
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
niemeyerjimbaker: ping18:12
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
jimbakerat the amazon python day, mix of cloud computing + general language stuff for today18:42
kim0niemeyer: howdy Gustavo o/ .. Would you like to do the weekly meeting, or is everyone mostly catching up after uds18:48
niemeyerkim0: Up to you.. are you ready to push the meeting forward with interesting content?18:49
koolhead17hello all18:49
kim0koolhead17: hey :)18:49
niemeyerkoolhead17: Hey!18:49
koolhead17kim0: its official am editing the cobbler wiki, got permission :)18:50
koolhead17niemeyer: kim0 hellos :)18:50
kim0koolhead17: awesome :) man you should start on ensemble asap too :)18:50
kim0there's a lot of editing to be done18:50
koolhead17kim0: hopefully soon. i have meething with boss to discuss on the same. and i have ensemble in my mind :)18:51
kim0koolhead17: woohoo :) let's take it forward .. let me know if there's anything I can do to help18:51
koolhead17kim0: hehe. the beginners guide of yours is there beside you18:52
koolhead17am happy after so many days i was able to crack cobbler today :D18:52
koolhead17how are things here?18:52
kim0niemeyer: what about a quick meeting to summarize Ensemble UDS outcome18:53
kim0that should make an interesting blog post :)18:53
niemeyerkim0: That would be very nice indeed.  Are you ready to present it?18:54
kim0Yeah why not .. with your help everything is possible18:54
* kim0 jumps away for 5 mins18:56
* koolhead17 waiting 4 the class/discussion to begin :)18:56
koolhead17kim0: ahem!! just got the tweet :D 18:57
niemeyerkim0: Yeah, I will certainly support you in case you have any doubts18:57
koolhead17Daviey: hellos :)18:57
poolieniemeyer: <secret handshake> ✌18:58
niemeyerpoolie: <handshakes back>18:58
Davieykoolhead17: hey!18:59
niemeyerpoolie: Had a good time going home?18:59
koolhead17Daviey: thanks for help the other day!! :)18:59
niemeyerpoolie: Or, a boring time at least? :)18:59
niemeyer(/me can't imagine a *good* time cramped in an airplane for hours..)19:00
koolhead17niemeyer: your not somewhere in Europe :)19:00
pooliei solved this by not going home19:00
poolieam in millbank19:00
pooliethrashing pqm 19:00
koolhead17hi poolie19:00
niemeyerpoolie: Oh, sweet19:00
niemeyerpoolie: That's a valid solution19:00
niemeyerpoolie: lp:lpad19:02
pooliemm, it's an interim solution19:02
pooliei know!19:02
pooliei am so excited about it 19:02
pooliei will eventually send you bug fixes too19:02
niemeyerpoolie: Oh, sweet19:02
kim0niemeyer: starting the meeting19:02
niemeyerpoolie: I spent the day covering most of the use cases with changes19:03
poolieyou might like to read https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg07091.html  too19:03
niemeyerkim0: Go! Go! Go!19:03
pooliejust generally, and also i wonder if ensemble/orchestra ought to play a role19:03
niemeyerpoolie: The missing piece now is POSTing19:03
niemeyerpoolie: I mean.. it works already.. just need to add in a model type to see how it fits19:03
niemeyerpoolie: I was trying to support AddIRCNick.. but turns out the API doesn't allow that yet19:03
niemeyerWill look for other boring use case which allows exercising that kind of logic19:04
niemeyerThen, we just have to extend the API to support all 300 types19:04
pooliemm there was some little trick i noticed19:05
pooliesholud have fixed it at the time19:05
niemeyerpoolie: Have you seen the changes as of today?19:08
niemeyerpoolie: The Resource interface is significantly more interesting, and Set* methods + Patch actually works!19:09
poolienot yet, will pull it19:21
niemeyerkim0: Good job, thank you!19:25
kim0great .. will formulate as a post tomorrow and blog it too19:25
kim0@everyone .. enjoy recovering from UDS :)19:26
* koolhead17 is trying to get munin alarts on a particular irc channel 19:29
poolieniemeyer: one thing is that it would be good if it generated new-style tokens 19:32
pooliewhich can be date-limited19:32
niemeyerpoolie: Hmm.. tell me more about that19:34
poolieso new launchpadlib asks for apparently some different type of token19:36
pooliecalled 'desktop integration'19:36
pooliewhich is more appropriate for local clients19:36
poolierather than delegation to web sites19:36
poolieso they are fully trusted19:36
pooliebut you can say 'trust forever, 1 week, etc'19:36
pooliethosethings ought to be orthogonal19:36
niemeyerpoolie: That sounds quite interesting indeed19:41
niemeyerpoolie: Any pointers to docs or something similar?19:41
poolieastonishingly yes19:41
niemeyerpoolie: Hah, fantastic19:42
niemeyerHmm.. or almost19:43
niemeyerThis seems to document from the perspective of the user19:43
niemeyerpoolie: Handling iteration over mixed people and teams now.. interesting to design21:11
* niemeyer steps out for some time.. back later21:34

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