
ScottLsomeone just sent me this link about us moving to xfce: http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/386600/ubuntu_studio_says_no_unity_adopts_xfce/03:31
ScottLlooks like it's being picked up as an anti-unity/not towing canonical line issue03:31
Kokitogood evening folks04:28
ScottLhi Kokito 04:33
ScottLhere's something a little weird:  http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/386600/ubuntu_studio_says_no_unity_adopts_xfce/04:33
KokitoHey ScottL !04:33
Kokito__sorry ScottL my chrome netbook crashed04:37
holsteinKokito__: ?04:37
holsteinyou got one of the new official chrome netbooks?04:37
Kokito__got one from the pilot program04:37
Kokito__in January04:38
holsteinwhat do you think04:38
holsteinhows the battery?04:38
Kokito__battery os good04:38
Kokito__but the browser crashes too often04:38
holsteini use chromium04:38
holsteinand its cool04:38
holsteinKokito__: local storage at all?04:39
Kokito__holstein: yes, but can only be accessed through the browser AFAICT04:39
holsteinsmall local storage?04:40
holsteinor is it decent?04:40
holsteinlike 4gb's or so?04:40
holsteinat least04:40
Kokito__I think the total is 16GB04:40
Kokito__yeah, got it for free, so can't complain04:41
Kokito__but this browser-constrained user experience is not my piece of cake :)04:41
holsteini heard a thing about them today04:41
holsteinKokito__: you got cell wifi?04:41
Kokito__I have regular wifi04:42
Kokito__not through my cell, I mean04:42
Kokito__ScottL: can you paste that URL again please?04:43
holstein^ that one?04:43
Kokito__yep. thanks!04:44
Kokito__ScottL: so, what's your take reaction to the article on computer world?04:47
ScottLKokito__, sorry was upstairs working on gnome3 and pulse/jack integration04:58
ScottLKokito__, i skimmed through it (because it's about me and it makes me uncomfortable reading about me)04:58
ScottLbut my first thought was that it was a bit of sensationalism to bash unity04:59
holsteini wish it had less unity bashing04:59
holsteinor none04:59
holsteinbut, its a good article04:59
ScottLwe are such a niche group that our opinion should not be weighted for any decisions05:00
ScottLholstein, you should look at the images at:  http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/05:02
ScottLholstein, i managed to get gnome 3 from a fedora live disc to dump into "fallback" mode05:02
ScottLwhich looks remarkably like gnome-panel05:02
ScottLi need to also email david henningsonn about what he said about jack and pulse working together, i don't think they do with ubuntu studio05:03
holsteinScottL: yeah05:03
holsteinthats what i found05:04
holsteinnot the same functionality though05:04
holsteinat all05:04
holsteinfact is, XFCE is the most like gnome2 of any currently supported DE05:04
holsteinScottL: im not sure about that either05:05
holsteinthe pulse jack thing05:05
holsteinsounds too easy to be true05:05
holsteinive used falks pulse-jack package05:05
holsteinand ive read about how to do it the hard way05:05
ScottLdavid has an email on the -devel list about this, i'm going to hit him back with what i did and how it responded and see what he says05:06
holsteinyeah, im following it closely05:06
holsteinthat thread05:06
ScottLholstein, why do you say not the same functionality, it was pretty much the same i thought05:06
holsteini hope it is that easy05:06
holsteinScottL: right click anywhere05:06
holsteinor try doing anything you would do05:07
holsteinto customize gnome205:07
Kokito__ScottL & holstein: I agree the author's interpretation of the intent in the switch to XFCE is off. but I am not surprised. :)05:08
ScottLholstein, i haven't tried that, but i shall05:08
holsteinScottL: the look is clost05:08
holsteinbut the feel is far off i find05:09
ScottLholstein, i see what you mean now05:27
ScottLKokito__, that is true05:34
ScottLi'm going to bed05:34
Kokito__good night ScottL 05:35
ScottLhi  quadrispro  abogani 12:44
aboganiScottL: Hi Scott12:48
quadrisprohi ScottL abo12:48
quadrisprouh, gone12:49
ScottLquadrispro, what i was going to ask you about earlier was if you can think of any new plugins that we might want to include in ocelot12:49
ScottLquadrispro, and if you have had any practical experience with ladish...i've been playing with it to make sure i include everything needed for ocelot12:50
quadrisproScottL, on phone, back soon12:52
ScottLquadrispro, no problem12:53
quadrisproScottL, if you know other plugins, ping me13:15
quadrisproand, regarding ladish, we need to handle the lash2ladish transition13:16
quadrisproshortly, the most important point now is removing lash13:16
ScottLquadrispro, re: plugins, i'm sorry, didn't explain very well, i meant any of the plugins that recently have gone into debian during natty and now that might be really interesting13:20
ScottLe.g. i'm going to make sure the foo-yc20 is included13:20
quadrisprosure, foo-yc20 would be useful!13:20
* quadrispro having a look at Natty's archive13:21
quadrisproScottL, did someone backport mda-lv2 to maverick?13:22
ScottLi try to keep up with the debain multimedia ML and catch what i think is interesting but there is soo much traffic and i don't always see stuff13:22
ScottLquadrispro, i don't know if it was backported to maverick13:22
ScottLi do have it on my list to confirm it's in ocelot however :)13:23
ScottLactually it appears to be top of the list :)  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ReleasePlanning#audio%20plugins13:23
quadrisproit's already in Natty13:23
ScottLoh good, i didn't remember if it was or not13:23
quadrisproScottL, not eq10q 13:24
quadrisproI believe a backport would be appreciated13:24
quadrisproScottL, wah-plugins is in Natty13:25
quadrisprovocproc is in Ubuntu since Maverick13:25
quadrisproautotalent is in Natty13:25
quadrisproand invada's lv2 stuff is available in Ubuntu since Lucid13:26
quadrisproI'm sorry for mixxx, but it was late for getting new release into 11.10413:27
quadrispro11.04 *13:27
quadrisproa backport might be feasible, I think13:27
ScottLquadrispro, when you say "not eq10q"...are you saying we shouldn't ship it or we aren't shipping it and should?13:27
ScottLoh and don't spend too much time digging around, i was curious if there were any outstanding ones that we absolutely should include ;)13:28
quadrisproScottL, sorry, eq10q hits Ubuntu Oneiric 13:28
ScottLand i further apologize, but i must leave to take kids to school/daycare and go to work, although i will be on again in about an hour though13:28
quadrispronatty doesn't have it13:28
ScottLokay, i'll adjust my list to reflect it :)13:29
quadrisproScottL, just few quick checks don't hurt, no problem :)13:29
quadrisproScottL, we have also updated gwc, many users may find it interesting13:31
ScottLoohhhh, i don't know aobut gwc, i'll look at it13:34
quadrisprogoing away, see you later13:47
scott-workgood answer to that email holstein about gnome2 and asking someone to maintain it if they want it15:34
astraljavascott-work: Wasn't it specifically about maintaining GNOME 3 and Unity related packages? After all, having packages depend on GNOME 2 components becomes impossible now?15:35
scott-worki believe that is true astraljava 15:36
astraljavascott-work: Got thinking about this, especially after ckontros cracking jokes about KDE-based Studio. I might tinker with such packages in my PPA. Very interested to see what kind of results one could get.15:37
astraljavascott-work: The idea being there would be different metapackages for different DEs.15:37
astraljavascott-work: Naturally totally out of Ubuntu Studio's scope.15:37
astraljavaBut lending from its packages heavily.15:38
astraljavaBut that's off-topic, just thought I'd share. :)15:38
scott-workastraljava: have you tried kxstudio?15:38
scott-workit's kde based and qutie pretty and way too monotone dark for me15:38
astraljavascott-work: No I haven't, will have to one of these days.15:38
scott-workit becomes hard to differentiate one window from the next because it's uniform black all around :(15:38
astraljavaOh okay, yeah that's not nice.15:41
holsteinscott-work: thats the kind of thing i should clear with you15:42
holsteinbut i was on a roll :)15:42
holsteinand i figured, it is a community effort15:42
holsteinif someone wants to come and start and maintain a meta15:42
holsteinthat should be welcomed right?15:42
holsteini mean, within reason*15:43
astraljavaholstein: I don't see why not.15:43
astraljavaThe team does one thing, and won't suppress the community efforts in any way.15:43
holsteinwell, anyone can always do a PPA15:43
holsteineven if it conflicts with what we are doing or whatever15:43
astraljavaNaturally, that's just what I threatened to do on my 'own' time above. :D15:44
holsteinastraljava: thats a good place to test things too15:44
astraljavaThat's true.15:45
* holstein gotta run... BBL15:46
scott-workholstein: absolutely!  and you don't need to clear that stuff with me15:50
scott-worki'm not sure anyone really needs to "clear" stuff with me15:57
scott-worki think it was a good thing to say, anything that helps get community involvement probably is a good thing ;)15:57
astraljavascott-work: You got that right. We need to gain velocity and interest. :)16:07
holsteini feel like ralph and i are playing a game of chess ;)16:16
holsteini think by the time that thread reaches 100+ emails16:17
holsteinwe are either going to be best friends16:17
holsteinor dropping F bombs left and right16:17
astraljavaTruly might be one or the other. :D16:17
scott-worklol holstein that's funny16:19
scott-workhi again quadrispro 16:19
scott-workmy nanokontrol should be here by the weekend :)   i'm pretty damn stoked about it16:19
holsteinthose things are sweet16:19
holsteini was thinking about one16:19
quadrisprohi scott-work, hi all16:20
holsteinmapping to ardour and sooperlooper16:20
holsteinquadrispro: o/16:20
scott-workholstein: stuzz has me geared up to rerecord my parts for my song now that he rocked the drums on it16:20
scott-workholstein: i think stuzz probably did a better job than jono might have ;)16:20
quadrisprohi holstein !16:21
quadrisproscott-work, the next few days I'll have some packages to fix16:22
quadrisprocsound, gwc (fix is ready, will touch debian in few hours)16:23
quadrisproand then I'd start the transition, at least in Ubuntu, from lash to ladish 16:23
holsteinyeah, stuzz has quite a skill with h216:23
scott-workquadrispro: that is super cool (transition from lash to ladish)16:23
scott-workquadrispro: i've said before, if nedko can fulfill his vision (which is pretty aggressive, i admit) then he will outstrip what i perceive jack-session is doing16:24
quadrisproi only need to to write down a list of all packages supporting lash, ries.debian.org will help me16:24
scott-workquadrispro: is there an easy way with packages.debian.org or similar site that will help me look for all the plugins available (lv2, ladspa, etc)?16:25
quadrisproscott-work, http://blends.alioth.debian.org/multimedia/tasks/packagelist.it.html16:26
quadrisproand http://blends.alioth.debian.org/multimedia/tasks/16:27
scott-workoh sweet, i will check them out16:27
scott-worklast cycle i went through and combed through all available plugins to include what i could16:31
scott-workbut i also "updated" in some cases from ladspa to lv216:31
scott-worki think the swh and maybe one other i "updated" and removed the ladspa package16:31
scott-workhi saidinesh5 !  welcome to the channel16:34
quadrisprowell done16:34
saidinesh5hello guys :)16:35
quadrisprofalktx might be happy to know that I'm on fst, I hope to see it in Debian soon16:35
saidinesh5you know i didn't know that ubuntu studio is still active until just now i have seen the announcement in phronix (Y)16:35
astraljavasaidinesh5: Interesting. We haven't missed a release ever since the first.16:39
scott-worksaidinesh5: do you have a link?16:39
scott-workquadrispro: yes, i believe falktx will be happy16:39
scott-worki saw something recently in the ubuntu bug about fst16:39
saidinesh5astraljava: Oh last i tried ubuntu studio out was about a year (and a half maybe)ago   can't remember16:40
scott-workaaaahhhhh! another "ubuntu studio hates unity and gnome3" article :/16:40
saidinesh5just graduated from college, so may be i ll have chance to dig some music making apps again , so will probably give ubuntu studio another chance :)16:40
scott-workwe don't hate them :P   we just prefer that gnome2 workflow16:41
astraljavaHeheh. :)16:41
saidinesh5btw. does the iso include a wubi installer ??16:42
saidinesh5i remember installing from an alternate iso the last time16:42
quadrisproscott-work, why not getting rid of pulseaudio?16:44
quadrisproI say: s/PulseAudio/JACK/16:46
scott-workquadrispro: are you asking why don't we get rid of JACK?16:48
astraljavasaidinesh5: No it doesn't, it's the alternate install version.16:48
scott-workthanks for the link saidinesh5 , i need to start collecting these somewhere :P16:48
quadrisproscott-work, no, sorry: I'd like to avoid using PulseAudio16:48
saidinesh5scott-work: you are welcome :)16:48
saidinesh5astraljava: any reason that we don't give out a wubi installer?16:49
scott-workquadrispro: i would too my friend ;)16:49
scott-workunfortunately, we may simply only be able to integrate it better16:49
scott-workquadrispro: i'm workign with david henningsonn on this currently via ubuntustudio-devel ML16:49
scott-workhe actually works at canonical on audio apparently16:50
quadrisproyes, I see, but... ok, pulse must be in place since it's installed by default16:50
quadrisprowell.. why not avoiding it to run at startup?16:51
astraljavasaidinesh5: Simplicity. I don't think you'd get the latency as low as you'd like when running in a sandbox like that. But I am no expert on such matters, so take this with a grain of salt.16:51
scott-workquadrispro: that is a possiblity, i'm not a robust developer, can you explain more how this might be accomplished16:52
quadrisproplease note that ladish seems to conflict with jack and pulse-to-jack connector16:52
scott-workquadrispro: we could certainly incorporate this into ubuntustudio-settings or something16:52
scott-workladish seems to conflict with jack?16:52
saidinesh5astraljava: but i don't think the latency is due to the disk access when using the real time apps ....16:52
quadrisproscott-work, no :) sorry again16:52
quadrisproI've encountered some issue while using the pulse's jack connector16:53
scott-workquadrispro: that's okay :)  i can probably bug someone on the #ubuntu-desktop channel about it16:53
scott-workquadrispro: and falktx probably knows a trick or two about it as well16:53
quadrispropulseaudio-module-jack, that's the runtime package16:53
astraljavasaidinesh5: Yeah, like I said, I haven't gotten too familiar with real-time. But to answer your installer question, that was it.16:53
saidinesh5hmm.......  16:53
* saidinesh5 needs to figure out a way to test drive ubuntu studio ..... especially since he has ran out of free partitions 16:54
astraljavasaidinesh5: You can always run the vanilla live-cd, then install all ubuntustudio-* packages on top. Won't get you the real thing, but neither would the live-DVD, albeit much closer. Maybe try the usb stick approach, which enables persistency.17:03
scott-workquadrispro: i will keep that in mind to explore with david 17:03
saidinesh5astraljava: yes, but still setting up all the environment for Music making is a huge PITA iirc17:04
scott-worksaidinesh5: it's not nearly as bad as it used to be17:05
scott-workjust like how many -rt improvements have been incorporated into the kernel, many settings have been resolved in other areas17:05
scott-workthere's not many things a user needs to do in order to setup a "vanilla" install to record music these days17:05
scott-workthey're still there, mind you ;)   just not as imposing as before17:06
saidinesh5scott-work: well i remember accepting some weird agreement from steinberg to just get Qtractor compile with vst support17:07
saidinesh5and then wine + half my vsts don't work17:07
saidinesh5hehe brb: pizza time :D17:07
astraljavaMmmm... pizza.17:08
astraljavaAnyone else have problems with scrobbling to last.fm?17:45
scott-worksorry astraljava , i don't use last.fm18:03
astraljavaDamn, you totally should. :)18:12
saidinesh5hmm..... back :)18:13
* saidinesh5 luves the combo of extra cheese pizza + BBT 18:13
astraljavasaidinesh5: Grrr... :D18:25
saidinesh5so ya, now first i need to find a way to test drive ubuntu studio18:26
saidinesh5no extra partitions available...... no large enough pendrives....... dislike virtual machines18:26
scott-workhi troy_s  :)18:52
troy_sscott-work: Greets.18:52
holsteinscott-work: latest linux action show mention US too21:18
holsteinabout the XFCE switch21:18
holsteindidnt frame unity negatively at all too21:18
holsteini liked that21:18
holsteinthey agreed with the idea21:19
scott-workholstein: oh, good :)21:19
scott-workthat's nice21:19
holsteinthey only said 'instead of adopting gnome3 or unity...'21:20
scott-worki'm thinking about asking the debian multimedia team to package mudita24:  http://code.google.com/p/mudita24/21:21
scott-workit's an envy24control replacement that has graduated scale for the sliders...they have good images on the website21:22
holsteinscott-work: that would get it down to us quickier21:22
holsteini bet21:22
holsteinyeah, thats nice21:22
holsteini dont need an internal mixer for the firepod21:22
holsteinso, i have only messed with jack-mixer21:22
scott-workheh, that's a good use for jack-mixer, do we ship it by default?21:23
holsteinscott-work: hmmm21:24
holsteingood question21:24
holsteinwe should*21:24
scott-worki thought of jack-mixer for things like podcasts or doing live music21:24
holsteinand i dont think so21:24
holsteinthats when i found it21:24
holsteinthat should be in the podcasting meta21:24
scott-workyeah, if people who use firewire devices might use it too then we probably should ship it as well21:24
scott-workthen email and blog about it's potential21:24
holsteinsome screenies here and there21:24
scott-worktrying to schedule with dan and fab about doing an interview for the xfce switch21:25
holsteinwe'll get jono to blog about it :)21:25
scott-worklol, yeah21:25
scott-workit would be interesting to start making songs with slightly nonsensical titles like, "Pulse Audio Mates with my Germanium Last Night"21:28
scott-workjust for fun, mind you21:28
holsteini just found a delta44 on craigslist21:28
holsteinill try and pick it up :)21:28
scott-worksweet, they're nice21:28
scott-workor "Jono Wears Little Socks on his Ears"21:28
scott-workhow much is the 44?21:29
holsteinIF its still there21:30
holsteinwe'll see21:30
holstein"my ex-wives use proprietary DAW's"21:30
scott-worksweet deal with the 44 though21:31
holsteinit doesnt look special, so maybe it slipped through the cracks21:31
holsteinand is still available21:31
holstein* like i need more gear21:31
holsteinalright.. off to the gig.. BBL21:33
scott-worklol, i'll by it from you :)21:33
holsteinscott-work: we could make that happen21:33
holsteinill let you know if i get it21:34
holsteinif not, im going to just be looking for a delta101021:34
holsteinnot the lt one21:34
holsteinso, i'll link you if/when i find them21:34
holsteinanyhow.. BBL21:35
scott-workhi pdxken !  welcome to the channel, how are you?21:36
pdxkenGreat! Thanks21:37
pdxkenAny problem using UStudio stuff with Lubuntu? Now use Kubuntu on old P4.21:59
scott-workpdxken: shouldn't be any trouble using it with Lubuntu22:07
scott-workquadrispro: i was going to file an RFP for mudita24:  http://code.google.com/p/mudita24/source/checkout22:08
scott-workquadrispro: i'm tempted to try to package it but i just don't think i'll have time for it sadly :(22:08
scott-workway too many other irons in the fire22:08
scott-workpdxken: keep in mind, one of the ubuntustudio- packages replaces the desktop, so if you are partial to your setup you might want to try to find it and avoid it22:09
quadrisproscott-work, if you have the hardware to use for testing22:09
scott-workquadrispro: i do have it22:09
quadrisproscott-work, so RFP, I'll touch it later22:10
astraljavaI have an M-Audio 24/96 card as well, more than happy to pay attention to it too.22:11
pdxken KDE getting too big, not sure if I want LXDE or XFCE22:12
scott-workpdxken: the team has been talking about moving to xfce for the next release in october22:12
astraljavapdxken: I'm more personally interested in LXDE, but willing to go officially with the team towards XFCE.22:13
pdxkenThanks. sounds like a good one to try.22:13
pdxkenI may try both on extra prtitions.22:14
astraljavapdxken: That's the ideal solution, so you get the initial experience from both worlds. Just remember to check back once they're officially released.22:17
scott-workquadrispro: i really want to package something so i might see about pushing some other stuff off presently, let me look at the svn checkout later when i get home22:24
scott-worki would still like to contribute something to debian22:24
scott-worki'm also trying to get upload rights to the ubuntustudio packages in ubuntu for this cycle so i dont' have to rely (read: bug) TheMuso so much22:27
scott-workthis will also be especially true for this release if we move to xfce22:27
scott-worki think this will be true even if we don't go with xfce because of the change with gnome22:27
scott-workspeaking of TheMuso, how did your chat go with Andy?22:30
scott-worki'm particularly anxious to lay out a plan for the -lowlatency kernel22:31
quadrisproscott-work, CC me in the RFP if you want22:45
scott-workquadrispro: ack22:45

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