
Keybukisn't natty's git-core package missing a dpkg pre-depends for mainthelper?01:09
cjwatsonKeybuk: where does it use it?  I'm not seeing that01:19
Keybuk(installing natty git-core on lucid)01:21
broderwhat's sensitive about apport bugs from kernel panics? the core dump?01:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: oh, git, not git-core01:24
cjwatsonKeybuk: yes, that looks like a bug to me as you describe01:25
Keybukwould you like me to file the bug?01:32
cjwatsonyes please01:33
ubottuDebian bug 618708 in git "git: needs versioned depends on dpkg" [Normal,Fixed]01:34
cjwatsonso fixed (albeit IMO oddly) in oneiric, but could use an SRU.  I don't see why we couldn't just add the Pre-Depends in an SRU, personally.01:36
cjwatsonthough I suppose that would be more inconvenient for the use case you described than the solution adopted in oneiric01:36
cjwatsonso maybe a direct backport would be better01:37
Keybukyeah, this was just a "clearly needs the p-d, but I should backport"01:43
cjwatsonbroder: I expect that the core dump could contain all sorts of random sensitive things from whatever you happened to be doing ...01:47
* cjwatson crashes, not that way01:48
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bcurtiswxall you quilt experts, when i'm in a bzr bd-do and i'm using quilt to fix patch issues, when i'm done what do I do to make sure my changes are sabed ?03:16
RAOFquilt refresh for each changed patch (before you pop).03:53
pittiGood morning05:19
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sladenyou're up early pitti07:13
pittisladen: yeah, my wife gets up at 6 for work, so I'm doing the same07:14
slangasekmy wife gets up at 5 for work, I try not to still be up when she does :-P07:24
pittiI could sleep longer as well, but then I'd still work for a long time when she's already back home07:27
pittiso I try to synchronize better07:27
pittislangasek: at least you could say good morning :)07:28
slangasekyeah, but it would be better if I were actually doing what you do :)07:28
didrocksgood morning08:08
dholbachgood morning08:16
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dholbachev, we made quite a bit of progress on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring-stats/ yesterday it seems :)09:13
dholbachthere's still quite a bit of clean up to do though09:13
evdholbach: that was surely mostly you - I got largely bogged down in phone calls and firefighting yesterday :-/10:15
ev@pilot out10:15
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
evpitti, mdz, cjwatson, other tech board people: could someone let my post through to the mailing list?10:34
pittiwill do10:34
pittithe "Εντοπίστηκαν τα γονίδια της κατάθλιψης" one, right? :-)10:36
evhah, but of course10:36
pittiev: done10:36
cjwatsonmdeslaur: stealing the fuse merge - I need it to unblock grub2 builds11:02
cjwatson(sorry, only occurred to me that you were TIL after I'd already committed to lp:ubuntu/fuse ...)11:02
mptev, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/crash-tracker11:05
maxbHello ~ubuntu-sru people. bug 707075 has been used once to carry a bzr SRU into maverick. Now we're doing a related SRU into lucid. Can someone verify that I've done things appropriately such that 707075 is showing as needing attention in whatver way ~ubuntu-sru tracks bugs needing their attention?11:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707075 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "[sru] lp-propose fails with a 404 error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70707511:05
evthanks mpt11:06
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brendandmvo - can you remind me how to use a specified Glade .ui file in when running update-manager?11:17
brendandmvo - i think you told me before, but i forget11:17
brendandmvo - heh, i found it in scrollback. it's ok11:18
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mvobrendand: ok, sorry for the delay, was away for lunch11:57
GunnarHjHi all, any backporter available to approve a fix of bug 778869 in lucid-backports and maverick-backports?12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778869 in language-selector (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty] fontconfig-voodoo -a does not work in Japanese locales" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77886912:39
micahgGunnarHj: still has to be in natty first :)12:46
GunnarHjmicahg: It is, isn't it?12:50
micahgGunnarHj: only saw it in oneiric ATM12:52
GunnarHjmicahg: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/language-selector/natty Don't know why it hasn't showed up in natty-proposed yet (will ask somebody to look at it), but for the purpose of approving the backports you can consider it to be in Natty, right?12:55
micahgGunnarHj: no, the idea is that on upgrade, people not lose backport functionality12:56
micahgand -proposed isn't on by default12:56
loolcjwatson: Oy; would you mind binary NEW-ing python-linaro-image-tools?  it replaces python-linaro-media-create and python-hwpack13:07
GunnarHjmicahg: Aha, that does make sense. But in this case it is not about new functionality, but a fix of a regression due to previously backported changes (because of them the fontconfig feature is partly broken for Japanese and Korean users). So, for that reason, shouldn't it be more important to backport the fix asap than waiting til it reaches natty-updates?13:10
micahgGunnarHj: well, I'll leave that for broder or ScottK to decide since bug fixes in -backports is slightly unusual13:16
GunnarHjmicahg: Ok. As usual, the backports I'm involved in are special cases. :) Do you contact any of them, or should I?13:19
micahgGunnarHj: they were highlighted with my comment and will respond when available13:20
GunnarHjmicahg: Right. Thanks!13:20
micahgGunnarHj: thank you for helping to improve the archive :)13:20
GunnarHjmicahg: Yeah, I don't want people to encounter problems because of something I missed...13:22
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pittiah, Lennart proposed systemd as GNOME dependency -- we had that coming, I guess13:52
Chipzzpitti: didn't I complain about that a couple of weeks ago?13:52
Chipzz"told you so" :S13:53
pittiChipzz: no surprise -- it was extensively discussed a few months ago at plumber's, and I also threw that into the discussion13:53
ChipzzI think I'll refrain from expressing my feelings about Lennart since that would probably violate a lot of the CoC13:54
Chipzzanyway, I hope the gnome ppl have the common sense to reject his proposal13:55
pittiChipzz: why should they reject it?13:55
pittifrom upstream's POV it would make sense to share code instead of duplicating it in gnome-session13:56
pittiand we ourselves talked about using upstart's new per-user jobs for session handling13:56
Chipzzbecause the init daemon is not part of gnome, neither should it be13:56
pittiChipzz: architecturally, gnome-session and init have a lot in common13:56
Chipzzyes, but by forcing systemd down every distributions throat you're also causing a lot of unwanted side-effects13:57
Chipzzthis doesn't affect just gnome, now does it?13:57
pittiit'll certainly make it harder for non-Linux platforms or non-systemd ones, yes13:57
pittibut to be fair that road has been taken years ago with the move away from hal to udev/udisks/upower13:58
Chipzzdoesn't mean we should go further down that road13:58
pittiexcept for that we were on the winning side (and even worked on that migration ourselves heavily)13:58
pittiChipzz: certainly not13:58
ChipzzUNIX != Linux13:58
ScottKmicahg: Since there's already a backport, I think bug fixing it while the SRU is in progress is fine.13:59
ScottKIt is a bit of a special case.13:59
pittiScottK: my understanding is that all the followup -backport uploads we had just kept up with -security and -updates, and don't by themselves introduce new "backported features", so they ought to have an implicit approval?14:00
ScottKpitti: I'm not entirely comfortable with implicit approval, but certainly if the change is SRUable, I'm willing to accept that as good enough for backports.14:01
seb128pitti, the email from lennart is sort of a follow up of UDS discussions, we asked desrt to make sure that if GNOME was to use systemd features the depends wouldn't be added without a public discussion which is what is happening14:01
pittiseb128: yes, that's how I understand it14:01
seb128pitti, desrt wants to use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for dconf at least14:01
pittiand we can certainly use the dbus backend helpers14:01
pittithey shouldn't conflict with anything else14:01
seb128pitti, I especially pointed to desrt that the systemd depends will be an issue for ie debian-bsd14:01
pittiand sooner or later we'll have the source at least in universe anyway14:01
seb128so GNOME should be clear if they decide to screw non linux systems and non systemd distros14:02
pittiScottK: SRUable> I meant in the stronger sense, applying patches which were already SRUed or USNed14:02
pittiseb128: non-linux> cf. dependency on udev and friends14:02
ScottKThat's fine.14:02
Chipzzalso tbh IMO there's things to be said about this starting to reek a lot like vendor lock-in14:03
pittiGunnarHj: ^ so, it's just a sponsoring issue, not approval14:03
seb128pitti, well still the discussion is an opportunity for those who have issues with the depends to argue it should stay optional14:03
pittiseb128: oh, perhaps I got misunderstood -- I'm totally in favor of having this discussion on desktop-devel@14:03
ScottKpitti: I just added a comment in the bug where I said I was in favor, but it should be tested in the target environment.14:04
ScottKe.g. lucid/maverick14:04
micahgScottK: I thought another round of testing was required before accepting those backports for security/SRU fixes14:04
ScottKmicahg: Agreed.  It should be tested since we don't have the barrier of -proposed before it hits end users.14:05
micahgScottK: I missed that you already said that :)14:06
ScottKNo problem.14:06
ogra_cjwatson, do you have a spec for the live-helper stuff ? NCommander asked me to add a dependency for some of our specs14:08
cjwatsonogra_: NCommander has the details already14:09
ogra_that doesnt help my specs :)14:09
cjwatsonI guess each one of your team is going to ask me in turn? ;-)14:09
ogra_he said you could only give him old info14:09
ogra_(a natty spec or so)14:10
cjwatsonsure, it's in other-foundations-n-cd-build-speed, but that's still open and there's no reason you can't depend on it14:10
ogra_if thats the right one i'll use it indeed14:10
ogra_good, sorry for bothering14:10
cjwatsonit was discussed this UDS but I can't remember in what session14:10
ogra_(i understood him that aou were planning to have a more recent one, else i wouldnt have asked)14:10
ogra_communication flaw apparently14:11
cjwatsonthe only difference would be that the new spec would be *-o-* - the action item would be the same14:12
cjwatsonso it shouldn't make a difference from your POV14:12
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jamespagecjwatson: re the discussion we had re libjibx1.2-java and it absence from the archive yesterday;14:24
jamespagecjwatson: I've looked at the deps and it would have caused potential issues with the current version of eucalyptus14:25
jamespagecjwatson: I've resolved that issue (and tested with the other rdep in universe - freemind); so I think that it would be OK to allow libjibx1.2-java into universe.14:26
cjwatsonwhat's "it" here?14:26
jamespagesorry - it = the libjibx-java provided by libjibx1.2-java14:27
jamespagethe two versions are not forwards or backwards compatible hence why they have been packaged separately.14:28
cjwatsonbut both eucalyptus and freemind will now be OK with the newer version?14:28
jamespageno - they use the libjibx1.1-java package so won't go near the new version14:29
GunnarHjScottK, pitti, micahg: Added a comment about tests of the backports proposals to bug 778869. They were tested in Lucid respective Maverick.14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778869 in language-selector (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty] fontconfig-voodoo -a does not work in Japanese locales" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77886914:30
cjwatsonjamespage: ah, you only just uploaded that eucalyptus change14:30
ScottKGunnarHj: Then it's just a matter of sponsoring then.14:30
jamespagecjwatson: yes - last 10 minutes or so (zul did it for me)14:30
cjwatsonjamespage: let me wait for that to hit the archive, then, so that the tools don't need to be overridden14:30
GunnarHjScottK: Ok, thanks.14:31
jamespagecjwatson: great14:31
dholbachScottK, I took the liberty of copying the work items of the backports spec into the blueprint whiteboard14:52
ScottKdholbach: Thanks.14:56
dholbach(just trying to get an idea how bad my workload is going to be this cycle ;-))14:56
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ScottKdholbach: Looking at your bottlenecks spec, "open backport requests" could look at three things potentially: Requested, not tested (New/Incomplete), Tested not approved (Confirmed/Triaged), Approved not done (In Progress).15:34
dholbachScottK, thanks for letting me know - I'm happy to track all of them - for now I'll just copy the information to my notes, so I don't forget15:35
dholbachI'm sure I'll get back to you once I start working on it :)15:35
broderScottK: are you using Incomplete for "needs testing"?15:36
ScottKbroder: I use it for "I looked at it and it's not ready", which usually amounts to needs testing.15:36
micahgScottK: on the subject of backports, if backports were to open after feature freeze, would the barrier for entry be the same as normal backports?15:39
ScottKmicahg: Except for the must be in the development release first part, I'd imagine yes.15:39
Laneymodulo "available in the development release"15:39
LaneyDoes NEW work for -backports?15:40
micahgScottK: k, that's what I was hoping for :)15:40
ScottK(re New)15:47
ScottKThis whole concept would have to be reviewed/approved by the tech board before we could do it.15:48
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sabdfli have a call at 1800 so won't deliay16:53
macoooh i wonder if we'll hit 100,000 open bugs by the end of oneiric16:56
* cjwatson wonders if that will happen before or after armel builds catch up16:58
loolslangasek: Oy; https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70129102/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.qemu-linaro_0.14.50-2011.04-1-0ubuntu1~ppa10.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz (qemu-linaro lucid backport in linaro-maintainers/tools PPA) shows Pre-Depends: dpkg >= for qemu-kvm-extras-static, but that dpkg isn't available in lucid; do you know what's happening there?16:58
cjwatsonlool: linaro-image-tools> looking16:58
cjwatsonsorry for the delay16:58
Laney10 hours, not bad16:58
slangaseklool: not offhand, but let me check my marvelous bzr history16:59
loolcjwatson: thanks!16:59
cjwatsonlool: wouldn't a Conflicts/Replaces be helpful to guide people's apt instances towards knowing to install this package instead?17:00
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slangaseklool: that's for dpkg-maintscript-helper support; sorry, I didn't think to look at if that version was in lucid when doing the ppa upload, I guess that explains some of the behavior that's been reported to me17:00
cjwatsonI guess the dependency from linaro-image-tools should do that17:00
loolcjwatson: there's a breaks/replaces17:01
slangaseklool: it's effectively a transition package anyway, so I'm not sure it's worth hacking around?17:01
lool Breaks: qemu-kvm-extras-static (<< 0.13.50-2011.02-0~rc1-0ubuntu1)17:01
lool Replaces: qemu-kvm-extras-static (<< 0.13.50-2011.02-0~rc1-0ubuntu1)17:01
loolcjwatson: in qemu-user-static17:01
loolcjwatson: oh sorry, mixing two conversations17:01
loolcjwatson: I guess it could; technically the other packages aren't broken17:01
loolcjwatson: I am happy to add them17:01
cjwatsonyeah, up to you I guess, at any rate not a reject matter17:01
cjwatsonlool: accepted17:01
loolcjwatson: thanks for the review17:02
loolslangasek: well apparently this confuses apt for lucid users17:02
pooliecould someone please review this bzr MRE SRU for me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/70707517:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 707075 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "[sru] lp-propose fails with a 404 error" [Undecided,New]17:02
loolslangasek: But it looked like a bug somewhere; is this pre-depends in the packaging?  I thought it was generated by some tool we should fix, or perhaps the result of copying binaries between archives17:02
slangaseklool: no, it's in the packaging - it's the required pre-dependency if you're going to use dpkg-maintscript-helper, which didn't exist before that17:03
loolslangasek: aha17:03
cjwatsonthough it isn't necessarily in the packaging - if you use debhelper >= 8.1.0 and debian/package.maintscript, dh_installdeb will add that Pre-Depends17:04
cjwatsonas long as you remembered to add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} that is17:04
loolslangasek: I told this user to use apt-get install qemu-user-static qemu-kvm-extras-static-; I guess we could revert this pre-depends in lucid17:04
cjwatsonI mean, not necessarily in the packaging for all packages17:05
loolhmm that might indeed be a good way to use the same source but not generate that pre-depends in the lucid build17:05
cjwatsonwell, no17:05
cjwatsonnot unless you make debhelper emit a load of manual code for it anyway17:05
cjwatsonTBH I think it's better in such cases to revert to the previous method, and hold our noses until lucid stops mattering17:06
cjwatsonor revert in a custom backport17:06
cjwatsonspeaking of NEW, if somebody could have a look at grub2, that would be good - the package reorganisation is already through Debian NEW17:07
slangaseklool: reverting the pre-depends would make the preinst fail :)17:14
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micahgdoko: should openjdk-7 be taking 8 days on armel for oneiric?17:21
ScottKbarry: As a compromise on Bug 784662, would you be able to build and test the oneiric package on natty so we can just put it in natty-backports?  Testing doesn't need to be more than 'it runs'.17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784662 in winpdb (Ubuntu) "winpdb doesn't work with python2.7" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78466217:28
micahgScottK: has 2 rdepends as well17:29
ScottKmicahg: Right.  I guess it depends on how broken it is at the moment.17:29
dokomicahg: yes17:36
dokostill progresses17:37
micahgdoko: ok, thanks17:37
maxbAre there any ~ubuntu-sru members around who could confirm that bug 707075 is visible as something needing attention in due course?17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707075 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "[sru] lp-propose fails with a 404 error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70707517:43
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loolslangasek: Something like that http://paste.ubuntu.com/609602/ ?17:46
slangaseklool: I expect there are corresponding updates to the postinst and postrm required17:46
loolslangasek: yup17:47
looljust copied the preinst file17:48
loolAh I forgot to remove the actual pre-depends17:50
slangaseklool: well, I don't think rm_conffile as such is what you want in each of the maintainer scripts... dpkg-maintscript-helper behavior is more subtle than that17:52
slangaseklool: so it might be that a single call to rm_conffile in one of the scripts is sufficient - we just need to make sure we aren't trying to call nonexistent dpkg-maintscript-helper from the others17:53
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loolOk; looks like I should actually read the dpkg-maintscript-helper man page17:53
cjwatsoncertainly shouldn't be the exact same code in all three17:54
loolit was the same dpkg-maintscript-helper calls, so disabling my brain I just copied the rm_conffile snippet, but that's indeed not a good idea17:54
slangasekit's the same call, but d-m-h is far too clever and knows which maintscript it's called from :)17:54
loolslangasek: BTW why not do that from the qemu-user-static package?17:55
slangasekbecause that's not the package that owned the conffile17:55
loolbut isn't there the chance that the version with the maintainer snippets never gets installed?17:56
slangasekif the user is doing something other than a plain upgrade, yes17:56
loolso a non-purged package would leave the file on disk, and it's effect woudl continue17:57
loolslangasek: Apparently you can remove conffiles from other packages with dpkg-maintscript-helper; it seems that might be a better way to ensure it goes away?17:58
slangasekit would be a more comprehensive way17:58
loolI think I would do it only in qemu-user-static.preinst and qemu-kvm-extras-static.preinst; it seems to be enough17:59
slangasekif you're doing it in qemu-user-static, you don't need it in qemu-kvm-extras-static at all17:59
slangasekbecause the one depends on the other17:59
loolalright, uploaded18:03
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mdeslaurandreserl: mind if I merge virtinst?18:33
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brodermdeslaur: does the test case in bug #336932 work for your compiz/screensaver stuff?19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336932 in compiz (Ubuntu) "New windows cause panels to be raised above fullscreen applications (e.g. screensaver)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33693219:13
mdeslaurbroder: uhm...probably19:15
* sebner hugs broder 19:15
* broder waves at sebner :)19:15
sebnerbroder: it was a real pleasure to talk to you! :)19:15
mdeslaurbroder: I know people see update manager when it pops up19:15
brodermdeslaur: at mit we ran into issues with the graphical zephyr client, but that's a little harder to setup and test with :)19:16
mdeslaurbroder: sorry, I haven't had time to identify real testcases that I've personally tried yet19:16
poolieSpamapS: hi, could you have a look at an SRU for me?19:31
mterrykees, does my latest comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seed/+bug/782972 make sense?19:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 782972 in seed (Ubuntu) "[mir] seed" [Undecided,In progress]19:33
mterrykees, oh you just commented!  i missed it19:33
keeshehe :)19:33
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pooliespecifically https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/70707519:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 707075 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "[sru] lp-propose fails with a 404 error" [Undecided,New]19:34
sconklinpitti: still around?19:39
SpamapSpoolie: sure, which one?19:40
andreserlmdeslaur, sure go ahead :)19:40
SpamapSpoolie: lucid bzr ?19:40
mdeslaurandreserl: cool, thanks19:41
poolieyes please19:41
SpamapSpoolie: ahh, this may take a bit.. big diff. ;)19:45
sconklinSpamapS: are you able to copy a package from our ppa to -proposed?19:45
SpamapSsconklin: have not had any progress on that yet I'm afraid. :-/19:46
SpamapSpitti: ping, this is a reminder.. we need to do that archive training.19:46
sconklinjdstrand: are you able to copy a package from our ppa to -proposed?19:47
poolieSpamapS: it has a microrelease exception so19:47
pooliewell, i'm not saying don't read the diff, but i just wanted you to be aware of it19:48
pooliewhich diff url are you looking at?19:48
SpamapSpoolie: right I am just looking to make sure the diff is actually the diff from 2.1.1 to 2.1.419:48
SpamapSNot going to try and grok all 11 bugs fixed. :)19:49
jdstrandsconklin: I've not talked to pitti yet, though I did review the process. I will send an email to kernel-sru today so we can get this unblocked for you. if this is blocking testing, I would recommend you have the testers get the packages (that you want copied to -proposed) directly from your PPA today19:51
pooliethanks SpamapS19:52
SpamapSpoolie: looks good! accepting.. :)19:55
sconklinjdstrand: I don't think it's blocking testing. Stefan would know but he's also left for the day. Before he left he asked me to make sure it got copied to -proposed asap19:56
sconklinIt was still building when he had to leave19:56
pooliegreat! thanks19:57
* SpamapS sits and watches as sru-accept.py spams all the subscribers19:57
SpamapSpoolie: speaking of new versions of bzr.. how do I get 2.4 on my natty system?19:58
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poolieSpamapS: ppa:bzr/ppa or ppa:bzr/proposed or ppa:bzr/daily20:05
pooliefrom least to most excitng20:05
pooliethat is a new record (low) for sru latency, which is just so good20:06
SpamapSpoolie: micro release exceptions have definite benefits for pushing things into the stable release quickly. :)20:08
poolieyeah, and we're getting a better idea how to do them smoothly20:10
poolieand i think it's good for ubuntu too to have projects maintain these branches rather than be trying to pick branches out20:11
poolieassuming it's sufficiently stable20:11
SpamapSpoolie: +1 , stable, responsive upstreams == happy ubuntu users20:18
geseranyone familiar with autotools have a minute to help me figure out why pidgin FTBFS after a autoreconf during build?20:19
* sebner waves at geser20:21
geserHi sebner20:22
geserany libtool expert around?20:59
slangasekif I say yes, am I going to have to look at libtool? :)20:59
geserslangasek: probably, I'm trying to understand why pidgin FTBFS in oneiric (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71695867/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.pidgin_1%3A2.7.11-1ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)21:01
geseras one of the Ubuntu patches touches configure.ac, autoreconf is run during the build21:01
geserbut I don't understand why it FTBFS after that21:02
hallyn_afkall right, having some toolchain trouble i think.  When I pull-lp-source seabios natty;  cd seabios-;  debian/rules build  i get the error:21:03
geserit seems to be a libtool issue as after downgrading libtool to the version in natty, pidgin builds again fine21:03
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hallynI get that whether I"m build in natty or lucid, in fact21:03
geserhallyn: you sure you pasted the right url?21:04
hallynuh, that's not it21:04
hallynout/romlayout16.lds:695 cannot move location counter backwards (from 000000000000c9fa to 000000000000c9e0)21:04
hallynthat would be it21:04
* hallyn curses xchat for using different clipboard from terminal21:05
slangasekgeser: I think I agree that this is a libtool issue; libgnt.la is clearly being built immediately beforehand21:05
hallynhm, i've tried this in schroots, containers, and on the host.  but lemme just push it to a ppa just to be 100% sure there's a toolchain regression, not a local weirdness21:06
slangasekgeser: can you reproduce this with the Debian libtool and raise a bug on the Debian package?  I don't think there's anyone with deep knowledge of the libtool code who will dig into this on the Ubuntu side21:08
geserslangasek: when I compare the build/finch/libgnt directory from a build with libtool from oneiric I can only see a Makefile and gnt.pc, while in the same directory with libtool from natty there are also *.lo files and libgnt.la21:08
geserslangasek: can try, just downloading the libtool deb from Debian unstable and use this?21:09
slangasekoh wait21:09
slangasekoh, no, don't wait21:09
slangasekgeser: yes, exactly21:09
geserslangasek: also calling "make libgnt.la" in build/finch/libgnt (with libtool from oneiric) doesn't show any error (exit code 0) but still no files there (perhaps somewhere else but I couldn't find them)21:09
slangaseknope, should be created in that dir21:10
slangasekanything output in .libs?21:10
* sebner hugs slangasek 21:11
sebnerslangasek: Just wanted to say that it was a real pleasure to talk to you!21:11
* slangasek hugs sebner21:11
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slangaseklikewise :)21:11
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geserslangasek: same error with libtool 2.4-2 from Debian unstable21:15
slangasekgeser: cool, then Q_ can probably help21:17
slangasekgeser: btw, maybe it's useful to test without --silent, to see what commands libtool is trying to run (if any)21:18
geserslangasek: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/609721/ for all files I've in that dir and the output of "make libgnt.la"21:18
slangasekgeser: what happens if you try to run one of those libtool --mode=compile commands without the --silent?21:23
geserslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609725/ after modifying the Makefile and removing the --silent21:25
hallynYes, I get the exact same thing building for ppa:   https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71969868/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.seabios_0.6.1.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:35
hallynthis is the exact same package as is currently in natty archive.21:35
hallynkees: ^ is there some change in build flags that you know of htat woudl cause this?21:35
keeshallyn: nothing that I know about. how odd!21:38
hallynkees: ok, thanks.  feh, i guess i might have to go read though and try ot actually understand it :)21:39
hallynthe weirdest thing is that it also now fails under lucid (the same way) to build21:39
hallynso presumably it's some change which then got SRUd!21:40
slangasekgeser: you said autoreconf was called during the build?21:43
slangasekI don't see that in a build log here21:43
slangasekin fact, I think that's the source of the problem - the generated libtool script is DOA21:44
slangasekprobably because of mismatched ltmain.sh and autoconf macros21:44
geserslangasek: autoreconf was the wrong summary, there is a automake and autoconf between the the two configure runs in the log21:44
slangasekyou're missing libtoolize :)21:44
slangasekso, an explicit autoreconf should fix this21:44
slangasek(not a libtool bug then)21:45
hallynkees: feh!   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seabios/+bug/75604421:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 756044 in seabios (Ubuntu) "seabios version failed to build on i386" [High,New]21:50
slangasekgeser: an explicit autoreconf fixes it here21:58
geserslangasek: thanks, running libtoolize fixed it (just tried it inside my pbuilder). Is using dh-autoreconf in debian/rules the right packaging fix (and filing the issue upstream)?22:01
slangasekdh_autoreconf is probably reasonable here, yse22:02
slangasekI'm not sure if there's anything here that should be filed upstream22:02
slangasekgeser: well, the upstream rules seem to be working in the standard automake way22:05
geserwhy does it only happen when we modify configure.ac which triggers the regeneration? without that patch which modifies configure.ac it builds fine (with libtool 2.4 from oneiric)22:08
slangasekbecause only modifying the autotools source files triggers a build-time invocation of autotools22:08
geserwhy does the build with the old files and libtool 2.4 installed work while it fails with the regenerated?22:10
ohsixhyperair: any chance at #651931 in natty? i've got other crashers for click before paint if you're interested as well22:11
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slangasekgeser: because running automake && autoconf pulls in new versions of the libtool macros from the system directory, which don't match the ltmain.sh in the source tree22:12
geserand why shouldn't configure call libtoolize when it regnerates the files? as missing to call libtoolize seems to cause problems if the libtool version changed22:12
slangasekperhaps it should - but I don't think that's something that pidgin upstream is going to fix, the build glue all comes from automake22:12
geserthen I just use dh-autoreconf and be done with it?22:14
slangasekor file a bug against *automake* upstream, if you wish :)22:15
gesernah, I'm happy to not have to file a bug somewhere :)22:17
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