
ShawnRam i not giving unity enough of a chance?04:31
ShawnRi'm trying to figure out what canonical sees in it, but i just can't seem to like it04:31
syd_hi all11:48
syd_i nedd help with usb device in  ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 2.6.32-32)11:48
munzmorning mhall119 13:21
tiemonstermhall119: he's back!13:36
tiemonsterhow was it?13:36
mhall119tiemonster: your ypy project looks amazing, but I had some problems running django on it13:45
tiemonstermhall119: did you get some sort of error?13:57
DammitJimhey tiemonster, hey mhall119 13:59
mhall119tiemonster: no, but it's like session tracking didn't work, I got the django admin login form, but after entering the correct username/password it just sent me right back to the login form, no error13:59
tiemonsterDammitJim: hello sir13:59
mhall119morning DammitJim 13:59
tiemonstermhall119: were you running localhost?14:00
mhall119tiemonster: yeah14:00
tiemonsterhave you been able to run localhost with Django before?14:00
tiemonsterI've never gotten localhost to store cookies.14:00
mhall119yes, using django's built in server14:00
mhall119./manage.py runserver14:00
mhall119I was using wsgi to run it in ypy14:00
tiemonsterTry your IP and see if it works.14:01
mhall119ok, I'll give it a try14:01
tiemonsterthis is why we need alpha testers... and people to write documentation...14:01
DammitJimwhat is Django?14:04
tiemonsterI thought you've used it14:04
DammitJimI'm kidding :D14:04
DammitJimyou guys are having too much fun... I'm still trying to get XP running in virtualbox LOL14:04
tiemonsterXP runs better in Virtualbox than bare metal14:04
DammitJimthat's only because the virtual hardware is totally stable14:05
mhall119yeah, but XP isn't14:05
DammitJimtiemonster, do you always run the latest version of django or the official relase (super stable)14:05
DammitJimmhall119, that's right... so, by not changing the variables, you get better chances of it not breaking :D14:06
tiemonsterWe're running 1.2.2 right now14:06
tiemonsterwe usually upgrade to latest stable every six months14:06
tiemonsterbut now they're ditching my application for something vendor-supported14:06
tiemonsterI've lost all of my programming responsibilities14:07
DammitJimtiemonster, I'm sure you learned a lot with your application14:07
tiemonsteroh yeah14:07
tiemonsterand now I'm learning how to polish my resume14:07
DammitJimI was reading last night in the unwritten laws of engineering that what's happening to you is probably for the better14:07
DammitJimyou've done it, dude... now you get to move forward!14:07
tiemonsterI need to finish my degree first: 2 more years14:08
DammitJimtiemonster, yeah, but that's secondary (at least in my view). You've accomplished so much more already!14:08
DammitJimDude, I don't know you very well, but the couple of times we've talked, you seemed like you've achieved a lot (unless you were plainly lying to me) LOL14:09
tiemonstermost likely true14:09
mhall119tiemonster: sweet, using the IP worked!14:09
tiemonsterSSL was rolled in yesterday if you want to play around with that14:09
tiemonsterotherwise, it would be helpful if you could use it as your Django development server14:10
tiemonsterfind the nasty bugs14:10
mhall119tiemonster: I'd be happy to14:10
tiemonsterit should be faster than the Django built-in server14:10
mhall119I may even using it in my personal-production env14:10
tiemonsterand still does code reloading14:10
tiemonsterwe're looking at a stable release at the end of the summer14:10
mhall119it does seem quite fast14:11
tiemonsteryeah - we need to do real benchmarks on it14:11
tiemonsterbut in initial tests, it's about three times faster than Twisted when using CPython14:11
tiemonsterthe real fun is when we embed PyPy. Should be about 30 times faster...14:12
tiemonsterPyPy includes a JIT compiler that generates native code14:12
mhall119how do you make git show you where you cloned a repo from?14:13
tiemonstergit remote show [name]14:14
tiemonsterso most likely, `git remote show origin`14:14
tiemonsterI think14:14
mhall119thanks, setting up a prodev environment14:14
tiemonsterso how is working for Canonical?14:14
mhall119learning lots of cool stuff14:15
mhall119nothing as cool as ypy yet though14:15
tiemonsterjamalta is supposed to be giving it a test run as well14:15
tiemonsterI think we found a way to run pandamon on it14:16
nigelbhello mhall119 ;)14:18
nigelbI thought I'd hang out in loco channels where I have friends :)14:18
mhall119I mean, oh hey there nigelb 14:18
mhall119tiemonster: any idea what I'm missing here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608998/ ?14:22
tiemonsterDo you have build-essential?14:23
tiemonsterand python-dev?14:23
mhall119but I will in a second14:24
mhall119dang I love apt14:24
mhall119wow that's a lot of compiling14:29
tiemonstermhall119: it's a lot of whining14:31
reya276Is anyone having Dual display issues in 11.04?14:31
tiemonsteroh yeah - I was going to try that14:31
reya276For some reason my Laptop LCD display wont display anything but a blank screen and no external display either. I can however go in to a CLI prompt. Is there any way to reset it as 10.04 and 10.10?14:33
reya276I also went into my /home/<username>/.config/monitors.xml and reset it there but nothing the same issue, no LCD nor external display14:34
tiemonsteryeah, I don't know anything about that14:38
RoAkSoAxmhall119: o/14:41
RoAkSoAxmhall119: how's post-uds for u?14:41
mhall119RoAkSoAx: not sick yet14:45
mhall119almost back on a normal sleep schedule14:45
mhall119tiemonster: awesome, got it working on my AWS instance14:45
mhall119i'll be testing it out there14:46
dantalizingwhy is nigelb here? invader!14:46
* MichelleQ waves14:46
nigelbdantalizing: haha14:47
nigelbhey MichelleQ 14:47
mhall119tiemonster: uh oh, something's not working..14:52
tiemonstermhall119: what?14:52
mhall119submitting a form, it seems14:53
mhall119not sure if it's my code or yours though14:53
mhall119let me try though apache14:53
mhall119where does ypy log errors?14:54
RoAkSoAxmhall119: im in my normal sleeping schedule, not jet-lag 14:55
RoAkSoAxmhall119: have you heard anything from itnet7_uds ?14:55
tiemonstermhall119: it should send them to stderr, I believe14:55
mhall119well then I'm not getting any errors14:55
mhall119RoAkSoAx: not yet14:55
tiemonsteris it a POST?14:55
mhall119I assume he got back sometime yesterday14:55
mhall119tiemonster: yes14:56
tiemonsterhow long ago since you updated?14:56
mhall119I git cloned it just minutes ago14:56
tiemonstercan you print out the request and paste it for me?14:57
RoAkSoAxmhall119: he got back on sunday14:58
tiemonstermhall119: by the way, output redirection and default port would be handled in the init script included in the Ubuntu release, should we decide to go that route15:09
=== itnet7_uds is now known as itnet7
munzwelcome back itnet7 19:02
itnet7Thanks Munz!!19:03
itnet7How are you? 19:03
munzgood, how about u? fun trip?19:03
itnet7Yeah, it was really great!19:04
munzcool, did you get any extra jollies from DHS? lol :)19:05
itnet7lol, no thank God19:08
mhall119welcome back itnet7 19:32
crashsystemshello florida19:33
itnet7Thanks mhall119 !19:34
itnet7hey there crashsystems !19:34
nigelbhey itnet7!19:41
itnet7Hey there nigelb !!19:41
itnet7All we need is for you to move over to Florida ;-)19:41
itnet7My wife and daughter were fighting over the Rupee you gave to me ;-)19:41
itnet7I should have asked you for two of the same!!19:42
itnet7They appreciated it either way19:43
itnet7Wait until they receive their postcards19:43
tiemonstermhall119: hey, I think we fixed that problem. Can you repull and rebuild when you have a chance? We'll be hanging out in ##ypy if you need help.19:46
mhall119nigelb: yeah, my kids liked the rupees too19:46
tiemonsterapparently one # requires a trademark19:46
mhall119um...no, just that it be official19:47
mhall119#qimo has one19:47
crashsystemssometimes the internet amuses me. today is one of those days.19:51
jamaltaHey! Any of you use U1 Notes + Android?20:37
jamaltaI need testers for an app I'm working on :)20:37
jamaltaJust released a very bare-bone 0.1 version of it: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jamalfanaian.chalk20:38
itnet7cool jamalta ~!20:39
jamaltaand i promise it shouldn't break your U1 notes (I already fixed the bug that did that :X)20:39
jamaltai'd love any feedback you have.. it's still pretty basic, but i have a lot of features planned for it.20:39
itnet7sweet! installing it now, I haven't really been synching my notes... but will begin now20:41
jamaltaitnet7: thanks! let me know20:42
jamaltaoh, i just remembered it doesn't support delete yet.20:42
jamaltaso if you delete a note, it will not get deleted from the U1 server, and it'll be added again on the next sync :\20:42
itnet7nigelb: are you still around?21:40
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping21:50
RoAkSoAxitnet7: due how's it going21:50
itnet7good and you? 21:51

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