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oSoMoNgood morning08:02
didrocksgood morning08:09
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vishCimi: hi, could you have a look at : https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591258 , patch might need updating for GTK3 and as per mclasen's comment, and tseliot has gotten busy after the initial patch10:59
ubot5Gnome bug 591258 in gtk "Easy to accidentally select first option in popup menus" [Minor,Unconfirmed]10:59
Cimivish: we have a different behavior in ambiance11:03
Cimivish: we add a padding11:04
vishCimi: so, the padding now displaces the menu downwards in ambiance?  (I have a patched gtk so not sure)11:06
vishif a right-click doesnt select the first option, then we might be OK there.11:07
Cimivish: exactly11:07
vishk.. cool!11:08
Cimivish: no downwards11:08
Cimivish: but the first option has a padding11:08
vishhmm, OK.11:09
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andyrockgood afternoon :)14:03
spikebgood morning ;)14:05
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davidcalledidrocks, hey14:39
didrockshey david!14:39
davidcalledidrocks, still no luck on unity-runner in lenses. I confirm it needs to be centralized :)14:41
didrocksdavidcalle: should be something to discuss with njpatel then14:41
didrocksnjpatel: you know about the Activatation in the lenses, there is no way to activate an entry with a mimetype/activate action from another lense (like david there from his book lens to a runner:// activation for the application places) as I think the dbus activate signal is only sent to the current lens14:43
kenvandinedidrocks, njpatel:  that would be generally useful for sure14:45
njpateldidrocks, yes, we only check the current lens I think, let me check14:45
njpateldavidcalle, kenvandine, didrocks yes, that's how it's implemented at the moment. So you guys want to be able to use other lens' activation hooks?14:47
didrocksnjpatel: I think that would make sense, isn't it?14:47
kenvandinenjpatel, yeah, i think that would be pretty useful14:48
davidcallenjpatel, yes14:48
kenvandineespecially the runner:// one :)14:48
njpatelIt would be confusing if two lens' want to activate the same thing, but we could do some priority checking there I guess14:48
davidcallekenvandine, agreed :)14:48
njpatelcool, can someone make a bug and assign it to me :)14:48
didrocksdavidcalle: it's yours ;)14:49
davidcallenjpatel, I'm doing it ;)14:49
htorquehello, everyone! i'm trying to build nux on oneiric, hitting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609510/ - am i missing something?14:50
spikebi noticed something that impairs the user experience of unity slightly, but i don't know what to file the bug against. its the "restore from minimize" animation - it doesn't flow from the launcher, it merely appears out of nowhere.14:50
didrockshtorque: look at my latest oneiric upload :)14:51
njpatelspikeb, yeah, that annoys me senseless14:51
njpatelDBO, ^14:51
DBOannoys me too!14:52
DBOnot sure why compiz doesn't do it nicely14:52
spikebshould I file a bug, and what against?14:52
DBOand yes14:54
spikebwill do14:54
spikeber, compiz doesn't use lp for bug tracking?14:56
htorquedidrocks: ah, thanks!14:57
davidcallenjpatel, I don't seem to have the rights to assign it directly to someone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/78461314:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 784613 in unity "The dbus activate signal is only sent to the current lens" [Undecided,New]14:59
XizzHi all16:02
XizzIs anyone talking about unity in 11.04 ?16:03
LLStarksdear ayatana, thanks for making the management of multiple libreoffice documents impossible. ffs, all i want to do is mass print!17:02
LLStarksi need to expo each time i want to switch documents and i can't tell which document is which because the window names aren't shown!17:02
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nhainesLLStarks: Window menu in LibreOffice?17:16
LLStarksno,  the window bar17:16
LLStarksthere's no way to determine which document is which from an expo17:17
LLStarksor tabbing17:17
LLStarksit's things like this that make me miss the bottom bar17:17
LLStarksthere's simply no windowbar for a maximized window in any window-switching method17:18
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jam_Привет, есть тут кто русскоговорящий?22:00
jam_Hi, is there anyone?22:02
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