
Cheri703confession: I am far too amused by the domino's pizza tracker...00:02
canthus13em: I'm creeped out by it.00:05
canthus13If it actually tracks drivers, you can deduce about how much cash the driver is carrying....00:05
Cheri703it doesn't track drivers, it tracks pizza preparation00:19
Cheri703though it hasn't moved for a while, so I'm doubting its accuracy00:20
Cheri703grr...originally it said 25-35 minutes (on the ordering page) and the thing just said it was put in the oven 5 minutes ago (which was at the 25 minute mark)...so unless it gets here in the next 7 minutes, I'm going to be annoyed00:28
* Cheri703 is hongreh00:28
jgouldDamn AEP00:45
Cheri703happy tummy, ate dinner :)01:13
canthus13Whee... Linux malware kits are on the way.01:17
canthus13should be easy enough to grab someone's admin password.  pop up an update 'window' on a web page that looks right.  When you click update and enter your password, they've got ya.01:18
TheErkGreetings Programs!01:21
Cheri703hola TheErk01:23
* jgould grumbles01:25
jgouldI hate AEP01:26
jgouldThey finally turned our power back on and I've been running around for an hour trying to get things working again...01:27
jgouldAlso, my trackpad is driving me crazy01:27
dmcglone1whats up everyone01:28
Cheri703not a ton01:33
Cheri703getting used to quassel01:33
Cheri703and watching army wives :D hehe yes, I'm being a girl at the moment01:33
dmcglone1I'm installing Kopete right now, empathy is just crap01:35
dmcglone1I'm looking for a client that supports google talk, IRC, AIM and Yahoo01:35
dmcglone1I didn't think it supported google talk :-/ Maybe I was wrong01:38
dmcglone1Yeah, it doesn't support video chat01:39
Cheri703I think it does01:39
jgouldGah! Where is all of this lag coming from?01:39
dmcglone1couple months ago, I tried and I read somewhere they don't plan on integrating video chat into it01:40
Cheri703hmm...hang on01:40
Cheri703I'm 90% sure it's supported01:41
TheErkWhat is wrong with Empathy?01:41
jgouldI'm going to go get dinner... I'll be back01:43
dmcglone1when I sign on, it will not let me into an IRC room until I quit empathy and start again, also if I resize the window and type sentences long  than the window the window just grows and grows and grows unless I hit ctrl + enter to start a new line01:45
dmcglone1In short, it's just plain crappy to use01:46
jrgifford.join #ubuntu-forrst01:47
dmcglone1and my  hunch about kopete was right, it doesn't support IRC yet! grrrrrr01:48
Cheri703dmcglone1: technically it does support it, it's iffy though (video)01:48
dmcglone1it's bad :-/01:49
Cheri703I use the in-browser chat on my gmail page if I need video/audio01:52
Cheri703it's just easier than trying to have a client that supports it natively01:52
dmcglone1empathy does a darn good job at it, I'm just fed up with it's quirks. I guess I'll have to learn to live with them01:53
dmcglone1I can't stand having 50 m‎illion things in 50 million places, I guess I'm just as quirky as empathy :-)01:54
jgouldI wish I could figure out how to switch audio devices when I want my USB headset to work rather than the internal stuff on my MacBook02:29
jgouldReally?  the AEP supervisor works in Oklahoma?02:31
Cheri703jgould: open up the sound settings02:47
Cheri703input tab02:47
Cheri703you can change it there02:47
jgouldI'm runnign Lubuntu... I'll have to find that02:49
Cheri703ah, k02:55
jgouldI hate AEP02:55
jgouldthey have a monoply, and apparently the utilities indrusty is the only indrusty still allowed to have them...02:59
jgouldok... so I'm about to nix Lubuntu and go back to Xubuntu. (I'm indecisive...  Maybe I'm really a female... ;))03:06
canthus13jgould: Careful... Cheri703 might tear your lungs out for that comment... :)03:11
Cheri703ha, some of the most indecisive people I know are men03:11
jgouldI didn't mean it in a bad way. Heh.03:11
jgouldI think men are actually worse than women03:12
Cheri703and heck, if you're so indecisive you don't know if you're male or female, that sounds like an incredibly specific problem ;D03:12
jgould(see I can redeem my self)03:12
jgouldLOL Cheri70303:12
jgouldPerhaps I should show up at UH in a skirt... XD03:16
Cheri703that is 100% up to you...03:16
jgouldThere is no way I'm the only transgendered Ubunter. :)03:16
Cheri703anyone of any persuasion or style of dress (barring random body parts hanging out that no one wants to see) is welcome at least at the mansfield ones :)03:16
Cheri703absolutely not jgould03:16
Cheri703there are lots of folks of various persuasions03:17
* canthus13 hangs an elbow out...03:17
Cheri703EW GROSS canthus13!! YOU PERV03:17
jgouldI wouldn't have anything hanging out03:18
Cheri703hehe, jgould you just reminded me of a line from some movie "how do you guys manage the tuck?!" "oh honey, ice cubes and tape"03:18
canthus13Cheri703: Eh? Have some respect! It's incredibly difficult to bend myself into a position like this!03:18
jgouldI miss my polo that had Tux on it03:20
jgouldI need to get a new one03:20
jgouldis there not a traceroute for ipv4 anymore?03:21
Cheri703So I think I'm going to buy a nook...just waiting to hear what the announcement on may 24 might be...and decide whether to wait for whatever it might be, or pull the trigger on the one that's been around since 200903:32
jgouldI have a Sony PRS-50503:41
jgouldHmm... Where did I put my Xubuntu disk...03:42
* BiosElement waves randomly03:42
BiosElementHome in one piece Cheri703?03:42
* jgould installs BiosElement03:43
Cheri703yep yep BiosElement03:43
Cheri703jgould: do you like your sony one?03:43
jgouldI do.  I don't use it as much as I once did.  check out the software called calbire (It's in the repos) for ebook management03:44
jgouldsudo apt-get insall BiosElement03:47
canthus13jgould: E: Invalid operation insall03:49
jgouldWhat the hell did I do with my Xubuntu install disk...03:50
jgouldI hate it wehn I don't put things back where they go...03:50
Cheri703yeah jgould I plan to check out/use calibre03:53
Cheri703I'm hoping the new announcement is a new e-ink model03:54
jgouldOk,  the window systems on teh Mac Mini are fubared... but I'm not sure if that's becasue of something I did, or if it's from the sudden power off earlier03:54
Cheri703(also, apologies for delays in responses, still getting used to quassel, and it lacks a certain notification setting I'm used to from xchat)03:54
jgouldI've never gotten xchat to work with the Ubuntu servers...03:54
Cheri703gordon ramsey is such a sadist :) this episode of kitchen nightmares from 2 weeks ago had these 2 chunky twins boxing each other :D they're seriously real life tweedledee and tweedledum04:02
* Unit193 is too lazy to read up...04:05
Unit193Hello all!04:05
Cheri703hey Unit19304:06
* Unit193 didn't know he was going to be a pallbearer 'til he got there...04:07
jgouldI've had that happen, Unit19304:38
jgouldHmm...  Any one know of software that will read .CR2 files from a Canon DSLR?04:46
canthus13jgould: http://platonic.techfiz.info/2010/11/10/cr2-canon-raw-file-management-in-ubuntu/04:48
jgouldHmmm... I may need to do a reinstall on the Mini05:07
Cheri703calibre is pretty cool05:08
Cheri703I was poking at it05:08
Unit193jgould: MacBookPro (7,1 or 7,3) is what my cousin had05:08
jgouldthe 7,1's *should* be stable now05:10
jgouldyes, Calibre is pretty cool.  I think the interface needs some polishing thoguh05:10
Cheri703yeah...there are tutorial videos on their website, which is pretty cool05:11
* jgould is indecisive again...05:12
Cheri703just reach down and check, it'll help you remember ;)05:13
Unit193He really liked Lubuntu LiveCD (Will show him the rest next time I'm there -Unity)05:13
jgouldThe 'start' menu in Unity reminds me of the Applications stack in MacOS 10.5 and higher05:14
jgouldUnit193: Now I'm back to Ubuntu...05:15
Unit193That's sad ;) Did you ever take a look at MacUbuntu?05:15
Unit193If it's working better....05:15
* jgould feels steam coming out of his left ear.05:16
jgouldThere's a MacUbuntu?  Does the GUI look like Aqua?05:16
Unit193It's more of a script: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/make-ubuntu-look-like-mac-osx-in.html05:18
Unit193http://sourceforge.net/projects/macbuntu/ <-- seems to be the main download05:19
jgouldI'm not in a position where I can browse the interwebs05:19
Unit193Ah! It's also only for 10.10/0405:19
Unit193It kinda has the Mac OSX look...05:20
jgouldI can do without the look.  (part of the reason for migrating...)05:21
jgouldHmmm.... I want some coffee05:25
jgouldI still wish I could get rid of Plymouth and actually watch my systems boot...05:27
canthus13jgould: ctrl-alt-left arrow gives you boot progress.05:32
jgouldIt really doesn't show much when it boots, does it?05:33
jgouldI remember the 2.2 kernels that would just blow you away with the amount of info displayed05:34
jgouldHeh.  I really need to burn a new Ubuntu disk...  This natty disk is listed as "Ubuntu natty (development branch)"05:35
canthus13jgould: All the boot info is in dmesg.05:37
canthus13The only time I cared about boot messages is when the machine froze... and I haven't had that happen in a long time.05:38
jgouldI'm just missing the old days...05:38
canthus13Now that I think about it, my debian servers display everything, but there's not a huge amount.05:38
jgouldMy server displays...  I'm not sure05:39
canthus13thumb drives are better for install media. no need for coasters laying all over the place.05:40
jgouldI can't get my MacBook Pro to boot off a thumbdrive...05:41
canthus13how stupid.05:42
jgouldnot sure why, but it can't.  My old MacBook, the MacBook Air, and the MacBook Pro 7,1 that I had all could05:42
jgouldI'm not sure how I feel about Apple shipping OS 10.7 via the App Store..05:47
jgouldOk,  the neighbor needs to turn off the shit05:55
Cheri703our annoying neighbors finally moved out \o/06:01
jgouldThis guy sometimes will play his music too loud06:01
jgouldhmm... Once this download is done, I'm going to have to reboot from the command line06:02
jgouldwow... I really have issues06:16
odariveting tale chap06:17
* canthus13 staples oda's lower lip to his left elbow.06:18
* oda becomes a bear06:19
odafuck this crossword puzzle06:20
canthus13oda: watch out for paper cuts.06:20
jgouldI wonder why I can't write to  mounted nfs export... (it's moutned rw)06:20
jgouldI've always been a fan of wordsearches my self06:23
* oda has alzheimers and stuff06:24
* jgould decides he has too many bookmarks06:25
jgouldlets see, an hour ago, I said I wanted coffee.  I still haven't gotten any06:26
* jgould blinks06:26
canthus13oda: aww.. you've got man problems?06:27
oda+canthus13, phil collins motherfucker06:27
oda"Land of confusion"06:27
odalisten to it06:28
* Cheri703 has errands to do tomorrow, but meh06:29
jgouldI know that feeling, Cheri70306:30
jgouldHmm... Appearently the Mini can't boot from USB either...06:38
odajgould: dell mini?06:40
odajgould: I installed from an SD card on the EEE 1005ha06:41
jgouldMac Mini06:44
odaenough said06:45
jgouldThe Mini is more fully suppported than my MacBook...06:47
Unit193I take it you looked at the mactel page?06:50
jgouldThe mactel-support ppa?06:50
Unit193What version?06:52
jgouldof mac Mini?06:53
jgouldit's a 2,106:53
jgouldit's either the mini can't boot from USB or the Thumbdrive isn't bootable06:56
jgouldWho was that?07:06
jgouldGah.  Hungry07:09
jgouldAnd now i'm talking to my self again...07:12
Unit193You seem to do that quite a bit... :D07:13
jgouldOnly because no one answers me!07:14
* Unit193 still hasn't booted it on a Mac :)07:15
jgouldwhat haven't you booted on a mac?07:16
jgouldI have it booting on two Macs. :P07:18
* jgould debates on setting up evolution to send and receive his email07:35
Unit193No T-bird? ;)07:42
jgouldNot yet.  The Mrs. and I are going to go get soemthing to eat...07:46
jgouldI'm back08:54
jgouldit's almost as if I never left09:01
Derath-Srvrhi all13:45
* jgould wanders in16:37
J21Howdy Derath-Srvr , jgould16:45
* jgould ponders going back to bed16:51
dniMretsaMhi guys16:52
Derath-Srvrhi mm16:52
Derath-Srvrnot much, you?16:53
dniMretsaMI'm out17:03
thafreakMorning Ohio18:53
Derath-SrvrHey freak18:55
Unit193Howdy thafreak18:56
Cheri703canthus13: sully is on his way19:00
jgouldOk, I'm back and awake now19:21
jgouldthank you19:21
Derath-Srvrfreak: taking a closer look at python now... not sure what all I would do with it, but it is really interesting19:21
jgouldbe careful, the python will bite19:23
Derath-Srvrlol With an infectous bite?19:23
Derath-SrvrJust looked at the ConfigParser library, it's definitely got some REALLY useful options in there...19:25
Derath-SrvrMay have to start tinkering...19:25
deejoeI tell you what you're going to do with it:  Learn to be very careful of your whitespace, if you aren't already ;-)19:25
Derath-SrvrJust one problem really, would have to convince work and clients to use/install python lol19:25
* jgould knows not how to program19:25
deejoejgould: you'd be surprised19:26
Derath-SrvrDeejoe: Already there... drives me nuts looking at other people's C/++/Java and seeing the lack of indents...19:26
jgouldwhy do you say that, Derath-Srvr19:26
Derath-Srvrjgould: Python is easy enough to learn19:26
jgoulder deejoe19:26
deejoethe only thing I've worked with that is more picky about whitespace is git19:26
deejoejgould: I take a pretty liberal view of what constitutes "knowing how to program," at least for someone who has an interest in it.19:27
deejoeif it's "don't know/don't care" then forget you ;-)19:27
deejoeso, if you have an interest, I suspect you already are on your way to programming, or could be.19:28
Derath-Srvrlooking for some non-indented code online to show difference...19:28
jgouldI can skim source code and look at it and figure some of it out, but not most of it.19:29
deejoewell, there you go19:29
deejoethat is as respectable start as any19:29
* Derath-Srvr is a better editor/debugger than builder anyways...19:29
deejoetakes all kinds19:30
* deejoe finally got around to installing Scratch on a few machines to play with19:30
Derath-SrvrHere's a good indented, still looking for non... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style19:30
deejoenow that the kid is reading, it's a decent time to get started on that19:30
Derath-SrvrSecond post: http://www.vbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-126099.html19:31
Derath-Srvrerr third rather19:31
thafreakDerath-Srvr: python is usually almost everywhere amazingly...19:32
thafreakHell, I've even found python pre-installed on windows machines19:32
deejoeDerath-Srvr: oh, you mean the big long wall-of-text one?19:32
Derath-SrvrYYeah... the wall of text lol19:32
Derath-SrvrWithout indenting, it's hard as heck to read...19:32
deejoenot to be compared to the Phil Spector Wall of Sound19:32
jgouldIndeted is far easier to read19:33
Derath-Srvrfreak: So I've seen, but I doubt that it would be installed on the servers, which is where I would be using it for...19:33
deejoeDerath-Srvr: imagine my pain logging in to a server and finding someone has their Dreamweaver set to use old-school Mac line endings.19:33
Derath-Srvrjgould: Python relies HEAVILY on it being indented...19:33
deejoeso, not only no indenting, but no fracking line breaks19:33
Derath-Srvrdeejoe: Ouch19:33
deejoes/\r/\n/g to the max19:33
jgouldDerath-Srvr: Python is on my Ubuntu 10.04 server install.  (Doesn't everyone use Ubuntu on their servers? :))19:34
deejoeDebian, mang19:34
Derath-Srvrlol Not in my job... We do have a decent mix of Win/AIX/Solaris/RHEL systems though19:34
thafreakRHEL has *OLD* python though19:35
Derath-SrvrYeah it does... that's just one of the many problems tho...19:36
jgouldThe company I work for is almost exclusivly windows...  They don't know any diffrent...19:36
Derath-SrvrAIX, Solaris, and the Win systems don't have Python...19:36
thafreakI avoid companies that use windows :)19:36
* Derath-Srvr sighs19:37
Derath-SrvrDidn't have much of a choice here19:37
thafreakcheck out ipython19:37
thafreakit's a slick interactive python shell19:37
jgouldIf they'd move the propiitary database to somethaing that had a web interface, we *could* use any clients...19:37
Derath-SrvrYeah I was noticing a lot of the tools19:37
Derath-SrvrMy work does make use of ini files, so that's why I was looking at the configparser19:40
Derath-SrvrEven better since I can read that in and assign variable names and values...19:41
Derath-SrvrOkay, just foudn out that we do use python decently in our environment... just hard to implement in client environments19:45
jgouldDerath-Srvr: I agree with the fourm topic of that non indented page you linked to.  I can think of a few others that need to be shot as well19:49
Derath-SrvrExactly, I've ran across a bunch of files that I've had to re-edit to fix up the indents (html, xml, c, java) because it drives me insane...19:50
jgouldMy wife was having a problem with her screen reader reading a part of a web page.  I pulled the code on the page and read through it.  found waht I thought to be the problem had it fixed, and it didn't fix it... (It was a JAWS/FF/HTML5 issue)19:52
Derath-SrvrYeah, can't say that many webpages are ever "accessible-friendly"19:54
jgouldPure text is! Heh19:54
Derath-SrvrAnd aside from the irc logs and newsgroups/mailing lists archives, how many sites are using plain text? lol19:55
jgouldNot many... Heh19:56
Derath-SrvrI can't imagine how a screen reader handles frames and all19:56
jgouldThe Mrs. "Frames are doable." (I think that should be read as "A Royal pain in the ass")19:57
Derath-Srvrsigh and speaking of reading, I've got a support guy that doesn't finish reading the friggin email I sent him...19:58
jgouldIs Endevour the shuttle that just launched19:58
deejoeEndeavour, yeah.  Yesterday.19:58
jgouldMaybe you need to indent your email..  ;)19:58
canthus13Check Nasa's site.19:58
Derath-SrvrMe: "I have data and timeframe of problem, please advise how to get a 40mb file to you", reply: "Thanks for the info, but we do not have data for that date, please run these reports and get back with us" <all paraphrased of course>19:59
jgouldI found the shuttle tribute posters that hang on the wall of Firing Room 4 at Kennedy.  I put the proper poster up wehn a shuttle goes up20:00
jgouldThe repsonse had nothing to do with the original issue.  Nice20:00
Derath-SrvrYa know, I thought they had stopped all the shuttle flights...20:01
jgouldNope.  Alantis is being turned around now. That will be the last flight20:01
Derath-SrvrCan't believe we didn't get a friggin shuttle... BIRTHPLACE OF AVIATION ANYONE??? HELLO? Wouldn't have spaceflight if we COULDN'T FRIGGIN FLY!20:02
jgouldI know20:03
jgouldWe should have gotten *one* of the birds...20:03
Derath-SrvrOh wait, we got the "training console" lol20:03
jgouldwe should have gotten a complete bird.  where was the training console from?20:04
jgouldyou guys heard about the guy that fell from the pad before Discovery's launch, right?20:06
scooter2Hi! I'm planning on going to 11.04 and messing with my partitions today. Should I be backing up anything in addition to my home folder?20:06
jgouldconfig files20:06
jgouldHe didn't fall...20:06
Derath-Srvrscooter: /home, /etc, and trying to think of where the apt-cache is stored...20:07
jgould/var/cache/apt/cache (I think)20:07
Derath-SrvrMaybe someone can refresh me: create a list of installed packages, so that you can easily apt-get install from the list?20:07
Derath-SrvrThere was a handy one-liner command to do that...20:07
Derath-Srvrdpkg --get-selections > installed-software20:08
Derath-Srvrdpkg --set-selections < installed-software20:08
jgoulddpkg -l will create a list, but it's nto usable for that20:08
Derath-SrvrThere, those three lines will help to reinstall the packages you currently have (if you have to fresh install)20:09
scooter2Cool. Thanks!20:09
Derath-SrvrAlso, this page for the same, newer version tho20:09
jgouldLets see you do that with windows or Mac OS20:10
Derath-Srvrlol yeah20:11
jgouldI'm hungry20:12
jgouldHeh: "Print test page?" Optons are Cancel or Print.  Cancel doesn't do anything... You can only print... Heh20:12
jgouldI need a new job20:14
jgouldAnyone know what you can do with the 'add a remote daap server' feature in Banshee?20:15
deejoehaha, simple machines20:16
deejoeoh, U as in Unix, not U as in Ubuntu20:17
jgouldAny one know where the switch is to turn the heat back on outside?20:21
jgouldis that like 'sudo apt-get install outside-heat'20:22
jgouldIt's too cold out to be half way thorugh may...20:29
deejoeoh, wait . . .20:32
Derath-SrvrDon't you mean "What's all this bother about global warming? It's far from warm here!"20:33
deejoethat too20:34
deejoealso, keep government out of my social security, kthx20:34
jgouldI know that, deejoe.  Dealing with the SSA is a PITA20:34
deejoenot nearly as hard to deal with as if it didn't exist, I'll warrant20:37
jgouldMy wife and I are currently involved in a fight with the for benefits...20:42
jgouldbrb...  taking a shower20:46
jgouldwhat the hell...20:59
jgouldlawn guys20:59
jgouldthey are cutting the grass...  I heard them drop the ramps on teh trailer21:08
jgouldsudo apt-get purge current-rainfall21:10
jgouldI tried21:12
Derath-SrvrYou rolled a 1.21:35
jgouldHmmm... I wonder if Panera is blocking IRC... (or ports higher than a certian port number...23:12
jgouldIt's when I'm trying to do things and keep bumping the trackpad and it clicks, that I think about switching back to the Mac OS23:16

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