
charlie-tcaGood morning16:37
holsteincharlie-tca: o/16:37
pleia2can someone speak to this/confirm? https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/78402017:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 784020 in Xubuntu Website "download page lies about disk size requirements" [Undecided,New]17:16
pleia2ok, I'll update the reqs on the site17:17
charlie-tcaThe ubiquity installer per Ubuntu requirements needs 4 GB, we get caught up in that, even though the actual Xubuntu install only needs 2gb17:17
charlie-tcaI think we should give that but to ubiquity17:17
charlie-tcaUsing the alternate installer will not force the same statement from the installer17:18
pleia2the bug is actually against the website, so a separate one should be filed against ubiquity17:19
charlie-tcaI will run another test, since I did install in less then 4gb during testing. I split a 3 gb partition to install in17:19
ochosigreat, i saw quite a few people in #xubuntu inquire about that lately17:20
pleia2thanks charlie-tca, I've gone ahead and updated the site to say: "To install Xubuntu with the standard installer (Ubiquity), you need 4.4 GB of free space on your hard disk. The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 2 GB of free space on your hard disk."17:20
charlie-tcaIf it rreally requires the 4 gb, I will file a bug against ubiquity, but I think it is only a matter of wording17:20
pleia2ochosi: I still owe you a nice firefox screenshot, right?17:27
pleia2ochosi: here's the updated one: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/natty/n-xubuntu-firefox.png17:44
pleia2let me know if it's ok :)17:44
micahgdoes anyone else experience pink notify-osd alerts in natty?17:52
davmor2micahg: no17:53
davmor2micahg: I am on Ubuntu rather than Xubuntu17:54
micahgdavmor2: I was referring to xubuntu :)17:54
micahgubuntu stuff works fine17:54
charlie-tcanot any more18:00
knomehey pleia2, i suppose there is no update on the wp staging site for xubuntu?18:04
charlie-tcamicahg: I had off-color notifications, until I got both xfsettingsd and xfwm4 to start 18:04
pleia2knome: no update :(18:04
pleia2everyone was at UDS last week though, so no surprise there18:05
knomesomeone could have pointed that to the IS guys18:05
knomewith a sharp knife18:05
micahgcharlie-tca: will check when I'm near that machine again, thanks18:06
ochosipleia2: ah right, @work atm, will check when i'm home :)18:08
pleia2ochosi: thank you :)18:10
ochosipleia2: any chance this will hit the hp anytime soon? (or is it connected to the wordpress-migration)18:11
pleia2ochosi: hp?18:16
ochosipleia2: homepage18:17
pleia2ochosi: oh, yeah I already updated the screenshot on the homepage, the ones you're doing now are for xubuntu.org/tour18:18
pleia2I updated the top one, waiting on firefox for the bottom one18:18
pleia2and just updated xubuntu.org/about this morning18:19
pleia2I'm going through the site and reporting bugs against other stuff we need to update so I don't lose track18:20
charlie-tcalots of bugs, I hope ;-)18:22
pleia2charlie-tca: yes, and some for you! xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing needs love :)18:28
pleia2charlie-tca: I know qa_bugs_testing needs updating, when you have some time can you go through the rest of http://xubuntu.org/devel to see what else does?18:32
ochosipleia2: ok, i just finished the ff-shot, here you go: http://imagebin.org/15372119:28
pleia2ochosi: thanks!19:28
ochosipleia2: btw, the about-screenshot is a bit lame with the virtualbox parts... ;)19:29
ochosiyou could send the original to me and i can remove that if you want19:29
ochosi(or is it intentional?)19:29
* pleia2 fixes19:29
ochosicharlie-tca: btw, suggestion for xubuntu+1 default install: https://code.google.com/p/touchegg/19:31
ochosi(kubuntu are doing it as well, i think the move makes sense)19:31
knomeochosi, have you tried that yourself?19:33
ochosiknome: yes19:33
ochosiwith an apple trackpad19:33
* ochosi hides19:33
charlie-tcaochosi: kubuntu will look at it because it is using QT - Touchégg is a multi-touch gestures recognizer written in C + + using the Qt 4 and utouch-geis. 19:33
charlie-tcaWe do not have QT installed by default, and it does increase the size of things considerably19:34
ochosiright, didn't think of that19:34
ochosii guess when i installed it i already had qt19:34
ochosiso i didn't notice19:34
charlie-tcait is a good fit for KDE19:34
ochosiwell anyway, i think xfce/xubuntu could be a bit better with touchpad configuration19:35
ochosiatm it's really very basic19:35
charlie-tcadisclaimer:  charlie-tca will be testing kubuntu accessibility this cycle19:35
charlie-tcaagreed, we could stand to be better, but not through QT 19:35
pleia2https://www-admin.xubuntu.org/tour done \o/19:35
pleia2xubuntu.org/tour :)19:35
ochosicharlie-tca: nice, this way we can compare their accessibility to ours19:36
charlie-tcaTheirs is not quite as good as what we don't have19:36
ochosiyou speak in miracles, charlie-tca 19:36
knomepleia2, nice screenshots! :)19:37
charlie-tcaXfce 4.10 will include accessibility19:37
ochosiwell done pleia2 19:37
charlie-tcafor now, we use gnome stuff19:37
ochosik, get what you mean now19:37
ochosiwell, it'll be a while till xfce 4.10 i guess...19:37
charlie-tcaI would like to see at-registryd installed by default, so that the other accessibility that relies on it will just work, though19:37
ochosiunless the latest cycle has changed their release policy19:38
charlie-tcawe are looking at maybe 12.04 for 4.1019:38
ochosiwould be nice, since it's the next lts if i'm not mistaken19:38
charlie-tcayeah, which means three years without 4.10 if it doesn't make it19:39
charlie-tcaochosi: thanks for looking out for better accessibility stuff. 19:40
knomepleia2, as it seems like it's going to take a while before we get the staging site, would you be ready to work with me to integrate the new logo into the xubuntu site?19:42
pleia2knome: yep, but I want it to be as little work as possible :)19:42
pleia2if we can just swap out the logo that'd be nice19:42
knomepleia2, i think we could drop the curve on the white area, and also get rid of the top baby blue bar19:42
ochosicharlie-tca: sure, np. maybe we can still find some solution for touchpads or whatever. i also hope to be able to improve greybird and make it even more accessible19:42
charlie-tcaWe just have to keep looking. We can find something, I am sure.19:43
ochosiknome, pleia2: having something like the ubiquity installer slideshow on the frontpage, is that for after the wordpress migration?19:43
knomeochosi, yeah.19:43
pleia2knome: the drupal theme code is at lp:xubuntu-website and that can just be pushed when we are ready (I just nudge cody)19:44
knomeugh :)19:44
knomei didn't want to hear that, but okay19:44
pleia2knome: we might just have to suffice with updating https://www-admin.xubuntu.org/themes/xubuntu810/img/xubuntu_logo_slogan.png19:45
pleia2the curve remains, but we can at least get the logo sorted19:45
knomewhile i'm on that, i'd rather just drop the curve really19:46
pleia2it just seems that dropping the curve is going to require a lot more work19:46
knomeof course, but it's still not massive, really :)19:46
knomethere's no more work for you19:46
knomei'll edit the css with web dev extension19:47
knomeso i can make sure it works19:47
knomedo we want to keep the slogan?19:47
pleia2I don't think so19:47
cody-somervilleugh oh.23:58
cody-somervillemy xfce4-settings-helper on my maverick laptop dies horribly with _chunk(): invalid pointer23:59
cody-somerville: - (23:59

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