
freelancer317How's ChinnoDog doing?00:45
ChinnoDogChinnoDog is doing fine00:52
ChinnoDogEating leftover spagetti pizza00:52
ChinnoDogAnd watching cats in the bedroom act like cats00:52
* teddy-dbear is watching teddy bears be teddy bears :-D00:56
andrewspagetti pizza?00:58
ChinnoDogYes. Stuffed spagetti pizza. With meatballs. Its good stuff.00:59
InHisNameNo one is messing around with ubuntu tonight ?02:31
rmg51morning JonathanD10:28
teddy-dbearmorning JonathanD10:29
JonathanDhi rmg51 and teddy-dbear11:22
teddy-dbearwere you out running in the rain?11:23
JonathanDteddy-dbear: got to the end of the block, was soaked, came back and did situps instead.11:23
teddy-dbearI don't like to get wet11:24
JonathanDit's very rainy.11:24
teddy-dbearif I get wet I can't hug anyone11:24
JonathanDit was only drizzling when I went out.11:24
teddy-dbearI would be like a sponge :-(11:25
JonathanDheh :)11:25
JonathanDwe'll still give you hugs. in a raincoat.11:25
teddy-dbearI'm the one that needs the rain coat11:27
erstaziWhat do yinz think about Unity?14:48
andrewI had to adjust a few things (see most recent post on http://ahotw.com/), but otherwise I'm getting used to it14:50
PennBotTitle: Andrews Home On The Web (at ahotw.com)14:50
erstaziandrew: thanks (:14:50
erstaziandrew: I use synergy as well14:51
ssweenyit's growing on me14:55
ssweenymy work computer uses unity but my home one uses gnome 3 from the ppa14:55
ssweenyboth have really good points about them and things that could be improved14:56
erstazissweeny: what do you think of GNOME3?14:56
ssweenyerstazi, it's pretty sweet, but i don't really care for the default gtk theme15:02
ssweenyi LOVE the dynamic workspaces15:02
rhpot1991I've been getting used to unity, after some tweaking15:31
rhpot1991pretty much the same issues and same tweaks as andrew for me15:32
erstaziyeah, I don't mind it. Just I kept hearing about Synergy being an issue and I use super a lot. I figured they were fixable but I probably won't upgrade my laptop for a month or so.15:35
rhpot1991really we are working around it, would be much better if you could adjust unity16:17
rhpot1991move the bar to a different part of the screen, etc16:17
ChinnoDogssweeny: jslinux has a bogomips of 20.21 in my browser, ~= 486DX/40. Is this an emulation of an x86 CPU or is it emulated at a higher level?16:40
ssweenyChinnoDog, as far as i can tell it's an x86 CPU emulator16:41
ssweenyyeah if you check the tech notes link it says what exactly is being emulated16:42
ChinnoDogThat is pretty neat16:46
ChinnoDogI bet it would be faster if the GNU components were rewritten in javascript but that could take forever16:47
ChinnoDogBecause then you would need a C to Javascript compiler16:47

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