
* szal has 3 cores and 7 GB of RAM.. in 2 PCs ;)00:00
WilliamGatesIIII dont wanna get cocky, but i made Starcraft II play on an old 1.73GHz Celeron... with wine and stuff00:00
myrkWilliamGatesIII, I've been using the default Ubuntu driver00:00
Dexohow big do u recommend?00:00
KM0201Dexo: have you partitioned your computer/installed linux before?  its not that difficult.00:00
yigalDexo: just relax and partition, I say00:00
creatureHello. Since upgrading to 11.04, my xmodmap settings aren't being honoured. I've found some bug reports about this, but can't seem to find any suggestions as to what's changed in 11.04 about keyboard handling. Any suggestions?00:00
* OttifantSir has 17 cores and apx 14 GB RAM in 7 PCs00:00
HBJordan_U,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608712/00:00
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: In that case, you oughta give a shot to madwifi. 'Tis here -> http://madwifi-project.org/00:00
zvacetDexo: how much space can you give to ubuntu00:01
myrkWilliamGatesIII, is that supposed to solve my problems? does it have its own drivers?00:01
Dexowell i have 305gb free on this drive00:01
phunyguyanyone having issues with a USB keyboard waking a sleeping ubuntu machine?00:01
phunyguynone of my PCs wake up via USB keyboard00:01
phunyguyps2 works however00:02
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: Yes. I also happened to have a Toshiba Laptop with SuSE on it, and these drivers worked magnificently.00:02
phunyguyany ideas?00:02
szalDexo: 10-15 GB for /, 1-1.5 times as much as you have RAM for swap, as much as you want for /home00:02
Jordan_UHB: What Windows partition were you trying to access and how were you trying to access it?00:02
myrkWilliamGatesIII, ok, thanks, I'll try that.00:02
KM0201Dexo: well, on my dual boot machine, i have a 25gig "/" ... where everthing is kept for the most part, and its got 19gigs free... so.. (all my music, etc.. is kep ton another partition)00:02
WilliamGatesIIImyrk: No problemo :)00:02
zvacetDexo: 10-15GB for /root  2-4 for ram rest for /home partition let somebody correct me if I´m wrong00:02
zvacet*not ram swap00:03
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: does it happen when u disconnect the USB keyboard?00:03
KM0201zvacet: i wouldn't bother creating a separate /home.. but thats just my personal opinion... i never do.00:03
HBJordan_U, all of them.. none open... i was trying to mount them by console... also by the left menu / rigth click / Mount .... byt nothing seems to work00:03
phunyguywhat do you mean disconnect, WilliamGatesIII?00:03
phunyguywhen its sleeping?00:03
flowbee__getting Waiting for sound system to respond ... with i go to pref => sound.  tried to remove pulse audio and go to alsa00:03
yigalflowbee__: why?00:04
zvacetKM0201. I always does and have good experience with that00:04
yigalflowbee__: have you removed pulseaudio?00:04
Jordan_UHB: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/"?00:04
flowbee__yigal, yes; i was getting horrible scratchy sounds during playback00:04
flowbee__whether through headphones/speakrs local/remote00:04
yigalflowbee__: ok, so now you are using alsa?00:04
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: When you remove it from the USB port00:04
flowbee__yigal, id like to yes00:04
KM0201zvacet: lol, i9'm not saying there's not good reason to, i jus tnever do... i keep such thorough backups (including a couple of specific folders in /home... so i can restore them)... it's kinda pointless for me to do it.00:04
OttifantSirKM0201: My reason for creating a separate 7home is that even if I mess up the system irreperably, I know I can get my files out with a Live CD or SystemRescueCD00:04
phunyguyi try not to remove the keyboard if i dont have to....00:05
yigalflowbee__: well what is the problem? just no sound at all now?00:05
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: that happens to every OS, even M$ Windoz00:05
OttifantSir7home = /home00:05
KM0201OttifantSir: a separate /home really doesn't change that...00:05
phunyguynot sure what you are getting at00:05
HBJordan_U,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608721/00:05
KM0201OttifantSir: even if home is not on a separate partition, you can still use a live cd to get your files... i've done it several times00:05
zvacetKM0201: you took different path that is all  :)00:05
phunyguyyou mean disconnect it and plug it back in to get it to work?00:05
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: i want to know what you do with the keyboard that makes the pc awake again00:05
KM0201zvacet: pretty much..t hast what i'm saying, i don't have an issue w/ /home on a separate partition, i've just not found it necessary.. :)00:05
flowbee__yigal, i can get sound via flash applications.  just not on on other apps like audcious:  ALSA errorsnd_pcm_open failed: No such file or directory.00:05
yigalflowbee__: to be honest your pulse set up sounds more like you had a microphone on00:06
OttifantSirKM0201: In most cases, yes. And I haven't met a computer yet that couldn't. But I like the added safety.00:06
yigalflowbee__: do you know how to use the command line?00:06
flowbee__yigal, yup00:06
zvacetKM0201: and if somebody partition for first time I believe it is not good in backup and restore process00:06
yigalflowbee__: have you installed alsamixer?00:06
KM0201OttifantSir: then why are you usin that as your reasoning to put /home on a separate partition?   there's a lot better reasons (and benefits that actually exist) to doing /home on a separate partition.00:07
phunyguyWilliamGatesIII: I press the power button00:07
flowbee__yigal, yup00:07
sroy2yigal: I think I do - "sudo rm -rf /*" is how you upgrade to the newest version of ubuntu right ;)00:07
phunyguybecause the keyboard doesnt work to wake it00:07
KM0201zvacet: by the same token, w/ /home on a separate partition, if they've really whacked something up.. restoring stuff from the old home, could be just as problematic00:07
OttifantSirKM0201: Because it's late, I'm tired, my mind is slow, and it was what I could think of00:07
phunyguysroy2: touch $000:08
yigalsroy2: no, no that's sudo shred -f /00:08
phunyguy(geek humor)00:08
KM0201OttifantSir: i understand that, but my point is... thast not really a benefit of /home.. as you can access any partition from a live cd, and recover ata... it doesn't matter if home is on a separate partition or not... i just didn't understand what you were syaing.. because really what you said, is not true.00:08
yigalflowbee__: ok, so what does alsamixer look like then?00:08
zvacetKM0201: agree  8-)00:08
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:08
flowbee__yigal, looks good;  and works to to control the sound00:08
phunyguywhich command? the rm one?00:09
Jordan_Uyigal: sroy2: Mallicious commands are not welcome here, even jokingly.00:09
yigalflowbee__: are there any mutings? M00:09
Jordan_Uphunyguy: rm and shred.00:09
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: Now YOU confused me... if you press the power button, its likely to awake the machine, sure...00:09
phunyguyahh ok.00:09
phunyguyyes, but thats not always convenient, WilliamGatesIII00:09
yigalJordan_U: it was directed at each other, nor were those malicious commands?00:09
flowbee__yigal, yes;  mutes are mic mic boost video phone s/pdif s/pdif t pc speak00:09
yigalflowbee__: hmm00:09
phunyguyhence why i would rather use the keyboard, which doesnt work at all.00:10
mneorrHi, can anyone help me with a quick SSD question?00:10
szal!ask | mneorr00:10
ubottumneorr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
yigalflowbee__: I'm sorry I'm so used to using pulseaudio it's been years since I've used alsa00:10
LuizCBhow can i effectively change default monitor position? - the monitor on top keeps acting as default, position 1 - with main screen in it (menus, etc) when it should be 2. This is bugging me for a couple days. current xorg.conf -> http://pastebin.com/8R6Bfqvi00:10
flowbee__yigal, yeah i just got sick of hearing it be scratchy00:10
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: Try this thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-45368.html00:10
yigalflowbee__: what computer, sound card is it?00:11
OttifantSirAnyone know of a way to edit the title, artist, editor, or what not of video-files (Except .mkv as I can use mkvtoolnix for that)? Preferably a GUI, but I'm not too afraid of the terminal if someone has a script or an easier way than using FFMpeg or MEncoder, like a CLI-program00:11
flowbee__yigal, custom build; sound blaster live00:11
yigalflowbee__: oh, ok, sorry I remember having problems of these sort but I don't know how I fixed them00:11
KSHawkEyeDoes anyone know of a command that can convert unix text files to windows text files? I'm having issues with the newline differences00:11
mneorrok tnx. So I've installed a Intel X25m 120gb, runnitg Natty. I've added discard flag in fstab , and tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim method to verify that trim is working. But no luck, I still see values instead of zeros :(00:12
yigalflowbee__: what is the error you get when you try to use audacious or other application utilizing sound?00:12
phunyguyWilliamGatesIII: sorry maybe there is still some confusion, I'm not trying to never use the power button again, I simply just want to be able to wake the PC by slappin the space bar.00:12
phunyguythats all.00:12
HBJordan_U,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/608721/                                 <<<--- i-m i f*ck up ?00:12
yigalphunyguy: it would be cool to wake the computer up by just slapping it.00:12
WilliamGatesIIIyigal: http://instantrimshot.com/00:13
KM0201WilliamGatesIII: lol00:13
yigalI know my jokes are corny, my apologies00:14
phunyguycorny jokes welcome00:14
WilliamGatesIIIHB: Protip - If you wanna swear, use cyrillic letters00:14
sroy2why does ubuntu add the entire old windows file structure when I install "ubuntu side by side" ? I mean everything like my documents and shit that windows7 doesn't use?00:14
LAcanhow do I reload my fstab?00:15
yigalsroy2: I think there's a setting for importing your old documents00:15
sroy2mount -a00:15
yigalsroy2: you can explicitly tell it to NOT do that on the install00:15
yigalsroy2: this is the graphical installer00:15
Jordan_UHB: Can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/mounts"?00:15
KM0201sroy2: reload the windows file structure?.. i have no idea what you're talking about..00:15
sroy2yigal: that sucks... time to wipe two installs... the windows7 and the ubuntu :(00:15
phunyguyI think I have been forgotten00:16
mneorrI'll try again, I've got no answer..  I've installed a Intel X25m 120gb, runnitg Natty. I've added discard flag in fstab , and tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim method to verify that trim is working. But no luck, I still see values instead of zeros00:16
=== ubuntu is now known as wideyes
yigalsroy2: it's going to happen eventually :D00:16
WilliamGatesIIIphunyguy: Oh, sorry. I'll try and google something...00:17
phunyguyi wasnt asking for help initially btw,00:17
phunyguyi was asking if ANYONE ELSE was having the issue00:17
phunyguyif you would kindly scroll up00:17
szal!poll | phunyguy00:17
ubottuphunyguy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:17
sroy2hmm thats weird... when I go to windows it doesn't see the old structure but when its mounted in ubuntu... it does?00:17
phunyguythats not a poll....00:17
vladikoffwhen I plug-in an external monitor to my ubuntu laptop (11.04) I get a black bar on my laptop screen, about 400px from top, is there a fix?00:18
yigalszal: or at least not a poll on how good a particular application is vs. other similar purposed software00:18
phunyguyand i had googled the issue recently, and led to a broken system by installing another power management package.00:18
Jordan_Uphunyguy: This channel is only for support. Anything else is offtopic.00:18
phunyguythat IS support00:18
phunyguybut I am NOT asking for google links00:19
itaylor57KSHawkEye: you need to install fromdos and todos, no dos2unix on ubuntu00:19
phunyguyI was asking if anyone could relate to myissue and how they fixed or IF they fixed.00:19
LjLphunyguy: i'm not sure i understood what you're asking from the scrollback, but if you want to wake your computer via the keyboard, i think that's a BIOS issue not really something you can control from ubuntu00:19
LAcanhow do I reload my fstab?00:19
phunyguythere is a good answer, thank you LjL00:19
LjLphunyguy: if you mean waking from standby/suspend, at least00:19
phunyguyi checked bios and couldnt find an option, so if that is that, then I am happy.00:20
DinVitaminHow can I find the IPs of all devices on my local network?00:20
DinVitaminLocal IPs, that is00:20
cmdbbqi have an asus eee pc 1000 running 11.04 that does not seem to recognize the sd card reader, despite the website assuring me that the only documented hardware issues are with the internet devices. can anyone help me?00:20
LjLphunyguy: it's possible (but don't spend the money for a new keyboard just to try this) that if you have a PS/2 keyboard, then using a USB keyboard instead will have it wake the computer.00:21
LorathalIm using Ubuntu 11.10 and i installed my Nvidia drivers but it says its activated but not being used ;( what should i do?00:21
mneorrsame problem here00:21
[dlp]Any ideas on how to repair my apt/dpkg DB?00:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:21
mneorr(probably you're on 11.04)00:21
yigalphunyguy: are you attempting to hit a the space bar to wake your computer from sleep?00:21
phunyguyLjL, the issue is with a USB keyboard, PS2 works fine.00:22
LjLphunyguy: have you already seen the output of "cat /proc/acpi/wakeup" also?00:22
phunyguyyigal, yes00:22
mneorrLorathal: I think it's using them for real but it just says wrong00:22
yigalphunyguy: so PS2 keyboard wakes your computer?00:22
phunyguyyigal, yes again00:22
* LAcan mount -a , yay00:22
OttifantSirDinVitamin: If you have access to your router's GUI, and they are connected, they should all be listed there somewhere. Wireshark is a program that does incredible network things I'm told, so you might try that if you don't have access to your router. Other than that, go to each device and try to find them manually in the devices' setup.00:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:23
DinVitaminOttifantSir: I don't, I thought there was a command along the lines of "ping -b" that shows all devices00:23
LjLphunyguy: i'm reading from forums that if you enable the right device in /proc/acpi/wakeup, then that might let it wake up the system00:23
phunyguyarp -a lists devices recently contacted in the same subnet....00:23
phunyguyok LjL, thanks00:24
n-iCedoes 11.04 comes with Alfa Network AWUS036H USB wireless adaptor with a Realtek chipset RTL8187L driver?00:24
phunyguyLjL, HAH! There it is!00:24
yigalphunyguy: so what's is in cat /proc/acpi/wakeup ?00:24
phunyguyI see a USB entry as disabled00:25
OttifantSirDinVitamin: There are several commands, of which I remember none. Wireshark has the possibility of scanning your network and give you more information than you know what to do with, though not very easy to start using IMHO.00:25
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*00:26
LjLphunyguy: let me know if it wakes it... at least if i'm awake myself ;)00:26
LjL!msg the bot | cosmo00:26
ubottucosmo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:26
airtonixcurse the 'freezing of tasks failed' /rageface00:27
juddwestwow are we quite right now00:27
airtonixxd, switch user then switch back solved it00:28
juddwestseems that nearly everyone here is a CARDBOARD CUTOUT00:29
yigaljuddwest: hey man speak for yourself00:29
LjLjuddwest: do you have a support question?00:29
phunyguyLjL, not sure i want to modify this file, it seems very dynamic00:30
n-iCedoes 11.04 comes with Alfa Network AWUS036H USB wireless adaptor with a Realtek chipset RTL8187L driver?00:30
juddwestIs there any way to disable untiy sidebar?00:30
phunyguyi went to save it and it told me it had been modified since last save00:30
LjLphunyguy: well more than modifying it you should just echo name-of-device >/proc/acpi/wakeup, i believe00:30
phunyguythe device is in there, LjL, as disabled00:31
LjLjuddwest: uhm, you can avoid showing it when you move the mouse to the edge, but i think that's it00:31
yigalphunyguy: it will be fine, the system will rewrite at boot00:31
LjLphunyguy: you shouldn't modify it like that00:31
yigalphunyguy: try the echo business and c if it works00:31
yigalsudo echo "USB<number of device>" > /proc/acpi/wakeup00:32
LjLphunyguy: just do like "echo UHC1 > /proc/acpi/wakeup" (assuming UHC1 is the device in question)00:32
juddwestSo, I'm stuck with a Mac-like springboard, that really just makes me mad.00:32
LjLphunyguy: as root of course00:32
juddwestLooks like I'm switching back to 10.1000:32
LjL!classic | juddwest00:32
ubottujuddwest: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.00:32
juddwestWait, what was the last LTS release?00:32
LjLjuddwest: 10.0400:32
yigaljuddwest: read the bots comment00:33
juddwestWait, u can?00:33
yigaljuddwest: of course00:33
juddwestgreat, gonna give that a go, cheers!00:33
* juddwest haz a happy00:33
phunyguyLjL, permission denied with sudo00:34
yigalphunyguy: you have to either use "tee" or sudo -s00:34
LjLphunyguy: don't use sudo, use "sudo -i" and then type that, or alternatively you can "sudo -c sh" but meh that's more complicated than it's worth :P00:34
yigalphunyguy: that will let you be root00:34
yigalLjL: sudo -i ?00:34
OttifantSirAnyone know of a way to edit the title, artist, editor, or what not of video-files (Except .mkv as I can use mkvtoolnix for that)? Preferably a GUI, but I'm not too afraid of the terminal if someone has a script or an easier way than using FFMpeg or MEncoder, like a CLI-program that takes the filename and changes the title-tag00:34
pfifosudo -l00:34
phunyguymust have selected the wrong decive00:35
yigalpfifo: not really useful in the context00:35
phunyguywoke up instantly, lol00:35
phunyguyhow do i tell which device id is the keyboard? i can see the entry in lsusb but the naming scheme is different00:36
horsianyone know if its possible to change the icon of a shortcut/link in the unity bar? I created a new launcher with the correct icon set, dragged it into unity and its back to the default launcher icn00:37
LjLyigal: sudo -i is much like sudo -s, except it sets up the env variables differently. i don't think it makes a difference in this case00:37
n-iCeSi me da problemas después de usarlo, pongo: sudo iwconfig rate wlan2 auto ?00:38
n-iCedoes 11.04 comes with Alfa Network AWUS036H USB wireless adaptor with a Realtek chipset RTL8187L driver?00:38
yigalLjL: ah, ty just read the manual :)00:38
phunyguyhow do i tell which device id is the keyboard? i can see the entry in lsusb but the naming scheme is different00:39
=== NuserONEr is now known as NuserONE
=== NuserONE is now known as NuserONEr
=== NuserONEr is now known as NuserONE
k2nxfanyone know any good articles on recompiling OSS modules into natty?00:41
=== NuserONE is now known as NuserONEr
yigalphunyguy: I'm not sure if this is safe, though I can't imagine why it isn't, just a warning,00:41
yigalphunyguy: cd into /dev00:41
yigalphunyguy: ls usbmon*00:41
yigalphunyguy: what do you have?00:42
phunyguyusbmon0 through 400:42
yigalphunyguy: now, "sudo cat usbmon0" for the first test00:42
bgilbhi guys, i recently hand to change back mouses to a 300dpi mouse and the sensitivty is unbearably slow even with it set to maximum00:42
yigalphunyguy: and see if every press of the keyboard makes lots of stuff come out00:43
bgilbi've tried a number of custom ways to set the sensitivity and none of them have worked. this is ubuntu 10.10. any help appreciated00:43
phunyguyas well as some stuff withoutkeypresses00:43
yigalphunyguy: no, you want something that only spits out stuff when you press the key00:43
yigalphunyguy: a key00:43
elkybgilb, including the system> preferences> mouse menu?00:43
yigalphunyguy: so try usbmon100:43
bgilbelky : yeah its at maximum00:43
bgilbi've tried x set00:44
LoshkiOttifantSir: have you looked at ffmpeg -metadata ?00:44
phunyguyyigal, usbmon4 is it00:44
yigalphunyguy: excellent, so try that with the echo, echo USB4 > ...00:45
phunyguyhmmm probably should have reset the file from the last time, any easy way to do that?00:45
phunyguyit came right back up instantly00:46
yigalphunyguy: I'm not sure, but I would like to know, you might have to restart your computer :(00:46
phunyguyalright, restarting (its not this PC)00:46
=== Programmer is now known as Guest51545
yigalphunyguy: cool, well that makes things a bit easier00:47
ThisDB/me is away00:48
yigalphunyguy: just check that the keyboard really is still at usbmon4, before echo00:48
phunyguyyigal, its back to normal00:48
C1iFFdoes the alternate Ubuntu 11.04 installer also provide the 'try' or Live CD option when you run it?00:48
phunyguyand i will check00:49
_InterestingI downloaded the Ubuntu .iso to my USB, extacted using the program recommended on Ubuntu.com, and now it's giving me install errors.00:49
_InterestingI'm currently running it off of USB00:49
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
vladikoffwoah 11.04 dual-screen is failing me hard right now00:50
phunyguythat didnt work, yigal00:50
cosmoxdcc list00:51
phunyguyand what i echo'd isnt in the file00:51
cosmo#xdcc list00:51
yigalphunyguy: what did you echo?00:51
cosmo!xdcc lisd00:51
phunyguyecho USB4 > /proc/acpi/wakeup00:51
cosmo!xdcc list00:51
tanathanyone know how to get microphone working with wine? (steam in particular)00:52
cosmo@xdcc list00:52
yigalphunyguy: what does your wakeup file look like, pastebin it?00:52
dios_mio!list | cosmo00:52
ubottucosmo: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:52
dios_mio_Interesting, use a real image bin00:54
bgilbis it impossible to set a custom mouse sensitivity?00:56
phunyguyyigal: Is it possible that it is looking for a PCI device like the USB root hub or something?00:57
tanathbgilb, you can set mouse sensitivity is Mouse Preferences00:57
yigalphunyguy: possibly, this is out of my league00:58
phunyguyi will poke around with it00:58
bgilbtanath: it is already at maximum and is still too slow00:58
tanathbgilb, all the way to the left?00:58
yigalok, good luck, when you find the answer please tell me, I'd really like to know00:59
bgilball the way set to high00:59
etoddbroadcom driver help on Dell laptop00:59
mneorr I've installed a Intel X25m 120gb, runnitg Natty. I've added discard flag in fstab , and tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim method to verify that trim is working. But no luck, I still see values instead of zeros01:00
tanathbgilb, put it to the left01:00
bgilbno change at all01:00
nit-wit using lubuntu natty what is the save session settings protocol01:00
yigalphunyguy: oh I found out how to disable an enabled device, just echo the same thing again01:00
tanathbgilb, try acceleration all the way to the right, and sensitivity all the way to the left01:00
yigalphunyguy: echo the enabled device to disable it, that is01:01
tanathbgilb, and tell me if you notice a difference01:01
hd1holy scroll batman! <g>01:01
aauthorHey everyone.  I have a Dell Latitude e6500.  Almost everything is working, but I'd like to have more custom configuration of my trackpad and trackpoint mouse.  Does anyone know if there's a package I can install to do this?01:01
bgilbthat worked01:01
tanathbgilb, you're right, i think the labels are backwards for sensitivity01:02
* hd1 is trying to configure cups-pdf on a remote server -- read no GUI tools installed... anyone done this?01:02
yigalphunyguy: or perhaps not?01:02
vladikoffI'm running 11.04 on a ThinkPad x61 (Intel video card), I'm having issues with dual screen , when an app is maximized on the second monitor it maximizes to like 20% of the screen. I've updated to the latest Intel drivers, but no luck, any tips?01:02
bgilbi can' tell it is acceleration though because it moves fast only when i make long strides01:02
eiriksvinquestion about Firefox in Ubuntu: does Start Private Browsing really give you anonymity?01:02
bgilblike exponential01:02
nor42eiriksvin: there is no anonymous browsing in the internet.. this is only local..01:03
kbrosnaneiriksvin: no it prevents local data storage01:03
eiriksvinso in order to become anonymous i have to use a proxy? is there such a proxy for ubuntu?01:04
nor42eiriksvin: you can try TOR01:05
tanatheiriksvin, proxies aren't necessarily sufficient either01:05
phunyguywas just gonna suggest TOR01:05
bgilblooks like theres several threads on this issue with no answers; darn this sicks01:05
m477i dont have subtitles in VLC, any ideas why?01:05
phunyguylol sicks01:05
Viking667hm. Seems really quiet today.01:05
eiriksvinhmm Tor isn't available for Firefox 4+01:05
tanathm477, turned off? filename not same?01:05
m477tanath: no01:06
pfifom477, enable a subtitle track01:06
tanathm477, load manually?01:06
m477tanath: yes01:06
m477pfifo: what do you mean01:06
tanatheiriksvin, tor is available for whatever you pipe through it01:06
yigalphunyguy: enabling and disabling is toggled by the echo01:06
pfifom477, turn subtitles on01:06
phunyguyok. yigal, but it resets on a restart...01:07
tanatheiriksvin, browsers can be configured to use proxies01:07
m477pfifo: lol it is01:07
phunyguyand who knows when else01:07
tanatheiriksvin, for apps that can't, you can set your network settings to use it01:07
pfifom477, missing font?01:07
phunyguyseems more like a bandaid01:07
yigalphunyguy: so you can at least play with enabling and disabling until you find which device actually is the keyboard01:07
m477pfifo: i dont thinks so01:07
yigalphunyguy: though there must be a better way to find out than this01:08
phunyguyi tried both USB devices in there, one was a nogo, and the other woke instantly01:08
pfifom477, does it work in other videos?01:08
Viking667gah. Lost whatever replies there were...01:08
phunyguyas soon as it slept it came back up01:08
m477pfifo: i suppose i have arial01:08
m477pfifo: no01:08
WinCamXPquick question01:08
yigalphunyguy: you know I have a USB mouse, keyboard and my /proc/acpi/wakeup has no USB device in it01:08
WinCamXPcan you run Ubuntu Server on a semi-old standard desktop PC?01:09
phunyguyyeah i think its the hubs01:09
phunyguyWinCamXP: depends on how old i guess01:09
Viking667WinCamXP: define "semi-old"?01:09
KM0201WinCamXP: i don't see why you couldn't.. how "semi old" is old01:09
m477pfifo: it works in other player01:09
pfifom477, the font.ttf needs to be in the configuration directory, your probbally missing the font if its all videos01:09
seidosWinCamXP: try it and find out01:09
eiriksvinhmm i have found tor, but its not going to be an easy install01:09
m477pfifo: so i dont have arial? ~~01:09
WinCamXPwell...it has (i think) 512mb of ram and it is using xp now01:10
soapieeiriksvin: what are you trying to do01:10
jnlsnl_How can I use "Content Access" per node ?01:10
WinCamXPi was gonna format it to run my minecraft server01:10
Viking667WinCamXP: hm. Light, but would do01:10
jnlsnl_I cant find the option anywhere01:10
pfifom477, why dont you check and see ;)01:10
yigalphunyguy: but while all of mine are disabled I can wake my computer with the usb keyboard01:10
yigalphunyguy: yes01:10
phunyguygrrr.... lol01:10
WinCamXPso i could do it?01:10
WinCamXPhow about a VNC thing along with it?01:11
phunyguythere has to be another method of config01:11
phunyguysome daemon that is running01:11
WinCamXPwhat happens if that computer has a similar network card that mine has (broadcom)...grrrrrr01:11
yigalphunyguy: yes, most likely01:11
m477pfifo: any other ideas?01:12
=== blake_ is now known as blake
WinCamXPbasically, I want to run a Minecraft server and some VNC thing to control it. It's got 512mb of RAM, so how good is that?01:12
pfifom477, run vlc from cli and find the error message01:12
phunyguyhmmm @ UPower01:13
bgilbis it possible for xorg.conf to take of the mouse instead of gnome control center?01:13
bgilbso that i can set custom attributes01:13
chotazhey everyone, has anyone isntalled Vuze 4.6 on Ubuntu 11.04(Natty)?01:13
bgilbtake over*01:13
WinCamXPbasically, I want to run a Minecraft server and some VNC thing to control it. It's got 512mb of RAM, so how good is that? ... and it would work with Ubuntu Server, right?01:13
m477pfifo: console?01:14
tanathanyone know how to get microphone working with wine? (steam in particular)01:14
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
pfifoWinCamXP, you should be fine01:14
WinCamXPreal quick01:14
pfifom477, yes run it at the console/terminal01:14
WinCamXPcan you use different VNC programs?01:14
Logan_!vnc | WinCamXP01:14
ubottuWinCamXP: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:14
pfifoWinCamXP, use ssh, you DONT want x11 on  a server01:15
WinCamXPlike TightVNC on the server and RealVNC on my comp?01:15
YounderHurray.. Fixed NVIDEA interrupt error. Installed latest updates and change bck to the old driver. Now unity works fine.01:15
m477pfifo: lol u had right http://wklej.org/id/530842/01:15
pfifom477, I know01:15
m477pfifo: how to change it?01:15
m477pfifo: i mean where are fonts :<01:16
YounderIn fact everything works..01:16
pfifom477, you need to put airal.ttf into ~/.vlc or something like that, I do not know the exacts01:16
chotazDoes anyone use Vuze?01:16
nit-witusing lubuntu natty what is the save session settings protocol01:16
WinCamXPcan you shut a computer down via vnc/ssh?01:17
yigalphunyguy: try UCH101:17
seidosWinCamXP: yes, from command line sudo shutdown -r now01:17
m477pfifo: do you know where i have to search for fornts?01:18
yigalphunyguy: I mean UCH4]01:18
yigalphunyguy: UCH4, sorry01:18
phunyguydoh :P01:18
pfifom477, vlc online docs should have info about how to configure it to find a font01:19
tanathanyone know how to get microphone working with wine? (steam in particular)01:19
WinCamXPcould I install this on the server01:19
jamiewantanath, why?01:19
tanathchotaz, nope. deluge01:19
jsecWinCamXP: You don't want VNC on a server.01:19
tanathjamiewan, why do i want my microphone working?01:19
WinCamXPok how easy is ssh to set up?01:19
jsecWinCamXP: very01:19
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:20
phunyguyyigal: that didnt change anything in the wakeup file01:20
jnlsnl_I'm using the "Access content" module. How can I show nodes in the menu, even though anonymous users cant access them? I still want users to know the nodes exist, I just want to show some sort of "access denied" message when they try to actually view it01:20
jamiewantanath,  sorry typed in wrong window,01:20
yigalphunyguy: try suspending though01:20
tanathjamiewan, ah01:20
phunyguydid, nogo01:20
yigaldarn it01:21
yigalphunyguy: did you already paste your 'sudo lspci'?01:23
phunyguynope, need it?01:23
dboyjIs there a way I can trippleboot or quad boot?01:24
dboyjto the same harddrive??01:24
yigalphunyguy: I think it could help01:24
squonk_I've never heard of it being done.01:24
phunyguyalright give me a bit, i will ding ya01:24
squonk_I think you can only dual boot.01:24
sroy2does anyone recognize the "(firefox-bin:1669):LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed" error... tried to run firefox on ubuntu off the windows profile (I've done it on different computers before) but it failed this time.01:24
pfifo!info popularity-contest01:25
ubottupopularity-contest (source: popularity-contest): Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.51ubuntu1 (natty), package size 29 kB, installed size 192 kB01:25
jsecsquonk_: dboyj: you can01:25
grpaceGreetings to all!  I have a system performance question.  I'd like to see if anyone has any ideas.  Running Ubuntu 10.04.  When 1st installed, it ran great!  But, now it seems to be getting slower and slower.  About 30% of the time, the windows are grayed-out, and the system is hitting the hard drive constantly.  I notice this more often wheen Firefox is running.  Any ideas??  Do I need to increase the swap partition ??  Thanks.01:25
dboyjI want to have Win 7 - Win XP - Ubuntu 11.4 Gnome3 - Pinguy Linux Gnome 2 all on one disk / grub menu01:25
phunyguyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/608746 - yigal01:25
ernescomo se usa esto01:25
kbrosnansroy2: are you trying to run windows firefox?01:25
ernesno entiendo01:26
squonk_Thanks jsec01:26
jsecdboyj: google around for it. someone's done something similar before i'm sure01:26
sroy2kbrosnan: nope, the ubuntu with the windows profile01:26
lokopexwena wena01:26
dboyjNot even grub2 has the option for booting 4 OS's01:26
squonk_True. Just when you think it can't be done... ;)01:26
pfifo!google | jsec01:26
ubottujsec: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.01:26
jsecpfifo: >_< k01:27
dboyjthanks I already gooogled it but I cant seem to find an answer01:27
dboyjjust want to see if it has been personally done (triple boot)01:27
squonk_actually... I've been burying my nose in all the whitepapers I can find just so I can kinda figure some of this out for my self.01:27
squonk_Figure that's the best way.01:27
squonk_But I hang out here cause ya'll ask really GOOD questions.01:28
dboyjSo how is everyone getting used to the new GNOME 301:28
Petrihello Ubuntu Peoples01:28
pfifodboyj, i have had quad-boot windows/ubuntu/ubuntu/bsd01:28
jsecI've done a triple boot of OSX, XP, Ubuntu before. It's all about ordering. Windows doesn't like being installed to anything other than a "primary" partition01:28
kbrosnansroy2: there is path specific info in the profile, as well as caching that is per os. while it may be possible to run the same profile on both operating systems it is not supported01:28
jsecdboyj: I'm not a fan. At all. Slows me down.01:28
squonk_dunno is that what came with my 11.03 build?01:28
Petrii need help01:28
dboyjpfifo I want to quad boot really bad- can you give me a link or explanation01:28
squonk_Petri: just go ahead and post your question, kk?01:29
WinCamXPwould an old toshiba laptop (256mb ram i think) explode or fail horribly with ubuntu server/minecraft server?01:29
wojoxPetri: Hey How are you01:29
dboyjshould i just wait to install linux last and grub will take care of it?01:29
sroy2kbrosnan: hmmm I have no issues doint the exact same thing off another computer... very interesting.01:29
pfifo!grub2 | dboyj01:29
ubottudboyj: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:29
sroy2I'll have to see what the differences are...01:29
dboyjNo!  I already read up on it01:29
PetriI have an Acer Aspire 3610 and the Wi-Fi wont work01:29
dboyjI just want to ask you how YOU did it Petri01:29
Petridid what?01:30
* squonk_ looks to the OPs01:30
pfifodboyj, then just add the needed menu entries to grub.cfg01:30
kierankAny idea why i can execute applications from a terminal with ubuntu 11.04 and wubi?01:30
dboyjQuad boot01:30
squonk_I suspect it might be a proprietary driver issue, Petri!01:30
jnlsnl_Can i create an "access rule" that blocks the anonymous user from viewing certain nodes?01:30
skyonexhello. How can I change the $PATH variable that sudo uses? (ubuntu 11.04)01:30
Hilikuswhen i run matlab after updating ubuntu to 11.04 i get /lib64/libc.so.6: not found01:30
soreauPetri: what wifi chip?01:30
Petrisquonk_:yea i looked it up but i got no where01:30
Hilikusany idea how to fix it01:30
tanathok, so mic works with wine... but not with steam >.<01:30
chotaztanath:  can you help me configure deluge for better eprformance?01:30
Petrisoreau: ummm idk lemme check01:31
WinCamXPwould the toshiba satellite 1115-s103 explode with ubuntu server? would my linksys network card thing work? Could I run a minecraft server with 256mb ram?01:31
phunyguyHilikus, your name is familliar01:31
tanathchotaz, what is lacking?01:31
dboyjanyone know if there is a Windows help channel on Freenode - linux screwed up my thumb drive01:31
squonk_Ran into similar issues with display drivers for this toshiba... still researching it.01:31
soreauskyonex: temporarily: PATH=/path sudo -E command01:31
improveuponmy gui keeps freezing when a flash plugin is playing and it goes into the screen saver for a like an hour. you come back and everything is frozen but the mouse still moves. also you can still pull up an f1-f6 terminal. but closing flash or the browser does not help and it's still frozen when you come back.01:31
jamiewansoreau, #windows01:31
soreauPetri: Try 'lspci|grep Network'01:31
soreaujamiewan: ?01:31
WinCamXPwould the toshiba satellite 1115-s103 explode with ubuntu server? would my linksys network card thing work? Could I run a minecraft server with 256mb ram?01:32
squonk_if you type /list you'll get a channel list01:32
mernilioGreetings fellow ubuntians :-)01:32
squonk_hiya mernilio01:32
Petrisoreau: Broadcom Wireless 802.11bg v. i think01:32
merniliosquonk_: ! :-)01:32
tanathchotaz, typically slow downloads are due to either what peers/seeds you01:32
soreau! broadcom | Petri01:32
ubottuPetri: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:32
pfifoWinCamXP, you will be fine, if it can run XP it can run 10X ubuntu-server01:32
squonk_WinCamXP: it depends on what's under the hood.01:32
yigalphunyguy: comparing your sysfs node from lspci to the wake up file it appears that US12 is the device?01:33
WinCamXPi dont think its been upgraded01:33
tanathchotaz, *... you're connected to, or a limited upload speed01:33
squonk_This Toshiba came with Vista and has NO issues running 11.0301:33
WinCamXPwould my linksys network card in the dside work?01:33
yigalphunyguy: pci:0000:00:04.101:33
squonk_it even installed aps to make my touchpad more effective.01:33
pfifoWinCamXP, linux has great support for NIC cards, the older the better really01:33
seidossquonk_: which toshiba?01:33
grpaceHello and greetings !  I have a system performance question.  I'd like to see if anyone has any ideas ?? ;)01:34
mernilioyou know my right hand fist is ready for fighting! haha. I cutted down a tree today 100 kilo of pure wood! :-|01:34
Petrialso i wanna get back to grub before i shoot my laptop how would i go about doing that?\01:34
merniliowell.. yeah! :-D01:34
yigalphunyguy: well when you have the chance, test that one :)01:34
phunyguyyigal, thanks01:35
squonk_seidos it is the Toshiba Sat. L 305 - s5968 with 64bit archy and a dual core and 3 gig RAM01:35
squonk_Running win7ult SB 32 and wubi ubuntu 11.03 gnome default01:35
phunyguyyigal: comes right back up like the rest01:35
WinCamXPdoes ubuntu server have a livecd-type thing?01:36
mernilioi need some god ol pornograpphy!01:36
pfifoWinCamXP, no01:36
Petrii meant GNOME01:36
jamiewanPetri,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub01:36
squonk_I did download and burn the ISO from the site, but haven't used it. Wubi seemed to do just fine, save my display is a bit smaller, doesn't use the whole screen.01:37
yigalphunyguy: are all of the others disabled01:37
Jasonnwhat is the command to search the repos ??01:37
Jasonnwhat is the command to search the repos ??01:37
merniliosquonk_: as elite in that field. Twhat do you think? Milf or teen?01:37
phunyguyyes yigal01:37
sroy2Petri: is your issue that you have a wireless card but it doesn't seem to find any networks (and you think the driver isn't working?)01:37
jamiewanmernilio, both oh yes both01:37
pfifoJasonn, `apt-cache search <pkg-name>`01:37
yigalphunyguy: well you could try the US15 USB 1.1 controller?01:37
phunyguylet me check my bios to see if there is an option01:38
squonk_mernilio_: wow not sure what the question was.01:38
qinmernilio: Please, stop.01:38
grpaceThanks for the 'help', guys.  Just one question... Asked for a little help twice.  Bye.01:38
yigalphunyguy: ok01:38
phunyguyand US15 did the same thing, was the first one i tried01:38
mernilioi do tend to go into the field of teen pronography!01:38
Petrisroy2: yup01:38
yigalah, too bad01:38
kingofswordswhat ctrl+alt+del in ubuntu?01:38
qin!ops | mernilio01:38
mernilioqin: okay, i will! ;-)01:38
ubottumernilio: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!01:38
Hilikuswhats the right way to switch windows now that there's no task bar??01:38
* squonk_ laughs01:38
sroy2Ok, I had a similiar issue with my fresh natty install, I had to reinstall bcmwl-kernal-source so I could fully remove it.. then I reinstalled broadcom-sta-common, bcmwl-kernel-source, and b43-fwcutter01:38
yigalkingofswords: brings up the power menu01:39
pfifoHilikus, alt-tab01:39
squonk_Don't mind a lil side convo... but yeah I was lost.  (goes back to reading whitepapers)01:39
sroy2Petri: you can do all that from synaptic, you need to reboot but it should go01:39
kingofswordsyigal,  not on mine it doesnt01:39
* Petri waits for a responce from sroy201:39
sroy2Petri: Ok, I had a similiar issue with my fresh natty install, I had to reinstall bcmwl-kernal-source so I could fully remove it.. then I reinstalled broadcom-sta-common, bcmwl-kernel-source, and b43-fwcutter01:39
rwwqin: thanks01:39
sroy2Petri: you can do all that from synaptic, you need to reboot but it should go01:39
Hilikuspfifo: thats not a good replacement. its always been tehre and it doesnt use the mouse01:39
sroy2I'm assuming you are using broadcom that is01:40
kingofswordshow do i get the system monitor then? my ubuntu just crashed watching a divx in vlc01:40
IanLiuI've messed up my partition table when the Ubuntu installation froze at partitioning. I've tried fixing it with testdisk, and I could mount the partitions from Ubuntu Live CD, but when I run "gparted" it does not find them. This is the output of "sudo fdisk -l" http://codepad.org/9AzxRJn701:40
pfifoHilikus, there isnt a way todo it with the mouse01:40
=== jason is now known as Guest3980
Petrithis confuses me. can someone like teamviewer to me and help or something?01:41
pfifoHilikus, well of course you can click on the app icon on the menu, but that might not be what your looking for01:41
qq99Hello, I'm having trouble compiling a project, can anyone help me diagnose what "No rule to make target `/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h'" means?01:41
phunyguyyigal: nothing in the bios01:42
talntidAnyone know of a way to tail a file, just like "tail -f filename" -- but mix it with grep, so it only tails when the grep condition is met? for example: tail -f filename | grep string ....01:42
improveuponis anyone experiencing natty crashing after hibernating, especially if flash is running01:42
wojoxirssi theme test01:42
WinCamXPanother question01:42
WinCamXPif ubuntu server fails horribly on the machine01:42
WinCamXPwould a standard XP install disc work?01:42
sroy2Petri: sorry - what was I forgetting to respond to?01:42
phunyguy!poll improveupon01:43
qintalntid: It is matter of buffer, ask in #bash for info01:43
soapieWinCamXP: what are you trying t o do01:43
jamiewanWinCamXP, as a frisbee01:43
phunyguyor whatever it was01:43
nubcake_11.04 i'm getting spammed (shell) with: ]hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3, any ideas how to find out whats the problem/how to fix it?01:43
WinCamXPrun a minecraft server on a toshiba satellite 1115-s10301:43
WinCamXP256mb ram01:43
WinCamXPwith ubuntu server01:43
WinCamXPand ssh01:43
jamiewant time you home this arvo01:43
Petrisroy2: im still stuck with this video card issue01:43
soapieif ubuntu won't run that on that machine I don't see why XP would01:44
WinCamXPxp is on it now01:44
rwwWinCamXP: I highly doubt that any operating system would run Minecraft well at all with 256MB of RAM.01:44
WinCamXPthe server, not the game01:44
rwwMinecraft client and server are RAM hungry.01:44
rwwWinCamXP: that's what I meant.01:44
phunyguyive had ubuntu server on 64 megs01:44
=== ruben is now known as Guest62399
JnodeCan someone help me01:44
WinCamXPwould an old comp that needs a power supply work, though? its got 512mb01:45
soreau! ask | Jnode01:45
ubottuJnode: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:45
pfifoWinCamXP, it will run it with 256 and some swap, but it will be a bit laggy01:45
phunyguyahh the pipe character thats where i messed up the comman01:45
soreau! pm | skyonex01:45
ubottuskyonex: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:45
Guest62399do you guys know how i can check what graphic card drivers i have?01:45
WinCamXPok so if we resurrect the old desktop with a new power supply and install ubuntu server (512mb), it should run great?01:45
soapiewhy don't you just give it a shot01:45
soreau<skyonex> temporarily: PATH=/path sudo -E command: sorry me, could u explain how to use it? For example: I need run 'sudo searchd' (/path/to/searchd/)01:45
soapiewhat's the worst that can happen01:45
=== Guest62399 is now known as rubenjr
JnodeOk, after I formated my flash drives on ubuntu they made it impossible to be used w/ windows.01:45
carnage1or swap memory01:45
pfifoWinCamXP, no01:46
rubenjrdo you guys know how i check what graphic card drivers i have installed?01:46
phunyguyi think I am gonna give up on this for now yigal01:46
WinCamXPright now im running a classic server on my win7 machine with no lag for me or my friend01:46
soapieJnode: what did you format the drives as01:46
WinCamXPhowever id assume classic isnt very resource hungry...01:46
sroy2Petri: did this help? -> from synaptic reinstall bcmwl-kernal-source so I it can be fully removed. Then reinstalled broadcom-sta-common, bcmwl-kernel-source, and b43-fwcutter and reboot01:47
squonk_Well there are like five versions available thru wubi01:47
WinCamXPive got 2gb ddr (200mhz) ram on this machine now (it really needs an upgrade)01:47
pfifoWinCamXP, just the 2 of you should be ok01:47
squonk_I researched them all and tried KDE version but I am back to Gnome now.01:47
JnodeWhat happens is it want  me to reformat the thumb drive and when I do it says failed because they are "write protected"01:47
phunyguyWinCamXP: just jumping in here, i know this is a ubuntu channel, but any reason you dont want to run XP?01:47
Petrisroy2: does this require network?01:47
WinCamXP...its an old comp from my grandparents, slow as dirt01:47
squonk_I still run xp01:48
WinCamXPeven after norton/malwarebytes cleansing01:48
sroy2Petri: mmm probably, does eth0 work?01:48
KM0201WinCamXP: if its got 2gigs of ram, it can't be that bad.. whats the proc. speed01:48
soapieJnode: if you're trying to format it in ext* something it could cause problems, you should have read about this01:48
squonk_Regarding the thumbdrive.01:48
phunyguyis there native support for the service you are trying to host, WinCamXP?01:48
Petrisroy2: havent checked but it should01:48
squonk_They are a bit particular. So yeah you might have lost some capacity there01:48
JnodeWhat can I do I used ever tool read everthing on google01:48
WinCamXPive got 32-bit win 7, but the processor is a 1.8ghz amd 6401:48
squonk_Most have a tiny rom onboard with instructions01:48
squonk_they fry, drive dead.01:48
tanathanyone know how to get microphone working in steam?01:48
WinCamXPmy minecraft server (vanilla and bukkit) starts overloading when i join and doesnt load anything and i fall into the void01:49
JnodeNo what I was doing is trying to create a linux on boot drive in ubuntu- but that didnt work so I reformated in FAT in linux, now I am trying reformat in FAT again in windows but it wont let me says "write protected"01:49
squonk_usually from booting or hard shutdown with the drive still installed.01:49
WinCamXPwhen i run it on this machine\01:49
pfifoWinCamXP, all the questions your asking can be answered by simply doing it.01:50
qinrubenjr: lshw -C Display01:50
squonk_Sorry Jnode: I'm with ya now.01:50
phunyguyWinCamXP: is there a native linux server software?01:50
phunyguyfor minecraft?01:50
WinCamXPmc server is designed for linux, mac and win01:50
phunyguyjust checking01:50
phunyguythen like they said.  just do it01:50
pfifo*mc is designed for java*01:50
phunyguybest way to tell01:50
nubcake_java is platform independent afair01:50
phunyguyand java explains it01:50
phunyguyjava is a pig01:50
squonk_Okay well there are some win apps out there that can strip that drive down for you.01:50
FloodBot1phunyguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
phunyguyresource hog01:50
JnodeI used something called HP tool for flash drive too and that didn't work01:51
phunyguybad habits are hard to break.01:51
nubcake_Jnode: try unetbootin, worked form e01:51
JnodeIt *write protected* and giving it windows adminstartor rights dont help01:51
squonk_Let me AFK for a sec and see if I can find you some resources, Jnode.01:51
nubcake_for me*01:51
Jnodenubcake I just want to use it as a normal flash drive for now01:51
JnodeHow do I wipe my drive of Write Protected01:53
talntidwrong window :)01:53
Jnodewhen I double click on it, it gives me no options for read/unread01:54
nubcake_Jnode did you try re-partitioning it?01:54
Petrisroy2: there is no file called bcmwl-kernal-source01:54
nubcake_804-693-8642 just to throw in some random numbers too ^^01:54
Jnodenub It works in linux01:54
AxlinJnode: from windows, have you tried running as administrator in safe mode and reformatting from disk management?01:55
Jnodebut in windows it pops up a reformat window01:55
tanathJnode, write-protected drive? is in mini/micro SD? check for a slidey thing on it01:55
JnodeI have ran it in adminstrator mode01:55
JnodeIt's a flash drive..and theres no slide thingy i check that too :-)01:55
phunyguyok bai01:55
Axlinin safe mode, Jnode ?01:55
JnodeI have two of them and both of them are different brands and same thing happens01:55
sroy2Petri: hmm... do you know what broadcom card you are using?01:56
JnodeI used HP TOOLS and Belay which is supposed to change it at low level someting like that01:56
pfifoJnode, mount it rw and make sure to perform operationsas root01:56
Axlini might try that Jnode. i've found at least a few people on google claiming that to work, even if running as admin (without safe mode) didn't work01:56
sroy2Petri: bcmwl-kernel-source -> kernel has two e's01:57
tanathJnode, possible solutions: http://www.techrepublic.com/forum/questions/101-20727301:57
Jnodeyeah its crazy im about to move over to a different OS and I could use it- its a 32gb flash01:57
brianb_any one can help on a multi boot problem with 10.10?01:57
Petrisroy2: yup, BCM431801:57
syrinx_!anyone | brianb_01:58
ubottubrianb_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:58
nubcake_brianb_: what is the problem?01:58
JnodeTanath I visited that site before01:58
sroy2Petri: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  then reopen synaptic01:59
tanathJnode, this one? http://www.ehow.com/how_5138993_open-write-protected-flash-drive.html01:59
solovoycan i have a list of album-artist in banshee, instead of just artist ?02:00
carnage1how can i do-release-upgrade in windows02:00
tanathJnode, er, did you say it works in windows, but not in ubuntu?02:00
tanathJnode, i'm not up to speed02:00
ampletimehi there02:00
uabn93Hi, is there a way to get back a file that was deleted through "gksudo nautilus". It never went to the trash, it just deleted it.02:01
ampletimesomeone here gave me a link to get unity working inside vmware workstation 7.1 but i lost it.. does someone have that url?02:01
brianb_i have ubuntu 10.10 installed on a partition with its grub2 boot loader installed on the mbr - i have another linux distro installed on another partition with its boot loader installed on its root device when i try and chain load the other distro i get problems and cannot run the second distro ubuntu works ok02:01
mahir256uabn93: doubt it, if it's gone it's gone (too bad you can't use system restore :p)02:02
mahir256uabn93: just joking02:02
ampletimesomeone here gave me a link to get unity working inside vmware workstation 7.1 but i lost it.. does someone have that url?02:02
escottuabn93, it might be in root's trash which is not visible to normal users02:02
carnage1anybody in the north-eastern hemisphere?02:02
corrytonapplecarnage1 Yes02:02
pfifobrianb_, why not just add an entry for the 2nd distro to ubuntu's bootloader?02:03
Viking667I'm in New Zealand, I guess that doesn't count...02:03
brianb_i have02:03
adamsmeathi! this is my first time with IRC.02:03
corrytonappleadamsmeat:  Great!  We are here to help02:03
pfifobrianb_, I mean to boot it directly, not chainload02:03
brianb_still can run the seond linux distro02:03
cartmaniushello someone speak spanish02:03
adamsmeatthanks! so IRC is mostly for support stuff?02:03
Viking667hm? No.02:03
pfifo!es | cartmanius02:03
ubottucartmanius: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:03
carnage1i translate spanish02:04
corrytonappleadamsmeat:  Here, it kinda is02:04
mahir256ampletime: is this it? http://www.nalinmakar.com/2011/04/27/vmware-workstation-7-1-4-ubuntu-11-04-and-unity/02:04
brianb_why cant i use chain load?02:04
adamsmeatcorrytonapple: i always hear the term IRC but i think this is very useful02:04
pfifobrianb_, you can02:04
cartmaniusok muchas gracia ubottu02:04
corrytonappleIt is.  The ubottu helped me yesterday02:04
Viking667cartmanius: ubottu es en 'bot'...02:04
=== avalon_ is now known as r_avalon
sroy2the ubottu is not helpful...02:05
corrytonappleadamsmeat:  There is an offtopic area for us Ubuntu users, it is at #ubuntu-offtopic02:05
sroy2aww I forgot how to make it respond to me :(02:05
carnage1rail-roaded ostersized and shunned02:05
corrytonapplesroy2:  It is for me.  He helped me with my gpg keys yesterday02:05
syrinx_ubottu is lame02:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
corrytonappleYou have to PM it02:05
brianb_the problem i get is that it says there is a problem with the partition and i get a kernel panic when i try to run the other distro from within the ubuntu boot loader02:06
n-iCeany idea please? http://pastebin.com/RJS6M6sd02:06
sroy2pm ubottu hello02:06
adamsmeatcorrytonapple: I see. Thanks! I'll just browse around first.02:06
ampletimemahir256, no it was about enabling 3d acceleration inside vmware workstation :)02:06
uabn93its because I was trying to get a file back to get my wifi working. When I rund "sudo checkinstall" it says error "./etc/Wireless/RT2860STA no such file or directory02:06
brianb_and i cant see why02:06
sroy2err slashes...02:06
corrytonappleadamsmeat: You could learn a lot by watching the IRC.  Have fun!02:06
pfifobrianb_, well there is a misconfiguration somewhere02:06
carnage1wow you guys have always had a windows time-machine?02:06
uabn93I deleted that file. Can I get it back?02:07
Viking667hm? only as far back as 3.002:07
brianb_how do i find out where?02:07
uabn93I thought that file from that directory was made when running "make" but guess not.02:07
Viking667(yes, I go back THAT far...)02:07
escottuabn93, you should install etc-keeper for future instances like this. you can get the file back by finding what package it was in and reinstalling it02:08
pfifobrianb_, you need to go over your grub.cfg carefully, understanding what all of it does02:08
brianb_so is that where possibly the missconfiguration is then02:09
Brandon_Anyone up for a challenge? I murdered a Kubuntu install and now I'm in grub_rescue. No cd drive on my PC. Help?02:09
uabn93escott: do you know of any way of getting that file back? It wont let me compile unless the file is there.02:09
pfifobrianb_, yes, you are going to have 2 grub.cfg, or possibly a grub.cfg and a menu.lst. one for each install, make sure all of your drives and kernel options are correct, and that the files your telling it to load actually exist.02:10
escottuabn93, i would reinstall the firmware-ralink package02:11
brianb_i read tht you canot edit the grub.cfg file in 10.10 which uses grub202:12
carnage1install 10.0402:13
brianb_you have to use the 40_custom02:13
pfifobrianb_, the file itself can be read, and in iit are instructions for how to make changes02:13
wafai can't remove a directory neither access it02:13
pfifobrianb_, yes, thats correct, but you can also fine tune the os-prober setcion02:13
brianb_so do you think that the wrong kernel image is being loaded02:13
nubcake_do i have to add a new user manually to the sudoers list? (and if, how do i do that?)02:14
carnage1can you do update in cmd line?02:14
wafais there any command line to solve this prob02:14
pfifobrianb_, you are probbally telling it to root the wrong partition02:14
brianb_how do you fine tune the 30_OS prober02:14
escottnubcake_, i think you can do it in the gui user admin tool by giving them administrative rights, but just look at the existing sudoers file and model your user after someone who does have sudo privileges02:15
pfifobrianb_, I think os-prober has a configuration file in /etc or /usr/share02:15
uabn93escott: won't work for my card but thanks for helping. bye.02:15
nubcake_escott: thank you02:15
brianb_am i correct that in thinking that in grub2 the partitions start a 1 rather then 0 as in grub02:15
moesI want to dual boot Kubuntu with my existing Ubuntu....Both distros on seperate hard drives...Cannot open Kubuntu grom Ubuntu grub display02:15
pfifobrianb_, in grub2 they introduced several new was of specifying a harddrive partition02:16
escottbrianb_, the newest version of grub2 with 11.04 allows letter names hda/hdb etc02:16
zermetComplete survey for $10 cash... fuck DollarInbox http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7FYJH3F02:16
wafahello can you help me02:16
brianb_would that be the same for 10.1002:17
escottwafa, you need to use sudo chmod to change the permissions or sudo chown to change the ownership02:17
escott!permissions | wafa02:17
ubottuwafa: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:17
wafaescot am the owner02:18
wafaso i can use the sudo option02:18
pfifowafa, .gvfs?02:18
escottwafa, if you are in fact the owner then sudo is not required02:18
PoDunkanyone experiencing flash issues after upgrading to 11.04?02:19
brianb_so in grub2 the device could be hda,7 say but in the old style grub it would be hd0,6 to point to the same drive and partition?02:19
wafai tried escott shall i do directly chmo02:19
pfifobrianb_, no02:19
wafapfifi how can i gvfs02:19
=== bonhoffer is now known as beckybecky
pfifowafa, is th directory your talking about named .gvfs02:20
escottbrianb_, hd0,7 the partition numbers were never 0-indexed (iirc)02:20
wafano the directory name is giza-pp02:20
pfifowafa, ok, just makingsure02:21
wafaok i'll try to do chmod and get back to you02:21
brianb_well suppose i have ubuntu 10.10 installed on sda5 and the other distro togther with its boot loader installed on sda702:22
escottPoDunk, you could try 64bit flash there is a ppa for it if i could find it02:22
=== beckybecky is now known as beckyward
ChelseaHi all, is there a way to use the "gnome classic" environment, but still have the global menu?02:22
escottbrianb_, i think you would reference those as hd0,5 and hd0,7 or hda,5 hda,702:22
pfifobrianb_, then tell grub2 /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda702:22
=== beckyward is now known as bonhoffer
brianb_ok so how do i tell grub2 to /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda7 do i use the 30_OS prober and the do a update-grub02:24
trismChelsea: right click the panel, add to panel, indicator applet appmenu02:24
pfifo!grub2 | brianb_02:24
ubottubrianb_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:24
HotPeachesAndcreGood morning02:25
k2nxfanyone have any experience compiling OSS from source under Natty by chance?02:25
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  Hello02:25
wafaescott  did u mean chmod rm 'directory'?02:25
maelstormis it possible to completely remove a title bar from a window?02:26
Chelseatrism, nice! Thanks02:26
wafapfifo how can we use chmod02:27
wafato remove a directory???????02:27
k2nxfrm -Rf directory/ will do it.02:27
brianb_i dont have windows installed however i have a ntfs partition set to a primary /dev/sda1, the other partitions are extended with logical partitions02:27
k2nxfproviding you own the directory.02:28
qinmaelstorm: In ubuntu? Yes, in ccsm or gconf-editor02:28
HotPeachesAndcrei had afew issues with my pc i had my credit card info stolen from my pc and then it got trashed and when i went to my local pc shop to get it repaired again.. he recommened me ubuntu and gave me it on a cd, I have installed it but im scared to connect it to the internet with out a antivirus and my firewall and spyware scanner and could the hacker still get my info again from my machine thank you, Katie02:28
pfifowafa, chmod changes permissions of a directory. rm is for unlinking02:28
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  No02:28
corrytonappleThere are practically not viruses for Ubuntu02:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Exodist2009@HotPeach, although *nix based machines can still transfer windows viruses. They can not run on your linux system.02:29
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  There are a few, but very rare02:29
wafapfifo i am the owner but when i try to remove it says 'access denied"02:29
corrytonappleGo ahead and connect to the internet.  You will be fine.02:29
corrytonappleWe are here behind you.02:29
pfifowafa, what exactly are you tring todo? can you pastebin the output of this command?02:30
hiexpoHotPeachesAndcre, you do not need a virus scanner for linux02:30
brianb_what is 4_custom file in grub.d folder used for?02:31
brianb_i mean 41_custom02:31
HotPeachesAndcrecorrytonapple: so i am safe just plug the ethernet cord in and i can do my banking again.. It was scary i had a letter from my bank telling me i had 2k overdraft i was like OMG what... when i took my machine to the repair man again he said my machine was bad, and i would find it easier to run ubuntu, i have never installed anything like this before and im very shocked how easy it was though...But one thing h02:31
HotPeachesAndcreow can it be free though  :??02:31
pfifobrianb_, it wil add what ever you put in that file to the end of grub.cfg02:32
brianb_is that the same for 40_custom?02:32
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre: It is free because of the community.  Yes, go ahead and hook it up.  Let me get you a link.02:32
Exodist2009There are only about 800 viruses for linux machines. Most of those dont do much if anything. Worst case senario for getting a linux virus is that your /home folder would be comprimised. But not the full system unless you run everything as root. So honestly you have a better chance of winning the lotery then getting a Linux virus.02:32
wafapfifo i want to remove a directory called 'giza-pp' and when i  trid to remove it i got  the msg " failed to remove `giza-pp': Permission denied"02:33
pfifobrianb_, it just uses a wild card to copy, so you can have fine contorl over ordering by adjusting the numbers02:33
hiexpoHotPeachesAndcre, yes linus is all free   open source02:33
Guest3980brianb, I don't have that file.  Where is your file located.02:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
brianb_in the grub.d folder in the etc02:34
Exodist2009Like Hiexpo stated. Ubuntu Linux OS is free of charge. and you may copy and share it.02:34
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcrer: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/why-is-it-free02:34
pfifowafa run this `sudo rm -rf "giza-pp"` and if it gives you any problems goto fpaste.org and copy the output there02:34
carnage1microsoft wont even support windows02:34
maelstormqin, ok CCSM does exactly what i want, but i woudl like the remove title bar to be program specific, is that possible?02:35
wafapfifo thanks i'll try it02:35
qinmaelstorm: In Windows Decoration plugin you can set rules like:(any) & !(title=Opera)02:36
maelstormqin, the end result is to run VLC with complete interface removed -- including window bar removed02:36
MrCartelI am trying to set up HDMI audio as my default sound output. Using aplay I know I need to set card 1 device 3 as the output. However after setting that in my asoundrc, I still cannot get it to work. Any idea why?02:37
qinmaelstorm: In Windows Decoration plugin you can set rules like:(any) & !(title=Vlc), Or whatever title is.02:37
wafapfifo: it worked perfectly  thanks a lot02:38
pfifoMrCartel, I can only hint at a problem, but check into pulseaudio to make sure it know what device to use as well02:38
qinmaelstorm: You would want to use cvlc or mplayer02:38
eLxHola amigo?02:40
eLxAlguien que able español02:40
eLxy me enseñe a usar ubuntu please?02:40
wafahow can we install skype via command line? in ubuntu 11.0402:40
qin!es | eLx02:40
ubottueLx: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:40
aroonitrying to start apache on ubuntu 10.04 getting: ERROR: APACHE_PID_FILE needs to be defined in /etc/apache2/envvars02:40
pfifowafa `dpkg -i skype-pkg.deb`02:40
carnage1pm me im registered02:40
pfifowafa `sudo dpkg -i skype-pkg.deb`02:40
wafapfifo: thanks02:41
Guest3980sudo apt-get install skype  #works as is for me02:41
pfifo!info skype02:41
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in natty02:41
qinarooni: What command are you using to start Apache?02:41
carnage1anybody wanna teach me Apache the language?02:42
arooniqin, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start ... but you should know i scp'd the /etc/apache2 directory running on debian lenny to my fresh install of apache2 on 10.04 cuz i didnt want to conifgure apache again02:42
arooniqin, should i blow away that config directory and reinstall apache?02:42
Delerium_carnage1, Apache is not a language, it's web server itself02:42
Viking667arooni: heh. there are better ways, I think.02:43
HotPeachesAndcreone last question please, Thank you for that webpage just finshed reading it, My machine has 6gig ram and it has the 32bit ubuntu installed is that right ??02:43
Viking667... but they do take time.02:43
carnage1i mean the native american language02:43
arooniViking667, any where to go from here?02:43
wafapfifo: got this msg  "dpkg: error processing skype-pkg.deb (--install):  cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing:  skype-pkg.deb "02:43
pfifowafa, you need to download the package from skype.com02:43
corrytonappleHomePeachesAndcre:  No, it should be 64-bit02:44
HotPeachesAndcrecorrytonapple: how do i make is 64bit02:44
arooniqin, any idea on where to go from here02:44
MrCartelpfifo: I'm just using alsa without pulseaudio. I added the card to my asoundrc but still nothing02:44
wafapfifo: shall i use apt-get?02:44
BaribalHi. I've deleted my taskbar (while using cairo-dock, which I now have found just a little bit too glitchy to use). How can I recreate it?02:44
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  You will have to burn a new disc/usb installer and reinstall Ubuntu to your system.02:44
pfifowafa, skype is not in the repos, youll have to add a ppa in order to use apt-get02:45
wafapfifo : i want to do it via command line02:45
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  But you have to download the 64-bit version from the Ubuntu site this tinme02:45
Donnie_Darko21HELLO folks why after suspend ubuntu is slow ?what can be?02:45
wafapfifo : how can i add this ppa?02:45
pfifo!ppa | wafa02:45
ubottuwafa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.02:45
qinarooni: Not really (apart of fact that you may want to keep old configs), in desperation you may try: sudo service apache start02:46
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  64-bit is made so it can use over 4Gb of RAM, also known as memory02:46
BaribalAh, found it, it's called "window list".02:46
wafaubottu: ok i see02:46
ubottuwafa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:46
arooniqin, same error02:46
arooniqin, so how do i purge the apache2 install and reinstall and have /etc/apache2 regenereated02:47
arooniqin, i'll go step by step in reviving apache02:47
HotPeachesAndcrecorrytonapple: thank you but i don`t want to lose it install  and download all that stuff again, i think i will keep this version as its safe and secure :)02:47
iflemaDonnie_Darko21: fire up the system monitor or in a terminal use the    top   command, after resuming, check the process list and see if anything is hogging the cpu...02:47
wafaubottu: thnks for the advice02:47
ubottuwafa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:47
aaron_waynecan anyone help me with static settings for my lan? From what i can tell i am doing things right and from what i found online but its not working02:47
Donnie_Darko21iflema i will do02:48
Donnie_Darko21maybe the ram is the problem02:48
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  It is just as safe and secure either way, but if you do not want to go through that trouble right now that is fine.  I understand.02:48
wafaubottu : i need to install it on ubuntu 11.04 and am a new user02:48
ubottuwafa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:48
Donnie_Darko212 gb ram02:49
wafaubottu:it's okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!02:49
qinarooni: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 && sudo apt-get autoremove02:49
pfifoaaron_wayne, can you ping your default gateway?02:49
aaron_wayneyeah, i mean i can access the gui and get to it and everything, but when i ifconfig i still get the same dynamic address assigned to computer .10002:49
nubcake_i added a new user, now when i try to login using the fresh created user, it tells me to change my password, but i cannot enter any text in the password and password confirmation fields02:50
aroonihow how do i recreate the /etc/apache2 folder?02:50
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  But, since you have a new install, and do not want to loose your documents, I would do it now, or as know, now or never!  If you ever want to, join the Ubuntu Forums at ubuntuforums.org, start a thread, PM me (I am corrytonapple there too) and I will come to the thread and help, as all the other users in the forum will too02:50
aaron_waynepfifo, oops, sorry that was supposed to be to u02:50
nubcake_can anyone help me by any chance ?02:50
pfifoaaron_wayne, does this persist after reboot?02:50
rhenaniI have a quick question, I'm trying Ubuntu 11.4 in a virutal Machine02:50
rhenaniI didn't install it02:50
aaron_waynepfifo, havent tried to reboot, was assuming it would just go through02:50
HotPeachesAndcrecorrytonapple: thank you x02:50
aeon-ltdarooni: why?, a reinstall should create one though02:50
rhenaniI'm just trying it But The grapichs are horrible my cursor doesn't have control02:51
qinnubcake_: from old_user shell: sudo passwd new_user02:51
rhenaniVmware says because I need to install the vmware tools02:51
nubcake_qin: will try, thanks02:51
corrytonappleHotPeachesAndcre:  You are  welcome.   Enjoy Ubuntu and explore.  I am sure you will like it02:51
rhenaniHow do i Do it?02:51
histoWhat does ubuntu use for it's terminal service client02:51
corrytonappleGoodnight All!02:51
pfifoaaron_wayne, you need to restart network-manager, easy way is to reboot, hard way is to google the manual02:51
maelstormqin, the command "(any) & title=0" removes the title bar exactly how I want, but I want it confined to only remove the window bar from VLC, how do i format my command as "(any) & !(title=vlc) does nothing02:51
rhenaniI did: VM > Install Vmware tools But it doesn't show that is installing the tools02:51
aaron_waynepfifo, i have a question about the dns server though, what is the search domain for and should i have done my alternate dns in the same line just comma seperated?02:51
aaron_waynepfifo, k, i will try reboot and see if it accepts the settings02:52
julian_chisto: A program called Terminal Service Client. Also available is Remmina Remote Desktop Client.02:52
nubcake_qin: works like a charm, thank you!02:52
qinmaelstorm: You can try to grab value from vlc window.02:52
pfifoaaron_wayne, you want a csv list of DNS servers and search domain should be blank02:52
=== chad is now known as Guest33423
Guest3980maelstrom: name=vlc02:53
qinmaelstorm: Also, it is case sensitive (let me try)02:53
aaron_waynepfifo, k, cool, i will switch that, thats how i had originally till i saw screenshot online that made me question that02:53
aaron_waynepfifo, thanks for the help02:53
DieselDrinkcan I ask a question?02:53
nubcake_DieselDrink: dont ask to ask...02:53
nubcake_ask your question02:53
DieselDrinkWhat is a GPS application that is easy to run on Ubuntu 11.04?02:54
DieselDrinkor what are GPS options to use?02:54
qinmaelstorm: (any) & !(title=VLC) this works02:55
wafapfifo: how to make a directory accessible02:55
DieselDrinkgps app?02:57
wafapfifo: i just unzipped a file under  home directory then when i tried to read it i needed to use 'sudo ls' to browse it's content02:57
wafapfifo: then i could see the files under this directeory, but i want to modify a file under this directory02:58
pfifo!permissions | wafa, REALLY you need to READ this02:59
ubottuwafa, REALLY you need to READ this: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:59
wafapfifo: thanks03:01
wafaubottu :thanks03:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:02
=== Vladislas_ is now known as Vladislas
wafaok i'll keep it in mind03:02
aaron_waynepfifo, awesome, i was able to reboot and i am now pulling my static ip03:04
josefigHello, I want to know how to get more efficiency in my battery at this time I get : present rate:            2401 mA ?03:04
semarjthey guys, I have just upgraded to 11.04, from 10.04, and I am having serious problems with my mouse, it seems like when I pull a window up like chrome, it starts to block all mouse clicks to anything else03:04
pfifoaaron_wayne, and, yes its supposed to take effect right away. -_-03:04
semarjtis there a fix for this?03:04
semarjtor is it a known issue?03:04
rewatihi there i upgrded to 11.04 now i can loging to gnome but i can login in comand prompt03:05
rewatiplease help03:05
pfifosemarjt, it is a know issue, i dont have the bug report #, nor do I know the fix03:05
aaron_wayneis it just me or is this not working03:05
KyleBCan some1 help me add users to my ftp server03:06
semarjtis there an easy way to rfall back to 10.10 or something?03:06
rewatihi there i upgrded to 11.04 now i can loging to gnome but i can login in comand prompt. gdm screen is returning again and again03:06
pfifosemarjt, login to the'classic' desktop instead of unity until unity is more stable03:06
nubcake_KyleB: man adduser would be a start03:06
semarjtI am in classic03:06
pylixafter natty upgrade; ubuntu doesn't detect my wireless03:07
nubcake_or man useradd03:07
semarjtI couldnt stand unity, i gave it a shot03:07
sroy2pylix: what wireless card do you use?03:07
KyleBOK thanks.03:07
semarjtin fact, i don't recall this mouse issue when i was in unity03:07
Viking667I'm still having issues with Ubuntu One - it doesn't think a network exists...03:07
sroy2pylix: are you using a broadcom card?03:07
adubzis there a ppa repository for snort03:08
Viking667and the #ubuntuone channel is about as useful as root canals...03:08
=== yarddog_ is now known as yarddog-
pylixI would think so03:08
jileeni must install a ftp server on my ubuntu what is the best Proftpd or Vsftpd ?03:08
pfifo!poll | jileen03:08
ubottujileen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:08
sroy2pylix: check that you still have the bcmwl-kernal-source, broadcom-sta-common, and b43-fwcutter packages installed03:08
SudoKingcan you schedule fsck to run at every boot instead of only when the file forcefsck exists in the root directory?03:09
Donnie_Darko21lol my cpu usage is 96 %03:09
=== jason is now known as Guest43057
pylixdell wireless 1395 IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g03:09
pfifoSudoKing, you could add it to the upstart job03:10
xivenI'm having trouble setting up SSH login via key.03:10
SudoKingatlus: netflix doesn't support ubuntu03:10
SudoKing!caps | atlus03:11
ubottuatlus: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:11
Viking667atlus: we upgraded from UPPERCASE at least three decades ago...03:11
xivenI generated public and private keys locally and uploaded the public key, but I still login with a password03:11
eosshow do you put unicode characters in a filename?03:11
pfifoatlus, smash that thing like it owes you money03:11
Viking667xiven: check permissions on remote end's .ssh, local end's .ssh.03:11
atluslol well first uppercase maybe by 2030 we can watch a movie on a browser with ubuntu...03:12
jordydoes anyone in here run 10.10 on ppc03:12
SudoKingwell, lobby netflix then03:12
xivenI already checked permissions on remote, I'll look at local03:12
pfifoatlus, netflix works flawlessly for me on ubuntu, i take the dvd out of the mailbox and put it in the dvd rom and it plays:D03:13
semarjtcan i downgrade back to 10.10?03:13
hiexposemarjt, nope03:13
atlusi can watch netflix from my xbox ...from my ps3...from my mac...from my pc...from my iphone...i can even watch it from a old bluray player....but somehow i cant watch it on a linux distro....03:13
semarjtthat sucks03:13
hiexposemarjt, fresh install03:13
atlusi cant be the only one that sounds absolutely retarded to03:14
IdleOne!ppc | jordy03:14
ubottujordy: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ03:14
semarjtso i gotta either reinstall or wait for a bug fix03:14
semarjtis there a command line to logout03:14
semarjtlike, log out of gnome03:14
semarjti can't click anything03:14
pylixwill do03:14
AndyhuI installed Ubuntu 11.04 in my ThinkPad , but  I can't use my blue ThinkVantage key now。 Can I fix it  and use the blue key again?03:15
jordyIve read its supported up to 6.04 I think it was but I found a community build for my ppc and installed but debugging has been a real problem and Im on the verge of switching to something else but Id hate to being Ive ran ubuntu off and on for a decade but getting back in it Im finding myself beating my head against the wall getting flash and other things to work03:15
josefigso, one one has any idea how to improve better efficiency on the battery life on a laptop with ubuntu 11.04 ? on windows I get 2.5hrs and on linux only 1.5hrs03:15
jordyif I install the old distro I dont get any updates or anything that really gives me any reason to run ubuntu in general03:16
Bing0josefig, ive read that some kernel version are harder on batteries than others..03:16
karleycan someone help me get my wireless workin gon dell inspiron 1525?03:17
jordywhich Im bumming over because Ive got EVERYTHING I own on this system at the moment03:17
pfifojordy, what is the problem?03:18
jordywell I want my system to run flash for one thing03:18
jordywhich isnt supported on ppc anymore03:18
jordyand I really dislike the idea of going to yellowdog or something along the line of debian and then dealing with a total reinstal03:19
nubcake_is there a way to completely delete a user (including his home directory) ?03:19
jordyI just thought you guys might be helpful on some insight03:19
diaoeruserdel -r test103:20
diaoerthe  test1 is the username that to be delete03:20
th0rnubcake_: it is either userdel or deluser if I remember right...and there is a command line switch that tells it to delete the home dir also03:20
nubcake_diaoer: thanks03:20
nubcake_th0r: thank you also03:20
Bing0jordy, ppc is(in a way) a dying architecture... less people are interested in maintaining it..we go through this where I work with flash on 10.4 mac PPC03:21
diaoerif the userhome have not delete,you can cd home and rm -rf userhome03:21
jordywhat do you do about it03:21
jordyother than just dump this distro and move on03:21
Bing0jordy, we just patch them 2 the latest versions of what apps needed, but i want to retire the machines :/03:22
jordyI know how it goes I just have this emac and Id like to run it without osx03:22
ChotazIs there any plugin for deluge with RSS reading/searching and auto-download?03:22
jordyI just didnt know if there is a magic fix to get it rolling03:23
Bing0jordy, i understand.... if you are justified, sell it and put some $ toward a macine with amd/intel chipsets03:23
Bing0jordy, not that i am aware of03:23
jordyhave you ever dealt with the debian ppc or yellowdog distros then03:23
jordythey all have supported versions I just didnt know if it would be the same can of worms over again03:23
Bing0jordy, back when my PS3 was capable of running i dabbled a tiny bit with yellowdog03:24
Bing0nowadays i dont have time to play with ps3 and linux03:24
jordyhow did you like yellowdog03:24
jordydoes it have any redeeming qualities03:25
qinChotaz: Specific content or everything?03:25
Bing0didnt play enough to make an opinion.. i will say when i did dabble the forums were alright tho.. this was 2 years? ago03:25
jordyI just remember hearing people talk smack at it a lot back when03:25
KyleBWhat does this part of a command do: -s /bin/false03:25
Bing0KyleB, ????03:25
jordynot for ps3 but on a ppc mac in general03:25
Bing0jordy, no opinion.03:25
Chotazqin, if possible03:25
crackguyhow can I synchronise date/time of my unix box with an NTP like ntp.ubuntu.com03:26
jordythis though in defense was back when ppc was all mac ran03:26
Bing0jordy, and i regret, i threw out about 5 clamshell macs not knowing back then they could run that port of linux03:26
celthunderKyleB: set's the shell to /bin/false (disables shell access essentially)03:26
Bing0crackguy, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/sync-your-system-clock-with-internet-time-servers-in-ubuntu/03:26
jordyI got this system for free and I have to admit Ive always been a fan of breathing new life in older systems but this one has been a bit more than I usually deal with03:27
Bing0jordy, i hear ya,... im the same way but you have to draw a line sometimes... trust me :P03:27
Marezz Can someone check this log? I think my ati driver is freaking out. output from pmap -d 1571, http://pastebin.com/KD7Muhcx03:27
qinChotaz: Deluge support autoadd, so all you need to do it to grab torrents and save in specific place, curl and bit of perl should do, but there is many stuff for ftorrent and specific trackers.03:27
yoshieUbuntu, need help with a program to take a blue ray Movie file and put it on a regular DVD03:27
crackguyBing0 thanks, I was looking for a unix (command based) solution03:27
KyleBCelthunder: What does disabaling shell access do?03:27
Bing0crackguy, im sure you can do via shell, but that's a start03:28
jordywell maybe Ill deal with debian and see if that does me any good, being ubuntu under the hood is pretty much the same as far as I understand it03:28
jordybut Im pretty sure its a official debian release that has the ppc port03:28
Bing0jordy, mostly, check the debian ppc forums too.. read thru them03:28
Chotazqin, i dnt have any coding skills in my resume03:28
Bing0lightly, of course03:28
jordyI figured the yellowdog system would be good because its never moved past the ppc arch.03:28
jordyI just think as far as eye candy it has nothing03:28
jordywhich is shallow but linux always had some interesting features to keep me interested as far as that goes03:29
Donnie_Darko21we all need to donate to linux03:30
jordybut now the new release is out and Im wondering if I upgraded my ubuntu it might break the whole thing being its a hacked release I have on here at the moment03:30
qinChotaz: http://goo.gl/sEr1X http://goo.gl/nImbE03:30
jordythe hacked copy was all I could run to get 10.10 on here but I didnt look far enough in I think I got excited and started installing03:31
jordyso with that being said do you guys have any opinion in if I should try the yellowdog or debian release03:32
Donnie_Darko21what is hacked?03:32
yoshieUbuntu, need help with a program to take a blue ray Movie file and put it on a regular DVD03:32
jordymy 10.10, its been modified to run on ppc03:32
jordyIm just leaning on debian because they have a mint skin and I dont know if you guys ever ran linux mint but its slick shit03:32
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:33
jordybut as I stated yellowdog has never been built for anything BUT ppc03:33
Donnie_Darko21to run ubuntu u must have at least 1 gb ram03:33
qinjordy: I think gentoo have goot ppc support03:35
KyleBWhat does creating a user without shell access do?03:35
jordyisnt gentoo really technical to install though03:35
Chotazqin, those seem to not-user friendly solutions, thanks for the suggestion tho, I found out about flexget, has its own deluge plugin and all03:35
jordyseems like it was really intense last time I wanted to run it03:35
qinChotaz: Noted, thanks for tip03:35
qinjordy: I guess, similar to alternative installer of ubuntu.03:36
bsmith093im trying to decrypt some email sent to me and enigmail keeps giving me the error secret key not available03:36
hiexpoi have a good ? how may i block port 631 except when i want to run ipp03:36
semarjtpfifo sudo apt-get autoremove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau03:37
Donnie_Darko21to run xubuntu u need 126 ram :)03:37
semarjtfixed it for me03:37
BiteI have a read-only program on a cd badly made in macromedia flash,03:37
josefigWhere is the xorg.conf in 11.04 ?03:37
jordywell thanks dudes for that Im gonna go figure out something03:37
BiteAnd I can't chmod +x it to run it using wine.03:37
BiteHow can I mark the .exe as executable despite it being read-only?03:37
pfifosemarjt, odd, that should be blacklisted03:38
Cajun_Lan_ManHello all.  I've got a Dell Optiplex GX620 running through a KVM, that I can't get Ubuntu 11.04 to give me a decent resolution on.  I'm assuming it can't tell what monitor i'm using because of the KVM.  Isn't there a way to tell Ubuntu to just use a higher resolution anyway?03:38
Jordan_UCajun_Lan_Man: How are you starting KVM?03:40
anghelokohi all, has anybody tried using wicd-cli to connect to a wifi? i can't seem to see how to pass the key/passphrase03:40
Kriketthere should be a command that lets you change your res manually. don't remember off the top of my head03:40
Cajun_Lan_ManJordan_U: sorry, i don't understand the question.  It's a little box that allows me to share a single keyboard/video/monitor input.03:40
Jordan_UBite: Copy it somewhere else, change the mount options for the filesystem it's on, or use "wine /path/to/file.exe" from a terminal to run it despite it not being executable.03:41
Jordan_UCajun_Lan_Man: I thought you meant Kernel Virtual Machine :)03:41
rewatihi there i upgrded to 11.04 now i can loging to gnome but i can login in comand prompt. gdm screen is returning again and again03:41
Cajun_Lan_ManJordan_U: haha nope.  Not quite that advanced yet.03:41
Germanaz0hello everybody, I'm getting a kernel panic, before the grub2 installation on ubuntu 11.0403:42
n-iCewhat does this do? sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 11M03:42
Germanaz0I'm installing from USB to PC03:42
Kriketnever used kvm, vmware seems to suite my needs03:42
Jordan_Urewati: Have you tried using the Ubuntu Classic session?03:42
Germanaz0The ubuntu installation, dies after the apt get configuration03:42
rewatiJordan_U what is classic session i went to terminal and i was able to login03:43
yoshieUbuntu, need help with a program to take a blue ray Movie file and put it on a regular DVD03:43
Jordan_Un-iCe: Changes the maximum transfer rate of your wireless card to 11MiB/second.03:43
Cajun_Lan_ManI just wish Ubuntu had a "Trust me, I know what I'm doing" button in the monitor preferences window.03:43
Kriketso long as your blue ray disc can read in your player or it's an image any 3rd party program should be able to help you with that03:43
p_resyoshie: good luck with that. afaik linux has shocking support for br media.03:43
n-iCeJordan_U: how can I know which number to set in there03:43
Jordan_Un-iCe: Why are you tryig to set it at all?03:44
karleyso, I have to run "sudo modprobe -r b43 ssd" and "sudo modprobe b43" after I boot up .. how do I automate this?03:44
=== nubcake_ is now known as nubcake__
n-iCeJordan_U: I bought an alfa realktek chipset card, but wasn't working since i wrote that command I saw in a tuto works great, but why03:45
n-iCeJordan_U: how can I know my max number there03:45
Jordan_Ukarley: Blacklist ssb.03:45
Jordan_U!blacklist | karley03:45
ubottukarley: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:45
rewatiJordan_U: what is classic session i went to terminal and i was able to login03:45
josefigsome idea how to improve the battery on a dell inspiron laptop ?03:46
Jordan_Urewati: Please explain more clearly what you are trying to do and what happens when you try to do it.03:46
yoshiep_res: what do you mean? all im trying to do is take a blue ray movie file and convert it so it will fit on a dvd disk 4.7 gigs03:47
p_resjosefig: turn screen brightness down and downspin hdd's when possible.03:47
p_resyoshie: oh right. what file format is br file in?03:47
yoshiep_res: its in .mp403:48
p_resyoshie: just use devede and it should shrink any file you add down to the selected size of 4.7GB for regular dvd-r.03:48
p_resyoshie: or 4.4GB effective.03:48
zeroedoutHi does anyone know what ubuntu uses/enables to tab complete program parameters?03:49
josefigp_res: where can I set that ? I tried with gnome3 power manager applet but the thing is not available hum!03:49
p_reszeroedout: isn't that a bash function?03:49
rewatiJordan_U: I upgrade to 11.04 after that when i am trying to login then gdm screen is returning again and again and when i enter wrong password it says wrong passwd but when it is right it simply returns to gdm screen. When I try to login through console then i am able to login03:49
yoshiep_res: ok and devede can be found in maybe the package manager?03:50
p_resjosefig: in power management for hdd's. screen brightness use hardware setting on the lappy.03:50
p_resyoshie: sudo apt-get install devede03:50
zeroedoutp_res: maybe, but it's not enabled by default on lighter distributions.... is it just something I set in .profile?03:50
josefigp_res: is there something I can do at kernel level ?03:50
p_resyoshie: in default repos. no requirement to add third party.03:50
p_resjosefig: not too sure about that.03:51
Jordan_Urewati: OK. I think that Unity is crashing. Try using the classic session instead to confirm that theory.03:51
p_resbrb all.03:51
Jordan_U!classic | rewati03:51
ubotturewati: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.03:51
josefigp_res: thank you.03:51
Magnussonanyone really good with configuring audio? trying to figure out my microphone and i'm guessing phonon is the culprit?03:51
p_resback now.03:52
rewatiJordan_U: oh great it worked thanks but what can i do to get the unity to work03:53
yoshiep_res: ok got it, thank you :)03:53
p_resyoshie: great!03:53
Jordan_Urewati: What graphics card do you have?03:53
p_reshave fun.03:53
graingertubuntu has frozen on installing gconf203:53
rubenjrcan you guys help? i installled playonlinux and downloaded midnight club 2 and it wont let me play03:54
rewatiJordan_U: simple intel 9300 i am not sure03:54
Jordan_U!wine | rubenjr03:54
ubotturubenjr: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:54
p_rescheck the winehq db first.03:54
DreamLauncheranyone familiar with this error .. Enlightenment cannot setup randr wrapping.03:55
p_resterrible game though. lol03:55
Jordan_Urewati: What is the output of "lspci | grep VGA"? (if it's more than one line use pastebin).03:55
rubenjrp_res hey03:55
rubenjrr u from usa?03:56
p_reswhat's up?03:56
rubenjrjust wondering03:56
Kevin001111anyone here have expierence with android?03:56
txhI could not get control over my wine executed game freezing, so I did Ctrl + c and alt + F4 and it went to a terminal where it asked me to login where I killed the wine app, What do I need to do now to get back to xwindows or gnome??03:56
rubenjrcause some guy was telling me how to get my video card drivers and i was asking him for help. yeah well i didi what he said restarted my computer and had to reinstall ubuntu03:57
rubenjri think he hacked me03:57
Jordan_U!ot | Kevin00111103:57
ubottuKevin001111: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:57
p_resrubenjr: lol. was not me. hacking skills are a little rusty these days.03:57
Jordan_Urubenjr: I doubt that anyone hacked you. At worst someone accidentily gave you bad advice.03:57
Magnussonrubenjr>more than likely just some setting messed up leading to your need to reinstall03:57
phenzen?[\0x01]DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 003:57
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on untrusted links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.03:57
p_resJordan_U: more likely.03:57
SaladFTW?[\0x01]DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 003:58
rubenjrit just brought me to a black window and ubuntu wouldnt load03:58
rubenjrJordan_U r u from usa?03:58
Jordan_Urubenjr: Why does that matter?03:59
txhhelp ^03:59
p_resrubenjr: just check connection info for x user and you'll get an idea of what country users are from. approx. idea anyway.03:59
rubenjrJordan_U just wonderign if i can add u on here03:59
txhhow do I get back to a login for xwindows or gnome?04:00
Jordan_Urubenjr: IRC doesn't really have a concept of "adding" people.04:01
p_restxh: logout.04:01
rubenjri need some friends on here lol04:02
p_resJordan_U: he may have some sort of weird irc client that can save favs or something.04:02
txhI want to get on to my currently running session04:02
rubenjri dont know how to use ubuntu04:02
afeijoI setup a 30 gb hd file to a new virtualbox 4.0, but ubuntu 11.04 32bits installation tells me that I need 4.4 gb ???04:02
rubenjri have XChat04:02
p_resrubenjr: we're all here to help when we can. ;-)04:02
Donnie_Darko21afeijo that is minimum04:04
afeijoDonnie_Darko21, 4.4 is minimum, I gave 3004:04
Donnie_Darko21so no problem then :) if u r rich in space :)04:04
afeijoDonnie_Darko21, but I cannot install ubuntu lol, it is an error! shouldn't, but its here04:05
Jordan_Uafeijo: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" from within the VM?04:06
Donnie_Darko21perharps your kernel situation is not good04:06
afeijoJordan_U, great, I was googling for some command to check if my vdi is there04:06
Donnie_Darko21how many kernels u have?04:06
afeijoJordan_U, empty! :p I've done something wrong with vboxmanage04:07
afeijoDonnie_Darko21, was the kernels question for me?04:07
Donnie_Darko21if u upgrade kernels sometimes virtualbox  cant work correct04:08
afeijoDonnie_Darko21, its all brand new04:08
Donnie_Darko21then whats the output of virtualbox?04:09
=== cipher__ is now known as cipher
rubenjri dont even know how to check if i have the right video card drivers04:10
=== cipher is now known as cipher_
pylixi didn't have b43fwcutter or broadcom sta common installed04:10
Ubuntu_KevinI have having trouble installing Java JDK 6 through the ubuntu software manager, I need it so i can setup ADB for my Android04:10
p_resrubenjr: if unity is working all good then you're all good.04:10
Bing0reuteras, system, administration, restricted drivers.. check there04:10
pylixbut my wireless worked fine before natty04:10
p_resit'll kick up if it doesn't like your drivers.04:10
txhnobody knows here hoow I can load back into gnome classic on ubuntu from the terminal and get back to my running session?04:11
rubenjrp_res whats unity04:11
p_resomg. default desktop gui for 11.04 release.04:12
p_resthat what you use?04:12
=== iAmerikan is now known as Kingrat
rubenjrgames dont work on here =[04:12
txhyeea there very slow on ubuntu unity04:13
Jordan_Utxh: ctrl+alt+f7 (or F8 or higher).04:13
=== Zorlin is now known as Guest37456
rubenjrgames dont work on ubuntu. why?04:14
rubenjrwine doesnt work to good either04:14
txhit is compiz and default unity destop, use classic pannel its much faster04:15
=== Guest37456 is now known as Gnomethrower
p_resrubenjr: simple, games are not developed to work on linux.04:17
DreamLauncheranyone ever heard of an error like this one. Enlightenment cannot setup randr wrapping. I have not been able to find any info on this specific message04:17
p_resDreamLauncher: i seem to remember that same message many years ago when i used to use enlightenment. i used to ignore it as it never seemed to affect system performance of any kind.04:19
jmcantrell_so, i'm playing around with the xsession files in gdm. why is it that normally when the session is the default, gnome-session --session=ubuntu has the profile as unity, but when i execute it myself, the profile is "default"04:19
p_resi also remember not being able to find any information on it too.04:20
DreamLauncherenlightenment won't load because of that message  for me04:20
p_resoh ok. i had it during system usage.04:20
p_resassuming it's the same message. perhaps not.04:20
Ubuntu_Kevincan someone PM that can help me install Java JDK 6?04:20
DreamLauncherp_res: I think that it may be a missing package just not sure what package it could be04:22
p_resDreamLauncher: yeah I dunno mate.04:25
Ubuntu_KevinWhy does my time get set back three hours every time i reset my computer even though i edit it to the correct time?04:25
p_resthat's the main problem with enlightenment, due to the small userbase, there doesn't seem to be any gurus out there.04:25
=== Toph is now known as Guest58408
armence__Hello all. Sound stopped working today for me. When I reach the login screen, I get the welcome sound normally. But as soon as I log on, I cannot hear any sound. Yesterday, I removed both my wife and I from the audio group and called sudo alsa force-reload and the sound worked perfectly fine at least for that session.04:26
trololomy menu bar, launch bar, and window borders disappeared. Alt-F2 and Alt-Tab stopped working. How do I get all of them back?04:27
Ubuntu_Kevinmost likely because the settings werent applied until a reboot04:27
p_resarmence__: sure it's ont mute?04:27
Ubuntu_Kevinjust revert your settings back and everything should be fine04:27
jmcantrell_so, i'm playing around with the xsession files in gdm. why is it that normally when the session is the default, gnome-session --session=ubuntu has the profile as unity, but when i execute it myself, the profile is "default"04:27
semitoneswhat to you call the top bar in natty?04:27
armence__p_res, Nope. Not on mute unless there is a special mute button I didn't hear about04:27
trololohow do I revert ALL of my settings for everything to the defaults?04:28
mynoteshow do i know if the bluetooth connection on my machine can receive files?04:28
p_resarmence__: lol, only in desktop panel.04:28
mynotesi'm using ubuntu10.1004:28
armence__p_res: Nope04:28
p_reslucky for me i don't use ubuntu for audio, so i'm no expert when it comes to audio issues. sorry.04:31
=== jeffbailey is now known as jbailey-home
trololoAll of my window borders and the launcher bars and window selection bar disappeared when I switched from "desktop wall" to "rotate cube" in the compiz config. How do I get everything back? I'm willing to reset my stuff to the defaults, if I just knew how04:31
p_restrololo: same result when relogin?04:31
trololop_res: and reboot, yeah04:32
p_restrololo: you'd probably have to delete unity config directory in your /home i'd imagine.04:33
p_resonly a guess though.04:33
p3d0bearwhat does 11.04 server edition have that 10.10 didn't?04:34
MishaFashionistaHello everyone04:35
trololop_res: I can't find a unity or .unity in my /home or ~/04:35
MishaFashionistaAnyone here?04:35
nit-witMishaFashionista, whats the problem?04:35
p_restrololo: gnome had config files and directories. i just assumed unity would have too. sorry for bum-steer.04:35
MishaFashionistaNothing, I actually just fixed a problem04:35
p_restrololo: i'm in windows atm so i can't poke around my own system.04:36
MishaFashionistaIf anyone has any issues with ati card and gets a blank screen after grub04:36
MishaFashionistaAll you have to do is install the 11.5 driver from amd04:36
nit-wita well dressed fix I assume.;)04:36
garrett__A buddy of mine is on the road in europe, and would like to be able to VPN back through a more secure internet connection.  Any chance there are some packages more straight-forward than a full-blown VPN/NAT setup?04:36
p3d0bearI"d like to setup a tor proxy so I can get lots of pictures... anyone can help?04:36
p_resMishaFashionista: i use amd card. no issues here.04:36
MishaFashionistaI have an envy 14 and I would get a blank screen about 75% of boot ups04:36
garrett__And more functional than ssh -D?04:37
nit-witp3d0bear, large data is not apprecated on tor04:37
MishaFashionistaOh I forgot to say p_res is your graphics card have switchable graphics?04:37
trololop_res: hm :/. Well, I got my window borders back, but the menu bar's missing and I can't use any keyboard shortcuts04:37
p_resMishaFashionista: no.04:38
p_restrololo: sorry to hear.04:38
MishaFashionistaOh I see, yeah then it must be a problem with 5650 or swithable graphics04:38
trololohow do I log out without the menu bar?04:38
p_resMishaFashionista: i use an old x1050 and it's fine.04:38
MishaFashionistaWhen I installed the proprietary driver sto on previous ubuntu 10.04 the screen had rainbow colors04:39
p_restrololo: just reboot.04:39
trololo:( okay04:39
p_resalt+f4 or similar to get yourself a tty. login and reboot command as root.04:39
MishaFashionistaWhat's a good way to blog?04:40
MishaFashionistaLike I want to create a website04:40
Jordan_Utrololo: ctrl+alt+F4, login, then "sudo service gdm restart".04:40
Jordan_Utrololo: Log in with the classic session and re-enable unity in ccsm.04:41
p_ressorry my bad. i meant ctrl+alt+f4.04:41
alphabuildhow can i enable the libboost1.40 packages in synaptic?04:42
p_resi always do that...04:42
amber_hello is someone here to help?04:42
amber_i am having an issue04:42
sroy2if you have a question ask it - we will try to help04:43
DreamLauncherp_res: having a hard time locating the opengl package, any suggestions?04:43
p_resDreamLauncher: what are you trying to do04:43
sroy2MishaFashionista: look into wordpress if you want to do blogging - its a decent place to start04:43
anghelokoconnecting to wifi via terminal is just mind-blowing, ugh04:44
MishaFashionistaOk cool thanks04:44
DreamLaunchergoing through the various packages that are listed as required by enlightenment04:44
anghelokoi give up04:44
sroy2angheloko: dhclient doesn't do the job?04:44
amber_ok im trying to use vuze on 11.04 and it has installed and will open although it seems to be getting no internet connection ive done some research and it seems that it has built in antivirus im wondering if that is the problem04:44
p_resDreamLauncher: oh right. sorry. can't help there.04:44
p_reswhat's the error message again?04:44
anghelokosroy2, i couldnt even get to that part.. im stuck with wpa_supplicant04:44
amber_not getting any error msg04:45
amber_just doesnt connect04:45
MishaFashionistaThanks guys have a good day :)04:45
amber_and wen i try to search nothing searches\04:45
amber_it doesnt do  anything04:45
sroy2angheloko: mmm I'm assuming you have the drivers installed for the card?04:45
amber_well i get internet connection with everything else04:45
amber_just for vuze it will not connect04:46
amber_transmission works fine aswell just no built in search function04:46
anghelokoyes.. i have a broadcom and i was able to install bcmwl-kernel-source04:46
anghelokoi was able to scan via iwconfig scan04:46
amber_ne ideas?04:47
n-iCeI have two wireless card, how do I disable one to stop loading at boot?04:47
anghelokosroy2, i just keep on getting a couldn't associate error04:47
anghelokon-iCe, /etc/network/interfaces04:47
sroy2angheloko: are the ... what are they ... ?brodcom-sda? drivers installed04:47
amber_ok i geuss no one has ne help for me04:48
sroy2amber_: sorry I don't use vuze, maybe some else here can help though04:48
n-iCeangheloko: I use network-manager04:48
anghelokosroy2, hmm.. that i am not sure of.. anyway i'm planning on getting a UI with aptoncd, perhaps fluxbox, just so i can config via GUI04:48
p_resamber_: port settings all good?04:48
Tempus_Fugithow do i get a list of everything installed on my system?04:49
amber_yes it was working fine on prev windows vista i just recently switched over04:49
sroy2angheloko: I had to install the bcmwl-kernal-source, broadcom-sta-common, and b43-fwcutter packages before I got my broadcom wireless card to work04:49
sroy2kernel... can't spell04:49
p_resamber_: try a different torrent client to see if it connects also.04:50
anghelokosroy2, then you connected via wpa_supplicant?04:50
anghelokosroy2, perhaps im missing the drivers then04:50
amber_transmission works fine but i like the built in search function on vuze04:50
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html_inprogresshi,, look waht i founD!!  linux on tV !!04:50
anghelokon-iCe, try downing the device, eg ifdown [interface] via the terminal04:50
amber_does ubuntu 11.04 have built in antivirus?04:50
Tempus_FugitCan anyone tell me how to see a list of everything installed on my system, I am trying to install something yet it says its already installed but i cant find it?04:50
sroy2angheloko: I was using a wpa2 network :S04:51
p_resamber_: does not need it.04:51
amber_im wondering if thats the problem04:51
p_resamber_: so no.04:51
bastidrazor!clone > Tempus_Fugit04:51
ubottuTempus_Fugit, please see my private message04:51
p_resamber_: no, that is not the issue.04:51
n-iCeangheloko: I did, but it will load at boot04:51
amber_i read on the main website from where i downloaded it that it had built in virus protection04:51
anghelokosroy2, i am also using wpa2? what did u do next to connect? wicd-cli?04:51
seidosp_res: one could say MOTU is the "built in antivirus"04:51
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: the file ~/my-packages will be a list of every package installed.04:51
p_resseidos: true! lol04:51
n-iCeangheloko: I want something like turning off a wireless switch that in this case I dn't have04:52
IraqiTime update showing error also when trying install new package show this error : http://www12.0zz0.com/2011/05/14/18/534753353.png how fix it?04:52
sroy2angheloko: I was using a gui so it did pretty much everything for me but I'll back out to the command line to figure it out04:52
seidosamber_: so, it could be said that it has "built in anti-virus"04:52
anghelokon-iCe, yeah, that will load on reboot.. can you see what /etc/network/interfaces contain?04:52
amber_ok is there any way to configure that or do you really think that has nothing to do with it ive done sooooooooooo much research on this and cannot figure out why vuze wont get connection04:53
p_resamber_: got a link for that? curious to see it.04:53
amber_yes yes yes04:53
bastidrazorIraqi: intrepid has reached EOL.04:53
bastidrazor!eol > Iraqi04:53
ubottuIraqi, please see my private message04:53
p_resamber_: try another client. transmission is installed by default. try that and see if it connects.04:53
qinn-iCe: rfkill to swich off one of cards04:54
anghelokon-iCe, do you know the driver of the other wireless?04:54
Iraqibastidrazor: thanks04:54
amber_it does but i like built in search function on vuze it makes things so much easier04:54
amber_any other clients w similar built in search functions?04:54
bastidrazorIraqi: you're welcome.04:54
ezrafreecan anyone tell me how i can "cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs/"04:55
bastidrazorwc 804:55
ezrafreewhen i try sudo i am told i don't have permissions04:55
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: keep things in this channel please.04:55
rwwezrafree: It's not readable by normal users. You'll probably want to do something like "sudo -i" first04:55
p_resperhaps vuze has a support forum you could try.04:55
amber_does any other torrent clients have built in search functions similar to vuze's?04:55
sroy2sudo su ?04:55
ezrafreerww: ah, thanks04:55
anghelokosroy2, yeah.. i;m planning on getting a gui.. i just thought i could do it via term.. my linux skills is weak04:56
p_resamber_: also might be worth reading this while you're at it. http://tinyurl.com/292e9g704:56
Iraqisu sudo -i"04:56
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor: I am trying to find appinventor on my machine and says its installed yet cant find it anywhere?04:56
rwwIraqi: ... no.04:56
sroy2angheloko: nah its always good to do it from the command line04:56
Iraqirww: must be root I think first04:56
=== gremset_ is now known as gremset
sroy2angheloko: I would try something like sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "networkid" key "password"04:57
ezrafreeis there a way to set up backups of a directory in ubuntu?04:58
anghelokosroy2, i rem doing that alr... i'll try again04:58
html_inprogressTempus_Fugit, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SPv3pL-N5g  here u go04:58
ezrafreelike from one drive to another, to make like a "mirror" of the files?04:58
qinezrafree: cp ?04:58
Iraqirww: what about this error when booting show this error : /init: line 3: can't open /dev .........also buffer I/0 error device sr0. logical block and will do that like flood just number will change to high04:58
Iraqirww: Are you there out?04:59
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: how did you install appinventor as it is not in any default repository?04:59
Iraqior out*04:59
qinezrafree: Or better rsync04:59
sroy2ezrafree: cp -r ./* /newdir ?04:59
rwwIraqi: intrepid, which it appears you're using, is not supported in #ubuntu.04:59
ezrafreewell i did it using rsync, i thought, but now i can't find it in my crontab -l04:59
Iraqirww ;-) it's new v05:00
adam61i want to remove pulseaudio because i think it's conflicting with alsa, which i need, but synaptic says it needs to remove indicator-sound and ubuntu-desktop (among others). do i need either of these? i'm very hesitant to remove anything after the last time caused me to have to reinstall ubuntu. any help greatly appreciated05:00
ezrafreei want to undo the backup but now i can't find it =/05:00
Iraqirww: why I'm bad luck every new version ;-) :D05:00
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor: there are 2 ways I could do it, one is by downloading the package from google then using either archive manager or ubuntu software center to install05:00
qinezrafree: Each user have own crontab (sudo crontab -e != crontab -e)05:01
amber_does anybody here have any experience with handling vuze problems on 11.04?05:01
Iraqiamber_: why do not download utorrent it's very faster and simple05:01
amber_i like built in search function on vuze05:01
IraqiVuze is need java must have java05:01
p_resIraqi: give up. i tried suggesting other clients.05:01
html_inprogressamber_,  just say it, even if i dont know i still  would try05:01
p_resi got nowhere.05:02
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor: or the site says the use terminal and navigate to the folder where the .deb file is and use a cl install05:02
Iraqirww: You didn't answer my question where is my error?05:02
amber_vuze installed correctly opens fine but will not load anything that usses the internet including home page of vuze or search function does not give me ne errors and is even able to do a speed test but even dumping a downloaded torrent form a browser in it yields nothing it simply seems to have to network functionality05:03
Iraqirww: Can I private you?05:03
Iraqiamber_: did you tried with other file torrent not same?05:04
Iraqisome time tracker will stop and you not know that05:04
adam61Iraqi: how does utorrent compare with transmission? i'm new to ubuntu and had been liking utorrent on windows but transmission is the default on natty and utorrent's nowhere to be seen05:05
Tempus_Fugithow do i pastebin an image? i took a screenshot that appinventor is in spm05:05
Iraqiamber_: you installed Vuze or downloaded portable?05:05
ezrafreeis it possible in ubuntu to password protect a certain directory?05:05
amber_its nativily installed05:05
qin!paste | Tempus_Fugit05:05
ubottuTempus_Fugit: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:05
Iraqiamber_: download portable it's better then installing Vuze05:06
amber_like thru wine?05:06
Iraqino no05:06
Iraqidownload Vuze portable for linux05:06
lightaadam61, transmission is nice ! I like the way it's simple05:06
amber_ok just search vuze portable on google?05:06
tensorpuddingadam61: uTorrent is Windows-only, Transmission is the default available client for Ubuntu, but there are others available.05:06
IraqiI think in link dev of azuraz you can download it05:06
lolzerhi i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.0405:07
lolzerhi i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.0405:07
adam61lighta, ya i think i kind of like it too just not used to it yet i guess05:07
tensorpuddingadam61: if you want a UI somewhat similar to uTorrent, there is Deluge.05:07
Iraqirww: rww05:07
p_resvuze is bloated slow rubbish. it's beyond me why anyone insists on using it these days when there are much better alternatives.05:07
iflemaamber_: transmission is fine.. the default torrents app... you even get treated like a king with 0 seeding/upload05:07
IraqiI have deal with you rww believe me ;-)05:07
adam61tensorpudding, i was able to get utorrent for ubuntu11 on my last install. haven't tried looking for it again and i forget where i got it05:07
tensorpuddingadam61: it must have been emulated through Wine then.05:08
IraqiWho is team or admin of ubuntu?05:08
tensorpuddingadam61: you can run some Windows programs that way05:08
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor:  here is the image i just saved http://imagebin.org/15364305:08
adam61tensorpudding: ah, that sounds right. are there drawbacks to doing that?05:08
tensorpuddingadam61: well, they don't always work05:09
anghelokosroy2, the password is the plain password yes?05:09
lolzerhi i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.0405:09
adam61tensorpudding: on an unrelated note, i was wondering if you know about removing pulseaudio.. if it's safe, proper way to go about it etc05:09
tensorpuddingadam61: probably a bad idea. why do you want to do it?05:10
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: possibly you shoudl go to the website it suggests in the description.05:10
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: notice it says 'Used in conjuction with...' meaning there is another application needed.05:11
lolzer tensorpudding  i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.04... can you please help me out??05:11
bernie_I have Wubi installed and am trying to get ubuntu to bypass the GRUB menu. Any ideas?05:11
adam61tensorpudding: i think it's conflicting with alsa.. i've found countless threads on it, but they all suggest removing by command line, which i am not familiar with and am not confident at all doing. synaptic says that for it to remove pulseaudio it would need to remove indicator-sound and ubuntu-desktop. do u know if either of these are crucial or not?05:11
tensorpuddingadam61: you don't want to remove pulseaudio, and it doesn't conflict with alsa05:12
tensorpuddingadam61: in all likelihood you're using alsa already05:12
=== py9371 is now known as chef4
=== bafilius is now known as dickledildodius
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor:  could you try installing this and see if you can get the actual program to open and if so where you found it??.. http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/learn/setup/#setupComputer05:14
adam61tensorpudding: ok, i appreciate that side of it.. i've found tonnes of people though who have done it and said it works much better because it no longer conflicts with other soundservers. i am using alsa but it's not exclusive across all applications and therefore i'm getting a lot of interruptions and freezing05:14
Jordan_Udickledildodius: Please chose a more apropriate nick.05:14
tensorpuddingadam61: what do you mean when you say you're "using alsa'05:14
=== HarrowedAU[BNC] is now known as HarrowedAU
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor: btw I am running Natty05:14
adam61tensorpudding: i mean i have installed the alsa firmware. it was a required step in initializing my tascam us122 audio interface05:15
tensorpuddingadam61: which instructions were you following?05:15
tensorpuddingadam61: the problem is that there's lots of instructions all over the place that conflict with various things, even instructions written for old versions of ubuntu05:16
lolzerhi i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.04 ... can anyone here please help me out<lolzer> was wondering if libml.so.2.1 would be the problem .. i used the opencv with it but now it says it is missing the shared library "libml.so.2.1"05:16
Jordan_Uadam61: What program are you having problems with specifically?05:16
adam61tensorpudding: i used the instructions on the ubuntu forums. i think they were for an older release, but they worked when nothing else did05:16
pixxi451trying to install ubuntu using wubi on WinXP but keep freezing up in the middle of the iso file download, even after I tell Windows Firewall to unblock the program that's downloading it05:16
=== jeffbailey is now known as jbailey-home
adam61Jordan_U: just a lot of interruptions and freezing with my sound, especially when i run more than one application05:17
adam61it's a lot better now than it was but still issues05:17
Jordan_Uadam61: Can you give some examples of applications?05:18
pixxi451can someone help me please?05:18
lolzerhi i have Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera and its not taking pictures after i upgraded to 11.04 ... can anyone here please help me out.... was wondering if libml.so.2.1 would be the problem .. i used the opencv with it but now it says it is missing the shared library "libml.so.2.1"05:18
adam61Jordan_U: just little things even like opening my music folder causes audacious to just stop.. same with opening system settings, internet etc05:19
=== jackneill is now known as Jackneill
aauthorHey everyone.  I just got a used laptop (e6500) from my mate.  Whenever it goes to sleep the screen turns white instead of off.  Any idea how I could got about troubleshooting this one?05:20
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: it is web based. everything is run from your web browser.05:20
aauthor*Dell Latitude (e6500)05:20
adam61Jordan_U: lots of threads i found had ppl complaining of similar conflicts caused by pulseaudio and they said that it was cured with a purging of it. i want to do this but don't know cli at all and synaptic says that to remove it itneeds to also remove ubuntu-desktop, which i don't know but it sounds important lol05:20
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
bastidrazorTempus_Fugit: http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/learn/setup/setuplinux.html  read the bottom 'Next Steps'05:21
Tempus_Fugitbastidrazor: really??....then why would it say you need to install it?05:21
chef4cannnot send to channel05:21
chef4I want to join chat channel05:21
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest5358
Jordan_Uchef4: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?05:21
chef4I support UBuntu 505:22
chef4and 605:22
Gskelligdoes anyone have experience with nvidia hybrid drivers on ubuntu/linux?05:22
chef4yeah you go to update drivers05:22
rwwchef4: Which channel can't you send to?05:22
Gskellighybrid drivers05:23
Gskelligthey're a bit more difficult05:23
Gskelligactually they're a LOT more difficult05:23
chef4hybrid what does it run o gas05:23
Jordan_UGskellig: GPU switching is not very well supported currently, and not at all with proprietary drivers.05:23
GskelligI'm aware. I'm just trying to get both graphics cards working at different times05:23
pixxi451I can't install Ubuntu on my hd using Wubi on WinXP, it keeps freezing up in the middle of the iso file download, even after I tell Windows Firewall to unblock the program05:23
GskelligI'd like to be able to use the nvidia card when I want it, even if it requries some terminal commands and a reboot05:24
Gskelligand the intel one when I want it05:24
anghelokoim trying to connect via wpa_supplicant but its giving me Device or resource busy; Association request to the driver failed... any ideas?05:24
* jgould thinks that Gskellig has a Mac05:24
chef4Gskellig what versino of ubuntu you using?05:24
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as Justine_kane
GskelligASUS UL30VT actually05:24
=== Justine_kane is now known as Justin_kane
adam61Jordan_U: do you know if ubuntu-desktop is a crucial file or not?05:24
=== Justin_kane is now known as Explodingpiglets
Jordan_Uchef4: From their channel topic: http://blog.freenode.net/?p=87 .05:24
pixxi451can someone help me with this one please?05:25
Jordan_Uadam61: ubuntu-deskop is not crucial, but I don't recommend removing pulseaudio.05:25
GskelligI successfully installed a kernel module to disable the nvidia card, but I'm having trouble re-enabling it05:25
=== dickledildodius is now known as bafilius
tensorpuddingadam61: pulseaudio can work with alsa, i'm pretty sure it runs on top of alsa usually05:25
chef4pixxxi451: why dont you download it than install it05:25
pixxi451it keeps freezing in the middle of the iso file download chef405:26
adam61Jordan_U: why don't you recommend removing it if alsa can handle all the same stuff? just curious cause i really have an itch to remove it, especially after reading hours worth of ppl saying it helped them05:26
chef4pixxi451 are you trying to do a dual boot or something?05:27
seidosGskellig: installed a kernel module to disable another one?  sounds dangerous.  have you considered blacklist.conf?05:27
Jordan_Uadam61: alsa alone *can't* do everything that pulseaudio can do.05:27
pixxi451yeah chef405:27
Gskelligseidos, it was a tested module that lots of people with the UL*0VT laptops were using to disable the nvidia card05:27
chef4pixxi451: if you cant downlooad linux you have other issues05:27
Gskelligthey compiled it into a .deb package05:27
adam61Jordan_U: what can't it do though? if i come across something i need it for i can just reinstall it can't i?05:27
tensorpuddingadam61: the issue seems to be tascam's proprietary firmware05:28
chef4there are tons of mirrors05:28
chef4shoe a nother mirrpos05:28
pixxi451chef4: I keep getting this message that Windows Firewall is blocking the iso file from being downloaded, I click on the link to unblock it, and then the program just hangs there like forever, until I click on 'cancel'05:28
chef4disable you firewall05:28
adam61tensorpudding: ok, what does that imply?05:28
pixxi451how do I do that chef4? :(05:29
claytonarvixeok, I just added the entry in resolv.conf but nothing is still resolving on the server.05:29
adam61tensorpudding: is it a conflict do you think?05:29
pixxi451sorry I'm kindof a firewall newbie.05:29
chef4are you running windows?05:29
pixxi451yeah chef4 winXP05:29
widewakehi, could anyone help me with something that is probably simple? Im a bit noobish.. Maybe add me on thatguy1900@yahoo.com05:29
jgouldpixxi451: having never used wubi, can you manually download the ISO and tell Wubi where it's located on the hard drive?05:29
pixxi451what do I do, go into Ctrl Panel?05:29
ynualhello all05:30
chef4pixxi451 ok to disable windows firewall you have to go into control panel --> windows firewall --> off05:30
pixxi451ahhhh I see, that shouldn't be too hard05:30
pixxi451thanx chef405:30
chef4pixxi451: if you have other antivirus software disable that tolo05:30
tensorpuddingadam61: i'm not sure, i think pulseaudio ought to be able to defer to alsa, but i'm not sure how to configure that05:30
chef4pixxi451: rememeber to turn it back on after you done download a05:30
adam61tensorpudding: do you also advise not removing pulseaudio? i'm curious because if i need it, i could just reinstall it couldn't i?05:30
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?05:31
pixxi451ok chef4, I'll shut down all windows except the wubi window05:31
pixxi451thanx 4 the help!  Blessed Be everyone!05:31
widewakecould somebody help me please? im trying to do something that involves the terminal and i cant figure it out05:31
jamiewan! ask | widewake05:31
ubottuwidewake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:31
ali1Network Manager applet I've deleted and not add to panel. How to be fix?05:31
widewakeplease add me at thatguy1900@yahoo.com05:31
anghelokoali1, run from terminal nm-applet05:31
chef4pixxi451: its pretty common to have problem with you firewall when downloading things especially like torrents and stuff05:32
tensorpuddingadam61: well, removing it will probably cause your sound control things to not work anymore05:32
adam61tensorpudding: it doesn't seem to be wanting to defer to alsa, and i can't find out how to configure that, so i'm getting closer to trying a pulseaudio purge05:32
Jordan_Uadam61: System alert sounds won't work without pulseaudio (IIRC). ALSA alone cannot do: Per application volume control, smarter handling of global volume, smarter handling of buffer sizes to allow low latency and low power usage, network transparency, automatically turning down other applications when you get a VOIP call, ...05:32
tensorpuddingadam61: losing the ubuntu-desktop package isn't a huge problem, this is a metapackage; not having it means that you removed something that came in the original ubuntu-desktop group05:33
adam61Jordan_U: cool, thanks. all of those things i don't really care about so i should be ok to remove then?05:33
Jordan_Uadam61: Things may also break.05:34
adam61tensorpudding: Jordan_U: i'm torn! i really want to delete it but u guys are convincing me not to. how else could i resolve my problems do u think?05:35
ratchet132I need help.05:35
bullgard4!ask | ratchet13205:35
ubotturatchet132: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:35
ratchet132I'm a noob, trying to install from usb and my install hangs on the syslinux screen.05:35
ali1angheloko: ** (nm-applet:7710): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 305:35
widewakewhen terminal asks " Got root"  i enter the root and nothing happens, any idea?05:35
bastidrazorwidewake: use 'sudo -i'05:36
dari[ctcp(Dave2)] TIME05:36
chef4why cant i talk in defocus05:36
Jordan_Uadam61: Try booting from a liveCD and see if you can reproduce the problem. If you can, then try removing pulseaudio in the liveCD session and see if it fixes the problem. If it does, then ask in #pulseaudio if they have any ideas for how better to fix the problem and if they don't then remove pulseaudio.05:36
qinwidewake: That mostly means: run sudo command , not only command05:36
chef4what is another chat chanel beside defocus05:36
widewakehm nothing, just enters in below05:36
rwwchef4: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not #defocus support.05:36
rwwchef4: #ubuntu-offtopic05:36
adam61Jordan_U: that's a great suggestion. i'll give it a try. thanks!05:37
Jordan_Uadam61: You're welcome.05:37
qinbastidrazor: It is sadistic to give root to clueless person.05:37
anghelokoali1, then perhaps its already running... can you add "notification area" in your panel? (right-click panel -> add to panel -> search for notification area)05:37
ratchet132I'm trying to install the latest version of Ubuntu via usb and I get stuck at the syslinux screen and can't do anything :S05:38
widewakebefore when i gave root something happend, now it does not05:38
qinwidewake: What command did you try to run?05:38
Jordan_Uratchet132: How did you make the USB drive?05:38
ratchet132Fat32 formated and the files on it were put on it via the usb utility on the .iso file.05:39
widewakeim trying to install a keylogger on my computer, its been hard05:39
widewakeatleast for me05:39
qinwidewake: From google.code?05:40
mr_strigiformesI got a good one. I tried to install the new Ubuntu on my lenovo (was previously running backtrack 5) and about 90% of the way through the install the installer crapped the bed. Now when I try to boot the computer (with a boot disk mind you) both the backtrack and the Ubuntu live cds just start running segmentation faults and are completely unable to mount the hard disk.05:40
tensorpuddingadam61: did you configure alsa? does it see your card?05:40
widewakewhen terminal gives you thoe options of  ^1  ^2 ^3 menu read exit so on, how do i enter the command? to either read that file or exit?05:40
tensorpuddingadam61: you might be able to get pulse to use the alsa device you specify manually by editing the config file05:40
tensorpuddingadam61: though there might be issues05:41
HarrowedAUAnyone experiencing mouse click location problems after the machien goes to sleep?  Unity has the click location right, but anything else it's clicking much lower?05:41
widewakeif you meant me qin, im using logkeys05:41
qinwidewake: ^1 would mean Ctrl-105:41
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
nit-witmr_strigiformes, you sure your getting the cd's tp boot05:42
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?05:42
nit-witsounds like the botched hd05:42
HarrowedAURun Gparted Live CD and delete partitions05:42
mr_strigiformesWith BT5 you have the option to boot in "stealth" mode. No hard disk no swap. This doesn't even work.05:42
nit-witmr_strigiformes, okay your call.;)05:42
ratchet132So, anyone got an idea for me to try?05:43
mr_strigiformesAny ideas?05:43
nit-witratchet132, use unetbootin05:43
nit-withold on05:43
adam61tensorpudding: great idea, how would i configure that file?05:43
tensorpuddingadam61: well, first i'd need to see how you configured alsa05:44
nit-witratchet132, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:44
ratchet132is it easy to install05:44
qinmr_strigiformes: bt is not supporded here, and stealth mode is intended for "data recovery", what do you mean it does not work?05:44
adam61tensorpudding: how do i find that out?05:44
lwhalenhey all, when creating a Natty VM with KVM/libvirt, what's the flag I need to pass to the kernel in order to spawn a serial console so I don't have to VNC into the box?05:44
tensorpuddingadam61: what were the instructions that you used?05:44
zermet$10 dollar obey survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7FYJH3F sh05:45
adam61i'll try to find them just a sec05:45
widewakethis is what im looking at, i cant get passed tail --follow http://code.google.com/p/logkeys/wiki/Documentation#Usage_how-to05:45
nit-witratchet132, make sure the ISO is good https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM05:45
mr_strigiformesqin, I mean after attempting an install of the new Ubuntu I can't get anything to boot. To include live discs in safe and stealth mode.05:45
nit-witmr_strigiformes, do you know the per session key prompt for booting another gui here is the deal.05:46
rwwyay spam.05:46
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
mr_strigiformesI can see that grub is loading because I get my boot options. Then when the system attempts to strap up I start getting all kinds of errors, lots of memory realloc errors and tons of debug info scrolling past too fast for me to make heads or tails of it.05:47
adam61tensorpudding: found it, here it is (i had to alter step 3): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-12205:47
widewakecould somebody help me install akeylogger please? ive been trying for the last few hours05:48
widewakei really would like to install this05:48
nit-witmr_strigiformes, any different with a cd boot?05:48
mr_strigiformesThat is the CD boot. W/O CD i just get a blank screen with a flashing underline05:48
tensorpuddingadam61: okay, what do you get when you run cat /proc/asound/cards? can you pastebin it?05:48
nit-witmr_strigiformes, you bypassing the cd no grub menu on the cd.05:49
qinwidewake: Just of curiosity, what is purpose of it?05:49
mr_strigiformesI switched out the disks05:49
mr_strigiformesUsing BT5 to get a grub menu05:49
mr_strigiformesUbuntu just CD locks straight of the bat.05:49
widewakejust to keep things logged, maybe more. but especialy because i allmost got locked out of my emails yesterday05:49
widewakeand to spy on myself05:50
adam61tensorpudding: sure: http://pastebin.com/Ej5NfKtj05:50
nit-witmr_strigiformes, if you get a grub menu your disc isn't being read.05:50
qinwidewake: can you give me linky to source?05:50
tensorpuddingadam61: okay05:50
mr_strigiformesNo, The grub menu is on Back Track 5 Disk.05:50
mr_strigiformesGives an option for booting no swap, no hd. I am just saying that even that doesn't work.05:51
widewakelatest version05:51
tensorpuddingadam61: now, can you install the PulseAudio manager?05:51
nit-witmr_strigiformes, I didn't know that, what about the Ubuntu what happens then?05:51
tensorpuddingadam61: this tool allows you to browse the internal config of pulseaudio more easily05:51
qinwidewake: ok, moment and priv, since it is likely to be spam here.05:51
mr_strigiformesI get the same errors as with the Back Track 5 disk.05:52
tensorpuddingadam61: i want to make sure that the alsa sink for the tascam appear in pulseaudio's config05:52
nit-witmr_strigiformes, a grub menu?05:52
mr_strigiformesNo, no grub with the ubuntu.05:52
mr_strigiformesIt just goes straight for memory realloc failures05:52
pereiranohi everybody05:52
tensorpuddingadam61: it might get confused when you have more than one sound device, and the usb is listed second05:52
mr_strigiformesLike I said. It spits out debug code, just so fast I can't read it.05:53
pereiranoi need information about psi05:53
nit-witmr_strigiformes, doesn't sound the same can you be more specific about booting the Ubuntu.05:53
pereiranothe programm  email05:53
adam61tensorpudding: that sounds very logical.. k it's just about done installing05:53
mr_strigiformesOkay, I put in the disk and hit power. Computer gives me a bios splash and then I get the blank screen with a little some symbol equals another symbol at the bottom.05:54
mr_strigiformesThen a flashing underscore05:54
mr_strigiformesThen a smaller, high def flashing underscore05:54
mr_strigiformesthen on to the system load screen05:54
mr_strigiformesWhich sticks for about twenty minutes05:54
pereiranoi need information about psi05:54
pereiranosomebody can help me05:54
mr_strigiformesIf I hit esc I get an error popping up about SDA1 (which is why I thought hard disk fail)05:55
mr_strigiformesBut then it goes nuts and starts saying it's having segmentation faults, bad memory reads, and realloc failures05:55
lacrymologyI have a little problem05:55
lCHhi everyone05:55
lCHthat psi which is an jabber client?05:55
lacrymologya little while ago my numpad stopped working05:56
lacrymologyI can't think of anything I might have done to provoke that05:56
jamiewannumber lock ???05:56
Proz01dnoob question.....need to transfer files to my server and from my server. nothing is installed yet... all i have is a web based vnc access.  I'm trying to setup openssh as we speak  but need to get the keys transfered so i can connect..05:56
lacrymologyenter works05:56
nit-witmr_strigiformes, Sounds ominous, do you know the keyprompt for the boot from menu past and out of the bios, mine is f12.05:56
lacrymology+ acts as right click05:56
tensorpuddingadam61: did it install? you should do alt+f2 then enter paman, which will start the manager05:57
adam61tensorpudding: ok cool thanks05:57
mr_strigiformesYeah. I can reboot and use it. You wants me to ensure that I'm booting CD first? I can check to be sure ;)05:57
zhjaweHi,anyone know about the error:Unknow argument quiet when i compile C programme in GCC?05:57
tensorpuddingadam61: there should be two entries under Sinks in the Devices tab05:57
nit-witmr_strigiformes, no, the bios is not in the eqaution.05:57
tensorpuddingzhjawe: how are you invoking gcc05:57
G00053find -name \*.mp3 and $music when music=(find -name \*.mp3) do not return the same results . can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong ?05:58
adam61tensorpudding: it's showing only one under Sinks05:58
mr_strigiformesF1 brings up my bios screen. Def. booting the CD05:58
tensorpuddingadam61: what's the description?05:58
mr_strigiformesIs there something here I'm missing?05:58
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." Wie kann ich ermitteln, ob das »MySQL Reference Manual« schon lokal installiert ist?05:59
adam61tensorpudding: "Internal Audio Analog"05:59
zhjawetensorpudding:the command line is "gcc test.c"05:59
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?05:59
nit-witmr_strigiformes, there is a not in the bios gui where you choose a boot, same list but out of the bios. you use the same technique with a power on and keyprompt to get it mine is f1205:59
tensorpuddingadam61: okay, it sounds like pulse isn't finding your alsa card05:59
adam61tensorpudding: all of the devices are listed as alsa, that's a good sign right05:59
tensorpuddingadam61: normally it uses udev to detect them, but you can specify it manually by editing /etc/pulse/system.pa i believe06:00
mr_strigiformesHey nit-with, thanks for the help. I gotta run. Hopefully will be able to come around later and catch up with you to let you know if I got it fixed.06:00
IcemanV9G00053: try this -> music=`find -name \*.mp3`06:01
eman99Hello , simple question. I enter the line “wget -q "http://deb.playonlinux.com/public.gpg" -O - | sudo apt-key add -” into terminal. What does the “-” char in this line do? I know the first “-” dumps the content of the file “ public.gpg” into the std out but why?06:01
tensorpuddingadam61: actually, default.pa06:01
zhjawetensorpudding:the programme is a simply "Hello world".06:01
adam61tensorpudding: ok cool i'll bring that up. thanks again for helping06:01
LinusTNatty user here. My Applications menu is open and won't give up focus no matter where I click. Do I have to restart X to escape this?06:02
adam61tensorpudding: ok i've got it open; what should i edit?06:02
_rookI have some gpg keys for a couple repositories sitting in some files on my hard drive. how do I get the keys out of the files and into apt? just running apt-key add on the files doesn't seem to work06:02
tensorpuddingzhjawe: that is strange, make sure that gcc points to an actual compiler, try figuring out what version you're using06:02
rwweman99: the - after apt-key add means "read from standard input"06:02
Jordan_Ueman99: In almost all commands that take a filename as an argument '-' stands for stdin.06:02
G00053IcemanV9: no such file or directory06:03
rwweman99: wget -O - means write to standard output. There's no real "why" to it, it's just convention.06:03
armence__Hello all. For some reason when I am logged on as myself the sound works, but if instead I am logged on as my wife, the source does not work. Can anybody help?06:03
eman99thanks rrw and jordan_u!!!!06:03
pixxi451having problems installing Ubuntu using Wubi on Windows XP, it keeps freezing up in the middle of the iso file download, even when I disabled the firewall and antivirus06:03
Jordan_Ueman99: You're welcome.06:03
IcemanV9G00053: add a specific path to .mp3 files06:04
eman99how come when i do "cp someFile -" it copies to another file instead of std out tho?06:04
Jordan_Upixxi451: You can download the iso separately and point wubi to it. Why are you using Wubi rather than doing a normal dual boot install?06:04
rwweman99: because cp doesn't work that way06:04
eman99ahh, so there is no real convention06:04
eman99haha, i think too deep into things!06:04
tensorpuddingadam61: sorry i'm not sure yet what you have to edit06:04
eman99thats my problem06:04
LinusTeman99: You could 'cat' it to stdout.06:05
G00053IcemanV9:  lost me , google keyword ?06:05
adam61tensorpudding: that's ok, no rush. i just really appreciate that you're helping06:05
Jordan_Ueman99: There is a general convention, just not a hard rule.06:05
eman99how can i read where it talks about the "-" in wget, i dont think i saw it in the help06:05
pixxi451ok Jordan_U, I'll try that :)06:05
eman99yes, i use cat all the time06:05
eman99ok, gota ya06:05
=== lCH is now known as lCH[A]
* lCH[A] ist jetzt abwesend - Grund : Auto-Away after 10 minutes06:05
rwweman99: "`-O FILE' `--output-document=FILE' The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but all will be concatenated together and  written to FILE.  If `-' is used as FILE, documents will be printed to standard output, disabling link conversion."06:06
IcemanV9G00053: for example: find -name /home/ubuntu/Music/\*.mp306:06
eman99i hate reading :-p thanks again , i can sleep good tonight06:06
lwhalenhey all, when creating a Natty VM with KVM/libvirt, what's the flag I need to pass to the kernel in order to spawn a serial console so I don't have to VNC into the box?06:07
tensorpuddingadam61: okay, you need to find the line with load-module module-alsa-source06:07
eman99how does the "sudo apt-key add -" part work?06:07
rwweman99: "add filename: Add a new key to the list of trusted keys. The key is read from filename, or standard input if filename is -."06:08
chrislu5ticHi there. I am using a desktop recorder.. anyone have some advice for a good converter so i can convert ogv to mpg or mpeg etc etc06:08
tensorpuddingadam61: you need to remove the # in front of it, i think that will make it work06:08
eman99hey thanks , will pay closer attention to the doc next time06:09
tensorpuddingadam61: the device= part specifies which device to use, as numbered by alsa, i think hw:1,0 is right since /proc/asound/cards listed it as number 106:09
chrislu5ticcan someone help me convert ogv into mpeg or anything but ogv06:09
tensorpuddingadam61: after editing you need to restart pulseaudio06:09
=== HarrowedAU is now known as HarrowedAU[BNC]
=== HarrowedAU[BNC] is now known as HarrowedAU
chrislu5ticugh ugh06:10
adam61tensorpudding: awesome. thank you so much06:10
tensorpuddingadam61: i'm not sure it will work, it might make pulseaudio not start06:11
chrislu5ticCan someone offer me advice about converting ogv into mpeg,06:11
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?06:11
nit-witchrislu5tic, sound convertor06:11
eman99Ok another question, I am using the line “sudo wget http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_maverick.list “ to install . Why does the deb depend on the version of ubuntu ? Why is there always maverick or hardy or natty or whatever. Shouldn't it work on all versions06:11
nit-witchrislu5tic, nice pretty gui.;)06:12
chrislu5ticnit-wit:  nice pretty gui  is the name of an app ?06:12
nit-witchrislu5tic, sound convertor06:13
nit-witnesds installation06:13
chrislu5ticsound coverter?06:13
chrislu5ticim not trying to convert sound06:13
chrislu5ticim converting video06:13
nit-withandbrake then sorry.;)06:13
adam61tensorpudding: how would i change the permissions on that file? sorry newbie here06:14
_rookeman99, different versions of ubuntu use different versions of libraries and kernels. it's easier to install packages that are built for specific builds of a distribution.06:14
tensorpuddingadam61: you should try editing the file by using gksudo gedit /etc/pulse/default.pa06:14
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: you want to do transcoding?06:14
eman99that makes sense , thanks06:14
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: you might consider arista transcoder06:15
chrislu5tictensorpudding:  transcoding?  I recorded a video with a desktop recorder.  the format is in ogv.  i just want to convert it into mpeg mpg or something more easy to work with.06:15
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: yeah, that's transcoding06:15
tensorpuddingsupports h.264, webm and theora at least06:15
chrislu5ticokay...  I will have a look into that... i will be asking questions about it momentarily LOL06:15
nit-witopera, whats up06:16
quizmehow do u make the computer to automatically log in to an account ?06:16
tensorpuddingit's mostly used for converting formats for different devices06:16
tensorpuddinglike mobile and psp06:16
bullgard4eman99: In Ubuntu programs are often subdivided in modules to make programming easier. modules serve as components for several programs. in a new Ubuntu releas a component may have been changed for example to eliminate an errror. Thus in a new release a program that depends on this component needs to refer to another component (with a different release name and date).06:16
operai want study  on syestem mange of linux,who can tell me what book i may read06:16
adam61tensorpudding: ok, got that done. how do i restart pulseaudio?06:16
G00053IcemanV9:  n/m your syntax was what i needed just forgot to put echo ..thanks06:16
lwhalenwhen creating a Natty VM with KVM/libvirt, what's the flag I need to pass to the kernel in order to spawn a serial console so I don't have to VNC into the box?06:17
IcemanV9G00053: sweet06:17
nit-witquizme, you want to autologin to your computer right.?06:17
eman99i see. its to make sure all the differnt versions binary libraries are the right versions06:17
quizmenit-wit, yeah like when i boot it up.06:17
tensorpuddingadam61: one way would be to log out then back in06:17
adam61k cool be right back. thank06:18
_rookI have gpg keys for a repository in a .gpg file on my computer. running an apt-key add command doesn't seem to import them. anyone know a step I'm missing?06:18
quizmenit-wit i think i found it: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/07/automatically-login-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-login-screen/06:18
=== alexim_ is now known as alexim
nit-wit cool06:18
chrislu5tictensorpudding: thank you   this app works beautifully very user friendly06:19
quizmenit-with thanks06:19
quizmenit-wit thanks06:19
operawho can recommand me some book on system manage about LINUX?06:19
quizmenit-wit (thanks for thinking that i'm cool)06:19
pixxi451once I finish downloading the Ubuntu iso file, how do I get Wubi to point to it?06:19
bullgard4_rook: Add the repository's address in Synaptic. This will handle the gpg key too.06:20
_rookbullgard4, i actually never thought to try that, thank you06:20
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: it might actually support other formats than just the ones listed there, but i don't know for sure06:20
nit-witquizme, in our own minds we all are.;)06:20
quizmenit-wit lol06:21
pixxi451working with a WinXP laptop, how do I get Wubi to point to the Ubuntu iso file once I've downloaded it?06:22
chrislu5ticit's all good,  I mostly use a converter on my macbook,   but it would not convert ogv files..  but now it is in mpeg and I can convert to anyformat with my mac,   I actually have the macbuntu theme put in and a bunch of terminal tweaks to make it like a macbook..hahah06:22
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: just a word of caution06:22
chrislu5tictensorpudding: word of caution?06:22
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: transcoding multiple times causes video and audio degradataion06:22
chrislu5ticyess.  like an old tape06:23
dementroxhello from chile06:23
fiberHi... I was playing around with nethogs and for some reason I see a process being run by root with a process name "..2:22-"... this is slightly troublesome because the IP in that name is in China!  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to shed some light on the situation06:23
tensorpuddingchrislu5tic: all the formats there are lossy, meaning that every time you encode you lose information06:23
pixxi451can anyone help me please? :)06:23
operawho can help me ,i need an ebook about system manage06:24
tensorpuddingadam61: does it work?06:24
chrislu5tictensorpussing: wow.. that... sucks..06:24
glitchdhey room=)06:24
here4thegearhi all, I'm having a bit of an issue with ubuntu servers with virtual hosts trying to send email from a php page. Some email gets sent but some gets me an smtp 550 error brief description here http://paste.linuxassist.net/21564106:24
seidospixxi451: you may have to patient.  i have never used wubi06:24
seidos*to be06:25
tensorpuddingopera: there's a lot of books out there on system management, just check out amazon06:25
pixxi451ok seidos, thanx06:25
glitchdok so i have a weird occurrence, no so much a problem as much as an annoyance.06:25
SnakkahDoes anyone know anything about CPU frequency scaling and how to tweak the CPU frequency for better performance? I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid.06:25
nit-witglitchd, spit it out man.06:25
glitchdevery time i log in to ubuntu, a certain folder opens..?06:25
glitchdi cant for the life of my figure out why06:26
glitchdbut i would like it to stop06:26
Snakkahglitchd, what folder?06:26
nit-witglitchd, which folder06:26
adam61tensorpudding: ok, i tried it and it didn't work, so i changed the file back to what it was, logged out then logged back in, and now it's not working properly - under 'input' and 'output' there is only one option instead of two (tascam's are missing) and in 'hardware' when i select the tascam and hit test speakers it just exits06:26
adam61do you think a reboot might work?06:26
glitchdSnakkah, nit-wit its my mine craft folder06:26
SnakkahMine craft folder...06:26
nit-witSnakkah, there is a panel addon not sure if that is what your looking for.06:27
tensorpuddingadam61: where is this that you're hitting test?06:27
operatensorpudding, what means "check out amazon06:27
glitchdany clues guys??06:27
nit-witglitchd, have you added anything IE minecraft to the startup applications06:27
tensorpuddingopera: search www.amazon.com06:27
glitchdnit-wit, not that i know06:28
glitchdnit-wit, how would i check?06:28
adam61tensorpudding: it's sound preferences > hardware > test speakers06:28
Snakkahnit-wit, yeah, I know about the panel addon but I was looking for something a little more permanent, like something I could run from the Terminal. From what I can tell, my CPU is set to the "ondemand" setting which is recommended, but I want to know if there's any way to customize this further.06:28
Jordan_Upixxi451: http://wubi.sourceforge.net/faq.php06:28
nit-witglitchd, open it and take a looksie.06:28
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pixxi451thanx Jordan_U :)06:28
tensorpuddingadam61: there's a tascam option in there now?06:28
glitchdnit-wit, what am i looking for in the folder?06:29
Jordan_Upixxi451: You're welcome. You still haven't answered why you want to use Wubi instead of a normal dual boot though...06:29
operatensorpudding, i see,thank you06:29
adam61tensorpudding: ya that hasn't changed, but now the tascam options are missing from the input and output tabs06:29
adam61and the sound isnt' working06:29
pixxi451because I'm working with WinXP, I'm still a newbie using Linux here :P  I've been spoiled rotten by WinBlows06:29
glitchdnit-wit, wait i think i figured it out06:29
adam61tensorpudding: should i try rebooting do you think?06:29
Snakkahglitchd, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications. See if that folder is set to open at startup.06:30
nit-witglitchd, there is a gui called startup applications open and look for anything minecraft06:30
glitchdnit-wit, i remember sometime before i found that button to remember currently running apps. maybe i clicked it when the minecraft folder was open and now everything i log in no matter if that option is checked or not, it opens it?06:30
tensorpuddingadam61: i suppose you might try removing the # as before, then rebooting06:30
glitchdSnakkah, nit-wit no there is nothing about minecraft in the startup applications preferences06:31
tensorpuddingadam61: oh darn, what was i thinking06:31
tensorpuddingadam61: i had you edit the wrong line06:31
nit-witglitchd, go to home .config/autostart and look there06:32
tensorpuddingadam61: you should have changed the one starting with alsa-module-sink06:32
adam61tensorpudding: awesome ahah that's a relief i hope06:32
tensorpuddingadam61: not source06:32
tensorpuddingadam61: source is for input06:32
adam61so keep the other line how it originally was then eh06:32
tensorpuddingadam61: so go in to the configuration file as before, and change the place where it says source, to sink06:32
YulinaHi, is there another program i can use , Ventrilo is not working. Im using Ubuntu 11.04 64 Bit06:33
bullgard4eman99: In Ubuntu programs are often subdivided in modules to make programming easier. modules serve as components for several programs. in a new Ubuntu releas a component may have been changed for example to eliminate an errror. Thus in a new release a program that depends on this component needs to refer to another component (with a different release name and date).06:34
SegoHow do I uninstall Citrix Client from Ubuntu?06:36
bestwithuhello, could anyone tell me as how to run XP in safe mood at grub windows (where there are 2 bootloaders (xp SP3 and ubuntu 10.4), since XP is not getting load but ubuntu is running smooth.06:36
glitchdSnakkah, nit-wit nope nothing about the minecraft folder06:36
nit-witbestwithu, choose XP hit f8 and hold it down06:36
Zelozelosbestwithu, what happens when u try xp?06:36
bestwithuZelzelos, it only comes blank screen (not even loads actually)06:37
bestwithunit-wit: i tried to do that a lot of time but its not helping me out06:37
nit-witbestwithu, is this a new install of a Ubuntu as well06:37
Zelozelosbestwithu, do you get any windows stuff at all like a logo or anything? bestwithu06:38
raviepic3people everyday i initiated a download on my ubuntu pc and lock the screen and leave, i notice that the internet connection gets cut within 10 to 15 mins after i leave. I am connecting to internet via reliance data card - usb modem. what are the odds of my ubuntu responsible for this ?06:38
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?06:38
bestwithuZelozelos : no at all, no logos or anything just blank screen06:38
Zelozelosbestwithu, what did u do just b4 it stopped working? or what broke it?06:38
bestwithunit-wit: its just a normal version ubuntu 10.04 and grub 2.006:39
ActionParsnipraviepic3: what app was downloading the file?06:39
YulinaHi, is there another program i can use , Ventrilo is not working. Im using Ubuntu 11.04 64 Bit06:39
raviepic3ActionParsnip, Transmission06:39
nit-witbestwithu, I'm with Zelozelos last question?06:39
dylan_any chinese here ?06:39
Jordan_U!cn | dylan_06:39
ubottudylan_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。06:39
dylan_Jordan glad to meet you here06:40
bestwithuZelzozelos : there was immediate shut down, without proper method as PC power went off when i was playing a gmae, then it never staeted06:40
dylan_i am new to ubuntu06:40
Zelozelosbestwithu, its sounding like you messed up your windows boot, grub is prob working fine06:40
Jordan_U!bootinfo | bestwithu06:40
ubottubestwithu: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).06:40
adam61tensorpudding: same thing this time as last - tascam options missing from input and output and it exits when i test the speakers after selecting tascam. the one positive difference is that before, when i first logged in, it didn't show the tascam option in sound preferences at all until i unplugged it and plugged it back in. now it shows it without having to do that, but no sound. so lousy tradeoff but maybe we've mad06:40
adam61e some progress? wishful thinking? lol06:40
ActionParsnipraviepic3: there is an option in transmission to prevent ubuntu turning stuff off with active torrents. Use them, see if it makes a difference06:41
glitchdany other ideas??06:41
tensorpuddingadam61: hmm06:41
raviepic3ActionParsnip, its not transmission which is stopping the download, the modem itself gets undetected after some time, so there is not internet connectivity06:41
tensorpuddingadam61: the tascam option showed up before you edited the pulseaudio config?06:41
Jordan_U!pm | dylan_06:41
ubottudylan_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:41
bestwithuzelzelos : actually yes i am feeling bad though since lots of stuff works on windows only...06:42
adam61tensorpudding: once i plugged it back in, yes06:42
bestwithuubottu: i am looking in to it, thanks.06:42
ubottubestwithu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:42
dylan_r u familiar with lubuntu06:42
adam61tensorpudding: but now no06:42
tensorpuddingadam61: ah06:42
tensorpuddingadam61: then what we did was probably not helpful06:42
Zelozelosbestwithu, thers an almost simple fix, theres a prog called shoot i forgot whats it called, you install it to cd or usb and it runs debian then theres a prog running that will fix grub or load a generic windows loader so you can use sys disk to fix06:42
dylan_jordan 你对lubuntu熟悉吗06:42
tensorpuddingadam61: probably you should recomment that line in the config06:43
nit-witbestwithu, run this script and pastebin all the text.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/06:43
tensorpuddingadam61: if the tascam is showing up in your sound config, that means that pulseaudio recognizes it06:43
adam61tensorpudding: ok i'll do that then log out and brb06:43
tensorpuddingadam61: meaning your problems could well be due to bugs in pulseaudio or the driver06:43
Jordan_Udylan_: I don't speak Chinese.06:43
ActionParsnipraviepic3: then see if there is an option on the module you can add at load time. If you have a screensaver enabled and power options it may be killing power to the usb when it kicks in. The options stop that happening and are much easier to enable06:44
adam61tensorpudding: might be worth giving removing pulseaudio a shot u think?06:44
tensorpuddingadam61: i suppose, but you do lose a lot of features by having it removed06:44
ActionParsnipZelozelos: ultimate boot cd?06:44
ZelozelosActionParsnip, that may be the one, it worked great i just went through all that messin around with grub config06:45
adam61tensorpudding: but i could always test it and then reinstall if i needed without any drawbacks right?06:45
raviepic3ActionParsnip, i had same thought and disabled all power saying modes and tried yesterday again, same behaviour :(06:45
raviepic3ActionParsnip, but whats the mod you are talking about ?06:45
tensorpuddingadam61: i think so06:45
bestwithunit-wit & Zelozelos, thanks a lot for your help06:45
YulinaHi, is there another program i can use , Ventrilo is not working. Im using Ubuntu 11.04 64 Bit06:45
raviepic3ActionParsnip, add what at the ..... what load time ?06:45
raviepic3are you talking about transmission or ubuntu ?06:45
ZelozelosActionParsnip, the only thing it didnt do was set up the dual boot, i had 2 do that manually06:45
raviepic3ActionParsnip, ^06:45
nit-witbestwithu, no prob use the script for yourself though it is a good one.06:45
ActionParsnipraviepic3: you will need to run: lsmod   and identify the module. There is no single answer06:46
illmortalHey guys, does anyone know if the latest Linux drivers from NVIDIA Version: 270.41.06 is 100% good to go on 11.04?06:46
ZelozelosActionParsnip, for some reason os prober would not detect windows06:46
adam61tensorpudding: is there anything else in that file that you can think of to try changing before i log out?06:46
tensorpuddingnot really06:47
ActionParsnipZelozelos: did you try os-prober? It usually picks stuff up06:47
adam61k brb06:47
dylan_when i am typing in chinese, the chinese input's icon becomes a red X, how can i fix it?06:47
wymsorry ,06:47
wymi don't know06:47
dylan_Jordan sorry i thought you were chinese06:47
SolnseI think I need help... I am new to Ubuntu, but I updated to 10.10 about a month ago, now I don't have the Applications, System, and Places menu in the top bar anymore... I thought it was part of the upgrade but now I see it in a screenshot for a tutorial I am trying to follow... How do I get the Applications System Places menus back?06:47
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current | illmortal06:47
ubottuillmortal: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 270.41.06-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 27828 kB, installed size 81488 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)06:47
bullgard4dylan_: Welcome to Ubuntu!06:47
ZelozelosActionParsnip, yup it didnt work i had to add stuf to etc/grub.d/06:48
wymhow do you do06:48
nit-witSolnse, do you ahve any menu06:48
dylan_thank you bullgard406:48
ActionParsnipZelozelos: i see, my grub use only extends to boot options as i always single boot06:48
illmortalActionParsnip, I'm trying to figure out if it's a buggy driver before I go and install it heh06:49
adam61tensorpudding: ok same as last time unfortunately. what do you think i should try?06:49
dylan_i really  hope someone can help fix chinese input06:49
ActionParsnipillmortal: it works fine06:49
tensorpuddingadam61: it didn't go back to the way it was before you edited the config?06:49
wymso many people06:49
fubadahi, is do-release-upgrade safe from jaunty to 11.04?06:49
adam61tensorpudding: no, unfortunately not06:49
fubadahi, is do-release-upgrade safe from jaunty to 11.04? or am i better off with a reinstall06:49
Solnsenit-wit I see a small round icon in he far left of the menu bar, that's all.... besides XChat-GNOME IRC Chat now.06:50
fratzbcmorning, is there any central update management system voor ubuntu?06:50
nit-witSolnse, right click panel and add the menu back06:50
dylan_thanks all. i'd better find other ways..06:50
Solnsenit-wit: right click does nothing06:50
bullgard4fubada: It is safe to use do-release-upgrade.06:50
nit-witSolnse, add to panel from a right clck.06:50
fubadabullgard4, will that take me only one release up ?06:51
ActionParsnipWym: you are in the official support channel for the fastest growing Linux distribution, 2 weeks after a new release. What did you expect06:51
fubadaseems to be it wants to go jaunty->karm06:51
Gskellingif I use modprobe to load a kernel module06:51
bullgard4fubada: Yes.06:51
Gskellinghow do i "unload" It?06:51
nit-witSolnse, top panel in maverick regular gnome-panel?06:51
fubadabullgard4, so i will have to run it several times to get to 11.04?06:51
bullgard4fubada: Yes.06:51
ActionParsnipfubada: no you need to do a lot of upgrading to get Natty06:52
fubadaso am i better off reinstalling?06:52
tensorpuddingadam61: that's really strange06:52
Solnsenit-wit: correct. right click does nothing, but I know my right mouse button is working. I get menu's elsewhere06:52
ActionParsnip!eol | fubada06:52
ubottufubada: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:52
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
nit-witSolnse, open a terminal and we will reload the panel run killall gnome-panel06:53
Solnsenit-wit: File Edit View Places Help shows if I minimize chat and nothing is open.06:53
ActionParsnipfubada: a clean install will give a cleaner OS and faster06:53
adam61tensorpudding: ya, we knew it was a risk when we tried it though. probably more reason to try removing pulseaudio? cause that is just a pulseaudio file eh06:53
tensorpuddingadam61: yeah, i guess so06:53
nit-witSolnse, at the end of the panel not on a app.06:53
Solnsenit-wit: thanks, terminal is open06:53
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?06:54
Solnsenit-wit: i'm pretty sure it's not something I did because I never saw those menu items since I upgraded to 10.1006:54
nit-witSolnse, killall gnome-panel    then at either end of the panel and around in it right click for the add to panel, it sometimes if you have customized the panels is a bit harder06:54
adam61tensorpudding: how would you recommend going about that? all i found in my searches was suggestions on cli methods, but that's presumably because you don't need any assistance using synaptic. i'm inclined to go synaptic just cause i'm a rookie but what do you think06:55
wymso lively ,i  enjoy it06:55
tensorpuddingadam61: doing it with synaptic is fine06:55
Solnsenit-wit: I haven't customized anything. Unfortunately in the terminal I recieved gonome-panel: no process found06:55
adam61tensorpudding: would you remove just one package, all of them or just a few specific ones?06:56
nit-witSolnse, did you run killall gnome-panel in the terminal?06:56
Solnsenit-wit: without typo... gnome-panel of course06:56
nit-witSolnse, killall gnome-panel06:56
Solnsenit-wit: I typed: killall gnome-panel and it responded gnome-panel: no process found06:56
tensorpuddingadam61: if you remove pulseaudio it should get rid of everything that is a problem06:57
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
nit-witSolnse, your running Maverick are you sur e it sounds like natty do you have a panel on the left part of the screen06:57
adam61tensorpudding: yeah that's what i'm thinking too. hopefully it will fix it right off the bat but i'm guessing i might have to reinstall alsa or something, but that's not bad at all06:58
Exodist2009night all06:58
Solnsenit-wit: yes, it has icons for shortcuts to various programs and things? auto-hides and comes out when I mouse over there06:58
nit-witSolnse, that is natty your menua re different.06:58
adam61tensorpudding: so just to be clear, just one package eh, like the main one.. haha sorry for soo many questions06:59
tensorpuddingadam61: it's okay, i'm sorry that i don't really have any other ideas for fixing it06:59
adam61np it's cool06:59
Solnsenit-wit: strange I upgraded from inside the operating system I am sure.06:59
nit-witSolnse, I will not make a snide remark here.;)06:59
Solnsenit-wit: I know I am a noob, but how do I get maverick then?07:00
bullgard4What does 'o4o' for in ubottu's catchword?07:00
bullgard4What does 'o4o' stand for in ubottu's catchword?07:00
nit-witSolnse, if you have natty you will have to do a fresh install, but natty is not bad.07:00
Solnsenit-wit: that means I will loose everything I installed, rails, etc.? lame.07:01
Solnsenit-wit: ok, thanks... can you tell me what natty is then? it's just a different version of ubuntu or ?07:01
MishaFashionistaHi there, does anyone know how to get dual monitors to work? I have an Envy 14 with an hdmi output and the monitors program doesn't see my other monitor07:02
rwwbullgard4: Offtopic For (homophone for "four") Offtopic07:02
nit-witSolnse, no you can back up some things, but adaption is why our species is dominant, you can do it.;)07:02
MishaFashionistaIt has an ati video card07:02
bullgard4rww: Thank you.07:02
squonksounds to me like Solnse has installed natty.07:03
nit-witSolnse, you can boot to the classic desktop at the login from changing the desktop with a button on the bottom panel after you click your name07:03
Solnsenit-wit: sorry that sentence didn't make sense to me.07:04
Solnsenit-wit: how do I get back to standard, normal ubuntu07:05
squonkSolnse_: you installed ubuntu from windows using wubi, correct?07:05
nit-witSolnse, at the login screen hit enter for yiour name then in the bottom panel is a drop up chooses Ubuntu classic put in your password and log in07:05
Solnsesquonk: no, I upgraded from inside ubuntu07:05
squonkahhhh nm07:05
Solnsenitwit: ok, I understand. I will go try that07:05
nit-witSolnse, I forgot sorry.07:06
* squonk slides nit-wit a cup of coffee, extra cream, extra sugar.07:06
dr_kludgehey yall, im writing a console app in C and i need to direct some io to a file, whats the proper way to type out a complete filename on ubuntu assuming you are going to /Documents for the current user?07:06
nit-witsquonk, and 3 extra shots of espersso07:06
wymglad to meet you07:07
Gskellinghow do I unload a kernel module with modprobe07:07
* squonk slides over the demi toss so nit-wit can add to taste.07:07
dr_kludgei.e. does a console app start from the same prompt as the default terminal?07:07
squonkI take my coffee very seriously... I live on the stuff.07:07
nit-witsquonk, I didn't choose the nic randomly.;)07:08
nit-witme to07:08
squonknor did I07:08
squonkI'm a total genesis freak07:08
squonkwas surpised no one had it07:08
nit-witsquonk, are you familiar with brandx07:08
maninderi m new to ubuntu07:09
squonknit-wit, no07:09
maninderwhere can i download it from07:09
squonkWelcome maninder!!!07:09
nit-witsquonk, you meant genesis music07:09
Jordan_Udr_kludge: Get the $HOME environment variable then append "Documents/foo" to it.07:09
teddyroosebeltdoes edubuntu still have a blackjack game available?07:09
amin`I want to examine my grub config file where could I find it (ubuntu 10.10)?07:10
squonknit-wit: indeed I did.07:10
dr_kludgeJordan_U: i'm not sure what you mean.  in winows i'd be doing fopen("C:\folder\database.txt", "a+");07:10
dr_kludgei just dont know what to substitute in for ubuntu for the file path07:10
nit-witsquonk, BrandX is a band Phil Colins played in Fusion Phil is a monster drummer check out youtube07:10
squonkoooo rawk!07:10
dr_kludge\home\name\Documents ?07:11
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=== Guest27366 is now known as Solnse
squonkThis is day three with 11.03 for me and the only complaint I have is it doesn't use all of my wide screen on the display.07:11
Jordan_Udr_kludge: In Ubuntu (or any *NIX) you would fopen("/home/dr_kludge/Documents/database.txt, "a+").07:11
squonkBut what do you expect with wubi?07:11
ActionParsnipnit-wit: its also a foul drink over here which tramps drink07:11
dr_kludgeJordan_U: awesome, thx.  have to finish this assignment for tomorrow's final and was hung up :-)07:12
squonkover here?07:12
squonkGotta be a Brit!07:12
=== yarddog_ is now known as yarddog-
Jordan_Udr_kludge: But rather than putting "/home/dr_kludge" in manually you should get the value of HOME with getenv.07:12
Solnsenit-wit: I selected Ubuntu classic and yes, it looks like what I had before I did the upgrade. but does that mean all the files and things I installed while in that other environment is gone? How can I check what version this is I am on now?07:12
Jordan_Udr_kludge: You're welcome.07:12
nit-witSolnse, no everything should be there does it look normal07:13
HotPeachesAndCrehello again07:13
ActionParsnipdr_kludge: use slashes instead of switches. Jordan_U's command highlights this07:13
nit-witSolnse, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ6Pd30q9sw&feature=related07:13
Solnsenit-wit: it looks normal except there is no power icon for the menu to shut down, reboot, etc.07:13
HotPeachesAndCrei think i broke my ubuntu07:13
nit-witActionParsnip, can yeah send me ah pint.;)07:13
ActionParsnipsquonk: indeed :-)07:13
nit-witSolnse, that description is convoluted, power buton to shut down the computer you man07:14
ActionParsnipnit-wit: sounds more manly than that ounce system the Americans use07:14
HotPeachesAndCrehow do you make ubuntu look like new again please07:14
maninderlooking for help on ubuntu07:15
amin`I want to examine my grub config file where could I find it (ubuntu 10.10)?07:15
maninderhow do i mount a drive07:15
nit-witActionParsnip, lol07:15
Solnsenit-wit: yes... usually in the corner is an icon where I go to select shut down. It's missing.... next to the date and mail icons07:15
ActionParsnipSolnse: use: sudo shutdown -h now     and it will turn off gracefully07:15
GskellingFINALLY got my nvidia gpu working AND disabled my intel gpu07:15
adam61tensorpudding: you'll never guess - everything works perfectly! right off the bat.. i didn't even need to unplug and replug or change the settings like i've always had to!07:15
Gskellingif anybody needs to know how to deal with dual graphics cards, IM your guy07:16
tensorpuddingadam61: that's good news07:16
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?07:16
manindersudo is what .. or means what .. is it the application launcher07:16
adam61tensorpudding: maybe not everything, but probably most of the stuff i need; we'll see07:16
Gskellingmaninder, youre asking what sudo is?07:16
adam61tensorpudding: thank you for all your help!07:16
Gskellingsudo is "super user do" aka run as root07:17
ActionParsnipamin`: it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg    you do NOT manually edit it to modify the boot07:17
maninderi hav heard that about "sudo" ..what is it used for ?07:17
tensorpuddingadam61: np07:17
Gskellingits the ubuntu equivalent of "run as administrator" On windows07:17
HotPeachesAndCreanyone know please how to get rid of that big bar on the left of my screen please07:18
Solnsenit-wit: the about ubuntu says I am on Ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal... did I upgrade too far or something?07:18
nit-witmaninder, it is a command to go super user=admin in windows07:18
maninderthat helps07:18
Gskellingstands for "super user do"07:18
bullgard4maninder: Please read 'man sudo'.07:18
bastidrazor!classic | HotPeachesAndCre07:18
ubottuHotPeachesAndCre: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.07:18
maninderthe CLI is it ?07:18
Solnsethought I was on 10.1007:18
Gskellingit allows you to run things as root without opening a full root shell07:18
nit-witSolnse, I don't know I wasn't there, lol.;) natty is a full release though.07:18
hbCan i the install several local packages  with gdebi07:19
maninderok gs07:19
Solnsenit-wit: ok thanks for your time. back to trying to install my printer driver from the webpage I found :)07:19
squonkThis is the first time I've had the courage to actually dive in...07:19
squonkThis new build I think will allow many people to explore07:19
nit-witSolnse, no prob you wil be find with the classic in natty I suspect.;)07:19
ActionParsnipmaninder: users in the admin group can use sudo. Your user is only a user. When you need admin power or access to files which aren't yours you can prepend the command with sudo (or gksudo for graphical apps (kdesu in KDE))07:20
bullgard4hb: " gdebi lets you install local deb packages resolving and installing its dependencies. apt does the same, but only for remote (http, ftp) located packages."07:20
nit-witsquonk, did you check out that youtube link07:20
squonkActionParsnip: the build I have installed is the gnome build.07:20
squonkI can use gnome xchat or just xchat07:20
hbok...Is there a similar program do that...? I mean GUI gtk installer07:21
squonkgnomexchat looks a bit sparse07:21
squonkbut plain xchat is cool with the new build, correct?07:21
vishakcan anyone help me on this?  Can I shrink my D drive to install ubuntu without affecting my other drives (C and E)07:21
* squonk nods to nit-wit07:21
bullgard4hb: Consider the program "Synaptic". Its functionality is larger and not identical.07:21
ActionParsnipbullgard4: sudo apt-get -f install    resolves deps using the web repos (if it can)07:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
amin`does any one know where the grub config file is located??////////////07:21
squonknit-wit: yus, thankies I love vids!07:22
bastidrazoramin`: /etc/default/grub07:22
nit-witvishak, are you sure you don't have 4 partitions already?07:22
ActionParsnipsquonk: you can use any irc client you desire, even ones which use KDE07:22
ActionParsnipamin`: i told you earlier!!07:23
nit-witsquonk, ;)07:23
HotPeachesAndCrehttp://img546.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1qe.png/   please how do i get rid of this please07:23
ActionParsnip!grub2 | amin`07:23
ubottuamin`: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:23
squonkActionParsnip: good good, I can continue my explorations then. I am having a ball discovering the apps.07:23
helloEARTHi thought it was at /boot/grub07:23
stefan___Hi all ... can anyone tell me, why my Intel 965 Graphic card in a lenovo t61 does only get a software renderer at opengl? Packages are installed and X is getting up with the intel driver ...07:23
nit-witvishak, can you take a screen shot of a partitioner looking at your HD like gparted and post it in image.bin07:24
ActionParsnipsquonk: very healthy, you may find apps you prefer which differ from the default07:24
vishaknit-wit where should i post it?07:24
nit-withold on07:24
ActionParsniphelloEARTH: read ubottu's link07:24
squonkActionParsnip: well I thought I'd muck around with it from the wubi and then I'll see about actually installing on a dedicated box.07:25
squonkLike most OS's ya have to play with it.07:25
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nit-witvishak, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add07:26
hbWhat about apt2...07:26
ActionParsnipsquonk: best way to learn. Sadly wubi is harder to fix if you super break it. It's performance is also directly impacted by the fragmentation in NTFS07:27
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bullgard4hb: What do you mean by "apt2"?07:27
hbbullgard4 :http://wiki.debian.org/Apt207:29
squonkActionParsnip: I suspect that is the price one pays for the self installation package, i.e. since it's largely generic you are limited, whereas one who compiles their own kernel and sets their own scripts to run on the system will of course, fair better. Didn't know about the NTFS fragmentation issue, so is FAT32 the better for linux then?07:30
vishaknit-wit http://imagebin.org/15365007:30
Solnsehow do I find out what IP address my printer is on? :)07:30
nit-witcool hold on vishak07:30
bullgard4hb: http://wiki.debian.org/Apt2 says: "Schedule:     * No official release or pre-release announced yet."07:31
sysdocIn Unity I have lost my menu bar, is there some magic to get em back? lol!07:31
classicalHello folks :))07:31
classicalCan someone help me to find keyboard without a windows logo under 30$ ?07:31
bullgard4classical: This is no commercial channel.07:32
andyccclassical, not exactly Ubuntu support, is it?07:32
nit-witvishak, so what do you wantvto do no partition letters please but sda3... etc07:32
vishaknit-wit If i delete and format sda6 will it affect sda7 or sda5?07:33
ActionParsnipsquonk: your wubi "disk" is stored in your windows partition as a file. As the data fragments (as NTFS always does) it will fragment the wubi file, making the ubuntu OS run slower. A true install doesn't suffer fragmentation due to the nature of Ext407:33
bastidrazorSolnse: set a static ip for it in your router.07:34
ActionParsnipsquonk: i don't recommend FAT based filesystems at all unless it absolutely cannot be avoided07:34
Solnsebastidrazor: thanks, I just logged into my router and found it. I'll have to look to see if I can make it static.07:34
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?07:34
squonkActionParsnip: Then my instincts are correct. I can cut my teeth on this build and as my knowledge and confidence increases I can actually do the dedicated system pure ubuntu.07:35
ActionParsnipbullgard4: did you try asking in #mysql07:35
ActionParsnipsquonk: sounds like a plan :-)07:35
squonkHeck, just being here is amazing for me. I was fairly intimidated until I actually started playing with it.07:36
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Not yet. I think that the answer is distribution-dependent.07:36
hb<bullgard4> Just a question - Why are not separate packages for the basic system software and other software packages07:36
YankDownUnderThere is absolutely nothing to be intimidated about with linux - except, perhaps, channel ops.07:36
nit-witvishak, just so we are on gthe same page you have a maximum amount of partitions now. If you wipe sda6 and rebuild the others it may change the sdaX X=number, no big deal. Just make sure no OS is in sda6.Tha07:37
squonkOh IRC is IRC... I served as Chan and Server OPs for other servers, that's a cakewalk compaired to the deciphering I've been doing this past weekend.07:37
bullgard4hb: I guess that "the basic system software" is an ambiguous term: Different people will consider different packages as belonging to a basic system.07:37
squonkBut no, it's not as scary now that I'm here.07:37
nit-witvishak, sorry if you rebuild the sda6 the others numbers my change, no problem.07:38
=== chad_ is now known as Solnse
nit-witvishak, actually yo ha e 2 primary partitions sda1 and sda3 and the rest in a extended07:40
Solnsebastidrazor: yup, reserved IP for the printer in the router. thanks for the tip.07:40
nit-witvishak, hope that is not to confusing, I could of explained this much better, sorry.;)07:41
vishaknit-wit thanks07:41
nit-witvishak, I think your idea is okay.;)07:41
vishaknit-wit Since it is an inbetween partition , i just had a doubt..07:42
karrotsdoes * output in any particular order?07:43
nit-witvishak, just be sure to build the ext4 and use the custom install to get the Linux in there.07:45
jasongriffeehow to remove "workspace switcher" from launcher in 11.04?07:49
draggle1600 lurkers?07:49
dk_classical: http://www.daskeyboard.com/07:50
hb<bullgard4> Thank you.. I have some problems in the distribution packages07:50
hbI hope to build a program and run it on any device that has a Linux system without Internet07:50
sysdocjasongriffee, see this page> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html07:50
classicaldk_, i know this but its too expensive07:51
dk_classical, ok07:51
pratzhey guys please help me, in my team all have windows os and i am the only one running linux, now the problem is they all can access a local computer with ip (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) with the windows network, but i can not access the workgroup, then have just given me an ip (, any ideas are appreciated , thank you07:56
FCGregpratz: how are you trying to access it?  via Windows Explorer or something?07:57
yabanizeHey im trying to do sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter and im getting failed to locate07:57
yabanizeany help please?07:57
pratzFCGreg: windows explorer ! no i am not linux machine, i am trying to access it with smb server, can i use ssh for this ??07:57
FCGregpratz: oh sorry, I understand now.  no, you can't use SSH unless the target machine is running an SSH server07:58
pratzyabanize: not that expert but you can try sudo apt-get update first07:58
FCGregpratz: what kind of errors are you getting when you try to connect?07:58
antokloha misil07:58
JoeKhi all07:58
nit-wityabanize, do you have the universe repos open?07:58
yabanizeYes i did, I think i need to find a repository for it?07:59
JoeKI'm new in here07:59
red2kicpratz: Places --> Network?07:59
yabanizeI dont know what theyt are07:59
yabanizeNitWit I dont know what they are07:59
Miller-brbhi JoeK how are you07:59
JoeKWhere is this server located?07:59
Miller-brbi dont know lol07:59
JoeKHi Miller-brb07:59
pratzFCGreg: the smb does list the machine name , there is not error07:59
bullgard4hb: "to build a program and run it on any device that has a Linux system without Internet" seems to be an ambiguous target. Realisticly you better narrow down the scope somewhat.07:59
FCGregJoeK: the Freenode network contains many servers for IRC that are interconnected.07:59
pratzred2kic: did the same dude, but the machine name is not listed there08:00
nit-wityabanize, software sources 1st tab 4th box down says universe08:00
JoeKoh ok FCGreg ty08:00
yabanizenit-wit: where do i find software sources08:00
nit-wityabanize, yor not even going to try?08:01
red2kicpratz: smb:// (Try and replace it with IP).08:01
yunbo *** Checking Ident08:01
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yabanizeOk yes im looking now im on the nz server and universe servers is on08:01
yabanizeOnly thing thats off is source code08:02
nit-wityabanize, cool thats my only thought where the driver might located, otherwise thats it for my help sorry.;)08:02
amin`there is no framebuffer in the grub config file08:02
draggleyabanize, which versino of ubuntu are you using?  try apt-cache search bcm08:02
yabanizethe latest08:02
jasongriffeesysdoc, that didn't answer my question08:02
amin`any body knows where ubuntu put the framebuffer option in grub08:03
draggleyabanize, it comes with all that stuff already - youre trying to get your wifi working?08:03
pratzred2kic: thanks dude got it working08:03
red2kicpratz: Great. <308:03
jasongriffeesysdoc, is there a way to remove the multiple workspaces feature?08:03
yabanizeIm following this08:03
draggleif you do sudo iwlist scan does anything come up08:04
Guest57395any1 know where is the official help channel ?08:04
yabanizeI did sudo iwlist scan and it said the devices dont support scanning08:05
draggledo you have restricted drivers enabled08:06
FCGregyabanize: I have a laptop running with a similar wireless card (bcm43xx)08:07
yabanizei have bcm431808:07
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FCGregyabanize: I didn't need to go through those steps you are looking at.  I used the install proprietary drivers feature in Ubuntu and it downloaded/activated the drivers for me automatically08:07
yabanizeYes i did and it only found drivers for a soft modem08:08
draggleis your wifi switch turned on08:08
yabanizeIts a button not a switch so you cant tell if its on or not08:08
FCGregyabanize: what kind of laptop?  if it has one, make sure you wifi switch is activated like draggle said.08:09
FCGregyabanize: mine is an HP Pavilion08:09
yabanizeIt says DV5000 although the hp tests say dv51 something08:09
yabanizet says Pavillion DV5000 although the hp tests say dv51 something08:09
Miller-brbis this a chatroom or sharing about something else?08:09
draggletry pushing the button once, or Fn + F2 or whatever just once an then run sudo iwlist scan08:10
FCGregyabanize: it should have a button for the wifi on the middle above the keyboard, yes?  do those lights flash at all while you're testing the wireless?08:10
FCGregMiller-brb: are you joking or serious?  If you're serious, please see the channel topic for more info.08:11
yabanizethe light only flashes when there is activity in windows08:11
yabanizenow its not flashing at all08:11
Miller-brbi'm just new08:11
FCGregyabanize: it should flash in Ubuntu as well.08:11
yabanizeyes the middle above the keyboard08:11
FCGregyabanize: try pushing it one time.  see if there is any change08:11
FCGregyabanize: then run the proprietary drivers thing again08:11
FCGregyabanize: question... is this machine booted into Ubuntu or is it running in a virtual machine or something?08:12
yabanizeStill found nothing08:12
FCGregis Windows running?08:12
yabanizeits booted in ubuntu08:12
yabanizei formatted the drive with ubuntu08:13
FCGregyabanize: that's good.  that's how mine is08:13
yabanizeSo what should i dp08:13
FCGregyabanize: after pushing that button, i suggest rebooting andn trying the proprietary tool again08:13
FCGregi had to do this with mine08:13
FCGregthe wifi interface was getting stuck in a turned-off state08:14
FCGregyou might also want to check your bios settings to ensure nothing is afoul in there08:14
helloEARTHjasongriffee: you can change the number of workspace using compizconfig setting manager. its under general settings, desktop size tab08:14
yabanizeive pressed it and opened the driver thing and then pressed it and tried again, so i dont know if its on or off08:14
FCGregonce the hardware interface is active, everything should work08:14
FCGregyabanize: that's ok, try a cold restart08:15
yabanizewhat do you mean cold? just restrat?08:15
FCGregyabanize: it's almost certainly a problem with your hardware interface for the wifi08:15
FCGregyabanize: no... shutdown, wait 30 seconds, start it back up08:15
yabanizekk ill do that now.. its the same computer im on irc with so be back soon08:16
FCGregyabanize: understood. good luck08:16
jaykay666#torrentleech @ irc.torrentleech.org:701108:18
sachincan anyone hlp me for supporting ".rmvb" video encoding....?08:18
jasongriffeebest way to blacklist a folder from search results in 11.04?08:19
popeysachin: you want to encode or decode a video?08:19
ssfdre38if i update the files in /usr/share/phpmyadmin would that update the entire phpmyadmin system from the distro08:20
sachinsorry... encode..08:20
popeysachin: that was an either/or question. not a yes/no. Do you want to encode, or decode?08:20
HHabib1hi Hardy108:22
Alvohi, i changed my root password, now i cannot install updates anymore from the Ubuntu update manager GUI, how can i fix that?08:23
FCGregAlvo: what exactly do you mean you changed your root password?08:24
FCGregwhat command did you use, etc.?08:25
FloatingGoatwould unity be effected if I upgraded xorg?08:25
FCGregFloatingGoat: It might be affected IIRC, but I haven't researched this myself.  how did you upgrade it?08:26
ssfdre38FloatingGoat: ive updated to gnome3 and unity was effected theme wieds08:26
FloatingGoatFCGreg: I haven't upgraded, im just wondering if I should.08:26
ssfdre38FloatingGoat: just use xubuntu08:27
FloatingGoatit's from a PPA that I found that offers a whole unch of packages, and yes I am aware that it may be dangerous and that is why I backed up before I started this.08:27
ssfdre38that has xorg as the shell08:28
FCGregunless you really need to for some reason, I would stick with the default version trees for those packages.  in other words, accept the normal updates given my update-manager, but I would be careful working around into upstream versions08:28
jasongriffeebest way to blacklist a folder from search results in 11.04?08:28
FloatingGoatbut everything in the PPA has worked out great, allowing me to run a certain game with open source drivers, better than I could in windows.08:28
Alvo<FCGreg> become root; passwd; <enter new pw>08:28
Alvo<FCGreg> sory was afk08:29
xorxorxorxorxorgrub installed on my netbook says "error: no such partition." What should i do? (it has no CD-drive)\08:29
Alvo<FCGreg> now what ever i enter as password in update manager it wont work08:29
FCGregAlvo: what command did you use to become root?  Ubuntu systems normally inhibit this in various ways08:29
FloatingGoatand what would happen if I upgraded my open source graphicss driver?08:29
Alvo<FCGreg> sudo su08:29
Alvoi installed a sudoer08:29
red2kicjasongriffee: Why would you want to do that? Oh you're sharing your PC with others? Create new users for them. :)08:29
ssfdre38Alvo: use sudo sh for root08:30
bullgard4man mysql: "For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally." How can I check if the »MySQL Reference Manual« is installed locally?08:30
js_ssfdre38: sudo -s more like it08:30
FCGregwow you need to be careful telling folks to do that.  they can really bork their systems if they don't know what they are doing08:30
FCGreglike our friend Alvo08:31
rigvedbullgard4: info mysql08:31
Alvo:) i only changed poassword08:31
ssfdre38well im just wondering if i update /usr/share/phpmyadmin to the latested phpmyadmin would that update the entire phpmyadmin distro on my server08:31
jasongriffeered2kic, i want it so random files don't show up when I'm searching08:31
FloatingGoatthanks guys08:31
bastidrazorAlvo: Ubuntu does not have a root password.08:31
RajIs there any way to play .rmvb files in ubuntu 10.04..?08:31
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:31
FCGregAlvo: the system isn't meant to do that.  are you on a fresh ubuntu install08:31
FCGreglol @ ubottu08:32
Alvo<FCGreg> its 3 months old08:32
DirtyDawgaww still a baby then08:32
yabanizeim  back08:33
yabanizeIt didnt work08:33
Alvoor i have to use ptitude from now on08:33
draggledo sudo lspci -vv   and for the wireless adapter what driver does it say is in use08:33
bullgard4rigved: Why do you mention 'info mysql'? It makes the same ambiguous statement.08:33
FCGregyabanize: did you check your bios settings?  there is a known issue on those laptops that sporadically turn off the hardware interface for wifi chipset when installing other OS's08:34
=== andrea is now known as Guest71715
yabanizeFCGreg, I checked the bios before and its enabled.. 06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Broadcom 802.11a/b/g WLAN Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx- Status: Cap- 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-08:35
FCGregAlvo: Not sure which issue is causing your problem... but read that page.  Also, you can disable the root account again by trying the command:  sudo passwd -dl root08:36
RajIs there any way to play .rmvb file in ubuntu ..?08:36
Guest71715hi there. does anyone know, if I upgrade to 11.4 does anything reset08:37
Dr_HeckleI could use some help removing Eclipse - Galileo from my Ubuntu 10.04 system. The result of apt-get -s remove eclipse* is here: http://pastebin.com/kXddqQcCa  of which the most important line is probably: The following packages will be REMOVED: eclipse-platform eclipse-platform-data eclipse-rcp. Not sure if "remove eclipse*" is what I want...08:37
yabanizeFcGreg, heres a more tidy pastebin http://tinypaste.com/0c94f408:38
FCGregyabanize: it could be a hardware problem, or it could be related to your packages installed.  Check this URL, it may help you:  http://mikebeach.org/2011/05/bcm4318-airforce-one-54g-in-ubuntu-natty/08:38
ssfdre38what is the phpmyadmin setup user and pass?08:39
Alvohm after executing 'sudo passwd -dl root` still update manager is not working08:39
Alvomaybe i have to look in logfiles08:39
DaveD0101It used to be there was an option under System > Preferences > Appearance to disable all desktop effects... anyone know how to do that now?08:39
bastidrazorssfdre38: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html  ::this will aid you08:40
Guest71715andrea_ hello08:40
FCGregAlvo: good idea.  you need a  specific error msg at this point to fix things08:40
rigvedbullgard4: maybe in /usr/share/doc/08:40
th^^DaveD0101: if you're using unity, you can't do that :)08:40
Dr_Heckleany input?08:40
yabanizeFCGreg, How do i find out what packages i have installed?08:40
DaveD0101th^^,  I switched back to classic08:41
th^^DaveD0101: to get no effects, select 'Ubuntu Classic (no effects)' in the GDM screen08:41
ssfdre38bastidrazor: i have the server guide on my computer with 11.04 update i just want to try and update the distro phpmyadmin08:41
FCGregyabanize: many ways, but easiest graphical way is to use "Synaptic".  Should be under your System Administration menus.  Then select the "installed" filter on the bottom left08:41
andrea_does anyone know how the upgrade to 11.4 works, will I lose files settings . etc08:41
FCGregyou can view / search your installed packages from there08:41
xorxorxorxorxorcan i download ubuntu netbook remix from a desktop computer?08:41
xorxorxorxorxorit doesn't seem to give me an option08:42
ssfdre38andrea_: no you will not loose them if you do the update on the desktop08:42
th^^ssfdre38: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/phpmyadmin.html08:42
th^^ssfdre38: it's your mysql root password08:42
andrea_ssfdre38 thank you08:42
ssfdre38th^^: tried that and it doesnt work08:43
pylixthe desktop upgrade killed my wireless software08:44
sangpoHELP: I just installed ubuntu, but after I restarted my computer monitor is displaying out of range..........plz plz plz help08:44
Guest8771sangpo, remote desktop connection from another machine?08:45
SmokeyDsangpo, can you press ctrl-alt-f1 after you gave your pc enough time to startup? It should bring you to a commandline with the screen hopefully working there at least08:45
SmokeyDsangpo, the idea of Guest8771 is also a good idea if you think you could set that up08:46
yabanizeFCGreg is removal or complete removal the best option08:46
sangpoGuest8771 notpossilbe08:46
FCGregyabanize: in that case, complete removal would probably be best08:46
vadim1Hello Ubuntu hangs and can not understand why tell me how to lay out a log and where?08:46
Guest8771SmokeyD, yeah, i guess he could fix it from Gnome more easily08:46
sangpoSmokeyD : i'll try pressing ctrl alt f108:47
FCGregyabanize: if it pops up a warning with many packages listed for removal... stop and get back to me first08:47
Guest8771sangpo, not possible why? if you  have SSHD running, you can tunnel X through ssh connection to another machine08:47
sangpoSmokeyD: what  to do after dropping to terminal08:47
vadim1Ubuntu 10.0408:47
Guest8771sangpo, that other machine could be Windows with Cygwin or MacOSX with X11 server08:47
prashant_123456can anyone tell me how to rename partitions08:48
wisienanyone knows good book or tutorial site for linux programming?08:48
sangpoGuest8771; that machine is not connected to network08:48
sangpoGuest8771 Is there any other procedure08:48
SmokeyDsangpo, just a minute08:48
SmokeyDI am on the phone right now08:48
FCGregwisien: what kind of programming are you interested in?  what purpose?  that will help us answer you08:49
bullgard4rigved: I cannot find it in /usr/share/doc. There are only a few files in it starting with mysql. So I am fairly sure that it is not there.08:49
Guest8771sangpo, ah then you need to login using commandline and change your X11 server settings08:49
sangpoGuest8771 so how to do that08:49
wisienFCGreg:beginner - basic,C++,maybe pascal08:49
Guest8771sangpo, Welcome to Linux :-)08:49
sangpoGuest8771 but how to change x11 settings after that:)08:50
FCGregwisien: ok, maybe if you tell us for what purpose.  you're still speaking too broadly to narrow things down for you08:50
Guest8771sangpo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397308:50
rigvedbullgard4: even i searched in software center, there is no mysql-doc package available. maybe you should visit the website that is mentioned08:51
wisienFCGREg:graphics,basic computing,for beginner08:52
bullgard4rigved: I am reading this website since days. --  Thank you.08:52
yabanizeFCGreg Im stuck at the point where it says install b43-fwcutter, how do i install it?08:53
danslosudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter08:53
dansloor just use ubuntu's software center ;)08:54
yabanizeI got: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:54
th^^or, you're not using sudo for apt08:55
SmokeyDsangpo, you could login in the terminal with your username and password and then use the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". That would reconfigure your display system. After that you can restart with "sudo reboot" and see if it starts up with a working screen08:55
dansloyabanize: just use ubuntu software center if you have trouble using the command line... its there for a reason :)08:55
FCGregyabanize: for background, you should be using the steps listed in response #2 on that page.  When it says install b43-fwcutter, try entering that search into Synaptic and see if it finds it for you08:55
wisienany programmers here?08:57
FCGregyabanize: i just checked.  it is in the default repositories for Ubuntu 11.04 / natty.  Use Synaptic or Software Center to perform your tasks08:57
SmokeyDwisien, not a top notch programmer, but what do you want to know (if it is on topic)08:57
yabanizeOk anyway FCGreg, the network dropdown at the top does not contain wireless08:58
yabanizedoesnt even say no firmware it did yesterday08:58
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FloatingGoatI broke unity09:00
FCGregyabanize: i cannot tell from your statement which step you had issues with.  which dropdown, etc?  Are you reading comment #2 on that page?09:01
FloatingGoatim gonna do a few more things then see if I can just pop the 11.04 CD in and restore everthing09:01
FCGregFloatingGoat: i was worried about that.  i would roll back everything with the CD or similar09:01
yabanizeyes i am, where it says Got an error in the connections drop down “wireless disabled – missing firmware” Rebooted and..... there isnt one in my dropdown09:01
raviepic3people i installed eclipse in /opt directory, but i want to launch the program without going to the particular directory. I heard i need to set path. when i google it they talk about writing the bin directory inside profile.d file09:01
raviepic3that the way ?09:01
jattdo you need it for all users? If not just put it in .bashrc09:02
dansloraviepic3: without going to the particular directory? just use a launcher imo, why would you want to start eclipse from console anyway09:02
raviepic3danslo, not eclipse, any custom installed applications i want to launch by pressing Alt+f2 and hit the command09:03
danslothen just use something like Launchy :)09:04
raviepic3dont want to go to that directory using terminal or nautilus and then execute the executable09:04
raviepic3launchy ?09:04
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danslopretty sure it's in ubuntu's repository09:05
FCGregyabanize: ok.  Try to keep going:  reboot the machine, then use Synaptic to install "firmware-b43-installer"09:05
raviepic3danslo, thank you will have a look now09:05
raviepic3danslo, ++09:05
FCGregyabanize: you did remove all of those packages before you began, yes09:05
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Guest10590i have not any output sound09:05
Guest10590please help me09:06
prashant_123456Guest10590, yep09:06
dansloraviepic3: oh actually, people recommend "Gnome Do" instead of launchy :) may be worth checking out more09:06
yabanizeYes i did09:06
Guest10590my device is ok!09:07
Guest10590and system and my device is matched!09:07
Guest10590but I have not any output09:07
irreverantCan someone help me, running Ubuntu 11.04 in vm player and having an issue installing firefox09:08
raviepic3danslo, launchy not in ubuntu repo nor does gnome-do09:08
raviepic3so going for source in web09:08
irreveranteven if i do su - and type the password i get su: authentication failure09:08
prashant_123456irreverant, type sudo -i09:08
dansloraviepic3: they may have deprecated gnome-do in favor of unity (it works similarly, I guess)09:08
raviepic3danslo, these search utilities will eat more hardware resources in the process of indexing ?09:09
dansloraviepic3: but actually gnome do is in my repositories :)09:09
irreverantprashant_123456 what does the switch -i do?09:09
raviepic3danslo, which version of ubuntu you are running ?09:09
dansloraviepic3: probably, but I dont think it will be at all noticable09:09
irreverantis it telling it to search for a user with uid 0 associated with that first prefix?09:09
dansloraviepic3: natty09:10
irreverantcause that worked09:10
raviepic3danslo, my bad, even i have it in my repo09:10
raviepic3thank you09:10
Guest10590how to enable sound in ubuntu??09:11
raviepic3kupfer or gnome-do ? danslo09:11
irreverantNever mind found out in the man files.09:11
dansloraviepic3: I've only ever used gnome do09:11
raviepic3Guest10590, you have a icon at the right top like a speaker icon09:12
raviepic3danslo, oh09:12
irreverantE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)09:12
irreverantE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:12
Dr_HeckleI could use some help removing Eclipse - Galileo from my Ubuntu 10.04 system. The result of apt-get -s remove eclipse* is here: http://pastebin.com/kXddqQcCa  of which the most important line is probably: The following packages will be REMOVED: eclipse-platform eclipse-platform-data eclipse-rcp. Not sure if "remove eclipse*" is what I want... not sure if any of the additional packages are important to the system (the packages09:12
irreverantI get this issue after apt-get install mozilla firefox09:12
Dr_Heckleremoved with autoremove)09:12
danslobut yeah, if you want an even more likeweight solution, just:09:12
dansloexport PATH09:12
galerienirreverant, close other update upgrade or install programs09:12
dansloin ~/.bashrc09:13
FloodBot1danslo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
andrea_does anyone know what version of python ubuntu 11.4 runs, im just curious if its 2 or 309:13
galerienirreverant, and if you are certain (/!\you're not/!\) that everything else is closed, sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:13
Dr_Heckledanslo, was that directed at me?09:14
prashant_123456irreverant, it goes root09:14
prashant_123456irreverant, to be root user09:14
dansloDr_Heckle: nope, at raviepic309:14
dansloandrea_: 2.7.109:14
Dr_Heckleandrea_, i believe it's runn... ^09:14
andrea_danslo thank you09:15
irreverantgalerian: i wasn't sure, i recently bought the ubuntu quick handbook but i'm still getting used to it.09:15
andrea_Dr_Heckle thank you09:15
irreveranti migrated from mandrake to windows to red hat and now going back to *nix but ubuntu to be more specific09:15
Dr_Heckley/w (i guess :)09:15
raviepic3danslo, yeah, gnome-do searches for existing commands09:16
Demorionim always return to ubuntu or debian09:16
dansloraviepic3: if I remember correctly there are a bunch of plugins you can enable/disable too :)09:16
irreverantbut why doesn't just using sudo - work with my pass?09:17
Demorioni hate sudo :/09:17
galerienirreverant, did you tried "sudo apt-get install firefox" ? You need administrative rights, and yes it's your pass09:17
raviepic3danslo, yeah, amazing. looking at it as we speak09:17
missilhi all im having a problem - - Launching VMware Web Access using /usr/bin/x-www-browser09:17
missilFailed to parse arguments: Cannot open display:09:17
shomonhi, how do you install rabbitvcs on natty?09:17
shomonwe have instlaled following what's on their website09:17
shomonbut it's not showing up in nautilus09:17
irreverantgalerian: Yes i tried sudo apt-get install firefox but authentication failed09:17
Dr_Heckledanslo, if you have "sudo passwd" before, you changed root's password (and enabled root's account)09:17
irreverantmy user id is set to 1000 but it belongs to the adm admn and root gid09:18
Dr_Heckle:/ sry that was for irreverant09:18
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irreverantDr_Heckle what do you mean?09:18
galerienirreverant, if you don't know your password, I can't help you ^^09:19
irreverantI do know my password.09:19
irreverantit's the only one I used when i created this virtual machine.09:19
teagemain menu is in folder xdg right? its file called applications menu right? I dont understand, Im trying to edit that file but menu stays the same. I even deleted that file and still the menu remains. am I missing something?09:20
Demorionsuperuser :D09:20
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galerienwell then, if authentication failed, it's not this password, or you don't have root privileges, witch would be weird if you installed this computer09:20
Demorionyou scary me09:20
irreveranthmm interesting, that's true. then i'm at a loss because when i generated this computer it only required me to create the irreverant account and the password for it.09:21
irreverantis there a way to reset the root password?09:21
irreveranti check the permisssions for this account and it belongs to the root group09:21
guniatahi guys, i nstalled ubuntu 11.04 64bit just now. the installlation went gr8, but afterwards i couldn't boot to the ubuntu. i didn't even saw a GRUB list of OS's - the machine boot to the Win7 automatically. help plz09:21
Dr_Heckleirreverant, sudo passwd || su root passwd <<perhaps09:22
Dr_Heckledon't just c/p that line09:22
raviepic3danslo, export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/eclipse worked09:22
raviepic3thank you09:22
dansloraviepic3: np :)09:22
shomonis there a rabbitvcs or nautilus specific channel?09:23
pfifoirreverant, you can chroot into your system from a livecd and then set the password09:23
irreverantDr_Heckle worked like a charm09:23
galerienirreverant, great, you can install something now ?09:23
Dr_Heckleirreverant, you can now also switch to root, eg su09:24
shomonguniata, sorry not enoughinfo to tell what could have gone wrong... maybe hard drive failure...09:24
irreverantapt-get worked properly09:24
guniataplz help - i can't find any information about this problem anywhere09:24
irreverantDr_Heckle yes I can just did sudo passwd || (passwd) > typed new UNIX password and bam!09:24
Dr_Heckles/unix/linux :P09:25
pfifo!grub2 | guniata09:25
ubottuguniata: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:25
OerHeksguniata, hold left shift at boot to enter grub menu09:25
irreverantthe quick quide doesn't explain how to install the adobe flash player on firefox though!09:25
Dr_Heckleirreverant, go to a page using flash09:25
Dr_Hecklethen click the button that pops up :)09:26
moltendorfAnyone know how to make adduser, by default, set the permissions for others to 0 on the home it creates for the user?09:26
guniatapfifo: what about grub 2?09:26
irreverantDr_Heckle: well flash now works.09:26
pfifoguniata, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub09:26
guniataOerHeks: i should do this every time i boot?09:26
galerienirreverant : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-04/09:27
irreveranthttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ this site though offered the rpm and yum installations but for apt for ubuntu i can't find the appropriate spm (ubuntu) to install09:27
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missilhi all im having trouble running vmware on ubuntu server - the installation completed succesfully - when running the commadn $ vmware i recieve the error - Launching VMware Web Access using /usr/bin/x-www-browser Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display:09:28
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=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
romanov_someone help reading with large log file, i want to extract lines below some date/pattern content of the large log file ?09:28
xeonelo ubuntu user :)09:29
irreverantDr_Heckle and galerien : thank you and appreciate the tips!09:29
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galerienirreverant, anytime09:30
irreverantYou know I run a website and wonder if you guys would like to make some extra money.09:30
pfifomissil, you need X to run VMware09:30
pfifo!jobs | irreverant09:30
Dattebayohas ever anyone work with OpenVPN?09:30
irreverantI'm registered in Arizona with the Corporation commision and need some good remote techs if your interested09:30
prashant_123456irreverant, i m interested09:30
irreverantI'm sorry i don't understan !jobs | irreverant09:30
pfifoubottu, you used to know about jobs -_-09:31
ubottupfifo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
prashant_123456irreverant, tell me09:31
iceroot!ot | irreverant09:31
ubottuirreverant: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:31
galerienirreverant, Pranav_rcmas, take it to /querry09:31
pfifomissil, vmware requires a graphical enviroment09:31
bashelinai wan to redirect certain url's via /etc/hosts  .. anyone good with those issues ?09:32
irreverantJust email me at irreverant@petrochico.com or shoot me a querry I don't want to break the rules on this chat channel.09:32
missilty all09:32
missilxbuntu popular choice09:32
pfifomissil, try qemu09:32
moltendorfAnyone know how to make adduser, by default, set the permissions for others to 0 on the home it creates for the user?09:32
phillipHi guys my mind is blank, I know once a package is installed how to get information on it with dpkg , but what apt-get /cache command can I use to see what version info, etc before I install it?09:33
moltendorfphillip: try aptitude show <package>09:33
icerootphillip: apt-cache show packagename09:33
bashelinaphillip,  apt-cache show   command09:33
moltendorfphillip, unless you prefer the apt- individual commands, in which you can also use apt-cache in place of aptitude.09:34
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pfifomoltendorf, aptitude is no longet installed by default09:35
mofceomaco ai o Viet Nam ko09:35
robin0800pfifo, it is if you use the alternate cd09:36
prashant_123456can anyone tell me how to change desktop effects in ubuntu 11.0409:36
bashelinawhere can i redirect request via /etc/hosts other than ????????????09:36
moltendorfpfifo, I seemed to have it on my Ubuntu Server 11.04 distribution; not sure why it worked right out of the box, but I guess not for desktops?09:37
pfifobashelina, anywhere09:37
OverTheHillAndFai have a folder that simply denies to be deleted.. grrrrrrr help please09:37
bashelinapfifo,  i want to disable cetain request.09:37
pfifoOverTheHillAndFa, do a filesystem check09:37
bashelinapfifo,  so i cant use localhost since i have a httpd server running09:38
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: you are the owner? or have write-access?09:38
OverTheHillAndFapfifo: ok :)09:38
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: dont do a fs-check09:38
bashelinaanyone good with networking ??09:38
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: output of ls -l for that folder and "whoami" please09:38
robin0800moltendorf, yes thats right its only missing from the live cd but its only a sudo apt-get install aptitude away09:38
icerootbashelina: #network09:39
pfifobashelina, what is the circumstance09:39
icerootbashelina: #networking or something like that09:39
JoshuaLEmpathy chats steal focus when someone starts talking to me, can it be disabled?09:39
galerien bashelina I'm good at breaking it, if required ;)09:39
OverTheHillAndFaiceroot: how exactly do i do that09:40
bashelinaso i want to disable dns request by redirecting it via /etc/hosts09:40
moltendorfAnyone know how to force adduser to set specific permissions on a users' home directory upon creation? (i.e. chmod 750 /home/<user> after <user>'s home is created)?09:40
OverTheHillAndFaand why not fs check?09:40
bashelinabut i cant redirect to cause i got httpd running09:40
leshasteam I right in thinking that in principle 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)09:40
leshasteshould be supported?09:40
bashelinaso what address should i redirect it to ???????09:40
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: because fscheck is not the solution09:40
pfifobashelina, you 'should' do that at the firewall09:41
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: the reason you cant delete it is because you are not the owner/have write-access. you can use sudo09:41
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: but normally there is a reason why you dont have write access as normal user09:41
OverTheHillAndFa this is outputfor the folder: drwx------ 109:41
OverTheHillAndFaiceroot:  this is outputfor the folder: drwx------ 109:41
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: that is not the complete output09:42
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: there is a user and a group also09:42
bashelinado it within firewall i overkill imo,  there must be quick fix in /etc/hosts09:42
OverTheHillAndFa+ my user name *209:42
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: can you paste the correct line? and the output of "whoami"09:42
pfifobashelina, point it to
hosangadi_Hey guys, I am using ubuntu 10.04 and need some help. How do you install the netbook interface on top of the gnome interface. By netbook interface, I do not mean unity. I mean the old netbook interface09:43
OverTheHillAndFadrwx------ 1 tor tor      4096 2011-05-17 06:42 mappe uten navn09:43
pfifo!jp | xueliang09:43
ubottuxueliang: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。09:43
MethedManis there an easy, user-friendly firewall to get started with?09:44
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: whoami gives tor? is  "mappe uten navn" the complete foldername? with spaces in it?09:44
iceroot!ufw | MethedMan09:44
ubottuMethedMan: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:44
bashelinaMethedMan,  ufw = ubuntu firewall09:44
OverTheHillAndFawhoami = tor09:44
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OverTheHillAndFaiceroot: yes09:45
th^^bashelina: it's uncomplicated firewall, actually.. and nothing to do with ubuntu :p09:45
hosangadi_can anyone tell me how to install the netbook interface in ubuntu 10.04?09:45
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: type "rm -r mappe\ uten\ navn"09:45
hosangadi_I do not mean the unity interface09:45
hosangadi_Please help!09:45
icerootOverTheHillAndFa: and dont use whitespaces in names09:45
bashelinath^^,  wherer can i ask about /etc/hosts then ?????????09:45
prashant_123456hosangadi_, tell me09:45
bashelinath^^,  not asking about firewall actually09:46
iceroothosangadi_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook09:46
OverTheHillAndFai did not give that name: proposed by ubuntu while creating it09:46
hosangadi_prashant_123456, how do you install the netbook interface in ubuntu 10.04. I mean the old netbook interface09:46
bashelinath^^,  oops wrong person09:46
iceroothosangadi_: i already told you09:47
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Demorionwhat name of commend which show cow in terminal09:47
icerootDemorion: apt-get moo09:47
prashant_123456hosangadi_, u mean lucid linux09:47
bashelinaMethedMan,  install gufw09:48
Demorionno it's sudo apt-get install moo, i mast install packet zoo ?09:49
MethedManbashelina: how did you know i was stumbling in the man pages?09:49
prashant_123456hosangadi_, these are the steps sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-dx-team/une      sudo apt-get update                  sudo apt-get install unity09:49
th^^MethedMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gufw there's GUI for ufw if you want firewall for desktop09:49
hosangadi_prashant_123456, I don want unity, I want the first netbook interface09:50
nit-withosangadi_, the netbook  desktop is not in development per say, here is a ppa as well. https://launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/+archive/une09:50
prashant_123456hosangadi_, ok09:50
frater_sxhello everyone09:50
prashant_123456frater_sx, hi09:51
frater_sxI have two screens: one LVDS and one XGA, in horizontal extended desktop mode. with a program I have to draw part of the interface in the LVDS and part in the XGA. the toolbar appears only in the LVDS, while in the other there's simply the desktop. both are identified as "screen 0" using xrandr.09:52
iceroothosangadi_: are you kidding me? i told you 2 times how to get the netbook-interface on 10.0409:52
frater_sxproblem: I can't draw outside the VGA screen, even if the desktop extension can fraction windows I put in the middle, but it simply doesn't exits from the VGA, leaving the LVDS empty09:53
frater_sx(ubuntu 10.04)09:54
frater_sxany hint?09:55
pfifofrater_sx, support is kinda dead right now, you might have trouble finding someone who knows at this hour09:56
frater_sxpfifo: thanks09:56
MethedManis there a good program for sweeping ubuntu for spyware/malware/...09:58
galerienMethedMan, you shouldn't need one09:59
MethedMangalerien: i hope so.  are there certain ports that the firewall leaves alone?  such as 80 and 443.10:00
galerienMethedMan, anyway, I recommend this article on ubuntu security, it has got some links within that you might find interesting too : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security10:01
SuperLagIf I've messed with the Gnome Terminal settings, and want to put things back to default, how do I do that?10:02
dcgMethedMan: please never say that, there is alway a possibility of spyware/malware on any system, it is just highly unlikely to be found on a linux system10:02
salterleeHello there. Noob here. Please please please please please can someone help me with a Drive Mounting problem (not being lazy - have spend three solid days going through message boards etc trying to fix it)??? Prettiest please????10:02
MethedMandcg: i did not say that.  i only said that i hope that i do not need any anti-spy/malware software10:03
danslosalterlee: dont ask to ask just ask10:03
galerienMethedMan, the only way to get something like that is to install it, by choosing the apps and entering your password (or to have 20 hackers who hates your guts). So...10:03
galeriensalterlee, expose your problem and stop wining ;)10:04
salterleeMy DVDs and USB storage don't automount - have been fiddling with settings as per msg boards but just can't get them to mount properly. They're all recognised by Ubuntu but just won't mount10:04
salterlee(sorry, was trying to be polite by asking)10:04
Dr_Hecklegalerien, i'm`a send u a 1 line PM10:05
FrankkIs this a help channel?10:06
FrankkFor Ubuntu v 1110:06
salterleeAnd "sudo palimpsest" in console gives me this:  "libgdu:ERROR:gdu-pool.c:2369:device_recurse: assertion failed: (depth < 100)"10:06
ali1I want a program similar to a program that is in the picture - to identify the sound card output .  http://imgup.com/image-E0E9_4DD23A60.jpg10:06
pfifosalterlee, what version of ubuntu are you using and what window manager/desktop enviroment are you using?10:06
salterleeNatty (11) , nautilus and gnome10:06
FrankkI have an ATI card, I have the latest drivers etc. When I move windows around the screen it seems choppy.10:07
frogzoojust loving 11.04, on a 13" lappie it's awesome10:07
galeriensalterlee, ok wait a sec10:08
galeriensalterlee, give me a link to a board post where you exposed your problem10:09
pfifosalterlee, did you do a fresh install or a upgrade10:09
salterleeUpgrade from 10.1010:10
Dattebayocan some1 help me with this link https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openvpn.html?10:10
prashant_123456can anyone helpme out10:11
pfifosalterlee, have you upgraded lately?10:11
salterlee(started fresh upgrade yesterday but stopped before it went anywhere because I really am worried about doing something wrong and losing my Windows partition and the data held on ntfs disks - want to become Ubuntu only, but still have one or two things to do on Windoze)10:11
galeriensalterlee, give me "ll /media"10:11
prashant_123456i have registered my nickname but cant join #openmoko10:11
salterlee@Pfifo, yes, all up to date10:11
salterleetotal 3610:12
salterleedrwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 2011-05-17 09:25 ./10:12
salterleedrwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 2011-05-16 12:42 ../10:12
salterleedrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4096 2011-05-16 20:54 2nd1/10:12
salterleedrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 8192 2011-05-16 20:54 2nd2/10:12
salterlee-rw-r--r--  1 root root   68 2011-05-16 22:02 .created_by_python-fstab10:12
salterleedrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4096 2011-05-16 21:43 New_Volume/10:12
FloodBot1salterlee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:12
galerien... sorry about that guys, didn't see it comming10:12
salterleetotal 36 drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 2011-05-17 09:25 ./ drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 2011-05-16 12:42 ../ drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4096 2011-05-16 20:54 2nd1/ drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 8192 2011-05-16 20:54 2nd2/ -rw-r--r--  1 root root   68 2011-05-16 22:02 .created_by_python-fstab drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4096 2011-05-16 21:43 New_Volume/ drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 8192 2011-05-16 20:54 Windows/ lee@lee-desktop:~$10:13
galeriensalterlee, please use "http://pastebin.com/" ...10:13
salterleeAm I still muted?10:13
salterlee@Galerien, I think I have - can you see it?10:14
salterlee(sorry, never used IRC before)10:14
galeriensalterlee, http://pastebin.com/, you past it there, and give me the link10:14
pfifoprashant_123456, why not?10:14
salterleeAh, thanks http://paste.ubuntu.com/608885/plain/10:14
salterleeThere should be two DVDs also10:15
FCGregsalterlee: there you go... use http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:15
prashant_123456pfifo, how do i know my nickname is registered and verified ?10:15
pfifoprashant_123456, nickserv will send you a message10:15
prashant_123456pfifo, i had the message and did what it said10:16
prashant_123456pfifo, but when i join channel #openmoko it says u r not registered10:16
galerienand fstab doesn't let you mount but you can "sudo mount /dev/? /media/?" ?10:16
pfifoprashant_123456, ask in #help10:16
prashant_123456pfifo thanks10:17
salterlee@galerien, if that is at me, I have in Dev, cdrom cdrom1 cdrw dvd dvd 1 dvdrw10:18
francisSo I have natty 11 now. When I drag windows it seems.. choppy10:19
francisAre the ATI drivers not updated yet?10:20
salterleeAnd don't know which one to use. I'm really not trying to be thick - it has been a bit of a nightmare Disk Utility doesn't run at all either, and none of my USB storage drives load (it all happened when I upgraded to 11)10:20
danslofrancis: I believe they are up to date, but...... ati drivers in linux are just shit10:20
dansloI have the same problem fyi :)10:20
francisI mean yeah they are10:20
francisBut I didn't have this problem in 1010:20
MagePsychohey guys.. i want one serious opinion from you10:21
MagePsychoi want to use linux server only in my windowz.. so that i can work on linux platform server10:21
MagePsychois this possible?10:21
dansloMagePsycho: use a virtual machine10:22
danslovirtualbox / vmware10:22
Dr_Heckle:/ how does 1 install  a .tar.gz ...10:22
MagePsychogreat danslo ... need to check10:22
dansloDr_Heckle: you dont, its an archive10:22
MagePsychowhich one is best virtualbox or vmware ..10:22
dansloDr_Heckle: unpack through tar -xzf some_file.tar.gz10:22
MagePsychoin terms of performance10:22
dansloMagePsycho: I think they have comparable performance, vmware has some enterprise editions etc... personally I prefer virtualbox :)10:23
francisSo is there no fix to these choppy window animations?10:23
francisNo way to access the compiz effects?10:23
MagePsychoso i can run my web application server on virutalbox10:23
danslofrancis: you can install compizconfig-settings-manager10:24
danslofrancis: but about fixing the choppiness: not sure :(10:24
Dr_Hecklefrancis, not sure if it'll help, but "compiz" has a CLI interface10:24
francisNot sure how to go about accessing that10:24
pfifosalterlee, doing a fresh install will fix it10:24
danslofrancis: see my suggestion10:25
francisAh ok10:25
danslofrancis: this may help for the both of us: http://ubuntu4beginners.blogspot.com/2011/04/unity-choppy-with-ati-graphics-card-and.html :)10:25
Dr_Hecklefrancis, open a terminal, type "compiz" (no quotes) double tap the tab key to see what all commands are available (that start w/ compiz) for any command that looks promising execute it with the --help flag, or listen to danslo who knows more than I10:25
zniavregood morning10:25
redI run apache as www-data user, and I added my own username into www-data group, and I've chowned a folder to www-data but am unable to write to it myself10:25
zniavrethere is a way to add gksu apps to appmenu ?10:25
redI basicly want to have apache run as www-data, but be able to read\write the folders apache owns10:25
francisOkay one moement10:26
pfifored, chmod to 066410:26
danslobrb francis rebooting to see if it works :P10:26
Dr_Hecklefrancis, that's where my help ends :) i'm giving you the keys to trying to figure out stuff in linux, (eg: here's enough knowledge to cause problems :)10:26
redpfifo: thanks10:27
salterleepfifo - I really need another way than a fresh install - too much to back up and don't want to mess with partitions - tried it yesterday but stopped as I didn't know which partitions would go10:27
pfifored, 0775 fr directories10:27
reddrupal said 0664 was enough at least10:27
salterleegalerien, any ideas?10:28
dockimblei have a problem and im running ubuntu 11.04 - no program will play pls streaming audio files10:28
francisThat fixed it!10:28
francisThank you everyone!10:28
dockimbleonly in ubuntu - they work fine in debian10:28
MethedManhow does one make the firewall tighter.  i banned port 80 and somehow web pages were still loading at about 0.2kb/s10:28
dansloyeah.. that seems to have worked for me :D10:28
rober7xubuntu 11 is slow on 512 ram ... is it because my pc?10:29
yabanizeIs greg still here?10:29
galeriensalterlee, well, no, I never had problems with fstab (but I do fresh install every time as I have several partition that make it simple)... read this cover to cover and check every step, I can't tell you more10:30
yabanizeFCGreg are you still here"?10:30
galeriensalterlee, sorry : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab10:31
FCGregyabanize: yes i am for a few more minutes.10:31
et_facing problems with printing from within a Citrix session..10:31
yabanizeOk now i just reinstalled ubuntu and got some success, The WifiLight is now on10:31
et_Printers shown inside citrix. But does not print.10:31
yabanizebut still no wifi10:31
frogzooet_: of course not - you need to set up the printer drivers inside of citrix10:32
yabanizeSo what do i do now i got the light on10:32
quag512Can someone help me with an issue I am having with running ubuntu by dual booting with windows 7? When I am asked to start up ubunutu 11.04 after the wubi installer downloads everything, I get this screen: http://i.imgur.com/miXhV.jpg10:32
et_frogzoo: Printer drivers seem to be set.. Cause when I use a live CD, install citrix on it and try, it works10:32
FCGregyabanize: that seems like good news.  the first thing i would do is the proprietary drivers tool10:32
salterleegalerien, thanks, but I've been through that several times. My main complaint is that the USB drives won't automount - the function just disappeared and Disk Utility has decided never to load again (even if I uninstall and reinstall) :(10:32
yabanizequag512, looks like your graphics drivers are not working properly, try safe graphics mode10:33
et_frogzoo: I'm trying to find out what went wrong when I installed this system..10:33
frogzooet_: kk, weird10:33
yabanizeProprietary drivers found nothing10:33
yabanizeAlso noticed I cant get the light to turn off now10:33
et_frogzoo: Yeah. I could not find any log files for citrix.. Cups webinterface does not show any pending jobs10:33
quag512yabanize, thanks. i will try that right now10:34
FCGregyabanize: are you trying hte "Additional Drivers" tool?10:34
et_frogzoo: Does citrix use some other log file?10:34
yabanizeYes the additional drivers. The only thing it found software modem10:34
yabanizeOh and in the network menu it says wireless disable by hardware switch?10:34
yabanizeYet i press the button and nothhing happens10:35
FCGregyabanize: hmmm, try and press the wifi hardware button again10:35
dockimblei have a problem and im running ubuntu 11.04 - no program will play pls streaming audio files10:35
dockimbleonly in ubuntu - they work fine in debian10:35
pfifosalterlee, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/57103810:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 571038 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "palimpsest crash with libgdu:ERROR:gdu-pool.c:2369:device_recurse: assertion failed: (depth < 100)" [Medium,Confirmed]10:35
danslodockimble: actually they work fine in banshee (comes with ubuntu by default)10:35
yabanizeI guess this will be the locked in position thing you were talking about earlier?10:35
danslojust use Radio tab, add new station, and supply url to pls10:36
FCGregyabanize: if you haven't already use update-manager to ensure you system is up to date.  Then go into Synaptic... type "b43" in the Quick filter box and tell me which packages are listed10:36
et_Not able to print from within citrix session.. Printers added through cups show up in the session but I don't get any prints. No jobs pending in the sessions print queue10:37
et_and No jobs were submitted to cups10:37
et_Any idea what might be wrong?10:37
yabanizeFCGreg, none of them are installed, but it sitll shows them10:37
pixxi451hello everyone, I have a problem, I tried using Wubi to install Ubuntu on a WinXP laptop and I had the iso torrent file in the same folder but it still hangs when it tries to download the torrent file...don't know what to do at this point :(10:38
FCGregyabanize: ok.  install the b43-fwcutter.  then reboot and install the firmware-b43-installer.  see if that works.  now that the light it on, it just might!10:39
yabanizepixxi451, burn the iso to a cd and then install it and when it asks you where choose install alongside windows.. You dont need to use Wubi, The only advantage that will give you is you will be able to uninstall it from windows like any other program10:39
pixxi451I don't think I have a RW drive :(10:40
yabanizeCan your lappy boot from USB?10:40
pixxi451I just got this laptop yabanize, don't know, it's a HP Compaq10:41
pixxi451yabanize: I'm on wifi if that helps10:41
sidyes HP compaq can boot from USB10:41
pixxi451thanx sid10:41
pixxi451so what do I need to do, get a usb port?10:41
yabanizeIt probably will, you will have to look in your bios, Im guessing you have a USB stick that you could use? download this and select the ubuntu version and your iso with a flash drive in10:42
pixxi451damn why is it so complicated?  When I installed it before on Win7 it wasn't any problem.10:43
danslopixxi451: you can use unetbootin too :)10:43
pixxi451unetbootin? let me look that up danslo thanx :)10:44
yabanizeHmm, Download daemon tools lite, mount the iso and run the wubi installer from the iso10:44
yabanizeBecause the iso contains a wubi installer10:44
ilonis there any sollution to run ubuntu 11.04 on netbooks? i.e. <4GB drives10:44
sidwhy demon tools!! usq archive mounters.. they are fast10:45
yabanizeDoesnt matter what you use realy, just thaught daemon tools would be better as it simulates a real cd10:46
MagePsychoguys i downloaded the virtual box for windows10:46
MagePsychonow how to run centos10:46
MagePsychoor ubuntu from there10:46
deedeecan someone help me mounting my raid controller in ubuntu livecd (10.10 64.bit)? i got this error -> http://imageshack.us/f/64/screenshotij.png/10:46
arandilon: I don't think so, lubuntu might still swallow that space...10:47
deedeeand dmesg tells me this: http://pastebin.com/BLjGsPXL10:47
dansloMagePsycho: the steps are really straightforward man, just create a new VM, mount an iso, and install like normal10:47
pixxi451thanx yabanize, I appreciate the help :)10:47
dansloMagePsycho: first try, then report back with errors ;)10:47
kunuwhy my notebook's wireless offen be turn off automatic10:47
uabn93ilon: <4GB ?? maybe look at what the alternative download offers?10:47
zniavrehow to ask question to ubuntuask ?  it tells me : Sorry, we can't accept this question10:48
MagePsychohey danslo .. mount an iso means.. ?10:50
MagePsychodo we need to install in boot mode or from windows10:50
dansloMagePsycho: come on, just open virtualbox, look around and try something :) you dont need me to hold your hand every step of the way10:51
moltendorfAnyone know where I can grab a copy of suPHP's source?10:51
MagePsychothanks danslo10:51
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moltendorfGoogle turns up no alternative mirrors. :(10:52
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danslomoltendorf: http://code.google.com/p/wcoserver/downloads/detail?name=suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz10:53
danslohave fun10:53
moltendorfThanks, danslo; their website went down minutes before I ran my setup script. :P10:54
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uabn93MagePsycho: this is why youtube was invented.10:55
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zavai'm asking for a little help10:57
phrozenhello, I have an problem plymouth main process 58 killed by SEGV signal10:58
phrozencan someone help me? I think it is problem with grub but I am not an expert10:59
uabn93zava: what is it?10:59
zavaUbuntu works withr e-mu soundcards ?10:59
uabn93phrozen: i can try.10:59
zava0404 PCI10:59
phrozenwhat Have I to do ?11:00
uabn93zava: sorry im a newb.11:01
zavame too, though I am a Win expert :)11:01
phrozenI installed ubuntu 10.10 on a same disk and I have access to files11:01
phrozenbut I do not know what can I do now... I thought it was grub problem but now I do not know11:02
Dr_Hecklewith tar does -C (change directory) allow me to specify where the file is extracted to? eg: cd \home\user\Downloads ; tar -C=\bin -xzf somefile.tar.gz11:02
uabn93zava: you have trouble getting a sound card to work?11:02
zavaphrozen, have u tried virtual machines ?11:02
pfifoDr_Heckle, yes11:02
rinchanQUSTION: channel for ubuntu  beginner11:03
Dr_Hecklesweet, thx, i got that syntax right?11:03
pfifoDr_Heckle, no11:03
phrozenzava - no11:03
zavaSidewinder1, what about suport for emu soundcards ?11:04
Sidewinder1Ooppa #ubuntu-beginners11:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:04
ApacheOmegaI'm trying to find the irc.freenode.net web page and or channel - where do I go?11:05
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pfifoApacheOmega, their webpage is freenode.net ant their channel is #freenode11:06
szalApacheOmega: http//www.freenode.net/ … #freenode11:06
ApacheOmegathank you fellas11:06
ApacheOmegaafter I get on freenode where on the page do I go to find out how to install a flash player into my Natty 64 bit OS???11:08
szalApacheOmega: why do you think you find that there?11:08
pfifoApacheOmega, that information is not likely to be found at the freenode website11:09
Sidewinder1!flash > ApacheOmega11:09
ubottuApacheOmega, please see my private message11:09
Woogahello, is in ubuntu any such cross-compile tools as crossdev for gentoo?11:09
ApacheOmega<szal>some one on Debian directed me in that direction11:09
Woogaone that makes full foregin toolchain11:09
szalApacheOmega: if so, it only shows off the lameness on #debian11:10
pfifoWooga, nothing quite as advanced but there are a couple ready made cross compilers available11:10
ApacheOmegaha ha ha11:10
Osa2Hi all, I would like to test drive ubuntu server as a replacement of a windows 2003 server.11:10
ApacheOmega<szal>I installed flash on a 32 bit computer but my 64 is killing me right now11:11
Osa2What kind of items will I be missing out or will I be able to preserve all functions?11:11
pfifoOsa2, it depends what services you run11:11
szalApacheOmega: you have a pm telling you directions11:11
Dr_Hecklepfifo, do I not need the '=' because it's -C and not --directory ? /What did I do wrong?11:12
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ApacheOmegaszal: oh you mean the ubotu11:12
Dr_Heckletar -xzf file.tar.gz -C /bin11:12
Osa2pfifo: I now run AD, dhcp server, terminal server, exchange server, VPN, printing server11:12
pfifoDr_Heckle, you directory seperators are backwards :_) its / not \11:12
Dr_Hecklei come from Windows (obv.) THX!11:13
guniatacan anyone tell me how to change the partition the machine boot in to?11:13
pfifoOsa2, there is no AD in linux obivously, but the rest are replaceable11:13
Dr_Hecklenow where to put this eclipse folder... :/11:14
Osa2If there is no AD how can you make users identify which file to acces and wich not?11:14
szalguniata: what do you mean?11:14
pfifoOsa2, however linux has its own solutions to AD if your replacing all your desktops as well11:14
damian_-_hi, just installed natty, now i cant make programs executable. i rightclick the try to change permissions but right before my eyes they go back to what they used to be..11:14
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guniatai tired using the Grub in the live CD, but it's not installed, and when i tried to install it - it told me that it don't have enough space to install11:14
szaldamian_-_: what programs?11:15
pfifoOsa2, in linux we would use ftp for filesharing11:15
RajHow the grub works in live CDs ?11:15
guniataszal: when i run sudo fdisk -l, i see the partition that boot first11:15
Osa2pfifo: I understand but my situation would be to change the server not the workstations. Because otherwise they loose word/excel and a custom written accounting program for window$11:15
szalguniata: if you didn't assign enough disk space, that's your problem, tbh..  redo the system w/ more space ^^11:16
guniataszal: and in my case, it's not the linux partition. i want to change it to the linux partition11:16
damian_-_szal: executables for example a game urban terror. but it happens with all files, not just the executable bit either... setting any permission will do it..11:16
pfifoOsa2, we have samba support but not the full scale AD so you could still have remote file access11:16
damian_-_i just realised its only on my second ntfs partition... its mounted read write via hal. i can create folders and copy files so i know thats not the problem11:17
Osa2and dns can this be done as well?11:17
jjp_Osa2: sorry, I take the discussion on the flow. You wanted to manage windows users permissions on Linux ? I think you can do it with openldap and samba11:17
szaldamian_-_: NTFS (and FAT32, for that matter) don't support Unix permissions11:17
guniataszal: no, when i installed i gave the ubuntu partition 50GB or so... but i can't boot to it because the machine boot to the Win7 straight away11:17
Sidewinder1damian_-_, Try opening your file manager with gksudo filemanager. Example: gksudo nautilus.11:17
pfifoOsa2, I highly recommend using linux for dhcp dns and mail11:17
guniataon my installation usb there is no space left11:18
szalSidewinder1: won't help, see above11:18
Sidewinder1Sorry, I type slowly and must look at keyboard. :-(11:18
Osa2jjp_ yes I want to change a win 2003 server to linux and I want to inform what I could be missing out of functions on doing so11:18
damian_-_i tried sudo. not to worry i always played this game off my root drive so never had that problem. i will copy it back. :)11:18
Osa2pfifo and can windows clients access the linux mailserver?11:19
guniataszal: i just need to change the boot, so the first partition in the boot order is the ubuntu partition and not the win711:19
damian_-_any way to convert the ntfs to ext* or reiser or something. or do i need to copy files off then format11:19
adam61hi, does anyone know how to solve a lack of sound in flash? i'm using ubuntu 11.04, chromium and alsa11:19
guniatacan you tell me how to do that?11:19
jjp_Osa2: certainly, but they may have issues with Outlook requiring Microsoft Exchanges added functionalities11:19
pfifoOsa2, if your using pop3 and smtp (and/or several other protocols)11:20
guniataszal: can you tell me how to do that?11:20
Osa2at this moment they connect using exchange mailbox. Also they are able to access exchange over the web using outlook web access can this be done as well?11:20
jjp_Osa2: current state of the art protocols for mail are STMP, IMAP, and POP3 to a less extend. Linux will deal perfectly with these standards, no doubt about that11:21
pfifoOsa2, there are several webmail apps available, but you obivously need a webserver running too11:21
jjp_Osa2: there's an openexchange project, but I have no in-depth knowledge of it11:22
Osa2jjp_: okay thank you for this info I will look forward on this ones.11:22
guniatacan anyone tell me how to change partition boot order? i can't access my ubuntu partition because the machine boot to the windows partition first for some reason11:22
OrkaBorkaI need to install an older ( < 2.6.32) kernel under natty, is there a ppa availble somewhere?11:22
Osa2What is with all the versions? I mean ubuntu xubuntu debian etc... Are they all that diffrent or are this minor release diffrences?11:23
ApacheOmegaI'm trying to use this command to install Flash (sudo add-apt-repository ppa: sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer) and this is the message I get (Error: need a repository as argument) how can I fix this??11:23
damian_-_guniata: are you sure your booting windows with grub11:23
damian_-_or has the windows bootloader taken over11:23
Dr_Heckle:/ stupid wifi11:24
pfifoOsa2, its basicly preinstalled package differences with the *ubuntu. debian, fedora and suse have some major differences though11:24
guniatadamian_-_: that's the thing - i don't get the grub, because it boots to win711:24
Dr_HeckleO.o tar -xzf file.tar.gz -C /opt >> for every item in the package: "Cannot open: no such file or directory" o.O What am I doing wrong?11:24
damian_-_guniata: ok, im assuming windows was installed second11:24
guniatadamian_-_: the grub is on another partiotion11:24
guniatano, it was installed frist11:24
Osa2So every "make" is a diffrent type of OS?11:25
guniatadamian_-_: no, it was 2nd11:25
Dr_Heckleguniata, did you install grub to some partition other than the Master Boot Record (/dev/sda)11:25
jjp_Osa2: most distributions agree on common representations, like a basic file hierarchies, etc. Then tools may differ to deal with packages and the 'finish' may differ (window-manager...)11:25
guniatadamian_-_: and that is the wiered part11:25
robin0800guniata, it should be in /dev/sda i.e. the root of the drive11:25
adam61has anyone here ever had flashplayer running with no sound? any suggestions on how to fix it?11:25
guniataDr_Heckle: i don't know, i followed the standart installation of 11.0411:26
ApacheOmegacan anybody tell me what a repository argument is???11:26
karthick87Keyboard numpad is not working.. Any idea ?11:26
jjp_Osa2: remember that windows does not provide the package management anyway11:26
Dr_Heckleguniata, didn't make any special changes?11:26
pfifoOsa2, there is alot more options available on linux, and the different distros will explot this11:26
Osa2jjp_: but all software can run on each platform? Or are there diffrences as well?11:26
Dr_Hecklepfifo, do you know why I get that strange error?11:27
robin0800guniata, then grub is not on a partition as it defaults to /dev/sda11:27
MonkeyDustOsa2: what kind of differences do you have in mind?11:27
guniataDr_Heckle: no. i wanted to, to specify that the mount point will be / and stuff like that, but since it was suppose to do it by itself, i just gave the ubuntu partition about 50 GB and continued11:27
pfifoDr_Heckle, your giving it the wrong filename11:27
Osa2pfifo: and how about backups can these be done easily? Block level or dedup?11:28
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Dr_Hecklepfifo, are you talking about the -C ?? if your not, no I didn't, i used tab completion :)11:28
pfifoOsa2, there is a wide selection of clone/backup tools11:28
guniatarobin0800: but why? i followed the instruction of the 11.04 installation. didn't do any changes11:28
Osa2MonkeyDust: I don't know are there distro's who can run programs that other distro's cant?11:28
jjp_Osa2: any backup you want; I personaly used both low level tools dd (block oriented) and dump (file system oriented)11:29
pfifoDr_Heckle, are you running that as root?11:29
Dr_Heckleguniata, did you choose to partition manually?11:29
guniatarobin0800: should i install again?11:29
Dr_Hecklepfifo, NURRR11:29
Dr_Hecklethx :)11:29
Osa2what would be a starting point distro for changing 2003 server you could recommend?11:29
guniataDr_Heckle: no. the installer offered me to install alongside Win7, and then i just chose the size of the partition11:29
Dr_Heckleguniata, hmm11:29
MonkeyDustOsa2: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090105114152803/Backup.html11:30
Dr_Heckleguniata, can you sucessfully boot into recovery mode w/ your live cd/usb?11:30
pfifoOsa2, ubuntu has great support for new admins11:30
mithranhi all11:30
guniataDr_Heckle: should i reinstall??11:30
frater_sxhello again11:30
Dr_Heckleif so, do so, open a console and install manually, grub-install11:30
Dr_Heckleuse --help for options/syntax11:30
frater_sxis there a way to disable sticky/magnetic screen borders on ubuntu 10.04?11:30
Sidewinder1Osa2, 10.04 Server edition.11:30
robin0800guniata,  is windows on a partition before i.e. c  the ubuntu one or after?11:30
jjp_Osa2: if you're not familiar with command line tools, you should avoid debian or gentoo. Try out either ubuntu, red-hat, fedora11:31
Dr_Heckleuse fdisk -l (!!! -L !!!!) to list drives/options on where to do it11:31
Dr_Heckleit will probably be /dev/sda11:31
* Dr_Heckle afkz11:31
guniatarobin0800: before11:31
elkyjjp_, debian is so nothing like gentoo.11:31
pfifoOsa2, actuall avoid gentoo for a production server at all cost11:31
Osa2Thank you all for the info. I will thake this with me and try out some features11:32
guniataDr_Heckle: what is the recovery? i can boot to the live session with no problems11:32
jjp_elky: both are not oriented for admins moving from windows11:32
Osa2and see how far the rabbit hole brings me :-)11:32
jjp_Osa2: on this point I know: Free as in 'Freedom'11:32
robin0800guniata, do what Dr_Heckle suggests for you may need a live cd as you can't do this from windows11:33
Osa2The best thing a human chan have a friend and freedom :-)11:33
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robin0800guniata, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:35
AmazuraGood morning, can somebody please help me ? I need to find a driver to connect to wireless on my Dell Inspiron 144011:44
Sidewinder1Amazura, Not sure what version you're using but have you tried System--> Adminstration--> Hardware Drivers?11:45
k3ksi just tried to setup network dispatch scripts11:46
k3kswhich should be run on if up11:46
ooooanyone know how to get empathy wrap line?11:46
k3ksbut they don't seem to be run11:46
k3ksi echo text to a log file to debug but nothing is written11:47
old81oooo, try shift + enter11:47
k3kshas anybody an idea how to verfiy that the scripts are run?11:47
Samo502k3ks: what scripts?11:47
ooooold81: i mean automatically11:48
ooooold81: any suggestion?11:48
Dr_Hecklerobin0800, did you get that person helped out?11:48
k3ksscripts in network/if-up11:48
Dr_Hecklew/ the grub problem?11:48
k3ksor NetworkManager/dispatcher.d11:48
Samo502k3ks: ah, i don't know then ^_^11:48
robin0800Dr_Heckle, hope so11:49
Dr_Hecklek :)11:49
amazuracan somebody please help me ? I need to find a driver to connect to wireless on my Dell Inspiron 144011:49
Dr_HeckleHAH! Eclipse!11:49
k3ksSamo502, ok, i think i'll give it another try later11:49
ooooamazura: mine is also dell inspiron 144011:50
amazuracool oooo11:50
alekseyhi all11:50
ooooamazura: but i can connect to wifi11:50
amazurado you connect wireless ?11:50
robin0800amazura, wi fi card?11:50
ooooamazura: without doing anything11:51
amazuraMy computer have the original Wireless card installed11:51
ooooamazura: make sure u enable wireless11:51
amazuraI just don't know how to configure it11:51
amazurawell, let me try one more time, Thank u oooo11:52
robin0800amazura, lspci is a good start and tell us what the card is11:52
amazuragreat robin080011:53
ooooamazura: u may try right click on the wireless icon, and then11:53
oooochoose enable wireless11:53
amazuraI looks like ubuntu does not see the wireless driver11:55
Samo502amazura: isn't there an alphanumerical code with it? something like 0000:0000?11:55
syd_hi all11:56
Samo502amazura: usually the terminal can display it11:56
amazuranope Samo50211:56
syd_i need help with usb device in ubuntu 10.0411:56
amazuraThank u everyone11:57
LjLsyd_: explain what the issue is11:57
syd_when i plug my usb webcam wireless connection goes down11:57
syd_i got usb wireless11:57
syd_i think i have a problem with usb address11:58
Samo502syd_: are you moving your wireless one to another port or is it staying in the same one?11:58
syd_probably i've moved it11:58
Samo502syd_: sometimes you can fix issues like that by playing around with what's plugged in where11:58
Samo502syd_: for instance my USB mouse is very particular and won't accept most of my USB ports for some reason11:59
syd_it is possible to reset old usb addresses?11:59
Samo502syd_: i don't have enough experience with it to say, anyone care to pick up the ball on that one because i dunno12:00
syd_thanks anyway ^^12:00
pfifosyd_, your usb devices are probbally not getting enough power12:00
Sidewinder1syd_, I'm not real familiar with that either...That being said, I try to replug it into where it was and reboot.12:01
Samo502all i can find researching it is resetting the device itself and not it's address12:03
pfifoSamo502, what do you mean by 'address'12:04
Samo502pfifo: USB address12:04
Samo502pfifo: whatever syd_ was talking about12:04
monaDeveloperhey folks12:05
mike_rolpsHi, by mistake my system lost power and instantly turned off. Now when I'm trying to login to my account, it gives an error the GNOME Power Manager configuration is invalid and nothing comes up. Please help!12:06
MoowIs there anyone here who got Ettercap working with Ubuntu 11.04? Thanks.12:06
monaDeveloperI have a high traffic usage that's only coming to my machine12:06
mike_rolpsI tried to search online and can't dfind relevant answer. I'm using Ubuntu 10.1012:06
monaDeveloperI came here before and the advice was to turn the ssh server off12:06
monaDeveloperbut the problem still exist12:06
monaDeveloperhigh traffic without having actual thing running12:07
monaDevelopernetstat -at doesn't help12:07
monaDeveloperbut I used ntop to find the connected hosts12:07
monaDeveloperto find this list http://pastebin.com/bWSdDPwK12:08
monaDeveloperis there any advice to stop this?12:08
Sidewinder1!enter > monaDeveloper12:08
ubottumonaDeveloper, please see my private message12:08
SikUgh, me being near regular here shames me... Either way, just installed 64-bit Ubuntu, and the swap partition is in /dev/sda7... but it looks like for whatever reason Ubuntu can't use it o_o; (there's some warning when Ubuntu boots) Any idea why this could be?12:08
pfifomonaDeveloper, is this on your home internet connection?12:08
pfifomonaDeveloper, block it at your router, if it persists, contact your ISP12:09
mike_rolpsThe exact error message is "the configuration defaults for the gnome power manager has not been installed correctly"12:09
monaDeveloper@pfifo ok thank you12:09
Dr_Hecklelol @12:09
szalSik: define "some warning"12:10
Sikszal: it says it can't access /dev/sda712:10
SikDoesn't really give much details...12:10
szalSik: try "sudo swapon"12:10
pshmmaybe sudo strapon ? =)12:11
SikEr, I get a usage screen :P12:11
szalor, if that expects an argument, "sudo swapon /dev/sda7"12:11
SikWell... Silent, I guess that means success? What does it do?12:12
szalno output = usually, good output12:12
SikI know, on *nix everything is silent unless something goes wrong or it outputs data :P12:13
hje841I have a networking question: How many TCP connection does Ubuntu allow for? and where do you find the number?12:13
pfifoyou can type `echo $?` after running a command to view its return value, 0 means success and non-zero indicates a problem12:13
SikWhat does swapon do? Enable a swap partition? Is it permanent?12:13
pshmthe big strapon is good strapon12:13
beagleOCS(natty) hi. My desktop messed up, for unknown reasons. I don't see any panel (I have to manually launch gnome-panel after each boot) and windows don't have buttons. What can I do?12:13
SikOh hey, thanks for $?, I need that for a shell script :P12:13
* szal thinks the command is self-explanatory12:13
szalSik: and no, it's not permanent12:15
Sikszal: any more permanent solution? So I don't have to run it every time :/12:15
szalSik: swap partitions should be in /etc/fstab12:15
pfifoSik, it seems that you have a misconfigured /ets/fstab12:15
szalSik: make sure the UUID matches12:15
mike_rolpsbeagleOCS: I had a similar problem, fixed it following these steps.12:16
mike_rolpsbeagleOCS: http://bit.ly/w4HAo12:16
szallist UUIDs -> ls -lA /dev/disk/by-uuid/12:16
SikUUID seems to match12:16
Sik...mapped to sda6 though12:16
szalsounds like a misconfiguration12:17
SikIn fact, sda7 isn't even listed there12:17
pfifoszal, thats not how you get disk UUIDs, use `blkid`12:17
beagleOCSmike_rolps: I already tried to delete the hidden file, but the panel did not restore. the guide talks about a gnome configuration editor: what is it?12:17
SikWhy isn't sda7 listed? :/12:18
szalSik: pastebin your /etc/fstab, "blkid" and "sudo fdisk -l"12:18
pfifoSik, because you cant mount a swap partition, type `blkid`12:18
Sikblkid shows an empty output :P12:18
pfifoSik, `sudo blkid`12:19
hje841Does 'ulimit -n' return the possible number of TCP connection in Ubuntu?12:19
mike_rolpsbeagleOCS: use package gconf-editor12:19
vikramunity not working on ubuntu10.1012:20
beagleOCSthanks mike_rolps12:20
mike_rolpsbeagleOCS: np12:20
pshmunity is coming...12:21
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Sik/dev/sda6 is my boot partition, /dev/sda7 is the swap partition for this install, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5 are from an old install I'll get rid of later >_>12:21
szalSik: no wonder, your fstab says swap is on /dev/sdb712:21
SikOh I know why12:22
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SikI used the minimal CD off a LiveUSB and there sda was the USB, not the hard disk12:22
szalchange that to sda7 & you should be fine12:22
SikThere, fixed :D12:22
pfifohje841, no12:23
SikPS: remind me to fill a bug report about the minimal CD installer thinking itself is the main hard disk -_-'12:23
ClickClackhi, how can i find the correct fingerprint of the ssl certificate from mail.gmx.de?12:23
frostschutzSik: use uuids12:23
hje841pfifo: then how do I find it?12:23
szalSik: that's, unfortunately, a common feature if you have/use more than 1 disk12:23
pfifohje841, it 6553612:23
hje841pfifo: what's the defining factor?12:24
suku"./arduino: 22: java: not found".... please help guys! :(12:24
Sikszal: the installer could be made to skip itself unless there's no other hard disk :P12:24
pfifohje841, sizeof(short)12:24
Sik<frostschutz> Sik: use uuids <-- Blame the installer, I didn't set this up :/12:24
pfifohje841, i bieleve thats per process though, so a multi threaded app could have many more12:25
szalsuku: install java?12:25
sukuszal:  runtime only ??? how ??12:25
szal!java | suku12:25
ubottusuku: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:25
marco_is there a power-manager gui for lxde?12:25
wisieni need gui for zip and rar . any propositions?12:26
jrib!rar | wisien12:26
ubottuwisien: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:26
sscrappy1trying to mount a ext usb hdd .. says its mounted .. doesn't show me directory in terminal12:26
jribwisien: why the "?"?12:27
wisienwhy not12:27
beagleOCSHi. After a crash, I don't see gnome-panel anymore. In addition, all the windows buttons (hide/maximize/close etc.) are not visibile.... what can I do?12:27
beagleOCSon natty12:28
szalbecause a ? w/o a reason doesn't make sense12:28
JoeCoolDeskHow do I launch the recovery console on startup?12:28
jribwisien: because I have no clue what you are trying to communicate.  I had ubottu send you a link with the answer to your original question and you replied with "?"12:28
wisienjrib:i need gui for rar and zip12:28
jribwisien: read the link ubottu gave you.12:28
ActionParsnipJoeCoolDesk: hold shift at boot12:29
szal!pl | wisien12:29
ubottuwisien: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:29
* szal thinks there is a considerable language barrier12:29
JoeCoolDeskIt's just stuck at * Checking battery state....  [ OK ]12:30
beagleOCSHi. After a crash, I don't see gnome-panel anymore. In addition, all the windows buttons (hide/maximize/close etc.) are not visibile.... what can I do? (natty)12:32
tic^!panel | beagleOCS12:33
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beagleOCStic^: no help :)12:36
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oooobeagleOCS: if u can open a terminal, then run compiz --replace12:38
JoeCoolDeskHas Ubuntu hit the 10 second boot yet?12:38
oooobeagleOCS: this may help12:38
ooooJoeCoolDesk: no idea, but mine take about 1 minute12:39
beagleOCSoooo: it didn't help12:39
ouyesfinall I get the feel about small screen laptops , it is hard to read things12:39
pfifoJoeCoolDesk, 10 secobnds sounds about right12:40
oooobeagleOCS: maybe, u will need to log off, or try gnome-settings-daemon12:40
JoeCoolDeskHolding shift on start doesn't do anything for VirtualBox12:40
tic^beagleOCS: google "missing panel ubuntu" I got many hits.12:40
pfifoJoeCoolDesk, try ctrl instead12:41
JoeCoolDeskI got it into GRUB so I can run recovery now12:41
Sidewinder1beagleOCS, If you can get into Synaptic, try reinstalling Gnome-Panel.12:41
JoeCoolDeskCan I run Unity with Virtualbox?12:42
beagleOCSthe problem is not only gnome panel.... windows buttons are missing too12:42
AceKingHas anyone found a solution to disabling "Recent Documents"?12:42
pfifoAceKing, never open any documents?12:42
AceKingpfifo, LOL12:43
rigvedbeagleOCS: have you tried to reset the panel to it's defaults?12:43
rigvedJoeCoolDesk: yes, if you have the required hardware12:43
JoeCoolDeskI have all the hardware I want, it's the matter of interfacing with Vbox12:44
rigvedJoeCoolDesk: it works12:44
AceKingpfifo, So you really don't have an answer?12:44
beagleOCSrigved: in which way? I removed .gconf directory but nothing changed12:44
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:45
rigvedbeagleOCS: ^^12:45
beagleOCSrigved: as said before I don't see windows buttons too!!12:46
pfifoAceKing, I lookd but cant seem to find any place where its storing that information12:47
rigvedbeagleOCS: are you using 11.04?12:47
AceKingpfifo, It's been driving me nuts since install.12:47
pfifoAceKing, if your in unity, try switching to clasic and clearing it out the old fashioned way12:48
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AceKingpfifo, I didn't like Unity so I switched back to classic. It doesn't work like it used to12:49
pfifoAceKing, gnome3 here :) I have no idea12:50
AceKingpfifo, Is gnome3 working?12:50
pfifoAceKing, its unsupported12:50
AceKingpfifo, Ok, I may try it on my test laptop. I don't like Unity at all12:51
MonkeyDustPinguy OS looks a lot nicer, without Unity12:52
pfifoAceKing, I installed with debootstrap and installed from a ppa, avoiding installing unity and gnome all together12:52
AceKingpfifo, You had no problems doing it that way?12:53
pfifoAceKing, you need HW accelrated video, your laptop might not make the grade12:53
AceKingpfifo, Ahhh, OK12:53
pfifoAceKing, I had a list of problems as long as my arm12:53
AceKingpfifo, Yeah, I think I'll wait then. Thanks for the info.12:54
sscrappy1trying to get printing to work .. how should the device URL be presented in the printer settings12:54
JuJuBeeI have a live USB stick I have been using fine. All of a sudden I am prompted for username and password when I "Try Kubuntu" ? What's up with that?12:55
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and you can set the password there, press CTRL+ALT+F7 to return12:58
paulusi have ubuntu 10.10 with MacUbuntu, some times pc starts up with blank screen, any idea's12:58
exitcodemy natty sometimes suddenly logout13:00
ActionParsnippaulus: possibly an issue with the theme13:00
ActionParsnipexitcode: any pattern to what causes it?13:00
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paulusi could change the theme, and  wait sometime, of course13:01
exitcodeit is random13:01
MonkeyDustpaulus: MacBuntu uses Compiz intensively, that can be the cause13:01
exitcodethank you for try to help:)13:01
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ActionParsnipexitcode: I suggest you test your RAM13:03
unknown___can any one tell me where I can find a solution to Ubuntu USB server 11.04 no cd error?13:04
exitcodei did a lots of OS install, win and linux too and I have 2 logical partition which I cant format. gparted see none of my partitions. can you recommend a disk recovery tool?13:05
Z30i have problem in VPN in VPN in ubuntu?13:05
MonkeyDustexitcode: try parted --list13:05
ActionParsnipunknown___: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?13:05
Z30how i can connect to VPN server when i am connect with anyone to internet?13:06
exitcodeit shows: error, invalid partition table : dev/sda wrong sign13:06
unknown___ActionParsnip we. no I did not, did not think I had to do that since I got it from the ubuntu site13:07
MonkeyDustexitcode: try sudo fdisk -l13:07
ActionParsnipunknown___: thats not why MD5 is needed, it doesn't matter in any way where you get it from13:07
Q-FUNKsince a few days /home apparently gets mounted read-only. any suggestion on where to start investigating why?13:07
ActionParsnipunknown___: the data can get damaged in transit, you have failed to test your file so you have no way of knowing if it complete or consistant13:08
Z30how i can connect to another VPN server when i am already connect to internet with VPN?13:08
brett__brett__: testing13:08
brett__brett__: testing13:08
ActionParsnipunknown___: you could get it from some dodgey warez site, as long as the hashes match the ones on the official site, it is the correct data13:08
LjL!test | brett__13:08
ubottubrett__: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )13:08
exitcodeMonkeyDust: i skipped and now I can see the output, there are the partitons. but how can I make the bad partitions to usable?13:09
unknown___ActionParsnip ok thanks for I'll check it out13:09
Z30how i can connect to another VPN server when i am already connect to internet with VPN?13:09
ActionParsnipZ30: setup another connection, you can connect to many VPNs13:09
MonkeyDustexitcode: try fsck13:09
brett__LjL: sorry13:09
beagleOCSHi. How can I set metacity as default on natty? compiz is messed up13:09
BarryBIs there a system command or some sort fo check in ubuntu by c++ code / shell script that can detect network cable lost or network loss?13:09
exitcodeMonkeyDust: from livecd?13:10
porjoBarryB: mii-tool13:10
BarryBis there a manual for that or is that a command?13:11
Z30i setup new VPN connection but when i connect with one of them i cant connect with another!!!13:11
Sidewinder1exitcode, Yes, from LiveCD.13:11
MonkeyDustexitcode: ah, live cd13:11
Z30i setup new VPN connection but when i connect with one of them i cant connect with another!!!13:12
exitcodeabout fsck: if I am right I did it a month ago, nothing found13:12
Sidewinder1!repeat > Z3013:12
ubottuZ30, please see my private message13:12
MonkeyDustexitcode: try e2fsck13:12
MonkeyDustexitcode: i was able to mount an external partition by using ext4dev13:13
Sidewinder1exitcode, I've also read something to the effect, never run fsck on a MOUNTED drive; bad things can happen.13:14
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exitcodeSidewinder1: yeah, I saw the warning in terminal:)13:15
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Sidewinder1exitcode, Kewl, I just wanted to make sure. :-)13:16
exitcodeMonkeyDust: thanks, I will try e2fsck. I hope it will bring me back my half disk:D13:16
ca_workI have the weirdest problem on a maverick machine: When trying to install a package the % goes to 12% then jumps back to 3% and keeps doing that Any hints ?13:19
ca_workBehind proxy but nothing changed and all other net traffic works fine13:19
unknown___ActionParsnip I just checked the MD5 and it matches13:20
woozly|jobwhere in ubuntu 10.04 change Hostname?13:20
woozly|jobcan't figureout 'Networking' in menu13:21
MonkeyDustwoozly|job: try /etc/hostname13:21
rigvedca_work: using terminal, right? try using synaptic or software center. do they also behave in the same way?13:21
iOlegin terminal enter "hostname 'yournewhostname'" (without leading marks)13:23
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.13:23
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ca_workrigved, Synaptic says Queued for the first package (ntpdate) and then does nothing..13:24
iOlegperhaps you've to be ROOT first to perform this13:25
iOlegso, "sudo blahblah"13:25
rootuser23does anyone know a very good site for learning more about intermediate terminal commands? thx in advance13:26
rigvedca_work: is there some other package that is being installed?13:26
Sidewinder1rootuser23, Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17150713:27
rigvedca_work: run this in the terminal: sudo dpkg -configure -a <-- After you have typed this and get no error, try installing the packages again13:28
rigvedca_work: sorry that's --> sudo dpkg --configure -a13:29
ActionParsnip!manual | rootuser2313:29
ubotturootuser23: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:29
Sprechkaesehelp please, my unity lost all applications, I can not find any application anymore but by starting it interminal13:30
rootuser23oh ty very much, ubottu13:30
Sprechkaeseif I move over the left upper corner and klick, the "window" appears where I can start applications, but no application is found there neither any documents13:31
afiefI am using Ubuntu 10.10 with the open source ATI drivers, are there any bugs I should be aware of in Ubuntu 11.04 before I upgrade?13:31
jimcooncathow to I get uuid of a partition to enter in fstab? Been playing around with distros and now my swap has a new uuid13:32
Piciafief: I didn't have any issues here.13:32
ouyeshow to know all the details about my RAM?13:33
ouyesis there a command?13:33
ntatHow do I set gmail to check the mail notification applet (Gnome). I would like to receive mail, it changed the color of the envelope.13:33
Picijimcooncat: sudo blkid13:33
jimcooncatthanks Pici!13:33
ntatI use Thunderbird client.13:34
dsathethere is something royally screwd up with the ubuntu gtk usb creator :(13:34
dsathesegfault O.O13:34
momoleeouyes hardinfo in terminal and go to memory13:34
ca_workrigved, no it just hangs on ntpupdate13:34
ouyesmomolee, thanks13:34
Sprechkaesehelp please, my unity lost all applications, I can not find any application anymore but by starting it interminal. if I move over the left upper corner and klick, the "window" appears where I can start applications, but no application is found there neither any documents13:38
momoleeouyes hope you got what you expected13:38
PiciSprechkaese: I was under the impression that you needed to type the application there that you wanted to start.13:40
tyrezahello there13:41
tyrezahow to check disk on ubuntu ?13:41
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Sprechkaesepici: yes, but nothing is found when i type enything there13:41
vilinyi installed natty in virtualbox and it told me i don't have the hardware to run unity, i installed guest additions and all the other nicknacks but it's defaulting to classic desktop now. How can i re-enable unity or make it try at least?13:42
Sprechkaesepici: i think i reinstalled zeitgeist-daemon via terminal, cant remember why, but seems that it is somehow related to it13:42
eroomdewhen i log into 'rescue mode', what font is that in the terminal window?13:42
PiciSprechkaese: It shouldn't be. zeitgeist is for tracking what stuff you use, it shouldn't impact other stuff.13:43
ThinkT510viliny: i don't think you can run unity in virtualbox13:43
vilinyThinkT510, ah ok! thank you13:44
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SprechkaesePici: I can neither fgind any documents by typing there nor any application, also somehow the "recently used documents" and the "recently used applications" buttons vanished out of my sidebar13:44
DJonesviliny: Maybe this will help with unity in virtualbox http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-test-ubuntu-1104-with-unity-in.html13:45
PiciSprechkaese: Are you using Unity or the Classic desktop?13:45
SprechkaesePici: unity13:45
jon8i'm sorry, kind of a crap question.. but whats the easiest way to give more than one username full permission to read/write a directory -- BUT they are not in the same group13:45
vilinyDJones, i just found something similar, thank you :)13:45
ThinkT510viliny: i stand corrected, sorry13:45
SprechkaesePici: tried restart, tried apt-get update && upgrade, everything seems to be up to date, nothing missing13:45
porjojon8: chmod 777 :D13:45
ActionParsnipjon8: make a group and give the group have group ownership of the data13:46
momoleejon8 chmod 77713:46
ActionParsnipmomolee: that will give ALL users, not just the specifics13:46
PiciSprechkaese: I'm not very familiar with Unity myself, I prefer gnome 2.x, sorry.13:46
jon8i thought for sure it'd be something more compliated than that lol13:46
jon8thank you guys ;)13:46
ActionParsnipmomolee: don't advise users to use 777, its really not a good idea13:46
jon8ActionParsnip, whats the easiest way to create a group and give only that group permission to the dir?13:47
momoleeActionParnsip thanks hey had overlooked what jon8 wanted13:47
SprechkaesePici: me too, just trying to get familiar with it. thanks anyway =)13:47
ActionParsnipjon8: chown :groupname folder     will give groupname the group ownership, you can find guides on how to make the group and add users to it13:48
ActionParsnipmomolee: 777 is just a bad bad idea13:48
tchrzczWhen I log in Natty to my account created in 10.10, Unity is not started. How do I troubleshoot this?13:49
ActionParsniptchrzcz: press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace13:50
jon8ActionParsnip where is a guide to that? i'm looking on the website but can't find how to create a group and how to put users in the group13:50
damian_-_hi,l something in my system is causing ubuntu not to sleep the display. the only programs i have installed so far sicne 1.4 are avant window navigator, wine, gnome2 global menu.  could any of these be causing it. it worked for a while until i started installing programs13:50
BluesKajHey folks13:50
pylixI'm having trouble with my wireless ever sice i upraded to natty13:50
vilinyokay unity worked now13:51
tchrzcz@ActionParsnip: I'll try this and report back.13:51
pylixis there an easy fix for this?13:51
vilinybut um, slow as hell so im now running unity 2d :)13:51
soyopylix: iwconfig13:51
damian_-_hi,l something in my system is causing ubuntu not to sleep the display. the only programs i have installed so far since installing 11.4 are avant window navigator, wine, gnome2 global menu.  could any of these be causing it. it worked for a while until i started installing programs13:51
damian_-_is there a command to sleep the display13:52
robin0800damian_-_, don't know but the setting is in powermanager and perhaps the screensaver13:53
damian_-_ok, well i set it up there already. it did work for a while but its started only blanking the display13:54
antiherowhere are the default icons stored in natty?13:57
Piciantihero: Usually in /usr/share/icons/13:58
vilinyWhy is the theme availibity for ubuntu so poor from the get-go?13:58
antiheroPici: Thanks13:58
vilinyand gnome-looks or whatever isn't that good either13:58
MonkeyDustantihero: also look in pixmaps13:58
vilinywhat do you people do to get some better visuals?13:58
MonkeyDustviliny: what are "better visiuals"?13:59
soyoviliny: You can customize your theme.13:59
Sidewinder1Compiz, perhaps13:59
antiheroMonkeyDust: Is there any way I can download these without having a ubuntu GUI install on hand?13:59
vilinyWell, that being a taste issue but still, a wider range of things to choose from. Gnome-looks if i remember correctly didn't have that much to choose one and even less that looks good13:59
MonkeyDustdownload what, exactly, viliny ? themes?13:59
vilinyi mean, this being ubuntu and all i suspect theres a huge resource of cool themes and icons somewhere that i haven't found yet14:00
MonkeyDustviliny: http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/look.html14:00
vilinyWindow borders, all that eyecandy that comes together to build a desktop theme14:00
soyoviliny: You may find Ubuntu to be a bit utilitarian in astetics but it is highly customizable14:00
robin0800viliny, remember gnome panel bean around ages unity only six months14:00
soyoCustomizable? Is that actually a word?14:00
vilinyallright soyo, been a long time user but haven't really been arsed for getting deeper into aestethics until just now14:01
Picisoyo: Very much so,14:01
hobotroidHi, has anyone else found that their notification (systray) icons are gone when using multiple monitors? When using just one (or dupe displays) they all show up fine, but as soon as I extend my desktop, all my extra icons are missing (skype, rhythmbox, etc)14:01
MonkeyDustsoyo: even interoperability is a word ;) (offtopic)14:01
hobotroid*in 11.0414:01
ThinkT510!themes | viliny14:01
ubottuviliny: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:01
vilinythanks ThinkT510 :)14:02
robin0800viliny, also lots of themes for gnome shell if you go that way14:02
vilinyah and yes, unity requires 128mb of video memory and 3d enabled in virtualbox... is there answer to the next guy wondering why unity isn't working in their vbox :)14:02
kgoodwinLooking for a way to forward email from Evolution to an outside account. Possible?14:02
vilinyThinkT510, that being directed at you14:02
ikhello.. what is this thing? servers14:03
vilinyik, what?14:03
ThinkT510viliny: thanks for the info14:03
Sidewinder1viliny: You might also want to look into "Conky".14:04
soyokgoodwin: Yes. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109029514:04
Sidewinder1Or is it Conkie?14:04
vilinySidewinder1, conky as in the desktop utility for showing machine specs and load?14:04
MonkeyDust!nl| ik14:04
ubottuik: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:04
vilinyi have that on my home desktop and on my maemo phone :)14:04
ThinkT510Sidewinder1: yes, conky14:04
ja2Hi ubuntu community! I have a troublesome laptop which I try 11.04 on. Usually I need boot paramter vga=771 to get the display started. Got it started from CD and installed to HD. But I have no success now from HD. Any good ideas? (HP pavilion dm4, 1160)14:06
ja2ati radeon card.14:06
Sidewinder1viliny, Have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=conky14:06
ikthanks!! :)) i am new in ubuntu..14:06
soyo!ati > ja214:06
ubottuja2, please see my private message14:06
tchrzczWhen I log in to "Ubuntu" session in Natty, Unity is not started and the only thing I see is the wallpaper, mouse pointer and thigs from my ~/Desktop directory. I used this account/home directory in Maverick before moving it to Natty.14:07
tchrzczPressing ALT-F2 doesn't work.14:08
vilinySidewinder1, seems nice, never have enough of those but i am familiar with conky yes :)14:08
JoshuaLis it possible to remove the 1 px border arround apps?14:08
compdoctchrzcz, what about Ubuntu Classic?14:08
tchrzczAnd starting Compiz with "DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace" doesn't work.14:08
tchrzczcompdoc: Ubuntu Classic works ok.14:08
compdocthey say Unity requires a certain capability in your vid card14:09
compdocmaybe its just the driver14:09
tchrzczMy netbook is capable. Unity works on other accounts14:09
tchrzczBut not on mine.14:09
vilinyunity requires 128mb of video ram and opengl14:09
vilinymy guess is you should double check drivers14:10
Sidewinder1viliny, The above is not Themes; but between the !themes that Think510 linked to, in addition to Compiz and Conky, you should be able to have the Desktop of your dreams! Ain't Ubuntu grand?14:10
vilinySidewinder1, sure is :)14:10
ex0aI upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and now I'm stuck in a login loop. The only way I've been able to reach a desktop is by booting into recovery mode and using startx to start xfce (after setting it as default with update-alternatives) but I have no interaction with the desktop except for the terminal window.. Any ideas? I'd like to get gnome working again.14:10
ThinkT510Sidewinder1: that is true of any linux14:11
Sidewinder1ThinkT510, Certainly puts winbloze on the sidelines. Uh oh, OT...Side slaps himself in the face....Won't happen again. :-)14:12
vilinywish gaming would be better on linux, or that linux game devs would make better games... i wouldn't mind completely jumping over windows for all my needs but gaming is still something i need to have windows around for14:14
ex0amy windows install let me login after upgrading *cough*14:14
vilinythat and every time i try to use ubuntu as my desktop for a longer time theres some kind of a showstopper or a problem that takes half my sanity fixing14:14
dawolf123does anyone know where I can get documentation on ubuntu server's maximums?14:14
ThinkT510viliny: you could always try wine14:14
boson12How do I access my external hard drive? I don't see it other than in disk utility14:14
vilinyso im content with the occasional dabble with new releases and running my ubuntu server while using windows for movies and games14:14
vilinyThinkT510, i have my fair share of wine experience running eve-online and various steam games and most recently rift14:15
ThinkT510dawolf123: maybe somebody in #ubuntu-server could help better14:15
boson12How do I access my external hard drive? I don't see it other than in disk utility14:15
dawolf123k, thx14:15
vilinyworks ok, but the framerate drop is a downer alongside lost visual quality14:15
compdocboson12, mounting a drive in linux is pretty google-able14:15
MonkeyDustboson12: try sudo mount -t ext4dev /dev/sdX <your mountpoint> -- it worked for me14:15
MonkeyDustboson12: change sdX to you own needs14:16
boson12moneydust: Ok14:16
compdocdisk utility willmount it with a click14:16
pylixboson12 also that's assuming your drive is formated in ext414:16
boson12pylix: it's ntfs14:17
MonkeyDustpylix: ext4dev = ext for developpers, not ext4 ;)14:17
pylixoh nvm14:17
vilinywasn't there a 3ntfs or something like that for mounting ntfs drives?14:17
MonkeyDustviliny: try 3G14:18
ThinkT510viliny: ntfs-3g14:18
vilinyboson12, try ntfs-3g14:18
berefeirawent full retard and installed natty on my solid state....tips?14:20
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compdocis it a problem?14:21
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hobotroidHi, has anyone else found that their notification (systray) icons are gone when using multiple monitors? When using just one (or dupe displays) they all show up fine, but as soon as I extend my desktop, all my extra icons are missing (skype, rhythmbox, etc). I'm using 11.04. ALSO, my time and date indicator is suddnly gone. Any ideas?14:27
hobotroid* i whitelisted all notification icons already, which is why they show up fine before i switch to dual displays14:27
star_join #ubuntu14:27
awellshobotroid: are your resolutions identical?14:28
tyi675546[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   tyi675546 dajhorn star_ sirbu din Jackneill aethelrick Guest14249 akgraner_ cdavis IcarianHeights SIGMON47 paulus tuuss ticaozinho marco_ zach_ lborda bejames mrdat nixNcode MagePsycho KennethP berefeira th0r a14:28
tyi675546[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   davros glcrazy Logan_ guntbert teri kjlsafjldksf exasam ja2 sean_bristol dashua lainy dury iceflatline gare hobotroid AaronMT magn3ts JoshuaL huitailang lud antihero dtcrshr eggonlegs SpaceSheep rtdos look_ Hou14:28
tyi675546[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   Leitaox hateball ntat Gerwin fumanchu182 frogzoo gepatino ITXpander dale971 77CAALF2P Afrix yking goshawk nordicminers Prometheus89 andresmujica k3strel woozly|job IdleOne ca_work kkszysiu thegoodcushion tieinv14:28
tyi675546[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   herton OerHeks ouyes kanneblei m4v Fireblasto Zonetti cprofitt oln TimeRider pa|rty tiagoscd deedee Tuxist rootuser23 Bono Sunloung f|shy maxJadi amin` psalmer bdamos bluenemo_ jnlsnl_ Nozy burstfire JoeCoolDes14:28
tyi675546[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   svendsen_ flowbee aguitel klaas_ KillaloT RudyValencia- Timic f0rfr33 pfifo ogra_ thalll natit robin0800 pipeep urkki jrib ohir nomike__ P4R4N01D pratz_ boteeka paissad manio britta_ Koiti brian_lim KMFrog nick14:28
boson12would it be safe to edit my external hard drive knowing that I already have files in it?14:28
boson12recall that I want to access the files in such hard drive14:28
hobotroidawells: no. one's my internal laptop screen, one's an external lcd. resolutions are set vastly differently14:28
ThinkT510boson12: edit how?14:28
ThinkT510boson12: what do you plan to do?14:29
boson12thinkt510: Using the "edit" option in disk utility14:29
boson12recall that I want to access the files in such hard drive14:29
awellshobotroid: the panel might be spreading across both screens, and since they are at different resolutions, it may be above the top, causing it to not show up14:29
frogzoofeck is sasl?14:29
Picifrogzoo: Its spam, ignore it.14:30
frogzoooh I get it14:30
frogzooha ha14:30
hobotroidawells: do you know if it's possible to have the panel only show up in my primary display?14:30
amin`How to enaable SASL in Xchat?????????????14:30
Piciamin`: Its spam, you can safely ignore it.14:31
DirtyDawgamin`: its a trick, ignore it14:31
boson12thinkkt510: May changing the drive's type from HPFS/NTFS to something like Linux help me in opening the conntent of the drive?14:31
ThinkT510boson12: no14:31
fracklebut why would someone spam that?14:31
ThinkT510boson12: just mount it14:31
DirtyDawgto get everyone annoying the staffers with questions frackle14:31
ThinkT510boson12: linux reads ntfs fine14:31
boson12ThinkT510: Using the command line?14:31
llutzboson12: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "sudo blkid" please14:31
amin`what does that mean14:32
frackleseems like a good idea,with all the spam this network generates14:32
awellshobotroid: are you running Unity or regular gnome?14:32
Piciamin`: http://blog.freenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/14:32
hobotroidawells: unity. just started happening when i upgraded14:32
boson12llutz: Let me try to mount it and I'll get back to you soon. Thanks14:32
fracklelol @ be-safe-out-there14:32
vilinyanyone actually find unity good or particularly usable?14:32
tic^don't these children have anything better to do? like learn something in school...14:33
vilinykeeps bugging for me and i find it counter-intuitive14:33
vilinytic^, which children where?14:33
frogzooviliny: I like the vertical space much, but am still missing usual menu bars14:33
Piciviliny: Some people like, it, some don't.  You can still using GNOME 2.x if you like.14:33
awellshobotroid: what graphics card & driver are you using?14:34
vilinyi find it very likely that i'll stick with gnome, i feel... limited and lost with unity :p14:34
DirtyDawgi tried 11.04 and hated unity14:34
llutzDirtyDawg: nobody forces you to use it14:34
DirtyDawgtrue that14:34
star_i still 10.0414:35
boson12What file system should I specify if I know my drive's is NTFS and the mounting command protocol mentions ext3 and fat32?14:35
llutzboson12: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "sudo blkid" please14:35
llutz!paste | boson1214:35
ubottuboson12: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:35
hobotroidawells: one of those integrated intels. VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:35
icerootboson12: ntfs-3g for mountung ntfs14:35
hobotroidawells: finding driver14:36
WXZhey, I'm splitting an ape file with a cue file14:36
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
WXZbut the song titles and artists aren't being encoded properly, it comes out as a bunch of diamonds with white question marks14:37
WXZin the cue file the artists and titles look like this Èíñïåêòîð ÏÎ14:37
hobotroidawells: (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets  i810,14:37
hobotroid    i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,14:37
hobotroid    E7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, Pineview ... etc14:37
reya276Is  there any possible way to reset my laptop display(meaning turn it back on) from CLI on 11.04?14:38
WaltherFIhello again folks14:39
=== william is now known as Guest64036
sir_tyrionHello, why can't I move symbolic links on a share over samba?14:39
sir_tyrionIt says I don't have permission14:40
rzx237reya276: like "xset dpms force off"?14:40
kkb110is there any way that I can figure out the program name by clicking it? (just like xkill)14:41
reya276rzx237, I have no clue what that means14:41
kkb110xprop, xwininfo doesn't show it14:41
awellshobotroid: I don't have that much experience with the intel cards.  In my situation, I have multiple nVidia cards, and had to use Xinerama or multiple X sessions to resolve your issue.14:42
boson12llutz: Here they are:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/609004/      and      http://paste.ubuntu.com/609005/       Thanks14:42
WXZhow do I change weird characters like 01 – Äâà êîðàáëÿ into cyrillic?14:42
BarryBis ther way to check the return of mii-tool so that i can check usign c++ if ethernet is linked or not?14:42
reya276rzx237, what is happening is that for some reason after I turn on my laptop I get nothing on the screen. The OS is running but neither the external nor my laptop display show anything. like they are off14:43
SwedeMikeBarryB: you probably want to use ethtool instead, mii-tool is quite old.14:43
frostschutzWXZ: iconv?14:43
llutzboson12:try " sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sdb1 /mnt"14:43
WXZfrostschutz: can you be a bit more specific?14:43
rzx237reya276: no idea14:44
frostschutzWXZ: it's a charset converter.14:44
llutzBarryB: ethtool ethX | grep -q detected && echo linked14:45
hobotroidawells: okay, thanks anyway! i'll keep digging into this. one thing i've found is that simple dragging around my internal display's virtual position in relation to my external lcd's have helped. by simply moving it up so the top edges are aligned, i can see my icons again14:45
BarryBllutz: does that have a return type or somethign to check14:45
hobotroid*i just now found that14:45
tech3Hi all, I currently have a mac set up to my left and ubuntu to my right. I used synergy to share mouse and keyboard. My question is, what protocol/set of technologies allowed me to type 'synergyc <hostname>' instead of being required to connect using LAN IP? My business's DNS server keep track of our hostname via DHCP?14:45
llutzBarryB: o when true14:45
* WaltherFI sighs14:46
WaltherFI /t and /tp, so easy to mistype14:46
WaltherFIi should set up a new alias14:46
llutzBarryB:test it with " ethtool ethX | grep -q detected && echo $?"14:46
WaltherFIoh sorry wrong channel14:47
Souliaqsomeone know about bind dns server?14:48
ThinkT510Souliaq: perhaps more experienced in #ubuntu-server14:49
lfaraoneI'm running 11.04. I have a SDHC card which does not automount. I can mount it (/dev/mmcblk0p1) to /mnt or something manually, but it mount requires me to specify the filesystem type. Any idea what's wrong with the drive? (USB flash drives automount, haven't tested with other SD cards)14:49
WXZI have these weird characters, and I know they should be in russian... but they look like this õèøü, how do I change them into the russian characters?14:49
rigvedlfaraone: i do not know about auto-mounting but you can write a script for it. just run it and it will mount your card14:51
rigvedWXZ: there is a youtube video about this14:51
WXZrigved: what do I query?14:51
WXZto find it14:51
rigvedWXZ: Rename Filenames from one encoding to another14:51
rigvedWXZ: it's by gotbletu14:52
WXZrigved: I'll try it out14:52
hudohow can i remove in lucid a file which is listed in the systemprotocolviewer14:52
amin`emerge xorg-server i get http://paste.pocoo.org/show/390590/14:53
amin`what does it mean14:53
iluciv_that's a gentoo command14:54
DirtyDawgooh Gentoo, *hardcore*14:54
pythonirc1011how do i get python 2.7 on my ubuntu box? Why is it that some ubuntu boxes have 2.7 but some have 2.6?14:54
dw_Hey folks.14:55
Master69Hello guys. Does anyone knows how to get the cvs package from windows to ubuntu after you have downloaded it onto windows?14:55
MonkeyDustMaster69: in linux, mount the windows partition and copy it from there14:56
iluciv_amin: you got your kernel headers installed? You'll probably have better success troubleshooting in a gentoo channel14:56
bastidrazoramin`: it means what ever you're doing is not supported in this channel14:56
dw_Had an odd error installing 11.04... During installation I dropped to a shell, created a RAID1 with mdadm, and went on successfully until the GRUB step.  I did note thatn when I created the raid, mdadm warned about v1.2 possibly not being compatable with various boot loaders...  does grub not support v1.2 superblocks?14:57
Picipythonirc1011: Install the python2.7 package. Its available in 10.10 and 11.04 only.14:57
dw_Google hasn't answered this for me yet, so I'm just looking for confirmation before I spend time redoing things.14:57
rigvedpythonirc1011: yes, ubuntu 10.04 has 2.6 installed by default14:57
george_Ok guys. I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 and today I've update a few packages, Adobe Flash Installer was included, and after that update (successfull), I can't watch flash content anymore. Help, please?14:57
MonkeyDustgeorge_: this bug has been reported14:58
iluciv_Is version 11.04 more stable now since release?14:58
compdociluciv_, its always been stable for me14:58
rigvediluciv_: it becomes more stable as the days go by14:58
compdoceven the betas14:58
george_MonkeyDust: Oh... any workaround to solve this issue yet?14:59
MonkeyDustgeorge_: yes, moment14:59
MonkeyDustgeorge_: cclive -f "best"  "http://youtube.com/url14:59
MonkeyDustgeorge_: then use ffmpeg14:59
OerHeksgeorge_, i filed a bugreport, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/78397615:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 783976 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplayer does not work anymore, after update to" [Undecided,New]15:00
iluciv_I had the netbook remix on an eeepc (901) can't say I'm too impressed with this new unity thing. There is a way to just remove it and have straight gnome isn't there?15:00
slim_hello all, i need help with libpam_mout, i install and configure it on ubuntu 11.04 , but nothing mounted, the configuration is the same that used with ubuntu 10.1015:00
OerHeksgeorge_, check if policy-kit is not propperly closed15:00
george_oerHeks: I see. How do I do that?15:01
george_oerHeks: dpkg --audit returns nothing15:01
OerHeksgeorge_, see the bugreport, i noticed at reboot, that polickit is still running and giving an error15:02
george_MonkeyDust: Sorry, but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do.15:03
llutzgeorge_: just sit an wait until the bug is fixed and the packages are updated15:04
MonkeyDustgeorge_: OerHeks has the same issue and knwos what to do15:04
george_llutz:Sure. Thanks.15:04
george_MonkeyDust: Ok, thank you.15:04
roastedQuestion - I'm trying to rsync some files easily from my home directory to my CIFS share. The catch is, CIFS sits within .gvfs, which is in the home directory. How can I rsync the data without creating a continuous loop of syncing /home/user to /home/user/.gvfs/nas/user?15:05
llutzroasted: man rsync (--exclude)  might help15:05
Master69Hey guys. How exactly does a person mount the windows partition? to transfer it to ubuntu15:05
roastedllutz, well, I'm also trying to find a gui for rsync that handles two way rsyncing. That way the data on the desktop and server are always the same. Do you have any suggestions?15:06
megabrakeri had uninstalled gnome and now i am working on xfce i want just to make gnome back as it is in th 10.1015:06
llutzroasted: -x too15:06
megabrakerhow to do that??15:06
MonkeyDustMaster69: use sudo fdisk -l to see what partition Windows is on, then mount that partition to a mount point15:06
szal!classic | megabraker15:06
ubottumegabraker: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.15:06
megabrakerit doesnt appear15:07
MonkeyDustMaster69: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:07
megabrakereven thes login screen deosnt appear it logs to xfce15:07
llutz!info lsyncd15:07
ubottulsyncd (source: lsyncd): daemon to synchronize local directories using rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.34-1 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 112 kB15:07
llutzroasted: ^^15:07
megabrakerubottu szal even thes login screen deosnt appear it logs to xfce15:08
ubottumegabraker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:08
roastedllutz, yeah, but I'm looking for a gui to handle it. I'm a terminal junkie but I really would rather have a gui for my parents instead of explaining over the phone how to type in long terminal commands.15:08
megabrakerubottu install older version of gnome15:08
ubottumegabraker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:08
llutzroasted: cronjobs or background services are much better than any GUI (imo)15:08
megabrakerubottu gnome15:08
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.15:08
megabrakerthank you good bot15:09
roastedllutz, even still, I'd like a gui :(15:09
llutzroasted: cannot help you then15:09
th0rroasted: have you checked grsync?15:10
llutzroasted: "unison"15:10
bastidrazorroasted: the power of ssh.15:11
roastedth0r, yes I have, however I couldn't find a scheduler option in grsync. do you know if it exists?15:11
roastedllutz, I looked at unison. I forget why Istopped using it but I'll look again15:11
compdocroasted, rsync is pretty great. just use the -n option to test before going ahead15:12
th0rroasted: no...for your folks, why not just type up a cron.txt file, then all they would have to do in a term (one time) is 'crontab cron.txt'15:12
Milosshhello. can someone please help me fix the input sound probs? I tried almost everything. My sound works, it's just that input isn't working15:13
th0rroasted: or better yet, install nx for them15:13
MilosshI'm on ubuntu 10.0415:13
llutzth0r: why not skipping manual call and use a real cronjob? ;) but roasted doesn't want that easy thing, unfortunately15:13
Sidewinder1Milossh, What type of input?15:13
roastedllutz, you seem to be misunderstanding.15:13
MilosshSidewinder1, mic15:14
roastedllutz, I'm a terminal junkie. I personally use rsync and cron on my personal computer.15:14
llutzroasted: stll parents backup to NAS thingy?15:14
roastedllutz, but if I can find a gui for my parents to set up, I will.15:14
Master69Thank you MonkeyDusk15:14
roastedllutz, that's the game plan.15:14
szalroasted: how about writing a script?15:14
Sidewinder1Ahh, sorry, I have no experience with that. :-(15:14
tech3Is it okay to do this: alias sudo=sudo -i ?15:14
roastedszal, I could, but I want to try the gui route first to see what's out there.15:14
llutzroasted: i understood that a few days ago, but i still think that a cronjob without any action of your parent would be the better solution15:14
roastedThe other angle is, if there's a viable gui that works, if we ever port to linux here at owrk we might be able to use that on our systems.15:14
roastedllutz, even still, I want to find a gui if at all possible first. if I have to use terminal, it's an easy thing to do. it'll just have to wait till I can get down there.15:15
psaldenhey folks I could use some help. Trying to switch to mesa/gallium3d drivers for my hd6970 while I was using fglrx. Now I've followed the instruction on the ubuntu page (purge fglrx* etc), but I can no longer startx afterwards. It also mentions it cannot load module fglrx as it does not exist. Any clue?15:16
MilosshI guess sound probs are not that popular around here...15:16
llutzroasted: however, good luck ;)15:16
=== Vituz is now known as Vitux
Sidewinder1Milossh, Have you searched http://www.ubuntuforums for your exact problem?15:16
MilosshSidewinder1, yep, tried several solutions. none of them work :/15:16
Vituxanyone here ever have any problems with a sound echo? I've tried the forums to no avail15:16
Sidewinder1Milossh, That's how I learned, before I discovered this chanel.15:16
Vituxfigured I'd check here before posting on the forums15:17
MilosshSidewinder1, believe me, I tried everything15:17
Sidewinder1Milossh, I know; it can be frustrating; perciverence and getting pi$$ed at the Hdw. Mfgs for not supporting linux, helps...15:18
psaldennano /etc/modprobe.d/15:18
psaldenright, wrong window :P15:18
bastidrazorpsalden: you're going to open the directory in a text editor?15:19
roastedllutz, btw, I didn't use unison because it couldn't use hidden directories as the source/destination. well, .gvfs is hidden. so unison... no go :(15:20
compdocVitux, you mean a feedback noise?15:20
Vituxno I mean actual echo :\15:21
llutzroasted: oh ok, i never used it myself, it just came up when looking for "sync stuff"15:21
osmodivs_echo off15:21
VituxI assume it has something to do with jackd since I installed it to muck with guitarix.. took it off and still getting the echo15:21
BarryBllutz: Thanks a mill for that15:21
llutzBarryB: works as you need?15:21
osmodivs_@ echo off -F15:22
Vituxosmodivs_, you're not talking to me are you? cause that wouldn't do crap :P15:22
psaldenbastidrazor: yeah yeah it was a multi-fail :p15:22
argorhi everybody15:23
osmodivs_Vitux :D15:23
robin0800roasted, 11.10 are using deja-dup  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/app-changes-for-ubuntu-11-10-so-long-computer-janitor-hello-deja-dup/15:23
argoris there a way to simply open a socket in bash without writing any code? I just want two terminals to communicate sending message with telnet15:23
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ferengeeargor: make a fifo with mkfifo and echo / cat data in and out15:25
ferengeeargor,  or use netcat as server/client15:25
roastedHas anybody used "LuckyBackup?" I'm curious about an issue I'm having with it. It'll take directories, but no actual files inside directories. Example - Desktop. If I rsync my desktop to a CIFS share, it'll take all directories but if I have doc files or pictures in there, it won't.15:27
argorthanks ferengee I'll use netcat (I don't know exactly how, I'll google it)15:27
argorok found (thanks again)15:29
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=== nvhtien is now known as thichlinux
roastedDoes anybody know how to create a scheduler with grsync?15:32
llutzroasted: http://www.linuxloop.com/2009/04/21/how-to-pain-free-backups-with-grsync-and-gnome-schedule/15:36
roastedllutz, yummy15:37
=== sskceg is now known as info
Sidewinder1llutz, Mega-thanx... that link is outta' hand. You are truely The Guru!15:39
llutzfeeding google with 2 words makes me a guru... nice15:41
bastidrazoror tasty15:41
=== Toph is now known as Guest34254
MagePsychoguys .. how to increase the size of ubuntu window in virtualb ox15:44
AikarMagePsycho: change your resolution inside of ubuntu15:44
Aikarthe window should get bigger15:45
Sidewinder1llutz, Nah, I love Grsync; just wasn't aware of all that can be modified....It's what I love about *nix but, more importantly it's users shareing their infinate knowlege...15:45
lluviado you know any program for measuring distances in an image and calculate areas?15:45
MagePsychoAikar .. there is no more than 800x60015:46
prashant_123456hello all15:50
Sidewinder1prashant_123456, Good Mornin'.15:50
prashant_123456Sidewinder1, gm15:51
xsinick_laptopi s unity fixed for ubuntu yet?15:51
prashant_123456Sidewinder1, any thing i can do this15:51
prashant_123456Sidewinder1, anything i can do for u15:51
xsinick_laptopis unity fixed for ubuntu yet may be an update?15:51
robin0800xsinick_laptop, for most? people yes15:52
Sidewinder1prashant_123456, What did you have in mind?15:52
prashant_123456Sidewinder1, just wanna know more details about partitions15:52
Sidewinder1!partitions > prashant_123456,15:53
prashant_123456Sidewinder1, yep thats it15:53
sspm_coehello, can some one tell me how I can use my samsung j 700 on Ubuntu for internet connection using broadband?15:57
prashant_123456sspm_coe, yep15:57
sspm_coeprashant_123456: can you please help?15:58
prashant_123456samsung model no.15:58
jiangno thanks15:58
sspm_coeprashant_123456: samsung j70015:58
sspm_coeprashant_123456: its sgh-j 70015:59
Loua1hi every one15:59
prashant_123456sspm_coe, ok15:59
Loua1can a newbee get a little help please15:59
prashant_123456sspm_coe, let me check pls16:00
BedManLoua1: don't ask to ask - just ask your question16:00
robin0800Loua1, only if you ask a question16:00
Sidewinder1!ask | pras16:00
ubottupras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:00
Loua1how do i mount a 2nd hard drive?16:00
smithxican I install ubuntu lite over wifi?16:00
sspm_coeprashant_123456: thanks, i will be very greatful if u find it out.16:00
prashant_123456sspm_coe, its not a broadband phone as i can see16:00
BedManLoua1: with the mount command - look at man mount to learn about it.16:01
smithxican I install ubuntu lite over wifi?16:01
sspm_coeprashant_123456: so whats it?16:01
robin0800Loua1, does it appear in nautalus16:01
prashant_123456its only gsm 2g as far as i know and will support edge16:01
sspm_coeprashant_123456: i use ubuntu 101016:02
Loua1im running xubuntu16:02
sspm_coeprashant_123456: can I set up on that?16:02
prashant_123456sspm_coe, its ok u can set it up16:02
Loua1nautalus? what is that16:02
smithxidoes anyone know if i can do an ubuntu lite install over wifi?16:02
sspm_coeprashant_123456: how?16:02
robin0800Loua1, file manager16:02
prashant_123456sspm_coe, first connect the handset to pc using usb cable16:02
BedMansmithxi: if the drivers are on the install CD, then probably16:02
Loua1no i dont see it in filemanager16:03
BluesKajwifi doesn't dscriminate what you an access on the net or lnas owlans , it's just a electomagnetic connection rhtu the air. smithxi16:03
smithxiBedMan do you know how i would go about doing that?16:03
BluesKajwow my spcaebar is srrewed16:03
Loua1i need to partion it first, i guess16:03
roastedHas anybody used LuckyBackup? I'm trying to use it now but it doesn't sync all of my data. just folders, it looks like.16:04
BluesKajwhole KB is acting p16:04
ThinkT510Loua1: what is on the harddrive?16:04
robin0800Loua1, how is it connected?16:04
sspm_coeprashant_123456: after this?16:04
lwhalen42hey all, is this the proper channel to ask Ubuntu Server questions in?16:04
* BluesKaj checks batteries , again16:04
compdocroasted, its not so lucky then?16:04
Picilwhalen42: Either here or #ubuntu-server16:04
lwhalen42thanks Pici16:04
roastedcompdoc, not really. grsync does the job GREAT, but lucky has a built in scheduler, so I'm trying to make lucky work. :(16:04
prashant_123456sspm_coe, now u have to install the modem manually16:04
lwhalen42well, I'll give it a shot here first :-)16:05
sspm_coeprashant_123456: i always connected it by usb cable16:05
BedMansmithxi: when you boot from the install CD, if you see the network, then you're good to go, if you don't then you should install from the full CD16:05
MagePsychoguys.. how to share my /var/www folder in virtual box .. so that it can be accessed via windows?16:05
sspm_coeprashant_123456: but i guess broadband is not the way16:05
lwhalen42I'm trying to install a KVM instance of Ubuntu Server, but I can't seem to get the 'virsh console' feature to work16:05
lovepandayes it is lwhalen4216:05
jribMagePsycho: vbox manual explains; also try #vbox16:05
prashant_123456sspm_coe, no broad band it will support 2g only16:05
lwhalen42I can do the install via VNC, but that's... sub-optimal in the long run16:05
sspm_coeprashant_123456: so what should I choose?16:05
prashant_123456sspm_coe, put the phone in pc suite mode16:06
Loua1there is noting on the drive16:06
sspm_coeprashant_123456: already done16:06
rigvedMagePsycho: from settings of the VM. there is section called shared folders, afaik16:06
Loua1connected on the same scsi cable as the main drive16:06
lwhalen42here's my virt-install: http://pastebin.com/SSYs5RbC16:06
robin0800Loua1, no partition = not seen16:07
ThinkT510Loua1: what is the output of fdisk -l16:07
prashant_123456now go to hardware configuration file in ubuntu and see whether u have installed samsung modem in it or not16:07
prashant_123456sspm_coe, now go to hardware configuration file in ubuntu and see whether u have installed samsung modem in it or not16:07
mia158tried edubuntu...no answer. does anyone know the default font settings on edubuntu?16:07
sspm_coeso do I need to have another internet connection active for this?16:07
MagePsychoi need to check16:07
sspm_coeprashant_123456: I guess i will need some internet connection to download the drivers?16:07
MagePsychoguys .. is it possible only to use server instead of desktop in virtual box?16:08
prashant_123456sspm_coe, if drivers are installed by default no need to connect to internet16:08
sspm_coeok checking16:08
sspm_coeprashant_123456: what after that?16:08
Loua1how do i run fdisk16:08
robin0800Loua1, in a terminal16:09
stethoI'm having a problem setting up an Ubuntu server as a router between two LANs ( and I've done the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1 and the sysctl stuff but I still can't get any further than pinging the other networks interface on the on the ubuntu box (eg, 192.168.55.x can ping but not 192.168.56.x) Anyone suggest what I might have missed?16:09
lwhalen42hey ops, lovepanda is spamming some weird webhosting thing16:09
Cube``what is avahi for? (on my vps) can i safely kill & remove it?16:09
prashant_123456sspm_coe, let me remember what i did to connect my nokia to internet16:09
prashant_123456sspm_coe, install wvdial from software center16:09
Loua1it come out emty16:10
sspm_coeok got it16:10
robin0800Loua1, how is this drive connected?16:10
=== lovepanda is now known as F_33
bastidrazorCube``: avahi is broadcasting your hostname to the local network16:11
roasteddoes luckybackup suck, or am I just an idiot with using simple gui apps16:11
Flynsarmyhey guys i added ' localhost.com' sans quotes to my /etc/host file and did a sudo service network restart but it still didnt' take affect...any ideas on how i get it to work without rebooting?16:11
Loua1robin, scsi cable, same as main drive16:11
Cube``bastidrazor: what does tha tmean?16:11
ThinkT510Loua1: did you open a terminal and type: fdisk -l16:11
PiciLoua1: You need to put sudo in front of fdsik -l16:11
Loua1sudo fdisk -l16:12
bastidrazorCube``: it is safe to kill.16:12
robin0800Loua1, has it any partitions and a file system?16:12
sspm_coeprashant_123456: i guess I will have to get the settings for idea16:12
prashant_123456sspm_coe, which country16:12
Cube``bastidrazor: and deinstall?16:12
Loua1the had beb running as shadow disk oh NT system16:13
=== bresta_ is now known as bresta
robin0800Loua1, so its ntfs?16:13
Flynsarmyi added ' localhost.com' sans quotes to my /etc/host file and did a sudo service network restart but it still didnt' take affect...any ideas on how i get it to work without rebooting?16:13
bastidrazorCube``: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419573  this gives a better explanation16:13
Loua1no i got a list from fdisk16:14
sspm_coeprashant_123456: india16:14
smithxican i boot ubuntu lite from usb?16:14
prashant_123456sspm_coe, oh isee16:14
Cube``bastidrazor: thanks!16:14
ThinkT510Loua1: can you pastebin sudo fdisk -l16:14
bastidrazorCube``: you're welcome16:14
prashant_123456sspm_coe, u need to activate gprs in your sim and u need the gprs settings in you handset btw which city ?16:14
sspm_coeprashant_123456: plz16:14
prashant_123456sspm_coe, which settings16:15
prashant_123456sspm_coe, settings16:15
sspm_coeprashant_123456: india16:15
prashant_123456sspm_coe, which city16:15
Loua1think, how much do you want16:15
sspm_coeprashant_123456: mumbai16:15
Cube``bastidrazor: yeah ok i see what it does. so on a vps, that is somewhere in the internet, i totally do not need it correct?16:15
prashant_123456sspm_coe, i m maharashtrian16:16
smithxican i boot ubuntu lite from usb?16:16
ThinkT510Loua1: put it all in pastebin please16:16
bastidrazorCube``: correct. it is for local LAN use16:16
Cube``bastidrazor: ok thanks!16:16
victorhugo289Did any of you receive an update on your Ubuntu 11.04 that said something like "Grub menu theme/logo" or something? I did, and I thought it was gonna put a theme on the Grub menu but it didn't :S16:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
ThinkT510!pastebin | Loua116:16
ubottuLoua1: please see above16:16
sspm_coeprashant_123456: ok gud16:17
biopytehi, i think the fonts in openoffice.org (ubuntu 10.10) have declined in quality, recently. do you confirm?16:17
hd1whatever happened to kdeprint in maverick?16:17
sspm_coeprashant_123456: i don dat cell phon settng16:17
Loua1i dont know that pastbin16:17
smithxican i somehow unetbootin from a windows computer without a cdrom?16:17
prashant_123456sspm_coe, first be sure idea has activated gprs on ur no.16:17
ThinkT510Loua1: nevermind, got your pm16:17
robin0800victorhugo289, you need burg for that16:18
ThinkT510Loua1: you have 2 36gig drives?16:18
sspm_coeprashant_123456: yup i m sure16:18
kore_Hello, I just installed ubuntu 11.04 and am getting no sound... help16:18
victorhugo289Robin0806, What is Burg?16:18
Loua1think, yes16:18
prashant_123456sspm_coe, will be back in few minutes have to go now stay tuned16:18
swimcheese webcam booth Requires installation of untrusted packages in 10.1116:18
sspm_coeprashant_123456: kk16:18
prashant_123456sspm_coe, great16:18
victorhugo289I see, Burg, interesting16:19
robin0800victorhugo289, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg/16:19
ThinkT510Loua1: i can't read some of it though (different language), but looks like you have linux partitions on both drives16:19
Loua1think, yea i notised16:20
ThinkT510Loua1: and a compaq diagnostic partition on the second harddrive16:20
victorhugo289Thanks Robin0808.16:21
victorhugo289It's very cool.16:21
ThinkT510Loua1: can't you see them in thunar (the file manager)?16:21
laserbeakhello, I'm in xubuntu right now from a live cd. I want to install but when i get to the part in the dialog that tells me to allocate drive space, I see a full partition (windows) that i can't resize in order to make a dual boot. my only optins are new partition tale change and delet. how do i make anew partition to dual boot?16:21
Loua1think, no i can see it16:21
Loua1i cant see it16:22
Loua1think, i see only one drive16:23
rrigginanyone know why anything I use to copy will only copy folders but not any files?16:23
ThinkT510Loua1: can you take a screenshot of the file manager and upload it to http://imagebin.org/16:23
Loua1think, i sorry but i have no clue how to do that16:24
Darkenvyarg wrong channel16:24
Darkenvydamn you chat!16:24
smithxican you boot an iso from a usb stick?16:24
bobweaverQuestion: I am looking for a desktop recorder that will capture compiz at a good rate and that also will do sound any ideas?16:24
ThinkT510Loua1: under applications > accessories > screenshot16:25
popeybobweaver: I have a script that does that16:25
Carl892Question: I am trying to run apt-get upgrade on an Ubuntu 10.10 in anticipation of upgrading to Ubuntu 11. However, apt-get upgrade fails complaining about Apache... see: http://pastebin.com/Wn6gjZ2j16:25
adubzhow does one remove a ppa added repository16:26
g0bl1nGrub2 menu editing is possible right ? Is there any graphical app to that ? Ubuntu 10.1016:26
popeyCarl892: sudo apt-get -f install16:26
popeyCarl892: does that sort it?16:26
Loua1think, just a sec, might be there soon16:26
popeyCarl892: also, you should be doing "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" not "sudo apt-get upgrade"16:26
Carl892nope, looks the same16:27
Carl892popey: apt-get dist-upgrade won't work also16:27
popeyCarl892: sudo dpkg --configure -a16:27
DeadmanIncJSwhats the channel again for general chat on ubuntu16:27
MrKeunerhello everyone! I cannot locate 10.04 desktop image for amd64, can someone help?16:27
DeadmanIncJSi keep forgetting16:27
popeyDeadmanIncJS: #ubuntu-offtopic16:27
MrKeunersecond question: can I use 11.04 to create a usb installation disk for 10.04?16:28
Carl892popey, dpkg --configure -a gives the same problem, see: http://pastebin.com/GAN7W4a916:28
popeyMrKeuner: yes, using usb startup disk creator16:28
Loua1thinkits there now, Loua116:29
CaBai added pam_access.so to my common-auth pam file, but it only kicks in when a local user tries to log in, not when an ldap user tries to login16:29
CaBaany hints?16:29
MrKeunerpopey, I did actually and now at the boot it complains about some unacceptable image16:29
popeyCarl892: you're probably hitting Bug #56237016:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562370 in apache2 (Ubuntu Lucid) "Upgrade from 2.2.14-5ubuntu6 to 2.2.14-5ubuntu7 results in syntax error, missing module" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56237016:29
ThinkT510Loua1: got the image? now visist http://imagebin.org and upload it there16:29
popeyMrKeuner: did you use the 64 bit image on a 32-bit machine?16:30
Carl892hmmm, popey: The thing is, apache works. Just not apt-get16:30
Loua1think imagae uplouaded16:30
MrKeunerpopey, that is possible, not sure though16:30
ThinkT510Loua1: post the link here so i can see16:30
laserbeakhello, I'm in xubuntu right now from a live cd. I want to install but when i get to the part in the dialog that tells me to allocate drive space, I see a full partition (windows) that i can't resize in order to make a dual boot. my only optins are new partition tale change and delet. how do i make anew partition to dual boot?16:30
aureianimuslaserbeak, did you choose the "install alongside windows" option?16:31
ThinkT510Loua1: there it is: 34g filesystem16:31
kjlsafjldksfgood night everyone16:31
laserbeakaureianimus: where is that option?16:32
MrKeunerpopey, would 64 creation on 32 cause problem?16:32
popeyMrKeuner: no, but booting it will16:32
MrKeunerpopey, transferring wrong system files?16:32
Loua1think, ohh is that my other drive?16:32
Carl892ok I got that figured out16:32
ThinkT510Loua1: yes16:33
laserbeakaureianimus: i don't see that option anywhere at all in the installation dialoge16:33
Loua1think and my main is ha.lo2 ?16:33
=== tek is now known as Guest78349
MrKeunerpopey, all right, thanks I'll try creating 64 bit usb disk creation on 64bit16:34
ThinkT510Loua1: no, that is just your home directory on your xubuntu install16:34
Loua1think, of course16:34
Loua1thanks for your help16:34
Loua1i be back later for more16:35
ThinkT510Loua1: no worries16:35
Loua1much appreciated16:35
rrigginwhy when attempting to copy a directory would only the directories and subdirectories get copied but none of the files within?16:36
=== tek__ is now known as Justice_form
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:36
DeadmanIncJSi remember those days of file sharing16:37
DeadmanIncJSmovies all the time16:37
grendal_primeanyone familiar with iptables and the ROUTE destination?16:37
hiexpohola all16:38
grendal_primeIm wondering if there is a packaged version of iptables that have the "ROUTE" PATCH in it.16:38
kavyaAnyone using fluxbuntu?16:38
hiexpogrendal_prime, have you check iptables site?16:39
wwalkerI need a development environment in ubuntu.  in fedora I would do "yum groupinstall Development\ Libraries Development\ Tools" and that would install everything I needed instead of selecting the 200 packages individually.  What's the ubuntu equivalent?16:40
roastedIs there a reason why luckybackup doesn't copy files? It'll copy my directories but NOTHING inside.16:40
wonglijiehello, I tried dumping a CD as an iso using dd, but it turns out that the iso is bigger than the contents of the CD.. does anyone know what's happening?16:40
Justice_formwwalker, apt-get install build-essential16:41
wwalkerJustice_form: thanks16:42
brett__if i want to see a list of all the processes that start with 'n' how can i do that?16:42
laserbeakwhen i try  to install xubuntu, this option is missing: http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Eherman546/p22/028.png16:42
laserbeakthe installer goes directly to this option: http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Eherman546/p24/029.png16:42
laserbeakbut i have no idea why :/16:42
khaotikI cannot get my Ubuntu 11.04 to recognize my usb bluetooth16:44
allu2Hello, anyone know how to split virtual terminal? i'd like to have more then one terminal on my screen without X16:44
wonglijieallu2: can you use screen?16:45
oCeanbrett__: something like this: ps -e -o cmd | grep ^n16:45
rriggin*roasted I'm expiriencing the same issue no matter what I use to copy16:45
galerienallu2, ctrl + alt + F2 to F6 let you use several ... ?16:45
Justice_formallu2, press ctrl + Alt + F1..F6 to switch  terminal16:45
wwalkerJustice_form: that is more of a build-bare-essential, is there something that say installs all the -dev packages for the basics (zlib, bdb, ...)?16:45
allu2but i'd like to have several same time visible16:45
brett__cool thanks oCean16:45
roastedrriggin, what applicatins have you used?16:45
allu2like text based wm16:45
brett__could someone say my name so I can test something16:46
oCeanbrett__: you're welcome. You can extend the ps command with options like "ps -e -o cmd,pid,state,time" (if you need)16:46
rriggin@roasted rsync, gsync, cp, dolphin, fileman16:46
wonglijiedoes anyone know how to make an iso from a CD?16:47
roastedrriggin, grsync?16:47
roastedrriggin, grsync worked beautifully for me.16:47
roastedrriggin, I just wanted an app with as cheduler16:47
rriggin@roasted luckybackup also16:47
laserbeakthe dualboot documentation is out of date can someone please help me?16:47
roastedrriggin, luckybackup is a pain in the rear from what I'm seeing.16:47
roastedrriggin, grsync works great but limited on features16:47
roastedrriggin, back in time looks more like a snapshot utility than a raw data backup utility16:47
ubuntuhey i hve got an error grub rescue can ny1 help me16:48
galerienlaserbeak, ask your question, not if you can ask your question ;)16:48
musicMonsterhi i was wondering if someone could help me setup my environment variables16:48
Justice_formwwalker, to install manual . ubuntu have not full-develop packages16:48
rrigginI can't effectiviely make a backup if only directories get copied but none of their file conetnts16:48
musicMonsteris this done in /etc/environment?16:48
laserbeakhello, I'm in xubuntu right now from a live cd. I want to install but when i get to the part in the dialog that tells me to allocate drive space, I see a full partition (windows) that i can't resize in order to make a dual boot. my only optins are new partition tale change and delet. how do i make anew partition to dual boot?16:48
laserbeakgalerien: ^^16:48
bobweaverpopey, what ?16:48
galerienlaserbeak, is your widnows partition using the entire disk ?16:49
laserbeakgalerien: yes16:49
brett__oCean: for some reason that command you gave me doesn't pick up on this process '21678 ?        00:00:00 notify-osd16:49
galerienlaserbeak, did you try to unmount it before resizing16:49
brett__i added -A to your command btw16:49
galerienlaserbeak, because if it's mounted, you wont be able to do anything16:50
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laserbeakgalerien: i'm a linux noob, didn't know that the installer wouldn't do that for me16:50
galerienlaserbeak, to be sure : "sudo umount -a"16:50
ubuntuhey i hve got an error grub rescue can ny1 help me16:50
galerienand then try to install again16:50
laserbeakgalerien: what's the -a flag? will that unmount the cdrom too?16:51
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galerienlaserbeak, hum... I don't think so since you use it, but I didn't think about this16:52
laserbeakgalerien: every device was busy when i ran it16:52
brett__oCean: i just realized your -e did the same thing as -A, but i tried it without the -A too in case that was causing a conflict16:52
oCeanbrett__: hmm, the -o cmd makes ps give custom output, the columns in custom order, that is. The | grep ^n is to filter lines starting with 'n'. If have no clue why it would not find...16:52
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woozly|jobwhy .py icon changed when file not empty?16:52
galerienlaserbeak, ok, quit everything, then give me the result of the command "ls /media/" using pastebin16:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:53
woozly|jobit show's content of file in icon.. but I want only python icon for filetype16:53
brett__it seems to be that the process that i am interested in oCean, is called '/usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd'16:54
brett__according to your output16:54
laserbeakgalerien: i'd paste it but it'd be pretty funny. Only thing listed is "cdrom"16:54
brett__i found a work around though, thanks oCean16:55
oCeanbrett__: okay16:55
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galerienlaserbeak, ok, when I install ubuntu, I don't boot on it, I just go to "install" not "try it out", if you go to install, you should be able to resize your windows partition (assuming it's not full) and install xubuntu without problems16:56
woozly|jobhow to disable changing File icon to it's content?16:56
popeybobweaver: you asked about a desktop recorder?16:56
laserbeakgalerien: what's what i tried at first16:56
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laserbeakgalerien: installer did the same thing16:56
bobweaverpopey, do you have an anwser for me?16:57
popey16:25:38 < popey> bobweaver: I have a script that does that16:57
popeyif you'd like it16:57
galerienlaserbeak, then it's broken ...16:57
bobweaverpopey, sure16:57
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laserbeakwhat's broken? this is a brand new laptop16:57
laserbeakgalerien: the cd is bad16:57
galerienlaserbeak, can be, but very unlikely since you are using it right now, I meant that I think there are problems within your windows partition16:58
robin0800laserbeak, try an "alternate" cd16:59
galerienlaserbeak,  reboot with windows and run "chkdsk" twice16:59
nomikeI need a new machine for home. My usage scenario: Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop with gnome, hacking around with python scripts, running a few torrents, doing some basic gimp listening to mp3's, youtube. I could now choose between two machines: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ or Intel Pentium 4 3.06 GHz16:59
galerienrobin0800, why alternate ?16:59
popeybobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609060/16:59
robin0800galerien, patitioner is better17:00
Test_where can i find a list of irc chats related to the magazine industry if there are any?17:00
llutznomike: take the cheapest and continue asking in a channel where this is not offtopic please17:00
darkwoodhow to download newset packs on older ubundu, like debian backports?17:00
galerienrobin0800, didn't know that, thx ;)17:00
nomikeI don't know if you stilll could compare the GHz of Intel with the P-Rating of AMD but if so, they both have equal speed whereas the Intel CPU has the advantage of HpyerThreading and the AMD CPU has the advantage of 64Bit support.17:00
llutz!ot | nomike17:00
ubottunomike: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:00
nomikeok...sorry for that17:01
ThinkT510!backports | darkwood17:01
ubottudarkwood: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:01
CeeBangDoes anyone know why the icons on my desktop doesn't appear?17:01
multipassanyone know ho wi might change the password for my ati CCC? it seems to have a diff password than everything and i cant get in,  (amdxdg-su -c amdcccle)?17:01
ubuntum not geting how to instal grub17:02
CeeBangCan anyone help me?17:02
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mdolorsa reveure17:04
CeeBangCan anyone tell me why the icons on my desktop doesnt appear?17:04
robin0800CeeBang, which icons17:04
CeeBangThe icons on the side.17:05
Sidewinder1!classic > CeeBang17:05
ubottuCeeBang, please see my private message17:05
darkwoodhow to check which ubuntu version is installed17:05
robin0800CeeBang, ah launcher try windows key17:05
llutzdarkwood: lsb_release -a17:05
CeeBangYou know those icons on the side?17:05
CeeBangI can't see them.17:05
adubz-bash: /usr/sbin/snort: No such file or directory    what is causing this i completely removed the package snort-mysql17:06
CeeBangThat's what I need help with.17:06
nilsmaafter booting from livecd and "sudo fdisk -l" shows nothing, does that mean that my partitions have gone bye-bye? :/17:06
adubzi get the above hwen i type snort17:06
Sirisian|WorkI'm curious. Where do you download ppd files for cups? I have P4015 HP Laserjet and it can't detect when the printer is done printing. It takes exactly 300 seconds between print jobs when printing through cups. (Directly to the printer it works fine from Windows 7 with a driver installed)17:06
Sirisian|WorkNot sure if there's a channel for that. >_>17:06
robin0800Sirisian|Work, hp site?17:07
Thanatos__Hello . Since I upgraded to Natty , I have to do a manual poff / pon after reboot for ddclient to update my dyndns properly .. does anyone else have the same issue ? I use it in ipup mode (default)17:07
Sirisian|WorkNot seeing anything on their site about ppd files.17:07
GalaxorHi.  I'm trying to use the mozilla-stable PPA.  I'm using ubuntu 10.04 amd64.  I added the repository with apt-add-repository.  Then, when I do apt-get update, I see this line:  Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US17:07
GalaxorWhy is the mozilla-stable ppa being Ignored?17:07
MrKeunerpopey, getting the same error with 64bit on 64bit. unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot. vesamenu.c32 not a COM32R image17:07
ApacheOmegatrying to download a brother MFC495CW driver on my Natty 64-bit anybody have ideas because it seems almost impossible to do??17:08
CeeBangI can't see the side panels. Help?17:08
praveen_darkwood, sudo lsb_release -a17:08
popeyMrKeuner: erk, thats not nice. I'd recommend trying unetbootin instead of usb startup disk creator then17:09
robin0800CeeBang, can you see top panel?17:09
MrKeunerpopey, all right, thanks17:09
CeeBangI can see a text box when I move my mouse over to it.17:09
CeeBangBut the icons dont appear.17:09
CeeBangSo I can click on random things ;/17:09
davzieCan someone help me out with a question about SSH Private / Public keys.17:09
robin0800CeeBang, unity or compiz crash17:09
CeeBangWhat is that?17:09
CeeBangI'm new to Ubuntu.17:09
wisienhow can I change login  image ?17:10
robin0800CeeBang, log out and try classic17:10
CeeBangHow do I do that?17:10
davzieI need to setup keys for local machines. I can do this without a passphrase and I know that the keys will work and allow the machine to connect to the other without any interaction from myself, great for automated scripts. What does a passphrase do? Does it mean I need to enter a passphrase each time an SSH connection is opened to the remote machine?17:10
llutzdavzie: correct17:10
robin0800wisien, in about me17:10
bakarati just installed ubuntu on a machine with ati 6850, it presumably uses the opensource driver and everything seems dandy except for an "overscan" issue17:11
davziellutz, doesn't that defy the whole point of doing it?17:11
llutzdavzie: why?17:11
bakaratanyone know how to disable overscan on an ati 6850 with the opensource drivers?17:11
davzieBecause I have a backup script that runs, does rsync through ssh to a reomte server17:11
grendal_primedavzie, create your key for you user...on the machine its going to be connectiong from   ssh-keygen i believe.  do this as the user your crating it for..not root.17:11
davziegrendal_prime, it will be root running the process, it will be an automated rsync cron backup17:11
codex84any software in ubuntu17:11
grendal_primepress enter for all of the prompts.17:11
codex84where u could send out fax17:12
llutzdavzie: for that case, passphrase-less keys are ok17:12
davzieSo what case should they be used for llutz ?17:12
grendal_primeok then do this as root17:12
llutzdavzie: forced-commands17:12
grendal_primejust make sure to do this as the user that is going to be connecting17:12
wisienhow can i change login background ?17:12
grendal_primeis your server an ubuntu box?17:12
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davziegrendal_prime, both machines are macs17:13
robin0800wisien, in the unsupported ubuntu-tweak17:13
grendal_primesorry dude.17:13
grendal_primedont know how mac deals with root user17:13
grendal_primeor ssh for that matter17:14
grendal_primeyou should try #macs17:14
grendal_prime(if there is such a thing)17:14
grendal_primeor buy something from mac17:14
PiciCertainly #ubuntu isn't the place to ask Mac OS questions17:14
davzieI know it isn't17:15
davzieBut the underlying process is generally the same.17:15
davziePlus I could use the knowledge for my Ubuntu web server.17:15
llutzdavzie: this is a good example for such a setup using forced-commands per ssh http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html17:15
grendal_primeif it works like ubuntu (wich it probably doesn't)  you would thing send the public key you just created with  ssh-copykey user@servernamegoeshere.com17:16
grendal_primeinput password for the last time17:16
llutzdavzie: should be possible with os x too17:16
GalaxorIn /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_mozillateam_firefox-stable_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_binary-amd64_Packages, I see a firefox 4.0.1 listed.  But apt-get install insists that my installed firefox 3.6.17+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 is the newest version.17:16
dantixafternoon Sirs, how can I install grub over a just formated hard disk? after install I'll change the kernel image to gpxe one and finish booting from network.17:17
qdbhello where is #ubuntu-ru ?17:18
roastedhow can I set a job to run at startp/poweroff?17:19
bakaratok, have only been working with unity for 5 minutes now (after 5 years of gnome) and so far i would say i love it, just one question -> is there a quick key to show the dropdown you get when you click the application thing at the top left?17:20
xivenHas anyone run into 'nginx-full depends on nginx-common' during package updates with WebMin?17:20
rhin0roasted - /etc/rc.local17:20
iceroot!webmin | xiven17:21
ubottuxiven: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:21
rhin0if you put a line of the command you want to run in that before exit 0 then it will always be there17:21
dsathebakarat: win /super key17:21
icerootxiven: dont use webmin17:21
roastedrhin0, not sure I understand. I just nano'd into that and it says by default this script does nothing. what am I to do with it?17:21
bakaratdsathe, awesome, not sure why i hadn't tried that :D17:21
rhin0you put the command you want to run into it before the line 'exit 0'17:21
dsathepress down the key17:21
dsathen u will find17:21
dsathethe launcher17:22
dsathehighlight showing combos17:22
iceroot!enter | dsathe17:22
ubottudsathe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:22
rhin0you need to type 'sudo nano /etc/rc.local' to be able to file it17:22
dsatheeg win+a17:22
dsathefor apps17:22
FloodBot1dsathe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
icerootdsathe: stop it17:22
xivenI'm not sure what else to use. I have setup a couple of sites manually and most CP have everything packaged together..17:22
bakaratdaaaamn i like it17:22
icerootxiven: ssh17:23
bakaratdsathe, just one quick question: is there a way to reassign the key? i have another computer but err...the windows key died on that one several years ago :D17:23
icerootxiven: ssh + vim instead of webmin17:23
dsathetry the gnome3 ppa17:23
bakaratdsathe, not really a problem at this time but if i update the other machine as well...17:23
dsatheit takes a little effort to setup dconf17:23
dsathethe it is amazin17:23
flowwhello guys, i want to know if its possible to install ubunto my 2nd hd as 2nd OS . I also would like to know if it was possible to make my OS load about my restart Button which i never use.   If thats not possible id like to know if there are any other comfortable solutions , am a very comfortable guy17:23
dsatheubuntu + gnome3 is unbeatable polish17:23
bakaratdsathe, heh, that's for when i have some time to experiment in a VM, atm i desperately needed a new work environment (new pc) and now i need to get some actual work done :P17:24
xiveniceroot: Telling someone to work through SSH doesn't help when the objective is to have a decent control panel.17:24
immesysHey guys. I have an MD raid 1 which ubuntu 10.10 is complaining about at boot. There's nothing wrong with the raid and I can mount it manually later, I think there is some kind of race condition on startup. Has anyone had this problem before?17:24
flowwdamn , fullest channel ever17:24
flowwspammed my question17:24
rhin0bakarat -- maybe use openbox?17:24
llutzroasted: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/3348-ubuntu-executing-a-script-at-startup-and-shutdown17:24
rhin0works well will run any PC OS17:24
dsathebakarat: gnome 3 is way more stable and user friendly17:25
bakaratrhin0, is that like a repackage of virtualbox?17:25
Igoru2in ubuntu 10.10 i used to connect via 3g to my cellphone over bluetooth. i updated and now this option disappeared, and i cant find where to setup it again. what should i do?17:25
rhin0its the opensource vmware17:25
dsathei am using it in production env17:25
rhin0its part of ubuntu distro17:25
icerootxiven: but there is no good panel17:25
rhin0ie. -- load it using synaptic17:25
bakaratrhin0, i use virtualbox @ home, vmware @ work and from time to time i try out kvm (been a while though) :D17:25
icerootxiven: so ssh + vim is the correct answer17:25
bakaratrhin0, will give openbox a whirl when i get the chance though :)17:25
roastedllutz, thanks bro. I thought I remember a "session manager" or something in earlier versions of ubuntu that did this, but that may have been something else. this should do the trick!17:25
dsathevmware though not opn src is better17:26
bakaratdsathe, i know, vmware is against my will :P17:26
immesysfloww: Restart buttons tend to be hardware buttons that you can't repurpose. As for installing ubuntu on second hdd, it should be possible? I don't think I understand your question.17:26
dsathe:D same issue hence the " :( "17:26
rhin0bakarat i've used it -- works excellently -- can even configure the amount of RAM and virtual disk footprint size and whether its dynamic (expandable) or not -- works robustly17:26
dsathe2 things i hav to liv with tht are not open src on ubuntu 1) vmware 2) nvidia drivers17:26
rhin0use openbox -- its open source 'vmware'17:27
xc0ffee1hi.. Seems like omap3 devices has 2.6.38-8 kernel.. where can I get this kernel source?17:27
xivenI've personally found VHCS, ISPConfig, and XPanel packages to be available and each of them are used by many, I'd simply need to determine which one is right for me.17:27
bakaratdsathe, ay, my  new pc however is my first ati-based one in a long time17:27
flowwimmesys,  ok thats what i thought 2.  I want to install ubuntu on my 2nd harddrive what comfortable way would you recommend me I dont like choosing at the start between 2 OS i want Windows to load without any interruption17:27
dsathevirt box is the best alternative17:27
vockJust had a question about which version to install. If my computer maxes out at 4 GB RAM, and I only have an onboard video card, I don't really gain anything from 64 bit OS, right? And might as well go 32?17:27
dsathebakarat: hmmm17:27
bakaratdsathe, has also been my experience, virtualbox is truly great atm, though i'm not sure where oracle will go with it17:27
IvozHi there. I'm trying to compile a simple C program using sockets, but using -lsocket says it can't be found. Do you know if there's a package I need to install to find the library?17:27
bakaratdsathe, i used to be a sun fan, but that has tempered somewhat since the buyout17:28
rhin0vock I think that 64 bit is always *slightly* faster17:28
dsathevock: go 64 better17:28
immesysfloww: I have that on my pc. Just install ubuntu as normal and then later you can configure grub to have a really short timeout. You have to hammer the arrow key when you DO want to boot ubuntu though17:28
vockrhin0,  dsathe thanks17:28
immesysfloww: Have you installed a dual boot before?17:28
flowwimmesys,  neva17:28
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Bert-Hello ! I updated ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04. I have a sound issue : sound works only using the front jack. Mic doesn't work at all. My soundcard is Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06),  Are some known problems with 11.04 and this card please ?17:28
flowwimmesys,  but thats excactly how i was imagining it17:29
dsathebakarat: wht i lov bout gnome-shell is the empathy intergartion .17:29
bakaratanyone know how to configure sound via HDMI using the opensource ATI drivers?17:29
bakaratdsathe, i'm old school pidgin tbh :P17:29
dsatheamazing never need to look out just move mose on reply n get back to ur stuff17:29
flowwhave you got a guide or something immesys17:29
rhin0bert maybe you can find the sound drivers for your sound card if not you can use the windows driver for it using a facility called 'ndiswrapper'17:29
Igoru2any idea about how to configure 3g via bluetooth?17:29
immesysfloww: it used to be hard, but with ubuntu now it will give you options to resize your current windows partition and install alongside it. Its pretty painless. Once you are done, you edit a file called /boot/grub/grub.conf17:29
dsathehaha i was empahty i better integrated i lov it now17:29
dsatheall protocalls i use now supported17:29
bakaratdsathe, my needs are rather simple on the social front :P17:29
rhin0sometimes the drivers for linux are available on the site for the card - manufacturer -- google the exact specification of your card to find the site17:30
bakaratdsathe, but can give it a try :)17:30
wisienis possible face recognition or fingerprint login in ubuntu?17:30
immesysfloww: In that file there is a 'default' operating system that it boots if you don't hit the arrows, and there is also a timeout which you can set to 1 or 2 seconds.17:30
flowwimmesys,  resize partition? i wnat to install it on my 2nd harddrive17:30
dsathewisien: yeah17:30
dsathetry the fingerprint-gui ppa17:30
dsatheinstructs on it17:30
rhin0immesys thats grub there are grub settings I think which determine the boot OS choice menu17:30
dsatheeasiest method it is17:30
bakaratwisien, ye, i got fingerprint recognition to work on an ibm laptop a few years ago, should be piece of cake by now :D17:31
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immesysfloww: Ok, wasn't sure if that hard drive had anything on it. Bear in mind that if you install ubuntu you will clobber the bootloader on the main drive anyway. That doesn't really matter, but some people don't like that idea17:31
bakaratwisien, can't point you in the right direction though, that laptop has been dead and buried for ages17:31
ubuntuhhhhow to set path in terminal17:31
Sidewinder1floww, If you're 'gonna shrink an NTFS partition do not forget to DEFRAG it at least twice, before hand...17:31
immesysSidewinder1: Apparently I misunderstood him, he doesn't need to resize.17:31
* rhin0 never figured out how ubuntu/linux gets away without having a 'defrag'17:31
wisienbakarat:do You know the program for it?17:31
dsatheif u have win i still reco use windows to deal with its mess17:32
rhin0seriously its better17:32
Sidewinder1OIC... Sorry17:32
dsathebetter than loosing data17:32
D34Xwow, it worked...17:32
ubuntuhow to set path in termianl17:32
bakaratwisien, wish i did, i can't remember, i just wanted to pitch in that it definatly works and it was easy to set up about 4 years ago, so i imagine it only getting simpler17:32
dsatheubutnu export17:32
dsathethe path17:32
ubuntuhow to set path in termianl?17:32
bakaratwisien, sorry i can't be more specific :)17:32
ubuntulike boot/grub17:32
rhin0ubuntu what do you mean specifically17:32
bakaratubuntu, "cd /my/path" ?17:32
immesysubuntu: you mean the path variable? say: export PATH="my thing":$PATH17:32
rhin0paths are not the same as DOS/windows17:32
dsathesee the ppa homepage on launchpad17:32
bakaratah hehehe17:32
dsatheit is self explainantory17:33
bakaratanyone on hdmi sound via opensource ati drivers?17:33
Sidewinder1immesys, As I'm sure you're well aware, defraging is an absolute necessity prior to shrinking NTFS17:33
flowwimmesys,  my first drive is a ssd the 2nd one contains files and other stuffs do i have to delete them all or could i just create a partition for ubuntu17:33
D34Xanyone know how to get firefox through a proxy server?  I am running Xfce.  I'm logged onto a proxy.  the farthest I can ever get is google.com17:33
llutzrhin0: just keep spreading the urban legend "linux-fs won't fragment" and you won't need any defrag-tools17:33
immesysSidewinder1: Yeah, but he has a dedicated drive so its chilled.17:33
Bert-rhin0, I will not use ndiswrapper. Sound worked great on older versions17:33
roastedllutz, are you familiar with /etc/rc.local? I'm a little curious about something. If I set /etc/rc.local to run grsync at system reboot, BUT my CIFS share isn't mounted (which grsync uses) I wonder what it would do?17:34
Sidewinder1immesys, Kewl, that's the way I did it; on the second internal HDD.17:34
immesysfloww: You don't have to delete them, as long as there is some empty space. Its a good idea to defrag it a bit in windows so that the free space is contiguous and then ubuntu will resize it.17:34
immesysroasted: actually you seem to know stuff that might help me. Does rc.local get run before the main filesystems are mounted? I need to stick some stuff in that gets run before mounts17:35
xivenI keep getting incorrect password at SSH login when I know the password is right, I had just changed it and it works using 'login' command after SSH to root.17:35
robin0800roasted, mount your share in fstab then17:35
roastedimmesys, I wish I knew that answer. I only learned about /etc/rc.local minutes ago17:35
llutzroasted: make a short wrapper-script to test for presence of the cifs-share. Else it should give an error and continue booting (hence the "exit 0 " at the end)17:35
immesysroasted: aah. :-)17:35
roastedrobin0800, CIFS and fstab don't play nice.17:35
ubuntu i get this in terminal "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ "17:35
ubuntui hve to add boot/grub how to add this path17:35
roastedaccording to everything I read, at least17:36
immesysubuntu: Type: cd /boot/grub17:36
llutzimmesys: since it is /etc/rc.local it needs root-fs to be mounted when being run17:36
rhin0ubuntu that is a shell prompt it is a whole vast new world of power -- it is not for beginners17:36
robin0800roasted, they work alright for me17:36
roastedrobin0800, really? can you show me your fstab?17:36
immesysllutz: I need to kludge in a btrfs scan before it tries to mount my filesystems. Trying to find the appropriate place to stick it. Otherwise it complains about not finding the filesystem.17:37
roastedhmm, seems like rc.local did... NOTHING17:37
flowwimmesys,  install ubuntu on 2nd hd , get on it edit grub to load windows first and load it by arrow key , whats with my chipdrivers network drivers etc17:37
llutzimmesys: /etc/init.d/mountall maybe17:37
Tharlinnok this might be silly but what is the command to open a terminal from command line in xfce?17:37
immesysfloww: You shouldn't need to install drivers except for very exotic hardware if thats what you are asking17:37
GalaxorOkay, so the firefox ppa offers firefox 4.0.1.  Yet when I look in synaptic, and browse by origin, I click on the mozilla ppa source, and only firefox 3.6 is listed.  I thought this might've been because of some unsatisfiable dependency in the package.  So I checked out the downloaded Package file.  Every dependency in the Depends: line is met.  Could there be some problem in the Provides or Replaces?  Provides are gnome-www-browser, icew17:37
immesysllutz: ok, will try that. Thanks17:38
robin0800roasted, //robins-nas.mine.nu/network /media/network cifs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noserverino 0 017:38
multipassin dual monitor, my second monitors desktop dosnt have a window manager, also i cant type into any inputs.. this was ok in 10.10 but im not sure what to do (11.04)17:38
codex84i want to send out a fax using efax-gtk17:38
codex84do i need fax printer/modem to send out17:38
GalaxorIs there something funky going on?  What if I accidentally manually installed firefox-branding at some time.  Would that mean that the firefox package wouldn't be allowed to replace it?  How do I check?17:38
llutzroasted: to start gui-stuff from rc.local, you have to set DISPLAY17:38
adam61hey, i'm trying to delete pulseaudio (i did it just yesterday before reinstalling ubuntu 11.04, so i know it can be done) and it's not letting me. i can't find anything on google. anyone have any idea what i can do?17:39
GalaxorIs there some way to debug what versions of the firefox package are available, and see why each one is accepted/rejected?17:39
flowwimmesys,  when im on ubuntu the internet wont work17:39
xc0ffee1hi.. where can I find Ubuntu kernel source for OMAP3 devices?17:39
immesysfloww: Getting it to install ubuntu on second partition and install grub in the right place is all pretty automatic. Once you get there, you need to boot into ubuntu and fiddle with the grub config to set the default operating system and the timeout. Bear in mind that this is now grub 2 so a lot of internet instructions don't apply anymore17:39
Tharlinnah you need to add session in front of the command; xfce4-terminal or gnome-terminal. Got it!17:39
roastedllutz, it's not gui stuff17:39
roastedllutz, it's running grsync in terminal in the background17:39
flowwok ill just go for it, but i didnt get the thing with the format17:40
flowwimmesys,  my files are going to be deleted if i format it17:40
llutzroasted: make sure to use full pathes in rc.local, theres only a limited environment/pathes/etc17:40
immesysfloww: Ah. Ok. Well I personally have never needed to defrag, but apparently its good practice to defrag the partition17:40
immesysfloww: Did I say format? My bad that is really misleading: defragment17:41
immesysfloww: that was nearly17:41
rhin0floww select your files individually - drag them across to a usb stick to back them up17:41
flowwrhin0,   2 much for a usb stick about 400 gb17:41
rhin0ok ... then format new dvds -- use that17:42
immesysfloww: Your files won't get deleted. Its just resizing the partition. Things hardly ever go wrong17:42
xivenI need help with SSH through PuTTY please..17:42
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flowwyes immesys  i know whats defragmentation i could actually do it also17:42
flowwafter the installation17:42
rhin0floww you can use gzip to zip the files (crunch them down to a smaller size) -- that may help17:42
xiven'incorrect password' error when the password is right.17:42
bakaratis there a way to send um..."positive" feedback (as opposed to bug reports) to ubuntu devs?17:42
robin0800immesys, famous last words17:42
llutzxiven: correct username/hostname?17:43
ntatHow do I set gmail to check the mail notification applet (Gnome). I would like to receive mail, it changed the color of the envelope.17:43
immesysbakarat: log into their channel and say "You guys are amazing. ok bye now"17:43
pfifobakarat, paypal17:43
bakaratimmesys, what channel would that be?17:43
bakaratpfifo, heh, they have a donate button? didn't know that :)17:43
immesysbakarat: i think its ubuntu-devel17:43
A_Jhey all I have an Issue. When I leave my comp on for extended periods. Mostly when i move the mouse or press a few keys the login window comes up, asking for password. Sometimes Though it does not just showing a black screen with the mouse pointer. Any Idea What Can Be Doing This ?17:44
robin0800A_J, the screensaver17:45
xivenThe username is correct, but SSH says it's not. If I login via root first I can do a secondary login to the user, so it doesn't make sense.17:45
A_Jrobin0800, what should i do it ?17:45
rhin0A_J:  in preferences power settings you can set power settings/screen saver settings17:45
rhin0says how long your monitor will be left on whether it locks, asks for password17:46
BedManxiven: is the account locked?17:46
A_Jrhin0, i want it to lock, but sometimes on resume the login window doesnt come forcing me to do a manual reboot17:46
rhin0system/preferences/screensaver in that you also have power management -- it determines what your monitor does after a while17:46
xivenI have full root access, so it shouldn't be.17:47
robin0800A_J, perhaps a screensaver crashes the x server17:47
rhin0A_J: what you are saying is a power saving issue -- screen delay lockout -- disable your screen saver17:47
rhin0at least17:47
BedManxiven: look in your log files when you try to log in to determine why it's failing - if neccessary increase the logging level in the sshd_config file to get more information from your log files17:48
llutzxiven: ssh -vvv user@host and look for errors17:48
BedManexcept he's using putty17:48
A_Jrhin0, ?17:49
dark-sunI get "No DNS record found" while VPN is connected with transparent proxy on squid3. access.log: http://pastebin.com/aYYXUV3h17:49
Cube``im looking for (preferably free as in speech) websites where i could just copy the style (css etc) of it and apply it to my (free as well) project. anybody got an idea?17:49
llutzusing a different ssh-client for debugging seems not to be a bad idea17:49
Pici!ot | Cube``17:49
ubottuCube``: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:49
A_Jrhin0,  disabling should fix it ?17:49
BedManllutz: agreed17:49
A_Jrhin0, is there any other way ?17:50
dark-sunCube``: opera web browser has such feature i think17:50
A_Jrhin0, i think it's the display Sleep Function17:50
dark-sunCube``: you don't have to upload your css of course17:50
sahipWhat package do I need to install for setxkbmap and xmodmap please?17:51
* dark-sun has no idea about setxkbmap17:51
Cube``dark-sun: what you mean?17:51
GalaxorIs there a comprehensive document on apt, that explains what the different apt-get update messages mean?  Because it downloads the Package file for the mozilla ppa, but it still puts Ign for that line of the apt-get update output.17:51
llutzx11-xkb-utils: /usr/bin/setxkbmap17:51
Cube``dark-sun: i mean i can obivously just rip the sign of every site on the web, but im looking at a "legal" way17:51
sahipllutz: thanks17:51
flowwimmesys,  am just defragmenting it ,  ill create a partition for ubuntu  its a 1000gb harddisk it has to be nfts , use wubi?17:51
dark-sunCube``: opera web browser has a feature, that allows you to see any web page with your specified css file(s)17:51
rhin0a_j your screen asking for password you need to go to system preferences screensaver - disable screensaver then click on 'power management' and look at sleep settings / your monitor computer will go to sleep after a certain time17:52
Donnie_Darko21can anyone tell me what the problem with the power menagment it dont show the real battery status17:52
Donnie_Darko21just when its plug on17:52
PiciCube``: That has nothing to do with Ubuntu.  And since #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only, you'd be bettter off asking in a differnt channel, such as #ubuntu-offtopic or perhaps ##web17:52
dark-sunI get "No DNS record found" while VPN is connected with transparent proxy on squid3. access.log: http://pastebin.com/aYYXUV3h17:52
Cube``dark-sun: aah, nice17:52
Cube``Pici: kk17:52
immesysfloww: I have never used wubi before, so no comment. The live CD works really well though. Anyway good luck I g2g. Let me quickly look up those fields in grub for you before i go17:52
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burghello. i get this error: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/38/screenshothpmq.png/ that doesn`t allow me to install anything new or make any updates. how can i fix that?17:53
A_Jrhin0, i know this, so your telling me disabling Screensaver will stop  "perhaps a screensaver crashes the x server"17:53
Snicers-Work2If I run aptitude upgrade, will it have to restart my server?17:53
dark-suni've post my question on "squid" no answer so far, any  other responsive channel?17:53
rhin0sounds like something different a_j i am only trying to help in amateur in terms of gui desktop fashion i think you just lost me17:54
Donnie_Darko21anyone know what to do to make battery visible and showing real status of battery estimated17:54
D34Xdark-sun - what was ur Q?17:54
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princej88@burg i had this problem earlier and i  found a liink online that had a solution. let me ksee if i can find it again17:54
bakaratthere is something ... off ... bout the default font that is set, "ubuntu bold" looks like it should but "ubuntu" (regular i mean) seems a bit sketchy, any ideas?17:54
dark-sunD34X: I get "No DNS record found" while VPN is connected with transparent proxy on squid3. access.log: http://pastebin.com/aYYXUV3h17:54
A_Jrhin0,  screensaver disabled for now, lemme ask someone else too.. Thank You for your help17:54
rhin0a_j standard ubuntu works fine with most setups -- if you are encountering problems you are running different hardware or trying to do something too extreme17:55
nanchoHi everybdy. what is the correct order to choose to create an extended partition with linux inside it (swap+/home + /) ?17:55
burgprincej88, thanks17:55
shisoka_hello, someone knows how to retrieve an IRC nick password ?17:55
blackmoonmy bluetooth device is recognized only if I reboot from windows 7. i'm under natty. can yuo help me?17:55
xivenI'm using PuTTY for SSH and it didn't recognize those arguments.17:55
llutz!register | shisoka_17:56
ubottushisoka_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:56
dark-sunshisoka_: google : freenode.net17:56
princej88burg, try this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/15642117:56
ironhalikquick question17:56
A_Jrhin0, all standard stuff, and umm doing nothing extreme17:56
ironhalikis there any way to make empathy blink on new msg?17:56
gambacherkalbenshi everyone - have trouble getting into the internet with you-server 10.0417:56
ironhalikblink with LEDs that is17:56
nanchothe partition order now is: Win7 (primary), data partition (extended) and inside wanna make a /, a swap and a /home)17:56
rhin0a_j then its just a user fault then17:57
Donnie_Darko21blackmoon sudo killall bluetoothd then sudo bluetoothd17:57
dsathekillall -917:57
aiminickwongwow  ,deep night here now , aways so many people online117:57
dsatheis better17:57
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:57
A_Jrhin0, i find it painful to reboot, cause if I'm downloading something i loose progress.. thats why was asking17:57
CustomHitshello wondering if anyone can help with why I keep running out of disk space. I deleted 15gb of files from my computer and upon restart I am at 646 mb . Anyone have a clue of whats going on17:57
robin0800nancho, you can have up to four primary partitions17:58
dsathewat is it A_J17:58
aiminickwongand and here  different peploe and from different contry?17:58
rhin0a_j its only software software doesn't talk relate it only works in pre defined designed ways you just have to explore how it operates or find something different - more possible with linuxi sooner or later you will hit on a solution - windows is no different but far more limited17:58
A_Jdsathe, hey all I have an Issue. When I leave my comp on for extended periods. Mostly when i move the mouse or press a few keys the login window comes up, asking for password. Sometimes Though it does not just showing a black screen with the mouse pointer. Any Idea What Can Be Doing This ?17:58
immesysflow: Here is a guide to find the lines you need to change in grub.cfg : http://paste.ubuntu.com/609085/17:59
blackmoonDonnie_Dark: Doesn't work17:59
immesysflow: Cheers. Good luck!17:59
CustomHitshello wondering if anyone can help with why I keep running out of disk space. I deleted 15gb of files from my computer and upon restart I am at 646 mb . Anyone have a clue of whats going on17:59
blackmoonDonnie_Darko21: Doesn't work :-(17:59
temp_Hey does anybody here use zathura?18:00
robin0800immesys, you should not edit grub.cfg18:00
dsatheA_J: is it goin to sleep ?18:00
CustomHitsThis seems to be a real problem18:00
immesysrobin0800: Yeah... I know... but I haven't spent the time finding where its generated from :-S18:00
dddddddis there a way to list in terminal all packages containing say *wine* ?18:00
CustomHitshello wondering if anyone can help with why I keep running out of disk space. I deleted 15gb of files from my computer and upon restart I am at 646 mb . Anyone have a clue of whats going on18:00
A_Jyes dsathe but sometimes a black screen comes with a pointer only when i try to wake it.. no login window18:00
immesysrobin0800: I just redo my changes every time I update it...18:00
dddddddCustomHits: try empty your trash18:00
CustomHitsits emty18:01
immesysddddddd: apt-cache search *wine*18:01
dddddddimmesys: ty18:01
llutzddddddd: use apt-file18:01
c0mrade316How to enable 3d desktop rotating cube ?18:01
dsatheA_J: that is wierd18:01
CustomHitsddddddd any other genius ideas18:02
GalaxorI'm trying to understand the meaning of "Ign" in the apt-get update output.  All I can find on google is forum posts where people make uncited assertions about the meanings of them.  From what I can gather:  A popular misconception is that "Ign" means that nothing has changed since the last time the package list was updated.  However, this condition is actually signalled by "Hit".  I'm still not entirely sure what "Ign" means.  Someone sa18:02
CustomHitshello wondering if anyone can help with why I keep running out of disk space. I deleted 15gb of files from my computer and upon restart I am at 646 mb . Anyone have a clue of whats going on18:02
CustomHitsGod this sucks18:02
c0mrade316How to enable 3d desktop rotating cube ?18:02
GalaxorAnd why is there no authoritative, comprehensive document on apt that can explain this?  All the apt documentation I can find is like a "How to use apt", not "how apt works".18:03
robin0800immesys, etc/default/grub and etc/grub.d18:03
temp_Is this the proper way to search for a file? find / -name (what your looking for)18:03
GalaxorCustomHits: ls -lh /var/log and see if there's anything super big there?18:03
kamran1c0mrade316 are u talking about the rubric ?18:03
A_Jdsathe, any clue what now ?18:03
varunvyasHi All18:04
xivenOk. I give up! It shouldn't take days to setup an ssh user.18:04
varunvyasI want to convert flv to mp4. when I did it using ffmpeg18:04
Galaxorkamran1, c0mrade316: I think he's talking about the compiz desktop cube.18:04
varunvyasit's giving error in output file18:04
c0mrade316Galaxor: Yep18:04
ThRixXx!sound distorted18:05
nit-witvarunvyas, have you tried handbrake18:05
dddddddCustomHits: not for people who give smart answers, no18:05
ThRixXxNeed help: My sound is distorted heavely18:05
nicofsis there a package to install ubuntu without unity(-layout) - just the classic ubuntu interface? (like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-classic)18:06
CustomHitsGalaxor everything is normal18:06
robin0800c0mrade316, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/compiz-cube-natty/18:06
varunvyashow to use handbreak18:06
george__sit and wait18:06
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:06
nit-witnico1038_, the lubuntu 11.04 has no unity18:06
jpdsA_J: 'lo.18:06
dddddddllutz: thanks, apt-cache search *wine* output 'E: Regex compilation error', installing apt-file now, but I was hoping there was an easy command to just list all installed packages with a given pattern18:06
IdleOneA_J: yes?18:06
llutzddddddd: apt-cache search wine18:06
thechampion46Is there any Italian?18:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:07
A_Jwas just seeing who was op, plus 2 members can't help me perhaps you can ? jpds  and IdleOne18:07
ironhalikif I replace empathy with pidgin, will it integrate with the applets like empathy?18:07
Galaxorc0mrade316: You probably need to install compizconfig-settings-manager.18:07
IdleOneA_J: testing the ops factoid is not a good idea. as for help ask your question to the channel and be patient. :)18:08
A_Jsorry IdleOne  never knew it was a help command18:08
CustomHitsGalaxor after deleing 15 gb of downloaded junk I restarted and was left with nothing but 250mb. the trash is empty and I wouldnt be here if i couldnt find the answer but it seems as if this channel has went down hill or maybe the wrong time18:08
Steristis there a command to test if swap is working?18:08
Steristtoo much physical ram to try filling it up18:08
llutzCustomHits: pastebin output of "df -h"18:08
pznI can't open the document by double-click in nautilus (smb mounted filesystem), but if I copy the file and paste in desktop then I can open. what could be wrong?18:08
bastidrazorA_J: i guess the "(ONLY use this trigger in emergencies)" was missed?18:09
GalaxorCustomHits: You might try doing du / > /tmp/files.txt ; that'll give a list of each directory and how much space it takes up (it'll take awhile to run).  Then you can run it through sort.  cat /tmp/files.txt | sort -n ; then you can see what directories are taking up the most space.18:09
frostschutzSterist: set swappiness to 100?18:09
A_Jbastidrazor,  lol i got that after using the command18:09
A_Jnot before18:09
frostschutzSterist: and memtester can eat any amount of memory for you18:09
CustomHitsI done the du and nothing is oout of the ordinary18:09
dddddddllutz: my bad, ty dude18:09
A_Jumm.. i'm gonna shoot again18:10
nixNcodeUbuntu Natty 64bit, having trouble in viewing Menu Bar of Firefox. All items are having Black Color. How to resolve this?18:10
A_Jhey all I have an Issue. When I leave my comp on for extended periods. Mostly when i move the mouse or press a few keys the login window comes up, asking for password. Sometimes Though it does not just showing a black screen with the mouse pointer. Any Idea What Can Be Doing This ?18:10
bakaratif you do like "super + 1", is there a way to force it to open a new nautilus screen instead of showing the existing one?18:10
qinCustomHits: du do not see dot files18:10
StyXmansimple question: how much disk for an ubuntu server test install? I'll be running *nothing* on it, I just want to try the installer and its default stuff...18:10
guntbertA_J: for the future: you can talk to ubottu in a PM too - just /query ubottu18:11
bakaratStyXman, the server shouldn't need much, i'm running a 512 meg server (debian though, but should be comparable)18:11
bakaratStyXman, and that's actually running it :)18:11
A_Joh yu guntbert18:11
roastedAny luckybackup users here? I'm having some difficulty with it, as it only transfers directories - not files in the directories...18:11
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StyXmanbakarat: that's disk or ram?18:11
bakaratStyXman, disk :)18:12
StyXmanbakarat: ack, tx18:12
A_Jguntbert,  can you have a look at my question ?18:12
bakaratStyXman, ram is set to 256 i believe (vm)18:12
StavaI did "apt-get remove evolution* empathy*" and I lost gnome-panel, so I did apt-get install gnome, however there i have no clock indicator applet (just the normal widget). How do I install it again?18:12
guntbertStyXman: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu%20Server%20%28CLI%29%20Installation18:12
StyXmanguntbert: ack18:12
DaraelGot an interesting problem: A btrfs that reliably causes a crash about two minutes after mounting.  I'm still not sure if it's a particular file that's doing it (haven't tried mounting and leaving it be, when I mounted from a live-cd I was trying to copy off it immediately).18:12
nixNcodeanyone know how to fix Menu Bar color of Firefox.. Using Default Theme of Ubuntu.18:12
A_JnixNcode, select a solid color theme18:13
guntbertA_J: I did look but have no answer - sorry18:13
A_Jokie ty guntbert18:13
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! How do I make Unity launcher icons launch with options (e.g.: Matlab cannot lauch with command "matlab", must have option "matlab -glnx86")18:14
nixNcodeA_J, but i need dark theme.. they are visible in other themes. but this wasn't the case before.18:14
nixNcodeA_J, other apps are don't have this problem18:14
qinA_J: I guess your screenserver is locking screen down, if this is your question.18:14
StavaI also managed to uninstall transmissions indicator applet, how can I reinstall all the default indicator applets for natty?18:15
Daraelecondudeawesome: I believe there's a .desktop file somewhere - where depends on how the program in question was installed.  Edit it.  More info on how you installed matlab would let me help you more.18:15
xivenCan anyone advise on sending -VW to putty?18:15
econdudeawesomeDarael: that may be enough info for me. Do I open up the .desktop file in a text editor?18:16
Daraelecondudeawesome: Yup, that's correct.18:16
A_Jqin,  yes. But it happenes sometimes not always18:16
ThinkT510Darael: how is btrfs performance? getting stable?18:16
DaraelStava: Try installing indicator-applet-complete.  Or possibly indicator-datetime.  Get a list of the indicator packages by doing "apt-cache show indicator-"<tab><tab>.18:17
econdudeawesomeDarael: where are .desktop files stored generally?18:17
llutzxiven: it is -vvv (3v) and only usefull if using openssh-client, not putty18:17
zoom738can somebody help me with getting Gnome3, whenever I try to install it, it says that the dependecies can't be resolved18:17
qinA_J: test screenserver (there is button preview or something).18:17
xivenAhh, ok.18:17
DaraelThinkT510: It's been pretty stable, but dpkg performance is abysmally slow (because it uses a lot of fsync())18:17
xivenI guess I'm stuck then.18:17
qinA_J: *screensaver, ups18:18
=== shisoka_ is now known as shisoka
klevisonI can`t  re-set grub on bootloader18:18
Daraelecondudeawesome: /usr/share/menu, possibly?  I'm not entirely sure, TBH.18:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:18
ThinkT510Darael: interesting, thanks for the info; look forward to when btrfs goes mainstream :)18:18
klevisoni`ve instaled win7 and I can usu grub18:18
nit-witklevison, what is the problem18:18
A_Jqin, i did.. But The Problem i Get is when display goes to sleep,. Upon resuming i don't get a window to type a password (Sometimes)18:18
Steristfrostschutz will memtester run while ubuntu is running or must that be run from grub18:18
StavaDarael, I'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop again, if that doesnt work i'll try your way18:19
DaraelStava: That ought to do it too - although it'll pull evolution back in IIRC.18:19
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:19
klevisonnit-wit: now i`m on ubuntu (live cd).. I wanna configure grub but I cant18:19
nit-witklevison, follow this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD18:20
frostschutzSterist: if you want to memtest from grub you're looking for memtest86. memtester is a linux user space program (can only test currently free available memory, not system memory)18:20
nit-witklevison, if this does not make sense let me and the channel knopw.18:20
ThRixXxMy sound is distorted.  Latest ubuntu, fresh install.  Onboard sound - 192KHz/24-bit audio output18:20
qinA_J: Ok, and if not asking for password, what then, back in gnome?18:21
Sidewinder1!sound > ThR18:21
nit-witklevison, if you have natty use only a natty cd to reload grub218:21
rsonI'm using mysql on 10.04 and for whatever reason when I try to start mysql with upstart it hangs if my my.cnf is a symlink.  If I remove the symlink and copy the file instead, it works fine.  Any thoughts?  This does not appear to be a mysql problem as #mysql confirms that symlinks for my.cnf are fine.18:21
klevisonnit-wit: when i do fdisk -l ..with partition I wiil instal grub18:21
A_Jnop qin, nothing happens forced to reboot18:21
Steristfrostschutz is it in the installation or do i have to grab it from the software center?18:21
A_Jjust a black screen qin18:21
nit-witklevison, not sure what you mean18:22
frostschutzSterist: probably the latter18:22
Sidewinder1nit-wit, Greetings and felicitations!18:22
qinrson: Permission of destination?18:22
nit-witSidewinder1, howdeee18:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:22
qinA_J: So hibernation/ssupend problem, is it lappy?18:23
A_Jqin no desktop18:23
nit-witklevison, make sure if your running natty you use a natty live cd grub2 has changed this is important.;)18:23
qinA_J: make cycle for hibernate and for suspend, see which is bad and disable it.18:24
klevisonnit-wit: my livecd is 10.10. and my installed ubuntu (sda4) is natty18:24
tonyjansenpardon me, very new, where to look for a deb isntalled userland program?18:24
qinA_J: Also demsg for both18:24
rsonqin: destination is o+r, I'll try giving it higher perms18:24
D34Xanyone know how to bypass a proxy?  or do I need another room for that18:24
hiexpotonyjansen, what you looking for?18:25
qinrson: test it manually (what user is mysql in your system?)18:25
tonyjanseni'm looking for where my sublime-text-2 install went, in order to symlink it18:25
A_Jdemsg quin ?18:25
nit-witklevison, the 10.04 wont work use a natty cd18:25
qinA_J: sorry, dmesg18:26
nit-witklevison, sorry don't use the 10.110 use a natty read the link it states this.18:26
nixNcodeA_J, fixed it myself the Menu Bar Item color.. it was due to QtCurve had made changes in default firefox's configuration.. i changed the color in /home/*/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/userChrome.css18:26
satz@tony: try 'locate sublime....'18:26
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.18:26
rsonqin: runs as 'mysql' but mysql has no shell so I'm not sure how to test that.  Less restrictive permissions did nothing.18:26
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satzHi ubuntu18:27
klevisonnit-wit: I havet natty live cd18:27
nit-witklevison, see private18:28
klevisonnit-wit: sorry18:28
Sidewinder1klevison, Donload it, MD5 it ,burn it, use it... HTH.18:28
rsonqin: fwiw, mysqld_safe works fine with the symlinks in place18:28
klevisonSidewinder1: is teh only way to di it?18:29
klevisondo it18:29
ubuntuHi. Standard question, I guess: I booted from 10.10 livecd, and try to run "sudo chroot /mnt/temp", but even though I can run "/bin/bash" from prompt I still get "chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory" as result. Can anyone tell why?18:29
nit-witklevison, I will open a private look for my name in the channel list18:29
rhenani_Hello Guys I have a question18:30
rhenani_I have a virtual machine where i want to install Ubuntu 11.4 32 bits18:30
rhenani_But at the same time windows 718:30
rhenani_Can i use gparted to make a partion18:30
rhenani_and install ubuntu in one partition and windows 7 in the other one in the same virtual machine?18:31
quickrhenani_: wats the quesiton ?18:31
quickubuntu: becoz u dnt hav a driectory /mnt/temp18:31
satzrhe: both inside virtual harddrive?18:31
rsonqin: actually I think this may have to do with apparmor permissions.  I'll chalk it up to that for now.18:31
rhenani_quick:  I have a virtual machine where i want to install ubuntu 11.4 32 bits and windows 718:32
Steristfrostschutz are you sure it can test swap?18:32
rhenani_quick: the virtual machine is 30 GB18:32
ubuntuquick: Yes I do, I can ls it18:32
rhenani_quick: Can i make 2 partition one 15 gb and other one 15 gb18:32
satzrhenani: yes18:32
rhenani_quick: in one install windows 7 and in the other ubuntu 11.418:32
satzrhenani: yes dude18:32
rhenani_satz: all in the same virtual machine?18:33
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quickrhenani_:  why dnt u create 2 virtual hard disk of 15 gb each18:33
satzrhenani: yup. created the partion in os you are installing first18:33
quickrhenani_:  why dnt u create 2 virtual hard disk of 15 gb each .  i guess wat u are saying is possilbe18:33
en1gmaim running 11.04 i386 Desktop with the  current "Bluez 4.91" but it is having problems with alot of peoples BT adapters from what i read....alot of those people have downgraded to "Bluez 4.69"...could someone help me out with this.18:34
rhenani_quick: Yeah I can do that but i have already my virtual mahcine with 30 GB18:34
satzrhenani: i recommend you to install windows first.18:34
rhenani_quick: and i Want to run both operating system in the same virtual machine18:34
latptanyone else have older nvidia driver problems with the newer releases?18:34
rhenani_satz: Ok Why and How can i make the partition?18:34
rhenani_satz: I have gparted18:34
rhenani_satz: But i'm not familiar with gparted18:35
quickrhenani_: do u want both at the same time  ?18:35
hiexpolatpt, what nvidia card is it18:35
rhenani_quick: Yeah In the same virtual machine Ubuntu and Windows 718:35
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satzrhenani: dont use gpartd if you dont know. boot into windows and create partitions18:35
quickrhenani_:  now you hav win 7 or ubuntu installed in it or both .18:35
latpthiexpo; its an older pny. i dont have the exact number.18:35
satzquick: he has nothing installed in vm i guess18:36
rhenani_quick: None of them but i want to install them, but i don't know wich one install first18:36
satzyet to install both18:36
nicofsis there a package to install ubuntu without unity(-layout) - just the classic ubuntu interface? (like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-classic)18:36
rhenani_satz: Oh ok you mean when i'm installing windows 7 to make a partition??18:36
quickrhenani_: install window 7 first , then go to18:36
satzrhenani: exactly18:37
thegoodcushionAnyone aware of what the deal is with btrfs on Ubuntu?18:37
quickrhenani_: install window 7 first , then go to  computer management and in that u have disk management u can partition the disk from there18:37
llutznicofs: just select "ubuntu classic" at gdm session18:37
rhenani_satz: OK let me try very quick18:37
rajurhenani_:  but that type of process going to failed some times18:37
quickrhenani_: install window 7 first , then go to  computer management and in that u have disk management u can partition the disk from there  after that instll ubuntu .18:37
anyHello All18:37
escottthegoodcushion, the fsck is slow, buggy, and doesn't fix errors18:38
rhenani_raju: Why??18:38
rhenani_quick: OK18:38
thegoodcushionescott: okay18:38
nicofsllutz, i'm not talking about choosing on an installed system... i want to install ubuntu it without this unity-thing...18:38
thegoodcushionI think they see it as the next thing after ext418:38
rajurhenani_:  i did that process , some times it works fine18:38
anyIt's possible to upgrade from 32 bit to 64? (11.04)18:38
rhenani_quick: But firsti will try what satz say very quick18:38
kkb110what's the name of the program that I get when I press alt+f2 in gnome or kde18:38
satzRaju: that is the way i install every time on my physical machine18:38
llutznicofs: then you have to use mini.iso and just install manually what you really want18:38
Fuchskkb110: krunner for kde18:38
Fuchskkb110: for gnome it doesn't have a name on it's own18:38
rajurhenani_:  but some times its failed and going to  connect with the next partitions18:38
rhenani_Ok I'm starting the windows 7 installation18:39
thegoodcushionany: nope18:39
rhenani_raju: Hmmm18:39
rajusatz:  i have exp in that , trust me , its always not fair18:39
rhenani_satz: I'm starting with windows 718:39
kkb110Fuchs: thanks, I jusgt ran krunner in terminal but nothing happens18:39
quickrhenani_:  wat did he say ?18:39
nicofsllutz, i can't boot - i can only create a filesystem with rootstock...18:39
satzrhe: good18:39
any<thegoodcushion> thanks18:39
Fuchskkb110: it isn't supposed to appear when you just run it18:40
rajuquick do partitions from live cd or xp cd18:40
satzraju: why do you say?18:40
thegoodcushionany: you need to do a fresh install18:40
Fuchskkb110: you can use dbus for that. What exactly do you want to do?18:40
rajusatz:  why means?18:40
kkb110Fuchs: I'm not using kde or gnome, and I wanted to launch the program when I press alt+f218:40
hiexpolatpt, lspci | grep VGA18:40
rajui suffered by that18:40
rhenani_quick: I'm starting with windows 7 to see if i can make the partition from the process of the installation in the part where it aks me for the hard disk18:40
satzraju: why you think its unfair?18:41
any<thegoodcushion>, I see.18:41
rhenani_quick: sET UP IS STARTING ....18:41
quickrhenani_: go ahead18:41
rhenani_quick:  Windows 7...18:41
rajuif its failed then other partitions going to be done as raw18:41
rhenani_raju: what do you mean??18:41
somebody123 /leave18:41
kkb110gnome-panel-control --run-dialog nothing happens either... seems I need complete gnome or kde to launch those?18:42
rajurhenani_:  go ahead some things needs exp18:42
roastedHas anybody used deja dup here? I'm curious if it has the capability of backing up just raw data, without compressing it.18:42
satzraju: why will it fail dude?18:42
rhenani_raju: But are sure?18:42
quickrhenani_: dnt way , it's just a vm try it .18:42
rhenani_are you sure?18:42
rhenani_raju: why you say that it will fail if i think it's possible18:42
rajurhenani_:  i have lost my data by that 2-3 times18:42
rhenani_raju: But are you understanding what I'm doing?18:43
satzrhe: as quick says, its just vm. go ahead...18:43
_alazarConky detects more CPU units that I really have (i5 2 cores, virtual: 4, conky detects 5), how is it possible?18:43
rajurhenani_:  what ever please dont do any partition  like that , go witha live cd or os cd18:44
rhenani_quick: I'm here in windows 718:44
trismkkb110: if you aren't using gnome, just search the repository and find a different app that does the same thing, like grun18:44
cadam92has anyone been able to use the ATI mobility radeon 5650 graphics card on ubuntu 11.04?18:44
rajurhenani_:  just advice18:44
rhenani_quick: the hard disk of 30 GB is there18:44
MrPopinjayYo. Does anyone care to recommend me a really simple HTML editor? I just want a blank page with some hyperlinks to different sections of the page basically.18:45
quickrhenani_: from my point of view install win 7 then paririon it , it'' be easy and no problems18:45
satzalazar: try some other conky config file18:45
quickrhenani_: just go ahead select it18:45
rhenani_raju: It gives methe option to make a new or install it in the Awhole hard disk wich is 30 GB18:45
UhriventisAnyone know  of a way to "hack" my ASUS eee PC to have 1024x768 res rather than 1024x600?18:45
kkb110trism just installed work well thanks a lot!!18:45
satzrhe: dont select whole.18:45
santagadawhy does rubygems in ubuntu doesn't put binaries in the path?18:46
satzrhe: try to format that 30 gb there itself.18:46
_alazarsatz, the config file is mine, I was trying things around and I ended up to be able to view from cpu0 to cpu4, both included. Every one has different use percents and frequences.18:46
quicksatz: let her select whole otherwise it'll be a raw parition18:46
quickrhenani_: wats ur progress ?18:47
MrPopinjayYo. Does anyone care to recommend me a really simple HTML editor? I just want a blank page with some text and hyperlinks to different paragraphs in the page.18:47
rhenani_quick: I think I will have to use gparted18:47
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Snicers-Work2If I run aptitude upgrade, will it have to restart my server?18:47
_alazarMrPopinjay, if you know html tags, then just gedit.18:47
satzquick: it'd be difficult for her to get into hdd manager and later partion the drive18:47
quickMrPopinjay: u can use gedit18:47
rhenani_quick:  because it doesn't give the option18:47
megabrakerguys why the top panel in gnome 3 is not editibale18:48
rhenani_quick:  to make a partition from the disk of 30 gb18:48
rcconfany way to turn off AWN tooltips? or do I need to disable it in gnome itself18:48
rhenani_quick: I can make another but i don't want more than 30 gb18:48
satzMrpop: try seamonkey18:48
dsatheanyone got the themes in gnome 3 to work ??18:48
dsathewhen u use ppa ?18:48
guntbert!gnome3 | megabraker18:48
ubottumegabraker: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:48
MrPopinjay_alazar, quick, true, but I'm lazy. I was more looking to have something a bit more wysiwyg18:48
rhenani_quick: With gparted i can make 2 partitions15 gb and 15 gb18:48
dsathei know18:48
dsathejust askin18:48
quickrhenani_: satz it's veery easy in win 7 to partition the drive . u get a gui for it under the computer management options18:48
dsathejhbuild allows u themes18:48
rhenani_quick: and then install windows 7 in one and ubunto in other that's what i want18:49
escottSnicers-Work2, usually you can just restart the services that are upgraded, but if something like glibc or the kernel are upgraded you would have to reboot to get the new version18:49
rhenani_quick: Ok once windows 7 is there how can make the partition?18:49
rhenani_satz: what do you recomend me?18:49
megabraker<guntbert> working perfect with ubuntu natty18:49
Snicers-Work2Would it force reboot in that case or prompt?18:49
satzrhe: anyways, you will have to install windowns first. coz it will overwrite grub with its own18:49
_alazarMrPopinjay, try amaya.18:49
MrPopinjay_alazar, thanks mate.18:49
escottSnicers-Work2, reboot is always your control18:49
guntbertmegabraker: still not supported here18:50
dsatheanyone got shell themes to work with latest packags from ppa ?18:50
dsathemegabraker:  ???18:50
Snicers-Work2escott, thank you18:50
bakaratis there a way from the launch menu on the left to start say a second instance of nautilus? instead of just showing the "current" instance18:50
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megabrakerwhy the panels are not costumizable18:50
satzrhe: either use win7 or gpared to create the partition first. the install win7 first18:50
kbrosnanMrPopinjay: http://bluegriffon.org/18:50
eman99Hello, I have a file associations question. I want to open .maff (archived web page) to open with firefox. Ubuntu opens it with zip because ubuntu figures out that it is rally a zipped file, it does not pay attention to the maff extension. I am able to change the default program in the settings to open up this file by default with firefox but this changes the default program to firefox for ALL zip files, not just maff. How do I a18:50
eman99ssociate just maaf files with firefox18:50
quickrhenani_: right click on my computer then select manage then under storage you have go to disk management , select the disk and shrink it18:51
MrPopinjaykbrosnan, Thanks, i'll take a look at that18:51
trismbakarat: if you mean from the unity launcher, you can usually middle click to launch another instance18:51
megabrakerfinally get gnome 3 to work at the end of the day18:51
kamran1does Wine work ok in ubuntu ? I want to run Internet Explorer version 6, 7 or 8. anybody having previous experience of doing this kind of thing please contact me.18:51
escottSnicers-Work2, if you dont want to reboot its best to upgrade one application at a time, and make sure there are no problems, otherwise you may find out that XYZ is broken when someone calls you needing it to work "RIGHT NOW!!!"18:51
bakarattrism, ah great, that's what i was looking for :)18:51
quickkamran1: wine works in ununtu18:51
quickkamran1: wine works in ubuntu18:52
Snicers-Work2escott, how do you check what applications need updates without updating them all automatically?18:52
rhenani_quick: and then that partition will be independent, and I will be able to install ubuntu there, in a mode that when i but the virtual machine i can chose what operating system i want run?18:52
rhenani_satz: quick: and then that partition will be independent, and I will be able to install ubuntu there, in a mode that when i but the virtual machine i can chose what operating system i want run?18:52
escottSnicers-Work2, the upgrade manager will let you select which applications to upgrade18:52
Snicers-Work2I am in terminal only18:53
satzrhe: is the installation of windows 7 finished?18:53
eman99yes wine works fine, u can install wine from the ubuntu repo, also install "playonlinux" and use that to install internet explorer18:53
rhenani_quick: when i boot the virtual machine i will be able to chose what operating system i wan to run?18:53
quickrhenani_: ya u can , but there are some limitations i'll like to tell u for paritioning from win 7 using that18:53
iEatChildrenis there a way during setup to create a LVM?18:53
eman99its just the easier  way to do it18:53
satzrhe: yes18:53
satzrhe: only if you install win first18:53
rhenani_satz: and why it's better than install ubuntu first??18:54
eman99also you might want to use a newer version of wine see here , i would recommend installing the b beta18:54
NoqturnalXhey, I'm running 10.04, I am trying out grub-reboot & grub-set-default to try to do a boot into Windows on next boot but it doesn't work. Is it because 10.04 is on Grub2?18:54
satzrhe: coz windows will overwrite mbr with its own bootloader18:54
bolt12hello everyon18:54
peteforsythhello- I just installed Natty on a Dell GX270, and am having big graphics problems. Hoping for a little help!18:54
satzrhe: if installed as seocnd18:54
eman99Hello, I have a file associations question. I want to open .maff (archived web page) to open with firefox. Ubuntu opens it with zip because ubuntu figures out that it is rally a zipped file, it does not pay attention to the maff extension. I am able to change the default program in the settings to open up this file by default with firefox but this changes the default program to firefox for ALL zip files, not just maff. How do I a18:54
eman99ssociate just maaf files with firefox18:54
bolt12trying to find some info on optimizing openssh18:55
quickrhenani_: you can even use tools like http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html to partition the win 7 disk drives18:55
satzrhe: coz windows will overwrite mbr with its own bootloader18:55
satzrhe: if installed as seocnd18:55
escottSnicers-Work2, maybe dselect can help18:55
WXZrelative path shortcuts?18:55
WXZare they possible.18:55
peteforsythI'm not sure how to best describe the graphics problems -- basically, windows and menus are flashing on and off on the desktop.18:56
rajurhenani_: works fine ?18:56
rhenani_quick: but sounds like I'm risking, I mean i want first make the two partitions without install any operating system, and i think i can do it with gparted18:56
rhenani_raju: I haven't done anything yet18:56
peteforsythI've tried two different monitors, of different sizes/resolutions -- they both have the same problem.18:56
rajurhenani_: k cool18:56
yaaarcould someone please take a quick look at this /var/log/messages http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ and confirm or deny my suspicion that the lockups i've been seeing are due to a hardware issue? i'm led to believe that because the lines above each stack trace that say things like "Pid: 231, comm: jbd2/sda1-8" all seem to indicate different pieces of software. am i on the right track?18:57
satzrhe: sounds good to me18:57
escottpeteforsyth, sounds like compiz is losing the buffers somehow. you could drop down to metacity and 2d. what kind of graphics card do you have18:57
satzrhe: go on18:57
danny__rhenani, win 7 will need more than 15gb for install18:57
rhenani_danny__: why?18:57
danny__20gb at least18:57
rhenani_danny__: what about 20??18:57
quickrhenani_: so wat have you decided  ?18:57
satzdanny: no it wont18:57
_alazarOk, I get it: cpu0 is not the first core of all 4, it's the average use of the four cores.18:57
peteforsythescott: the data sheet saiys ".Integrated Intel Extreme® Graphics 2"18:57
danny__erm yes it will18:58
satzalazar: oh18:58
rhenani_quick: i want to first make two partition in my disk without install any operating system, and i think i can do it with gparted but i need help because i don't know how to use it18:58
xivenShouldn't there be an sshd log in /var/log?18:58
peteforsythescott: I can google metacity , but I don't know anything about it :)18:58
escottpeteforsyth, what cpu do you have? lspci may tell you more, but it sounds like an older intel graphics card18:58
rhenani_quick: after i have the 2 partitions maybe 20 gb each, is when i want to start installing18:58
peteforsyththis is a 2004 GX270, it's a Pentium 418:59
satzrhe: 15 gb is more than enough18:59
peteforsythhow can I get to a command line? It seems it used to be possible to do control-alt-Fkey to get a basic shell, but I'm not able to do that. Am I remembering the wrong key combo..?18:59
rhenani_satz: OK18:59
rhenani_satz: I did the partition with windows 719:00
rhenani_satz: 15 gb each19:00
satzrhe: good19:00
rhenani_satz: If i cancel the installation any way i will have the partitions?19:00
satzrhe: move on19:00
archmananyone knows how to install the vbox guest additions when running ubuntu live cd with virtualbox (since I have only one slot for images)?19:00
quickrhenani_: ya you have19:00
archmanwanna test unity on vbox19:00
satzrhe: you should have them19:00
tonyjanseni think i'm gonna sell 12 of the 24GB memm in this pc19:00
tonyjansenubuntu aint using much19:01
peteforsythescott: I'd consider buying an AGP card if you think that's very likely to resolve the problem?19:01
escottpeteforsyth, these days all the graphics are drawn to memory and the compositor compiz puts them in the graphics cards drawing area, it should be well supported but you can go down to the 2d metacity version19:01
quickrhenani_: which vm are u using  ?19:01
escottpeteforsyth, AGP?! that is really old. do you mean PCI-E?19:01
satzarchman: unity didn't work on my vbox19:01
rhenani_quick: OK ready i have the two partition I will install windows 7 first19:01
archmansatz: aaah crap :/, ok then19:01
rhenani_quick: VMwareworkstation 7.1.419:01
rhenani_satz: i have the two partitions I'm gonna isntal indows 7 first19:02
archmansatz: but you did install the additions?19:02
peteforsythescott: the data sheet says it has AGP-8x19:02
quickarchman:  load the iso file19:02
satzarchman: though i allocated 2 cores and 900 mb ram19:02
quickarchman:  load the iso file  ie.e mount it19:02
peteforsythand..it looks like AGP to me...19:02
quickrhenani_: go ahead install it aLL the best19:02
peteforsythhere's the data sheet I pulled up: http://www.dell.com/downloads/us/products/optix/gx270_spec.pdf19:02
ubuntuserHow to solve update problem? Update-Manager says "Package information updated less than an hour ago". But it's not updating at all. Since last 15 days or so19:02
satzarchman: no.19:02
archmanquick: aaah, ok19:02
archmansatz: well, that's why you didn't have it19:02
satzarchman: give it a try19:03
archmansatz: will do19:03
quickarchman:  u are using ubuntu ?19:03
quickarchman:  u are using ubuntu in vm ?19:03
archmanquick: trying to test it, yes19:03
peteforsythescott it's a 2004 computer, I think AGP was pretty common then.19:03
rhenani_quick: Ok last question, Let's say I install windows 7, then when I install ubuntu on the other partition everything will work fine?19:03
satzarchman: how much resources are you allocating19:03
rhenani_and when i boot the virtual machine i will be able to choose what operating system i want boot?19:04
satzrhe: yes19:04
archmansatz: 1GB RAM19:04
llutzrhenani_: why the heck do you want dual-boot inside a vm?19:04
quickarchman: ya will do . i m using it on my system . the bootloader of linux will alos load the chain loder of winodws19:04
Propelanyone know the firefox dir?19:04
Propeli want to add previous files from firefox in that directory19:04
satzarchman: good. first 'try ubuntu'. i sure unity will fail to load.19:04
quickrhenani_: you'll get an option for 9 secs to choose from19:04
Propelfor instance, restore sessions19:04
satzarchman: then install and see19:05
kbrosnanPropel: .mozilla/firefox/....19:05
multipassif i use dual monitors and have a seperate desktop on a nother monitor, it is missing stuff like a window manager and more, anyone know how to fix this? it was ok in 10.1019:05
peteforsythescott: can you tell me a way to get to a basic command line, so I can try lspci, etc.? or how to drop to 2x metacity?19:05
rhenani_quick: That's all i wanted19:05
archmansatz: sure, it failed, i've tested already; i mounted the iso with 'mount -o loop' so i'll try it out now19:05
escottpeteforsyth, terminal19:05
rhenani_quick: I'll keep you informated here of all what i'm doing19:05
archmansatz: hahahah i'm not installing :D just trying for fun19:05
yaaaranybody mind taking a look at these stack traces i'm getting? http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ ...i get the feeling (based on the lines like "Pid: 231, comm: jbd2/sda1-8" all pointing to different PIDs and programs) that it's a hardware issue...19:05
Propelkbrosnan, i can't find that searching manually through my dir19:05
escottpeteforsyth, gnome-terminal (but if you are using unity just alt-f2 and then type in terminal)19:06
quickarchman: i dnt think you can install it on a live cd as it read only . but go to the folder of vm and run the file ./Vboxlinuz additions19:06
peteforsythescott: I can't use the desktop, the windows flash on and off too sporadically19:06
quickrhenani_: ya sure19:06
Propelkbrosnan, what folder is it in before mozilla/firefox?19:06
peteforsyththe GUI is too messed up.19:06
escottpeteforsyth, given how old the hardware is dropping to unity-2d is the best bet, that may be possible from the login screen19:06
ubuntuserHow can I restore sources? list, Updates to it's default? Update not working since some 15 days.19:06
kbrosnanPropel: home19:06
xivenI figured out my ssh problem. I had to add the user to sshd_config as permitted to login.19:06
escottpeteforsyth, but you can killall compiz; metacity &19:06
peteforsythI tried all the options from the login screen before, I think -- but I wil try again.19:07
roastedHas anybody used deja dup here? I'm curious if it has the capability of backing up just raw data, without compressing it.19:07
petrbHi all, I wonder if anyone can help. When I insert a cd or a dvd in the blue-ray drive, nothing happens. It's 11.04, 64 bit, the drive works in windows. When I insert the cd and type dmesg, there is nothing new (although the drive is blinking for a while). I have no idea where to look.19:07
xivenAfter that I was able login to the user and disable root ssh login.19:07
Propelkbrosnan, how do i manually search for it?19:07
archmanbah, vbox can't choose custom paths....19:07
awellsubuntuuser: go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager19:07
satzcan I share /swap b/w two different linux os?19:07
Propelkbrosnan, i don't see the mozilla folder in my home dir19:08
dawolf123So whats the general though on Unity...19:08
llutzxiven: why did you limit users/groups before in sshd_conf?19:08
awellsubuntuser:  Then click on Settings -> Repositories and recheck the ubuntu software sources19:08
Propelkbrosnan, do i have to type a command in terminal to view the folder's contents?19:08
kbrosnanPropel: files that start with . are hidden by default, your file browser should have a method of displaying them19:08
Propeloh ok19:08
xivenI don't recall ever doing so.19:08
llutzxiven: usersallow/deny should have been open for all users by default19:09
satzarchman: what do you mean by custom path?19:09
Propelkbrosnan, any idea how to view hidden folders?19:09
phox_Yo! The unity bar seems kinda stuck. Usually it slides back, but it won't now. How do I get it back?19:09
satzpropel: nautilus: show hidden files19:09
peteforsythescott: it's tough, because when I installed I set it to auto-login..so I'm trying to select from menus that disappear :)19:09
satzpropel: ls -la19:10
phox_propel: ctrl + h19:10
archmansatz: i mean, you can't choose to mount /mnt/loop, in example... you can only choose physical drives and isos..19:10
Propelphox, ctrl+h didn't work19:10
escottpeteforsyth, you can remove /etc/gdm/gdm.custom19:10
escottpeteforsyth, or something like that19:10
ubuntuserawells: All 4 are selected (except "Source code") and even other sources are there.19:10
Propelsatz, so i just type "ls -la" into terminal and it should work?19:10
allu2Hey, my logitec quickcam easy/cool hangs weirdly after while of usage (tested in mplayer, gmail/talk, skype..) driver is gspca and it gets stuck (image not moving) but here is the weird part, it does move if i put anything somewhere like 0.5cm from the camera and move it :S but if i take the object more far it stops moving again19:11
xivenThe only directive I see is 'AllowUsers', which I didn't put there.19:11
ThanatosIs the ubuntu alternate installation required if installing to a raid using a controller?19:11
phox_propel: In Nautilus, the default file browser, it should. Just did for me. I know it has in earlier versions too.19:11
satzpropel: it should display all files19:11
crazedpsycIs there anything like an RSS/Atom feed that gives every single update pushed to the Ubuntu repositories?19:11
Propelsatz, how do you turn it back to default?19:11
satzarchman: why not use the direct iso file19:11
Propelsatz, after typing in, ls -la19:11
en1gmahow is ubuntu configuring my network? i mean i look at my /etc/network/interfaces file and the only entry is lo19:11
escottThanatos, i think so but im not sure19:11
peteforsythescott: OK, I am at a login screen now. Without flashing windows/menus! but -- I don't see the options I've seen before (for keyboard layout, window manager etc)19:11
en1gmai should see my eth0 in there shouldnt i19:12
satzpropel: its temporary dont worry19:12
allu2My system is ubuntu 11.04 64bit build up from minimal.iso19:12
llutzen1gma: networkmanager by default19:12
escottpeteforsyth, you have to put your username in first... i have no idea why19:12
xivenWell, now that I have a working user and root login disabled, I can increase server hardening.19:12
archmansatz: cause i can't mount the vbox additions iso later to install the additions...19:12
en1gmallutz can i uninstall that?19:12
peteforsythOK, I see it now.19:12
llutzen1gma: sure19:12
en1gmai dont think i like it19:12
carnage1is there a way to trick 2gb of ram in virtualbox?19:12
Propelsatz, so it'll only show all files while you're in terminal?19:12
peteforsythso my options are:19:12
ubuntuserawells: I even tried "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*" but didn't work. Even if I can reset the repositories it's okay. But how to do that?19:12
en1gmallutz i just need to keep dhcpd right?19:12
archmansatz: i've already tried mounting it when ubuntu started, but it went wonky19:12
peteforsythubuntu, ubuntu classic, ubuntu classic (no effects), ubuntu (safe mode), and user defined session.19:12
llutzen1gma: yes19:12
en1gmaok i gonna try that19:13
peteforsythI believe I tried all of them except "user defined" last night with no luck.19:13
awellsubuntuser: when they are removed from the sources list files, they are just unchecked in the synaptic package manager.  All you have to do is recheck those sources.19:13
peteforsythis that the one I should try?19:13
peteforsyth(I tried "alt-F2" but there's no response. I am using an Apple keyboard, I sort of suspect that the Fkeys are not properly mapped)19:14
ubuntuserawells: They are already checked. I can share a screenshot if you want.19:14
satzarch: why didn't 'host + d' auto mount work for you?19:14
peteforsythah -- wait!! I got it..I was right, I found the "fn" key.19:15
rhenani_quick: WIndows 7 is installing..19:15
satzrhe: great19:15
nit-witpeteforsyth, what are you needing to run in the alt-f219:15
nit-wityou got it yay19:15
peteforsythnit-wit: just trying to get a command prompt, because my gui is too messed up to work with19:15
awellsubuntuser: sorry, I missed your earlier post where you mentioned that.  What happens when you run apt-get update?19:16
rhenani_satz: =)19:16
peteforsythso escott should I "sudo rm /etc/gdm/gdm.custom" ?19:16
nit-witpeteforsyth, I see19:16
satzrhe: yup19:16
quickrhenani_: good19:16
chipgeriafter installing ccsm unity not working..no tittle bar no menubar on desktop19:16
nit-witklevison, your back are you in natty now19:16
klevisonnit-wit: yeah.. im on natty.. what i should do now?19:17
nit-witchipgeri, you turned off the wall?19:17
nit-witklevison, go to the private19:17
chipgerinit-wit yes19:17
nit-witchipgeri, hold on you will get help19:17
escottpeteforsyth, yes19:17
nmpribeirohi... sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied... I have chmod to something, restarted, failed, and chmod back to 0440 sudoers... don't understand how to fix it.. any help?19:18
escottpeteforsyth, double check the filename but its something like that19:18
yaaaranybody mind taking a look at these stack traces i'm getting? http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ ...i get the feeling (based on the lines like "Pid: 231, comm: jbd2/sda1-8" and "Pid: 995, comm: scache" which seem to point to different PIDs and programs) that it's a hardware issue...is that right?19:18
peteforsythescott: that file doesn't exist. Directory contains:19:19
peteforsythsome stuff that starts "failsafe"19:19
peteforsythand init, postlogin, postsession, presession, and xsession19:19
peteforsythso I'm deleting /etc/gdm/custom.conf and rebooting19:19
ubuntuserawells: "sudo apt-get update" output:  http://pastebin.com/Cq3DXE9719:20
roastedHas anybody used deja dup here? I'm curious if it has the capability of backing up just raw data, without compressing it.19:21
noeccHow can I determine which files are open on a usb stick?19:21
quickchipgeri: wat did u do ?19:22
quickkmo97:  hi :)19:22
nmpribeirosudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied...  no help from forums... need a quick fix... :/19:22
peteforsythescott: the problem is still there. I have found a Geforce MX video card on eBay for $10 -- think that will work better?19:22
chipgeriquick installed ccsm and enacled cube19:22
awellsubuntuser: for some reason you have a maverick repository in there.  You are running Natty, right?19:23
llutznmpribeiro: "ls -l /etc/sudoers"19:23
peteforsythI'm happy to abandon the onboard video if troubleshooting will be a pita19:23
ubuntuserawells: Yes Natty.19:23
PhilwongIs there a way I can install XP on my system without losing the Grub screen?19:23
quickPhilwong:  use a vm19:24
MonkeyDustPhilwong: virtual box19:24
jamesT_Hey, I messed something while partitioning and I get a grub error on reboot. I'm currently booted into the live USB, what should I do to fix my grub? My partition is sda6 in an extended partition named sda119:24
IdleOneiEatChildren: Could you please change your nick to something less potentially offensive.19:24
Philwongno but the thing is I want to keep the grub screen so that I have XP and Linux as an option19:24
PhilwongRight now I have both19:25
nmpribeirollutz: -r--r----- 1 root root 584 2011-05-17 19:04 /etc/sudoers19:25
PhilwongBut last time I reinstalled XP, I lost the grb screen19:25
llutznmpribeiro: "sudo visudo"19:25
nmpribeirollutz: this output is made from live cd, with mounted sda1 to mnt, chroot to mnt19:25
Philwongso it only booted into xp without even showing linux as an option19:25
MonkeyDustPhilwong: idd, Windoze erases grub19:25
PhilwongYa, thats why I want to know how it can be prevented19:26
quickrhenani_: wats the progress ?19:26
iEatChildrenIdleOne: whats offensive about it?19:26
ThinkT510Philwong: you just have to reinstall grub after19:26
MonkeyDustPhilwong: cannot prevent it, only repair it19:26
llutznmpribeiro: so you chrooted and you are root? "visudo" then19:26
Philwongreinstall grub after booting into linux?19:26
nmpribeirollutz: sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied   n\ sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting (from the chroot /mnt shell)19:26
malikhi all19:26
quickiEatChildren: wats good in it ?19:26
quickmalik: hi :)19:27
iEatChildrenwhy does something have to be good in it?19:27
iEatChildrenwhats good in yours19:27
ThinkT510Philwong: after installing xp19:27
IdleOneiEatChildren: the channel ops received a complaint about the nick. It can be disturbing to some. Would appreciate if you could change it.19:27
malikhow do i get all the text message while ubuntu boots,19:27
nit-witchipgeri, this should help if your goal is the cube.http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/19:27
jamesT_Trying the instructions there19:27
ubuntuserawells: that's maverick-backports I suppose.19:27
iEatChildrenIdleOne: 1 person is easily offended and i ahve to change it?19:27
jamesT_But I get the error19:27
IdleOneiEatChildren: yes, please19:27
PhilwongThinkT510: I know but after, I install XP.... I wont be able to get into linux.. so how do I reinstall it?19:27
quickmalik:  you want an cli ?19:27
jamesT_ /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: will not proceed with blocklists.19:27
ThinkT510!grub | Philwong19:27
ubottuPhilwong: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:27
iEatChildrenits a registered nick...let freenode deal with it19:28
malikno not a cli but all the message during the boot. during the time i see an ubuntu splash screen19:28
arnold_s2continuous problems in screen refresh rate....19:28
IdleOneiEatChildren: I am asking in the spirit of Ubuntu if you could please respect others feelings on this.19:28
jimmy__iEatChildren:dont do it19:28
nmpribeirollutz: ok sorry... besides comented lines: Defaults env_reset .... other line.... root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL ... other line ... %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ... other  line... %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL19:28
arnold_s2...anyone out there who has fixed this problem?19:28
jimmy__dont be homo19:28
quickmalik: type dmesg in terminal19:28
llutznmpribeiro: change what you need to change19:29
iEatChildrenIdleOne: see...only 1 person wants it changed19:29
iEatChildrenif everything is changed because 1 person wants it changed where would this world be?19:29
IdleOneiEatChildren: two, inclusind me19:29
flowwwhere did the legendary guy go19:29
nmpribeirollutz: what do I need to change?19:29
iEatChildrenthey could easily just ignore me19:29
iEatChildreni wasnt even chatting in here at the time of the complaint19:29
jamesT_Anyone have any idea?19:29
quickiEatChildren: IdleOne me too19:29
malikquick, thanks for your tip, but i am talking about the OS boot log messages during boot and not after the system is up19:29
quickiEatChildren: IdleOne 3 including  me too19:29
crazedpsyciEatChildren: +119:30
flowwGuys I have finally installed Ubuntu , after 20 minutes ive  finally managed to open the terminal ive been following a guide but this didnt hel me a lot i just need to enter the grub and change the boot order and some other settings anyone suggestions?19:30
adam61hey, does anyone know why i might have gotten a message after doing a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 saying that my system doesn't have the hardware to support unity 3d so i'll be using 2d? i've done the exact same installation about five times now over the last four days and that's the first time that that's come up19:30
escottpeteforsyth, removing that file should only get rid or your auto-login19:30
ThinkT510!caps | arnold_s219:30
ubottuarnold_s2: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:30
peteforsythescott: ah, I see. It did that much!19:30
llutznmpribeiro: what did you try, when getting the "permission denied", i thought you tried to change the sudoers-file?19:30
peteforsythwhich is good :)19:30
quickadam61: restart it it'll be good19:30
awellsubuntuser:did you select any repositories under the updates tab?  I'm not sure what else to check19:30
escottpeteforsyth, im not sure how to drop down to unity-2d though19:30
=== IeatPeopleWhoEat is now known as afink
quickadam61: restart it it'll be good . u starting startx froma terminal ?19:31
arnold_s2..talking to me?19:31
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
zaveubuntu desktop or server for dev environment on laptop?19:31
flowwjust need the command lines to edit the grub omagad cant find em in web19:31
adam61quick: ok cool that's a huge relief, thanks. not sure what startx is but i'll try rebooting19:31
ubuntuserawells: yeah. all four19:31
peteforsythescott: OK. I will google about metacity19:31
arcskyhello guys, i wonder when i set an IP on an interface with ifconfig eth1 up it got removed from the interface after some thime...19:32
spankbotWhat's the best MAME emulator to run?19:32
ActionParsnipzave: desktop makes life easier19:32
ubuntuserawells: even if i can do a reset. it's fine. i will add 3rd party repos again, manually. but i just can't fix it.19:32
klevison /msg NickServ identify 11223319:32
ActionParsnipSpankbot: there is no single best app for anything19:33
=== klevison is now known as asdsda
nmpribeirollutz: just issuing the sudo command from the chroot do /mnt shell gives me error... I don't remember what I was trying when I broke the sistem, have been trying to repair for hours now. howver, I am sure the problem was stated when I chmod the sudoers file to another permissions then 0440. I then restarted the system, and it broke with a plymouth error... I boot with Live CD and chmod the sudoers back to 0440 but the system is b19:33
ActionParsnipklevison: i suggest you change password19:33
roastedHas anybody used deja dup here? I'm curious if it has the capability of backing up just raw data, without compressing it.19:33
flowwHello guys I have finally successfully installed Ubuntu on my Computer . Now i want to setup the Boot order about Terminal but i can not find anywhere the command lines for i have followed an older guide but this didnt work. Iam searching through the web but didnt find any help19:33
ThinkT510asdada: you may want to change your password19:33
zaveActionParsnip: thanks. a good place to learn to configure the thing? i've been stuck for months.19:33
systemonkeyI have two NICS. One is setup with full IP with gateway and another directly connected to another system via cross-over cable. before I did the cross-over cable, the system was able to go out to the public dns but now I can't seem to connect to any outside connection besides the systems in my LAN... I'm confused19:34
llutznmpribeiro: you ARE root, no need to use sudo inside your chroot.19:34
ActionParsnipSpankbot: search software centre.19:34
quickadam61: did it work ?19:34
adam61quick: didn't seem to fix it; any suggestions?19:34
llutznmpribeiro: but sorry, i got you wrong then. exit visudo :)19:34
MonkeyDustfloww: try startupmanager19:34
quickadam61: u are getting it for the first time ?19:35
pstewartsystemonkey: what is your default gateway set to?19:35
spankbotActionParsnip, yeah I'm sure it can tell me based on its experience19:35
quickadam61: u are getting it for the first time ? you have ur graphics driver installed ?19:35
spankbotActionParsnip, thanks anyways19:35
nit-witchipgeri, did you see the link?19:35
adam61quick: ya, i've had the regular 3d unity every time. i haven't changed anything hardware wise19:35
klevisonnit-wit: nothing19:35
nmpribeirollutz: no need indeed, but it gives me the error... and I bet the system will only boot after I resolve this error19:35
SpaceBasshey folks19:35
quickSpaceBass: hey19:35
pstewartsystemonkey: i'd also check /etc/resolv.conf and see what's set in there19:35
nit-witklevison, go privat19:35
chipgerinit-wit, seeing19:36
SpaceBassI'd like to create an RSS feed based on files in a directory structure (preferably as identified via a find command). Any suggestions for a package or specific app to generate the feed?19:36
ActionParsnipsystemonkey: did you set dns in /etc/resolv.conf19:36
fructoseAn application (Banshee) deleted a file I didn't want deleted via bug. It's not in my trash can, so is there any way to see what file was deleted?19:36
quickadam61: wait , somebdy will help19:36
malikhow to get rid of the splash and see boot messages during boot ? ubuntu 10.1019:36
ThinkT510adam61: is it a fresh install?19:37
ActionParsnipspankbot: apps have ratings by users19:37
SpaceBassfructose, how do you know it was deleted?19:37
adam61ThinkT510: yes19:37
adam61that's why it's strange19:37
ThinkT510adam51: and you installed the graphics drivers?19:37
systemonkeypstewar: Thats the gateway for main network. I can ping it.19:37
nmpribeirollutz: ok, so, if you mind to help me I would be very apreciated, because I've burn all my bets with this one. sudo > output: sudo: can't open etc/sudoers: Permission denied | sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting19:37
systemonkeyActionParsnip: /etc/resolv.conf is set.19:38
adam61ThinkT510: i haven't had to do that before.. i just installed everything the exact same way as always19:38
rhenani_quick: windows 7 is completing installationg19:38
systemonkeybut no go...19:38
ActionParsnipmalik: press ESC when the splash shows19:38
escottmalik, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub19:38
ThinkT510adam61: what is your graphics card?19:38
rhenani_quick: it's completing the installation19:38
fructoseSpaceBass: Not sure how that helps answer my question19:38
llutznmpribeiro: your sudoers has correct permissions, it shouldn't be the reason for boot failing19:38
quickrhenani_: great .19:38
adam61ThinkT510: i'm not sure.. nVidia maybe?19:38
systemonkeythe direct cross-over NIC doesn't have any gateway.19:38
qin!grup2 |malik: remove splash from boot paremeters19:38
iEatChildrenif im running an AMD chipset should i use the amd64 iso or i386?19:39
SpaceBassfructose, sorry, not trying to be coy? just curious how you know something was deleted if you don't know what was deleted19:39
qin!grub2 |malik: remove splash from boot paremeters19:39
ubottumalik: remove splash from boot paremeters: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:39
nit-witklevison, you dropped off without confirming there is a process here19:39
adam61ThinkT510: is there a test i can run to see if the specs on my system have magically changed or not?19:39
Jcook_5xDatafructose, did you get and answer19:39
ThinkT510adam61: check the output of lspci19:39
nmpribeirollutz: yes... can't figure it out ether.... I'll try a reboot again...19:39
llutziEatChildren: amd64 just refers to amd inventing the 64bit extensions. if your cpu is 64 bit, use amd6419:39
escottiEatChildren, check if "lm" is listed in /proc/cpuinfo flags19:39
malikthank you quick, qin, escott and ActionParsnip19:39
fructoseSpaceBass: It deleted the wrong song because when the track changes, apparently it changes your selection19:39
_alazarTrue... What "quiet" and "splash" does?19:39
fructoseJcook_5xData: No, don't think I got an answer19:40
Jcook_5xDatafructose, check this link out http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-recover-deleted-filesdata-in-ubuntu-linux/19:40
fructoseSpaceBass: But it was too quick for me to see/hear which one it was19:40
llutznmpribeiro: edit boot-options, remove splash quiet to get more info19:40
pstewartsystemonkey: what happens when you try to traceroute to an outside address? "traceroute"19:40
fructoseJcook_5xData: I'm not trying to undelete it. I'm trying to figure out what it was19:40
iEatChildrendoes the alternate CD have support for LVM during install?19:40
flowwMonkeyDust,  sda or sba  , which button do i have to push to activate ubuntu i want that Windows 7 loads automatically and Ubunto loads by pushing 1 button19:41
SpaceBassfructose, ah. not too familiar with banshee but one would think it has some kind of cache before permanently deleting?  anything in ~/.trash ?19:41
adam61ThinkT510: k here it is: http://pastebin.com/LRiQQkX119:41
nmpribeirollutz: mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth... I'll do it, 5 secs19:41
ubuntuserawells: any solution?19:41
systemonkeytraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets19:41
systemonkeyconnect: Network is unreachable19:41
rober7what linux distro can i use on amd sempron 2400+, 256 ram atiradeon 9250? i have xubuntu but i can`t even watch a movie ... it freezes after 10 minutes19:41
Jcook_5xDatafructose, will you need to find the file deleted section to find the name19:41
ThinkT510adam61: yes: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100] (rev a2)19:41
fructoseSpaceBass: Nothing in my trash can, no19:41
NET||abusehey guys, i've a pain with my theme, every second login i'm getting the nice dark theme, every other login i get an oxygen icons lighter style theme, andthe appearance dialog won't change it while it's up.19:41
SpaceBassany suggestions for package/app to create an RSS feed from a directory structure?19:41
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   rt6765 gerzel trigrou NET||abuse red2kic nikc nit-wit otrouser1 AndChat- rober7 Duka_Aprendiz alexfpms zulax masterxc xortham314 grendal-prime Gnea protoquark Koiti george__ natschil ashmew2 nibbler_ malik nomi19:41
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   cmomo zave tPl0ch systemonkey tempeldirne hiatus martiner5 MrNaz` trism Philwong yankee PhoenixSTF CadeSkywalker danopia_ noecc bfiller ubuntu pr0ton tomog999_ hcaine bl4ckcomb` bailux slackin dkim1987 dgm_077 19:42
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   OerHeks grindax geraudk2000 sideon1 mfilipe tangent3 ehw yaaar bolt12 iEatChildren NEXUS-6 mikeatvillage dspace PW-toXic__ sechrist RomD` tommis IVBela lovre eman99 Guest63949 bsmith093 natit marrusl abdulkarim19:42
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   Gskelling SoulRaven rhenani_ tiagoscd quick f8l_0e MrCartel nothings1ecial piglit KaiForce skyz09 berefeira ssfdre38 gusnan amin` escott farmer jemark dsathe Sunloung selig5 moza [ND] Irish` dwGNOME3test jpds R19:42
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   Andre_Gondim o1e9 blackmoon BlouBlou Snicers-Work2 zenguy_vm_ RealKillaz ring0 dtcummin ZMR toddc kisplit Darwin4Ever multipass Daekdroom najmuddin Gujs gremset_ seanicus asy tottiq jahil1 juboba Mikelevel mort19:42
rt6765[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   SnowmanX11 ocsi Xano bakarat palmje Guybrush88 rzx237 ktogias ApacheOmega Tecumseh Galaxor shaggster engled Tharlinn spvensko socram moises sheenams D-coy Titeuf_87 darkwood lollo64it om26er JoFo KennethP ben_q19:42
FloodBot1rt6765: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
NET||abusei installed kde while on 10.10, but now upgraded to 11.0419:42
ThinkT510adam61: does it offer to install the nvidia driver for you?19:42
adam61ThinkT510: ok cool, that's good news that it's showing up there i guess19:42
ssfdre38why are people so dumb19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   psijackoff en1gma dietnews MarkSS Ejdesgaard gerzel trigrou NET||abuse red2kic nikc nit-wit otrouser1 AndChat- rober7 Duka_Aprendiz alexfpms zulax masterxc xortham314 grendal-prime Gnea protoquark Koiti geo19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   AndyKubuntu ftab blamar Logan_ cm safejav floww cmomo zave tPl0ch systemonkey tempeldirne hiatus martiner5 MrNaz` trism Philwong yankee CadeSkywalker danopia_ noecc bfiller ubuntu pr0ton tomog999_ hcaine bl19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   ChronicSyncope vish nixNcode ubuntuser eruditehermit OerHeks grindax geraudk2000 sideon1 mfilipe tangent3 ehw yaaar bolt12 iEatChildren NEXUS-6 mikeatvillage dspace PW-toXic__ sechrist RomD` tommis IVBela l19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   peteforsyth shisoka jkr801 mhaddog PC-Ente Tigger__ arif-ali Gskelling SoulRaven rhenani_ tiagoscd quick f8l_0e MrCartel nothings1ecial piglit KaiForce skyz09 berefeira ssfdre38 gusnan amin` escott farmer j19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   temp_ lousygarua John__ german brianchidester schlaftier Andre_Gondim o1e9 blackmoon BlouBlou Snicers-Work2 zenguy_vm_ RealKillaz ring0 dtcummin ZMR toddc kisplit Darwin4Ever multipass Daekdroom najmuddin G19:42
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  BEGINNING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT.  UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE OR  MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS   [** | NOTICE | **]   Strife89 torchie bambee gi3_ tonyjansen xiven josh_ Ronald dim_ SnowmanX11 ocsi Xano bakarat palmje Guybrush88 rzx237 ktogias ApacheOmega Tecumseh Galaxor shaggster engled Tharlinn spvensko socram moises sh19:42
FloodBot1psijackoff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
AndChat-rober7: puppy, tinycore or Lubuntu will run very well19:42
adam61ThinkT510: i haven't seen that before19:42
peteforsythhaha, helpful bot :)19:43
flowwMonkeydust , do i have to set Windows7 to sda or sba   which one is the right One? also i want that ubuntu loads by pushing 1 button19:43
ThinkT510adam61: there should be a restricted drivers dialog somewhere (under settings perhaps)19:43
Steristcan anyone help me identify and remove an old PSP SDK? it was installed entirely by terminal and i forgot the exact name19:43
flowwAm not so sure that Startup Manager can handle it19:43
rcconffloww: sda is one disk sdb is another19:43
NET||abusei'll have to repeat my problem now, damn floods,, so19:43
NET||abusehey guys, i've a pain with my theme, every second login i'm getting the nice dark theme, every other login i get an oxygen icons lighter style theme, andthe appearance dialog won't change it while it's up.19:43
pstewartsystemonkey: looks like something is wrong in your routing table19:43
flowwrcconf,  i have two disks19:43
NET||abusei installed kde while on 10.10, but now upgraded to 11.04, but am using unity, but the kde theme choices are still taking effect19:43
rcconffloww: sudo fdisk -l19:43
D-coym4v, let's go for u gf xD19:43
amin`is any one now how to change the TWm theme and configuration plz help:::19:44
roastedQuestion - has anybody here used Deja Dup? I read that it may be default in 11.10 so I checked it out. Very solid application, but I'm curious if it's possible to utilize it without using compression. Does anybody know if that's possible?19:44
nit-witfloww; startup manger isn't woring in natty , yeah.;)19:44
flowwrcconf,  ok i want that Windows 7 loads   up automatically  and Ubuntu by pushing 1 button while19:44
quiescensroasted: why exactly do you need to use it without compression?19:44
flowwso its not possible? i  have to do it about terminal19:44
ThinkT510adam61: might be called additional drivers under system19:45
spvenskoit's cool to see that tcl is still going strong :)19:45
adam61ThinkT510: there's "additional drivers" and it's actually different than i'd previously seen it. before there were just two options, now there's a third: "Experimental 3d support for NVIDIA cards19:45
nit-witfloww; grub customizer or edit tthe grub.cfg..........correctly of course19:45
flowwnit-wit,  can u tell me where i can find the terminal lines then19:45
systemonkeypstewart: thanks... I'm not sure what needs to be done to get two NICs to play nice to each other...19:45
nit-witfloww; to edit grub.cfg19:45
quickrhenani_: win 7  done ?19:45
ThinkT510adam61: thats the one, which option says (recommended)?19:45
AndChat-floww: you need to change the file numbering of the files in /etc/grub.d then run: sudo update-grub19:46
nmpribeirollutz: err... mountall... it was loding scripts, became black, and apeard with mountall errors for my /media/dir/dir that I connect with samba fs. but that was working so it can't be that.... is there a log file I can see?19:46
roastedquiescens, well, I have a laptop with an ultra small hard drive, so there are times I'd like to work FROM my NAS. That way I can use the raw data from the NAS, which is impossible if it's compressed due ot it being in a bunch of tarball files.19:46
pstewartsystemonkey: can you pastebin/msg me the output of: "ifconfig && route && cat /etc/resolv.conf"19:46
adam61ThinkT510: ah, that's it, just none of the drivers had been activated, unlike prior intallations for some reason. it's the middle one , the usual one i'd select that says recommended. select that one i guess eh? and then reboot?19:46
rhenani_quick: Almost19:46
nit-witklevison, checking in with you.;)19:47
slackinhow do i blacklist a modulE?19:47
rhenani_quick: choosing the username, pasword, configuring the thinks19:47
ThinkT510adam61: yes, install and reboot19:47
rhenani_quick: putting the seria number19:47
AnakinPtI installed ubuntu server indicating that my keyboard layout is "pt" Portugal19:47
adam61ThinkT510: k cool thanks be back soon19:47
amin`is any one now how to change the TWm theme and configuration plz help:::19:47
AnakinPtbut my keys are like the US keyboard19:47
quickrhenani_: ok19:47
quiescensroasted: well, to my knowledge, even without compression the format it uses isn't designed for direct interaction with the contained files19:47
AnakinPtWhere and how can I change keyboard layout?19:48
quickamin`: wats twm theme ?19:48
roastedquiescens, the format "it" uses? as in deja dup?19:48
randomuser-fieldis 'classic ubuntu' 2d unity or vanillaish gnome or what?19:48
pdtpatrick__Question.. i just created an Ubuntu CA server. I am now trying to export the certificate for use with Active Director. Anyone done this before?19:48
systemonkeyThanks pstewart: http://pastebin.com/zZL55bhw19:48
nit-witfloww, you need what terminal command for eidting grub.cfg?19:48
quickAnakinPt:  system menu you have keyboard layout19:48
amin`quick: TWM windows manager how to config tweak change the theme19:49
ThinkT510randomuser-field: gnome219:49
flowwnit-wit,  thats what iam asking you i19:49
flowwhave no idea19:49
pstewartsystemonkey: doesn't look like you have a default gateway configured19:49
AnakinPtquick: I'm too noob in linux. How can I call it?19:49
fbdystangHi all :)19:49
quiescensroasted: i don't really know what you're trying to do, but its really for backing up and restoring files and i don't think there is any support for leaving the backups in their native format so that they can be directly accessed19:50
nmpribeirollutz: is there a log file I can read to figure out a boot error?19:50
quickAnakinPt: which version are u using ?19:50
roastedquiescens, well, if that's what its designed for, that's fine. I was just trying to work FROM the NAS, which I need the raw data for. This is due to my laptop having an ultra small hard drive.19:50
ArrakisHi all, does anybody know a wireless USB dongle that works out of the box on ubuntu?19:50
roastedquiescens, that way I can keep my massive desktop powered off to save energy, use my laptop as much as possible, and work from my NAS with the raw data.19:51
AnakinPtlatest server version. Downloaded this week19:51
llutznmpribeiro: i doubt it, try activating bootlogd but even then i'm not sure if those errors are recorded19:51
nit-witfloww, grub default= is the change need do you under stand and run a update grub after editing,.........gksudo gedit  /etc/default/grub19:51
fbdystangI have a HW raid set up on the MB. Ubuntu server sees it correctly and puts it in /dev/mapper/ but I cannot share it in SAMBA. How do I?19:51
amin`any body knows about TWM?19:51
roastedquiescens, see my angle now? compression is SWEET and deja dup is amazingly awesome if you ask me, but I already asked the devs for this feature request, and meanwhile Im curious if its possible to work around it19:51
Jcook_5xDataAnakinPt,   here you go  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/31/changing-the-system-keyboard-mapping-on-ubuntu-dvorak-vs-qwerty/19:51
ArrakisI'm a newbie to Linux19:51
systemonkeypstewart: I do have gateway set for eth019:51
pstewartsystemonkey: try "sudo route add default gw"19:51
quickAnakinPt:  i think this will be of some help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf19:52
pstewartsystemonkey: you have gateways for your local network(s). but you don't have a gateway for everything else19:52
quickArrakis:  wat   do u wanna know19:52
flowwnit-wit,  ive never done that before i dont know19:52
rhenani_quick: almost done to start with ubuntu19:52
systemonkeypstewart: thank you so much sir19:52
SpaceBasswow? can find 1,000 RSS readers for ubuntu but can't seem to find one CLI app to generate an RSS feed19:52
systemonkeyit worked19:52
pstewartsystemonkey: cool, np :)19:52
flowwisnt there somewhere something i can just copy19:52
quickrhenani_: go ahead , start it :)19:52
nmpribeirook... and from Live CD I could reconfigure grub... I had exeperienced solutions with polymouth already with that process19:52
Jcook_5xDataArrakis, belkin most of the cheaps one do19:52
nit-witfloww, the app grub customiser will do it with a gui.19:53
flowwnit-wit,  ok ill search it19:53
nit-witfloww, need to be installed19:53
Philwongso Grub can be installed using a live cd?19:53
woodyjlwI exported my contacts as vcard from maemo 5 n900 to my ubuntu pc and evolution will only let me do one contact at a time.. is there a faster way to make evolution copy all at once?19:53
nit-witPhilwong, yes but a natty cd for natty only19:54
ichiltonRunning 10.10 and my 2nd monitor which supports 1280x1024 will only go as high as 1024x768, even after installing the Nvidia Restricted drivers - can anyone advise?19:54
yaaaranybody mind taking a look at these stack traces i'm getting? http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ ...i get the feeling (based on the lines like "Pid: 231, comm: jbd2/sda1-8" and "Pid: 995, comm: scache" which seem to point to different PIDs and programs) that it's a hardware issue...is that right?19:54
Arrakisquick - Hi all, does anybody know a wireless USB dongle that works out of the box on ubuntu?19:55
nit-witPhilwong, do you need a link on how to install grub2 from a live cd19:55
ichiltonArrakis: I just have a cheap one from ebay and it just works...19:55
ichiltonArrakis: support is much better for hardware these days..19:55
ThinkT510!xrandr | ichilton19:55
ubottuichilton: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:55
Philwongnit-wit: the thing is I will lose grub if i reinstall xp since its on the same HD19:55
ichiltonubottu: thanks - i'll check that out19:56
ubottuichilton: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:56
awellsArrakis: it's not exactly a dongle, but I have a AWUS036NH (Ralink RT2870/3070), and it works out of the box19:56
ichiltonThinkT510: thanks19:56
rhenani_quick: Done i'll shut down the machine to start with ubuntu ... D:19:56
ThinkT510ichilton: np19:56
nit-witPhilwong, yeah and it is no big deal 2 commands will reload grub2 to the masterboot record, it no biggie19:56
quickrhenani_: ya restart it19:56
quiescensroasted: i don't know then, from the looks of it you would have to change quite a lot to make it do its thing while leaving files in their normal format19:56
Philwongwhat commands nit-wit ?19:57
nit-witPhilwong, you are running natty19:57
quickrhenani_: ya restart it and change the image of insert the ubuntu cd if u are usingh the optical drive19:57
nit-witand have a natty cd19:57
PhearretI have a question about Natty ...19:57
fbdystangI have a HW raid set up on the MB. Ubuntu server sees it correctly and puts it in /dev/mapper/ but I cannot share it in SAMBA. How do I?19:57
quickPhearret: wats that ?19:57
=== derp is now known as ^
Philwongnit-wit: actually I will be honest with you.. its mint that im running19:58
SpaceBassfbdystang, why can't samba share it? whats the error? Might be permissions19:58
roastedquiescens, yeah. Like I Said I posted this question to the devs. I would think if anything it would be EASIER to support raw data over compression, so maybe it's an option for them to implement?19:58
Phearrethave they resolved the issue for wireless on update yet ??19:58
Sidewinder1Philwong, I believe it's sudo update -grub19:58
ThinkT510!mint | Philwong19:58
Philwongnit-wit: but mint is based off ubuntu and there is no one in the mint room19:58
ubottuPhilwong: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:58
roastedquiescens, have you used deja dup before? you seem to be very familiar with it19:58
quiescensroasted: its not just compression19:58
nit-witPhilMather, you have grub2 correct?19:58
Philwongits the latest nit-wit '19:59
roastedquiescens, what else is it?19:59
Philwongnit-wit: version 1119:59
flowwnit-wit,  i installed how do i set it19:59
quickrhenani_: wats ur progress ?19:59
flowwi dont see which button needs to be pushed nit-wit19:59
bill_i just updated Ubuntu, the look changed lol.... My main problem is now my dual monitor isn't working.... It worked before updates and driver install.19:59
nit-witPhilwong, run this command in your mint terminal and post the output sudo grub-install -v20:00
PhearretI noted that I was able to access teh hardware and config it to up as root but software still wouldn't connect20:00
quiescensroasted: a lot of the data isn't stored as complete files but as differences against older versions of the same file, and then archived using a tar format, compressed using gzip format, and then encrypted using gpg20:00
Sidewinder1!classic > bill_20:00
ubottubill_, please see my private message20:00
fbdystangSpaceBass, samba client can see it but not access it. Here is the error on the client: Unable to mount location, Failed to mount Windows share20:00
CyrusB_1anyone know the dir where services / processes are started on startup? ubuntu 10.04. I remember there might be a few.20:00
Philwongnit-wit: I will have to get into linux for that20:00
nit-witfloww, the word button I'm not sure what you mean20:00
SpaceBassfbdystang, what do the server logs say?20:00
Philwongnit-wit: can you wait a couple minutes while I boot?20:00
flowwnit-wit,  key20:01
rhenani_quick: Ok chose to start with the iso of ubuntu. let's see, it's loading20:01
PhilwongI gotta sign in once botted20:01
flowwkeyboard key nit-wit20:01
roastedquiescens, is that to prevent the backups eating a TON of space? I was worried that 10 backups of 100mb file would = 1gb in use. Are you suggesting it wouldn't necessarily do that?20:01
fbdystangSpaceBass, where would one find those? on serverside or clientside?20:01
rhenani_quick: But it's booting automatically in windows 7??20:01
SpaceBassfbdystang, server side? likely in /var/log/samba20:01
nit-witPhilwong, here is alink for reloading grub2 that command confirms the grub type more the likely grub2..........https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD20:01
bill_Sidewinder1, Do you think that will fix my dual monitor problem?20:01
quiescensroasted: likely tar is also used for the purposes of storing metadata, such as owner/group and file permissions because it is designed to support keeping track of all that in the backup even if you back up to a filesystem (or a web location) that doesn't support file permissions20:01
Sidewinder1bill_: couldn't hurt to try...20:02
quiescensroasted: possibly, i don't know for sure how much it would take up20:02
quickrhenani_: you are usnig iso ?20:02
klevisonnit-wit: hi20:02
bill_Sidewinder1, Will try that now. Thank You.20:02
klevisongrub dont overwrite win7 boot :(20:02
nit-witfloww, so what exactly are you trying to do I'm confused20:02
Philwongthanks nit-wit20:02
multipassif i use dual monitors and have a seperate desktop on a nother monitor, it is missing stuff like a window manager and more, anyone know how to fix this? it was ok in 10.1020:02
nit-witPhilwong, no prob20:03
flowwnit-wit,  Windows 7 loads automatically , Ubuntu boots by pushing a key while booting20:03
rhenani_quick: yes I installed windows 7 with iso, and know I want to install ubuntu same way but it boot in windows 7 automatycally and the installation of ubuntu didn't appear??20:03
roastedquiescens, I'm trying to simulate a drive failure now. I have an Ubuntu machine that backed up 250mb of data to it through 1 backup and 4 incremental backups. Now I'm on a Xubuntu laptop. I want to see how well it plays.20:03
PhilwongDoes ubuntu have support for the video card ATI 4500 HD??20:03
nit-witfloww, do you have two hard drives is the a key prompt to choose the hard drive20:03
llutzrhenani_: using virtualbox?20:04
flowwnit-wit,  yes two harddrives20:04
BluesKajrhenani_, open the bios and setup the bootsequence to choose the cdrom first20:04
nit-witfloww, is one a external and if removed you can't boot ionto windows20:04
flowwnit-wit,  i dont know some guy told me that i just needed to push a key while booting20:04
flowwnit-wit,  no both intern20:04
rhenani_BluesKaj: Ok20:04
flowwnit-wit,  ill just try to boot and look if its going20:05
quickgo to the virtual machine settings n in the cdro use the iso image20:05
pdtpatrick__Question.. i just created an Ubuntu CA server. I am now trying to export the certificate for use with Active Director. Anyone done this before?20:06
rhenani_quick: ok20:06
nit-witfloww, what some random person told you about a key I have no idea. But I suspect they were talking about the key prompt at power on the computer to get to a boot from menu that looks like the bios menu to change what is read first. this other is outside of the bios20:06
rhenani_BluesKaj: Got it man you're helping me a lot20:06
roastedquiescens, hey, its asking me for an encryption password. I didn't put in an encryption password...20:06
nmpribeirollutz: error connecting to socket... a blink of an eye of info spit by my screen in a boot lol... I'll se the log20:07
quickroasted:  you have the cdrom as the 1st bootable device ?20:07
quickrhenani_:  you have the cdrom as the 1st bootable device ?20:07
quickroasted: it wan't for you :)20:07
SpaceBassfbdystang, did you find the logs?20:07
nmpribeirollutz: I cannot to anything after a system bootup... stops at plymouth with no way to go to console20:07
rhenani_quick: Yes the installation of ubuntu is starting20:08
roastedquiescens, cancel that. I unchecked encryption when I backed up, and I had checked encryption trying to restore. totally my fault :P20:08
quickrhenani_:  you got it ?20:08
rhenani_quick: Yes it start with iso20:08
BluesKajnmpribeiro, old pc or brand new ?20:08
mtveehow can i stop window maximize when dragging title bar to the top of the display?20:08
quickrhenani_: great :)20:08
fbdystangSpaceBass, yes it appears some kind of NT_STATUS_ACCESS error. So maybe it's permissions somewhere?20:08
rhenani_quick: but now my question is20:08
quickrhenani_: go on20:08
ActionParsnipnmpribeiro: when Plymouth loads, press ESC to see the boot messages20:08
quickrhenani_: go on  ask the question20:09
pryordaQuick question guide for going from 32bit server to 64bit srever without reinstall20:09
SpaceBassfbdystang, sounds like perms or user auth problems20:09
rhenani_quick: Ubuntu will be install in the partition where i don't have anything right??20:09
nmpribeiroBlueskaj: some four years.. but was working fine20:09
SpaceBassfbdystang, what kind of user authentication are you doing?20:09
quickyou can specify it manually20:09
fbdystangSpaceBass, I am trying to do none. I want it open to the whole network20:09
rhenani_quick: OKz20:09
BluesKajnmpribeiro,which  graphics card?20:09
ActionParsnipMtvee: its the snap feature in ccsm. Its to mimic the Wi20:09
rhenani_quick: Let's see it's loading20:10
jemandapparently its not working20:10
ThinkT510pryorda: without reinstalling?20:10
quickans the qustions first :)20:10
mtveeActionParsnip: ary, ccsm?20:10
mtveeActionParsnip: er, ccsm?20:10
vtqajtxGET PAID TO INSTALL & BURN UBUNTU! http://unvalidatedinput.com/ GET PAID TO INSTALL UBUNTU!20:10
ActionParsnipMtvee: *win7 feature20:10
vtqajtxGET PAID TO INSTALL & BURN UBUNTU! http://unvalidatedinput.com/ GET PAID TO INSTALL UBUNTU!20:10
mcl0vinhello everyone, i need assistance with ubuntu 10.4 and hp mini20:10
vtqajtxGET PAID TO INSTALL & BURN UBUNTU! http://unvalidatedinput.com/ GET PAID TO INSTALL UBUNTU!20:10
FloodBot1vtqajtx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
jemandwouldnt it be nice20:10
nmpribeiroBlueskaj: Nvidia... was working also fine (I think it's the ubuntu restricted drivers to be more secured)20:10
mtveeActionParsnip: not much a feature when it makes me want to punch the wall ;)20:11
rhenani_I chose the leanguage now what i press? forward or back??20:11
rhenani_quick: forwafrd or quit?20:11
quickrhenani_: forward20:11
ActionParsnipMtvee: install compizconfig-settings-manager then run ccsm as you would any other command20:11
rhenani_quick:  ok20:11
jemandGuys Iam desperately looking for help . I want tthat my Windows 7 loads automatically and that Ubuntu loads by pushing 1 key there was a guy here who told me about this but he suddenly left20:11
mtveeActionParsnip: thanks, much appreciated!20:12
rhenani_quick: now there two option to market 1) download updated while installing, install this third-party software20:12
BluesKajnmpribeiro, did you install the recommnded driver in admin/additional drivers , if not reboot , hold the shift key down and choose the recovery kernel , and then "repair broken packages" in the dialog , then choose the normal boot option20:12
rhenani_quick: wich one i choose?20:13
=== vorian_ is now known as ubunub
quickrhenani_: wat are the options ?20:13
quickjemand: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-885439.html chek this20:13
rhenani_1) download updated while installing, 2) install this third-party software20:14
adamismeanyone know what to search to get the ubuntu 10.10 theme, menu up top look back?20:14
adamismenot sure about this 11.04 side bar thing.20:14
quickrhenani_: wats the third party software , it says  ?20:14
yaaarcould someone please take a quick look at this /var/log/messages http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ and confirm or deny my suspicion that the lockups i've been seeing are due to a hardware issue? i'm led to believe that because the lines above each stack trace like "Pid: 231, comm: jbd2/sda1-8" vs. "Pid: 995, comm: scache" all seem to indicate different pieces of software. am i on the right track?20:14
ThinkT510pryorda: you want to go from 32bit to 64bit without reinstalling?20:15
jimmyxuHey what's the channel for oneiric?20:15
nmpribeiroBlueskaj: I am prety sure I have not mess with the graphics... thanks :]20:15
dsatheyeah wats the channel for oneric20:15
quickrhenani_: wats the third party software , it says  it'll install ?20:15
ActionParsnipJimmyxu: #ubuntu+1 possibly20:15
Picijimmyxu, dsathe: #ubuntu+120:15
jimmyxuActionParsnip Pici: thx20:16
ThinkT510jimmyxu: should be #ubuntu+1 since its the next release20:16
quickrhenani_: choose any one or none , it doesn't matters . you can install afterwards also and upadte also20:16
BluesKajnmpribeiro, then install the recommended driver when you get to the desktop after you follow the instructions above ,,, updates to your system probly caused your problem20:16
rhenani_quick: Ubuntu uses third-party to display Flash, MP3 and toher media, and to work with some wireless hardware. SOme of this software is closed-source. The software is subject to the license terms included with software's documentation20:16
ubunubI'm dual-booting Natty and Win7, can I write lots of data (mostly videos and music) to a shared NTFS directory without causing problems?20:16
llutzubunub: you can20:17
ActionParsnipubunub: sure. It'll be fine.20:17
rhenani_quick: Fluendo MP3 plugin includes Layer-3 audio decoding technology licensed from Fraunhofer llss and Thomson20:17
ThinkT510ubunub: yes, even better if its another partition20:17
ubunubwhen I was using older versions of ubuntu ntfs write support sometimes caused corruptions, this is no longer a problem?20:17
rhenani_quick: OK20:18
nmpribeiroBluesKaj: yes... I did updates... perhaps I was thinking the worng cause. How can I repair through Live CD? tried recovery but it freezes... :|20:18
quickchoose it if u want to loisten to mp320:18
bin_bashHas anyone else been having problems with skype?20:18
ActionParsnipBin_bash: its fine here20:19
yaaaryeah, i've got a problem with them...they're about to be owned by MS20:19
quickrhenani_:  where do we stand now ?20:19
quickrhenani_:  where do we stand now ? you selected ?20:19
yaaar!j linuxhelp20:19
adamismehow do I change the theme in 11.04?20:19
bin_bashActionParsnip, it freezes my system to the point where I can't do anything except hard-boot20:19
adamismeI know how to change what my boxes look like etc, but that side bar sucks20:19
adamisme<----- side bar20:19
ActionParsnipyaaar: what do you mean "about" the deal is done..20:19
adamismerather than the 'application ' system' etc at the top menu, really slim and clean.20:20
adamismewhat happened? is there a way to change it back?20:20
ActionParsnip!theme | adamisme20:20
ubottuadamisme: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:20
ThinkT510!classic | adamisme20:20
ubottuadamisme: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.20:20
BluesKajnmpribeiro, ok ctrl+alt+f1 ,sudo service gdm stop , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , if that ls succesful , sudo service gdm start , if required , startx20:20
mcl0vinubuntu folks can you help me please20:21
bin_bash!ask | mcl0vin20:21
ubottumcl0vin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:21
ActionParsnip!classic | adamisme20:21
ubottuadamisme: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.20:21
bin_bashActionParsnip, is there a way to force-close X when it freezes?20:21
jimmyxuGot no useful resp in #ubuntu+1 so... An upgrade seems to have screwed my GNOME theme. gnome-appearance-properties displays itself correctly, but none of the other prgms do. Not using Unity. Any hint on this? thx20:21
adamismethanks SO much guys, if I knew what to key word search I'd of done my hw sorry for the noob stuff. :\20:21
nmpribeiroBlueskaj: I cannot get to my ubuntu desktop installation, I only can boot my live CD... so I must perform everything through it20:21
mcl0vinrunning 10.4 in HP mini and the screen show halfwway and i am missing data20:21
llutzbin_bash: alt-sysrq-k20:21
bin_bashllutz, don't have a sysrg button20:21
kkb110a program is executed whenever I plugin my usb drive, what should I check first to turn off?20:22
BluesKajnmpribeiro, yes , open a terminal ,and do the above20:22
rhenani_quick: I did install agnolise with windows 720:22
rhenani_quick: that i can choose when ever the computer starts up20:22
mcl0vinwhen i try to move it i can't move it to the top, but i can move the screen to buttom20:22
rhenani_quick: was that ok?20:22
escottllutz, its often the printscreen button20:22
carnage1can i get unity for windows?20:22
yaaarActionParsnip: it was my understanding that they had announced the deal and both boards signed off, but that regulators still had to allow it and that the deal was not therefore done. see here: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/VOIP-and-Telephony/Skype-Acquisition-Antitrust-Finale-Windows-Phone-News-Marked-Microsoft-Week-262817/ where it says "Should regulators sign off on the acquisition, Skype will...20:22
yaaar...become a business division within Microsoft, headed by current CEO Tony Bates."20:22
FloodBot1yaaar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
escottbin_bash, its often the print-screen button20:22
ActionParsnipBin_bash: in keyboard prefs, re-enable CTRL+ALT+BackSpace. Try that20:22
bin_bashescott, don't have a print-screen button20:23
yaaarsorry FloodBot120:23
rhenani_quick: now is copying files20:23
mcl0vinis this a bug or what?20:23
llutzbin_bash: you lost :)20:23
bin_bashllutz, Excuse me?20:23
mongyin 10.10 my dvd+-rw drive worked fine, burnt and read disks fine.  in 11.04 it sees empty discs, writes to them but when I insert them back in, nothing comes up.20:24
fbdystangSpaceBass, It looks like all I have is a link to a block device (or pdc). Do I have to mount it to share it? After I mount it it shows up in /media. Can I just map a /dev/ folder to be shared on samba?20:24
rhenani_quick: copying files now20:24
llutzbin_bash: you don't have essential keys so you're lost.20:24
bin_bashIt's a 13" laptop. I don't have room for all those keys, llutz . Don't be a douchebag.20:25
erealzhey everyone20:25
eman99Hello, I have a file associations question. I want to open .maff (archived web page) to open with firefox. Ubuntu opens it with zip because ubuntu figures out that it is rally a zipped file, it does not pay attention to the maff extension. I am able to change the default program in the settings to open up this file by default with firefox but this changes the default program to firefox for ALL zip files, not just maff. How do I a20:25
eman99ssociate just maaf files with firefox20:25
llutzbin_bash: that was a (lame) joke, sry20:25
erealzok i just installed 11.04 and i gotta say i cant find anything20:25
carnage1remember in madriva when you could copy and paste textures onto the bottom panel?20:25
escotterealz, alt-f220:25
yaaaranybody wanna check out some stack traces for me? here's /var/log/messages: http://pastebin.com/tw9PxbfZ ...my suspicion is a hardware problem, but any confirmation or denial of that would be most appreciated20:26
quickrhenani_: ok20:26
erealzhow do i bring up preferences  menue like 10.1020:26
erealzaccording to the software store it installed but i cant get to it?20:27
xivenI'm trying to update nginx, but I'm getting an error that nginx-full needs nginx-common, however nginx-common tries to over-write a file and fails.20:27
nmpribeiroBluesKaj: nevermind... I will do a reinstall... I have problems with sudo: permission denied and my sudoers file is with the right permissions20:27
eman99erealz area you having trouble with the new Ubuntu UI?20:27
erealzthis new interface make me feel like a noob. anyone else likeing unity20:27
bin_bashunity is shit. I switched to xfce20:27
erealzyes oh god yes20:27
eman99yea, i cant figure it out20:27
carnage1dot net framework and directx take to long to download20:28
IdleOne!language | bin_bash20:28
ubottubin_bash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:28
erealzdud i cant find anything20:28
eman99i gave up and switched back to gnome20:28
escotterealz, alt-f2 type preferences. if you find you dont like it try !classic20:28
BluesKajnmpribeiro, in the terminal df -h , then we'll mount the hard drive20:28
escotterealz, or you can click on the ubuntu icon gives a slightly different set of options20:28
bannikhey quick help, how would I block internet connection to certain software (before I could use windows firewall) how would I do that with ubuntu preferably with a GUI for ease of use20:29
pryordaThinkT510: yes20:29
erealzbut not everything?!20:29
obengdakowell i'm in classic because the dual monitor mode in unity sucks and i don't have time to tinker with it20:29
erealzfor instance20:29
Picierealz: This is a supoort channel, please stop.20:30
ThinkT510pryorda: i don't think you can. can't you just install 64 fresh?20:30
erealzwhere the support channel20:30
pryordaI could but I dont want to have to reconfigure everything20:30
pryordathere has got to be a way to do it20:30
BluesKajnmpribeiro, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdxx or whatever the / is listed as.20:30
rhenani_quick: welcome to ubuntu 11.4, Ithink this is the last fase20:30
erealzOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! | Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient20:30
rhenani_quick: i chose the keybord the location..20:30
mongyin 10.10 my dvd+-rw drive worked fine, burnt and read disks fine.  in 11.04 it sees empty discs, writes to them but when I insert them back in, nothing comes up.20:30
erealzsays it the official support channel20:30
erealzwhy are you being a jerk?20:31
erealzim asking questions20:31
Picierealz: That doesn't mean that its a place to rant about Unity.20:31
nmpribeiroBluesKaj: booting to Live Cd...20:31
erealzwere do i find compiz configure menue?20:31
BluesKajnmpribeiro, ok nm20:31
ThinkT510pryorda: everything would have to be recompiled to be 64bit, you may as well reinstall from scratch (just back up your settings)20:31
erealzhow do i get to it?20:31
pryordaThinkT510 I would rather recompile world then figure out all my settings again :p20:32
obengdakoPici, sorry if i was ranting but i love ubuntu and unity and love the fact that i have to fix stuff which is in my nature lol20:32
pryordaeven if i backed up var,etc,home it would still be a pita20:32
erealzwere do i find compiz configure menue?20:32
bannikhey quick help, how would I block internet connection to certain software (before I could use windows firewall) how would I do that with ubuntu preferably with a GUI for ease of use20:32
keks-nGuys, I have some problems with ppa20:32
erealzwhere do i change my computer name  for my network?20:33
BluesKajbannik, what software?20:33
ThinkT510pryorda: tried asking in #ubuntu-server?20:33
pryordanot yeah20:33
pryordanot yet20:33
keks-ndput says "Successfully uploaded packages.", but I cann't see my package in the build queue or in my ppa20:33
llutzbannik: you cannot, you may want to read about l7-filtering or easier, about iptables and how it can be used for your things20:33
erealzright now it set to my login name and some random numbers20:33
bannikits a game it keeps trying to connect online and it crashes but when I stop my internet it works fine20:33
metap0dunityWM should've been a fork :P20:33
erealzanyone know how to find admin menue on this 11.04?20:34
flykohi need help with grub20:34
nmpribeiroBluesKaj: I'll have to do things through Live cD. but not today. My time is up. Thank you for all :]20:34
quickrhenani_: ok20:34
nmpribeirollutz: thanks anyway :]20:34
obengdakoerealz, what admin menu there are a lot be specific20:34
flykoi did a dist upgrade20:34
flykoand now it stucks at grub screen20:34
BluesKajnmpribeiro, you could have installed the driver if you mounted the hdd20:34
liuchongwhy i cannot record any sound?20:34
BluesKajbannik, there are options in the game to not connect I'm sure ...just go in and look for them20:35
liuchongI can listen to the music,but cannot record any sound20:35
erealzok well right now in the shell my computer name is my login during the install i try changeing it and it wouldnt let me write my own (bug) so i had to go with whatever the install chose for me...so now its installed how can i manuelly change it>?20:35
rhenani_quick: installtion complete, i'm reasrtarting the computer20:36
rhenani_quick: restarting*20:36
quickrhenani_: ok20:36
guntbert!hostname | erealz (if that is what you want)20:36
ubottuerealz (if that is what you want): Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:36
masterxcAnyone know what edition of ubuntu would be ideal for low RAM (256mb) systems? I have an old laptop running Windows XP...but yeah, it's slow.20:36
campeeubuntu 11.04's new iphone support is preventing vmware workstation from being able to connect to my iphone. how can i disable the iphone driver in ubuntu?20:36
nmpribeiroBluesKaj: i know how to mount the hdd... but when I issue sudo, i have some problem with permissions... nevermind and thanks :]20:37
BluesKajnmpribeiro, ok , good luck20:37
erealzyea i have to say there was a gui b4 to do that.....where is it?20:37
th0rmasterxc: you might want to consider something like DSL or PuppyLinux20:38
ThinkT510masterxc: lubuntu20:38
quickrhenani_: it's done ?20:38
erealzyes i know i could do it in the shell but i like to know how to find everything that installed on my system this is very frustrating20:38
guntberterealz: no gui as long as I remember - just follow the instructions above20:38
erealzok how about compiz where the config menue20:39
erealzi know for a fact that had a gui?!20:39
erealzwhere is it?20:39
c0mrade316How to install IDLE 3.2 in ubuntu 10.1020:39
mrkrisWhat's the preferred method in Ubuntu to change your desktop to something other than gnome?20:39
guntberterealz: I was talking about "hostname" - just realized you have two quiestions running20:39
quickerealz: use ccsm in terminal20:39
quickrhenani_: it's done ?20:40
=== david is now known as Guest85472
erealzok that not installed20:40
c0mrade316How to install IDLE 3.2 in ubuntu 10.1020:40
rhenani_quick: Yeah =)20:41
rhenani_quick: when i boot i can choose20:41
llutzmrkris: install whatever DE/WM you want, pick it in session-list when logging in (gdm)20:41
rhenani_quick: where you were saying that i can see the partitions in windows 720:42
rhenani_quick: i'm in windows 7 right now and i want to see how are my partitions??20:42
masterxcrhenani_: Computer management20:42
mrkrisllutz: I installed evilwm, but when I log out and log back in it's not in the list. Do I need to restart X?20:43
nicofsis there a package to install ubuntu without unity(-layout) - just the classic ubuntu interface? (like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-classic)20:43
masterxcwhich you access from the control panel -> administrative tools20:43
ThinkT510rhenani_: windows can't read linux partitions20:43
rhenani_masterxc: where??20:43
renschieHello, is it possible that Ubuntu could disable my netbook's fans?!?!20:43
bin_bashrenschie, it's possible that it doesn't recognize them20:43
masterxcBut Windows doesn't know about ext* partitions so they'll just be unknown20:43
erealzoh shit i found where all setting stuff in this thing  you have to type " system settings"20:43
bin_basherealz, give up on unity. it's shit-tier ui.20:44
llutzmrkris: you shouldn't, it should be shown in the list.... no idea20:44
prashant_123456rhenani_, u can access linux partitions20:44
IdleOnebin_bash: stop the cursing20:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:44
renschiebin_bash, my netbook is getting very hot, how do I check its tempreture?20:44
prashant_123456rhenani_, from windows20:44
IdleOneerealz: please keep the language clean20:44
UhriventisMy max resolution I can get is 1024x600 is there a safe way to get higher res?20:44
renschiebin_bash, Im worried that I might lose my netbook :(20:44
multipassif i use dual monitors and have a seperate desktop on another monitor, it is missing stuff like a window manager and i cant type anywhere in inputs, among other problems, anyone know how to fix this? it was ok in 10.1020:44
erealzi hope they drop this unity things it just no good20:44
bin_bashrenschie, I'm not 100% sure on the command for that. sorry20:44
prashant_123456ThinkT510, we can access linux partitions from windows20:45
erealzi do like the dock20:45
bin_basherealz, lolno they won't. Some people like it. erealz go to xfce20:45
ThinkT510prashant_123456: it's not supported, if you are reffering to the ext2 driver?20:45
erealzeww bin_bash is so blahhh20:45
erealzso simple20:45
xivenAnyone ran into nginx-full nginx-common dependency issue?20:45
prashant_123456ThinkT510, you have to install Explore2fs20:46
rhenani_prashant_123456: whereeeeeee?20:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:46
erealzalthough i live by that but it looks like gnome did 15 years ago20:46
prashant_123456ThinkT510, Explore2fs in windows20:46
prashant_123456rhenani_, just install the software Explore2fs in windows20:46
prashant_123456rhenani_, and you can access linux partitions20:46
Galvatronerealz: You have classical GNOME ("Ubuntu classic") if you don't like Unity20:47
obengdakoprashant_123456, really would that cause any issues with the ext4 partition?20:47
rhenani_prashant_123456: Okz thanks20:47
blackmoon-105my bluetooth device is recognized only if I reboot from windows 7. i'm under nattycan yuo help me?20:47
prashant_123456obengdako, its just to access ext3 and ext4 partitions20:47
erealzGalvatron how do i boot into that desktop?20:48
ThinkT510prashant_123456: it doesn't look like its actively maintained20:48
erealzis it installed by defoult20:48
prashant_123456ThinkT510, just install it and see what happens20:48
mama21mamaopen /dev/null failed: No such file or directory20:48
mama21mamaubuntu server 10.0420:48
obengdakoprashant_123456, readonly?20:48
mama21mama"not find a way"20:48
Galvatronerealz: Simply logout and choose a proper session.;)20:48
ThinkT510prashant_123456: no thanks20:48
prashant_123456obengdako, you can write also20:48
prashant_123456ThinkT510, ok20:48
Pici!classic | erealz20:48
quickrhenani_: you there ?20:48
ubottuerealz: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.20:49
erealzoh ok ahhhhh20:49
rhenani_quick: yes20:49
obengdakoprashant_123456, doesn't seem to support ext420:49
erealzi cant customize  anything ether on this unity thing20:50
prashant_123456obengdako, just look at screenshots20:50
rhenani_quick: but now when i log in ubuntu20:50
quickrhenani_:  you can see the partition in computer management in win 7 . right click on my computer _-> select manage ---> you' get an optin in storage for disk management20:50
obengdakoprashant_123456, yeah i did documentation doesn't talk about ext420:50
erealzdock i cant move icon where i want and no applets on the top menue what?120:50
rhenani_quick: it gives this error:20:50
mcl0vinanyone here usign HP mini20:50
rhenani_quick: ok20:51
quickrhenani_:  wat error ?20:51
TheOriginalDudeis there any standard online reference apart from 'man' to say "dlopen" ?20:51
prashant_123456obengdako, http://imagebin.org/15374720:51
volveringHello, my ubuntu start very slow lately and i dont know why.. it take almost 2 min to boot up20:51
renschieAre netbooks supposed to get uber hot on a bed?20:51
phasegenI'm having problems with the package manager it keeps showing an error and shutting down20:51
rhenani_quick:  it seems that you don't have the hardware required to run Unity. Please choose UBuntu classic at the login screen and will be using the traditional environment20:51
Galvatronerealz: You have dozens of Unity customization guides in Google: http://www.google.pl/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=Ubuntu+11.04+unity+customization&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest20:52
quickrenschie: wats ur question ?20:52
prashant_123456obengdako, Newest version of Ext2Read open source software can read normal Ext4 filesystems from Windows, even with ‘extents’ feature bit enabled! Please share your experience with this software in the comments.20:52
obengdakoprashant_123456, that is and old win interface but like i said no ext4 support20:52
prashant_123456obengdako, Newest version of Ext2Read open source software can read normal Ext4 filesystems from Windows, even with ‘extents’ feature bit enabled! Please share your experience with this software in the comments.20:52
mcl0vinanyone here usign HP mini20:52
quickrhenani_:  while login select the ubuntu classic option20:52
obengdakoreally ext2read20:52
rhenani_quick: ok20:52
renschiequick, my sensors command temp does not change, it just hangs at 40 degrees20:52
kurohyouhi, can somebody help me with my samba config, i don't seem to get it working, everything is mounted, i've made a user for samba but when i write to the share it says i don't have permission , -http://pastebin.com/Qw1wBz1i20:53
quickrenschie: you are using the system on bed ?20:53
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volveringany idea?20:53
mcl0vinwhy ubuntu suck in notebooks20:53
renschiequick, yea20:53
prashant_123456obengdako, ??20:53
obengdakoprashant_123456, i'm downloading to try out on a win machine20:54
prashant_123456obengdako, its great20:54
quickrenschie: put it on a hard surface and use it if u use it on bed u prevent the vents from air flow and hence cooling .20:54
mcl0vin!hp mini20:54
quickrhenani_:  is it done ?20:54
phasegenCan anyone help with the package manager?20:55
quickrhenani_:  is it done ? can u see the drives ?20:55
renschiequick, thank you, ill put on a hard file20:55
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quickrenschie: ok20:55
quickrenschie: welcome20:55
rhenani_quick: Yeah let me try using ubuntu in clasic mode20:56
adam61ThinkT510: hi, sorry that took so long.. so far so good, but now i'm trying to initialize the Tascam US-122. i'm using this proven method: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122 , but i never remember to write down the fix for step #3, and i can't seem to find or remember what it is20:56
quickrhenani_: try it ?20:56
quickrhenani_: try it20:56
Ian_W: Failed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/julia-getdeb/games/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found  E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.     anyone know why?20:57
mcl0vina simple question folks: why in my HP mini 110-1025dx, my applications show as half screen20:58
quickIan_: may be the file isn't in the repo20:58
ThinkT510adam61: it seems to have windows and macosx downloads but i'm looking for a linux driver20:59
quickrhenani_:  is it done ?20:59
rhenani_quick: yes aniway i'll keep you in touch thanks20:59
Ian_Any idea of the fix quick?20:59
Ian_quick: any idea of fix?20:59
phasegenMy package manager  keeps giving this error -  E: Encountered a section with no Package: header - E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_partner_binary-amd64_Packages - E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.21:00
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:00
adam61ThinkT510: what about this, i've never tried it but it looks good (although i'm a rookie): http://www.linux-archive.org/ubuntu-studio-user/268197-help-tascam-us-122-a.html ..i guess i should try that eh?21:00
quickIan_:  you can download that package manually and install it21:01
quickrhenani_: u are welcome21:01
Ian_quick: how?21:01
quickrhenani_: u are welcome . if u are donw i am gonna logout  :)21:01
quickIan_:  wat are u trying to install ?21:02
ThinkT510adam61: sorry, not sure21:03
sammyis there a way to clear all pending popup notifications from appearing? an application was recently flooded with notifications, and its slowly making them all appear one by one. Id rather not have to log out/back in21:03
adam61that's ok, i'll give it a shot21:03
quickIan_:  download it from here http://www.playdeb.net/software/Hedgewars21:04
Ian_I have tried quick but it is still failing21:04
thiagoalessioHi people, somebody could tell me if libxml2 and libxslt works different on ubuntu (and debian derivates), comparing with other *nix environments, such as FreeBSD and MacOSX ?21:05
zeuphAnyone having problem with Nvidia drivers on ubuntu? I'm using the one from "Additional drivers" and my ubuntu just randomly freezes21:05
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quickwats the error ?21:05
zeuphhave had this for a long time now, just today i formated the whole harddrive to be sure21:05
quickIan_: wats the error ?21:05
sammyalso, does anyone know anything about backported wireless kernel modules in natty vs maverick? I was using a wireless driver in maverick, updated to natty and started having issues. I looked and looked and can't find the compat-wireless kernel modules anywhere in natty. the wireless backport kernel module package from maverick was deleted in natty21:05
Ian_quick: Failed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/julia-getdeb/games/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:06
sammythiagoalessio: if they're the same versions I assume they'd work the same?21:06
bas_tardhello all21:07
zeuphWhere can i check what graphic card im using in ubuntu?21:07
sammythiagoalessio: you might find differences in how they work on different operating systems on the home pages of each project, if the libxslt is even built from the same source code. usually developers try not to duplicate project names from different operating systems21:07
quickIan_: try this link download the package and compile it and run it21:08
bas_tardi installed linux on my hdd ... and i have an existing win7 on my ssd .. now grub doesnt see my win7 .. can somebody help me ?21:08
quickIan_: try this link download the package and compile it and run it http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Hedgewars-Download-28062.html21:08
dsathezeuph : lspci -v21:08
thiagoalessiosammy: yeah, both running libxml2 2.7.3 and xlibxslt 1.1.24 ... i'm asking it here because my production server is an ubuntu ... and the same code runs in bsd but not under ubuntu21:08
Ian_quick: sorry I am new to linux, How would I compile and run?21:08
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zeuphdsathe: thanks21:09
dsathethiagoalessio: ubuntu has this method of packing if you would call it runtime and dev files seperately21:09
dsatheunlike some dists like arch/fedora21:09
quickIan_:  first download the pckage i'll tell u in 2 mins , i'll have to download the package  to tell u21:09
Ian_quick: thanks I have downloaded the package21:09
dsatheif you want to compile say a file that has abc as a depend the in ubuibtu u may hav a package abc_dev21:10
dsathethe dev files are kept seperate in most cases21:10
sammythiagoalessio: hmm. id check the home pages for those projects. maybe they mention differences when built on different operatign systems21:10
thiagoalessiosammy: thanks, i'll check this21:11
quickIan_:  just a min21:11
dsathesammy: they dont generally do that , naming is almost always similar the inclusion or exclusion dev pkgs is where differences arise21:11
nicofsis there a package to install ubuntu without unity(-layout) - just the classic ubuntu interface? (something like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-classic)21:11
dub54Could anything stop a port being accessible? I had port 21 opened and FTP was working fine, but I messed up a conf setting, I completely removed vsftpd and reinstalled, but now port 21 is refusing connections?21:12
ssureshotI'm looking for a likewise open irc channel anyone aware of one?21:12
dsathenicofs: log out log back into classic desktop;)21:12
ThinkT510!classic | nicofs21:12
ubottunicofs: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:12
nicofsdsathe, i don't have it installed - i need to create a filesystem with rootstock21:12
obengdakonicofs, or rather a command to run that removes the default unity21:12
sammydsathe: I'm sorry, youre trying to help but I don't understand. they generally don't do what? I assumed that maybe the modules that were in the backport package from maverick were worked into natty, so the backport package would no longer be necessary. or are you talking about libxslt?21:13
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celthunderdub54: hosts.allow/hosts.deny/iptables21:13
quickIan_: read the install file in the packae . if dnt understand ask me21:13
celthunderdub54: does netstat -ln show port 25 as being listened on?21:14
celthunderdub54: er 21 sorry21:14
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Ian_quick: Ok, 2 seconds21:14
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quickIan_: ok21:14
dsathesammy: you wont find dist specific packaging info on the dev page of the particular package, that is generally not the dev's problem , maintainers do that21:14
dsathesometimes they do both , then its a different issue21:14
dub54celthunder: nope21:14
celthunderdub54: then it's not listening on port 21...so of course it's not going to connect21:15
celthunderdub54: is it running (check ps)21:15
zavewhat command do i use to stop lftp from trying to reconnect?21:15
sammydsathe: oh I see. true. but if their code acts differently on different operating systems thats where it might mention it. id be surprised if code built against the ubuntu package of a particular library would act differently when built against the freebsd version of the same library.21:15
Zarrku_I have a question21:16
celthunderZarrku_: the answer is blue21:16
dsathesammy: true21:16
Zarrku_I am having a problem with the dbus21:16
dub54celthunder: hmm, not sure, can't see vsftpd there, I can't seem to restart it either21:16
Zarrku_I have the distro version of the dbus to fix the issue, but im unsure how to install it21:16
celthunderdub54: check the log files for errors?21:16
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Ian_quick: wow this makes no sense too me lol21:17
gary_inNYChi, does anyone else have issues moving bookmarks when "Ubufox" is enabled?21:17
celthunderZarrku_: dpkg -i <deb file> if it's in a .deb if its the source code generall tar xzf <.tar.gz> ./configure make make install it works21:17
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quickIan_: open the terminal21:18
gary_inNYCi can't move bookmarks around until i disable ubuntu firefox modifications21:18
quickIan_: open the terminal  . tell me wen u are done  .21:18
Ian_quick: its open21:18
mongyin 10.10 my dvd+-rw drive worked fine, burnt and read disks fine.  in 11.04 it sees empty discs, writes to them but when I insert them back in, nothing comes up.21:18
Coty91Anyone know how to make the window borders in natty transparent? I've tried gconf-editor and changed the gdw settings but nothing changed.21:19
celthundermongy does it mount them ?21:19
mongycelthunder, nothing.  absolutely nothing happens21:19
quicknow do you have all the dependencies installed ?21:19
quickIan_: now do you have all the dependencies installed ?21:19
mongycelthunder, not even anything in dmesg.  my media keys don eject it either, I have to use eject from shell21:20
Ian_quick: is that all the things at the top?21:20
GalvatronCoty91: You may try compiling Emerald from git21:20
multipassDid 11.04 break multi display multi-desktop?? my desktop on my second monitor is almost non functional?21:20
Zarrku_that is what I am trying to install21:20
Coty91Galvatron: So I have to use Emerald in order to make my window borders transparent?21:21
quickIan_: ya all that . i guess you dnt have all of them installed21:21
celthundermongy: mkdir /media/a mount -t iso9660 /dev/<cdromdevice> /media/cdrom also do you have consolekit running with your X session and permissions within it to mount/eject21:21
Ian_quick: I just installed cmake21:21
linuxnessmultipass: are you using opensource video21:21
sysdocmultipass, Dual monitor support working here with NV drivers21:21
celthundermongy: is udisks seeing the cd?21:21
Zarrku_although, I am not sure I can install that in ubtuntu 10.1021:21
quickIan_:  what about the rest of them ?21:21
mongycelthunder, I just tried my win7 dvd, it mounts..  just not my burned dvd21:22
celthunderZarrku_: did it display an error with what i gave you?21:22
gary_inNYCconfirmed: ubuntu firefox modifications kills bookmark drag and drop21:22
Ian_quick: I tried to install Qt but said no such thing lol21:22
multipassati video drivers21:22
ThinkT510!find qt | Ian_21:22
ubottuIan_: Found: appmenu-qt, ibus-qt4, libavahi-qt3-1, libavahi-qt3-dev, libavahi-qt4-1, libavahi-qt4-dev, libdbusmenu-qt-dev, libdbusmenu-qt-doc, libdbusmenu-qt2, libibus-qt-dev (and 342 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all21:22
multipasssysdoc: do each of your monitors have seperate desktops?21:23
linuxnessmultipass: same here they dont seem to be working too well with the new xorg21:23
IR7738·.¸¸.·´¯`> hahaha21:23
quickIan_: you'll get qt in ubuntu software center21:23
multipasslinuxness: yeah, i tried kubuntu and ubuntu 11.04 both seem to have been broken this release21:23
Zarrku_Do this command on the tar.gz file ___> ./configure make make install it works21:23
hoskhello, i have tried for most of the day to get oidentd to work but to no avail, i consistently get failed lookups, ERROR: no-user. This apparently means "The connection specified by the port pair is not currently in use or currently not owned by an identifiable entity." How do I make the port pair owned by an identifiable entity? do i have to run irssi as a different user or oidentd as a different user?21:23
linuxnessmultipass: i dont think its 11.04 i think it the drivers21:23
sysdocmultipass, 1 desktop across the 2 monitors21:23
Coty91so, does anyone know how I can make my window borders transparent?21:23
astoryI'm trying to use usb-creator-gtk to make a debian install usb, but I get a pop-up at the end "An uncaught exception was raised:  Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'"  Any idea of how to fix this?21:24
quickZarrku_: no you'll have to first extract it i guess21:24
multipasssysdoc: i think that works fine, but having 1 desktop on each monitor is not working since upgrading from 10.1021:24
Ian_quick: just installing them 2 mins21:24
astoryCoty91: try digging around in compiz-config21:24
celthunderZarrku_: if that's what you dl'd yes21:24
RealKillazDo anyone know why in the landscape I see two times the System information?21:24
llutz!checkinstall | Zarrku_ you don't want to use "make install"21:24
ubottuZarrku_ you don't want to use "make install": checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:24
sysdocmultipass, are you running Unity or gnome2?21:24
RealKillazAnd if I would like to edit the landscape in which conf file can I do this?21:24
multipasssysdoc: gnome2, but i also tried kubuntu 11.04(KDE)21:25
gary_inNYCCoty91, you're probably looking for desktop themes (either for gnome desktop or metacity)21:25
multipasssysdoc: basically the desktop on the second monitor is missing a lot of core funcitonality21:25
gebbionehi all, what is the best place to install applications manually from instance from tarball files?21:25
linuxnessmultipass: like i said i think the ati drivers are busted mine barley work on a single desktop21:26
sysdocmultipass, try this just for fun... Look in System>Admin>Additional Drivers... Does it say installed driver but not in use?21:26
Coty91gary_inNYC: So the theme has to be built to be transparent?21:26
mongycelthunder,  I get ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format.  when trying to mount manually21:26
gary_inNYCCoty91: check out gnome-look.org21:26
multipasssysdoc: yeah on my ubuntu partition thats what it said, but not on this box21:27
multipasssysdoc: everyhting was very choppy too21:27
linuxnesscoty91: if you want transparent borders you could try emerald21:27
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multipasssysdoc: i guess rolling back is the only solution atm?21:28
celthundermongy: what format did you burn the iso with? the one i listed earlier is pretty much the standard as far as i know21:28
Zarrku_do you think it will be okay install this on my ubuntu 10.1021:28
sysdocmultipass, No hang on21:28
mongycelthunder, drag and dropped 2 avi files to an empty new dvd+rw and clicked write21:28
=== Radios is now known as ExtratctBeliefs
gebbionehi all, what is the best place to install applications manually for instance from tarball files?21:29
mongycelthunder, same as I have done 100 times before in 10.1021:29
quickgebbione: create a folder extract it in and install it21:29
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linuxnessgebbione: do you mean place or application21:30
gebbionequick: ok but where would you normally have your applications folder in linux?21:30
gebbionei mean /some/commonappfolder/myapplication21:30
linuxnessgebbione: /usr/bin21:30
iEatChildrenon the lastest ubuntu how do i add software sources? i am trying to install ssh and it keeps asking for the CD21:31
sysdocmultipass, can I pm you?? I have some solutions that may help you some21:31
ThinkT510gebbione: you new to linux? tried looking for what you want to install in the software centre?21:31
multipassyeah sysdoc21:31
gebbionewould you put there also things like the android sdk for instance?21:31
gebbioneThinkT510: it is not there21:31
Daraelgebbione: For applications you've installed yourself, you would ususally put in in /opt.  That's what FHS says, anyway, which is the standard.21:31
gebbionethe android sdk is just a manual thing21:31
gebbioneDarael: thanks i think that is what i was after21:32
ThinkT510!compile | gebbione21:32
ubottugebbione: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:32
gebbioneubottu: this is not one that needs to be compiled21:32
IdleOneiEatChildren: open Synaptic package manager and click on Settings > Repositories, disable the CD21:32
gebbioneelse i would have put it in /usr/local/src and autorun21:32
celthundermongy: what does udisks return when you insert the cd?21:32
mongycelthunder, how do I see that21:33
quickgebbione: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61423521:33
theviirusum....I have a question concerning firewire.  Who should I talk to?21:34
celthundermongy: eject it go to a terminal and udisks --monitor-detail21:34
celthundermongy: then reinsert cd should get some output21:34
quickgebbione: is it just a package it'll run when u click the executeable file ? then u can place it anywhere21:34
Darael!ask | theviirus - if it's Ubuntu-related then21:34
ubottutheviirus - if it's Ubuntu-related then: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
ccvvcchow can i mount a directory as a virtual drive21:34
iEatChildrenthank you IdleOne21:34
mongycelthunder, lots of.  I'll pastebin it.21:35
celthunderccvvcc: ? mount -o bind <location> <newlocation> >21:35
gebbionequick: it is the android sdk in this case21:35
IdleOneiEatChildren: sure thing21:35
celthunderccvvcc: or not what you meant21:35
ccvvccnot sure21:35
Daraelccvvcc: Not quite sure exactly what you mean, but you could try what celthunder said, or if you're talking about Wine you can configure that in the "Configure Wine" tool, or...21:35
quickgebbione: do u have to compile it  ?21:35
mongycelthunder, http://pastebin.com/diUctPDA21:35
Daraelccvvcc: How about a little context?  It might help us understand what you need to know.21:35
gebbionejust put it somewhere and then reference it from eclipse21:36
ccvvccIm try to install syslinux on virtual drive21:36
ccvvccor a directory and then mount it21:36
quickif u are talking about eclipse then place it anywhere and u can click on the executables to use it21:36
quickgebbione: if u are talking about eclipse then place it anywhere and u can click on the executables to use it21:36
guntbert!u | quick21:37
ubottuquick: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:37
celthunderccvvcc: in a chroot?21:37
theviirusI am using lubuntu and cannot figure out how to get the firewire pci card to work.  It seems to recognize the card in terminal through.  Not using it for an audio interface or even a camera; just want it to be able to see a firewire drive.21:38
david11111i installed the Ubuntu21:38
quickgebbione: then you can place it anywhere and use it21:38
david11111and idk why it wont show the Unity21:38
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quickhow do i register a nick ?21:39
meoblast001hi.. i'm having trouble adding user "braden" to group "developers"21:39
hammasshi guys, please tell me  what music player should i use? Banshee or Clementine.21:39
celthundermongy: looks like it wrote to the drive21:39
hummerDoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu10.10 to detect my webcam (logitech c270h)21:39
ThinkT510!register | quick21:39
ubottuquick: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:39
celthundermongy: cause it says it has 1 session that's closed21:39
david11111what i must do for Unity?21:39
meoblast001i do 'sudo useradd -G developers braden', and get 'useradd: user 'braden' already exists'21:39
alejoin #backtrack-linux21:39
mongycelthunder, I can see it did...21:39
llutzmeoblast001: sudo adduser braden developers21:40
newubuntisthi every body21:40
mongycelthunder, physically, I mean.21:40
quickhammass:  i'll prefer rhythombox21:40
meoblast001llutz: everything else says i should do it in the otehr roder21:40
meoblast001other order*21:40
llutzmeoblast001: or: sudo usermod -aG developers braden21:40
celthundermongy: ok how many /dev/sr# devices do you have?21:40
hammassquick tell me why do your prefer RB?21:40
mongycelthunder, 121:41
llutzmeoblast001: man adduser, man usermod        to read21:41
mongycelthunder, its a laptop with dvdrw21:41
newubuntistmy problem is that i dowloaded and unzipped a folder then i couldn't access it !!21:41
celthundermongy: ok and that's the one you tried to mount earlier vis command line?21:41
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meoblast001thanks :)21:41
ccvvcccelthunter, i dont know, i think syslinux install to mbr so i need to fake virtual drive21:41
mongycelthunder, works great in 10.04/10.1021:41
mongycelthunder, yes21:41
celthundermongy: can you try -type auto instead of -type is966021:41
Daraelnewubuntist: When you say you couldn't access it, do you mean you couldn't find it or that you got a "permission denied" error?21:41
consumerismif i am in a group "mygroup" and a file has has owner "notme" but group "mygroup" shouldn't i be able to chmod that file?21:41
hammassi guys Banshee or Clementine ? which one do you like most?21:41
quickit's userfriendly and it works fine and also i am using it for some time so i'l prefer it21:42
celthunderconsumerism: depends on the permissions of the file21:42
ThinkT510!poll | hammass21:42
ubottuhammass: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:42
=== quick is now known as register
newubuntistDarel : i got access denied21:42
consumerismcelthunder: if the permissions are 77021:42
consumerismgroup has rwx21:42
celthunderhammass: mpd21:42
david11111How i get Unity working?21:42
ccvvcchow can i mount a directory as a virtual drive with fake mbr21:42
celthunderdavid11111: what's not working in it21:42
mongycelthunder, "sudo mount -t auto /dev/sr0 /mnt" |  " mount: you must specify the filesystem type "21:43
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Daraelnewubuntist: Right.  Please right-click it, choose properties, go to the permissions tab and tell me who the owner is and what their permissions are.21:43
celthunderccvvcc: mongy ok one minute21:43
masterxcmongy: is it a cd? If so try cdfs21:43
guntbertquick check http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for information on setting up your nickname 'the freenode way'21:44
llutzconsumerism: only the owner and root can chown/chmod21:45
celthundermasterxc: it wrote to the cd/dvd..udisks sees the session on it...just won't let him mount it21:45
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masterxciso9660 then? :>21:45
mongyIm gonna have to restore my 10.10 backup, I need to get some things done but there are just a few too many issues still in natty.  I will try it again in a month or 2.21:45
masterxcyeah, the system can't determine which type of filesystem it is21:45
masterxcso you have be specific ;P21:45
celthundermasterxc: lol i already had him try iso966021:46
mongymasterxc, I tried iso966021:46
mongymasterxc,  I dont have to do anything at all in 10.xx21:46
david11111what is Unity why is not woking in my pc?21:46
ccvvcchow can i mount a directory as a virtual drive with fake mbr? to install syslinux on21:46
mongymasterxc,  same with my usb stick that wont auto mount :)  it mounts when I tell it to, but I shouldnt have to21:47
guntbertmongy: are you sure that the device /dev/sr0 *is* as CD ?21:47
mongyguntbert, its a dvdrw21:47
mongyguntbert, I tried iso9660, udf, auto21:47
fructoseAnyone have experience installing VMware Player on a fresh install of 11.04? I'm wondering what works best and is easiest to install21:47
ccvvccya sharmutot taanu.21:48
ccvvcchow can i mount a directory as a virtual drive with fake mbr? to install syslinux on21:48
guntbertmongy: I sometimes get that when I try with the wrong device21:48
ThinkT510fructose: tried virtualbox?21:48
mongyguntbert, I'm not doing anything I havent done every week since 10.04/10.10 has been out.21:48
llutz!repeat | ccvvcc21:48
ubottuccvvcc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:48
guntbertmongy: o, it was only an idea21:48
ccvvccllutz nice ambush, please be more concentrate about answering then complaining.21:48
ccvvccthen i wont repeat21:49
Sirisian|Workwhere is the ubuntu system log?21:49
mongyguntbert, :)  I'm going back to 10.10 for now.21:49
celthunderccvvcc: https://research.cc.gatech.edu/humanoids/node/466 try that?21:49
fructoseThinkT510: No. Can you easily download Windows images for it?21:49
mongy<3 clonezilla21:49
llutzccvvcc: pay us and we will, check your attitude21:49
guntbert!attitude  ccvvcc21:49
guntbert!attitude  | ccvvcc21:49
ubottuccvvcc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:49
newubuntistDarel: here's what i found the owner : 83139 #user 83139 and the group 576221:49
meoblast001game over21:49
DaraelSirisian|Work: There's several.  Take a look in /var/log.  Alternatively, use the "Log File Viewer" - right-click applications and go system on Natty, otherwise sys->admin->log file viewer.21:49
meoblast001i just got removed from the sudoers file21:50
meoblast001what now?21:50
ThinkT510fructose: download windows images? you need to own the iso and mount it in virtualbox to install it21:50
Sirisian|WorkDarael, this is the server version21:50
DaraelSirisian|Work: Then look in /var/log.21:50
newubuntistDarel : i just downloaded the file and unzipped it no idea from where i gor this used ID21:50
Sirisian|Workyeah found it21:50
fructoseThinkT510: Can you store it and make copies at least?21:50
ThinkT510fructose: of the vm, sure21:51
Daraelnewubuntist: It may have been set that way by whoever made the archive, or something.  Not a clue.  Anyway, you'll need to chown it to you.21:51
david11111anyone know about Unity21:51
fructoseThinkT510: So I could install Windows once, then make 3 copies and have 3 different Windows VMs?21:51
llutzmeoblast001: let me guess: usermod -G   without -a ?21:51
bin_bash!ask david1111121:51
ThinkT510fructose: sure21:51
bin_bash!ask | david1111121:52
ubottudavid11111: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:52
newubuntistDarel: how can i do that?21:52
fructoseThinkT510: So why can't you download an image (legality aside)?21:52
meoblast001llutz: yes21:52
meoblast001i thought that was a typo21:52
david11111What is Unity why i don't have it??21:52
llutzmeoblast001: man adduser, man usermod        to read         i didn't wrote that as a joke21:52
Daraelnewubuntist: Just getting to that -  Open up a terminal and do a "sudo chmod newubuntist: /path/to/file" (where newubuntist is your username)21:52
ThinkT510fructose: that is the only barrier, legally21:52
meoblast001hm... what happened?21:52
Daraelnewubuntist: scratch that.21:52
meoblast001did i get removed from my original group "braden"?21:53
Daraelnewubuntist: That should have been chown, not chmod.21:53
ThinkT510fructose: we don't encourage or condone illegal activities here21:53
roastedAnybody good with Deja Dup? Curious if it's (somehow) possible to sync raw data instead of compressed.21:53
pylixI hate Ubuntu Debian packages. I can't install packages to fix my wireless because I have to be online to complete the install. what's the point?21:53
llutzmeoblast001: usermod -G group sets "group" as the only group your're in. so it removes you from "admin" and all other groups21:53
newubuntistDarel : i'll try it and get back to you thanks21:53
fructoseThinkT510: Under what country's laws?21:53
meoblast001llutz: ah, so i'll add myself back21:53
Coreypylix: That's... not really a Debian limitation. :-)21:53
meoblast001one sec21:53
ccvvccllutz sorry for that.21:53
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Flannelllutz, meoblast001: It's easier (and safer) to use adduser (adduser user group)21:54
celthunderpylix: because if they included every possible firmware and every possible driver combination possible the iso would be just full of wireless crap21:54
llutzFlannel: thats what i told in 1st order...21:54
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ThinkT510fructose: i'll let you figure that out, read the licenses that cover the software you wish to obtain21:54
llutzmeoblast001: try, if you can...21:54
Flannelllutz: Ah, I didn't see it in the lastlog21:54
david11111What is Unity why i don't have it??21:54
celthunderFlannel: j/w, how is adduser safer  than anythingg else21:54
fructoseThinkT510: The application of the licenses depend on the country you're in21:55
llutzcelthunder: it won't remove you from other groups21:55
Daraelpylix: There are major advantages to the repository system.  Unfortunately, it does mean that you occasionally end up in that situation.  May I suggest a wired connection?  Alternatively, you could find out the package name and download it on another machine from packages.ubuntu.com then transfer it by memory stick and install it.21:55
CrustyBarnaclepylix: dpkg -i <name_of_package>.deb21:55
Flannelcelthunder: Because usermod, when used incorrectly (-G without -a) can inadvertantly remove you from all other groups21:55
david11111nvm thanks21:55
celthunderllutz: meh i just use gpasswd -a or edit //etc/group21:55
fsalayamanyone knows how to fix veetle fullscreen issue?21:55
Flannelmeoblast001: If you can't do it, you'll need to reboot to the recovery console21:55
llutzcelthunder: feel free, if you know what you're doing...21:56
ratchet132I need some help21:56
roastedwhat's your question ratchet132 ?21:56
fsalayamanyone knows how to fix veetle fullscreen issue?21:56
ThinkT510fructose: i'm not here to debate legalities, you know whether or not what you are doing is illegal, we just don't encourage those sort of activities here21:56
ratchet132All right, so I get the error initframs unable to find a medium containing a live file system on attempted installation21:56
nicovlhi, I am getting some strange mount problems when booting up: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.221:56
nicovlfsck.ext4: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/disk/by-uuid/4f99705c-139f-4054-82fb-3dc29321044821:56
nicovlPossibly non-existent device?21:56
nicovl Can anyone help?21:56
FloodBot1nicovl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
ratchet132I'm using a usb21:56
celthundernicovl: is that the right uuid for your hard drive21:57
pylixAlternatively, you could find out the package name and download it on another machine from packages.ubuntu.com then transfer it by memory stick and install it. that's what i tired but i get connection error messages when i open the .debs with the software center21:57
nicovlI can mount the drive manually21:57
pylixnear the end of the installs21:57
fructoseThinkT510: Well, if you can't settle on whether it is or isn't legal, I don't know how you settle on encouraging or discouraging it. I imagine you let people make the suggestion to install VLC all the time21:57
celthunderpylix: dpkg -i <.deb>21:57
nicovlcelthunder, I can mount the drive manually once booted... It just messes up when I am booting21:58
ratchet132Anyone have an idea on waht I can do?21:58
nicovlcelthunder, I get a choice: and when I select ignore... then it actually mounts the filesystem21:58
ThinkT510fructose: you asked about vm's and i gave you a response, i hope it helps you21:59
nicovlcelthunder, I found one forum post which seems to be about the same kind of issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/71281121:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 712811 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall fails with "mountall: fsck /home [369] terminated with status 8"/ Non-existent device - Possible race ?" [Undecided,New]21:59
celthundernicovl: ok mount it and go to the terminal once booted22:00
ratchet132Hi, when I attempt to install via usb I get "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem." the md5 checks out.22:00
Daraelnicovl: I would suggest that you check the fstab line.  If it involves a /dev/disk/by-uuid path, you could try replacing it with a UUID= line.  If it already has one, you could try replacing it with a /dev/sdXY path?22:00
socalrscHow many cores are in the cire i7 930 bloomfield?22:00
celthundernicovl: then try the command it failed on and pastebin results please (sorry the other one kind of flooded off screen and i'm on a netbook scrolling up sucks22:00
celthundersocalrsc: counting HT?22:00
celthunder4 or 6 then22:01
fructoseThinkT510: It did, thanks.22:01
CrustyBarnaclepylix: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/add-applications/C/offline.html22:01
socalrscthanks cel you made my point of knowledgable people in here22:01
celthundersocalrsc: ? i'm just bored doing my best i'm more of an idiot than anything22:01
celthundersocalrsc: don't use me to prove a point lol22:02
nicovlDarael, It is using UUID="" would like to solve the problem though instead of reverting to /dev/sdb1 etc...22:02
celthunderratchet132: uhm it dumps you to initramfs?22:02
ratchet132I see the ubuntu screen22:02
ratchet132then after a bit of loading it dumps me there with a blue menu22:03
nicovlcelthunder, mountall doesn't work very well once the system is booted... but I am not getting the same errors that I get when it boots up22:03
ratchet132I cannot type or anything.22:03
Daraelnicovl: I agree that would be preferable, but reverting might be a temporary workaround at least.  Just a suggestion.22:03
ratchet132so, any ideas?22:04
nicovlDarael, the strange thing is it mounting the root and swap filesystems which are on an SSD and then it messes up when it tries to mount the filesystems on the HDD22:04
celthundernicovl: it failed on fsck.ext4 i thought22:04
celthunderratchet132: ctrl alt f122:04
ratchet132when I get it?22:05
zenwrylyI'm trying to use dd to backup the OEM partitions for a new laptop, and I'm backing /dev/sda2 to /dev/sdb1 where /dev/sda1 is 21GB and /dev/sdb2 is 43GB in the disk utility but "dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb1" reports "No space left on device" after just 1.6GB.  Why might this happen?22:05
Yanchoguys - anyone can help me pls? we have a problem where lspci -n -t shows 8086:10c9 as device id - wherease udev shows 8086:10e8 (correctly) - any idea how to force pci to update please?22:05
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crsHi, is it possible to downgrade glibc to 2.11 from 2.13 in 11.04 (amd64)?22:05
newubuntistDarel : Thank you very much, you r great, it works!!!22:05
zenwrylyerr, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb1 throughout, I mistyped22:05
nicovlcelthunder, fsck runs smooth once booted22:05
celthundernicovl: disable it from running onboot then?22:06
Lofdeis there a gui "root" (sudo) file browser for ubuntu22:06
celthundernicovl: note you'll want to check your filesystems now and again manually then (i believe once every 20 boots is standard)22:06
=== The3ternalAbyss is now known as _jesse_
ntr0pyLofde: sudo nautilus22:07
nicovlcelthunder, yeah... not ideal... :(22:07
celthunderLofde: sudo nautilus or sudo dolphin or sudo <any >22:07
celthunderLofde: if you have it installed use gksu though22:07
ratchet132ctrl alt f1 doesn't do anything when \I get the error22:07
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:07
Snicers-Work2What is the best option for backing up a Linux server for free?22:07
celthunderSnicers-Work2: unison to dropbox?22:08
zenwrylyIs there any reason why dd (or the kernel) would be confused about the size of a device?22:08
celthunderSnicers-Work2: or rather unison OR dropbox22:08
celthunderSnicers-Work2: gmail?  any place that gives you a few GB free...22:08
Lofdeok thanks celthunder  and ThinkT51022:09
sysdocIf I you boot to gnome2 and enable compiz in Natty, it drops the windows decorations and the appmenu, anyone have a solution for this yet?22:09
apfel1anyone using the apple wireless keyboard with ubuntu?  does the fn-key work so that I can use fn + upArrow to simulate PageUp etc.?22:09
Snicers-Work2celthunder, I have the space on different servers, just looking for the client to easily transfer them nightly.22:09
ratchet132CTRL ALT F1 does jackl22:09
nicovlcelthunder & Darael, using the absolute dev path in fstab solves the issue22:10
nicovlwhat shit22:10
ntr0pyDoes grub2 only show its screen when there is more than one kernel/os available?22:10
ThinkT510!language | nicovl22:11
ubottunicovl: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:11
graingertwhy does ubuntu come bundled with 2 movie players?22:11
graingerttalk about saving disk space and include banshee and movie player22:11
nicovlswearing is an essential part of the complete communications spectrum ;)22:11
CrustyBarnaclegraingert: Banshee replaced Rhythmbox22:12
graingertCrustyBarnacle, and what about movieplayer?22:12
D34XNow I know that this is a comp / ubuntu channel only, but would someone help me with an xbox problem?22:12
graingertCrustyBarnacle, banshee and movieplayer both play movies22:12
graingertCrustyBarnacle, pick one and improve it22:12
CrustyBarnaclegraingert: I see your point. Less is more :-)22:13
sysdocD34X, lol22:13
graingertCrustyBarnacle, I vote we have a vote22:13
ntr0pyHow can i force grub to display anything on startup?22:13
ratchet132I can't use my keyboard at the initramfs screen22:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:14
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Boot Display Behavior22:15
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: it seems to work, but it does not display any screens fro choices neither does plymouth22:15
ratchet132Can someone please answer me?!22:15
ubottuAvoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:16
Snicers-Work2Is Unison a better option then BackupPC?22:17
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: You can set the timeout for displaying choices at bootup in /etc/default/grub22:17
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609192/22:18
sysdocrepeat: If I boot to gnome2 and enable compiz in Natty, it drops the windows decorations and the appmenu, anyone have a solution for this yet?22:18
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: beginning of my /etc/default/grub - http://paste.ubuntu.com/609192/22:18
Kevin0011112i have a (probably easy fix) in ubuntu 11.04 and its desktop. after changing some settings in compiz my computer and the desktop would not show, just the wall paper and the icons. i cant do anything from this point.22:18
CrustyBarnaclegraingert: Maybe we should file this as a bug? Too many apps for video playback.22:19
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Thx i will look into it22:19
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: GRUB_TIMEOUT=n displays the choices for n seconds.22:20
Kevin0011112can anyone help me?22:21
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes mine is the same except for bg image22:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:21
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: but i never see a menu from grub, it just boots the (only one) os installed (fresh natty, only one kernel)22:22
graingertCrustyBarnacle, okay but I am lazy22:22
graingertCrustyBarnacle, I'll second it if you suggest it22:22
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: i tried to set GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024x24 and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1280x1024x24 but that didnt change it22:23
sysdocrepeat: If I boot to gnome2 and enable compiz in Natty, it drops the windows decorations and the appmenu, anyone have a solution for this yet?22:25
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: uncomment GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1" and try pressing the up/down arrow when you hear the beep.22:25
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: but if initramfs comes up, i think grub is getting invoked by the bios or can it be invoked directly somehow?22:25
onetwosysdoc, what does the compiz log say??22:25
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: System boots, but just no choices, right?22:26
onetwofe when you put compiz --replace in a terminal22:26
kavurti was upgrading from 1010 to 1104. got an error message: nspluginwrapper was not able to upgrade. and it said system might be broken. is there an easy fix for it?22:26
CrustyBarnaclegraingert: OK... sounds like a plan.22:26
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: i have no beeper, its a Poulsbo atom board and boots from uSDHC card22:26
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes boots without choices, maybe because ther is only one kernel?22:26
bonnyhow do i install java it says it has no installation candidate22:27
LjL!java | bonny22:27
ubottubonny: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.22:27
crazedpsycwhat do you guys think of the thinkpad X1?22:27
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: I just rebooted my netbook... repeatedly pressed up arrow just after BIOS splash22:27
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, a sexy thing, pitty of the glossy screen22:28
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Grub options/choices are all there. Grub creates at least the defualt and recovery mode entries22:28
crazedpsyctonyjansen: And performance?22:28
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: strange, i never got grub choices or plymouth ubuntu logo, just a dark purplish bg and if you asked i think grub dont waits 10s for that22:28
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, as opposed to what?22:29
graingertCrustyBarnacle, linky when done22:29
meoblast001what is the admins group?22:29
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, a SSD fitted lappy wil beat any HDD fitted desktopPC hands down22:29
meoblast001the one that i accidentally removed myself from22:29
crazedpsyctonyjansen: Nothing, I just want some opinions. To me it looks rather flimsy...22:30
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes and i did sudo update-grub with severall options without any errors kernal parameters do show up in /proc/commandline22:30
crazedpsyctonyjansen: Yeah, I know :D22:30
meoblast001i tried "usermod -aG admins braden" on my server, and got "admins is not a user" or something like that22:30
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, built quality of IBM/Lenovo lappies is excellent22:30
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: did you "sudo update-initramfs -u" ?22:30
crazedpsyctonyjansen: Great!22:30
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, they're second to none in PC land22:31
crazedpsyctonyjansen: And is there an online store for the UK?22:31
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: I dont think so, why would that be related, i thought that is the next step in the boot process22:31
tonyjansencrazedpsyc, don't know, don't live there and neither a lenovo rep, i just like em :)22:32
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crazedpsyctonyjansen: Ok, thanks :)22:32
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: not sure why you are not seeing the grub boot screen...22:32
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: i suspect it to have something to do with grub beeing unable to init the framebuffer or such22:33
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: maybe try the default /etc/default/grub without your changes?22:34
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: thats from where i started22:34
tonyjansendoesn't grub take over a bit in the bootsector ?22:34
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Try default with GRUB_TIMEOUT=1022:34
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes fresh installed natty default one22:35
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Maybe its the same reason plymouth would not be able to display22:36
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: is GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 commented out?22:37
johnathani can't get compiz to work again anymore... i don't know why... but it has always worked before...22:37
cirwinWhen I plug in an external screen, xrandr doesn't notice22:37
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes, oh i just read "GRUB 2 will boot straight into the default operating system if no other operating system is detected. No menu will be displayed. If another operating system is detected, the GRUB 2 menu will display."22:37
cirwinany idea how I can prompt it?22:37
cirwin(i.e. it still says VGA1 Disconnected)22:38
soreaucirwin: might require a reboot22:38
cirwinsoreau: srsly?! I move my laptop around all the time22:38
cirwinno chance I'm rebooting every half-hour22:38
soreaucirwin: Or you can try xrandr --output VGA1 set "load detection" 122:39
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: thats why there is no 10s timeout and no choices, i hope it will change with the first kernel update... Now i just need to find out what is wrong with plymouth22:39
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cirwinX Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)22:39
soreaucirwin: It might only work on radeon22:40
cirwinthis is an intel I think22:40
cirwinoh, or maybe an nvidia22:40
cirwinnot sure which is active — how do I tell?22:40
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Erratum "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0" is NOT commented out22:40
soreaucirwin: lspci|grep VGA22:40
cirwin00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)22:41
cirwin01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0dfa (rev a1)22:41
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: I just commented that out on my netbook, and now am getting same isuse as you!22:41
cirwinhow do I tell which card does what, or which is active/22:41
soreaucirwin: grep dri.so /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i loaded|egrep "intel|nvidia"22:42
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: no plymouth?22:42
soreaucirwin: grep drv.so /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i loaded|egrep "intel|nvidia"22:42
CrustyBarnaclejust a purple screen that will not react to keypresses, then the progress dots.22:42
cirwinsoreau: no Loaded, a lot of Loading22:42
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: progress dots in text mode?22:43
cirwinso I suspec the port is in the nvidia card, I wonder whether using that will break the main display :p22:43
soreaucirwin: grep drv.so /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i load|egrep "intel|nvidia"22:43
soreaujust wanted to get that right :)22:44
cirwinyup, that works now :)22:44
soreaucirwin: Not sure but you can try #intel-gfx if you feel compelled22:44
cirwinthanks again22:44
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Thats exactly the behaviour i see here, except that my "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0" is NOT commented out, strange maybe plymouth needs grub to initiate the display?22:45
CrustyBarnaclentr0py:  I uncommented, and am still getting just a purple screen, then the graphica boot.22:45
FRNAKhello guys, i am looking for help. I have upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04. I have used wmii for years, now it's entirely broken. the metakey is not working anymore. I completely unoinstalled wmii, removed all folders in home and /etc/X11 and reinstalled and copied my old wmiirc to ~/.wmii. when i log in I see my individualized wmii but the metakey is not working and i cannot do anything, like opening a shell. is this known? can you help?22:46
CrustyBarnaclegraingert: For now, I just posted a question. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+question/15795322:46
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: yes, exactly. What did you do to break it?22:47
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: No clue...22:48
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle:  but you did see the choices and the graphical logo before?22:49
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Yes22:49
moltendorfI'm trying to change the NAME_REGEX and NAME_REGEX_SYSTEM variables, but changing them in /etc/adduser.conf has no effect.22:49
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Trying again with GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false22:50
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: i only have one monitor so i cant test is here without powering off that box im using right now, but i see the disk contents22:50
alonHello All22:50
bolcirwin: I have the same problem, Dell Latitude E6420, intel gfx here too22:51
cirwin#intel-gfx are really helpful22:51
bolcirwin: thanks, I'll have a look22:51
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Here is my /etc/default/grub http://paste.ubuntu.com/609201/22:52
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: and it would help if I remembered to 'update-grub' after changes :-p22:53
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: maybe sudo update-grub breaked it?22:53
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Oh ic22:54
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Did 'update-grub' and now all works!22:54
FRNAKlet me ask the other way around: is there someone who uses wmii under 11.04 and it works well?22:57
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: my working /etc/default/grub: paste.ubuntu.com/60920222:58
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: my working /etc/default/grub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60920222:58
watnaoHi, just checking if anyone know how to setup an interface with DHCP without default gateway? in gentoo with dhcpcd its simple "dhcpcd -G eth0" but it seems a bit harder in ubuntu, maybe im to bad at reading/searching.. anyone? :p22:59
soreaubol: Maybe the nvidia driver is loading but it's actually using the intel card?23:00
SuNotisimahow do I mark an EXE file as executable?23:00
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: you see plymouth logo and grub choices with that file on Poulsbo gfx now?23:00
soreauSuNotisima: you shouldn't need to but you can with chmod +x file.exe23:00
bolsoreau: i missed some lines, i don't use an external display, its my primary on my laptop that fails23:00
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Testing one more time to verify23:01
soreaubol: How does it fail?23:01
SuNotisimasoreau: beautiful, thanks23:01
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Yes! :-D23:01
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Thank you very much, I will try to set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false and boot on my Pouslbo board...23:02
kkalis anyone having this wierd problem with chrome that clicking on links doesnt work?23:02
bolsoreau: it seems like X doesent find any driver, or can't detect the display and starts up some failsafe of X that can't reconfigure anything23:02
soreaubol: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?23:02
johnathani can't get compiz to work again anymore... i don't know why... but it has always worked before...23:03
fbdystangMy samba share can be seen in windows but not ubuntu. Any help as to why?23:03
kkalits like the browser doesnt even know theres a link there23:03
bolsoreau: hm, i'll find a way, i'm in console atm23:03
CrustyBarnaclekkal: Only happens in Chrome?23:03
soreaujohnathan: Try #compiz23:03
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle it seems that GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false will be set when more than os or kernel are installed to presenting choices makes sense23:04
kkalCrustyBarnacle: havent tried anything else23:04
kkalI dont think theres anything wrong with the mouse23:04
soreaubol: bol: sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us23:04
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: CU when i tested it23:04
bobleonaam I in the right place to find out the boot sequence for Ubuntu?23:04
CrustyBarnaclekkal: Can you try FireFox?23:04
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:04
Snicers-Work2What is the best Terminal interface to ssh to linux with on Windows? I currently use Putty.23:04
kkalCrustyBarnacle: will do23:04
kkalCrustyBarnacle: its not predictable though so it might take a while for it to happen again23:05
CrustyBarnaclebobleona: !grub23:05
N3Hey my friend tried to install firefox 4 from a PPA and he can't change any settings. I'm thinking its changing the settings for the other version.23:05
moltendorfDoes anyone know how to set NAME_REGEX and NAME_REGEX_SYSTEM for adduser? Changing them in /etc/adduser.conf has no effect. :S23:05
bobleonathank you very much aloha ;)23:05
N3And he can't seem to install firefox 423:05
fbdystangMy samba share can be seen in windows but not ubuntu. Any help as to why?23:06
DashXHey guys, I got a relatively simple question. I updated my packages today and flash doesnt work in any of my browsers anymore (firefox and reconq), I uninstalled and reinstalled flashplugin, but that didnt help. Anyone got any ideas?23:06
smg'day all. Upgraded my netbook with flaky x session setup to 11.04. Now upon login it shows the background and nothing else. How to regain control ?23:06
unikhow can I search(grep?) repos with apt-get please?23:06
nit-witDashX, install the add o in ff flash aid23:07
rootuser23there is no "mail" command in ubuntu's terminal?23:07
DashXnit-wit, where do i find that23:07
CrustyBarnacleunik: "apt-cache search <search_term>"23:07
nit-witDashX, it is a FF add on23:08
CrustyBarnacleunik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto23:08
johnathanjoin #compiz23:08
DashXgot it to work23:08
unikCrustyBarnacle: thanks a lot mate :)23:09
bolsoreau: thanks! http://sprunge.us/JHKA23:09
CrustyBarnacleunik: Always :-)23:09
smseriously.. 11.04 upgrade has made my netbook unusable, surely there's a way to break in or boot a vanilla session other than single user mode ?23:11
rootuser23does anyone know a good command in Dash to send mails? :))23:11
RandomTimeHey - I'm almost done installing 11.04 on a netbook, chose a keyboard layout, and got a message saying ubiquity has crashed. The box below the installer says "ready when you are..." and all the buttons are grey - any way to continue?23:11
moltendorfDoes anyone know how to set NAME_REGEX and NAME_REGEX_SYSTEM for adduser? Changing them in /etc/adduser.conf has no effect. :S23:12
rootuser23i'm still using the 10.10 version, have a background issue for 11.04 :(23:12
gnomehey im getting a netbook with an atom n550 with max 2GB ram, should i install 64 bit?23:13
gnomei hear its faster23:13
=== gnome is now known as entombed_
FRNAKok, no help. too bad23:13
rootuser2332 bit for sure23:13
entombed_why 32 bit23:14
watnaoHi, just checking if anyone know how to setup an interface with DHCP without default gateway? in gentoo with dhcpcd its simple "dhcpcd -G eth0" but it seems a bit harder in ubuntu, maybe im to bad at reading/searching.. anyone? :p23:14
rootuser23gnome, 64 bit requires 4gb of ram23:14
entombed_i thought you could run 64 bit with less than 4gb of ram23:14
trismentombed_: you can23:14
Belial`it doesn't *require* 4gb. but you won't see any advantages with it.23:15
celthunderwatnao: route add defeault gw ?23:15
entombed_ive heard both ways23:15
adam61does anyone know how to set up tascam soundcards?23:15
celthunderentombed_: Belial` if it supports 64 bit (your processor) use it...23:15
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Guest28723Evening all :)23:16
bolsoreau: lsmod | grep intel_drv gives nothing23:16
entombed_im told some applications take more memory to run, but do run faster23:16
soreaubol: the module name is i91523:16
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bolsoreau: ah23:16
watnaocelthunder route add default gw ? I dont what to set an own gateway, i just want to exclude it should i type like
soreaubol: That log looks fine AFAICT so it must be a problem with the intel driver23:16
soreaubol: Try booting with i915.dontloadme=123:17
celthunderwatnao: can you do route del then?23:17
celthunderwatnao: route del <route to delete>23:17
N3Guys, my friend installed Firefox 4 and in bash "firefox -v" shows version 4, but when he starts it, it is 3.x. Any help?23:17
adam61i just reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 and followed some instructions to install alsa firmware and tascam drivers, but instead of adding the tascam, it erased both. when i do cat /proc/asound/card it returns nothing. any help is greatly appreciated23:18
DonniesitoHello everyone23:19
celthunderadam61: what instructions23:19
celthunderDonniesito: hi23:19
mattalexxI want to install Ubuntu using one machine, then transfer the drive to another machine with different mobo/graphcs. Will Ubuntu be able to handle this in stride?23:19
johnathanI am planning to install ubuntu 11.04, but one quick question. I have installed previous versions of linux, but some won't let me connect to wireless internet unless i connect through wire and download and install a wireless driver. Will it make me do that on Ubuntu 11.04?23:19
bolsoreau: i will give it a try, thanks23:19
multipassis there a good enough reason around to go from 10.10 to 11.04? anything that really makes it worth it?23:20
celthunderjohnathan: depends whats your wireless chipset23:20
N3Guys, my friend installed Firefox 4 and in bash "firefox -v" shows version 4, but when he starts it, it is 3.x. Any help?23:20
randomuser-fieldmattalexx, if you dont install proprietary drivers that wont migrate youll be fine23:20
johnathanhow can i check that celthunder?23:20
adam61celthunder: here (minus the third step): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122  and here: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/23:20
DonniesitoHey all -- I have a question. I did a clean install of 11.04, and everything was working perfectly up until a couple of days ago. Now my mouse scroll wheel only scrolls in one direction (down) - I can't scroll up. I know the mouse is fine as I dual-boot with Win7 - any ideas?23:21
CrustyBarnacleN3: Does "firefox -v" show 4.0.1?23:21
pstewartwatnao: you want dhcp without the default gw?23:22
N3CrustyBarnacle: yes23:22
mattalexxrandomuser-field, So if I refrain from installing any non-free drivers I will be okay. Is that what you're saying?23:22
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Your netbook is also  poulsbo gfx? Can you give me your config again im not on the Poulsbo box in question and it doesn seem to work... Now grub disables the screen totally23:23
adam61adam61: i know for sure based on past installations that the first link is at least mostly good. the second i hadn't tried till now and it was looking good until the test came back negative for soundcards23:23
randomuser-fieldmattalexx, for example, if you install nvidia drivers and move to an ati machine, it wont work - by itself.23:23
adam61celthunder: ooops lol... i know for sure based on past installations that the first link is at least mostly good. the second i hadn't tried till now and it was looking good until the test came back negative for soundcards23:24
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: Did not mean to say that. No, I have atom-based HP Mini 214023:24
CrustyBarnacleN3: Did your friend logout and back in?23:24
N3I'm telling him23:24
mattalexxrandomuser-field, I understand. Does Ubuntu detect hardware and install any drivers on its own, in the background?23:24
CrustyBarnacleN3: Maybe completely uninstall FF, then reinstall if logout doesn't fix it.23:24
reactor16hi all23:25
N3CrustyBarnacle: Hes logging out now, we already tried uninstalling and re-installing23:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:25
DonniesitoOops.. That was my bad23:25
MystKidanyone know of a gui vnc client23:25
reactor16any one know program to monitor proccess crash and report memory dump segvault ..ect ?23:26
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dsphenomMystKid: tsclient23:27
MystKidsupports ssh tunneling too?23:27
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ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: It seems to have GMA 950., i have GMA 500 here. I changed my /etc/default/grub and now display is powered down by grub2... Here it is, should be similar to your config if i made no mistake : http://paste.ubuntu.com/609213/23:28
N3CrustyBarnacle: that was it, nice thanks23:28
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dsphenomit can, although you would have to use ssh tunneling (ssh -L) separately23:28
CrustyBarnacleNG: Excellent :-)23:28
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 should be commented out23:29
matrixif python is already installed23:29
CrustyBarnaclentr0py: #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=023:29
matrixhow can i run it23:29
matrixwhen i run it in terminal it still shows the terminal23:29
matrixhow can i enter to the real python program?23:30
MystKiddsphenom: ?^23:30
CrustyBarnaclematrix: at the console "python" ? you get nothing?23:30
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: thx ill try to reboot with that23:30
matrixPython 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:45:15)23:30
matrix[GCC 4.4.1] on linux223:30
matrixType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.23:30
FloodBot1matrix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:30
matrixthats what i get23:30
seidosmatrix: are you serious?23:30
bastidrazormatrix: what were you expecting?23:31
CrustyBarnaclematrix: you are at the python prompt23:31
matrixa new window with python showing23:31
CrustyBarnaclematrix: you can just start entering code23:31
trismmatrix: if you want idle you need to install it separately (which is what usually comes with python on windows)23:31
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bannikdoes ubuntu have a firewall23:33
matrixso its different than windows23:33
rww!firewall | bannik23:33
ubottubannik: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.23:33
trismmatrix: no it is the same as windows, but the shortcuts they install on windows launch idle (the python executable is still there on windows too)23:33
matrixim just starting on python any suggestions on learning?23:34
matrixor projects for a starter23:34
ntr0pyCrustyBarnacle: Awesome, thx that did fix grub2 although plymouth remains to be just a purple screen23:34
bannikquick help, everytime I play doom3 (linux port) the game crashes, unless I switch off the internet (then it works perfectly) is there a way to permanently block doom3 from accessing the net???23:35
NarcHello everyone. Anyone knows how to access  or install the new local settings Manager for flash player 10.3 in Natty ? I don't find it, and from what I read, I should. Thanks.23:35
moltendorfDoes anyone know how to set NAME_REGEX and NAME_REGEX_SYSTEM for adduser? Changing them in /etc/adduser.conf has no effect. :S23:35
kubu2matrix: go to python.org and look for tuturials/examples there23:36
matrixis anyone working on python here?23:36
bastidrazormatrix: everyone in #python is.23:36
ratchet132initramfs cannot find live volume ubuntu23:37
nit-witNarc, what is your definition of the local settings Manager?23:37
ratchet132I mean23:37
bannikquick help, everytime I play doom3 (linux port) the game crashes, unless I switch off the internet (then it works perfectly) is there a way to permanently block doom3 from accessing the net???23:38
ratchet132I get Initramfs:unable to load medium containing live file system23:38
ratchet132on installation via usb23:38
earl_fxwhat are people's opinions about the optimal ways to reboot a non-responsive system?23:38
Axlinbannik: had to double-check on this, but ufw does allow you to set rules for specific applications. the example it gives is: ufw allow from to any app <name>23:39
tonyjansenearl_fx glare at it23:39
ratchet132"Initramfs:unable to load medium containing live file system" on installation via usb.23:39
Narcnit-wit: The 10.3 update adds a way to control LSO or "flash cookies" via a control panel. It should be in System settings, but it isn't.23:39
Axlinbannik: so i *believe* the syntax you're looking for would be: ufw deny from any to any app <name> (but you may want to double-check on this)23:39
arand!sysreq | earl_fx23:39
Narcnit-wit: It's equivalent to the settings interface for flash on the web, only local.23:40
nit-witNarc, usually it is by right clicking on a flash event/window..etc23:40
arand!reisub | earl_fx23:40
ubottuearl_fx: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:40
earl_fxtonyjansen: its not a pressing issue, i'm just curious for methods/ideas...23:40
earl_fxthanks ubottu23:40
LAcanguys, is there a good command to pull all the DNS name and mx records for a given IP?23:40
bannikERROR: not enough args ??23:40
nit-witNarc, not sure soory.;)23:40
arandearl_fx: What you actually want is the [sysreq] key, which IS usually on the printescreen23:41
Narcnit-wit: Yes, I tried, and it brings me to the web interface.23:41
earl_fxarand:thanks for the tip.... i was a bit unsure of the pipe23:41
Narcnit-wit: It's okay, thanks for your help anyway :)23:41
nit-witNarc, are you trying to clean out flash cookies in FF23:41
Narcnit-wit: Well, I already have but the new control panel in Flash 10.3 has some filtering abilities from what I read.23:42
nit-witNarc, I use better privacy a FF add on, bleachbit has a new  cleaner I noticed today that gets thise pseky suckers.;)23:43
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ntr0pyWhere can i get 915resolution i386 for natty?23:44
en1gmai uninstalled network manager and avahi or whatever it is.....im doing it manually but could use a little help23:44
en1gmacan someone help me add wlan0 static to that23:44
nit-witNarc, I would look if the new adobe stuff is in linux .23:44
Narcnit-wit: It is, they say on their website that the control panel should be located in System > Preferences > Adobe Flash Player23:45
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en1gmaanyone know networking a little?23:46
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bannikhow would I find out what port doom3 uses to connect to the net?23:46
sdferfxHELLO. I would like to ignore two dependencies on my remove operation23:47
sdferfxthat is, I would like to apt-get remove without removing the dependent packaes23:47
sdferfxHow can I do this?23:47
bolsocram: well, i cant pass any parameters to grub because it just runs by the menu. (holding shift+pressing arrow down), and btw the computer does a hard-lock when i run reboot so a hard reset is the only solution to reboot.23:48
qinbannik: Do you run it now?23:53
sburwood1I am using 11.04 64bit (in the case that it makes a difference.  I created a partition with the gparted I installed into 11.04.  I can copy from another partition, but can't paste onto the created partition.  Why and how can I make it accessible?23:54
bannikqin - run what?23:54
bannikgot it fixed I hope23:55
bannikadded q4master.idsoftware.com idnet.ua-corp.com to the hosts file in the etc folder23:55
gmachine_24I'm using LtS 10.04 - and want to know what scanners people have working with the 'simple scan' program. I have an old benq/acer which is not completely recognized.23:55
bannikwhat is the hosts file?23:55
gmachine_24I need a simple flatbed scanner for pics and some pdf file creation - should have said that up top.23:56
bastidrazorbannik: /etc/hosts23:56
bannikyea but what does it do - I added the q4master.idsoftware.com idnet.ua-corp.com and apparently this should block access to the net23:56
bannikdoes the host file do that?23:56
Narcnit-wit: Just for you to know, I found how.23:56
nit-witNarc, cool how23:57
bastidrazorbannik: no, it now redirects thost domains to localhost (
banniklol thost my new word of the day23:57
npricePANDA WATCH23:57
Narcnit-wit: You need to have "Adobe Flash Plugin 10" installed, not the plugin installer. Weird. Anyway, now the flash control panel shows up in system settings.23:58
bannikwhat about the host.deny file - if I add q4master.idsoftware.com idnet.ua-corp.com would it block it?23:59
pstewartbannik: no23:59
sburwood1When a partition's properties are undefined, how can I repair that?23:59

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