
* nuvolari tips hat06:22
superflyheya nuvolari06:23
* nlsthzn waves07:24
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
inetprogood morning07:29
* nuvolari freaks out10:17
nuvolaritoo little time10:17
nlsthzn-worknuvolari: Time for?10:18
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: all the tasks at work10:19
nlsthzn-worknuvolari: Tomorrow is another day10:20
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: I know that, but it's not me that's the problem :P10:23
nlsthzn-worknuvolari: Ah... ok :)10:27
Kilosmorning superfly and everyone else10:34
superflyhi Kilos10:34
Kiloshiya nlsthzn-work  see we got quite a few peps again10:34
nlsthzn-workKilos: Peps?10:41
Kilossorry nlsthzn-work  people10:42
Kiloskeyboard sticky10:42
nlsthzn-workit has been very quiet in IRC land so far10:43
Kilosyeah but at least they are here. favourite passtime is lurking10:43
nlsthzn-workJust ordered: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1598639676/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1XWWJ86PA2PTVNFRBS89&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=50784611:32
nlsthzn-workGot to start understanding this Linux thing eventually :p12:01
Kilossuperfly, gracias amigo. Ian should be here today so we will try it on his pc first13:48
Kilosthen i can stay online all the time13:48
Kilosvodacom allowing of course13:48
superflyKilos: eh? I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly (my brain is still not 100% functional)13:49
Kilos11.04 sir13:51
Kilosthe natty narwahl goodie13:51
superflyKilos: ah, did they arrive?13:54
Kilosyes ty . i got them now13:54
superflydid the post office actually look after them?13:54
* Kilos quivers with anticipation13:54
Kiloswell maverick sees the kubuntu one13:55
nlsthzn-workKilos: Natty was a good experience for me... just got to get used to doing things a new way13:55
Kiloshave booted and checked cd yet\13:55
Kilosnlsthzn-work, i will give all three a go 13:56
* nlsthzn-work will not change again, kubuntu 11.04 for a few months at least now... I hope :p13:56
Kiloswill try ubuntu first then kubuntu then xubuntu\13:56
Kiloslol thats the prob with ubuntu. i just start winning with one then the new one is already out13:57
Kilosbut what an experience every time13:58
Kilosjust keep getting better and better13:58
Kiloslong long way from 8.04 the first one i tried13:58
nlsthzn-workYup... but natty is a big leap with unity... the fallback is same old same old though :)13:59
Kiloswithout ubuntu-za i would stay on maverick, its working so well13:59
nlsthzn-workKilos: to be honest... if there is no real reason to install natty I wouldn't (ok, I would, but that s14:02
nlsthzn-workisn't what I would recomend14:02
Kilosthats why i wanna try on sons pc and then on a spare drive first14:03
nlsthzn-workcool, hope it is awesome :D14:04
Kilosand i have learned how to use rsync some so save all archives on external and dont need to do all the downloads everytime14:04
Kilosso far the hardest work was with karmic14:05
Kilos8.04 i didnt even work out the nm14:05
magellanichoi hoi14:07
Kiloshiya magellanic 14:14
magellanicgood self?14:14
Kilosgood ty14:14
Symmetrianeotel is in complete meltdown mode 15:04
Symmetriaheh their stuff keeps breaking15:30
Symmetriaand you cant get holda anyone to fix it15:30
nlsthzn-workfinally my working day draws to a close... weeeeee!!! ~cheers till later then, kthxbai15:44
kbmonkeysame here, almost food time! he he15:44
magellanicSymmetria: oh :p, I'm on their wireless data connection, working fine :p17:45
nuvolarihmm, anyone close to Lepalale?18:26
magellanicwhere's that?18:31
superflyMaaz: google lealele18:32
Maazsuperfly: "YouTube - Leonor Leal - eLe eLe - Festival de Jerez 2011" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie7fXprOV28 :: "YouTube - Sophie at Leal Ele. 3rd Grade "Charlotte's Web Musical Play"" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcNTMqLSuUo :: "YouTube - sophie at Leal Ele. 2008 winter program 學校表演" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnC3BuFXSSw :: "XV Festival de Jerez 2011. Rubén Olmo 'Tranquilo alboroto ..." http://www.deflamenco.com/revista/18:32
superflyMaaz: google lepalele18:32
Maazsuperfly: "Directions from Johannesburg (S.A) to Deception Valley Lodge" http://www.kalaharimanor.co.za/pdf/DirectionsfromSA.pdf :: "X-Plane Italia • Leggi argomento - Incidente Elicottero" http://www.x-plane.it/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11798 :: "VF-54 - Press Accident Report © by: Damiano GUALDONI" http://www.dgualdo.it/regs0/vf54-report.htm :: "ilVolo.it -- Community • Atterraggio di emergenza sulla neve per l ..." http://webcommunity.ilv18:32
magellanicsuperfly: ;)18:33
nuvolarimagellanic: whatever Maaz said18:40
magellanicoh. nowhere near18:42
kbmonkeyevening all19:13
superflyhi kbmonkey19:18
kbmonkeyhi superfly 19:22
kbmonkeyabout to install 11.04 as my secondary OS19:23
* superfly upgraded his work machine to 11.04 this morning... bombed it half way through, and continued the upgrade using a live CD19:25
superflyand I've been running 11.04 at home since beta 219:25
Owkkurisuperfly: i was brave and upgraded work pc on the day20:29
superflyOwkkuri: well, I wasn't at work on the day, or I probably would have20:29
OwkkuriI'm the only one still on 32bit20:31
Owkkuricrappy work pc20:31
superflywork PC is 32 as well20:31
superflyhome PC is triple-core AMD 64 bit20:31
Owkkuricore 2 quad here 20:34
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos 20:37
Kilosnaand nuvolari 20:37
nuvolari"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       M 620  @ 2.67GHz"20:39
nuvolarionly wish it was mine to keep :'(20:39
Kiloswow thats lekker20:40
Kilosput under arm and run20:40
nuvolariKilos: hehe, if it was that easy :P20:40
Squirmgood evening20:41
Kiloslo Squirm 20:41
Kilosbusy trying to install natty on ians pc alongside winsucks\20:41
nuvolaribut I have to say, I worked on a really low-end-piece-of-doorstop-trash-before-noah's-time machine20:42
nuvolariKilos: making any progress?20:42
Kilosjust started nuvolari 20:42
nuvolarialthough that sigh says it all20:42
Kilosi sigh when i have to look at any ms stuff20:42
Squirmand the fact that MS bought out Skype annoys me :/20:43
Squirmsince it was sold the 1st time, the API has become privitised :/20:43
Squirmso now with MS....20:43
* Squirm shivers20:43
nuvolariSquirm: there's other options20:46
nuvolarinow is the time to get your friends to use a decent service :P20:46
nuvolariAt least I got my sis today to use googletalk20:46
nuvolariI was at work so we did not try out the google voice chat20:47
SquirmI use gtalk20:47
Squirmoh yeah, I heard google moved servers today20:47
Squirmwell, they completed the transfer20:47
Squirmgoogle apps or something20:47
Kerberodit beteken my email het vir 'n paar oomblikke nie gewerk nie20:48
nuvolariwanneer was dit?20:49
nuvolariI did not notice anything :?20:49
Kerberome neither20:49
Squirmtheyve been emailing me over the past week20:50
nuvolari:? or you get spam20:50
SquirmWe recently transitioned your organization to the new infrastructure for Google Apps accounts, a change that makes over 60 additional Google applications like Google Places, Google Reader, Picasa Web Albums and AdWords accessible with Google Apps accounts.20:50
Squirmit was google20:51
nuvolari:( why don't I get any mail20:51
nuvolariwhat makes *you* special?20:51
Squirmare you a google apps admin?20:51
* nuvolari freaks20:51
KilosSquirm, thius from lists. alternative to skype20:51
Squirmnuvolari: it's pretty much using google services with your own domain name20:52
Squirmso say I woned squirm.co.za20:52
Squirmmy gtalk address could be Squirm@squirm.co.za20:52
Kerberoi am the admin for my domain and i also did not get an email20:53
Squirmand email address, etc20:53
SquirmKerbero: for the google apps?20:53
Kerberomaybe they only moved one of the servers20:53
Kerberothe one you are on20:53
* nuvolari browse his spam folder20:53
Squirmcause it's definately google20:53
Kerberonow i'm not sure if my admin account forwards to my normal inbox20:54
Squirmall the links point TO googles websites, not a web address similar20:54
Kerberoguess thats mhy20:54
Squirmthats one of the links20:54
Squirmwhich is the valid link to my apps login20:54
KerberoKilos: die probleem wat ek met programme soos daai het is dat daar nie servers is waardeur mens kan kommunikeer nie20:55
Kerberowant as ten minste een van die twee mense nie 'n public ip met incoming connections het nie gaan dit breek20:55
Kerberoskype maak voorsiening daarvoor20:55
Kerberoas twee mense op 3G dus mekaar probeer bel gaan dit nie werk nie20:56
Kerberoas een van hulle op 'n adsl lyn sit sal dit werk20:56
Squirmwell, it was good while it lasted20:56
SquirmI'll get people to use something like gtalk20:56
Kerberogtalk is my tweede opsie ook ja20:56
Kerberoek is besig om alles google toe te port20:57
Kerberoemail, contacts, calendar20:57
Kerberomy foon sync nou heel mooi daarmee ook20:57
Squirmso does mine20:58
Kilosmaar jy kan anyway webcams in pidgin ook gebruik  en empathy20:58
Kerberohet jy 'n android?20:58
Squirmits really good :)20:58
Squirmek het a BlackBerry20:58
Kerberodie probleem is ek het 'n N90020:58
Squirmah, its a cheap one, but its good20:59
Kerberoso dit intergrate nie so mooi nie20:59
Kerberomoes 'n paar hacks pull20:59
SquirmKerbero: maar julle kan kry programme20:59
Squirmen my afrikaans is terrible :P20:59
Kerberopraat engels20:59
superflyKerbero: what apps did you use to get the syncing working? I also have an N90020:59
Kerberothe built in mail for ekchange20:59
SquirmI can understand most afrikaans20:59
Kerberomaar ek moes my calendar en contacts eers backup en manually google toe vat21:00
Kerberotoe alles op die foor wipe21:00
SquirmI used something on my dads e65 which worked21:00
Kerberoen toe het die syncing vanaf google eers gewerk21:00
Squirmand calendar never backed up, I think it was only contacts, otherwise you had to pay21:00
Kerberoek wou so min as moontlik verander aan die default foon OS21:01
Kerberowant ek het laas nag geformat oor mail for exchange heeltemal gebreek was21:01
Kerberoen nou is die foon ook weer lekker vinnig21:02
Squirmmy BlackBerry did it for me, I registered it with my gmail account, and it restored all my gmail contacts to my phone, now it syncs them, daily I think21:02
Kerberodit lyk of jitse.org gtalk support21:03
Kerberowonder of dit voip ook is21:03
Kerberoof net im21:03
Kiloseish kernel panic on ians pc21:03
superflyKerbero: it's a SIP client, with a IM support21:06
superflyKilos: what do the last few lines say?21:06
Kerberoat least our phones support skype and gtalk properly21:06
Kilosaw they gone already we trying again21:07
* Squirm updates his Ubuntu ISO21:09
Squirmis it apt-get update21:10
Kilosnow its loading a bit further so far21:10
Squirmor apt-get upgrade21:10
Kerberofirst update21:10
Kerberothen upgrade21:10
Squirmyeah, updating the ISO before I load it21:10
Squirmand adding a few programs21:10
Kerberoiso on flashdrive?21:10
Squirmwill probably end up too big for the cd21:11
Squirmso will have to be21:11
Kerberoyou sure it works that way?21:11
SquirmI did it with 10.1021:12
Squirmso im just pretty much updating it, so I dont have to run the update each time21:12
Squirmwell, twice21:12
Squirmand I dont like empathy21:13
Squirmand I also dont like the face aptitude insnt preinstalled21:13
nuvolariempathy is really nice once you get used to it21:13
Squirmit doesnt work with mxit21:14
Kerberoi like my pidgin21:14
Kerberoi have three IM clients: xchat, pidgin, skype21:14
Kerberoused konversation for irc before21:14
Kerberobut changed to xchat now21:14
nuvolariye, hope I can do away with skype21:14
SquirmI use xchat pidgin and skype21:14
Squirmirssi pidgin and skype now21:15
nuvolariweechat, empathy, skype21:15
Kilosoidgin rocks21:15
Kilospidgin too\21:15
SquirmI dont know why I kinda like irsis21:15
nuvolariKilos: is that a pig crossed with a pidgin? :P21:15
nuvolarian oidgin21:15
nuvolariSquirm: tried weechat before?21:16
Squirmnuvolari: maybe once21:16
nuvolariI love any ncurses based app21:17
nuvolarincftp, weechat, ncmcpp21:17
Kilossuperfly, HSM violation21:17
Squirmand whats the point in Gwibber21:17
kbmonkeymyself! moc is my new music player :]21:17
SquirmI just use Rhytmbox21:18
Kilosand ata1.01 status {drdy df dr q err}21:18
SquirmSeaMonkey seems cool, but it kept crashing last time I tried it, which was admittedly over a year ago21:18
nuvolarisonata works well the day I don't want to use ncmcpp21:18
SquirmTomBoy is 2.8Mb :O21:19
KilosGood evening gentlemen, wolfeyes here , Kilos  is just away a bit.21:20
nuvolarikbmonkey: moc looks cool21:20
kbmonkeyused ncmcpp for long, got my scrobbling working with it too.21:20
nuvolariye, scrobbling was a PITA the first time I had to do with it21:21
nuvolariin general mpd is tops21:21
kbmonkeyIm busy keymapping moc so it has vi-like keys21:21
superflyKilos: what hardware is in that machine?21:21
Kilos2.4G intel cpu, Gigabyte mb, nvidia graphics card,  the rest is basic stuff.21:24
Kilos@ superfly 21:24
Kiloswe now trying kubuntu21:28
magellanichoi hoi21:30
Kiloskernel panic. not syncing21:32
Kilosits winsucks in the boot sector i am sure21:32
superflyKilos: that sounds like fairly standard hardware, not sure why it's panicing... do you have any additional hardware like a wireless network card?21:33
Kilosthere is a another card you plug a data card in to connect to the net but he doesnt use it21:35
Kilossuperfly, 21:35
superflyKilos: can you remove it?21:35
Kilosyes it out now21:35
Kiloswe try again21:36
magellanicso have free space you're installing to? along side win?21:36
magellanicand you're booting the livecd atm?21:37
Kilosand 400g in another partition21:37
magellanicoh okay21:37
Kilosthe prob is he wants to keep the xp there till he is used to 11.04 as he has work on it21:40
kbmonkeyit still panics, Kilos?21:41
Kiloskubuntu busy loading now we will see how far it gets this time21:41
* Symmetria hopes things don't go to hell after tomorrows elections21:42
* kbmonkey loves satsuma season21:42
magellanicKilos: fair enough21:42
KerberoSymmetria: why would it?21:43
magellanicso, is the DA promising more fiber? ;D21:44
Symmetriaheh Kerbero if the ANC loses as much ground as they are expected to in the muncipal elections21:46
Symmetriait opens the door for elements in the ANC to attempt to oust zuma and put themselves in power21:46
Symmetria(in the same way they ousted mbeki)21:46
kbmonkeyKilos, some older hw I found in the BIOS you change the drive mode to/from LBA. 21:46
Symmetriaexcept, those elements are... problematic 21:47
Symmetria(read MALEMA) 21:47
kbmonkeybe warned though that most likely xp will then complain, if at all21:47
Symmetriait depends just how much ground the ANC loses tomorrow and it could be substantial21:47
kbmonkeyand even more out-the-box, I recommend looking if there is a BIOS update for the pc too21:47
Kiloswill look at that if it crashes again ty kbmonkey 21:47
KerberoSymmetria: so you want me to vote ANC?21:47
kbmonkeyrarely so but I have had it that BIOS updates solves some hw/disk issues.21:48
SymmetriaKerbero hell no21:48
kbmonkeyI vote jedi21:48
SymmetriaI want the ANC gone, Im just worried about the trouble that may happen when they get their asses kicked as Im hoping they do in many places21:49
Kilossaid unable to read data cahe entry now it gone further21:49
Symmetriaheh, I think tomorrow the DA will retain capetown, they will either take PE outright, or they will take it with cope as a coalition, and there is a *BIG* chance of the DA taking joburg21:49
kbmonkeyKilos, does it look similar to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquashfsErrors21:50
* kbmonkey had kernel panic earlier trying to install openSuse :p21:51
Kilosnow we got to where it wants nm info but its behind a window with stripes across it and cant bring to the front21:53
Kilosian ticked and it went somewhere else got black screen with mouse showing but cd running so we will see21:54
Kilosyay we ghetting to nm21:55
kbmonkeywow. that doesnt sound good. 21:55
Kilosgetting too21:55
kbmonkeyhope it's not faulty hardware!21:55
Kilosaw its gone at+t21:55
Kilosdunno how to stop it so will start again21:56
Kilosamerican network provider21:57
Kilosnever got to choose sa21:57
Kilosmethinks maybe i use karmic and tell it to install grub21:58
Symmetriaheh AT&T used to own most of telkom :P22:03
* Symmetria has much hate22:03
Symmetriaactually though, I have to admit, I have only ever dealt with three providers who I actually like :P22:05
magellanicat&t owned telkom?22:05
Symmetriamagellanic yes, well, a LARGE portion of it22:05
magellanicwow didn't know22:06
Symmetriait was the siphoning of funds outta .za through telkom that funded the SBC/AT&T merge 22:06
Symmetria(basically, SBC owned telkom, they jacked up the prices, made a fortune, and used it to fund a merge with AT&T iirc)22:06
Kiloscant even run karmic live cd22:06
magellanicKilos: ?22:06
* Symmetria ordered himself a new machine today :P22:07
Kilosit hangs half way22:07
kbmonkeycan you verify the cd integrity?22:07
superflyKilos: use the alternate CD and do a text-based install22:07
* Symmetria thinks he better shuttup because he will get much hate in here if he talks about that machine :P22:07
Kilossure it ms stuff in boot sector meesing things up22:07
magellanicSymmetria: I hate you :D22:07
Kilosok superfly will try that22:07
Symmetriamagellanic hahaha if I tell you machine branding you will hate me more :P22:07
magellanicokay now I have to hear, I know it's apple22:08
kbmonkeyduring a boot yes sure but not during an installation?22:08
Symmetriahttp://www.digicape.co.za/storeview.php?product_id=59&tem_id=1 <=== I ordered the 27" i5 version of that :P 22:08
magellanicwhat did it cost?22:09
Symmetria20 grand :P22:09
magellanicouch. for home or work?22:09
Symmetriahome 22:09
Symmetriaheh, look at the screen resolutions though on that screen 22:09
Symmetria2560x1440 ftw :P 22:10
* marcog prefers dual 24"22:10
Symmetrialove apple, hate em, their screens are still some of the best anywhere22:10
Symmetriaheh marcog I have a 24" plugged into my 27" imac at work22:10
Symmetriaso run dual screen on top of that22:10
marcogdo you have the 24"s rotated?22:10
magellanicI choose to hate them, but yea their hardware is nice22:11
Symmetriaat home I already have a 27" apple screen on my normal machine, so will dual screen with that when the new machine arrives22:11
marcogi've seen someone with an apple 30" + 2 dell 24"s on the sides22:11
Symmetriato give me a total of 5120x2880 res 22:11
Symmetriamarcog yeah :)22:11
Symmetriamarcog heh, those apple screens are really really beautiful22:11
Symmetriathey are just $$$$$$$$$$$ if you buy the 30"22:11
marcogit's a pretty sweet setup that, but pricey very pricey22:12
Symmetria(30" apple screen = close to the full price of my imac) 22:12
DraZoroThat is a lot of pixels  Symmetria22:12
* kbmonkey just ate an apple. it was sweet and crunchy.22:12
SymmetriaDraZoro heh, its helpful when dealing with some of the diagrams I work on 22:12
magellanicwas just about to ask, what do you use them for22:12
SymmetriaI spend a LOT of them diagramming extremely large network builds, particularly at a logical layer22:12
magellanicbeside movies :D22:12
Symmetriaand those diagrams are like, huge22:13
Symmetria(which was another reason to buy apple, omnigraffle > * for diagramming)22:13
DraZoroI will like to experience such power one day Symmetria 22:13
Symmetriaheh omnigraffle is a *fraction* of the price of visio, and more powerful22:13
Symmetriahttp://networking.tenet.ac.za/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=l2_l3_resiliance <==== omnigraffle diagram I did :P22:14
Symmetria(thats a small one though)22:15
Kerberowhat's wrang with Dia?22:19
Symmetriaheh, its nowhere near powerful enough when it gets to really complex diagrams22:20
Kerberojust pulling your leg22:20
KerberoDia is crap22:20
Kerberoexcept if you really need to draw something qiuckly once22:20
Symmetriahttp://monitor.net.tenet.ac.za/cacti/graph_image.php?action=view&local_graph_id=517&rra_id=1 <=== heh, I see the astronomers are having fun again on my network 22:21
Symmetria1.3gigabit/second worth of white noise going to europe, man I love these guys22:21
KerberoSKA/meerKat stuff?22:21
Symmetria(and that data flow is LITERALLY white noise, they collect it off a telescope, send it to europe, overlap it with other white noise from other telescopes doing the same thing in real time, and since noise cancels noise, whats left is what they actually want)22:22
Squirmsleep well22:22
Symmetrianah, this is hartrao north west of pretoria 22:22
Kerberothe theory behind that is nice though22:22
Symmetriaheh evlbi experiments seriously though are kinda whack22:22
Symmetriaheh Kerbero yes, it just CHEWS bandwidth 22:22
* Kerbero likes22:22
Symmetriabecause the white noise has to be sent in real time 22:22
Kerberomoar bandmidth22:22
Symmetriaand its completely uncompressible22:23
SymmetriaLOL at the moment we have more the sufficient bandwidth and will have a ton more by feb if all goes according to plan :P22:23
Symmetriaheh, I have never yet managed to actually saturate our international bandwidth, its a sore point with me, that no matter hwo much I've tried in tests I cannot get enough data to actually saturate it in any meaningful way22:24
Symmetriaheh the test servers generally fall over long before the bandwidth does22:24
Kerberodoes your router's not have a bondwidth testing feature like mikrotik's22:25
Symmetriaheh, kerbero no, to get to that kinda speed you need proper (and very expensive) traffic generators22:26
Kerberolike me?22:26
Symmetriathe highest I've managed to sustain in a test myself was between mirror.ac.za and another similar spec box in europe, using UDP packets22:26
Symmetriagenerated by iperf22:26
Symmetriathat test I managed to do 8.2 sustained for 3 hours22:26
Symmetriaif I pushed the boxes any higher than 8.2 gig the servers themselves freaked out 22:27
Symmetriaheh, hold, will show you something kinda cool22:27
Kerberoand is it the same line as the one we see that hartao stuff on now?22:27
Kerberoso we are using like .15 of 822:28
Symmetriawatc this22:29
SymmetriaRemote file list:22:29
Symmetria  1) debian-6.0.1a-i386-DVD-1.iso                                    4662495232 bytes22:29
Symmetria4.6gig file right?22:29
Symmetriajust checking a setting real quick first22:29
SymmetriaTransfer complete. Flushing to disk and signaling server to stop...22:30
SymmetriaPC performance figure : 0 packets dropped (if high this indicates receiving PC overload)22:30
SymmetriaTransfer duration     : 54.99 seconds22:30
Symmetriaheh that was from london, without tweaking the settings 22:30
* Kerbero need to do the math quickly22:31
Symmetriaheh now to tweak the settings a bit22:31
Symmetria(last one was about 650mbit)22:31
Symmetriaheh Transfer duration     : 28.28 seconds22:31
SymmetriaFinal file rate       : 1257.94 Mbps22:31
Symmetriaheh, cant go much higher than that, the disks cap out :P22:31
Kerberoso the first one is 85.65MBytes/sec22:32
Kerberowhich is almost my hdd limit22:32
* DraZoro is amazed at such speeds 22:32
Symmetriayeah and the second one was 157.24MBytes/second 22:32
Kerberoand the secnond is 166.56MBytes/sec22:32
Kerberomath difference22:32
Symmetriawell, according to the speed the program reported in IP payload transfer22:33
Symmetriaits 157 22:33
Kerberoo, i guess i'll need to use the size in bytes22:33
Kerberomore accurate22:33
Symmetriaheh Kerbero its not a bad speed all the way from London22:34
Symmetriasince there is no way I could do that kinda speed even over my home lan22:34
Kerberook my math agrees: 157.23132MBytes/sec < My SSD's writing speed22:34
Kerberoit is awesome speed, but useless for anyone except for you22:35
Kerberoi hate it that our university throttles stuff22:36
Kerberoif i'm lucky i get 30KBytes/sec from the internet with a public IP22:37
Kerberootherwise i can get up to 1.2MByte/s via the proxy22:37
Symmetriabrb, reading a presentation... this is like... wow22:42
Symmetriaheh london internet exchange is going juniper22:45
* Symmetria is shocked22:45
Kerberoit's a Lie22:45
Symmetriaheh its a good thing22:51
Symmetriawe've had 2 many problems with the brocade LINX lan22:51
* Kerbero need to google juniper first22:51
Symmetriaheh we use a lot of juniper gear, its beautiful stuff22:51
Kerberono cisco's?22:52
Symmetriasignificantly cheaper than cisco, significantly less buggy than juniper22:52
Symmetriaand nicer CLI 22:52
Symmetriaheh, we have tons of cisco kit, and Im getting rid of it as fast as possible22:52
Symmetriacisco gear is *buggy*22:52
Symmetriaand full of problems22:52
Symmetriaheh, its not as bad as the alcatel stuff we use though22:52
Symmetriaheh kerbero, lemme show you something cool with the junipers quick22:53
Symmetriathis is a juniper right:22:53
SymmetriaHostname: JNB-PR122:53
SymmetriaModel: mx80-48t22:53
SymmetriaJUNOS Base OS boot [10.4R1.9]22:53
SymmetriaJUNOS Base OS Software Suite [10.4R1.9]22:53
Symmetrianow, watch this22:53
SymmetriaJNB-PR1> start shell22:54
Symmetria% uname -a22:54
SymmetriaJUNOS JNB-PR1 10.4R1.9 JUNOS 10.4R1.9 #0: 2010-12-04 09:58:24 UTC     builder@warth.juniper.net:/volume/build/junos/10.4/release/10.4R1.9/obj-powerpc/bsd/sys/compile/JUNIPER-PPC  powerpc22:54
Symmetriadoes that look familiar :P22:54
* magellanic smells freebsd22:54
Symmetriajunos = hugely hacked up freebsd that supports all the fancy hardware network processing cards etc that they stick in juniper routers22:55
Symmetria(and a ton of other network features built in specifically)22:55
Symmetriabut basically yes, junos was built on freebsd :P22:55
magellanicis junos open source22:55
Kerberopowerpc <- /me smells apple22:56
magellanicKerbero: nah apple have switched beds, now in bed with intel :p22:56
Symmetriaheh Kerbero power-pc is used in many things22:57
magellanicwho made powerpc processors, was it ibm?22:58
Kerberoso you can install ubuntu on the router?22:58
SymmetriaKerbero you gotta keep something in mind though, most of the trafic processing in modern routers isnt done on the cpus22:58
Symmetriaits done in hardware asics 22:58
SymmetriaKerbero technically yes you could22:58
Symmetriathough I could also just install gcc for freebsd on it22:58
Symmetriaand hte ports collection22:58
Symmetriaand then install irssi and irc from my router22:58
Symmetriait would make the worlds most expensive irc box22:58
Symmetriaheh, look at this:22:59
Symmetriacisco CRS-16/S (7457) processor with 4194304K bytes of memory.22:59
Symmetria7457 processor at 1197Mhz, Revision 1.222:59
Symmetria4 Management Ethernet22:59
Symmetria12 DWDM controller(s)22:59
Symmetria28 TenGigE22:59
Symmetria^^^ thats the large cisco core router, heh, RiSC cpu in there22:59
Symmetriaand that box runs QNX as a base system23:00
Kerberothat is enormous23:00
Symmetriaheh not really, technically the device is capable of around 50 with zero oversub if we fully populated it 23:01
Symmetriaand with a minor upgrade, you could take that to 100 :P23:01
Kerberowhat physical technology is the 10gigs23:01
Symmetria28 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces23:01
Symmetria26 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces23:01
Symmetriaheh thats another router we have23:01
Symmetriaits all fiber 23:01
Kerberowhat is the difference between the dwdm and 10gig then?23:02
Symmetria10gigE has ethernet packet frame encapsulation on it and generally runs at either 1310 or 1550 nm wavelength23:02
SymmetriaDWDM is tuneable optical wavelength 23:02
Symmetriaand doesnt have the encapsulation overhead23:02
Symmetriathe idea behind the DWDM in the router itself, is you can feed multiple different wavelengths into a multiplexer and then down a single fiber 23:03
Symmetriaand instead of the traditional way of the dwdm system demultiplexing and pushing out ethernet, which requires expensive transponders, you skip the push out ethernet segment and the electrical conversion23:04
Symmetriaand run the light directly off the optical mux/demux23:04
Kerberook, so is seacom one physical fiber with dwdm?23:04
Symmetria4 physical fibers (2 pairs, fiber is almost always done in pairs, a send and a receive)23:05
Symmetriathey run 2 pairs because they break each pair at different countries, so you can have more resilience 23:05
SymmetriaWACS will be 4 pairs I think 23:05
Kerberoand tenet may use certain wavelengths?23:06
Symmetriathey decide on the wavelength, they hand us off at 1550nm having already done the mux/demux, but yeah, we have enough wavelength space to do 10G23:06
Symmetriabut they can figure out which wave they actually want us on for that 10G23:06
Symmetriak, Im off for a smoke then bed :) gotta travel in the morning23:07
magellaniclater Symmetria 23:07
magellanicwhere you travelling?23:07
Symmetriajust joburg23:08
Symmetriatill saturday23:08
Symmetriagot meetings23:08
Symmetriagnight :)23:08
magellanicokay cool23:08
nuvolarinight everyone23:14

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