
wn1zidtime for bed, cyall00:12
LinkmasterI have a question about the new update to AmaroK: The older version, I could use the arrow keys to fastfoward/rewind as well as turn the volume up and down. I could also use the mouse to place the song at any given point. Now, the play bar acts as if it is not getting any signal or anything. I can't click to move the song placement, and the track doesn't respond to any arrow key movement. It didnt' do this until after I00:22
Linkmasterupdated it00:22
LinkmasterAlso, how do I update to KDE4.6.3? I'm using 4.6.2, and it isnt showing up in my upgrade/dist-upgrade option00:23
szalLinkmaster: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa00:28
Linkmasterszal: Yep, that did it, konsole gave me a huge list of upgradable things. Thank you for that. Any idea on the AmaroK issue? Or is there an IRC channel I can go to to get direct help?00:32
* szal doesn't use Amarok00:33
LinkmasterThat means you must know everything about it though! :000:34
LinkmasterKidding, thanks anyhow00:34
Roeyhow do I get mplayer to output only to the headphones, given that Kubuntu 11.04 uses pulseaudio and I can't use mplayer's device flags00:45
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szalRoey: tried switching the output stream?00:50
Roeythrough mplayer yeah00:52
Roeybut it still outputs to all devices00:52
Roeyi.e. headphones and spdif00:52
RoeyI want mplayer (from the command-line) to output only to headphones00:52
RoeyI am using kubuntu 11.10 64-bit00:52
Roey11.04 rather00:53
Roeymy bad.00:53
RoeyI'm also playing Mario 14 in Japan00:53
szalhow about e.g. KMix?00:54
Roeyit shows only one output device00:54
Roey(alsamixer shows all of them)00:54
szaldon't look at the devices, look at the streams00:54
Roeyamarok studio stream and event stream00:55
Roey"Amarok: Studio" stream and "Event Sounds" stream00:55
szalis MPlayer playing?00:56
Roeyit plays to both headphones and spdif00:56
RoeyI want it to play to spdif only00:56
new2netWhat is an appropriate backup application? I have a bad habbit of breaking installs.00:57
szalif it doesn't show up as a playback stream, it's not playing through Pulse00:57
new2netis Nepomuk apropos?00:58
szalnew2net: your 2nd question doesn't make sense..00:58
Roeyszal:  back00:59
new2netszal: Does nepomuk seem like a good choice to solve my issue?00:59
* szal isn't aware that Nepomuk does backups01:00
new2netI want to backup my OS- not files... I always keep remote backups of important files.01:00
gomiboynew2net: you can't break anything if you don't use experimental/strange ppas or you like to write random sudo rm -fr in the terminal :D01:04
new2netsu root && cd / && rm -r01:05
tsimpsonplease don't post those kinds of commands...01:06
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new2nettsimpson: sorry, i aliased that one as apocalypse01:06
new2netKbackup seems like what I wanted.01:08
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leo__I have a Broadcom wireless that is giving me trouble. Installing the proprietary drivers makes the NetworkManager unable to see a wireless ability completely. Uninstalling the driver allows the wireless to be seen, but unavailable.01:38
multipasswhat is different from 10.10 to 11.04?01:38
multipasscan 10.10 update kde automatically?01:39
leo__Anybody able to help?01:43
Linkmasterleo__: you might need to install WICD/gnomenetwork manager. I dont' use either, but I do know that the KNetworkManager can get pretty sketchy at times.01:44
Axlinmultipass: here's the info on kubuntu 11.04 - http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release01:45
multipassyeah but im trying to find out if i can upgrade kde??01:46
multipassif im using 10.1001:46
multipass11.04 isnt working for me unfortinatly01:46
multipassnot just kubuntu, its all 11.04 it seems01:46
Axlinmultipass: and 10.10 can be upgraded to kde 4.6 if you subscribe to the kubuntu backports ppa -01:46
multipass11.04 messes up dual monitor for me01:46
Linkmastermultipass: I was using KDE4.6.2 before I rolled up to 11.04, so I'm sure you can upgrade to 4.6.301:47
multipassi think its the xorg upgrade that broked it01:47
multipassnot sure01:47
multipasshmm ok01:47
leo__I tried to install WICD, and there was a "fail" message while it was installing. I would have to recreate the problem to show it, but I dont know how to do screen capture.01:47
multipassi think im going to install ubuntu 10.10 then install kubuntu-desktop ontop of it, im not missing out on anything with that right?>01:48
Axlinno, but you'll have a bunch of unneeded ubuntu-related packages installed that way01:49
multipassyeah.. i know :[01:49
Linkmastermultipass: as said, and it also clogs things up a bunch with things you do/don't need. I tried that once, and just decided to deal with Kubuntu's somewhat faulty network manager instead of all the bloat that having two desktops had01:50
fedelevinI need help, any person here?02:02
Linkmasterfedelevin: whats wrong?02:03
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fedelevinThanks, sorry for my bad english, the problem is that i have Win7 in a partition of mi pc, and i installed Kubuntu 11.04 in another partition...02:03
fedelevinbut in the boot menu i only can select Kubuntu02:04
fedelevinWIn7 not is an option02:04
fedelevinAny idea?02:05
LinkmasterCan you see the 7 partition from dolphin? You should be able to load dolphin up, and along the right side you'll see what looks like an external drive, but it'll be your 7 partition02:05
fedelevinYes, i can acces the partition and look all the files02:06
LinkmasterHave you looked at you 40_config file under the grub?02:06
fedelevinNo, what is that?02:07
LinkmasterIts a file that allows the grub bootorder to be configured..but that might not help, since you say it won't show up at all..hm. have you tried to run 'sudo update-grub' on konsole?02:08
multipassdid you delete any partitions when you were installing kubuntu?02:08
multipasswindows 7 needs a 100mb partition i believe02:08
multipassi tried deleting it once to see what would happen, and i couldnt boot into w702:09
fedelevinI execute sudo update-grub and this is what brought me back:02:09
fedelevinfedelevin@fedelevin-Kubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub02:09
fedelevin[sudo] password for fedelevin:02:09
fedelevinGenerating grub.cfg ...02:09
fedelevinFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic02:09
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!02:09
fedelevinFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic02:09
FloodBotK1fedelevin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
* Linkmaster only uses XP, so he didn't think about that02:09
fedelevini will reboot the pc to see if it worked... THANKS FOR THE HELP02:10
DoctorPeppercan anyone please tell me if there is a way to have the autostarted application know if the other   applications have finished launching02:25
RoeyHi.  I'm on Kubuntu 11.04 with pulseaudio.  How do I make mplayer/mpg123  output to just the headphones? They keep outputting to the same device no matter what I specify on the command-line.  I think PulseAudio has a lot to do with it.02:34
szalRoey: I told you already, every audio that does not appear as a playback stream in the mixer is not routed through Pulseaudio02:42
Roeyszal:  hmm.02:46
Roeyahhh, ok.02:46
Roeywell when I specify to mplayer something on the commandline with the output as 'alsa', I wouldn't expect it to route through pulseaudio02:47
Roeyplus, I can individually mute the channels, as you suggested,02:47
Roeyindicating that it's not going through pulseaudio02:47
Spaz_DynamicI just ran updates, and now flash isn't working? Kubuntu 11.04, chromium 11.0.696.65 (84435)02:54
LinkmasterSpaz_Dynamic: maybe reinstall flash?02:59
c2tarunmy task panel is freezing after every minute for few seconds (around 20 sec). its very frustating, because I am not able to start any app, switch between applications and any other job. can anyone please tell my why am I facing this problem?03:01
Linkmasterc2tarun: You might want to turn off the blur in desktop effects. When I turned those off from upgrading to Natty, it solved all freezing03:02
c2tarunLinkmaster: I removed all the effects, lets see if it fixes the problems of not.03:03
Linkmasterc2tarun: try just the blur. I can leave all my other regular ones on, its only blur that affects it03:04
c2tarunLinkmaster: do I have to reboot as well? because its still freezing.03:04
LinkmasterUhm..reboot isn't usually something done in Linux. Hm. what are your system specs?03:04
c2tarunLinkmaster: 4 GB RAM, 1 GB graphic card, intel core i3 64 bit03:06
LinkmasterHm. No clue why it won't work for you, especially since you have ~4x the power of my machine03:06
c2tarunhmmm... :( I got my heat sink changed yesterday, I thought this was due to my laptop heating up, but it isn't03:07
c2tarunLinkmaster: I am going to reinstall once again.03:09
Linkmasterc2tarun: have you tried posting on the forum? there is a lot of smart people there who could help you out03:10
c2tarunLinkmaster: ok, I'll post on ubuntuforum first.03:11
LinkmasterTry "kubuntuforums.net" its specifically for kubuntu, and the people there are MUCH more friendly then at ubuntu03:11
c2tarunsure :)03:11
LinkmasterYou won't get the fastest results at times, but I don't usually see a problem that doesn't go unresolved03:14
c2tarunLinkmaster: sure, I'll wait for 2-3 days :) thanks03:15
claydohhey, we *try* to get to everyone, and it shouldn't take days at kubuntuforums :)03:16
Linkmastermake sure you list AS MUCH specifics as possible, put in 'lspci' for technical reasons, your version of KDE, etc. etc.03:16
Linkmasterclaydoh: I never said days my friend :P I just said it sometimes takes awhile [such as my mic issue you attempted to help with about a month ago I believe..]03:16
claydohno, c2tarun did :D03:17
LinkmasterVery true, baha. Though speakign of which, would you happen to know how to fix my mic? :/03:18
c2tarunclaydoh: sorry :( sometimes on ubuntuforums it take days so I thought may be here as well, because I started from ubuntu and now switched to kubuntu completely03:18
claydohubuntus forums are huge, kubuntuforums is nice n cozy :)03:19
c2tarunyah :) just like kubuntu ;)03:19
Daskreechc2tarun: welcome to KDE03:19
c2tarunDaskreech: :)03:19
claydohc2tarun:  I would suggest seeing if this occurs for a different user account03:20
LinkmasterThe most powerful desktop there is03:20
LinkmasterAnd I only have one user account..0:03:20
claydohI haven't seen anything similar to what you are having, but that doesn't mean much03:21
Linkmastereh, my computer isn't exactly the most 'linux-friendly" one out there. Its a lenovo, they have a magical contract with M$. So the wireless card always has proprietary issues, the sound sometiems takes work to start up, if I'm lucky, the wireless works after installing the STA driver, and an assortment of other not-so-happy things03:22
c2tarunLinkmaster: same here, sometimes my wifi freezes the kernel, I am using network-manager-gnome and at least its not freezing.03:23
DaskreechLinkmaster: Lenovo write the linux drivers for the parts they supply03:23
DaskreechThey are pretty linux friendly03:23
LinkmasterNot out of the box they aren't >:l [trust me, I know..its so hard to get a computer working when the school doesnt want you to have access to certain internet that'll make your life easier to fix it]03:24
c2tarunwell Dell guys really sukk... I asked them not to give windows 7 and reduce its cost guess what they said....... WINDOWS IS FREEEEEEEE, I could have slapped the girl if she wasn't on phone.03:25
LinkmasterI would've totally pulled a chuck norris, and slapped the phone causing the phone on her end to protrud a random arm to smack her across the face03:25
c2tarun:) lolzzz.. .yeah I should have tried that.03:26
acidhi claydoh, and thank you for your kmm ppa :)03:28
* Linkmaster doesn't use those [yet] so wouldn't know03:30
lcbHi. By default, where is KDE Menu Editor, on the main menu? if not exists what's the correct command line of kmenuedit and work path?03:35
lcbsomeone with it, please check it on General and Advanced, on the graphical KDE Menu Editor.03:37
Daskreechlcb: on right click03:39
Daskreechit's there03:40
lcbDaskreech: right click wuere? :o03:41
Daskreechthe menu icon03:41
lcbohh, i see . Thanks :)03:42
lcbi was like installing alacarte but i were admire if KDE didn't make one03:42
lcbadmired either :)03:43
lcbthanks a lot Daskreech03:43
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Spaz_DynamicI just ran updates, and now flash isn't working. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the flash plugin through aptitude. Kubuntu 11.04, chromium 11.0.696.65 (84435)04:24
Spaz_Dynamicas a note, it also doesn't work in konquerer04:25
LinkmasterSpaz_Dynamic: Is it just Chromium? Or is it for all web browsers?04:25
c2tarunSpaz_Dynamic: I dont think that konqueror and chromium share same flash plugin.04:26
Spaz_DynamicEither way, it reports that I have to upgrade to flash 10 when on youtube04:28
Spaz_Dynamicwhen in both chromium and konqueror04:28
LinkmasterHave you tried uninstalling flash, and installing gnash through either your package manager or the konsole?04:31
Spaz_Dynamicwhy should I have to switch to gnash when attempting to update flash?04:31
LinkmasterI've found that when flash doesn't work for me, switching to gnash solves most problems. Not to mention, its free software[I know that flash is free, but Adobe isn't freeware sadly..]04:33
Spaz_Dynamicwell it has been working up till I updated it today. I will try switching to gnash, but I would also like to at least diagnose if not resolve my issue with flash04:35
Linkmasterthat would be nice, but its probably past my mediocre skill level04:37
Spaz_Dynamicwhat other than "Gnash SWF Viewer" (and associated dependencies) do I need to install get it working in chromium?04:39
LinkmasterI think that'd be it..my experience of chrome is zip though, since I use mainly Rekonq and FF04:40
Spaz_DynamicWell, gnash isn't doing anything, and konqueror is suggesting I now download flash to get more functionality out of the browser... >.<04:44
Linkmastermaybe download it via Konqueror..that might install whatever missing somethings are missing04:45
fitoriaI just upgraded to 11.0404:47
fitoriabut I can't disable my touchpad04:47
fitoriathe menu configuration is missing in this version, it used to be on 10.10 :(04:48
fitoriaany other way to disable it?04:48
Spaz_DynamicLinkmaster: having konqueror do it seems to have worked... for chromium anyways04:51
Linkmasterfitoria: go to 'system settings -> input devices -> touchpad' then select the option to turn it off04:51
LinkmasterSpaz_Dynamic: well..issue solved. how. Not sure xP04:51
fitoriaLinkmaster: I've already tried that04:52
fitoriabut the option is missing04:52
fitoriaor I dont see it :-P04:52
LinkmasterIf your using a laptop, there is technically a BIOS function keypress commmand. Mine is 'fn+F6' to turn off the touchpad04:53
Spaz_Dynamic... and now konqueror is working too... linux is so tempermental xD04:53
fitoriaLinkmaster: does not works :(04:54
fitoriamine is f904:54
LinkmasterSpaz_Dynamic: perhaps the way we tried was missing a package or something04:54
fitoriabut even on 10.10 that key did'nt worked04:54
Linkmasterfitoria: and I'm hrmming at the moment..I dont' knwo what to do then :/04:54
fitoriado you know how to dissable it with the x server config?04:55
fitoriaor something similar04:55
LinkmasterI know its possible, though I know next to nothing about it, soo...04:55
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new2netsu root ...  "Authentication Failure" wrong password?05:37
Linkmasterwhy are you using su root? it should simply be 'sudo su'. Though why are you trying to go superuser? thats a bad idea for most, if not almost all things05:39
new2netLinkmaster- uhh... editing LAMP install :p05:41
new2netLinkmaster: also- that worked. Thank you, I will be careful ;)05:42
Linkmasteralright, good. Just don't do anything stupid, because being the superuser can and will bring some sort of bad something to your system05:43
new2netand  "su new2net" turns me back into myself right?05:46
Linkmasterno, type exit05:47
Linkmasterthe term 'sudo' basically means 'make have super user priviledges for the following command' and 'su' means 'super user'. so 'sudo su' essentially means 'make super user'05:48
new2netI see. So I can use dolphin or nautilus as root by typing sudo nautilus?05:53
new2netnot that it's a good idea :)05:54
LinkmasterNo, since its a graphical option, you'll want to use 'kdesudo' which implies 'graphical super user privilegdes' which is also a horrible idea05:54
new2netsounds like I better just read the chmod man instead of running kdesudo ;) thx for your help05:55
Linkmasterquite possibly05:55
Linkmasterand your welcome05:55
noaXessgood morning06:06
noaXessnormally i can select any text and then paste it with left/right mouse click.. but that doesnt work since natty upgrade.. how can i enabled that?06:06
TweakedEhHello, I'm trying to mount an Ipod 1st gen Ipod and get it working with gtkpod, "lsusb" finds the ipod and I can view the camera I just cant load the ipod. FW 3.1.3 if it matters06:10
noaXessTweakedEh: hey.. there are some hotwos.. have to check..06:11
noaXessTweakedEh: do you know this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod06:12
noaXessTweakedEh: what kubuntu version you have? 11.04?06:13
TweakedEhnoaXess: I'm not sure what your asking, I have been looking and it wants me to mount something thats not there, and yes I just updated.06:14
noaXessTweakedEh: google is your friend.. i don't have any apple device.. i use samsung.. but here are some results.. simple, yes :) http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ubuntu+ipod&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-806:15
TweakedEhnoaXess: I have been trying google, most of them want me to run "mount /dev/sdc2 /media/ipod" I made  /media/ipod and it says its cant find sdc2.. thanks for looking though06:16
noaXessTweakedEh: .. okay.. so. 1. unplugg your ipod, 2. plugin it again 3. run dmesg in konsole.. then at the end of dmesg you should see the correct device name.. maybe it's another then /dev/sdc2..06:17
TweakedEhnoaXess: Is this what I'm looking for? [15890.820103] usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1306:20
noaXessTweakedEh: .. maybe.. but it shoule also show any /dev/sd??...06:20
noaXessTweakedEh: it seams that your ipod don't get any device name..06:21
noaXessTweakedEh: do you know pastebinit?06:21
noaXessit's command... maybe you have to install it... sudo apt-get install pastebinit..06:21
TweakedEhnoaXess: I can put output on pastbin...06:21
noaXessafter that you can do: dmesg | pastebinit06:22
noaXessthen you get a url to post here06:22
noaXesswhat you prefere06:22
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TweakedEhnoaXess: I have a device widget on my desktop, it finds my ipod  its called "portable media player" so I looked in "mount" and I dont see anything....06:24
noaXessTweakedEh: hm..06:25
noaXessTweakedEh: what happens if you click you the widget?06:25
TweakedEhnoaXess: Download photos or open with file manager, if I open with file manager it takes me to the pictures I have on my ipod06:26
TweakedEhnoaXess: camera:/Apple iPod Touch (PTP mode)@usb:002,015/06:26
noaXessTweakedEh: and then you can download it?06:26
TweakedEhnoaXess: I can get my pictures off it but I only have read permissions..06:27
siegecan u all help me with kubuntu?06:27
noaXessTweakedEh: ah.... ok.. so you can acces your ipod... but just for read..06:27
noaXessTweakedEh: thats a stop forward.. so we can search exactly..06:28
TweakedEhnoaXess: and it's only a certian folder within the ipod dir06:28
noaXessTweakedEh: sorry.. no answer yet.. think you have to deeper search in google.. and wait here.. maybe later some more cracks are here to help..06:33
TweakedEhnoaXess: I've been looking for awhile, I will keep this open and thanks for looking.. my ipod is jailbroken..  not sure if that matters.06:34
TweakedEhnoaXess: I got it, for anyone that also wants to know i used "sudo lsusb -v | grep -i Serial" to get my Ipod 40 char uuid and I used ifuse to mount it to the directory, then gtkpod and point it at the mounted dir. Thanks for your help.06:48
noaXessTweakedEh: hey.. great ;).. your welcome06:48
kevin__mount problem07:07
kevin__not bale to mount the partitionsby clicking the icons in the "places" side bar in dolphin07:08
kevin__pls help07:08
aeg001good morning people07:58
aeg001i have a question for you07:58
aeg001On Linux/Unix Platform what command to use to find any file with name Testing123 on all drives?v07:58
aeg001On Linux/Unix Platform what command to use to find any file with name Testing123 on all drives?08:08
joehanneshey guys, just switched from ubuntu to kde (again) and was pleased to see so many improvements since kde 4.0. I especially like the predefined plasma-desktops like search-and-launch ...08:14
joehannesnow I want to use search-and-launch a bit more and wonder if there is any tutorial on how to use its plugins?? basically I want to run shell commands in it and I activated the command execution plugin but don't know how to talk to it08:15
joehannesthing I really want to do is ... I have a shell script which launches my IDE (intellij idea) and I can't get a decent startup icon on my desktop :)08:16
joehannesanyone idea on where to get "search and launch" help?08:16
MarcoPauhello, since my last upgrade to natty I have been getting double notifications, one on the bottom right corner and the other one on the top left. do you know how to fix tis?08:42
asranielhello. is there a good alternative to amarok in kubuntu? i need a player that respects my phonon settings for which soundcard to use, but that is featurewise close to amarok09:24
valorieasraniel: amarok respects your settings09:39
valorienot sure what you mean09:39
valoriethe settings you change in Amarok are the same as in systemsettings09:39
valorieexact same menu09:39
asranieli know, but amarok does not respect it. my gf has two soundcards. an integrated and a usb one09:41
valorieamarok just uses phonon09:41
asranieli set phonon to use the usb by default, because thats the one with the speakers connected09:41
asranielevery application (dragon, vlc, flash, kde itself) use the usb soundcard09:42
asranielexcept amarok09:42
valoriethis is what I would suggest: start amarok from the console09:42
valorieamarok --debug --nofork09:42
asranielvalorie: two seconds09:42
asranielhave to give instructions over a chat ;)09:43
valorieand watch what's going on09:43
valoriedragon uses phonon09:43
valoriethe rest usually don't09:43
asranieli know that dragon uses phonon.. thats why i cited it as an example of a working application09:43
asranielvalorie: the debug output is comming, would be great if you can see the problem :)09:47
valorieI'm not sure I'll be able to tell,09:48
valoriebut if you pastebin it09:48
valorieI'll certainly look at it09:48
valorieand the phonon folks are good at looking at that stuff09:48
valorieI'm not a devel09:48
asranielvalorie: here: http://pastebin.com/Dz04Ttxz09:49
asranielvalorie: it includes the startup of amarok and a start and stop of a song09:49
asranielmyself i can't see anything interesting09:50
valorieok, not me either09:53
valorieand that's probably because I said amarok --debug --nofork09:53
valorieand instead I should have said the phonon debug stuff09:53
asranielhow does one activate that?09:54
valoriecan you meet me in #phonon?09:54
valorieI mean, #phonon09:54
valorieI think I have it in my notes09:54
rom1depapachelogger: ping :)10:07
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apacheloggerrom1dep: pong10:12
rom1depapachelogger: I read you blogpost http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/kubuntu-11-10-sneak-peak/10:13
rom1depapachelogger: I'm ok with the fact that this post is a kind of advertisement for kubuntu, but I'm a bit confused with it : why didn't you dig a little bit more the 'Low Fat Kubuntu' aspect ? what did you do exactly and what are the gains in term of cpu/mem consumption ?10:16
rom1depapachelogger: I'm saying 'you' but it's adressed to the kde-ubuntu integrators :)10:17
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apacheloggerrom1dep: we did not do anything10:24
apacheloggerthe oneiri cycle started like 2 weeks ago10:24
apacheloggerthe reason the post is fuzzy is because all those things are planned, but not done10:25
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rom1depapachelogger: okay', all of this looks promising, except the utouch part, do you intend to merge it upstream ?10:27
apacheloggerrom1dep: it is from upstream10:39
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anderlia@asraniel: Clementine is a very good alternative to Amarok > http://www.clementine-player.org/10:45
asranielanderlia: i was able to solve my issue with amarok, but thanks10:48
rom1depapachelogger: ok, thanks10:50
cobra-the-jokerHey guys .... some friend of mine has kubuntu 11.04 and he has some wierd problem here ... when he change his screen resolution and then restart ... it returns back to the default ... any help ?11:48
jussicobra-the-joker: he needs to press the "save as default" button at the bottom of the display settings screen11:49
cobra-the-jokerjussi: he does11:49
jussicobra-the-joker: curious, I do that and it works for me11:50
cobra-the-jokerwierd ... it works for me too ... maybe problem in screen detection ?11:50
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se3nhi there ?12:05
se3nanybody awake ?12:06
ArchangelSe7enneed help se3n ?12:13
se3ni'm getting trouble running gimp on kubuntu 11.0412:13
se3nit's says:12:14
se3n(gimp:13720): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 012:14
se3nSegmentation fault12:14
se3nno without segmentation fault :D12:14
pult5privet vsem12:25
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BluesKajHI all12:54
OerHekshi BluesKaj12:58
BluesKajhi OerHeks13:02
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hmchinh1986please help me13:17
BluesKajhi ArchangelSe7en , bkovacs, hmchinh1986 ..welcome to kubuntu !13:17
ArchangelSe7enthank you BluesKaj13:17
BluesKajhmchinh1986, just state your problem13:17
hmchinh1986Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,13:17
hmchinh1986missing codepage or helper program, or other error13:17
hmchinh1986In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try13:17
hmchinh1986dmesg | tail or so13:17
ArchangelSe7enhmchinh1986, what do you want help with13:17
FloodBotK1hmchinh1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:17
hmchinh1986i can't muont to my HDD13:18
ArchangelSe7enhmchinh1986, I'd say you have a faulty sector on that device13:18
BluesKajArchangelSe7en, that may be the case , but that error has popped up before and it had to do with just changing to nomodeset in grub .13:20
BluesKajhow many hdds hmchinh1986 ?13:21
ArchangelSe7entried a filesystem check on it ?13:21
bkovacsDoes Kubuntu 11.04 work with the new i5000 2600 Sandy Bridge processors?.13:22
BluesKajbkovacs, yes13:22
bkovacsThanks, will be upgrading my pc next week.13:23
leraplease, says adress russian room kubutu... thx13:25
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:25
Lebawurschthow can i join another server?13:37
Lebawurschtquakenet for example13:37
BluesKaj /server irc.quakenet.net or org or whatever the xtn is13:38
BluesKajLebawurscht, or you couls do a search for it13:39
* eagles0513875 facepalms13:40
ikoniawhy ?13:42
PiciLebawurscht: Didn't we go over this yesterday?13:45
Lebawurschtright @pici13:46
Lebawurschti still dont know it13:47
=== dan___ is now known as dan_l
dan_lI need to install flash.13:47
dan_lIt recently updated the flashplayer installer.13:47
dan_lBut that apparently pulled the exisiting rev of flash from my brosers.13:48
Lebawurschtmirc says "You may not reregister" when i try to join the quakenetserver13:48
dan_lBut, I can't find the flash installer.   The icon isn't anywhere to be found in the menu13:48
dan_land it doesn't come up in the keystroke launcher.13:48
BluesKajLebawurscht, this for kubuntu support not quakenet , go search on google for the quakenet site and read their instructions on how to join13:50
Lebawurscht@blueskaj my questions are too easy to be answered on any supportwebsite13:52
BluesKajPici, can you get rid of this troll13:52
OerHeksdan_l, i had flash install troubles too, yesterday, solution for me was to remove google talk plugin.13:53
Lebawurschtcalm down13:53
Lebawurschtalso my irc client runs on ubuntu13:54
dan_loerheks:  just from firefox?13:54
OerHeksdan_l, firefox and chromium, both , and i posted a bugreport, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/78397613:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 783976 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplayer does not work anymore, after update to" [Undecided,New]13:54
OerHekssee the last post, that should work too13:55
dan_lLooking at it now.13:55
dan_lI like this Lebawuscht guy.  Consummate nub.13:56
BluesKajikonia, actually he was on quassel, but thanks for that.13:58
ikoniaBluesKaj: he said he was on mirc13:58
ikoniaI can only go with what he says13:58
BluesKajno matter , i did a 'version'13:58
AciDwould you know what's the keyboard shortcuts to the "Ok" button and "Cancel" button you can find in most kde window app (specially in modal windows) ?14:01
AciDusing the mouse isn't efficient there, and using "tab" is quite long in some windows14:01
dan_loerhecks:  It worked.  Thanks!14:02
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
dan_loerheks, sorry14:02
OerHeksdan_l, please confirm at launchpad that this is a solution, thnx14:03
dan_lI'm just going to start making random bug reports like14:05
dan_l"quake net won't let me register"14:05
BluesKajdan_l, the ignore option is my friend :)14:08
dan_lI'd love to see the unity bug reports14:11
dan_lthat should be troll city by now14:11
=== mren|off is now known as mren
lcbscrolling over... i don't get it... so many ppl with flash issues when *out-of-the-box* flash works well on 11.04 (tested firefox chromium rekong). i believe ppl start installing all sort of *flash* and mess it. 'uninstalling' the cluttered ones and ' $ dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-installer ' should fix it.14:43
BluesKajlcb, ppl are getting bad advice and removing the default flash in favour of a prprietary version which is flaky14:46
BluesKajmostly FF users ..not may complaints from chrome users14:46
lcbprobably due to block scripts/addons they can't play the flash14:47
lcband then install others14:47
kubu2chrome (32-bit) has flash built in14:48
BluesKajkubu2, well FF does as well , or not ?14:49
lcbi would stick with chromium... just in case of doubtful "bugs"14:49
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BluesKajI haven't used FF in a long time14:50
lcbi always have chromium (for certain google needs) and firefox (overall browsing) installed. and now rekonq (instead of midori) for had-hoc and fast looks on the net  and dillo or lynx for server15:03
lcbwell, on my win machines i use internet explorer icon - just the icon. i like to see it there.15:04
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BluesKajlcb, even wife uses chrome on her W7 pc now , she prefers it.15:42
amichairdoes anyone have experience with diagnosing internet slowness problems? (only on one kubuntu machine, not net/router/LAN)15:49
asranielamichair: what does slowness mean?15:51
asranielis pinging a website slow? or dowloading?15:51
ehsanis there ubuntu one for kubuntu?15:54
OerHeksehsan, not found yet :(15:54
tsimpsonit's being worked on, but only by volunteers15:55
ct529hi! is is possible to substitute every '-g -O2' with '-g -O3 --march=native' in a long list of files using command lines command?15:56
tsimpsonyou should be able to use the Ubuntu(Gnome) version in Kubuntu though15:56
amichairasraniel: browser page load time, in both FF & Chrome, as compared with other computers on the same LAN, the 'slow' one being the desktop with the highest specs, by far15:57
ct529hi! is is possible to substitute every '-g -O2' with '-g -O3 --march=native' in a long list of files using command lines command?15:58
asranielamichair: ok. can you open a console and type something like ping www.google.com and tell me the results?16:00
tsimpsonct529: using sed:     sed -i 's,-g -O2,-g -O3 --march=native,g' file1 file2 file2 fileN      or using find:        find . -iname "filename*" -exec sed -i 's,-g -O2,-g -O3 --march=native,g' {} +16:00
amichairct529:  sed might help you (with -i parameter)16:01
amichairasraniel: it's not the best ping, but the same across all boxes here16:01
tsimpsonamichair: it may be that you want to disable IPv6, when you have it enabled and your network doesn't support IPv6, the DNS lookup time can take ages, because it attempts an IPv6 lookup first (which times out) then IPv416:02
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv416:02
lcbBluesKaj: *wives&browsers* mine uses firefox but i might move it to chrome bc FF is getting too confusing for her :)16:03
ct529tsimpson: amichair: thanks a lot!16:04
asranielamichair: ok... what i sometimes do with slow connections is to replace the standard dns server16:05
asranielamichair: try to use the google ones: and
Daskreech5 hours16:06
Daskreechto format one partition16:06
Daskreech and it fails16:06
szalDaskreech: smells like toast16:15
Daskreechszal: no drive is brand new16:16
DaskreechDecided to format it in Windows16:17
Daskreech took me till 2:30 in the morning to tell me that it failed16:17
szalDaskreech: even a brand new drive can be toast16:18
Daskreechyes I know16:22
Daskreechbut it is fine16:22
vbgunzanybody use nvidia binaries and have a widescreen framebuffer or resolution much larger than vbeinfo dares reporting as useable? how did you do it?16:32
Daskreechszal: 1 hour in Linux && it works!!! Amazing16:44
* szal would get SCSI drives if it were feasible16:46
Daskreech the file system reserves 15 GB of space16:49
DarthFrogDaskreech:  That's a tuneable parameter.16:51
DaskreechI just thought about that. Wondering if I should reformat it and take back 10 GB of that16:51
DarthFrogHow big is the drive?16:52
DarthFrogAnd is it just going to be used for storage?16:52
BluesKajvbgunz, vbeinfo ?16:52
Daskreechso far16:53
DarthFrogThen even 5 GB is more than you need to reserve.16:53
DarthFrogThe reserved space is available only to root, so that a user doesn't fill up a file system and leave nothing for the system for administration.16:54
vbgunzBluesKaj: yeah16:54
DarthFrogIf you're not going to have the system on the drive, then there's little need for reserved space.16:55
=== Guest17991 is now known as ssfdre38
vbgunzAlways before installing the nvidia drivers, what ever comes before it always nails the widescreen resolution perfectly. then, after installing the nvidia binaries, that resolution in the framebuffer is gone forever... hwinfo --framebuffer, vbeinfo, cat /proc/fb, nothing works16:56
BluesKajvbgunz,  yeah,...that doesn't tell us much16:56
vbgunzBluesKaj: what I am saying is, what ever comes before the nvidia binary supports my framebuffer at a native 1920x1080. once the nvidia binary goes in, I lose that framebuffer forever and go to a much lower resolution.16:57
BluesKajnvidia binaries, why did you install those the the nvidia recommended driver should suffice16:57
vbgunzBluesKaj: that's what I am talking about.16:57
vbgunzthey're still binaries aren't they?16:58
BluesKajbinaries are normally the proprietary drivers from the nvidia site , bin or .run  , which aren't recommended by kubuntu16:59
vbgunzI got the official debs from ubuntu itself. nvidia-common, nvidia-current, nvidia-settings17:00
BluesKajand fro personal experience vbgunz , I can tell you they only work on some Linux distros , and not on kubuntu17:01
BluesKajhow did you install the drivers?17:01
vbgunzdpkg --set-selections followed by an apt-get dselect-upgrade17:02
BluesKajvbgunz, why did you choose to use that method ...did the recommended drivers in system/additional drivers not work ?17:03
vbgunzBluesKaj: I chose that method as it brought in all of my other packages I use frequently17:04
vbgunzusing that method simply pulls in the nvidia stuff17:04
BluesKajso does the default method afaik17:04
BluesKajI have 3 pcs with nvidia cards/drivers, and they all work with the recommended diver with very few glitches17:06
vbgunzBluesKaj: If I follow your method, I do everything one by one. yes to this and then yes to that. yes, here yes there. using my method is the recommended method for reinstalling a certain subset of packages. nvidia happens to be in that subset.17:06
vbgunznvidia and my desktop is flawless17:07
vbgunzeven if I do as you say, I still end up with a crippled framebuffer17:07
vbgunzwhen I mention framebuffer, I am talking about tty1 through 617:07
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vbgunznot sure where it is now *but* it's nowhere near the *native* resolution. no matter how hard I try to get it to support the native resolution I fail.17:09
hmchinh1986i can't mount to my HDD17:11
hmchinh1986Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,17:11
hmchinh1986missing codepage or helper program, or other error17:11
hmchinh1986In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try17:11
hmchinh1986dmesg | tail or so17:11
FloodBotK1hmchinh1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
BluesKajwhat's the native resolution of your monitor vbgunz?17:11
vbgunzBluesKaj: it's 1920x1080.17:12
hmchinh1986please help me17:12
vbgunzI tried following this http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ several times and it just never works. I am going over all of the comments atm17:12
hmchinh1986vbgunz, please help me17:13
vbgunzhmchinh1986: did you try looking at syslog? did you look over dmesg?17:13
hmchinh1986how to do it?17:13
vbgunzalt+f2 and try entering ksystemlog17:14
BluesKajvbgunz, that's what mine is , and the default install is what I used and it works ... there are some missing dependencies with your install , methinks17:14
vbgunzBluesKaj: I am gonna try it one more time and see what happens17:14
BluesKajwhat size monitor vbgunz?17:15
vbgunzI see the native resolution with plymouth (not sure if it is plymouth or what not) *but* once I put in the binary, it's truly gone and erased. nothing shows my monitor supports it though I see it perfectly before17:16
BluesKajvbgunz, isn't 1920x1080 a bitnhigh for a 22" ...i use 42" plasma tv and that's the native resoltion17:16
vbgunzgonna follow that walkthrough for the fifth time, maybe the 5th time is the charm17:16
vbgunzI think 1920x1080 on a 22 is still a bit small :)17:17
vbgunzI used to have a higher resolution on a 17 inch17:17
vbgunzfirst I need to try some other things, probably gonna end up rebooting several times here17:18
vbgunzbbiab, will let you know if something pans out BluesKaj17:18
BluesKajvb good luck removing all the config files with drivers17:19
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=== Guest42257 is now known as max_sme
tranquilwatershi everyone. I use rekonq and set it to auto-open torrents. Now I would rather set rekonq to auto-save those files. Does anyone here know where I can set that?18:11
tranquilwatersI checked system settings/file associations, but there I can only find the option to link torrents to Ktorrent, which is fine.18:11
tranquilwatersWhere are those rekonq settings?18:11
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BluesKajtranquilwaters, doesn't rekonq use kget to dl torrents ?18:15
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: you can let dl be handled by Kget, but you don't have to18:16
tranquilwatersI don't even have it installed18:16
BlaXpiritbtw, i wanted to ask someone: when will rekonq support chrome extensions? i'm just dreaming to switch to it.18:17
tranquilwatersooh extensions would be nice18:17
BlaXpiritthere were news year or more ago, but still nothing serious18:17
BluesKajtranquilwaters, ok when you try to DL a torrent file th dialog should ask you what you want to DL with , there should be a dialog , choose /usr/bin/ktorrent18:18
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: that's not my problem. torrent files are linked to Ktorrent. My problem is as follows: first time I downloaded a torrent, rekonq asked me to Open or Save it and the dialog had a checkbox to remember that action. I chose Open (with Ktorrent), that's working fine, but now I would rather auto-Save torrents than auto-Open them18:20
tranquilwatersAnd I can't find that setting to change that default file action for rekonw18:20
BluesKajtranquilwaters, sorry I don't undestand what you mean by autosave ...for a later download or ?18:22
tranquilwatersyes, just save the torrents to disk18:22
amichairtsimpson: thanks for the answer earlier, however I don't seem to have ipv6 enabled (from link u posted), and in any case no difference between desktop and netbook, yet one of them is much sloewr than the other18:23
tranquilwatersthen I can open Ktorrent whenever I want to and let Ktorrent autoload torrents. I don't want to have Ktorrent running all the time. And right now it opens everytime and the ktorrent dialogs pop up and everything XD18:23
amichairtsimpson: my next suspect is the firewall, I just tried disabling it and things seem snappier (still testing). wonder what it could be...18:25
BluesKajin order to download the file you need to open ktorrent , tranquilwaters , configure ktorrent to save the file in a folder of your choice , there's no automatic way that I know of to save the file without DLing it18:27
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: I'm afraid I wasn't clear enough. It is a setting in rekonq. it is the same as choosing to either save a pdf to disk when you dl one on a website or to automatically open okular whenever you click a pdf-file on a site.18:28
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: first time you click/DL a filetype you get the question to Open / Save (or Cancel) the file and you can make rekonq remember that action18:29
BluesKajyes, I saw your expalnation after my post , sorry dunno enough about rekonq to help with just saving the torrent url to a file18:30
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: I told rekonq to remember to Open torrent files with Ktorrent whenever I clicked a torrent on a website, but now I would rather have it that rekonq just dl's it to disk and doesn't do anything with Ktorrent.18:30
yoyoright click file>properties>wrench18:31
BluesKajok, then remove ktorrent and install kget , tranquilwaters :)18:31
BluesKajnot just remove tranquilwaters , purge it so if you decide to use it ater it doesn't use it's old config file and become the default torrent client again18:34
tranquilwatersBluesKaj: thanks, but it's not what I mean. I just want to tell rekonq to do something else with a certain file type (in this case torrent, but could be pdf or zip as well) than what it does now.18:37
BluesKajyesit is tranquilwaters , unless you remove ktorrent extn from the rekonq path ,which it appears to have. the quick and dirty way is to get rid of ktorrent first by purging then setting up rekonq18:39
DarthFrogHere's an interesting read and a resource to point newbies to: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-kubuntu-11.0418:40
tranquilwaterswhere do I find that rekonq path?18:40
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BluesKajtranquilwaters, just purge ktorrent for now ..that's the quickest way18:43
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tranquilwatersI don't want to lose my Ktorrent settings18:45
DarthFrogtranquilwaters: Then backup your settings directory first: ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/  and perhaps ~/.kde/share/config/ktorrentrc as well.18:48
tranquilwatersok I can try that18:48
DarthFrogBTW, "~" means your home directory, i.e. the output of "echo $HOME".18:49
DarthFrogThough you can use ~ directly, the shell understands it.18:50
Daskreechtranquilwaters: did you try right clicking and save as?18:51
* BluesKaj better stay away from trying help ppl using rekonq ..it's not my fav anyway18:53
BluesKajDaskreech, ktorrent pops up as the default , preventing save as18:56
kalibI wanna install flash player on my system.. should I install Adobe Flash OR flashplugin-nonfree?18:59
DaskreechBluesKaj: even on right click save as?18:59
dbc254Can't get firefox to open NOT in offline mode. . .19:00
BluesKajDaskreech, well it wants to save it as  torrent file in the designated path , but when he decides to DL ktorrent is still in the path19:01
tranquilwatersI found the solution19:02
tranquilwatersSystem settings // file associations // x-bittorrent ==> Embedded tab. the right settings were already set, but didn't work, so I changed settings, Applied and changed settings back and Applied again. restarted rekonq and it asked me again what to do with a torrent file19:03
tranquilwatersthanks for your input guys :) it's great that there are people out there willing to help others :)19:04
BluesKajtranquilwaters, so simple when you know where to look ...was trying to think od a way , file assocs in system settings never crossed my thick skull :)19:08
tranquilwatersstupid thing is, I did look there before and all settings where already correct. but somehow they needed a change, and reapplying XD19:08
tranquilwatersthat's even harder to find out XD19:09
tranquilwatersI didn't know rekonq was that much integrated into KDE, but now i'll never forget ;-)19:09
* BluesKaj tries to imprint19:09
tranquilwatersit's a really nice browser, will be even better when it gets chrome/ium extensions19:10
BluesKajbbiab ...mail/post box19:10
tranquilwatersyeah I suddenly remembered it because that was the trick I had to use a few releases back when I had desktop effects problems.19:10
dbc254does chrome suffer the same malady with this offline mode?19:13
Daskreechtranquilwaters: that's the current biggest appeal of rekonq19:18
Daskreech if you login to something in Konqueror and bookmark it it will be bookmarked in Rekonq and your session will be alive there19:19
DaskreechThat and it's webkit19:19
Daskreechdbc254: which malady is this?19:19
dbc254where you can't get it to open NOT in offline mode19:20
tranquilwatersrekonq has adblock in it by default, it is fast and looks nice! extensions would be the cherry on top for me19:28
tranquilwatersbut it is great as it is already19:28
Daskreechdbc254: I wish I could get mine to go in offline mode19:28
dbc254firefox is faster for me19:29
BluesKajrekonq would be ok if I could get a bookmarks bar across the top like chromium and FF ...I'm not a fan of sidebars19:32
tranquilwaterscertainly there will be an extension for that eventually ;-)19:32
BluesKajone would think it would be near the top of their agenda as a browser19:33
dniMretsaMit's dead in here19:46
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amichairstill diagnosing network latency - maybe someone can help? I now found when I do a simple wget, it stalls on resolving. on another computer on the LAN it doesn't. both point to the same dns (the router's). ipv6 not enabled as far as I can tell. nslookup gives immediate response. What could be delaying wget and browsers on one machine and not the other?19:50
davidiusAnyone home?20:09
dniMretsaMI'm here20:13
reikiI'm kinda pokin my head in and out of here occasionally :)20:17
davidiusOk I've got Kbuntu 10.10 installed and Sysmonitor and htop are showing 100% CPU usage20:31
davidiushowever no process in htop is taking up 100% cpu usage20:32
reikidavidius: you have desktop effects on?20:33
davidiuscompiz eh not sure but think so20:33
davidiushow do I check :-!20:33
reikitry turning off Blur20:33
davidiusthink I found it under system settings20:35
davidiusturned off desktop effects (unticked the box) little effect now CPU at 96% constantly20:35
dniMretsaMrun 'top' in termina20:37
dniMretsaMI think that will tell you what is taking up the most CPU20:37
davidiusI installed htop20:37
davidiusrunning htop showws 96% constant usage, highest process is root running XOrg20:37
davidiushtop is showing up 100% CPU usage20:38
davidiussorry htop showing 96%20:38
dniMretsaMr u using pidgin? that can take up a lot of CPU/RAM20:39
davidiususing quassel IRC think Pidgin is installed but not running. If pidgin was using up CPU would it not show it in htop?20:40
dniMretsaMyeah, it would show. just not at the top maybe20:40
davidiusall the seraching I've done the solution was the person using htop to find the offending process and kill it but in my case htop is showing nothing that is taking up that much CPU, all the processes that htop is showing only amount to about 25% CPU usage yet at the top of the screen in htop it shows 96% CPU usage20:41
davidiusI've gone through the list in htop and ordered it aswell20:41
dniMretsaMhmm, xorg only takes up 20% and under for me20:42
dniMretsaMwhat processor do u hav?20:43
davidiusyep Xorg is holding stead at 18-20% CPU usage and a few other processes taking up the odd 1 or half percent20:43
davidiusbut nothing showing why CPU usage is at 96%20:43
dniMretsaMdoes it run at normal speed?20:44
dniMretsaMbecause it might just be showing that it's running at 96%20:44
dniMretsaM(I've seen glitches do weirder things)20:45
davidiuswell it seems to run fine but when I go to run something it runs slow, even like running firefox the pages take ages to load20:45
dniMretsaMhmm. try rebooting. that might kill the invisible offending program. even logging out and then back in might do it.20:46
dniMretsaMdo you have a lot of widgets on your desktop?20:46
davidiusnope no widgets20:46
dniMretsaMthis is weird.20:47
dniMretsaMunless you have a really old processor, this shouldn't b happening20:48
davidiushmmmmmmm just noticed something here user www-data is running a shit load of processes that are showing as taking up 0% CPU and 0.2% MEM and a few for Java too but Mem is showing 404 out of 149920:48
dniMretsaMtry the restart and c what happens20:48
dniMretsaMI wonder what that means20:48
dniMretsaMgoogle time20:48
davidiusIts a Dell Lattitude D610 Pentium M 750 1.8620:50
davidiusshould be well able for Kbuntu20:50
davidiusRestart does nothing20:50
dniMretsaMu have a server (apache?) running? that seems to b what it's for20:50
davidiushave restarted it 5 times today no difference as soon as I boot up I open System Monitor and it shows me 100% CPU usage20:50
dniMretsaMyeah, that should b fine. I run Kubuntu on a Dell Dimension 2400 with an Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz on 512MB of RAM20:51
davidiusOk dont seem to be able to kill and process in htop, I press F9 then sigterm and it stays there20:54
davidiusplus if I try to kill it using the PID in another terminal window it says PID not found?20:54
davidiusits killall -9 <PID> right?20:56
dniMretsaMwhat's the -9 for?20:56
dniMretsaMwhen I kill a program, I use killall <program>20:57
wn1zidpkill  (program) usually does it tho,20:57
DaskreechdniMretsaM: that tells the kernel to kill the program20:57
OerHeksdniMretsaM," kill -9 PID" when you know the PID20:57
Daskreechdavidius: You have apache running?20:58
dniMretsaMoh, ok20:58
dniMretsaMI asked him that, he didn't answer. that's kinda my guess though20:58
skramer_you could either "kill -9 <PID>" or "killall <program>20:58
davidiusYep but its showing zero CPU usage and very little mem usage 0.220:58
davidiuskillall -9 and killall did not work for my apache process20:59
Daskreechdavidius: it's responsible for those processes20:59
davidiusbut pkill worked?20:59
Daskreechthey don't do anything unless you start serving pages20:59
OerHekskillall is better, for multiple instances of a programm20:59
davidiusok I know that but htop is showing its using 0 CPU so is it iddle?20:59
Daskreechyou can /etc/init.d/apache2 stop if you want to get rid of them20:59
Daskreechit's idle20:59
davidiusCheers OerHecks - good to know. I alwasy like tidbits of knowledge like that I'll use it from now on21:00
davidiusok stopped apache but no difference in the Cpu usage21:02
davidiusit was idle anway21:02
davidiuscould htop be faulty?21:02
davidiusSys monitor is also showing 1005 CPU usage21:03
dniMretsaMbtw, what is htop21:03
dniMretsaMand do u have a SWAP partition?21:03
davidiuseh yep21:04
davidiusI have this dualbooted21:05
davidiusone s boot partition is vanilla kbuntu with nothing installed, the other one (the one Im running and booting now) is kbuntu with gnome and kde installed21:07
reikioh, ack... I had all kinds of mess when I installed KDE and Gnome together. I just switched off of gnome to KDE completely.21:09
davidiushmmm ok21:09
reikiI know you're supposed to be able to do it, but it has always caused problems when I've tried and I go back to August of 2005 trying to get them both in the same boot and playing nice. The reality of it is that it never worked well for me21:10
OerHeksreiki, solution: install side by side21:10
reikias a consequence, I am of the opinion that you should pick one :)21:10
dniMretsaMand u should pick KDE21:11
reikiOerHeks: side by side as in separate partitions... right? Not gnome-desktop and kde-desktop in the same one21:11
OerHeksreiki yes21:11
davidiusyep I have them both installed on the same boot partition the one Im running now21:12
reikidniMretsaM: I've tried KDE several times over the years and gave up because I couldn't find dtuff. Running Kubuntu 11.04 now and it's a whole different experience. I really like it21:12
davidiusinteresting reiki might try it soon21:12
reikiand "dtuff" == "stuff" in case you're wondering heheheh21:12
dniMretsaMfigured lol21:13
davidiusI thought it was short for "all d stuff " :-P21:13
dniMretsaMI've heard that Kubuntu 11.04 is one of the best Kubuntu releases in a while21:13
reikidavidius: I've been a "gnome guy" since 2005. I just switched this week after testing it on an eSATA external for about a week21:13
Daskreechreiki: welcome to KDE :)21:13
reikiDaskreech: thanks! :)21:13
davidiusok so no other ideas on how to find this CPU hogging ghost process21:14
dniMretsaMI wouldn't know personally since this is the first time I've used Kubuntu21:14
davidiusIve got a slimerr in my system :-P21:14
dniMretsaMI used Ubuntu for a while, but I switched because my graphics card couldn't handle Unity 3D21:14
dniMretsaMfor a while = since mid-march21:15
rockguy32Ok this is really annoying me. I just installed Quake 3, but the sound isn't working. It keeps returning /dev/dsp: No such file or directory21:15
rockguy32Could not open /dev/dsp21:15
reikiI have a 512MB ATI HD4330 in an MXM slot (like a laptop). 8GB memory, an AMD Neo X2 6850e (dual core). 750GB hard drive... actually running quite nicely. This is a Dell ZinoHD.21:16
reikionce I figured out how to access the overscan feature of the catalyst control center, fglrx is actually working well for me too... heheh21:17
reikiI'm old. Change is difficult :)21:18
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rockguy32The thing is Unreal Tournament 2004 works fine, so it's something with Quake specifically.21:19
dniMretsaMa burst of discussion and then silence21:23
reikithey didn't want to comment on my old age hehehehe21:25
rockguy32I think it was my quake question that killed it all. Apparently nobody knows.21:25
dniMretsaMlol how old (if u don't mind me asking)?21:25
reikidniMretsaM: 5921:26
dniMretsaMwe're a little ways appart21:26
dniMretsaMI'm 1521:26
reikihahahha... I have socks older than you :)21:26
reikimy youngest son is.... uhhh.... 2621:27
dniMretsaMI'll b 16 in July though21:27
reikigotta go make dinner... will be peaking in occasionally 'cause I'm nosey21:27
kubu2wot?  this is now a dating room?21:29
dniMretsaMno, I just asked how old he was21:33
vbgunzBluesKaj: no luck getting my framebuffer to support 1080. Nouveau is the only thing that can do it and nothing else. Sucks but I'm exhausted and giving up. Just thought I let you know.21:47
reikikubu2: my fault. I mentioned I was old. dniMretsaM just asked HOW old so I told him. :)21:51
dniMretsaMI'm out peeps21:51
dniMretsaMc u guys later21:51
SIR_Tacoreiki: just tell him to get off your lawn, and it will be alright haha21:53
di3gopaHello everyone, i am not actually using kubuntu right now, i am using ubuntu but i installed kde-standart, so i am in kde now, but for some reason everything looks blurry, any idea why? thanks!21:54
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: do you have your glasses on? :)21:55
di3gopaSIR_Taco: hahaha xD... yes i do :)21:55
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: haha ok... so how do you mean blurry? Distorted? Washed colours?21:56
ert65i'am using kubuntu 11.04 64bit and have problem with flash player there some black squares. Any ideas?!?! :S21:56
SIR_Tacoeverything is blurry, or jsut certain parts?21:57
SIR_Tacoert65: with which browser?21:57
di3gopaSIR_Taco: like if i where without glasses, everething logos, fonts...21:57
SIR_Tacoert65: Nvidia card?21:57
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: very odd... are you sure blur isn't set in the desktop effects?21:58
afiefI'm looking for kfontutils.h, but it doesn't seem to be available in any kubuntu package(api.kde.org says it should be in kdelibs)... does anybody know what's going on?21:58
di3gopaSIR_Taco: ill check, maybe are just the fonts and i am getting crazy21:59
di3gopai searched on google and there are some people with almost the same problem21:59
SIR_Tacoert65: I get the same (with my Nvidia card)... but it seems to depend on the site and what kind of flash-video player they are using21:59
reikiert65: I have ATI HD4330. Your desktop should not be blurry. What resolution is it at?21:59
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: try checking out System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects Tab -> Blur22:00
di3gopaSIR_Taco: ok, thanks ill check22:00
mandrak73Tem brasileiro ai22:00
ert65my desktop is perfect for now ;) 1366x76822:00
ert65i don't have problem with blur22:01
ert65but adobe flash player....22:01
di3gopaSIR_Taco: nope, i disable it and still blurry22:01
SIR_Tacoert65: I've found it's a little better with Chromium... but it seems to be more of a problem with flash and their Linux support... usually looks fine when you make it full-screen22:01
SIR_Taco di3gopa: any chance you can post a screenshot?22:02
di3gopaSIR_Taco: sure, lets see if the screenshot would capture that22:02
ert65with chromium is almost same and yes i also thought the problem is with the linux support22:02
SIR_Tacoert65: I do believe it has to do with the hardware acceleration in Flash.... sometimes (depending on what flash player.... ie: Youtube is fine) it fails to redraw correctly22:04
moesKubuntu 10.04...I am not seeing the background widget in system settings>desktop...I have tried kwin window manager and compiz...Kubuntu search show it at that location22:05
BelialIs anyone sucessfully using the kde network manager applet to connect to cisco VPN's via vpnc? Its worked a few times sporadicly, but now just seems to always fail. kvpn doesnt suffer the same issue, but would rather everything be nice and integrated without resorting to nm-applet22:05
di3gopaSIR_Taco: http://imagebin.org/15390722:06
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: that doesn't look blurry to me...22:07
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: so everything is blurry? fonts, window dressings, toolbar, etc?22:07
ramindercan some body help get started on building a kde worksapce22:07
di3gopaSIR_Taco: yes22:08
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: is your monitor cable plugged in securely?22:08
di3gopaSIR_Taco: yes haha22:08
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: do you have an LCD/LED or a CRT?22:08
raminderor a link to a good source to get started22:09
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: don't laugh... you have me stumped lol22:09
di3gopaLED, the thing is if i use unity or if i boot kubuntu live CD it looks great22:09
di3gopaok :( hah22:09
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: what if you disable desktop effects entirely?22:10
di3gopaSIR_Taco: no i didnt, let mi try22:10
moes Kubuntu 10.04...I am not seeing the background widget in system settings>desktop...I have tried kwin window manager and compiz...Kubuntu search show it at that location...I want to change wallpaper22:11
di3gopaSIR_Taco: nothing :s haha this is strange, i have a friend here and he says that looks blurry so its not me haha22:14
SIR_Tacomoes: right click on the desktop, and select Desktop Settings22:14
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: is he wearing his glasses too? lol22:15
moesSIR_Taco, No desktop setting by right clicking on desktop22:15
SIR_Tacomoes: how about Desktop Options -> Desktop Settings?22:16
moesSIR_Taco, Also not available22:17
di3gopaSIR_Taco: lol22:17
SIR_Tacomoes: what do you have for right-click menu options then?22:17
franktitasbuonasera italiani22:18
franktitase non22:18
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: what video card?22:18
franktitashello people22:18
di3gopaSIR_Taco: ati 420022:19
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: laptop or desktop?22:19
SIR_Tacohi franktitas22:19
di3gopaSIR_Taco: laptop, this computer has 2 vide cards but the ati drivers  only linux only regonize one of then, the integrated one,22:20
franktitashi sir taco22:20
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: are you using the drivers from ATI/AMD or the open source ones?22:20
di3gopaSIR_Taco: from ati22:21
moesSIR_Taco, I got it ...Thanks for the help22:22
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: you couldn't give me an easy answer like: "oh yea, I'm using some strange driver" lol22:22
SIR_Tacomoes: good to hear, you're welcome22:22
di3gopaSIR_Taco: hahaha22:22
James147di3gopa: just the fonts?22:23
di3gopaJames147: no, everything, could it be something related with the anti-aliasing??22:24
James147di3gopa: probally22:24
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: the only problem is... that it's hard to figure that its a driver and/or software problem, when your screenshot is normal.... you don't have an extra monitor around by chance?22:25
franktitasi am a newbie of kubuntu i need to install adobeairsdk who can help me?????????????????22:25
di3gopaSIR_Taco: yes i do, let me check with my other monitor, i understand, it is hard to figure it out, and thanks a lot for the help!  ill check on the monitor22:26
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lcbgeezzz i just made a mess with the icons :(22:30
lcbanyone know how to return to default the general folder icon? (or icon name)22:31
di3gopaSIR_Taco: hey i am on the other monitor right now, it looks good in here, so its something with the videocard then...22:34
di3gopabecause it dows not look blurry with gnonme22:34
di3gopaon the laptop's monitor22:34
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: There are two potential problems... either the screen is bad, or it set to a higher resolution and/or refresh rate than it should be22:35
di3gopaSIR_Taco: maybe the refresh rate, the screen is good because it is wornking well on gnome :), thanks a lot for the help!!22:36
SIR_Tacodi3gopa: not a problem22:37
SIR_Tacomaybe I should be keeping score... lol22:39
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