
=== medberry is now known as med_out
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
stewarthi all!07:25
stewartis there a magic "upgrade all launchpad bzr trees for project X to new repo format" button hiding somewhere?07:25
stewartor does the magic sftp "bzr upgrade" work for all that...07:25
stewartand also, any idea what "Standalone tree (format: unnamed)" could possibly mean ?07:27
lifelessit info -v07:39
lifelessinfo -v will help you see what it means07:39
stewartahh.. packs with knits without subtree07:41
lifelessprobably an unusual combination of tree/branch/repo07:41
Jordan_UI'm working with the branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/grub/trunk/grub/. "bzr log | grep tags:" prints "tags: 1.99" yet "bzr checkout -r tag:1.99 /tmp/grub" fails with "bzr: ERROR: No such tag: 1.99". What am I doing wrong?08:10
Jordan_UAhh, I see what I did wrong now.08:11
Jordan_UI thought that if ommitted branch location would be the branch corrosponding to the current directory. I guess it's not.08:16
LarstiQJordan_U: it will try to check out /tmp/grub in the current location08:32
Jordan_ULarstiQ: Thanks.08:32
LarstiQJordan_U: I suspect you might be used to git checkout?08:35
Jordan_ULarstiQ: Yes :)08:36
LarstiQJordan_U: yeah, same names unfortunately don't always imply same operation :)08:36
Jordan_ULarstiQ: I actually did read "bzr help checkout" before using it.08:37
* LarstiQ shakes a fist at Estonian/Finnish false friends while at it08:37
LarstiQJordan_U: maybe it should be more explicit that one can't supply TO_LOCATION without supplying BRANCH_LOCATION?08:38
Jordan_ULarstiQ: I'd say so.08:38
LarstiQhmm, not sure how to get the option parser to spit that out08:39
* LarstiQ will file a bug and let other people sort it out08:43
dandamanis there anything for bzr in ubuntu 10.10 like there is for tortoise svn on windows where the UI is your file explorer?08:44
Jordan_ULarstiQ: Thanks.08:44
LarstiQdandaman: nautilus-bzr exists, don't know if it is on the same level08:44
LarstiQdandaman: might be packaged in bzr-gtk08:45
dandamani shall investigate08:45
dandamani'm not well acquainted with the command line yet(which i'd really like to, but no time) and the explorer ui is garbage08:46
* dandaman apologizes if anyone who worked on that is in the channel, just my opinion08:46
LarstiQdandaman: the apology would carry more weight if you gave feedback on why you think that ;P08:47
LarstiQnot that I'm involved08:48
dandamanits just a lot less inferior to a folder explorer UI, less intuitive08:49
LarstiQdandaman: mkay, that might be taste I suppose08:55
LarstiQdandaman: found nautilus-bzr yet?08:55
dandamanyeah i installed it08:55
dandamanI'll get it set up when i'm not stoned, and thus be able to read instructions08:55
* LarstiQ personally abhors the explorer/nautilus view08:55
LarstiQdandaman: hah, ok :)08:56
dandamanits so easy to us08:56
LarstiQdandaman: how do you quantify easy? :)08:56
dandamanjust right click on the file you worked on a second ago and its committed08:56
LarstiQdandaman: except I don't use a filemanager in my daily workflow to begin with08:56
dandamanbarely worry about conflicts because you commit one file at a time08:56
dandamando you use the command line?08:56
dandamanwell see08:57
LarstiQand emacs/vi integration08:57
dandamancommand line is probably the most efficient08:57
LarstiQand qbzr08:57
dandamani just don't exactly have the time to learn how to use it to the point where i'd feel comfortable with it08:57
* LarstiQ nods08:57
LarstiQthat's fair08:57
dandamanafter graduation i'll have some time08:57
dandamanand i'm going to learn a whole bunch of stuff i meant to learn on the side08:57
dandamanalso, i need to find a place that wants to hire api programmers08:58
dandamandon't know why, but i decided that's what I want to do08:58
LarstiQJordan_U: took a while, but: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/78445909:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 784459 in Bazaar ""bzr help checkout" should make dependence of TO_LOCATION on BRANCH_LOCATION more explicit" [Medium,Confirmed]09:06
mgzmorning all!09:23
LarstiQmorning mgz :)09:24
mgzLarstiQ: if you're still interested in the file handles issue for pypy, I have a couple of tools that may help09:26
mgzalso, vila and I are going to investigate later today to see if the babune osx and windows issues are also file handle exhaustion related09:27
LarstiQmgz: yeah09:30
LarstiQmgz: I have made some notes09:30
LarstiQand some lacking commits09:30
LarstiQI'll push the latter09:30
LarstiQmgz: http://richtlijn.be/~larstiq/DEBUG_NOTES09:32
LarstiQmgz: and maybe it is useful to put a small test script to demonstrate the generator-with-resources problem09:33
LarstiQmgz: http://richtlijn.be/~larstiq/halfcon.py09:36
LarstiQmgz: most fun: enable the pdb line, run the script (cpython or pypy, doesn't matter in this case), note the pid it prints out, run "watch -n 1 'ls -lU /proc/<pid>/fd"; and step through the code09:37
LarstiQmgz: (not too fast, watch only updates once a second)09:37
* jelmer waves09:38
LarstiQjelmer: hei jelmer :)09:38
jelmerLarstiQ, dude!09:39
LarstiQmgz: even with those attempts at cleaning up resources, running `pypy ./bzr selftest -s bt.blackbox` the amount of open files fluctuates. Usually between 700 and 1023 (where we get too many open files)09:40
LarstiQjelmer: still alive ;)09:40
LarstiQmgz: I hope the DEBUG_NOTES file is clear?09:41
mgzokay, back from swapping09:42
* mgz reads notes09:42
mgzLarstiQ, so, jam recently added a cleanup in Transport._seek_and_read which is what Transport._readv (always?) calls09:45
mgzare there cases where that codepath with the close isn't being hit?09:46
* LarstiQ looks at the code09:46
jammgz: LocalTransport should always call _seek_and_read, HTTP and others don't09:46
LarstiQmgz: where is this cleanup?09:46
jamLarstiQ: try/except/fp.close raise else: fp.close09:47
jamline 718 in bzrlib/transport/__init__.py09:47
LarstiQjam: that is no good if the generator is not fully consumed09:47
jammgz: and we can change that back to try/finally now \o/09:47
jamLarstiQ: generators raise GeneratorExit if they aren't consumed09:47
jamat least in python 2.5+09:47
jampypy *should* be doing the same09:48
LarstiQjam: in what case?09:48
LarstiQwhen they're garbage collected?09:48
LarstiQThat may take a while09:48
jamLarstiQ: yes09:48
LarstiQjam: it _does_ clean them up from time to time, dropping from say 800 to 300 open files09:48
LarstiQbut not fast enough09:48
mgzokay, that sounds fun.09:49
jamLarstiQ: so 1) we can change it to try/finally so it is at least clearer. 2) We can look at changing the StopIteration code black to close them again09:49
LarstiQjam: the reason I think it is due to not being consumed is that I added debug prints/sys.counter checking, and we were not hitting the final fp.close09:49
jamLarstiQ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609397/09:50
jamtry that09:50
jamit should allow the file to get closed when its associated iterator is consumed09:50
jambefore we yield09:50
jamand it should be pretty rare that we don't access all the readv data09:50
mgzLarstiQ: I also have a record of which testcases in the suite use files and rely on refcount semantics to clean them up, this can also add to your 800 files open scenario09:50
mgzlots of the problems are shallow issues with particular tests09:50
jamit will occasionally happen that we do "zip(X, readv)" and the X stops, so it doesn't even check if the readv is stopped09:50
jamI have another idea, too09:50
LarstiQjam: that is almost what my code looks like, but I'll try that (the raise might be different)09:51
jamLarstiQ: we don't want the raise there09:51
jamthat was a bug in my diff09:51
jamah, my diff removed it09:51
jamI just read it wrong09:51
LarstiQmgz: hmm, maybe. But I don't think so09:51
mgzsee (warning, big page) http://float.endofinternet.org/xmlbin/newtestresult and click any of the little yellow boxes09:51
jamanyway, you don't have to do that part, but you can09:51
jamexcept... that's buggy to09:52
jamit looks like we still iterate c_offset09:52
mgzit's possible pypy can be clever about some of those formulations09:52
jamso closing the file early will bring other bugs09:52
jamlet me think about it a bit09:52
jamwe should only close the file once we're sure we've read everything09:52
jamah, nm09:53
jamif offset_stack is empty09:53
jamthen we know we're done09:53
jamsince we have returned everything the caller asked of us09:53
LarstiQjam: that fp.close in the StopIteration works wonder09:55
* LarstiQ failed to see it the first time :/09:55
jamLarstiQ: it used to be there, but we moved it because it is cleaner to have just the try/finally (and doesn't matter much in production code)09:56
mgzthat's a little suprising,09:56
jammgz: I'm not terribly surprised. anything with a lazy garbage collector can be *really* lazy09:56
jamand we do a lot of readv09:56
mgzdo lots of callers use the zip idiom and never exhaust the generator?09:56
jammgz: I wouldn't have thought lots09:56
mgzif so, might want the close there, and try/except/close/raise09:56
jambut if BTreeGraphIndex does09:57
jamthat is a pretty core09:57
mgzrather than try/finally09:57
jammgz: you can always close twice09:57
jamat least with all the objects I tried09:57
LarstiQbut can't close lists09:57
mgz...that's probably safe09:57
jamLarstiQ: fp should never be a list09:57
jammgz: note that you *can't* os.close(FID) twice, but that should be safely encapsulated for us09:57
LarstiQjam: aye, I was referring to the 'if isinstance(data_ranges, types.GeneratorType)' in https://code.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzr/bzr-pypy/+merge/6098609:58
LarstiQsince you can explicitly close a generator09:58
LarstiQsince python 2.5 iirc09:59
* LarstiQ is 10% into the blackbox tests and observes a maximum of 37 open files dropping down to 7 every couple of seconds10:00
jamLarstiQ: so I'd rather not change btree_index unless we have to.10:08
jamit is going to be really rare for btree_index to not get fully consumed10:08
jamI'm guessing what you are running into is actually in pack.py10:09
jamWhere when reading disk content10:09
LarstiQjam: I have no firm grasp on the matter10:09
jamwe create a Readv* class10:09
jamwhich doesn't have StopIteration written anywhere10:09
jamso it is probably never consuming the readv object10:09
LarstiQjam: right, I pondered a .close method on that10:09
LarstiQjam: so, shall I uncommit the previous revision, reinstate the close on StopIteration, and push --overwrite?10:13
pooliejam, hi10:15
poolieyou can dial in if you like10:15
pooliealso i was wondering if it would work for you to benchmark on gcc-linaro rather than a synthetic tree10:15
jampoolie: I'm dialed in10:15
jamjust on mute because they are doing construction here10:16
jampoolie: I did it on gcc-linaro10:16
LarstiQyay, blackbox tests completed with 160 open files max10:19
poolieo/ LarstiQ10:19
pooliei wonder if we can add assertion there are no more open files from the start of a test to an end10:20
pooliewell, not specifically an assertion, but eg a fixture10:20
LarstiQmgz: I'm fixing the remaining cases of file(path, mode).write(content) in the blackbox tests10:46
pooliejam are you still there and muted?11:05
pooliei'm just putting statik's graphs onto the blogpost11:05
pooliei love how the right hand bar is basically imperceptible11:05
DavieyHi, is there a pre branch hook?  I can't seem to find one?11:05
mgzLarstiQ: cool. do refer to that webpage I posted earlier if it helps you see which tests don't close files.11:05
LarstiQmgz: I got the ones done that were causing failures in blackbox11:06
LarstiQloads more of occurences that don't cause immediate failures, but won't tackle those right now11:07
=== jam1 is now known as jam
LarstiQmgz: http://float.endofinternet.org/xmlbin/newtestresult makes my browser unhappy :)11:07
mgzyes, that's the problem with the number of tests bzr has... I need to remember one of the blackbox-only runs11:09
* LarstiQ is running all the tests now11:10
* LarstiQ knows of 3 failures in blackbox: 1 LocaleError, and two cases where the order of files returned is different than under cpython11:10
LarstiQwe'll see if there are any outside11:11
LarstiQin, oh, 2 hours11:11
jammgz: is the width of an entry relevant there?11:11
jamI don't quite understand the narrow grey vs the wide green, etc.11:11
mgzthe wide ones are tests11:13
mgzthe narrow ones are containers, test class, module etc11:13
mgzclick the narrow one to expand all the tests in that class11:13
jammgz, LarstiQ: the fp.close() change has landed in bzr.dev 589012:01
LarstiQjam: cheers12:13
LarstiQpypy oomed :/12:13
jamLarstiQ: is there a way to ask pypy to run the garbage collector more often?12:14
LarstiQjam: --jit threshold=N maybe12:14
* LarstiQ looks for more documentation12:14
LarstiQor, now that I think of it, that probably has to do with how often code runs before it is cached12:15
jamLarstiQ: AIUI, pypy has higher memory requirements than CPython, but mostly for the code parts, not necessarily for the data parts12:16
jamthough how would you OOM from code parts?12:16
* LarstiQ has trouble reading the oom-killer output12:17
LarstiQjam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609458/ fwiw12:19
* LarstiQ does have a fairly memory constrained setup, and no swap12:20
jamLarstiQ: not that I know what to do with that :)12:20
LarstiQjam: you're good at making sense of things ;)12:20
jamoffhand it looks like you were about 1.5GB which would certainly be oh-crap big12:20
jamare you in 32-bit or 64-bit?12:21
LarstiQ32bit, and 1.5GB is the amount of physical memory I have12:22
LarstiQjam: trying PYPY_GC_MAX=50MB now12:34
jamvila: set_last_revision_info *is* an RPC, but we always allow VFS fallbacks. so it is possible for clients to override if they get really clever, or run old versions of bzr12:39
jamso in the "I haven't tested this" I think if the server says "append_revisions_only=True" then it will be refused12:39
vilajam: yeah, I know this will take time to be truly fixed :-/12:40
vilajam: but I'm happy enough with what we already have in the mean time12:40
vilajam: also, IMHO, the "flaw" I'm referring to is that we shouldn't *blindly* allow overriding server settings12:45
jamvila: believing that a pure client will respect server settings is flawed12:46
jamsomeone can always hack the client to not12:46
jammaking sure that it is enforced *by the server* is a much better way12:46
jamvila: and then we disable VFS12:58
vilajam: sure, we can enforce that for a smart server but we should also try to have a reasonable behavior for dumb servers12:59
vilajam: I think we're are in violent agreement here ;)12:59
jamvila: I think having someone set it in locations.conf is not much removed from someone hacking branch.py to ignore the value13:00
jamit is slightly easier, but they need to know to do it13:00
vilajam: s/removed/remote/ ?13:01
pooliejam:  what do we do with https://code.launchpad.net/~songofacandy/bzr/fix-523746-dev/+merge/2053713:02
vilaright, but you mentioned consenting adults, so my point is that we should be clearer for the users about what *can* be safely overriden in locations.conf and what shouldn't13:03
jamvila: someone setting append_revisions_only = False in locations.conf could almost as easily change branch.py to ignore the setting13:04
jamso if someone is going to hack their client to get around a setting13:04
jamthey're going to do it anywhay13:04
jamso lets make sure we do it correctly where it matters13:05
jamand try to be nice, but we don't have to bend over backwards13:05
jamvila: as said above, if they have direct write access they can also not hack bzr but just do13:05
jamsftp .bzr/branch/last-revision sftp://REMOTE/branch/.bzr/branch13:05
jamvila: so I file it under "I'm not worried about local settings overriding remote ones for cases where users can do the work anyway'"13:06
viladumb servers can't enforce anything obviously13:06
spivjam: I think perhaps vila's point is that it's surprising to users, not that users can do it anyway13:06
vilawhat I want is that a smart server admin can say: this is my server, you can access it only with bzr+ssh, and don't mess my append_revisions_only, ok ?13:07
vilawe are not there yet13:07
jamvila: we are if we were at the point that you could disable VFS13:07
jamso lets do that instead13:07
vilaeven with no vfs we don't forbid overriding in locations.conf13:08
jamvila: with no vfs the *server* will enforce append_revisions_only13:08
vilabut yes13:08
jamset_last_revision() is already calling an RPC13:08
vilalet's get rid of vfs first13:08
jamand I'm sure the server can't read my locations.conf fil/e13:08
spivvila: well, if the server is enforcing it what the client's config thinks is a bit irrelevant.13:08
vilareally ? Even when we create the branch ? Where is append_revisions_only is coming from ?13:11
vilaand what if I just use bzr config -d remote a_r_o=False ?13:11
spivThe server may have a plugin installed that always sets that flag when creating branches.13:12
spivIt could even have a plugin that intercepts config update RPCs.13:12
vilaright, there are various ways to solve the issue, but there still is an issue ;)13:12
spivOr perhaps the server's locations.conf globally enables append_revisions_only ;)13:14
vilaspiv: indeed, but this works only for the smart server since we don't even try to read the remote locations.conf for the dumb ones13:15
spivOf course, but we were discussing the smart server case.13:15
vilaand that's the flaw I'm referring to, the actual model has some dark spots13:15
* vila nods13:15
spivThere's no ambiguity about what dumb servers do :)13:15
vilaI'm worried for people that don't realize that running both a smart server *and* a dumb one can have surprising effects13:16
spivConflicts during merge: Text conflict in doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt13:16
* spiv blinks13:16
vilaand until recently even lp was running both a smart and an sftp server right ?13:16
spivvila: still is13:17
spivI think people aren't too surprised by "you can set a setting in multiple places, and if you do and they disagree, then you might have to think carefully/experiment to find out which value wins"13:18
vilaspiv: hmm, right, so I don't want to discuss to much on that now but can we agree that there are some confusing scenarios around ?13:19
vilaspiv: yup13:19
spivIn general our story for "I'm an admin of a bzr host, and I want to set policies for the branches/repos" is pretty lacking.13:20
vilaspiv: yes, thanks, that's I was trying to express :)14:17
vilait's related to the way we [should] handle BranchConfig and RemoteBranchConfig (or even RemoteConfig)14:18
santagadahttp://bazaarvcs.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/faster-large-tree-handling/ this seems really interesting, is there some more benchmarks planned for when this is merged?14:21
santagadacomparing to mercurial and git, etc14:21
santagadaI do know that the guy that did some benchmarks for bazaar passed away but this looks like a huge speed gain for it14:23
pooliesantagada: yes, we probably will14:31
pooliedo comparisons14:31
pooliejam, still here? want to join us?14:31
LarstiQsomeone with more memory will need to run the complete testsuite under pypy14:33
pooliecos it leaks?14:33
santagadaLarstiQ, if you have a simple step by step I can run it here (4gb 64bit linux)14:33
LarstiQpoolie: at 1.0GB rsize my oom-killer won't let it live anymore14:34
LarstiQsantagada: just a sec14:34
santagadaLarstiQ, do you want to run it on trunk or 1.5? I would recommend trunk14:36
LarstiQsantagada: I've been using a 1.5 binary, but if you can try pypy trunk that would be nice too14:42
* LarstiQ has no resources to translate it himself14:42
LarstiQsantagada: once you have a copy of lp:bzr and pypy, it is just "pypy ./bzr selftest | tee selftest.log"14:43
santagadaLarstiQ, will do... will take some time to download lp:bzr14:45
LarstiQsantagada: that's ok with me14:46
santagadamaybe I should update bzr first (2.3.1 here)14:46
LarstiQsantagada: where is it at now?14:46
santagadaI think the daily nightly has some of the patches I just pated here so it should be faster at checkout stuff14:47
LarstiQsantagada: the 2.4 fixes are about a local checkout afaik, the issue is working tree handling/building, not network transfer14:48
LarstiQsantagada: are you branch over http or bzr+ssh? (ie, is your launchpad-login set)14:49
LarstiQsantagada: do I understand correctly you already have pypy setup?14:49
santagadabzr: ERROR: No module named testtools14:54
santagadaLarstiQ, bzr: ERROR: No module named testtools14:54
LarstiQsantagada: ah, right14:55
santagadaLarstiQ, I use bzr+ssh, and I have pypy-1.5 and the latest nightly installed14:55
LarstiQsantagada: cool :)14:55
* LarstiQ growls at browsers14:56
LarstiQsantagada: you can download testtools from pypi.python.org14:57
LarstiQuntar it, and run `pypy setup.py install`14:57
santagadaLarstiQ, ok14:57
LarstiQpossibly you could get away with importing it from cpython site-packages, but this is quick enough14:57
santagadaLarstiQ, installed in both pypy version... it is running 5/2515714:59
LarstiQsantagada: thanks!15:00
santagadajust to be clear, tests are probably going to be slower or the same speed as cpython15:00
santagadanot much the jit can do about those15:01
santagadaLarstiQ, I could also run some benchmarks if they are as easy as this selftest thing15:01
LarstiQsantagada: they're quite a bit slower ime15:02
LarstiQsantagada: that would be good too, let me see if I can figure out how the benchmarking is done15:02
santagadaI would guess merges are going to be faster if using this new ordering/data structure15:03
LarstiQsantagada: https://launchpad.net/bzr-usertest replaced the old selftest --benchmark apparently15:05
santagadashould I stop the selftest?15:06
LarstiQsantagada: please let that run (first)15:06
LarstiQsantagada: I'm aware of a couple of failures on pypy, but I'd like the complete set run now15:07
santagadathe docs on that page point to a user that doesn't exist anymore on launchpad15:07
LarstiQit is probably similar to what Naoki reported, but want to be sure15:07
LarstiQsantagada: yeah :/15:07
santagadaLarstiQ, I'm running on nightly so you don't report on issues already solved. After I can run on pypy-1.5 just for comparisons15:08
LarstiQpoolie: https://launchpad.net/bzr-usertest links to http://people.ubuntu.com/~ianc/plugins/usertest/doc/15:08
LarstiQpoolie: which no longer exists15:08
LarstiQsantagada: right, I'm reasonably confident they're bugs in bzr depending on cpythong behaviour, but extra confirmation doesn't hurt :)15:09
pooliei wonder if i can still get it out15:10
poolieor perhaps i have a copy15:10
santagadaLarstiQ, cpython15:10
LarstiQsantagada: indeed15:10
santagadapythong would be a good 1st April joke15:10
LarstiQI think it's been made before15:11
santagadaa leaner python or something15:11
santagadaLarstiQ, 701/25k I think this will take a lot of time15:38
LarstiQsantagada: hmm, I'm inclined to say that seems to go slower than it did on my netbook?15:39
LarstiQsantagada: if you don't mind running it, I can wait15:40
LarstiQor rather, do mathematics in the mean time :)15:40
Riddellvila: http://people.canonical.com/~mwh/bzrlibapi/bzrlib.html15:45
vilaRiddell: thanks ;)15:45
spivRiddell: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/integration.html and http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/overview.html were those docs I just mentioned15:49
spiv(in case you hadn't already seen them)15:49
LarstiQsantagada: hmm, we might actually have found a pypy bug16:18
quizniloI'm trying to use bzr just to download some source code... I don't even know what that is called in bzr-lingo.  I can't find any docs basic enough to help me, is there a good starting point doc-wise?16:18
santagadaLarstiQ, what?16:18
santagadaquiznilo, I don't know for sure, but "bzr checkout --lightweight lp:<launchpad project>" might be exactly what you want16:19
LarstiQsantagada: you might not have seen the failure yet, but you made me ready for the posibility it might not be bzr :)16:19
quiznilothank you sir16:20
LarstiQsantagada: locale.setlocale() raises different error classes between python and pypy it seems16:20
LarstiQsantagada, quiznilo: --lightweight isn't really designed for non-local usage, so that might be slower than just `bzr branch lp:<launchpad project>`16:21
quiznilounable to authenticate to SSH host16:22
quizniloI'm just downloading, I'm not uploading...16:22
santagadaLarstiQ, my log for now http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1199716:22
LarstiQquiznilo: if you have launchpad-login set, bzr will use ssh also for download because it can be faster that way16:23
quizniloso unset launchpad-login?16:23
santagadaquiznilo, I think launchpad should have a tarball download option you should probably fill a issue somewhere16:23
LarstiQquiznilo: that, or login, or there is some way to turn ssh off16:24
santagadaquiznilo, yep, or send your ssh-key to launchpad16:24
* LarstiQ looks it up16:24
quiznilothis is windows lol16:24
quizniloI don't have a ssh-key16:24
santagadaok then just unset it16:24
santagadaif you just want to look at code16:24
LarstiQsantagada: hmm, blackbox.test_info.TestInfo.test_info_locking is new to me16:24
santagadaLarstiQ, this is running with the latest pypy16:25
LarstiQsantagada: that, and mgz turned on unexpected successes counting as failures today or yesterday16:25
LarstiQbut he's not online atm16:25
* LarstiQ is currently looking into that LocaleError16:26
santagadaLarstiQ, I leave work in 2 hours, but I will let this running16:26
LarstiQsantagada: cheers16:26
LarstiQthe mbcs one is also new to me, but the rest I've squashed16:27
quiznilothere is no 'bzr unset' command or anything else to unset my user16:30
maxbjames_w: Thanks for the approve on lp:~maxb/udd/explanations - just to note, I don't have landing access - will you land, or shall I ask one of the folks at the bzr sprint with me to do so? (Or is it acceptable for me to be added to ~udd ?)16:40
james_wmaxb, I don't think there would be an issue with you being in ~udd, let me add you16:41
santagada quiznilo, I don't know, maybe edit the bzr config by hand16:42
james_wmaxb, added, please go ahead and land16:43
maxbThanks, will do!16:43
LarstiQsantagada: https://code.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzr/bzr-pypy/+merge/60986 fwiw16:48
LarstiQquiznilo: there is bzr config, which has a --remove option16:49
santagadaLarstiQ, my user is santagada on launchpad.net also16:53
quiznilohttp://howto.praqma.net/bazaar/bazaar-on-windows <-- helped with SSH issues16:53
LarstiQsantagada: stable usernames are so convenient :)16:53
LarstiQquiznilo: good16:53
quiznilobzr checkout lp:IrcDotNet <- yeilds: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/IrcDotNet/".16:59
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
quizniloI know the project has a link to the 0.4.0 SRC, but I was told to use BZR to download 'tip'17:00
LarstiQquiznilo: the projectname appears to be lower case17:01
quizniloI think he said 'tip'17:01
LarstiQquiznilo: lp:ircdotnet exists17:01
quiznilothere it goes... I think17:01
LarstiQquiznilo: 'tip' means the most recent revision (on a branch, in this case lp:ircdotnet is assumed methinks)17:01
LarstiQwell, it's a bit more general in say mercurial, but never mind that :)17:02
quizniloI think I got it, thanks for your help, I've never used a VCS system before beyond: git co git://whatever17:02
santagadaquiznilo, if you plan to program you should learn at least one17:09
santagadaquiznilo, and use it17:09
quizniloI've been programming for years17:13
quiznilothanks for the help17:14
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=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
poolieo/ jam18:52
jamhi poolie, just casually around18:52
poolienp, hi18:57
jamI have this update_basis_by_delta monkey on my back18:57
jamI can't shake it :)18:57
pooliehttp://www.pixoulphotography.com/2011/05/18/official-uds-o-group-photo-and-personal-photo-set/ nice19:01
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
james_wjelmer, maxb: thanks for all the branches/fixes19:53
james_wI guess you've finished for the day now, so I can get back to work ;-)19:53
jelmerjames_w: Hey :)20:01
jelmerjames_w: Sorry (: Thanks for the quick reviews, that's really useful.20:02
james_wno problem20:02
james_wI'm only kidding20:02
jelmerYou know where to find me if I can return the favour :)20:02
james_wit doesn't take me at all long to review your code20:02
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
workthrickhiya, is it currently possible/reasonable to work with bzr-colo on a bound branch?20:44
workthrickI work from multiple machines, and have in the past forgot to commit things in one place and then couldn't use it in the other. So I moved to having all of my branches bound to a single remote one so that it's impossible to forget to push20:45
workthrickbut now I've got enough complexity in the code that I'd actually like to have colocated branches. Yet I don't want to go back to pushing manually20:46
workthrickI see I can't make a chain of bound branches, bzr errors at me if I have A bound to B and B bound to C20:51
workthrickwhich is good in a way, at least it states plainly that it refuses to cooperate instead of breaking silently :)20:51
mgz...it's really time to leave and get some food now20:52
mgzjust *one* little merge proposal first20:52
* LarstiQ will have to ask mgz tomorrow21:00
workthrickhmm, actually it seems that bzr-colo should be happy working with a remote workspace21:08
thomiHi. Why is "Repository.copy_content_into(...)" a "destrive operation"? Surely if it's a _copy_... or am I missing something?21:34
thomi*destructive, that is.21:34
workthrickhmm, how can I tell bzr to filter out paramiko's messages below WARN? It connects a logger, and it outputs everything to console by default, which is horribly verbose21:41
workthrickhmm, why does bzr connect 4 times (!) over ssh to carry out bzr colo-branches on a remote workspace?22:14
workthrickremote == sftp://22:14

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