
nigelbpaultag: delayed pong05:26
paultagnigelb: don't sweat it, all taken care of05:26
nigelbpaultag: :)05:26
paultagnigelb: we had someone looking to help with the -in loco05:26
paultagnigelb: all good now, good to go :)05:26
paultagnigelb: 'moin :)05:26
* nigelb yawns05:28
paultagnigelb: I'm working to try to clean up syn :)05:28
paultagI have a really cool idea that is actually pretty smart05:29
nigelbpaultag: nice :)05:29
paultagI'll have 3-4 implementations of critical features in different ways, and you can choose which one it uses. I'm calling it the playbook05:29
paultagnigelb: ^05:29
nigelbpaultag: NICE05:29
paultagso if the recursive solution runs out of RAM, you can switch to play xyz which does it in low-memory05:30
paultageach will be good at one thing :)05:30
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Oneiric/17103699_kzzLF6/1/1296058796_HdrLgVm#1296264271_KPdNsjq05:38
YoBoYgood morning06:23
dholbachgood morning08:16
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Arun_I need a help14:45
Arun_Can anybody help me to install ubuntu alongside my current OS??14:45
head_victimArun_: I would first look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot and then if you have further questions ask in a support channel like #ubuntu14:46
Arun_I tried to install. but to create a new partition for ubuntu, I need to repartition my hard drive. If I do so, my recovery drive will be lost14:47
head_victimThat page has information for manually partitioning the installation which would allow you to not touch your recovery drive.14:48
Arun_Thanks bro14:49
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* AlanBell waves about for a local friendly admin or loco-council peep18:41
paultagoh hai18:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: aloha 18:41
paultagwhat's up18:41
czajkowskithere is a difference in admin and council so sup18:41
AlanBellI am not the team owner so didn't get subscribed to the bug for reapproval18:42
paultagAlanBell: ubuntu-uk, aye?18:42
paultagone moment, let me see what went wrong18:42
czajkowskipaultag: team contact team owner team lead issue 18:43
paultagAlanBell: Michael Wood is subscribed18:43
paultagAlanBell: let me get you on there too18:43
czajkowskihmm ask popey also 18:43
czajkowskishouldnt it just be team contact/lead getting it 18:43
czajkowskinot owners18:43
czajkowskior we're going to end up in a pile of mess18:43
paultagAlanBell: all set, bug 78466318:43
ubot4paultag: Bug 784663 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/784663 is private18:44
paultagAlanBell: cheers :)18:44
AlanBellpopey can see it anyway18:44
paultagczajkowski: yeah I mentioned that in the mail and told them to just ask the LP owner. Since it's in the LP system, it's actually not worst case18:44
paultagAlanBell: +1 to that18:44
czajkowskipaultag: it's a rare issue I suspect... but reason a few teams could slip through 18:45
paultagczajkowski: in the morning I'll go through and try to track down teams in that situation18:45
paultagczajkowski: I'll just go through the LD and pull up contact lists.18:46
czajkowskipaultag: so locolint pulls what from where 18:46
paultagczajkowski: locolit only uses LP18:46
paultagczajkowski: it files a bug, and subscribes the team owner on LP18:46
czajkowskihmm ok18:47
popeyhello hello hello18:49
popeywhat's all this then18:49
czajkowski18:41 < AlanBell> I am not the team owner so didn't get subscribed to the bug  for reapproval18:50
czajkowski18:41 < paultag> AlanBell: ubuntu-uk, aye?18:50
czajkowski18:41 < AlanBell> yup18:50
czajkowski18:42 < paultag> one moment, let me see what went wrong18:50
czajkowski18:42 < czajkowski> paultag: team contact team owner team lead issue 18:50
czajkowski18:42 < paultag> AlanBell: Michael Wood is subscribed18:50
pleia2are all the teams familiar with the reapproval process? the lp bug doesn't actually tell you what it's about18:55
pleia2and is the approval application and update to the original approval app, or a new one altogether?18:56
paultagpleia2: we don't mind, either ways works. And you're right, we should blog a bit more about how the process works18:56
pleia2ok, thanks :)18:57
pleia2and not everyone reads the planet, so I'd suggest linking to some documentation in the LP bug itself18:57
paultagpleia2: I agree totally, as well as another mail to the contacts18:58
paultagwe might have a wiki page, speaking of18:58
pleia2probably :) I didn't poke around to look for one18:59
paultaghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval <-- I'll update this and link18:59
paultagthanks pleia2 :)18:59
pleia2cool, thanks :)18:59
paultagno problem18:59
mhall119oh sweet, double-tapping Super+[1-9] will scale out just those windows19:00
* mhall119 finds another reason to like Unity19:00
czajkowskipaultag: pleia2 no a new application 19:02
czajkowskimarked re application 19:02
czajkowskithat way flks can trace history of team 19:03
paultagOK, I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval to include O-series19:04
paultagI'll post that on the reports and update locolint to do that automagically19:04
popeyso everyone will get bugspam with that link in? :)19:04
popey^^^^^ for the people with defective sarcasm detectors19:05
paultagOh chrud :)19:06
czajkowskiI've just removed the point of contact bit 19:10
czajkowskigod damnit 19:10
czajkowskiinternal wiki server error 19:10
czajkowskiagain 19:10
paultagOK, sorry for the mail :)19:15
paultagI think19:15
paultagnot sure if updating description mails or not19:15
paultagOh yep, there it is19:16
cjohnstonpaultag, czajkowski, itnet7, what is going to be done about getting team names consistant19:29
czajkowskicjohnston: baby steps 19:29
czajkowskicjohnston: it's on a to do list 19:29
czajkowskicjohnston: it's clearly a pet peve for you19:29
czajkowskibut also a contentious issue19:29
cjohnstonit makes LD look bad19:29
cjohnstonand hard to read19:29
YoBoYcjohnston: can we just put Country (team names, ...) in the team list ? this way the list never change on team name changes19:30
cjohnstonI don't understand19:31
YoBoYthe team is organised by continent, right ?19:31
YoBoY(team list)19:31
czajkowskicjohnston: I'm not arguing about this again with you :) you know how I feel about it, but its a case of getting teams to change their display name 19:31
cjohnstonczajkowski: make it a requirement for reapproval. done19:32
YoBoYwe could orginse it by continent and country19:32
czajkowskicjohnston: majority of the offenders are the usa teams 19:32
czajkowskicjohnston: again not as simple as thta 19:32
YoBoYand display the country names19:32
czajkowskicjohnston: add it to our agenda item for discussion 19:32
cjohnstonYoBoY: by your own admission, your own team is not limited to a country but a language, so how would that work19:32
czajkowskisee 19:33
mhall119YoBoY: so which country/continent should we put ubuntu-fr in?19:33
czajkowskithis is why this is a topic for meeting 19:33
YoBoYand to see wich team is on the country we add the names in parenthesis19:33
czajkowskinot just in here 19:33
mhall119personally, I don't think it makes LD look bad19:33
YoBoYcjohnston: yes and i'm really not abusing of that on the loco directory, I only declared Franche19:33
AlanBellwhy would anyone ever care what someone else's loco team name was?19:34
cjohnstonI think it makes LD hard to read19:34
YoBoYmEurope > France19:34
cjohnstonAlanBell: uniformity19:34
YoBoYmhall119:  Europe > France19:34
mhall119YoBoY: +119:34
YoBoYI always said, our events, real ones, are on France19:35
mhall119I think once we add more active content, the team list format won't matter as much19:35
cjohnstonYoBoY: then reaname your team to France.. If I'm looking for a team for France, or Paris, I'd never think to look for -fr19:35
YoBoYour online activities it's different, they are langage based19:35
YoBoYif you want I can ask to have ubuntu-paris ubuntu-lyon ubuntu-dijon approved loco teams :)19:36
AlanBellmost of them are ubuntu-CC so I would expect france to be -fr19:36
mhall119cjohnston: is anybody actually having a problem finding a loco team because of the name formatting?19:36
AlanBellbut I really don't care what france is doing, nobody in the UK will be looking for the -fr loco team19:37
cjohnstonmhall119: I don't know19:37
YoBoYmhall119: btw, if you open google in a french, and search ubuntu, you find ubuntu-fr.org 19:37
cjohnstonYoBoY: theres nothing wrong with that.. we have a chicago team19:37
mhall119YoBoY: if you search for either "french" or "france" in LD, you should get the -fr team too19:38
mhall119ok, gotta pick up kids, bbl19:38
paultagcjohnston: we need to clean up display names and URLs IMHO19:38
cjohnstonIf you look at the teams list, there are two sets of alphabetical teams.. one that starts with ubuntu, and one that doesnt19:39
mhall119paultag: you know where to submit patches ;)19:39
cjohnstonpaultag: +319:39
cjohnstonwait.. are you talking about in loco directory or the teams doing it in LP paultag 19:39
AlanBellpersonally I think the map at the front adds very little value as it just takes you to an anchor tag on a big list19:41
AlanBellclicking europe should zoom in to a europe map, clicking france should take me to the french team page19:41
AlanBellyes, that is hard to do when people set up city sized loco teams19:42
YoBoYit's why we don't do that and keep our "city teams" for us ^^19:42
AlanBellwhat I really want it to do is when I am logged in, it knows who I am, it knows what team I am in, it should just show me that19:42
AlanBellunless I go looking for other teams I don't really want to see them19:43
cjohnstonAlanBell: thats already been discussed.. 19:43
cjohnstonAlanBell: thats already in the code19:43
YoBoYwe are moving to make this site the LoCo portal, so what's someone reaching the loco directory could search and how he came in the site in the first place ? this is for me the first question we have to answer19:44
cjohnstonPeople seem to want it to be a portal, yes.. i dont understand the rest of your question19:45
YoBoYcjohnston: first one : How a person can go to the loco directory ? google ? ubuntu.com ? other links ?19:46
cjohnstonto all19:46
paultagcjohnston: in LP19:47
YoBoYhave you some keyword to test how google find the loco directory ?19:47
cjohnstonpaultag: +319:47
cjohnstonyou mean in the code?19:47
cjohnstonYoBoY: ^19:48
YoBoYgo to google.com and try some words like "event ubuntu florida" to see if google give you a link to the LD19:48
cjohnstonhttp://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+florida+event #1 and #3 are LD19:49
YoBoY(you sure are logged in ^^")19:50
YoBoYbut right, in your case this is working19:50
YoBoYnot working so fine in google.fr19:50
YoBoYand I think it's not working for lot of other countries too19:51
cjohnstonok.. so you want seo19:51
YoBoYdon't know ... it's just it feels like this great portal can miss its public sometimes19:54
cjohnstonwell.. I'm not really an SEO person, so maybe you could try to find someone to help oout with that?19:55
YoBoYperhaps, i'll ask19:55
YoBoYfor the second part of my question, someone who have found the LD, what is searching ? help ? event ? support ? chat ? ...19:57
cjohnstondont know19:58
cjohnstondo you mean searching opn google or searching on loco directoy19:58
cjohnstoncurrently we have no way of obtaining stats19:59
cjohnstonwe are working with is19:59
cjohnstonto get stats19:59
YoBoYsearching on loco directory19:59
mhall119AlanBell: I think Ronnie or daker_ has a patch to add a "My Teams" link to the top-most nav bar20:01
YoBoYbut sorry, too much questions in my head, I really need to learn python and django, it's on top of my todo list for this summer :)20:01
RonnieAlanBell, mhall119. yes thats me: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/my-teams20:18
Ronniefor the loco teamlist, we should do an IP location search http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup and browser language check. and see what loco's apply to that user and put them in front of the list20:23
marcusi guess it's time for us (the swiss team) for re-approval. but i am not sure where to find the mentioned lp bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bugs?field.tag=reapproval gives no result for me20:27
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