
lemraishhi, everybody, how can i format usb flash drive in a simple way?00:05
lemraishi have xubuntu 11.0400:05
kupferI use gparted to format my drives.00:07
kupferI don't know many GNOME libraries that pulls in, though.00:08
lemraishalright, i'll try this one. second question - is indicator applet a default part of indicator applet or it's an ubuntu addition? i have two sound controls in upper part of screen and it annoys me very much.00:09
lemraishpart of xfce*00:09
kupferhmm.  now that you mention it, I've got 2 sound controls, too.00:13
lemraishsorry :-D00:15
kupferBut I'm running Lucid still, so I don't think I have the indicator applet.00:16
Liv-the indicator applet is the one that has the little envelope?00:16
lemraishyup, this one00:17
lemraishanyway, is it possible to get rid of indicator applet and transfer it's contents to systray?00:17
Liv-I found it annoying so I removed it00:17
Liv-then added the volume control icon alone00:17
Liv-and when restarted, the connection icon reappeared00:17
Liv-it all looks "normal" now lol00:18
lemraishmmm, might be a good idea.00:18
Guest80839lamraish and kupfer: Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Session and Startup>Application Autostart>Volume Control (not xfce Volume Daemon)...uncheck this and the non-indicator-plugin volume control will not be there on a restartX/reboot00:18
lemraishGuest80839, thank ya so lot :-)00:19
kupferGuest80839: thanks00:19
Guest80839AS far as I know, you can't get tid of the indicator-plugin one w/o getting rid of the indicator-plugin00:20
Liv-I thought if I removed the indicator plugin I was not going to be able to control the volume or see my connection status because those 2 icons are together with the envelope one00:25
Liv-but it turned out I could remove it without much problem00:26
Liv-I'm talking about natty00:26
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adamsmeatHi! I can't get mic to work with Xubuntu 11.04, anyone experienced something similar?02:18
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jerryhello, I will be trying Xubuntu for the first time today03:54
jerrymy question is which iso to choose for my Core i7 920?03:55
rwwjerry: 64-bit04:00
jerryxubuntu-11.04-alternate-amd64.iso or xubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso?04:00
rwwjerry: the second is a LiveCD with a graphical user interface installer. the first is not a liveCD and uses a text installer. use whichever you want.04:01
jerrywill I have any problems with my Intel?04:01
jerryok ty04:02
jerrywas just wondering why it had 'AMD' in the name04:03
jerrykinda misleading04:03
rwwbecause AMD invented the specification04:04
jerryyeh, but Joe average wouldn't know that04:05
jerryI guess one of the many obstacles for distros to overcome for a wider acceptance04:05
rwwJoe average doesn't know what an architecture is, hence us recommending on download page that they just use 32-bit.04:06
rwwwhich is itself imprecise language for i58604:06
rwwerm, i686 now? I forget.04:06
jerryso much terminology, so little understanding lol04:07
jgouldI think it is i68604:07
jerryIm assuming I can use the start up usb creator in Ubuntu to make my usb bootable Xubuntu?04:08
rwwassuming you get desktop not alternate, anyway04:09
jgouldWhere does XFCE store default panel information?04:21
Unit193jgould: I take it your not talking config?04:32
jgouldNope.  Fresh install of Xubuntu Natty, my panels are all screwed up04:33
jgouldThere we go.  Dumped the ~/.config directory04:33
jerryworks every time ;)04:34
jgouldI was deleting random . stuff that was related to X or gnome...04:34
Unit193That will mess with your bottom one (If it worked in the first place...)04:34
Soupermanitoso the left super key triggers different things that the right super key?05:32
Soupermanitohow do i bind the other super key to xfce4-popup-menu?05:33
Soupermanitooh, there is super_L and super_R, who knew!05:34
Soupermanito:D awesome now both super key trigger the xfce menu05:35
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AEEhave problem with keyboard layout it no remember value Alt+Shift08:00
pomkeHello, I've deleted my wireless applet because I was silly and I've tried adding just about every obvious available applet on the list and I cannot get it back. I am however still getting notifications about wireless events08:27
pomkeI'm running natty with the xfce desktop installed post installation08:27
pomkeAny tips on how to locate my applet again would be really helpful08:28
gr8m8pomke:  tried apt-cache search xfce4-panel in a terminal to see if it shows?08:38
pomkegr8m8: I didn't uninstall it, I just right-clicked the applet and clicked remove08:57
gr8m8pomke:  since it is so hard to find are you sure removing it didn't uninstall it?  you could at least find the name of it with the above command08:59
pomkeThe above command returns xfce4-messenger-plugin, xfce4-notes-plugin, xfce4-panel (-dbg, -dev) and xfce4-smartpm-plugin09:01
gr8m8pomke:  I don't do wireless at all - it was a panel applet?09:02
pomkewhen I first launched xfce there was a wireless icon, a battery icon and two volume icons, I tried removing the duplicate volume icon and my wireless icon vanished with it, I thought at first I had removed my notification applet09:04
pomkebut I still have one of those, so I'm unsure if the wireless icon was an app with a notification icon that just never came back, or if it was its own applet09:04
pomkeI'm guessing it was whatever the ubuntu default networking applet is, for managing wired and wireless connections09:05
pomkeI'm sort of new to XFCE, I've just installed it recently fleeing the unity/gnome3 catastrophe09:05
gr8m8afaik that is network-manager - I run very minimal installs so bother with such things09:06
gr8m8*so don't09:07
pomkedpkg -L network-manager-gnome  says I have an nm-applet09:09
pomkehmm which when i run exists after saying it is already running09:10
pomkegr8m8: thank you :) I've at least got a lead now I can investigate09:10
Sysipomke: if you have notification area and/or indicator applet, it should be there on next login09:27
pomkeSysi: I have both of those, and after rebooting it does not reappear09:28
Sysipossibly problem with icon- or gtk-theme09:30
pomkeoh the theme I have might just not have an icon for it?09:33
* pomke tries a different theme09:33
gr8m8 /exit09:37
Sysiif that happens, it should just fallback to icon in tango or gnome-icon themes09:38
pomkeChanging icons didn't make the wireless applet appear09:44
Sysitry gtk-theme09:45
pomkeSysi: do you mean Settings Manager > Appearance > Style tab ?09:53
Sysii guess09:53
pomkeI think that is gtk theme?09:53
pomkeThat didn't help, its ok I'll just run iwconfig from the command line I guess09:55
profus2hi everybody10:29
profus2can somebody help me with an Firefox 4.01 issues with regard to deinstalling addon10:30
profus2which in the addon-section is "greyed-out"10:30
knomeprofus2, how did you install the addon?10:30
profus2if i log in a a user with no admin rights i can't update, remove etc10:31
profus2i deinstalled the addon via software center, but i still sits in the addon panel10:31
profus2can i manually delet it and if so, where do the files reside?10:32
knomeprofus2, ~/.mozilla/firefox-4.0/10:33
profus2is this under the root?10:34
profus2and where are the profiles?10:35
knome~ is your home folder10:35
profus2is it a hidden folder?10:37
knomeyes, anything starting with a . is hidden by default10:37
knomein thunar, press ctrl+h to hide/show hidden files10:37
profus2if this is standard for ubuntu distros, i dot find any mozialla folder under /home10:40
profus2yes, its /home/yourusername/10:41
knome/home/yourusername/.mozilla/ ... ?10:41
profus2then you have: picturs, bin, desktop and so on10:41
Sysils -a | grep mozilla10:41
knomemoi Sysi10:42
profus2ok, sorry10:42
profus2after unhiding I can see the folder now10:42
profus2@knome, thx for your help and have a nice day10:50
knomeprofus2, no problem, you too10:52
Sysiripping music11:15
knomeSysi, you bought a cd? :)11:44
buff27evening all11:46
Sysiknome: half a dozen from library11:50
knomeSysi, awwh11:55
Sysiwhen i try to buy music they never have what i'd want11:56
buff27you use private bittorrent trackers Sysi ?11:58
Sysinope, ubuntu channels are law-respecting11:59
knomeSysi, maybe try amazon? :)12:12
knomeSysi, cheaper prices and better selection12:12
knomeanyway, bbl12:13
oekintarohi, is there a way to install xubuntu in a 4Gb HDD? During install halts saying that 4.4Gb is needed, but maybe deselecting some components it can still work14:09
TheSheepoekintaro: you can install a command line system and then install the things you need with apt-get14:10
oekintarowill try that then, tnx14:11
PelonchoHi. Is there a way to fit a xubuntu install in a 3.5gb hard drive?14:37
ochosiPeloncho: you might have to get rid of some stuff, maybe it's easier to do a minimal install and then add things until the drive is full14:38
TheSheepPeloncho: you can install a command-line system and then add the programs you need with apt-get14:38
Pelonchothe problem is that this is my first ever linux intall, and i'm not familiar with what I want XD14:39
Pelonchoso don't know what options are system dependant14:39
Pelonchoand what only optional14:39
PelonchoI know I want a graphic environment like the one i'm writing right now (live boot from the install cd)14:40
Pelonchobut the installation halts, saying that I don't have 4.4Gb of free space14:40
Pelonchoeven tho in the reqs in the donwload page, said 2Gb14:40
TheSheepthe download page is wrong then14:42
TheSheepPeloncho: where is that written, so that we can fix it?14:43
Pelonchominum system requirements14:43
Peloncho256mb ram14:43
Peloncho2gb hdd14:43
ochosii think going for the minimal install is the best option you have (or try to find a distro with less requirements, or get a larger hdd)14:45
Sysihow much ram btw?14:45
Pelonchoi downloaded mini.iso but it wont boot. Just got me to a blank page14:45
Pelonchonor puppy, nor vector14:46
Pelonchoonly thing that seems to boot this machine are ubuntu and xubuntu install cds14:46
Peloncho(its a really old pc I want to test a project on)14:46
Pelonchoin fact, the only thing besides thunderbird that this machine is ever to run is x-dnc14:47
ochosibut for only running thunderbird xubuntu is really a bit overkill14:47
ochosii'd take a more minimal desktop and i guess also a more individual setup14:48
Pelonchowhat do you recommend? in the minimal approach?14:48
ochosi(on the other hand, you said it's your first linux install, sorry kinda forgot that...)14:48
Pelonchothats the main problem here14:48
ochosihmm, the link TheSheep gave you is not the worst14:48
ochosiit shows you how to do a minimal install14:48
ochosiwith xubuntu14:48
ochosiit's pretty straight-forward14:49
TheSheepochosi: it wasn't me14:49
Sysior you could try lubuntu14:50
Pelonchothere, I opened the link in a notebook, so now I'm going to try that way. Will bother you later probably14:51
Pelonchothank you all very much14:52
roastedHow can I dual screen in Xubuntu? I have a cloned display but I don't have "extended" display options in "Display" of the settings manager. Any ideas?15:03
Sysiinstall arandr15:05
roastedit uh.. doesn't support it ootb?15:05
Sysiit supports, there just isn't capable GUI for setting it15:05
Sysixrandr works15:06
roastedwell, that's a little strange15:06
roastedyou'd think it'd be here out of box15:06
roastedalso, when I plug in my flash drive in xfce, it opens thunar about 900000000000000 times. it's done this on two laptops. but if I go in under unity, it's fine...15:07
roastedany thoughts?15:07
roastedalso, arandr isn't opening...15:07
Sysistart it in terminal and see if it gives errors15:09
roastedoh, its xrandr, not arandr15:09
roastedxrandr comes up as multiple screens in the menu15:09
roastedthat works fine15:10
roastedarandr doesnt do a thing15:10
Sysi..arandr is GUI for xrandr15:10
roastedarandr wouldn't open from the menu15:10
Sysifor that U3 drive, change settings for removable devices15:10
roastedbut if I went to "multiple screens" under system, it worked fine15:10
roastedis multiple screens NOT xrandr?15:10
Sysiin xfce4-settings-manager or "Advanced" tab in file manager settings15:11
roastedyeah, were good now15:12
roastedjust unchecked browse automatically15:12
jmcantrellis there a way to configure touchpad options?15:12
Sysiuse gpointing-device-settings or xinput or something, something in mouse settings too15:13
jmcantrelldoes xubuntu use gdm?15:18
jmcantrell*sigh* that's unfortunate15:19
jmcantrelleverything uses gtk right?15:22
jmcantrellcool. i'm not as familiar with gtk3. will xfce be using that soon?15:23
knomeprobably not, #xfce would be a better place to ask that15:23
jmcantrellok. thanks15:24
jmcantrellany way to get that fancy window snapping stuff?15:33
TheSheepjmcantrell: in window manager tweaks, third tab afair15:34
jmcantrellhmmm. what i'm talking about is where you drag it to one side of the screen and it fills up that half15:36
TheSheepjmcantrell: no, sorry, window manager settings, fourth tab15:36
TheSheepjmcantrell: no, there  is no such thing15:36
TheSheepjmcantrell: just snapping to screen edges and other windows15:37
laserbeakhello, I'm in xubuntu right now from a live cd. I want to install but when i get to the part in the dialog that tells me to allocate drive space, I see a full partition (windows) that i can't resize in order to make a dual boot. my only optins are new partition tale change and delet. how do i make anew partition to dual boot?15:48
Loua1hello every one15:51
laserbeakbtw I did read the ubuntu docs about dual booting, but it semed to be kinda vague15:52
Loua1im in need of some help here15:53
Loua1any one up for it?15:53
Loua1how to mount a 2nd hard drive15:57
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:04
laserbeaki'll ask in #ubuntu, thanks16:21
mikubuntui installed the .deb package for android appinventor as described at http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/learn/setup/setuplinux.html , but i can't find any launcher in the menu, and when i browse the files in dolphin at usr/google/appinventor-setup , i can't find a file to run the app -- any ideas?16:35
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:35
mikubuntui installed the .deb package for android appinventor as described at http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/learn/setup/setuplinux.html , but i can't find any launcher in the menu, and when i browse the files in dolphin at usr/google/appinventor-setup , i can't find a file to run the app -- any ideas?16:47
drcmikubuntu: 1) Dolphin is a KDE file manager, why are you asking in #xubuntu?; 2) Is there <anything in  usr/google/appinventor-setup?; Did you check /usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor as instructed in Locating the Setup directory?; 3) Did you check the 2 links in "Something not working right"?16:49
mikubuntui use dolphin in my ubuntu os, nobody ever told me it was a kubuntu package -- seems to work well.  i will check the other leads you gave me.  yes the files seem to be in usr/google/appinventor-setup , but i guess i don't know which one runs the program.16:53
mikubuntudOH! :: "I downloaded the App Inventor Setup Installer and ran it, but the designer doesn’t start up and I don’t see any program to run to start it. It’s not supposed to start. App Inventor is a Web application that runs from a browser. You run it by browsing to the App Inventor website (http://appinventor.googlelabs.com), as described in the documentation under Getting Started. The App Inventor Setup Installer software is s17:05
mikubuntudrc, thx, i hadn''t seen the link to the troubleshooting page, it was kind of lost at the bottom17:06
drcmikubuntu:  np :)17:07
roastedIs there a way I can set a simple command to run upon system boot and poweroff?17:23
charlie-tcaroasted: you want a shutdown right after booting?17:26
roastedI want a way to run a script at shutdown AND startp17:26
roasteduser starts up system, command executes17:26
roasteduser turns off, command executes during poweroff17:26
drcroasted: Are these going to be actual <power> on and <power> off or just a logon/off by the user (I seem to remember you work for a school system, and was wondering if the machines are left on and the new user just logs on)?17:29
roasteddrc, haha good memory my friend. yes I work for a school district, but this wasn't exactly pertaining to a situation at school at the teachers level.17:29
roasteddrc, it's something at work but unrelated.17:29
roasteddrc, I'm testing out some rsync gui applications, and I found grsync to be very effective. problem is, it has no run at shudown option.17:29
roastedbut I can run grsync -e "session name" in terminal and it runs17:30
roastedso I thought, well, if I can get the system to execute this @ power off, it would sync to the NAS accordingly as it powers off17:30
roastedmy session name is tonas, so I need to find a way for ubuntu to run grsync -e tonas when it powers off17:30
roastedor logs off, whichever17:30
drcroasted: I know I've teased you before about your questions, but I actually <do> learn something every time you ask one :)17:31
roasteddrc, hahahah, that's the way to go!17:31
roastedI'm testing gnome scheduler now17:32
roastedI set it to run grsync -e tonas at reboot17:32
roastedand it of course didnt work :P17:33
roastednot sure I trust this gnome scheduler17:33
drcroasted: Hope you get an answer (but it won't be from me, because I'm totally ignorant about this)17:34
charlie-tcaI think it might have to be an upstart script, since it has to know when reboot or shutdown or logout commands are given17:34
charlie-tcaI don't know how to do it, but you will need it to grab those commands and execute before allowing them to shutdown networking17:35
drcroasted: In that case, you might want to try #upstart.17:37
roastedrc.local didn't do a thing17:37
roastedthis is one area I wish it was as easy as windows. and I don't say that often17:37
roastedsyncback se - bam - amazing sync program, supports all sorts of protocols17:37
roastedWHERE IS IT FOR LINUX?!17:38
charlie-tcardiff or duplicity or rsync or ...17:39
drcroasted: http://alternativeto.net/software/syncback/?platform=linux17:39
charlie-tcamaybe even deja-dup17:39
roasteddeja dup looks interesting...17:41
roastednever heard of it...17:41
Sysiiirc crontab can handle startup&shutdown scripts17:41
roastedits failing on me17:44
roastedoh. I suck.17:45
roasteddeja dup backs the files up in a compressed manner17:46
roastednot a raw data manner17:46
roastedwow this works nice though...17:48
andre_Hy all18:05
andre_I have a problem with the touchpad scroller with the new update 11.04, i am the only one having it? It totally doesnt work. Thanks in advance for your help :)18:06
charlie-tcatouchpad scroller? sounds hardware specific18:06
andre_i have a aspire one d26018:07
andre_if it helps18:07
drcandre_: http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-773160%5D-%5Bnew%5D-ubuntu-11-04-touchpad-scrolling-doesnt-work-144561/18:08
drcandre_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/73705118:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 737051 in linux (Ubuntu) "[regression] Alps touchpad detected, but scrolling not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:09
andre_drc, ok, thanks, i'll try something :)18:10
andre_fixed using the 2 cmds in the post #2 of the 2nd link. thanks for your help :)18:13
drcandre_: np18:14
bin_bashHas anyone had any problems with skype freezing their session completely forcing a hardboot?18:21
drcbin_bash: This still related to your 2 camera skype problem?18:22
bin_bashnow it just happens randomly18:22
bin_bashAlso, I can kind of tell when it's going to happen because skype will randomly start disconnecting and then reconnecting18:23
bin_bashI get the spinning grey icon in the menubar18:23
bin_bashAlso skype is randomly crashing itself. And I mean random. I'll just be going to the options, and it'll close18:24
Sysipropietary software..18:25
bin_bashproblem is i need skype18:26
drcbin_bash: Get a BF closer to you :)18:27
bin_bashwhen someone logs onto pidgin the sounds arent working18:28
drcbin_bash: Check the prefs, Works For Me (tm) :)18:29
bin_bashalready did18:29
bin_bashsounds aren't muted18:29
bin_bashwhen i hit the preview button doesn't even register in pavucontrol18:29
drcFunny Thing...I just now got the sound when my sister came online...coincidence? :)18:30
bin_bashi changed it from auto to alsa and it worked18:31
drccheck the "Method"18:31
bin_bashi miss the days of 6 months ago when linux just worked18:31
bin_bashwhenever I have to hard boot, like half of my preferences are forgotten18:32
drcLuckily for me, my system "just works" in spite of all I do th mess it up18:32
bin_bashthat is lucky18:33
bin_bashI'm thinking about compiling the new kernel and seeing if that helps18:33
drcLucky and Foresight...I bought a laptop that had Ubuntu pre-installed, so I <knew> the hardware would work....and I don't try anything fancy with my configs :)18:34
bin_bashYeah... I got this computer as a free replacement18:34
drcthe Mac?18:34
Soupermanitois there a way to force evince to open fullscreen instead of windowed mode?18:59
drcSoupermanito: I can't find one to make it the default, but, iirc, "by document", it will default to the last used (F5 or f11) for that document.19:09
Soupermanitooh, i see that, it will remember for documents i already opened19:11
Soupermanitobut i do have to work whit lots of pdf's and its anoying having to move them back to the screen, they will open on the half part of the screen, wait lemme show you a screensho19:12
drcSoupermanito: You might try some of the other pdf readers and see what they have for defaults.  I rarely use pdf, except for a few books that are better dome in pdf (photo and computer books, mainly)19:14
Soupermanitoim a library science student, so im reading, well not reading reading, just like parsing XD, books and scientific magazines all the time, and its good to have options, like rotate and other stuff, other pdf readers are or too simple, or not gtk19:16
Soupermanitoevince seems to do things rigth, but its anying how it gets outside the screen19:16
Soupermanitoaparently if i close the windows on windowed mode, it will open the new ones on windowed mode19:17
drcSoupermanito: On my system, it will always open a <new> pdf in windowed mode...only pdf's I have opened before will default to the last know mode for <that> document.19:19
Soupermanitoclose the last open pdf on the maxed out mode, and then open a new one19:21
drcI have19:22
Soupermanitoweird is just me them19:22
drcWell...we all have suspected that for a while ;)19:23
Soupermanitoi think i know what it is, its the stored last view inside the same pdf19:24
preecherdont like unity - tried kubuntu just too much "fluff" for me---so tried xubuntu and its like the perfect thing since sliced bread-)20:31
Sysiless is more20:32
Soupermanitowelcome brother20:32
preecherits unbelievably fast on my end20:32
preecherthats on virtual box even---fixing to do a regular install20:33
bin_bashi tried lxde20:34
bin_bashbut i was having problems with the panels20:34
bin_bashI'm thinking of downgrading to maverick20:34
bin_bashor trying mint1020:34
preecheri used mint for several months i only left because of the terribaly slow servers when updating & package instlling (on my end anyway) only 1 usa server when i used it20:37
bin_bashis there a way to disable the touchpad while tuping20:37
profus2hi everybody20:38
profus2may I bother you with my little firefox addon problem20:38
profus2the profile I am working with has no admin rights and the addon cannot be removed or updated20:39
Soupermanitogksudo firefox?20:39
Sysiwhat addon?20:39
profus2adblock plus20:39
SysiSoupermanito: that sounds really bad idea20:39
Soupermanitoit really does20:40
Sysisudo chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser20:40
Sysiwith programs closed, possibly on other user20:40
preecherbin_bash i dont know if this will help http://justcheckingonall.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/disable-touchpad-linux/20:41
profus2the other profile with admin rights has the current version of the addon installed20:41
profus2i thought i could delet the addon manually, so i tried to find20:42
profus2but with no success20:43
Sysieven "admin" can't install it globally from browser20:43
Soupermanitoprofus2, do firefox -P <profile>20:44
profus2@sysi: if it is deleted in the admins profile, does this mean it will be removed at a normal users profile20:44
Sysi(why would anybody want to remove adblock)20:44
Sysiprofus2: not20:44
Soupermanito(have no idea)20:44
profus2@sysi: the version of the addon in the "normal users" profile is outdated while the addon in the "admin profile" is up to date20:45
profus2i would like to continue using the addon20:45
Sysiplease don't use @ in front of nicks20:46
Sysido you get some error when trying to remove it?20:46
Sysitry the chmod-line i gave20:46
Soupermanitoprofus2, on your /home/you/.mozilla/firefox20:46
Soupermanitois your .profile blocked?20:46
profus2what do mean by blocked?20:47
profus2on a file level i can enter /home/me/.mozilla/firefox20:47
profus2i went to the profile folder an looked for extensions20:47
profus2if i open the extensions folder there is no content20:48
Soupermanitoi don't know profus2 try the chmod Sysi gave you20:48
profus2what will it do?20:49
profus2and do i have to perform it in the terminal after having closed firefox?20:50
Soupermanitoit will make the files be own by you20:51
profus2let say i am user2 and i perfom the chmod20:54
drcbin_bash: Settings Manager>Session and Startup>Application Autostart>Add....The command is syndaemon -i 3 -d (3 = the number of seconds that the disab;e will continue after typing)3 seconds)20:54
profus2i am asked to enter password for user2, but user2 is not in the20:55
profus2sudoer list20:55
Sysieven better if you do it as user1, but user2 as yourusername20:56
profus2i don't have a clue :-(, do you mean to log in as user1 first?21:02
Sysilog in as admin user and run command sudo chown -R problemuser:problemuser /home/problemuser21:05
profus2thank you21:06
rober7can i play warcraft 3 on xubuntu 11 with 512 ram and ati radeon 9250 video card?21:19
preechersweet- less than 45 mins for install & update21:26
Guest56736hello, guys, i've just installed ccsm and compiz button, chosen compiz as default in button menu, and effects seem to be activated (like trasparency in my case), but no titlebars, and even simple shortcuts, as alt-f4 do not work anymore. any ideas?21:57
MarconMthe xubuntu 11.04 its very cool22:08
bin_bashit would be more awesome if skype worked22:09
MarconMbin_bash,  what dont work22:11
MarconMit dont install22:11
bin_bashskype crashes everything22:11
charlie-tcagot all the dependencies satisfied for skype?22:11
MarconMfor me works22:12
MarconMbut i use ubuntu natty22:12
MarconMi ll try to install here22:12
charlie-tcaThen something it needs is still missing; Xubuntu does not add all the stuff ubuntu does by default22:12
MarconMi am installing autocad for linux22:13
MarconMwithout wine22:13
* MarconM say wine sucks22:13
bin_bashcharlie-tca, no i have everything. it runs but then after a bit it freezes my system to the point where i have to hard boot22:14
charlie-tcabin_bash: something in the audio system, maybe? I would guess kernel related, since most audio is now in the kernel22:16
bin_bashcharlie-tca, yeah idk. it only started after updating a few weeks ago22:16
charlie-tcaah-ha! the -8 kernel, perhaps22:16
bin_bashno no22:17
bin_bashi mean22:17
bin_bashit worked on natty22:17
charlie-tcatry running the -7 kernel maybe?22:17
bin_basha few weeks ago22:17
bin_bashit worked on the beta22:17
charlie-tcayes, the -8 came in a few weeks ago, like just before the release.22:17
charlie-tcaIt makes mine give kernel oops every so often22:17
bin_bashi know i was using  -8 though22:17
bin_bashwhen i installed xubuntu22:17
bin_bashthe -8 pae kernel22:17
charlie-tcaweird then22:18
bin_bashi wonder what i updated that caused that22:18
charlie-tcahard to say. I only show two depends for skype, skysentials and skyped22:19
charlie-tcabut that doesn't so much, since there are so many interactions with libraries and stuff22:20
charlie-tcabut that doesn't mean so much, since there are so many interactions with libraries and stuff22:20
bin_bashyeah exactlyy22:21
bin_bashI did a clean install22:22
bin_bashand i looked through the updates before doing them22:22
bin_bashbut i just dont se anything22:22
charlie-tcawas there anything for network-manager?22:23
charlie-tcaor maybe a telephony package update?22:23
bin_bashi dont have a wirless driver either22:23
bin_bashi use a use adapter22:23
charlie-tcaA wild guess - libc6-i386 broke it22:24
charlie-tcayou running a 32bit xubuntu install?22:25
charlie-tcalooks like all the skype stuff is 32bit22:25
bin_bashyeha i'm running  a 32 bit sysem22:25
charlie-tcaI am willing to bet on libc6, which does strange things to working applications22:26
bin_bashcharlie-tca, so what do22:27
charlie-tcaI don't really know. That is just a guess, from experience seeing it screw up22:27
charlie-tcamight try a reinstall of libc6-i386 in synaptic22:28
bin_bashcan i do it through the terminal or do i have to use synaptic22:28
charlie-tcaThe other thing I seem to have heard is remove and reinstall skype one time.22:29
charlie-tcaI use synaptic, since apt-get often refuses to reinstall things without you removing them first22:29
bin_bashcharlie-tca, i've done it like 3 or 4 times22:29
charlie-tcaThat didn't work, then, right.22:30
charlie-tcaI wish I had a good answer for you. I will do some research, but no guarantees22:30
bin_bashcharlie-tca, yeah i've beenr esearching for a while22:31
bin_basheven tried a livecd of lubuntu22:31
bin_bashlibc6-i386 isnt listed22:33
charlie-tcawhat is listed as installed if you search libc6 ?22:35
bin_bashlibc6, libc6-dev, libtext-iconv-perl22:36
charlie-tcamark the first two for reinstall22:37
bin_bashok reinstalled22:40
charlie-tcawoirth a try22:40
bin_bashi dont have skyped installed22:41
charlie-tcawon't that make fail too?22:41
bin_bashdo i need it?22:41
charlie-tcaI don't know22:42
bin_bashi'll install it22:43
bin_bashwhats the worse that can happen?22:43
bin_bashnm i dont need it22:43
charlie-tcait will work? or it just sits and doesn't get usedf22:43
bin_bashit's just a remote daemon22:44
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