
Viking667I'm having a problem I can't find the answer to. Ever since I signed up to Ubuntu One, my client either shows "You have to have an internet connection to use Ubuntu One" or if I start it as u1sdtool -c, then it displays "File sync starting..." and never seems to get any further.00:56
Viking667I've obviously got an internet connection, as it's what I'm using now to talk with. But what's u1sdtool and ubuntuone-client-control-panel expecting?00:56
Viking667I'm currently browsing through the FAQ now...00:57
Viking667For what it's worth, I've disconnected my "device" (remove) and reconnected it again, the folder has two text files (less than 1k) and a symlink in. Hardly hard work.01:04
Viking667sorry about that - IRC's been acting up a bit since the past three-four days.01:09
Viking667Sorry about that, folks - I keep getting disconnected from the IRC server.01:24
Viking667hm. Is the log of the channel publically viewable?02:37
Viking667hm. Something's weird here... UbuntuOne finally starts working, but only once I've logged out of Unity and logged back in using Gnome (Metacity)...08:34
Viking667Now I've gone back to Unity, things are working - but I couldn't get it going any way else while I was still originally logged into Unity.08:35
ChipacaViking667: very weird indeed08:42
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
mandelmorning all!09:06
Viking667wow!  You're the first life this channel has had since I joined, eight hours ago.09:06
faganmorning all09:24
* fagan was just making coffee 09:24
faganralsina: ping09:24
JamesTaitGood morning all!09:45
faganmorning JamesTait09:45
mandelok, some one was to hear about a terrible monday?09:53
mandelhad the worst day ever yesterday09:53
faganmandel: what happened?09:54
* fagan was in bed all day yesterday was pretty bad too :D09:54
mandelfacundobatista: here it goes, just after uds, the girl I have been 8 years going out with made the lugagge and left home saying see did not want to see me. On monday I got attack by a dog http://yfrog.com/h2nljscj. Went to the doctor and after that decided to walk my dog. While doing so he saw the chiguagua he hates and went after him. The chiguaga decided to run out of the park so I had to run after him for 30 min around Barcelona, but unf09:59
mandelOn top of that I have strong reasons to believe that the owner of the chiguagu is a prostitute that work in a club in the area near the park09:59
mandelfucking great monday, isn't it?10:00
faganmandel: shit man thats the definition of a bad monday10:01
faganI think people write songs about that10:01
mandelI would not be surprised, I think a movie would be more appropiate, you could see me nearly being ran ver by a bus10:02
faganmandel: dude the only thing that could have been worse is getting hit by a bus too or a plane knowing your luck10:04
mandelyes, bu todays seems to be better :)10:04
faganmandel: did you walk under a ladder or something?10:04
mandeldon't know, I think the windows project has a cast or something10:05
mandellooks like someone does not want me to finish it10:06
faganmandel: well its like the sprint all over again cursed10:06
faganmandel: you have disturbed the gods10:06
mandellooks like it10:06
faganmandel: does your computer seem like its breaking? Id say thats next to go wrong if something is to go wrong that is :)10:07
mandelwell, I'm having issues with the vm...10:08
* fagan is supprised he got the next thing to go wrong correct10:09
fagan(must be personal experience of crap going wrong in 3s)10:10
faganAnyhow anything you need just ask mandel ill help10:11
mandelno worries, everything is ok :)10:11
faganIm actually going to try learn a bit of twisted today10:12
faganmandel: still its no problem just ping if you need something and ill get to it10:13
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
nigelbmandel: not sure if you can beat mine.  I ended up being awake till 4 am.  Having a crappy tuesday too.10:23
faganholy crap the graphical overview of twisted fills in a lot of blanks after looking at the code for so long10:24
fagannigelb: I have pretty bad insomnia I do that at least 3 times a week10:24
nigelbfagan: Glad I'm not alone. I should just freelance so I can live with the insomnia10:24
mandelnigelb: if is worse than breaking an 8 year relationship, being attacked by a dog and be responsible for another one being killed, then yes you win10:25
fagannigelb: well I read when I cant sleep so its not a total loss10:25
nigelbmandel: ugh. *hugs*10:25
nigelbmandel: you've had a far far far worse day :(10:26
mandelnigelb: yes, was shit10:27
nigelbmandel: I hope you're taking a day off and dealing with it.10:27
fagannigelb: if it were me id want to work through it10:28
nigelbfagan: nerd.10:29
faganid probably work better with it :)10:29
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
mandelnigelb: I'm planning some holidays to get lost10:30
nigelbmandel: Good idea :)10:31
faganmandel: what would you think would be a good way to practice using twisted like is there anything that I can play with?10:33
faganmandel: like how did you learn it or did you just do it on the job10:34
mandelfagan: I wrote a small client server app that did a little exaple of a twiiter app10:35
faganmandel: oh interesting well ill keep reading and do something like that then when I get my head around it10:36
* fagan break11:06
duanedesignmoening all11:41
ralsinagood morning ubuntuone11:45
mandelralsina: to my excuse, I've found that it usually works11:45
mandeldid you try the url?11:45
ralsinamandel: not yet11:45
mandelralsina: can you, i'm curious, and tell the wife its an experiment11:46
ralsinamandel: finding wifi in Istambul is about as hard as it sounds.11:46
ralsinawill try it11:46
ralsinawhat url?11:46
mandelralsina: twitter, I'm not pc and I'm sure the url would break the code of conduct for sure11:47
ralsinamandel: ok, checking...11:48
ralsinahow's your bite?11:48
ralsinamandel: well, the *images* don't work ;-)11:48
mandelralsina: and the videos?11:49
ralsinamandel: I am in a bar in downtown istambul. I am not going to try11:49
mandelralsina: oh, common!11:49
nessitahi ralsina, mandel11:49
ralsinareally, turkish prison?11:49
ralsinahi nessita11:49
mandelnessita: hola :)11:49
nessitaralsina: I woke up too early due to jet lag (I landed yesterday), I decided to pass by to see how things are going11:50
ralsinayesterday? Whoa. did your plane get kidnapped and sent to cuba or something? ;-)11:50
mandelralsina: so, yesterday besides the dog attack, I got a chiguagua ran over by a car, great wekk!11:51
ralsinawell, if it was the evil chihuahua...11:51
mandelyes, but I had to ran after him for 30 min before it got ran over11:51
mandelnot pleasent11:52
mandelralsina: you did not check the videos? I'm disappointed I would11:53
ralsinamandel: turkish prison. Not going there.11:53
ralsinamandel: need any reviews? If you don't, I will take a shot at the installer wireframes11:55
mandelralsina: well, I'm sure you will get lots of cigarretes if you tell them how to get to porn :)11:55
ralsinaI doubt there's wifi in prison ;-)11:55
mandelralsina: not just yet, I'm moving from the qtreactor to the txnamedpipes reactor, when I'm done I'll let you know11:55
mandelas usual I have to patch ubuntuone-dev-tools before :(11:56
ralsinaoh, cool11:56
ralsinaping me at will11:56
* fagan back12:10
faganwin 812:10
beunowin 912:10
beunoI win!12:10
faganbeuno: hah there are only 8 windows :D12:11
* fagan is using irssi and forgot the /12:11
beunofagan, I have 24 over here, so I guess I double win?  :p12:11
mandelwin 200012:11
mandelbeat me!12:11
faganbeuno: thats more pro than me :D12:11
beunomandel, I think win 2000 is enough beating for you  :)12:12
mandelor even better win server 200812:12
* beuno shivers12:12
duanedesigncan someone help me understand an entry in a syncdaemon.log?12:15
Chipacaduanedesign: no, sorry12:17
Chipacathey're arcane arcana12:17
Chipacaduanedesign: shoot12:17
* mandel goes to walk the dog and talk the talk12:18
mandelor something like that ;)12:18
duanedesignhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/608932/ <573112:18
duanedesigni mean 572112:18
duanedesigni guess my question is their a way to determine if a quit is user instigated or not12:24
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
ryeduanedesign, 2011-05-16 15:03:43,156 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.InteractionInterfaces - DEBUG - Quit requested - dbus quit() called12:38
faganits a lot easier to make a logbot than I thought12:42
* fagan wants to make mandel's your mother bot :D12:42
ralsinaI will be leaving in a few minutes to switch to another bar and start hacking quietly. I will check every now and then but will be mostly away so I can focus a bit.12:43
faganralsina: cool have a glass of whatever and relax :)12:45
faganThat reminds me of a joke my dad makes when he preforms he says to a person leaving the stage "nice job now go up to the bar and get what ever your paying for"12:46
faganI dont know why but people love that joke12:47
ralsinafagan: I could show you a picture of what I mistakenly thought was a small beer but it would need something for scale. It's .7 liters12:50
faganralsina: wow thats a big beer12:51
faganwell its like a pint12:51
ralsinano, it's like 1.4 pints12:51
ralsinaimperial ones.12:51
faganIm bad with scales :)12:51
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
ralsinaI didn't drink it all though12:52
faganralsina: well you arent a heavy drinker anyway12:53
jo-erlendyou didn't drink it all?! That's alcohol abuse.12:53
ralsinafagan: I am *working*12:56
faganralsina: very true12:57
ralsinajo-erlend: let'sput it this way. Efes Pilsen is not exactly the beer of the gods.12:57
jo-erlendhehe, ok :)12:58
ralsinaand it's like a freaking cognac cup full of it.12:58
ralsinaok, onwards to coding12:59
faganonwards and upwards12:59
duanedesignrye: do yo havr a wuick desond13:06
ryeduanedesign, ParseError13:07
ryeduanedesign, severe parse error, exiting()13:07
duanedesigndo you hsve a quick second*13:07
=== rye is now known as exited
=== exited is now known as rye
ryeduanedesign, sure13:07
duanedesignboy te second try was not much beter :P13:07
duanedesignof I can across a bug. It was realted to something that has been bugging me for awhile13:08
duanedesignbug 766728 <-- i think yo had one similar to this13:09
ubot4duanedesign: Bug 766728 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/766728 is private13:09
duanedesignso then yesterday I came across, bug 77771513:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 777715 in ubuntuone-client "No add computer if "ubuntuone" folder has wrong permissions (affects: 1) (heat: 83)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77771513:10
ryeduanedesign, hm13:22
duanedesignso is it likely these are caused by user encrypted $home13:22
ryeduanedesign, we see IOErrors in ecryptfs folders, permission denied... hmmm13:23
ryeduanedesign, i guess the only way to find out is to migrate to an encrypted home directory13:23
duanedesignhmm, brb, sister showed up. I guess I ll anwer the door :P13:28
ryeduanedesign, i am dropping my user account on my netbook and creating the encrypted home there13:34
* mandel back13:52
CardinalFangkarni, hi hi.  Good morningorafternoon.13:52
karniHi CardinalFang =)13:53
CardinalFangkarni, testing the code now.  Boot-time triggers are a pain to test.13:53
karniGood morning in Universal Greeting Time =)13:53
karniCardinalFang: true13:53
CardinalFangkarni, my Cursor from media store .query() was null last night, and I don't know why yet.13:54
karniCardinalFang: Oh, I see.13:55
CardinalFangNot many good docs about it.  May be a timing problem?  Dunno.13:55
karniCardinalFang: I'll happily look at your code once I'm done with fixing logging (almost there).13:55
karniCardinalFang: Help me phrase this. Once user turns on the debug logging, I want to let him know that "You have turned on logging just for this application run. Once your problem occurs again, please come back and use the <b>Send logs</b> option. Thank you!" but I don't think the first sentence is very clear.13:57
karni*Help me please ;)13:57
karni"We will log some details till next time you run Ubuntu One Files." is a little better I think :)13:58
faganare we having a standup today?13:59
* fagan doesnt know anymore when standups happen :D14:00
CardinalFangkarni, how about, "Logging is on for a brief period, so that the phone can report details about your experience.  Please return and hit 'Send Logs' when you see a problem."14:01
karniCardinalFang: sounds good, thank you :)!14:01
CardinalFangkarni, Even cooler would be to post a notification so the user can fire off "send logs" without having to dig.  Maybe a "Collecting logs" persistent Notification, and a "Send" / "Stop collecting" dialog box.14:02
* fagan gets back to what he is doing and presumes there is no standup 14:03
* beuno hugs karni and CardinalFang for all their hard work14:03
* CardinalFang hugs beuno back.14:03
* karni plays hal and hugs beuno 14:03
fagangroup hug how cute14:04
* fagan breaks up the hug its occupying your arms that should be coding :D14:04
* beuno claims tests are running14:04
karniCardinalFang: that's a nice idea. although startForeground is a Service call, isn't it? Alternatively, we could post a non-persistent notification "title: Collecting logs subtitle: Tap here to send.", and if the user taps 'Clear notifications', he/she can simply go back into the Preferences to send them. What do you think?14:06
CardinalFangkarni, sure.14:07
karniCardinalFang: It's so exciting coming up with ideas and building things from nothing :)!14:07
karniCardinalFang: cool!14:07
fagankarni: its really cool to hear someone so pumped :)14:08
karnifagan: \o/14:08
* fagan can just feel the energy 14:08
karnifagan: it's cool to have a cool team!14:08
beunokarni is pumped 24/714:08
beunowe need to inject him with tranqualizers at night to get him to sleep for a few hours14:09
* karni chuckles14:09
faganbeuno: its like powering down a machine14:09
beunofagan, exactly14:10
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
* fagan is more like one of those windup clapping monkeys than a machine :D14:11
karnifagan: hahah ;D14:12
karnifagan: I'm assuming that's just being funny and not rough on yourself :)14:12
fagankarni: hah yeah :D14:13
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alecuralsina, mandel: ping.14:25
faganalecu: it might take ralsina a while to answer14:25
alecufagan, why?14:25
faganalecu: he said he was going to go away and focus on coding and probably not check back for a while14:26
* alecu checks the irc logs14:26
faganits about an hour or so back14:26
karniCardinalFang: I'm looking for the app icon we got from beuno some time back already. I was 110% sure you commited it to a branch that simply hasn't been merged, but I can't find it anywhere :<14:39
CardinalFangkarni, It's local.  One sec.14:40
karniCardinalFang: Thanks14:40
CardinalFangkarni, here:  lp:~cmiller/ubuntuone-android-files/2011-icons    I haven't looked lately, but I think there's something left to add, or else I would have pushed it up already.14:43
karniCardinalFang: thanks, I'll have a look!14:43
CardinalFangkarni, I gave the specs URL to beuno a while back, and made Notification icons from what I had.  I think the medium-density isn't right.  Something.14:44
beunoI emailed people complaining about that yesterday14:44
karniCardinalFang: so you've gone that far and started doing them yourself! big up. Don't we have design people for it :)?14:44
CardinalFangkarni, I will make a script to use ImageMagick to check the sanity of what is in there.14:44
karniCardinalFang: you're so cool! :)14:44
CardinalFangkarni, No, ImageMagick is cool.  I just downloaded it.14:45
karniCardinalFang: :D :D14:45
ralsinaalecu: pong14:49
alecuralsina, mandel has briefed me on the various issues going on in barcelona, and we'll mumble on 15' regarding design14:50
ralsinaalecu: ok14:50
alecuralsina, care to join us?14:51
CardinalFangkarni, I just looked, and that's not right.  I'll ping you in a moment about a new branch.14:53
karniCardinalFang: okey. take your time Chad, just wanted to hear were we're at :) one thing at a time.14:54
ralsinaalecu: I am trying to get into the management call with no success whatsoever14:55
ralsinaalecu: looks like someone broke the internets. I have like 23 second delay on IRC too :-D14:55
ralsinaI meant :-(14:56
alecuralsina, yeah: third world ISPs. They suck.14:56
CardinalFangkarni, same branch updating.  I'm sure some sizes are wrong.  They should scale internally, but not be beautiful.15:02
karniCardinalFang: Got it, thanks :)15:03
karniCardinalFang: I'm thinking if the 'Clear logs' preference is necessary at all. Maybe we should just delete the (one and only) log file once we send it?15:04
karniCardinalFang: actually, I think we should do that, to avoid duplicate log submission15:05
CardinalFangkarni, keep the log in a circular or finite-sized linked-list?  Is it in memory, or on disk?15:06
karniCardinalFang: It so happened before that when I tried sending it by reading them into a string and putting in an e-mail _body_, it didn't fit into memory (and often crashed). So currently I attach the log file. Logs are appended to a plain text file, however I did15:07
karniautomatically delete the file every now and then if it was bigger than some resonable size limit (below a 1MB IIRC)15:08
karniCardinalFang: Since we're talking about that, there's another thing to discuss. Privacy. We currently use e-mail to send the logs. We could use a POST to a server, however we then can't ask for further feedback.15:09
karniCardinalFang: so, we should decide on a most sensible solution. If we're to submit logs to an e-mail, we must have a separate inbox, because sending them to my @canonical mail will be simply unproffesional.15:10
karnibeuno: You mentioned the Oops infrastructure once that we could possibly use for "Oops" reporting from the Android app. Is that still applicable? Does it have some aggregation or browsing capabilities better than just a list of files? (In which case we can have our own, few-line php script to receive logs via POST)15:11
CardinalFangkarni, Maybe those Launchpad folks have some way to add bugs without having credentials already, via HTTP post.15:11
karniCardinalFang: do you happen to know if the default Android report crashing to the market work on versions <2.2 ?15:12
CardinalFangkarni, I do not know.15:12
karniCardinalFang: I was thinking about that today as well! That would be crazy awesome, submit private bug reports with attachments.15:12
karniCardinalFang: I guess I'll just head to #launchpad and ask :)15:12
CardinalFangkarni, I've taken possession of a book for you, from statik. Will deliver in London.15:14
karniCardinalFang: yaaaay thank you \o/ !15:14
karnistatik: Thank you very much!! =)15:14
beunokarni, we need to talk about oopses, server-side oopses are already integrated15:15
karnibeuno: yeah, that's another topic to discuss. For any Android/iPhone app.15:15
* fagan has an idea for something I can do as a project to learn twisted15:44
faganralsina: I was thinking of making a thing that skips the song on a voting system from the people listening15:45
faganwould that be a good way to practice?15:46
* fagan just wants to make sure that its a good idea before trying :)15:46
ralsinaI am not sure I understand what that is15:47
faganralsina: well all I was thinking was making a server that listens and the client sends a message to skip and if 75% of the connected clients say skip then do it15:48
faganIm trying to think simple :)15:49
ralsinalistens to what and skips what?15:50
faganralsina: oh music thats playing15:50
faganralsina: I know how to do that already so that isnt hard15:51
ralsinaI now really don't understand what you are talking about15:51
faganralsina: hah ill just do it and it then its cool15:52
ralsinatry to describe it in 5 sentences and pastebin it15:52
dobeyi think he means internet radio15:53
dobeylike an icecast stream with a skip feature15:54
dobeysounds like a horrible idea for a "feature"15:54
ralsinadobey: so the server will skip the song if the listeners don't like it?15:54
dobeywell if N% don't like it. the other M% will be pissed if they do :)15:54
ralsinadobey, fagan: "interesting" :-)15:55
fagandobey: yeah correct15:55
dobeyi don't think the twisted developers know how to use twisted, though… so i'm not sure how it would help understanding it15:55
faganwell actually its a feature in itunes that I noticed thats why I thought of it15:56
dobeyanyway, back to reocvery mode for me. stupid cold killing my swap days :(15:56
fagandobey: awh15:57
fagandobey: I think I kicked my flu15:57
faganralsina: so does that sound like a nice idea to practice I dont want to be learning on the company dime if its not actually any good :)15:59
ralsinalearn twisted: +1 -- trying to learn it on a feature for *our* code... +5 ;-)15:59
faganralsina: hah well is there anything that would be easy enough for me to do in our code at the moment16:00
dobeyget rid of twisted: +10016:00
fagandobey: /me is on it give me 1 year16:00
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
duanedesign /r17:34
faganhah lol didnt notice the time EOD but ill probably still fiddle about with it after work a bit :)17:40
CardinalFangkarni, did those icons help?18:12
karniCardinalFang: oh man, I lost it on the way, sorry :/ I changed the logging thingy a little and didn't make it to the icons yet.18:13
karniCardinalFang: I've got the branch, will use it shortly.18:13
karniCardinalFang: I wanted to make sure I get the logging right this time, so that people can actually correctly send useful feedback.18:14
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
beunokarni, CardinalFang, you guys up for some mumblin?18:36
karnibeuno: sure!18:36
CardinalFangbeuno, I'm in a busy place.  Kind of loud, but I'll try.18:40
CardinalFangMaybe it will be okay.18:41
beunoCardinalFang, you there?18:55
CardinalFangbeuno, yes.18:56
beunoCardinalFang, mumbleses?18:57
fagan:) just checked my bank balance and I can buy my dad a new computer for fathers day next month19:20
CardinalFangkarni, of icons, there may be a place to continue to keep the cloud image, but all launcher and home-screen icons should be the new ones from beuno.  It's entirely possible I missed a icon to overwrite.19:23
karniCardinalFang: ah, okey :) thanks19:23
karniCardinalFang: slick icon. it's more colorful then UBuntu One Music ( I guess they should be more or less similar :D )19:26
CardinalFangkarni, yes, should be the same!19:27
karniMy natty hung o_O19:31
karniddms you naughty boy19:31
faganooooh the android development thingy19:33
karnifagan: exactly, dalvik debug monitor server19:34
ScuniziCan Tomboy be sync'd to Ubuntu One and a LAN NAS at the same time?19:44
faganScunizi: you mean with snowy?19:58
faganif so yes19:58
faganit should anyway19:58
ScuniziWhat's snowy?  I haven't heard of that.19:58
faganScunizi: thats the one in tomboy itself19:58
ScuniziA plugin?19:58
faganScunizi: yep19:59
Scunizihummm. I haven't seen that in Tomboy.. at least under that name.19:59
faganwell it might not say the name but thats the only other sync20:00
faganso it must be it20:00
ScuniziThat's what's used for sync natively in Tomboy?20:00
faganid say try it and see if it works20:00
faganit should though20:00
faganScunizi: yep20:00
faganbut ubuntu one notes works more or less the same way20:00
faganso either one works just fine20:01
mainerrorkarni, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/+bug/766223/comments/220:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 766223 in ubuntuone-android-files "U1F should comply with system theme, not WebUI theme (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New]20:01
mainerrorright, I was already thinking :)20:01
ScuniziHumm. I'm looking at the Sync tab in Tomboy which I have setup with Ubuntu One..  and would like to add one to sync with a NAS on my network.. But once sysc is setup it looks to be "fixed" with no additions.20:01
karnimainerror: :)20:02
faganScunizi: it might be built in I havent looked at it for ages20:02
faganso it might not be a plugin any more20:02
Scunizik.. thanks.. I'll investigate some more..20:02
faganScunizi: cool it definitely should work20:03
fagan(I cant see why it wouldnt)20:03
karniInteresting. U1 stuck on a 34 KiB file. MakeFile and Upload are pending.20:20
karniAnd I've seen the "Uploading to your personal cloud" already twice.20:20
karniwhoa, finally. 34KiB file in 3 minutes. Something must have slowed it down.20:21
dobeyScunizi: i don't think you can set up two separate sync services in tomboy simultaneously. would be better to ask the tomboy developers about that, i think20:22
fagandobey: i just suggested try it and see I would have thought it should work20:25
dobeydon't assume things just work. but whether or not tomboy allows multiple sync services to be used simultaneously or not is a tomboy issue, not an issue with the u1 service or u1 apps. the tomboy UI isn't the most obvious in that respect, either.20:29
CardinalFangkarni, I think the music icon is older than the files icon.20:41
CardinalFangbeuno, ^20:41
karniCardinalFang: I'm positive about that as well.20:41
beunoCardinalFang, right. I'll have the designers trapped in a third-world country next week, I'll get all the design we need!20:48
karnibeuno: =D20:49
karniI added the hook to trigger uploads on wifi connectivity event, fixing an issue of content:// instead of file:// uri.20:49
ryefacundobatista, i am saving my document in libreoffice and it tells me the file has been modified21:07
ryefacundobatista, there is nobody else to modify it here, it is done in Ubuntu One UDF, is that ok?21:07
karnibeuno: CardinalFang: "wifi on" event now triggers auto upload as well. ( CardinalFang , I didn't add a wake lock in the receiver, because UpDown service acquires it as soon as it starts up, we can discuss this later)21:09
karnilet me check the sharing from gallery now.21:09
karniRight, still null there. Have to fix it.21:10
facundobatistarye, Ubuntu One shouldn't change it, unless it's downloading a new version from the server (libreoffice does not keep the file open, so u1 doesn't know you're using it)21:13
ryefacundobatista, Conflicting\ Test.odt.u1conflict21:14
facundobatistarye, debug logs?21:14
ryefacundobatista, sure!21:14
karniCardinalFang: pushed rev 77 to lp:~karni/ubuntuone-android-files/move-to-rest-api . dang, we're starting to work on this one as if it was trunk. I still should ping you for review comments (even if you haven't finished yet, I could start fixing).21:16
ryefacundobatista, chinstrap:/home/roman.yepishev/syncdaemon-debug-log-Conflicting_Test_odt.tar.bz2 file is called "Conflicting Test.odt" - i was actually testing the possibility of getting conflict21:20
ryefacundobatista, i added two log files that mention that file, since i keep syncdaemon.log files forever21:20
facundobatistarye, thanks21:23
karniCardinalFang: sharing from gallery works for you? It didn't work for me, because I had ~/Ubuntu One/Pictures instead of /~/Ubuntu One/Pictures (*resource* path), and this caused the null/IMAG123.jpg behaviour.21:25
CardinalFangkarni, no, it didn't work.  I didn't hook anything up at that end.21:36
CardinalFangkarni, I pushed my silly bit to  lp:~cmiller/ubuntuone-android-files/mtrapi-plus-photo-catcher21:38
CardinalFangkarni, trying to merge your recent changes back down.21:39
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== hallyn_ is now known as hallyn
CardinalFangOoo, successful merge.  No conflicts.  Weird!21:42
beunoyou guys need to try harder to break things21:43
CardinalFangAh, but compilation error.  Hashutil.sha something.21:44
facundobatistarye, which client version are you using?21:45
ryefacundobatista, latest and greatest21:46
facundobatistarye, stable or nightlies?21:46
CardinalFangkarni, my  com.ubuntuone.rest.util.HashUtil  doesn't have .sha1(File) , it seems.21:47
ryefacundobatista, 1.7+r984-35~natty1, nightlies21:47
facundobatistarye, great, thanks21:47
karniCardinalFang: yayx, I'll push that sorry21:50
karniCardinalFang: pull lp:~karni/+junk/u1-jra21:55
karniCardinalFang: no conflicts? w00t21:55
karniCardinalFang: to beautiful to be true, I felt I've been stepping in your foot steps :)21:56
karniMan my English sucks.21:56
CardinalFangkarni, You'd hate my Polish.21:57
karniCardinalFang: I did cheat a little though. I'm not using contentResolver.openInputStream() but the DATA field (which is an absolute path) from Media ContentProvider, to pass a 'file://' Uri to the method that computes a file hash. I shouldn't do it that way, it works only because these files are on SD card which we can freely read.22:02
facundobatistarye, libreoffice writes on the file every 40msecs! :( yes, syncdaemon should support it, but it makes the debugging very hard!22:02
karnifacundobatista: 40ms wow :O22:02
facundobatistakarni, and sometimes it opens the file for writing, and closes it, and didn't change it!22:03
ryefacundobatista, 40msecs?22:03
facundobatista(so SD works, hashes the file, and then do nothing)22:03
karnifacundobatista: hah! o_O22:03
facundobatista2011-05-17 13:59:34,347 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE, kwargs: {'path': '/home/rtg/Documents/Conflicting Test.odt'}22:03
facundobatista2011-05-17 13:59:34,380 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE, kwargs: {'path': '/home/rtg/Documents/Conflicting Test.odt'}22:03
karniO_O oh man, that's nasty22:04
ryei'd say this is a bit crazy22:04
facundobatista2011-05-17 13:59:34,393 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE, kwargs: {'path': '/home/rtg/Documents/Conflicting Test.odt'}22:04
ryefacundobatista, ?22:05
facundobatistarye, 13msecs ^22:05
karniCardinalFang: just read your diff, nice man! One question - do we really need to broadcast that intent? We could simply call startService(intent), and only the MetaService would get that Intent.22:09
karniAll right, I'm seriously away this time cooking some food :P22:13
karniWill be around though from time to time.22:14
facundobatistarye, have to take my kid to some x-rays, will continue this debugging tomorrow!22:14
ryefacundobatista, ok, i'll try to find out at what point this is happening22:21
karniCardinalFang: hey man, I hope you're not having problems. it should be rather easy to merge your diff to my branch.22:23
CardinalFangkarni, no problems.22:23
karniCardinalFang: cool :)22:24

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