
=== medberry is now known as med_out
apacheloggerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeedu/+bug/371565/comments/11 <-- le spam!00:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 371565 in kdeedu (Guadalinex Edu) "parley scripts fail to load" [Undecided,New]00:47
wgrantapachelogger: Not any more. Thanks.00:49
apacheloggerwgrant: thank you :)00:49
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
sgringwehello. i'm trying to set up a recipe for my launchpad application, but i get a dependency error. however, that dependency is present in one of ppa dependencies. why is it not recognizing the dependency?02:23
wgrantsgringwe: Do you have a build log?02:43
sgringwewgrant, yes i do. it is at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71912658/buildlog.txt.gz02:44
wgrantsgringwe: And which recipe is this?02:45
sgringwe_wgrant, sorry about that. i got disconnected.02:46
wgrant11:45:30 < wgrant> sgringwe: And which recipe is this?02:46
sgringwe_wgrant, https://code.launchpad.net/~sgringwe/+recipe/beat-box-daily02:46
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wgrantsgringwe_: You depend on a binary named 'sqlheavy', but that's the source package name.02:49
wgrantThat lists the binaries.02:50
sgringwewgrant, oh! so i want libsqlheavy-bin?02:50
wgrantsgringwe: Probably. Depends what your package needs.02:51
sgringwewgrant, what do you mean?02:52
wgrantsgringwe: Well, if you package wants to build against the library it will want the -dev package, for example.02:52
sgringwewgrant, i'm afraid i still don't understand. i depend on sqlheavy to build and run the program. in Build-Depends: should i put libsqlheavy-dev, and Depends: libsqlheavy-bin?02:54
lifelesssgringwe: the build-depends are available during building, and depends are available during execution02:55
wgrantsgringwe: Normally you would just build-depend on libsqlheavy-dev, and shlibs:Depends would sort out the libsqlheavy0.1-0 runtime dependency.02:55
lifelesssgringwe: we can't say what you need, but we can tell you how the system works.02:55
wgrantI don't know what this libsqlheavy-bin thing is.02:55
sgringwelibsqlheavy is a wrapper to sqlite02:55
wgrant("Application plugin library" is not a really useful package description :()02:55
sgringwewgrant, agreed02:56
sgringwelifeless, ok. this has helped so far i will start trying more things02:57
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stewartis there a magic "upgrade all launchpad bzr trees for project X to new repo format" button hiding somewhere?07:18
lifelessstewart: no, but there is a button per branch07:38
stewartlifeless, ooerr... now where is it hiding? :)07:39
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== rye is now known as rtg
RAOFjml: What needs to happen before launchpad grows an honest-to-goodness crash database?08:57
jfiwgrant, LP: #733915, thanks for this quick feature addition, I am using it now and it works perfectly.09:08
wgrantjfi: Great!09:09
jfihum wrong copy/paste, I mean LP: #783355 :)09:10
wgrantHeh, good point. I knew the one you meant, anyway :)09:11
pooliebug 78335509:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 783355 in Launchpad itself "WebAPI: add a way to determine that a package is arch independent" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78335509:22
lifelessRAOF: well, partly time investment09:23
lifelessRAOF: partly spec gathering09:23
lifelessRAOF: also, I have one that just needs solr integration but man solr is a pain for doing test harnesses against09:23
* RAOF looks up solr09:24
lifelessRAOF: https://launchpad.net/oops-repository09:24
lifelessubot5: hush09:25
RAOFAh.  For launchpad oops tracking.  Right.09:25
lifelessRAOF: but I'm aiming for 1M oops volume, which is past the trivial scale09:26
lifelessRAOF: so using scalable components09:26
lifelessRAOF: so taking it to 10M or whatever Ubuntu needs would be fairly straight forward09:27
RAOFlifeless: And I'd like to dump every GPU hang that every Ubuntu user ever has in there, so I'd probably blow past your 1M very rapidly.09:27
RAOFSo scaling is nice!09:27
lifelessRAOF: how long would you keep the raw data09:28
RAOFlifeless: Not long, and there wouldn't necessarily be much raw data.  For nvidia & amd there'd just be a counter, as they don't *generate* any useful data.09:28
lifelessso for that what would happen is09:29
lifelessa) insert09:29
lifelessb) domain specific callback09:29
RAOFBut “we have a lot of gpu hangs on nvidia nv87 chipsets” would be really useful data to have.09:29
lifelessc) aggregate and delete source09:29
lifelessthe initial cut should easily handle 100K/day of those09:30
lifelessor more, maybe 1M a day09:30
RAOFI think that should be sufficient.09:30
RAOFI'd hope we wouldn't have more that 1M GPU hangs a day :)09:31
RAOF(But I have *very little* idea of how many we would have each day, which is partially why I'd like it ☺)09:31
lifelessRAOF: I could see us having 4 or 5M a day09:31
RAOFIt would absolutely be possible to have that many.  That'd be a GPU hang a day for a significant fraction of all Ubuntu installs, though.09:34
RAOFI'd like to think that *many* Ubuntu systems never hit a GPU hang :)09:34
RAOFOr even *most* !09:35
alien_hello, why on earth does the Ubuntu nopaste require a Launchpad account to get the plaintext version of a paste?10:11
henningealien_: I honestly don't know.10:12
lifelessAIUI its openid protected because of spammers10:12
lifelessand the module isn't configured to treat the text version specially10:13
lifelessI'm not sure if that would be reasonable to do or not10:13
henningelifeless: I just tried it and it looked like only the text download went through SSO.10:13
henningealien_: what you are seeing is Ubuntu Single Sign-on service which uses Launchpad account10:14
henningealien_: but it is not really a Launchpad issue.10:14
alien_henninge: I know it's not a launchpad issue, but where should I report it then?10:18
lifeless#canonical-sysadmins I think10:20
henningealien_: or report a bug on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website10:20
henninge... but you'd need a Launchpad account to do that ;)10:21
alien_I have one10:21
alien_but I gave a link to a plaintext paste to someone and couldn't use it10:21
henningeI thought so but still I found that situation quite ironic  ...10:21
henningealien_: yeah, I see the problem10:22
alien_i created https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/78448510:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 784485 in Ubuntu Website "Ubuntu pastebin requires Launchpad credentials for getting the plaintext version of a paste" [Undecided,New]10:26
henningealien_: thanks10:27
alien_no problem10:27
jmlRAOF: someone needs to volunteer to prepare one10:28
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dpmhi henninge, quick question: when a project uses automatic imports with templates+translations, when are the translations actually imported, whenever there is a change in the template, or whenever there is a change in a PO file... ?11:40
henningedpm: when the branch gets a new revision, the job checks which files were affected and imports those.11:42
dpmhenninge, ah, cool, so individual translations can be imported, it's not like all the po files are imported at once, right?11:43
dpmgreat, thanks11:43
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ abgeändert
adeuringhenninge: ^^^11:57
henningeadeuring: thanks ;-)11:57
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pfarrelladeuring, anyone else: hi! I'm trying to import a pre-existing project into launchpad. I registered a team, the project, set up the import from svn.14:00
pfarrellI now want to turn off my svn server, and host exclusively on launchpad14:00
pfarrellI imported the svn into ~spud/spud/trunk-import, branched it to ~spud/spud/trunk, and now I'm trying to delete ~spud/spud/trunk-import14:00
pfarrellbut it says:14:00
pfarrellThis branch cannot be deleted as it has 1 branch sharing revisions.14:00
pfarrellshould I co the branch, push it to ~spud/spud/trunk, and then I can delete ~spud/spud/trunk-import?14:01
wgrantpfarrell: Does it tell you which branch is sharing? I presume It's ~spud/spud/trunk.14:01
pfarrellthat's the only other branch14:01
pfarrellI guess it's because I branched ~spud/spud/trunk-import?14:01
wgrantIt's because trunk-import was the development focus.14:02
wgrantTry bzr reconfigure --unstacked lp:spud14:02
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
* pfarrell googles for what it means for a branch to be stacked14:03
pfarrellyep, reading that now14:03
* pfarrell appreciates how quick the launchpad team are in answering questions here. thanks!14:07
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wgrantpfarrell: That worked OK, then?14:10
pfarrellyep, beautifully, thanks14:10
ari-tczewwgrant: have you seeen spam on launchpad in comments?14:21
wgrantari-tczew: There are bits of it around, but we clean them up when we're notified. Do you have any particular examples?14:21
ari-tczewwgrant: ATM nope, seems to someone has cleaned up there where I noticed it. do you working on fix this problem?14:23
wgrantari-tczew: It's a difficult problem. In many cases existing users are having their webmail accounts hijacked.14:23
ari-tczewwgrant: maybe use token while logging in?14:24
wgrantari-tczew: The spam is sent over email.14:24
wgrantFrom compromised accounts.14:25
adeuringdpm: I've started the EC2 test for the branch that defines the new DB user for your queries. The branch should be merged after 4 hours or so.15:20
dpmadeuring, excellent, thanks for taking care of that and for the heads up!15:20
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ abgeändert
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niemeyerQuick API-related question18:42
niemeyerIs it the case that there's no way to create new IRC nicks?18:42
niemeyerOr are these operations standard/implicit18:42
james_wniemeyer, there appears to be no method to do that18:45
niemeyerjames_w: Aha, ok, thanks18:45
niemeyerjames_w: I don't actually need it.. was just wondering if it was conventional or if it was missing indeed18:46
deryckoh, abentley tag for irc.19:08
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ abgeändert
abentleyderyck: roger.19:08
htorquehello, everyone! where would i find the RSA key fingerprint of 'bazaar.launchpad.net'? tried to find it on launchpad.net without luck.21:06
abentleyhtorque: I don't know if we publish it anywhere in particular.  You can always get it from bazaar.launchpad.net, though :-)22:05
htorqueabentley: sure, but wouldn't a compromised/fake 'bazaar.launchpad.net' send me whatever it wants?22:09
abentleyhtorque: yes, but if bazaar.launchpad.net is comproposised/fake, you shouldn't trust launchpad.net either.22:10
htorquetrue that22:10
Darxus"Patch 60_fix-pod does not apply (enforce with -f)" - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71971599/buildlog.txt.gz22:17
DarxusWhy can't I replicate that locally with debuild?22:17
DarxusNice simple patch hunk failure due to upstream source being modified.  But it seems like debuild isn't even attempting the patches?22:18
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ abgeändert
mmc1How to solve a problem with uploading to launchpad:     550 Access is denied. Note: This error might indicate a problem with your passive_ftp setting.      (Having my ssh key uploaded, can I use other methods scp etc)?22:28
geseran alternative to ftp is sftp22:30
mmc1geser: E: bzrlib must be installed to use sftp transport.   ... so  ppa.launchpad.net does not have that installed?22:32
geseryou have to have it installed so you can use sftp to upload to ppa.launchpad.net22:33
geserI don't know if the default dput.cf has a generic sftp stanza or you if you need to add one to your ~/.dput.cf22:34
* mmc1 installing "bzr" in the hope it includes the bzrlib22:35
mmc1perfect. thanks. seems to work22:36
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk

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