
BobjonkmanWorking tonight, stage lighting for the KCI jazz band at Queen St Commons00:00
BobjonkmanOnly have an iPod touch, so I'm just going to lurk00:01
dscasselWell, not the iPod touch part.00:02
dscasselMass call! bregma cyphermox FiReSTaRT Guest66786 IdleOne james_w Jeruvy johanbr Kamondelious kavurt kenjy KombuchaKip komputes Kulag MagicFab MaverickPi rgreening ryanakca sipherdee starcraftman willwh zeroedout zul00:04
dscasselInterested in a meeting?00:04
MagicFabI am around another ~3000:05
johanbrI'm here (mostly)00:05
dscasselHi MagicFab :D00:05
dscasselAnd johanbr00:05
MagicFabagenda ?00:06
dscasselAgenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011-05-1700:07
dscasselNot too much. :)00:07
Kamondeliousgood day00:07
dscasselFeel free to introduce yourselves. Where you are, what you do for/with/on Ubuntu...00:07
dscasselHi Kamondelious00:08
FiReSTaRThey darcy.. sorry bud, i'm working right now.. can't attend :(00:08
dscasselI'm Darcy.  I'm in Waterloo and I'm one of the contacts for Ubuntu Canada.00:08
dscasselNo worries, FiReSTaRT. If anything comes up you're interested in later, bring it up here...00:09
komputeskomputes here, Montreal00:09
MagicFabkomputes, o/00:09
dscasselMagicFab: Handy. :)00:09
dscasselHi komputes00:09
MagicFabI am in Quebec city, but live in Montreal. I am also Ubuntu QC team contact (and Haiti, temporarily :)00:10
dscasselCool. :D00:11
MagicFabI've just invited a few more00:12
KamondeliousI'm in Toronto, been running Ubuntu as my primary OS @work and @home for about 6 years00:12
dscasselThe more the merrier. :)00:12
dscasselKamondelious: Did you make it out to the Toronto release party?00:13
Kamondeliousnope  :(00:13
dscasselAw.  Next time. :D00:13
dscasselOnwards, I suppose...00:14
MaverickPiHi, I'm Alex, I'm from Toronto, also a really new ubuntu user, I'm also wondering if I'm in the wrong place, do I need to join on the website to be here? :S00:14
dscassel1) Release party retrospective and Maker Faire.00:14
dscasselHi, Alex. Not at all. This is an open group for Ubuntu users.00:15
willwhand non ubuntu users ;D00:15
willwh<< debian / arch atm00:15
dscasselThis meeting is a regular organizational thing.00:15
dscasselwillwh: Yes, and non-Ubuntu users. So long as they don't mind associating. :D00:15
MaverickPiOh, okay! Well, it's great to meet you all :)00:15
dscasselSo, release parties, we had two (under the Ubuntu Canada umbrella anyway, I know ubuntu-qc had one or two as well..)00:16
dscasselWaterloo was pretty awesome.  We had about 30 people total throughout the day.00:17
dscasselAnd cake. :D00:17
dscasselPhotos from the Waterloo and Toronto parties are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntucanada/tags/natty/00:18
dscasselgenii-around is not around, or he could tell us about Toronto.00:18
dscasselThe trans-Canada LAN party didn't work as well as hoped, due to poor advanced planning.00:20
MagicFabQC was great too. New location, a Cafe, which was good to get new faces (compared to the usual bar)00:20
dscasselBut it was still fun playing Teeworlds and things. :D00:20
* highvoltage got really close to attending this time00:20
dscasselI'm a big fan of release parties.  We definitely need more.00:23
highvoltageMagicFab: I'll probably have an ubuntu bbq when the weather is nice (and I when I actually have a bbq), perhaps you can come to sherbrooke for that? :p00:23
dscasselI just have to convince people it's not a big/hard/scary thing to do.00:23
dscasselUbuntu BBQs sound fantastic.00:23
dscasselAlso last week, I was at mini-Maker Faire Toronto handing out buttons and CDs to people.00:24
* dscassel didn't get the Natty CDs in time, however. But we'll get that toat. Plenty of Lucid CDs left to hand out, though.00:25
dscasseler, get to that.00:25
dscasselAny suggestions for upcoming events?00:26
dscasselWe have "Car-free Sundays" coming up, which sound like they'll end up being open street festivals.00:26
dscasseltxwikinger was suggeting wandering around and handing out CDs.00:27
Jeruvydscassel: you paged earlier?00:29
dscasselI'm not super-keen on advocating to the general public (I acknowledge the importance, but I'm kinda lousy at it).00:29
dscasselJeruvy: Just a mass call for the meeting.  :)00:30
dscasselBut I'll go along with people if they want to do it.00:30
dscasselI'm thinking maybe trying to get some sort of hackathon or something to encourage UW students to develop on Ubuntu.00:31
Jeruvydscassel: sorry I didn't know I"m only here for a few minutes.00:31
dscasselJeruvy: No worries.  Feel free to drop a line if you have any feedback later.00:32
dscasselMoving on! (unless there's anything else...)00:33
dscasselNatty CDs!00:33
dscasselI have a box full.00:33
dscasselBecause I figued I'd try ordering them, hoping I'd get them in time for Maker Faire.00:33
dscasselMagicFab: Do you get CDs?00:34
dscasselWhat do you do with them?00:34
* bregma wakes up and looks around00:35
dscasselHi, bregma :)00:35
bregmahey MagicFab how are you?00:35
dscasselSo, I'm thinking of maybe using them for bribery purposes.00:36
dscasselLike sending a bundle to people to host an Ubuntu Hour or something.00:36
bregmaI have a hoarde I picked up in Budapest... I can give them out to anyone in Perth who wants them00:37
bregmamy kids won;t give them to their friends00:37
dscasselNo taste.00:38
bregmamaybe I'll try leaving them in the library for people who might be casually interested00:39
dscasselbregma: That's not a bad idea.00:39
dscasselI'd send them out to people, but I don't want to pay a fortune in shipping.00:40
bregmawould local computer shops be willing to host a pile on their counter by the checkout?00:41
bregmaI know the local shops here are prejudiced, but ni the cities maybe....00:41
IdleOnehello folks sorry I'm late00:43
dscasselbregma: Dunno. I suppose I could drop some off at Canada Computers...00:43
dscasselHi IdleOne. :)00:43
MagicFabbregma o/00:43
IdleOneLocal shops might be willing to let you put a stack of CD's on the counter but they prefer they be pressed, looks more professional/trustworthy00:44
MagicFabdscassel, yes I just did (huge box00:44
IdleOneBy the way I'm in Montreal and I do my best to drive MagicFab crazy00:44
dscasselIdleOne: Yup, these are the ones from Canonical.00:45
MagicFabdscassel, so far, nothing. But I have to ping several u-qc members in other cities so they get heir share00:46
IdleOnedscassel: there should be a wiki around for making the fold up CD holder thingies also00:46
MagicFabCD-ROMs, If I were you I'd tour the localrecycling computer shops. I did, with great results.00:46
MagicFabIn fact the last shop I proposed Ubuntu to sent me to Haiti :) https://picasaweb.google.com/magicfab/HaitiAvril2011#00:47
IdleOneMagicFab: that was a sponsored trip?00:47
dscasselCool. :)00:47
dscasselI know a bunch of guys at Computer Recycling at a local place called The Working Centre.00:48
MagicFabIdleOne, indeed. 16 hr. days, all-Ubuntu (dual boot) lab (~30 PCs)00:48
dscassel(Bob Jonkman included)00:48
dscasselI'm sure I can give Bob a bunch.00:48
MagicFabLibreOffice is also a great way to introduce Ubuntu to recycling places\00:48
dscasselI think I'll send some to genii-around if he's interested.00:48
IdleOneDude I am so proud to know you. you are a true ROCK STAR!00:48
dscasselYeah. :)00:49
MagicFabIf anyone want to make their own DVDs feel free to take inspiration: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:MagicFab/LibODVD00:49
MagicFabalthough an official LibO DVD is in the making00:49
MagicFabSomething else that worked great for me was giving free workshops at my neighborhood library00:50
MagicFabit helped a lot that I go there weekly w/kids + wife :)00:50
IdleOneare you still doing the workshops?00:50
MagicFabIdleOne, surething, monthly. You wouldn't believe how much they appreciate having more people using their facilities.00:51
MagicFabAnd the library takes care of all the promotion/registrations.00:51
MagicFabThey use FB, etc. https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=17773683557821300:51
bregmaMagicFab, is there a guide to doing workshops like that?00:52
MagicFabbregma, my presentation is freely licensed (although all in French, easy to translate)00:52
IdleOneSo who else is doing cool stuff with Ubuntu/FOSS in their local community?00:52
dscasselThat could be handy...00:52
MagicFabIdleOne was there once, it helps having experience with the public but anyone with some Ubuntu experience could give such workshops00:52
MagicFabThis here helps too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConferenceTopTips00:53
IdleOneWhat I learned from the workshop when I attended was that it is important to keep things simple and not get to technical. For one it invites too many deeper questions and takes you away from the "Introduction" aspect.00:54
MagicFabyeah, never underestimate the library crowds :)00:55
IdleOneSmart bunch they are00:55
bregmathe other kind don't tend to use the library as much00:55
IdleOneI guess so.00:56
IdleOneI need to attend another workshop or two and then I hope to start doing them at my local library also.00:56
MagicFabgotta go, ping me anytime here or ubuntu-qc if needed00:57
MagicFabcheers to all00:57
IdleOnelater MagicFab00:57
bregmashowing off the new Unity interface should generate interest00:58
IdleOneSo, any other business?00:58
dscasselThat's pretty much all I had. :)00:58
bregmaso how many here are actually using Unity, out of interest?00:59
IdleOneI am sorta00:59
IdleOneI tested 11.04 the entire dev cycle and now I am running 11.1000:59
* dscassel is also defending it on the mailing list. >_>;00:59
IdleOnealmost the entire dev cycle00:59
bregmait's a little early for 11.1001:00
IdleOneis it?01:00
dscasselNever too early, I guess. :)01:00
IdleOneI changed my sources the day after natty release :)01:00
bregmathe repost aren't considered stable yet01:00
bregmaI mean, you;re welcome to try, but nobody expects a sane persone to use it on a regular basis01:01
dscasselI'll wait till the beta, but I'm kind of a wuss.01:01
IdleOnebregma: I have the luxury of being able to run pre-pre alpha and not worry about data loss01:01
* IdleOne never claimed sanity01:01
bregmawe generally have to switch after the second alpha01:01
IdleOneI am looking forward to seeing what improvements and features get added to Unity01:03
bregmaif you like Unity, you'll love the coming improvements01:04
dscasselI didn't get to sit in those UDS sessions.  Budapest is an inconvenient timezone.01:04
bregmaI'm not sure if they ere discussed at UDS01:04
bregmaI think there's a hush on details01:05
bregmaI can't say01:05
bregmaby which I mean I don;t know01:05
bregmait's not my area of expertise so I wasn;t paying attention01:05
bregmaI live in the command line01:05
bregmabut I'm looking forward to a working alt-tab switcher01:06
IdleOnealt-tab works fine for me01:06
bregmaI know that's coming, I just don't knwo details01:06
bregmaalt-tab doesn;t work if you have more than one instance of an application open01:06
bregmaor of one of the instances is minimized01:07
IdleOneI think that has been fixed already in 11.1001:07
IdleOnebecause I can have multiple chromium windows, max and min and alt-tab displays them01:07
bregmamaybe my problem is because I'm using Unity 2d01:08
IdleOneah, could be01:08
dscasselYeah, Unity 3D works fine, afaict.01:08
dscasselI use the Expose switcher thing anyway.01:09
bregmaif only I could get the nvidia driver to wok fine I'd be happy01:09
dscasselI'm considering switching to ATI on the desktop, now that they've got Eyefinity working.01:11
dscasselUnity doesn't work across 2 nVidia cards.01:11
dscasselI've heard mixed reviews of the ATI drivers.01:12
johanbrmy next card will definitely be ATI... I think their openness should be rewarded01:12
johanbrthe closed ATI drivers at least used to be in various states of crappiness, but the open ones are pretty good01:15
bregmaI had no problems wit hthe nVidia driver until we shifted to the 1.10 xorg server, now it blackscreens on startup01:15
johanbrnot as fast, but in my experience less buggy and with more features01:15
bregmathe nouveau driver locks up frequently, as in many times a day, requiring a reboot01:16
johanbrthe natty nouveau driver is pretty buggy... I'm running the kernel from Oneiric now and it's much better01:17
dscasseljohanbr: Do you know if the open driver supports 3+ monitors?01:17
johanbrdscassel, I don't... my guess would be no01:18
bregmawhat kernel does oneiric have right now?01:18
johanbrbased on 2.6.39-rc7, I think01:19
bregmamight be workth my while to upgrade01:21
johanbrdscassel, it seems 3 monitors should work at least: http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-driver-ati/2010-September/017126.html01:26
johanbrand that bug has been marked fixed, so I guess 4 monitors works too :)01:27
BluesKajHI all12:54
* genii-around makes a fresh pot of coffee14:40
BluesKajdunn why I habg out here , not much action :(14:51
bregmaBluesKaj, you hang out here _because_ there's not much action15:12
MagicFabBluesKaj, careful what you wish for :)15:19
* genii-around rides his unicycle blindfolded and backwards on a tightrope over a tank of sharks and pirhanna while juggling kittycats and chainsaws, for BluesKaj's amusement15:21
bregmawait... sharks are saltwater and piranha are freshwater ... how do you do that?15:22
genii-aroundMagic :)15:22
bregmawow, that is cool15:22
bregmaI'd never be able to do that, my chainsaw stalls when I hold it upside down15:23
BluesKajgenii-around, I beg to differ , action doesn't necessarily mean amusement , but I'll smile at your imagination anyway :)15:39
bregmaoh my gods, you're about to die of ennui!15:40
BluesKajdunno why I find making a workable entry in fstab so difficult15:40
BluesKajbregma,ennui eh? ...calling me a worrywart ?15:41
dscasselThere are freshwater sharks...15:43
bregmaok, there are some sharks that tolerate fresh water, so let's assume the tank is a freshwater tank with an appropriate tropical temperature for piranha15:51
bregmaand an appropriately tolerant species of shark is present15:52
bregmathe question then remains:  how do you get the kitties to hang around while you start the chainsaws?15:53
bregmaand, do you use summer weight or winter weight bar oil?15:53
bregmaI would psit summer weight bar oil, because of the tropical temperature of the fish tank15:53
bregmabut if you;re not actually cutting anything, the winter weight oil will improve the gas consumption of the 2-stroke engine15:54
bregmaand at todays proces, that is no small consideration15:54
bregmaafter all, most chainsaw morors require premium gas15:55
dscasselYou could get electric chainsaws.16:00
dscasselThey're usually corded, though, which might make juggling harder.16:00
dscasselOf course, genii-around didn't say the chainsaws were *running*, although it's not nearly as impressive if tehy're not.16:01
BluesKajthe above looks unsurprisingly like geek humour :)16:54
bregmaif the chainsaws are not running, nether are the kitties16:58
kenjyhi guys, I missed the meeting but I just want to say that I like the ubuntu release party photos, I hope to be with you guys one day :P16:59
dscasselOr start your own. :)18:02
dscasselkenjy: whereabouts are you?18:02
kenjydscassel: I live in México and I am in the middle of the immigration process as a skilled worker hehehe18:04
dscasselkenjy: Cool. Where do you think you'll settle? Or have you figured that far ahead? :)18:05
kenjydscassel: well I probably will be in Vancouver :D18:08
kenjydscassel: but I am open to a geek and linux people city xD18:09
dscasselVancouver is awesome. And I understand Ubuntu Vancouver is really active.18:31
* dscassel hasn't heard if they ahd a release party, tho...18:31
dscasselKind of expensive, but really nice.18:31
dscasselI'm in Waterloo.  Definitely qualifies as a geek city. :D18:32
BluesKajVancouver is very fine place indeed , if you can afford it .18:33
kenjydscassel: is Waterloo geekest than Vancouver? xD20:18
kenjydscassel BluesKaj: well I am open to options but, ain't Waterloo expensive too?20:18
kenjywich one its a better place to find a GNU/Linux related job?20:20
dscasselkenjy: Waterloo, sadly, doesn't have a lot of Linux jobs.  Some, but not a lot.20:51
dscasselDefinitely cheaper, though. :)20:51
dscasselWaterloo's probably in the Hamilton range. About $300k20:52
kenjyhahahaha dscassel I can't afford to buy a house in any part of Ca, they are soo expensive, Im going to pay a rent and I hope to get a good job in Ca in the next years to be able to buy one hehehe20:57
kenjydscassel: but tnks, I will consider this in my decision =) I 'll let you know if I have success getting the permanent resident card :P20:58
dscasselRental prices will likely be scaled similarly. I just don't have a handy link for those. :)21:07
bregmaMontreal is rumoured to have some Linux jobs and rent and real estate is dirt cheat.  So I hear.21:13
bregmaoops, s/cheat/cheap/21:13
bregmaFreudian slip?21:13
dscasselI love Montreal. :)21:18
* highvoltage too21:37
cyphermoxbregma: dscassel yeah, in theory there should be a fair number of linux jobs in Montreal22:27
IdleOneonly thing is that in Montreal speaking french is a very big + and usually a requirement.22:30
IdleOnekenjy: being from Mexico I suspect he speaks Spanish so would be able to learn French fairly easily22:31
kenjyIdleOne: yes, I speak spanish22:35
IdleOnekenjy: what part of Mexico are you from?22:35
kenjyIdleOne: from Mexico City22:35
kenjyIdleOne: but I love Canada :D22:36
IdleOnetengo un hermano de otra madre in Guanajuato22:36
kenjyIdleOne: learning french would be a challenge22:36
IdleOneMy brother from another mother :)22:37
kenjyIdleOne: hahaha thats cool22:37
IdleOneyeah, We worked together for 10 years in Pennsylvania and became very good friends22:37
kenjyIdleOne: some time after some important members of my family migrated to Canada 20 years ago I began my dream of being with them :P22:39
SIR_TacoSpanish to French isn't a huge leap22:40
IdleOneat first it may be but soon as you start picking the basics you learn it quickly22:41
IdleOneit is much easier if you already have a latin base22:41
IdleOneleast for me it was22:42
IdleOneI speak both French and Italian, learning Spanish came easy.22:42
SIR_TacoCanadian French is quite different than Perisian French22:42
kenjySIR_Taco: probably its not a huge leap but if you are moving to another country and you can't speak the  native language of that country you will have a huge problem22:42
kenjyand I guess that moving witouth a good knowledge its a barrier :S22:43
SIR_Tacokenjy: true, but you need to understand that Canadian French is a tad different than most places... it's a mix of French and English... and many people/places in Montreal speak English22:44
kenjySIR_Taco: okay hehe :)22:44
SIR_Tacokenjy: we're an odd country :)22:45
kenjySIR_Taco: xD22:46
kenjySIR_Taco: well, my dream is becoming part of it :D22:46
SIR_Tacokenjy: I've been to montreal a number of times, and my French is awful (grammatically anyway). I seem to get by22:47
IdleOneFrench Canadian is not a mix of French and English22:49
kenjySIR_Taco: well, at the beginning of my immigration process I wasn't able to speak English or French and I had a tough year to achieve the required level by the embassy and after 1 ½ years of study I successfully passed the English test22:50
SIR_TacoIdleOne: no?22:50
IdleOneSIR_Taco: no22:50
SIR_TacoIdleOne: it sure isn't Perisian French22:50
kenjyIt was hard so probably I require a year and a half to learn french xD22:51
dscasselYou could probably get by okay if you only speak English (like me) in Montreal, but it would make finding a job harder, I'd think.22:51
IdleOneSIR_Taco: that is like saying English in Canada is not like the English in England22:51
IdleOneWe use different expressions and our accents our obviously different22:51
SIR_TacoIdleOne: It isn't, in common use22:52
IdleOneWhen writing we use the same language22:52
IdleOnespoken is a different story22:53
IdleOnebut that can be said about any language22:53
SIR_TacoIdleOne: litterally yes, culturally no22:53
IdleOneSo you mean that English Canada has the same culture as England?22:54
SIR_Tacono, I mean the opposite22:54
kenjyits the same in LatinAmerica, different accent and different expressions in spanish22:54
IdleOneah ok22:54
SIR_TacoIdleOne: it has evolved on it's own... such has Quebec French.... both have become dialects22:55
kenjyeven in different parts of each country22:55
IdleOneanyway, my point was that I think kenjy could learn French fairly easy. I mean he has managed to learn English.22:55
SIR_TacoIdleOne: absolutely22:55
kenjyIdleOne: yea :D but I probably will have to move in 6 months to Ca, I don't think that in 6 months I would have the required French level to apply for a job22:56
kenjyIdleOne: I have to think about it22:56
IdleOnekenjy: if you have family already in Canada I think the best thing would be to move close to them. So you at least have a "base" to start from and in time you will then decide if you want to move to another province/learn French.22:58
SIR_Tacokenjy: it si a nice place to live :)22:58
kenjyIdleOne: tnks for the advice :) I will be in Vancouver for a while because my family its there22:59
IdleOneI have never been to Vancouver but I hear it is beautiful22:59
kenjySIR_Taco and IdleOne a pleasure to meet you I have to go, see you later =)23:04
IdleOnesee you later, pleasure was mine :)23:04
SIR_Tacokenjy: you as well23:05

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