
ch0keeI'm a bit unfamiliar with lubuntu: I have installed sqldeveloper through alien (was rpm). It works well, so I would like to add it to the LXPanel menu, within a new Category, like "Sql tools -> Sql developer". I ran through the wiki, but didn't find the solution. How can I do that ? (so: config file and syntax of categories and items of lxpanel menu)00:15
ch0keeI found the solution (if anybody else faces) here :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ .I should have read that :)00:38
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fcuk112if i want to run lubuntu on a portable usb pendrive, is this the way to go? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/03:19
fcuk112i tried unetbootin with amd64 iso but it wouldn't boot into the graphical UI03:23
palhmbsfcuk112, I just installed lubuntu 11.04 on a 4Gb USB drive with usb-creator -- works awesome.03:23
fcuk112palhmbs, cool i'll try that03:24
palhmbsjust check to make sure it's FAT32 - is all03:25
fcuk112tempted to buy a 16gb usb3 drive now :)03:25
biffbaxterIve used unetbootin several times and it always has worked like a charm03:29
fcuk112maybe i set my persistent storage too high?03:30
fcuk112as a guideline, how much space do you configure for persistence?03:30
biffbaxterI have not typically used unetbootin for a persistent system. I use it to image machines with no CDROM. Have you tried to simply try it with no persistent just for a test?03:32
fcuk112i will try it03:40
fcuk112but wanted to kind of use it as a portable dev environment03:40
palhmbsfcuk112, you should look into getting a portable SSD drive, somthing with a higher bus speed than USB, or maybe USB 3.0.03:44
palhmbsthat'd be better than relying on a Flash based cheapo pendrive, once you've used up your read/write cycles that'd be the end of your dev enviroment.03:45
fcuk112icic...  good point03:46
poltakwhat's your favourite thing about lubuntu?04:09
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kalithlevdoes unetbootin work with the lubuntu iso? i can't get my usb drive to boot08:28
bioterrorkalithlev, did you make ext2?08:32
bioterrorI did last sunday08:33
bioterrorI formatted my usb stick to ext2, and executed unetbootin and clicked to install 11.0408:33
bioterrorno problems08:33
kalithlevi'm unfortunately on windows :(08:36
bioterroryou have latest unetbootin from their site?08:37
kalithlevtrying "Universal USB installer" now08:37
kalithlevstuck using windows at work, which i'm trying to rectify!08:38
Unit193This is nice for Windows users http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/home08:38
* bioterror has nothing against windows @ work08:38
bioterroratleast I have working citrix connection and no problems with outlook08:38
bioterrorI dont have to play around with OWA08:38
Unit193bioterror: Davmail... What version of windows?08:39
bioterrorXP ofcourse! ;D08:40
bioterrorI would like to use Cairo shell08:41
bioterrorbut XP is too old :(08:41
Unit193bbLean? Samurize?08:43
bioterrorbblean wasnt that good08:43
bioterrorneither is litestep :D08:43
Unit193bbLean is lightweight... :D08:44
bioterrorsamuraize could be teh thing ;)08:45
bioterrorbb4win is rather dead?08:46
bioterrorthat looks awesome08:47
Unit193bbLean does seem dead (But maybe the best one...)08:47
bioterrorcheck that cameo08:47
bioterrorit's alive!08:47
bioterrorI'll take shell package!08:49
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kalithlevi get "failed to load fglrx (module does not exist)" when running the lubuntu live cd10:53
bioterrortried to load propietary ati driver10:55
kalithlevshouldn't it fall back to the radeon driver?10:55
* Linatux says hi!10:56
bioterrorhi Linatux10:56
LinatuxUnity-refugee here10:57
bioterrorwhy didnt you take xubuntu? :)10:57
bioterrorbut yeah, we expected that to happen10:58
bioterroreven tho people can still run vanilla buntu in Classic Mode10:58
Linatuxyeah - still running gnome2 on a couple of machines10:59
Linatuxrunning lubuntu here off a 4Gb USB, set up as live. Works rather nicely!11:00
kalithlevarent they removing ubuntu classic in 11.11?11:03
Linatuxwant to decide on an alternative before then11:04
kalithlevi can't for the life of me get my usb drive to boot on my other machine11:06
bioterrorI think xubuntu is best alternative for a ubuntu classic11:06
Linatuxwill check out xubuntu - lubuntu seems nice enough. A little plain, but certainly snappy11:08
Linatux& can fit all I normally need on a 4Gb USB key :-)11:09
bioterrorxfce4 is more close to what ubuntu used to be11:09
poltakthey're removing add lubuntu in 11.1011:09
Linatuxtime to go - spotcha's11:13
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kalithlevhow can i get xapian to work in synaptic? i tried installing apt-xapian-index, but i still don't get the instant search box13:10
kalithlevnm, installed all the recommended packages for synaptic and now i get it, hurray13:12
MrChrisDruifkalithlev; You read the Release Note I wrote about it? :D13:24
head_victimMrChrisDruif: I think it needs more than just the apt-xapian13:40
MrChrisDruifhead_victim; If you install apt-xapian-index it wants to install another dependency that's not already installed13:41
MrChrisDruifAnd it's also needs to index one time completely13:41
head_victimAh fair enough, I never really understood the use case for the quick search and apt-xapian is the first thing I remove on older, slower computer ;)13:42
head_victimRenders most older computers completely useless for 5 - 10 minutes or more every time it runs.13:42
bioterrorand what's the point?13:45
bioterroryou get same stuff from it as you get from apt-cache13:45
head_victimbioterror: or just hit "search" if you want it in synaptic ;)13:46
bioterrorsounds more like inventing wheel again13:46
head_victimI don't mind it on computers it doesn't cripple but I've never actually used it13:47
MrChrisDruifI like it...13:49
MrChrisDruifBut then again, I'm not really target audience for Lubuntu ;)13:49
bioterrorwho is? :D13:49
bioterrordoes it require that part of your brains gets removed? :D13:49
MrChrisDruifbioterror; I think it does ;)14:07
silverarrowI have installed a new hard drive in an old portable14:27
bioterrornow you can gather a bigger pr0n colletion <3 ;)14:27
silverarrowand happen to install the previous version of lubuntu14:27
silverarrowI can lol14:27
bioterrornothing wrong with the 10.10 ;)14:28
bioterrorbut sure we recommend 11.0414:28
silverarrowhowever, I am more likely to download other films lol14:28
silverarrowis it possible to update, or will I get Ubuntu then?14:28
silverarrowlubuntu, works well on this one14:29
bioterroryes it is14:29
silverarrowbetter than anything really14:29
bioterrorsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop14:29
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade14:29
silverarrowfrom terminal I see14:29
bioterroroh well, who needs GUI? ;)14:29
silverarrowI have already noticed the upgrade from the default manager14:30
silverarrowyeah, terminal is nice14:30
bioterrormore resources for browsing web when using terminal, you dont waste resources for drawing [====   ] progress bar :D14:30
silverarrowI see14:31
silverarrowI think opera will download from terminal, but not from package manager14:32
silverarrowthat is weird14:32
silverarrowor at least download from site14:32
silverarrowI used to have open office, but lubuntu came default with ABI, so I am going to give it a try14:33
bioterrorlibreoffice is present, openoffice is past14:33
silverarrowso you would recommend libre14:35
silverarrowI shall have to try it14:35
bioterrorI would instead of OpenOffice14:35
bioterrorbut if you're low on resources (you have ancient computer) I would suggest AbiWord then14:36
MrChrisDruifIf you want something like an complete Office Suite, I would recommend LibreOffice over OpenOffice.org14:36
silverarrowI see14:36
silverarrowhowever, I shall down load libreoffice on my regular computer14:37
silverarrowor other, I tend to use both these days14:37
head_victimI don't get the libre office thing, open office hasn't actually done anything to close up yet has it?15:30
bioterrorhead_victim, oracle is still bad and libre is the thing atm15:42
head_victimI just never understand these sudden shifts in flavours of the month for non apparent reasons. I still don't comprehend how cares about the ask ubuntu website when launchpad answers goes unloved.15:43
head_victimI guess I'm not cool enough to understand all the sudden changes. I mustn't be subbed to the correct mailing lists ;)15:44
bioterrorno sudden shift15:44
head_victimSee that's probably the problem, to me it seemed like it was15:46
bioterrorhead_victim, oracle purchased sun microsystem around 2009 or something cant remember16:11
bioterrorthen they shut off open solaris project16:11
bioterrorand closed most valuable service from people: Sun Solve16:11
bioterrornot closed16:11
bioterrorbut you have access to there if you have service plan16:11
bioterrorand people didnt like those acts, especially that open solaris16:12
kalithlevWhat's the best way to execute ssh-add after I've logged in?17:07
kalithlevi made a .desktop file and put it in .config/autostart, it's perfect!17:16
bioterrorkalithlev, sshd-add?17:55
kalithlevadds my private ssh key to the agent17:57
kalithlevso i don't have to type my super long passphrase all the time!17:57
bioterrorI dont get17:58
bioterrorkalithlev, why dont you create ssh key and cat it to remote server18:03
bioterroryou dont have to use password while loggingin18:03
bioterrorand you have tab completion on remote server while using scp18:03
kalithlevmy private key has a passphrase, i need to unlock it once when i get passwordless logins18:13
kalithlevthen I get*18:14
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kristian_phillw, hey19:04
kristian_the rest of you, also hey19:04
phillwhi kristian_19:18
Unit193Howdy phillw, kristian_19:23
PaintmanWhen is expected Lubuntu 11.04 alternate to be released?19:24
phillwPaintman: I'm not too sure, they are busy with 11.10 at the moment. There is a minimal install for 11.0419:25
PaintmanOk I'll try it.19:26
phillwhave a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GetLubuntu19:26
bioterror!mini | Paintman19:26
ubot5Paintman: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:26
PaintmanSo what is the difference between Minimal CD and Alternate CD?19:29
bioterrorPaintman, minimal is minimal19:30
bioterrorit just install basic ubuntu without any X1119:30
bioterroryou can then build your wanted system or just take the easy way and say "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"19:30
kristian_Paintman, I just installed from it, it is neat19:34
kristian_I just got openbox and the cairo dock, though.... no "full desktop"19:35
bioterrorwho configures my acpid19:37
bioterrorshould run suspend when battery level reaches ~5%19:37
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silverarrowhi again20:21
silverarrowI just did the upgrade20:21
silverarrowand it seem to work fine20:23
silverarrowexcept now I am stuck with login with password20:23
bioterrorput your credentials? ;)20:23
Unit193silverarrow: Is that your question? There is a nice FAQ to fix that20:24
silverarrowthere is?20:24
silverarrowI shall google for it20:24
silverarrowand it's not really a problem20:24
silverarrowI like the new version20:24
Unit193silverarrow: Autologin?20:25
silverarrowyes, I would pefer that20:25
silverarrowdo you know chromium well? it has a popup for traslation that I can not get rid of ?20:26
bioterror"do not translate english"20:26
bioterroror something like that20:26
MrChrisDruifsilverarrow; I know Chromium pretty well...what's precisely the matteR?20:30
silverarrowI get a popup-line that asks if I want it translated20:32
bioterrorand you choose that it should not translate pages in english20:32
silverarrowand it seems there is no way to disable it20:32
bioterrorif that's the case20:32
silverarrowyes,that would be great, and norwegian20:33
silverarrowis it a question that come with every knew page I open, and I have to choose "no" for ever single one, ever?20:34
bioterrorchoose from the menu20:35
bioterrordo I really have to make a screenshot20:36
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silverarrowthanks it work20:37
silverarrowhi paintman20:37
bioterrorPaintman|shoppin, no away nicks, it's a part of irc etiquette ;)20:38
silverarrowyes, no it seems straight forward,20:38
bioterroryou can use /away command ;)20:38
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silverarrowit might have worked all the time, it's just that I thought I turned it off generally, but it pops up for each new language you open20:39
silverarrowand I had english, danish, and norwegian, and of  course,  ach has to be taken care of20:40
silverarrowhave a nice day20:42
silverarrowhow do you get an invite to #hardware ?20:46
bioterrordoes that have something to do with lubuntu?20:47
silverarrowwell, I did make an atempt to install lubuntu on my "new" (used) portable. Something happened and I cannot boot at all, not even the pre stage where you choose boot options and enter BIOS, totally black?20:48
silverarrowat first it worked fine with a test version of windows 720:49
silverarrowI'm shore it has anything to do with lubuntu,20:49
silverarrowor if it's something nasty they have added to make people buy and register Windows 720:50
silverarrowI thought the guys there might have an idea how to trouble shoot the issue20:51
silverarrow"totally black screen on boot up",20:51
bioterrortake battery out, press power button for 10 seconds, put battery back in and try to boot20:52
bioterrormystical trick for thinkpads for example20:52
silverarrow...right away20:54
silverarrowit worked20:55
silverarrowThanks :- )20:56
silverarrowa new trick, and noted20:56
Soupermanitoim trying to make a booteable liveusb using UNetbootin, using a lubuntu 11.04 and a 4gb kingston device, and it stops at 12 of 185 files 6% and does nothing20:57
silverarrowit's a  intel duo core 2, with 1 GB  Ram20:57
silverarrowI thought it might run Ubuntu well if I got 2GB RAM, toem tends to run slow20:57
Soupermanitoaparentlyit copying filesystem.squash, its normal that it takes so long?20:58
silverarrowor I mean Totem tends to like a lot of ram, and is the only media player I can make work with everything20:59
bioterrorit takes a while20:59
bioterrorcan take 5-15mins20:59
Soupermanitook :) thanks20:59
Soupermanito:P they could add a current progress bar besides the overall progress bar21:00
silverarrowThanks again bioterror, regards21:00
Paintmanhi again :)21:00
bioterrorwish I could somehow figure out how to do image so that it could be dd'd21:00
bioterrorit would be awesum!21:00
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silverarrowis there a way to make vlc default flash player?22:33
silverarrowit runs more smoothly on a computer I  have than adobe22:34
bioterrorit wont play in browser your flash videos22:37
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