
ScottKshadeslayer: Has to be updated in oneiric first.00:20
ScottKshadeslayer: We don't backport from random PPAs.00:21
apacheloggerScottK: should you get bored http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/kubuntu-11-10-sneak-peak/#comment-119000:44
apacheloggergood that you mention kamoso00:45
* apachelogger had to install dput and forget all about it00:45
apacheloggerScottK:   Uploading kamoso_2.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.00:46
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages00:46
ScottKok.  Thanks00:46
ScottKshadeslayer: I need to know what the diff from oneiric will be.  Hopefully just a changelog entry.00:46
ScottKapachelogger: It wasn't my action to investigate backup alternatives.00:48
DarkwingDuckDoes anyone know where you can find the logo for Oneiric?00:48
apacheloggerScottK: no, but the other pile of crapz you might have a comment on00:48
DarkwingDuckLike, Natty has this cool cirle with the whale tail00:48
apacheloggerQuintasan_, afiestas: reminder for plasma active in project neon00:48
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: must be somewhere, since they had it on tshirts, maybe ask someone from the youbuntoo design team00:49
afiestasthis weekend I have akademy-es so I won't be available until next weekend00:50
ScottKapachelogger: WTF how many Kubuntu devs who can write upstream KDE code does he think we have ....00:50
ScottKapachelogger: Something like that?00:50
apacheloggermore like "idle" devs00:50
ScottKThat's easy.00:50
ScottKshadeslayer: 00:50
apacheloggerScottK: don't make it sound like we have problems with our developer supply :P00:51
apacheloggerpoor shadeslayer00:51
apacheloggerhe packaged kamoso today00:51
macoi propose one of the Kontact .desktop files gets a rename00:51
apacheloggerso I know he was not idle for 5 minutes00:51
apacheloggerthat must count for something00:51
ScottKapachelogger: Must be the one day a year with no exams.00:51
macobloody annoying typing in "kontact" and getting 2 and trying to guess which (and inevitably getting it wrong)00:51
ScottKWhat's the other one do?00:52
apacheloggerScottK: lol00:52
macoScottK: it's a KCM afaict00:52
macobut the menu entry when you search is just named "Kontact"00:52
apacheloggeroh yeah00:52
ScottKmaco: OK.  You should convince steveire to fix that for you upstream.00:52
apacheloggerthat is ewww00:53
macoif youre on plasma desktop, there's text underneath that says "default kde kontact component" and if you're on netbook...not so much00:53
apacheloggernetbook is broken00:53
macoi think in 10.10 the underneath text was more ambiguous though00:53
apacheloggermaco: krunner should give default choice to kontact I believe00:53
macoapachelogger: i was looking in the launchers00:54
afiestasQuintasan_: Why you have the fucking habit of cutting my sentences00:54
macokicker...i think...dang im forgetting stuff00:54
apacheloggerafiestas: lol :D00:54
* apachelogger should blog about shit people have been pulling off at UDS00:54
apacheloggerlike pulling a rodrigo, while we are talking about pulling :P00:55
afiestastoday I pulled a 3h rodrigo xD00:55
afiestasis almost my record00:55
* apachelogger should do that too some day00:55
ScottKThis reminds me of a book I learned about today: http://www.amazon.com/Go-F-Sleep-Adam-Mansbach/dp/1617750255/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1305676519&sr=1-100:55
jjesse_love that book00:55
jjesse_actually saw a pirated version off this00:56
apacheloggerwith arrrm on it?00:56
* apachelogger giggles away00:56
apacheloggergee, 2am and  I gotta do university project all day starting at 80000:57
apacheloggerthis like uds all over again00:57
apacheloggeronly with more powerpoint work \o/00:57
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
* apachelogger throws away the embedded sneak peak blog post draft and will start from scratch tomorrow01:17
apacheloggerfor some reason I have the urge to make it super spicy01:17
* ScottK pokes https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-multihead-defaults at afiestas.01:20
* afiestas knows about it01:21
afiestasI will finish my "next 2 months" KDE working plan within this week01:22
afiestasI'm not sure if I will work on XRandR at all, or if I will work only in that01:22
apacheloggerif only we had someone who can find people to make things happen01:23
afiestasapachelogger: you've found d_ed :p01:24
ScottKapachelogger: You better hurry up.  Apparently maco has recruited her own minion.  One that might actually do stuff.01:25
* apachelogger had enough minions for a life time, what is left to do is make them find minions01:26
apacheloggerScottK: maybe shadeslayer likes being a minion *shrug*01:26
afiestasapachelogger: tell me that you got the workd "minion" from the last chapter of doctor-who...01:26
apacheloggerhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development#Kubuntu Ninja Dojo01:26
afiestasI saw it yesterday xd01:26
macohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFAhVyyL3SU 01:27
* apachelogger giggles away from 3. item on the career list01:27
apacheloggerafiestas: who'd know01:28
apacheloggertime is relative01:28
apacheloggermaco: le silly01:29
apacheloggerlove it01:29
macoapachelogger: Dr Horrible01:29
* DarkwingDuck starts uilding some Kubuntu graphics.01:30
apacheloggeremit yawn(LionYawn);01:31
DarkwingDuckOkay, i think i'm going to go pick up a graphics tablet02:25
DarkwingDuckThis is getting annoying with a mouse02:26
DarkwingDuckWho do we have doing Kubuntu Graphics?03:07
c2tarunmy task panel is freezing after every minute for few seconds (around 20 sec), this started esp when I upgrade to 4.6.3. its very frustating, because I am not able to start any app, switch between applications and any other job. can anyone please tell my why am I facing this problem?03:09
=== kozz_ is now known as kozz
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelDarkwingDuck: artwork? sheytan mostly05:32
DarkwingDuckyofel: Opinion... Does this http://imm.io/5JbR look like this banner http://www.flickr.com/photos/trevi55/5705047100/sizes/l/in/photostream/ minus the stuff at the bottom? 06:13
DarkwingDuckOr, anyone at that 06:17
yofelClose enough IMO06:31
DarkwingDuckKubuntu version06:35
DarkwingDuckI'm going to be doing TONS with Kubuntu logo work tonight. 06:50
DarkwingDuckblack and white, white on blue, blue on white06:50
DarkwingDuckOneiric logos ect06:51
eMyller'lo again07:45
eMyllerwhat was that plasma widget that looked like ubuntu's app launcher?07:45
agateauhey, do we have a PPA tracking latest Qt software? (both the libraries and Qt Creator)10:08
agateauapachelogger: hi, any idea on this ^?10:13
apacheloggerno we do not10:13
apacheloggerthough maybe we should10:14
steveiremaco: ScottK I probably have to wait until after string freeze to fix that10:31
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
agateauapachelogger: ok thanks11:07
valorienice work, darkwing duck11:20
* valorie goes to bed; nighters all11:20
QuintasanDroidare there any GCC armel binaries?11:22
QuintasanDroidas in I want to compile stuff on my phone :p11:23
didrocksagateau: Qtcreator will come in oneiric today/tomorrow (coordinating with the dd)11:28
agateaudidrocks: wasn't it already in Ubuntu?11:29
didrocksagateau: I'm speaking of 2.211:29
agateaudidrocks: oh ok, good!11:29
didrockshopefully with the "design" option enabled (it should have been in 2.1 already…)11:29
debfxdidrocks: I'm not sure we want to maintain a private qt header package11:35
didrocksdebfx: oh, you're around, nice, do you have more info about that issue? I didn't spend time looking at it very closing TBH11:37
didrocksso, input from someone already maintaining this will be really appreciated :)11:38
debfxit needs private qt headers which change with every (minor) upstream version and potentially with every patch11:38
didrocksbut qtdesigner is part of qtcreator as well, isn't it? so they should mostly be in synced?11:39
didrocksor those private qt headers are in another package?11:40
debfxthey are in the qt4-x11 package11:40
didrocksdebfx: hum, I can see the concern then :/ this component is still a huge benefit for people waiting to create qt/qml applications, can we try to give a test and see how stable/unstable/additional maintainance cost is involved?11:42
didrocksdebfx: as well, is this definied on some wiki/how-to page? I found little info on this11:42
debfxdidrocks: I think it's documented in a README11:45
debfxdidrocks: have you talked to fabo about it?11:45
didrocksdebfx: let me see if I wasn't awaken enough11:45
didrocksdebfx: yeah, he wanted to fix a FTBFS on one more arch before we have a deeper look at it first (he wasn't aware about this, apparently)11:46
didrocksdebfx: ok, so basically, we can either build with -developer-build so that it can finds the header or define QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS manually if we want to give that a try11:50
debfxthe question is how do we make sure that qtcreator doesn't crash when the private abi changes11:55
didrocksdebfx: right, it's approximately the same issue than with metacity-private and compiz/mutter, I'll discuss that with fabo and we can maybe see how stable/unstable it is11:56
debfxwe could add a qt-private-abi-X virtual package and bump it whenever the abi changes11:56
didrockshum, yeah, that would be something similar to compiz and its plugins11:57
didrockslike a provide11:57
didrocksand make qtcreator depending on this virtual package11:57
debfxyeah, it's much work for just one package that needs it though11:59
didrocksdid you check the ABI for the previous release? did it break often?12:01
didrocksfor metacity, we handle the breaks: manually as it happened twice in the last couple of year12:01
debfxdidrocks: I expect that every minor version changes the private headers but no idea if they are BIC12:08
didrocksdebfx: yeah, as I think the Qt guys really want to promote QtDesigner from now on (from what I understood), we can maybe discuss about that with them, and maybe make a test in parallel for oneiric, looking if it's breaking a lot or not. I'll talk about it with fabo if you want and will come back to you12:10
yofeljussi: neon uses kde-qt, which is even older than what we have in the archive currently. We had the discussion once, and no, we won't maintain any other Qt/qtcreator builds12:18
rbelem__apachelogger: ping12:50
rbelem__apachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TabletList12:53
ScottKsteveire: If you could fix it in a branch somewhere we could (perhaps) fix it in a distro patch that could just be dropped with the next release.13:54
ScottKsteveire: Speaking of which, will there be a kdepim 4.7?13:54
ScottKagateau: Any luck on the Qt memleak SRU verification?13:56
agateauScottK: sent a message asking for testers on ayatana-dev@, not much feedback yet :/13:57
ScottKOK.  We've another SRU pending, so it'd be good to get this one out of the way and not entangle the verification.13:58
apacheloggerrbelem: archos 101it14:00
apacheloggerunlocked bootloader that has14:00
apacheloggerrbelem: what is selected for?14:00
jussiapachelogger: ?14:09
apacheloggeris is made out of the slow14:10
steveireScottK: The intention is for KDE PIM to be part of the 4.7 release of the KDE application suite.14:20
steveireiow, back to business as usual.14:20
ScottKOK.  Cool.  So you'll have a string unfreeze between 4.6 and 4.7 where this change could get in.14:21
ScottKmaco: ^^^ Makes you change quite doable with no distro patch for oneiric.14:21
steveireScottK: Yes. Something like http://dpaste.com/543820/14:23
steveireOr Konact Configuration to be less technical14:23
ScottKThat sounds better.14:23
ScottKmaco: ^^^ Now's your chance for input.14:24
* maco reads14:24
steveireBut the real issue is that it shows up at all. It should be excluded from krunner somehow because it's pretty much just an implementation detail of kontact, and not useful to users14:24
steveireI don't know enough about desktop files to know how to fix that, but I can ask on a mailing list14:24
apacheloggernodisplay=true possibly14:25
macooh hey they do both show in krunner. i just knew they both showed in kickoff and the plasma netbook launcher14:25
macoid go with "configuration" too14:25
ScottKsteveire: Thanks for looking into it.14:27
steveireOk, I've pushed the rename. Next I'll grab plasma peeps and find out how to exclude it14:28
steveireapachelogger: Is there documentation of that somewhere?14:34
macois 4.7 going to involve reimporting all my mail into akonadi?14:35
macoif so, i should go delete a LOT of stuff cuz downloading my mail into whatever the old format is takes > 24h14:35
apacheloggersteveire: desktop entry spec14:38
apacheloggernodisplay should prevent it from appearing in guis, hidden is essentially like deleted and removes it from everywhere14:38
steveireJust like this: http://dpaste.com/543821/ It's odd that it's lowercase while everything is uppercase. I also can't find any existing users of it14:55
steveireAh, I can find users of it. It's NoDisplay=true14:56
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanafiestas: I accidentaly the whole timing of my statements14:59
Quintasanapachelogger: add it Todo14:59
* Quintasan is going to have shitty two weeks since today14:59
Quintasanover 9000 tests and assignments since it is the end of school year15:00
Quintasanapachelogger: add it Todo as in add Plasma Active15:08
Quintasansince we need to win with DBus first15:08
* Quintasan has to clear his all tests before any Kubuntu work is even considered15:10
QuintasanThat said I'm off to learning15:10
afiestasQuintasan: be a good boy15:11
afiestasvodka does NOT help in the learning process, be careful with that xd15:11
rbelemapachelogger, i did not use the right word, select means that the device worth try to add support16:16
* Quintasan lost his shuttlebus 4990 HUF receipt16:36
ScottKGet apachelogger to fax you a copy of his.16:38
Quintasanapachelogger: ^^16:38
Quintasanapachelogger: or wait, scan this if you can @_@17:01
* Quintasan has no fax17:01
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
Tm_Tagateau: what prequisites does plasma-widget-menubar have? I'm wondering what I'm missing with KDE trunk as the result is this (normal menu and then menubar has just file->close): http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/menubar1.png17:34
QuintasanJontheEchidna: PINGS17:34
agateauTm_T: did you build Qt yourself?17:34
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: PONGS17:35
agateauTm_T: if so you may be missing the appmenu Qt patch17:35
QuintasanJontheEchidna: do you have this 4990 HUF Shuttlebus receipt?17:35
* Quintasan lost his17:36
JontheEchidnaare they asking for it?17:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: got a scanner or something?17:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: yup17:36
Tm_Tagateau: hmm, AFAIK no I should have Qt from 10.1017:36
ScottKTm_T: Then it should just work.17:37
Tm_Tthat's what I'm thinking too, but alas it doesn17:37
* ScottK used pw-mb a lot in plasma-netbook in 10.10.17:37
JontheEchidnahuh, I don't think they actually asked for my taxi receipt last year17:37
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: wouldn't two people submitting the same receipt look suspicious?17:38
ScottKJontheEchidna: That's what gimp is for.17:38
agateauTm_T: Qt from 10.10 comes with a bundled version of dbusmenu which won't work with latest plasma-widget-menubar17:38
agateauTm_T: you want plasma-widget-menubar from 10.10 as well17:38
QuintasanI might cut it somewhere or make it look "used" :P17:38
Tm_Tagateau: ah, thanks (:17:38
Tm_Tagateau: so maybe it's time to upgrade this one too to natty (:17:39
ScottKagateau: BTW, my wife downloaded some photos/videos from her camera last night and showed me the video using gwenview.  I had no idea it could cope with this.  Very nice.17:39
agateauScottK: heh :)17:39
agateauScottK: thanks to Phonon magic, it can17:39
Quintasanapachelogger: ^^17:39
QuintasanJontheEchidna: well, not sure if they will ask you about it17:41
* Quintasan just had to lose the more expensive one17:41
Tm_Tagateau: it's this one? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/plasma-widget-menubar/trunk/revision/8717:41
agateauTm_T: that's the problem yes17:42
Tm_Tagateau: so reverting that change should fix the problem for me?17:42
Tm_Tas in, it shouldn't break anything17:43
agateauTm_T: that's quite possible, but I haven't tested the result17:43
Tm_Twill try then (:17:43
macoScottK: im pretty sure there's a way to make pbuilder save build deps on disk outside the jail to avoid network overhead on redownloading, but im failing at google. do you know how?17:45
ScottKIt does that be default,  IIRC.17:46
macoi just checked the manpage and it says there's an environment variable that should be set in /etc/pbuilderrc, but it isn't17:47
ScottKErrr.  I think it used ot.17:47
ScottKmaco: I think man pbuilderrc holds the answer to your question.17:49
macoi'll have to look at all the pbuilderrc's on my laptop then because i thought it spent a while on downloading every time17:50
steveireapachelogger: ping?17:53
Tm_Thmmm, almost works17:53
steveireAnyone know about .dektop files? I change /usr/share/kde4/services/kontactconfig.desktop in some way, like changing its icon and run kbuildsycoca4, but when I alt+f2 again, it doesn't have the new icon17:53
Tm_Tagateau: hmh, apparently no luck, now apps don't have menus, but neither the widget (:)17:55
agateauTm_T: arf :(17:55
macosteveire: might need to restart krunner? *shrug*17:56
Tm_Tagateau: I'm also building dbusmenu-qt from gitorious but apparently Qt isn't using it as it's installed on different path17:58
steveireI'll toy with it later I guess18:00
DarkwingDuckCan I get someones opinion on this? http://people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/Graphics/Oneiric/Kubuntu-Oneiric-Ocelot-Banner.png19:08
bambeejussi: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Oneiric/17103699_kzzLF6#1296265659_cTXtTxn , I found you ;)19:17
* bambee does not find harald :'(19:18
bambeeI found him :D19:20
bambeeDarkwingDuck: lovely19:23
bambeeit's really nice :)19:23
DarkwingDuckTY, My hope is to have a HOST of banners and logo manipulations in the next week.19:23
DarkwingDuckSmall, medium and large19:24
ScottKbambee: http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/princess.jpg?w=450&h=300 <-- apachelogger is the one on the right.19:24
bambeeScottK: lool19:24
ScottKNo. lool is someone else entirely.19:24
ScottKI'm pretty sure I've seen them both in the same room.19:25
macoScottK: is this like when Pendulum and i were wondering if the world would end when we entered the same room in Orlando?19:25
loolyep, not me19:25
kubotubambee: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"19:25
bambeeScottK: who is the one on the left ?19:26
ScottKThat's mgraesslin.19:26
bambeeoh :)19:26
bambeeDarkwingDuck: what do you plan to do with that ?19:28
bambeeit's for the new website ?19:28
DarkwingDuckFor the website and some more artwork for people to use for blogs ect19:28
DarkwingDuckWe just need more eye candy for people to use.19:29
bambeeI agree19:29
DarkwingDuckWe have one logo setup and it's just kinda boring to have one thing.19:29
ScottKRight.  If you want just one thing, use Ubuntu.19:30
DarkwingDuckSo, I'm going to spend some time sharpening my inkscape skillz19:32
=== makl is now known as ximion
shadeslayerheh looks like they ran out of space this UDS ^_^19:47
Quintasanshadeslayer:  lol find Quintasan on the photo20:37
shadeslayerQuintasan: did you wear a troll face or something?20:39
Quintasanlol no20:39
Quintasanthat would be too easy20:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: Question: What do we wish to accomplish by supporting Kubuntu on OMAP4? i'm still trying to figure out what OMAP4  offers over OMAP320:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: i did happen to see jte20:40
ScottKshadeslayer: Different hardware.20:42
shadeslayerScottK: i know that ...20:43
shadeslayerbut ... how do we take advantage of that different hardware?20:43
ScottKCanonical supports omap4 for Ubuntu, so if we had access to hardware it'd be simple enough for us too.20:43
shadeslayerhow do we best utilize it to promote KDE and Kubuntu?20:43
ScottKFirst we need kubuntu-lowfat before we can win anything on armel.20:44
shadeslayerScottK: i'm willing to buy the hardware ... but again .. we need to efficiently utilize it20:44
shadeslayerjust buying a OMAP4 board and not utilizing all the resources won't achieve anything20:44
shadeslayerQuintasan: found you20:44
shadeslayerQuintasan: you're behind a guy with a white shirt20:44
shadeslayerhuh .. you're tshirt says linaro ... i wonder why20:45
QuintasanI ain't wearing a Linaro tshirt20:45
shadeslayerwhy is RIddell standing in a corner 0.o20:45
Quintasannor and openstack one20:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: black tshirt?20:45
* Quintasan needs to refind himself20:46
shadeslayerScottK: dude, did you upload my backported package?20:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: did you give a lightning talk?20:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: nope20:48
Quintasanshadeslayer: We ran out of time before I got to talk20:48
ScottKshadeslayer: I don't upload, I approve.20:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: Can you see Mark on the group photo?20:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: if you look down you can see ScottK20:49
shadeslayeryep i can see ScottK20:50
ScottKJust showed the photo to my 8 year old.  She found me in less than a minute.20:50
Quintasanlook a little bit down and left20:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: see than little idiot that looks like shouting?20:50
Quintasanthat's me :D20:50
macowhere's the group photo?20:50
shadeslayermaco: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Oneiric/17103699_kzzLF6#1296264271_KPdNsjq-O-LB20:50
Quintasanmaco: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Oneiric/17103699_kzzLF6#1296264271_KPdNsjq-O-LB20:50
shadeslayerQuintasan: gotcha20:50
macoi see pink hypatia hair20:51
QuintasanScottK: Y U SEND THIS AGAIN?20:51
shadeslayerthat is one epic pic20:51
shadeslayerwe bought loads of mickey caps20:51
* Quintasan wanted to forget that20:51
macoemmet looks like he's trying to hide under the balcony20:51
shadeslayermgraesslin is looking around for someone to save  him 20:51
macooooh there are women i don't know. clearly numbers are growing20:52
macowho is the blonde one in the blue skirt?20:52
shadeslayerScottK: please approve it then :)20:52
QuintasanDon't tell me that rbelem pulled a Rodrigo on Group Photo20:52
shadeslayernah he's there20:52
shadeslayerhe's with apachelogger20:52
QuintasanScottK: under the pillar :D20:52
macoScottK: your eyes appear to be going in opposite directions in the photo. im hoping this is pixellation's fault20:52
Quintasanoh yeah, persia is like: "quickly, take cover"20:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: he doesn't like pics i think :P20:54
shadeslayeri had the same experience with him at Florida ;)20:54
QuintasanWhere the hell is apachelogger?20:54
shadeslayerwhere's persia in the pic anyways20:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: look at the balcony on the left20:55
shadeslayeryeah saw him20:55
Quintasanunder the balcony :P20:55
shadeslayeri think that's his "I'm going to break your camera" look20:55
macoQuintasan:  apachelogger is on the right just to the left of riddell (who is leaning against a pillar)20:56
Quintasanoh yeah20:56
shadeslayerand next to him is rbelem20:56
Quintasanand Rodrigo is there20:56
Quintasanclosed eyes20:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: i thought you were the guy in front of apachelogger20:56
Quintasanpulling a Rodrigo even on Group Photo20:56
shadeslayerwith the red hair20:56
Quintasanomg I met so much people20:57
shadeslayerQuintasan: did you meet people whom you didn't know?20:57
Quintasanjussi's facial expression is like: meh, another group photo20:57
Quintasanshadeslayer: hmmm, like my room mate :P20:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: who was your room mate?20:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: can you see nigelb in the photo20:58
shadeslayeri just closed it20:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: what was his irc nick/Name?20:59
Quintasanno idea :DD20:59
shadeslayeryou .. don't ... know ... your ... room mates name? :O20:59
Quintasanname is Matthew McGowan20:59
Quintasanoh found him20:59
shadeslayeroh .. never heard of him20:59
shadeslayerScottK: the OMAP4 dev borad costs twice as much here in India :(21:00
shadeslayer... 3rd world problems  ...21:00
macothe guy front of and left-as-we-view-it to the guy in teh debian shirt looks like he's sneezing21:00
shadeslayerhmm ... exam in 13 hours21:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: or like, one dude showed up and said "I think I heard Russian", I replied that's Polish, and he is like "Na zdrowie"21:01
QuintasanNa zdrowie == Cheers21:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: didn't ScottK and apachelogger keep you up till 3 AM?21:03
Quintasandpm and dholbach are such trolls21:03
shadeslayerdholbach seems quite nice when you talk to him on IRC ^_^21:03
Quintasanshadeslayer: well, I didn't care when they wanted to go to bed, I just went when I felt like it21:03
Quintasanthough apachelogger broke his policy of not going to sleep until ScottK does21:03
shadeslayerthat's a first21:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: oh and did you guys have irn bru and go hot tubbing?21:04
Quintasandholbach is a nice guy, but the photographer said "omg, nice troll, going over to balcony"21:04
Quintasanshadeslayer: irn bru?21:04
QuintasanI think I ate one of jussi Finnish sweets21:04
shadeslayerQuintasan: awesome drink that Riddell gets to a UDS21:04
Quintasandpm and dholbach next to him doing thumbs up21:05
shadeslayeryeah :D21:05
shadeslayerthe only thing missing is a troll face21:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: dholbach looks like  troll in that pic21:06
QuintasanI'm going to print at least 5 masks for next UDS21:06
shadeslayeri might come to the next one depending on the same factors as the last one + if i can manage to get a OMAP4 Kubuntu tech preview out by october21:06
shadeslayerwith Plasma Active on that preview :>21:07
QuintasanOrginal quality of pics <321:09
QuintasanI can read almost every nametag21:09
QuintasanI want one <321:11
Quintasansheytan_: \o21:12
sheytan_what's the latest muon version?21:12
Quintasan!info muon oneiric21:12
ubottu'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable21:12
Quintasanapachelogger: ^21:12
Quintasan!info muon21:13
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 103 kB, installed size 340 kB21:13
Quintasansheytan_: ^21:13
Quintasanthat should be it21:13
sheytan_Quintasan is muon software center and muon package manager a different thing?21:14
sheytan_i installed muon pkg manager, but it doesn't look like this http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/muon-installer.png but the version is 1.1.221:14
Quintasansheytan_: They are different apps using the same backend21:15
Quintasansheytan_: you want muon-installer21:15
* Quintasan goes to bed21:16
QuintasanGood night21:16
eMyller'lo all21:18
sheytan_Quintasan thanks, bye21:18
sheytan_Muon SC is not bad, but it needs some UI love21:18
sheytan_i'll take care of that :D21:18
eMyllerhey, sheytan_ :)21:19
sheytan_Who's the Muon SC main dev?21:19
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
sheytaneMyller hey :D21:19
eMyllerlol how long21:19
sheytanoh yea21:20
sheytantoo busy to sit on IRC21:20
sheytanwork, prive life, etc21:20
sheytanbut well, sometimes i'm here :D21:20
sheytannot dead yet :D21:20
sheytangtg, bye all21:26
yofelsheytan: dev is johntheechidna21:26
ScottKshadeslayer: What's the bug?21:28
ScottKmaco: It's pixellation.21:30
shadeslayerScottK: bug 78429621:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784296 in natty-backports "Please backport kamoso" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78429621:31
ScottKshadeslayer: Commented.21:34
shadeslayerScottK: i cannot compute that comment21:35
ScottKThen we're even.21:35
ScottKYou're debdiff didn't make any sense either.21:35
shadeslayerit's not a debdiff21:36
shadeslayerits just a diff of the packaging21:36
ScottKYou need to take the oneiric pacakge, build it on natty and then test that it installs and runs.21:36
ScottKRight.  I don't care about natty -> oneiric.  I care about oneiric -> natty-backports.21:36
shadeslayerScottK: i did that, just had to add a changelog entry21:36
ScottKThen there's no diff.21:36
ScottKIt doesn't say this in the bug.21:37
ScottKAt least not an any comprehensible way.21:37
shadeslayeroh you need natty vs oneric diff21:37
ScottKNot since it's changelog only.21:37
ScottKJust a statement that no changes are needed.21:37
ScottKAnd that it builds and runs on natty.21:37
shadeslayerScottK: i've mentioned it in the description that the package installs and runs21:38
shadeslayerand attached install logs21:38
eMylleryofel: was it you that mentioned a but @ libntrack about these natty freezes?21:38
ScottKshadeslayer: But that wasn't based on what was in oneiric since it was done before it was even uploaded.21:39
shadeslayerScottK: commented21:39
yofeliirc yes21:39
shadeslayerokay ... apachelogger didn't upload my package to oneiric :P21:39
ScottKRight, which made that you hadn't tested based on what was uploaded for the backport bloody obvious.21:39
eMylleryofel: could you gimme its id?21:39
shadeslayerYep, sorry my bad that it wasn't obvious21:40
ScottKshadeslayer: Your comment lacks the word "runs".21:40
yofelbug 75560821:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu Natty) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75560821:40
ScottKBuilds and installs is only two thirds of the problem.21:40
shadeslayerScottK: see bug description21:40
shadeslayerlast line21:40
ScottKshadeslayer: See my comment about the bogusness of description.21:41
shadeslayerScottK: commented that it runs fine21:42
* ScottK looks again.21:42
shadeslayerok night everyone :)21:43
yofelgn from me too ;)21:50
eMyllerty, yofel21:59
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kamoso22:03
ScottKapachelogger: shadeslayer eventually managed to write the correct thing in the bug.  It just took about eleventy zillion more times than usual.22:03
apacheloggerQuintasan, shadeslayer: well, unlike ScottK I actually pulled an allnighter + rbelem consumed all the magic stay-awake-pills for no good reason :P22:06
ScottKno good reason/no apparent effect22:06
apacheloggerScottK: runs is a difficult word to write :P22:06
ScottKapachelogger: He's probably not familiar with it due to the uber heavy laptop and all.22:07
macowho was it that was surprised i could hold a laptop with one hand and type with the other?22:07
macohmm might have been shadeslayer actually22:07
apacheloggerScottK: :D :D22:09
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
apacheloggershadeslayer: plz fix the kamoso package to not build depend on libvlc-dev for no good reason22:23
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
eMyllerwhere can i get the debug symbols for libntrack?23:06
eMylleryofel: ↑23:06
ScottKeMyller: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-September/000195.html23:12
ScottKeMyller: There's a fixed ntrack in my PPA you can try.23:17
eMyllerScottK: did you patch it?23:18
ScottKI did.23:18
ScottKPatch from upstream.23:18
ScottKIt's pending as an SRU.23:18
eMyllerScottK: is it about that infamous while loop with broken lists?23:18
ScottKIt's about the 100% CPU when using a VPN.23:19
ScottKI believe that's the same thing.23:19
eMyllerwhen using 3G or any other connection23:19
eMyllerit's related to dbus/solid23:19
eMyllerScottK: you should tell aseigo23:19
ScottKI'd try my fix first and then see what's left.23:19
ScottKUpstream said the fix was incomplete.23:19
ScottKI put it in the relevant KDE bug.  Please test first and see if it helps.23:20
eMyllerwe talked earlier about it, and i was about to send him a deeper debug info23:20
eMyllerScottK: is it ~kitterman?23:22
eMyllerScottK: your ppa has some qt4 stuff. what's changed in it23:28

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