumright yeah, right21:42
jtatumsorry migraine :)21:42
pleia2no fun, hope you feel better!21:42
jtatumi'm very fortunate to not get the pain.. just feeling odd and colors21:44
=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_
jamaltajtatum: where is it tonight?22:15
jamaltai thought the Sf one was tomorrow22:15
jtatumi misspoke :)22:15
jamaltaoh, pleia2 already corrected that22:15
jtatumtomorrow or thursday :)22:15
jamaltai'm probably going to end up at the one tomorrow.. i don't think i have anything else planned.22:16
jamaltaare you coming up for it?22:16
jamaltaoh also, i just released this today if any of you android/u1 users want to help test it :) https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jamalfanaian.chalk22:17
MarkDudehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/BookRequests Updated the page with your suggestions jtatum22:23
* MarkDude assumes that I should add this to a meeting and let the talking start- as opposed to just creating a similar page for Cali Team?22:24
jtatumagenda item sounds good MarkDude - or an email to the list22:25
MarkDudeOk- I can use the same one I sent to ML in WA- and OR22:25
akkWhat's to discuss -- besides where they should send the books?22:27
akkoh, I guess how to decide who gets them22:27
MarkDudeakk- I agree-22:28
akkWhere to send is kind of a problem, I guess, since we're so spread out.22:29
akkNobody's going to want to be charged with re-shipping books.22:29
* MarkDude just triple checks- stuff now- I had suggested we reduce the 3 links to IRC meeting page- there was much to discuss22:29
MarkDudethere are actual logistics here22:29
* akk would be happy with "send them to pleia2 and she'll do something sensible with them"22:30
MarkDudeOR and WA are a bit easier to sort out- Portland for OR is where they get shipped22:30
akkbut that's easier for me to say than for someone in SoCal :)22:30
MarkDudeAnd Seattle for WA22:30
* MarkDude agrees22:30
MarkDudeThe same could be said for DarkwingDuck22:30
pleia2O'Reilly can ship books directly to people who request the review copies (I spoke with Marsee about this at CLS West, I've known her for years via Philly stuff and she said they were happy to help)22:35
pleia2apress' program is mediocre, prentice hall just ships books automatically and could be tricky distribution wise since we'd need to reship22:35
pleia2honestly it might be easier to just hook up these programs into the local lugs instead of the loco22:36
nhainespleia2: my talk at the University of Redlands last week was a hit.  They emailed me after and want to pay me an honorarium.  :)22:36
pleia2nhaines: congrats!22:36
rwwwhat does "honorarium" mean?22:36
nhainesrww: it's a stipend for speaking.22:37
akkpenlug is already in O'Reilly's book program, but they're kind of fading as a LUG.22:37
akkYay nhaines!22:37
nhaines"A payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge.", is what Google says.22:37
nhainesIt was a nice surprise.  :)22:38
MarkDudeSo you are saying we should NOT do this pleia2 ?22:40
nhainesAt this rate I'll snag a keynote some day!22:40
pleia2MarkDude: no, I said "it might be easier"22:40
* MarkDude disagrees- Local Teams are short on perks- this can be one of them22:40
MarkDudecongrats nhaines22:40
MarkDudeAh ok22:40
pleia2MarkDude: if you're willing to find a way to handle logistics and fees for shipping, please do, but I can't commit to it22:41
MarkDudeWell I volunteer to do the work on it22:41
pleia2I'm already doing it for the CDs and t-shirts, I can't really take on more22:41
MarkDudeFair enough22:41
akkHow do keynotes work? Are they usually invited, or do people send keynote proposals like for other conference talks?22:41
pleia2depends on the conference, but usually invited from what I've seen22:42
* akk is fine with MarkDude handling book logistics, sounds great!22:42
pleia2for fosscon I was invited with a vague subject, and I followed up the invitation with a fuller proposal for them to review22:42
nhainesI think some conferences will choose to feature submitted talks, but most keynotes are invited I think.22:42
nhainesI'm not sure it makes sense for the LoCo to collect books.  The LoCo's never been able to handle swag outside of very limited conference supplies.22:44
* pleia2 eyes two boxes of conference supplies in her office22:46
pleia2for phillychix books I had a bookshelf, but again that was just one metro area so I met up with people to do borrowing and stuff22:47
MarkDudeakk- I was asked to keynote a conference in AZ- the organizers just came up to me at Scale22:47
nhainespleia2: yeah, it makes a lot of sense for a user group.22:47
* MarkDude was unfortunatley able to do it22:47
pleia2it's so nice when system documentation projects publish epubs22:49
akkI like epubs now. Before getting an android device, notsomuch.22:50
akkIt's a shame ebook formats are so fragmented, and so poorly supported on linux.22:50
pleia2yeah, it's the nook that did it for me22:50
MarkDudeOreilly has Ebooks also- logistics would NOT be an issue there- at least I hope not :)22:53
pleia2you'd have to look into their policy for ebooks, it might actually be *harder* logistically if multiple copies existing violates license terms22:58
akkYou can still do ebooks the same way as other books -- decides who gets it (typically whoever wants it most) and email it to them, or give them the code or whatever.22:59
pleia2but this is all speculation, they didn't include ebooks in their lug program when I used it22:59
* MarkDude will get details on this22:59
akkI've gotten ebooks via the penlug O'Reilly review program.22:59
* MarkDude has coupon for FREE ebook- I can PM it akk22:59

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