
XaseSorry bout that.00:00
XaseGot a copy of those sources?00:01
XaseI searched for a half hour earlier while half asleep, and never found them...00:02
XaseGuess I gave up eventually.00:02
GrueMasterLet me see if there is a link.00:03
ScottKNCommander: Sure.00:21
NCommanderScottK: thanks00:23
kgilmerhrw, y?00:33
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xaseGrueMaster: someone crashed my internet earlier, I assume it was the dogs, did you find that link bossmate?03:11
GrueMasterYes.  http://images.barnesandnoble.com/PResources/download/Nook/source-code/nookcolor_1.2.tgz03:11
xaseGuess I gotta build it, what was the name of that tool?03:12
xaseWow this internet blows.03:15
xaseGrueMaster: what was that utility I needed to build it?03:33
GrueMasterOops, sorry.  I think you can install gcc & gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi03:36
GrueMasterThen cross compile.03:36
GrueMaster(dinner called, had to eat)03:36
StevenKWhy did it call, was it still alive?03:37
Xase_Daughter shut the internet03:40
GrueMasterStevenK: Hey!03:40
GrueMasterStevenK: No, I don't eat Aussie style.  :P03:41
Xase_so gnu-gcc and gnu-arm-eabi?03:42
Xase_I didn't quite read it before she shut the lid.03:43
Xase_I'm going to open up irc on the desktop so I don't miss anything.03:43
GrueMasterheh.  gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi03:43
Xase_I knew I was close.03:44
Xase_And that has the utility to build the u-boot source?03:44
GrueMasterXase_: I have quasselcore installed on  a server in my basement, and I connect to it with quasselclient.  The server stays logged in, even when I travel.03:44
GrueMasterI think it should, but you may need to tweek the makefile.  I've never cross compiled before.03:45
Xase_I'm working with unlimited space and resources unfortunately, but that sounds awesome.03:45
GrueMasterrsalveti would know.03:45
* rsalveti reading03:45
Xase_How dare you.03:45
GrueMasterrsalveti: xcompile u-boot03:45
rsalvetiCROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make omap4_panda_config03:46
rsalvetiCROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make u-boot.bin03:46
rsalvetifor panda03:46
Xase_Alright, I'll be sure to bother the room with numerous pastebins when I hit retardation walls.03:47
GrueMasterXase_: So just change omap4_panda_config for omap3621_evt1a03:48
Xase_You know, I've never bothered trying to share files via windows & Linux... is it easy?03:48
rsalvetiXase_: samba should do it03:48
rsalvetieasy to set03:49
Xase_Good, because I have shite internet, and already downloaded the source to this computer... would rather just share things back and forth.03:49
Xase_Nananana nananana hey hey, lets compile.03:56
XaseHi Xase_04:01
Xase_Hi you sexy me.04:01
GrueMasterI see internet weirdness has risen again.04:31
ndec1lag: did you get your answer about the TI guy you were looking for?07:29
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hrwkgilmer: 01:33 is my sleeping time...07:59
lagndec: I did, thank you08:41
ndeclag: cool... thx.. and sorry about the delay ;-)08:41
lagndec: NP :)08:41
ppisatiso, usb enumeration (and thus booting) on omap3 is broken09:16
ppisatiwhile it works on panda09:16
ppisatiat this point i wonder if i shall try with the linaro kernel too...09:17
kgilmeryeah hrw.  i got it figured out, didn't have to downgrade.  thx for the tip.09:50
kgilmeron upgrades, i wish there was a "leave my ui just like it is" option.09:51
hrwkgilmer: lot of people would love to09:52
hrwkgilmer: I saw that you mvoed to 35 kernel09:53
kgilmeryou -> izzy, others in nyc, not me :)09:54
hrwkgilmer: I meant BL09:54
kgilmerseems to be working alright09:54
kgilmeri'm also trying to support bug13 hw in my free time, maybe i told you09:55
kgilmerMACHINE="bug", basically w/ angstrom09:55
hrwkgilmer: I noticed on the list and blogs09:56
kgilmerah cool09:56
kgilmerworking on some refactoring now so at the app layer it is easier to combine different bits for different hw09:56
kgilmerso i can have something like "bug for beagleboard" ... our long lost dream09:57
kgilmernot that it's going to set the world on fire, but it's fun to work on.09:57
hrwkgilmer: I still have beaglebug board somewhere10:04
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ppisatiit seems my flyswatter didn't survive the trip to budapest :(14:37
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ppisatiok, now i know we i've recompiled the x-loader :)14:47
rsalvetippisati: http://focus.ti.com/pdfs/wtbu/OMAP4430_ES2.0_Public_TRM_vJ.pdf15:33
rsalvetippisati: for the omap 4 trm15:33
rsalvetiI believe you can find newer versions at the ti website15:34
rsalvetibut that's the document you were looking for15:34
cipherwhen using the linux gadget framework what exactly does "platform code" mean....15:36
cipherdoes that mean creating your own module and associated kernel options that get set in the .config?15:36
cipherbasically on this link... the guy responds to his own question, but I don't know where the platform_register_device should go?15:39
martynPXE patches are ready16:04
martynwhere should I post the u-boot PXE patches?16:04
martynserver mailing list?16:04
rsalvetimartyn: did you post at the u-boot ml?16:14
rsalvetijcrigby: can probably be interested on that too16:14
martynThis patch is meant for us, first16:14
martynso we can get working now .. it will need to be upstreamed as it gets to be higher quality16:15
rsalvetimartyn: jcrigby is maintaining the u-boot we're using at our images16:15
martynjcrigby: You online?16:15
jcrigbymartyn, yes I'm here16:16
martynpatch coming your way :)16:16
jcrigbymartyn, thanks!16:16
martynI'll do a git patch, then email?16:16
jcrigbymartyn, sounds good john.rigby@linaro.org16:17
martynokay .. know what's going on with the patches?16:19
martynthis is for the arm server 11.10 .. we need PXE, so calxeda is putting in our PXE patches16:19
* hrw thought that tftp is enough16:20
martynwe need to be able to do everything that x86 server can do16:20
martynthat includes pxe install :)16:21
martynheck, I'm even going to take a stab at implementing TCP so we can do HTTP install16:21
martynbut the PXE patch is ready now16:21
hrwI had arm boards which booted uboot from flash and then tftp-ed kernel to boot16:21
martynhrw : Refer to notes from UDS : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-arm-server16:22
Xase_... GrueMaster what was that target rsalveti mentioned, stupid webchat crashed, and my irc client hadn't joined the room till after he mentioned it.16:31
GrueMaster[19:47:31] <rsalveti> CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make omap4_panda_config16:32
GrueMaster[19:47:42] <rsalveti> CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make u-boot.bin16:32
GrueMasterAnd I noted that you will want omap3621_evt1a16:32
XaseYeah thanks :D GrueMaster gonna compile that soon as I get samba up16:35
martynjcrigby: Do you want the patch we used to change the configuration on ca9x4_ct_vxp as well?  It's a good reference16:36
martyn(I'm just using git diff to generate the patch)16:37
jcrigbymartyn, thats fine16:37
XaseSamba sucks to set up16:47
XaseI got it working on windows to access ubuntu... but ubuntu can't open the network for some reason16:48
XaseFinally, here comes the source...16:54
XaseI'll figure out why I can't see the computer from Ubuntu's end later...16:54
GrueMasterWindows doesn't play well with others.17:01
XaseGreat and now some how I've misplaced my natty img17:05
Xasewtf... now that mount command asks for filetype17:24
XaseGrueMaster: what was that mount command again -_-? I have this: sudo mount /home/jase/wrkspc/natty-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img /home/jase/wrkspc/NATTYHAXYO/ -o loop,offset$((512*63))17:26
GrueMastershould be offset=$((512*63)).  Missing =17:27
XaseYou are mighty sir@ GrueMaster17:27
Xasenow, I'll only have to replace u-boot.bin?  @ GrueMaster , or will I have to compile some other files?17:28
GrueMasterx-loader as well.17:28
Xaseso build x-loader and u-boot, and just copy over my resultant files?17:29
Xasemake: *** No rule to make target `omap3621_evt1a'.  Stop.17:31
GrueMasterXase: I am not sure what the name of the config is for the nook.  I haven't had a chance to look through it.17:33
Xase_Would it be in the nook source?17:33
Xase_I'll ask in NookDevs and Cyanogen mod17:34
GrueMasterIt should be17:34
XaseI assume I'm looking for a .mk file@ GrueMaster?17:38
GrueMasterLet me look. Give me a sec.17:38
XaseWell I see several.17:39
XaseTake your time.17:39
Xasethere's config.mk i386_*.mk m68k_*.mk microblaze_*.mk mips_*.mk  nios2_*.mk nios_*.mk and ppc_*.mk here17:41
Xaseoh and arm_*.mk17:41
Xaseand a blackfin one17:41
Xase_make -j2 omap3621_evt1a_config  @ GrueMaster according to Nookdevs.com17:43
Xasejase@xike:~/wrkspc/distro/u-boot$ CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make omap3621_evt1a_config17:44
XaseConfiguring for omap3621_evt1a board...17:44
XaseCompiling now @ GrueMaster17:45
XaseCan't believe all  I was missing was _config :D17:46
GrueMasterDo the same for x-loader once you have u-boot.17:47
XaseDon't I have to also build the kernel ?17:47
GrueMasterYea, probably.17:47
GrueMasterLike I said before, I haven't really had time to explore this.17:48
XaseWell I'll just wing it, and reference nookdevs.com. Get back to what you're doing boss man.17:48
XaseGrueMaster: Building that kernel now, then I'll dd the image to my SD Card and reply with the results17:55
XaseGrueMaster: one more teensy thing... that command to mount didn't give read write access did it?18:06
Xaseor only to root?18:06
GrueMasterIt should have, but it may be root only write access.  You could also just flash and SD and mount it.18:06
XaseMeaning like... if I already have a prepared sd card?18:07
GrueMasterFlash the image to the SD, then mountthe first partition and copy your files to it.18:39
cipherhas anyone had some success at making a platform hid device with the linux gadget framework?18:40
cipherI've got my device up but no transfer between /dev/hidg0 (device side) and /dev/hidraw0 (host side)18:40
Xase_When I plug in the device, and boot it with the card in, it shows up as an omap3630 GrueMaster18:50
Xase_No display comes up though18:51
GrueMasterPlug it in where?18:51
Xase_I wish there was a way to communicate with the device over usb... but I've been googling for hours and haven't found anything.18:51
Xase_My windows PC18:52
Xase_It's just what my nook cord happened to be plugged into.18:52
GrueMasterHave you flashed the sd card with the natty image?18:52
GrueMasterANd rebooted?18:52
GrueMasterBut nothing?  Interesting.18:52
Xase_Devmgr didn't report an omap 3630 last time though I think.18:52
Xase_I built mlo uboot and uimage18:53
Xase_I hear windows detecting it, and then failing to register it.18:56
Xase_Is there perchance a way to see if anything is happening over usb?18:57
Xase_Via linux of course.18:57
GrueMasternot really.  But when I looked at u-boot, it looked like I would need to make some changes so that it loads initrd properly along with our boot.scr18:58
XaseSo more work to tweak.18:58
GrueMasterAs I said, I haven't had a chance to really dive in for the last 2 weeks.18:58
XaseStuff that's over my head :), Well let me know what I can do to help and whatnot, and I can be your ears and eyes18:59
GrueMasterAnd I really won't be able to focus on it until next week.18:59
XaseYeah, I'll see if I can equip my self with some developers of +1 intelligence :p18:59
GrueMasterSounds good.  BTW:  there is a thread on xdadevelopers that has a rudamentary ubuntu running on it through vnc.18:59
XaseYeah, that is an old trick.19:00
XaseI used to do that on my G119:00
GrueMasterlook for nookbuntu19:00
XaseThink that ubuntu image would help some how?19:00
GrueMasterAh, so you are familiar with it.19:00
GrueMasterMight for the boot portion.19:00
XaseYeah, I saw that, and said PFFT19:03
XaseIt's rather useless19:03
XaseBut I'll take a look at it.19:03
robclarkhey rsalveti, do you know if the patch for panda to take ethernet MAC addr from bootargs is gone?19:09
robclarkguy next to me just switched to same kernel, and now we both have the same MAC addr on our pandas, which is a bit inconvenient..19:10
robclarkahh, yeah, looks like the patch for macaddr in cmdline is reverted19:15
prpplagueGrueMaster / rsalveti question for you guys19:21
prpplagueGrueMaster / rsalveti if you had an LCD adapter available for the pandaboard, would you prefer to have a large +5v wall wart that is used for the +5 and generates +12v for the lcd backlight, or would you prefer to have support for +9V or larger wall wart that drives the backlight and regulates down to +5v for the panda?19:23
GrueMasterPersonally I would prefer a brick.  No room for wall warts left (I already have 5 powerstips in my office).19:24
GrueMasterBut one power source for both would be easier to manage.19:25
prpplagueGrueMaster: right, but something like +12v and drop to +5v , or +5v push up to +12v19:25
prpplagueGrueMaster: i'm stuck on tht19:25
GrueMasterI don't know enough about electronics to know the pros/cons of either.19:26
GrueMasterI do know most laptops use 19v DC and down convert for devices.19:27
prpplagueGrueMaster: yea it is easier to down convert19:28
GrueMasterPlus most cars are 12v, so someone doing in-car dev work would prefer that I think.19:28
prpplagueGrueMaster: indeed19:28
martynWhat's NCommander's canonical email add?19:43
* martyn is sending out pxe patches now19:43
martynpatches sent19:54
Xase_So the pre-installed image goes to OEM setup right?20:43
Xase_Anyway to set ssh or vnc to start and connect over to it that way?20:43
Xase_To see if anything is actually functioning?20:44
NCommandermartyn: thanks21:02
martynIt's a start :)21:03
Xase_Beh, now this is no fun :(21:08
rsalvetirobclark: I think it was reverted, but it's now using the omap die id to create the mac address21:11
martynHuh .. I think Java is broken on my natty installation21:11
rsalvetiI know the first version of this patch was getting the wrong values from the omap die id, so all macs were all the same21:11
rsalvetirobclark: which kernel are you using?21:11
robclarkrsalveti, yeah, I saw that in the code..21:12
robclarkI'm using your drm branch ;-)21:12
robclarknot sure if we have same die-id (at least in the bits it is reading)?21:12
rsalvetirobclark: it should be unique21:12
rsalvetiat least with my current kernel I'm getting different macs for all my 3 pandas21:13
martynwhere does the OMAP normally get it's MAC address?21:13
martynit doesn't store it in nvram?21:13
rsalvetirobclark: could be that my branch is missing this fix21:13
robclarkOMAP doesn't have a MAC..21:13
martynsorry :)21:13
rsalvetimartyn: missing eeprom at the smsc hardware21:13
* robclark just being over-precise21:13
robclarkrsalveti, do you have a pointer to the right patch?  I can double check that..21:13
martynNo, it's good.  There certainly are lots of OMAP boards out there21:13
rsalvetirobclark: sure, hold on21:14
martynrsalveti: It uses that damned SMSC usb->ethernet hardware?21:14
rsalvetimartyn: yup21:14
rsalvetisame as beagle xm21:14
robclarkmartyn, fwiw, there is no eeprom/nvram, which makes life a bit more difficult..21:14
martynI like the ones that use the ram interface better21:14
robclarkanyone know what snowball or the other low cost arm boards are doing?  I assume it is a common problem..21:15
martynBRB -- I'm taking a look at the pandaboard that Trevor has here21:15
martynbecause that's just a silly decision :)21:15
martynsnowball has an SRAM interface ethernet21:15
martynI'll bet you it stores a mac address in flash :)21:15
robclarkok, so has eMMC or something like that on the board?21:16
martynlooking at the CALAO website now21:16
martynEthernet is a SMSC LAN9221 on the Snowball21:16
martynWireless is the Azurewave NH58021:16
martyn8GByte eMMC21:18
prpplaguemartyn: picking one up?21:19
prpplaguerobclark: snowball doesn't have eeprom either21:19
martynprpplague: But it does have eMMC21:19
prpplaguemartyn: right21:20
martynwhich means you can load a MAC address in via u-boot21:20
rsalvetirobclark: just apply this patch: http://rsalveti.net/tmp/0001-OMAP2-Common-CPU-DIE-ID-reading-code-reads-wrong-reg.patch21:20
GrueMasterMost dev boards don't have eeprom/nvram for mac addresses.  It requres registration with a standards body to get a mac range.21:20
prpplaguemartyn: have they updated the ship dates?21:22
* prpplague wishes the #igloo channel was on freenode instead of oftc21:22
martynbut we pre-ordered21:22
prpplagueright as did i21:22
martynHmm .. according to the SMSC spec sheet for the LAN9221 .. we -can- burn a MAC into it21:23
martynseems trivial to do so21:23
martynAh, I see21:24
martyn"optional EEPROM interface"21:24
martynAnd they save a -whooooole-  eight bytes of storage21:25
Xase_GrueMaster: any tips for where I should head from here?21:26
GrueMasterNot yet.  I was going to work from a post-installed image.  Do you get video?21:33
Xase_I get nothing on the screen.21:40
=== Xase1 is now known as Xase
martynogra_: Damnit man .. your serial cable is STILL IN MY BAG23:04
martynI found it this morning23:05
martynIt's like the famous cat from the song 'the cat came back'23:05
martynPXE patches submitted23:05
martynncommander and jcrigby have 'em23:05
ogra_just keep it :)23:05
martynI'll keep it in the 'to lend' hardware pile23:06
timhi, i did a 'do-release-upgrade' on my NSLU2 running jaunty, and it died in the ass in a big way:23:10
timERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0ubuntu19_armel.deb': 'subprocess new post-removal script killed by signal (Illegal instruction)'23:10
timi've read that support for the NSLU2 was dropped after jaunty, but do you know how i can clean this thing up so i can use it again? as in roll back to jaunty23:11
ogra_reinstall is your only option i fear23:13
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timapt and dpkg still seem to function OK, but it is missing things like ldconfig and locale, lol23:16
ogra_well, if the new libc is already installed you will definitely run into probs, karmic was all compiled for armv623:17
Matt_Otim, that sounds pretty grave23:24
timah well, gotta keep it interesting somehow :)23:36

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