
micahghggdh: now I am, what's up?00:18
hggdhmicahg: remember the user we created to interface with the wiki changes for bugsquad?00:19
micahghggdh: umm..., I can probably find it00:19
hggdhI just wanted to know if it is still defined on your domain -- we stopped receiving moderation requests for it, and I am just checking00:20
micahghggdh: yep, still fwds to ubuntu-bugsquad@l.u.c00:21
hggdhmicahg: all we needed, thanks, we will keep on with IS00:21
charlie-tcaCould someone familiar take a look at bug 784342 for me?02:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 784342 in notecase (Ubuntu) "Request notecase be removed from Repository (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78434202:05
charlie-tcaDo I need anything else for that to be removed?02:06
micahgcharlie-tca: looking02:07
micahgcharlie-tca: is it broke?02:11
micahgcharlie-tca: please note that in the bug and I'll ACK the removal02:12
charlie-tcauses most of the cpu, to the point nothing else can be run until it is killed02:12
micahgcharlie-tca: BTW, normally, you'd subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug when filing a request like this02:12
micahgthe sponsor will check for rdepends and ACK or NACK the request02:13
charlie-tcaThat's what I didn't know02:14
micahgcharlie-tca: sounds like another use case for the packaging guide :)02:14
charlie-tcaheh, never tried this before.02:14
charlie-tcaupdated the bug with the issue and bug number for reference02:15
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks02:15
charlie-tcaThank you02:15
micahgcharlie-tca: you're welcome02:16
* micahg thinks with a little work we can rope charlie-tca into a contributing developer :)02:17
* charlie-tca thinks with a lot of work, he could learn something02:20
micahgcharlie-tca: you just did learn something w/out a lot of work :)02:21
* bcurtiswx wishes he could learn as fast as some people around here ;)02:24
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yofelbug 78407312:29
yofeldoesn't unitys search box support hidden menu items?12:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 784073 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport does not open whatsoever (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78407312:29
roadmrHi! could someone help me with bug 724540? I think it should be Importance: Low and Status: Fix Released as it's fixed in Natty15:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 724540 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "System testing only worked once (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72454015:43
micahgroadmr: you can mark a bug fix released15:45
roadmrmicahg: you're right, thanks! I'll do that - how about importance?15:45
micahgroadmr: set15:46
roadmrmicahg: thanks so much !15:46
kamusinroadmr, done15:46
micahgroadmr: thank you for your work :)15:47
jibelroadmr, also it's a good practice to paste the part of the changelog mentioning when and in which version or commit it was fixed.15:48
jibelRedSingularity, about bug 780474, the log files attached are from an upgrade to maverick (the logs are from 2010-10-10)15:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 780474 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to Natty Nawhal failed because package 'ubuntu-minimal' wasn't found (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78047415:50
jibelRedSingularity, You must be careful about the actual content of the logs.15:50
jibelRedSingularity, update-manager moves the previous upgrade log files to a directory named with the date of the day, that confuses users sometimes.15:51
jibelRedSingularity, also do not ask to run potentially dangerous commands like 'sudo rm -r' unless it is really really needed to workaround a very specific issue and there is no standard command to fix it.15:51
roadmrjibel: that makes sense, I'll update the bug with the changelog snippet15:52
roadmrjibel: about bug 772820, the user replied with output from apt-cache policy debconf and he appears to have official ubuntu versions :-/ (you suspected he had a debian version). Maybe he did a fresh install and didn't tell us?15:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 772820 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "package checkbox 0.11.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77282015:53
jibelroadmr, it is not the original reporter who replied :-) Both Jason but not the same name nor lpid15:55
roadmrjibel: ah! yes, somehow two jasons reported very similar bugs.. never mind then, I'll deal with them until we get the info we need15:56
jibelroadmr, and btw the second Jason already upgraded to Oneiric, that's likely a different problem15:57
RedSingularityjibel: hey.  I thought the most recent log files will be located at the root of the dist-upgrade directory?  You think the user uploaded logs from a folder higher in the tree?16:44
RedSingularityjibel: for example: /var/log/dist-upgrade/date-of-upgrade/files ?16:46
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jibelRedSingularity, yes, I think he did and the date in main.log is 2010-10-1017:56
RedSingularityjibel: my mistake then.  I always assume they upload the files from the root dir.  Will take note of that in the future.  While I have you here, take a look at bug 783549  I have never seen that type of log before.  Whats it about?18:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 783549 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "dist-upgrade ubuntu-minimal not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78354918:03
jibelRedSingularity, expect the unexpected.18:04
RedSingularityjibel: indeed :)18:04
* jibel looking18:04
jibelRedSingularity, Looks like the output has been redirected to screen rather than the logs.18:05
jibelinteresting, I've never seen that before.18:06
RedSingularityjibel: me neither :/18:06
jibelRedSingularity, that makes 2 bugs. the ubuntu-minimal thing which can be any network or source related issue and the output being redirected to screen and not captured in the logs18:08
jibelRedSingularity, you can try to reproduce the 2nd one with a do-release-upgrade ran from screen. I'm curious if it can be reproduced this way.18:09
RedSingularityjibel: ran from a terminal?18:09
jibelRedSingularity, ssh to a headless box, run screen then do-release-upgrade, or before trying to reproduce ask for the setup of this user and how he did proceed. That will shorten the guess game.18:11
RedSingularityjibel: ok will do.18:13
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JoshuaLIm not sure, someone marked bug 722024 as incomplete, however I think its invalid, what is your guys opinion?18:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 722024 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Handle .rar files (affects: 1) (heat: 45)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72202418:36
micahgJoshuaL: convert to support request if it already works and the user needs help implementing18:40
JoshuaLmicahg, thanks18:41
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jibelqa meeting in 10mn on #ubuntu-quality18:50
ohsixquality assurance18:59
JoshuaLis the meeting open for everyone?18:59
pedro_yes it is19:00
JoshuaLok thanks :)19:01
ohsixpretty much everything is open, doesn't mean there will be an opportunity for random people to offer useful input though :]19:07
roadmrjibel: the original jason posted back on bug 772820 and it looks like he has a non-ubuntu debconf installed.19:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 772820 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "package checkbox 0.11.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77282019:27
roadmrjibel: should this bug then be invalid, and the duplicate delinked? (as in that one, it does have the ubuntu packages - it's the *other* jason)19:27
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njinhello fellows, can someone look at bug 784705 ,thanks20:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 784705 in ubuntu "i386 version of gcc-4.5 fails to compile C or Fortran files on CIFS mounts (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78470520:23
micahgnjin: I'd suggest moving it to gcc-4.5 and letting the toolchain maintainers take a look20:26
njinok thanks micahg20:27
JoshuaLCan someone take a look at the bug i report and confirm it when possible (importance low) bug 77198320:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 771983 in indicator-me (Ubuntu) "Sometimes I am unable to type in the "Post to.." input field. (affects: 1) (heat: 244)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77198320:37
JoshuaLwhat to do when a bug is solved by a workaround (for example removing package X and reinstall the package where the bug occurred)?21:13
JoshuaLAnd can someone check bug 784738, I believe it has all the info required.21:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 784738 in linux (Ubuntu) "internal loudspeakers not switched off when pluging in headphones (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78473821:24
braiamJoshuaL: set it to invalid, also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses/#Bugs%20resolved%20after%20update%20or%20config%20change21:48
ohsixdoes smspillaz have a work log or something public to see what he's working on; there's some fairly substantial bugs (2) with compiz that i'd like to see if anyone has even looked at22:03
ohsixspecificly bug 774651 and bug 69735822:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 774651 in compiz (Ubuntu) "windows initially mapped with the fullscreen property are never "seen" by compiz (affects: 1) (heat: 244)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77465122:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 697358 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Regression in window list applet (wnck-applet) behavior (affects: 78) (dups: 6) (heat: 440)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69735822:05
ohsixtheres basically some weird window lifetime stuff going on with some of the properties and compiz doesn't handle them properly anymore22:06
roadmrCan bug 784416 be set to triaged? there's output from ubiquity --debug and I can't make much sense of it but someone from ubiquity might. I'm not sure about importance though - looks pretty critical to this guy who can't use his computer :)22:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 784416 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 11.04 installer crash (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78441622:12

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