
* mhall119 needs a coffee press02:50
doctormoCool, we now have the old netbook launcher available for maverick (and possibly natty)03:30
doctormoThat should please some03:30
dpmgood morning all!07:47
dholbachgood morning08:16
dpmmorning dholbach08:31
dholbachhey dpm08:47
kim0morning everyone08:47
dholbachhey kim008:47
kim0dholbach: dpm hey :)08:47
dpmmorning kim0 :)08:53
=== daker_ is now known as daker
popeymorning all10:27
* jussi hides from popey10:30
popeymy new screen arrived today, 23" philips 1920x1080. It's the only screen in the room that our web based landscape monitor fits on :)10:31
jussipopey: nice. Ive a 24" lenovo, same res10:33
nigelbmorning everyone10:43
czajkowski▞▀▖▌  ▞▀▖▌ ▌▞▀▖11:55
czajkowski▙▄▌▌  ▌ ▌▙▄▌▙▄▌11:55
czajkowski▌ ▌▌  ▌ ▌▌ ▌▌ ▌11:55
czajkowski▘ ▘▀▀▘▝▀ ▘ ▘▘ ▘11:55
czajkowskihello charming folks11:55
jussiczajkowski: you sound in a good mood?11:56
czajkowskiI got sleep11:57
czajkowskiand leg is behaing itself after being a royal pita yesterday and not letting me sit11:57
czajkowskiso had to eat pizza standing which is rather messy did you know11:58
nigelbaww, the ascii art didn't render well on my machine :(12:02
AlanBellpopey: you will nearly be able to see the summit schedule without scrolling12:04
nigelbsummit? what? where? :p12:05
nigelbAlanBell: You get big hugs from everyone for pushing etherpad, overall, everyone I talked to loved etherpad12:06
AlanBelljust glad it held together in the end12:06
nigelbNow, if only we could make it more accessible12:07
AlanBellprobably need to do the theme properly (it is a hack right now)12:07
nigelbAlanBell: we should work on it together :)12:07
AlanBelland single signon with launchpad12:08
nigelbsingle sign on with launchpad is not going to be easy.12:08
nigelb(but not impossible)12:08
nigelbAlanBell: I have a temporary hack in mind12:09
nigelb(a) make the pad name non-guessable with a sha1 or some such12:10
nigelb(b) display the pad on summit only if user is logged in12:10
nigelb(logged into summit that is)12:10
nigelbIts still a hack. But it might work.12:10
AlanBellyeah, but that gets defeated if the hash tag links start working12:10
nigelbAh, true. Scratch that then.12:11
AlanBelland you end up with nasty urls12:11
nigelbthe only way to do this seems to be hacking into java12:11
AlanBellsupporting openID isnt *that* hard in general12:11
nigelbAlanBell: I just dislike java :)12:23
dakerkim0, we are getting more & mor spam on c.u.c :/12:29
nigelbdaker: spam as comments?12:33
dakeryes :/12:33
dakerwe need to enable akismet12:33
nigelboh, wait. The blog. Okay.12:50
DavieyAlanBell / nigelb: Actually it doesn't, there is alread read only support with a hidden pad name.12:54
nigelbDaviey: The one that gets enabled with that plugin?12:55
Davieybut nigelb, best use your time to add openid support IMO. :)12:55
nigelbDaviey: I'm really honest, I don't know java :(12:56
nigelbbut I guess I could ask in #etherpad on where to start12:56
Davieynigelb: That part isn't java is it?  It's server side javascript?12:57
AlanBellI think openID can be done13:00
kim0daker: I approve all comments manually!13:17
kim0daker: which is boring, but I might have made some mistakes  :)13:18
popeykim0: is it a wordpress site?13:20
kim0popey: yes13:20
popeyI have all mine set so that once you've commented once, and its been manually approved, all subsequent comments are let through13:21
kim0I think I did that too13:21
popeyworks quite nicely13:21
popeyalso akismet ftw13:21
kim0still get too many spam per day, which I have to reject13:21
kim0pinged IS about akismet .. they say they're getting one!13:21
kim0naturally it's gonna take time13:22
* Daviey prepares to be more clever with his spam effort.13:32
kim0Daviey: is that wordpress spam combat ? I could use any cleverness :)13:47
Davieykim0, Yeah... when akismet is enabled, can you let me know?  I might aswell kill this script when that happens. :)13:52
* dpm goes for lunch13:57
jussidpm: ping14:03
jussioh bah14:03
jussiping me when you are back from lunch14:03
kim0Daviey: I don't have akismet since it'd need a commercial license .. that's probably the reason for my pain :)14:04
jussijoey: please PM me when you have a sec (RE: Linaro)14:07
highvoltagewow jussi. a contentless ping and a request for a contentless ping!14:09
jussihighvoltage: I love my contentless pings  :P14:09
* czajkowski hugs highvoltage 14:10
czajkowskihow ya doing buddy14:10
highvoltagehey czajkowski! I'm doing good, *hug*14:12
highvoltagemissed you at uds too14:12
czajkowskiglad to hear it14:12
highvoltagejussi: heh14:13
* czajkowski did miss seeing all you crazy feckers 14:13
czajkowskibut some new people got a chance and that's good14:13
akgranerhggdh, which channels should I be hanging out in now? for the hardware stuff etc?14:27
akgranerdpm your email about translations teams will be forthcoming was a little under the weather Monday and Tuesday14:28
hggdhakgraner: I am not sure, right now. I understand the HW cert team is still working on this; let me try to find out14:29
akgranerAlso everyone you'll be seeing a notice go out about wanting more leaders for the UWN team - I'm helping with the re-org then stepping aside completely on that front14:30
akgranerhggdh, thanks!14:30
czajkowskiakgraner: hows the knee14:30
akgranerczajkowski, in a brace waiting on an MRI and then surgery14:30
czajkowskiakgraner: and we cant even blame the high heels14:30
czajkowskiakgraner: you and uds are a bit of a jix :p14:31
akgranernope was in flats14:31
czajkowskiI know14:31
czajkowskidamage in flats14:31
* czajkowski has her MRI on friday 14:31
czajkowskiso want answers14:31
akgranerczajkowski, hope it all goes well for you - missed you at UDS14:31
czajkowskiakgraner: me too! to both :)14:32
mhall119howdy akgraner, how you feeling?14:33
akgranermhall119, better  - thanks for sticking around with all of us til the paramedics arrived14:33
hggdhakgraner: (1) I do hope all goes well, I did not know wbout your knee (and, it seems, czajkowski's <- goes for you too)14:36
hggdhakgraner: #ubuntu-testing seems to be the place, I just had a quick chat with ara14:36
hggdhoh she is here also :-)14:37
czajkowskihggdh: cheers14:37
akgranerawesome - just resting my irc autojoins14:37
czajkowskithough closed space MRI and me do not go well14:37
czajkowskiso a fun half hr there14:37
akgranerhggdh, no worries it will mend and I'll be happy me again! :-)14:37
hggdhczajkowski: not that it helps any -- both my wife & brother-in-law go pretty much uncontrollable in MRIs (and need to be sedated)14:38
czajkowskihggdh: yeah had two before shall just suck it up, usually have ear phones or something loud blaring14:39
mhall119akgraner: luckily you had an EMT on hand14:39
czajkowskitakes about 30-45 min for back14:39
hggdhakgraner: ara (there she goes being pinged again, sorry) also tells me we shall have announcements next week14:40
akgranermhall119,  that is true14:40
akgranerhggdh, awesome let me know and I'll get them on the Fridge for you all as well14:40
hggdhakgraner: please feel free to ping ara (and, again, I ping her here. Ah well such is life) on any questions14:41
hggdhbetter to hear it correctly, without my mostly-always-wrong interpretation14:42
akgranerhggdh, will do - /me is reading as many wiki's as possible so I at least know the history of everything14:42
akgraner(you know before 5 get deleted per jcastro suggestions)14:43
highvoltagemorning cjohnston15:41
nigelbakgraner: are you better?15:45
cjohnstonhey highvoltage15:46
jcastrodholbach: we have a call today right?15:49
jcastroakgraner: did you get home ok?15:49
dholbachjcastro, I think so :)15:49
jcastroakgraner: did pete have to buddy carry you to the hospital?15:49
nigelbjcastro: couldn't resist could't you? :-P15:51
* nigelb now has a vivid mental image of that15:52
akgranerjcastro, yep I'm home15:55
akgranernope a stretcher w/ambulance carried me he just carried my purse15:56
jcastrogotta slow down airborne!15:57
jonodholbach, jcastro, dpm, kim0 all set?16:00
Technovikingmorning all16:02
akgranerjono, can you pencil me in for a call  - it's a bit important- please16:03
kim0jono: seems like I need to kill skype16:03
jonokim0, ok16:03
kim0jono: try me now16:03
czajkowskijono: we on for our call laer on16:07
jonoakgraner, sure, let me check the cal16:07
jonoakgraner, is it urgent ?16:08
jonoczajkowski, yep16:08
akgranerjono can be within then next two days but it is important16:08
czajkowskijono: coolio16:08
akgranertomorrow would work16:09
jonoakgraner, can you do 10am Pac for 30mins?16:09
jonotoday is so busy for me16:09
jonodifficult to find a slot16:09
akgraneryep I understand16:09
akgranerand that will work16:09
akgranersorry to add to your todo list16:10
jonoakgraner, no worries! look forward to chatting then16:10
akgranerso tomorrow 10am Pac right?16:11
JFodoes anyone know where the audio from the keynote for UDS is?16:22
JFodon't need the video, just audio16:22
jcastroJFo: elmo can get you in touch with the AV crew16:24
JFocool, thanks jcastro16:24
dpm http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/u/jorge.html16:25
AlanBellJFo: http://mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-o/16:29
JFothanks AlanBell16:30
AlanBellthe AV crew should have done that16:30
jcastrowho did that?16:31
AlanBellit was great having audio available on the day16:31
AlanBelltumbleweed did16:31
AlanBellautomatic rips from the icecast streams16:31
AlanBellthey were available instantly the sessions ended16:31
czajkowskicjohnston: darling are you about16:32
AlanBellI want to get links to the recordings on the meetings page next to the notes for uds-p16:32
cjohnstonczajkowski: HOWDY16:32
cjohnstonjust got back16:32
AlanBellStefano Rivera did the audio16:34
* nigelb waves to JFo16:39
* JFo waves at nigelb 16:40
JFogot home safe I see. :)16:40
* JFo heads to lunch16:41
dpmok, I'm calling it a day, see you all tomorrow!16:42
cjohnstonJFo: he beat the rest of us home16:42
jcastrophotos are up!16:43
jcastrothey look great16:43
jcastrodaniel and dpm had the right idea16:45
jcastrowe should have totally done the team thing, sitting in those little chairs16:46
* dholbach hugs dpm16:46
jcastroJFo: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Oneiric/17103699_kzzLF6#1296323636_8CdgFxq16:48
jcastrothis looks like a pose where I am in the middle of swearing16:48
jcastroor telling someone they're wrong16:48
cjohnstoncjohnston: jcastro, you broke summit again     jcastro: !@#%$@(#((@#$16:49
* dpm hugs dholbach :)16:53
jcastrocjohnston: I haven't touched summit!16:56
cjohnstonno.. that was the caption for the picture16:56
jcastrooh, hahaha16:56
czajkowskipaultag: so help me I am going to murder you17:01
czajkowskiI've 55 mails in my inbox and I had 017:02
paultagtake that! My robots are plotting!17:02
czajkowskipaultag: feel my wrath when it comes to team reports you're doing the next 6 months!17:02
czajkowskifecking hell17:02
czajkowski55 mails17:02
paultagnot bad though, 55 mails in like 20 minutes. That's SPAM quality17:02
czajkowskiI will strangle you17:02
paultagif this was any other channel I'd *so* be making the joke everyone's thinking17:03
czajkowskipaultag: go do may team report!17:03
czajkowskiso kicking your ass later on17:03
czajkowskinow to go and talk to nice IS17:04
paultagczajkowski: could you find that one bug report among all the loco ones?17:04
czajkowskiyou linked it in channel17:04
paultagah, right right17:04
vishdholbach: not fair!!!!!! ^ ;p17:12
dholbachvish, we were just a bit quicker with the idea than most others ;-)17:12
vishusually jcastro does something funny in the UDS pics, poor guy was stuck in the middle this time.. :)17:20
jcastroactually, this is the first time I wasn't wearing some Red Wings related gear17:20
jcastroI am disappointed with myself17:20
james_wthat's probably why the lost now you mention it17:22
nigelbdholbach: "including some creative trolls folks who made their way up to the first floor balconies!"17:24
dholbachnigelb, where's that?17:25
nigelbdholbach: http://www.pixoulphotography.com/2011/05/18/official-uds-o-group-photo-and-personal-photo-set/17:25
nigelbjames_w: nah, I'm thinking the stress got to him17:25
nigelbjames_w: There was a linaro person called George (?) and someone said "That person is not wearing a Red Wings T-shirt and hence isn't Jorge Castro"17:26
* nigelb headdesks. Fighting with nginx isn't easy.17:26
jcastronigelb: George is like the CTO or CEO of linaro or something17:29
nigelbjcastro: Yeah, something.  The guy with the Mac, kiko said "What is this apple crap doing here!" :p17:29
akgranerpaultag, you around? and have 5 mins17:32
paultagakgraner: yes ma'am!!17:34
paultagakgraner: What can I do to help?17:34
akgranerpaultag, got time for a call?17:34
paultagakgraner: sure, skype?17:34
akgranerummm can't get to my headset can I call you on a landline or cell17:35
paultagakgraner: yeah sure, do you still have my number?17:35
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day17:48
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:48
jonoakgraner, ready now?17:51
jonoakgraner, heeeeeello!18:01
paultagjono: I was just on the phone with 'er :)18:03
paultagjono: she'll be back shortly, we just hung up18:03
akgranerjono, yep18:03
jonoakgraner, ok one sec18:03
akgranerjono, do you still have my number see pm18:04
akgranerjono did you see the pm?18:07
jonoakgraner, yep, one sec18:08
nigelbjcastro: the rest of the UDS videos will be late?18:19
jcastrothey trickle in every week for a while18:19
nigelboh okay18:21
=== daker is now known as daker_
head_victimpaultag: ping18:50
paultaghead_victim: pong18:51
head_victimOk to pm?18:51
paultaghead_victim: anytime, anywhere18:51
jcastrojono: btw I was right. 20 years dude: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallica_(album)19:39
jcastrothis august.19:39
* highvoltage feels old19:43
nigelbheading to bed, night folks20:07
highvoltagenight nigelb20:07
jonojcastro, jees20:12
jonoI feel old20:12
czajkowskijono: shrup20:45
czajkowskidont go there20:45
czajkowskiI'm so broken Im having to eat dinner standing as sitting hurts! can I have a new hip perhaps20:45
czajkowskipaultag: loving my inbox :s21:30
paultagczajkowski: :)21:44
czajkowskipaultag: seems to be some confusion on wording21:44
czajkowskiI removed the point of contact on the wiki21:45
czajkowskiso not sure what they are getting confused about21:45
paultagczajkowski: people love nitpicking and "fighting the power"21:45
paultagits a fun way to avoid work21:46
cjohnstonI wanna fight!21:46
czajkowskicjohnston: lets not21:46
czajkowskior you'll deal with me instead :)21:46
* czajkowski is protective of the LC and well as LD dev folks 21:46
* JFo fights the power... now to figure out what power.21:51
czajkowskijono: poking time soon21:54
jonoczajkowski, wrapping up a blog entry and then I am ready21:55
czajkowskijono: lovely then you cna prepare to write the next one :D21:55
jonoczajkowski, about set22:01
czajkowskijono: ring when yer ready22:01
jonoczajkowski, ring ring22:03
czajkowskijono: thanks22:29
czajkowskifun as always22:29
Technovikingjcastro or JFo: can you make this a wishlist bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/78487822:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 784878 in unity "compizconfig-settings-manager should be installed by default" [Undecided,New]22:46
jcastroa better idea would be to fix simple-ccsm for unity22:47
Technovikingjcastro: true22:48
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
TechnovikingAdded that as a comment. about:config just needs to run OOTB, seems sloppy if it does not.22:52
jcastroimo the tool needs to be better than raw ccsm itself22:53
paultagTechnoviking: I did good things on it. It's so ugly, though22:55
jcastroTechnoviking: actually, simple-ccsm is still in the archive22:57
jcastroand still broken22:58
jcastrobuilding a group around it to make it rock would be <322:58
james_wheh it looks as though Ben Edwards can't spell the name of his company correctly23:43
james_wor spell "Intelligence" correctly23:43

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