
=== daker_ is now known as daker
mpt"With the release of Ubuntu 7.04 last year..."12:14
nigelbmhall119: I suggest we do all the reviews on friday14:27
nigelband keep submitting merge requests throughout the week14:28
nigelb(not that you do all of them)14:28
nigelbBut that way, everyone's slightly free and around generically14:28
mhall119that's a good idea, since my Fridays are generally going to be more free14:28
nigelbYeah, and I like the idea of just doing merge requests and then looking at all of them together14:30
nigelbwhat in the.... mothership is missing on my copy of summit :\14:31
mhall119nigelb: get the latest ubuntu_website?14:57
nigelbmhall119: django light themes?14:57
nigelbcjohnston: No, we won't15:29
nigelbWe don't use information from Launchpad that's not already publically available, meaning, we don't depend on LP information from a particular user.15:30
daker_newz2000, http://i.imgur.com/sUH3D.png16:06
newz2000daker: what should I be looking for here?16:07
daker_everyone can request CDs even if he is the team owner16:07
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dakeri am not the team owner/contact and i have the form to request the package16:07
dakernewz2000, do you know where16:08
dakeri fill bugs for it ?16:08
newz2000sadly, I don't but let me ask16:09
daker2 or 3 packages where send to people who are no the team owner16:09
newz2000daker: I've pinged the guy behind the forms.c.c website to see if he knows16:12
dakernewz2000, you can test https://forms.canonical.com/lococd16:12
newz2000daker: why don't you go ahead and e-mail me the details and I'll forward it on. matthew.nuzum@canonical.com16:13
dakernewz2000, ok sent16:36
newz2000daker: thanks16:37
nigelbheh, my respect for kirkland increased a few folds17:58
nigelbHe actually scrolled through render.py *at* UDS and submitted a merge proposal17:58
nigelbcjohnston, mhall119: Either of your around?18:14
nigelbI'm not sure if we want to do this, it would add another icon to each session with irc:// links to the channel18:16
nigelbIt breaks because you can't know room name until the session is placed on a room.18:16
nigelband at the point of rendering that the merge is proposed we just don't know which room it goes into18:17
nigelb(just reply when either of you are back)18:19
nigelbWith that I call it a day today, extremely productive day I think :)18:19
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mhall119nigelb: yeah, if anything the link should be on the room name in the column header18:38
mhall119since it's specific to the room, not the session18:38
nigelbmhall119: Yeah, feel free to reject the merge now or on friday when we go through all the pending ones18:39
nigelbahoy cjohnston19:20
cjohnstonhey joey19:30
cjohnstonnigelb: bug 78401519:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 784015 in summit "Summit should use login.ubuntu.com (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78401519:30
nigelbcjohnston: ya19:30
cjohnstondid you read my reply?19:31
nigelbcjohnston: I replied to your comments in there here19:31
nigelbnigelb>cjohnston: No, we won't19:31
nigelb [8:00 PM] <nigelb>We don't use information from Launchpad that's not already publically available, meaning, we don't depend on LP information from a particular user.19:31
cjohnstonYes we do.. Registering19:31
cjohnstonnigelb: imo the channel name at the top should be the irc link19:32
nigelbcjohnston: that's pulled from an XML.19:32
nigelbcjohnston: the channel name at top is the link to icecast19:32
nigelbokay, I have a call now.  Be back in a few.19:33
cjohnstonhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-09/ I see no links to icecast19:33
nigelbcjohnston: no one bothered to fill it up19:34
cjohnstonbut you cant register attendance without having an lp account19:34
nigelbI blame jorge19:34
nigelbcjohnston: you can't have a SSO account without launchpad account19:34
cjohnstonI believe you can19:34
nigelbcjohnston: ubuntu sso is basically exactly the same as launchpad, but with different themeing and config19:34
cjohnstonright. but you dont have to have an LP account iirc19:35
nigelbso how does that block us?19:35
nigelbto register use your launchpad account19:35
nigelbto sign in, use SSo19:35
cjohnstonhow are you going to register your attendance in LP without having an LP acocunt19:35
cjohnstonso you want a user to create an sso and then create an LP?19:35
cjohnstonIMO no19:36
nigelbWell, I'll be honest19:36
cjohnstonthat seems like doubling the work19:36
cjohnstonfor the user19:36
nigelbhow many users coming to UDS doesn't have LP account?19:36
nigelbNo, it isn't19:36
nigelbmost people have launchpad accounts and then sso acconuts19:36
cjohnstonbut you dont have to have an sso account if you have an lp account19:36
cjohnstonnigelb: they all have one if they have done anything on summit19:37
nigelbcjohnston: yes, you have an sso account if you have LP19:37
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